module hb_interp_tb( ) ; // Parameters for instantiation parameter clocks = 8'd2 ; // Number of clocks per output parameter decim = 1 ; // Sets the filter to decimate parameter rate = 2 ; // Sets the decimation rate reg clock ; reg reset ; reg enable ; wire strobe_in ; reg signed [17:0] data_in ; wire strobe_out ; wire signed [17:0] data_out ; initial begin $dumpfile("hb_interp_tb.vcd"); $dumpvars(0,hb_interp_tb); end // Setup the clock initial clock = 1'b0 ; always #5 clock <= ~clock ; // Come out of reset after a while initial reset = 1'b1 ; initial #1000 reset = 1'b0 ; always @(posedge clock) enable <= ~reset; // Instantiate UUT /* halfband_ideal #( .decim ( decim ), .rate ( rate ) ) uut( .clock ( clock ), .reset ( reset ), .enable ( enable ), .strobe_in ( strobe_in ), .data_in ( data_in ), .strobe_out ( strobe_out ), .data_out ( data_out ) ) ; */ cic_strober #(.WIDTH(8)) out_strober(.clock(clock),.reset(reset),.enable(enable),.rate(clocks), .strobe_fast(1),.strobe_slow(strobe_out) ); cic_strober #(.WIDTH(8)) in_strober(.clock(clock),.reset(reset),.enable(enable),.rate(2), .strobe_fast(strobe_out),.strobe_slow(strobe_in) ); hb_interp #() uut (.clk(clock),.rst(reset),.bypass(0),.cpo(clocks),.stb_in(strobe_in),.data_in(data_in), .stb_out(strobe_out),/* .output_rate(clocks), */ .data_out(data_out) ); integer i, ri, ro, infile, outfile ; always @(posedge clock) begin if(strobe_out) $display(data_out); end // Setup file IO initial begin infile = $fopen("input.dat","r") ; outfile = $fopen("output.dat","r") ; $timeformat(-9, 2, " ns", 10) ; end reg endofsim ; reg signed [17:0] compare ; integer noe ; initial noe = 0 ; initial begin // Initialize inputs data_in <= 18'd0 ; // Wait for reset to go away @(negedge reset) #0 ; // While we're still simulating ... while( !endofsim ) begin // Write the input from the file or 0 if EOF... @( negedge clock ) begin if(strobe_in) if( !$feof(infile) ) ri <= #1 $fscanf( infile, "%d", data_in ) ; else data_in <= 18'd0 ; end end // Print out the number of errors that occured if( noe ) $display( "FAILED: %d errors during simulation", noe ) ; else $display( "PASSED: Simulation successful" ) ; $finish ; end // Output comparison of simulated values versus known good values always @ (posedge clock) begin if( reset ) endofsim <= 1'b0 ; else begin if( !$feof(outfile) ) begin if( strobe_out ) begin ro = $fscanf( outfile, "%d\n", compare ) ; if( compare != data_out ) begin //$display( "%t: %d != %d", $realtime, data_out, compare ) ; noe = noe + 1 ; end end end else begin // Signal end of simulation when no more outputs if($feof(infile)) endofsim <= 1'b1 ; end end end endmodule // small_hb_int_tb