// // Copyright 2013 Ettus Research LLC // // // This module implements a highly customized TCAM that enbales forwarding // decisions to be made on a 16bit field from a VITA SID field. // The 16bits are allocated by convention as 8 bits of Network address // (Addresses USRP's etc) and 8 bits of Host address (adresses endpoints in // a USRP). By definition if the DEST field in the SID addresses a different // USRP than this one then we don't care about the Host field, only the Network Field. // We only look at the Host Field when the Network field addresses us. // Thus Need TCAM of 256+256 entries with Log2(N) bits, where N is the number of // slave(output) ports on the crossbar switch. // // // // SID format: // // |--------|---------|--------|---------| // | SOURCE | DEST | DEST | // | ADDRESS | NETWORK| HOST | // |--------|---------|--------|---------| // 8 8 8 8 // `define LOG2(N) (\ N < 2 ? 0 : \ N < 4 ? 1 : \ N < 8 ? 2 : \ N < 16 ? 3 : \ N < 32 ? 4 : \ N < 64 ? 5 : \ N < 128 ? 6 : \ N < 256 ? 7 : \ N < 512 ? 8 : \ N < 1024 ? 9 : \ 10) module axi_forwarding_cam #( parameter BASE = 0, // BASE address for setting registers in this block. (512 addrs used) parameter WIDTH=64, // Bit width of FIFO word. parameter NUM_OUTPUTS=2 // Number of outputs (destinations) in crossbar. ) ( input clk, input reset, input clear, // Monitored FIFO signals input [WIDTH-1:0] o_tdata, input o_tvalid, input o_tready, input o_tlast, input pkt_present, // Configuration input [7:0] local_addr, // Setting Bus input set_stb, input [15:0] set_addr, input [31:0] set_data, // Forwarding Flags output reg [NUM_OUTPUTS-1:0] forward_valid, input [NUM_OUTPUTS-1:0] forward_ack, // readback bus input rb_rd_stb, input [`LOG2(NUM_OUTPUTS)-1:0] rb_addr, output [31:0] rb_data ); localparam WAIT_SOF = 0; localparam WAIT_EOF = 1; reg state; localparam IDLE = 0; localparam FORWARD = 1; localparam WAIT = 2; reg [1:0] demux_state; reg [15:0] dst; reg dst_valid, dst_valid_reg; wire local_dst; wire [8:0] read_addr; // // Monitor packets leaving FIFO // always @(posedge clk) if (reset | clear) begin state <= WAIT_SOF; end else case(state) // // After RESET or the EOF of previous packet, the first cycle with // output valid asserted is the SOF and presents the Header word. // The cycle following the concurrent presentation of asserted output // valid and output ready presents the word following the header. // WAIT_SOF: if (o_tvalid && o_tready) begin state <= WAIT_EOF; end else begin state <= WAIT_SOF; end // // EOF is signalled by o_tlast asserted whilst output valid and ready asserted. // WAIT_EOF: if (o_tlast && o_tvalid && o_tready) begin state <= WAIT_SOF; end else begin state <= WAIT_EOF; end endcase // case(in_state) // // Extract Destination fields(s) from SID // always @(posedge clk) if (reset | clear) begin dst <= 0; dst_valid <= 0; dst_valid_reg <= 0; end else if (o_tvalid && (state == WAIT_SOF) && pkt_present) begin // SID will remain valid until o_tready is asserted as this will cause a state transition. dst <= o_tdata[15:0]; dst_valid <= 1; dst_valid_reg <= dst_valid; end else begin dst_valid <= 0; dst_valid_reg <= dst_valid; end // // Is Network field in DST our local address? // assign local_dst = (dst[15:8] == local_addr) && dst_valid; // // Mux address to RAM so that it searches CAM for Network field or Host field. // Network addresses are stored in the lower 256 locations, host addresses the upper 256. // assign read_addr = {local_dst,(local_dst ? dst[7:0] : dst[15:8])}; // // Imply a block RAM here, 512xCeil(Log2(NUM_OUTPUTS)) // //synthesis attribute ram_style of mem is block reg [(`LOG2(NUM_OUTPUTS))-1 : 0] mem [0:511]; reg [8:0] read_addr_reg; wire write; wire [`LOG2(NUM_OUTPUTS)-1:0] read_data; assign write = (set_addr[15:9] == (BASE >>9)) && set_stb; // Addr decode. always @(posedge clk) begin read_addr_reg <= read_addr; if (write) begin mem[set_addr[8:0]] <= set_data[`LOG2(NUM_OUTPUTS)-1:0]; end end assign read_data = mem[read_addr_reg]; // // State machine to manage forwarding flags. // always @(posedge clk) if (reset | clear) begin demux_state <= IDLE; end else case(demux_state) // Wait for Valid DST which indicates a new packet lookup in the CAM. IDLE: begin if (dst_valid_reg == 1) begin forward_valid <= 1 << read_data; demux_state <= FORWARD; end end // When Slave/Output thats forwarding ACK's the forward flag, clear request and wait for packet to be transfered FORWARD: begin if ((forward_ack & forward_valid) != 0) begin forward_valid <= 0; demux_state <= WAIT; end end // When packet transfered go back to idle. WAIT: begin if (forward_ack == 0) demux_state <= IDLE; end endcase // case (demux_state) // // Compile forwarding statistics // (This uses a lot of registers!) // genvar m; reg [31:0] statistics [0:NUM_OUTPUTS-1]; generate for (m = 0; m < NUM_OUTPUTS; m = m + 1) begin: generate_stats always @(posedge clk) if (reset | clear) statistics[m] <= 0; else if ((rb_addr == m) && rb_rd_stb) statistics[m] <= 0; else if (forward_ack[m] & forward_valid[m]) statistics[m] <= statistics[m] + 1; end endgenerate assign rb_data = statistics[rb_addr]; endmodule