#!/usr/bin/env python # # Copyright 2009 Free Software Foundation, Inc. # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. # import termios import tty import os import sys import threading import Queue from optparse import OptionParser import time import sbf GDB_ESCAPE = chr(0x7d) # Indexes for termios list. IFLAG = 0 OFLAG = 1 CFLAG = 2 LFLAG = 3 ISPEED = 4 OSPEED = 5 CC = 6 class terminal(object): def __init__(self, device, speed_bits): fd = os.open(device, os.O_RDWR) if not os.isatty(fd): raise ValueError(device + " is not a tty") self.read_file = os.fdopen(fd, "rb", 0) self.write_file = os.fdopen(os.dup(fd), "wb", 0) self.old_attrs = termios.tcgetattr(self.write_file.fileno()) #print "old_attrs: ", self.old_attrs attrs = list(self.old_attrs) # copy of attributes attrs[ISPEED] = speed_bits # set input and output speed attrs[OSPEED] = speed_bits termios.tcsetattr(self.write_file.fileno(), termios.TCSAFLUSH, attrs) tty.setraw(self.write_file.fileno()) # enable raw mode attrs = termios.tcgetattr(self.write_file.fileno()) attrs[CC][termios.VMIN] = 1 # minimim of 1 char attrs[CC][termios.VTIME] = 1 # wait no longer than 1/10 termios.tcsetattr(self.write_file.fileno(), termios.TCSAFLUSH, attrs) def __del__(self): termios.tcsetattr(self.write_file.fileno(), termios.TCSAFLUSH, self.old_attrs) self.read_file.close() self.write_file.close() def read(self, n): """Read at most n bytes from tty""" return self.read_file.read(n) def write(self, str): """Write str to tty.""" return self.write_file.write(str) def hexnibble(i): return "0123456789abcdef"[i & 0xf] def build_pkt(payload): s = ['$'] checksum = 0 for p in payload: if p in ('$', '#', GDB_ESCAPE): s.append(GDB_ESCAPE) s.append(p) checksum += ord(p) checksum &= 0xff s.append('#') s.append(hexnibble(checksum >> 4)) s.append(hexnibble(checksum)) return ''.join(s) def build_memory_read_pkt(addr, len): return build_pkt(('m%x,%x' % (addr, len))) def build_memory_write_hex_pkt(addr, s): hexdata = ''.join(["%02x" % (ord(c),) for c in s]) return build_pkt(('M%x,%x:' % (addr, len(s))) + hexdata) def build_memory_write_pkt(addr, s): return build_pkt(('X%x,%x:' % (addr, len(s))) + s) def build_goto_pkt(addr): return build_pkt(('c%x' % (addr,))) def get_packet(f): """Return a valid packet, or None on EOF or timeout""" LOOKING_FOR_DOLLAR = 0 LOOKING_FOR_HASH = 1 CSUM1 = 2 CSUM2 = 3 fd = f.fileno() state = LOOKING_FOR_DOLLAR buf = [] while True: ch = os.read(fd, 1) sys.stdout.write(ch) if len(ch) == 0: print("Returning None") return(None) if state == LOOKING_FOR_DOLLAR: if ch == '$': buf = [] state = LOOKING_FOR_HASH elif ch == '#': state = LOOKING_FOR_DOLLAR elif state == LOOKING_FOR_HASH: if ch == '$': state = LOOKING_FOR_DOLLAR elif ch == '#': state = CSUM1 else: if ch == GDB_ESCAPE: ch = getc() buf.append(ch) elif state == CSUM1: chksum1 = ch state = CSUM2 elif state == CSUM2: chksum2 = ch r = ''.join(buf) if chksum1 == '.' and chksum2 == '.': return r expected_checksum = int(chksum1 + chksum2, 16) checksum = 0 for c in buf: checksum += ord(c) checksum &= 0xff if checksum == expected_checksum: return r state = LOOKING_FOR_DOLLAR else: raise ValueError( "Invalid state") class packet_reader_thread(threading.Thread): def __init__(self, tty_in, q): threading.Thread.__init__(self) self.setDaemon(1) self.tty_in = tty_in self.q = q self._keep_running = True self.start() def run(self): while self._keep_running == True: p = get_packet(self.tty_in) if p is not None: self.q.put(('pkt', p)) def _make_tr_table(): table = [] for c in range(256): if c < ord(' ') or c > ord('~'): table.append('.') else: table.append(chr(c)) return ''.join(table) class controller(object): def __init__(self, tty): self.tty = tty self.q = Queue.Queue(0) self.timers = {} self.next_tid = 1 self.current_tid = 0 self.ntimeouts = 0 self.packet_reader = packet_reader_thread(tty.read_file, self.q) self.state = None self.debug = False self.tt = _make_tr_table() self.done = False self.addr = None self.bits = None def shutdown(self): self.packet_reader._keep_running = False def start_timeout(self, timeout_in_secs): def callback(tid): if self.timers.has_key(tid): del self.timers[tid] self.q.put(('timeout', tid)) self.next_tid += 1 tid = self.next_tid timer = threading.Timer(timeout_in_secs, callback, (tid,)) self.timers[tid] = timer timer.start() return tid def cancel_timeout(self, tid): if self.timers.has_key(tid): self.timers[tid].cancel() del self.timers[tid] def send_packet(self, pkt): if self.debug: if len(pkt) > 64: s = pkt[0:64] + '...' else: s = pkt sys.stdout.write('-> ' + s.translate(self.tt) + '\n') self.tty.write(pkt); def send_packet_start_timeout(self, pkt, secs): self.send_packet(pkt) self.current_tid = self.start_timeout(secs) def upload_code(self, sbf): MAX_PIECE = 512 # biggest piece to send MWRITE_TIMEOUT = 0.1 IDLE = 0 WAIT_FOR_ACK = 1 UPLOAD_DONE = 2 DONE = 3 FAILED = 4 self.done = False it = sbf.iterator(MAX_PIECE) entry_addr = sbf.entry def get_next_bits(): try: (self.addr, self.bits) = it.next() except StopIteration: self.done = True def is_done(): return self.done def send_piece(): pkt = build_memory_write_pkt(self.addr, self.bits) #pkt = build_memory_write_hex_pkt(self.addr, self.bits) self.send_packet_start_timeout(pkt, MWRITE_TIMEOUT) state = WAIT_FOR_ACK def advance(): get_next_bits() if is_done(): self.state = DONE self.send_packet(build_goto_pkt(entry_addr)) else: self.ntimeouts = 0 send_piece() get_next_bits() if is_done(): # empty file return True send_piece() # initial transition while 1: (event, value) = self.q.get() if event == 'timeout' and value == self.current_tid: self.ntimeouts += 1 if self.ntimeouts >= 5: return False # say we failed send_piece() # resend elif event == 'pkt': if value == 'OK': self.cancel_timeout(self.current_tid) advance() if self.state == DONE: return True else: print("Error returned from firmware: " + value) return False else: print("Unknown event:", (event, value)) def main(): usage="%prog: [options] filename" parser = OptionParser(usage=usage) parser.add_option("-t", "--tty", type="string", default="/dev/ttyS0", help="select serial port [default=%default]") (options, args) = parser.parse_args() if len(args) != 1: parser.print_help() raise SystemExit(1) filename = args[0] f = open(filename, "rb") try: # Try to open the file as an SBF file sbf_header = sbf.read_sbf(f) except: # If that fails, build an SBF from the binary, assuming default # load address and entry point f.seek(0) t = f.read() if t.startswith('\177ELF'): sys.stderr.write("Can't load an ELF file. Please use an SBF file instead.\n") raise SystemExit( 1) sbf_header = sbf.header(0x8000, [sbf.sec_desc(0x8000, t)]) tty = terminal(options.tty, termios.B115200) ctrl = controller(tty) ok = ctrl.upload_code(sbf_header) if ok: print("OK") try: raw_input("Press Enter to exit: ") except KeyboardInterrupt: pass ctrl.shutdown() time.sleep(0.2) else: print("Upload failed") ctrl.shutdown() if __name__ == "__main__": main()