# Copyright 2022 Ettus Research, a National Instruments Brand
# SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-3.0-or-later
# Description:
#   This template shall be used for FPGA builds within the uhddev
#   repository. Exports the FPGA build results (bitfile, device tree and build
#   report from build directory) as artifacts '<target>'.
#   See description for the parameters below.

### Required parameters
# FPGA targets to be built.
# E.g.
#   targets_matrix:
#     X410_XG_100:
#       target: X410_XG_100
#       timeout: 480
#     X410_X4_200:
#       target: X410_X4_200
#       timeout: 480
- name: targets_matrix
  type: object
# IP artifact name (from pipeline) to be used
- name: ip_artifact
  type: string
# PATH to device's top directory (where Makefile is located)
- name: top_dir
  type: string

### Optional parameters
# Set to true if the intermediate files from build-<target> directory should
# be exported for debugging as artifact 'Build artifacts <target> (Attempt <attempt>)'
- name: publish_int_files
  type: boolean
  default: false

- job: build_fpga
  displayName: 'Build FPGA'
  timeoutInMinutes: $[ variables['timeout'] ]
    name: hardware
  - group: sdr-pipeline-vars
      ${{ parameters.targets_matrix }}
    - checkout: self
      clean: true

    - checkout: hwtools
      clean: true
      path: s/hwtools/head
      persistCredentials: true

    - download: current
      artifact: ${{ parameters.ip_artifact }}
      displayName: 'Download ${{ parameters.ip_artifact }}'

    - bash: |
        mv $(Pipeline.Workspace)/${{ parameters.ip_artifact }} \
           ${{ parameters.top_dir }}/build-ip/
      displayName: 'Populate build-ip'

    - bash: |
        source $(Build.SourcesDirectory)/uhddev/fpga/.ci/scripts/run_setup.sh ./
        make $(target_name)
      workingDirectory: ${{ parameters.top_dir }}
        PATCHES_PATH: $(sdr-vivado-patches)
      displayName: 'Build Target'

    # Publish the final result only if all previous steps passed
    - publish: ${{ parameters.top_dir }}/build
      artifact: '$(target_name)'
      displayName: 'Publish FPGA'

    # Publish intermediate files.
    - publish: ${{ parameters.top_dir }}/build-$(target_name)
      artifact: 'Build artifacts $(target_name) (Attempt $(System.JobAttempt))'
      condition: and(always(), eq('${{ parameters.publish_int_files }}', true))
      displayName: 'Publish Build Directory'

    # Check if FPGA build left any untracked files.
    - template: check_clean_repo_steps.yml
        directory: ${{ parameters.top_dir }}