path: root/usrp2/top/u2plus/u2plus.v
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Diffstat (limited to 'usrp2/top/u2plus/u2plus.v')
1 files changed, 146 insertions, 141 deletions
diff --git a/usrp2/top/u2plus/u2plus.v b/usrp2/top/u2plus/u2plus.v
index e95445867..ac0f6bbd1 100644
--- a/usrp2/top/u2plus/u2plus.v
+++ b/usrp2/top/u2plus/u2plus.v
@@ -3,46 +3,93 @@
module u2plus
+ input CLK_FPGA_P, input CLK_FPGA_N, // Diff
+ // ADC
+ input ADC_clkout_p, input ADC_clkout_n,
+ input ADCA_12_p, input ADCA_12_n,
+ input ADCA_10_p, input ADCA_10_n,
+ input ADCA_8_p, input ADCA_8_n,
+ input ADCA_6_p, input ADCA_6_n,
+ input ADCA_4_p, input ADCA_4_n,
+ input ADCA_2_p, input ADCA_2_n,
+ input ADCA_0_p, input ADCA_0_n,
+ input ADCB_12_p, input ADCB_12_n,
+ input ADCB_10_p, input ADCB_10_n,
+ input ADCB_8_p, input ADCB_8_n,
+ input ADCB_6_p, input ADCB_6_n,
+ input ADCB_4_p, input ADCB_4_n,
+ input ADCB_2_p, input ADCB_2_n,
+ input ADCB_0_p, input ADCB_0_n,
+ // DAC
+ output [15:0] DACA,
+ output [15:0] DACB,
+ input DAC_LOCK, // unused for now
+ // DB IO Pins
+ inout [15:0] io_tx,
+ inout [15:0] io_rx,
// Misc, debug
- output [4:0] leds, // LED4 is shared w/INIT_B
- input [3:0] dipsw,
- output [31:0] debug,
+ output [5:1] leds, // LED4 is shared w/INIT_B
+ input FPGA_RESET,
output [1:0] debug_clk,
- output uart_tx_o,
- input uart_rx_i,
- // Expansion
- input exp_pps_in_p, // Diff
- input exp_pps_in_n, // Diff
- output exp_pps_out_p, // Diff
- output exp_pps_out_n, // Diff
+ output [31:0] debug,
+ output [3:1] TXD, input [3:1] RXD, // UARTs
+ //input [3:0] dipsw, // Forgot DIP Switches...
- // GMII
- input GMII_COL,
- input GMII_CRS,
+ // Clock Gen Control
+ output [1:0] clk_en,
+ output [1:0] clk_sel,
+ input CLK_FUNC, // FIXME is an input to control the 9510
+ input CLK_STATUS,
+ inout SCL, inout SDA, // I2C
+ // PPS
+ input PPS_IN, input PPS2_IN,
+ // SPI
+ output SEN_CLK, output SCLK_CLK, output MOSI_CLK, input MISO_CLK,
+ output SEN_DAC, output SCLK_DAC, output MOSI_DAC, input MISO_DAC,
+ output SEN_ADC, output SCLK_ADC, output MOSI_ADC,
+ output SEN_TX_DB, output SCLK_TX_DB, output MOSI_TX_DB, input MISO_TX_DB,
+ output SEN_TX_DAC, output SCLK_TX_DAC, output MOSI_TX_DAC,
+ output SEN_TX_ADC, output SCLK_TX_ADC, output MOSI_TX_ADC, input MISO_TX_ADC,
+ output SEN_RX_DB, output SCLK_RX_DB, output MOSI_RX_DB, input MISO_RX_DB,
+ output SEN_RX_DAC, output SCLK_RX_DAC, output MOSI_RX_DAC,
+ output SEN_RX_ADC, output SCLK_RX_ADC, output MOSI_RX_ADC, input MISO_RX_ADC,
+ // GigE PHY
+ input CLK_TO_MAC,
- // GMII-TX
output reg [7:0] GMII_TXD,
output reg GMII_TX_EN,
output reg GMII_TX_ER,
output GMII_GTX_CLK,
input GMII_TX_CLK, // 100mbps clk
- // GMII-RX
- input [7:0] GMII_RXD,
input GMII_RX_CLK,
+ input [7:0] GMII_RXD,
input GMII_RX_DV,
input GMII_RX_ER,
+ input GMII_COL,
+ input GMII_CRS,
- // GMII-Management
+ input PHY_INTn, // open drain
inout MDIO,
output MDC,
- input PHY_INTn, // open drain
output PHY_RESETn,
- input PHY_CLK, // possibly use on-board osc
- input clk_to_mac,
- output eth_led,
+ output ETH_LED,
+ input POR,
+ // Expansion
+ input exp_time_in_p, input exp_time_in_n, // Diff
+ output exp_time_out_p, output exp_time_out_n, // Diff
+ input exp_user_in_p, input exp_user_in_n, // Diff
+ output exp_user_out_p, output exp_user_out_n, // Diff
output ser_enable,
@@ -59,75 +106,18 @@ module u2plus
input [15:0] ser_r,
input ser_rklsb,
input ser_rkmsb,
- // ADC
- input [13:0] adc_a,
- input adc_ovf_a,
- output adc_oen_a,
- output adc_pdn_a,
- input [13:0] adc_b,
- input adc_ovf_b,
- output adc_oen_b,
- output adc_pdn_b,
- // DAC
- output [15:0] dac_a,
- output [15:0] dac_b,
- input dac_lock, // unused for now
- // I2C
- inout SCL,
- inout SDA,
- // Clock Gen Control
- output [1:0] clk_en,
- output [1:0] clk_sel,
- input clk_func, // FIXME is an input to control the 9510
- input clk_status,
- // Clocks
- input clk_fpga_p, // Diff
- input clk_fpga_n, // Diff
- input pps_in,
- input POR,
+ // SRAM
+ inout [35:0] RAM_D,
+ output [20:0] RAM_A,
+ output [3:0] RAM_BWn,
+ output RAM_ZZ,
+ output RAM_LDn,
+ output RAM_OEn,
+ output RAM_WEn,
+ output RAM_CENn,
+ output RAM_CLK,
- // AD9510 SPI
- output sclk,
- output sen_clk,
- output sdi,
- input sdo,
- // TX side SPI -- tx_db, tx_adc, tx_dac, 9777
- output sen_dac,
- output sen_tx_db,
- output sen_tx_adc,
- output sen_tx_dac,
- output mosi_tx,
- input miso_dac,
- input miso_tx_db,
- input miso_tx_adc,
- output sclk_tx,
- // RX side SPI
- output sen_rx_db,
- output sclk_rx_db,
- input sdo_rx_db,
- output sdi_rx_db,
- output sen_rx_adc,
- output sclk_rx_adc,
- input sdo_rx_adc,
- output sdi_rx_adc,
- output sen_rx_dac,
- output sclk_rx_dac,
- output sdi_rx_dac,
- // DB IO Pins
- inout [15:0] io_tx,
- inout [15:0] io_rx,
// SPI Flash
output flash_cs,
output flash_clk,
@@ -136,37 +126,49 @@ module u2plus
// FPGA-specific pins connections
- wire aux_clk = PHY_CLK;
wire clk_fpga, dsp_clk, clk_div, dcm_out, wb_clk, clock_ready;
- IBUFGDS clk_fpga_pin (.O(clk_fpga),.I(clk_fpga_p),.IB(clk_fpga_n));
+ IBUFGDS clk_fpga_pin (.O(clk_fpga),.I(CLK_FPGA_P),.IB(CLK_FPGA_N));
defparam clk_fpga_pin.IOSTANDARD = "LVPECL_25";
- wire exp_pps_in;
- IBUFDS exp_pps_in_pin (.O(exp_pps_in),.I(exp_pps_in_p),.IB(exp_pps_in_n));
- defparam exp_pps_in_pin.IOSTANDARD = "LVDS_25";
+ wire exp_time_in;
+ IBUFDS exp_time_in_pin (.O(exp_time_in),.I(exp_time_in_p),.IB(exp_time_in_n));
+ defparam exp_time_in_pin.IOSTANDARD = "LVDS_25";
- wire exp_pps_out;
- OBUFDS exp_pps_out_pin (.O(exp_pps_out_p),.OB(exp_pps_out_n),.I(exp_pps_out));
- defparam exp_pps_out_pin.IOSTANDARD = "LVDS_25";
- reg [5:0] clock_ready_d;
- always @(posedge aux_clk)
- clock_ready_d[5:0] <= {clock_ready_d[4:0],clock_ready};
+ wire exp_time_out;
+ OBUFDS exp_time_out_pin (.O(exp_time_out_p),.OB(exp_time_out_n),.I(exp_time_out));
+ defparam exp_time_out_pin.IOSTANDARD = "LVDS_25";
- wire dcm_rst = ~&clock_ready_d & |clock_ready_d;
- wire clk_muxed = clock_ready ? clk_fpga : aux_clk;
+ wire exp_user_in;
+ IBUFDS exp_user_in_pin (.O(exp_user_in),.I(exp_user_in_p),.IB(exp_user_in_n));
+ defparam exp_user_in_pin.IOSTANDARD = "LVDS_25";
+ wire exp_user_out;
+ OBUFDS exp_user_out_pin (.O(exp_user_out_p),.OB(exp_user_out_n),.I(exp_user_out));
+ defparam exp_user_out_pin.IOSTANDARD = "LVDS_25";
- wire adc_on_a, adc_on_b, adc_oe_a, adc_oe_b;
- assign adc_oen_a = ~adc_oe_a;
- assign adc_oen_b = ~adc_oe_b;
- assign adc_pdn_a = ~adc_on_a;
- assign adc_pdn_b = ~adc_on_b;
+ wire dcm_rst = 0;
+ wire [13:0] adc_a, adc_b;
+`ifdef LVDS
+ capture_ddrlvds #(.WIDTH(14)) capture_ddrlvds
+ (.clk(dsp_clk), .ssclk_p(ADC_clkout_p), .ssclk_n(ADC_clkout_n),
+ .in_p({{ADCA_12_p, ADCA_10_p, ADCA_8_p, ADCA_6_p, ADCA_4_p, ADCA_2_p, ADCA_0_p},
+ {ADCB_12_p, ADCB_10_p, ADCB_8_p, ADCB_6_p, ADCB_4_p, ADCB_2_p, ADCB_0_p}}),
+ .in_n({{ADCA_12_n, ADCA_10_n, ADCA_8_n, ADCA_6_n, ADCA_4_n, ADCA_2_n, ADCA_0_n},
+ {ADCB_12_n, ADCB_10_n, ADCB_8_n, ADCB_6_n, ADCB_4_n, ADCB_2_n, ADCB_0_n}}),
+ .out({adc_a,adc_b}));
+ assign adc_a = {ADCA_12_p,ADCA_12_n, ADCA_10_p,ADCA_10_n, ADCA_8_p,ADCA_8_n, ADCA_6_p,ADCA_6_n,
+ ADCA_4_p,ADCA_4_n, ADCA_2_p,ADCA_2_n, ADCA_0_p,ADCA_0_n };
+ assign adc_b = {ADCB_12_p,ADCB_12_n, ADCB_10_p,ADCB_10_n, ADCB_8_p,ADCB_8_n, ADCB_6_p,ADCB_6_n,
+ ADCB_4_p,ADCB_4_n, ADCB_2_p,ADCB_2_n, ADCB_0_p,ADCB_0_n };
+`endif // !`ifdef LVDS
// Handle Clocks
DCM DCM_INST (.CLKFB(dsp_clk),
- .CLKIN(clk_muxed),
+ .CLKIN(clk_fpga),
@@ -207,23 +209,26 @@ module u2plus
IOBUF sda_pin(.O(sda_pad_i), .IO(SDA), .I(sda_pad_o), .T(sda_pad_oen_o));
// LEDs are active low outputs
- wire [4:0] leds_int;
- assign leds = ~leds_int; // drive low to turn on leds
+ wire [5:0] leds_int;
+ assign {leds,ETH_LED} = ~leds_int; // drive low to turn on leds
// SPI
- wire miso, mosi, sclk_int;
- assign {sclk,sdi} = (~sen_clk | ~sen_dac) ? {sclk_int,mosi} : 2'b0;
- assign {sclk_tx_db,sdi_tx_db} = ~sen_tx_db ? {sclk_int,mosi} : 2'b0;
- assign {sclk_tx_dac,sdi_tx_dac} = ~sen_tx_dac ? {sclk_int,mosi} : 2'b0;
- assign {sclk_tx_adc,sdi_tx_adc} = ~sen_tx_adc ? {sclk_int,mosi} : 2'b0;
- assign {sclk_rx_db,sdi_rx_db} = ~sen_rx_db ? {sclk_int,mosi} : 2'b0;
- assign {sclk_rx_dac,sdi_rx_dac} = ~sen_rx_dac ? {sclk_int,mosi} : 2'b0;
- assign {sclk_rx_adc,sdi_rx_adc} = ~sen_rx_adc ? {sclk_int,mosi} : 2'b0;
- assign miso = (~sen_clk & sdo) | (~sen_dac & sdo) |
- (~sen_tx_db & sdo_tx_db) | (~sen_tx_adc & sdo_tx_adc) |
- (~sen_rx_db & sdo_rx_db) | (~sen_rx_adc & sdo_rx_adc);
+ wire miso, mosi, sclk;
+ assign {SCLK_CLK,MOSI_CLK} = ~SEN_CLK ? {sclk,mosi} : 2'B0;
+ assign {SCLK_DAC,MOSI_DAC} = ~SEN_DAC ? {sclk,mosi} : 2'B0;
+ assign {SCLK_ADC,MOSI_ADC} = ~SEN_ADC ? {sclk,mosi} : 2'B0;
+ assign {SCLK_TX_DB,MOSI_TX_DB} = ~SEN_TX_DB ? {sclk,mosi} : 2'B0;
+ assign {SCLK_TX_DAC,MOSI_TX_DAC} = ~SEN_TX_DAC ? {sclk,mosi} : 2'B0;
+ assign {SCLK_TX_ADC,MOSI_TX_ADC} = ~SEN_TX_ADC ? {sclk,mosi} : 2'B0;
+ assign {SCLK_RX_DB,MOSI_RX_DB} = ~SEN_RX_DB ? {sclk,mosi} : 2'B0;
+ assign {SCLK_RX_DAC,MOSI_RX_DAC} = ~SEN_RX_DAC ? {sclk,mosi} : 2'B0;
+ assign {SCLK_RX_ADC,MOSI_RX_ADC} = ~SEN_RX_ADC ? {sclk,mosi} : 2'B0;
+ assign miso = (~SEN_CLK & MISO_CLK) | (~SEN_DAC & MISO_DAC) |
wire GMII_TX_EN_unreg, GMII_TX_ER_unreg;
wire [7:0] GMII_TXD_unreg;
wire GMII_GTX_CLK_int;
@@ -281,7 +286,7 @@ module u2plus
.S(0) // Synchronous preset input
- u2_core u2_core(.dsp_clk (dsp_clk),
+ u2plus_core u2p_c(.dsp_clk (dsp_clk),
.wb_clk (wb_clk),
.clock_ready (clock_ready),
.clk_to_mac (clk_to_mac),
@@ -289,8 +294,8 @@ module u2plus
.leds (leds_int),
.debug (debug[31:0]),
.debug_clk (debug_clk[1:0]),
- .exp_pps_in (exp_pps_in),
- .exp_pps_out (exp_pps_out),
+ .exp_pps_in (exp_time_in),
+ .exp_pps_out (exp_time_out),
.GMII_TXD (GMII_TXD_unreg[7:0]),
@@ -306,7 +311,6 @@ module u2plus
.ser_enable (ser_enable),
.ser_prbsen (ser_prbsen),
.ser_loopen (ser_loopen),
@@ -319,12 +323,6 @@ module u2plus
.ser_r (ser_r_int[15:0]),
.ser_rklsb (ser_rklsb_int),
.ser_rkmsb (ser_rkmsb_int),
- .cpld_start (cpld_start),
- .cpld_mode (cpld_mode),
- .cpld_done (cpld_done),
- .cpld_din (cpld_din),
- .cpld_clk (cpld_clk),
- .cpld_detached (cpld_detached),
.adc_a (adc_a[13:0]),
.adc_ovf_a (adc_ovf_a),
.adc_on_a (adc_on_a),
@@ -333,8 +331,8 @@ module u2plus
.adc_ovf_b (adc_ovf_b),
.adc_on_b (adc_on_b),
.adc_oe_b (adc_oe_b),
- .dac_a (dac_a[15:0]),
- .dac_b (dac_b[15:0]),
+ .dac_a (DACA[15:0]),
+ .dac_b (DACB[15:0]),
.scl_pad_i (scl_pad_i),
.scl_pad_o (scl_pad_o),
.scl_pad_oen_o (scl_pad_oen_o),
@@ -366,12 +364,19 @@ module u2plus
- .uart_tx_o (uart_tx_o),
- //.uart_rx_i (uart_rx_i),
- .uart_rx_i (),
+ .uart_tx_o (TXD[1]),
+ .uart_rx_i (RXD[1]),
.uart_baud_o (),
.sim_mode (1'b0),
- .clock_divider (2)
+ .clock_divider (2),
+ .spiflash_cs (flash_cs),
+ .spiflash_clk (flash_clk),
+ .spiflash_miso (flash_miso),
+ .spiflash_mosi (flash_mosi)
+ assign RAM_ZZ = 1;
+ assign RAM_BWn = 4'b1111;
+ assign TXD[3:2] = 2'b11;
endmodule // u2plus