// // Copyright 2020 Ettus Research, a National Instruments Brand // // SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-3.0-or-later // // Module : axi4s_remove_bytes // // Description: // Remove bytes from a packet. 1 removal can happen per // packet. The removal is made by delaying the output // by a clock, and then combining the new and old word // and providing a combination of shifted words. // This implementation requires that the user field // holds the number of valid bytes in the word, and the MSB of the user field // indicates if the MAC had an error. // // The block will hold off the input if it goes to the BONUS State. // // This block is intended to remove data from the beginning or middle // of a packet. You can truncate a packet by setting REM_END to -1. // // LIMITATIONS // The block will set the error bit if you put in a packet between // REM_END and REM_START length, and it is unable to cleanly signal // and end to the packet. (there is no way to send a zero byte valid // packet using tuser protocol. // Packets must be terminated with tlast. // // Parameters: // REM_START - First byte to remove (0 means start) // REM_END - Last byte to remove (-1 means truncate from REM START) // module axi4s_remove_bytes #( REM_START=0, REM_END=8 )( interface i, // AxiStreamIf or AxiStreamPacketIf interface o // AxiStreamIf or AxiStreamPacketIf ); localparam BYTES_PER_WORD = i.DATA_WIDTH/8; // tUSER - always {error,numbytes} localparam UWIDTH = $clog2(BYTES_PER_WORD+1); localparam ERROR = UWIDTH-1; // MSB is the error bit. localparam TRUNCATE = REM_END < 0; // END is inclusive so +1 localparam BYTES_REMOVED = TRUNCATE ? 1 : REM_END-REM_START+1; // how many bytes into the word for start and end point localparam START_BYTE = REM_START% BYTES_PER_WORD; localparam START_WORD = REM_START/ BYTES_PER_WORD; localparam END_BYTE = TRUNCATE ? BYTES_PER_WORD-1 : REM_END % BYTES_PER_WORD; localparam END_WORD = TRUNCATE ? 65535 : // max word counter value REM_END / BYTES_PER_WORD; localparam FIRST_BYTE_AFTER = (END_BYTE+1) % BYTES_PER_WORD; localparam BYTE_SHIFT = BYTES_REMOVED % BYTES_PER_WORD; localparam BYTE_CARRY = BYTES_PER_WORD - BYTE_SHIFT; // CASE differentiators localparam SINGLE = BYTES_REMOVED <= BYTES_PER_WORD; localparam START_AT_LSB = START_BYTE == 0; localparam END_AT_MSB = END_BYTE == BYTES_PER_WORD-1; localparam EXACT = START_AT_LSB && END_AT_MSB; localparam MIDDLE = END_BYTE >= START_BYTE; `include "axi4s.vh" // Parameter Checks initial begin assert (i.DATA_WIDTH == o.DATA_WIDTH) else $fatal("DATA_WIDTH mismatch"); end AxiStreamPacketIf #(.DATA_WIDTH(i.DATA_WIDTH),.USER_WIDTH(i.USER_WIDTH), .TKEEP(0),.MAX_PACKET_BYTES(i.MAX_PACKET_BYTES)) s0(i.clk,i.rst); AxiStreamPacketIf #(.DATA_WIDTH(i.DATA_WIDTH),.USER_WIDTH(i.USER_WIDTH), .TKEEP(0),.MAX_PACKET_BYTES(i.MAX_PACKET_BYTES)) s1(i.clk,i.rst); // implement specialized cases if (REM_START == 0 && !EXACT) begin : start_not_exact // START at zero but still shifted axi4s_remove_bytes_start #( .REM_END(REM_END) ) axi4s_remove_bytes_start_i ( .i(i), .o(o) ); end else begin : general // move from AxiStreamIfc to AxiStreamPacketIf always_comb begin `AXI4S_ASSIGN(s0,i) end typedef enum {MS_EXACT, MS_START_AT_LSB, MS_END_AT_MSB, SINGLE_MIDDLE,MULTI_MIDDLE, MS_WRAP} case_t; case_t MCASE; logic reached_start; logic reached_end; logic reached_end_plus; // memory for holding old values logic [s0.DATA_WIDTH-1:0] last_tdata; logic [s0.DATA_WIDTH-1:0] first_tdata; logic [UWIDTH-1:0] first_tuser; // various flavors of data shifting logic [s0.DATA_WIDTH-1:0] trunc_data; logic [s0.DATA_WIDTH-1:0] remaining_shift_data; logic [s0.DATA_WIDTH-1:0] prefirst_shifted_data; logic [s0.DATA_WIDTH-1:0] first_shifted_data; logic [s0.DATA_WIDTH-1:0] one_word_data; logic [s0.DATA_WIDTH-1:0] bonus_data; logic [15:0] word_count; // Oversized to 65536 words logic error_bit, error_bit_old; logic [UWIDTH-1:0] in_byte_count; //--------------------------------------- // remove state machine //--------------------------------------- typedef enum {ST_PRE_REMOVE, ST_TRUNCATE, ST_REMOVING, ST_POST_REMOVE, ST_BONUS} remove_state_t; remove_state_t remove_state = ST_PRE_REMOVE; remove_state_t next_remove_state = ST_PRE_REMOVE; always_comb in_byte_count = get_bytes(s0.tuser); // Cache a couple of words from the bus always_ff @(posedge s0.clk) begin if (s0.rst) begin last_tdata = 0; first_tdata = 0; first_tuser = 0; end else if (s0.tvalid && s0.tready && (MCASE == MULTI_MIDDLE || MCASE==MS_START_AT_LSB)) last_tdata = s0.tdata; if (s0.tvalid && s0.tready && (reached_start || next_remove_state==ST_POST_REMOVE || (remove_state!=ST_REMOVING && remove_state!= ST_TRUNCATE))) begin first_tdata = s0.tdata; first_tuser = s0.tuser; end end //***************** DATA SHIFTING CASES ***********************/ //----------------------------------------------------------------------- // user write function // this module ASSUMES user includes error in the MSB and the rest is the // number of bytes in the word //----------------------------------------------------------------------- function automatic logic [START_BYTE*8-1:0] start_part([s0.DATA_WIDTH-1:0] data); begin // workaround :: modelsim optimizer can fail if there is aposibility of a 0+:0 localparam MY_START_BYTE = START_BYTE ? START_BYTE : 1; return data[0+:MY_START_BYTE*8]; end endfunction function automatic logic [s0.DATA_WIDTH-1-FIRST_BYTE_AFTER*8:0] end_part([s0.DATA_WIDTH-1:0] data); begin return data[s0.DATA_WIDTH-1:FIRST_BYTE_AFTER*8]; end endfunction function automatic logic [s0.DATA_WIDTH-1-BYTE_SHIFT*8:0] bs_part([s0.DATA_WIDTH-1:0] data); begin return data[s0.DATA_WIDTH-1:BYTE_SHIFT*8]; end endfunction // Examples // // ENDING CASE 1 // Incoming packet outgoing packet // /////////////////////////////////////////////// // D0 C0 B0 A0 <- word 0 // D1 XX XX XX <- R(6:4)) D0 C0 B0 A0 // D2 C2 B2 A2 C2 B2 A2 D1 // D0 C0 B0 A0 <- next packet D2 // D0 C0 B0 A0 // // ENDING CASE2 // Incoming packet outgoing packet // /////////////////////////////////////////////// // D0 C0 B0 A0 <- word 0 // D1 XX XX XX <- R(6:4)) D0 C0 B0 A0 // C2 B2 A2 C2 B2 A2 D1 // D0 C0 B0 A0 <- next packet // D0 C0 B0 A0 // Middle of Word case // Incoming packet outgoing packet // /////////////////////////////////////////////// // D0 C0 B0 A0 <- word 0 // D1 XX XX A1 <- R(7:6) D0 C0 B0 A0 // D2 C2 B2 A2 B2 A2 D1 A1 // D3 C3 B3 A3 B3 A3 D2 C2 // D0 C0 B0 A0 <- next packet D3 C3 // // Easy Truncation (can handle dynamically) // Incoming packet outgoing packet // /////////////////////////////////////////////// // D0 C0 B0 A0 <- word 0 // D1 C1 B1 A1 D0 C0 B0 A0 // XX XX XX <- R(11:8)) D1 C1 B1 A1 <- TLAST HERE // D0 C0 B0 A0 <- next packet // D0 C0 B0 A0 // Truncation case requiring REM_END=-1 // because last word is to far away to see tlast. // Incoming packet outgoing packet // /////////////////////////////////////////////// // D0 C0 B0 A0 <- word 0 // XX XX XX XX <- R(-1:4)) D0 C0 B0 A0 <- TLAST HERE // XX XX XX XX // XX XX XX XX // D0 C0 B0 A0 <- next packet // D0 C0 B0 A0 // Remove from Front // Incoming packet outgoing packet // /////////////////////////////////////////////// // XX XX XX XX <- R(0:7) // XX XX XX XX <- // C2 B2 A2 // D0 C0 B0 A0 <- next packet C2 B2 A2 // D0 C0 B0 A0 // // Remove 1 byte on back to back 1 word packets // Incoming packet outgoing packet // /////////////////////////////////////////////// // D0 C0 XX A0 <- R(1:1) // D0 C0 XX A0 <- R(1:1) D0 C0 A0 // D0 C0 XX A0 <- R(1:1) D0 C0 A0 // D0 C0 A0 // // // Note these should all be static shifts. We don't want to infer a barrel shifter. if (EXACT) begin // Remove whole words always_comb begin MCASE = MS_EXACT; first_shifted_data = s0.tdata; remaining_shift_data = s0.tdata; one_word_data = s0.tdata; trunc_data = first_tdata; bonus_data = 'bX; end end else if (START_AT_LSB) begin // Remove start of word shift case // EXAMPLE XX XX XX // for 8 byte word H0 G0 F0 E0 D0 C0 B0 A0 with START BYTE = 0(A0) END_BYTE = 2(C0) BYTE_SHIFT=3 // 1st word would be C1 B1 A1/H0 G0 F0 E0 D0 // [23:0] C1 B1 A1 / [63:24] H0 G0 F0 E0 D0 // same as remaining_shift_data above // EXAMPLE XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX // for 8 byte word H0 G0 F0 E0 D0 C0 B0 A0 // XX XX XX // H1 G1 F1 E1 D1 C1 B1 A1 with START BYTE = 0(A0) END_BYTE = 2(10)(C1) BYTE_SHIFT=3 // 1st word would be C2 B2 A2/H1 G1 F1 E1 D1 // [23:0] C2 B2 A2 / [63:24] H1 G1 F1 E1 D1 // same as remaining_shift_data above // NOTE: Entire words are thrown away at start, so no caching required always_comb begin MCASE = MS_START_AT_LSB; first_shifted_data = {s0.tdata,bs_part(last_tdata)}; if (BYTE_SHIFT==0) remaining_shift_data = s0.tdata; else remaining_shift_data = {s0.tdata,bs_part(last_tdata)}; bonus_data = 'bX; one_word_data = end_part(s0.tdata); trunc_data = first_tdata; bonus_data = 'bX; bonus_data = bs_part(s0.tdata); end end else if (END_AT_MSB) begin // Remove end of word shift case // EXAMPLE XX XX // for 8 byte word H0 G0 F0 E0 D0 C0 B0 A0 with START BYTE = 6(G0) END_BYTE = 7(H0) BYTE_SHIFT=2 // 1st word would be B1 A1/F0 E0 D0 C0 B0 A0 // [15:0] B1 A1 / [47:0] F0 E0 D0 C0 B0 A0 // EXAMPLE XX XX // for 8 byte word H0 G0 F0 E0 D0 C0 B0 A0 // XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX // H1 G1 F1 E1 D1 C1 B1 A1 with START BYTE = 6(G0) END_BYTE = 7(15)(H0) BYTE_SHIFT=2 // 1st word would be B2 A2/F0 E0 D0 C0 B0 A0 // NOTE: Uses 1st Data (from when we reach the first word // [15:0] B2 A2 / [47:0] F0 E0 D0 C0 B0 A0 always_comb begin MCASE = MS_END_AT_MSB; first_shifted_data = {s0.tdata,start_part(first_tdata)}; if (BYTE_SHIFT==0) remaining_shift_data = s0.tdata; else remaining_shift_data = {s0.tdata,bs_part(first_tdata)}; one_word_data = s0.tdata; trunc_data = first_tdata; bonus_data = 'bX; bonus_data = bs_part(s0.tdata); end end else if(MIDDLE) begin // Remove middle of word shift case // EXAMPLE XX XX XX XX XX XX // for 8 byte word H0 G0 F0 E0 D0 C0 B0 A0 with START BYTE = 1(B0) END_BYTE = 6(G0) BYTE_SHIFT=6 // 1st word would be F1 E1 D1 C1 B1 A1/H0/A0 // [47:0] F1 E1 D1 C1 B1 A1 [63:56] H0 [7:0] A0 // EXAMPLE XX XX XX XX XX XX XX // for 8 byte word H0 G0 F0 E0 D0 C0 B0 A0 // XX XX XX XX XX XX XX // H1 G1 F1 E1 D1 C1 B1 A1 with START BYTE = 1(B0) END_BYTE = 6(14)(G0) BYTE_SHIFT=6 // 1st word would be F2 E2 D2 C2 B2 A2/H1/A0 // NOTE: Uses first Data from when we reach the first word. // Also, must advance one clock beyond end for this case. // [47:0] F2 E2 D2 C2 B2 A2 [63:56] H1 [7:0] A0 // remaining words F2 E2 D2 C2 B2 A2/H1 G1 // [47:0] F2 E2 D2 C2 B2 A2 [63:48] H1 G1 // same as remaining_shift_data above always_comb begin if (SINGLE) begin MCASE = SINGLE_MIDDLE; first_shifted_data = {s0.tdata,end_part(first_tdata),start_part(first_tdata)}; end else begin MCASE = MULTI_MIDDLE; prefirst_shifted_data = {end_part(s0.tdata),start_part(first_tdata)}; first_shifted_data = {s0.tdata,end_part(last_tdata),start_part(first_tdata)}; end if (BYTE_SHIFT==0) remaining_shift_data = s0.tdata; else remaining_shift_data = {s0.tdata,bs_part(first_tdata)}; one_word_data = {end_part(s0.tdata),start_part(s0.tdata)}; trunc_data = first_tdata; bonus_data = 'bX; bonus_data = bs_part(s0.tdata); end end else begin //wrapped case // EXAMPLE XX XX // for 8 byte word H0 G0 F0 E0 D0 C0 B0 A0 with START BYTE = 6(G0) END_BYTE = 2(10)(C1) BYTE_SHIFT=5 // XX XX XX // H1 G1 F1 E1 D1 C1 B1 A1 // // 1st word would be E1 D1/F0 E0 D0 C0 B0 A0 // [39:24] E1 D1 / [47:0] F0 E0 D0 C0 B0 A0 // remaining words E2 D2 C2 B2 A2/H1 G1 F1 // [39:0] E2 D2 C2 B2 A2 / H1 G1 F1 [63:40] // same as remaining_shift_data_above // EXAMPLE XX XX // for 8 byte word H0 G0 F0 E0 D0 C0 B0 A0 // XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX // H1 G1 F1 E1 D1 C1 B1 A1 // XX XX XX // H2 G2 F2 E2 D2 C2 B2 A2 with START BYTE = 6(G0) END_BYTE = 2(10)(C1) BYTE_SHIFT=5 // // 1st word would be E2 D2/F0 E0 D0 C0 B0 A0 // NOTE: Uses 1st Data (from when we reach the first word ; // [39:24] E2 D2 / [47:0] F0 E0 D0 C0 B0 A0 always_comb begin MCASE = MS_WRAP; first_shifted_data = {end_part(s0.tdata),start_part(first_tdata)}; if (BYTE_SHIFT==0) remaining_shift_data = s0.tdata; else remaining_shift_data = {s0.tdata,bs_part(first_tdata)}; one_word_data = s0.tdata; trunc_data = first_tdata; bonus_data = 'bX; bonus_data = bs_part(s0.tdata); end end typedef enum {PASS_THRU,BONUS,REM_SHIFT_DATA,FIRST_SHIFT_DATA, PREFIRST_SHIFT_DATA,TRUNCATE_DATA,ONE_WORD} data_mux_sel_t; data_mux_sel_t data_mux_sel = PASS_THRU; always_comb begin : data_mux s1.tdata = s0.tdata; case (data_mux_sel) PASS_THRU : s1.tdata = s0.tdata; ONE_WORD : s1.tdata = one_word_data; FIRST_SHIFT_DATA : s1.tdata = first_shifted_data; PREFIRST_SHIFT_DATA : if (MCASE==MULTI_MIDDLE) s1.tdata = prefirst_shifted_data; else s1.tdata = first_shifted_data; REM_SHIFT_DATA : if (!TRUNCATE) s1.tdata = remaining_shift_data; TRUNCATE_DATA : if (TRUNCATE) s1.tdata = trunc_data; BONUS : if (!TRUNCATE && !EXACT) s1.tdata = bonus_data; default : s1.tdata = s0.tdata; endcase end //----------------------------------------------------------------------- // user write function // this module ASSUMES user includes error in the MSB and the rest is the // number of bytes in the word //----------------------------------------------------------------------- function automatic [UWIDTH-1:0] uwrite(error=0,[UWIDTH-2:0] bytes=0); begin return {error,bytes}; end endfunction //----------------------------------------------------------------------- // get_error -extract error from tuser //----------------------------------------------------------------------- function automatic get_error([UWIDTH-1:0] tuser); begin return tuser[ERROR]; end endfunction //----------------------------------------------------------------------- // get_bytes -extract num_bytes from tuser //----------------------------------------------------------------------- function automatic [UWIDTH-1:0] get_bytes([UWIDTH-1:0] tuser); logic [UWIDTH-1:0] bytes; begin if (tuser[UWIDTH-2:0] == 0) bytes = BYTES_PER_WORD; else bytes = tuser[UWIDTH-2:0]; return bytes; end endfunction // Debug state used to determine which sub-case is taken in simulation typedef enum {D_IDLE, D_REACHED_START, D_TRUNCATE, D_LAST, D_NOT_LAST, D_LAST_WO_END, D_LAST_W_END, D_LAST_W_END_BONUS, D_LAST_W_END_PLUS, D_REACHED_END_PLUS} debug_t; debug_t debug = D_IDLE; always_ff @(posedge s0.clk) begin if (s0.rst) begin error_bit_old <= 0; end else begin // must hold until bonus completes if (s1.tlast && s1.tvalid && s1.tready && remove_state==ST_BONUS) begin error_bit_old <= 0; // or clear if not going to bonus end else if (s0.tlast && s0.tvalid && s0.tready && next_remove_state!=ST_BONUS) begin error_bit_old <= 0; // but they set based on the input end else if (s0.tvalid && s0.tready) begin error_bit_old <= error_bit; end end end assign error_bit = get_error(s0.tuser) || error_bit_old; // When truncating we want to hold the last valid word until // the end so we can accumulate any errors that might of occured if (TRUNCATE && START_BYTE==0) begin always_comb reached_start = s0.reached_packet_byte(REM_START-1); end else begin always_comb reached_start = s0.reached_packet_byte(REM_START); end // the WRAP case leans forward one word since it bridges to // the next word so it needs to reach end_plus early // REMOVE statemachine always_comb begin : reached_end_comb if (MCASE==MS_WRAP) begin reached_end = s0.reached_packet_byte(REM_END); reached_end_plus = s0.reached_packet_byte(REM_END); end else begin reached_end = s0.reached_packet_byte(REM_END); reached_end_plus = s0.reached_packet_byte(REM_END+BYTES_PER_WORD); end end // because s0.tready feeds back and generates a // change event for the entire interface, // it can trigger an infinite loop of assignment // even when nothing is changing. This breaks // the feedback loop. logic s0_tready; always_comb s0.tready = s0_tready; // Remove Statemachine always_comb begin : remove_next_state // default assignment of next_state next_remove_state = remove_state; debug = D_IDLE; data_mux_sel = PASS_THRU; s1.tuser = s0.tuser; s1.tlast = s0.tlast; s1.tvalid = s0.tvalid; s0_tready = s1.tready; case (remove_state) // ***************************************************** // PRE_REMOVE - wait till we reach REM_START // ***************************************************** ST_PRE_REMOVE: begin //defaults data_mux_sel = PASS_THRU; s1.tuser = s0.tuser; s1.tlast = s0.tlast; s1.tvalid = s0.tvalid; s0_tready = s1.tready; if (reached_start) begin // based only on word count debug = D_REACHED_START; // Truncating word end if (TRUNCATE && s0.tlast) begin s1.tlast = 1; data_mux_sel = ONE_WORD; debug = D_TRUNCATE; // get number of bytes based on if we had enough to surpass END_BYTE if (START_BYTE == 0) // Exact case s1.tuser = uwrite(error_bit,in_byte_count); else if (in_byte_count < START_BYTE) s1.tuser = uwrite(error_bit,in_byte_count); else s1.tuser = uwrite(error_bit,START_BYTE); end else if (TRUNCATE && !s0.tlast) begin s1.tlast = 1; data_mux_sel = ONE_WORD; debug = D_TRUNCATE; if (s1.tready && s0.tvalid) begin s1.tlast = 0; s1.tvalid = 0; next_remove_state = ST_TRUNCATE; end // packet ends end else if (s0.tlast) begin s1.tlast = 1; data_mux_sel = ONE_WORD; debug = D_LAST; // get number of bytes based on if we had enough to surpass END_BYTE if (in_byte_count < START_BYTE) s1.tuser = uwrite(error_bit,in_byte_count); else if (START_WORD != END_WORD) s1.tuser = uwrite(error_bit,START_BYTE); else if (in_byte_count < END_BYTE+1) s1.tuser = uwrite(error_bit,START_BYTE); else s1.tuser = uwrite(error_bit,in_byte_count - BYTES_REMOVED); // if we are on the first word of the removal and have no way to terminate the packet // set error. if ((START_WORD != END_WORD && START_BYTE == 0) || EXACT) s1.tuser[ERROR] = 1; // if removal starts at the start of the packet, squelch the packet. if ( (START_WORD != END_WORD && REM_START == 0) || // also if we don't have enough data to publish 1 byte ((in_byte_count <= END_BYTE+1) && REM_START == 0)) begin s1.tlast = 0; s1.tvalid = 0; end end else begin // not the last word debug = D_NOT_LAST; s1.tvalid = 0; if (s0.tvalid) begin // we will always need to wait for some more data before // forming the next word if this was not the start of the packet next_remove_state = ST_REMOVING; end end end end //ST_PRE_REMOVE // ***************************************************** // TRUNCATE - wait for end of packet to put out the // last word (so we can see if error bit asserts) // ***************************************************** ST_TRUNCATE: begin if (TRUNCATE) begin // Simplify synthesis // get number of bytes based on if we had enough to surpass END_BYTE if (get_bytes(first_tuser) < START_BYTE) s1.tuser = uwrite(error_bit,get_bytes(first_tuser)); else s1.tuser = uwrite(error_bit,START_BYTE); data_mux_sel = TRUNCATE_DATA; s1.tlast = s0.tlast; s1.tvalid = s0.tlast && s0.tvalid; s0_tready = 1; if (s1.tready && s0.tvalid && s0.tlast) begin next_remove_state = ST_PRE_REMOVE; end end end // ***************************************************** // REMOVING - burn words until we have data to // start sending again // ***************************************************** ST_REMOVING: begin //defaults data_mux_sel = FIRST_SHIFT_DATA; s1.tuser = 0; s1.tlast = 0; s1.tvalid = 0; s0_tready = 1; // if we don't reach the end of the removal // it is an error case because we don't // have any valid data to send with the tlast. if (s0.tlast && !reached_end && !reached_end_plus) begin debug = D_LAST_WO_END; s1.tuser = uwrite(1,0); s1.tlast = 1; s1.tvalid = s0.tvalid; s0_tready = s1.tready; // started from zero we have pushed // zero data so we can just squelch the packet if (REM_START==0) s1.tvalid = 0; if (s1.tready && s0.tvalid) begin next_remove_state = ST_PRE_REMOVE; end // end of packet and we have some data to send // but we didn't buffer the extra word of end data yet end else if (s0.tlast && reached_end && !reached_end_plus) begin debug = D_LAST_W_END; if (MCASE==MULTI_MIDDLE) data_mux_sel = PREFIRST_SHIFT_DATA; else if (MCASE==MS_START_AT_LSB) data_mux_sel = ONE_WORD; s1.tlast = 1; // if we are exact and started from zero we have pushed // zero data so we can just squelch the packet if (EXACT && REM_START==0) s1.tvalid = 0; else s1.tvalid = s0.tvalid; s0_tready = s1.tready; if (MCASE==MULTI_MIDDLE) if (in_byte_count <= FIRST_BYTE_AFTER) s1.tuser = uwrite(1,0); // not enough data to avoid error else s1.tuser = uwrite(error_bit,in_byte_count + BYTE_CARRY); else if (MCASE==MS_END_AT_MSB) s1.tuser = uwrite(1,0); // not enough data to avoid error else if (in_byte_count <= FIRST_BYTE_AFTER) if (REM_START == 0) s1.tvalid = 0; else s1.tuser = uwrite(1,0); // not enough data to avoid error else s1.tuser = uwrite(error_bit,in_byte_count - FIRST_BYTE_AFTER); // if we are exact and have already published some data // that data is unterminated and we have no way to // set a packet end. if (EXACT && REM_START!=0) s1.tuser[ERROR] = 1; if (s1.tready && s0.tvalid) begin next_remove_state = ST_PRE_REMOVE; end // end of packet and we have some some data to send // and we have more data then we can fit in the // the current word end else if (s0.tlast && reached_end_plus && in_byte_count > BYTE_SHIFT && BYTE_SHIFT != 0) begin debug = D_LAST_W_END_BONUS; s1.tlast = 0; s1.tvalid = s0.tvalid; s0_tready = 0; // don't let a advance if (s0.tvalid && s1.tready) begin next_remove_state = ST_BONUS; end // end of packet and we have some some data to send // and we were ready to send data anyways end else if(s0.tlast && reached_end_plus) begin debug = D_LAST_W_END_PLUS; s1.tlast = 1; s1.tvalid = s0.tvalid; s0_tready = s1.tready; if (EXACT) s1.tuser = uwrite(error_bit,in_byte_count); else begin s1.tuser = uwrite(error_bit,in_byte_count + BYTE_CARRY); end if (MCASE==MS_WRAP && in_byte_count <= FIRST_BYTE_AFTER) s1.tuser = uwrite(1,0); // not enough data to avoid error if (s1.tready && s0.tvalid) begin next_remove_state = ST_PRE_REMOVE; end // we are ready to send the first byte after the shift end else if(!s0.tlast && reached_end_plus) begin debug = D_REACHED_END_PLUS; s1.tlast = 0; s1.tvalid = s0.tvalid; s0_tready = s1.tready; s1.tuser = uwrite(error_bit,BYTES_PER_WORD); if (s1.tready && s0.tvalid) begin next_remove_state = ST_POST_REMOVE; end end end // ***************************************************** // POST_REMOVAL waiting for end // ***************************************************** ST_POST_REMOVE: begin //defaults data_mux_sel = REM_SHIFT_DATA; s1.tuser = uwrite(error_bit,BYTES_PER_WORD); s1.tlast = 0; s1.tvalid = s0.tvalid; s0_tready = s1.tready; // reached the end, but we have extra bytes to send if (s0.tlast && in_byte_count > BYTE_SHIFT && BYTE_SHIFT != 0) begin s1.tlast = 0; s0_tready = 0; // don't let a advance if (s0.tvalid && s1.tready) begin next_remove_state = ST_BONUS; end // reached the end, and don't need the bonus state end else if (s0.tlast) begin s1.tlast = 1; s1.tuser = uwrite(error_bit,in_byte_count + BYTES_PER_WORD-BYTE_SHIFT); if (s1.tready && s0.tvalid) begin next_remove_state = ST_PRE_REMOVE; end end end // ***************************************************** // BONUS write out any overflow words // ***************************************************** ST_BONUS: begin //defaults data_mux_sel = BONUS; s1.tuser = uwrite(error_bit,in_byte_count-BYTE_SHIFT); s1.tlast = 1; s1.tvalid = s0.tvalid; s0_tready = s1.tready; if (s1.tready && s0.tvalid) begin next_remove_state = ST_PRE_REMOVE; end end // We should never get here default: begin next_remove_state = ST_PRE_REMOVE; end endcase end always_ff @(posedge s0.clk) begin if (s0.rst) begin remove_state <= ST_PRE_REMOVE; end else begin remove_state <= next_remove_state; end end // move from AxiStreamIfc to AxiStreamPacketIf always_comb begin `AXI4S_ASSIGN(o,s1) end end endmodule : axi4s_remove_bytes