// Copyright 2017 Ettus Research, A National Instruments Company
// SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-3.0-or-later
// Module: regport_to_xbar_settingsbus
// Description:
//   Converts regport to xbar setting bus.
//   The module is designed only for the crossbar. The readback bus for the
//   rfnoc crossbar reads from the same address as it writes to. Also
//   there is an extra cycle delay in read data in the crossbar, which is
//   why the rb_stb needs to be delayed by a cycle.
//   ADDRESSING: Set to "WORD" in case of settings bus. The settings bus
//   uses word addressing and hence the address needs to be shifted by
//   to convert to set_addr.

module regport_to_xbar_settingsbus #(
  parameter BASE   = 14'h0,
  parameter END_ADDR = 14'h3FFF,
  parameter DWIDTH = 32,
  parameter AWIDTH = 14,
  parameter SR_AWIDTH = 12,
  // Dealign for settings bus by shifting by 2
  parameter ADDRESSING = "WORD",
  parameter SHIFT = $clog2(DWIDTH/8)
  input                   clk,
  input                   reset,

  input                   reg_wr_req,
  input [AWIDTH-1:0]      reg_wr_addr,
  input [DWIDTH-1:0]      reg_wr_data,

  input                   reg_rd_req,
  input [AWIDTH-1:0]      reg_rd_addr,
  output [DWIDTH-1:0]     reg_rd_data,
  output                  reg_rd_resp,

  output                  set_stb,
  output [SR_AWIDTH-1:0]  set_addr,
  output [DWIDTH-1:0]     set_data,

  output                  rb_stb,
  output [SR_AWIDTH-1:0]  rb_addr,
  input  [DWIDTH-1:0]     rb_data

  reg               reg_rd_req_delay;
  reg               reg_rd_req_delay2;
  wire [AWIDTH-1:0] set_addr_int;
  reg [AWIDTH-1:0]  rb_addr_int;

  always @(posedge clk) begin
    if (reset) begin
      reg_rd_req_delay <= 1'b0;
      reg_rd_req_delay2 <= 1'b0;
      rb_addr_int     <= 'd0;
    else if (reg_rd_req) begin
      rb_addr_int <= reg_rd_addr - BASE;
      reg_rd_req_delay <= 1'b1;
    else if (reg_rd_req_delay) begin
      reg_rd_req_delay2 <= 1'b1;
      reg_rd_req_delay <= 1'b0;
    // Deassert after two clock cycles
    else if (reg_rd_req_delay2) begin
      reg_rd_req_delay <= 1'b0;
      reg_rd_req_delay2 <= 1'b0;
      rb_addr_int     <= 'd0;
    else begin
      reg_rd_req_delay <= 1'b0;
      reg_rd_req_delay2 <= 1'b0;
      rb_addr_int     <= 'd0;

  // Write mode of settings bus
  regport_to_settingsbus #(
   ) xbar_write_settings_bus (


  assign rb_addr = (ADDRESSING == "WORD") ? {{SHIFT{1'b0}}, rb_addr_int[SR_AWIDTH-1:SHIFT]}
                                          : rb_addr_int[SR_AWIDTH-1:0];
  // Strobe asserted two cycle after read request only when address is between BASE and END ADDR
  // This is specific to the xbar as the xbar delays read data by an extra clock
  // cycle to relax timing.
  assign rb_stb  = reg_rd_req_delay2 && (reg_rd_addr >= BASE) && (reg_rd_addr <= END_ADDR);
  assign reg_rd_resp = rb_stb;
  assign reg_rd_data = rb_data;
