// // Copyright 2012 Ettus Research LLC // `define LOG2(N) (\ N < 2 ? 0 : \ N < 4 ? 1 : \ N < 8 ? 2 : \ N < 16 ? 3 : \ N < 32 ? 4 : \ N < 64 ? 5 : \ N < 128 ? 6 : \ N < 256 ? 7 : \ N < 512 ? 8 : \ N < 1024 ? 9 : \ 10) module axi_slave_mux #( parameter FIFO_WIDTH = 64, // AXI4-STREAM data bus width parameter DST_WIDTH = 16, // Width of DST field we are routing on. parameter NUM_INPUTS = 2 // number of input AXI buses ) ( input clk, input reset, input clear, // Inputs input [(FIFO_WIDTH*NUM_INPUTS)-1:0] i_tdata, input [NUM_INPUTS-1:0] i_tvalid, input [NUM_INPUTS-1:0] i_tlast, output [NUM_INPUTS-1:0] i_tready, // Forwarding Flags input [NUM_INPUTS-1:0] forward_valid, output reg [NUM_INPUTS-1:0] forward_ack, // Output output [FIFO_WIDTH-1:0] o_tdata, output o_tvalid, output o_tlast, input o_tready ); wire [FIFO_WIDTH-1:0] i_tdata_array [0:NUM_INPUTS-1]; reg [`LOG2(NUM_INPUTS):0] select; reg enable; reg state; localparam CHECK_THIS_INPUT = 0; localparam WAIT_LAST = 1; always @(posedge clk) if (reset | clear) begin state <= CHECK_THIS_INPUT; select <= 0; enable <= 0; forward_ack <= 0; end else begin case(state) // Is the currently selected input addressing this slave with a ready packet? CHECK_THIS_INPUT: begin if (forward_valid[select]) begin enable <= 1; forward_ack[select] <= 1; state <= WAIT_LAST; end else if (select == NUM_INPUTS - 1 ) begin select <= 0; end else begin select <= select + 1; end end // Assert ACK immediately to forwarding logic and then wait for end of packet. WAIT_LAST: begin if (i_tlast[select] && i_tvalid[select] && o_tready) begin if (select == NUM_INPUTS - 1 ) begin select <= 0; end else begin select <= select + 1; end state <= CHECK_THIS_INPUT; forward_ack <= 0; enable <= 0; end else begin forward_ack[select] <= 1; enable <= 1; end end endcase // case(state) end // // Combinatorial mux // genvar m; generate for (m = 0; m < NUM_INPUTS; m = m + 1) begin: form_buses assign i_tdata_array[m] = i_tdata[(m*FIFO_WIDTH)+FIFO_WIDTH-1:m*FIFO_WIDTH]; end endgenerate assign o_tdata = i_tdata_array[select]; assign o_tvalid = enable && i_tvalid[select]; assign o_tlast = enable && i_tlast[select]; // assign i_tready = {NUM_INPUTS{o_tready}} & (enable << select); generate for (m = 0; m < NUM_INPUTS; m = m + 1) begin: form_ready assign i_tready[m] = o_tready && enable && (select == m); end endgenerate endmodule // axi_slave_mux