path: root/host/lib/usrp/x300/x300_clock_ctrl.cpp
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Diffstat (limited to 'host/lib/usrp/x300/x300_clock_ctrl.cpp')
1 files changed, 227 insertions, 16 deletions
diff --git a/host/lib/usrp/x300/x300_clock_ctrl.cpp b/host/lib/usrp/x300/x300_clock_ctrl.cpp
index e182f649b..350e9e9bc 100644
--- a/host/lib/usrp/x300/x300_clock_ctrl.cpp
+++ b/host/lib/usrp/x300/x300_clock_ctrl.cpp
@@ -29,6 +29,31 @@ static const double X300_REF_CLK_OUT_RATE = 10e6;
static const boost::uint16_t X300_MAX_CLKOUT_DIV = 1045;
static const double X300_DEFAULT_DBOARD_CLK_RATE = 50e6;
+struct x300_clk_delays {
+ x300_clk_delays() :
+ fpga_dly_ns(0.0),adc_dly_ns(0.0),dac_dly_ns(0.0),db_rx_dly_ns(0.0),db_tx_dly_ns(0.0)
+ {}
+ x300_clk_delays(double fpga, double adc, double dac, double db_rx, double db_tx) :
+ fpga_dly_ns(fpga),adc_dly_ns(adc),dac_dly_ns(dac),db_rx_dly_ns(db_rx),db_tx_dly_ns(db_tx)
+ {}
+ double fpga_dly_ns;
+ double adc_dly_ns;
+ double dac_dly_ns;
+ double db_rx_dly_ns;
+ double db_tx_dly_ns;
+// Delay the FPGA_CLK by 900ps to ensure a safe ADC_SSCLK -> RADIO_CLK crossing.
+// If the FPGA_CLK is delayed, we also need to delay the reference clocks going to the DAC
+// because the data interface clock is generated from FPGA_CLK.
+// NOTE: This delay value was verified at room temperature only.
+static const x300_clk_delays X300_REV0_6_CLK_DELAYS = x300_clk_delays(
+ /*fpga=*/0.900, /*adc=*/0.000, /*dac=*/0.900, /*db_rx=*/0.000, /*db_tx=*/0.000);
+static const x300_clk_delays X300_REV7_CLK_DELAYS = x300_clk_delays(
+ /*fpga=*/0.000, /*adc=*/4.400, /*dac=*/0.000, /*db_rx=*/0.000, /*db_tx=*/0.000);
using namespace uhd;
@@ -213,6 +238,187 @@ public:
_spiface->write_spi(_slaveno, spi_config_t::EDGE_RISE, data,32);
+ double set_clock_delay(const x300_clock_which_t which, const double delay_ns, const bool resync = true) {
+ //All dividers have are delayed by 5 taps by default. The delay
+ //set by this function is relative to the 5 tap delay
+ static const boost::uint16_t DDLY_MIN_TAPS = 5;
+ static const boost::uint16_t DDLY_MAX_TAPS = 522; //Extended mode
+ //The resolution and range of the analog delay is fixed
+ static const double ADLY_RES_NS = 0.025;
+ static const double ADLY_MIN_NS = 0.500;
+ static const double ADLY_MAX_NS = 0.975;
+ //Each digital tap delays the clock by one VCO period
+ double vco_period_ns = 1.0e9/_vco_freq;
+ double half_vco_period_ns = vco_period_ns/2.0;
+ //Implement as much of the requested delay using digital taps. Whatever is leftover
+ //will be made up using the analog delay element and the half-cycle digital tap.
+ //A caveat here is that the analog delay starts at ADLY_MIN_NS, so we need to back off
+ //by that much when coming up with the digital taps so that the difference can be made
+ //up using the analog delay.
+ boost::uint16_t ddly_taps = 0;
+ if (delay_ns < ADLY_MIN_NS) {
+ ddly_taps = static_cast<boost::uint16_t>(std::floor((delay_ns)/vco_period_ns));
+ } else {
+ ddly_taps = static_cast<boost::uint16_t>(std::floor((delay_ns-ADLY_MIN_NS)/vco_period_ns));
+ }
+ double leftover_delay = delay_ns - (vco_period_ns * ddly_taps);
+ //Compute settings
+ boost::uint16_t ddly_value = ddly_taps + DDLY_MIN_TAPS;
+ bool adly_en = false;
+ boost::uint8_t adly_value = 0;
+ boost::uint8_t half_shift_en = 0;
+ if (ddly_value > DDLY_MAX_TAPS) {
+ throw uhd::value_error("set_clock_delay: Requested delay is out of range.");
+ }
+ double coerced_delay = (vco_period_ns * ddly_taps);
+ if (leftover_delay > ADLY_MAX_NS) {
+ //The VCO is running too slowly for us to compensate the digital delay difference using
+ //analog delay. Do the best we can.
+ adly_en = true;
+ adly_value = static_cast<boost::uint8_t>(round((ADLY_MAX_NS-ADLY_MIN_NS)/ADLY_RES_NS));
+ coerced_delay += ADLY_MAX_NS;
+ } else if (leftover_delay >= ADLY_MIN_NS && leftover_delay <= ADLY_MAX_NS) {
+ //The leftover delay can be compensated by the analog delay up to the analog delay resolution
+ adly_en = true;
+ adly_value = static_cast<boost::uint8_t>(round((leftover_delay-ADLY_MIN_NS)/ADLY_RES_NS));
+ coerced_delay += ADLY_MIN_NS+(ADLY_RES_NS*adly_value);
+ } else if (leftover_delay >= (ADLY_MIN_NS - half_vco_period_ns) && leftover_delay < ADLY_MIN_NS) {
+ //The leftover delay if less than the minimum supported analog delay but if we move the digital
+ //delay back by half a VCO cycle then it will be in the range of the analog delay. So do that!
+ adly_en = true;
+ adly_value = static_cast<boost::uint8_t>(round((leftover_delay+half_vco_period_ns-ADLY_MIN_NS)/ADLY_RES_NS));
+ half_shift_en = 1;
+ coerced_delay += ADLY_MIN_NS+(ADLY_RES_NS*adly_value)-half_vco_period_ns;
+ } else {
+ //Even after moving the digital delay back by half a cycle, we cannot make up the difference
+ //so give up on compensating for the difference from the digital delay tap.
+ //If control reaches here then the value of leftover_delay is possible very small and will still
+ //be close to what the client requested.
+ }
+ UHD_LOGV(often)
+ << boost::format("x300_clock_ctrl::set_clock_delay: Which=%d, Requested=%f, Digital Taps=%d, Half Shift=%d, Analog Delay=%d (%s), Coerced Delay=%fns"
+ ) % which % delay_ns % ddly_value % (half_shift_en?"ON":"OFF") % ((int)adly_value) % (adly_en?"ON":"OFF") % coerced_delay << std::endl;
+ //Apply settings
+ switch (which)
+ {
+ _lmk04816_regs.CLKout0_1_DDLY = ddly_value;
+ _lmk04816_regs.CLKout0_1_HS = half_shift_en;
+ if (adly_en) {
+ _lmk04816_regs.CLKout0_ADLY_SEL = lmk04816_regs_t::CLKOUT0_ADLY_SEL_D_BOTH;
+ _lmk04816_regs.CLKout1_ADLY_SEL = lmk04816_regs_t::CLKOUT1_ADLY_SEL_D_BOTH;
+ _lmk04816_regs.CLKout0_1_ADLY = adly_value;
+ } else {
+ _lmk04816_regs.CLKout0_ADLY_SEL = lmk04816_regs_t::CLKOUT0_ADLY_SEL_D_PD;
+ _lmk04816_regs.CLKout1_ADLY_SEL = lmk04816_regs_t::CLKOUT1_ADLY_SEL_D_PD;
+ }
+ write_regs(0);
+ write_regs(6);
+ _delays.fpga_dly_ns = coerced_delay;
+ break;
+ case X300_CLOCK_WHICH_DB0_RX:
+ case X300_CLOCK_WHICH_DB1_RX:
+ _lmk04816_regs.CLKout2_3_DDLY = ddly_value;
+ _lmk04816_regs.CLKout2_3_HS = half_shift_en;
+ if (adly_en) {
+ _lmk04816_regs.CLKout2_ADLY_SEL = lmk04816_regs_t::CLKOUT2_ADLY_SEL_D_BOTH;
+ _lmk04816_regs.CLKout3_ADLY_SEL = lmk04816_regs_t::CLKOUT3_ADLY_SEL_D_BOTH;
+ _lmk04816_regs.CLKout2_3_ADLY = adly_value;
+ } else {
+ _lmk04816_regs.CLKout2_ADLY_SEL = lmk04816_regs_t::CLKOUT2_ADLY_SEL_D_PD;
+ _lmk04816_regs.CLKout3_ADLY_SEL = lmk04816_regs_t::CLKOUT3_ADLY_SEL_D_PD;
+ }
+ write_regs(1);
+ write_regs(6);
+ _delays.db_rx_dly_ns = coerced_delay;
+ break;
+ case X300_CLOCK_WHICH_DB0_TX:
+ case X300_CLOCK_WHICH_DB1_TX:
+ _lmk04816_regs.CLKout4_5_DDLY = ddly_value;
+ _lmk04816_regs.CLKout4_5_HS = half_shift_en;
+ if (adly_en) {
+ _lmk04816_regs.CLKout4_ADLY_SEL = lmk04816_regs_t::CLKOUT4_ADLY_SEL_D_BOTH;
+ _lmk04816_regs.CLKout5_ADLY_SEL = lmk04816_regs_t::CLKOUT5_ADLY_SEL_D_BOTH;
+ _lmk04816_regs.CLKout4_5_ADLY = adly_value;
+ } else {
+ _lmk04816_regs.CLKout4_ADLY_SEL = lmk04816_regs_t::CLKOUT4_ADLY_SEL_D_PD;
+ _lmk04816_regs.CLKout5_ADLY_SEL = lmk04816_regs_t::CLKOUT5_ADLY_SEL_D_PD;
+ }
+ write_regs(2);
+ write_regs(7);
+ _delays.db_tx_dly_ns = coerced_delay;
+ break;
+ case X300_CLOCK_WHICH_DAC0:
+ case X300_CLOCK_WHICH_DAC1:
+ _lmk04816_regs.CLKout6_7_DDLY = ddly_value;
+ _lmk04816_regs.CLKout6_7_HS = half_shift_en;
+ if (adly_en) {
+ _lmk04816_regs.CLKout6_ADLY_SEL = lmk04816_regs_t::CLKOUT6_ADLY_SEL_D_BOTH;
+ _lmk04816_regs.CLKout7_ADLY_SEL = lmk04816_regs_t::CLKOUT7_ADLY_SEL_D_BOTH;
+ _lmk04816_regs.CLKout6_7_ADLY = adly_value;
+ } else {
+ _lmk04816_regs.CLKout6_ADLY_SEL = lmk04816_regs_t::CLKOUT6_ADLY_SEL_D_PD;
+ _lmk04816_regs.CLKout7_ADLY_SEL = lmk04816_regs_t::CLKOUT7_ADLY_SEL_D_PD;
+ }
+ write_regs(3);
+ write_regs(7);
+ _delays.dac_dly_ns = coerced_delay;
+ break;
+ case X300_CLOCK_WHICH_ADC0:
+ case X300_CLOCK_WHICH_ADC1:
+ _lmk04816_regs.CLKout8_9_DDLY = ddly_value;
+ _lmk04816_regs.CLKout8_9_HS = half_shift_en;
+ if (adly_en) {
+ _lmk04816_regs.CLKout8_ADLY_SEL = lmk04816_regs_t::CLKOUT8_ADLY_SEL_D_BOTH;
+ _lmk04816_regs.CLKout9_ADLY_SEL = lmk04816_regs_t::CLKOUT9_ADLY_SEL_D_BOTH;
+ _lmk04816_regs.CLKout8_9_ADLY = adly_value;
+ } else {
+ _lmk04816_regs.CLKout8_ADLY_SEL = lmk04816_regs_t::CLKOUT8_ADLY_SEL_D_PD;
+ _lmk04816_regs.CLKout9_ADLY_SEL = lmk04816_regs_t::CLKOUT9_ADLY_SEL_D_PD;
+ }
+ write_regs(4);
+ write_regs(8);
+ _delays.adc_dly_ns = coerced_delay;
+ break;
+ default:
+ throw uhd::value_error("set_clock_delay: Requested source is invalid.");
+ }
+ //Delays are applied only on a sync event
+ if (resync) sync_clocks();
+ return coerced_delay;
+ }
+ double get_clock_delay(const x300_clock_which_t which) {
+ switch (which)
+ {
+ return _delays.fpga_dly_ns;
+ case X300_CLOCK_WHICH_DB0_RX:
+ case X300_CLOCK_WHICH_DB1_RX:
+ return _delays.db_rx_dly_ns;
+ case X300_CLOCK_WHICH_DB0_TX:
+ case X300_CLOCK_WHICH_DB1_TX:
+ return _delays.db_tx_dly_ns;
+ case X300_CLOCK_WHICH_DAC0:
+ case X300_CLOCK_WHICH_DAC1:
+ return _delays.dac_dly_ns;
+ case X300_CLOCK_WHICH_ADC0:
+ case X300_CLOCK_WHICH_ADC1:
+ return _delays.adc_dly_ns;
+ default:
+ throw uhd::value_error("get_clock_delay: Requested source is invalid.");
+ }
+ }
@@ -409,9 +615,6 @@ private:
_lmk04816_regs.CLKout0_1_PD = lmk04816_regs_t::CLKOUT0_1_PD_POWER_UP;
_lmk04816_regs.CLKout0_1_DIV = master_clock_div;
- _lmk04816_regs.CLKout0_ADLY_SEL = lmk04816_regs_t::CLKOUT0_ADLY_SEL_D_EV_X;
- _lmk04816_regs.CLKout6_ADLY_SEL = lmk04816_regs_t::CLKOUT6_ADLY_SEL_D_BOTH;
- _lmk04816_regs.CLKout7_ADLY_SEL = lmk04816_regs_t::CLKOUT7_ADLY_SEL_D_BOTH;
// Register 1
@@ -435,11 +638,6 @@ private:
_lmk04816_regs.CLKout1_TYPE = lmk04816_regs_t::CLKOUT1_TYPE_P_DOWN; //CPRI feedback clock, use LVDS
_lmk04816_regs.CLKout2_TYPE = lmk04816_regs_t::CLKOUT2_TYPE_LVPECL_700MVPP; //DB_0_RX
_lmk04816_regs.CLKout3_TYPE = lmk04816_regs_t::CLKOUT3_TYPE_LVPECL_700MVPP; //DB_1_RX
- // Delay the FPGA_CLK by 900ps to ensure a safe ADC_SSCLK -> RADIO_CLK crossing.
- // If the FPGA_CLK is delayed, we also need to delay the reference clocks going to the DAC
- // because the data interface clock is generated from FPGA_CLK.
- // NOTE: This delay value was verified at room temperature only.
- _lmk04816_regs.CLKout0_1_ADLY = 0x10;
// Register 7
_lmk04816_regs.CLKout4_TYPE = lmk04816_regs_t::CLKOUT4_TYPE_LVPECL_700MVPP; //DB_1_TX
@@ -447,7 +645,6 @@ private:
_lmk04816_regs.CLKout6_TYPE = lmk04816_regs_t::CLKOUT6_TYPE_LVPECL_700MVPP; //DB0_DAC
_lmk04816_regs.CLKout7_TYPE = lmk04816_regs_t::CLKOUT7_TYPE_LVPECL_700MVPP; //DB1_DAC
_lmk04816_regs.CLKout8_TYPE = lmk04816_regs_t::CLKOUT8_TYPE_LVPECL_700MVPP; //DB0_ADC
- _lmk04816_regs.CLKout6_7_ADLY = _lmk04816_regs.CLKout0_1_ADLY;
// Register 8
_lmk04816_regs.CLKout9_TYPE = lmk04816_regs_t::CLKOUT9_TYPE_LVPECL_700MVPP; //DB1_ADC
@@ -506,6 +703,19 @@ private:
// PLL2_P_30 set in individual cases above
// PLL2_N_30 set in individual cases above
+ if (_hw_rev >= 7) {
+ _delays = X300_REV7_CLK_DELAYS;
+ } else {
+ _delays = X300_REV0_6_CLK_DELAYS;
+ }
+ //Apply delay values
+ set_clock_delay(X300_CLOCK_WHICH_FPGA, _delays.fpga_dly_ns, false);
+ set_clock_delay(X300_CLOCK_WHICH_DB0_RX, _delays.db_rx_dly_ns, false); //Sets both Ch0 and Ch1
+ set_clock_delay(X300_CLOCK_WHICH_DB0_TX, _delays.db_tx_dly_ns, false); //Sets both Ch0 and Ch1
+ set_clock_delay(X300_CLOCK_WHICH_ADC0, _delays.adc_dly_ns, false); //Sets both Ch0 and Ch1
+ set_clock_delay(X300_CLOCK_WHICH_DAC0, _delays.dac_dly_ns, false); //Sets both Ch0 and Ch1
/* Write the configuration values into the LMK */
for (size_t i = 1; i <= 16; ++i) {
@@ -517,13 +727,14 @@ private:
- const spi_iface::sptr _spiface;
- const size_t _slaveno;
- const size_t _hw_rev;
- const double _master_clock_rate;
- const double _system_ref_rate;
- lmk04816_regs_t _lmk04816_regs;
- double _vco_freq;
+ const spi_iface::sptr _spiface;
+ const size_t _slaveno;
+ const size_t _hw_rev;
+ const double _master_clock_rate;
+ const double _system_ref_rate;
+ lmk04816_regs_t _lmk04816_regs;
+ double _vco_freq;
+ x300_clk_delays _delays;
x300_clock_ctrl::sptr x300_clock_ctrl::make(uhd::spi_iface::sptr spiface,