// // Copyright 2011 Ettus Research LLC // // This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by // the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or // (at your option) any later version. // // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License // along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. // // SERDES Interface // LS-Byte is sent first, MS-Byte is second // Invalid K Codes // K0.0 000-00000 Error detected // K31.7 111-11111 Loss of input signal // Valid K Codes // K28.0 000-11100 // K28.1 001-11100 Alternate COMMA? // K28.2 010-11100 // K28.3 011-11100 // K28.4 100-11100 // K28.5 101-11100 Standard COMMA? // K28.6 110-11100 // K28.7 111-11100 Bad COMMA? // K23.7 111-10111 // K27.7 111-11011 // K29.7 111-11101 // K30.7 111-11110 module serdes_rx #(parameter FIFOSIZE = 9) (input clk, input rst, // RX HW Interface input ser_rx_clk, input [15:0] ser_r, input ser_rklsb, input ser_rkmsb, output [31:0] wr_dat_o, output [3:0] wr_flags_o, input wr_ready_i, output wr_ready_o, output [15:0] fifo_space, output xon_rcvd, output xoff_rcvd, output [15:0] fifo_occupied, output fifo_full, output fifo_empty, output reg serdes_link_up, output [31:0] debug ); localparam K_COMMA = 8'b101_11100; // 0xBC K28.5 localparam K_IDLE = 8'b001_11100; // 0x3C K28.1 localparam K_PKT_START = 8'b110_11100; // 0xDC K28.6 localparam K_PKT_END = 8'b100_11100; // 0x9C K28.4 localparam K_XON = 8'b010_11100; // 0x5C K28.2 localparam K_XOFF = 8'b011_11100; // 0x7C K28.3 localparam K_LOS = 8'b111_11111; // 0xFF K31.7 localparam K_ERROR = 8'b000_00000; // 0x00 K00.0 localparam D_56 = 8'b110_00101; // 0xC5 D05.6 localparam IDLE = 3'd0; localparam FIRSTLINE1 = 3'd1; localparam FIRSTLINE2 = 3'd2; localparam PKT1 = 3'd3; localparam PKT2 = 3'd4; localparam CRC_CHECK = 3'd5; localparam ERROR = 3'd6; localparam DONE = 3'd7; wire [17:0] even_data; reg [17:0] odd_data; wire [17:0] chosen_data; reg odd; reg [31:0] line_i; reg sop_i, eop_i, error_i; wire error_o, sop_o, eop_o, write; reg [15:0] halfline; reg [8:0] holder; wire [31:0] line_o; reg [2:0] state; reg [15:0] CRC; wire [15:0] nextCRC; reg write_d; wire rst_rxclk; wire have_space; oneshot_2clk rst_1s(.clk_in(clk),.in(rst),.clk_out(ser_rx_clk),.out(rst_rxclk)); assign even_data = {ser_rkmsb,ser_rklsb,ser_r}; always @(posedge ser_rx_clk) if(rst_rxclk) holder <= 9'd0; else holder <= {even_data[17],even_data[15:8]}; always @(posedge ser_rx_clk) if(rst_rxclk) odd_data <= 18'd0; else odd_data <= {even_data[16],holder[8],even_data[7:0],holder[7:0]}; assign chosen_data = odd ? odd_data : even_data; // Transfer xon and xoff info to the main system clock for flow control purposes reg xon_rcvd_rxclk, xoff_rcvd_rxclk; always @(posedge ser_rx_clk) xon_rcvd_rxclk = ({1'b1,K_XON} == {ser_rkmsb,ser_r[15:8]}) | ({1'b1,K_XON} == {ser_rklsb,ser_r[7:0]} ); always @(posedge ser_rx_clk) xoff_rcvd_rxclk = ({1'b1,K_XOFF} == {ser_rkmsb,ser_r[15:8]}) | ({1'b1,K_XOFF} == {ser_rklsb,ser_r[7:0]} ); oneshot_2clk xon_1s(.clk_in(ser_rx_clk),.in(xon_rcvd_rxclk),.clk_out(clk),.out(xon_rcvd)); oneshot_2clk xoff_1s(.clk_in(ser_rx_clk),.in(xoff_rcvd_rxclk),.clk_out(clk),.out(xoff_rcvd)); // If the other side is sending xon or xoff, or is flow controlled (b/c we told them to be), don't fill the fifos wire wait_here = ((chosen_data == {2'b10,K_COMMA,D_56})|| (chosen_data == {2'b11,K_XON,K_XON})|| (chosen_data == {2'b11,K_XOFF,K_XOFF}) ); always @(posedge ser_rx_clk) if(rst_rxclk) sop_i <= 0; else if(state == FIRSTLINE1) sop_i <= 1; else if(write_d) sop_i <= 0; reg write_pre; always @(posedge ser_rx_clk) if(rst_rxclk) begin state <= IDLE; odd <= 0; halfline <= 0; line_i <= 0; eop_i <= 0; error_i <= 0; write_pre <= 0; end else case(state) IDLE : begin error_i <= 0; write_pre <= 0; if(even_data == {2'b11,K_PKT_START,K_PKT_START}) begin state <= FIRSTLINE1; odd <= 0; end else if(odd_data == {2'b11,K_PKT_START,K_PKT_START}) begin state <= FIRSTLINE1; odd <= 1; end end FIRSTLINE1 : if(chosen_data[17:16] == 0) begin halfline <= chosen_data[15:0]; state <= FIRSTLINE2; end else if(wait_here) ; // Flow Controlled, so wait here and do nothing else state <= ERROR; FIRSTLINE2 : if(chosen_data[17:16] == 0) begin line_i <= {chosen_data[15:0],halfline}; if(~have_space) // No space to write to! Should have been avoided by flow control state <= ERROR; else begin state <= PKT1; write_pre <= 1; end end // if (chosen_data[17:16] == 0) else if(wait_here) ; // Flow Controlled, so wait here and do nothing else state <= ERROR; PKT1 : begin write_pre <= 0; if(chosen_data[17:16] == 0) begin halfline <= chosen_data[15:0]; state <= PKT2; end else if(wait_here) ; // Flow Controlled else if(chosen_data == {2'b11,K_PKT_END,K_PKT_END}) state <= CRC_CHECK; else state <= ERROR; end // case: PKT1 PKT2 : if(chosen_data[17:16] == 0) begin line_i <= {1'b0,1'b0,1'b0,chosen_data[15:0],halfline}; if(~have_space) // No space to write to! state <= ERROR; else begin state <= PKT1; write_pre <= 1; end end // if (chosen_data[17:16] == 0) else if(wait_here) ; // Flow Controlled else state <= ERROR; CRC_CHECK : if(chosen_data[17:0] == {2'b00,CRC}) begin if(~have_space) state <= ERROR; else begin eop_i <= 1; state <= DONE; end end else if(wait_here) ; else state <= ERROR; ERROR : begin error_i <= 1; if(have_space) state <= IDLE; end DONE : begin state <= IDLE; eop_i <= 0; end endcase // case(state) always @(posedge ser_rx_clk) if(rst_rxclk) CRC <= 16'hFFFF; else if(state == IDLE) CRC <= 16'hFFFF; else if(chosen_data[17:16] == 2'b00) CRC <= nextCRC; CRC16_D16 crc_blk(chosen_data[15:0],CRC,nextCRC); always @(posedge ser_rx_clk) if(rst_rxclk) write_d <= 0; else write_d <= write_pre; // Internal FIFO, size 9 is 2K, size 10 is 4K Bytes assign write = eop_i | (error_i & have_space) | (write_d & (state != CRC_CHECK)); wire dummy; // avoid warning on unconnected pin fifo_2clock_cascade #(.WIDTH(36),.SIZE(FIFOSIZE)) serdes_rx_fifo (.arst(rst), .wclk(ser_rx_clk),.datain({1'b0,error_i,sop_i,eop_i,line_i}), .src_rdy_i(write), .dst_rdy_o(have_space), .space(fifo_space), .rclk(clk),.dataout({dummy,error_o,sop_o,eop_o,line_o}), .src_rdy_o(wr_ready_o), .dst_rdy_i(wr_ready_i), .occupied(fifo_occupied) ); assign fifo_full = ~have_space; // Note -- in the wrong clock domain assign fifo_empty = ~wr_ready_o; // Internal FIFO to Buffer interface assign wr_dat_o = line_o; assign wr_flags_o = { 2'b00, eop_o | error_o, sop_o | error_o }; wire slu = ~(({2'b11,K_ERROR,K_ERROR}=={ser_rkmsb,ser_rklsb,ser_r}) || ({2'b11,K_LOS,K_LOS}=={ser_rkmsb,ser_rklsb,ser_r})); reg [3:0] slu_reg; always @(posedge clk) if(rst) slu_reg <= 0; else slu_reg <= {slu_reg[2:0],slu}; always @(posedge clk) serdes_link_up <= &slu_reg[3:1]; assign debug = { have_space, wr_ready_o, odd, sop_i, eop_i, error_i, state[2:0] }; endmodule // serdes_rx