// // Copyright 2014 Ettus Research LLC // Copyright 2018 Ettus Research, a National Instruments Company // // SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-3.0-or-later // // FIXME handle odd length inputs // // Warning: Currently only 32 / 64-bit input widths are supported. // If 64-bit is selected, there will be a bubble state. // module chdr_framer #(parameter SIZE=10, parameter WIDTH=32, // 32 or 64 only! TODO: Extend to other widths. parameter USE_SEQ_NUM=0) // Use provided seq number in tuser (input clk, input reset, input clear, input [WIDTH-1:0] i_tdata, input [127:0] i_tuser, input i_tlast, input i_tvalid, output i_tready, output [63:0] o_tdata, output o_tlast, output o_tvalid, input o_tready); wire header_i_tvalid, header_i_tready; wire [63:0] body_i_tdata; wire body_i_tlast, body_i_tvalid, body_i_tready; wire [127:0] header_o_tdata; wire header_o_tvalid, header_o_tready; wire [63:0] body_o_tdata; wire body_o_tlast, body_o_tvalid, body_o_tready; reg [15:0] length; reg [11:0] seqnum; assign i_tready = header_i_tready & body_i_tready; assign header_i_tvalid = i_tlast & i_tvalid & i_tready; assign body_i_tlast = i_tlast; // Handle 32 and 64 widths generate if (WIDTH == 32) begin reg even; always @(posedge clk) if(reset | clear) even <= 0; else if(i_tvalid & i_tready) if(i_tlast) even <= 0; else even <= ~even; reg [31:0] held_i_tdata; always @(posedge clk) begin if (i_tvalid & i_tready) held_i_tdata <= i_tdata; end assign body_i_tvalid = i_tvalid & i_tready & (i_tlast | even); assign body_i_tdata = even ? { held_i_tdata, i_tdata } : {i_tdata, i_tdata}; // really should be 0 in bottom, but this simplifies mux end else begin assign body_i_tvalid = i_tvalid; assign body_i_tdata = i_tdata; end endgenerate // FIXME handle lengths of partial 32-bit words always @(posedge clk) if(reset | clear) length <= (WIDTH == 32) ? 4 : 8; else if(header_i_tready & header_i_tvalid) length <= (WIDTH == 32) ? 4 : 8; else if(i_tvalid & i_tready) length <= (WIDTH == 32) ? length + 4 : length + 8; axi_fifo_flop2 #(.WIDTH(128)) header_fifo_flop2 (.clk(clk), .reset(reset), .clear(clear), .i_tdata({i_tuser[127:112],length,i_tuser[95:0]}), .i_tvalid(header_i_tvalid), .i_tready(header_i_tready), .o_tdata(header_o_tdata), .o_tvalid(header_o_tvalid), .o_tready(header_o_tready), .occupied(), .space()); axi_fifo #(.WIDTH(65), .SIZE(SIZE)) body_fifo (.clk(clk), .reset(reset), .clear(clear), .i_tdata({body_i_tlast,body_i_tdata}), .i_tvalid(body_i_tvalid), .i_tready(body_i_tready), .o_tdata({body_o_tlast,body_o_tdata}), .o_tvalid(body_o_tvalid), .o_tready(body_o_tready), .occupied(), .space()); reg [3:0] chdr_state; localparam ST_IDLE = 0; localparam ST_HEAD = 1; localparam ST_TIME = 2; localparam ST_BODY = 3; always @(posedge clk) if(reset | clear) chdr_state <= ST_IDLE; else case(chdr_state) ST_IDLE : if(header_o_tvalid & body_o_tvalid) chdr_state <= ST_HEAD; ST_HEAD : if(o_tready) if(header_o_tdata[125]) // time chdr_state <= ST_TIME; else chdr_state <= ST_BODY; ST_TIME : if(o_tready) chdr_state <= ST_BODY; ST_BODY : if(o_tready & body_o_tlast) chdr_state <= ST_IDLE; endcase // case (chdr_state) always @(posedge clk) if(reset | clear) seqnum <= 12'd0; else if(o_tvalid & o_tready & o_tlast) seqnum <= seqnum + 12'd1; wire [15:0] out_length = header_o_tdata[111:96] + (header_o_tdata[125] ? 16'd16 : 16'd8); assign o_tvalid = (chdr_state == ST_HEAD) | (chdr_state == ST_TIME) | (body_o_tvalid & (chdr_state == ST_BODY)); assign o_tlast = (chdr_state == ST_BODY) & body_o_tlast; assign o_tdata = (chdr_state == ST_HEAD) ? {header_o_tdata[127:124], (USE_SEQ_NUM ? header_o_tdata[123:112] : seqnum), out_length, header_o_tdata[95:64] } : (chdr_state == ST_TIME) ? header_o_tdata[63:0] : body_o_tdata; assign body_o_tready = (chdr_state == ST_BODY) & o_tready; assign header_o_tready = ((chdr_state == ST_TIME) | ((chdr_state == ST_HEAD) & ~header_o_tdata[125])) & o_tready; endmodule // chdr_framer