# Copyright 2022 Ettus Research, a National Instruments Brand
# SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-3.0-or-later
# Description:
#   This template should be used for IP builds within the uhddev repository.
#   This job uses Azure's caching mechanism to speed up the build. A
#   successful job publishes the corresponding build-ip/ directory as a
#   pipeline artifact.
#   See description for the parameters below.

### Required parameters
# PATH to device's top directory (where Makefile is located)
- name: directory
  type: string
# Name of the IP Make target (e.g. X410_IP for X410's IP)
- name: ip_target
  type: string

### Optional parameters
# Option to ignore cached artifacts (when available) and perform
# a clean IP build.
- name: clean_build
  type: boolean
  default: false

- job: ${{ parameters.ip_target }}
  displayName: 'Build ${{ parameters.ip_target }}'
    name: Hardware
  timeoutInMinutes: 240
  - group: sdr-pipeline-vars
    - checkout: self
      clean: true
      persistCredentials: true

    - checkout: hwtools
      clean: true
      path: s/hwtools/head
      persistCredentials: true

    # Pipeline caching is leveraged in this job to minimize the time it takes
    # to build all the IP.
    # At a high level, the pipeline checks for an available and valid cache
    # artifact from its scope (target branch in PR or its own branch) and
    # downloads it to the workspace (Cache hit).
    # If no valid cache artifact exists (Cache miss), then the build will run
    # and the pipeline will automatically save the result as a cache artifact
    # for subsequent runs.
    # Further details on "Pipeline caching" available online:
    #   https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/devops/pipelines/release/caching?view=azure-devops
    # We always allow the Cache task to run, even in clean builds. This way
    # when in a cache miss, the IP build from that run will be saved as an
    # artifact for subsequent CI and PR runs to fetch.
    - task: Cache@2
        key: "uhddev-fpga-${{ parameters.ip_target }}"
        path: ${{ parameters.directory }}/build-ip
        cacheHitVar: CACHE_RESTORED
      displayName: Cache IP

    - bash: |
        BUILD_IP_CACHE_HASH=`cat build-ip/.ci/build-hash`
        git fetch origin $BUILD_IP_CACHE_HASH
        bash $(Build.SourcesDirectory)/uhddev/fpga/.ci/scripts/refresh_ip.sh \
          `realpath build-ip/` $BUILD_IP_CACHE_HASH
      workingDirectory: ${{ parameters.directory }}
      # Refresh IP when caching is allowed (clean_build = false) and a cache
      # artifact was fetched.
      condition: and(eq('${{ parameters.clean_build }}', 'false'), eq(variables.CACHE_RESTORED, 'true'))
      displayName: "Refresh IP"

    - bash: |
        echo "Clean IP build requested, removing existing build-ip"
        rm -rf build-ip
      workingDirectory: ${{ parameters.directory }}
      # Remove build-ip directory whenever a clean IP build is requested.
      condition: eq('${{ parameters.clean_build }}', 'true')
      displayName: "Prune IP"

    - bash: |
        source $(Build.SourcesDirectory)/uhddev/fpga/.ci/scripts/run_setup.sh ./
        make ${{ parameters.ip_target }}
        mkdir -p build-ip/.ci/
        git rev-parse --verify HEAD 2>/dev/null 1>build-ip/.ci/build-hash
      workingDirectory: ${{ parameters.directory }}
        PATCHES_PATH: $(sdr-vivado-patches)
      displayName: "Build IP"

    - publish: ${{ parameters.directory }}/build-ip
      artifact: '${{ parameters.ip_target }} (Attempt $(System.JobAttempt))'
      condition: failed()

    - publish: ${{ parameters.directory }}/build-ip
      artifact: ${{ parameters.ip_target }}
      condition: succeeded()

    - template: check_clean_repo_steps.yml
        directory: ${{ parameters.directory }}