path: root/usrp2/extramfifo/ext_fifo.v
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Diffstat (limited to 'usrp2/extramfifo/ext_fifo.v')
1 files changed, 87 insertions, 38 deletions
diff --git a/usrp2/extramfifo/ext_fifo.v b/usrp2/extramfifo/ext_fifo.v
index 2af59a75d..6888617a7 100644
--- a/usrp2/extramfifo/ext_fifo.v
+++ b/usrp2/extramfifo/ext_fifo.v
@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@
//`define NO_EXT_FIFO
module ext_fifo
- #(parameter INT_WIDTH=36,EXT_WIDTH=18,RAM_DEPTH=19,FIFO_DEPTH=19)
+ #(parameter INT_WIDTH=36,EXT_WIDTH=18,RAM_DEPTH=19,FIFO_DEPTH=19)
input int_clk,
input ext_clk,
@@ -44,34 +44,29 @@ module ext_fifo
wire [EXT_WIDTH-1:0] write_data;
wire [EXT_WIDTH-1:0] read_data;
- wire full1, empty1;
- wire almost_full2, full2, empty2;
+ wire full1, empty1;
+ wire almost_full2, full2, empty2;
wire [INT_WIDTH-1:0] data_to_fifo;
wire [INT_WIDTH-1:0] data_from_fifo;
wire [FIFO_DEPTH-1:0] capacity;
+ wire space_avail;
+ wire data_avail;
+ // These next 2 lines here purely because ICARUS is crap at handling generate statements.
+ // Empirically this has been determined to make simulations work.
+ wire read_input_fifo = space_avail & ~empty1;
+ wire write_output_fifo = data_avail;
- // FIFO buffers data from UDP engine into external FIFO clock domain.
- fifo_xlnx_512x36_2clk_36to18 fifo_xlnx_512x36_2clk_36to18_i1 (
- .rst(rst),
- .wr_clk(int_clk),
- .rd_clk(ext_clk),
- .din(datain), // Bus [35 : 0]
- .wr_en(src_rdy_i),
- .rd_en(space_avail&~empty1),
- .dout(write_data), // Bus [17 : 0]
- .full(full1),
- .empty(empty1));
- assign dst_rdy_o = ~full1;
+ assign src_rdy_o = ~empty2;
+ assign dst_rdy_o = ~full1;
`ifdef NO_EXT_FIFO
- assign space_avail = ~full2;
- assign data_avail = ~empty1;
- assign read_data = write_data;
+ assign space_avail = ~full2;
+ assign data_avail = ~empty1;
+ assign read_data = write_data;
- // External FIFO running at ext clock rate and 18 bit width.
+ // External FIFO running at ext clock rate and 18 or 36 bit width.
@@ -90,27 +85,80 @@ module ext_fifo
.write_strobe(~empty1 ),
- .read_strobe(~almost_full2),
+ .read_strobe(~almost_full2_spread),
`endif // !`ifdef NO_EXT_FIFO
+ generate
+ if (EXT_WIDTH == 18 && INT_WIDTH == 36) begin: fifo_g1
+ // FIFO buffers data from UDP engine into external FIFO clock domain.
+ fifo_xlnx_512x36_2clk_36to18 fifo_xlnx_512x36_2clk_36to18_i1 (
+ .rst(rst),
+ .wr_clk(int_clk),
+ .rd_clk(ext_clk),
+ .din(datain), // Bus [35 : 0]
+ .wr_en(src_rdy_i),
+ .rd_en(read_input_fifo),
+ .dout(write_data), // Bus [17 : 0]
+ .full(full1),
+ .empty(empty1));
+ // FIFO buffers data read from external FIFO into DSP clk domain and to TX DSP.
+ fifo_xlnx_512x36_2clk_18to36 fifo_xlnx_512x36_2clk_18to36_i1 (
+ .rst(rst),
+ .wr_clk(ext_clk),
+ .rd_clk(int_clk),
+ .din(read_data), // Bus [17 : 0]
+ .wr_en(write_output_fifo),
+ .rd_en(dst_rdy_i),
+ .dout(dataout), // Bus [35 : 0]
+ .full(full2),
+ .prog_full(almost_full2),
+ .empty(empty2));
+ end // block: fifo_g1
+ else if (EXT_WIDTH == 36 && INT_WIDTH == 36) begin: fifo_g1
+ // FIFO buffers data from UDP engine into external FIFO clock domain.
+ fifo_xlnx_32x36_2clk fifo_xlnx_32x36_2clk_i1 (
+ .rst(rst),
+ .wr_clk(int_clk),
+ .rd_clk(ext_clk),
+ .din(datain), // Bus [35 : 0]
+ .wr_en(src_rdy_i),
+ .rd_en(read_input_fifo),
+ .dout(write_data), // Bus [35 : 0]
+ .full(full1),
+ .empty(empty1));
+ // FIFO buffers data read from external FIFO into DSP clk domain and to TX DSP.
+ fifo_xlnx_32x36_2clk fifo_xlnx_32x36_2clk_i2 (
+ .rst(rst),
+ .wr_clk(ext_clk),
+ .rd_clk(int_clk),
+ .din(read_data), // Bus [35 : 0]
+ .wr_en(write_output_fifo),
+ .rd_en(dst_rdy_i),
+ .dout(dataout), // Bus [35 : 0]
+ .full(full2),
+ .empty(empty2),
+ .prog_full(almost_full2));
+ end
+ endgenerate
- // FIFO buffers data read from external FIFO into DSP clk domain and to TX DSP.
- fifo_xlnx_512x36_2clk_18to36 fifo_xlnx_512x36_2clk_18to36_i1 (
- .rst(rst),
- .wr_clk(ext_clk),
- .rd_clk(int_clk),
- .din(read_data), // Bus [17 : 0]
- .wr_en(data_avail),
- .rd_en(dst_rdy_i),
- .dout(dataout), // Bus [35 : 0]
- .full(full2),
- .prog_full(almost_full2),
- .empty(empty2));
- assign src_rdy_o = ~empty2;
+ refill_randomizer #(.BITS(7))
+ refill_randomizer_i1 (
+ .clk(ext_clk),
+ .rst(rst),
+ .full_in(almost_full2),
+ .full_out(almost_full2_spread)
+ );
always @ (posedge int_clk)
debug[31:28] <= {empty2,full1,dst_rdy_i,src_rdy_i };
@@ -118,6 +166,7 @@ module ext_fifo
debug[27:0] <= {RAM_WEn,RAM_CE1n,RAM_A[3:0],read_data[17:0],empty1,space_avail,data_avail,almost_full2 };
always@ (posedge ext_clk)
-// debug2[31:0] <= {write_data[15:0],read_data[15:0]};
- debug2[31:0] <= 0;
+ // debug2[31:0] <= {write_data[15:0],read_data[15:0]};
+ debug2[31:0] <= 0;
endmodule // ext_fifo