/* * Copyright 2009 Ettus Research LLC */ #ifndef IO_H #define IO_H #include <stdint.h> #include <stdbool.h> typedef int8_t i8; typedef int16_t i16; typedef int32_t i32; typedef int64_t i64; typedef uint8_t u8; typedef uint16_t u16; typedef uint32_t u32; typedef uint64_t u64; typedef float f32; typedef double f64; typedef long double f128; typedef int error_indicator; /* A type for functions, usually... */ typedef unsigned int boolean; /* "natural" type */ typedef char c8; /* 8-bit character */ typedef unsigned char uc8; /* 8-bit character, unsigned*/ /* it is sometimes useful to*/ /* make the distinction*/ #ifdef FALSE #undef FALSE #endif #define FALSE (0) #ifdef TRUE #undef TRUE #endif #define TRUE (!FALSE) #define is :{ #define esac break;} // This other crap can be deleted, below, between the #if 0 and #endif inclusive #if 0 #define IO_PX(port, pin) ((uint8_t)(((port - 'A') << 4) + pin)) #define IO_PA(pin) IO_PX('A', pin) #define IO_PB(pin) IO_PX('B', pin) #define IO_PC(pin) IO_PX('C', pin) #define IO_PD(pin) IO_PX('D', pin) typedef const uint8_t io_pin_t; void io_output_pin(io_pin_t pin); void io_input_pin(io_pin_t pin); void io_set_pin(io_pin_t pin); void io_clear_pin(io_pin_t pin); bool io_test_pin(io_pin_t pin); #endif //if 0 #endif /* IO_H */