// This test demonstrates the ability to transmit a PAUSE frame, and the effect of
// a PAUSE frame on the receiver

// Read from register 24 to confirm that Rx CRC check is enabled
03 00 18 00 01 ff ff

// Set speed to 1000 Mbps
01 00 22 00 04

// Setup Tx and Rx MAC addresses and type field to "IP"
// Set Tx Data at offset 0, length 14 to 123456789ABC CBA987654321 0800
10 00 00 00 0E 12 34 56 78 9A BC CB A9 87 65 43 21 08 00

// Set PAUSE quanta to 256 - corresponding to a pause of 256x512 = 128Kb = 16KB
01 00 03 01 00

// Enable the transmitter to send a PAUSE frame
01 00 02 00 01

// Enable the transmitter to react to received PAUSE frames
01 00 0b 00 01

// Expect to receive a PAUSE frame with quanta 256
24 01 00

// Transmit a 512-byte frame 1 time - and expect it to be received again!
20 02 00 00 01

// Request the transmission of a PAUSE frame - it will loopback to ourselves and delay
// further transmission for a period of 16 KB, causing a significant (visible) delay
// between first and second 512-byte frame!
01 00 0c 00 01

// - now this second time, we will experience a delay
// Transmit a 512-byte frame 1 time - and expect it to be received again!
20 02 00 00 01
// - and a final 3rd time
// Transmit a 512-byte frame 1 time - and expect it to be received again!
20 02 00 00 01

// Wait (indefinitely) for missing Rx packets
22 00 00 

// Halt