#!/usr/bin/env python # # Copyright 2014 Ettus Research LLC # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. # import optparse import math import socket import struct import os.path import sys from array import array ######################################################################## # constants ######################################################################## N230_FLASH_COMM_UDP_PORT = 49154 N230_FLASH_COMM_PAYLOAD_SIZE = 128 N230_FLASH_COMM_SECTOR_SIZE = 65536 N230_FLASH_COMM_FLAGS_ACK = 0x00000001 N230_FLASH_COMM_FLAGS_CMD_MASK = 0x00000FF0 N230_FLASH_COMM_FLAGS_ERROR_MASK = 0xFF000000 N230_FLASH_COMM_CMD_READ_NV_DATA = 0x00000010 N230_FLASH_COMM_CMD_WRITE_NV_DATA = 0x00000020 N230_FLASH_COMM_CMD_READ_FPGA = 0x00000030 N230_FLASH_COMM_CMD_WRITE_FPGA = 0x00000040 N230_FLASH_COMM_CMD_ERASE_FPGA = 0x00000050 N230_FLASH_COMM_ERR_PKT_ERROR = 0x80000000 N230_FLASH_COMM_ERR_CMD_ERROR = 0x40000000 N230_FLASH_COMM_ERR_SIZE_ERROR = 0x20000000 N230_FLASH_COMM_SAFE_IMG_BASE = 0x000000 N230_FLASH_COMM_PROD_IMG_BASE = 0x400000 N230_FLASH_COMM_FPGA_IMG_MAX_SIZE = 0x400000 UDP_MAX_XFER_BYTES = 256 UDP_TIMEOUT = 3 _seq = -1 def next_seq(): global _seq _seq = _seq+1 return _seq def seq(): return _seq ######################################################################## # helper functions ######################################################################## short = struct.Struct('>H') ulong = struct.Struct('>I') def unpack_flash_transaction(buf): (flags, seqno, offset, size) = struct.unpack_from('!LLLL', buf) check_error(flags) if (seqno != seq()): raise Exception("The flash transaction operation returned an incorrect sequence number") data = bytes() for i in xrange(16, len(buf), 1): data += buf[i] return (flags, offset, size, data) def pack_flash_transaction(flags, offset, size, data): buf = bytes() buf = struct.pack('!LLLL', flags, next_seq(), offset, size) for i in range(N230_FLASH_COMM_PAYLOAD_SIZE): if (i < size): buf += struct.pack('!B', data[i]) else: buf += struct.pack('!B', 0) return buf def check_error(flags): if flags & N230_FLASH_COMM_ERR_PKT_ERROR == N230_FLASH_COMM_ERR_PKT_ERROR: raise Exception("The flash transaction operation returned a packet error") if flags & N230_FLASH_COMM_ERR_CMD_ERROR == N230_FLASH_COMM_ERR_CMD_ERROR: raise Exception("The flash transaction operation returned a command error") if flags & N230_FLASH_COMM_ERR_SIZE_ERROR == N230_FLASH_COMM_ERR_SIZE_ERROR: raise Exception("The flash transaction operation returned a size error") def chunkify(stuff, n): return [stuff[i:i+n] for i in range(0, len(stuff), n)] def draw_progress_bar(percent, bar_len = 32): sys.stdout.write("\r") progress = "" for i in range(bar_len): if i < int((bar_len * percent) / 100): progress += "=" else: progress += "-" sys.stdout.write("[%s] %d%%" % (progress, percent)) sys.stdout.flush() ######################################################################## # Burner class, holds a socket and send/recv routines ######################################################################## class ctrl_socket(object): def __init__(self, addr): self._safe_image = False self._sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM) self._sock.settimeout(UDP_TIMEOUT) self._sock.connect((addr, N230_FLASH_COMM_UDP_PORT)) self.set_callbacks(lambda *a: None, lambda *a: None) def set_safe_image(self, noprompt): confirm_msg = ('----------------------------------------------------------------------\n' 'WARNING!!! You are about to access the safe-image stored in the flash \n' '----------------------------------------------------------------------\n' 'Writing a non-functional image will brick the device.\n' 'Are you sure you want to proceed?') if not noprompt: if raw_input("%s (y/N) " % confirm_msg).lower() == 'y': self._safe_image = True else: print 'Aborted by user' sys.exit(1) else: print '[WARNING] Operating on safe image without a prompt as requested' self._safe_image = True def set_callbacks(self, progress_cb, status_cb): self._progress_cb = progress_cb self._status_cb = status_cb def send_and_recv(self, pkt): self._sock.send(pkt) return self._sock.recv(UDP_MAX_XFER_BYTES) def compute_offset(self, offset): base = N230_FLASH_COMM_SAFE_IMG_BASE if (self._safe_image) else N230_FLASH_COMM_PROD_IMG_BASE return base + offset def burn_fpga_to_flash(self, bitfile_path, noprompt): print '[BURN] Reading ' + bitfile_path + '...' with open(bitfile_path, 'rb') as bitfile: header = file_bytes = bitfile.read() if (self._safe_image != self.parse_bitfile_header(file_bytes)['safe-image']): confirm_msg = ('----------------------------------------------------------------------\n' 'WARNING!!! You are about to burn a safe image into a production slot \n' ' or a production image into a safe slot. \n' '----------------------------------------------------------------------\n' 'This is dangerous and can cause the device to boot incorrectly.\n' 'Are you sure you want to proceed?') if not noprompt: if raw_input("%s (y/N) " % confirm_msg).lower() != 'y': print '[BURN] Aborted by user' return else: print '[WARNING] Burning image to the wrong slot without a prompt as requested' print '[BURN] Writing to flash...' pkt_chunks = chunkify(file_bytes, N230_FLASH_COMM_PAYLOAD_SIZE) offset = 0 for pkt_data in pkt_chunks: pkt_data = array("B", pkt_data) size = N230_FLASH_COMM_PAYLOAD_SIZE if (len(pkt_data) >= N230_FLASH_COMM_PAYLOAD_SIZE) else len(pkt_data) #Erase sector if (offset % N230_FLASH_COMM_SECTOR_SIZE == 0): flags = N230_FLASH_COMM_FLAGS_ACK|N230_FLASH_COMM_CMD_ERASE_FPGA out_pkt = pack_flash_transaction(flags, self.compute_offset(offset), size, pkt_data) (flags, real_offset, size, data) = unpack_flash_transaction(self.send_and_recv(out_pkt)) #Write data flags = N230_FLASH_COMM_FLAGS_ACK|N230_FLASH_COMM_CMD_WRITE_FPGA out_pkt = pack_flash_transaction(flags, self.compute_offset(offset), size, pkt_data) (flags, real_offset, size, data) = unpack_flash_transaction(self.send_and_recv(out_pkt)) #Increment offset += N230_FLASH_COMM_PAYLOAD_SIZE draw_progress_bar((((offset/N230_FLASH_COMM_PAYLOAD_SIZE)+1)*100)/len(pkt_chunks)) print('\n[BURN] DONE') def parse_bitfile_header(self, header_bytes): xil_header = dict() n230_header = dict() n230_header['valid'] = False ptr = 0 #Field 1 if short.unpack(header_bytes[ptr:ptr+2])[0] == 9 and ulong.unpack(header_bytes[ptr+2:ptr+6])[0] == 0x0ff00ff0: #Headers ptr += short.unpack(header_bytes[ptr:ptr+2])[0] + 2 ptr += short.unpack(header_bytes[ptr:ptr+2])[0] + 1 #Fields a-d for keynum in range(0, 4): key = header_bytes[ptr] ptr += 1 val_len = short.unpack(header_bytes[ptr:ptr+2])[0] ptr += 2 val = header_bytes[ptr:ptr+val_len] ptr += val_len xil_header[key] = val #Field e ptr += 1 length = ulong.unpack(header_bytes[ptr:ptr+4])[0] xil_header['bl'] = length #Bitstream length ptr += 4 xil_header['hl'] = ptr #Header lengt #Map Xilinx header field to N230 specific ones if xil_header and xil_header['a'].split(';')[0] == 'n230': n230_header['valid'] = True n230_header['user-id'] = int(xil_header['a'].split(';')[1].split('=')[1], 16) n230_header['safe-image'] = (n230_header['user-id'] >> 16 == 0x5AFE) n230_header['product'] = xil_header['b'] n230_header['timestamp'] = xil_header['c'] + ' ' + xil_header['d'] n230_header['filesize'] = xil_header['hl'] + xil_header['bl'] return n230_header def read_bitfile_header_from_flash(self): max_header_size = 1024 #Should be enough header_bytes = bytes() for offset in range(0, max_header_size, N230_FLASH_COMM_PAYLOAD_SIZE): #Read data flags = N230_FLASH_COMM_FLAGS_ACK|N230_FLASH_COMM_CMD_READ_FPGA out_pkt = pack_flash_transaction(flags, self.compute_offset(offset), N230_FLASH_COMM_PAYLOAD_SIZE, [0]*N230_FLASH_COMM_PAYLOAD_SIZE) (flags, real_offset, size, data) = unpack_flash_transaction(self.send_and_recv(out_pkt)) header_bytes += data return self.parse_bitfile_header(header_bytes) def extract_fpga_from_flash(self, bitfile_path): header = self.read_bitfile_header_from_flash(); if not header['valid']: raise Exception("Could not detect a vaild Xilinx .bit burned into the flash") max_offset = header['filesize'] print '[EXTRACT] Writing ' + bitfile_path + '...' with open(bitfile_path, 'wb') as bitfile: for i in range(0, int(math.ceil(float(max_offset)/N230_FLASH_COMM_PAYLOAD_SIZE))): offset = i * N230_FLASH_COMM_PAYLOAD_SIZE size = N230_FLASH_COMM_PAYLOAD_SIZE if (max_offset - offset >= N230_FLASH_COMM_PAYLOAD_SIZE) else (max_offset - offset) #Read data flags = N230_FLASH_COMM_FLAGS_ACK|N230_FLASH_COMM_CMD_READ_FPGA out_pkt = pack_flash_transaction(flags, self.compute_offset(offset), size, [0]*N230_FLASH_COMM_PAYLOAD_SIZE) (flags, real_offset, size, data) = unpack_flash_transaction(self.send_and_recv(out_pkt)) bitfile.write(data[:size]) draw_progress_bar(((offset*100)/max_offset) + 1) print('\n[EXTRACT] DONE') def erase_fpga_from_flash(self): print '[ERASE] Erasing image from flash...' for offset in range(0, N230_FLASH_COMM_FPGA_IMG_MAX_SIZE, N230_FLASH_COMM_SECTOR_SIZE): flags = N230_FLASH_COMM_FLAGS_ACK|N230_FLASH_COMM_CMD_ERASE_FPGA out_pkt = pack_flash_transaction(flags, self.compute_offset(offset), N230_FLASH_COMM_PAYLOAD_SIZE, [0]*N230_FLASH_COMM_PAYLOAD_SIZE) (flags, real_offset, size, data) = unpack_flash_transaction(self.send_and_recv(out_pkt)) draw_progress_bar(((offset+N230_FLASH_COMM_SECTOR_SIZE)*100)/N230_FLASH_COMM_FPGA_IMG_MAX_SIZE) print('\n[ERASE] DONE') def wipe_user_data(self, noprompt): confirm_msg = ('-------------------------------------------------------------------\n' 'WARNING!!! You are about to erase all the user data from the flash \n' '-------------------------------------------------------------------\n' 'This will cause the device to lose the following:\n' ' * IP Address (Will default to\n' ' * Subnet Mask (Will default to\n' ' * MAC Address\n' ' * Serial Number\n' ' * Hardware Revision\n' ' * ...and other identification info\n' 'Are you sure you want to proceed?') if not noprompt: if raw_input("%s (y/N) " % confirm_msg).lower() == 'y': wipe_ok = True else: print '[WIPE] Aborted by user' wipe_ok = False else: print '[WARNING] Wiping user data without prompt a as requested' wipe_ok = True if wipe_ok: print '[WIPE] Erasing all user data from flash...' flags = N230_FLASH_COMM_FLAGS_ACK|N230_FLASH_COMM_CMD_WRITE_NV_DATA out_pkt = pack_flash_transaction(flags, 0, N230_FLASH_COMM_PAYLOAD_SIZE, [0xFF]*N230_FLASH_COMM_PAYLOAD_SIZE) (flags, real_offset, size, data) = unpack_flash_transaction(self.send_and_recv(out_pkt)) print('[WIPE] DONE. Please power-cycle the device.') def print_status(self): header = self.read_bitfile_header_from_flash(); if header['valid']: print('[STATUS] Detected a valid .bit header in the flash (Product = %s, Datestamp = %s%s)' % \ (header['product'], header['timestamp'], ', Safe-Image' if header['safe-image'] else '')) else: print('[STATUS] No .bit header detected. Either the flash is uninitialized or the image is corrupt.') ######################################################################## # command line options ######################################################################## def get_options(): parser = optparse.OptionParser() parser.add_option("--addr", type="string", help="N230 device address", default='') parser.add_option("--status", action="store_true", help="Print out the status of the burned image", default=False) parser.add_option("--erase", action="store_true", help="Erase FPGA bitstream from flash", default=False) parser.add_option("--burn", type="string", help="Path to FPGA bitstream (.bit) to burn to flash", default=None) parser.add_option("--extract", type="string", help="Destination bitfile to dump contents of the extracted image", default=None) parser.add_option("--safe_image", action="store_true", help="Operate on the safe image. WARNING: This could be dangerous", default=False) parser.add_option("--wipe_user_data", action="store_true", help="Erase all user data like IP, MAC, S/N, etc from flash", default=False) parser.add_option("--no_prompt", action="store_true", help="Suppress all warning prompts", default=False) (options, args) = parser.parse_args() return options ######################################################################## # main ######################################################################## if __name__=='__main__': options = get_options() if not options.addr: raise Exception('No address specified') ctrl_sock = ctrl_socket(addr=options.addr) # Initialize safe image selector first if options.safe_image: ctrl_sock.set_safe_image(options.no_prompt) if options.status: ctrl_sock.print_status() # Order of operations: # 1. Extract (if specified) # 2. Erase (if specified) # 3. Burn (if specified) if options.extract is not None: file_path = options.extract ctrl_sock.print_status() ctrl_sock.extract_fpga_from_flash(file_path) if options.erase: ctrl_sock.erase_fpga_from_flash() ctrl_sock.print_status() if options.burn is not None: file_path = options.burn extension = os.path.splitext(file_path)[1] if (extension.lower() == '.bit'): ctrl_sock.burn_fpga_to_flash(file_path, options.no_prompt) ctrl_sock.print_status() else: raise Exception("Unsupported FPGA bitfile format. You must use a .bit file.") if options.wipe_user_data: ctrl_sock.wipe_user_data(options.no_prompt)