path: root/host/lib/usrp/usrp1/io_impl.cpp
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Diffstat (limited to 'host/lib/usrp/usrp1/io_impl.cpp')
1 files changed, 184 insertions, 87 deletions
diff --git a/host/lib/usrp/usrp1/io_impl.cpp b/host/lib/usrp/usrp1/io_impl.cpp
index de325ea5d..7d4fe2ec7 100644
--- a/host/lib/usrp/usrp1/io_impl.cpp
+++ b/host/lib/usrp/usrp1/io_impl.cpp
@@ -33,6 +33,7 @@
#include <boost/thread/thread.hpp>
#include <boost/bind.hpp>
#include <boost/format.hpp>
+#include <boost/make_shared.hpp>
using namespace uhd;
using namespace uhd::usrp;
@@ -138,10 +139,6 @@ struct usrp1_impl::io_impl{
zero_copy_if::sptr data_transport;
- //state management for the vrt packet handler code
- sph::recv_packet_handler recv_handler;
- sph::send_packet_handler send_handler;
//wrapper around the actual send buffer interface
//all of this to ensure only aligned lengths are committed
//NOTE: you must commit before getting a new buffer
@@ -219,13 +216,6 @@ void usrp1_impl::io_impl::flush_send_buff(void){
* Initialize internals within this file
void usrp1_impl::io_init(void){
- _rx_otw_type.width = 16;
- _rx_otw_type.shift = 0;
- _rx_otw_type.byteorder = otw_type_t::BO_LITTLE_ENDIAN;
- _tx_otw_type.width = 16;
- _tx_otw_type.shift = 0;
- _tx_otw_type.byteorder = otw_type_t::BO_LITTLE_ENDIAN;
_io_impl = UHD_PIMPL_MAKE(io_impl, (_data_transport));
@@ -234,18 +224,6 @@ void usrp1_impl::io_init(void){
&usrp1_impl::vandal_conquest_loop, this
- //init some handler stuff
- _io_impl->recv_handler.set_tick_rate(_master_clock_rate);
- _io_impl->recv_handler.set_vrt_unpacker(&usrp1_bs_vrt_unpacker);
- _io_impl->recv_handler.set_xport_chan_get_buff(0, boost::bind(
- &uhd::transport::zero_copy_if::get_recv_buff, _io_impl->data_transport, _1
- ));
- _io_impl->send_handler.set_tick_rate(_master_clock_rate);
- _io_impl->send_handler.set_vrt_packer(&usrp1_bs_vrt_packer);
- _io_impl->send_handler.set_xport_chan_get_buff(0, boost::bind(
- &usrp1_impl::io_impl::get_send_buff, _io_impl.get(), _1
- ));
//init as disabled, then call the real function (uses restore)
@@ -325,17 +303,107 @@ void usrp1_impl::vandal_conquest_loop(void){
+ * RX streamer wrapper that talks to soft time control
+ **********************************************************************/
+class usrp1_recv_packet_streamer : public sph::recv_packet_handler, public rx_streamer{
+ usrp1_recv_packet_streamer(const size_t max_num_samps, soft_time_ctrl::sptr stc){
+ _max_num_samps = max_num_samps;
+ _stc = stc;
+ }
+ size_t get_num_channels(void) const{
+ return this->size();
+ }
+ size_t get_max_num_samps(void) const{
+ return _max_num_samps;
+ }
+ size_t recv(
+ const rx_streamer::buffs_type &buffs,
+ const size_t nsamps_per_buff,
+ uhd::rx_metadata_t &metadata,
+ double timeout
+ ){
+ //interleave a "soft" inline message into the receive stream:
+ if (_stc->get_inline_queue().pop_with_haste(metadata)) return 0;
+ size_t num_samps_recvd = sph::recv_packet_handler::recv(
+ buffs, nsamps_per_buff, metadata, timeout
+ );
+ return _stc->recv_post(metadata, num_samps_recvd);
+ }
+ size_t _max_num_samps;
+ soft_time_ctrl::sptr _stc;
+ * TX streamer wrapper that talks to soft time control
+ **********************************************************************/
+class usrp1_send_packet_streamer : public sph::send_packet_handler, public tx_streamer{
+ usrp1_send_packet_streamer(const size_t max_num_samps, soft_time_ctrl::sptr stc, boost::function<void(bool)> tx_enb_fcn){
+ _max_num_samps = max_num_samps;
+ this->set_max_samples_per_packet(_max_num_samps);
+ _stc = stc;
+ _tx_enb_fcn = tx_enb_fcn;
+ }
+ size_t get_num_channels(void) const{
+ return this->size();
+ }
+ size_t get_max_num_samps(void) const{
+ return _max_num_samps;
+ }
+ size_t send(
+ const tx_streamer::buffs_type &buffs,
+ const size_t nsamps_per_buff,
+ const uhd::tx_metadata_t &metadata,
+ double timeout
+ ){
+ if (_stc->send_pre(metadata, timeout)) return 0;
+ _tx_enb_fcn(true); //always enable (it will do the right thing)
+ size_t num_samps_sent = sph::send_packet_handler::send(
+ buffs, nsamps_per_buff, metadata, timeout
+ );
+ //handle eob flag (commit the buffer, //disable the DACs)
+ //check num samps sent to avoid flush on incomplete/timeout
+ if (metadata.end_of_burst and num_samps_sent == nsamps_per_buff){
+ async_metadata_t metadata;
+ metadata.channel = 0;
+ metadata.has_time_spec = true;
+ metadata.time_spec = _stc->get_time();
+ metadata.event_code = async_metadata_t::EVENT_CODE_BURST_ACK;
+ _stc->get_async_queue().push_with_pop_on_full(metadata);
+ _tx_enb_fcn(false);
+ }
+ return num_samps_sent;
+ }
+ size_t _max_num_samps;
+ soft_time_ctrl::sptr _stc;
+ boost::function<void(bool)> _tx_enb_fcn;
* Properties callback methods below
void usrp1_impl::update_rx_subdev_spec(const uhd::usrp::subdev_spec_t &spec){
- boost::mutex::scoped_lock lock = _io_impl->recv_handler.get_scoped_lock();
//sanity checking
validate_subdev_spec(_tree, spec, "rx");
_rx_subdev_spec = spec; //shadow
- //_io_impl->recv_handler.resize(spec.size()); //always 1
- _io_impl->recv_handler.set_converter(_rx_otw_type, spec.size());
//set the mux and set the number of rx channels
std::vector<mapping_pair_t> mapping;
@@ -351,14 +419,11 @@ void usrp1_impl::update_rx_subdev_spec(const uhd::usrp::subdev_spec_t &spec){
void usrp1_impl::update_tx_subdev_spec(const uhd::usrp::subdev_spec_t &spec){
- boost::mutex::scoped_lock lock = _io_impl->send_handler.get_scoped_lock();
//sanity checking
validate_subdev_spec(_tree, spec, "tx");
_tx_subdev_spec = spec; //shadow
- //_io_impl->send_handler.resize(spec.size()); //always 1
- _io_impl->send_handler.set_converter(_tx_otw_type, spec.size());
//set the mux and set the number of tx channels
std::vector<mapping_pair_t> mapping;
@@ -371,13 +436,9 @@ void usrp1_impl::update_tx_subdev_spec(const uhd::usrp::subdev_spec_t &spec){
bool s = this->disable_tx();
_iface->poke32(FR_TX_MUX, calc_tx_mux(mapping));
- //if the spec changes size, so does the max samples per packet...
- _io_impl->send_handler.set_max_samples_per_packet(get_max_send_samps_per_packet());
double usrp1_impl::update_rx_samp_rate(const double samp_rate){
- boost::mutex::scoped_lock lock = _io_impl->recv_handler.get_scoped_lock();
const size_t rate = uhd::clip<size_t>(
boost::math::iround(_master_clock_rate / samp_rate), size_t(std::ceil(_master_clock_rate / 8e6)), 256
@@ -387,12 +448,17 @@ double usrp1_impl::update_rx_samp_rate(const double samp_rate){
_iface->poke32(FR_DECIM_RATE, rate/2 - 1);
- _io_impl->recv_handler.set_samp_rate(_master_clock_rate / rate);
+ //update the streamer if created
+ boost::shared_ptr<usrp1_recv_packet_streamer> my_streamer =
+ boost::dynamic_pointer_cast<usrp1_recv_packet_streamer>(_rx_streamer.lock());
+ if (my_streamer.get() != NULL){
+ my_streamer->set_samp_rate(_master_clock_rate / rate);
+ }
return _master_clock_rate / rate;
double usrp1_impl::update_tx_samp_rate(const double samp_rate){
- boost::mutex::scoped_lock lock = _io_impl->send_handler.get_scoped_lock();
const size_t rate = uhd::clip<size_t>(
boost::math::iround(_master_clock_rate / samp_rate), size_t(std::ceil(_master_clock_rate / 8e6)), 256
@@ -402,10 +468,26 @@ double usrp1_impl::update_tx_samp_rate(const double samp_rate){
_iface->poke32(FR_INTERP_RATE, rate/2 - 1);
- _io_impl->send_handler.set_samp_rate(_master_clock_rate / rate);
+ //update the streamer if created
+ boost::shared_ptr<usrp1_send_packet_streamer> my_streamer =
+ boost::dynamic_pointer_cast<usrp1_send_packet_streamer>(_tx_streamer.lock());
+ if (my_streamer.get() != NULL){
+ my_streamer->set_samp_rate(_master_clock_rate / rate);
+ }
return _master_clock_rate / rate;
+void usrp1_impl::update_rates(void){
+ const fs_path mb_path = "/mboards/0";
+ BOOST_FOREACH(const std::string &name, _tree->list(mb_path / "rx_dsps")){
+ _tree->access<double>(mb_path / "rx_dsps" / name / "rate" / "value").update();
+ }
+ BOOST_FOREACH(const std::string &name, _tree->list(mb_path / "tx_dsps")){
+ _tree->access<double>(mb_path / "tx_dsps" / name / "rate" / "value").update();
+ }
double usrp1_impl::update_rx_dsp_freq(const size_t dspno, const double freq_){
//correct for outside of rate (wrap around)
@@ -443,67 +525,82 @@ bool usrp1_impl::recv_async_msg(
- * Data send + helper functions
+ * Receive streamer
-size_t usrp1_impl::get_max_send_samps_per_packet(void) const {
- return (_data_transport->get_send_frame_size() - alignment_padding)
- / _tx_otw_type.get_sample_size()
- / _tx_subdev_spec.size()
- ;
+rx_streamer::sptr usrp1_impl::get_rx_streamer(const uhd::streamer_args &args){
+ //map an empty channel set to chan0
+ const std::vector<size_t> channels = args.channels.empty()? std::vector<size_t>(1, 0) : args.channels;
+ //calculate packet size
+ const size_t bpp = _data_transport->get_recv_frame_size()/channels.size();
+ const size_t spp = bpp/convert::get_bytes_per_item(args.otw_format);
+ //make the new streamer given the samples per packet
+ boost::shared_ptr<usrp1_recv_packet_streamer> my_streamer =
+ boost::make_shared<usrp1_recv_packet_streamer>(spp, _soft_time_ctrl);
+ //init some streamer stuff
+ my_streamer->set_tick_rate(_master_clock_rate);
+ my_streamer->set_vrt_unpacker(&usrp1_bs_vrt_unpacker);
+ my_streamer->set_xport_chan_get_buff(0, boost::bind(
+ &uhd::transport::zero_copy_if::get_recv_buff, _io_impl->data_transport, _1
+ ));
-size_t usrp1_impl::send(
- const send_buffs_type &buffs, size_t nsamps_per_buff,
- const tx_metadata_t &metadata, const io_type_t &io_type,
- send_mode_t send_mode, double timeout
- if (_soft_time_ctrl->send_pre(metadata, timeout)) return 0;
+ //set the converter
+ uhd::convert::id_type id;
+ id.input_markup = args.otw_format + "_item32_le";
+ id.num_inputs = channels.size();
+ id.output_markup = args.cpu_format;
+ id.num_outputs = 1;
+ id.args = args.args;
+ my_streamer->set_converter(id);
- this->tx_stream_on_off(true); //always enable (it will do the right thing)
- size_t num_samps_sent = _io_impl->send_handler.send(
- buffs, nsamps_per_buff,
- metadata, io_type,
- send_mode, timeout
- );
+ //save as weak ptr for update access
+ _rx_streamer = my_streamer;
- //handle eob flag (commit the buffer, /*disable the DACs*/)
- //check num samps sent to avoid flush on incomplete/timeout
- if (metadata.end_of_burst and num_samps_sent == nsamps_per_buff){
- async_metadata_t metadata;
- metadata.channel = 0;
- metadata.has_time_spec = true;
- metadata.time_spec = _soft_time_ctrl->get_time();
- metadata.event_code = async_metadata_t::EVENT_CODE_BURST_ACK;
- _soft_time_ctrl->get_async_queue().push_with_pop_on_full(metadata);
- this->tx_stream_on_off(false);
- }
+ //sets all tick and samp rates on this streamer
+ this->update_rates();
- return num_samps_sent;
+ return my_streamer;
- * Data recv + helper functions
+ * Transmit streamer
-size_t usrp1_impl::get_max_recv_samps_per_packet(void) const {
- return _data_transport->get_recv_frame_size()
- / _rx_otw_type.get_sample_size()
- / _rx_subdev_spec.size()
- ;
+tx_streamer::sptr usrp1_impl::get_tx_streamer(const uhd::streamer_args &args){
+ //map an empty channel set to chan0
+ const std::vector<size_t> channels = args.channels.empty()? std::vector<size_t>(1, 0) : args.channels;
+ //calculate packet size
+ const size_t bpp = _data_transport->get_send_frame_size()/channels.size();
+ const size_t spp = bpp/convert::get_bytes_per_item(args.otw_format);
+ //make the new streamer given the samples per packet
+ boost::function<void(bool)> tx_fcn = boost::bind(&usrp1_impl::tx_stream_on_off, this, _1);
+ boost::shared_ptr<usrp1_send_packet_streamer> my_streamer =
+ boost::make_shared<usrp1_send_packet_streamer>(spp, _soft_time_ctrl, tx_fcn);
+ //init some streamer stuff
+ my_streamer->set_tick_rate(_master_clock_rate);
+ my_streamer->set_vrt_packer(&usrp1_bs_vrt_packer);
+ my_streamer->set_xport_chan_get_buff(0, boost::bind(
+ &usrp1_impl::io_impl::get_send_buff, _io_impl.get(), _1
+ ));
-size_t usrp1_impl::recv(
- const recv_buffs_type &buffs, size_t nsamps_per_buff,
- rx_metadata_t &metadata, const io_type_t &io_type,
- recv_mode_t recv_mode, double timeout
- //interleave a "soft" inline message into the receive stream:
- if (_soft_time_ctrl->get_inline_queue().pop_with_haste(metadata)) return 0;
+ //set the converter
+ uhd::convert::id_type id;
+ id.input_markup = args.cpu_format;
+ id.num_inputs = 1;
+ id.output_markup = args.otw_format + "_item32_le";
+ id.num_outputs = channels.size();
+ id.args = args.args;
+ my_streamer->set_converter(id);
- size_t num_samps_recvd = _io_impl->recv_handler.recv(
- buffs, nsamps_per_buff,
- metadata, io_type,
- recv_mode, timeout
- );
+ //save as weak ptr for update access
+ _tx_streamer = my_streamer;
+ //sets all tick and samp rates on this streamer
+ this->update_rates();
- return _soft_time_ctrl->recv_post(metadata, num_samps_recvd);
+ return my_streamer;