path: root/host/lib/include
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2 files changed, 274 insertions, 2 deletions
diff --git a/host/lib/include/uhdlib/rfnoc/graph.hpp b/host/lib/include/uhdlib/rfnoc/graph.hpp
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..f9fb7ac41
--- /dev/null
+++ b/host/lib/include/uhdlib/rfnoc/graph.hpp
@@ -0,0 +1,271 @@
+// Copyright 2019 Ettus Research, a National Instruments Brand
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later
+#include <uhd/rfnoc/node.hpp>
+#include <boost/graph/adjacency_list.hpp>
+#include <tuple>
+#include <memory>
+namespace uhd { namespace rfnoc {
+/*! A container that holds information about a graph edge
+ */
+struct graph_edge_t
+ enum edge_t {
+ STATIC, ///< A static connection between two blocks in the FPGA
+ DYNAMIC, ///< A user (dynamic) connection between two blocks in the FPGA
+ RX_STREAM, ///< A connection from an FPGA block to a software RX streamer
+ TX_STREAM ///< A connection from a software TX streamer and an FPGA block
+ };
+ graph_edge_t() = default;
+ graph_edge_t(const size_t src_port_,
+ const size_t dst_port_,
+ const edge_t edge_,
+ const bool ppa)
+ : src_port(src_port_)
+ , dst_port(dst_port_)
+ , edge(edge_)
+ , property_propagation_active(ppa)
+ {
+ }
+ //! The block ID of the source block for this edge
+ std::string src_blockid;
+ //! The port number of the source block for this edge
+ size_t src_port = 0;
+ //! The block ID of the destination block for this edge
+ std::string dst_blockid;
+ //! The port number of the destination block for this edge
+ size_t dst_port = 0;
+ //! The type of edge
+ edge_t edge = DYNAMIC;
+ //! When true, the framework will use this edge for property propagation
+ bool property_propagation_active = true;
+ bool operator==(const graph_edge_t& rhs) const
+ {
+ return std::tie(src_blockid,
+ src_port,
+ dst_blockid,
+ dst_port,
+ edge,
+ property_propagation_active)
+ == std::tie(rhs.src_blockid,
+ rhs.src_port,
+ rhs.dst_blockid,
+ rhs.dst_port,
+ rhs.edge,
+ rhs.property_propagation_active);
+ }
+namespace detail {
+//! Container for the logical graph within an uhd::rfnoc_graph
+class graph_t
+ using uptr = std::unique_ptr<graph_t>;
+ //! A shorthand for a pointer to a node
+ using node_ref_t = uhd::rfnoc::node_t*;
+ using graph_edge_t = uhd::rfnoc::graph_edge_t;
+ /*! Add a connection to the graph
+ *
+ * After this function returns, the nodes will be considered connected
+ * along the ports specified in \p edge_info.
+ *
+ * \param src_node A reference to the source node
+ * \param dst_node A reference to the destination node
+ * \param edge_info Information about the type of edge
+ */
+ void connect(node_ref_t src_node, node_ref_t dst_node, graph_edge_t edge_info);
+ //void disconnect(node_ref_t src_node,
+ //node_ref_t dst_node,
+ //const size_t src_port,
+ //const size_t dst_port);
+ //
+ /*! Run initial checks for graph
+ *
+ * This method can be called anytime, but it's intended to be called when
+ * the graph has been committed. It will run checks on the graph and run a
+ * property propagation.
+ *
+ * \throws uhd::resolve_error if the properties fail to resolve.
+ */
+ void initialize();
+ friend class graph_accessor_t;
+ /**************************************************************************
+ * Graph-related types
+ *************************************************************************/
+ // Naming conventions:
+ // - 'vertex' and 'node' are generally ambiguous in a graph context, but
+ // we'll use vertex for BGL related items, and node for RFNoC nodes
+ // - We may use CamelCase occasionally if it fits the BGL examples and/or
+ // reference designs, in case someone needs to learn BGL to understand
+ // this code
+ struct vertex_property_t
+ {
+ enum { num = 4000 };
+ typedef boost::vertex_property_tag kind;
+ };
+ using RfnocVertexProperty = boost::property<vertex_property_t, node_ref_t>;
+ struct edge_property_t
+ {
+ enum { num = 4001 };
+ typedef boost::edge_property_tag kind;
+ };
+ using RfnocEdgeProperty = boost::property<edge_property_t, graph_edge_t>;
+ /*! The type of the BGL graph we're using
+ *
+ * - It is bidirectional because we need to access both in_edges and
+ * out_edges
+ * - All container types are according to the BGL manual recommendations for
+ * this kind of graph
+ */
+ using rfnoc_graph_t = boost::adjacency_list<boost::vecS,
+ boost::vecS,
+ boost::bidirectionalS,
+ RfnocVertexProperty,
+ RfnocEdgeProperty>;
+ using vertex_list_t = std::list<rfnoc_graph_t::vertex_descriptor>;
+ template <bool forward_edges_only = true>
+ struct ForwardBackwardEdgePredicate
+ {
+ ForwardBackwardEdgePredicate() {} // Default ctor is required
+ ForwardBackwardEdgePredicate(rfnoc_graph_t& graph) : _graph(&graph) {}
+ template <typename Edge>
+ bool operator()(const Edge& e) const
+ {
+ graph_edge_t edge_info = boost::get(edge_property_t(), *_graph, e);
+ return edge_info.property_propagation_active == forward_edges_only;
+ }
+ private:
+ // Don't make any attribute const, because default assignment operator
+ // is also required
+ rfnoc_graph_t* _graph;
+ };
+ using ForwardEdgePredicate = ForwardBackwardEdgePredicate<true>;
+ using BackEdgePredicate = ForwardBackwardEdgePredicate<false>;
+ //! Vertex predicate, only selects nodes with dirty props
+ struct DirtyNodePredicate;
+ //! Vertex predicate, returns specific existing nodes
+ struct FindNodePredicate;
+ /**************************************************************************
+ * Other private types
+ *************************************************************************/
+ using node_map_t = std::map<node_ref_t, rfnoc_graph_t::vertex_descriptor>;
+ /**************************************************************************
+ * The Algorithm
+ *************************************************************************/
+ /*! Implementation of the property propagation algorithm
+ */
+ void resolve_all_properties();
+ /**************************************************************************
+ * Private graph helpers
+ *************************************************************************/
+ template <typename VertexContainerType>
+ std::vector<node_ref_t> _vertices_to_nodes(VertexContainerType&& vertex_container)
+ {
+ std::vector<node_ref_t> result{};
+ result.reserve(vertex_container.size());
+ for (const auto& vertex_descriptor : vertex_container) {
+ result.push_back(boost::get(vertex_property_t(), _graph, vertex_descriptor));
+ }
+ return result;
+ }
+ /*! Returns a list of all nodes that have dirty properties.
+ */
+ vertex_list_t _find_dirty_nodes();
+ /*! Returns nodes in topologically sorted order
+ *
+ *
+ * \throws uhd::runtime_error if the graph was not sortable
+ */
+ vertex_list_t _get_topo_sorted_nodes();
+ /*! Add a node, but only if it's not already in the graph.
+ *
+ * If it's already there, do nothing.
+ */
+ void _add_node(node_ref_t node);
+ /*! Find the neighbouring node for \p origin based on \p port_info
+ *
+ * This function will check port_info to identify the port number and the
+ * direction (input or output) from \p port_info. It will then return a
+ * reference to the node that is attached to the node \p origin if such a
+ * node exists, and the edge info.
+ *
+ * If port_info.type == res_source_info::INPUT_EDGE, then port_info.instance
+ * will equal the return value's dst_port value.
+ *
+ * \returns A valid reference to the neighbouring node, or nullptr if no
+ * such node exists, and the corresponding edge info.
+ */
+ std::pair<node_ref_t, graph_edge_t> _find_neighbour(
+ rfnoc_graph_t::vertex_descriptor origin, res_source_info port_info);
+ /*! Forward all edge properties from this node (\p origin) to the
+ * neighbouring ones
+ *
+ */
+ void _forward_edge_props(rfnoc_graph_t::vertex_descriptor origin);
+ /*! Check that the edge properties on both sides of the edge are equal
+ *
+ * \returns false if edge properties are not consistent
+ */
+ bool _assert_edge_props_consistent(rfnoc_graph_t::edge_descriptor edge);
+ /**************************************************************************
+ * Attributes
+ *************************************************************************/
+ //! Storage for the actual graph
+ rfnoc_graph_t _graph;
+ //! Map to do a lookup node_ref_t -> vertex descriptor.
+ //
+ // This is technically redundant, but helps us check quickly and easily if
+ // a node is already in the graph, and to yank out the appropriate node
+ // descriptor without having to traverse the graph. The rfnoc_graph_t is not
+ // efficient for lookups of vertices.
+ node_map_t _node_map;
+}}} /* namespace uhd::rfnoc::detail */
diff --git a/host/lib/include/uhdlib/rfnoc/node_accessor.hpp b/host/lib/include/uhdlib/rfnoc/node_accessor.hpp
index 26e6a5607..554cc8f4f 100644
--- a/host/lib/include/uhdlib/rfnoc/node_accessor.hpp
+++ b/host/lib/include/uhdlib/rfnoc/node_accessor.hpp
@@ -72,9 +72,10 @@ public:
* See node_t::forward_edge_property() for details.
- void forward_edge_property(node_t* dst_node, property_base_t* incoming_prop)
+ void forward_edge_property(
+ node_t* dst_node, const size_t dst_port, property_base_t* incoming_prop)
- dst_node->forward_edge_property(incoming_prop);
+ dst_node->forward_edge_property(incoming_prop, dst_port);