// Ethernet dispatcher // Incoming ethernet packets are examined and sent to the correct destination // There are 3 destinations, ZPU, other ethernet port (out), and vita router // Packets going to the vita router will have the ethernet/ip/udp headers stripped off. // // To make things simpler, we start out by sending all packets to zpu and out port. // By the end of the eth/ip/udp headers, we can determine where the correct destination is. // If the correct destination is vita, we send an error indication on the zpu and out ports, // which will cause the axi_packet_gate to drop those packets, and send the vita frame to // the vita port. // // If at the end of the headers we determine the packet should go to zpu, then we send an // error indication on the out port, the rest of the packet to zpu and nothing on vita. // If it should go to out, we send the error indication to zpu, the rest of the packet to out, // and nothing on vita. // // Downstream we should have adequate fifo space, otherwise we could get backed up here. // // No tuser bits sent to vita, as vita assumes there are no errors and that occupancy is // indicated by the length field of the vita header. // // Rules for forwarding: // // Ethernet Broadcast (Dst MAC = ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff). Forward to both ZPU and XO MAC. // ? Ethernet Multicast (Dst MAC = USRP_NEXT_HOP). Forward only to ZPU. // ? Ethernet Multicast (Dst MAC = Unknown). Forward only to XO. // Ethernet Unicast (Dst MAC = Unknown). Forward only to XO. // Ethernet Unicast (Dst MAC = local). Look deeper...... // IP Broadcast. Forward to both ZPU and XO MAC. (Should be coverd by Eth broadcast) // IP Multicast. ? Unknow Action. // IP Unicast (Dst IP = local). Look deeper.... // UDP (Port = Listed) and its a VRLP packet. Forward only to VITA Radio Core. // UDP (Port = Unknown). Forward only to ZPU. // // module eth_dispatch #(parameter BASE=0) ( // Clocking and reset interface input clk, input reset, input clear, // Setting register interface input set_stb, input [15:0] set_addr, input [31:0] set_data, // Input 68bit AXI-Stream interface (from MAC) input [63:0] in_tdata, input [3:0] in_tuser, input in_tlast, input in_tvalid, output in_tready, // Output AXI-STream interface to VITA Radio Core output [63:0] vita_tdata, output [3:0] vita_tuser, output vita_tlast, output vita_tvalid, input vita_tready, // Output AXI-Stream interface to ZPU output [63:0] zpu_tdata, output [3:0] zpu_tuser, output zpu_tlast, output zpu_tvalid, input zpu_tready, // Output AXI-Stream interface to cross-over MAC output [63:0] xo_tdata, output [3:0] xo_tuser, output xo_tlast, output xo_tvalid, input xo_tready, // Debug output [2:0] debug_flags, output [31:0] debug ); //--------------------------------------------------------- // State machine declarations //--------------------------------------------------------- reg [2:0] state; localparam WAIT_PACKET = 0; localparam READ_HEADER = 1; localparam FORWARD_ZPU = 2; localparam FORWARD_ZPU_AND_XO = 3; localparam FORWARD_XO = 4; localparam FORWARD_RADIO_CORE = 5; localparam DROP_PACKET = 6; localparam CLASSIFY_PACKET = 7; // Small RAM stores packet header during parsing. // IJB consider changing HEADER_RAM_SIZE to 7 localparam HEADER_RAM_SIZE = 9; (*ram_style="distributed"*) reg [68:0] header_ram [HEADER_RAM_SIZE-1:0]; reg [3:0] header_ram_addr; wire header_done = (header_ram_addr == HEADER_RAM_SIZE-1); reg fwd_input; reg [63:0] in_tdata_reg; wire out_tvalid; wire out_tready; wire out_tlast; wire [3:0] out_tuser; wire [63:0] out_tdata; // Output AXI-Stream interface to VITA Radio Core wire [63:0] vita_pre_tdata; wire [3:0] vita_pre_tuser; wire vita_pre_tlast; wire vita_pre_tvalid; wire vita_pre_tready; // Output AXI-Stream interface to ZPU wire [63:0] zpu_pre_tdata; wire [3:0] zpu_pre_tuser; wire zpu_pre_tlast; wire zpu_pre_tvalid; wire zpu_pre_tready; // Output AXI-Stream interface to cross-over MAC wire [63:0] xo_pre_tdata; wire [3:0] xo_pre_tuser; wire xo_pre_tlast; wire xo_pre_tvalid; wire xo_pre_tready; // Packet Parse Flags reg is_eth_dst_addr; reg is_eth_broadcast; reg is_eth_type_ipv4; reg is_ipv4_dst_addr; reg is_ipv4_proto_udp; reg is_ipv4_proto_icmp; reg [1:0] is_udp_dst_ports; reg is_icmp_no_fwd; reg is_chdr; //--------------------------------------------------------- // Settings regs //--------------------------------------------------------- // MAC address for the dispatcher module. // This value is used to determine if the packet is meant // for this device should be consumed wire [47:0] my_mac; setting_reg #(.my_addr(BASE), .awidth(16), .width(32)) sr_my_mac_lsb (.clk(clk),.rst(reset),.strobe(set_stb),.addr(set_addr), .in(set_data),.out(my_mac[31:0]),.changed()); setting_reg #(.my_addr(BASE+1), .awidth(16), .width(16)) sr_my_mac_msb (.clk(clk),.rst(reset),.strobe(set_stb),.addr(set_addr), .in(set_data),.out(my_mac[47:32]),.changed()); // IP address for the dispatcher module. // This value is used to determine if the packet is addressed // to this device wire [31:0] my_ip; setting_reg #(.my_addr(BASE+2), .awidth(16), .width(32)) sr_my_ip (.clk(clk),.rst(reset),.strobe(set_stb),.addr(set_addr), .in(set_data),.out(my_ip[31:0]),.changed()); // This module supports two destination ports wire [15:0] my_port0, my_port1; setting_reg #(.my_addr(BASE+3), .awidth(16), .width(32)) sr_udp_port (.clk(clk),.rst(reset),.strobe(set_stb),.addr(set_addr), .in(set_data),.out({my_port1[15:0],my_port0[15:0]}),.changed()); // forward_ndest: Forward to crossover path if MAC Addr in packet // does not match "my_mac" // forward_bcast: Forward broadcasts to crossover path wire forward_ndest, forward_bcast; setting_reg #(.my_addr(BASE+4), .awidth(16), .width(2)) sr_forward_ctrl (.clk(clk),.rst(reset),.strobe(set_stb),.addr(set_addr), .in(set_data),.out({forward_ndest, forward_bcast}),.changed()); //ICMP Type and Code to forward packet to ZPU wire [7:0] my_icmp_type, my_icmp_code; setting_reg #(.my_addr(BASE+5), .awidth(16), .width(16)) sr_icmp_ctrl (.clk(clk),.rst(reset),.strobe(set_stb),.addr(set_addr), .in(set_data),.out({my_icmp_type, my_icmp_code}),.changed()); //--------------------------------------------------------- // Packet Forwarding State machine. //--------------------------------------------------------- // Read input packet and store the header into a RAM for // classification. A header is defined as HEADER_RAM_SIZE // number of 64-bit words. // Based on clasification results, output the packet to the // VITA port, crossover(XO) port or the ZPU. Note that the // XO and ZPU ports require fully framed Eth packets so data // from the RAM has to be replayed on the output. The state // machine will hold off input packets until the header is // replayed. The state machine also supports dropping pkts. always @(posedge clk) if (reset || clear) begin state <= WAIT_PACKET; header_ram_addr <= 0; fwd_input <= 0; end else begin // Defaults. case(state) // // Wait for start of a packet // IJB: Add protection for a premature EOF here // WAIT_PACKET: begin if (in_tvalid && in_tready) begin header_ram[header_ram_addr] <= {in_tlast,in_tuser,in_tdata}; header_ram_addr <= header_ram_addr + 1; state <= READ_HEADER; end fwd_input <= 0; end // // Continue to read full packet header into RAM. // READ_HEADER: begin if (in_tvalid && in_tready) begin header_ram[header_ram_addr] <= {in_tlast,in_tuser,in_tdata}; // Have we reached end of fields we parse in header or got a short packet? if (header_done || in_tlast) begin // Make decision about where this packet is forwarded to. state <= CLASSIFY_PACKET; end // if (header_done || in_tlast) else begin header_ram_addr <= header_ram_addr + 1; state <= READ_HEADER; end // else: !if(header_done || in_tlast) end // if (in_tvalid && in_tready) end // case: READ_HEADER // // Classify Packet // CLASSIFY_PACKET: begin // Make decision about where this packet is forwarded to. if (is_eth_type_ipv4 && is_ipv4_proto_icmp && is_icmp_no_fwd) begin header_ram_addr <= 0; state <= FORWARD_ZPU; end else if (is_eth_broadcast) begin header_ram_addr <= 0; state <= forward_bcast? FORWARD_ZPU_AND_XO : FORWARD_ZPU; end else if (!is_eth_dst_addr && forward_ndest) begin header_ram_addr <= 0; state <= FORWARD_XO; end else if (!is_eth_dst_addr && !forward_ndest) begin header_ram_addr <= HEADER_RAM_SIZE - 1; state <= DROP_PACKET; end else if ((is_udp_dst_ports != 0) && is_chdr) begin header_ram_addr <= 6; // Jump to CHDR state <= FORWARD_RADIO_CORE; end else begin header_ram_addr <= 0; state <= FORWARD_ZPU; end end // case: CLASSIFY_PACKET // // Forward this packet only to local ZPU // FORWARD_ZPU: begin if (out_tvalid && out_tready) begin if (out_tlast) begin state <= WAIT_PACKET; end if (header_done) fwd_input <= 1; header_ram_addr <= out_tlast? 4'b0 : header_ram_addr + 1; end end // // Forward this packet to both local ZPU and XO // FORWARD_ZPU_AND_XO: begin if (out_tvalid && out_tready) begin if (out_tlast) begin state <= WAIT_PACKET; end if (header_done) fwd_input <= 1; header_ram_addr <= out_tlast? 4'b0 : header_ram_addr + 1; end end // // Forward this packet to XO only // FORWARD_XO: begin if (out_tvalid && out_tready) begin if (out_tlast) begin state <= WAIT_PACKET; end if (header_done) fwd_input <= 1; header_ram_addr <= out_tlast? 4'b0 : header_ram_addr + 1; end end // // Forward this packet to the Radio Core only // FORWARD_RADIO_CORE: begin if (out_tvalid && out_tready) begin if (out_tlast) begin state <= WAIT_PACKET; end if (header_done) fwd_input <= 1; header_ram_addr <= out_tlast? 4'b0 : header_ram_addr + 1; end end // // Drop this packet on the ground // DROP_PACKET: begin if (out_tvalid && out_tready) begin if (out_tlast) begin state <= WAIT_PACKET; end if (header_done) fwd_input <= 1; header_ram_addr <= out_tlast? 4'b0 : header_ram_addr + 1; end end endcase // case (state) end // else: !if(reset || clear) //--------------------------------------------------------- // Classifier State machine. // Deep packet inspection during header ingress. //--------------------------------------------------------- // As the packet header is pushed into the RAM, set classification // bits so that by the time the input state machine reaches the // CLASSIFY_PACKET state, the packet has been fully identified. always @(posedge clk) if (reset || clear) begin is_eth_dst_addr <= 1'b0; is_eth_broadcast <= 1'b0; is_eth_type_ipv4 <= 1'b0; is_ipv4_dst_addr <= 1'b0; is_ipv4_proto_udp <= 1'b0; is_ipv4_proto_icmp <= 1'b0; is_udp_dst_ports <= 0; is_icmp_no_fwd <= 0; is_chdr <= 1'b0; end else if (in_tvalid && in_tready) begin // if (reset || clear) in_tdata_reg <= in_tdata; case (header_ram_addr) // Pipelined, so nothing to look at first cycle. // Reset all the flags here. 0: begin is_eth_dst_addr <= 1'b0; is_eth_broadcast <= 1'b0; is_eth_type_ipv4 <= 1'b0; is_ipv4_dst_addr <= 1'b0; is_ipv4_proto_udp <= 1'b0; is_ipv4_proto_icmp <= 1'b0; is_udp_dst_ports <= 0; is_icmp_no_fwd <= 0; is_chdr <= 1'b0; end 1: begin // Look at upper 16bits of MAC Dst Addr. if (in_tdata_reg[15:0] == 16'hFFFF) is_eth_broadcast <= 1'b1; if (in_tdata_reg[15:0] == my_mac[47:32]) is_eth_dst_addr <= 1'b1; end 2: begin // Look at lower 32bits of MAC Dst Addr. if (is_eth_broadcast && (in_tdata_reg[63:32] == 32'hFFFFFFFF)) is_eth_broadcast <= 1'b1; else is_eth_broadcast <= 1'b0; if (is_eth_dst_addr && (in_tdata_reg[63:32] == my_mac[31:0])) is_eth_dst_addr <= 1'b1; else is_eth_dst_addr <= 1'b0; end // case: 2 3: begin // Look at Ethertype if (in_tdata_reg[47:32] == 16'h0800) is_eth_type_ipv4 <= 1'b1; // Extract Packet Length // ADD THIS HERE. end 4: begin // Look at protocol enapsulated by IPv4 if ((in_tdata_reg[23:16] == 8'h11) && is_eth_type_ipv4) is_ipv4_proto_udp <= 1'b1; if ((in_tdata_reg[23:16] == 8'h01) && is_eth_type_ipv4) is_ipv4_proto_icmp <= 1'b1; end 5: begin // Look at IP DST Address. if ((in_tdata_reg[31:0] == my_ip[31:0]) && is_eth_type_ipv4) is_ipv4_dst_addr <= 1'b1; end 6: begin // Look at UDP dest port if ((in_tdata_reg[47:32] == my_port0[15:0]) && is_ipv4_proto_udp) is_udp_dst_ports[0] <= 1'b1; if ((in_tdata_reg[47:32] == my_port1[15:0]) && is_ipv4_proto_udp) is_udp_dst_ports[1] <= 1'b1; // Look at ICMP type and code if (in_tdata_reg[63:48] == {my_icmp_type, my_icmp_code} && is_ipv4_proto_icmp) is_icmp_no_fwd <= 1'b1; end 7: begin // Look for a possible CHDR header string // IJB. NOTE this is not a good test for a CHDR packet, we perhaps don;t need this state anyhow. if (in_tdata_reg[63:32] != 32'h0) is_chdr <= 1'b1; end 8: begin // Check VRT Stream ID // ADD THIS HERE. // IJB. Perhaps delete this state. end endcase // case (header_ram_addr) end // if (in_tvalid && in_tready) //--------------------------------------------------------- // Output (Egress) Interface muxing //--------------------------------------------------------- assign out_tready = (state == DROP_PACKET) || ((state == FORWARD_RADIO_CORE) && vita_pre_tready) || ((state == FORWARD_XO) && xo_pre_tready) || ((state == FORWARD_ZPU) && zpu_pre_tready) || ((state == FORWARD_ZPU_AND_XO) && zpu_pre_tready && xo_pre_tready); assign out_tvalid = ((state == FORWARD_RADIO_CORE) || (state == FORWARD_XO) || (state == FORWARD_ZPU) || (state == FORWARD_ZPU_AND_XO) || (state == DROP_PACKET)) && (!fwd_input || in_tvalid); assign {out_tlast,out_tuser,out_tdata} = fwd_input ? {in_tlast,in_tuser,in_tdata} : header_ram[header_ram_addr]; assign in_tready = (state == WAIT_PACKET) || (state == READ_HEADER) || (out_tready && fwd_input); // // Because we can forward to both the ZPU and XO FIFO's concurrently // we have to make sure both can accept data in the same cycle. // This makes it possible for either destination to block the other. // Make sure (both) destination(s) can accept data before passing it. // assign xo_pre_tvalid = out_tvalid && ((state == FORWARD_XO) || ((state == FORWARD_ZPU_AND_XO) && zpu_pre_tready)); assign zpu_pre_tvalid = out_tvalid && ((state == FORWARD_ZPU) || ((state == FORWARD_ZPU_AND_XO) && xo_pre_tready)); assign vita_pre_tvalid = out_tvalid && (state == FORWARD_RADIO_CORE); assign {zpu_pre_tlast, zpu_pre_tuser, zpu_pre_tdata} = {out_tlast, out_tuser, out_tdata}; assign {xo_pre_tlast, xo_pre_tuser, xo_pre_tdata} = {out_tlast, out_tuser, out_tdata}; assign {vita_pre_tlast, vita_pre_tuser, vita_pre_tdata} = {out_tlast, out_tuser, out_tdata}; //--------------------------------------------------------- // Egress FIFO's //--------------------------------------------------------- // These FIFO's have to be fairly large to prevent any egress // port from backpressuring the input state machine. // The ZPU and XO ports are inherently slow consumers so they // get a large buffer. The VITA port is fast but high throughput // so even that needs a large FIFO. axi_fifo #(.WIDTH(69),.SIZE(10)) axi_fifo_zpu ( .clk(clk), .reset(reset), .clear(clear), .i_tdata({zpu_pre_tlast,zpu_pre_tuser,zpu_pre_tdata}), .i_tvalid(zpu_pre_tvalid), .i_tready(zpu_pre_tready), .o_tdata({zpu_tlast,zpu_tuser,zpu_tdata}), .o_tvalid(zpu_tvalid), .o_tready(zpu_tready), .space(), .occupied() ); axi_fifo #(.WIDTH(69),.SIZE(10)) axi_fifo_xo ( .clk(clk), .reset(reset), .clear(clear), .i_tdata({xo_pre_tlast,xo_pre_tuser,xo_pre_tdata}), .i_tvalid(xo_pre_tvalid), .i_tready(xo_pre_tready), .o_tdata({xo_tlast,xo_tuser,xo_tdata}), .o_tvalid(xo_tvalid), .o_tready(xo_tready), .space(), .occupied() ); axi_fifo #(.WIDTH(69),.SIZE(10)) axi_fifo_vita ( .clk(clk), .reset(reset), .clear(clear), .i_tdata({vita_pre_tlast,vita_pre_tuser,vita_pre_tdata}), .i_tvalid(vita_pre_tvalid), .i_tready(vita_pre_tready), .o_tdata({vita_tlast,vita_tuser,vita_tdata}), .o_tvalid(vita_tvalid), .o_tready(vita_tready), .space(), .occupied() ); endmodule // eth_dispatch