// // Copyright 2013 Ettus Research LLC // Copyright 2018 Ettus Research, a National Instruments Company // Copyright 2019 Ettus Research, a National Instruments Company // // SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-3.0-or-later // // Quantize chdr packets to a configurable quantum value. o_tlast and // i_tready will be held off until the entire quantized packet is xferred. // If quantum is changed, it is the responsibility of the client to clear // this module. error is asserted if a packet is larger than the quantum // error can be reset by asserting reset or clear. `default_nettype none module chdr_chunker # ( parameter PAD_VALUE = 64'hFFFFFFFF_FFFFFFFF, HOLD_ERROR = 1'b1 // If high, hold error until reset, else pulse ) ( input wire clk, input wire reset, input wire clear, input wire [15:0] frame_size, input wire [63:0] i_tdata, input wire i_tlast, input wire i_tvalid, output reg i_tready, output wire [63:0] o_tdata, output wire o_tlast, output reg o_tvalid, input wire o_tready, output wire error ); localparam ST_HEADER = 2'd0; localparam ST_DATA = 2'd1; localparam ST_PADDING = 2'd2; localparam ST_ERROR = 2'd3; reg [1:0] state; reg [15:0] frame_rem; // axi_len = ceil(length / 8) wire [15:0] chdr_len_ceil = i_tdata[31:16] + 16'd7; wire [15:0] axi_len = {3'b000, chdr_len_ceil[15:3]}; always @(posedge clk) begin if (reset | clear) begin state <= ST_HEADER; frame_rem <= 16'd0; end else if ((state == ST_ERROR) & i_tlast & i_tvalid & !HOLD_ERROR) begin state <= ST_HEADER; frame_rem <= 16'd0; end else if (o_tready) begin case (state) ST_HEADER: begin if (i_tvalid) begin if ((axi_len > frame_size) | (axi_len == 16'd0)) state <= ST_ERROR; else if (i_tlast) state <= ST_PADDING; else state <= ST_DATA; frame_rem <= frame_size - 16'd1; end end ST_DATA: begin if (i_tvalid) begin if (i_tlast) begin state <= o_tlast ? ST_HEADER : ST_PADDING; frame_rem <= o_tlast ? 16'd0 : (frame_rem - 16'd1); end else begin state <= ST_DATA; frame_rem <= frame_rem - 16'd1; end end end ST_PADDING: begin if (o_tlast) begin state <= ST_HEADER; frame_rem <= 16'd0; end else begin state <= ST_PADDING; frame_rem <= frame_rem - 16'd1; end end endcase end end always @(*) begin case (state) ST_HEADER: begin i_tready = o_tready; o_tvalid = (axi_len <= frame_size) & (axi_len > 16'd0) & i_tvalid; end ST_DATA: begin i_tready = o_tready; o_tvalid = i_tvalid; end ST_PADDING: begin i_tready = 1'b0; o_tvalid = 1'b1; end ST_ERROR: begin i_tready = 1'b1; o_tvalid = 1'b0; end default: begin i_tready = 1'b0; o_tvalid = 1'b0; end endcase end assign o_tlast = (frame_rem != 16'd0) ? (frame_rem == 16'd1) : (axi_len == 16'd1); assign o_tdata = (state == ST_PADDING) ? PAD_VALUE : i_tdata; assign error = (state == ST_ERROR); endmodule // chdr_chunker `default_nettype wire