# # Copyright 2022 Ettus Research, a National Instruments Brand # # SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-3.0-or-later # # Description: # # This template shall be used to package images. # # See description for the parameters below. # parameters: ### Required parameters # Package name for identification purposes - name: package_name type: string # FPGA artifacts to be downloaded to "build_directory" # Note that the value for each key is not used in this job. # E.g. # targets_matrix: # X410_XG_100: # target: X410_XG_100 # timeout: 480 # X410_X4_200: # target: X410_X4_200 # timeout: 480 - name: artifacts_matrix type: object # PATH to device's build directory (where artifacts will be copied and # packaging utility will be run) - name: build_directory type: string jobs: - job: ${{ parameters.package_name }} displayName: 'Create ${{ parameters.package_name }}' timeoutInMinutes: 10 pool: name: hardware steps: - checkout: self clean: true - ${{ each artifact in parameters.artifacts_matrix }}: - download: current artifact: ${{ artifact.key }} displayName: 'Download ${{ artifact.key }}' - ${{ each artifact in parameters.artifacts_matrix }}: - bash: | mkdir -p ${{ parameters.build_directory }} cp $(Pipeline.Workspace)/${{ artifact.key }}/* \ ${{ parameters.build_directory }}/ rm -rf $(Pipeline.Workspace)/${{ artifact.key }}/ displayName: 'Populate ${{ artifact.key }} artifacts' - bash: | OSS_REPO_HASH="$(git rev-parse --verify HEAD --short=7 2>/dev/null)" echo "##vso[task.setvariable variable=OSS_REPO_HASH]$OSS_REPO_HASH" echo "OSS Repo hash: $OSS_REPO_HASH" python3 $(Build.SourcesDirectory)/fpga/usrp3/tools/utils/package_images.py --githash "uhd-$OSS_REPO_HASH" rm -f *.bit *.dts *.rpt *.md5 workingDirectory: ${{ parameters.build_directory }} displayName: 'Run package_images.py' # Publish the final result only if all previous steps passed - publish: ${{ parameters.build_directory }} artifact: '${{ parameters.package_name }}-g$(OSS_REPO_HASH)' displayName: 'Publish package'