/* * USRP - Universal Software Radio Peripheral * * Copyright (C) 2003 Free Software Foundation, Inc. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */ /* * common code for USRP */ #include "usrp_common.h" void init_board (void); void init_usrp (void) { CPUCS = bmCLKSPD1; // CPU runs @ 48 MHz CKCON = 0; // MOVX takes 2 cycles // IFCLK is generated internally and runs at 48 MHz; slave FIFO mode IFCONFIG = bmIFCLKSRC | bm3048MHZ | bmIFCLKOE; SYNCDELAY; // configure IO ports (B and D are used by slave FIFO) IOA = bmPORT_A_INITIAL; // Port A initial state OEA = bmPORT_A_OUTPUTS; // Port A direction register IOC = bmPORT_C_INITIAL; // Port C initial state OEC = bmPORT_C_OUTPUTS; // Port C direction register IOE = bmPORT_E_INITIAL; // Port E initial state OEE = bmPORT_E_OUTPUTS; // Port E direction register //REVCTL = bmDYN_OUT | bmENH_PKT; // highly recommended by docs // SYNCDELAY; // configure end points EP1OUTCFG = bmVALID | bmBULK; SYNCDELAY; EP1INCFG = bmVALID | bmBULK | bmIN; SYNCDELAY; EP2CFG = bmVALID | bmBULK | bmDOUBLEBUF; SYNCDELAY; // 512 dbl bulk OUT EP4CFG = bmVALID | bmBULK | bmDOUBLEBUF; SYNCDELAY; // 512 dbl bulk OUT EP6CFG = bmVALID | bmBULK | bmDOUBLEBUF | bmIN; SYNCDELAY; // 512 dbl bulk IN EP8CFG = bmVALID | bmBULK | bmDOUBLEBUF | bmIN; SYNCDELAY; // 512 dbl bulk IN // reset FIFOs FIFORESET = bmNAKALL; SYNCDELAY; FIFORESET = 2; SYNCDELAY; FIFORESET = 4; SYNCDELAY; FIFORESET = 6; SYNCDELAY; FIFORESET = 8; SYNCDELAY; FIFORESET = 0; SYNCDELAY; // configure end point FIFOs // let core see 0 to 1 transistion of autoout bit EP2FIFOCFG = bmWORDWIDE; SYNCDELAY; EP2FIFOCFG = bmAUTOOUT | bmWORDWIDE; SYNCDELAY; EP6FIFOCFG = bmZEROLENIN | bmWORDWIDE; SYNCDELAY; EP6FIFOCFG = bmZEROLENIN | bmAUTOIN | bmWORDWIDE; SYNCDELAY; //EP6FIFOCFG = bmWORDWIDE; SYNCDELAY; EP4FIFOCFG = bmWORDWIDE; SYNCDELAY; EP4FIFOCFG = bmAUTOOUT | bmWORDWIDE; SYNCDELAY; EP8FIFOCFG = bmZEROLENIN | bmWORDWIDE; SYNCDELAY; EP8FIFOCFG = bmZEROLENIN | bmAUTOIN | bmWORDWIDE; SYNCDELAY; EP0BCH = 0; SYNCDELAY; // arm EP1OUT so we can receive "out" packets (TRM pg 8-8) EP1OUTBC = 0; SYNCDELAY; /* EP2GPIFFLGSEL = 0x00; SYNCDELAY; // For EP2OUT, GPIF uses EF flag EP6GPIFFLGSEL = 0x00; SYNCDELAY; // For EP6IN, GPIF uses FF flag EP4GPIFFLGSEL = 0x00; SYNCDELAY; EP8GPIFFLGSEL = 0x00; SYNCDELAY; */ // set autoin length for EP6 // FIXME should be f(enumeration) EP6AUTOINLENH = (512) >> 8; SYNCDELAY; // this is the length for high speed EP6AUTOINLENL = (512) & 0xff; SYNCDELAY; EP8AUTOINLENH = (32) >> 8; SYNCDELAY; EP8AUTOINLENL = (32) & 0xff; SYNCDELAY; init_board (); }