Change Log for Releases


- Docs: The protocol for Gen-3 devices is now consistently referred to as CHDR.
- X300: Fixed EEPROM corruption bug (happened when two processes would access
  find routines on the same device at the same time). Improved initialization
  time. CE clock is now 214 MHz. Fixed channel list generation. Find routines
  now more lenient in case one devices fails (others can still be found then).
  Improve PCIe behaviour. Fix timed commands for non-TwinRX dboards. Improve
  AXI Interconnect (faster, improved build timing).
- N230: Use second_addr (like X300).
- C API: Added UHD_VERSION macro. Fixed online rate change.
- Utils: Minor fixes to uhd_images_downloader.
- Build/CMake: Fixed some Py3k build issues. Fixed many compiler warnings. Allow
  to specify package names. 
- RFNoC: Fixed sampling rate mismatch error. Noc-Shell uses a non-cascaded 2-clk
  FIFO. Increase default FIFO sizes on DUC and DDC blocks.
- UBX: Force on RX driver to eliminate transient. 
- Transport code: Fixed memory leak.
- FPGA repository: Merged usrp3_rfnoc and usrp3 directories again. Cleaned up
  superfluous files. Clean separation between Gen-3 and other devices in usrp3.


- Fixed multiple compiler warnings
- Multiple documentation fixes
- X300: RX strobe lines are always in sync on device initialization. DB EEPROM
  now properly written. ignore-cal-file no longer ignored. Fixed case where too
  large recv_frame_size settings could break things. Reduced ZPU clock speed
  (helps FPGA timing). Added area constraints for AXI interconnect. Improved
  halfband scaling in rx_frontend. Improved PCIe streaming reliability
- B2xx: Clear sequence numbers in idle state.
- RFNoC: Nodes disconnect on destruction. Fixed setting of correct bits on
  sr_error_policy. DDC does no longer clear timed commands on EOB. DUC fixed
  timed CORDIC tuning. Enable Noc-Shell response FIFOs (fixes simultaneous
  commands on multiple channels).
- UBX: Changed default performance parameters
- TwinRX: LEDs properly light up depending on channels. Fixed issue of multiple
  (redundant) writes. Simplified API steps for phase synchronization
- XCVR: Query dboard clock instead of DAC clock. Helps in X3x0s.
- GPS: Fixed message for case when no GPS is present. Fixed multiple GPS-related
- Converters: Fixed floating point rounding error in tests.
- Utils: uhd_usrp_probe can now query vectors
- Fixed issue that prevented soft_regs working on 32-bit systems
- Tools: Merged dissectors into common directory.
- CMake: -Og is the default now for gcc-based Debug builds.

- Changed version string to quadruplets (Major.API.ABI.Patch)
- Minimum dependencies bumped for gcc, Boost, CMake, clang and Python.
- TwinRX: Added support. Includes LO API for multi_usrp.
- N230: Added support
- Added expert framework
- X300: Completely restructured to use RFNoC
- X300: FPGA builds include git hash, dual 10GigE receive is now supported
  (allows 2x200 Msps receive over 2x10GigE connections), DMA FIFO (over DRAM)
  now part of builds, added Aurora support
- WBX: Fixed bug that prevented LO locking with 50 MHz ref clock
- pkg-config: Added boost_system
- Utils: uhd_usrp_probe can query sensors, query_gpsdo_sensors: minor fixes,
  and cleanup
- Examples: Bugfixes in tx_waveforms, benchmark_rate measures timeouts,
- USB subsystem: Cleanups and minor bugfixes
- Added devtest infrastructure
- Converters: Added s8 and s16 data types
- Added more aggressive optimization strategies for FPGA builds
- Xilinx IP tool upgrade scripts cleaned up

## 003.009.005
- B200: Update DSPs after changing tick rate
- X300: Added option to disable ADC self test, prevent DAC from
- UBX: Fixed noise issues, reduced power consumption/heat, added codes for
  upcoming board revisions, force RX LNAs on (reduces rx settling time)
- WBX: Fixed rev2 and rev3 boards on X300
- Utils/Examples: Cleaned up query_gpsdo_sensors, test_dboard_coercion,
- Manual: Minor fixes and updates
- CMake: Fix lib64 detection, better platform detection, Doxygen may use shorter
- Octoclock: GPSDO-related fixes, sequence number consistency fixes, UART
  fixes (off-by-one errors). uhd_usrp_probe will pick up an OC now,
  added Wireshark dissector for OC packets

## 003.009.004
- GPIO control: Fix address mismatch for RX and full duplex.
  This fixes full-duplex mode for most devices.
- B200: Fixed auto rate selection (can now select 61.44 Msps)
- UBX: Fix member declaration order which could cause
  segfaults for debug builds
- Manual/Docs: Numerous fixes, use dot for graphs in manual
- Utils: multiple fixes for query_gpsdo_sensors, fixed floating point
- Windows: Include registry file in installation
- Converters: Improve NEON converters

## 003.009.003
* UBX: Fixed a phase synchronization issue on the sub-1GHz band
* USB: Fixed transport issue that crashed when multiple USB devices were
  connected on a Windows machine, more graceful handling of USB disconnects,,
  provided .cdf file for installing on Windows
* B200: Fixed memory growth/increasing tune times issue
* E300: Fixed memory leak with udev, fixed issue with autoboot value, fixes
  to button behaviour
* usrp2, usrp3: Fixed IQ imbalance and DC bias in DDC chain
* CMake: Windows registry fixes
* Fixed several compiler warnings and minor bugs
* Examples: Updated benchmark_rate for improved thread safety

## 003.009.002
* E310: Added support for Speedgrade 3
* B205mini: Added support
* E310: Fixed reference counting bug
* B210: Fixed external clock reference bug for devices using ADF4002 PLLs
* B210: Fixed codec loopback test
* OctoClock: Fixed firmware burning on Windows
* B2XX, E3XX, X3XX: Easier time-syncing features. Fixes bug where B210s would
  only run after issuing set_time_unknown_pps().
* X3XX: Fixed bug for IQ imbalance correction
* E310: DRAM testbenching
* Docs/Manual: Many updates and fixes

## 003.009.001
* B200mini: Updated udev rules, removed DCM
* B200: Better USB error messages
* Cores: Fixed CORDIC scaling issue on all devices that use
* X300: Fixed GPIO issue
* Examples: Added PPS source option
* Docs: Multiple manual updates

## 003.009.000
* X300: Updated DAC ctrl, FPGA toolchain is now entirely Vivado,
  improved master clock controls, added ADC self-cal capability,
  prepared for revisions 7 and 8, fixed flow control issue which
  could cause device to hang when receiving too many overruns
* B2XX: Auto clock rate setting, added PID/VID pairs to support
  all B2XX- and derivatives, added temperature sensor, improved
  DC offset and IQ imbalance correction, added AGC support,
  support for FPGPIO connector on Rev6+ boards, full clock range support,
  updated FX3 firmware (side-channel logging capabilities, updated
  tx voltage swing, better configurability), default tick rate now
  16 MHz, added B200mini support
* E3XX: Added temperature sensor, FPGA toolchain is now entirely Vivado,
  improved DC offset and IQ imbalance correction, added AGC support,
  improved FPGA capture interface robustness for RFIC, make frame
  sizes configurable, replaced GPS control code with gpsd interfacing
* Octoclock: Fixed bootloader + ethernet capabilities
* Compilers: Supported MSVC versions are now 2012, 2013, 2015
  (dropped 2010 support), added MinGW capabilities
* Documentation: Many minor fixes and updates, merged all the
  info from
* UHD: Added sid_t, CHDR-specific transports now get their own
  (un)packer codes, fixed a lot of compiler warnings, added
  filter API (currently available for AD9361 frontend), added
  soft-register API, replaced Cheetah with Mako, full Py3k
  compliance, updated images downloader tool (now is one tool
  for all devices), CMake minimum version is now 2.8, refactored
  general AD9361 peripheral management, refactored most core
  control management, added usb_error type (used by B2xx devices),
  better exception handling at runtime, added C wrapper API,
  new dependency: python-requests
* C API: Added to UHD (wraps C++ calls in C)
* multi_usrp: Added normalized gain setters/getters, IQ imbalance
  + DC offset correction API, filter API
* Converters: Converter symbols now exported, better logging,
  removed ORC dependency, added u8 converters
* Examples: Whitespace- and other cleanup, multi-channel fixes for
  some examples
* Utils: Read more property tree types from the command line
* Tools: kitchen sink updated, added mega_fft

## 003.008.005
* E3xx: Added support for battery-based E3xx device (E312),
  get_freq() for network mode, fixed GPS time initialization bug
* AD9361-based devices: Fixed frequency readback bug
* B200: Fixed DCM issues, better loopback failure handling,
  fix erroneous warning for custom clock rates
* X3x0: Better warnings for clock reate / ref freq
* multi_usrp: Added define for GPIO capabilities (enables
  exposure in GNU Radio)
* UHD: sc16->sc16 SSE converter
* Manual: Multiple minor updates, FPGA manual improvements,
* Build System: Fixed builds on some Windows platforms, removed
  stray prints

## 003.008.004
* B200: Fixed EEPROM writing bug, updated images for B200 Rev5/6
* E300: GPS antenna power defaults to staying on, GPS time used as
  default if available
* UBX: PDF frequency fix on X300
* USRP2: Bugfix that allows latest UHD to work with USRP2
* Documentation: Many fixes for E300 section, added FPGA manual

## 003.008.003
* UBX: Fixed phase synchronization issues
  (Related changes: Change X300 daughterboard frequency, increase
   N210 FIFO depth)
* Fixed many compiler warnings
* B200: Fixed timing issues, fixed tick rate issue, stabilized
  operations at high clock rates
* X300: Improved phase alignment across devices
* CMake: Build fixes
* E300: Flow control fix

## 003.008.002
* CMake: Introducing named versions for dev branches, enable static libs,
* E300: Docs updates, compat number bump, VCTCXO updates,
  more status bits for ref locking, fixed serial number length fix,
  RSSI Sensor
* B200: RSSI sensor
* AD9361: Better handling of different interpolation rates in FIR,
  fix for gain value truncation, removed gain value offset
* UBX: Added drivers
* Manual/Docs: Numerous updates, minimum compiler versions now specified,
* Converters: Multiple fixes for sc12
* Examples: Fixes to txrx_loopback_to_file
* Path handling vastly improved, made more consistent
* Minor UHD fixes

## 003.008.001
* B2x0: Fixed PLL settings, Fixed external ref selection, serialized
  streamer setup (thread-safety)
* X3x0: Fixed flow control issue, improved DAC ctrl + init logic,
  Fixed I/Q alignment issue
* Generation-3 devices: Fixed LED registers
* UHD: Improved tuning logic for manual tunes
* Tools: Multiple kitchen sink fixes, coloured output
* Examples: Multiple bugfixes (multi-channel ops)
* Docs/Manual: Multiple fixes, E310 panel images

## 003.008.000
* Added E310 support
* B200/B210: Moved AD9361 controls from firmware to host
* Added several tools: ZPU dissector, improved CHDR dissector,
  kitchen sink, B200/B210 USB debugging utility, latency
  measurement tool.
* Reorganized firmware/ directory structure. Refactored some
* Removed FPGA sources, is now in own repository (submoduled).
* Cleaned up command line arguments for some tools
* Added math namespace, plus a unified float comparison infrastructure
* Fixed tuning-related bugs
* Moved manual over to Doxygen, also several manual bug fixes and
* Added many missing virtual destructors (less build warnings)
* Added support for NI-RIO 14.0
* X300 fixes: Not found over PCIe with no eth interfaces
* CMake improvements: Now comes with own UHDConfig.cmake and example
  to build standalone UHD apps, build fixes on Apple, interoperability
  with GNU Radio
* OctoClock fixes and improvements: Ethernet initialization, external
  ref detection, stability fixes, host driver (UHD can now talk to
* Examples: Improved GPIO example, rx_samples_to_file
* Bumped minimum Boost version to 1.46

## 003.007.003
* Fixed examples
* Removed compiler warnings
* Fixed CBX LO settings (FRAC truncation)
* Fixed build issues for out-of-tree tools for some distros
* Fixed some logging strings (SBX, GPSDO)
* Improved logging (speedups, removed unnecessary cycles)
* Added output sync for DAC reference clocks on X300
* Multiple FPGA improvements, as well as upgrade of build env
* Added support for B200 vs B210 discovery

## 003.007.002
* Fixed X300 phase alignment issues
* Fixed CMake 2.6 incompatibility issues
* EEPROM burner improvements
* Properly flushing PCIe chain on device to prevent stale data.
* Adjusted bus clock rate in FPGA to improve timing.
* Fixed issue where FPGA would fail to load FPGA image over PCIe.
* Fixed incompatibility issue with USRP2 FPGA burner utility.
* Fixed issue where ZPU would report empty NMEA strings from GPSDO.
* Updated some functions to no longer use deprecated Boost calls.
* Fixed issue where libusb would declare 'connection refused'.
* Fixed Windows library package naming.
* Updated documentation.
* Fixed reversed TX / RX colors in X300 LED indicators.
* DBSRX2 now works properly with X300 / X310.
* Updated include files to build on older distros of Linux.
* Fixed issue with 'item32' type converter from GNU Radio.
* Fixed issue where channels on B210 would occasionally not be phase-aligned.
* Fixed problem causing channels on B210 to swap between runs.
* Fixed issue in N-Series devices causing scaling error @ 50 MSps.
* The B200 / B210 now generates an internal PPS if none is provided.
* Improved performance on PCIe for X300.
* B200 / B210 properly reports clock rate (issue with float comparison).
* Fixed issue with filter selection in B200 that caused loss of RX power.
* Removed ref lock check from X300 where it wasn't necessary.

## 003.007.001
* Fixed issue with TVRX2 divider calculation.
* Fixed issue using calibration utilities on B-Side daughterboard in an X3xx.
* Replaced unsafe `sscanf` call in utilities.
* Properly initializing N-Series clock, fixing short transient on device boot-up.
* Improved `--help` output for a number of utilities & examples.
* Improved READMEs for directories.
* Fixed X3xx documentation with some clarifications.
* UHD will now tell you if you have requested a sample rate higher than the transport can deliver.
* Removed work-around necessary in RIO kernel module for zero-copy in PCIe for X3xx devices.
* Fixed issue where X3xx devices would lock-up when on networks with lots of traffic.
* The B2xx FX3 and AD9361 source code is now in UHD.
* Numerous B2xx stability improvements.
* Fixed includes for older OSes (e.g., Fedora 14).
* Fixed includes for older versions of Boost.
* Fixed PPS detection in X3xx with multiple time sources.
* Fixed overflow reporting for X3xx utilities.
* Fixed MTU / frame size detection for X3xx devices.
* Fixed B2xx filter chain causing wrong sample rate in some circumstances.

## 003.007.000
* Introduced USRP X300 and X310 support!
* Releasing a CHDR Dissector for Wireshark analysis
* Improved USRP B200 and B210 stability
* Introducing Integer-N tuning for WBX, SBX, CBX daughterboards
* Introducing support for 120 MHz versions of WBX, SBX, CBX
* Lots of new documentation
* New GPIO example for USRP X300
* Fixed threading bug in USRP B2xx code causing GQRX issue
* General UHD bug fixes & improvements

## 003.006.002
* Fixed bug in timed commands example.
* Improved compatibility for older versions of Boost.
* Fixed segmentation fault issue in converter code.
* Fixed binary-stripping for ARM builds.
* B2xx: Further improvements to code and images.
* Documentation links now installed to Start Menu in Windows.
* B2xx: More robust error checking in host code.
* B2xx: Improved error reporting.
* B2xx: Increase FPGA loading speed on USB 3
* B2xx: Re-programming FPGA without cycle now supported.
* B2xx: Larger RX SPP ceiling to support 16K transfers with larger RX FIFO in new FPGA image
* Updated internal READMEs and documentation.
* N-Series: netburner now accepts relative paths with '~'
* Completely re-written UHD Images Downloader, with numerous bug fixes and new features.

## 003.006.001
* B2xx: Fixed critical bug in 003.006.000 regarding USRP B2xx operation

## 003.006.000
* Many small fixes for bugs revealed by static analysis.
* Introduced support for the USRP B200 / B210

## 003.005.003

* E110:
** Fix FPGA Makefile build typo
* UHD:
** Fixed timespec irrational rate rounding
** Multichan streamer CPU utilization

## 003.005.002

* B100:
** Fix get send buffer timeout
* E1x0:
** Changes to bus timings for S issue
* USRP1:
** Restore broken EEPROM writing

## 003.005.001

* Misc:
** Fixes to images downloader
** Fixes to C++ net burner
** Added sleep(1) to query_gpsdo_sensors
* OSX:
** Fix for socket send code newer OS versions
* Changes from 3.4.5

## 003.005.000

* B100:
** Added timed commands feature
** Incremented FPGA compat number to 11.1
** Incremented firmware compat number to 3
* E1x0:
** Added timed commands feature
** Incremented FPGA compat number to 11.1
* USRP2/N2x0:
** Alternative stream destination on TX
** Incremented FPGA compat number to 10
* N2x0:
** Implemented timed-commands feature
** Implemented fast-commands feature
** Tune with phase sync using timed-commands
* RFX series
** Added calibration utilities support
* General:
** SSE2 conversions for sc8 RX samples
** Added multi-threading to packet converters
** Added automatic images fetcher application

## 003.004.005

* XCVR2450:
** Added XCVR2450 rev2 support
* WBX:
** Added WBX rev4 support
* Misc:
** Fix to rx_samples_to_udp byte count
** stream command enums easy on SWIG

## 003.004.004

* Gen2
** Fix RX and TX DSP scalar adjustments
* B100/E1x0
** Fixed RX ADC IQ inversion swap
** Incremented FPGA compat number to 9.4

## 003.004.003

* USRP2/N2x0:
** Net burner parser fix (windows)
* XCVR2450:
** Fix to disable automatic LO offset on TX
* N2x0:
** Deal with misc exceptions in net burner
* E1x0:
** Changes to add reliability to bus state machine
* USRP1:
** Shutoff the DAC on transmit EOB flags
** Revert 1st nyquist zone DAC calculation

## 003.004.002

* USRP2/N2x0:
** Card and net burner language fixes
** Net burner python v3 code fix
** Net burner IPv6 interface fix
* E1x0:
** Fix for FPGA timing issue with GPMC input
** Incremented FPGA compat number to 9.2
* B100:
** Fix USB wrapper/buffer release race condition
* USRP1:
** Fix DAC calculation for tune out of 1st nyquist zone
* General:
** Fix for recv packet handler time error check
** SIMD conversion routines priority over table look-up
** Fix undefined GCC float conversion behaviour for sc8

## 003.004.001

* USRP2/N2x0:
** Filter out invalid broadcast replies
** Incremented FPGA compat number to 9.1
* E1x0:
** Incremented FPGA compat number to 9.1
* B100:
** FPGA fixes for USB slave FIFO interface
** Incremented FPGA compat number to 9.3
* USRP1:
** Stop thread in deconstructor for race condition
** Fixed DBSRX + USRP1 i2c lockup condition
* Gen2:
** Fix for unintentional clear in deprecated recv() call
** Fix RX DC offset call to handle negative values
* FreeBSD:
** Fixed network relay example compilation

## 003.004.000

* USRP2/N2x0:
** 50 Msps RX/TX with sc8 mode over the wire
* B100:
** 16 Msps RX/TX with sc8 mode over the wire
** Added self-calibration utilities
* Gen2:
** Control RX/TX DC offset correction via API
** Control RX/TX IQ balance correction via API
** Incremented FPGA compat number to 9
* USRP1:
** Support 16Msps RX with sc8 mode over the wire
** Control RX DC offset correction via API
* Misc:
** Multiple streamers/heterogeneous rates
** Alternative host and wire data types
** Added API calls for DC offset correction
** Added API calls for IQ balance correction

## Release 003.003.002

* N2x0:
** Fixed TX daughterboard clocking mode
* B100:
** Tweaks for ordering of FPGA resets
* Misc:
** Device adder can parse empty values
** Updated syntax in udev rules file
** Corrections to images documentation
** Performance tweak for tx_waveforms example
** Handle EINTR on select() w/ udp transport
** Minor fixes for compiling on FreeBSD

## Release 003.003.001

* B100/E1x0:
** Fixed VCO bounds checking on flexible clocking
* B100:
** Fixed discovery throwing when device claimed

## Release 003.003.000

* USRP2/N2x0:
** Incremented firmware image compat number to 11.0
** Re-implement internal GPSDO UART control
* E1x0:
** New GPMC/FPGA bus implementation
** Incremented FPGA compat number to 6
** Incremented module compat number to 3
** Added support for E110
** Added support for E100r4
* B100:
** Added support for B100
* USRP1:
** Re-implement LibUSB data transport
* Misc:
** Normalise time_spec for negative fractional seconds
* Gen2:
** Fix DSP rate selection clipping for very low rates

## Release 003.002.004

* USRP2/N2x0:
** Resize all socket buffers (multi-channel)
* N2x0:
** Gracefully handle missing GPSDO
* USRP1:
** Fix bug with order of deconstructors
** Fix zero length send padding on commit
* XCVR2450:
** Fix LO locking at marginal frequencies
* WBX:
** Fix TX gain readback value on v3 board
* Gen2:
** Fix bounds checking on stream num samps
** Fix error using PPS_NEG in clock config

## Release 003.002.003

* USRP2/N2x0:
** Fix uninitialized variable for multi-board case
** Fix deconstructor throwing on device disconnect
** Incremented FPGA image compat number to 7.3
** Populated sensors property (fixed error in init)
* FPGA (gen2):
** Adjust RX DC offset correction time constant
** Restore calibration path in RX/TX frontend
* Misc:
** MB EEPROM burner workaround for compiler bugs
** Clip the reported tune range to the dboard bandwidth
** Preserve bands when calculating overall tune range

## Release 003.002.002

* USRP2/N2x0:
** Always resize socket send buffer to SRAM size
** Incremented FPGA image compat number to 7.2
** Incremented firmware image compat number to 10.4
* N2x0:
** GPSDO control tweak for some devices
** Fix for erasure logic in rare bricking cases
* E100:
** Fix RX run state for GPIOs controlled by ATR
* USRP1:
** Fix for multi-channel streaming
** Fix to support 0 RX or 0 TX DSPs
* SBX:
** Corrected lower limit on frequency range
* FPGA (gen2):
** Reset CIC decimator on start of burst
* Misc:
** Fix send to return zero on empty packets
** Perform version check on liborc

## Release 003.002.001

* USRP2/N-Series:
** Firmware fix to shutoff streaming when socket unreachable
** Incremented firmware image compat number to 10.3

## Release 003.002.000

* USRP2/N-Series:
** Incremented FPGA image compat number to 7.1
** Incremented firmware image compat number to 10.2
** Removed mimo_mode device addr argument
** Support for rev4 N2XX motherboards
* USRP-E100:
** Removed the need for clock recovery
** Incremented FPGA image compat number to 5
** Incremented kernel module compat number to 2
** Added support for dual receive DSPs
** Async messages independent from RX path
* WBX:
** Support for rev3 daughterboards
** Rounding fix for LO tuning error
* Packet handler:
** Overall performance improvements
** Timestamps for packet fragments
** Overflow message on dropped packets
* Conversion:
** Optional liborc conversion support
** SSE2 conversion alignment performance
** SSE2 conversion for complex doubles
* Windows:
** Performance improvements for UDP send
* Misc:
** Code reorganization with property tree
** Calibration support in gen2 FPGAs

## Release 003.001.002

* N-Series:
** Fix UART communication for GPSDO
* XCVR2450:
** Fix for descontructor throwing on hardware disconnect

## Release 003.001.001

* USRP1:
** Fixed lock up in logging facility under MSVC
* USRP2/N-Series:
** Handle exceptions thrown in device locker loop
** Connected internal GPSDO PPS signal in FPGA
** Keep mixers on between bursts to maintain phase offsets

## Release 003.001.000

* USRP2/N-Series:
** Incremented FPGA compat number to 6
** Incremented firmware compat number to 10
** Created all-in-one bootloader for N-series
** Lock open devices per process
** USRP N-Series internal GPSDO Support
** Discovery works with out-of-date images
** Net and card burner: python 3.0 support
** Net burner: tkinter + windows thread fix
** Card burner: device selection validation
* USRP-E100:
** Incremented FPGA compat number to 4
** FPGA VRT packet framer correct length
** Fix auxiliary ADC read back for AD9862
** Sync TX and RX daughterbord clocks
** Fix daughterboard clock rates after re-clock event
* USRP1:
** Fix TX under remainder conditions
** Fixed RX multi-channel mapping
* Daughterboards:
** Added support for TVRX2 daughterboard
** Added support for SBX daughterboard
** Added support for WBX granddaughterboards
** Application notes for sensors and IF
* Windows:
** MinGW and Cygwin support (thanks Don)
** Fix calling convention on libusb callbacks
* Misc:
** Added logging and messaging facilities
** Deprecated API in utils/warning.hpp
** Fixed race condition in device discovery/factory

## Release 003.000.001

* RFX400: fix for transmit capability
* USRP1: fix for axillary ADC read
* Windows: statically link libusb
* Windows: install dll into runtime path
* Linux: automatically set LIB_SUFFIX on rh-64 systems
* USRP-E100: fix - set FPGA tick rate on re-clock event
* build: various work on build system
* build: include FPGA and firmware images in installers

## Release 003.000.000

Initial (formal) release, no changes to mention.