path: root/host/python
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'host/python')
6 files changed, 224 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/host/python/uhd/__init__.py b/host/python/uhd/__init__.py
index bfbe9a57f..b825cfa2e 100644
--- a/host/python/uhd/__init__.py
+++ b/host/python/uhd/__init__.py
@@ -9,6 +9,7 @@ UHD Python API module
from . import types
from . import usrp
+from . import usrpctl
from . import filters
from . import rfnoc
from . import dsp
diff --git a/host/python/uhd/usrpctl/__init__.py b/host/python/uhd/usrpctl/__init__.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..8c16e1823
--- /dev/null
+++ b/host/python/uhd/usrpctl/__init__.py
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2022 Ettus Research, A National Instruments Brand
+SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later
+from . import commands
diff --git a/host/python/uhd/usrpctl/commands/__init__.py b/host/python/uhd/usrpctl/commands/__init__.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..3a8fd045e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/host/python/uhd/usrpctl/commands/__init__.py
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+Copyright (c) 2022 Ettus Research, A National Instruments Brand
+SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later
+from .command import BaseCommand
+from .find import FindCommand
+from .probe import ProbeCommand
diff --git a/host/python/uhd/usrpctl/commands/command.py b/host/python/uhd/usrpctl/commands/command.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..9f19d33a5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/host/python/uhd/usrpctl/commands/command.py
@@ -0,0 +1,133 @@
+Copyright (c) 2022 Ettus Research, A National Instruments Brand
+SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later
+import functools
+import re
+import subprocess
+SSH_COMMAND = 'ssh -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -o ConnectTimeout=10 {user}@{host}'
+SCP_COMMAND = 'scp -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -o ConnectTimeout=10 {src} {user}@{host}:{dest}'
+function ssh_cmd() {{
+ ssh -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -o ConnectTimeout=10 {user}@{host} $1
+if ! {{ boot_id=$(ssh_cmd "cat /proc/sys/kernel/random/boot_id") \
+ && [[ $boot_id ]]; }}; then
+ echo "Unable to retrieve boot ID" >&2
+ exit 1
+ssh_cmd "reboot"
+timeout_at=$(( SECONDS + max_timeout ))
+until new_boot_id=$(ssh_cmd "cat /proc/sys/kernel/random/boot_id") \
+ && [[ $new_boot_id != "$boot_id" ]]; do
+ if (( SECONDS > timeout_at )); then
+ echo "System did not reboot within timeout" >&2
+ exit 1
+ fi
+ sleep 5
+echo "System successfully rebooted" >&2
+class BaseCommand:
+ """
+ Base class for all usrpctl commands
+ Implements some helper useful for all command classes.
+ """
+ @classmethod
+ def command_name(cls):
+ """
+ By default the command name is the class name (lowercase) without
+ the trailing "Command"
+ """
+ return re.sub("(.*)Command$", r"\1", cls.__name__).lower()
+ @classmethod
+ def add_parser(cls, parser):
+ """
+ add_parser is used to tell usrpctl argparse which command line
+ argument the command accepts.
+ """
+ def _to_arg_list(self, args):
+ """
+ Takes parsed arguments from argparse and converts it to
+ a flat list of key value pairs where the key is prepended with
+ two dashes. If value is falsy the pair is ommitted.
+ This is suitable to pass parsed arguments into another process.
+ Example: Suppose args is:
+ Namespace(foo='fval', bar=2, baz=None)
+ then this would result in this list:
+ ['--foo', 'fval', '--bar', 2]
+ """
+ arg_list = {f"--{key}": value for key, value in vars(args).items() if value}
+ return list(functools.reduce(
+ lambda left, right: left + right, arg_list.items())) if arg_list else []
+ def _external_process(self, command):
+ """
+ Run command in an external process.
+ stderr is redirected into stdout and the oupput is
+ yielded while the process is running.
+ throws CalledProcessError on non zero returncode
+ """
+ with subprocess.Popen(command, stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE,
+ stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, text=True) as process:
+ for line in iter(process.stdout.readline, ""):
+ yield line.rstrip()
+ returncode = process.wait()
+ if returncode != 0:
+ raise subprocess.CalledProcessError(returncode, command)
+ def _reboot(self, user, host):
+ cmd = REBOOT_SCRIPT.format(user=user, host=host)
+ yield from self._external_process(["bash", "-c", cmd])
+ def _remote_cmd(self, user, host, cmd):
+ """
+ Executes a command via SSH.
+ """
+ ssh_cmd = SSH_COMMAND.format(user=user, host=host)
+ yield from self._external_process(ssh_cmd.split(' ') + [cmd])
+ def _remote_copy(self, user, host, src, dest):
+ """
+ Uses scp to copy a file to a remote host
+ """
+ cp_cmd = SCP_COMMAND.format(user=user, host=host, src=src, dest=dest)
+ yield from self._external_process(cp_cmd.split(' '))
+ def _process_output(self, line):
+ print(line)
+ def _run_commands(self, usrp, args):
+ print(f"{self.__class__.__name__} is not yet implemented."
+ f"arguments usrp: {usrp} args: {args}")
+ def is_multi_device_capable(self):
+ """
+ Tell whether this command can serve multiple USRPs at once
+ """
+ return False
+ def run(self, usrps, args):
+ """
+ Run the command
+ """
+ for usrp in usrps:
+ print(f'{self.command_name()} {usrp.to_string()}')
+ for line in self._run_commands(usrp, args):
+ self._process_output(line)
diff --git a/host/python/uhd/usrpctl/commands/find.py b/host/python/uhd/usrpctl/commands/find.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..7a07a73c3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/host/python/uhd/usrpctl/commands/find.py
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+Copyright (c) 2022 Ettus Research, A National Instruments Brand
+SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later
+from .command import BaseCommand
+class FindCommand(BaseCommand):
+ """
+ Class that finds USRP devices
+ """
+ @classmethod
+ def add_parser(cls, parser):
+ """
+ Adding subparser for find command
+ """
+ parser.add_parser(cls.command_name(),
+ help="print devices found using id parameter")
+ def is_multi_device_capable(self):
+ """
+ Can handle multiple USRPs
+ """
+ return True
+ def run(self, usrps, args):
+ """
+ Because usrpctl issued find to build the usrps list
+ from the id argument the only thing left to do is
+ print the found devices. Print mimics the behaviour
+ of uhd_find_devices.
+ """
+ for index, usrp in enumerate(usrps):
+ print('--------------------------------------------------')
+ print(f"-- UHD Device {index}")
+ print('--------------------------------------------------')
+ print('Device Address:')
+ for key, value in usrp.to_dict().items():
+ print(f" {key}: {value}")
+ print()
+ print()
diff --git a/host/python/uhd/usrpctl/commands/probe.py b/host/python/uhd/usrpctl/commands/probe.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..486844a58
--- /dev/null
+++ b/host/python/uhd/usrpctl/commands/probe.py
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+Copyright (c) 2022 Ettus Research, A National Instruments Brand
+SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later
+from .command import BaseCommand
+class ProbeCommand(BaseCommand):
+ """
+ Command that uses uhd_usrp_probe to query device properties.
+ Acts on single devices only.
+ """
+ @classmethod
+ def add_parser(cls, parser):
+ """
+ Allow -tree as argument. other uhd_usrp_probe arguments
+ are not supported right now
+ """
+ subparser = parser.add_parser(cls.command_name(),
+ help="report detailed information on USRP device")
+ subparser.add_argument("-tree", const="tree", action="store_const",
+ help="reads the device tree")
+ def _run_commands(self, usrp, args):
+ """
+ probe the device
+ """
+ yield from self._external_process(
+ ["uhd_usrp_probe", f"--args={usrp.to_string()}"] +
+ self._to_arg_list(args))