From fd3e84941de463fa1a7ebab0a69515b4bf2614cd Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Martin Braun <>
Date: Tue, 7 Oct 2014 11:25:20 +0200
Subject: Removed copy of FPGA source files.

 fpga/usrp3/sim/task_library.v | 297 ------------------------------------------
 1 file changed, 297 deletions(-)
 delete mode 100644 fpga/usrp3/sim/task_library.v

(limited to 'fpga/usrp3/sim/task_library.v')

diff --git a/fpga/usrp3/sim/task_library.v b/fpga/usrp3/sim/task_library.v
deleted file mode 100644
index 7e878ec1a..000000000
--- a/fpga/usrp3/sim/task_library.v
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,297 +0,0 @@
-// USRP3 Task Libaray
-`define SID(a,b,c,d) ((a & 'hff) << 24) | ((b & 'hff) << 16)| ((c & 'hff) << 8) | (d & 'hff)
- `define TB_FILE_IN_NUMBER 0
- `define TB_FILE_OUT_NUMBER 0
-`ifndef TB_FILE_IN_NAME
- `define TB_FILE_IN_NAME "tb_file_in"
- `define TB_FILE_OUT_NAME "tb_file_out"
- `define TB_FILE_GOLDEN_NAME "tb_file_golden"
-integer  tb_file_in_desc[`TB_FILE_IN_NUMBER-1:0];
-/* -----\/----- EXCLUDED -----\/-----
-reg clk;
-reg reset;
-reg clear;
- -----/\----- EXCLUDED -----/\----- */
-/* -----\/----- EXCLUDED -----\/-----
-reg set_stb;
-reg [7:0] set_addr;
-reg [31:0] set_data;
- -----/\----- EXCLUDED -----/\----- */
-/* -----\/----- EXCLUDED -----\/-----
- `define CHDR_IN_NUMBER 1
-reg [63:0] data_in[`CHDR_IN_NUMBER-1:0];
-reg last_in[`CHDR_IN_NUMBER-1:0];
-reg valid_in[`CHDR_IN_NUMBER-1:0];
-wire ready_in[`CHDR_IN_NUMBER-1:0];
- -----/\----- EXCLUDED -----/\----- */
-// open_files
-// The "open_files" task opens all standard stimulus, response, and
-// golden response files to drive other tasks in the library.
-// Both the numbers of files and there names can be altered by pre-defining
-// the TB_FILE* pre-processor definitions. All files are assumed to be
-// readmemh style format and will use a ".hex" file extension.
-task open_files;
-   reg [7:0] x;
-   reg [7:0] y;
-   reg [8*32:0] filename;
-   begin
-      x = 0;
-      // Caveman verilog string handling to dynamicly form file name
-      while (x != `TB_FILE_IN_NUMBER) begin
-	 y = x;
-	 filename =  {`TB_FILE_IN_NAME,("0" + (y % 10))};
-	 while (y/10 >0) begin
-	    filename = {(filename << 8),("0" + (y % 10))};
-	    y = y/10;
-	 end
-	 // Always use .hex as file extention for readmemh style data
-	 filename = {filename,".hex"};
-	 tb_file_in_desc[x] = $fopen(filename);
-	 x = x + 1;
-      end
-   end
-// close_files
-// The "close_files" task closes all files opened by a previous
-// call to "open_files".
-task close_files;
-   reg [7:0] x;
-   begin
-      x = 0;
-      while (x != `TB_FILE_IN_NUMBER) begin
-	 $fclose(tb_file_in_desc[x]);
-	 x = x + 1;
-      end
-   end
-endtask // close_files
-// write_settings_bus
-// The "write settings_bus" task performs a single settings bus
-// transaction in 3 clock cycles, the first and 3rd cycles being
-// idle cycles. "write_settings_bus" is not re-entrant and should
-// only be used sequentially in a single test bench thread.
-  task write_setting_bus;
-      input [15:0] address;
-      input [31:0] data;
-     begin
-	@(posedge clk);
-	set_stb <= 1'b0;
-	set_addr <= 16'h0;
-	set_data <= 32'h0;
-	@(posedge clk);
-	set_stb <= 1'b1;
-	set_addr <= address;
-	set_data <= data;
-	@(posedge clk);
-	set_stb <= 1'b0;
-	set_addr <= 16'h0;
-	set_data <= 32'h0;
-      end
-   endtask // write_setting_bus
-// Place 64bits of data on CHDR databus, set last if indicated.
-// Wait unitl ready asserted before returning with valid de-assrted.
-   task automatic enqueue_line;
-      input [7:0] input_port;
-      input last;
-      input [63:0] data;
-      begin
-         data_in[input_port] <= data;
-	 last_in[input_port] <= last;
-         valid_in[input_port] <= 1;
-	 @(posedge clk);
-         while (~ready_in[input_port]) begin
-            @(posedge clk);
-         end
-         data_in[input_port] <= 0;
-	 last_in[input_port] <= 0;
-         valid_in[input_port] <= 0;
-      end
-   endtask // enqueue_line
-// Place 64bits of data on CHDR databus, set last if indicated.
-// Wait unitl ready asserted before returning with valid de-assrted.
-   task automatic dequeue_line;
-      input [7:0] output_port;
-      output last;
-      output [63:0] data;
-      begin
-	 while (~valid_out[output_port]) begin
-	    ready_out[output_port] <= 1;
-            @(posedge clk);
-         end
-	 // NOTE: A subtle constraint of Verilog is that non-blocking assignments can not be used
-	 // to an automatically allocated variable. Fall back to blocking assignent
-         data = data_out[output_port];
-	 last = last_out[output_port];
-         ready_out[output_port] <= 1;
-	 @(posedge clk);
-	 ready_out[output_port] <= 0;
-      end
-   endtask // enqueue_line
-// CHDR Header format:
-// Word1: FLAGS [63:60], SEQ_ID [59:48], SIZE [47:32], SID [31:0]
-//        [63]ExtensionContext, [62]HasTrailer, [61]HasTime, [60]EOB
-// Word2: Time [63:0] (Optional, see header bit [61])
-// Word3+: Payload
-   task automatic enqueue_chdr_pkt_count;
-      input [7:0] input_port;       // Which test bench CHDR ingress port
-      input [11:0] seq_id;          // CHDR sequence ID.
-      input [15:0] chdr_size;       // Total CHDR packet size in bytes.
-      input 	   has_time;        // This CHDR packet has 64bit time field.
-      input [63:0] chdr_time;       // 64bit CHDR time value
-      input 	   is_extension;    // This packet is flaged extension context
-      input 	   is_eob;          // This packet is the end of a CHDR burst.
-      input [31:0] chdr_sid;        // CHDR SID address pair.
-      integer i;
-      reg [15:0] j;
-      begin
-	 @(posedge clk);
-	 enqueue_line(input_port, 0, {is_extension,1'b0,has_time,is_eob,seq_id,chdr_size,chdr_sid});
-	 if (has_time)  // If time flag set add 64bit time as second word.
-	   enqueue_line(input_port, 0, chdr_time);
-	 j = 0;
-	 for (i = (has_time ? 24 : 16); i < chdr_size; i = i + 8) begin
-	    enqueue_line(input_port, 0 , {j,j+16'h1,j+16'h2,j+16'h3});
-	    j = j + 4;
-         end
-	 // Populate last line with data even if sizes shows it's not used.
-	 enqueue_line(input_port, 1, {j,j+16'h1,j+16'h2,j+16'h3});
-      end
-   endtask // automatic
-task automatic dequeue_chdr_pkt_count;
-   input [7:0] output_port;       // Which test bench CHDR ingress port
-   input [11:0] seq_id;          // CHDR sequence ID.
-   input [15:0] chdr_size;       // Total CHDR packet size in bytes.
-   input 	has_time;        // This CHDR packet has 64bit time field.
-   input [63:0] chdr_time;       // 64bit CHDR time value
-   input 	is_extension;    // This packet is flaged extension context
-   input 	is_eob;          // This packet is the end of a CHDR burst.
-   input [31:0] chdr_sid;        // CHDR SID address pair.
-   integer 	i;
-   reg [15:0] 	j;
-   reg 		last;
-   reg [63:0] 	data;
-   begin
-      @(posedge clk);
-      dequeue_line(output_port, last, data);
-      if ({is_extension,1'b0,has_time,is_eob,seq_id,chdr_size,chdr_sid} !== data)
-	$display("FAILED: Output port: %3d  Bad CHDR Header. Got %8x, expected %8x @ time: %d ",
-		 output_port, data, {is_extension,1'b0,has_time,is_eob,seq_id,chdr_size,chdr_sid},$time);
-//      else
-//	$display("PASSED: Output port: %3d  Bad CHDR Header. Got %8x, expected %8x @ time: %d ",
-//		 output_port, data, {is_extension,1'b0,has_time,is_eob,seq_id,chdr_size,chdr_sid},$time);
-      if (has_time)  // If time flag set add 64bit time as second word.
-	begin
-	   dequeue_line(output_port, last, data);
-	   if (data !== chdr_time)
-	     $display("FAILED: Output port: %3d  Bad CHDR Time. Got %8x, expected %8x @ time: %d ",
-		      output_port, data, chdr_time, $time);
-//	   else
-//	     $display("PASSED: Output port: %3d  Bad CHDR Time. Got %8x, expected %8x @ time: %d ",
-//		      output_port, data, chdr_time, $time);
-	end
-      j = 0;
-      for (i = (has_time ? 24 : 16); i < chdr_size; i = i + 8) begin
-	 dequeue_line(output_port, last , data);
-	 if ({j,j+16'h1,j+16'h2,j+16'h3} !== data)
-	   $display("FAILED: Output port: %3d  Bad CHDR Payload. Got %8x, expected %8x @ time: %d ",
-		    output_port, data,{j,j+16'h1,j+16'h2,j+16'h3} ,$time);
-//	 else
-//	   $display("PASSED: Output port: %3d  Bad CHDR Payload. Got %8x, expected %8x @ time: %d ",
-//		    output_port, data, {is_extension,1'b0,has_time,is_eob,seq_id,chdr_size,chdr_sid},$time);
-	 j = j + 4;
-      end
-      // Check only bytes included in packet
-      dequeue_line(output_port, last, data);
-      if (({j,j+16'h1,j+16'h2,j+16'h3} >> (8-j)) !== ( data>> (8-j)))
-	$display("FAILED: Output port: %3d  Bad CHDR Payload. Got %8x, expected %8x @ time: %d ",
-		 output_port, data >> (8-j),
-		 {j,j+16'h1,j+16'h2,j+16'h3} >> (8-j),$time);
-//      else
-//	$display("PASSED: Output port: %3d  Bad CHDR Payload. Got %8x, expected %8x @ time: %d ",
-//		 output_port, data >> (8-j),
-//		 {is_extension,1'b0,has_time,is_eob,seq_id,chdr_size,chdr_sid} >> (8-j),$time);
-   end
-endtask // dequeue_packet
cgit v1.2.3