`define LOG2(N) (\
                 N < 2 ? 0 : \
                 N < 4 ? 1 : \
                 N < 8 ? 2 : \
                 N < 16 ? 3 : \
                 N < 32 ? 4 : \
                 N < 64 ? 5 : \
		 N < 128 ? 6 : \
		 N < 256 ? 7 : \
		 N < 512 ? 8 : \
		 N < 1024 ? 9 : \
  module binary_encoder
      parameter SIZE = 16
       input [SIZE-1:0] in,
       output [`LOG2(SIZE)-1:0] out
  genvar m,n;
      // Loop enough times to represent the total number of input bits as an encoded value
      for (m = 0; m <= `log2(SIZE-1); m = m + 1)  begin: expand_or_tree
	 wire [SIZE-1:0] encoding;
	 // Build enable mask by iterating through every input bit.
	 for (n = 0; n < SIZE ; n = n + 1) begin: encode_this_bit
	    assign encoding[n] = n[m];
	 // OR tree for this output bit with appropraite bits enabled.
	 assign    out[m] = |(encoding & in);
endmodule // binary_encoder