USRP Hardware Driver (UHD™) Software

Welcome to the UHD™ software distribution! UHD is the free & open-source
software driver and API for the Universal Software Radio Peripheral (USRP™) SDR
platform, created and sold by Ettus Research.

UHD supports all Ettus Research USRP™ hardware, including all motherboards and
daughterboards, and the combinations thereof.

## Documentation

The [UHD Homepage](,
through which you can find installation instructions, documentation, and further
information, is the primary source of UHD documentation and "Getting
Started"-type guides.

For technical documentation related to USRP™ hardware or UHD system
design, check out the [UHD Manual](

If you are looking for API documentation, check out the following resources:

* [Doxygen](
* [Coding to the API](
* [Device Streaming](

Additionally, be sure to check out the Ettus Research
[FAQ](, and the
[Knowledge Base]( for useful application notes and

## OS Support

UHD is primarily developed on Linux, but we also test and support the following
operating systems.

* Linux (any distribution)
* Mac OS X (PPC and Intel)
* Windows 7/Vista/XP

## Applications

UHD can be used to build stand-alone applications with USRP™ hardware, or with
third-party applications. Some common toolkits / frameworks are:

* [GNURadio](
* [LabVIEW](
* [Simulink](
* [OpenBTS](
* [Iris](
* [Redhawk](
* [Amarisoft LTE eNodeB](

## Directories


The source code for the user-space driver.


The source code for all microprocessors in USRP hardware.


The source code for the UHD FPGA images.


This contains the package builder for FPGA and firmware images.