path: root/host/lib/usrp/dboard/db_sbx.cpp
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Diffstat (limited to 'host/lib/usrp/dboard/db_sbx.cpp')
1 files changed, 11 insertions, 14 deletions
diff --git a/host/lib/usrp/dboard/db_sbx.cpp b/host/lib/usrp/dboard/db_sbx.cpp
index d0c3c63ac..4d8753fab 100644
--- a/host/lib/usrp/dboard/db_sbx.cpp
+++ b/host/lib/usrp/dboard/db_sbx.cpp
@@ -78,6 +78,7 @@
#include <uhd/types/ranges.hpp>
#include <uhd/types/sensors.hpp>
#include <uhd/utils/assert_has.hpp>
+#include <uhd/utils/log.hpp>
#include <uhd/utils/static.hpp>
#include <uhd/utils/algorithm.hpp>
#include <uhd/utils/warning.hpp>
@@ -95,8 +96,6 @@ using namespace boost::assign;
* The SBX dboard constants
-static const bool sbx_debug = false;
static const freq_range_t sbx_freq_range(68.75e6, 4.4e9);
static const freq_range_t sbx_tx_lo_2dbm = list_of
@@ -269,7 +268,7 @@ sbx_xcvr::sbx_xcvr(ctor_args_t args) : xcvr_dboard_base(args){
//flash LEDs
- if (sbx_debug) std::cerr << boost::format(
+ UHD_LOGV(often) << boost::format(
"SBX GPIO Direction: RX: 0x%08x, TX: 0x%08x"
) % RXIO_MASK % TXIO_MASK << std::endl;
@@ -305,7 +304,7 @@ static int rx_pga0_gain_to_iobits(double &gain){
int iobits = ((~attn_code) << RX_ATTN_SHIFT) & RX_ATTN_MASK;
- if (sbx_debug) std::cerr << boost::format(
+ UHD_LOGV(often) << boost::format(
"SBX TX Attenuation: %f dB, Code: %d, IO Bits %x, Mask: %x"
) % attn % attn_code % (iobits & RX_ATTN_MASK) % RX_ATTN_MASK << std::endl;
@@ -327,7 +326,7 @@ static int tx_pga0_gain_to_iobits(double &gain){
int iobits = ((~attn_code) << TX_ATTN_SHIFT) & TX_ATTN_MASK;
- if (sbx_debug) std::cerr << boost::format(
+ UHD_LOGV(often) << boost::format(
"SBX TX Attenuation: %f dB, Code: %d, IO Bits %x, Mask: %x"
) % attn % attn_code % (iobits & TX_ATTN_MASK) % TX_ATTN_MASK << std::endl;
@@ -399,7 +398,7 @@ void sbx_xcvr::update_atr(void){
rx_pga0_iobits | rx_lo_lpf_en | rx_ld_led | rx_ant_led | RX_POWER_UP | RX_MIXER_ENB |
((_rx_ant == "TX/RX")? ANT_TXRX : ANT_RX2));
- if (sbx_debug) std::cerr << boost::format(
+ UHD_LOGV(often) << boost::format(
) % (rx_pga0_iobits | RX_POWER_UP | RX_MIXER_ENB | ((_rx_ant == "TX/RX")? ANT_TXRX : ANT_RX2)) << std::endl;
@@ -435,7 +434,7 @@ double sbx_xcvr::set_lo_freq(
dboard_iface::unit_t unit,
double target_freq
- if (sbx_debug) std::cerr << boost::format(
+ UHD_LOGV(often) << boost::format(
"SBX tune: target frequency %f Mhz"
) % (target_freq/1e6) << std::endl;
@@ -531,14 +530,12 @@ double sbx_xcvr::set_lo_freq(
//actual frequency calculation
actual_freq = double((N + (double(FRAC)/double(MOD)))*ref_freq*(1+int(D))/(R*(1+int(T)))/RFdiv);
- if (sbx_debug) {
- std::cerr << boost::format("SBX Intermediates: ref=%0.2f, outdiv=%f, fbdiv=%f") % (ref_freq*(1+int(D))/(R*(1+int(T)))) % double(RFdiv*2) % double(N + double(FRAC)/double(MOD)) << std::endl;
- std::cerr << boost::format("SBX tune: R=%d, BS=%d, N=%d, FRAC=%d, MOD=%d, T=%d, D=%d, RFdiv=%d, LD=%d"
+ UHD_LOGV(often)
+ << boost::format("SBX Intermediates: ref=%0.2f, outdiv=%f, fbdiv=%f") % (ref_freq*(1+int(D))/(R*(1+int(T)))) % double(RFdiv*2) % double(N + double(FRAC)/double(MOD)) << std::endl
+ << boost::format("SBX tune: R=%d, BS=%d, N=%d, FRAC=%d, MOD=%d, T=%d, D=%d, RFdiv=%d, LD=%d"
) % R % BS % N % FRAC % MOD % T % D % RFdiv % get_locked(unit)<< std::endl
<< boost::format("SBX Frequencies (MHz): REQ=%0.2f, ACT=%0.2f, VCO=%0.2f, PFD=%0.2f, BAND=%0.2f"
) % (target_freq/1e6) % (actual_freq/1e6) % (vco_freq/1e6) % (pfd_freq/1e6) % (pfd_freq/BS/1e6) << std::endl;
- }
//load the register values
adf4350_regs_t regs;
@@ -564,7 +561,7 @@ double sbx_xcvr::set_lo_freq(
int addr;
for(addr=5; addr>=0; addr--){
- if (sbx_debug) std::cerr << boost::format(
+ UHD_LOGV(often) << boost::format(
"SBX SPI Reg (0x%02x): 0x%08x"
) % addr % regs.get_reg(addr) << std::endl;
@@ -574,7 +571,7 @@ double sbx_xcvr::set_lo_freq(
//return the actual frequency
- if (sbx_debug) std::cerr << boost::format(
+ UHD_LOGV(often) << boost::format(
"SBX tune: actual frequency %f Mhz"
) % (actual_freq/1e6) << std::endl;
return actual_freq;