path: root/host/lib/usrp/dboard/db_dbsrx.cpp
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Diffstat (limited to 'host/lib/usrp/dboard/db_dbsrx.cpp')
1 files changed, 117 insertions, 53 deletions
diff --git a/host/lib/usrp/dboard/db_dbsrx.cpp b/host/lib/usrp/dboard/db_dbsrx.cpp
index 94bd7347c..54df78e07 100644
--- a/host/lib/usrp/dboard/db_dbsrx.cpp
+++ b/host/lib/usrp/dboard/db_dbsrx.cpp
@@ -23,6 +23,7 @@
#include <uhd/utils/static.hpp>
#include <uhd/utils/assert.hpp>
#include <uhd/utils/algorithm.hpp>
+#include <uhd/utils/warning.hpp>
#include <uhd/types/ranges.hpp>
#include <uhd/types/dict.hpp>
#include <uhd/usrp/subdev_props.hpp>
@@ -41,7 +42,7 @@ using namespace boost::assign;
* The DBSRX constants
-static const bool dbsrx_debug = true;
+static const bool dbsrx_debug = false;
static const freq_range_t dbsrx_freq_range(0.8e9, 2.4e9);
@@ -113,17 +114,6 @@ private:
for(boost::uint8_t start_addr=start_reg; start_addr <= stop_reg; start_addr += sizeof(boost::uint32_t)){
int num_bytes = int(stop_reg - start_addr + 1) > int(sizeof(boost::uint32_t)) ? sizeof(boost::uint32_t) : stop_reg - start_addr + 1;
- //create address to start reading register data
- byte_vector_t address_vector(1);
- address_vector[0] = start_addr;
- /*
- //send the address
- this->get_iface()->write_i2c(
- _max2118_addr, address_vector
- );
- */
//create buffer for register data
byte_vector_t regs_vector(num_bytes);
@@ -135,9 +125,6 @@ private:
for(boost::uint8_t i=0; i < num_bytes; i++){
if (i + start_addr >= status_addr){
_max2118_read_regs.set_reg(i + start_addr, regs_vector[i]);
- if(dbsrx_debug) std::cerr << boost::format(
- "DBSRX: set reg 0x%02x, value 0x%04x"
- ) % int(i + start_addr) % int(_max2118_read_regs.get_reg(i + start_addr)) << std::endl;
if(dbsrx_debug) std::cerr << boost::format(
"DBSRX: read reg 0x%02x, value 0x%04x, start_addr = 0x%04x, num_bytes %d"
@@ -151,7 +138,7 @@ private:
* \return true for locked
bool get_locked(void){
- read_reg(0x0, 0x1);
+ read_reg(0x0, 0x0);
//mask and return lock detect
bool locked = 5 >= _max2118_read_regs.adc && _max2118_read_regs.adc >= 2;
@@ -174,16 +161,44 @@ static dboard_base::sptr make_dbsrx(dboard_base::ctor_args_t args){
return dboard_base::sptr(new dbsrx(args, 0x67));
-//FIXME different dbid for USRP1 also
+//dbid for USRP2 version
//register the factory function for the rx dbid
dboard_manager::register_dboard(0x000D, &make_dbsrx, "DBSRX");
+//dbid for USRP1 version
+ //register the factory function for the rx dbid
+ dboard_manager::register_dboard(0x0002, &make_dbsrx, "DBSRX");
* Structors
dbsrx::dbsrx(ctor_args_t args, boost::uint8_t max2118_addr) : rx_dboard_base(args){
+ //warn user about incorrect DBID on USRP1, requires R193 populated
+ if (this->get_iface()->get_mboard_name() == "usrp1" and this->get_rx_id() == 0x000D)
+ uhd::print_warning(
+ str(boost::format(
+ "DBSRX: incorrect dbid\n"
+ "%s expects dbid 0x0002 and R193\n"
+ "found dbid == %d\n"
+ "Please see the daughterboard app notes"
+ ) % (this->get_iface()->get_mboard_name()) % (this->get_rx_id().to_pp_string()))
+ );
+ //warn user about incorrect DBID on non-USRP1, requires R194 populated
+ if (this->get_iface()->get_mboard_name() != "usrp1" and this->get_rx_id() == 0x0002)
+ uhd::print_warning(
+ str(boost::format(
+ "DBSRX: incorrect dbid\n"
+ "%s expects dbid 0x000D and R194\n"
+ "found dbid == %d\n"
+ "Please see the daughterboard app notes"
+ ) % (this->get_iface()->get_mboard_name()) % (this->get_rx_id().to_pp_string()))
+ );
//enable only the clocks we need
this->get_iface()->set_clock_enabled(dboard_iface::UNIT_RX, true);
@@ -197,15 +212,15 @@ dbsrx::dbsrx(ctor_args_t args, boost::uint8_t max2118_addr) : rx_dboard_base(arg
//send initial register settings
this->send_reg(0x0, 0x5);
- //set defaults for LO, gains
+ //set defaults for LO, gains, and filter bandwidth
+ _bandwidth = 33e6;
BOOST_FOREACH(const std::string &name, dbsrx_gain_ranges.keys()){
set_gain(dbsrx_gain_ranges[name].min, name);
- set_bandwidth(22.27e6); // default bandwidth from datasheet
- get_locked();
+ set_bandwidth(33e6); // default bandwidth from datasheet
@@ -219,12 +234,23 @@ void dbsrx::set_lo_freq(double target_freq){
target_freq = std::clip(target_freq, dbsrx_freq_range.min, dbsrx_freq_range.max);
double actual_freq=0.0, pfd_freq=0.0, ref_clock=0.0;
- int R=0, N=0, r=0;
+ int R=0, N=0, r=0, m=0;
+ bool update_filter_settings = false;
//choose refclock
std::vector<double> clock_rates = this->get_iface()->get_clock_rates(dboard_iface::UNIT_RX);
BOOST_FOREACH(ref_clock, std::reversed(std::sorted(clock_rates))){
- if (ref_clock != 4e6) continue;
+ if (ref_clock > 27.0e6) continue;
+ //choose m_divider such that filter tuning constraint is met
+ m = 31;
+ while ((ref_clock/m < 1e6 or ref_clock/m > 2.5e6) and m > 0){ m--; }
+ if(dbsrx_debug) std::cerr << boost::format(
+ "DBSRX: trying ref_clock %f and m_divider %d"
+ ) % (this->get_iface()->get_clock_rate(dboard_iface::UNIT_RX)) % m << std::endl;
+ if (m >= 32) continue;
//choose R
for(r = 0; r <= 6; r += 1) {
@@ -249,72 +275,110 @@ void dbsrx::set_lo_freq(double target_freq){
//Assert because we failed to find a suitable combination of ref_clock, R and N
+ UHD_ASSERT_THROW(ref_clock/(1 << m) < 1e6 or ref_clock/(1 << m) > 2.5e6);
UHD_ASSERT_THROW((pfd_freq < dbsrx_pfd_freq_range.min) or (pfd_freq > dbsrx_pfd_freq_range.max));
UHD_ASSERT_THROW((N < 256) or (N > 32768));
+ if(dbsrx_debug) std::cerr << boost::format(
+ "DBSRX: choose ref_clock %f and m_divider %d"
+ ) % (this->get_iface()->get_clock_rate(dboard_iface::UNIT_RX)) % m << std::endl;
+ //if ref_clock or m divider changed, we need to update the filter settings
+ if (ref_clock != this->get_iface()->get_clock_rate(dboard_iface::UNIT_RX) or m != _max2118_write_regs.m_divider) update_filter_settings = true;
//compute resulting output frequency
actual_freq = pfd_freq * N;
//apply ref_clock, R, and N settings
this->get_iface()->set_clock_rate(dboard_iface::UNIT_RX, ref_clock);
ref_clock = this->get_iface()->get_clock_rate(dboard_iface::UNIT_RX);
+ _max2118_write_regs.m_divider = m;
_max2118_write_regs.r_divider = (max2118_write_regs_t::r_divider_t) r;
_max2118_write_regs.ade_vco_ade_read = max2118_write_regs_t::ADE_VCO_ADE_READ_ENABLED;
- send_reg(0x4,0x4);
- send_reg(0x0,0x2);
//compute prescaler variables
int scaler = actual_freq > 1125e6 ? 2 : 4;
_max2118_write_regs.div2 = scaler == 4 ? max2118_write_regs_t::DIV2_DIV4 : max2118_write_regs_t::DIV2_DIV2;
+ if(dbsrx_debug) std::cerr << boost::format(
+ "DBSRX: scaler %d, actual_freq %f MHz, register bit: %d"
+ ) % scaler % (actual_freq/1e6) % int(_max2118_write_regs.div2) << std::endl;
//compute vco frequency and select vco
double vco_freq = actual_freq * scaler;
- int vco;
if (vco_freq < 2433e6)
- vco = 0;
+ _max2118_write_regs.osc_band = 0;
else if (vco_freq < 2711e6)
- vco=1;
+ _max2118_write_regs.osc_band = 1;
else if (vco_freq < 3025e6)
- vco=2;
+ _max2118_write_regs.osc_band = 2;
else if (vco_freq < 3341e6)
- vco=3;
+ _max2118_write_regs.osc_band = 3;
else if (vco_freq < 3727e6)
- vco=4;
+ _max2118_write_regs.osc_band = 4;
else if (vco_freq < 4143e6)
- vco=5;
+ _max2118_write_regs.osc_band = 5;
else if (vco_freq < 4493e6)
- vco=6;
+ _max2118_write_regs.osc_band = 6;
- vco=7;
+ _max2118_write_regs.osc_band = 7;
- //apply vco selection
- _max2118_write_regs.osc_band = vco;
- send_reg(0x2, 0x2);
+ //send settings over i2c
+ send_reg(0x0, 0x4);
//check vtune for lock condition
- read_reg(0x0, 0x1);
+ read_reg(0x0, 0x0);
+ if(dbsrx_debug) std::cerr << boost::format(
+ "DBSRX: initial guess for vco %d, vtune adc %d"
+ ) % int(_max2118_write_regs.osc_band) % int(_max2118_read_regs.adc) << std::endl;
//if we are out of lock for chosen vco, change vco
while ((_max2118_read_regs.adc == 0) or (_max2118_read_regs.adc == 7)){
//vtune is too low, try lower frequency vco
if (_max2118_read_regs.adc == 0){
- UHD_ASSERT_THROW(_max2118_write_regs.osc_band <= 0);
+ if (_max2118_write_regs.osc_band == 0){
+ uhd::print_warning(
+ str(boost::format(
+ "DBSRX: Tuning exceeded vco range, _max2118_write_regs.osc_band == %d\n"
+ ) % int(_max2118_write_regs.osc_band))
+ );
+ UHD_ASSERT_THROW(_max2118_read_regs.adc == 0);
+ }
+ if (_max2118_write_regs.osc_band <= 0) break;
_max2118_write_regs.osc_band -= 1;
//vtune is too high, try higher frequency vco
if (_max2118_read_regs.adc == 7){
- UHD_ASSERT_THROW(_max2118_write_regs.osc_band >= 7);
+ if (_max2118_write_regs.osc_band == 7){
+ uhd::print_warning(
+ str(boost::format(
+ "DBSRX: Tuning exceeded vco range, _max2118_write_regs.osc_band == %d\n"
+ ) % int(_max2118_write_regs.osc_band))
+ );
+ UHD_ASSERT_THROW(_max2118_read_regs.adc == 0);
+ }
+ if (_max2118_write_regs.osc_band >= 7) break;
_max2118_write_regs.osc_band += 1;
+ if(dbsrx_debug) std::cerr << boost::format(
+ "DBSRX: trying vco %d, vtune adc %d"
+ ) % int(_max2118_write_regs.osc_band) % int(_max2118_read_regs.adc) << std::endl;
//update vco selection and check vtune
send_reg(0x2, 0x2);
read_reg(0x0, 0x0);
+ if(dbsrx_debug) std::cerr << boost::format(
+ "DBSRX: final vco %d, vtune adc %d"
+ ) % int(_max2118_write_regs.osc_band) % int(_max2118_read_regs.adc) << std::endl;
//select charge pump bias current
if (_max2118_read_regs.adc <= 2) _max2118_write_regs.cp_current = max2118_write_regs_t::CP_CURRENT_I_CP_100UA;
else if (_max2118_read_regs.adc >= 5) _max2118_write_regs.cp_current = max2118_write_regs_t::CP_CURRENT_I_CP_400UA;
@@ -335,6 +399,9 @@ void dbsrx::set_lo_freq(double target_freq){
<< boost::format(" Target Freq=%fMHz\n") % (target_freq/1e6)
<< boost::format(" Actual Freq=%fMHz\n") % (_lo_freq/1e6)
<< std::endl;
+ if (update_filter_settings) set_bandwidth(_bandwidth);
+ get_locked();
@@ -377,7 +444,7 @@ static float gain_to_gc1_rfvga_dac(float &gain){
gain = std::clip<float>(gain, dbsrx_gain_ranges["GC1"].min, dbsrx_gain_ranges["GC1"].max);
//voltage level constants
- static const float max_volts = float(2.7), min_volts = float(1.2);
+ static const float max_volts = float(1.2), min_volts = float(2.7);
static const float slope = (max_volts-min_volts)/dbsrx_gain_ranges["GC1"].max;
//calculate the voltage for the aux dac
@@ -413,25 +480,22 @@ void dbsrx::set_gain(float gain, const std::string &name){
void dbsrx::set_bandwidth(float bandwidth){
//clip the input
bandwidth = std::clip<float>(bandwidth, 4e6, 33e6);
- //calculate ref_freq
- float ref_freq = this->get_iface()->get_clock_rate(dboard_iface::UNIT_RX);
- //FIXME this contraint needs to be in the set_freq and needs to assert if it can't hit the range
- //calculate acceptable m_divider for filter tuning
- int m = 1;
- while (ref_freq/m < 1e6 or ref_freq/m > 2.5e6){ m++; }
- _max2118_write_regs.m_divider = m;
+ double ref_clock = this->get_iface()->get_clock_rate(dboard_iface::UNIT_RX);
+ //NOTE: _max2118_write_regs.m_divider set in set_lo_freq
- _bandwidth = float((ref_freq/1e6/_max2118_write_regs.m_divider)*(4+0.145*_max2118_write_regs.f_dac)*1e6);
+ //compute f_dac setting
+ _max2118_write_regs.f_dac = std::clip<int>(int((((bandwidth*_max2118_write_regs.m_divider)/ref_clock) - 4)/0.145),0,127);
- _max2118_write_regs.f_dac = int(((bandwidth*_max2118_write_regs.m_divider/ref_freq) - 4)/0.145);
+ //determine actual bandwidth
+ _bandwidth = float((ref_clock/(_max2118_write_regs.m_divider))*(4+0.145*_max2118_write_regs.f_dac));
if (dbsrx_debug) std::cerr << boost::format(
"DBSRX Filter Bandwidth: %f MHz, m: %d, f_dac: %d\n"
- ) % (_bandwidth/1e6) % m % int(_max2118_write_regs.f_dac) << std::endl;
+ ) % (_bandwidth/1e6) % int(_max2118_write_regs.m_divider) % int(_max2118_write_regs.f_dac) << std::endl;
- this->send_reg(0x3, 0x5);
+ this->send_reg(0x3, 0x4);