path: root/usrp2
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'usrp2')
-rw-r--r--usrp2/gpmc/cross_clock_reader.v (renamed from usrp2/gpmc/edge_sync.v)41
22 files changed, 545 insertions, 984 deletions
diff --git a/usrp2/gpmc/Makefile.srcs b/usrp2/gpmc/Makefile.srcs
index bff6ae3e0..4c6a1b4a2 100644
--- a/usrp2/gpmc/Makefile.srcs
+++ b/usrp2/gpmc/Makefile.srcs
@@ -1,20 +1,14 @@
-# Copyright 2010 Ettus Research LLC
+# Copyright 2010-2011 Ettus Research LLC
-# SERDES Sources
+# GPMC Sources
GPMC_SRCS = $(abspath $(addprefix $(BASE_DIR)/../gpmc/, \
-dbsm.v \
-edge_sync.v \
-fifo_to_gpmc_async.v \
-fifo_to_gpmc_sync.v \
-fifo_watcher.v \
-gpmc_async.v \
-gpmc_sync.v \
-gpmc_to_fifo_async.v \
-gpmc_to_fifo_sync.v \
+cross_clock_reader.v \
+fifo_to_gpmc.v \
+gpmc.v \
+gpmc_to_fifo.v \
gpmc_wb.v \
-ram_to_fifo.v \
diff --git a/usrp2/gpmc/burst_data_write.txt b/usrp2/gpmc/burst_data_write.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 3b5dfc785..000000000
--- a/usrp2/gpmc/burst_data_write.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,16 +0,0 @@
-# OMAP burst writes to FPGA
diff --git a/usrp2/gpmc/edge_sync.v b/usrp2/gpmc/cross_clock_reader.v
index 74f1a2f1c..a30e0385f 100644
--- a/usrp2/gpmc/edge_sync.v
+++ b/usrp2/gpmc/cross_clock_reader.v
@@ -15,25 +15,28 @@
// along with this program. If not, see <>.
+module cross_clock_reader
+ #(
+ parameter WIDTH = 1,
+ parameter DEFAULT = 0
+ )
+ (
+ input clk, input rst,
+ input [WIDTH-1:0] in,
+ output reg [WIDTH-1:0] out
+ );
+ reg [WIDTH-1:0] shadow;
-module edge_sync
- #(parameter POSEDGE = 1)
- (input clk,
- input rst,
- input sig,
- output trig);
- reg [1:0] delay;
- always @(posedge clk)
- if(rst)
- delay <= 2'b00;
- else
- delay <= {delay[0],sig};
- assign trig = POSEDGE ? (delay==2'b01) : (delay==2'b10);
-endmodule // edge_sync
+ always @(posedge clk) begin
+ if (rst) begin
+ out <= DEFAULT;
+ shadow <= DEFAULT;
+ end
+ else if (shadow == in) begin
+ out <= shadow;
+ end
+ shadow <= in;
+ end
+endmodule //cross_clock_reader
diff --git a/usrp2/gpmc/dbsm.v b/usrp2/gpmc/dbsm.v
deleted file mode 100644
index 1ee250738..000000000
--- a/usrp2/gpmc/dbsm.v
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,97 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright 2011 Ettus Research LLC
-// This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
-// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
-// (at your option) any later version.
-// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-// GNU General Public License for more details.
-// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-// along with this program. If not, see <>.
-module bsm
- (input clk, input reset, input clear,
- input write_done,
- input read_done,
- output readable,
- output writeable);
- reg state;
- localparam ST_WRITEABLE = 0;
- localparam ST_READABLE = 1;
- always @(posedge clk)
- if(reset | clear)
- state <= ST_WRITEABLE;
- else
- case(state)
- if(write_done)
- state <= ST_READABLE;
- if(read_done)
- state <= ST_WRITEABLE;
- endcase // case (state)
- assign readable = (state == ST_READABLE);
- assign writeable = (state == ST_WRITEABLE);
-endmodule // bsm
-module dbsm
- (input clk, input reset, input clear,
- output reg read_sel, output read_ready, input read_done,
- output reg write_sel, output write_ready, input write_done);
- localparam NUM_BUFS = 2;
- wire [NUM_BUFS-1:0] readable, writeable, read_done_buf, write_done_buf;
- // Two of these buffer state machines
- genvar i;
- generate
- for(i=0;i<NUM_BUFS;i=i+1)
- begin : BSMS
- bsm bsm(.clk(clk), .reset(reset), .clear(clear),
- .write_done((write_sel == i) & write_done),
- .read_done((read_sel == i) & read_done),
- .readable(readable[i]), .writeable(writeable[i]));
- end
- endgenerate
- reg full;
- always @(posedge clk)
- if(reset | clear)
- begin
- write_sel <= 0;
- full <= 0;
- end
- else
- if(write_done & writeable[write_sel])
- if(write_sel ==(NUM_BUFS-1))
- write_sel <= 0;
- else
- write_sel <= write_sel + 1;
- always @(posedge clk)
- if(reset | clear)
- read_sel <= 0;
- else
- if(read_done & readable[read_sel])
- if(read_sel==(NUM_BUFS-1))
- read_sel <= 0;
- else
- read_sel <= read_sel + 1;
- assign write_ready = writeable[write_sel];
- assign read_ready = readable[read_sel];
-endmodule // dbsm
diff --git a/usrp2/gpmc/fifo_to_gpmc.v b/usrp2/gpmc/fifo_to_gpmc.v
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..42c71d2d6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/usrp2/gpmc/fifo_to_gpmc.v
@@ -0,0 +1,159 @@
+// Copyright 2011 Ettus Research LLC
+// This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+// (at your option) any later version.
+// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+// GNU General Public License for more details.
+// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+// along with this program. If not, see <>.
+// FIFO to GPMC
+// Reads frames from FIFO interface and writes them into BRAM pages.
+// The GPMC is asynchronously alerted when a BRAM page has been filled.
+// EM_CLK:
+// A GPMC read transaction consists of two EM_CLK cycles (idle low).
+// EM_OE:
+// Output enable is actually the combination of ~NOE & ~NCS.
+// The output enable is only active for the second rising edge,
+// to ensure one edge per transaction to transition on.
+// EM_D:
+// The BRAM performs a read on the first rising edge into EM_D.
+// Then, data will then be read on the next rising edge by GPMC.
+// EM_A:
+// On the first rising edge of EM_CLK, the address is held.
+// On the second rising edge, the address is set for the next transaction.
+module fifo_to_gpmc
+ #(parameter PTR_WIDTH = 2, parameter ADDR_WIDTH = 10)
+ (input clk, input reset, input clear, input arst,
+ input [17:0] data_i, input src_rdy_i, output dst_rdy_o,
+ output [15:0] EM_D, input [ADDR_WIDTH:1] EM_A, input EM_CLK, input EM_OE,
+ output reg data_available);
+ //states for the GPMC side of things
+ wire [17:0] data_o;
+ reg gpmc_state;
+ reg [ADDR_WIDTH:1] addr;
+ reg [PTR_WIDTH:0] gpmc_ptr, next_gpmc_ptr;
+ localparam GPMC_STATE_START = 0;
+ localparam GPMC_STATE_EMPTY = 1;
+ //states for the FIFO side of things
+ reg fifo_state;
+ reg [ADDR_WIDTH-1:0] counter;
+ reg [PTR_WIDTH:0] fifo_ptr;
+ localparam FIFO_STATE_CLAIM = 0;
+ localparam FIFO_STATE_FILL = 1;
+ //------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // State machine to control the data from GPMC to BRAM
+ //------------------------------------------------------------------
+ always @(posedge EM_CLK or posedge arst) begin
+ if (arst) begin
+ gpmc_state <= GPMC_STATE_START;
+ gpmc_ptr <= 0;
+ next_gpmc_ptr <= 0;
+ addr <= 0;
+ end
+ else if (EM_OE) begin
+ addr <= EM_A + 1;
+ case(gpmc_state)
+ if (EM_A == 0) begin
+ gpmc_state <= GPMC_STATE_EMPTY;
+ next_gpmc_ptr <= gpmc_ptr + 1;
+ end
+ end
+ if (EM_A == 10'h3ff) begin
+ gpmc_state <= GPMC_STATE_START;
+ gpmc_ptr <= next_gpmc_ptr;
+ end
+ end
+ endcase //gpmc_state
+ end //EM_WE
+ end //always
+ //------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // High when the gpmc pointer has not caught up to the fifo pointer.
+ //------------------------------------------------------------------
+ wire [PTR_WIDTH:0] safe_gpmc_ptr;
+ cross_clock_reader #(.WIDTH(PTR_WIDTH+1)) read_gpmc_ptr
+ (.clk(clk), .rst(reset | clear), .in(gpmc_ptr), .out(safe_gpmc_ptr));
+ wire bram_available_to_fill = (fifo_ptr ^ (1 << PTR_WIDTH)) != safe_gpmc_ptr;
+ //------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // Glich free generation of data available signal:
+ // Data is available when the pointers dont match.
+ //------------------------------------------------------------------
+ wire [PTR_WIDTH:0] safe_next_gpmc_ptr;
+ cross_clock_reader #(.WIDTH(PTR_WIDTH+1)) read_next_gpmc_ptr
+ (.clk(clk), .rst(reset | clear), .in(next_gpmc_ptr), .out(safe_next_gpmc_ptr));
+ always @(posedge clk)
+ if (reset | clear) data_available <= 0;
+ else data_available <= safe_next_gpmc_ptr != fifo_ptr;
+ //------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // State machine to control the data from BRAM to FIFO
+ //------------------------------------------------------------------
+ always @(posedge clk) begin
+ if (reset | clear) begin
+ fifo_state <= FIFO_STATE_CLAIM;
+ fifo_ptr <= 0;
+ counter <= 0;
+ end
+ else begin
+ case(fifo_state)
+ if (bram_available_to_fill) fifo_state <= FIFO_STATE_FILL;
+ counter <= 0;
+ end
+ if (src_rdy_i && dst_rdy_o && data_i[17]) begin
+ fifo_state <= FIFO_STATE_CLAIM;
+ fifo_ptr <= fifo_ptr + 1;
+ end
+ if (src_rdy_i && dst_rdy_o) begin
+ counter <= counter + 1;
+ end
+ end
+ endcase //fifo_state
+ end
+ end //always
+ assign dst_rdy_o = fifo_state == FIFO_STATE_FILL;
+ //assign data from bram output
+ assign EM_D = data_o[15:0];
+ //instantiate dual ported bram for async read + write
+ ram_2port #(.DWIDTH(18),.AWIDTH(PTR_WIDTH + ADDR_WIDTH)) async_fifo_bram
+ (.clka(clk),.ena(1'b1),.wea(src_rdy_i && dst_rdy_o),
+ .addra({fifo_ptr[PTR_WIDTH-1:0], counter}),.dia(data_i),.doa(),
+ .clkb(EM_CLK),.enb(1'b1),.web(1'b0),
+ .addrb({gpmc_ptr[PTR_WIDTH-1:0], addr}),.dib(18'h3ffff),.dob(data_o));
+endmodule // fifo_to_gpmc
diff --git a/usrp2/gpmc/fifo_to_gpmc_async.v b/usrp2/gpmc/fifo_to_gpmc_async.v
deleted file mode 100644
index bb4c58ec4..000000000
--- a/usrp2/gpmc/fifo_to_gpmc_async.v
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,49 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright 2011 Ettus Research LLC
-// This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
-// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
-// (at your option) any later version.
-// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-// GNU General Public License for more details.
-// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-// along with this program. If not, see <>.
-module fifo_to_gpmc_async
- (input clk, input reset, input clear,
- input [17:0] data_i, input src_rdy_i, output dst_rdy_o,
- output [15:0] EM_D, input EM_NCS, input EM_NOE,
- input [15:0] frame_len);
- // Synchronize the async control signals
- reg [2:0] cs_del, oe_del;
- reg [15:0] counter;
- always @(posedge clk)
- if(reset)
- begin
- cs_del <= 3'b11;
- oe_del <= 3'b11;
- end
- else
- begin
- cs_del <= { cs_del[1:0], EM_NCS };
- oe_del <= { oe_del[1:0], EM_NOE };
- end
- wire do_read = ( (~cs_del[1] | ~cs_del[2]) & (oe_del[1:0] == 2'b01)); // change output on trailing edge
- wire first_read = (counter == 0);
- wire last_read = ((counter+1) == frame_len);
- assign EM_D = data_i[15:0];
- assign dst_rdy_o = do_read;
-endmodule // fifo_to_gpmc_async
diff --git a/usrp2/gpmc/fifo_to_gpmc_sync.v b/usrp2/gpmc/fifo_to_gpmc_sync.v
deleted file mode 100644
index 9da9caf86..000000000
--- a/usrp2/gpmc/fifo_to_gpmc_sync.v
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,43 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright 2011 Ettus Research LLC
-// This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
-// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
-// (at your option) any later version.
-// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-// GNU General Public License for more details.
-// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-// along with this program. If not, see <>.
-// Assumes a GPMC cycle with GPMC clock, as in the timing diagrams
-// If a packet bigger or smaller than we are told is sent, behavior is undefined.
-// If dst_rdy_i is low when we get data, behavior is undefined and we signal bus error.
-// If there is a bus error, we should be reset
-module fifo_to_gpmc_sync
- (input arst,
- input [17:0] data_i, input src_rdy_i, output dst_rdy_o,
- input EM_CLK, output [15:0] EM_D, input EM_NCS, input EM_NOE,
- output fifo_ready,
- output reg bus_error);
- assign EM_D = data_i[15:0];
- wire read_access = ~EM_NCS & ~EM_NOE;
- assign dst_rdy_o = read_access;
- always @(posedge EM_CLK or posedge arst)
- if(arst)
- bus_error <= 0;
- else if(dst_rdy_o & ~src_rdy_i)
- bus_error <= 1;
-endmodule // fifo_to_gpmc_sync
diff --git a/usrp2/gpmc/fifo_watcher.v b/usrp2/gpmc/fifo_watcher.v
deleted file mode 100644
index b139f5143..000000000
--- a/usrp2/gpmc/fifo_watcher.v
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,73 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright 2011 Ettus Research LLC
-// This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
-// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
-// (at your option) any later version.
-// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-// GNU General Public License for more details.
-// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-// along with this program. If not, see <>.
-module fifo_watcher
- (input clk, input reset, input clear,
- input src_rdy1, input dst_rdy1, input sof1, input eof1,
- input src_rdy2, input dst_rdy2, input sof2, input eof2,
- output reg have_packet, output [15:0] length, output reg bus_error,
- output [31:0] debug);
- wire write = src_rdy1 & dst_rdy1 & eof1;
- wire read = src_rdy2 & dst_rdy2 & eof2;
- wire have_packet_int;
- reg [15:0] counter;
- wire [4:0] pkt_count;
- assign debug = pkt_count;
- fifo_short #(.WIDTH(16)) frame_lengths
- (.clk(clk), .reset(reset), .clear(clear),
- .datain(counter), .src_rdy_i(write), .dst_rdy_o(),
- .dataout(length), .src_rdy_o(have_packet_int), .dst_rdy_i(read),
- .occupied(pkt_count), .space());
- always @(posedge clk)
- if(reset | clear)
- counter <= 1; // Start at 1
- else if(src_rdy1 & dst_rdy1)
- if(eof1)
- counter <= 1;
- else
- counter <= counter + 1;
- always @(posedge clk)
- if(reset | clear)
- bus_error <= 0;
- else if(dst_rdy2 & ~src_rdy2)
- bus_error <= 1;
- else if(read & ~have_packet_int)
- bus_error <= 1;
- reg in_packet;
- always @(posedge clk)
- if(reset | clear)
- have_packet <= 0;
- else
- have_packet <= (have_packet_int & ~in_packet) | (pkt_count>1) ;
- always @(posedge clk)
- if(reset | clear)
- in_packet <= 0;
- else if(src_rdy2 & dst_rdy2)
- if(eof2)
- in_packet <= 0;
- else
- in_packet <= 1;
-endmodule // fifo_watcher
diff --git a/usrp2/gpmc/gpmc.v b/usrp2/gpmc/gpmc.v
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..a5d4db466
--- /dev/null
+++ b/usrp2/gpmc/gpmc.v
@@ -0,0 +1,159 @@
+// Copyright 2011 Ettus Research LLC
+// This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+// (at your option) any later version.
+// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+// GNU General Public License for more details.
+// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+// along with this program. If not, see <>.
+module gpmc
+ #(parameter TXFIFOSIZE = 11,
+ parameter RXFIFOSIZE = 11,
+ parameter ADDR_WIDTH = 10,
+ parameter BUSDEBUG = 1)
+ (// GPMC signals
+ input arst,
+ input EM_CLK, inout [15:0] EM_D, input [ADDR_WIDTH:1] EM_A, input [1:0] EM_NBE,
+ input EM_WAIT0, input EM_NCS4, input EM_NCS6, input EM_NWE, input EM_NOE,
+ // GPIOs for FIFO signalling
+ output rx_have_data, output tx_have_space,
+ // Wishbone signals
+ input wb_clk, input wb_rst,
+ output [ADDR_WIDTH:0] wb_adr_o, output [15:0] wb_dat_mosi, input [15:0] wb_dat_miso,
+ output [1:0] wb_sel_o, output wb_cyc_o, output wb_stb_o, output wb_we_o, input wb_ack_i,
+ // FIFO interface
+ input fifo_clk, input fifo_rst, input clear_tx, input clear_rx,
+ output [35:0] tx_data_o, output tx_src_rdy_o, input tx_dst_rdy_i,
+ input [35:0] rx_data_i, input rx_src_rdy_i, output rx_dst_rdy_o,
+ output tx_underrun, output rx_overrun,
+ input [7:0] test_rate, input [3:0] test_ctrl,
+ output [31:0] debug
+ );
+ wire EM_output_enable = (~EM_NOE & (~EM_NCS4 | ~EM_NCS6));
+ wire [15:0] EM_D_fifo;
+ wire [15:0] EM_D_wb;
+ assign EM_D = ~EM_output_enable ? 16'bz : ~EM_NCS4 ? EM_D_fifo : EM_D_wb;
+ // CS4 is RAM_2PORT for DATA PATH (high-speed data)
+ // Writes go into one RAM, reads come from the other
+ // CS6 is for CONTROL PATH (wishbone)
+ // ////////////////////////////////////////////
+ // TX Data Path
+ wire [17:0] tx18_data;
+ wire tx18_src_rdy, tx18_dst_rdy;
+ wire [35:0] tx_data, txb_data;
+ wire tx_src_rdy, tx_dst_rdy;
+ wire txb_src_rdy, txb_dst_rdy;
+ gpmc_to_fifo #(.ADDR_WIDTH(ADDR_WIDTH)) gpmc_to_fifo
+ (.EM_D(EM_D), .EM_A(EM_A), .EM_CLK(EM_CLK), .EM_WE(~EM_NCS4 & ~EM_NWE),
+ .clk(fifo_clk), .reset(fifo_rst), .clear(clear_tx), .arst(fifo_rst | clear_tx | arst),
+ .data_o(tx18_data), .src_rdy_o(tx18_src_rdy), .dst_rdy_i(tx18_dst_rdy),
+ .have_space(tx_have_space));
+ fifo19_to_fifo36 #(.LE(1)) f19_to_f36 // Little endian because ARM is LE
+ (.clk(fifo_clk), .reset(fifo_rst), .clear(clear_tx),
+ .f19_datain({1'b0,tx18_data}), .f19_src_rdy_i(tx18_src_rdy), .f19_dst_rdy_o(tx18_dst_rdy),
+ .f36_dataout(txb_data), .f36_src_rdy_o(txb_src_rdy), .f36_dst_rdy_i(txb_dst_rdy));
+ fifo_cascade #(.WIDTH(36), .SIZE(TXFIFOSIZE)) tx_buffering(
+ .clk(fifo_clk), .reset(fifo_rst), .clear(clear_tx),
+ .datain(txb_data), .src_rdy_i(txb_src_rdy), .dst_rdy_o(txb_dst_rdy),
+ .dataout(tx_data), .src_rdy_o(tx_src_rdy), .dst_rdy_i(tx_dst_rdy)
+ );
+ // ////////////////////////////////////////////
+ // RX Data Path
+ wire [17:0] rx18_data;
+ wire rx18_src_rdy, rx18_dst_rdy;
+ wire [35:0] rx_data, rxb_data;
+ wire rx_src_rdy, rx_dst_rdy;
+ wire rxb_src_rdy, rxb_dst_rdy;
+ wire dummy;
+ fifo_cascade #(.WIDTH(36), .SIZE(RXFIFOSIZE)) rx_buffering(
+ .clk(fifo_clk), .reset(fifo_rst), .clear(clear_rx),
+ .datain(rx_data), .src_rdy_i(rx_src_rdy), .dst_rdy_o(rx_dst_rdy),
+ .dataout(rxb_data), .src_rdy_o(rxb_src_rdy), .dst_rdy_i(rxb_dst_rdy)
+ );
+ fifo36_to_fifo19 #(.LE(1)) f36_to_f19 // Little endian because ARM is LE
+ (.clk(fifo_clk), .reset(fifo_rst), .clear(clear_rx),
+ .f36_datain(rxb_data), .f36_src_rdy_i(rxb_src_rdy), .f36_dst_rdy_o(rxb_dst_rdy),
+ .f19_dataout({dummy,rx18_data}), .f19_src_rdy_o(rx18_src_rdy), .f19_dst_rdy_i(rx18_dst_rdy) );
+ fifo_to_gpmc #(.ADDR_WIDTH(ADDR_WIDTH)) fifo_to_gpmc
+ (.clk(fifo_clk), .reset(fifo_rst), .clear(clear_rx), .arst(fifo_rst | clear_rx | arst),
+ .data_i(rx18_data), .src_rdy_i(rx18_src_rdy), .dst_rdy_o(rx18_dst_rdy),
+ .EM_D(EM_D_fifo), .EM_A(EM_A), .EM_CLK(EM_CLK), .EM_OE(~EM_NCS4 & ~EM_NOE),
+ .data_available(rx_have_data));
+ // ////////////////////////////////////////////
+ // Control path on CS6
+ gpmc_wb gpmc_wb
+ (.EM_CLK(EM_CLK), .EM_D_in(EM_D), .EM_D_out(EM_D_wb), .EM_A(EM_A), .EM_NBE(EM_NBE),
+ .EM_WE(~EM_NCS6 & ~EM_NWE), .EM_OE(~EM_NCS6 & ~EM_NOE),
+ .wb_clk(wb_clk), .wb_rst(wb_rst),
+ .wb_adr_o(wb_adr_o), .wb_dat_mosi(wb_dat_mosi), .wb_dat_miso(wb_dat_miso),
+ .wb_sel_o(wb_sel_o), .wb_cyc_o(wb_cyc_o), .wb_stb_o(wb_stb_o), .wb_we_o(wb_we_o),
+ .wb_ack_i(wb_ack_i) );
+ // ////////////////////////////////////////////
+ // Test support, traffic generator, loopback, etc.
+ // RX side muxes test data into the same stream
+ wire [35:0] loopbackrx_data, testrx_data;
+ wire [35:0] loopbacktx_data, testtx_data;
+ wire loopbackrx_src_rdy, loopbackrx_dst_rdy;
+ wire loopbacktx_src_rdy, loopbacktx_dst_rdy;
+ wire sel_testtx = test_ctrl[0];
+ fifo36_mux rx_test_mux_lvl_2
+ (.clk(fifo_clk), .reset(fifo_rst), .clear(clear_rx),
+ .data0_i(loopbackrx_data), .src0_rdy_i(loopbackrx_src_rdy), .dst0_rdy_o(loopbackrx_dst_rdy),
+ .data1_i(rx_data_i), .src1_rdy_i(rx_src_rdy_i), .dst1_rdy_o(rx_dst_rdy_o),
+ .data_o(rx_data), .src_rdy_o(rx_src_rdy), .dst_rdy_i(rx_dst_rdy));
+ fifo_short #(.WIDTH(36)) loopback_fifo
+ (.clk(fifo_clk), .reset(fifo_rst), .clear(clear_tx | clear_rx),
+ .datain(loopbacktx_data), .src_rdy_i(loopbacktx_src_rdy), .dst_rdy_o(loopbacktx_dst_rdy),
+ .dataout(loopbackrx_data), .src_rdy_o(loopbackrx_src_rdy), .dst_rdy_i(loopbackrx_dst_rdy));
+ // Crossbar used as a demux for switching TX stream to main DSP or to test logic
+ crossbar36 tx_crossbar_lvl_1
+ (.clk(fifo_clk), .reset(fifo_rst), .clear(clear_tx),
+ .cross(sel_testtx),
+ .data0_i(tx_data), .src0_rdy_i(tx_src_rdy), .dst0_rdy_o(tx_dst_rdy),
+ .data1_i(tx_data), .src1_rdy_i(1'b0), .dst1_rdy_o(), // No 2nd input
+ .data0_o(tx_data_o), .src0_rdy_o(tx_src_rdy_o), .dst0_rdy_i(tx_dst_rdy_i),
+ .data1_o(loopbacktx_data), .src1_rdy_o(loopbacktx_src_rdy), .dst1_rdy_i(loopbacktx_dst_rdy) );
+ assign debug = {
+ EM_D, //16
+ EM_A, //10
+ EM_NCS6, wb_ack_i
+ };
+endmodule // gpmc
diff --git a/usrp2/gpmc/gpmc_async.v b/usrp2/gpmc/gpmc_async.v
deleted file mode 100644
index c0bec683a..000000000
--- a/usrp2/gpmc/gpmc_async.v
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,245 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright 2011 Ettus Research LLC
-// This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
-// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
-// (at your option) any later version.
-// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-// GNU General Public License for more details.
-// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-// along with this program. If not, see <>.
-module gpmc_async
- #(parameter TXFIFOSIZE = 11,
- parameter RXFIFOSIZE = 11,
- parameter BUSDEBUG = 1)
- (// GPMC signals
- input arst,
- input EM_CLK, inout [15:0] EM_D, input [10:1] EM_A, input [1:0] EM_NBE,
- input EM_WAIT0, input EM_NCS4, input EM_NCS6, input EM_NWE, input EM_NOE,
- // GPIOs for FIFO signalling
- output rx_have_data, output tx_have_space, output reg bus_error, input bus_reset,
- // Wishbone signals
- input wb_clk, input wb_rst,
- output [10:0] wb_adr_o, output [15:0] wb_dat_mosi, input [15:0] wb_dat_miso,
- output [1:0] wb_sel_o, output wb_cyc_o, output wb_stb_o, output wb_we_o, input wb_ack_i,
- // FIFO interface
- input fifo_clk, input fifo_rst, input clear_tx, input clear_rx,
- output [35:0] tx_data_o, output tx_src_rdy_o, input tx_dst_rdy_i,
- input [35:0] rx_data_i, input rx_src_rdy_i, output rx_dst_rdy_o,
- input [15:0] tx_frame_len, output [15:0] rx_frame_len,
- output tx_underrun, output rx_overrun,
- input [7:0] test_rate, input [3:0] test_ctrl,
- output [31:0] debug
- );
- wire EM_output_enable = (~EM_NOE & (~EM_NCS4 | ~EM_NCS6));
- wire [15:0] EM_D_fifo;
- wire [15:0] EM_D_wb;
- assign EM_D = ~EM_output_enable ? 16'bz : ~EM_NCS4 ? EM_D_fifo : EM_D_wb;
- wire bus_error_tx, bus_error_rx;
- always @(posedge fifo_clk)
- if(fifo_rst | clear_tx | clear_rx)
- bus_error <= 0;
- else
- bus_error <= bus_error_tx | bus_error_rx;
- // CS4 is RAM_2PORT for DATA PATH (high-speed data)
- // Writes go into one RAM, reads come from the other
- // CS6 is for CONTROL PATH (wishbone)
- // ////////////////////////////////////////////
- // TX Data Path
- wire [17:0] tx18_data, tx18b_data;
- wire tx18_src_rdy, tx18_dst_rdy, tx18b_src_rdy, tx18b_dst_rdy;
- wire [15:0] tx_fifo_space;
- wire [35:0] tx36_data, tx_data;
- wire tx36_src_rdy, tx36_dst_rdy, tx_src_rdy, tx_dst_rdy;
- gpmc_to_fifo_async gpmc_to_fifo_async
- .fifo_clk(fifo_clk), .fifo_rst(fifo_rst), .clear(clear_tx),
- .data_o(tx18_data), .src_rdy_o(tx18_src_rdy), .dst_rdy_i(tx18_dst_rdy),
- .frame_len(tx_frame_len), .fifo_space(tx_fifo_space), .fifo_ready(tx_have_space),
- .bus_error(bus_error_tx) );
- fifo_cascade #(.WIDTH(18), .SIZE(10)) tx_fifo
- (.clk(fifo_clk), .reset(fifo_rst), .clear(clear_tx),
- .datain(tx18_data), .src_rdy_i(tx18_src_rdy), .dst_rdy_o(tx18_dst_rdy), .space(tx_fifo_space),
- .dataout(tx18b_data), .src_rdy_o(tx18b_src_rdy), .dst_rdy_i(tx18b_dst_rdy), .occupied());
- fifo19_to_fifo36 #(.LE(1)) f19_to_f36 // Little endian because ARM is LE
- (.clk(fifo_clk), .reset(fifo_rst), .clear(clear_tx),
- .f19_datain({1'b0,tx18b_data}), .f19_src_rdy_i(tx18b_src_rdy), .f19_dst_rdy_o(tx18b_dst_rdy),
- .f36_dataout(tx36_data), .f36_src_rdy_o(tx36_src_rdy), .f36_dst_rdy_i(tx36_dst_rdy));
- fifo_cascade #(.WIDTH(36), .SIZE(TXFIFOSIZE)) tx_fifo36
- (.clk(fifo_clk), .reset(fifo_rst), .clear(clear_tx),
- .datain(tx36_data), .src_rdy_i(tx36_src_rdy), .dst_rdy_o(tx36_dst_rdy),
- .dataout(tx_data), .src_rdy_o(tx_src_rdy), .dst_rdy_i(tx_dst_rdy));
- // ////////////////////////////////////////////
- // RX Data Path
- wire [17:0] rx18_data, rx18b_data;
- wire rx18_src_rdy, rx18_dst_rdy, rx18b_src_rdy, rx18b_dst_rdy;
- wire [15:0] rx_fifo_space;
- wire [35:0] rx36_data, rx_data;
- wire rx36_src_rdy, rx36_dst_rdy, rx_src_rdy, rx_dst_rdy;
- wire dummy;
- fifo_cascade #(.WIDTH(36), .SIZE(RXFIFOSIZE)) rx_fifo36
- (.clk(fifo_clk), .reset(fifo_rst), .clear(clear_rx),
- .datain(rx_data), .src_rdy_i(rx_src_rdy), .dst_rdy_o(rx_dst_rdy),
- .dataout(rx36_data), .src_rdy_o(rx36_src_rdy), .dst_rdy_i(rx36_dst_rdy));
- fifo36_to_fifo19 #(.LE(1)) f36_to_f19 // Little endian because ARM is LE
- (.clk(fifo_clk), .reset(fifo_rst), .clear(clear_rx),
- .f36_datain(rx36_data), .f36_src_rdy_i(rx36_src_rdy), .f36_dst_rdy_o(rx36_dst_rdy),
- .f19_dataout({dummy,rx18_data}), .f19_src_rdy_o(rx18_src_rdy), .f19_dst_rdy_i(rx18_dst_rdy) );
- fifo_cascade #(.WIDTH(18), .SIZE(12)) rx_fifo
- (.clk(fifo_clk), .reset(fifo_rst), .clear(clear_rx),
- .datain(rx18_data), .src_rdy_i(rx18_src_rdy), .dst_rdy_o(rx18_dst_rdy), .space(rx_fifo_space),
- .dataout(rx18b_data), .src_rdy_o(rx18b_src_rdy), .dst_rdy_i(rx18b_dst_rdy), .occupied());
- fifo_to_gpmc_async fifo_to_gpmc_async
- (.clk(fifo_clk), .reset(fifo_rst), .clear(clear_rx),
- .data_i(rx18b_data), .src_rdy_i(rx18b_src_rdy), .dst_rdy_o(rx18b_dst_rdy),
- .EM_D(EM_D_fifo), .EM_NCS(EM_NCS4), .EM_NOE(EM_NOE),
- .frame_len(rx_frame_len) );
- wire [31:0] pkt_count;
- fifo_watcher fifo_watcher
- (.clk(fifo_clk), .reset(fifo_rst), .clear(clear_rx),
- .src_rdy1(rx18_src_rdy), .dst_rdy1(rx18_dst_rdy), .sof1(rx18_data[16]), .eof1(rx18_data[17]),
- .src_rdy2(rx18b_src_rdy), .dst_rdy2(rx18b_dst_rdy), .sof2(rx18b_data[16]), .eof2(rx18b_data[17]),
- .have_packet(rx_have_data), .length(rx_frame_len), .bus_error(bus_error_rx),
- .debug(pkt_count));
- // ////////////////////////////////////////////
- // Control path on CS6
- gpmc_wb gpmc_wb
- (.EM_CLK(EM_CLK), .EM_D_in(EM_D), .EM_D_out(EM_D_wb), .EM_A(EM_A), .EM_NBE(EM_NBE),
- .wb_clk(wb_clk), .wb_rst(wb_rst),
- .wb_adr_o(wb_adr_o), .wb_dat_mosi(wb_dat_mosi), .wb_dat_miso(wb_dat_miso),
- .wb_sel_o(wb_sel_o), .wb_cyc_o(wb_cyc_o), .wb_stb_o(wb_stb_o), .wb_we_o(wb_we_o),
- .wb_ack_i(wb_ack_i) );
-// assign debug = pkt_count;
- // ////////////////////////////////////////////
- // Test support, traffic generator, loopback, etc.
- // RX side muxes test data into the same stream
- wire [35:0] timedrx_data, loopbackrx_data, testrx_data;
- wire [35:0] timedtx_data, loopbacktx_data, testtx_data;
- wire timedrx_src_rdy, timedrx_dst_rdy, loopbackrx_src_rdy, loopbackrx_dst_rdy,
- testrx_src_rdy, testrx_dst_rdy;
- wire timedtx_src_rdy, timedtx_dst_rdy, loopbacktx_src_rdy, loopbacktx_dst_rdy,
- testtx_src_rdy, testtx_dst_rdy;
- wire timedrx_src_rdy_int, timedrx_dst_rdy_int, timedtx_src_rdy_int, timedtx_dst_rdy_int;
- wire [31:0] total, crc_err, seq_err, len_err;
- wire sel_testtx = test_ctrl[0];
- wire sel_loopbacktx = test_ctrl[1];
- wire pkt_src_enable = test_ctrl[2];
- wire pkt_sink_enable = test_ctrl[3];
- fifo36_mux rx_test_mux_lvl_1
- (.clk(fifo_clk), .reset(fifo_rst), .clear(clear_rx),
- .data0_i(timedrx_data), .src0_rdy_i(timedrx_src_rdy), .dst0_rdy_o(timedrx_dst_rdy),
- .data1_i(loopbackrx_data), .src1_rdy_i(loopbackrx_src_rdy), .dst1_rdy_o(loopbackrx_dst_rdy),
- .data_o(testrx_data), .src_rdy_o(testrx_src_rdy), .dst_rdy_i(testrx_dst_rdy));
- fifo36_mux rx_test_mux_lvl_2
- (.clk(fifo_clk), .reset(fifo_rst), .clear(clear_rx),
- .data0_i(testrx_data), .src0_rdy_i(testrx_src_rdy), .dst0_rdy_o(testrx_dst_rdy),
- .data1_i(rx_data_i), .src1_rdy_i(rx_src_rdy_i), .dst1_rdy_o(rx_dst_rdy_o),
- .data_o(rx_data), .src_rdy_o(rx_src_rdy), .dst_rdy_i(rx_dst_rdy));
- fifo_short #(.WIDTH(36)) loopback_fifo
- (.clk(fifo_clk), .reset(fifo_rst), .clear(clear_tx | clear_rx),
- .datain(loopbacktx_data), .src_rdy_i(loopbacktx_src_rdy), .dst_rdy_o(loopbacktx_dst_rdy),
- .dataout(loopbackrx_data), .src_rdy_o(loopbackrx_src_rdy), .dst_rdy_i(loopbackrx_dst_rdy));
- // Crossbar used as a demux for switching TX stream to main DSP or to test logic
- crossbar36 tx_crossbar_lvl_1
- (.clk(fifo_clk), .reset(fifo_rst), .clear(clear_tx),
- .cross(sel_testtx),
- .data0_i(tx_data), .src0_rdy_i(tx_src_rdy), .dst0_rdy_o(tx_dst_rdy),
- .data1_i(tx_data), .src1_rdy_i(1'b0), .dst1_rdy_o(), // No 2nd input
- .data0_o(tx_data_o), .src0_rdy_o(tx_src_rdy_o), .dst0_rdy_i(tx_dst_rdy_i),
- .data1_o(testtx_data), .src1_rdy_o(testtx_src_rdy), .dst1_rdy_i(testtx_dst_rdy) );
- crossbar36 tx_crossbar_lvl_2
- (.clk(fifo_clk), .reset(fifo_rst), .clear(clear_tx),
- .cross(sel_loopbacktx),
- .data0_i(testtx_data), .src0_rdy_i(testtx_src_rdy), .dst0_rdy_o(testtx_dst_rdy),
- .data1_i(testtx_data), .src1_rdy_i(1'b0), .dst1_rdy_o(), // No 2nd input
- .data0_o(timedtx_data), .src0_rdy_o(timedtx_src_rdy), .dst0_rdy_i(timedtx_dst_rdy),
- .data1_o(loopbacktx_data), .src1_rdy_o(loopbacktx_src_rdy), .dst1_rdy_i(loopbacktx_dst_rdy) );
- // Fixed rate TX traffic consumer
- fifo_pacer tx_pacer
- (.clk(fifo_clk), .reset(fifo_rst), .rate(test_rate), .enable(pkt_sink_enable),
- .src1_rdy_i(timedtx_src_rdy), .dst1_rdy_o(timedtx_dst_rdy),
- .src2_rdy_o(timedtx_src_rdy_int), .dst2_rdy_i(timedtx_dst_rdy_int),
- .underrun(tx_underrun), .overrun());
- packet_verifier32 pktver32
- (.clk(fifo_clk), .reset(fifo_rst), .clear(clear_tx),
- .data_i(timedtx_data), .src_rdy_i(timedtx_src_rdy_int), .dst_rdy_o(timedtx_dst_rdy_int),
- .total(total), .crc_err(crc_err), .seq_err(seq_err), .len_err(len_err));
- // Fixed rate RX traffic generator
- packet_generator32 pktgen32
- (.clk(fifo_clk), .reset(fifo_rst), .clear(clear_rx),
- .header({len_err,seq_err,crc_err,total}),
- .data_o(timedrx_data), .src_rdy_o(timedrx_src_rdy_int), .dst_rdy_i(timedrx_dst_rdy_int));
- fifo_pacer rx_pacer
- (.clk(fifo_clk), .reset(fifo_rst), .rate(test_rate), .enable(pkt_src_enable),
- .src1_rdy_i(timedrx_src_rdy_int), .dst1_rdy_o(timedrx_dst_rdy_int),
- .src2_rdy_o(timedrx_src_rdy), .dst2_rdy_i(timedrx_dst_rdy),
- .underrun(), .overrun(rx_overrun));
- // FIXME -- hook up crossbar controls
- // // FIXME -- collect error stats
- // FIXME -- set rates and enables on pacers
- // FIXME -- make sure packet completes before we shutoff
- // FIXME -- handle overrun and underrun
-wire [0:17] dummy18;
-assign debug = {8'd0,
- test_rate,
- pkt_src_enable, pkt_sink_enable, timedrx_src_rdy_int, timedrx_dst_rdy_int,
- timedrx_src_rdy, timedrx_dst_rdy,
- testrx_src_rdy, testrx_dst_rdy,
- rx_src_rdy, rx_dst_rdy,
- rx36_src_rdy, rx36_dst_rdy,
- rx18_src_rdy, rx18_dst_rdy,
- rx18b_src_rdy, rx18b_dst_rdy};
-endmodule // gpmc_async
diff --git a/usrp2/gpmc/gpmc_sync.v b/usrp2/gpmc/gpmc_sync.v
deleted file mode 100644
index ba7251c8d..000000000
--- a/usrp2/gpmc/gpmc_sync.v
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,125 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright 2011 Ettus Research LLC
-// This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
-// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
-// (at your option) any later version.
-// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-// GNU General Public License for more details.
-// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-// along with this program. If not, see <>.
-module gpmc_sync
- (// GPMC signals
- input arst,
- input EM_CLK, inout [15:0] EM_D, input [10:1] EM_A, input [1:0] EM_NBE,
- input EM_WAIT0, input EM_NCS4, input EM_NCS6, input EM_NWE, input EM_NOE,
- // GPIOs for FIFO signalling
- output rx_have_data, output tx_have_space, output bus_error, input bus_reset,
- // Wishbone signals
- input wb_clk, input wb_rst,
- output [10:0] wb_adr_o, output [15:0] wb_dat_mosi, input [15:0] wb_dat_miso,
- output [1:0] wb_sel_o, output wb_cyc_o, output wb_stb_o, output wb_we_o, input wb_ack_i,
- // FIFO interface
- input fifo_clk, input fifo_rst,
- output [35:0] tx_data_o, output tx_src_rdy_o, input tx_dst_rdy_i,
- input [35:0] rx_data_i, input rx_src_rdy_i, output rx_dst_rdy_o,
- output [31:0] debug
- );
- wire EM_output_enable = (~EM_NOE & (~EM_NCS4 | ~EM_NCS6));
- wire [15:0] EM_D_fifo;
- wire [15:0] EM_D_wb;
- assign EM_D = ~EM_output_enable ? 16'bz : ~EM_NCS4 ? EM_D_fifo : EM_D_wb;
- wire bus_error_tx, bus_error_rx;
- assign bus_error = bus_error_tx | bus_error_rx;
- // CS4 is RAM_2PORT for DATA PATH (high-speed data)
- // Writes go into one RAM, reads come from the other
- // CS6 is for CONTROL PATH (wishbone)
- // ////////////////////////////////////////////
- // TX Data Path
- wire [17:0] tx18_data, tx18b_data;
- wire tx18_src_rdy, tx18_dst_rdy, tx18b_src_rdy, tx18b_dst_rdy;
- wire [15:0] tx_fifo_space, tx_frame_len;
- assign tx_frame_len = 10;
- gpmc_to_fifo_sync gpmc_to_fifo_sync
- (.arst(arst),
- .data_o(tx18_data), .src_rdy_o(tx18_src_rdy), .dst_rdy_i(tx18_dst_rdy),
- .frame_len(tx_frame_len), .fifo_space(tx_fifo_space), .fifo_ready(tx_have_space),
- .bus_error(bus_error_tx) );
- fifo_2clock_cascade #(.WIDTH(18), .SIZE(4)) tx_fifo
- (.wclk(EM_CLK), .datain(tx18_data),
- .src_rdy_i(tx18_src_rdy), .dst_rdy_o(tx18_dst_rdy), .space(tx_fifo_space),
- .rclk(fifo_clk), .dataout(tx18b_data),
- .src_rdy_o(tx18b_src_rdy), .dst_rdy_i(tx18b_dst_rdy), .occupied(), .arst(arst));
- fifo19_to_fifo36 #(.LE(1)) f19_to_f36 // Little endian because ARM is LE
- (.clk(fifo_clk), .reset(fifo_rst), .clear(0),
- .f19_datain({1'b0,tx18b_data}), .f19_src_rdy_i(tx18b_src_rdy), .f19_dst_rdy_o(tx18b_dst_rdy),
- .f36_dataout(tx_data_o), .f36_src_rdy_o(tx_src_rdy_o), .f36_dst_rdy_i(tx_dst_rdy_i));
- // ////////////////////////////////////////////
- // RX Data Path
- wire [17:0] rx18_data, rx18b_data;
- wire rx18_src_rdy, rx18_dst_rdy, rx18b_src_rdy, rx18b_dst_rdy;
- wire [15:0] rx_fifo_space, rx_frame_len;
- wire dummy;
- fifo36_to_fifo19 #(.LE(1)) f36_to_f19 // Little endian because ARM is LE
- (.clk(fifo_clk), .reset(fifo_rst), .clear(0),
- .f36_datain(rx_data_i), .f36_src_rdy_i(rx_src_rdy_i), .f36_dst_rdy_o(rx_dst_rdy_o),
- .f19_dataout({dummy,rx18_data}), .f19_src_rdy_o(rx18_src_rdy), .f19_dst_rdy_i(rx18_dst_rdy) );
- fifo_2clock_cascade #(.WIDTH(18), .SIZE(10)) rx_fifo
- (.wclk(fifo_clk), .datain(rx18_data),
- .src_rdy_i(rx18_src_rdy), .dst_rdy_o(rx18_dst_rdy), .space(rx_fifo_space),
- .rclk(EM_CLK), .dataout(rx18b_data),
- .src_rdy_o(rx18b_src_rdy), .dst_rdy_i(rx18b_dst_rdy), .occupied(), .arst(arst));
- fifo_to_gpmc_sync fifo_to_gpmc_sync
- (.arst(arst),
- .data_i(rx18b_data), .src_rdy_i(rx18b_src_rdy), .dst_rdy_o(rx18b_dst_rdy),
- .fifo_ready(rx_have_data) );
- fifo_watcher fifo_watcher
- (.clk(fifo_clk), .reset(fifo_rst), .clear(0),
- .src_rdy(rx18_src_rdy), .dst_rdy(rx18_dst_rdy), .sof(rx18_data[16]), .eof(rx18_data[17]),
- .have_packet(), .length(), .next() );
- // ////////////////////////////////////////////
- // Control path on CS6
- gpmc_wb gpmc_wb
- (.EM_CLK(EM_CLK), .EM_D_in(EM_D), .EM_D_out(EM_D_wb), .EM_A(EM_A), .EM_NBE(EM_NBE),
- .wb_clk(wb_clk), .wb_rst(wb_rst),
- .wb_adr_o(wb_adr_o), .wb_dat_mosi(wb_dat_mosi), .wb_dat_miso(wb_dat_miso),
- .wb_sel_o(wb_sel_o), .wb_cyc_o(wb_cyc_o), .wb_stb_o(wb_stb_o), .wb_we_o(wb_we_o),
- .wb_ack_i(wb_ack_i) );
- assign debug = 0;
-endmodule // gpmc_sync
diff --git a/usrp2/gpmc/gpmc_to_fifo.v b/usrp2/gpmc/gpmc_to_fifo.v
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..4aa55953a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/usrp2/gpmc/gpmc_to_fifo.v
@@ -0,0 +1,157 @@
+// Copyright 2011 Ettus Research LLC
+// This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+// (at your option) any later version.
+// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+// GNU General Public License for more details.
+// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+// along with this program. If not, see <>.
+// GPMC to FIFO
+// Reads frames from BRAM pages and writes them into FIFO interface.
+// The GPMC is asynchronously alerted when a BRAM page is available.
+// EM_CLK:
+// A GPMC read transaction consists of one EM_CLK cycle (idle low).
+// EM_WE:
+// Write enable is actually the combination of ~NWE & ~NCS.
+// The write enable is active for the entire transaction.
+// EM_D:
+// Data is set on the rising edge and written into BRAM on the falling edge.
+// EM_A:
+// Address is set on the rising edge and read by BRAM on the falling edge.
+module gpmc_to_fifo
+ #(parameter PTR_WIDTH = 2, parameter ADDR_WIDTH = 10)
+ (input [15:0] EM_D, input [ADDR_WIDTH:1] EM_A, input EM_CLK, input EM_WE,
+ input clk, input reset, input clear, input arst,
+ output [17:0] data_o, output src_rdy_o, input dst_rdy_i,
+ output reg have_space);
+ //states for the GPMC side of things
+ wire [17:0] data_i;
+ reg gpmc_state;
+ reg [ADDR_WIDTH:1] last_addr;
+ reg [PTR_WIDTH:0] gpmc_ptr, next_gpmc_ptr;
+ localparam GPMC_STATE_START = 0;
+ localparam GPMC_STATE_FILL = 1;
+ //states for the FIFO side of things
+ reg fifo_state;
+ reg [ADDR_WIDTH-1:0] counter;
+ reg [PTR_WIDTH:0] fifo_ptr;
+ localparam FIFO_STATE_CLAIM = 0;
+ localparam FIFO_STATE_EMPTY = 1;
+ //------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // State machine to control the data from GPMC to BRAM
+ //------------------------------------------------------------------
+ always @(negedge EM_CLK or posedge arst) begin
+ if (arst) begin
+ gpmc_state <= GPMC_STATE_START;
+ gpmc_ptr <= 0;
+ next_gpmc_ptr <= 0;
+ end
+ else if (EM_WE) begin
+ case(gpmc_state)
+ if (EM_A == 0) begin
+ gpmc_state <= GPMC_STATE_FILL;
+ last_addr <= {EM_D[ADDR_WIDTH-2:0], 1'b0} - 1'b1;
+ next_gpmc_ptr <= gpmc_ptr + 1;
+ end
+ end
+ if (data_i[17]) begin
+ gpmc_state <= GPMC_STATE_START;
+ gpmc_ptr <= next_gpmc_ptr;
+ end
+ end
+ endcase //gpmc_state
+ end //EM_WE
+ end //always
+ //------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // A block ram is available to empty when the pointers dont match.
+ //------------------------------------------------------------------
+ wire [PTR_WIDTH:0] safe_gpmc_ptr;
+ cross_clock_reader #(.WIDTH(PTR_WIDTH+1)) read_gpmc_ptr
+ (.clk(clk), .rst(reset | clear), .in(gpmc_ptr), .out(safe_gpmc_ptr));
+ wire bram_available_to_empty = safe_gpmc_ptr != fifo_ptr;
+ //------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // Glich free generation of have space signal:
+ // High when the fifo pointer has not caught up to the gpmc pointer.
+ //------------------------------------------------------------------
+ wire [PTR_WIDTH:0] safe_next_gpmc_ptr;
+ cross_clock_reader #(.WIDTH(PTR_WIDTH+1)) read_next_gpmc_ptr
+ (.clk(clk), .rst(reset | clear), .in(next_gpmc_ptr), .out(safe_next_gpmc_ptr));
+ always @(posedge clk)
+ if (reset | clear) have_space <= 0;
+ else have_space <= (fifo_ptr ^ (1 << PTR_WIDTH)) != safe_next_gpmc_ptr;
+ //------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // State machine to control the data from BRAM to FIFO
+ //------------------------------------------------------------------
+ always @(posedge clk) begin
+ if (reset | clear) begin
+ fifo_state <= FIFO_STATE_CLAIM;
+ fifo_ptr <= 0;
+ counter <= 0;
+ end
+ else begin
+ case(fifo_state)
+ if (bram_available_to_empty) fifo_state <= FIFO_STATE_EMPTY;
+ counter <= 0;
+ end
+ if (src_rdy_o && dst_rdy_i && data_o[17]) begin
+ fifo_state <= FIFO_STATE_CLAIM;
+ fifo_ptr <= fifo_ptr + 1;
+ end
+ if (src_rdy_o && dst_rdy_i) begin
+ counter <= counter + 1;
+ end
+ end
+ endcase //fifo_state
+ end
+ end //always
+ assign src_rdy_o = fifo_state == FIFO_STATE_EMPTY;
+ //assign data and frame bits to bram input
+ assign data_i[15:0] = EM_D;
+ assign data_i[16] = (gpmc_state == GPMC_STATE_START);
+ assign data_i[17] = (EM_A == last_addr);
+ //instantiate dual ported bram for async read + write
+ ram_2port #(.DWIDTH(18),.AWIDTH(PTR_WIDTH + ADDR_WIDTH)) async_fifo_bram
+ (.clka(~EM_CLK),.ena(1'b1),.wea(EM_WE),
+ .addra({gpmc_ptr[PTR_WIDTH-1:0], EM_A}),.dia(data_i),.doa(),
+ .clkb(~clk),.enb(1'b1),.web(1'b0),
+ .addrb({fifo_ptr[PTR_WIDTH-1:0], counter}),.dib(18'h3ffff),.dob(data_o));
+endmodule // gpmc_to_fifo
diff --git a/usrp2/gpmc/gpmc_to_fifo_async.v b/usrp2/gpmc/gpmc_to_fifo_async.v
deleted file mode 100644
index aa93e52af..000000000
--- a/usrp2/gpmc/gpmc_to_fifo_async.v
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,85 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright 2011 Ettus Research LLC
-// This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
-// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
-// (at your option) any later version.
-// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-// GNU General Public License for more details.
-// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-// along with this program. If not, see <>.
-module gpmc_to_fifo_async
- (input [15:0] EM_D, input [1:0] EM_NBE, input EM_NCS, input EM_NWE,
- input fifo_clk, input fifo_rst, input clear,
- output reg [17:0] data_o, output reg src_rdy_o, input dst_rdy_i,
- input [15:0] frame_len, input [15:0] fifo_space, output reg fifo_ready,
- output reg bus_error );
- reg [15:0] counter;
- // Synchronize the async control signals
- reg [1:0] cs_del, we_del;
- always @(posedge fifo_clk)
- if(fifo_rst)
- begin
- cs_del <= 2'b11;
- we_del <= 2'b11;
- end
- else
- begin
- cs_del <= { cs_del[0], EM_NCS };
- we_del <= { we_del[0], EM_NWE };
- end
- wire do_write = (~cs_del[0] & (we_del == 2'b10));
- wire first_write = (counter == 0);
- wire last_write = ((counter+1) == frame_len);
- always @(posedge fifo_clk)
- if(do_write)
- begin
- data_o[15:0] <= EM_D;
- data_o[16] <= first_write;
- data_o[17] <= last_write;
- // no byte writes data_o[18] <= |EM_NBE; // mark half full if either is not enabled FIXME
- end
- always @(posedge fifo_clk)
- if(fifo_rst | clear)
- src_rdy_o <= 0;
- else if(do_write)
- src_rdy_o <= 1;
- else
- src_rdy_o <= 0; // Assume it was taken
- always @(posedge fifo_clk)
- if(fifo_rst | clear)
- counter <= 0;
- else if(do_write)
- if(last_write)
- counter <= 0;
- else
- counter <= counter + 1;
- always @(posedge fifo_clk)
- if(fifo_rst | clear)
- fifo_ready <= 0;
- else
- fifo_ready <= /* first_write & */ (fifo_space > 16'd1023);
- always @(posedge fifo_clk)
- if(fifo_rst | clear)
- bus_error <= 0;
- else if(src_rdy_o & ~dst_rdy_i)
- bus_error <= 1;
-endmodule // gpmc_to_fifo_async
diff --git a/usrp2/gpmc/gpmc_to_fifo_sync.v b/usrp2/gpmc/gpmc_to_fifo_sync.v
deleted file mode 100644
index 7ff7afdc2..000000000
--- a/usrp2/gpmc/gpmc_to_fifo_sync.v
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,74 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright 2011 Ettus Research LLC
-// This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
-// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
-// (at your option) any later version.
-// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-// GNU General Public License for more details.
-// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-// along with this program. If not, see <>.
-// Assumes a GPMC cycle with GPMC clock, as in the timing diagrams
-// If a packet bigger or smaller than we are told is sent, behavior is undefined.
-// If dst_rdy_i is low when we get data, behavior is undefined and we signal bus error.
-// If there is a bus error, we should be reset
-module gpmc_to_fifo_sync
- (input arst,
- input EM_CLK, input [15:0] EM_D, input [1:0] EM_NBE,
- input EM_NCS, input EM_NWE,
- output reg [17:0] data_o, output reg src_rdy_o, input dst_rdy_i,
- input [15:0] frame_len, input [15:0] fifo_space, output fifo_ready,
- output reg bus_error);
- reg [10:0] counter;
- wire first_write = (counter == 0);
- wire last_write = ((counter+1) == frame_len);
- wire do_write = ~EM_NCS & ~EM_NWE;
- always @(posedge EM_CLK or posedge arst)
- if(arst)
- data_o <= 0;
- else if(do_write)
- begin
- data_o[15:0] <= EM_D;
- data_o[16] <= first_write;
- data_o[17] <= last_write;
- // no byte writes data_o[18] <= |EM_NBE; // mark half full if either is not enabled FIXME
- end
- always @(posedge EM_CLK or posedge arst)
- if(arst)
- src_rdy_o <= 0;
- else if(do_write & ~bus_error) // Don't put junk in if there is a bus error
- src_rdy_o <= 1;
- else
- src_rdy_o <= 0; // Assume it was taken, ignore dst_rdy_i
- always @(posedge EM_CLK or posedge arst)
- if(arst)
- counter <= 0;
- else if(do_write)
- if(last_write)
- counter <= 0;
- else
- counter <= counter + 1;
- assign fifo_ready = first_write & (fifo_space > frame_len);
- always @(posedge EM_CLK or posedge arst)
- if(arst)
- bus_error <= 0;
- else if(src_rdy_o & ~dst_rdy_i)
- bus_error <= 1;
- // must be reset to make the error go away
-endmodule // gpmc_to_fifo_sync
diff --git a/usrp2/gpmc/gpmc_wb.v b/usrp2/gpmc/gpmc_wb.v
index 645201ef7..4d368ca94 100644
--- a/usrp2/gpmc/gpmc_wb.v
+++ b/usrp2/gpmc/gpmc_wb.v
@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@
module gpmc_wb
(input EM_CLK, input [15:0] EM_D_in, output [15:0] EM_D_out, input [10:1] EM_A, input [1:0] EM_NBE,
- input EM_NCS, input EM_NWE, input EM_NOE,
+ input EM_WE, input EM_OE,
input wb_clk, input wb_rst,
output reg [10:0] wb_adr_o, output reg [15:0] wb_dat_mosi, input [15:0] wb_dat_miso,
@@ -27,25 +27,31 @@ module gpmc_wb
// ////////////////////////////////////////////
// Control Path, Wishbone bus bridge (wb master)
- reg [1:0] cs_del, we_del, oe_del;
+ reg [1:0] we_del, oe_del;
// Synchronize the async control signals
always @(posedge wb_clk)
- begin
- cs_del <= { cs_del[0], EM_NCS };
- we_del <= { we_del[0], EM_NWE };
- oe_del <= { oe_del[0], EM_NOE };
+ if (wb_rst) begin
+ we_del <= 2'b0;
+ oe_del <= 2'b0;
+ else begin
+ we_del <= { we_del[0], EM_WE };
+ oe_del <= { oe_del[0], EM_OE };
+ end
+ wire writing = we_del == 2'b01;
+ wire reading = oe_del == 2'b01;
always @(posedge wb_clk)
- if(cs_del == 2'b10) // Falling Edge
+ if(writing || reading)
wb_adr_o <= { EM_A, 1'b0 };
always @(posedge wb_clk)
- if(we_del == 2'b10) // Falling Edge
+ if(writing)
- wb_dat_mosi <= EM_D_in;
- wb_sel_o <= ~EM_NBE;
+ wb_dat_mosi <= EM_D_in;
+ wb_sel_o <= ~EM_NBE;
reg [15:0] EM_D_hold;
@@ -59,14 +65,13 @@ module gpmc_wb
assign wb_cyc_o = wb_stb_o;
always @(posedge wb_clk)
- if(~cs_del[0] & (we_del == 2'b10) )
+ if(writing)
wb_we_o <= 1;
else if(wb_ack_i) // Turn off we when done. Could also use we_del[0], others...
wb_we_o <= 0;
- // FIXME should this look at cs_del[1]?
always @(posedge wb_clk)
- if(~cs_del[0] & ((we_del == 2'b10) | (oe_del == 2'b10)))
+ if(writing || reading)
wb_stb_o <= 1;
else if(wb_ack_i)
wb_stb_o <= 0;
diff --git a/usrp2/gpmc/make_timing_diag b/usrp2/gpmc/make_timing_diag
deleted file mode 100755
index 03166ad35..000000000
--- a/usrp2/gpmc/make_timing_diag
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
-drawtiming -o single_data_write.gif single_data_write.txt
-drawtiming -o single_data_read.gif single_data_read.txt
-drawtiming -o burst_data_write.gif burst_data_write.txt
-#drawtiming -o burst_data_read.gif burst_data_read.txt
diff --git a/usrp2/gpmc/ram_to_fifo.v b/usrp2/gpmc/ram_to_fifo.v
deleted file mode 100644
index 958c88b0f..000000000
--- a/usrp2/gpmc/ram_to_fifo.v
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,63 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright 2011 Ettus Research LLC
-// This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
-// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
-// (at your option) any later version.
-// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-// GNU General Public License for more details.
-// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-// along with this program. If not, see <>.
-module ram_to_fifo
- (input clk, input reset,
- input [10:0] read_length, // From the dbsm (?)
- output read_en, output reg [8:0] read_addr, input [31:0] read_data, input read_ready, output read_done,
- output [35:0] data_o, output src_rdy_o, input dst_rdy_i);
- // read_length/2 = number of 32 bit lines, numbered 0 through read_length/2-1
- wire [8:0] last_line = (read_length[10:1]-1);
- reg read_phase, sop;
- assign read_en = (read_phase == 0) | dst_rdy_i;
- assign src_rdy_o = (read_phase == 1);
- always @(posedge clk)
- if(reset)
- begin
- read_addr <= 0;
- read_phase <= 0;
- sop <= 1;
- end
- else
- if(read_phase == 0)
- begin
- read_addr <= read_ready;
- read_phase <= read_ready;
- end
- else if(dst_rdy_i)
- begin
- sop <= 0;
- if(read_addr == last_line)
- begin
- read_addr <= 0;
- read_phase <= 0;
- end
- else
- read_addr <= read_addr + 1;
- end
- assign read_done = (read_phase == 1) & (read_addr == last_line) & dst_rdy_i;
- wire eop = (read_addr == last_line);
- assign data_o = { 2'b00, eop, sop, read_data };
-endmodule // ram_to_fifo
diff --git a/usrp2/gpmc/single_data_read.txt b/usrp2/gpmc/single_data_read.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 1dc0e3a78..000000000
--- a/usrp2/gpmc/single_data_read.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
-# OMAP writes to FPGA
-# initialize the signals
diff --git a/usrp2/gpmc/single_data_write.txt b/usrp2/gpmc/single_data_write.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 287e3e2c1..000000000
--- a/usrp2/gpmc/single_data_write.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
-# OMAP writes to FPGA
-# initialize the signals
diff --git a/usrp2/top/E1x0/timing.ucf b/usrp2/top/E1x0/timing.ucf
index 8df28c9d3..f94685438 100644
--- a/usrp2/top/E1x0/timing.ucf
+++ b/usrp2/top/E1x0/timing.ucf
@@ -2,8 +2,22 @@
TIMESPEC "TS_clk_fpga_p" = PERIOD "CLK_FPGA_P" 15625 ps HIGH 50 %;
+TIMESPEC "TS_em_clk" = PERIOD "EM_CLK" 12048 ps HIGH 50 %;
+#constrain GPMC IO
+NET "EM_D<*>" MAXDELAY = 5 ns;
+NET "EM_A<*>" MAXDELAY = 5 ns;
+NET "EM_NBE<*>" MAXDELAY = 5 ns;
+#constrain interrupt lines
+NET "overo_gpio144" MAXDELAY = 5 ns; #have space
+NET "overo_gpio146" MAXDELAY = 5 ns; #have data
+NET "overo_gpio147" MAXDELAY = 5 ns; #have msg/aux spi miso
#NET "adc_a<*>" TNM_NET = ADC_DATA_GRP;
#NET "adc_b<*>" TNM_NET = ADC_DATA_GRP;
diff --git a/usrp2/top/E1x0/u1e.v b/usrp2/top/E1x0/u1e.v
index dbd6173f3..ff2e08394 100644
--- a/usrp2/top/E1x0/u1e.v
+++ b/usrp2/top/E1x0/u1e.v
@@ -53,32 +53,10 @@ module u1e
// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// Clocking
- wire clk_fpga, clk_fpga_in;
+ wire clk_fpga;
- clk_fpga_pin (.O(clk_fpga_in),.I(CLK_FPGA_P),.IB(CLK_FPGA_N));
- wire clk_2x, dcm_rst, dcm_locked, clk_fb;
- DCM #(.CLK_FEEDBACK ( "1X" ),
- .CLKDV_DIVIDE ( 2 ),
- .CLKFX_DIVIDE ( 2 ),
- .CLKIN_PERIOD ( 15.625 ),
- .FACTORY_JF ( 16'h8080 ),
- .PHASE_SHIFT ( 0 ),
- clk_doubler (.CLKFB(clk_fb), .CLKIN(clk_fpga_in), .RST(dcm_rst),
- .DSSEN(0), .PSCLK(0), .PSEN(0), .PSINCDEC(0), .PSDONE(),
- .CLKDV(), .CLKFX(), .CLKFX180(),
- .CLK2X(), .CLK2X180(),
- .CLK0(clk_fb), .CLK90(clk_fpga), .CLK180(), .CLK270(),
- .LOCKED(dcm_locked), .STATUS());
+ clk_fpga_pin (.O(clk_fpga),.I(CLK_FPGA_P),.IB(CLK_FPGA_N));
// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// SPI
diff --git a/usrp2/top/E1x0/u1e_core.v b/usrp2/top/E1x0/u1e_core.v
index 8cd51fc10..20dd98a36 100644
--- a/usrp2/top/E1x0/u1e_core.v
+++ b/usrp2/top/E1x0/u1e_core.v
@@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ module u1e_core
output [13:0] tx_i, output [13:0] tx_q,
input [11:0] rx_i, input [11:0] rx_q,
- input pps_in, output proc_int
+ input pps_in, output reg proc_int
localparam TXFIFOSIZE = 13;
@@ -60,7 +60,7 @@ module u1e_core
localparam SR_CLEAR_TX_FIFO = 62; // 1 reg
localparam SR_GLOBAL_RESET = 63; // 1 reg
- wire [7:0] COMPAT_NUM = 8'd5;
+ wire [7:0] COMPAT_NUM = 8'd6;
wire wb_clk = clk_fpga;
wire wb_rst, global_reset;
@@ -102,10 +102,7 @@ module u1e_core
wire [35:0] tx_data, rx_data, tx_err_data;
wire tx_src_rdy, tx_dst_rdy, rx_src_rdy, rx_dst_rdy,
tx_err_src_rdy, tx_err_dst_rdy;
- reg [15:0] tx_frame_len;
- wire [15:0] rx_frame_len;
- wire bus_error;
wire clear_tx, clear_rx;
setting_reg #(.my_addr(SR_CLEAR_RX_FIFO), .width(1)) sr_clear_rx
@@ -116,14 +113,13 @@ module u1e_core
gpmc (.arst(wb_rst),
.rx_have_data(rx_have_data), .tx_have_space(tx_have_space),
- .bus_error(bus_error), .bus_reset(0),
.wb_clk(wb_clk), .wb_rst(wb_rst),
.wb_adr_o(m0_adr), .wb_dat_mosi(m0_dat_mosi), .wb_dat_miso(m0_dat_miso),
@@ -133,8 +129,7 @@ module u1e_core
.fifo_clk(wb_clk), .fifo_rst(wb_rst), .clear_tx(clear_tx), .clear_rx(clear_rx),
.tx_data_o(tx_data), .tx_src_rdy_o(tx_src_rdy), .tx_dst_rdy_i(tx_dst_rdy),
.rx_data_i(rx_data), .rx_src_rdy_i(rx_src_rdy), .rx_dst_rdy_o(rx_dst_rdy),
- .tx_frame_len(tx_frame_len), .rx_frame_len(rx_frame_len),
.tx_underrun(tx_underrun_gpmc), .rx_overrun(rx_overrun_gpmc),
.test_rate(test_rate), .test_ctrl(test_ctrl),
@@ -313,8 +308,6 @@ module u1e_core
localparam REG_CGEN_CTRL = 7'd4; // out
localparam REG_CGEN_ST = 7'd6; // in
localparam REG_TEST = 7'd8; // out
- localparam REG_RX_FRAMELEN = 7'd10; // in
- localparam REG_TX_FRAMELEN = 7'd12; // out
localparam REG_XFER_RATE = 7'd14; // out
localparam REG_COMPAT = 7'd16; // in
@@ -324,7 +317,6 @@ module u1e_core
reg_leds <= 0;
reg_cgen_ctrl <= 2'b11;
reg_test <= 0;
- tx_frame_len <= 0;
xfer_rate <= 0;
@@ -336,8 +328,6 @@ module u1e_core
reg_cgen_ctrl <= s0_dat_mosi;
reg_test <= s0_dat_mosi;
- tx_frame_len <= s0_dat_mosi;
xfer_rate <= s0_dat_mosi;
endcase // case (s0_adr[6:0])
@@ -352,7 +342,6 @@ module u1e_core
(s0_adr[6:0] == REG_CGEN_CTRL) ? reg_cgen_ctrl :
(s0_adr[6:0] == REG_CGEN_ST) ? {13'b0,cgen_st_status,cgen_st_ld,cgen_st_refmon} :
(s0_adr[6:0] == REG_TEST) ? reg_test :
- (s0_adr[6:0] == REG_RX_FRAMELEN) ? rx_frame_len :
(s0_adr[6:0] == REG_COMPAT) ? { 8'd0, COMPAT_NUM } :
@@ -433,7 +422,7 @@ module u1e_core
// Wishbone interface to RAM
.wb_clk_i(wb_clk), .wb_rst_i(wb_rst),
.wb_we_i(s5_we), .wb_stb_i(s5_stb),
- .wb_adr_i(s5_adr), .wb_dat_i({16'b0, s5_dat_mosi}),
+ .wb_adr_i({5'b0,s5_adr}), .wb_dat_i({16'b0, s5_dat_mosi}),
.wb_dat_o(err_data32), .wb_ack_o(s5_ack),
// Write FIFO Interface
.wr_data_i(_tx_err_data), .wr_ready_i(_tx_err_src_rdy), .wr_ready_o(_tx_err_dst_rdy),
@@ -444,7 +433,8 @@ module u1e_core
// Interrupts
- assign proc_int = (|err_status[1:0]);
+ always @(posedge wb_clk)
+ proc_int <= (|err_status[1:0]);
// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// Settings Bus -- Slave #8 + 9