// // Copyright 2011 Ettus Research LLC // // This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by // the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or // (at your option) any later version. // // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License // along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. // // SERDES TX and RX along with all flow control logic module serdes #(parameter TXFIFOSIZE = 9, parameter RXFIFOSIZE = 9) (input clk, input rst, // TX side output ser_tx_clk, output [15:0] ser_t, output ser_tklsb, output ser_tkmsb, input [31:0] rd_dat_i, input [3:0] rd_flags_i, output rd_ready_o, input rd_ready_i, // RX side input ser_rx_clk, input [15:0] ser_r, input ser_rklsb, input ser_rkmsb, output [31:0] wr_dat_o, output [3:0] wr_flags_o, output wr_ready_o, input wr_ready_i, output [15:0] tx_occupied, output tx_full, output tx_empty, output [15:0] rx_occupied, output rx_full, output rx_empty, output serdes_link_up, output [31:0] debug0, output [31:0] debug1); wire [15:0] fifo_space; wire xon_rcvd, xoff_rcvd, inhibit_tx, send_xon, send_xoff, sent; wire [31:0] debug_rx, debug_tx; serdes_tx #(.FIFOSIZE(TXFIFOSIZE)) serdes_tx (.clk(clk),.rst(rst), .ser_tx_clk(ser_tx_clk),.ser_t(ser_t),.ser_tklsb(ser_tklsb),.ser_tkmsb(ser_tkmsb), .rd_dat_i(rd_dat_i),.rd_flags_i(rd_flags_i),.rd_ready_o(rd_ready_o),.rd_ready_i(rd_ready_i), .inhibit_tx(inhibit_tx), .send_xon(send_xon), .send_xoff(send_xoff), .sent(sent), .fifo_occupied(tx_occupied),.fifo_full(tx_full),.fifo_empty(tx_empty), .debug(debug_tx) ); serdes_rx #(.FIFOSIZE(RXFIFOSIZE)) serdes_rx (.clk(clk),.rst(rst), .ser_rx_clk(ser_rx_clk),.ser_r(ser_r),.ser_rklsb(ser_rklsb),.ser_rkmsb(ser_rkmsb), .wr_dat_o(wr_dat_o),.wr_flags_o(wr_flags_o),.wr_ready_o(wr_ready_o),.wr_ready_i(wr_ready_i), .fifo_space(fifo_space), .xon_rcvd(xon_rcvd), .xoff_rcvd(xoff_rcvd), .fifo_occupied(rx_occupied),.fifo_full(rx_full),.fifo_empty(rx_empty), .serdes_link_up(serdes_link_up), .debug(debug_rx) ); serdes_fc_tx serdes_fc_tx (.clk(clk),.rst(rst), .xon_rcvd(xon_rcvd),.xoff_rcvd(xoff_rcvd),.inhibit_tx(inhibit_tx) ); serdes_fc_rx #(.LWMARK(32),.HWMARK(128)) serdes_fc_rx (.clk(clk),.rst(rst), .fifo_space(fifo_space),.send_xon(send_xon),.send_xoff(send_xoff),.sent(sent) ); //assign debug = { fifo_space, send_xon, send_xoff, debug_rx[13:0] }; //assign debug = debug_rx; assign debug0 = { { 2'b00, rd_ready_o, rd_ready_i, rd_flags_i[3:0]}, { debug_tx[5:4] /* full,empty */ , inhibit_tx, send_xon, send_xoff, sent, ser_tkmsb, ser_tklsb}, { ser_t[15:8] }, { ser_t[7:0] } }; assign debug1 = { { debug_rx[7:0] }, /* odd,xfer_active,sop_i,eop_i,error_i,state[2:0] */ { wr_flags_o[1:0], wr_ready_i, wr_ready_o, xon_rcvd, xoff_rcvd, ser_rkmsb, ser_rklsb }, { ser_r[15:8] }, { ser_r[7:0] } }; endmodule // serdes