/* * Copyright 2014 Free Software Foundation, Inc. * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. */ #include <wb_spi.h> #include <flash/spif_spsn_s25flxx.h> #include <cron.h> #include <trace.h> #include <string.h> //for memset, memcpy #define S25FLXX_CMD_WIDTH 8 #define S25FLXX_ADDR_WIDTH 24 /* S25FLxx-specific commands */ #define S25FLXX_CMD_READID 0x90 /* Read Manufacturer and Device Identification */ #define S25FLXX_CMD_READSIG 0xAB /* Read Electronic Signature (Will release from Deep PD) */ #define S25FLXX_CMD_READ 0x03 /* Read Data Bytes */ #define S25FLXX_CMD_FAST_READ 0x0B /* Read Data Bytes at Higher Speed */ #define S25FLXX_CMD_WREN 0x06 /* Write Enable */ #define S25FLXX_CMD_WRDI 0x04 /* Write Disable */ #define S25FLXX_CMD_PP 0x02 /* Page Program */ #define S25FLXX_CMD_SE 0xD8 /* Sector Erase */ #define S25FLXX_CMD_BE 0xC7 /* Bulk Erase */ #define S25FLXX_CMD_DP 0xB9 /* Deep Power-down */ #define S25FLXX_CMD_RDSR 0x05 /* Read Status Register */ #define S25FLXX_CMD_WRSR 0x01 /* Write Status Register */ #define S25FLXX_STATUS_WIP 0x01 /* Write in Progress */ #define S25FLXX_STATUS_E_ERR 0x20 /* Erase Error Occured */ #define S25FLXX_STATUS_P_ERR 0x40 /* Programming Error Occured */ #define S25FLXX_SECTOR_ERASE_TIME_MS 750 //Spec: 650ms #define S25FLXX_PAGE_WRITE_TIME_MS 1 //Spec: 750us #define S25FLXX_SMALL_SECTORS_PER_LOGICAL 16 //16 4-kB physical sectors per logical sector #define S25FLXX_LARGE_SECTOR_BASE 0x20000 //Large physical sectors start at logical sector 2 inline static uint8_t _spif_read_status(const spi_flash_dev_t* flash) { uint16_t cmd = S25FLXX_CMD_RDSR << 8, status = 0xFFFF; wb_spi_transact(flash->bus, WRITE_READ, &cmd, &status, S25FLXX_CMD_WIDTH + 8 /* 8 bits of status */); return status; } inline static bool _spif_wait_ready(const spi_flash_dev_t* flash, uint32_t timeout_ms) { uint32_t start_ticks = cron_get_ticks(); do { if ((_spif_read_status(flash) & S25FLXX_STATUS_WIP) == 0) { return true; } } while (get_elapsed_time(start_ticks, cron_get_ticks(), MILLISEC) < timeout_ms); return false; // Timed out } inline static void _spi_flash_set_write_enabled(const spi_flash_dev_t* flash, bool enabled) { uint8_t cmd = enabled ? S25FLXX_CMD_WREN : S25FLXX_CMD_WRDI; wb_spi_transact(flash->bus, WRITE, &cmd, NULL, S25FLXX_CMD_WIDTH); } const spi_flash_ops_t spif_spsn_s25flxx_ops = { .read_id = spif_spsn_s25flxx_read_id, .read = spif_spsn_s25flxx_read, .erase_sector_dispatch = spif_spsn_s25flxx_erase_sector_dispatch, .erase_sector_commit = spif_spsn_s25flxx_erase_sector_commit, .erase_sector_busy = spif_spsn_s25flxx_device_busy, .write_page_dispatch = spif_spsn_s25flxx_write_page_dispatch, .write_page_commit = spif_spsn_s25flxx_write_page_commit, .write_page_busy = spif_spsn_s25flxx_device_busy }; const spi_flash_ops_t* spif_spsn_s25flxx_operations() { return &spif_spsn_s25flxx_ops; } uint16_t spif_spsn_s25flxx_read_id(const spi_flash_dev_t* flash) { wb_spi_slave_select(flash->bus); uint32_t command = S25FLXX_CMD_READID << 24; wb_spi_transact_man_ss(flash->bus, WRITE, &command, NULL, 32); uint16_t id = 0; wb_spi_transact_man_ss(flash->bus, WRITE_READ, NULL, &id, 16); wb_spi_slave_deselect(flash->bus); return id; } void spif_spsn_s25flxx_read(const spi_flash_dev_t* flash, uint32_t offset, void *buf, uint32_t num_bytes) { //We explicitly control the slave select here, so that we can //do the entire read operation as a single transaction from //device's point of view. (The most our SPI peripheral can transfer //in a single shot is 16 bytes.) //Do the 5 byte instruction tranfer: //FAST_READ_CMD, ADDR2, ADDR1, ADDR0, DUMMY (0) uint8_t read_cmd[5]; read_cmd[4] = S25FLXX_CMD_FAST_READ; *((uint32_t*)(read_cmd + 3)) = (offset << 8); wb_spi_slave_select(flash->bus); wb_spi_transact_man_ss(flash->bus, WRITE_READ, read_cmd, NULL, 5*8); //Read up to 4 bytes at a time until done uint8_t data_sw[16], data[16]; size_t xact_size = 16; unsigned char *bytes = (unsigned char *) buf; for (size_t i = 0; i < num_bytes; i += 16) { if (xact_size > num_bytes - i) xact_size = num_bytes - i; wb_spi_transact_man_ss(flash->bus, WRITE_READ, NULL, data_sw, xact_size*8); for (size_t k = 0; k < 4; k++) { //Fix word level significance ((uint32_t*)data)[k] = ((uint32_t*)data_sw)[3-k]; } for (size_t j = 0; j < xact_size; j++) { *bytes = data[j]; bytes++; } } wb_spi_slave_deselect(flash->bus); } bool spif_spsn_s25flxx_erase_sector_dispatch(const spi_flash_dev_t* flash, uint32_t offset) { //Sanity check sector size if (offset % flash->sector_size) { UHD_FW_TRACE(ERROR, "spif_spsn_s25flxx_erase_sector: Erase offset not a multiple of sector size."); return false; } if (!_spif_wait_ready(flash, S25FLXX_SECTOR_ERASE_TIME_MS)) { UHD_FW_TRACE_FSTR(ERROR, "spif_spsn_s25flxx_erase_sector: Timeout. Sector at 0x%X was not ready for erase.", offset); return false; } _spi_flash_set_write_enabled(flash, true); //Send sector erase command uint32_t command = (S25FLXX_CMD_SE << 24) | (offset & 0x00FFFFFF); wb_spi_transact(flash->bus, WRITE_READ, &command, NULL, 32); return true; } bool spif_spsn_s25flxx_erase_sector_commit(const spi_flash_dev_t* flash, uint32_t offset) { //Poll status until write done uint8_t phy_sector_count = (offset < S25FLXX_LARGE_SECTOR_BASE) ? S25FLXX_SMALL_SECTORS_PER_LOGICAL : 1; bool status = false; for (uint8_t i = 0; i < phy_sector_count && !status; i++) { status = _spif_wait_ready(flash, S25FLXX_SECTOR_ERASE_TIME_MS); } if (!status) { UHD_FW_TRACE_FSTR(ERROR, "spif_spsn_s25flxx_erase_sector_commit: Timeout. Sector at 0x%X did not finish erasing in time.", offset); } _spi_flash_set_write_enabled(flash, false); return status; } bool spif_spsn_s25flxx_write_page_dispatch(const spi_flash_dev_t* flash, uint32_t offset, const void *buf, uint32_t num_bytes) { if (num_bytes == 0 || num_bytes > flash->page_size) { UHD_FW_TRACE(ERROR, "spif_spsn_s25flxx_write_page: Invalid size. Must be > 0 and <= Page Size."); return false; } if (num_bytes > (flash->sector_size * flash->num_sectors)) { UHD_FW_TRACE(ERROR, "spif_spsn_s25flxx_write_page: Cannot write past flash boundary."); return false; } //Wait until ready and enable write enabled if (!_spif_wait_ready(flash, S25FLXX_PAGE_WRITE_TIME_MS)) { UHD_FW_TRACE_FSTR(ERROR, "spif_spsn_s25flxx_write_page: Timeout. Page at 0x%X was not ready for write.", offset); return false; } _spi_flash_set_write_enabled(flash, true); //We explicitly control the slave select here, so that we can //do the entire read operation as a single transaction from //device's point of view. (The most our SPI peripheral can transfer //in a single shot is 16 bytes.) //Do the 4 byte instruction tranfer: //PP_CMD, ADDR2, ADDR1, ADDR0 uint32_t write_cmd = (S25FLXX_CMD_PP << 24) | (offset & 0x00FFFFFF); wb_spi_slave_select(flash->bus); wb_spi_transact_man_ss(flash->bus, WRITE, &write_cmd, NULL, 32); //Write the page 16 bytes at a time. uint8_t bytes_sw[16]; uint8_t* bytes = (uint8_t*) buf; for (int32_t bytes_left = num_bytes; bytes_left > 0; bytes_left -= 16) { const uint32_t xact_size = (bytes_left < 16) ? bytes_left : 16; for (size_t k = 0; k < 4; k++) { //Fix word level significance ((uint32_t*)bytes_sw)[k] = ((uint32_t*)bytes)[3-k]; } wb_spi_transact_man_ss(flash->bus, WRITE, bytes_sw, NULL, xact_size * 8); bytes += xact_size; } wb_spi_slave_deselect(flash->bus); return true; } bool spif_spsn_s25flxx_write_page_commit(const spi_flash_dev_t* flash, uint32_t offset, const void *buf, uint32_t num_bytes) { //Wait until write done if (!_spif_wait_ready(flash, S25FLXX_PAGE_WRITE_TIME_MS)) { UHD_FW_TRACE(ERROR, "spif_spsn_s25flxx_commit_write: Timeout. Page did not finish writing in time."); return false; } _spi_flash_set_write_enabled(flash, false); return true; } bool spif_spsn_s25flxx_device_busy(const spi_flash_dev_t* flash) { return (_spif_read_status(flash) & S25FLXX_STATUS_WIP); }