// // Copyright 2021 Ettus Research, a National Instruments Brand // // SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-3.0-or-later // // Module: dds_freq_tune // // Description: // // Performs a frequency shift on a signal by multiplying it with a complex // sinusoid synthesized from a DDS. This module expects samples data to be in // {Q,I} order. // module dds_freq_tune #( parameter WIDTH = 24, parameter PHASE_WIDTH = 24, parameter SIN_COS_WIDTH = 16, parameter OUTPUT_WIDTH = 24 ) ( input clk, input reset, input eob, input rate_changed, input [15:0] dds_input_fifo_occupied, // IQ input input [WIDTH*2-1:0] s_axis_din_tdata, input s_axis_din_tlast, input s_axis_din_tvalid, output s_axis_din_tready, // Phase input from NCO input [PHASE_WIDTH-1:0] s_axis_phase_tdata, input s_axis_phase_tlast, input s_axis_phase_tvalid, output s_axis_phase_tready, // IQ output output [OUTPUT_WIDTH*2-1:0] m_axis_dout_tdata, output m_axis_dout_tlast, output m_axis_dout_tvalid, input m_axis_dout_tready, // Debug signals output [ 2:0] state_out, output phase_valid_hold_out, output [ 7:0] phase_invalid_wait_count_out, output reset_dds_out, output m_axis_dds_tlast_out, output m_axis_dds_tvalid_out, output m_axis_dds_tready_out, output [SIN_COS_WIDTH*2-1:0] m_axis_dds_tdata_out ); // Wires for DDS output wire m_axis_dds_tlast; wire m_axis_dds_tvalid; wire m_axis_dds_tready; wire [SIN_COS_WIDTH*2-1:0] m_axis_dds_tdata; // [31:16] = sin|q, [15:0]= cos|i reg reset_reg; reg phase_valid_hold; reg [7:0] phase_invalid_wait_count; reg [2:0] state; reg phase_ready_wait; wire s_axis_phase_tready_dds; // Initialize DDS resets to 1, since simulation model requires reset at time // 0 to avoid failure. reg reset_dds = 1'b1; reg reset_dds_reg = 1'b1; // When we're holding valid, make ready low so no new data comes in. assign s_axis_phase_tready = s_axis_phase_tready_dds & ~phase_valid_hold; localparam INIT = 3'b000; localparam VALID = 3'b001; localparam WAIT = 3'b010; localparam HOLD_VALID = 3'b011; // Reset needs to be 2 clk cycles minimum for Xilinx DDS IP always @(posedge clk) begin reset_reg <= reset; reset_dds_reg <= reset_dds; end // This state machine resets the DDS when data stops coming and also holds // valid high until the last packet has been flushed through the DDS. always @(posedge clk) begin if(reset) begin state <= INIT; phase_valid_hold <= 1'b0; phase_invalid_wait_count <= 16'h00; reset_dds <= 1'b0; end else begin case(state) INIT : begin phase_valid_hold <= 1'b0; phase_invalid_wait_count <= 16'h0000; reset_dds <= 1'b0; if(s_axis_phase_tvalid) begin state <= VALID; end end VALID : begin if(~s_axis_phase_tvalid) begin state <= WAIT; end end WAIT : begin // Wait until we either get valid data or don't. if(m_axis_dds_tready) begin // Only increment when the downstream can accept data. phase_invalid_wait_count <= phase_invalid_wait_count + 4'b1; end if(s_axis_phase_tvalid) begin // If we get valid data shortly after, then don't push data through // and reset. state <= INIT; end else begin if(eob | (phase_invalid_wait_count >= 16'h40) | rate_changed) begin // If a valid never comes (EOB) state <= HOLD_VALID; end end end HOLD_VALID : begin // Hold valid to flush data through the DDS. The DDS IP won't empty // without additional transfers. phase_valid_hold <= 1'b1; // Wait for input FIFO to be empty if (~s_axis_din_tvalid) begin state <= INIT; reset_dds <= 1'b1; end end endcase end end // DDS to generate sin/cos data from phase. It takes in a 24-bit phase value // and outputs two 16-bit values, with the sine value in the upper 16 bits // and the cosine value in the lower 16-bits. // // The phase input can be thought of as a 24-bit unsigned fixed-point value // with 24 fractional bits. In other words, the integer range of the input // maps to the the range [0, 2*pi) in radians. // // The output consists of two 16-bit signed fixed-point values with 14 // fractional bits. // // This IP effectively computes Euler's formula, e^(j*2*pi*x) = cos(2*pi*x) + // j*sin(2*pi*x), where x is the phase value, and the output has the real // component in the lower bits and the imaginary component in the upper bits. dds_sin_cos_lut_only dds_sin_cos_lut_only_i ( .aclk (clk), .aresetn (~(reset | reset_reg | reset_dds | reset_dds_reg)), .s_axis_phase_tvalid (s_axis_phase_tvalid | phase_valid_hold), .s_axis_phase_tready (s_axis_phase_tready_dds), .s_axis_phase_tlast (s_axis_phase_tlast), .s_axis_phase_tdata (s_axis_phase_tdata), // [23 : 0] .m_axis_data_tvalid (m_axis_dds_tvalid), .m_axis_data_tready (m_axis_dds_tready), .m_axis_data_tlast (m_axis_dds_tlast), .m_axis_data_tdata (m_axis_dds_tdata) // [31 : 0] ); wire [ WIDTH*2-1:0] mult_in_a_tdata; wire mult_in_a_tvalid; wire mult_in_a_tready; wire mult_in_a_tlast; wire [SIN_COS_WIDTH*2-1:0] mult_in_b_tdata; wire mult_in_b_tvalid; wire mult_in_b_tready; wire mult_in_b_tlast; wire [ 2*32-1:0] mult_out_tdata; wire mult_out_tvalid; wire mult_out_tready; wire mult_out_tlast; axi_sync #( .SIZE (2), .WIDTH_VEC ({SIN_COS_WIDTH*2, WIDTH*2}), .FIFO_SIZE (0) ) axi_sync_i ( .clk (clk), .reset (reset), .clear (), .i_tdata ({ m_axis_dds_tdata, s_axis_din_tdata }), .i_tlast ({ m_axis_dds_tlast, s_axis_din_tlast }), .i_tvalid ({ m_axis_dds_tvalid, s_axis_din_tvalid }), .i_tready ({ m_axis_dds_tready, s_axis_din_tready }), .o_tdata ({ mult_in_b_tdata, mult_in_a_tdata }), .o_tlast ({ mult_in_b_tlast, mult_in_a_tlast }), .o_tvalid ({ mult_in_b_tvalid, mult_in_a_tvalid }), .o_tready ({ mult_in_b_tready, mult_in_a_tready }) ); // Use a complex multiplier to multiply the input sample (A) by the NCO // output (B). This multiplier has a 21-bit input A, 16-bit input B, and // 32-bit output. Due to AXI-Stream requirements, A is rounded up to 24-bit. // // Assuming default parameters and unchanged IP, The A input (sample) is // 21-bit with 15 fractional bits, and the B input (NCO) is 16-bit with 14 // fractional bits. The full result would be 21+16+1 = 38 bits, but the // output is configured for 32, dropping the lower 6 bits. Therefore, the // result has 15+14-6 = 23 fractional bits. // // a = Input IQ data stream as 48-bit, lower bits i, upper bits q. // b = Output of DDS as 32 bit cos/sin, lower bits cos, upper bits sin. complex_multiplier_dds complex_multiplier_dds_i ( .aclk (clk), .aresetn (~(reset | reset_reg)), .s_axis_a_tvalid (mult_in_a_tvalid), .s_axis_a_tready (mult_in_a_tready), .s_axis_a_tlast (mult_in_a_tlast), .s_axis_a_tdata ({mult_in_a_tdata}), // [47 : 0] .s_axis_b_tvalid (mult_in_b_tvalid), .s_axis_b_tready (mult_in_b_tready), .s_axis_b_tlast (mult_in_b_tlast), .s_axis_b_tdata (mult_in_b_tdata), // [31 : 0] .m_axis_dout_tvalid (mult_out_tvalid), .m_axis_dout_tready (mult_out_tready), .m_axis_dout_tlast (mult_out_tlast), .m_axis_dout_tdata (mult_out_tdata) // [63 : 0] ); // Round the 32-bit multiplier result down to 24 bits. This moves the binary // point so that we go from 23 fractional bits down to 15 fractional bits. axi_round_complex #( .WIDTH_IN (32), .WIDTH_OUT (OUTPUT_WIDTH) ) axi_round_complex_i ( .clk (clk), .reset (reset | reset_reg), .i_tdata (mult_out_tdata), .i_tlast (mult_out_tlast), .i_tvalid (mult_out_tvalid), .i_tready (mult_out_tready), .o_tdata (m_axis_dout_tdata), .o_tlast (m_axis_dout_tlast), .o_tvalid (m_axis_dout_tvalid), .o_tready (m_axis_dout_tready) ); // Debug assign state_out = state; assign phase_valid_hold_out = phase_valid_hold; assign phase_invalid_wait_count_out = phase_invalid_wait_count; assign reset_dds_out = reset_dds; assign m_axis_dds_tlast_out = m_axis_dds_tlast; assign m_axis_dds_tvalid_out = m_axis_dds_tvalid; assign m_axis_dds_tready_out = m_axis_dds_tready; assign m_axis_dds_tdata_out = m_axis_dds_tdata; endmodule