// // Copyright 2016 Ettus Research LLC // Copyright 2018 Ettus Research, a National Instruments Company // // SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-3.0-or-later // // Strips preamble, EOP, and CRC/num_words check // <preamble> <packet> <EOP> [control_chksum,word_count,payload_chksum] // <preamble> = 64'h9E6774129E677412 // <EOP> = 64'h2A1D632F2A1D632F module axi_strip_preamble #( parameter WIDTH=64, parameter MAX_PKT_SIZE=512 //Set to 128 in sim to fill up buffers faster to help try and trigger more fail cases. ) ( input clk, input reset, input clear, // input [WIDTH-1:0] i_tdata, input i_tvalid, output i_tready, // output [WIDTH-1:0] o_tdata, output o_tlast, output o_tvalid, input o_tready, // output pkt_dropped, output crc_err, output crit_error ); function [0:0] cvita_get_has_time; input [63:0] header; cvita_get_has_time = header[61]; endfunction //State machine info reg [1:0] state, next_state; localparam IDLE = 0; localparam CHECK_HDR = 1; localparam PASS = 2; localparam CHECK_CRC = 3; localparam PAYLOAD_WORDCOUNT_WIDTH = 16; localparam PAYLOAD_CHKSUM_WIDTH = 32; localparam CONTROL_CHKSUM_WIDTH = 16; //Note that held_word is required when EOP is detected //so that we can rewrite into memory the last word + last bit reg [WIDTH-1:0] held_word; reg [WIDTH-1:0] held_word_r; always @(posedge clk) begin if(i_tvalid && i_tready) begin held_word <= i_tdata; held_word_r <= held_word; end end //Look for next word that specifies if frame has timestamp reg [PAYLOAD_WORDCOUNT_WIDTH-1:0] cntrl_length = 16'd2; always @(posedge clk) begin if ((next_state == CHECK_HDR || state == CHECK_HDR) && i_tvalid) cntrl_length <= cvita_get_has_time(i_tdata) ? 16'd2 : 16'd1; end reg [PAYLOAD_WORDCOUNT_WIDTH-1:0] word_count; wire det_preamble = (i_tdata == 64'h9E6774129E677412); wire det_eop = (i_tdata == 64'h2A1D632F2A1D632F); wire [PAYLOAD_CHKSUM_WIDTH-1:0] payload_chksum; wire [CONTROL_CHKSUM_WIDTH-1:0] control_chksum; // Payload LFSR. Must hold LFSR once detected EOP so checksum does not keep updating after EOP // Note the payload LFSR also includes the EOP in its checksum crc_xnor #(.INPUT_WIDTH(WIDTH), .OUTPUT_WIDTH(PAYLOAD_CHKSUM_WIDTH)) payload_chksum_gen ( .clk(clk), .rst(word_count<=cntrl_length), .hold(~(i_tready && i_tvalid) || det_eop || state == CHECK_CRC), .input_data(i_tdata), .crc_out(payload_chksum) ); // Control LFSR. Varies in size based on whether the control information includes a timestamp // Hold the LFSR once the control word(s) have been parsed crc_xnor #(.INPUT_WIDTH(WIDTH), .OUTPUT_WIDTH(CONTROL_CHKSUM_WIDTH)) control_chksum_gen ( .clk(clk), .rst(word_count=='d0), .hold(~(i_tready && i_tvalid) || word_count>=cntrl_length), .input_data(i_tdata), .crc_out(control_chksum) ); //Good frame is when the word_count is correct and the control checksum passes. //Allows passthrough of payloads with bit errors to reduce overall dropped frame rate wire frame_good = (word_count == i_tdata[47:32]) && (control_chksum == i_tdata[63:48]) && state == CHECK_CRC; //CRC error only increments when the state machine makes it to CHECK_CRC state //It will not increment if a preamble or eop is detected outside of IDLE wire payload_crc_check = (payload_chksum == i_tdata[31:0]) && state == CHECK_CRC; assign crc_err = (~frame_good || ~payload_crc_check) && state == CHECK_CRC && i_tvalid; //Increment word_count for payload and EOP always @(posedge clk) begin if (state == IDLE || pkt_dropped) begin word_count <= 0; end else if ((state == PASS || state == CHECK_HDR) && i_tready && i_tvalid) begin word_count <= word_count+1'b1; end end always @(posedge clk) begin if (reset | clear) begin state <= IDLE; end else begin state <= next_state; end end //Only drop packet if preamble detected outside of idle or bad frame was detected during CRC check assign pkt_dropped = ((state != IDLE) && det_preamble && i_tvalid) || ((state == CHECK_CRC) && ~frame_good && i_tvalid); //When preamble is missing or has bit error, state machine stays in IDLE //When EOP is missing or has bit error, either the next preamble is detected and resets logic //or state machine exits on next EOP and fails CRC check. //For cables with very high BER its possible for the write buffer to fill up which causes a critical error and resets everything always @(*) begin case(state) IDLE: begin if (det_preamble && i_tvalid) //Preamble detected so check to see if timestamp is part of header next_state = CHECK_HDR; else next_state = IDLE; end //Check incoming word to see if frame will have timestamp CHECK_HDR: begin if(crit_error) begin //Critical error so reset SM next_state = IDLE; end else if(~det_preamble && i_tvalid && i_tready) begin //Found control word so go to normal pass state next_state = PASS; end else begin next_state = CHECK_HDR; end end //Note if early preamble is detected in PASS state everything is reset for the next frame PASS: begin if(crit_error) begin //Critical error so reset SM next_state = IDLE; end else if(det_preamble && i_tvalid) begin //Saw preamble so drop packet and start over next_state = CHECK_HDR; end else if(det_eop && i_tvalid && i_tready) begin //Saw EOP so check for crc on next word next_state = CHECK_CRC; end else begin next_state = PASS; end end //Check for crc and go to idle or go back to pass if another preamble is detected CHECK_CRC: begin if(crit_error) begin //Critical error so reset SM next_state = IDLE; end else if(det_preamble && i_tvalid) begin //Saw preamble so drop packet and start over next_state = CHECK_HDR; end else if(i_tvalid) begin //Got word which should've been the CRC next_state = IDLE; end else begin next_state = CHECK_CRC; end end default: begin next_state = IDLE; end endcase end wire [WIDTH-1:0] buf_tdata; wire buf_tlast, buf_tvalid, buf_tready, buf_empty; reg buf_full = 1'b0; wire [$clog2(MAX_PKT_SIZE)-1:0] valid_rd_addr; reg buf_empty_r; assign mem_tvalid = (state == PASS || state == CHECK_HDR) ? (i_tvalid && ~pkt_dropped) : 1'b0; assign i_tready = (state == PASS || state == CHECK_HDR) ? buf_tready : 1'b1; assign crit_error = buf_full && buf_empty; //This should never happen, if it does that indicates poor BER over Aurora or packet size too large ///////////////////////////////////////////////// //Fifo to store incoming packets //The write pntr rewinds whenever an error occurs ///////////////////////////////////////////////// wire int_tready; reg [$clog2(MAX_PKT_SIZE)-1:0] wr_addr, prev_wr_addr, rd_addr, old_rd_addr; reg [$clog2(MAX_PKT_SIZE):0] in_pkt_cnt, out_pkt_cnt; wire read = ~buf_empty && (int_tready || buf_empty_r); //Read from buffer if its no longer empty to prime output reg wire almost_full = (wr_addr == valid_rd_addr-1'b1); //We need to look at the masked rd_addr in case its 1 ahead assign buf_tready = ~buf_full; wire write = mem_tvalid && buf_tready && ~det_eop; //If frame was good we need to go back and rewrite the last word and set the last bit wire [WIDTH:0] int_write_data = (frame_good) ? {1'b1,held_word_r} : {1'b0,i_tdata}; wire [$clog2(MAX_PKT_SIZE)-1:0] int_wr_addr = (frame_good) ? wr_addr-1 : wr_addr; //BRAM inferred wire [WIDTH:0] buf_data; ram_2port #(.DWIDTH(WIDTH+1), .AWIDTH($clog2(MAX_PKT_SIZE))) pkt_buf (.clka(clk), .ena(1'b1), .wea(1'b1), .addra(int_wr_addr), .dia(int_write_data), .doa(), .clkb(clk), .enb(read), .web(1'b0), .addrb(rd_addr), .dib(), .dob(buf_data)); // Write logic always @(posedge clk) begin // Rewind logic if(pkt_dropped || crit_error) wr_addr <= prev_wr_addr; else if(write) wr_addr <= wr_addr + 1'b1; if (almost_full) begin if (write && ~read) begin buf_full <= 1'b1; end end else begin if (~write && read) begin buf_full <= 1'b0; end end if (frame_good) begin in_pkt_cnt <= in_pkt_cnt + 1'b1; prev_wr_addr <= wr_addr; end if (reset || clear) begin wr_addr <= 0; prev_wr_addr <= 0; in_pkt_cnt <= 0; end if(reset || clear || crit_error) begin buf_full <= 1'b0; end end // Read logic. Hold data if pkt_count is equal assign buf_empty = in_pkt_cnt == out_pkt_cnt; reg last_word; //Use current read addr only if read is enabled assign valid_rd_addr = (read) ? rd_addr : old_rd_addr; assign buf_tvalid = ~buf_empty_r && ~(last_word && buf_empty); assign buf_tdata = buf_data[WIDTH-1:0]; assign buf_tlast = buf_data[WIDTH]; always @(posedge clk) begin buf_empty_r <= buf_empty; if (read) old_rd_addr <= rd_addr; //Keeps track of last valid rd_addr //Last word has two possibilities //If buffer empty then we need to rewind rd_addr and mask reading from buffer //If buffer is not empty continue with rd_addr and continue reading from buffer last_word <= buf_tvalid && int_tready && buf_tlast; //Need to rewind rd_addr since it incremented one too far //This means there will be one cycle where rd_addr is ahead of where it should be //Other logic that uses rd_addr will have it masked for that cycle if (last_word && buf_empty) rd_addr <= rd_addr - 1; else if (read) rd_addr <= rd_addr + 1; // Prevent output until we have a full packet if (buf_tvalid && int_tready && buf_tlast) begin out_pkt_cnt <= out_pkt_cnt + 1'b1; end if (reset || clear) begin old_rd_addr <= 0; rd_addr <= 0; out_pkt_cnt <= 0; end end assign o_tlast = buf_tlast; assign o_tdata = buf_tdata; assign o_tvalid = buf_tvalid; assign int_tready = o_tready; endmodule