/* -*- c++ -*- */ /* * Copyright 2010 Ettus Research LLC * */ #include <memory_map.h> #include <nonstdio.h> #include <hal_io.h> #include <xilinx_s3_icap.h> #include <spi_flash.h> //#include <spi_flash_private.h> #include <clocks.h> #include <ihex.h> #include <bootloader_utils.h> #include <string.h> #include <hal_uart.h> #include <spi.h> //so this is just an evolving file used to set up and test different bits of hardware (EEPROM, clock chip, A/D, D/A, PHY) void delay(uint32_t t) { while(t-- != 0) asm("NOP"); } int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { hal_disable_ints(); hal_uart_init(); spi_init(); puts("Hardware testbed. Init clocks..."); clocks_init(); //now, hopefully, we should be running at 100MHz instead of 50MHz, meaning our UART is twice as fast and we're talking at 230400. while(1) { delay(500000); puts("Eat at Joe's."); } return 0; }