path: root/host/lib/usrp/usrp2/usrp2_iface.cpp
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Diffstat (limited to 'host/lib/usrp/usrp2/usrp2_iface.cpp')
1 files changed, 400 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/host/lib/usrp/usrp2/usrp2_iface.cpp b/host/lib/usrp/usrp2/usrp2_iface.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..5e197d1f9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/host/lib/usrp/usrp2/usrp2_iface.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,400 @@
+// Copyright 2010-2011 Ettus Research LLC
+// This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+// (at your option) any later version.
+// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+// GNU General Public License for more details.
+// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+// along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+#include "usrp2_regs.hpp"
+#include "fw_common.h"
+#include "usrp2_iface.hpp"
+#include <uhd/exception.hpp>
+#include <uhd/types/dict.hpp>
+#include <boost/thread.hpp>
+#include <boost/foreach.hpp>
+#include <boost/asio.hpp> //used for htonl and ntohl
+#include <boost/assign/list_of.hpp>
+#include <boost/format.hpp>
+#include <boost/tokenizer.hpp>
+#include <boost/thread/thread.hpp>
+#include <boost/thread/barrier.hpp>
+#include <boost/functional/hash.hpp>
+#include <algorithm>
+#include <iostream>
+using namespace uhd;
+using namespace uhd::usrp;
+using namespace uhd::transport;
+static const double CTRL_RECV_TIMEOUT = 1.0;
+static const boost::uint32_t MIN_PROTO_COMPAT_SPI = 7;
+static const boost::uint32_t MIN_PROTO_COMPAT_I2C = 7;
+// The register compat number must reflect the protocol compatibility
+// and the compatibility of the register mapping (more likely to change).
+static const boost::uint32_t MIN_PROTO_COMPAT_REG = USRP2_FW_COMPAT_NUM;
+static const boost::uint32_t MIN_PROTO_COMPAT_UART = 7;
+// Map for virtual firmware regs (not very big so we can keep it here for now)
+#define U2_FW_REG_LOCK_TIME 0
+#define U2_FW_REG_LOCK_GPID 1
+//Define get_gpid() to get a globally unique identifier for this process.
+//The gpid is implemented as a hash of the pid and a unique machine identifier.
+#include <Windows.h>
+static inline size_t get_gpid(void){
+ //extract volume serial number
+ char szVolName[MAX_PATH+1], szFileSysName[MAX_PATH+1];
+ DWORD dwSerialNumber, dwMaxComponentLen, dwFileSysFlags;
+ GetVolumeInformation("C:\\", szVolName, MAX_PATH,
+ &dwSerialNumber, &dwMaxComponentLen,
+ &dwFileSysFlags, szFileSysName, sizeof(szFileSysName));
+ size_t hash = 0;
+ boost::hash_combine(hash, GetCurrentProcessId());
+ boost::hash_combine(hash, dwSerialNumber);
+ return hash;
+#include <unistd.h>
+static inline size_t get_gpid(void){
+ size_t hash = 0;
+ boost::hash_combine(hash, getpid());
+ boost::hash_combine(hash, gethostid());
+ return hash;
+class usrp2_iface_impl : public usrp2_iface{
+ * Structors
+ **********************************************************************/
+ usrp2_iface_impl(udp_simple::sptr ctrl_transport):
+ _ctrl_transport(ctrl_transport),
+ _ctrl_seq_num(0),
+ _protocol_compat(0) //initialized below...
+ {
+ //Obtain the firmware's compat number.
+ //Save the response compat number for communication.
+ //TODO can choose to reject certain older compat numbers
+ usrp2_ctrl_data_t ctrl_data;
+ ctrl_data.id = htonl(USRP2_CTRL_ID_WAZZUP_BRO);
+ ctrl_data = ctrl_send_and_recv(ctrl_data, 0, ~0);
+ if (ntohl(ctrl_data.id) != USRP2_CTRL_ID_WAZZUP_DUDE)
+ throw uhd::runtime_error("firmware not responding");
+ _protocol_compat = ntohl(ctrl_data.proto_ver);
+ mb_eeprom = mboard_eeprom_t(*this, mboard_eeprom_t::MAP_N100);
+ }
+ ~usrp2_iface_impl(void){
+ this->lock_device(false);
+ }
+ * Device locking
+ **********************************************************************/
+ void lock_device(bool lock){
+ if (lock){
+ boost::barrier spawn_barrier(2);
+ _lock_thread_group.create_thread(boost::bind(&usrp2_iface_impl::lock_loop, this, boost::ref(spawn_barrier)));
+ spawn_barrier.wait();
+ }
+ else{
+ _lock_thread_group.interrupt_all();
+ _lock_thread_group.join_all();
+ }
+ }
+ bool is_device_locked(void){
+ boost::uint32_t lock_secs = this->get_reg<boost::uint32_t, USRP2_REG_ACTION_FW_PEEK32>(U2_FW_REG_LOCK_TIME);
+ boost::uint32_t lock_gpid = this->get_reg<boost::uint32_t, USRP2_REG_ACTION_FW_PEEK32>(U2_FW_REG_LOCK_GPID);
+ boost::uint32_t curr_secs = this->peek32(U2_REG_TIME64_SECS_RB_IMM);
+ //if the difference is larger, assume not locked anymore
+ if (curr_secs - lock_secs >= 3) return false;
+ //otherwise only lock if the device hash is different that ours
+ return lock_gpid != boost::uint32_t(get_gpid());
+ }
+ void lock_loop(boost::barrier &spawn_barrier){
+ spawn_barrier.wait();
+ try{
+ this->get_reg<boost::uint32_t, USRP2_REG_ACTION_FW_POKE32>(U2_FW_REG_LOCK_GPID, boost::uint32_t(get_gpid()));
+ while(true){
+ //re-lock in loop
+ boost::uint32_t curr_secs = this->peek32(U2_REG_TIME64_SECS_RB_IMM);
+ this->get_reg<boost::uint32_t, USRP2_REG_ACTION_FW_POKE32>(U2_FW_REG_LOCK_TIME, curr_secs);
+ //sleep for a bit
+ boost::this_thread::sleep(boost::posix_time::milliseconds(1500));
+ }
+ } catch(const boost::thread_interrupted &){}
+ //unlock on exit
+ this->get_reg<boost::uint32_t, USRP2_REG_ACTION_FW_POKE32>(U2_FW_REG_LOCK_TIME, 0);
+ }
+ * Peek and Poke
+ **********************************************************************/
+ void poke32(boost::uint32_t addr, boost::uint32_t data){
+ this->get_reg<boost::uint32_t, USRP2_REG_ACTION_FPGA_POKE32>(addr, data);
+ }
+ boost::uint32_t peek32(boost::uint32_t addr){
+ return this->get_reg<boost::uint32_t, USRP2_REG_ACTION_FPGA_PEEK32>(addr);
+ }
+ void poke16(boost::uint32_t addr, boost::uint16_t data){
+ this->get_reg<boost::uint16_t, USRP2_REG_ACTION_FPGA_POKE16>(addr, data);
+ }
+ boost::uint16_t peek16(boost::uint32_t addr){
+ return this->get_reg<boost::uint16_t, USRP2_REG_ACTION_FPGA_PEEK16>(addr);
+ }
+ template <class T, usrp2_reg_action_t action>
+ T get_reg(boost::uint32_t addr, T data = 0){
+ //setup the out data
+ usrp2_ctrl_data_t out_data;
+ out_data.id = htonl(USRP2_CTRL_ID_GET_THIS_REGISTER_FOR_ME_BRO);
+ out_data.data.reg_args.addr = htonl(addr);
+ out_data.data.reg_args.data = htonl(boost::uint32_t(data));
+ out_data.data.reg_args.action = action;
+ //send and recv
+ usrp2_ctrl_data_t in_data = this->ctrl_send_and_recv(out_data, MIN_PROTO_COMPAT_REG);
+ return T(ntohl(in_data.data.reg_args.data));
+ }
+ * SPI
+ **********************************************************************/
+ boost::uint32_t transact_spi(
+ int which_slave,
+ const spi_config_t &config,
+ boost::uint32_t data,
+ size_t num_bits,
+ bool readback
+ ){
+ static const uhd::dict<spi_config_t::edge_t, int> spi_edge_to_otw = boost::assign::map_list_of
+ (spi_config_t::EDGE_RISE, USRP2_CLK_EDGE_RISE)
+ (spi_config_t::EDGE_FALL, USRP2_CLK_EDGE_FALL)
+ ;
+ //setup the out data
+ usrp2_ctrl_data_t out_data;
+ out_data.id = htonl(USRP2_CTRL_ID_TRANSACT_ME_SOME_SPI_BRO);
+ out_data.data.spi_args.dev = htonl(which_slave);
+ out_data.data.spi_args.miso_edge = spi_edge_to_otw[config.miso_edge];
+ out_data.data.spi_args.mosi_edge = spi_edge_to_otw[config.mosi_edge];
+ out_data.data.spi_args.readback = (readback)? 1 : 0;
+ out_data.data.spi_args.num_bits = num_bits;
+ out_data.data.spi_args.data = htonl(data);
+ //send and recv
+ usrp2_ctrl_data_t in_data = this->ctrl_send_and_recv(out_data, MIN_PROTO_COMPAT_SPI);
+ return ntohl(in_data.data.spi_args.data);
+ }
+ * I2C
+ **********************************************************************/
+ void write_i2c(boost::uint8_t addr, const byte_vector_t &buf){
+ //setup the out data
+ usrp2_ctrl_data_t out_data;
+ out_data.id = htonl(USRP2_CTRL_ID_WRITE_THESE_I2C_VALUES_BRO);
+ out_data.data.i2c_args.addr = addr;
+ out_data.data.i2c_args.bytes = buf.size();
+ //limitation of i2c transaction size
+ UHD_ASSERT_THROW(buf.size() <= sizeof(out_data.data.i2c_args.data));
+ //copy in the data
+ std::copy(buf.begin(), buf.end(), out_data.data.i2c_args.data);
+ //send and recv
+ usrp2_ctrl_data_t in_data = this->ctrl_send_and_recv(out_data, MIN_PROTO_COMPAT_I2C);
+ }
+ byte_vector_t read_i2c(boost::uint8_t addr, size_t num_bytes){
+ //setup the out data
+ usrp2_ctrl_data_t out_data;
+ out_data.id = htonl(USRP2_CTRL_ID_DO_AN_I2C_READ_FOR_ME_BRO);
+ out_data.data.i2c_args.addr = addr;
+ out_data.data.i2c_args.bytes = num_bytes;
+ //limitation of i2c transaction size
+ UHD_ASSERT_THROW(num_bytes <= sizeof(out_data.data.i2c_args.data));
+ //send and recv
+ usrp2_ctrl_data_t in_data = this->ctrl_send_and_recv(out_data, MIN_PROTO_COMPAT_I2C);
+ UHD_ASSERT_THROW(in_data.data.i2c_args.addr = num_bytes);
+ //copy out the data
+ byte_vector_t result(num_bytes);
+ std::copy(in_data.data.i2c_args.data, in_data.data.i2c_args.data + num_bytes, result.begin());
+ return result;
+ }
+ * UART
+ **********************************************************************/
+ void write_uart(boost::uint8_t dev, const std::string &buf){
+ //first tokenize the string into 20-byte substrings
+ boost::offset_separator f(20, 1, true, true);
+ boost::tokenizer<boost::offset_separator> tok(buf, f);
+ std::vector<std::string> queue(tok.begin(), tok.end());
+ BOOST_FOREACH(std::string item, queue) {
+ //setup the out data
+ usrp2_ctrl_data_t out_data;
+ out_data.id = htonl(USRP2_CTRL_ID_HEY_WRITE_THIS_UART_FOR_ME_BRO);
+ out_data.data.uart_args.dev = dev;
+ out_data.data.uart_args.bytes = item.size();
+ //limitation of uart transaction size
+ UHD_ASSERT_THROW(item.size() <= sizeof(out_data.data.uart_args.data));
+ //copy in the data
+ std::copy(item.begin(), item.end(), out_data.data.uart_args.data);
+ //send and recv
+ usrp2_ctrl_data_t in_data = this->ctrl_send_and_recv(out_data, MIN_PROTO_COMPAT_UART);
+ }
+ }
+ std::string read_uart(boost::uint8_t dev){
+ int readlen = 20;
+ std::string result;
+ while(readlen == 20) { //while we keep receiving full packets
+ //setup the out data
+ usrp2_ctrl_data_t out_data;
+ out_data.data.uart_args.dev = dev;
+ out_data.data.uart_args.bytes = 20;
+ //limitation of uart transaction size
+ //UHD_ASSERT_THROW(num_bytes <= sizeof(out_data.data.uart_args.data));
+ //send and recv
+ usrp2_ctrl_data_t in_data = this->ctrl_send_and_recv(out_data, MIN_PROTO_COMPAT_UART);
+ readlen = in_data.data.uart_args.bytes;
+ //copy out the data
+ result += std::string((const char *)in_data.data.uart_args.data, (size_t)readlen);
+ }
+ return result;
+ }
+ gps_send_fn_t get_gps_write_fn(void) {
+ return boost::bind(&usrp2_iface_impl::write_uart, this, 2, _1); //2 is the GPS UART port on USRP2
+ }
+ gps_recv_fn_t get_gps_read_fn(void) {
+ return boost::bind(&usrp2_iface_impl::read_uart, this, 2); //2 is the GPS UART port on USRP2
+ }
+ * Send/Recv over control
+ **********************************************************************/
+ usrp2_ctrl_data_t ctrl_send_and_recv(
+ const usrp2_ctrl_data_t &out_data,
+ boost::uint32_t lo = USRP2_FW_COMPAT_NUM,
+ boost::uint32_t hi = USRP2_FW_COMPAT_NUM
+ ){
+ boost::mutex::scoped_lock lock(_ctrl_mutex);
+ //fill in the seq number and send
+ usrp2_ctrl_data_t out_copy = out_data;
+ out_copy.proto_ver = htonl(_protocol_compat);
+ out_copy.seq = htonl(++_ctrl_seq_num);
+ _ctrl_transport->send(boost::asio::buffer(&out_copy, sizeof(usrp2_ctrl_data_t)));
+ //loop until we get the packet or timeout
+ boost::uint8_t usrp2_ctrl_data_in_mem[udp_simple::mtu]; //allocate max bytes for recv
+ const usrp2_ctrl_data_t *ctrl_data_in = reinterpret_cast<const usrp2_ctrl_data_t *>(usrp2_ctrl_data_in_mem);
+ while(true){
+ size_t len = _ctrl_transport->recv(boost::asio::buffer(usrp2_ctrl_data_in_mem), CTRL_RECV_TIMEOUT);
+ boost::uint32_t compat = ntohl(ctrl_data_in->proto_ver);
+ if(len >= sizeof(boost::uint32_t) and (hi < compat or lo > compat)){
+ throw uhd::runtime_error(str(boost::format(
+ "\nPlease update the firmware and FPGA images for your device.\n"
+ "See the application notes for USRP2/N-Series for instructions.\n"
+ "Expected protocol compatibility number %s, but got %d:\n"
+ "The firmware build is not compatible with the host code build."
+ ) % ((lo == hi)? (boost::format("%d") % hi) : (boost::format("[%d to %d]") % lo % hi)) % compat));
+ }
+ if (len >= sizeof(usrp2_ctrl_data_t) and ntohl(ctrl_data_in->seq) == _ctrl_seq_num){
+ return *ctrl_data_in;
+ }
+ if (len == 0) break; //timeout
+ //didnt get seq or bad packet, continue looking...
+ }
+ throw uhd::runtime_error("no control response");
+ }
+ rev_type get_rev(void){
+ switch (boost::lexical_cast<boost::uint16_t>(mb_eeprom["rev"])){
+ case 0x0300:
+ case 0x0301: return USRP2_REV3;
+ case 0x0400: return USRP2_REV4;
+ case 0x0A00: return USRP_N200;
+ case 0x0A01: return USRP_N210;
+ }
+ return USRP_NXXX; //unknown type
+ }
+ const std::string get_cname(void){
+ switch(this->get_rev()){
+ case USRP2_REV3: return "USRP2-REV3";
+ case USRP2_REV4: return "USRP2-REV4";
+ case USRP_N200: return "USRP-N200";
+ case USRP_N210: return "USRP-N210";
+ case USRP_NXXX: return "USRP-N???";
+ }
+ }
+ //this lovely lady makes it all possible
+ udp_simple::sptr _ctrl_transport;
+ //used in send/recv
+ boost::mutex _ctrl_mutex;
+ boost::uint32_t _ctrl_seq_num;
+ boost::uint32_t _protocol_compat;
+ //lock thread stuff
+ boost::thread_group _lock_thread_group;
+ * Public make function for usrp2 interface
+ **********************************************************************/
+usrp2_iface::sptr usrp2_iface::make(udp_simple::sptr ctrl_transport){
+ return usrp2_iface::sptr(new usrp2_iface_impl(ctrl_transport));