path: root/fpga/usrp3/top/n3xx/dboards
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-rw-r--r--fpga/usrp3/top/n3xx/dboards/common/sync/TdcCore.edfbin0 -> 55104 bytes
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-rw-r--r--fpga/usrp3/top/n3xx/dboards/mg/doc/mg_timing.xlsxbin0 -> 525021 bytes
-rw-r--r--fpga/usrp3/top/n3xx/dboards/rh/db_ifc/Jesd204bXcvrCore.edfbin0 -> 220528 bytes
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58 files changed, 43759 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/fpga/usrp3/top/n3xx/dboards/common/Makefile.srcs b/fpga/usrp3/top/n3xx/dboards/common/Makefile.srcs
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index 000000000..2439e8b40
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fpga/usrp3/top/n3xx/dboards/common/Makefile.srcs
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+# Copyright 2018 Ettus Research, a National Instruments Company
+# SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-3.0-or-later
+# DB COMMON Sources
+DB_COMMON_SRCS = $(abspath $(addprefix $(BASE_DIR)/n3xx/dboards/common/, \
+PkgRegs.vhd \
+sync/CrossTrigger.vhd \
+sync/Pulser.vhd \
+sync/TdcTop.vhd \
+sync/TdcWrapper.vhd \
+sync/TdcCore.edf \
+sync/SyncRegsIfc.edf \
diff --git a/fpga/usrp3/top/n3xx/dboards/common/PkgRegs.vhd b/fpga/usrp3/top/n3xx/dboards/common/PkgRegs.vhd
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..783e86e9c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fpga/usrp3/top/n3xx/dboards/common/PkgRegs.vhd
@@ -0,0 +1,314 @@
+-- Copyright 2018 Ettus Research, a National Instruments Company
+-- SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-3.0-or-later
+-- This package contains functions for reading and writing N310 registers.
+library ieee;
+ use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
+ use ieee.numeric_std.all;
+package PkgRegs is
+ -- RegPort Type Definitions : ---------------------------------------------------------
+ -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ constant kAddressWidth : integer := 16;
+ subtype InterfaceData_t is std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);
+ type RegDataAry_t is array (natural range <>) of InterfaceData_t;
+ constant kRegPortDataZero : InterfaceData_t := (others => '0');
+ -- The type of the signal used to communicate from the Interface
+ -- component to the frameworks
+ type RegPortIn_t is record
+ Address : unsigned(kAddressWidth - 1 downto 0);
+ Data : InterfaceData_t;
+ Rd : boolean; -- Must be a one clock cycle pulse
+ Wt : boolean; -- Must be a one clock cycle pulse
+ end record;
+ -- The type of the signal used to communicate to the Interface
+ -- component from the frameworks
+ -- Ready is just the Ready signal from the Handshake component.
+ -- Address in RegPortIn_t should be valid in the cycle where Data, DataValid,
+ -- or Ready are being sampled by the bus communication interface.
+ type RegPortOut_t is record
+ Data : InterfaceData_t;
+ DataValid : boolean; -- Must be a one clock cycle pulse
+ Ready : boolean; -- Must be valid one clock after Wt assertion
+ end record;
+ -- Constants for the RegPort
+ constant kRegPortInZero : RegPortIn_t := (
+ Address => to_unsigned(0,kAddressWidth),
+ Data => (others => '0'),
+ Rd => false,
+ Wt => false);
+ constant kRegPortOutZero : RegPortOut_t := (
+ Data => (others=>'0'),
+ DataValid => false,
+ Ready => true);
+ -- Register Offset Types : ------------------------------------------------------------
+ -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ -- Custom type for defining register spaces. Is it assumed that all defined register
+ -- addresses for each space are kOffset <= Address < kOffset+kWidth. Therefore when
+ -- Address equals kOffset+kWidth, we are not talking to this space but the space
+ -- above it.
+ type RegOffset_t is record
+ kOffset : integer;
+ kWidth : integer;
+ end record;
+ constant kRegOffsetZero : RegOffset_t := (kOffset => 16#0#, kWidth => 16#04#);
+ -- Access Functions : -----------------------------------------------------------------
+ -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ -- Helper function to combine register ports on their way back upstream.
+ function "+" (L, R : RegPortOut_t) return RegPortOut_t;
+ function Mask(RegPortIn : in RegPortIn_t;
+ kRegisterOffset : in RegOffset_t) return RegPortIn_t;
+ -- Helper functions to determine when a register is targeted by the RegPort. There
+ -- are three groups: RegSelected, RegWrite, and RegRead. The latter two call
+ -- RegSelected to determine if a register is targeted and being read or written.
+ -- RegSelected is also overloaded to accommodate the RegOffset_t type.
+ -- function RegSelected (RegPortIn : RegPortIn_t;
+ -- RegisterOffset : RegOffset_t) return boolean;
+ function RegSelected (RegOffset : integer;
+ RegPortIn : RegPortIn_t) return boolean;
+ function RegWrite (Address : integer;
+ RegPortIn : RegPortIn_t) return boolean;
+ function RegRead (Address : integer;
+ RegPortIn : RegPortIn_t) return boolean;
+ function OrArray(ArrayIn : RegDataAry_t) return std_logic_vector;
+ -- Flattening Functions : -------------------------------------------------------------
+ -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ constant kFlatRegPortInSize : natural := kAddressWidth +
+ InterfaceData_t'length +
+ 2;
+ subtype FlatRegPortIn_t is std_logic_vector(kFlatRegPortInSize-1 downto 0);
+ constant kFlatRegPortOutSize : natural := InterfaceData_t'length +
+ 2;
+ subtype FlatRegPortOut_t is std_logic_vector(kFlatRegPortOutSize-1 downto 0);
+ function Flatten(Var : RegPortIn_t) return FlatRegPortIn_t;
+ function Unflatten(Var : FlatRegPortIn_t) return RegPortIn_t;
+ function Flatten(Var : RegPortOut_t) return FlatRegPortOut_t;
+ function Unflatten(Var : FlatRegPortOut_t) return RegPortOut_t;
+end PkgRegs;
+package body PkgRegs is
+ -- Combines RegPortOut_t types together
+ function "+" (L, R : RegPortOut_t) return RegPortOut_t
+ is
+ variable ReturnVal : RegPortOut_t;
+ begin
+ ReturnVal := kRegPortOutZero;
+ ReturnVal.Data := L.Data or R.Data;
+ ReturnVal.DataValid := L.DataValid or R.DataValid;
+ ReturnVal.Ready := L.Ready and R.Ready;
+ return ReturnVal;
+ end function;
+ -- This function lops off the portion of the register bus that is
+ -- decoded in the InAddrSpace function in order to reduce the number of bits
+ -- decoded by the register read logic. Also, the Rd and Wt strobes are gated
+ -- as well.
+ function Mask(RegPortIn : in RegPortIn_t;
+ kRegisterOffset : in RegOffset_t) return RegPortIn_t
+ is
+ variable RegPortInVar : RegPortIn_t;
+ variable InSpace : boolean := false;
+ begin
+ InSpace := (RegPortIn.Address >= kRegisterOffset.kOffset) and
+ (RegPortIn.Address < kRegisterOffset.kOffset + kRegisterOffset.kWidth);
+ -- Compare the most significant bits of the address bus downto the LSb
+ -- that we just calculated.
+ if InSpace then
+ -- If in address space then allow Rd and Wt to assert
+ RegPortInVar.Rd := RegPortIn.Rd;
+ RegPortInVar.Wt := RegPortIn.Wt;
+ else
+ RegPortInVar.Rd := kRegPortInZero.Rd;
+ RegPortInVar.Wt := kRegPortInZero.Wt;
+ end if;
+ RegPortInVar.Data := RegPortIn.Data;
+ RegPortInVar.Address := RegPortIn.Address - kRegisterOffset.kOffset;
+ return RegPortInVar;
+ end function Mask;
+ -- Returns true when this chip is selected and the address matches the register.
+ -- Note that RegOffset is divided by 4 before being compared against the register
+ -- port Address value.
+ function RegSelected (RegOffset : integer;
+ RegPortIn : RegPortIn_t) return boolean is
+ begin
+ return RegPortIn.Address = to_unsigned(RegOffset, RegPortIn.Address'length);
+ end function RegSelected;
+ -- Returns true when the register is being written.
+ function RegWrite (Address : integer;
+ RegPortIn : RegPortIn_t) return boolean is
+ begin
+ return RegSelected(Address, RegPortIn) and RegPortIn.Wt;
+ end function RegWrite;
+ -- Returns true when the register is being read.
+ function RegRead (Address : integer;
+ RegPortIn : RegPortIn_t) return boolean is
+ begin
+ return RegSelected(Address, RegPortIn) and RegPortIn.Rd;
+ end function RegRead;
+ -- Overloaded version of RegSelected for the RegOffset_t
+ -- NOTE!!! Offset <= Address < Offset+Width
+ -- Therefore, this function assumes that when Address = Offset+Width we are talking to
+ -- a different register group than the one given in RegisterOffset.
+ -- function RegSelected (RegPortIn : RegPortIn_t;
+ -- RegisterOffset : RegOffset_t) return boolean is
+ -- begin
+ -- return (RegPortIn.Address >= to_unsigned(RegisterOffset.kOffset, RegPortIn.Address'length)) and
+ -- (RegPortIn.Address < to_unsigned(RegisterOffset.kOffset + RegisterOffset.kWidth, RegPortIn.Address'length));
+ -- end function RegSelected;
+ function OrArray(ArrayIn : RegDataAry_t) return std_logic_vector
+ is
+ variable ReturnVar : std_logic_vector(ArrayIn(ArrayIn'right)'range);
+ begin
+ ReturnVar := (others => '0');
+ for i in ArrayIn'range loop
+ ReturnVar := ReturnVar or ArrayIn(i);
+ end loop;
+ return ReturnVar;
+ end function OrArray;
+ function to_Boolean (s : std_ulogic) return boolean is
+ begin
+ return (To_X01(s)='1');
+ end to_Boolean;
+ function to_StdLogic(b : boolean) return std_ulogic is
+ begin
+ if b then
+ return '1';
+ else
+ return '0';
+ end if;
+ end to_StdLogic;
+ -----------------------------------------------------
+ -- REG PORTS (FROM PkgCommunicationInterface)
+ --
+ -- subtype InterfaceData_t is std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);
+ --
+ -- constant kAddressWidth : positive := kAddressWidth - 2;
+ --
+ -- type RegPortIn_t is record
+ -- Address : unsigned(kAddressWidth - 1 downto 0);
+ -- Data : InterfaceData_t;
+ -- Rd : boolean; -- Must be a one clock cycle pulse
+ -- Wt : boolean; -- Must be a one clock cycle pulse
+ -- end record;
+ function Flatten(Var : RegPortIn_t) return FlatRegPortIn_t is
+ variable Index : natural;
+ variable RetVar : FlatRegPortIn_t;
+ begin
+ Index := 0;
+ RetVar(Index) := to_StdLogic(Var.Wt); Index := Index + 1;
+ RetVar(Index) := to_StdLogic(Var.Rd); Index := Index + 1;
+ RetVar(Index + Var.Data'length - 1 downto Index) := std_logic_vector(Var.Data);
+ Index := Index + Var.Data'length;
+ RetVar(Index + Var.Address'length - 1 downto Index) := std_logic_vector(Var.Address);
+ Index := Index + Var.Address'length;
+ return RetVar;
+ end function Flatten;
+ function Unflatten(Var : FlatRegPortIn_t) return RegPortIn_t is
+ variable Index : natural;
+ variable RetVal : RegPortIn_t;
+ begin
+ Index := 0;
+ RetVal.Wt := to_Boolean(Var(Index)); Index := Index + 1;
+ RetVal.Rd := to_Boolean(Var(Index)); Index := Index + 1;
+ RetVal.Data := InterfaceData_t(Var(Index + RetVal.Data'length - 1 downto Index));
+ Index := Index + RetVal.Data'length;
+ RetVal.Address := unsigned(Var(Index + RetVal.Address'length - 1 downto Index));
+ Index := Index + RetVal.Address'length;
+ return RetVal;
+ end function Unflatten;
+ -- type RegPortOut_t is record
+ -- Data : InterfaceData_t;
+ -- DataValid : boolean; -- Must be a one clock cycle pulse
+ -- Ready : boolean; -- Must be valid one clock after Wt assertion
+ -- end record;
+ function Flatten(Var : RegPortOut_t) return FlatRegPortOut_t is
+ variable Index : natural;
+ variable RetVar : FlatRegPortOut_t;
+ begin
+ Index := 0;
+ RetVar(Index) := to_StdLogic(Var.Ready); Index := Index + 1;
+ RetVar(Index) := to_StdLogic(Var.DataValid); Index := Index + 1;
+ RetVar(Index + Var.Data'length - 1 downto Index) := std_logic_vector(Var.Data);
+ Index := Index + Var.Data'length;
+ return RetVar;
+ end function Flatten;
+ function Unflatten(Var : FlatRegPortOut_t) return RegPortOut_t is
+ variable Index : natural;
+ variable RetVal : RegPortOut_t;
+ begin
+ Index := 0;
+ RetVal.Ready := to_Boolean(Var(Index)); Index := Index + 1;
+ RetVal.DataValid := to_Boolean(Var(Index)); Index := Index + 1;
+ RetVal.Data := InterfaceData_t(Var(Index + RetVal.Data'length - 1 downto Index));
+ Index := Index + RetVal.Data'length;
+ return RetVal;
+ end function Unflatten;
+end PkgRegs;
diff --git a/fpga/usrp3/top/n3xx/dboards/common/sync/CrossTrigger.vhd b/fpga/usrp3/top/n3xx/dboards/common/sync/CrossTrigger.vhd
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..70a873501
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fpga/usrp3/top/n3xx/dboards/common/sync/CrossTrigger.vhd
@@ -0,0 +1,414 @@
+-- Copyright 2018 Ettus Research, a National Instruments Company
+-- SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-3.0-or-later
+-- Purpose:
+-- Uses the RP and SP edges to cross a trigger from the RefClk domain to
+-- the SampleClk domain. The RP FE captures the input trigger and sends it to
+-- the SampleClk domain. There, it is double-synchronized but only allowed to pass
+-- when the SP RE occurs. The trigger (now in the SampleClk domain) is then passed
+-- through an elastic buffer before being sent on it's merry way.
+-- Below is the latency through this module. If you assert rTriggerIn before or after
+-- the rRP RE, then you need to add/subtract the distance to the rRP RE.
+-- Deterministic latency through this module is (starting at the rRP RE):
+-- Measured difference between rRP and sSP rising edges (using a TDC, positive value
+-- if rRP rises before sSP).
+-- + One period of sSP
+-- + Two periods of SampleClk (Double Sync)
+-- + (sElasticBufferPtr value + 1) * SampleClk Period
+-- + One period of SampleClk
+-- How much skew between RP and SP can we allow and still safely pass triggers?
+-- Our "launch" edge is essentially the RP FE, and our "latch" edge is the SP RE.
+-- Consider the no skew (RP and SP edges align) case first. Our setup and hold budget
+-- is balanced at T/2. Based on this, it seems we can tolerate almost T/2 skew in either
+-- direction (ignoring a few Reference and Sample Clock cycles here and there).
+-- My recommendation is to keep the skew to a minimum, like less than T/4.
+-- In the context of the FTDC project for N310, this should be a no-brainer since
+-- the SP pulses are started only a few RefClk cycles after RP. The skew is
+-- easily verified by taking a FTDC measurement. If the skew is less than T/4, you can
+-- sleep easy. If not, then I recommend doing a comprehensive analysis of how much
+-- settling time you have between the trigger being launched from the RefClk domain
+-- and latched in the SampleClk domain.
+-- vreview_group Tdc
+library ieee;
+ use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
+ use ieee.numeric_std.all;
+library unisim;
+ use unisim.vcomponents.all;
+entity CrossTrigger is
+ port (
+ aReset : in boolean;
+ RefClk : in std_logic;
+ -- For convenience while writing this, I have only considered the N3x0 case where
+ -- rRP is slightly ahead of sSP in phase.
+ rRP : in boolean;
+ -- De-asserts the clock cycle after rTriggerIn asserts. Re-asserts after the
+ -- second falling edge of rRP, indicating new triggers can be accepted.
+ rReadyForInput : out boolean;
+ -- Only one pulse will be output for each rising edge of rTriggerIn. rTriggerIn is
+ -- ignored when rReadyForInput is de-asserted. All levels are ignored when Enable
+ -- is de-asserted.
+ rEnableTrigger : in boolean;
+ rTriggerIn : in boolean;
+ SampleClk : in std_logic;
+ sSP : in boolean;
+ -- An elastic buffer just before the output is used to compensate for skew
+ -- in sSP pulses across boards. Default should be in the middle of the 4 bit
+ -- range at 7.
+ sElasticBufferPtr : in unsigned(3 downto 0);
+ -- Single-cycle pulse output.
+ sTriggerOut : out boolean
+ );
+end CrossTrigger;
+architecture rtl of CrossTrigger is
+ --vhook_sigstart
+ --vhook_sigend
+ signal rRpFE,
+ rRpDly,
+ rTriggerToSClk,
+ rTriggerCaptured,
+ sSpRE,
+ sSpDly : boolean;
+ signal sTriggerBuffer : unsigned(2**sElasticBufferPtr'length-1 downto 0);
+ signal sTriggerInSClk, sTriggerInSClk_ms : boolean;
+ function to_StdLogic(b : boolean) return std_ulogic is
+ begin
+ if b then
+ return '1';
+ else
+ return '0';
+ end if;
+ end to_StdLogic;
+ function to_Boolean (s : std_ulogic) return boolean is
+ begin
+ return (To_X01(s)='1');
+ end to_Boolean;
+ attribute async_reg : string;
+ attribute async_reg of sTriggerInSClk : signal is "TRUE";
+ attribute async_reg of sTriggerInSClk_ms : signal is "TRUE";
+ -- Reference Clock Domain Trigger Capture : -------------------------------------------
+ -- The trigger input is captured whenever it is high. The captured value is reset
+ -- by the falling edge of rRP.
+ -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ rRpFE <= rRpDly and not rRP;
+ CaptureTrigger : process(aReset, RefClk)
+ begin
+ if aReset then
+ rTriggerCaptured <= false;
+ rRpDly <= false;
+ elsif rising_edge(RefClk) then
+ rRpDly <= rRP;
+ if not rEnableTrigger then
+ rTriggerCaptured <= false;
+ elsif rTriggerIn then
+ -- Capture trigger whenever the input is asserted (so this will work with single
+ -- cycle and multi-cycle pulses).
+ rTriggerCaptured <= true;
+ elsif rRpFE then
+ -- Reset the captured trigger one cycle after the rRP FE.
+ rTriggerCaptured <= false;
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ end process;
+ -- Send Trigger To Sample Clock Domain : ----------------------------------------------
+ -- Send the captured trigger on the falling edge of rRP.
+ -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ SendTrigger : process(aReset, RefClk)
+ begin
+ if aReset then
+ rTriggerToSClk <= false;
+ elsif rising_edge(RefClk) then
+ if not rEnableTrigger then
+ rTriggerToSClk <= false;
+ elsif rRpFE then
+ rTriggerToSClk <= rTriggerCaptured;
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ end process;
+ rReadyForInput <= not (rTriggerToSClk or rTriggerCaptured);
+ -- Capture Trigger in Sample Clock Domain : -------------------------------------------
+ -- On the rising edge of sSP, capture the trigger. To keep things free of
+ -- metastability, we double-sync the trigger into the SampleClk domain first.
+ -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ ReceiveAndProcessTrigger : process(aReset, SampleClk)
+ begin
+ if aReset then
+ sSpDly <= false;
+ sTriggerBuffer <= (others => '0');
+ sTriggerOut <= false;
+ sTriggerInSClk_ms <= false;
+ sTriggerInSClk <= false;
+ elsif rising_edge(SampleClk) then
+ -- Edge detector delays.
+ sSpDly <= sSP;
+ -- Double-synchronizer for trigger.
+ sTriggerInSClk_ms <= rTriggerToSClk;
+ sTriggerInSClk <= sTriggerInSClk_ms;
+ -- Delay chain for the elastic buffer. Move to the left people! Note that this
+ -- operation incurs at least one cycle of delay. Also note the trigger input is
+ -- gated with the SP RE.
+ sTriggerBuffer <= sTriggerBuffer(sTriggerBuffer'high-1 downto 0) &
+ to_stdlogic(sTriggerInSClk and sSpRE);
+ -- Based on the buffer pointer value select and flop the output one more time.
+ sTriggerOut <= to_boolean(sTriggerBuffer(to_integer(sElasticBufferPtr)));
+ end if;
+ end process;
+ -- Rising edge detectors.
+ sSpRE <= sSP and not sSpDly;
+end rtl;
+-- Testbench for CrossTrigger
+-- Meh coverage on the triggers so far... but this tests general operation
+-- and latency.
+--synopsys translate_off
+library ieee;
+ use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
+ use ieee.numeric_std.all;
+entity tb_CrossTrigger is end tb_CrossTrigger;
+architecture test of tb_CrossTrigger is
+ -- Sets up a 1.25 MHz period.
+ constant kClksPerPulseMaxBits: integer := 10;
+ constant kRpPeriodInRClks : integer := 8;
+ constant kRpHighTimeInRClks : integer := 4;
+ constant kSpPeriodInRClks : integer := 100;
+ constant kSpHighTimeInRClks : integer := 50;
+ --vhook_sigstart
+ signal aReset: boolean;
+ signal RefClk: std_logic := '0';
+ signal rEnablePulser: boolean;
+ signal rEnableTrigger: boolean;
+ signal rReadyForInput: boolean;
+ signal rRP: boolean;
+ signal rTriggerIn: boolean;
+ signal SampleClk: std_logic := '0';
+ signal sElasticBufferPtr: unsigned(3 downto 0);
+ signal sEnablePulser: boolean;
+ signal sSP: boolean;
+ signal sTriggerOut: boolean;
+ --vhook_sigend
+ signal StopSim : boolean;
+ -- shared variable Rand : Random_t;
+ constant kSPer : time := 8.000 ns; -- 125.00 MHz
+ constant kRPer : time := 100.000 ns; -- 10.00 MHz
+ signal rRfiExpected: boolean:= true;
+ signal sTriggerOutExpected: boolean:= false;
+ procedure ClkWait(
+ signal Clk : in std_logic;
+ X : positive := 1) is
+ begin
+ for i in 1 to X loop
+ wait until rising_edge(Clk);
+ end loop;
+ end procedure ClkWait;
+ SampleClk <= not SampleClk after kSPer/2 when not StopSim else '0';
+ RefClk <= not RefClk after kRPer/2 when not StopSim else '0';
+ --vhook_e Pulser RpPulser
+ --vhook_a Clk RefClk
+ --vhook_a cLoadLimits true
+ --vhook_a cPeriod to_unsigned(kRpPeriodInRClks,kClksPerPulseMaxBits)
+ --vhook_a cHighTime to_unsigned(kRpHighTimeInRClks,kClksPerPulseMaxBits)
+ --vhook_a cEnablePulse rEnablePulser
+ --vhook_a cPulse rRP
+ RpPulser: entity work.Pulser (rtl)
+ generic map (kClksPerPulseMaxBits => kClksPerPulseMaxBits) --integer range 3:32 :=16
+ port map (
+ aReset => aReset, --in boolean
+ Clk => RefClk, --in std_logic
+ cLoadLimits => true, --in boolean
+ cPeriod => to_unsigned(kRpPeriodInRClks,kClksPerPulseMaxBits), --in unsigned(kClksPerPulseMaxBits-1:0)
+ cHighTime => to_unsigned(kRpHighTimeInRClks,kClksPerPulseMaxBits), --in unsigned(kClksPerPulseMaxBits-1:0)
+ cEnablePulse => rEnablePulser, --in boolean
+ cPulse => rRP); --out boolean
+ --vhook_e Pulser SpPulser
+ --vhook_a Clk SampleClk
+ --vhook_a cLoadLimits true
+ --vhook_a cPeriod to_unsigned(kSpPeriodInRClks,kClksPerPulseMaxBits)
+ --vhook_a cHighTime to_unsigned(kSpHighTimeInRClks,kClksPerPulseMaxBits)
+ --vhook_a cEnablePulse sEnablePulser
+ --vhook_a cPulse sSP
+ SpPulser: entity work.Pulser (rtl)
+ generic map (kClksPerPulseMaxBits => kClksPerPulseMaxBits) --integer range 3:32 :=16
+ port map (
+ aReset => aReset, --in boolean
+ Clk => SampleClk, --in std_logic
+ cLoadLimits => true, --in boolean
+ cPeriod => to_unsigned(kSpPeriodInRClks,kClksPerPulseMaxBits), --in unsigned(kClksPerPulseMaxBits-1:0)
+ cHighTime => to_unsigned(kSpHighTimeInRClks,kClksPerPulseMaxBits), --in unsigned(kClksPerPulseMaxBits-1:0)
+ cEnablePulse => sEnablePulser, --in boolean
+ cPulse => sSP); --out boolean
+ main: process
+ procedure SendTrigger is
+ begin
+ assert rReadyForInput
+ report "RFI isn't high, so we can't issue a trigger" severity error;
+ -- Give it some action. We need to ideally test this for every phase offset of
+ -- rTriggerIn with respect to the rising edge of rRP, but let's get to that later.
+ -- For now, wait until a rising edge on rRP and then wait for most of the period
+ -- to issue the trigger.
+ wait until rRP and not rRP'delayed;
+ wait for (kRpPeriodInRClks-3)*kRPer;
+ rTriggerIn <= true;
+ ClkWait(RefClk);
+ rTriggerIn <= false;
+ rRfiExpected <= false;
+ -- At this point, we wait until a sSP RE, plus two SampleClks, plus sElasticBufferPtr
+ -- plus 1 worth of SampleClks, plus one more SampleClk, and then the trigger
+ -- should appear.
+ wait until not rRP and rRP'delayed;
+ wait until sSP and not sSP'delayed;
+ ClkWait(SampleClk,1);
+ ClkWait(SampleClk, to_integer(sElasticBufferPtr)+1);
+ sTriggerOutExpected <= true;
+ ClkWait(SampleClk,1);
+ sTriggerOutExpected <= false;
+ wait until not rRP and rRP'delayed;
+ ClkWait(RefClk,1);
+ rRfiExpected <= true;
+ end procedure SendTrigger;
+ begin
+ rEnablePulser <= false;
+ sEnablePulser <= false;
+ rEnableTrigger <= true;
+ sElasticBufferPtr <= to_unsigned(7, sElasticBufferPtr'length);
+ aReset <= true, false after 10 ns;
+ ClkWait(RefClk,5);
+ -- Start up the pulsers and ensure nothing comes out of the trigger for a while.
+ rEnablePulser <= true;
+ ClkWait(RefClk, 3);
+ ClkWait(SampleClk, 2);
+ sEnablePulser <= true;
+ ClkWait(RefClk, kRpPeriodInRClks*5);
+ assert (not sTriggerOut) and sTriggerOut'stable(kRpPeriodInRClks*5*kRPer)
+ report "Rogue activity on sTriggerOut before rTriggerIn asserted!" severity error;
+ assert (rReadyForInput) and rReadyForInput'stable(kRpPeriodInRClks*5*kRPer)
+ report "Ready for Input was not high before trigger!" severity error;
+ SendTrigger;
+ ClkWait(RefClk, kRpPeriodInRClks*5);
+ SendTrigger;
+ ClkWait(RefClk, kRpPeriodInRClks*5);
+ -- Turn off the trigger enable and send a trigger.
+ rEnableTrigger <= false;
+ ClkWait(RefClk);
+ rTriggerIn <= true;
+ ClkWait(RefClk);
+ rTriggerIn <= false;
+ -- And nothing should happen.
+ ClkWait(RefClk, kRpPeriodInRClks*5);
+ assert (not sTriggerOut) and sTriggerOut'stable(kRpPeriodInRClks*5*kRPer)
+ report "Rogue activity on sTriggerOut before rTriggerIn asserted!" severity error;
+ ClkWait(RefClk, kRpPeriodInRClks*5);
+ StopSim <= true;
+ wait;
+ end process;
+ CheckRfi : process(RefClk)
+ begin
+ if falling_edge(RefClk) then
+ assert rReadyForInput = rRfiExpected
+ report "RFI didn't match expected" severity error;
+ end if;
+ end process;
+ CheckTrigOut : process(SampleClk)
+ begin
+ if falling_edge(SampleClk) then
+ assert sTriggerOut = sTriggerOutExpected
+ report "Trigger Out didn't match expected" severity error;
+ end if;
+ end process;
+ --vhook_e CrossTrigger dutx
+ dutx: entity work.CrossTrigger (rtl)
+ port map (
+ aReset => aReset, --in boolean
+ RefClk => RefClk, --in std_logic
+ rRP => rRP, --in boolean
+ rReadyForInput => rReadyForInput, --out boolean
+ rEnableTrigger => rEnableTrigger, --in boolean
+ rTriggerIn => rTriggerIn, --in boolean
+ SampleClk => SampleClk, --in std_logic
+ sSP => sSP, --in boolean
+ sElasticBufferPtr => sElasticBufferPtr, --in unsigned(3:0)
+ sTriggerOut => sTriggerOut); --out boolean
+end test;
+--synopsys translate_on
diff --git a/fpga/usrp3/top/n3xx/dboards/common/sync/Pulser.vhd b/fpga/usrp3/top/n3xx/dboards/common/sync/Pulser.vhd
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..c6cb30f24
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fpga/usrp3/top/n3xx/dboards/common/sync/Pulser.vhd
@@ -0,0 +1,362 @@
+-- Copyright 2018 Ettus Research, a National Instruments Company
+-- SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-3.0-or-later
+-- Purpose:
+-- The purpose of this module is to create a psuedo-clock "pulse" on the output
+-- cPulse whenever cEnablePulse is asserted.
+-- The output period and high time are determined by the inputs cPeriod and
+-- cHighTime, where cPeriod must be greater than cHighTime+2. When these values
+-- are valid at the inputs, pulse cLoadLimits to load them into the pulser routine.
+-- It is not recommended to leave cEnablePulse asserted when loading new limits.
+-- Dynamic period and duty cycle setup:
+-- 1) Disable the pulser by de-asserting cEnablePulse.
+-- 2) Load new period and duty cycle by modifying cPeriod and cHighTime. Pulse
+-- cLoadLimits for at least one Clk cycle.
+-- 3) Enable the pulser by asserting cEnablePulse.
+-- 4) Repeat 1-3 as necessary.
+-- Static period and duty cycle setup:
+-- 1) Tie cLoadLimits to asserted.
+-- 2) Tie cPeriod and cHighTime to static values.
+-- 3) Enable and disable the pulser by asserting and de-asserting cEnablePulser at will.
+-- This input can also be tied asserted in this case.
+-- vreview_group Tdc
+library ieee;
+ use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
+ use ieee.numeric_std.all;
+ use ieee.math_real.all;
+entity Pulser is
+ generic (
+ -- The pulse counter is kClksPerPulseMaxBits wide.
+ -- Why 16? Then both cPeriod and cHighTime fit nicely into one 32 bit register!
+ -- Minimum of 3 to make our default values for cHighTime work out.
+ kClksPerPulseMaxBits : integer range 3 to 32 := 16
+ );
+ port (
+ aReset : in boolean;
+ Clk : in std_logic;
+ -- Pulse cLoadLimits when cPeriod and cHighTime are valid. Is it not recommended to
+ -- load new limits when the output is enabled.
+ -- Alternatively, cLoadLimits can be tied high if cPeriod and cHighTime are also
+ -- tied to static values.
+ cLoadLimits : in boolean;
+ cPeriod : in unsigned(kClksPerPulseMaxBits - 1 downto 0);
+ cHighTime : in unsigned(kClksPerPulseMaxBits - 1 downto 0);
+ -- When cEnablePulse is de-asserted, cPulse idles low on the following cycle.
+ -- When asserted, cPulse will then assert within a few cycles.
+ -- This input can be tied high, if desired, and the pulses will start several
+ -- clock cycles after aReset de-assertion.
+ cEnablePulse : in boolean;
+ -- When cEnablePulse is asserted, cPulse will produce a rising edge every
+ -- cPeriod of the Clk input and a falling edge cHighTime cycles after
+ -- the rising edge.
+ cPulse : out boolean
+ );
+end Pulser;
+architecture rtl of Pulser is
+ signal cCounter,
+ cPeriodStored,
+ cHighTimeStored : unsigned(cPeriod'range);
+ signal cSafeToStart_ms, cSafeToStart, cSafeToStartDly : boolean;
+ attribute ASYNC_REG : string;
+ attribute ASYNC_REG of cSafeToStart_ms : signal is "true";
+ attribute ASYNC_REG of cSafeToStart : signal is "true";
+ --synthesis translate_off
+ CheckInputRanges : process(Clk)
+ begin
+ if falling_edge(Clk) then
+ -- +2 since we have the output high offset from the zero of the counter
+ assert (cPeriodStored > cHighTimeStored + 2)
+ report "cPeriod is not greater than cHighTime + 2" severity error;
+ -- Ensure the high time is greater than 1...
+ assert (cHighTimeStored > 1)
+ report "cHighTime is not greater than 1" severity error;
+ end if;
+ end process;
+ --synthesis translate_on
+ -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ -- This counter starts safely, meaning it cannot start counting immediately after
+ -- aReset de-assertion, because the counter cannot start until cSafeToStart asserts,
+ -- which cannot happen until 1-2 clock cycles after aReset de-assertion.
+ -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ CountFreqRefPeriod: process(aReset, Clk)
+ begin
+ if aReset then
+ cCounter <= (others => '0');
+ cSafeToStart_ms <= false;
+ cSafeToStart <= false;
+ cSafeToStartDly <= false;
+ cPulse <= false;
+ cPeriodStored <= (others => '1');
+ -- This is a rather arbitrary start value, but we are guaranteed that it is
+ -- less than the reset value of cPeriodStored as well as greater than 2,
+ -- so it works well enough in case the module isn't set up correctly.
+ cHighTimeStored <= to_unsigned(kClksPerPulseMaxBits+2,cHighTimeStored'length);
+ elsif rising_edge(Clk) then
+ -- Create a safe counter startup signal that asserts shortly after
+ -- aReset de-assertion.
+ cSafeToStart_ms <= true;
+ cSafeToStart <= cSafeToStart_ms;
+ -- In the case where cLoadLimits and cEnablePulse are tied high, we need to give
+ -- them one cycle to load before starting the counter, so we delay cSafeToStart
+ -- by one for the counter.
+ cSafeToStartDly <= cSafeToStart;
+ if cEnablePulse and cSafeToStartDly then
+ -- Simple counter increment until ceiling reached, then roll over.
+ if cCounter >= cPeriodStored - 1 then
+ cCounter <= (others => '0');
+ else
+ cCounter <= cCounter + 1;
+ end if;
+ -- Pulse the output when counter is between 1 and cHighTimeStored.
+ if cCounter = 1 then
+ cPulse <= true;
+ elsif cCounter >= cHighTimeStored+1 then
+ cPulse <= false;
+ end if;
+ else
+ cPulse <= false;
+ cCounter <= (others => '0');
+ end if;
+ if cLoadLimits and cSafeToStart then
+ cPeriodStored <= cPeriod;
+ cHighTimeStored <= cHighTime;
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ end process;
+end rtl;
+-- Testbench for Pulser
+--synopsys translate_off
+library ieee;
+ use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
+ use ieee.numeric_std.all;
+ use ieee.math_real.all;
+entity tb_Pulser is end tb_Pulser;
+architecture test of tb_Pulser is
+ constant kClksPerPulseMaxBits : integer := 16;
+ --vhook_sigstart
+ signal aReset: boolean;
+ signal cEnablePulse: boolean;
+ signal cHighTime: unsigned(kClksPerPulseMaxBits-1 downto 0);
+ signal Clk: std_logic := '0';
+ signal cLoadLimits: boolean;
+ signal cPeriod: unsigned(kClksPerPulseMaxBits-1 downto 0);
+ signal cPulse: boolean;
+ signal cPulseDut2: boolean;
+ --vhook_sigend
+ signal StopSim : boolean;
+ constant kPer : time := 10 ns;
+ signal CheckPulse : boolean := false;
+ signal cPulseSl : std_logic := '0';
+ signal cPulseDut2Sl : std_logic := '0';
+ procedure ClkWait(X : positive := 1) is
+ begin
+ for i in 1 to X loop
+ wait until rising_edge(Clk);
+ end loop;
+ end procedure ClkWait;
+ Clk <= not Clk after kPer/2 when not StopSim else '0';
+ main: process
+ begin
+ cEnablePulse <= false;
+ aReset <= true, false after 10 ns;
+ ClkWait(5);
+ -- Ensure the pulse is quiet for a while.
+ ClkWait(100);
+ assert cPulse'stable(kPer*100) and not cPulse
+ report "pulse not stable at false at startup"
+ severity error;
+ -- Set up, then enable the pulse; expect it to go high after a few cycles.
+ cPeriod <= to_unsigned(250,cPeriod'length);
+ cHighTime <= to_unsigned(100,cPeriod'length);
+ cLoadLimits <= true;
+ ClkWait;
+ cLoadLimits <= false;
+ cEnablePulse <= true;
+ ClkWait(2); -- pulse rises here
+ wait until falling_edge(Clk);
+ assert cPulse report "cPulse not high two cycles after enabling" severity error;
+ -- After another clock cycle the checker below should be primed, so we can enable it.
+ ClkWait;
+ CheckPulse <= true;
+ ClkWait(to_integer(cHighTime)-1);
+ wait until falling_edge(Clk);
+ assert not cPulse report "Pulse not low after high requirement" severity error;
+ -- Check the pulse high and low for a few cycles (duplicated below, but this also
+ -- checks that it actually is toggling).
+ for i in 0 to 100 loop
+ ClkWait(to_integer(cPeriod) - to_integer(cHighTime));
+ wait until falling_edge(Clk);
+ assert cPulse report "Pulse not high when expected" severity error;
+ ClkWait(to_integer(cHighTime));
+ wait until falling_edge(Clk);
+ assert not cPulse report "Pulse not low after high requirement" severity error;
+ end loop;
+ -- Disable pulse, and check that it goes away for a long time
+ cEnablePulse <= false;
+ CheckPulse <= false;
+ -- 2 is about the max time for it to go away.
+ ClkWait(2);
+ ClkWait(2**kClksPerPulseMaxBits);
+ assert (not cPulse) and cPulse'stable(2**kClksPerPulseMaxBits*kPer)
+ report "disable didn't work" severity error;
+ -- Re-do all the initial tests with different periods and such.
+ -- Enable the pulse, expect it to go high after a few cycles
+ cPeriod <= to_unsigned(10,cPeriod'length);
+ cHighTime <= to_unsigned(5,cPeriod'length);
+ cLoadLimits <= true;
+ ClkWait;
+ cLoadLimits <= false;
+ cEnablePulse <= true;
+ ClkWait(2); -- pulse rises here
+ wait until falling_edge(Clk);
+ assert cPulse report "cPulse not high two cycles after enabling" severity error;
+ -- After another clock cycle the checker below should be primed, so we can enable it.
+ ClkWait;
+ CheckPulse <= true;
+ ClkWait(to_integer(cHighTime)-1);
+ wait until falling_edge(Clk);
+ assert not cPulse report "Pulse not low after high requirement" severity error;
+ -- Check the pulse high and low for a few cycles (duplicated below, but this also
+ -- checks that it actually is toggling).
+ for i in 0 to 100 loop
+ ClkWait(to_integer(cPeriod) - to_integer(cHighTime));
+ wait until falling_edge(Clk);
+ assert cPulse report "Pulse not high when expected" severity error;
+ ClkWait(to_integer(cHighTime));
+ wait until falling_edge(Clk);
+ assert not cPulse report "Pulse not low after high requirement" severity error;
+ end loop;
+ ClkWait(100);
+ StopSim <= true;
+ wait;
+ end process;
+ cPulseSl <= '1' when cPulse else '0';
+ -- Test the period and duty cycle of the pulse.
+ CheckPulseSpecs : process(cPulseSl)
+ variable LastRise : time := 0 ns;
+ begin
+ if falling_edge(cPulseSl) then
+ assert (not CheckPulse) or (now - LastRise = kPer*to_integer(cHighTime))
+ report "High cycles requirement not met" severity error;
+ elsif rising_edge(cPulseSl) then
+ assert (not CheckPulse) or (now - LastRise = kPer*to_integer(cPeriod))
+ report "Period requirement not met" & LF &
+ "Act: " & time'image(now-LastRise) & LF &
+ "Req: " & time'image(kPer*to_integer(cPeriod))
+ severity error;
+ LastRise := now;
+ end if;
+ end process;
+ --vhook_e Pulser dutx
+ dutx: entity work.Pulser (rtl)
+ generic map (kClksPerPulseMaxBits => kClksPerPulseMaxBits) --integer range 3:32 :=16
+ port map (
+ aReset => aReset, --in boolean
+ Clk => Clk, --in std_logic
+ cLoadLimits => cLoadLimits, --in boolean
+ cPeriod => cPeriod, --in unsigned(kClksPerPulseMaxBits-1:0)
+ cHighTime => cHighTime, --in unsigned(kClksPerPulseMaxBits-1:0)
+ cEnablePulse => cEnablePulse, --in boolean
+ cPulse => cPulse); --out boolean
+ --vhook_e Pulser dut2
+ --vhook_a cLoadLimits true
+ --vhook_a cPeriod to_unsigned(5,kClksPerPulseMaxBits)
+ --vhook_a cHighTime to_unsigned(2,kClksPerPulseMaxBits)
+ --vhook_a cEnablePulse true
+ --vhook_a cPulse cPulseDut2
+ dut2: entity work.Pulser (rtl)
+ generic map (kClksPerPulseMaxBits => kClksPerPulseMaxBits) --integer range 3:32 :=16
+ port map (
+ aReset => aReset, --in boolean
+ Clk => Clk, --in std_logic
+ cLoadLimits => true, --in boolean
+ cPeriod => to_unsigned(5,kClksPerPulseMaxBits), --in unsigned(kClksPerPulseMaxBits-1:0)
+ cHighTime => to_unsigned(2,kClksPerPulseMaxBits), --in unsigned(kClksPerPulseMaxBits-1:0)
+ cEnablePulse => true, --in boolean
+ cPulse => cPulseDut2); --out boolean
+ cPulseDut2Sl <= '1' when cPulseDut2 else '0';
+ CheckDut2 : process (cPulseDut2Sl)
+ variable LastRise : time := 0 ns;
+ begin
+ if falling_edge(cPulseDut2Sl) then
+ assert (not CheckPulse) or (now - LastRise = kPer*2)
+ report "DUT 2 High cycles requirement not met" severity error;
+ elsif rising_edge(cPulseDut2Sl) then
+ assert (not CheckPulse) or (now - LastRise = kPer*5)
+ report "DUT 2 Period requirement not met" & LF &
+ "Act: " & time'image(now-LastRise) & LF &
+ "Req: " & time'image(kPer*5)
+ severity error;
+ LastRise := now;
+ end if;
+ end process;
+end test;
+--synopsys translate_on
diff --git a/fpga/usrp3/top/n3xx/dboards/common/sync/SyncRegsIfc.edf b/fpga/usrp3/top/n3xx/dboards/common/sync/SyncRegsIfc.edf
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..a3886f6d4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fpga/usrp3/top/n3xx/dboards/common/sync/SyncRegsIfc.edf
@@ -0,0 +1,23420 @@
+(edif SyncRegsIfc
+ (edifversion 2 0 0)
+ (edifLevel 0)
+ (keywordmap (keywordlevel 0))
+ (written
+ (timeStamp 2018 03 16 14 23 36)
+ (program "Vivado" (version "2017.4"))
+ (comment "Built on 'Fri Dec 15 20:55:39 MST 2017'")
+ (comment "Built by 'xbuild'")
+ )
+ (Library hdi_primitives
+ (edifLevel 0)
+ (technology (numberDefinition ))
+ (cell LUT3 (celltype GENERIC)
+ (view netlist (viewtype NETLIST)
+ (interface
+ (port O (direction OUTPUT))
+ (port I0 (direction INPUT))
+ (port I1 (direction INPUT))
+ (port I2 (direction INPUT))
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ (cell LUT2 (celltype GENERIC)
+ (view netlist (viewtype NETLIST)
+ (interface
+ (port O (direction OUTPUT))
+ (port I0 (direction INPUT))
+ (port I1 (direction INPUT))
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ (cell FDCE (celltype GENERIC)
+ (view netlist (viewtype NETLIST)
+ (interface
+ (port Q (direction OUTPUT))
+ (port C (direction INPUT))
+ (port CE (direction INPUT))
+ (port CLR (direction INPUT))
+ (port D (direction INPUT))
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ (cell GND (celltype GENERIC)
+ (view netlist (viewtype NETLIST)
+ (interface
+ (port G (direction OUTPUT))
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ (cell LUT4 (celltype GENERIC)
+ (view netlist (viewtype NETLIST)
+ (interface
+ (port O (direction OUTPUT))
+ (port I0 (direction INPUT))
+ (port I1 (direction INPUT))
+ (port I2 (direction INPUT))
+ (port I3 (direction INPUT))
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ (cell LUT1 (celltype GENERIC)
+ (view netlist (viewtype NETLIST)
+ (interface
+ (port O (direction OUTPUT))
+ (port I0 (direction INPUT))
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ (cell VCC (celltype GENERIC)
+ (view netlist (viewtype NETLIST)
+ (interface
+ (port P (direction OUTPUT))
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ (cell LUT6 (celltype GENERIC)
+ (view netlist (viewtype NETLIST)
+ (interface
+ (port O (direction OUTPUT))
+ (port I0 (direction INPUT))
+ (port I1 (direction INPUT))
+ (port I2 (direction INPUT))
+ (port I3 (direction INPUT))
+ (port I4 (direction INPUT))
+ (port I5 (direction INPUT))
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ (cell LUT5 (celltype GENERIC)
+ (view netlist (viewtype NETLIST)
+ (interface
+ (port O (direction OUTPUT))
+ (port I0 (direction INPUT))
+ (port I1 (direction INPUT))
+ (port I2 (direction INPUT))
+ (port I3 (direction INPUT))
+ (port I4 (direction INPUT))
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ (cell FDPE (celltype GENERIC)
+ (view netlist (viewtype NETLIST)
+ (interface
+ (port Q (direction OUTPUT))
+ (port C (direction INPUT))
+ (port CE (direction INPUT))
+ (port D (direction INPUT))
+ (port PRE (direction INPUT))
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ (cell INV (celltype GENERIC)
+ (view netlist (viewtype NETLIST)
+ (interface
+ (port I (direction INPUT))
+ (port O (direction OUTPUT))
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ (Library work
+ (edifLevel 0)
+ (technology (numberDefinition ))
+ (cell SyncRegsIfc (celltype GENERIC)
+ (view SyncRegsIfc (viewtype NETLIST)
+ (interface
+ (port BusClk (direction INPUT))
+ (port MeasClk (direction INPUT))
+ (port RefClk (direction INPUT))
+ (port SampleClk (direction INPUT))
+ (port aBusReset (direction INPUT))
+ (port aTdcReset (direction OUTPUT))
+ (port bBusReset (direction INPUT))
+ (port mOffsetsDone (direction INPUT))
+ (port mOffsetsValid (direction INPUT))
+ (port rEnablePpsCrossing (direction OUTPUT))
+ (port rEnableTdc (direction OUTPUT))
+ (port rLoadRePulseCounts (direction OUTPUT))
+ (port rLoadRpCounts (direction OUTPUT))
+ (port rLoadRptCounts (direction OUTPUT))
+ (port rPpsPulseCaptured (direction INPUT))
+ (port rReRunEnable (direction OUTPUT))
+ (port rResetTdc (direction OUTPUT))
+ (port rResetTdcDone (direction INPUT))
+ (port sLoadSpCounts (direction OUTPUT))
+ (port sLoadSptCounts (direction OUTPUT))
+ (port (array (rename bRegPortInFlat "bRegPortInFlat[49:0]") 50) (direction INPUT))
+ (port (array (rename bRegPortOutFlat "bRegPortOutFlat[33:0]") 34) (direction OUTPUT))
+ (port (array (rename mRpOffset "mRpOffset[39:0]") 40) (direction INPUT))
+ (port (array (rename mSpOffset "mSpOffset[39:0]") 40) (direction INPUT))
+ (port (array (rename rPulserEnableDelayVal "rPulserEnableDelayVal[3:0]") 4) (direction OUTPUT))
+ (port (array (rename rRePulseHighTimeInRClks "rRePulseHighTimeInRClks[23:0]") 24) (direction OUTPUT))
+ (port (array (rename rRePulsePeriodInRClks "rRePulsePeriodInRClks[23:0]") 24) (direction OUTPUT))
+ (port (array (rename rRpHighTimeInRClks "rRpHighTimeInRClks[15:0]") 16) (direction OUTPUT))
+ (port (array (rename rRpPeriodInRClks "rRpPeriodInRClks[15:0]") 16) (direction OUTPUT))
+ (port (array (rename rRptHighTimeInRClks "rRptHighTimeInRClks[15:0]") 16) (direction OUTPUT))
+ (port (array (rename rRptPeriodInRClks "rRptPeriodInRClks[15:0]") 16) (direction OUTPUT))
+ (port (array (rename sPpsClkCrossDelayVal "sPpsClkCrossDelayVal[3:0]") 4) (direction OUTPUT))
+ (port (array (rename sSpHighTimeInSClks "sSpHighTimeInSClks[15:0]") 16) (direction OUTPUT))
+ (port (array (rename sSpPeriodInSClks "sSpPeriodInSClks[15:0]") 16) (direction OUTPUT))
+ (port (array (rename sSptHighTimeInSClks "sSptHighTimeInSClks[15:0]") 16) (direction OUTPUT))
+ (port (array (rename sSptPeriodInSClks "sSptPeriodInSClks[15:0]") 16) (direction OUTPUT))
+ )
+ (contents
+ (instance (rename BlkIn_iDlyPush_i_1 "BlkIn.iDlyPush_i_1") (viewref netlist (cellref LUT3 (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "8'h80"))
+ (property SOFT_HLUTNM (string "soft_lutpair22"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename BlkIn_iDlyPush_i_1__0 "BlkIn.iDlyPush_i_1__0") (viewref netlist (cellref LUT3 (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "8'h20"))
+ (property SOFT_HLUTNM (string "soft_lutpair23"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename BlkIn_iDlyPush_i_1__1 "BlkIn.iDlyPush_i_1__1") (viewref netlist (cellref LUT3 (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "8'h20"))
+ (property SOFT_HLUTNM (string "soft_lutpair24"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename BlkIn_iDlyPush_i_1__2 "BlkIn.iDlyPush_i_1__2") (viewref netlist (cellref LUT3 (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "8'h02"))
+ (property SOFT_HLUTNM (string "soft_lutpair24"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename BlkIn_iDlyPush_i_1__3 "BlkIn.iDlyPush_i_1__3") (viewref netlist (cellref LUT3 (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "8'h80"))
+ (property SOFT_HLUTNM (string "soft_lutpair25"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename BlkIn_iDlyPush_i_1__4 "BlkIn.iDlyPush_i_1__4") (viewref netlist (cellref LUT3 (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "8'h20"))
+ (property SOFT_HLUTNM (string "soft_lutpair26"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename BlkOut_oDataValid_i_1 "BlkOut.oDataValid_i_1") (viewref netlist (cellref LUT2 (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "4'h6"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename BlkOut_oDataValid_i_1__0 "BlkOut.oDataValid_i_1__0") (viewref netlist (cellref LUT2 (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "4'h6"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename BlkOut_oDataValid_i_1__1 "BlkOut.oDataValid_i_1__1") (viewref netlist (cellref LUT2 (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "4'h6"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename BlkOut_oDataValid_i_1__2 "BlkOut.oDataValid_i_1__2") (viewref netlist (cellref LUT2 (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "4'h6"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename BlkOut_oDataValid_i_1__3 "BlkOut.oDataValid_i_1__3") (viewref netlist (cellref LUT2 (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "4'h6"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename EnableTdcDs_DoubleSyncBasex_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx "EnableTdcDs/DoubleSyncBasex/DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex/oSig_msx/Gen0.FDCEx") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_CLR_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_C_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property ASYNC_REG (boolean (true)))
+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename EnableTdcDs_DoubleSyncBasex_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx "EnableTdcDs/DoubleSyncBasex/DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex/oSigx/Gen0.FDCEx") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_CLR_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_C_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property ASYNC_REG (boolean (true)))
+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename EnableTdcDs_DoubleSyncBasex_iDlySigx_Gen0_FDCEx "EnableTdcDs/DoubleSyncBasex/iDlySigx/Gen0.FDCEx") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_CLR_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_C_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
+ (instance GND (viewref netlist (cellref GND (libraryref hdi_primitives))))
+ (instance (rename Gen0_FDCEx_i_1 "Gen0.FDCEx_i_1") (viewref netlist (cellref LUT4 (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "16'h4000"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename Gen0_FDCEx_i_1__0 "Gen0.FDCEx_i_1__0") (viewref netlist (cellref LUT4 (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "16'h0400"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename Gen0_FDCEx_i_1__1 "Gen0.FDCEx_i_1__1") (viewref netlist (cellref LUT4 (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "16'h0400"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename Gen0_FDCEx_i_1__10 "Gen0.FDCEx_i_1__10") (viewref netlist (cellref LUT2 (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "4'h2"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename Gen0_FDCEx_i_1__11 "Gen0.FDCEx_i_1__11") (viewref netlist (cellref LUT2 (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "4'h2"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename Gen0_FDCEx_i_1__2 "Gen0.FDCEx_i_1__2") (viewref netlist (cellref LUT4 (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "16'h0100"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename Gen0_FDCEx_i_1__3 "Gen0.FDCEx_i_1__3") (viewref netlist (cellref LUT4 (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "16'h4000"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename Gen0_FDCEx_i_1__4 "Gen0.FDCEx_i_1__4") (viewref netlist (cellref LUT4 (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "16'h0400"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename Gen0_FDCEx_i_1__5 "Gen0.FDCEx_i_1__5") (viewref netlist (cellref LUT2 (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "4'h6"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename Gen0_FDCEx_i_1__6 "Gen0.FDCEx_i_1__6") (viewref netlist (cellref LUT2 (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "4'h6"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename Gen0_FDCEx_i_1__7 "Gen0.FDCEx_i_1__7") (viewref netlist (cellref LUT2 (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "4'h6"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename Gen0_FDCEx_i_1__8 "Gen0.FDCEx_i_1__8") (viewref netlist (cellref LUT2 (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "4'h6"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename Gen0_FDCEx_i_1__9 "Gen0.FDCEx_i_1__9") (viewref netlist (cellref LUT2 (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "4'h2"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename Gen0_FDCEx_i_2 "Gen0.FDCEx_i_2") (viewref netlist (cellref LUT1 (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "2'h1"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename Gen0_FDCEx_i_2__0 "Gen0.FDCEx_i_2__0") (viewref netlist (cellref LUT1 (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "2'h1"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename Gen0_FDCEx_i_2__1 "Gen0.FDCEx_i_2__1") (viewref netlist (cellref LUT1 (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "2'h1"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename Gen0_FDCEx_i_2__2 "Gen0.FDCEx_i_2__2") (viewref netlist (cellref LUT1 (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "2'h1"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename Gen0_FDCEx_i_2__3 "Gen0.FDCEx_i_2__3") (viewref netlist (cellref LUT1 (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "2'h1"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename Gen0_FDCEx_i_2__4 "Gen0.FDCEx_i_2__4") (viewref netlist (cellref LUT1 (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "2'h1"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename Gen0_FDCEx_i_2__5 "Gen0.FDCEx_i_2__5") (viewref netlist (cellref LUT1 (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "2'h1"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename Gen0_FDCEx_i_2__6 "Gen0.FDCEx_i_2__6") (viewref netlist (cellref LUT1 (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "2'h1"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename Gen0_FDCEx_i_2__7 "Gen0.FDCEx_i_2__7") (viewref netlist (cellref LUT1 (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "2'h1"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename Gen0_FDCEx_i_3 "Gen0.FDCEx_i_3") (viewref netlist (cellref LUT4 (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "16'h0400"))
+ (property SOFT_HLUTNM (string "soft_lutpair4"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename Gen0_FDCEx_i_3__0 "Gen0.FDCEx_i_3__0") (viewref netlist (cellref LUT4 (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "16'h0008"))
+ (property SOFT_HLUTNM (string "soft_lutpair5"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename Gen0_FDCEx_i_3__1 "Gen0.FDCEx_i_3__1") (viewref netlist (cellref LUT4 (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "16'h0002"))
+ (property SOFT_HLUTNM (string "soft_lutpair4"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkIn_iDlyPush_reg "IncomingOffsetHs/HBx/BlkIn.iDlyPush_reg") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_0_ "IncomingOffsetHs/HBx/BlkIn.iLclStoredData_reg[0]") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_10_ "IncomingOffsetHs/HBx/BlkIn.iLclStoredData_reg[10]") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_11_ "IncomingOffsetHs/HBx/BlkIn.iLclStoredData_reg[11]") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_12_ "IncomingOffsetHs/HBx/BlkIn.iLclStoredData_reg[12]") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_13_ "IncomingOffsetHs/HBx/BlkIn.iLclStoredData_reg[13]") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_14_ "IncomingOffsetHs/HBx/BlkIn.iLclStoredData_reg[14]") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_15_ "IncomingOffsetHs/HBx/BlkIn.iLclStoredData_reg[15]") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_16_ "IncomingOffsetHs/HBx/BlkIn.iLclStoredData_reg[16]") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_17_ "IncomingOffsetHs/HBx/BlkIn.iLclStoredData_reg[17]") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_18_ "IncomingOffsetHs/HBx/BlkIn.iLclStoredData_reg[18]") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_19_ "IncomingOffsetHs/HBx/BlkIn.iLclStoredData_reg[19]") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_1_ "IncomingOffsetHs/HBx/BlkIn.iLclStoredData_reg[1]") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_20_ "IncomingOffsetHs/HBx/BlkIn.iLclStoredData_reg[20]") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_21_ "IncomingOffsetHs/HBx/BlkIn.iLclStoredData_reg[21]") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_22_ "IncomingOffsetHs/HBx/BlkIn.iLclStoredData_reg[22]") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_23_ "IncomingOffsetHs/HBx/BlkIn.iLclStoredData_reg[23]") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_24_ "IncomingOffsetHs/HBx/BlkIn.iLclStoredData_reg[24]") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_25_ "IncomingOffsetHs/HBx/BlkIn.iLclStoredData_reg[25]") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_26_ "IncomingOffsetHs/HBx/BlkIn.iLclStoredData_reg[26]") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_27_ "IncomingOffsetHs/HBx/BlkIn.iLclStoredData_reg[27]") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_28_ "IncomingOffsetHs/HBx/BlkIn.iLclStoredData_reg[28]") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_29_ "IncomingOffsetHs/HBx/BlkIn.iLclStoredData_reg[29]") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_2_ "IncomingOffsetHs/HBx/BlkIn.iLclStoredData_reg[2]") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_30_ "IncomingOffsetHs/HBx/BlkIn.iLclStoredData_reg[30]") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_31_ "IncomingOffsetHs/HBx/BlkIn.iLclStoredData_reg[31]") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_32_ "IncomingOffsetHs/HBx/BlkIn.iLclStoredData_reg[32]") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_33_ "IncomingOffsetHs/HBx/BlkIn.iLclStoredData_reg[33]") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_34_ "IncomingOffsetHs/HBx/BlkIn.iLclStoredData_reg[34]") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_35_ "IncomingOffsetHs/HBx/BlkIn.iLclStoredData_reg[35]") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_36_ "IncomingOffsetHs/HBx/BlkIn.iLclStoredData_reg[36]") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_37_ "IncomingOffsetHs/HBx/BlkIn.iLclStoredData_reg[37]") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_38_ "IncomingOffsetHs/HBx/BlkIn.iLclStoredData_reg[38]") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_39_ "IncomingOffsetHs/HBx/BlkIn.iLclStoredData_reg[39]") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_3_ "IncomingOffsetHs/HBx/BlkIn.iLclStoredData_reg[3]") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_40_ "IncomingOffsetHs/HBx/BlkIn.iLclStoredData_reg[40]") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_41_ "IncomingOffsetHs/HBx/BlkIn.iLclStoredData_reg[41]") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_42_ "IncomingOffsetHs/HBx/BlkIn.iLclStoredData_reg[42]") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_43_ "IncomingOffsetHs/HBx/BlkIn.iLclStoredData_reg[43]") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_44_ "IncomingOffsetHs/HBx/BlkIn.iLclStoredData_reg[44]") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_45_ "IncomingOffsetHs/HBx/BlkIn.iLclStoredData_reg[45]") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_46_ "IncomingOffsetHs/HBx/BlkIn.iLclStoredData_reg[46]") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_47_ "IncomingOffsetHs/HBx/BlkIn.iLclStoredData_reg[47]") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_48_ "IncomingOffsetHs/HBx/BlkIn.iLclStoredData_reg[48]") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_49_ "IncomingOffsetHs/HBx/BlkIn.iLclStoredData_reg[49]") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_4_ "IncomingOffsetHs/HBx/BlkIn.iLclStoredData_reg[4]") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_50_ "IncomingOffsetHs/HBx/BlkIn.iLclStoredData_reg[50]") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_51_ "IncomingOffsetHs/HBx/BlkIn.iLclStoredData_reg[51]") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_52_ "IncomingOffsetHs/HBx/BlkIn.iLclStoredData_reg[52]") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_53_ "IncomingOffsetHs/HBx/BlkIn.iLclStoredData_reg[53]") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_54_ "IncomingOffsetHs/HBx/BlkIn.iLclStoredData_reg[54]") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_55_ "IncomingOffsetHs/HBx/BlkIn.iLclStoredData_reg[55]") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_56_ "IncomingOffsetHs/HBx/BlkIn.iLclStoredData_reg[56]") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_57_ "IncomingOffsetHs/HBx/BlkIn.iLclStoredData_reg[57]") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_58_ "IncomingOffsetHs/HBx/BlkIn.iLclStoredData_reg[58]") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_59_ "IncomingOffsetHs/HBx/BlkIn.iLclStoredData_reg[59]") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_5_ "IncomingOffsetHs/HBx/BlkIn.iLclStoredData_reg[5]") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_60_ "IncomingOffsetHs/HBx/BlkIn.iLclStoredData_reg[60]") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_61_ "IncomingOffsetHs/HBx/BlkIn.iLclStoredData_reg[61]") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_62_ "IncomingOffsetHs/HBx/BlkIn.iLclStoredData_reg[62]") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_63_ "IncomingOffsetHs/HBx/BlkIn.iLclStoredData_reg[63]") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_64_ "IncomingOffsetHs/HBx/BlkIn.iLclStoredData_reg[64]") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_65_ "IncomingOffsetHs/HBx/BlkIn.iLclStoredData_reg[65]") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_66_ "IncomingOffsetHs/HBx/BlkIn.iLclStoredData_reg[66]") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_67_ "IncomingOffsetHs/HBx/BlkIn.iLclStoredData_reg[67]") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_68_ "IncomingOffsetHs/HBx/BlkIn.iLclStoredData_reg[68]") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_69_ "IncomingOffsetHs/HBx/BlkIn.iLclStoredData_reg[69]") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_6_ "IncomingOffsetHs/HBx/BlkIn.iLclStoredData_reg[6]") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_70_ "IncomingOffsetHs/HBx/BlkIn.iLclStoredData_reg[70]") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_71_ "IncomingOffsetHs/HBx/BlkIn.iLclStoredData_reg[71]") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_72_ "IncomingOffsetHs/HBx/BlkIn.iLclStoredData_reg[72]") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_73_ "IncomingOffsetHs/HBx/BlkIn.iLclStoredData_reg[73]") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_74_ "IncomingOffsetHs/HBx/BlkIn.iLclStoredData_reg[74]") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_75_ "IncomingOffsetHs/HBx/BlkIn.iLclStoredData_reg[75]") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_76_ "IncomingOffsetHs/HBx/BlkIn.iLclStoredData_reg[76]") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_77_ "IncomingOffsetHs/HBx/BlkIn.iLclStoredData_reg[77]") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_78_ "IncomingOffsetHs/HBx/BlkIn.iLclStoredData_reg[78]") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_79_ "IncomingOffsetHs/HBx/BlkIn.iLclStoredData_reg[79]") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_7_ "IncomingOffsetHs/HBx/BlkIn.iLclStoredData_reg[7]") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_8_ "IncomingOffsetHs/HBx/BlkIn.iLclStoredData_reg[8]") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_9_ "IncomingOffsetHs/HBx/BlkIn.iLclStoredData_reg[9]") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkIn_iPushTogglex_Gen0_FDCEx "IncomingOffsetHs/HBx/BlkIn.iPushTogglex/Gen0.FDCEx") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_CLR_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_C_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_0__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx "IncomingOffsetHs/HBx/BlkOut.ODataFlop/GenFlops[0].DFlopx/Gen0.FDCEx") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_CLR_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_C_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_10__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx "IncomingOffsetHs/HBx/BlkOut.ODataFlop/GenFlops[10].DFlopx/Gen0.FDCEx") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_CLR_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_C_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_11__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx "IncomingOffsetHs/HBx/BlkOut.ODataFlop/GenFlops[11].DFlopx/Gen0.FDCEx") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_CLR_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_C_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_12__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx "IncomingOffsetHs/HBx/BlkOut.ODataFlop/GenFlops[12].DFlopx/Gen0.FDCEx") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_CLR_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_C_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_13__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx "IncomingOffsetHs/HBx/BlkOut.ODataFlop/GenFlops[13].DFlopx/Gen0.FDCEx") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_CLR_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_C_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_14__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx "IncomingOffsetHs/HBx/BlkOut.ODataFlop/GenFlops[14].DFlopx/Gen0.FDCEx") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_CLR_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_C_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_15__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx "IncomingOffsetHs/HBx/BlkOut.ODataFlop/GenFlops[15].DFlopx/Gen0.FDCEx") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_CLR_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_C_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_16__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx "IncomingOffsetHs/HBx/BlkOut.ODataFlop/GenFlops[16].DFlopx/Gen0.FDCEx") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_CLR_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_C_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_17__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx "IncomingOffsetHs/HBx/BlkOut.ODataFlop/GenFlops[17].DFlopx/Gen0.FDCEx") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_CLR_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_C_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_18__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx "IncomingOffsetHs/HBx/BlkOut.ODataFlop/GenFlops[18].DFlopx/Gen0.FDCEx") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_CLR_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_C_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_19__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx "IncomingOffsetHs/HBx/BlkOut.ODataFlop/GenFlops[19].DFlopx/Gen0.FDCEx") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_CLR_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_C_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_1__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx "IncomingOffsetHs/HBx/BlkOut.ODataFlop/GenFlops[1].DFlopx/Gen0.FDCEx") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_CLR_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_C_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_20__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx "IncomingOffsetHs/HBx/BlkOut.ODataFlop/GenFlops[20].DFlopx/Gen0.FDCEx") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_CLR_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_C_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_21__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx "IncomingOffsetHs/HBx/BlkOut.ODataFlop/GenFlops[21].DFlopx/Gen0.FDCEx") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_CLR_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_C_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_22__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx "IncomingOffsetHs/HBx/BlkOut.ODataFlop/GenFlops[22].DFlopx/Gen0.FDCEx") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_CLR_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_C_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_23__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx "IncomingOffsetHs/HBx/BlkOut.ODataFlop/GenFlops[23].DFlopx/Gen0.FDCEx") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_CLR_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_C_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_24__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx "IncomingOffsetHs/HBx/BlkOut.ODataFlop/GenFlops[24].DFlopx/Gen0.FDCEx") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_CLR_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_C_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_25__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx "IncomingOffsetHs/HBx/BlkOut.ODataFlop/GenFlops[25].DFlopx/Gen0.FDCEx") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_CLR_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_C_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_26__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx "IncomingOffsetHs/HBx/BlkOut.ODataFlop/GenFlops[26].DFlopx/Gen0.FDCEx") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_CLR_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_C_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_27__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx "IncomingOffsetHs/HBx/BlkOut.ODataFlop/GenFlops[27].DFlopx/Gen0.FDCEx") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_CLR_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_C_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_28__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx "IncomingOffsetHs/HBx/BlkOut.ODataFlop/GenFlops[28].DFlopx/Gen0.FDCEx") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_CLR_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_C_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_29__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx "IncomingOffsetHs/HBx/BlkOut.ODataFlop/GenFlops[29].DFlopx/Gen0.FDCEx") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_CLR_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_C_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_2__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx "IncomingOffsetHs/HBx/BlkOut.ODataFlop/GenFlops[2].DFlopx/Gen0.FDCEx") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_CLR_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_C_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_30__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx "IncomingOffsetHs/HBx/BlkOut.ODataFlop/GenFlops[30].DFlopx/Gen0.FDCEx") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_CLR_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_C_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_31__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx "IncomingOffsetHs/HBx/BlkOut.ODataFlop/GenFlops[31].DFlopx/Gen0.FDCEx") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_CLR_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_C_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_32__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx "IncomingOffsetHs/HBx/BlkOut.ODataFlop/GenFlops[32].DFlopx/Gen0.FDCEx") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_CLR_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_C_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_33__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx "IncomingOffsetHs/HBx/BlkOut.ODataFlop/GenFlops[33].DFlopx/Gen0.FDCEx") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_CLR_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_C_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_34__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx "IncomingOffsetHs/HBx/BlkOut.ODataFlop/GenFlops[34].DFlopx/Gen0.FDCEx") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_CLR_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_C_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_35__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx "IncomingOffsetHs/HBx/BlkOut.ODataFlop/GenFlops[35].DFlopx/Gen0.FDCEx") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_CLR_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_C_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_36__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx "IncomingOffsetHs/HBx/BlkOut.ODataFlop/GenFlops[36].DFlopx/Gen0.FDCEx") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_CLR_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_C_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_37__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx "IncomingOffsetHs/HBx/BlkOut.ODataFlop/GenFlops[37].DFlopx/Gen0.FDCEx") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_CLR_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_C_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_38__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx "IncomingOffsetHs/HBx/BlkOut.ODataFlop/GenFlops[38].DFlopx/Gen0.FDCEx") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_CLR_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_C_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_39__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx "IncomingOffsetHs/HBx/BlkOut.ODataFlop/GenFlops[39].DFlopx/Gen0.FDCEx") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_CLR_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_C_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_3__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx "IncomingOffsetHs/HBx/BlkOut.ODataFlop/GenFlops[3].DFlopx/Gen0.FDCEx") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_CLR_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_C_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_40__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx "IncomingOffsetHs/HBx/BlkOut.ODataFlop/GenFlops[40].DFlopx/Gen0.FDCEx") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_CLR_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_C_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_41__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx "IncomingOffsetHs/HBx/BlkOut.ODataFlop/GenFlops[41].DFlopx/Gen0.FDCEx") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_CLR_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_C_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_42__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx "IncomingOffsetHs/HBx/BlkOut.ODataFlop/GenFlops[42].DFlopx/Gen0.FDCEx") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_CLR_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_C_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_43__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx "IncomingOffsetHs/HBx/BlkOut.ODataFlop/GenFlops[43].DFlopx/Gen0.FDCEx") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_CLR_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_C_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_44__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx "IncomingOffsetHs/HBx/BlkOut.ODataFlop/GenFlops[44].DFlopx/Gen0.FDCEx") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_CLR_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_C_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_45__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx "IncomingOffsetHs/HBx/BlkOut.ODataFlop/GenFlops[45].DFlopx/Gen0.FDCEx") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_CLR_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_C_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_46__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx "IncomingOffsetHs/HBx/BlkOut.ODataFlop/GenFlops[46].DFlopx/Gen0.FDCEx") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_CLR_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_C_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_47__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx "IncomingOffsetHs/HBx/BlkOut.ODataFlop/GenFlops[47].DFlopx/Gen0.FDCEx") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_CLR_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_C_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_48__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx "IncomingOffsetHs/HBx/BlkOut.ODataFlop/GenFlops[48].DFlopx/Gen0.FDCEx") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_CLR_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_C_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_49__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx "IncomingOffsetHs/HBx/BlkOut.ODataFlop/GenFlops[49].DFlopx/Gen0.FDCEx") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_CLR_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_C_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_4__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx "IncomingOffsetHs/HBx/BlkOut.ODataFlop/GenFlops[4].DFlopx/Gen0.FDCEx") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_CLR_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_C_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_50__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx "IncomingOffsetHs/HBx/BlkOut.ODataFlop/GenFlops[50].DFlopx/Gen0.FDCEx") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_CLR_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_C_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_51__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx "IncomingOffsetHs/HBx/BlkOut.ODataFlop/GenFlops[51].DFlopx/Gen0.FDCEx") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_CLR_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_C_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_52__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx "IncomingOffsetHs/HBx/BlkOut.ODataFlop/GenFlops[52].DFlopx/Gen0.FDCEx") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_CLR_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_C_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_53__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx "IncomingOffsetHs/HBx/BlkOut.ODataFlop/GenFlops[53].DFlopx/Gen0.FDCEx") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_CLR_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_C_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_54__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx "IncomingOffsetHs/HBx/BlkOut.ODataFlop/GenFlops[54].DFlopx/Gen0.FDCEx") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_CLR_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_C_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_55__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx "IncomingOffsetHs/HBx/BlkOut.ODataFlop/GenFlops[55].DFlopx/Gen0.FDCEx") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_CLR_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_C_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_56__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx "IncomingOffsetHs/HBx/BlkOut.ODataFlop/GenFlops[56].DFlopx/Gen0.FDCEx") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_CLR_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_C_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_57__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx "IncomingOffsetHs/HBx/BlkOut.ODataFlop/GenFlops[57].DFlopx/Gen0.FDCEx") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_CLR_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_C_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_58__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx "IncomingOffsetHs/HBx/BlkOut.ODataFlop/GenFlops[58].DFlopx/Gen0.FDCEx") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_CLR_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_C_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_59__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx "IncomingOffsetHs/HBx/BlkOut.ODataFlop/GenFlops[59].DFlopx/Gen0.FDCEx") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_CLR_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_C_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_5__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx "IncomingOffsetHs/HBx/BlkOut.ODataFlop/GenFlops[5].DFlopx/Gen0.FDCEx") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_CLR_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_C_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_60__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx "IncomingOffsetHs/HBx/BlkOut.ODataFlop/GenFlops[60].DFlopx/Gen0.FDCEx") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_CLR_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_C_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_61__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx "IncomingOffsetHs/HBx/BlkOut.ODataFlop/GenFlops[61].DFlopx/Gen0.FDCEx") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_CLR_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_C_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_62__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx "IncomingOffsetHs/HBx/BlkOut.ODataFlop/GenFlops[62].DFlopx/Gen0.FDCEx") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_CLR_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_C_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_63__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx "IncomingOffsetHs/HBx/BlkOut.ODataFlop/GenFlops[63].DFlopx/Gen0.FDCEx") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_CLR_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_C_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_64__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx "IncomingOffsetHs/HBx/BlkOut.ODataFlop/GenFlops[64].DFlopx/Gen0.FDCEx") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_CLR_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_C_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_65__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx "IncomingOffsetHs/HBx/BlkOut.ODataFlop/GenFlops[65].DFlopx/Gen0.FDCEx") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_CLR_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_C_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_66__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx "IncomingOffsetHs/HBx/BlkOut.ODataFlop/GenFlops[66].DFlopx/Gen0.FDCEx") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_CLR_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_C_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_67__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx "IncomingOffsetHs/HBx/BlkOut.ODataFlop/GenFlops[67].DFlopx/Gen0.FDCEx") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_CLR_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_C_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_68__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx "IncomingOffsetHs/HBx/BlkOut.ODataFlop/GenFlops[68].DFlopx/Gen0.FDCEx") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_CLR_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_C_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_69__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx "IncomingOffsetHs/HBx/BlkOut.ODataFlop/GenFlops[69].DFlopx/Gen0.FDCEx") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_CLR_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_C_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_6__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx "IncomingOffsetHs/HBx/BlkOut.ODataFlop/GenFlops[6].DFlopx/Gen0.FDCEx") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_CLR_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_C_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_70__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx "IncomingOffsetHs/HBx/BlkOut.ODataFlop/GenFlops[70].DFlopx/Gen0.FDCEx") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_CLR_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_C_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_71__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx "IncomingOffsetHs/HBx/BlkOut.ODataFlop/GenFlops[71].DFlopx/Gen0.FDCEx") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_CLR_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_C_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_72__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx "IncomingOffsetHs/HBx/BlkOut.ODataFlop/GenFlops[72].DFlopx/Gen0.FDCEx") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_CLR_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_C_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_73__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx "IncomingOffsetHs/HBx/BlkOut.ODataFlop/GenFlops[73].DFlopx/Gen0.FDCEx") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_CLR_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_C_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_74__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx "IncomingOffsetHs/HBx/BlkOut.ODataFlop/GenFlops[74].DFlopx/Gen0.FDCEx") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_CLR_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_C_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_75__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx "IncomingOffsetHs/HBx/BlkOut.ODataFlop/GenFlops[75].DFlopx/Gen0.FDCEx") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_CLR_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_C_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_76__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx "IncomingOffsetHs/HBx/BlkOut.ODataFlop/GenFlops[76].DFlopx/Gen0.FDCEx") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_CLR_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_C_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_77__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx "IncomingOffsetHs/HBx/BlkOut.ODataFlop/GenFlops[77].DFlopx/Gen0.FDCEx") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_CLR_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_C_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_78__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx "IncomingOffsetHs/HBx/BlkOut.ODataFlop/GenFlops[78].DFlopx/Gen0.FDCEx") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_CLR_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_C_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_79__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx "IncomingOffsetHs/HBx/BlkOut.ODataFlop/GenFlops[79].DFlopx/Gen0.FDCEx") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_CLR_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_C_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_7__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx "IncomingOffsetHs/HBx/BlkOut.ODataFlop/GenFlops[7].DFlopx/Gen0.FDCEx") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_CLR_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_C_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_8__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx "IncomingOffsetHs/HBx/BlkOut.ODataFlop/GenFlops[8].DFlopx/Gen0.FDCEx") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_CLR_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_C_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_9__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx "IncomingOffsetHs/HBx/BlkOut.ODataFlop/GenFlops[9].DFlopx/Gen0.FDCEx") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_CLR_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_C_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkOut_oDataValid_reg "IncomingOffsetHs/HBx/BlkOut.oDataValid_reg") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkOut_oPushToggle1x_Gen0_FDCEx "IncomingOffsetHs/HBx/BlkOut.oPushToggle1x/Gen0.FDCEx") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_CLR_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_C_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property ASYNC_REG (boolean (true)))
+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkOut_oPushToggle2_reg "IncomingOffsetHs/HBx/BlkOut.oPushToggle2_reg") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkOut_oPushToggle_msx_Gen0_FDCEx "IncomingOffsetHs/HBx/BlkOut.oPushToggle_msx/Gen0.FDCEx") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_CLR_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_C_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property ASYNC_REG (boolean (true)))
+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename OffsetsDsGen_0__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx "OffsetsDsGen[0].OffsetsDs/DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex/oSig_msx/Gen0.FDCEx") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_CLR_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_C_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property ASYNC_REG (boolean (true)))
+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename OffsetsDsGen_0__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx "OffsetsDsGen[0].OffsetsDs/DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex/oSigx/Gen0.FDCEx") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_CLR_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_C_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property ASYNC_REG (boolean (true)))
+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename OffsetsDsGen_10__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx "OffsetsDsGen[10].OffsetsDs/DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex/oSig_msx/Gen0.FDCEx") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_CLR_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_C_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property ASYNC_REG (boolean (true)))
+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename OffsetsDsGen_10__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx "OffsetsDsGen[10].OffsetsDs/DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex/oSigx/Gen0.FDCEx") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_CLR_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_C_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property ASYNC_REG (boolean (true)))
+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename OffsetsDsGen_11__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx "OffsetsDsGen[11].OffsetsDs/DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex/oSig_msx/Gen0.FDCEx") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_CLR_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_C_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property ASYNC_REG (boolean (true)))
+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename OffsetsDsGen_11__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx "OffsetsDsGen[11].OffsetsDs/DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex/oSigx/Gen0.FDCEx") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_CLR_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_C_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property ASYNC_REG (boolean (true)))
+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename OffsetsDsGen_12__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx "OffsetsDsGen[12].OffsetsDs/DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex/oSig_msx/Gen0.FDCEx") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_CLR_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_C_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property ASYNC_REG (boolean (true)))
+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename OffsetsDsGen_12__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx "OffsetsDsGen[12].OffsetsDs/DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex/oSigx/Gen0.FDCEx") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_CLR_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_C_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property ASYNC_REG (boolean (true)))
+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename OffsetsDsGen_13__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx "OffsetsDsGen[13].OffsetsDs/DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex/oSig_msx/Gen0.FDCEx") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_CLR_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_C_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property ASYNC_REG (boolean (true)))
+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename OffsetsDsGen_13__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx "OffsetsDsGen[13].OffsetsDs/DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex/oSigx/Gen0.FDCEx") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_CLR_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_C_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property ASYNC_REG (boolean (true)))
+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename OffsetsDsGen_14__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx "OffsetsDsGen[14].OffsetsDs/DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex/oSig_msx/Gen0.FDCEx") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_CLR_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_C_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property ASYNC_REG (boolean (true)))
+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename OffsetsDsGen_14__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx "OffsetsDsGen[14].OffsetsDs/DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex/oSigx/Gen0.FDCEx") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_CLR_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_C_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property ASYNC_REG (boolean (true)))
+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename OffsetsDsGen_15__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx "OffsetsDsGen[15].OffsetsDs/DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex/oSig_msx/Gen0.FDCEx") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_CLR_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_C_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property ASYNC_REG (boolean (true)))
+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename OffsetsDsGen_15__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx "OffsetsDsGen[15].OffsetsDs/DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex/oSigx/Gen0.FDCEx") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_CLR_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_C_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property ASYNC_REG (boolean (true)))
+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename OffsetsDsGen_16__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx "OffsetsDsGen[16].OffsetsDs/DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex/oSig_msx/Gen0.FDCEx") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_CLR_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_C_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property ASYNC_REG (boolean (true)))
+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename OffsetsDsGen_16__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx "OffsetsDsGen[16].OffsetsDs/DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex/oSigx/Gen0.FDCEx") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_CLR_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_C_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property ASYNC_REG (boolean (true)))
+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename OffsetsDsGen_17__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx "OffsetsDsGen[17].OffsetsDs/DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex/oSig_msx/Gen0.FDCEx") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_CLR_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_C_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property ASYNC_REG (boolean (true)))
+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename OffsetsDsGen_17__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx "OffsetsDsGen[17].OffsetsDs/DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex/oSigx/Gen0.FDCEx") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_CLR_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_C_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property ASYNC_REG (boolean (true)))
+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename OffsetsDsGen_18__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx "OffsetsDsGen[18].OffsetsDs/DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex/oSig_msx/Gen0.FDCEx") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_CLR_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_C_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property ASYNC_REG (boolean (true)))
+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename OffsetsDsGen_18__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx "OffsetsDsGen[18].OffsetsDs/DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex/oSigx/Gen0.FDCEx") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_CLR_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_C_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property ASYNC_REG (boolean (true)))
+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename OffsetsDsGen_19__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx "OffsetsDsGen[19].OffsetsDs/DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex/oSig_msx/Gen0.FDCEx") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_CLR_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_C_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property ASYNC_REG (boolean (true)))
+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename OffsetsDsGen_19__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx "OffsetsDsGen[19].OffsetsDs/DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex/oSigx/Gen0.FDCEx") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_CLR_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_C_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property ASYNC_REG (boolean (true)))
+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename OffsetsDsGen_1__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx "OffsetsDsGen[1].OffsetsDs/DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex/oSig_msx/Gen0.FDCEx") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_CLR_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_C_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property ASYNC_REG (boolean (true)))
+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename OffsetsDsGen_1__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx "OffsetsDsGen[1].OffsetsDs/DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex/oSigx/Gen0.FDCEx") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
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+ (property IS_C_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property ASYNC_REG (boolean (true)))
+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename OffsetsDsGen_20__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx "OffsetsDsGen[20].OffsetsDs/DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex/oSig_msx/Gen0.FDCEx") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_CLR_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_C_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property ASYNC_REG (boolean (true)))
+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename OffsetsDsGen_20__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx "OffsetsDsGen[20].OffsetsDs/DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex/oSigx/Gen0.FDCEx") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
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+ (property IS_C_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property ASYNC_REG (boolean (true)))
+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename OffsetsDsGen_21__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx "OffsetsDsGen[21].OffsetsDs/DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex/oSig_msx/Gen0.FDCEx") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_CLR_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_C_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property ASYNC_REG (boolean (true)))
+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename OffsetsDsGen_21__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx "OffsetsDsGen[21].OffsetsDs/DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex/oSigx/Gen0.FDCEx") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_CLR_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_C_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property ASYNC_REG (boolean (true)))
+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename OffsetsDsGen_22__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx "OffsetsDsGen[22].OffsetsDs/DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex/oSig_msx/Gen0.FDCEx") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_CLR_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_C_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property ASYNC_REG (boolean (true)))
+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename OffsetsDsGen_22__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx "OffsetsDsGen[22].OffsetsDs/DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex/oSigx/Gen0.FDCEx") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_CLR_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_C_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property ASYNC_REG (boolean (true)))
+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename OffsetsDsGen_23__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx "OffsetsDsGen[23].OffsetsDs/DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex/oSig_msx/Gen0.FDCEx") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_CLR_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_C_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property ASYNC_REG (boolean (true)))
+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename OffsetsDsGen_23__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx "OffsetsDsGen[23].OffsetsDs/DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex/oSigx/Gen0.FDCEx") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_CLR_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_C_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property ASYNC_REG (boolean (true)))
+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename OffsetsDsGen_24__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx "OffsetsDsGen[24].OffsetsDs/DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex/oSig_msx/Gen0.FDCEx") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_CLR_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_C_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property ASYNC_REG (boolean (true)))
+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename OffsetsDsGen_24__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx "OffsetsDsGen[24].OffsetsDs/DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex/oSigx/Gen0.FDCEx") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_CLR_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_C_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property ASYNC_REG (boolean (true)))
+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename OffsetsDsGen_25__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx "OffsetsDsGen[25].OffsetsDs/DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex/oSig_msx/Gen0.FDCEx") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
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+ (property IS_CLR_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_C_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
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+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename OffsetsDsGen_25__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx "OffsetsDsGen[25].OffsetsDs/DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex/oSigx/Gen0.FDCEx") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_CLR_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_C_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property ASYNC_REG (boolean (true)))
+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename OffsetsDsGen_26__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx "OffsetsDsGen[26].OffsetsDs/DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex/oSig_msx/Gen0.FDCEx") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_CLR_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_C_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property ASYNC_REG (boolean (true)))
+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename OffsetsDsGen_26__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx "OffsetsDsGen[26].OffsetsDs/DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex/oSigx/Gen0.FDCEx") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_CLR_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_C_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property ASYNC_REG (boolean (true)))
+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename OffsetsDsGen_27__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx "OffsetsDsGen[27].OffsetsDs/DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex/oSig_msx/Gen0.FDCEx") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
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+ (property IS_CLR_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_C_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property ASYNC_REG (boolean (true)))
+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename OffsetsDsGen_27__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx "OffsetsDsGen[27].OffsetsDs/DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex/oSigx/Gen0.FDCEx") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_CLR_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_C_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property ASYNC_REG (boolean (true)))
+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename OffsetsDsGen_28__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx "OffsetsDsGen[28].OffsetsDs/DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex/oSig_msx/Gen0.FDCEx") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_CLR_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_C_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property ASYNC_REG (boolean (true)))
+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename OffsetsDsGen_28__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx "OffsetsDsGen[28].OffsetsDs/DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex/oSigx/Gen0.FDCEx") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_CLR_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_C_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property ASYNC_REG (boolean (true)))
+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename OffsetsDsGen_29__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx "OffsetsDsGen[29].OffsetsDs/DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex/oSig_msx/Gen0.FDCEx") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_CLR_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_C_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property ASYNC_REG (boolean (true)))
+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename OffsetsDsGen_29__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx "OffsetsDsGen[29].OffsetsDs/DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex/oSigx/Gen0.FDCEx") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
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+ (property IS_C_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property ASYNC_REG (boolean (true)))
+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename OffsetsDsGen_2__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx "OffsetsDsGen[2].OffsetsDs/DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex/oSig_msx/Gen0.FDCEx") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_CLR_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_C_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property ASYNC_REG (boolean (true)))
+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename OffsetsDsGen_2__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx "OffsetsDsGen[2].OffsetsDs/DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex/oSigx/Gen0.FDCEx") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
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+ (property IS_C_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property ASYNC_REG (boolean (true)))
+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename OffsetsDsGen_30__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx "OffsetsDsGen[30].OffsetsDs/DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex/oSig_msx/Gen0.FDCEx") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
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+ (property IS_C_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property ASYNC_REG (boolean (true)))
+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename OffsetsDsGen_30__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx "OffsetsDsGen[30].OffsetsDs/DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex/oSigx/Gen0.FDCEx") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_CLR_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_C_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property ASYNC_REG (boolean (true)))
+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename OffsetsDsGen_31__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx "OffsetsDsGen[31].OffsetsDs/DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex/oSig_msx/Gen0.FDCEx") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
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+ (property IS_C_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property ASYNC_REG (boolean (true)))
+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename OffsetsDsGen_31__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx "OffsetsDsGen[31].OffsetsDs/DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex/oSigx/Gen0.FDCEx") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
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+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property ASYNC_REG (boolean (true)))
+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename OffsetsDsGen_32__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx "OffsetsDsGen[32].OffsetsDs/DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex/oSig_msx/Gen0.FDCEx") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
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+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property ASYNC_REG (boolean (true)))
+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename OffsetsDsGen_32__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx "OffsetsDsGen[32].OffsetsDs/DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex/oSigx/Gen0.FDCEx") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
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+ (property IS_C_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property ASYNC_REG (boolean (true)))
+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename OffsetsDsGen_33__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx "OffsetsDsGen[33].OffsetsDs/DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex/oSig_msx/Gen0.FDCEx") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
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+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property ASYNC_REG (boolean (true)))
+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename OffsetsDsGen_33__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx "OffsetsDsGen[33].OffsetsDs/DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex/oSigx/Gen0.FDCEx") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
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+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property ASYNC_REG (boolean (true)))
+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename OffsetsDsGen_34__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx "OffsetsDsGen[34].OffsetsDs/DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex/oSig_msx/Gen0.FDCEx") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
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+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property ASYNC_REG (boolean (true)))
+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename OffsetsDsGen_34__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx "OffsetsDsGen[34].OffsetsDs/DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex/oSigx/Gen0.FDCEx") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
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+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property ASYNC_REG (boolean (true)))
+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
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+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property ASYNC_REG (boolean (true)))
+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename OffsetsDsGen_35__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx "OffsetsDsGen[35].OffsetsDs/DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex/oSigx/Gen0.FDCEx") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
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+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property ASYNC_REG (boolean (true)))
+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
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+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property ASYNC_REG (boolean (true)))
+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
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+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
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+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
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+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
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+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
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+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property ASYNC_REG (boolean (true)))
+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
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+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
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+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
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+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
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+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
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+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
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+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
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+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
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+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
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+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
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+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
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+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
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+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
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+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
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+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property ASYNC_REG (boolean (true)))
+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename OffsetsDsGen_42__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx "OffsetsDsGen[42].OffsetsDs/DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex/oSigx/Gen0.FDCEx") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_CLR_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_C_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property ASYNC_REG (boolean (true)))
+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename OffsetsDsGen_43__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx "OffsetsDsGen[43].OffsetsDs/DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex/oSig_msx/Gen0.FDCEx") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_CLR_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_C_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property ASYNC_REG (boolean (true)))
+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename OffsetsDsGen_43__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx "OffsetsDsGen[43].OffsetsDs/DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex/oSigx/Gen0.FDCEx") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_CLR_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_C_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property ASYNC_REG (boolean (true)))
+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename OffsetsDsGen_44__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx "OffsetsDsGen[44].OffsetsDs/DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex/oSig_msx/Gen0.FDCEx") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_CLR_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_C_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property ASYNC_REG (boolean (true)))
+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename OffsetsDsGen_44__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx "OffsetsDsGen[44].OffsetsDs/DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex/oSigx/Gen0.FDCEx") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_CLR_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_C_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property ASYNC_REG (boolean (true)))
+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename OffsetsDsGen_45__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx "OffsetsDsGen[45].OffsetsDs/DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex/oSig_msx/Gen0.FDCEx") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_CLR_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_C_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property ASYNC_REG (boolean (true)))
+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename OffsetsDsGen_45__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx "OffsetsDsGen[45].OffsetsDs/DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex/oSigx/Gen0.FDCEx") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_CLR_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_C_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property ASYNC_REG (boolean (true)))
+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename OffsetsDsGen_46__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx "OffsetsDsGen[46].OffsetsDs/DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex/oSig_msx/Gen0.FDCEx") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_CLR_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_C_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property ASYNC_REG (boolean (true)))
+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename OffsetsDsGen_46__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx "OffsetsDsGen[46].OffsetsDs/DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex/oSigx/Gen0.FDCEx") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_CLR_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_C_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property ASYNC_REG (boolean (true)))
+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename OffsetsDsGen_47__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx "OffsetsDsGen[47].OffsetsDs/DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex/oSig_msx/Gen0.FDCEx") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_CLR_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_C_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property ASYNC_REG (boolean (true)))
+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename OffsetsDsGen_47__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx "OffsetsDsGen[47].OffsetsDs/DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex/oSigx/Gen0.FDCEx") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_CLR_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_C_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property ASYNC_REG (boolean (true)))
+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename OffsetsDsGen_48__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx "OffsetsDsGen[48].OffsetsDs/DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex/oSig_msx/Gen0.FDCEx") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_CLR_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_C_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property ASYNC_REG (boolean (true)))
+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename OffsetsDsGen_48__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx "OffsetsDsGen[48].OffsetsDs/DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex/oSigx/Gen0.FDCEx") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_CLR_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_C_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property ASYNC_REG (boolean (true)))
+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename OffsetsDsGen_49__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx "OffsetsDsGen[49].OffsetsDs/DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex/oSig_msx/Gen0.FDCEx") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
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+ (property IS_C_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property ASYNC_REG (boolean (true)))
+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename OffsetsDsGen_49__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx "OffsetsDsGen[49].OffsetsDs/DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex/oSigx/Gen0.FDCEx") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
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+ (property IS_C_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property ASYNC_REG (boolean (true)))
+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename OffsetsDsGen_4__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx "OffsetsDsGen[4].OffsetsDs/DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex/oSig_msx/Gen0.FDCEx") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_CLR_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_C_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property ASYNC_REG (boolean (true)))
+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename OffsetsDsGen_4__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx "OffsetsDsGen[4].OffsetsDs/DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex/oSigx/Gen0.FDCEx") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
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+ (property IS_C_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property ASYNC_REG (boolean (true)))
+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename OffsetsDsGen_50__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx "OffsetsDsGen[50].OffsetsDs/DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex/oSig_msx/Gen0.FDCEx") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
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+ (property IS_C_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property ASYNC_REG (boolean (true)))
+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename OffsetsDsGen_50__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx "OffsetsDsGen[50].OffsetsDs/DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex/oSigx/Gen0.FDCEx") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
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+ (property IS_C_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property ASYNC_REG (boolean (true)))
+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename OffsetsDsGen_51__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx "OffsetsDsGen[51].OffsetsDs/DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex/oSig_msx/Gen0.FDCEx") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
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+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property ASYNC_REG (boolean (true)))
+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename OffsetsDsGen_51__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx "OffsetsDsGen[51].OffsetsDs/DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex/oSigx/Gen0.FDCEx") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
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+ (property IS_C_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property ASYNC_REG (boolean (true)))
+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename OffsetsDsGen_52__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx "OffsetsDsGen[52].OffsetsDs/DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex/oSig_msx/Gen0.FDCEx") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
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+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property ASYNC_REG (boolean (true)))
+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename OffsetsDsGen_52__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx "OffsetsDsGen[52].OffsetsDs/DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex/oSigx/Gen0.FDCEx") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
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+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property ASYNC_REG (boolean (true)))
+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename OffsetsDsGen_53__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx "OffsetsDsGen[53].OffsetsDs/DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex/oSig_msx/Gen0.FDCEx") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
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+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property ASYNC_REG (boolean (true)))
+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename OffsetsDsGen_53__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx "OffsetsDsGen[53].OffsetsDs/DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex/oSigx/Gen0.FDCEx") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
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+ (property IS_C_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property ASYNC_REG (boolean (true)))
+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename OffsetsDsGen_54__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx "OffsetsDsGen[54].OffsetsDs/DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex/oSig_msx/Gen0.FDCEx") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
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+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property ASYNC_REG (boolean (true)))
+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename OffsetsDsGen_54__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx "OffsetsDsGen[54].OffsetsDs/DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex/oSigx/Gen0.FDCEx") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
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+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property ASYNC_REG (boolean (true)))
+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
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+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property ASYNC_REG (boolean (true)))
+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename OffsetsDsGen_55__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx "OffsetsDsGen[55].OffsetsDs/DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex/oSigx/Gen0.FDCEx") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
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+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property ASYNC_REG (boolean (true)))
+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
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+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename OffsetsDsGen_56__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx "OffsetsDsGen[56].OffsetsDs/DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex/oSigx/Gen0.FDCEx") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
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+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property ASYNC_REG (boolean (true)))
+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
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+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property ASYNC_REG (boolean (true)))
+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
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+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
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+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
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+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
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+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
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+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
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+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
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+ (property ASYNC_REG (boolean (true)))
+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
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+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
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+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
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+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
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+ (property IS_C_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property ASYNC_REG (boolean (true)))
+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename OffsetsDsGen_61__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx "OffsetsDsGen[61].OffsetsDs/DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex/oSig_msx/Gen0.FDCEx") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_CLR_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_C_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property ASYNC_REG (boolean (true)))
+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename OffsetsDsGen_61__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx "OffsetsDsGen[61].OffsetsDs/DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex/oSigx/Gen0.FDCEx") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_CLR_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_C_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property ASYNC_REG (boolean (true)))
+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename OffsetsDsGen_62__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx "OffsetsDsGen[62].OffsetsDs/DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex/oSig_msx/Gen0.FDCEx") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_CLR_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_C_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property ASYNC_REG (boolean (true)))
+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename OffsetsDsGen_62__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx "OffsetsDsGen[62].OffsetsDs/DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex/oSigx/Gen0.FDCEx") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_CLR_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_C_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property ASYNC_REG (boolean (true)))
+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename OffsetsDsGen_63__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx "OffsetsDsGen[63].OffsetsDs/DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex/oSig_msx/Gen0.FDCEx") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_CLR_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_C_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property ASYNC_REG (boolean (true)))
+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename OffsetsDsGen_63__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx "OffsetsDsGen[63].OffsetsDs/DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex/oSigx/Gen0.FDCEx") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_CLR_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_C_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property ASYNC_REG (boolean (true)))
+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename OffsetsDsGen_64__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx "OffsetsDsGen[64].OffsetsDs/DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex/oSig_msx/Gen0.FDCEx") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_CLR_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_C_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property ASYNC_REG (boolean (true)))
+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename OffsetsDsGen_64__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx "OffsetsDsGen[64].OffsetsDs/DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex/oSigx/Gen0.FDCEx") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_CLR_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_C_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property ASYNC_REG (boolean (true)))
+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename OffsetsDsGen_65__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx "OffsetsDsGen[65].OffsetsDs/DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex/oSig_msx/Gen0.FDCEx") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_CLR_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_C_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property ASYNC_REG (boolean (true)))
+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename OffsetsDsGen_65__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx "OffsetsDsGen[65].OffsetsDs/DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex/oSigx/Gen0.FDCEx") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_CLR_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_C_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property ASYNC_REG (boolean (true)))
+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename OffsetsDsGen_66__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx "OffsetsDsGen[66].OffsetsDs/DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex/oSig_msx/Gen0.FDCEx") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_CLR_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_C_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property ASYNC_REG (boolean (true)))
+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename OffsetsDsGen_66__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx "OffsetsDsGen[66].OffsetsDs/DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex/oSigx/Gen0.FDCEx") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_CLR_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_C_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property ASYNC_REG (boolean (true)))
+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename OffsetsDsGen_67__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx "OffsetsDsGen[67].OffsetsDs/DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex/oSig_msx/Gen0.FDCEx") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_CLR_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_C_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property ASYNC_REG (boolean (true)))
+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename OffsetsDsGen_67__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx "OffsetsDsGen[67].OffsetsDs/DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex/oSigx/Gen0.FDCEx") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_CLR_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_C_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property ASYNC_REG (boolean (true)))
+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename OffsetsDsGen_68__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx "OffsetsDsGen[68].OffsetsDs/DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex/oSig_msx/Gen0.FDCEx") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
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+ (property IS_C_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property ASYNC_REG (boolean (true)))
+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename OffsetsDsGen_68__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx "OffsetsDsGen[68].OffsetsDs/DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex/oSigx/Gen0.FDCEx") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_CLR_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_C_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property ASYNC_REG (boolean (true)))
+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename OffsetsDsGen_69__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx "OffsetsDsGen[69].OffsetsDs/DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex/oSig_msx/Gen0.FDCEx") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_CLR_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_C_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property ASYNC_REG (boolean (true)))
+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename OffsetsDsGen_69__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx "OffsetsDsGen[69].OffsetsDs/DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex/oSigx/Gen0.FDCEx") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_CLR_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_C_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property ASYNC_REG (boolean (true)))
+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename OffsetsDsGen_6__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx "OffsetsDsGen[6].OffsetsDs/DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex/oSig_msx/Gen0.FDCEx") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
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+ (property IS_C_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property ASYNC_REG (boolean (true)))
+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename OffsetsDsGen_6__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx "OffsetsDsGen[6].OffsetsDs/DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex/oSigx/Gen0.FDCEx") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
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+ (property IS_C_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property ASYNC_REG (boolean (true)))
+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename OffsetsDsGen_70__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx "OffsetsDsGen[70].OffsetsDs/DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex/oSig_msx/Gen0.FDCEx") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
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+ (property IS_C_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property ASYNC_REG (boolean (true)))
+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename OffsetsDsGen_70__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx "OffsetsDsGen[70].OffsetsDs/DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex/oSigx/Gen0.FDCEx") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
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+ (property IS_C_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property ASYNC_REG (boolean (true)))
+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename OffsetsDsGen_71__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx "OffsetsDsGen[71].OffsetsDs/DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex/oSig_msx/Gen0.FDCEx") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
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+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property ASYNC_REG (boolean (true)))
+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename OffsetsDsGen_71__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx "OffsetsDsGen[71].OffsetsDs/DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex/oSigx/Gen0.FDCEx") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
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+ (property IS_C_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property ASYNC_REG (boolean (true)))
+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename OffsetsDsGen_72__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx "OffsetsDsGen[72].OffsetsDs/DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex/oSig_msx/Gen0.FDCEx") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
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+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property ASYNC_REG (boolean (true)))
+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename OffsetsDsGen_72__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx "OffsetsDsGen[72].OffsetsDs/DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex/oSigx/Gen0.FDCEx") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
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+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property ASYNC_REG (boolean (true)))
+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename OffsetsDsGen_73__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx "OffsetsDsGen[73].OffsetsDs/DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex/oSig_msx/Gen0.FDCEx") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
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+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property ASYNC_REG (boolean (true)))
+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename OffsetsDsGen_73__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx "OffsetsDsGen[73].OffsetsDs/DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex/oSigx/Gen0.FDCEx") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
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+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property ASYNC_REG (boolean (true)))
+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
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+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property ASYNC_REG (boolean (true)))
+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
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+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property ASYNC_REG (boolean (true)))
+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
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+ (property ASYNC_REG (boolean (true)))
+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename OffsetsDsGen_75__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx "OffsetsDsGen[75].OffsetsDs/DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex/oSigx/Gen0.FDCEx") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
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+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property ASYNC_REG (boolean (true)))
+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
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+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
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+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename OffsetsDsGen_76__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx "OffsetsDsGen[76].OffsetsDs/DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex/oSigx/Gen0.FDCEx") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
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+ (property ASYNC_REG (boolean (true)))
+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
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+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property ASYNC_REG (boolean (true)))
+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename OffsetsDsGen_77__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx "OffsetsDsGen[77].OffsetsDs/DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex/oSigx/Gen0.FDCEx") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
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+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property ASYNC_REG (boolean (true)))
+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
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+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename OffsetsDsGen_78__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx "OffsetsDsGen[78].OffsetsDs/DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex/oSigx/Gen0.FDCEx") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
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+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property ASYNC_REG (boolean (true)))
+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
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+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property ASYNC_REG (boolean (true)))
+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename OffsetsDsGen_79__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx "OffsetsDsGen[79].OffsetsDs/DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex/oSigx/Gen0.FDCEx") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
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+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
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+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
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+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property ASYNC_REG (boolean (true)))
+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename OffsetsDsGen_7__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx "OffsetsDsGen[7].OffsetsDs/DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex/oSigx/Gen0.FDCEx") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_CLR_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_C_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property ASYNC_REG (boolean (true)))
+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename OffsetsDsGen_8__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx "OffsetsDsGen[8].OffsetsDs/DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex/oSig_msx/Gen0.FDCEx") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_CLR_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_C_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property ASYNC_REG (boolean (true)))
+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename OffsetsDsGen_8__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx "OffsetsDsGen[8].OffsetsDs/DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex/oSigx/Gen0.FDCEx") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_CLR_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_C_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property ASYNC_REG (boolean (true)))
+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename OffsetsDsGen_9__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx "OffsetsDsGen[9].OffsetsDs/DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex/oSig_msx/Gen0.FDCEx") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_CLR_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_C_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property ASYNC_REG (boolean (true)))
+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename OffsetsDsGen_9__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx "OffsetsDsGen[9].OffsetsDs/DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex/oSigx/Gen0.FDCEx") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_CLR_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_C_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property ASYNC_REG (boolean (true)))
+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename OffsetsValidDs_DoubleSyncSlAsyncInx_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx "OffsetsValidDs/DoubleSyncSlAsyncInx/DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex/oSig_msx/Gen0.FDCEx") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_CLR_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_C_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property ASYNC_REG (boolean (true)))
+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename OffsetsValidDs_DoubleSyncSlAsyncInx_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx "OffsetsValidDs/DoubleSyncSlAsyncInx/DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex/oSigx/Gen0.FDCEx") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_CLR_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_C_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property ASYNC_REG (boolean (true)))
+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename PpsCapturedDs_DoubleSyncBasex_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx "PpsCapturedDs/DoubleSyncBasex/DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex/oSig_msx/Gen0.FDCEx") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_CLR_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_C_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property ASYNC_REG (boolean (true)))
+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename PpsCapturedDs_DoubleSyncBasex_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx "PpsCapturedDs/DoubleSyncBasex/DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex/oSigx/Gen0.FDCEx") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_CLR_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_C_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property ASYNC_REG (boolean (true)))
+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename PpsCapturedDs_DoubleSyncBasex_iDlySigx_Gen0_FDCEx "PpsCapturedDs/DoubleSyncBasex/iDlySigx/Gen0.FDCEx") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_CLR_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_C_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename PpsCrossEnDs_DoubleSyncBasex_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx "PpsCrossEnDs/DoubleSyncBasex/DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex/oSig_msx/Gen0.FDCEx") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_CLR_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_C_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property ASYNC_REG (boolean (true)))
+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename PpsCrossEnDs_DoubleSyncBasex_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx "PpsCrossEnDs/DoubleSyncBasex/DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex/oSigx/Gen0.FDCEx") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_CLR_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_C_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property ASYNC_REG (boolean (true)))
+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename PpsCrossEnDs_DoubleSyncBasex_iDlySigx_Gen0_FDCEx "PpsCrossEnDs/DoubleSyncBasex/iDlySigx/Gen0.FDCEx") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_CLR_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_C_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename PpsDelayValCrossingHs_HBx_BlkIn_iDlyPush_reg "PpsDelayValCrossingHs/HBx/BlkIn.iDlyPush_reg") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename PpsDelayValCrossingHs_HBx_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_0_ "PpsDelayValCrossingHs/HBx/BlkIn.iLclStoredData_reg[0]") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename PpsDelayValCrossingHs_HBx_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_1_ "PpsDelayValCrossingHs/HBx/BlkIn.iLclStoredData_reg[1]") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename PpsDelayValCrossingHs_HBx_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_2_ "PpsDelayValCrossingHs/HBx/BlkIn.iLclStoredData_reg[2]") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename PpsDelayValCrossingHs_HBx_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_3_ "PpsDelayValCrossingHs/HBx/BlkIn.iLclStoredData_reg[3]") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename PpsDelayValCrossingHs_HBx_BlkIn_iPushTogglex_Gen0_FDCEx "PpsDelayValCrossingHs/HBx/BlkIn.iPushTogglex/Gen0.FDCEx") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_CLR_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_C_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename PpsDelayValCrossingHs_HBx_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_0__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx "PpsDelayValCrossingHs/HBx/BlkOut.ODataFlop/GenFlops[0].DFlopx/Gen0.FDCEx") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_CLR_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_C_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename PpsDelayValCrossingHs_HBx_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_1__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx "PpsDelayValCrossingHs/HBx/BlkOut.ODataFlop/GenFlops[1].DFlopx/Gen0.FDCEx") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_CLR_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_C_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename PpsDelayValCrossingHs_HBx_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_2__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx "PpsDelayValCrossingHs/HBx/BlkOut.ODataFlop/GenFlops[2].DFlopx/Gen0.FDCEx") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_CLR_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_C_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename PpsDelayValCrossingHs_HBx_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_3__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx "PpsDelayValCrossingHs/HBx/BlkOut.ODataFlop/GenFlops[3].DFlopx/Gen0.FDCEx") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_CLR_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_C_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename PpsDelayValCrossingHs_HBx_BlkOut_oDataValid_reg "PpsDelayValCrossingHs/HBx/BlkOut.oDataValid_reg") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename PpsDelayValCrossingHs_HBx_BlkOut_oPushToggle1x_Gen0_FDCEx "PpsDelayValCrossingHs/HBx/BlkOut.oPushToggle1x/Gen0.FDCEx") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_CLR_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_C_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property ASYNC_REG (boolean (true)))
+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename PpsDelayValCrossingHs_HBx_BlkOut_oPushToggle2_reg "PpsDelayValCrossingHs/HBx/BlkOut.oPushToggle2_reg") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename PpsDelayValCrossingHs_HBx_BlkOut_oPushToggle_msx_Gen0_FDCEx "PpsDelayValCrossingHs/HBx/BlkOut.oPushToggle_msx/Gen0.FDCEx") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_CLR_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_C_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property ASYNC_REG (boolean (true)))
+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename PulserEnableDelayValCrossingHs_HBx_BlkIn_iDlyPush_reg "PulserEnableDelayValCrossingHs/HBx/BlkIn.iDlyPush_reg") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename PulserEnableDelayValCrossingHs_HBx_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_0_ "PulserEnableDelayValCrossingHs/HBx/BlkIn.iLclStoredData_reg[0]") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename PulserEnableDelayValCrossingHs_HBx_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_1_ "PulserEnableDelayValCrossingHs/HBx/BlkIn.iLclStoredData_reg[1]") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename PulserEnableDelayValCrossingHs_HBx_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_2_ "PulserEnableDelayValCrossingHs/HBx/BlkIn.iLclStoredData_reg[2]") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename PulserEnableDelayValCrossingHs_HBx_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_3_ "PulserEnableDelayValCrossingHs/HBx/BlkIn.iLclStoredData_reg[3]") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename PulserEnableDelayValCrossingHs_HBx_BlkIn_iPushTogglex_Gen0_FDCEx "PulserEnableDelayValCrossingHs/HBx/BlkIn.iPushTogglex/Gen0.FDCEx") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_CLR_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_C_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename PulserEnableDelayValCrossingHs_HBx_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_0__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx "PulserEnableDelayValCrossingHs/HBx/BlkOut.ODataFlop/GenFlops[0].DFlopx/Gen0.FDCEx") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_CLR_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_C_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename PulserEnableDelayValCrossingHs_HBx_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_1__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx "PulserEnableDelayValCrossingHs/HBx/BlkOut.ODataFlop/GenFlops[1].DFlopx/Gen0.FDCEx") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_CLR_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_C_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename PulserEnableDelayValCrossingHs_HBx_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_2__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx "PulserEnableDelayValCrossingHs/HBx/BlkOut.ODataFlop/GenFlops[2].DFlopx/Gen0.FDCEx") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_CLR_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_C_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename PulserEnableDelayValCrossingHs_HBx_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_3__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx "PulserEnableDelayValCrossingHs/HBx/BlkOut.ODataFlop/GenFlops[3].DFlopx/Gen0.FDCEx") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_CLR_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_C_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename PulserEnableDelayValCrossingHs_HBx_BlkOut_oDataValid_reg "PulserEnableDelayValCrossingHs/HBx/BlkOut.oDataValid_reg") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename PulserEnableDelayValCrossingHs_HBx_BlkOut_oPushToggle1x_Gen0_FDCEx "PulserEnableDelayValCrossingHs/HBx/BlkOut.oPushToggle1x/Gen0.FDCEx") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_CLR_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_C_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property ASYNC_REG (boolean (true)))
+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename PulserEnableDelayValCrossingHs_HBx_BlkOut_oPushToggle2_reg "PulserEnableDelayValCrossingHs/HBx/BlkOut.oPushToggle2_reg") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename PulserEnableDelayValCrossingHs_HBx_BlkOut_oPushToggle_msx_Gen0_FDCEx "PulserEnableDelayValCrossingHs/HBx/BlkOut.oPushToggle_msx/Gen0.FDCEx") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_CLR_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_C_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property ASYNC_REG (boolean (true)))
+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename RePulse1CntHs_BlkIn_iDlyPush_reg "RePulse1CntHs/BlkIn.iDlyPush_reg") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename RePulse1CntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_0_ "RePulse1CntHs/BlkIn.iLclStoredData_reg[0]") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename RePulse1CntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_10_ "RePulse1CntHs/BlkIn.iLclStoredData_reg[10]") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename RePulse1CntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_11_ "RePulse1CntHs/BlkIn.iLclStoredData_reg[11]") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename RePulse1CntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_12_ "RePulse1CntHs/BlkIn.iLclStoredData_reg[12]") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename RePulse1CntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_13_ "RePulse1CntHs/BlkIn.iLclStoredData_reg[13]") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename RePulse1CntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_14_ "RePulse1CntHs/BlkIn.iLclStoredData_reg[14]") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename RePulse1CntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_15_ "RePulse1CntHs/BlkIn.iLclStoredData_reg[15]") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename RePulse1CntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_16_ "RePulse1CntHs/BlkIn.iLclStoredData_reg[16]") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename RePulse1CntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_17_ "RePulse1CntHs/BlkIn.iLclStoredData_reg[17]") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename RePulse1CntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_18_ "RePulse1CntHs/BlkIn.iLclStoredData_reg[18]") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename RePulse1CntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_19_ "RePulse1CntHs/BlkIn.iLclStoredData_reg[19]") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename RePulse1CntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_1_ "RePulse1CntHs/BlkIn.iLclStoredData_reg[1]") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename RePulse1CntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_20_ "RePulse1CntHs/BlkIn.iLclStoredData_reg[20]") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename RePulse1CntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_21_ "RePulse1CntHs/BlkIn.iLclStoredData_reg[21]") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename RePulse1CntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_22_ "RePulse1CntHs/BlkIn.iLclStoredData_reg[22]") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename RePulse1CntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_23_ "RePulse1CntHs/BlkIn.iLclStoredData_reg[23]") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename RePulse1CntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_24_ "RePulse1CntHs/BlkIn.iLclStoredData_reg[24]") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename RePulse1CntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_25_ "RePulse1CntHs/BlkIn.iLclStoredData_reg[25]") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename RePulse1CntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_26_ "RePulse1CntHs/BlkIn.iLclStoredData_reg[26]") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename RePulse1CntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_27_ "RePulse1CntHs/BlkIn.iLclStoredData_reg[27]") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename RePulse1CntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_28_ "RePulse1CntHs/BlkIn.iLclStoredData_reg[28]") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename RePulse1CntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_29_ "RePulse1CntHs/BlkIn.iLclStoredData_reg[29]") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename RePulse1CntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_2_ "RePulse1CntHs/BlkIn.iLclStoredData_reg[2]") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename RePulse1CntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_30_ "RePulse1CntHs/BlkIn.iLclStoredData_reg[30]") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename RePulse1CntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_31_ "RePulse1CntHs/BlkIn.iLclStoredData_reg[31]") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename RePulse1CntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_3_ "RePulse1CntHs/BlkIn.iLclStoredData_reg[3]") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename RePulse1CntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_4_ "RePulse1CntHs/BlkIn.iLclStoredData_reg[4]") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename RePulse1CntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_5_ "RePulse1CntHs/BlkIn.iLclStoredData_reg[5]") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename RePulse1CntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_6_ "RePulse1CntHs/BlkIn.iLclStoredData_reg[6]") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename RePulse1CntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_7_ "RePulse1CntHs/BlkIn.iLclStoredData_reg[7]") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename RePulse1CntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_8_ "RePulse1CntHs/BlkIn.iLclStoredData_reg[8]") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename RePulse1CntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_9_ "RePulse1CntHs/BlkIn.iLclStoredData_reg[9]") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename RePulse1CntHs_BlkIn_iPushTogglex_Gen0_FDCEx "RePulse1CntHs/BlkIn.iPushTogglex/Gen0.FDCEx") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_CLR_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_C_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename RePulse1CntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_0__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx "RePulse1CntHs/BlkOut.ODataFlop/GenFlops[0].DFlopx/Gen0.FDCEx") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_CLR_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_C_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename RePulse1CntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_10__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx "RePulse1CntHs/BlkOut.ODataFlop/GenFlops[10].DFlopx/Gen0.FDCEx") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_CLR_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_C_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename RePulse1CntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_11__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx "RePulse1CntHs/BlkOut.ODataFlop/GenFlops[11].DFlopx/Gen0.FDCEx") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_CLR_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_C_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename RePulse1CntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_12__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx "RePulse1CntHs/BlkOut.ODataFlop/GenFlops[12].DFlopx/Gen0.FDCEx") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_CLR_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_C_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename RePulse1CntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_13__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx "RePulse1CntHs/BlkOut.ODataFlop/GenFlops[13].DFlopx/Gen0.FDCEx") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_CLR_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_C_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename RePulse1CntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_14__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx "RePulse1CntHs/BlkOut.ODataFlop/GenFlops[14].DFlopx/Gen0.FDCEx") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_CLR_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_C_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename RePulse1CntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_15__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx "RePulse1CntHs/BlkOut.ODataFlop/GenFlops[15].DFlopx/Gen0.FDCEx") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_CLR_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_C_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename RePulse1CntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_16__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx "RePulse1CntHs/BlkOut.ODataFlop/GenFlops[16].DFlopx/Gen0.FDCEx") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_CLR_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_C_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename RePulse1CntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_17__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx "RePulse1CntHs/BlkOut.ODataFlop/GenFlops[17].DFlopx/Gen0.FDCEx") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_CLR_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_C_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename RePulse1CntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_18__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx "RePulse1CntHs/BlkOut.ODataFlop/GenFlops[18].DFlopx/Gen0.FDCEx") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_CLR_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_C_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename RePulse1CntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_19__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx "RePulse1CntHs/BlkOut.ODataFlop/GenFlops[19].DFlopx/Gen0.FDCEx") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_CLR_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_C_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename RePulse1CntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_1__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx "RePulse1CntHs/BlkOut.ODataFlop/GenFlops[1].DFlopx/Gen0.FDCEx") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_CLR_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_C_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename RePulse1CntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_20__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx "RePulse1CntHs/BlkOut.ODataFlop/GenFlops[20].DFlopx/Gen0.FDCEx") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_CLR_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_C_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename RePulse1CntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_21__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx "RePulse1CntHs/BlkOut.ODataFlop/GenFlops[21].DFlopx/Gen0.FDCEx") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_CLR_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_C_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename RePulse1CntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_22__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx "RePulse1CntHs/BlkOut.ODataFlop/GenFlops[22].DFlopx/Gen0.FDCEx") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_CLR_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_C_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename RePulse1CntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_23__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx "RePulse1CntHs/BlkOut.ODataFlop/GenFlops[23].DFlopx/Gen0.FDCEx") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_CLR_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_C_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename RePulse1CntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_2__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx "RePulse1CntHs/BlkOut.ODataFlop/GenFlops[2].DFlopx/Gen0.FDCEx") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_CLR_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_C_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename RePulse1CntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_3__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx "RePulse1CntHs/BlkOut.ODataFlop/GenFlops[3].DFlopx/Gen0.FDCEx") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_CLR_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_C_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename RePulse1CntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_4__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx "RePulse1CntHs/BlkOut.ODataFlop/GenFlops[4].DFlopx/Gen0.FDCEx") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_CLR_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_C_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename RePulse1CntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_5__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx "RePulse1CntHs/BlkOut.ODataFlop/GenFlops[5].DFlopx/Gen0.FDCEx") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_CLR_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_C_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename RePulse1CntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_6__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx "RePulse1CntHs/BlkOut.ODataFlop/GenFlops[6].DFlopx/Gen0.FDCEx") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_CLR_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_C_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename RePulse1CntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_7__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx "RePulse1CntHs/BlkOut.ODataFlop/GenFlops[7].DFlopx/Gen0.FDCEx") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_CLR_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_C_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename RePulse1CntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_8__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx "RePulse1CntHs/BlkOut.ODataFlop/GenFlops[8].DFlopx/Gen0.FDCEx") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_CLR_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_C_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename RePulse1CntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_9__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx "RePulse1CntHs/BlkOut.ODataFlop/GenFlops[9].DFlopx/Gen0.FDCEx") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_CLR_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_C_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename RePulse1CntHs_BlkOut_oPushToggle1x_Gen0_FDCEx "RePulse1CntHs/BlkOut.oPushToggle1x/Gen0.FDCEx") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_CLR_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_C_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property ASYNC_REG (boolean (true)))
+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename RePulse1CntHs_BlkOut_oPushToggle2_reg "RePulse1CntHs/BlkOut.oPushToggle2_reg") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename RePulse1CntHs_BlkOut_oPushToggle_msx_Gen0_FDCEx "RePulse1CntHs/BlkOut.oPushToggle_msx/Gen0.FDCEx") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_CLR_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_C_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property ASYNC_REG (boolean (true)))
+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename RePulse2CntHs_BlkIn_iDlyPush_reg "RePulse2CntHs/BlkIn.iDlyPush_reg") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename RePulse2CntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_0_ "RePulse2CntHs/BlkIn.iLclStoredData_reg[0]") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename RePulse2CntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_10_ "RePulse2CntHs/BlkIn.iLclStoredData_reg[10]") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename RePulse2CntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_11_ "RePulse2CntHs/BlkIn.iLclStoredData_reg[11]") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename RePulse2CntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_12_ "RePulse2CntHs/BlkIn.iLclStoredData_reg[12]") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename RePulse2CntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_13_ "RePulse2CntHs/BlkIn.iLclStoredData_reg[13]") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename RePulse2CntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_14_ "RePulse2CntHs/BlkIn.iLclStoredData_reg[14]") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename RePulse2CntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_15_ "RePulse2CntHs/BlkIn.iLclStoredData_reg[15]") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename RePulse2CntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_16_ "RePulse2CntHs/BlkIn.iLclStoredData_reg[16]") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename RePulse2CntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_17_ "RePulse2CntHs/BlkIn.iLclStoredData_reg[17]") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename RePulse2CntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_18_ "RePulse2CntHs/BlkIn.iLclStoredData_reg[18]") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename RePulse2CntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_19_ "RePulse2CntHs/BlkIn.iLclStoredData_reg[19]") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename RePulse2CntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_1_ "RePulse2CntHs/BlkIn.iLclStoredData_reg[1]") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename RePulse2CntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_20_ "RePulse2CntHs/BlkIn.iLclStoredData_reg[20]") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename RePulse2CntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_21_ "RePulse2CntHs/BlkIn.iLclStoredData_reg[21]") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename RePulse2CntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_22_ "RePulse2CntHs/BlkIn.iLclStoredData_reg[22]") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename RePulse2CntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_23_ "RePulse2CntHs/BlkIn.iLclStoredData_reg[23]") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename RePulse2CntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_24_ "RePulse2CntHs/BlkIn.iLclStoredData_reg[24]") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename RePulse2CntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_25_ "RePulse2CntHs/BlkIn.iLclStoredData_reg[25]") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename RePulse2CntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_26_ "RePulse2CntHs/BlkIn.iLclStoredData_reg[26]") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename RePulse2CntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_27_ "RePulse2CntHs/BlkIn.iLclStoredData_reg[27]") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename RePulse2CntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_28_ "RePulse2CntHs/BlkIn.iLclStoredData_reg[28]") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename RePulse2CntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_29_ "RePulse2CntHs/BlkIn.iLclStoredData_reg[29]") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename RePulse2CntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_2_ "RePulse2CntHs/BlkIn.iLclStoredData_reg[2]") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename RePulse2CntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_30_ "RePulse2CntHs/BlkIn.iLclStoredData_reg[30]") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename RePulse2CntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_31_ "RePulse2CntHs/BlkIn.iLclStoredData_reg[31]") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename RePulse2CntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_3_ "RePulse2CntHs/BlkIn.iLclStoredData_reg[3]") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename RePulse2CntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_4_ "RePulse2CntHs/BlkIn.iLclStoredData_reg[4]") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename RePulse2CntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_5_ "RePulse2CntHs/BlkIn.iLclStoredData_reg[5]") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename RePulse2CntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_6_ "RePulse2CntHs/BlkIn.iLclStoredData_reg[6]") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename RePulse2CntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_7_ "RePulse2CntHs/BlkIn.iLclStoredData_reg[7]") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename RePulse2CntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_8_ "RePulse2CntHs/BlkIn.iLclStoredData_reg[8]") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename RePulse2CntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_9_ "RePulse2CntHs/BlkIn.iLclStoredData_reg[9]") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename RePulse2CntHs_BlkIn_iPushTogglex_Gen0_FDCEx "RePulse2CntHs/BlkIn.iPushTogglex/Gen0.FDCEx") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_CLR_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_C_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename RePulse2CntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_0__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx "RePulse2CntHs/BlkOut.ODataFlop/GenFlops[0].DFlopx/Gen0.FDCEx") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_CLR_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_C_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename RePulse2CntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_10__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx "RePulse2CntHs/BlkOut.ODataFlop/GenFlops[10].DFlopx/Gen0.FDCEx") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_CLR_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_C_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename RePulse2CntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_11__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx "RePulse2CntHs/BlkOut.ODataFlop/GenFlops[11].DFlopx/Gen0.FDCEx") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_CLR_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_C_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename RePulse2CntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_12__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx "RePulse2CntHs/BlkOut.ODataFlop/GenFlops[12].DFlopx/Gen0.FDCEx") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_CLR_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_C_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename RePulse2CntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_13__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx "RePulse2CntHs/BlkOut.ODataFlop/GenFlops[13].DFlopx/Gen0.FDCEx") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_CLR_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_C_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename RePulse2CntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_14__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx "RePulse2CntHs/BlkOut.ODataFlop/GenFlops[14].DFlopx/Gen0.FDCEx") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_CLR_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_C_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename RePulse2CntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_15__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx "RePulse2CntHs/BlkOut.ODataFlop/GenFlops[15].DFlopx/Gen0.FDCEx") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_CLR_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_C_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename RePulse2CntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_16__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx "RePulse2CntHs/BlkOut.ODataFlop/GenFlops[16].DFlopx/Gen0.FDCEx") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_CLR_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_C_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename RePulse2CntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_17__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx "RePulse2CntHs/BlkOut.ODataFlop/GenFlops[17].DFlopx/Gen0.FDCEx") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_CLR_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_C_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename RePulse2CntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_18__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx "RePulse2CntHs/BlkOut.ODataFlop/GenFlops[18].DFlopx/Gen0.FDCEx") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_CLR_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_C_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename RePulse2CntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_19__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx "RePulse2CntHs/BlkOut.ODataFlop/GenFlops[19].DFlopx/Gen0.FDCEx") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_CLR_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_C_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename RePulse2CntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_1__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx "RePulse2CntHs/BlkOut.ODataFlop/GenFlops[1].DFlopx/Gen0.FDCEx") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_CLR_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_C_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename RePulse2CntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_20__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx "RePulse2CntHs/BlkOut.ODataFlop/GenFlops[20].DFlopx/Gen0.FDCEx") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_CLR_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_C_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename RePulse2CntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_21__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx "RePulse2CntHs/BlkOut.ODataFlop/GenFlops[21].DFlopx/Gen0.FDCEx") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_CLR_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_C_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename RePulse2CntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_22__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx "RePulse2CntHs/BlkOut.ODataFlop/GenFlops[22].DFlopx/Gen0.FDCEx") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_CLR_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_C_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename RePulse2CntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_2__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx "RePulse2CntHs/BlkOut.ODataFlop/GenFlops[2].DFlopx/Gen0.FDCEx") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_CLR_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_C_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename RePulse2CntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_3__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx "RePulse2CntHs/BlkOut.ODataFlop/GenFlops[3].DFlopx/Gen0.FDCEx") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_CLR_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_C_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename RePulse2CntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_4__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx "RePulse2CntHs/BlkOut.ODataFlop/GenFlops[4].DFlopx/Gen0.FDCEx") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_CLR_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_C_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename RePulse2CntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_5__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx "RePulse2CntHs/BlkOut.ODataFlop/GenFlops[5].DFlopx/Gen0.FDCEx") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_CLR_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_C_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename RePulse2CntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_6__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx "RePulse2CntHs/BlkOut.ODataFlop/GenFlops[6].DFlopx/Gen0.FDCEx") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_CLR_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_C_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename RePulse2CntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_7__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx "RePulse2CntHs/BlkOut.ODataFlop/GenFlops[7].DFlopx/Gen0.FDCEx") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_CLR_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_C_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename RePulse2CntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_8__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx "RePulse2CntHs/BlkOut.ODataFlop/GenFlops[8].DFlopx/Gen0.FDCEx") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_CLR_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_C_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename RePulse2CntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_9__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx "RePulse2CntHs/BlkOut.ODataFlop/GenFlops[9].DFlopx/Gen0.FDCEx") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_CLR_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_C_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename RePulse2CntHs_BlkOut_oDataValid_reg "RePulse2CntHs/BlkOut.oDataValid_reg") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename RePulse2CntHs_BlkOut_oPushToggle1x_Gen0_FDCEx "RePulse2CntHs/BlkOut.oPushToggle1x/Gen0.FDCEx") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_CLR_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_C_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property ASYNC_REG (boolean (true)))
+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename RePulse2CntHs_BlkOut_oPushToggle2_reg "RePulse2CntHs/BlkOut.oPushToggle2_reg") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename RePulse2CntHs_BlkOut_oPushToggle_msx_Gen0_FDCEx "RePulse2CntHs/BlkOut.oPushToggle_msx/Gen0.FDCEx") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_CLR_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_C_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property ASYNC_REG (boolean (true)))
+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename RePulseCnt1ReadbackDsGen_0__RePulse1ReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx "RePulseCnt1ReadbackDsGen[0].RePulse1ReadbackDs/DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex/oSig_msx/Gen0.FDCEx") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_CLR_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_C_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property ASYNC_REG (boolean (true)))
+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename RePulseCnt1ReadbackDsGen_0__RePulse1ReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx "RePulseCnt1ReadbackDsGen[0].RePulse1ReadbackDs/DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex/oSigx/Gen0.FDCEx") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_CLR_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_C_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property ASYNC_REG (boolean (true)))
+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename RePulseCnt1ReadbackDsGen_10__RePulse1ReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx "RePulseCnt1ReadbackDsGen[10].RePulse1ReadbackDs/DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex/oSig_msx/Gen0.FDCEx") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_CLR_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_C_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property ASYNC_REG (boolean (true)))
+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename RePulseCnt1ReadbackDsGen_10__RePulse1ReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx "RePulseCnt1ReadbackDsGen[10].RePulse1ReadbackDs/DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex/oSigx/Gen0.FDCEx") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_CLR_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_C_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property ASYNC_REG (boolean (true)))
+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename RePulseCnt1ReadbackDsGen_11__RePulse1ReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx "RePulseCnt1ReadbackDsGen[11].RePulse1ReadbackDs/DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex/oSig_msx/Gen0.FDCEx") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_CLR_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_C_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property ASYNC_REG (boolean (true)))
+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename RePulseCnt1ReadbackDsGen_11__RePulse1ReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx "RePulseCnt1ReadbackDsGen[11].RePulse1ReadbackDs/DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex/oSigx/Gen0.FDCEx") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_CLR_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_C_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property ASYNC_REG (boolean (true)))
+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename RePulseCnt1ReadbackDsGen_12__RePulse1ReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx "RePulseCnt1ReadbackDsGen[12].RePulse1ReadbackDs/DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex/oSig_msx/Gen0.FDCEx") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_CLR_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_C_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
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+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename RePulseCnt1ReadbackDsGen_12__RePulse1ReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx "RePulseCnt1ReadbackDsGen[12].RePulse1ReadbackDs/DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex/oSigx/Gen0.FDCEx") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_CLR_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
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+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property ASYNC_REG (boolean (true)))
+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename RePulseCnt1ReadbackDsGen_13__RePulse1ReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx "RePulseCnt1ReadbackDsGen[13].RePulse1ReadbackDs/DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex/oSig_msx/Gen0.FDCEx") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_CLR_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_C_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property ASYNC_REG (boolean (true)))
+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename RePulseCnt1ReadbackDsGen_13__RePulse1ReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx "RePulseCnt1ReadbackDsGen[13].RePulse1ReadbackDs/DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex/oSigx/Gen0.FDCEx") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_CLR_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_C_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
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+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
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+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_CLR_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
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+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
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+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
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+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_CLR_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_C_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
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+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
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+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_CLR_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
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+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
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+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
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+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_CLR_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
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+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property ASYNC_REG (boolean (true)))
+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename RePulseCnt1ReadbackDsGen_16__RePulse1ReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx "RePulseCnt1ReadbackDsGen[16].RePulse1ReadbackDs/DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex/oSig_msx/Gen0.FDCEx") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_CLR_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
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+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property ASYNC_REG (boolean (true)))
+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename RePulseCnt1ReadbackDsGen_16__RePulse1ReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx "RePulseCnt1ReadbackDsGen[16].RePulse1ReadbackDs/DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex/oSigx/Gen0.FDCEx") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
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+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property ASYNC_REG (boolean (true)))
+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
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+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_CLR_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
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+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property ASYNC_REG (boolean (true)))
+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename RePulseCnt1ReadbackDsGen_17__RePulse1ReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx "RePulseCnt1ReadbackDsGen[17].RePulse1ReadbackDs/DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex/oSigx/Gen0.FDCEx") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_CLR_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_C_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property ASYNC_REG (boolean (true)))
+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename RePulseCnt1ReadbackDsGen_18__RePulse1ReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx "RePulseCnt1ReadbackDsGen[18].RePulse1ReadbackDs/DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex/oSig_msx/Gen0.FDCEx") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_CLR_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_C_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property ASYNC_REG (boolean (true)))
+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename RePulseCnt1ReadbackDsGen_18__RePulse1ReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx "RePulseCnt1ReadbackDsGen[18].RePulse1ReadbackDs/DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex/oSigx/Gen0.FDCEx") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_CLR_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
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+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
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+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename RePulseCnt1ReadbackDsGen_19__RePulse1ReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx "RePulseCnt1ReadbackDsGen[19].RePulse1ReadbackDs/DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex/oSig_msx/Gen0.FDCEx") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_CLR_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
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+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
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+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename RePulseCnt1ReadbackDsGen_19__RePulse1ReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx "RePulseCnt1ReadbackDsGen[19].RePulse1ReadbackDs/DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex/oSigx/Gen0.FDCEx") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
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+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property ASYNC_REG (boolean (true)))
+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename RePulseCnt1ReadbackDsGen_1__RePulse1ReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx "RePulseCnt1ReadbackDsGen[1].RePulse1ReadbackDs/DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex/oSig_msx/Gen0.FDCEx") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_CLR_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
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+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
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+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename RePulseCnt1ReadbackDsGen_1__RePulse1ReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx "RePulseCnt1ReadbackDsGen[1].RePulse1ReadbackDs/DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex/oSigx/Gen0.FDCEx") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_CLR_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
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+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
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+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename RePulseCnt1ReadbackDsGen_20__RePulse1ReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx "RePulseCnt1ReadbackDsGen[20].RePulse1ReadbackDs/DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex/oSig_msx/Gen0.FDCEx") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_CLR_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
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+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property ASYNC_REG (boolean (true)))
+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename RePulseCnt1ReadbackDsGen_20__RePulse1ReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx "RePulseCnt1ReadbackDsGen[20].RePulse1ReadbackDs/DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex/oSigx/Gen0.FDCEx") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
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+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property ASYNC_REG (boolean (true)))
+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename RePulseCnt1ReadbackDsGen_21__RePulse1ReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx "RePulseCnt1ReadbackDsGen[21].RePulse1ReadbackDs/DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex/oSig_msx/Gen0.FDCEx") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
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+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property ASYNC_REG (boolean (true)))
+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename RePulseCnt1ReadbackDsGen_21__RePulse1ReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx "RePulseCnt1ReadbackDsGen[21].RePulse1ReadbackDs/DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex/oSigx/Gen0.FDCEx") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
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+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
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+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
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+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
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+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
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+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
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+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
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+ (property ASYNC_REG (boolean (true)))
+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
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+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
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+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
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+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
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+ )
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+ )
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+ )
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+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
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+ )
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+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
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+ )
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+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename RePulseCnt1ReadbackDsGen_29__RePulse1ReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx "RePulseCnt1ReadbackDsGen[29].RePulse1ReadbackDs/DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex/oSig_msx/Gen0.FDCEx") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_CLR_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_C_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property ASYNC_REG (boolean (true)))
+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename RePulseCnt1ReadbackDsGen_29__RePulse1ReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx "RePulseCnt1ReadbackDsGen[29].RePulse1ReadbackDs/DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex/oSigx/Gen0.FDCEx") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_CLR_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_C_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property ASYNC_REG (boolean (true)))
+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename RePulseCnt1ReadbackDsGen_2__RePulse1ReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx "RePulseCnt1ReadbackDsGen[2].RePulse1ReadbackDs/DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex/oSig_msx/Gen0.FDCEx") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_CLR_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_C_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property ASYNC_REG (boolean (true)))
+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename RePulseCnt1ReadbackDsGen_2__RePulse1ReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx "RePulseCnt1ReadbackDsGen[2].RePulse1ReadbackDs/DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex/oSigx/Gen0.FDCEx") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_CLR_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_C_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property ASYNC_REG (boolean (true)))
+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename RePulseCnt1ReadbackDsGen_30__RePulse1ReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx "RePulseCnt1ReadbackDsGen[30].RePulse1ReadbackDs/DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex/oSig_msx/Gen0.FDCEx") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_CLR_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_C_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property ASYNC_REG (boolean (true)))
+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename RePulseCnt1ReadbackDsGen_30__RePulse1ReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx "RePulseCnt1ReadbackDsGen[30].RePulse1ReadbackDs/DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex/oSigx/Gen0.FDCEx") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_CLR_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_C_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property ASYNC_REG (boolean (true)))
+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename RePulseCnt1ReadbackDsGen_31__RePulse1ReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx "RePulseCnt1ReadbackDsGen[31].RePulse1ReadbackDs/DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex/oSig_msx/Gen0.FDCEx") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_CLR_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_C_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property ASYNC_REG (boolean (true)))
+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename RePulseCnt1ReadbackDsGen_31__RePulse1ReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx "RePulseCnt1ReadbackDsGen[31].RePulse1ReadbackDs/DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex/oSigx/Gen0.FDCEx") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_CLR_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_C_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property ASYNC_REG (boolean (true)))
+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename RePulseCnt1ReadbackDsGen_3__RePulse1ReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx "RePulseCnt1ReadbackDsGen[3].RePulse1ReadbackDs/DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex/oSig_msx/Gen0.FDCEx") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_CLR_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_C_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property ASYNC_REG (boolean (true)))
+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename RePulseCnt1ReadbackDsGen_3__RePulse1ReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx "RePulseCnt1ReadbackDsGen[3].RePulse1ReadbackDs/DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex/oSigx/Gen0.FDCEx") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_CLR_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_C_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property ASYNC_REG (boolean (true)))
+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename RePulseCnt1ReadbackDsGen_4__RePulse1ReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx "RePulseCnt1ReadbackDsGen[4].RePulse1ReadbackDs/DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex/oSig_msx/Gen0.FDCEx") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_CLR_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
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+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property ASYNC_REG (boolean (true)))
+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename RePulseCnt1ReadbackDsGen_4__RePulse1ReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx "RePulseCnt1ReadbackDsGen[4].RePulse1ReadbackDs/DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex/oSigx/Gen0.FDCEx") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_CLR_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_C_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property ASYNC_REG (boolean (true)))
+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename RePulseCnt1ReadbackDsGen_5__RePulse1ReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx "RePulseCnt1ReadbackDsGen[5].RePulse1ReadbackDs/DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex/oSig_msx/Gen0.FDCEx") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_CLR_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_C_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property ASYNC_REG (boolean (true)))
+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename RePulseCnt1ReadbackDsGen_5__RePulse1ReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx "RePulseCnt1ReadbackDsGen[5].RePulse1ReadbackDs/DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex/oSigx/Gen0.FDCEx") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_CLR_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_C_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property ASYNC_REG (boolean (true)))
+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename RePulseCnt1ReadbackDsGen_6__RePulse1ReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx "RePulseCnt1ReadbackDsGen[6].RePulse1ReadbackDs/DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex/oSig_msx/Gen0.FDCEx") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_CLR_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_C_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property ASYNC_REG (boolean (true)))
+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename RePulseCnt1ReadbackDsGen_6__RePulse1ReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx "RePulseCnt1ReadbackDsGen[6].RePulse1ReadbackDs/DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex/oSigx/Gen0.FDCEx") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
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+ (property IS_C_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property ASYNC_REG (boolean (true)))
+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename RePulseCnt1ReadbackDsGen_7__RePulse1ReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx "RePulseCnt1ReadbackDsGen[7].RePulse1ReadbackDs/DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex/oSig_msx/Gen0.FDCEx") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_CLR_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_C_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property ASYNC_REG (boolean (true)))
+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename RePulseCnt1ReadbackDsGen_7__RePulse1ReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx "RePulseCnt1ReadbackDsGen[7].RePulse1ReadbackDs/DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex/oSigx/Gen0.FDCEx") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
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+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
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+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename RePulseCnt1ReadbackDsGen_8__RePulse1ReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx "RePulseCnt1ReadbackDsGen[8].RePulse1ReadbackDs/DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex/oSig_msx/Gen0.FDCEx") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_CLR_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_C_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property ASYNC_REG (boolean (true)))
+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename RePulseCnt1ReadbackDsGen_8__RePulse1ReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx "RePulseCnt1ReadbackDsGen[8].RePulse1ReadbackDs/DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex/oSigx/Gen0.FDCEx") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_CLR_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_C_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property ASYNC_REG (boolean (true)))
+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename RePulseCnt1ReadbackDsGen_9__RePulse1ReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx "RePulseCnt1ReadbackDsGen[9].RePulse1ReadbackDs/DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex/oSig_msx/Gen0.FDCEx") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_CLR_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
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+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property ASYNC_REG (boolean (true)))
+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename RePulseCnt1ReadbackDsGen_9__RePulse1ReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx "RePulseCnt1ReadbackDsGen[9].RePulse1ReadbackDs/DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex/oSigx/Gen0.FDCEx") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
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+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property ASYNC_REG (boolean (true)))
+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename RePulseCnt2ReadbackDsGen_0__RePulse2ReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx "RePulseCnt2ReadbackDsGen[0].RePulse2ReadbackDs/DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex/oSig_msx/Gen0.FDCEx") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_CLR_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
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+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
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+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename RePulseCnt2ReadbackDsGen_0__RePulse2ReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx "RePulseCnt2ReadbackDsGen[0].RePulse2ReadbackDs/DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex/oSigx/Gen0.FDCEx") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
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+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
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+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename RePulseCnt2ReadbackDsGen_10__RePulse2ReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx "RePulseCnt2ReadbackDsGen[10].RePulse2ReadbackDs/DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex/oSig_msx/Gen0.FDCEx") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
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+ (property IS_CLR_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
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+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property ASYNC_REG (boolean (true)))
+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
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+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property ASYNC_REG (boolean (true)))
+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
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+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property ASYNC_REG (boolean (true)))
+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
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+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
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+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
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+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
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+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
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+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
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+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
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+ )
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+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
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+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
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+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
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+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename RePulseCnt2ReadbackDsGen_16__RePulse2ReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx "RePulseCnt2ReadbackDsGen[16].RePulse2ReadbackDs/DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex/oSigx/Gen0.FDCEx") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_CLR_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_C_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property ASYNC_REG (boolean (true)))
+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename RePulseCnt2ReadbackDsGen_17__RePulse2ReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx "RePulseCnt2ReadbackDsGen[17].RePulse2ReadbackDs/DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex/oSig_msx/Gen0.FDCEx") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_CLR_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_C_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property ASYNC_REG (boolean (true)))
+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename RePulseCnt2ReadbackDsGen_17__RePulse2ReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx "RePulseCnt2ReadbackDsGen[17].RePulse2ReadbackDs/DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex/oSigx/Gen0.FDCEx") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_CLR_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_C_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property ASYNC_REG (boolean (true)))
+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename RePulseCnt2ReadbackDsGen_18__RePulse2ReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx "RePulseCnt2ReadbackDsGen[18].RePulse2ReadbackDs/DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex/oSig_msx/Gen0.FDCEx") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_CLR_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
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+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property ASYNC_REG (boolean (true)))
+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename RePulseCnt2ReadbackDsGen_18__RePulse2ReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx "RePulseCnt2ReadbackDsGen[18].RePulse2ReadbackDs/DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex/oSigx/Gen0.FDCEx") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_CLR_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_C_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property ASYNC_REG (boolean (true)))
+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename RePulseCnt2ReadbackDsGen_19__RePulse2ReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx "RePulseCnt2ReadbackDsGen[19].RePulse2ReadbackDs/DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex/oSig_msx/Gen0.FDCEx") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_CLR_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_C_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
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+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
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+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_CLR_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_C_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property ASYNC_REG (boolean (true)))
+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
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+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_CLR_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_C_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property ASYNC_REG (boolean (true)))
+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
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+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_CLR_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_C_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property ASYNC_REG (boolean (true)))
+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename RePulseCnt2ReadbackDsGen_20__RePulse2ReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx "RePulseCnt2ReadbackDsGen[20].RePulse2ReadbackDs/DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex/oSig_msx/Gen0.FDCEx") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_CLR_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
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+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property ASYNC_REG (boolean (true)))
+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename RePulseCnt2ReadbackDsGen_20__RePulse2ReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx "RePulseCnt2ReadbackDsGen[20].RePulse2ReadbackDs/DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex/oSigx/Gen0.FDCEx") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_CLR_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
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+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property ASYNC_REG (boolean (true)))
+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename RePulseCnt2ReadbackDsGen_21__RePulse2ReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx "RePulseCnt2ReadbackDsGen[21].RePulse2ReadbackDs/DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex/oSig_msx/Gen0.FDCEx") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_CLR_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
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+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property ASYNC_REG (boolean (true)))
+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename RePulseCnt2ReadbackDsGen_21__RePulse2ReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx "RePulseCnt2ReadbackDsGen[21].RePulse2ReadbackDs/DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex/oSigx/Gen0.FDCEx") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_CLR_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_C_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property ASYNC_REG (boolean (true)))
+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename RePulseCnt2ReadbackDsGen_22__RePulse2ReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx "RePulseCnt2ReadbackDsGen[22].RePulse2ReadbackDs/DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex/oSig_msx/Gen0.FDCEx") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_CLR_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_C_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property ASYNC_REG (boolean (true)))
+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename RePulseCnt2ReadbackDsGen_22__RePulse2ReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx "RePulseCnt2ReadbackDsGen[22].RePulse2ReadbackDs/DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex/oSigx/Gen0.FDCEx") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_CLR_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_C_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property ASYNC_REG (boolean (true)))
+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename RePulseCnt2ReadbackDsGen_23__RePulse2ReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx "RePulseCnt2ReadbackDsGen[23].RePulse2ReadbackDs/DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex/oSig_msx/Gen0.FDCEx") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_CLR_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
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+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property ASYNC_REG (boolean (true)))
+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename RePulseCnt2ReadbackDsGen_23__RePulse2ReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx "RePulseCnt2ReadbackDsGen[23].RePulse2ReadbackDs/DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex/oSigx/Gen0.FDCEx") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_CLR_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
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+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property ASYNC_REG (boolean (true)))
+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename RePulseCnt2ReadbackDsGen_24__RePulse2ReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx "RePulseCnt2ReadbackDsGen[24].RePulse2ReadbackDs/DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex/oSig_msx/Gen0.FDCEx") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_CLR_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
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+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property ASYNC_REG (boolean (true)))
+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename RePulseCnt2ReadbackDsGen_24__RePulse2ReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx "RePulseCnt2ReadbackDsGen[24].RePulse2ReadbackDs/DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex/oSigx/Gen0.FDCEx") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_CLR_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
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+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property ASYNC_REG (boolean (true)))
+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename RePulseCnt2ReadbackDsGen_25__RePulse2ReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx "RePulseCnt2ReadbackDsGen[25].RePulse2ReadbackDs/DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex/oSig_msx/Gen0.FDCEx") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_CLR_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_C_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property ASYNC_REG (boolean (true)))
+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename RePulseCnt2ReadbackDsGen_25__RePulse2ReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx "RePulseCnt2ReadbackDsGen[25].RePulse2ReadbackDs/DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex/oSigx/Gen0.FDCEx") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_CLR_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_C_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property ASYNC_REG (boolean (true)))
+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename RePulseCnt2ReadbackDsGen_26__RePulse2ReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx "RePulseCnt2ReadbackDsGen[26].RePulse2ReadbackDs/DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex/oSig_msx/Gen0.FDCEx") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_CLR_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
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+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property ASYNC_REG (boolean (true)))
+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename RePulseCnt2ReadbackDsGen_26__RePulse2ReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx "RePulseCnt2ReadbackDsGen[26].RePulse2ReadbackDs/DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex/oSigx/Gen0.FDCEx") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_CLR_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
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+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
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+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename RePulseCnt2ReadbackDsGen_27__RePulse2ReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx "RePulseCnt2ReadbackDsGen[27].RePulse2ReadbackDs/DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex/oSig_msx/Gen0.FDCEx") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
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+ (property IS_CLR_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
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+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
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+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
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+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
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+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property ASYNC_REG (boolean (true)))
+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
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+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
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+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
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+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
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+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
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+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
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+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
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+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
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+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
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+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
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+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
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+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
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+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
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+ )
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+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename RePulseCnt2ReadbackDsGen_4__RePulse2ReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx "RePulseCnt2ReadbackDsGen[4].RePulse2ReadbackDs/DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex/oSig_msx/Gen0.FDCEx") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_CLR_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_C_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property ASYNC_REG (boolean (true)))
+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename RePulseCnt2ReadbackDsGen_4__RePulse2ReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx "RePulseCnt2ReadbackDsGen[4].RePulse2ReadbackDs/DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex/oSigx/Gen0.FDCEx") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_CLR_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_C_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property ASYNC_REG (boolean (true)))
+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename RePulseCnt2ReadbackDsGen_5__RePulse2ReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx "RePulseCnt2ReadbackDsGen[5].RePulse2ReadbackDs/DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex/oSig_msx/Gen0.FDCEx") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_CLR_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_C_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property ASYNC_REG (boolean (true)))
+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename RePulseCnt2ReadbackDsGen_5__RePulse2ReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx "RePulseCnt2ReadbackDsGen[5].RePulse2ReadbackDs/DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex/oSigx/Gen0.FDCEx") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_CLR_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_C_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property ASYNC_REG (boolean (true)))
+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename RePulseCnt2ReadbackDsGen_6__RePulse2ReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx "RePulseCnt2ReadbackDsGen[6].RePulse2ReadbackDs/DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex/oSig_msx/Gen0.FDCEx") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_CLR_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_C_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property ASYNC_REG (boolean (true)))
+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename RePulseCnt2ReadbackDsGen_6__RePulse2ReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx "RePulseCnt2ReadbackDsGen[6].RePulse2ReadbackDs/DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex/oSigx/Gen0.FDCEx") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_CLR_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_C_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property ASYNC_REG (boolean (true)))
+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename RePulseCnt2ReadbackDsGen_7__RePulse2ReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx "RePulseCnt2ReadbackDsGen[7].RePulse2ReadbackDs/DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex/oSig_msx/Gen0.FDCEx") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_CLR_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_C_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property ASYNC_REG (boolean (true)))
+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename RePulseCnt2ReadbackDsGen_7__RePulse2ReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx "RePulseCnt2ReadbackDsGen[7].RePulse2ReadbackDs/DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex/oSigx/Gen0.FDCEx") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_CLR_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_C_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property ASYNC_REG (boolean (true)))
+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename RePulseCnt2ReadbackDsGen_8__RePulse2ReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx "RePulseCnt2ReadbackDsGen[8].RePulse2ReadbackDs/DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex/oSig_msx/Gen0.FDCEx") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_CLR_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_C_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property ASYNC_REG (boolean (true)))
+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename RePulseCnt2ReadbackDsGen_8__RePulse2ReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx "RePulseCnt2ReadbackDsGen[8].RePulse2ReadbackDs/DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex/oSigx/Gen0.FDCEx") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_CLR_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_C_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property ASYNC_REG (boolean (true)))
+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename RePulseCnt2ReadbackDsGen_9__RePulse2ReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx "RePulseCnt2ReadbackDsGen[9].RePulse2ReadbackDs/DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex/oSig_msx/Gen0.FDCEx") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_CLR_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_C_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property ASYNC_REG (boolean (true)))
+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename RePulseCnt2ReadbackDsGen_9__RePulse2ReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx "RePulseCnt2ReadbackDsGen[9].RePulse2ReadbackDs/DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex/oSigx/Gen0.FDCEx") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_CLR_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_C_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property ASYNC_REG (boolean (true)))
+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename ReRunEnableDs_DoubleSyncBasex_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx "ReRunEnableDs/DoubleSyncBasex/DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex/oSig_msx/Gen0.FDCEx") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_CLR_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_C_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property ASYNC_REG (boolean (true)))
+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename ReRunEnableDs_DoubleSyncBasex_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx "ReRunEnableDs/DoubleSyncBasex/DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex/oSigx/Gen0.FDCEx") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_CLR_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_C_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property ASYNC_REG (boolean (true)))
+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename ReRunEnableDs_DoubleSyncBasex_iDlySigx_Gen0_FDCEx "ReRunEnableDs/DoubleSyncBasex/iDlySigx/Gen0.FDCEx") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_CLR_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_C_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename ResetDoneDs_DoubleSyncBasex_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx "ResetDoneDs/DoubleSyncBasex/DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex/oSig_msx/Gen0.FDCEx") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_CLR_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_C_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property ASYNC_REG (boolean (true)))
+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename ResetDoneDs_DoubleSyncBasex_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx "ResetDoneDs/DoubleSyncBasex/DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex/oSigx/Gen0.FDCEx") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_CLR_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_C_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property ASYNC_REG (boolean (true)))
+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename ResetDoneDs_DoubleSyncBasex_iDlySigx_Gen0_FDCEx "ResetDoneDs/DoubleSyncBasex/iDlySigx/Gen0.FDCEx") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_CLR_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_C_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename ResetTdcDs_DoubleSyncBasex_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx "ResetTdcDs/DoubleSyncBasex/DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex/oSig_msx/Gen0.FDCEx") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_CLR_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_C_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property ASYNC_REG (boolean (true)))
+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename ResetTdcDs_DoubleSyncBasex_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx "ResetTdcDs/DoubleSyncBasex/DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex/oSigx/Gen0.FDCEx") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_CLR_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_C_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property ASYNC_REG (boolean (true)))
+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename ResetTdcDs_DoubleSyncBasex_iDlySigx_Gen0_FDCEx "ResetTdcDs/DoubleSyncBasex/iDlySigx/Gen0.FDCEx") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_CLR_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_C_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename RpCntHs_BlkIn_iDlyPush_reg "RpCntHs/BlkIn.iDlyPush_reg") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename RpCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_0_ "RpCntHs/BlkIn.iLclStoredData_reg[0]") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename RpCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_10_ "RpCntHs/BlkIn.iLclStoredData_reg[10]") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename RpCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_11_ "RpCntHs/BlkIn.iLclStoredData_reg[11]") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename RpCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_12_ "RpCntHs/BlkIn.iLclStoredData_reg[12]") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename RpCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_13_ "RpCntHs/BlkIn.iLclStoredData_reg[13]") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename RpCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_14_ "RpCntHs/BlkIn.iLclStoredData_reg[14]") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename RpCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_15_ "RpCntHs/BlkIn.iLclStoredData_reg[15]") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename RpCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_16_ "RpCntHs/BlkIn.iLclStoredData_reg[16]") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename RpCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_17_ "RpCntHs/BlkIn.iLclStoredData_reg[17]") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename RpCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_18_ "RpCntHs/BlkIn.iLclStoredData_reg[18]") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename RpCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_19_ "RpCntHs/BlkIn.iLclStoredData_reg[19]") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename RpCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_1_ "RpCntHs/BlkIn.iLclStoredData_reg[1]") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename RpCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_20_ "RpCntHs/BlkIn.iLclStoredData_reg[20]") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename RpCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_21_ "RpCntHs/BlkIn.iLclStoredData_reg[21]") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename RpCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_22_ "RpCntHs/BlkIn.iLclStoredData_reg[22]") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename RpCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_23_ "RpCntHs/BlkIn.iLclStoredData_reg[23]") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename RpCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_24_ "RpCntHs/BlkIn.iLclStoredData_reg[24]") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename RpCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_25_ "RpCntHs/BlkIn.iLclStoredData_reg[25]") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename RpCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_26_ "RpCntHs/BlkIn.iLclStoredData_reg[26]") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename RpCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_27_ "RpCntHs/BlkIn.iLclStoredData_reg[27]") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename RpCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_28_ "RpCntHs/BlkIn.iLclStoredData_reg[28]") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename RpCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_29_ "RpCntHs/BlkIn.iLclStoredData_reg[29]") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename RpCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_2_ "RpCntHs/BlkIn.iLclStoredData_reg[2]") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename RpCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_30_ "RpCntHs/BlkIn.iLclStoredData_reg[30]") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename RpCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_31_ "RpCntHs/BlkIn.iLclStoredData_reg[31]") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename RpCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_3_ "RpCntHs/BlkIn.iLclStoredData_reg[3]") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename RpCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_4_ "RpCntHs/BlkIn.iLclStoredData_reg[4]") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename RpCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_5_ "RpCntHs/BlkIn.iLclStoredData_reg[5]") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename RpCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_6_ "RpCntHs/BlkIn.iLclStoredData_reg[6]") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename RpCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_7_ "RpCntHs/BlkIn.iLclStoredData_reg[7]") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename RpCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_8_ "RpCntHs/BlkIn.iLclStoredData_reg[8]") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename RpCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_9_ "RpCntHs/BlkIn.iLclStoredData_reg[9]") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename RpCntHs_BlkIn_iPushTogglex_Gen0_FDCEx "RpCntHs/BlkIn.iPushTogglex/Gen0.FDCEx") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_CLR_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_C_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename RpCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_0__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx "RpCntHs/BlkOut.ODataFlop/GenFlops[0].DFlopx/Gen0.FDCEx") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_CLR_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_C_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename RpCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_10__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx "RpCntHs/BlkOut.ODataFlop/GenFlops[10].DFlopx/Gen0.FDCEx") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_CLR_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_C_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename RpCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_11__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx "RpCntHs/BlkOut.ODataFlop/GenFlops[11].DFlopx/Gen0.FDCEx") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_CLR_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_C_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename RpCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_12__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx "RpCntHs/BlkOut.ODataFlop/GenFlops[12].DFlopx/Gen0.FDCEx") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_CLR_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_C_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename RpCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_13__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx "RpCntHs/BlkOut.ODataFlop/GenFlops[13].DFlopx/Gen0.FDCEx") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_CLR_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_C_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename RpCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_14__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx "RpCntHs/BlkOut.ODataFlop/GenFlops[14].DFlopx/Gen0.FDCEx") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_CLR_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_C_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename RpCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_15__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx "RpCntHs/BlkOut.ODataFlop/GenFlops[15].DFlopx/Gen0.FDCEx") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_CLR_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_C_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename RpCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_16__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx "RpCntHs/BlkOut.ODataFlop/GenFlops[16].DFlopx/Gen0.FDCEx") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_CLR_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_C_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename RpCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_17__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx "RpCntHs/BlkOut.ODataFlop/GenFlops[17].DFlopx/Gen0.FDCEx") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_CLR_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_C_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename RpCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_18__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx "RpCntHs/BlkOut.ODataFlop/GenFlops[18].DFlopx/Gen0.FDCEx") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_CLR_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_C_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename RpCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_19__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx "RpCntHs/BlkOut.ODataFlop/GenFlops[19].DFlopx/Gen0.FDCEx") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_CLR_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_C_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename RpCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_1__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx "RpCntHs/BlkOut.ODataFlop/GenFlops[1].DFlopx/Gen0.FDCEx") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_CLR_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_C_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename RpCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_20__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx "RpCntHs/BlkOut.ODataFlop/GenFlops[20].DFlopx/Gen0.FDCEx") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_CLR_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_C_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename RpCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_21__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx "RpCntHs/BlkOut.ODataFlop/GenFlops[21].DFlopx/Gen0.FDCEx") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_CLR_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_C_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename RpCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_22__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx "RpCntHs/BlkOut.ODataFlop/GenFlops[22].DFlopx/Gen0.FDCEx") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_CLR_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_C_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename RpCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_23__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx "RpCntHs/BlkOut.ODataFlop/GenFlops[23].DFlopx/Gen0.FDCEx") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_CLR_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_C_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename RpCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_24__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx "RpCntHs/BlkOut.ODataFlop/GenFlops[24].DFlopx/Gen0.FDCEx") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_CLR_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_C_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename RpCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_25__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx "RpCntHs/BlkOut.ODataFlop/GenFlops[25].DFlopx/Gen0.FDCEx") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_CLR_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_C_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename RpCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_26__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx "RpCntHs/BlkOut.ODataFlop/GenFlops[26].DFlopx/Gen0.FDCEx") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_CLR_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_C_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename RpCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_27__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx "RpCntHs/BlkOut.ODataFlop/GenFlops[27].DFlopx/Gen0.FDCEx") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_CLR_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_C_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename RpCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_28__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx "RpCntHs/BlkOut.ODataFlop/GenFlops[28].DFlopx/Gen0.FDCEx") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_CLR_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_C_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename RpCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_29__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx "RpCntHs/BlkOut.ODataFlop/GenFlops[29].DFlopx/Gen0.FDCEx") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_CLR_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_C_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename RpCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_2__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx "RpCntHs/BlkOut.ODataFlop/GenFlops[2].DFlopx/Gen0.FDCEx") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_CLR_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_C_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename RpCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_30__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx "RpCntHs/BlkOut.ODataFlop/GenFlops[30].DFlopx/Gen0.FDCEx") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_CLR_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_C_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename RpCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_3__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx "RpCntHs/BlkOut.ODataFlop/GenFlops[3].DFlopx/Gen0.FDCEx") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_CLR_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_C_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename RpCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_4__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx "RpCntHs/BlkOut.ODataFlop/GenFlops[4].DFlopx/Gen0.FDCEx") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_CLR_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_C_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename RpCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_5__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx "RpCntHs/BlkOut.ODataFlop/GenFlops[5].DFlopx/Gen0.FDCEx") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_CLR_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_C_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename RpCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_6__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx "RpCntHs/BlkOut.ODataFlop/GenFlops[6].DFlopx/Gen0.FDCEx") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_CLR_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_C_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename RpCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_7__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx "RpCntHs/BlkOut.ODataFlop/GenFlops[7].DFlopx/Gen0.FDCEx") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_CLR_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_C_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename RpCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_8__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx "RpCntHs/BlkOut.ODataFlop/GenFlops[8].DFlopx/Gen0.FDCEx") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_CLR_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_C_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename RpCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_9__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx "RpCntHs/BlkOut.ODataFlop/GenFlops[9].DFlopx/Gen0.FDCEx") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_CLR_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_C_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename RpCntHs_BlkOut_oDataValid_reg "RpCntHs/BlkOut.oDataValid_reg") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename RpCntHs_BlkOut_oPushToggle1x_Gen0_FDCEx "RpCntHs/BlkOut.oPushToggle1x/Gen0.FDCEx") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_CLR_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_C_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property ASYNC_REG (boolean (true)))
+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename RpCntHs_BlkOut_oPushToggle2_reg "RpCntHs/BlkOut.oPushToggle2_reg") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename RpCntHs_BlkOut_oPushToggle_msx_Gen0_FDCEx "RpCntHs/BlkOut.oPushToggle_msx/Gen0.FDCEx") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_CLR_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_C_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property ASYNC_REG (boolean (true)))
+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename RpCntReadbackDsGen_0__RpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx "RpCntReadbackDsGen[0].RpCntReadbackDs/DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex/oSig_msx/Gen0.FDCEx") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_CLR_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_C_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property ASYNC_REG (boolean (true)))
+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename RpCntReadbackDsGen_0__RpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx "RpCntReadbackDsGen[0].RpCntReadbackDs/DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex/oSigx/Gen0.FDCEx") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_CLR_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_C_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property ASYNC_REG (boolean (true)))
+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename RpCntReadbackDsGen_10__RpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx "RpCntReadbackDsGen[10].RpCntReadbackDs/DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex/oSig_msx/Gen0.FDCEx") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_CLR_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_C_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property ASYNC_REG (boolean (true)))
+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename RpCntReadbackDsGen_10__RpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx "RpCntReadbackDsGen[10].RpCntReadbackDs/DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex/oSigx/Gen0.FDCEx") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_CLR_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_C_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property ASYNC_REG (boolean (true)))
+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename RpCntReadbackDsGen_11__RpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx "RpCntReadbackDsGen[11].RpCntReadbackDs/DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex/oSig_msx/Gen0.FDCEx") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_CLR_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_C_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property ASYNC_REG (boolean (true)))
+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename RpCntReadbackDsGen_11__RpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx "RpCntReadbackDsGen[11].RpCntReadbackDs/DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex/oSigx/Gen0.FDCEx") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_CLR_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_C_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property ASYNC_REG (boolean (true)))
+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename RpCntReadbackDsGen_12__RpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx "RpCntReadbackDsGen[12].RpCntReadbackDs/DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex/oSig_msx/Gen0.FDCEx") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_CLR_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_C_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property ASYNC_REG (boolean (true)))
+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename RpCntReadbackDsGen_12__RpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx "RpCntReadbackDsGen[12].RpCntReadbackDs/DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex/oSigx/Gen0.FDCEx") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_CLR_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_C_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property ASYNC_REG (boolean (true)))
+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename RpCntReadbackDsGen_13__RpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx "RpCntReadbackDsGen[13].RpCntReadbackDs/DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex/oSig_msx/Gen0.FDCEx") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_CLR_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_C_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property ASYNC_REG (boolean (true)))
+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename RpCntReadbackDsGen_13__RpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx "RpCntReadbackDsGen[13].RpCntReadbackDs/DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex/oSigx/Gen0.FDCEx") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_CLR_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_C_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property ASYNC_REG (boolean (true)))
+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename RpCntReadbackDsGen_14__RpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx "RpCntReadbackDsGen[14].RpCntReadbackDs/DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex/oSig_msx/Gen0.FDCEx") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_CLR_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_C_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property ASYNC_REG (boolean (true)))
+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename RpCntReadbackDsGen_14__RpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx "RpCntReadbackDsGen[14].RpCntReadbackDs/DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex/oSigx/Gen0.FDCEx") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_CLR_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_C_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
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+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
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+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
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+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
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+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
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+ (property IS_CLR_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
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+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
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+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
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+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename RpCntReadbackDsGen_16__RpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx "RpCntReadbackDsGen[16].RpCntReadbackDs/DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex/oSigx/Gen0.FDCEx") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
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+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
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+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
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+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
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+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
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+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
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+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
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+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
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+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename RpCntReadbackDsGen_19__RpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx "RpCntReadbackDsGen[19].RpCntReadbackDs/DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex/oSigx/Gen0.FDCEx") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
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+ (property IS_CLR_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
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+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
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+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
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+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
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+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
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+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
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+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
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+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
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+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
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+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
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+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
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+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
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+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
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+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
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+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
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+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
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+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
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+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
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+ )
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+ )
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+ )
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+ )
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+ )
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+ )
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+ )
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+ )
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+ )
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+ )
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+ )
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+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property ASYNC_REG (boolean (true)))
+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename RpCntReadbackDsGen_3__RpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx "RpCntReadbackDsGen[3].RpCntReadbackDs/DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex/oSig_msx/Gen0.FDCEx") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_CLR_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_C_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property ASYNC_REG (boolean (true)))
+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename RpCntReadbackDsGen_3__RpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx "RpCntReadbackDsGen[3].RpCntReadbackDs/DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex/oSigx/Gen0.FDCEx") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_CLR_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_C_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property ASYNC_REG (boolean (true)))
+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename RpCntReadbackDsGen_4__RpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx "RpCntReadbackDsGen[4].RpCntReadbackDs/DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex/oSig_msx/Gen0.FDCEx") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_CLR_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_C_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property ASYNC_REG (boolean (true)))
+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename RpCntReadbackDsGen_4__RpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx "RpCntReadbackDsGen[4].RpCntReadbackDs/DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex/oSigx/Gen0.FDCEx") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_CLR_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_C_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property ASYNC_REG (boolean (true)))
+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename RpCntReadbackDsGen_5__RpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx "RpCntReadbackDsGen[5].RpCntReadbackDs/DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex/oSig_msx/Gen0.FDCEx") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_CLR_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_C_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property ASYNC_REG (boolean (true)))
+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename RpCntReadbackDsGen_5__RpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx "RpCntReadbackDsGen[5].RpCntReadbackDs/DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex/oSigx/Gen0.FDCEx") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_CLR_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_C_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property ASYNC_REG (boolean (true)))
+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename RpCntReadbackDsGen_6__RpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx "RpCntReadbackDsGen[6].RpCntReadbackDs/DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex/oSig_msx/Gen0.FDCEx") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_CLR_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_C_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property ASYNC_REG (boolean (true)))
+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename RpCntReadbackDsGen_6__RpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx "RpCntReadbackDsGen[6].RpCntReadbackDs/DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex/oSigx/Gen0.FDCEx") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_CLR_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_C_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property ASYNC_REG (boolean (true)))
+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename RpCntReadbackDsGen_7__RpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx "RpCntReadbackDsGen[7].RpCntReadbackDs/DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex/oSig_msx/Gen0.FDCEx") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_CLR_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_C_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property ASYNC_REG (boolean (true)))
+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename RpCntReadbackDsGen_7__RpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx "RpCntReadbackDsGen[7].RpCntReadbackDs/DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex/oSigx/Gen0.FDCEx") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_CLR_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_C_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property ASYNC_REG (boolean (true)))
+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename RpCntReadbackDsGen_8__RpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx "RpCntReadbackDsGen[8].RpCntReadbackDs/DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex/oSig_msx/Gen0.FDCEx") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_CLR_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_C_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property ASYNC_REG (boolean (true)))
+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename RpCntReadbackDsGen_8__RpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx "RpCntReadbackDsGen[8].RpCntReadbackDs/DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex/oSigx/Gen0.FDCEx") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_CLR_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_C_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property ASYNC_REG (boolean (true)))
+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename RpCntReadbackDsGen_9__RpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx "RpCntReadbackDsGen[9].RpCntReadbackDs/DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex/oSig_msx/Gen0.FDCEx") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_CLR_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_C_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property ASYNC_REG (boolean (true)))
+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename RpCntReadbackDsGen_9__RpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx "RpCntReadbackDsGen[9].RpCntReadbackDs/DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex/oSigx/Gen0.FDCEx") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_CLR_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_C_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property ASYNC_REG (boolean (true)))
+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename RptCntHs_BlkIn_iDlyPush_reg "RptCntHs/BlkIn.iDlyPush_reg") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename RptCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_0_ "RptCntHs/BlkIn.iLclStoredData_reg[0]") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename RptCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_10_ "RptCntHs/BlkIn.iLclStoredData_reg[10]") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename RptCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_11_ "RptCntHs/BlkIn.iLclStoredData_reg[11]") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename RptCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_12_ "RptCntHs/BlkIn.iLclStoredData_reg[12]") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename RptCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_13_ "RptCntHs/BlkIn.iLclStoredData_reg[13]") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename RptCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_14_ "RptCntHs/BlkIn.iLclStoredData_reg[14]") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename RptCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_15_ "RptCntHs/BlkIn.iLclStoredData_reg[15]") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename RptCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_16_ "RptCntHs/BlkIn.iLclStoredData_reg[16]") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename RptCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_17_ "RptCntHs/BlkIn.iLclStoredData_reg[17]") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename RptCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_18_ "RptCntHs/BlkIn.iLclStoredData_reg[18]") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename RptCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_19_ "RptCntHs/BlkIn.iLclStoredData_reg[19]") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename RptCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_1_ "RptCntHs/BlkIn.iLclStoredData_reg[1]") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename RptCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_20_ "RptCntHs/BlkIn.iLclStoredData_reg[20]") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename RptCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_21_ "RptCntHs/BlkIn.iLclStoredData_reg[21]") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename RptCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_22_ "RptCntHs/BlkIn.iLclStoredData_reg[22]") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename RptCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_23_ "RptCntHs/BlkIn.iLclStoredData_reg[23]") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename RptCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_24_ "RptCntHs/BlkIn.iLclStoredData_reg[24]") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename RptCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_25_ "RptCntHs/BlkIn.iLclStoredData_reg[25]") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename RptCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_26_ "RptCntHs/BlkIn.iLclStoredData_reg[26]") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename RptCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_27_ "RptCntHs/BlkIn.iLclStoredData_reg[27]") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename RptCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_28_ "RptCntHs/BlkIn.iLclStoredData_reg[28]") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename RptCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_29_ "RptCntHs/BlkIn.iLclStoredData_reg[29]") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename RptCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_2_ "RptCntHs/BlkIn.iLclStoredData_reg[2]") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename RptCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_30_ "RptCntHs/BlkIn.iLclStoredData_reg[30]") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename RptCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_31_ "RptCntHs/BlkIn.iLclStoredData_reg[31]") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename RptCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_3_ "RptCntHs/BlkIn.iLclStoredData_reg[3]") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename RptCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_4_ "RptCntHs/BlkIn.iLclStoredData_reg[4]") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename RptCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_5_ "RptCntHs/BlkIn.iLclStoredData_reg[5]") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename RptCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_6_ "RptCntHs/BlkIn.iLclStoredData_reg[6]") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename RptCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_7_ "RptCntHs/BlkIn.iLclStoredData_reg[7]") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename RptCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_8_ "RptCntHs/BlkIn.iLclStoredData_reg[8]") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename RptCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_9_ "RptCntHs/BlkIn.iLclStoredData_reg[9]") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename RptCntHs_BlkIn_iPushTogglex_Gen0_FDCEx "RptCntHs/BlkIn.iPushTogglex/Gen0.FDCEx") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_CLR_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_C_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename RptCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_0__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx "RptCntHs/BlkOut.ODataFlop/GenFlops[0].DFlopx/Gen0.FDCEx") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_CLR_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_C_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename RptCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_10__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx "RptCntHs/BlkOut.ODataFlop/GenFlops[10].DFlopx/Gen0.FDCEx") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_CLR_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_C_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename RptCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_11__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx "RptCntHs/BlkOut.ODataFlop/GenFlops[11].DFlopx/Gen0.FDCEx") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_CLR_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_C_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename RptCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_12__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx "RptCntHs/BlkOut.ODataFlop/GenFlops[12].DFlopx/Gen0.FDCEx") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_CLR_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_C_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename RptCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_13__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx "RptCntHs/BlkOut.ODataFlop/GenFlops[13].DFlopx/Gen0.FDCEx") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_CLR_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_C_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename RptCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_14__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx "RptCntHs/BlkOut.ODataFlop/GenFlops[14].DFlopx/Gen0.FDCEx") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_CLR_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_C_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename RptCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_15__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx "RptCntHs/BlkOut.ODataFlop/GenFlops[15].DFlopx/Gen0.FDCEx") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_CLR_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_C_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename RptCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_16__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx "RptCntHs/BlkOut.ODataFlop/GenFlops[16].DFlopx/Gen0.FDCEx") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_CLR_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_C_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename RptCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_17__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx "RptCntHs/BlkOut.ODataFlop/GenFlops[17].DFlopx/Gen0.FDCEx") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_CLR_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_C_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename RptCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_18__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx "RptCntHs/BlkOut.ODataFlop/GenFlops[18].DFlopx/Gen0.FDCEx") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_CLR_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_C_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename RptCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_19__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx "RptCntHs/BlkOut.ODataFlop/GenFlops[19].DFlopx/Gen0.FDCEx") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_CLR_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_C_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename RptCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_1__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx "RptCntHs/BlkOut.ODataFlop/GenFlops[1].DFlopx/Gen0.FDCEx") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_CLR_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_C_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename RptCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_20__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx "RptCntHs/BlkOut.ODataFlop/GenFlops[20].DFlopx/Gen0.FDCEx") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_CLR_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_C_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename RptCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_21__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx "RptCntHs/BlkOut.ODataFlop/GenFlops[21].DFlopx/Gen0.FDCEx") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_CLR_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_C_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename RptCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_22__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx "RptCntHs/BlkOut.ODataFlop/GenFlops[22].DFlopx/Gen0.FDCEx") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_CLR_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_C_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename RptCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_23__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx "RptCntHs/BlkOut.ODataFlop/GenFlops[23].DFlopx/Gen0.FDCEx") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_CLR_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_C_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename RptCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_24__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx "RptCntHs/BlkOut.ODataFlop/GenFlops[24].DFlopx/Gen0.FDCEx") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_CLR_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_C_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename RptCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_25__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx "RptCntHs/BlkOut.ODataFlop/GenFlops[25].DFlopx/Gen0.FDCEx") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_CLR_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_C_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename RptCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_26__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx "RptCntHs/BlkOut.ODataFlop/GenFlops[26].DFlopx/Gen0.FDCEx") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_CLR_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_C_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename RptCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_27__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx "RptCntHs/BlkOut.ODataFlop/GenFlops[27].DFlopx/Gen0.FDCEx") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_CLR_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_C_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename RptCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_28__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx "RptCntHs/BlkOut.ODataFlop/GenFlops[28].DFlopx/Gen0.FDCEx") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_CLR_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_C_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename RptCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_29__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx "RptCntHs/BlkOut.ODataFlop/GenFlops[29].DFlopx/Gen0.FDCEx") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_CLR_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_C_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename RptCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_2__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx "RptCntHs/BlkOut.ODataFlop/GenFlops[2].DFlopx/Gen0.FDCEx") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_CLR_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_C_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename RptCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_30__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx "RptCntHs/BlkOut.ODataFlop/GenFlops[30].DFlopx/Gen0.FDCEx") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_CLR_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_C_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename RptCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_3__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx "RptCntHs/BlkOut.ODataFlop/GenFlops[3].DFlopx/Gen0.FDCEx") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_CLR_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_C_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename RptCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_4__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx "RptCntHs/BlkOut.ODataFlop/GenFlops[4].DFlopx/Gen0.FDCEx") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_CLR_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_C_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename RptCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_5__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx "RptCntHs/BlkOut.ODataFlop/GenFlops[5].DFlopx/Gen0.FDCEx") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_CLR_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_C_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename RptCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_6__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx "RptCntHs/BlkOut.ODataFlop/GenFlops[6].DFlopx/Gen0.FDCEx") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_CLR_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_C_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename RptCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_7__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx "RptCntHs/BlkOut.ODataFlop/GenFlops[7].DFlopx/Gen0.FDCEx") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_CLR_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_C_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename RptCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_8__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx "RptCntHs/BlkOut.ODataFlop/GenFlops[8].DFlopx/Gen0.FDCEx") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_CLR_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_C_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename RptCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_9__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx "RptCntHs/BlkOut.ODataFlop/GenFlops[9].DFlopx/Gen0.FDCEx") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_CLR_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_C_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename RptCntHs_BlkOut_oDataValid_reg "RptCntHs/BlkOut.oDataValid_reg") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename RptCntHs_BlkOut_oPushToggle1x_Gen0_FDCEx "RptCntHs/BlkOut.oPushToggle1x/Gen0.FDCEx") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_CLR_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_C_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property ASYNC_REG (boolean (true)))
+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename RptCntHs_BlkOut_oPushToggle2_reg "RptCntHs/BlkOut.oPushToggle2_reg") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename RptCntHs_BlkOut_oPushToggle_msx_Gen0_FDCEx "RptCntHs/BlkOut.oPushToggle_msx/Gen0.FDCEx") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_CLR_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_C_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property ASYNC_REG (boolean (true)))
+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename RptCntReadbackDsGen_0__RptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx "RptCntReadbackDsGen[0].RptCntReadbackDs/DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex/oSig_msx/Gen0.FDCEx") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_CLR_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_C_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property ASYNC_REG (boolean (true)))
+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename RptCntReadbackDsGen_0__RptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx "RptCntReadbackDsGen[0].RptCntReadbackDs/DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex/oSigx/Gen0.FDCEx") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_CLR_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_C_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property ASYNC_REG (boolean (true)))
+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename RptCntReadbackDsGen_10__RptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx "RptCntReadbackDsGen[10].RptCntReadbackDs/DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex/oSig_msx/Gen0.FDCEx") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_CLR_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_C_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property ASYNC_REG (boolean (true)))
+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename RptCntReadbackDsGen_10__RptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx "RptCntReadbackDsGen[10].RptCntReadbackDs/DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex/oSigx/Gen0.FDCEx") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_CLR_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_C_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property ASYNC_REG (boolean (true)))
+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename RptCntReadbackDsGen_11__RptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx "RptCntReadbackDsGen[11].RptCntReadbackDs/DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex/oSig_msx/Gen0.FDCEx") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_CLR_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_C_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property ASYNC_REG (boolean (true)))
+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename RptCntReadbackDsGen_11__RptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx "RptCntReadbackDsGen[11].RptCntReadbackDs/DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex/oSigx/Gen0.FDCEx") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_CLR_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_C_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property ASYNC_REG (boolean (true)))
+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename RptCntReadbackDsGen_12__RptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx "RptCntReadbackDsGen[12].RptCntReadbackDs/DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex/oSig_msx/Gen0.FDCEx") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_CLR_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_C_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property ASYNC_REG (boolean (true)))
+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename RptCntReadbackDsGen_12__RptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx "RptCntReadbackDsGen[12].RptCntReadbackDs/DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex/oSigx/Gen0.FDCEx") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_CLR_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_C_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property ASYNC_REG (boolean (true)))
+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename RptCntReadbackDsGen_13__RptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx "RptCntReadbackDsGen[13].RptCntReadbackDs/DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex/oSig_msx/Gen0.FDCEx") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_CLR_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_C_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property ASYNC_REG (boolean (true)))
+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename RptCntReadbackDsGen_13__RptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx "RptCntReadbackDsGen[13].RptCntReadbackDs/DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex/oSigx/Gen0.FDCEx") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_CLR_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_C_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property ASYNC_REG (boolean (true)))
+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename RptCntReadbackDsGen_14__RptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx "RptCntReadbackDsGen[14].RptCntReadbackDs/DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex/oSig_msx/Gen0.FDCEx") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_CLR_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_C_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property ASYNC_REG (boolean (true)))
+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename RptCntReadbackDsGen_14__RptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx "RptCntReadbackDsGen[14].RptCntReadbackDs/DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex/oSigx/Gen0.FDCEx") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_CLR_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_C_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property ASYNC_REG (boolean (true)))
+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename RptCntReadbackDsGen_15__RptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx "RptCntReadbackDsGen[15].RptCntReadbackDs/DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex/oSig_msx/Gen0.FDCEx") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_CLR_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_C_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property ASYNC_REG (boolean (true)))
+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename RptCntReadbackDsGen_15__RptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx "RptCntReadbackDsGen[15].RptCntReadbackDs/DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex/oSigx/Gen0.FDCEx") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_CLR_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_C_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property ASYNC_REG (boolean (true)))
+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename RptCntReadbackDsGen_16__RptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx "RptCntReadbackDsGen[16].RptCntReadbackDs/DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex/oSig_msx/Gen0.FDCEx") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_CLR_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_C_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property ASYNC_REG (boolean (true)))
+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename RptCntReadbackDsGen_16__RptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx "RptCntReadbackDsGen[16].RptCntReadbackDs/DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex/oSigx/Gen0.FDCEx") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_CLR_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_C_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property ASYNC_REG (boolean (true)))
+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename RptCntReadbackDsGen_17__RptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx "RptCntReadbackDsGen[17].RptCntReadbackDs/DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex/oSig_msx/Gen0.FDCEx") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_CLR_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_C_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property ASYNC_REG (boolean (true)))
+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename RptCntReadbackDsGen_17__RptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx "RptCntReadbackDsGen[17].RptCntReadbackDs/DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex/oSigx/Gen0.FDCEx") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_CLR_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_C_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property ASYNC_REG (boolean (true)))
+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
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+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_CLR_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_C_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property ASYNC_REG (boolean (true)))
+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename RptCntReadbackDsGen_18__RptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx "RptCntReadbackDsGen[18].RptCntReadbackDs/DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex/oSigx/Gen0.FDCEx") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_CLR_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_C_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property ASYNC_REG (boolean (true)))
+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename RptCntReadbackDsGen_19__RptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx "RptCntReadbackDsGen[19].RptCntReadbackDs/DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex/oSig_msx/Gen0.FDCEx") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_CLR_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_C_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property ASYNC_REG (boolean (true)))
+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename RptCntReadbackDsGen_19__RptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx "RptCntReadbackDsGen[19].RptCntReadbackDs/DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex/oSigx/Gen0.FDCEx") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_CLR_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_C_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property ASYNC_REG (boolean (true)))
+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
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+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_CLR_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_C_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
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+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
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+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_CLR_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_C_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
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+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
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+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_CLR_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_C_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
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+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename RptCntReadbackDsGen_20__RptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx "RptCntReadbackDsGen[20].RptCntReadbackDs/DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex/oSigx/Gen0.FDCEx") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
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+ (property IS_CLR_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_C_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
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+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename RptCntReadbackDsGen_21__RptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx "RptCntReadbackDsGen[21].RptCntReadbackDs/DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex/oSig_msx/Gen0.FDCEx") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_CLR_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_C_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
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+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename RptCntReadbackDsGen_21__RptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx "RptCntReadbackDsGen[21].RptCntReadbackDs/DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex/oSigx/Gen0.FDCEx") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_CLR_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
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+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
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+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_CLR_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_C_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
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+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename RptCntReadbackDsGen_22__RptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx "RptCntReadbackDsGen[22].RptCntReadbackDs/DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex/oSigx/Gen0.FDCEx") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
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+ (property IS_CLR_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_C_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
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+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename RptCntReadbackDsGen_23__RptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx "RptCntReadbackDsGen[23].RptCntReadbackDs/DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex/oSig_msx/Gen0.FDCEx") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
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+ (property IS_C_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
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+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename RptCntReadbackDsGen_23__RptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx "RptCntReadbackDsGen[23].RptCntReadbackDs/DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex/oSigx/Gen0.FDCEx") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_CLR_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_C_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
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+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename RptCntReadbackDsGen_24__RptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx "RptCntReadbackDsGen[24].RptCntReadbackDs/DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex/oSig_msx/Gen0.FDCEx") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
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+ (property IS_C_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
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+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename RptCntReadbackDsGen_24__RptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx "RptCntReadbackDsGen[24].RptCntReadbackDs/DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex/oSigx/Gen0.FDCEx") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
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+ (property IS_C_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
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+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename RptCntReadbackDsGen_25__RptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx "RptCntReadbackDsGen[25].RptCntReadbackDs/DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex/oSig_msx/Gen0.FDCEx") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
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+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
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+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename RptCntReadbackDsGen_25__RptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx "RptCntReadbackDsGen[25].RptCntReadbackDs/DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex/oSigx/Gen0.FDCEx") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
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+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
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+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename RptCntReadbackDsGen_26__RptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx "RptCntReadbackDsGen[26].RptCntReadbackDs/DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex/oSig_msx/Gen0.FDCEx") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
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+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
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+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename RptCntReadbackDsGen_26__RptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx "RptCntReadbackDsGen[26].RptCntReadbackDs/DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex/oSigx/Gen0.FDCEx") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
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+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
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+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
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+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
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+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
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+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
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+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
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+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
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+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
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+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
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+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
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+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
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+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
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+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
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+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
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+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
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+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
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+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
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+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
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+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
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+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
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+ )
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+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename RptCntReadbackDsGen_5__RptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx "RptCntReadbackDsGen[5].RptCntReadbackDs/DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex/oSigx/Gen0.FDCEx") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_CLR_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_C_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property ASYNC_REG (boolean (true)))
+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename RptCntReadbackDsGen_6__RptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx "RptCntReadbackDsGen[6].RptCntReadbackDs/DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex/oSig_msx/Gen0.FDCEx") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_CLR_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_C_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property ASYNC_REG (boolean (true)))
+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename RptCntReadbackDsGen_6__RptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx "RptCntReadbackDsGen[6].RptCntReadbackDs/DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex/oSigx/Gen0.FDCEx") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_CLR_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_C_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property ASYNC_REG (boolean (true)))
+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename RptCntReadbackDsGen_7__RptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx "RptCntReadbackDsGen[7].RptCntReadbackDs/DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex/oSig_msx/Gen0.FDCEx") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_CLR_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_C_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property ASYNC_REG (boolean (true)))
+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename RptCntReadbackDsGen_7__RptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx "RptCntReadbackDsGen[7].RptCntReadbackDs/DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex/oSigx/Gen0.FDCEx") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_CLR_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_C_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property ASYNC_REG (boolean (true)))
+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename RptCntReadbackDsGen_8__RptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx "RptCntReadbackDsGen[8].RptCntReadbackDs/DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex/oSig_msx/Gen0.FDCEx") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_CLR_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_C_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property ASYNC_REG (boolean (true)))
+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename RptCntReadbackDsGen_8__RptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx "RptCntReadbackDsGen[8].RptCntReadbackDs/DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex/oSigx/Gen0.FDCEx") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_CLR_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_C_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property ASYNC_REG (boolean (true)))
+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename RptCntReadbackDsGen_9__RptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx "RptCntReadbackDsGen[9].RptCntReadbackDs/DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex/oSig_msx/Gen0.FDCEx") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_CLR_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_C_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property ASYNC_REG (boolean (true)))
+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename RptCntReadbackDsGen_9__RptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx "RptCntReadbackDsGen[9].RptCntReadbackDs/DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex/oSigx/Gen0.FDCEx") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_CLR_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_C_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property ASYNC_REG (boolean (true)))
+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename SpCntHs_BlkIn_iDlyPush_reg "SpCntHs/BlkIn.iDlyPush_reg") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename SpCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_0_ "SpCntHs/BlkIn.iLclStoredData_reg[0]") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename SpCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_10_ "SpCntHs/BlkIn.iLclStoredData_reg[10]") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename SpCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_11_ "SpCntHs/BlkIn.iLclStoredData_reg[11]") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename SpCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_12_ "SpCntHs/BlkIn.iLclStoredData_reg[12]") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename SpCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_13_ "SpCntHs/BlkIn.iLclStoredData_reg[13]") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename SpCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_14_ "SpCntHs/BlkIn.iLclStoredData_reg[14]") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename SpCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_15_ "SpCntHs/BlkIn.iLclStoredData_reg[15]") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename SpCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_16_ "SpCntHs/BlkIn.iLclStoredData_reg[16]") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename SpCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_17_ "SpCntHs/BlkIn.iLclStoredData_reg[17]") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename SpCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_18_ "SpCntHs/BlkIn.iLclStoredData_reg[18]") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename SpCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_19_ "SpCntHs/BlkIn.iLclStoredData_reg[19]") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename SpCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_1_ "SpCntHs/BlkIn.iLclStoredData_reg[1]") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename SpCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_20_ "SpCntHs/BlkIn.iLclStoredData_reg[20]") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename SpCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_21_ "SpCntHs/BlkIn.iLclStoredData_reg[21]") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename SpCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_22_ "SpCntHs/BlkIn.iLclStoredData_reg[22]") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename SpCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_23_ "SpCntHs/BlkIn.iLclStoredData_reg[23]") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename SpCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_24_ "SpCntHs/BlkIn.iLclStoredData_reg[24]") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename SpCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_25_ "SpCntHs/BlkIn.iLclStoredData_reg[25]") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename SpCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_26_ "SpCntHs/BlkIn.iLclStoredData_reg[26]") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename SpCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_27_ "SpCntHs/BlkIn.iLclStoredData_reg[27]") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename SpCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_28_ "SpCntHs/BlkIn.iLclStoredData_reg[28]") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename SpCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_29_ "SpCntHs/BlkIn.iLclStoredData_reg[29]") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename SpCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_2_ "SpCntHs/BlkIn.iLclStoredData_reg[2]") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename SpCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_30_ "SpCntHs/BlkIn.iLclStoredData_reg[30]") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename SpCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_31_ "SpCntHs/BlkIn.iLclStoredData_reg[31]") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename SpCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_3_ "SpCntHs/BlkIn.iLclStoredData_reg[3]") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename SpCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_4_ "SpCntHs/BlkIn.iLclStoredData_reg[4]") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename SpCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_5_ "SpCntHs/BlkIn.iLclStoredData_reg[5]") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename SpCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_6_ "SpCntHs/BlkIn.iLclStoredData_reg[6]") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename SpCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_7_ "SpCntHs/BlkIn.iLclStoredData_reg[7]") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename SpCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_8_ "SpCntHs/BlkIn.iLclStoredData_reg[8]") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename SpCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_9_ "SpCntHs/BlkIn.iLclStoredData_reg[9]") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename SpCntHs_BlkIn_iPushTogglex_Gen0_FDCEx "SpCntHs/BlkIn.iPushTogglex/Gen0.FDCEx") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_CLR_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_C_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename SpCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_0__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx "SpCntHs/BlkOut.ODataFlop/GenFlops[0].DFlopx/Gen0.FDCEx") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_CLR_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_C_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename SpCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_10__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx "SpCntHs/BlkOut.ODataFlop/GenFlops[10].DFlopx/Gen0.FDCEx") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_CLR_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_C_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename SpCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_11__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx "SpCntHs/BlkOut.ODataFlop/GenFlops[11].DFlopx/Gen0.FDCEx") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_CLR_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_C_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename SpCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_12__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx "SpCntHs/BlkOut.ODataFlop/GenFlops[12].DFlopx/Gen0.FDCEx") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_CLR_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_C_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename SpCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_13__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx "SpCntHs/BlkOut.ODataFlop/GenFlops[13].DFlopx/Gen0.FDCEx") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_CLR_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_C_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename SpCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_14__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx "SpCntHs/BlkOut.ODataFlop/GenFlops[14].DFlopx/Gen0.FDCEx") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_CLR_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_C_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename SpCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_15__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx "SpCntHs/BlkOut.ODataFlop/GenFlops[15].DFlopx/Gen0.FDCEx") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_CLR_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_C_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename SpCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_16__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx "SpCntHs/BlkOut.ODataFlop/GenFlops[16].DFlopx/Gen0.FDCEx") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_CLR_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_C_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename SpCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_17__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx "SpCntHs/BlkOut.ODataFlop/GenFlops[17].DFlopx/Gen0.FDCEx") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_CLR_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_C_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename SpCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_18__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx "SpCntHs/BlkOut.ODataFlop/GenFlops[18].DFlopx/Gen0.FDCEx") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_CLR_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_C_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename SpCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_19__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx "SpCntHs/BlkOut.ODataFlop/GenFlops[19].DFlopx/Gen0.FDCEx") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_CLR_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_C_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename SpCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_1__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx "SpCntHs/BlkOut.ODataFlop/GenFlops[1].DFlopx/Gen0.FDCEx") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_CLR_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_C_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename SpCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_20__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx "SpCntHs/BlkOut.ODataFlop/GenFlops[20].DFlopx/Gen0.FDCEx") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_CLR_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_C_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename SpCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_21__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx "SpCntHs/BlkOut.ODataFlop/GenFlops[21].DFlopx/Gen0.FDCEx") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_CLR_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_C_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename SpCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_22__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx "SpCntHs/BlkOut.ODataFlop/GenFlops[22].DFlopx/Gen0.FDCEx") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_CLR_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_C_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename SpCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_23__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx "SpCntHs/BlkOut.ODataFlop/GenFlops[23].DFlopx/Gen0.FDCEx") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_CLR_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_C_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename SpCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_24__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx "SpCntHs/BlkOut.ODataFlop/GenFlops[24].DFlopx/Gen0.FDCEx") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_CLR_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_C_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename SpCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_25__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx "SpCntHs/BlkOut.ODataFlop/GenFlops[25].DFlopx/Gen0.FDCEx") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_CLR_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_C_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename SpCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_26__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx "SpCntHs/BlkOut.ODataFlop/GenFlops[26].DFlopx/Gen0.FDCEx") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_CLR_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_C_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename SpCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_27__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx "SpCntHs/BlkOut.ODataFlop/GenFlops[27].DFlopx/Gen0.FDCEx") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_CLR_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_C_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename SpCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_28__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx "SpCntHs/BlkOut.ODataFlop/GenFlops[28].DFlopx/Gen0.FDCEx") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_CLR_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_C_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename SpCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_29__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx "SpCntHs/BlkOut.ODataFlop/GenFlops[29].DFlopx/Gen0.FDCEx") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_CLR_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_C_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename SpCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_2__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx "SpCntHs/BlkOut.ODataFlop/GenFlops[2].DFlopx/Gen0.FDCEx") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_CLR_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_C_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename SpCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_30__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx "SpCntHs/BlkOut.ODataFlop/GenFlops[30].DFlopx/Gen0.FDCEx") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_CLR_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_C_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename SpCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_3__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx "SpCntHs/BlkOut.ODataFlop/GenFlops[3].DFlopx/Gen0.FDCEx") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_CLR_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_C_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename SpCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_4__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx "SpCntHs/BlkOut.ODataFlop/GenFlops[4].DFlopx/Gen0.FDCEx") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_CLR_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_C_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename SpCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_5__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx "SpCntHs/BlkOut.ODataFlop/GenFlops[5].DFlopx/Gen0.FDCEx") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_CLR_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_C_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename SpCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_6__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx "SpCntHs/BlkOut.ODataFlop/GenFlops[6].DFlopx/Gen0.FDCEx") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_CLR_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_C_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename SpCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_7__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx "SpCntHs/BlkOut.ODataFlop/GenFlops[7].DFlopx/Gen0.FDCEx") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_CLR_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_C_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename SpCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_8__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx "SpCntHs/BlkOut.ODataFlop/GenFlops[8].DFlopx/Gen0.FDCEx") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_CLR_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_C_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename SpCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_9__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx "SpCntHs/BlkOut.ODataFlop/GenFlops[9].DFlopx/Gen0.FDCEx") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_CLR_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_C_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename SpCntHs_BlkOut_oDataValid_reg "SpCntHs/BlkOut.oDataValid_reg") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename SpCntHs_BlkOut_oPushToggle1x_Gen0_FDCEx "SpCntHs/BlkOut.oPushToggle1x/Gen0.FDCEx") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_CLR_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_C_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property ASYNC_REG (boolean (true)))
+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename SpCntHs_BlkOut_oPushToggle2_reg "SpCntHs/BlkOut.oPushToggle2_reg") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename SpCntHs_BlkOut_oPushToggle_msx_Gen0_FDCEx "SpCntHs/BlkOut.oPushToggle_msx/Gen0.FDCEx") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_CLR_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_C_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property ASYNC_REG (boolean (true)))
+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename SpCntReadbackDsGen_0__SpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx "SpCntReadbackDsGen[0].SpCntReadbackDs/DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex/oSig_msx/Gen0.FDCEx") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_CLR_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_C_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property ASYNC_REG (boolean (true)))
+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename SpCntReadbackDsGen_0__SpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx "SpCntReadbackDsGen[0].SpCntReadbackDs/DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex/oSigx/Gen0.FDCEx") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_CLR_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_C_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property ASYNC_REG (boolean (true)))
+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename SpCntReadbackDsGen_10__SpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx "SpCntReadbackDsGen[10].SpCntReadbackDs/DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex/oSig_msx/Gen0.FDCEx") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_CLR_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_C_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property ASYNC_REG (boolean (true)))
+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename SpCntReadbackDsGen_10__SpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx "SpCntReadbackDsGen[10].SpCntReadbackDs/DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex/oSigx/Gen0.FDCEx") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_CLR_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_C_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property ASYNC_REG (boolean (true)))
+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename SpCntReadbackDsGen_11__SpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx "SpCntReadbackDsGen[11].SpCntReadbackDs/DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex/oSig_msx/Gen0.FDCEx") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_CLR_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_C_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property ASYNC_REG (boolean (true)))
+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename SpCntReadbackDsGen_11__SpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx "SpCntReadbackDsGen[11].SpCntReadbackDs/DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex/oSigx/Gen0.FDCEx") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_CLR_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_C_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property ASYNC_REG (boolean (true)))
+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename SpCntReadbackDsGen_12__SpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx "SpCntReadbackDsGen[12].SpCntReadbackDs/DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex/oSig_msx/Gen0.FDCEx") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_CLR_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_C_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property ASYNC_REG (boolean (true)))
+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename SpCntReadbackDsGen_12__SpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx "SpCntReadbackDsGen[12].SpCntReadbackDs/DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex/oSigx/Gen0.FDCEx") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_CLR_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_C_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property ASYNC_REG (boolean (true)))
+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename SpCntReadbackDsGen_13__SpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx "SpCntReadbackDsGen[13].SpCntReadbackDs/DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex/oSig_msx/Gen0.FDCEx") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_CLR_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_C_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property ASYNC_REG (boolean (true)))
+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename SpCntReadbackDsGen_13__SpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx "SpCntReadbackDsGen[13].SpCntReadbackDs/DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex/oSigx/Gen0.FDCEx") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_CLR_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_C_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property ASYNC_REG (boolean (true)))
+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename SpCntReadbackDsGen_14__SpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx "SpCntReadbackDsGen[14].SpCntReadbackDs/DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex/oSig_msx/Gen0.FDCEx") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_CLR_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_C_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property ASYNC_REG (boolean (true)))
+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename SpCntReadbackDsGen_14__SpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx "SpCntReadbackDsGen[14].SpCntReadbackDs/DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex/oSigx/Gen0.FDCEx") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_CLR_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_C_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property ASYNC_REG (boolean (true)))
+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename SpCntReadbackDsGen_15__SpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx "SpCntReadbackDsGen[15].SpCntReadbackDs/DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex/oSig_msx/Gen0.FDCEx") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_CLR_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_C_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property ASYNC_REG (boolean (true)))
+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename SpCntReadbackDsGen_15__SpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx "SpCntReadbackDsGen[15].SpCntReadbackDs/DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex/oSigx/Gen0.FDCEx") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_CLR_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_C_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property ASYNC_REG (boolean (true)))
+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename SpCntReadbackDsGen_16__SpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx "SpCntReadbackDsGen[16].SpCntReadbackDs/DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex/oSig_msx/Gen0.FDCEx") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_CLR_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_C_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property ASYNC_REG (boolean (true)))
+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename SpCntReadbackDsGen_16__SpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx "SpCntReadbackDsGen[16].SpCntReadbackDs/DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex/oSigx/Gen0.FDCEx") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_CLR_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_C_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property ASYNC_REG (boolean (true)))
+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename SpCntReadbackDsGen_17__SpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx "SpCntReadbackDsGen[17].SpCntReadbackDs/DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex/oSig_msx/Gen0.FDCEx") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_CLR_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_C_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property ASYNC_REG (boolean (true)))
+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename SpCntReadbackDsGen_17__SpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx "SpCntReadbackDsGen[17].SpCntReadbackDs/DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex/oSigx/Gen0.FDCEx") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_CLR_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_C_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property ASYNC_REG (boolean (true)))
+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename SpCntReadbackDsGen_18__SpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx "SpCntReadbackDsGen[18].SpCntReadbackDs/DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex/oSig_msx/Gen0.FDCEx") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_CLR_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_C_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property ASYNC_REG (boolean (true)))
+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename SpCntReadbackDsGen_18__SpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx "SpCntReadbackDsGen[18].SpCntReadbackDs/DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex/oSigx/Gen0.FDCEx") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_CLR_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_C_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property ASYNC_REG (boolean (true)))
+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename SpCntReadbackDsGen_19__SpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx "SpCntReadbackDsGen[19].SpCntReadbackDs/DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex/oSig_msx/Gen0.FDCEx") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_CLR_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_C_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property ASYNC_REG (boolean (true)))
+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename SpCntReadbackDsGen_19__SpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx "SpCntReadbackDsGen[19].SpCntReadbackDs/DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex/oSigx/Gen0.FDCEx") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_CLR_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_C_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property ASYNC_REG (boolean (true)))
+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename SpCntReadbackDsGen_1__SpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx "SpCntReadbackDsGen[1].SpCntReadbackDs/DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex/oSig_msx/Gen0.FDCEx") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_CLR_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_C_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property ASYNC_REG (boolean (true)))
+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename SpCntReadbackDsGen_1__SpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx "SpCntReadbackDsGen[1].SpCntReadbackDs/DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex/oSigx/Gen0.FDCEx") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_CLR_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_C_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property ASYNC_REG (boolean (true)))
+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
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+ (property ASYNC_REG (boolean (true)))
+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
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+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
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+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property ASYNC_REG (boolean (true)))
+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
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+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
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+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
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+ (property IS_CLR_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
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+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
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+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
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+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
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+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
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+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
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+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
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+ (property IS_CLR_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
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+ (property ASYNC_REG (boolean (true)))
+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
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+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
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+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
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+ (property IS_CLR_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
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+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
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+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
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+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
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+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
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+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
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+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
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+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
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+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
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+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
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+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
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+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
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+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
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+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
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+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
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+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
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+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
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+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
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+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
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+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
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+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
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+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
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+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
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+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
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+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
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+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
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+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
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+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
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+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
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+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
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+ )
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+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
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+ )
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+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
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+ )
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+ )
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+ )
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+ )
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+ )
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+ )
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+ )
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+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_CLR_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_C_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property ASYNC_REG (boolean (true)))
+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename SpCntReadbackDsGen_9__SpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx "SpCntReadbackDsGen[9].SpCntReadbackDs/DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex/oSigx/Gen0.FDCEx") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_CLR_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_C_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property ASYNC_REG (boolean (true)))
+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename SptCntHs_BlkIn_iDlyPush_reg "SptCntHs/BlkIn.iDlyPush_reg") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename SptCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_0_ "SptCntHs/BlkIn.iLclStoredData_reg[0]") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename SptCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_10_ "SptCntHs/BlkIn.iLclStoredData_reg[10]") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename SptCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_11_ "SptCntHs/BlkIn.iLclStoredData_reg[11]") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename SptCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_12_ "SptCntHs/BlkIn.iLclStoredData_reg[12]") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename SptCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_13_ "SptCntHs/BlkIn.iLclStoredData_reg[13]") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename SptCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_14_ "SptCntHs/BlkIn.iLclStoredData_reg[14]") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename SptCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_15_ "SptCntHs/BlkIn.iLclStoredData_reg[15]") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename SptCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_16_ "SptCntHs/BlkIn.iLclStoredData_reg[16]") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename SptCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_17_ "SptCntHs/BlkIn.iLclStoredData_reg[17]") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename SptCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_18_ "SptCntHs/BlkIn.iLclStoredData_reg[18]") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename SptCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_19_ "SptCntHs/BlkIn.iLclStoredData_reg[19]") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename SptCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_1_ "SptCntHs/BlkIn.iLclStoredData_reg[1]") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename SptCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_20_ "SptCntHs/BlkIn.iLclStoredData_reg[20]") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename SptCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_21_ "SptCntHs/BlkIn.iLclStoredData_reg[21]") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename SptCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_22_ "SptCntHs/BlkIn.iLclStoredData_reg[22]") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename SptCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_23_ "SptCntHs/BlkIn.iLclStoredData_reg[23]") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename SptCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_24_ "SptCntHs/BlkIn.iLclStoredData_reg[24]") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename SptCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_25_ "SptCntHs/BlkIn.iLclStoredData_reg[25]") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename SptCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_26_ "SptCntHs/BlkIn.iLclStoredData_reg[26]") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename SptCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_27_ "SptCntHs/BlkIn.iLclStoredData_reg[27]") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename SptCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_28_ "SptCntHs/BlkIn.iLclStoredData_reg[28]") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename SptCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_29_ "SptCntHs/BlkIn.iLclStoredData_reg[29]") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename SptCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_2_ "SptCntHs/BlkIn.iLclStoredData_reg[2]") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename SptCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_30_ "SptCntHs/BlkIn.iLclStoredData_reg[30]") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename SptCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_31_ "SptCntHs/BlkIn.iLclStoredData_reg[31]") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename SptCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_3_ "SptCntHs/BlkIn.iLclStoredData_reg[3]") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename SptCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_4_ "SptCntHs/BlkIn.iLclStoredData_reg[4]") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename SptCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_5_ "SptCntHs/BlkIn.iLclStoredData_reg[5]") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename SptCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_6_ "SptCntHs/BlkIn.iLclStoredData_reg[6]") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename SptCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_7_ "SptCntHs/BlkIn.iLclStoredData_reg[7]") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename SptCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_8_ "SptCntHs/BlkIn.iLclStoredData_reg[8]") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename SptCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_9_ "SptCntHs/BlkIn.iLclStoredData_reg[9]") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename SptCntHs_BlkIn_iPushTogglex_Gen0_FDCEx "SptCntHs/BlkIn.iPushTogglex/Gen0.FDCEx") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_CLR_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_C_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename SptCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_0__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx "SptCntHs/BlkOut.ODataFlop/GenFlops[0].DFlopx/Gen0.FDCEx") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_CLR_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_C_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename SptCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_10__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx "SptCntHs/BlkOut.ODataFlop/GenFlops[10].DFlopx/Gen0.FDCEx") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_CLR_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_C_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename SptCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_11__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx "SptCntHs/BlkOut.ODataFlop/GenFlops[11].DFlopx/Gen0.FDCEx") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_CLR_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_C_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename SptCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_12__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx "SptCntHs/BlkOut.ODataFlop/GenFlops[12].DFlopx/Gen0.FDCEx") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_CLR_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_C_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename SptCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_13__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx "SptCntHs/BlkOut.ODataFlop/GenFlops[13].DFlopx/Gen0.FDCEx") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_CLR_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_C_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename SptCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_14__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx "SptCntHs/BlkOut.ODataFlop/GenFlops[14].DFlopx/Gen0.FDCEx") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_CLR_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_C_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename SptCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_15__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx "SptCntHs/BlkOut.ODataFlop/GenFlops[15].DFlopx/Gen0.FDCEx") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_CLR_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_C_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename SptCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_16__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx "SptCntHs/BlkOut.ODataFlop/GenFlops[16].DFlopx/Gen0.FDCEx") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_CLR_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_C_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename SptCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_17__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx "SptCntHs/BlkOut.ODataFlop/GenFlops[17].DFlopx/Gen0.FDCEx") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_CLR_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_C_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename SptCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_18__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx "SptCntHs/BlkOut.ODataFlop/GenFlops[18].DFlopx/Gen0.FDCEx") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_CLR_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_C_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename SptCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_19__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx "SptCntHs/BlkOut.ODataFlop/GenFlops[19].DFlopx/Gen0.FDCEx") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_CLR_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_C_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename SptCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_1__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx "SptCntHs/BlkOut.ODataFlop/GenFlops[1].DFlopx/Gen0.FDCEx") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_CLR_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_C_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename SptCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_20__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx "SptCntHs/BlkOut.ODataFlop/GenFlops[20].DFlopx/Gen0.FDCEx") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_CLR_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_C_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename SptCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_21__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx "SptCntHs/BlkOut.ODataFlop/GenFlops[21].DFlopx/Gen0.FDCEx") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_CLR_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_C_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename SptCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_22__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx "SptCntHs/BlkOut.ODataFlop/GenFlops[22].DFlopx/Gen0.FDCEx") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_CLR_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_C_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename SptCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_23__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx "SptCntHs/BlkOut.ODataFlop/GenFlops[23].DFlopx/Gen0.FDCEx") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_CLR_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_C_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename SptCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_24__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx "SptCntHs/BlkOut.ODataFlop/GenFlops[24].DFlopx/Gen0.FDCEx") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_CLR_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_C_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename SptCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_25__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx "SptCntHs/BlkOut.ODataFlop/GenFlops[25].DFlopx/Gen0.FDCEx") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_CLR_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_C_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename SptCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_26__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx "SptCntHs/BlkOut.ODataFlop/GenFlops[26].DFlopx/Gen0.FDCEx") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_CLR_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_C_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename SptCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_27__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx "SptCntHs/BlkOut.ODataFlop/GenFlops[27].DFlopx/Gen0.FDCEx") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_CLR_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_C_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename SptCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_28__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx "SptCntHs/BlkOut.ODataFlop/GenFlops[28].DFlopx/Gen0.FDCEx") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_CLR_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_C_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename SptCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_29__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx "SptCntHs/BlkOut.ODataFlop/GenFlops[29].DFlopx/Gen0.FDCEx") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_CLR_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_C_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename SptCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_2__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx "SptCntHs/BlkOut.ODataFlop/GenFlops[2].DFlopx/Gen0.FDCEx") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_CLR_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_C_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename SptCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_30__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx "SptCntHs/BlkOut.ODataFlop/GenFlops[30].DFlopx/Gen0.FDCEx") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_CLR_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_C_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename SptCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_3__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx "SptCntHs/BlkOut.ODataFlop/GenFlops[3].DFlopx/Gen0.FDCEx") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_CLR_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_C_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename SptCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_4__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx "SptCntHs/BlkOut.ODataFlop/GenFlops[4].DFlopx/Gen0.FDCEx") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_CLR_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_C_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename SptCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_5__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx "SptCntHs/BlkOut.ODataFlop/GenFlops[5].DFlopx/Gen0.FDCEx") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_CLR_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_C_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename SptCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_6__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx "SptCntHs/BlkOut.ODataFlop/GenFlops[6].DFlopx/Gen0.FDCEx") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_CLR_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_C_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename SptCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_7__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx "SptCntHs/BlkOut.ODataFlop/GenFlops[7].DFlopx/Gen0.FDCEx") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_CLR_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_C_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename SptCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_8__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx "SptCntHs/BlkOut.ODataFlop/GenFlops[8].DFlopx/Gen0.FDCEx") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_CLR_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_C_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename SptCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_9__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx "SptCntHs/BlkOut.ODataFlop/GenFlops[9].DFlopx/Gen0.FDCEx") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_CLR_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_C_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename SptCntHs_BlkOut_oDataValid_reg "SptCntHs/BlkOut.oDataValid_reg") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename SptCntHs_BlkOut_oPushToggle1x_Gen0_FDCEx "SptCntHs/BlkOut.oPushToggle1x/Gen0.FDCEx") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_CLR_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_C_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property ASYNC_REG (boolean (true)))
+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename SptCntHs_BlkOut_oPushToggle2_reg "SptCntHs/BlkOut.oPushToggle2_reg") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename SptCntHs_BlkOut_oPushToggle_msx_Gen0_FDCEx "SptCntHs/BlkOut.oPushToggle_msx/Gen0.FDCEx") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_CLR_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_C_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property ASYNC_REG (boolean (true)))
+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename SptCntReadbackDsGen_0__SptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx "SptCntReadbackDsGen[0].SptCntReadbackDs/DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex/oSig_msx/Gen0.FDCEx") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_CLR_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_C_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property ASYNC_REG (boolean (true)))
+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename SptCntReadbackDsGen_0__SptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx "SptCntReadbackDsGen[0].SptCntReadbackDs/DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex/oSigx/Gen0.FDCEx") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_CLR_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_C_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property ASYNC_REG (boolean (true)))
+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename SptCntReadbackDsGen_10__SptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx "SptCntReadbackDsGen[10].SptCntReadbackDs/DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex/oSig_msx/Gen0.FDCEx") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_CLR_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_C_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property ASYNC_REG (boolean (true)))
+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename SptCntReadbackDsGen_10__SptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx "SptCntReadbackDsGen[10].SptCntReadbackDs/DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex/oSigx/Gen0.FDCEx") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_CLR_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_C_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property ASYNC_REG (boolean (true)))
+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename SptCntReadbackDsGen_11__SptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx "SptCntReadbackDsGen[11].SptCntReadbackDs/DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex/oSig_msx/Gen0.FDCEx") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_CLR_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_C_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property ASYNC_REG (boolean (true)))
+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename SptCntReadbackDsGen_11__SptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx "SptCntReadbackDsGen[11].SptCntReadbackDs/DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex/oSigx/Gen0.FDCEx") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_CLR_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_C_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property ASYNC_REG (boolean (true)))
+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename SptCntReadbackDsGen_12__SptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx "SptCntReadbackDsGen[12].SptCntReadbackDs/DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex/oSig_msx/Gen0.FDCEx") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_CLR_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_C_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property ASYNC_REG (boolean (true)))
+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename SptCntReadbackDsGen_12__SptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx "SptCntReadbackDsGen[12].SptCntReadbackDs/DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex/oSigx/Gen0.FDCEx") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_CLR_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_C_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property ASYNC_REG (boolean (true)))
+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename SptCntReadbackDsGen_13__SptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx "SptCntReadbackDsGen[13].SptCntReadbackDs/DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex/oSig_msx/Gen0.FDCEx") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_CLR_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_C_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property ASYNC_REG (boolean (true)))
+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename SptCntReadbackDsGen_13__SptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx "SptCntReadbackDsGen[13].SptCntReadbackDs/DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex/oSigx/Gen0.FDCEx") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_CLR_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_C_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property ASYNC_REG (boolean (true)))
+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename SptCntReadbackDsGen_14__SptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx "SptCntReadbackDsGen[14].SptCntReadbackDs/DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex/oSig_msx/Gen0.FDCEx") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_CLR_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_C_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property ASYNC_REG (boolean (true)))
+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename SptCntReadbackDsGen_14__SptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx "SptCntReadbackDsGen[14].SptCntReadbackDs/DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex/oSigx/Gen0.FDCEx") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_CLR_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_C_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property ASYNC_REG (boolean (true)))
+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename SptCntReadbackDsGen_15__SptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx "SptCntReadbackDsGen[15].SptCntReadbackDs/DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex/oSig_msx/Gen0.FDCEx") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_CLR_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_C_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property ASYNC_REG (boolean (true)))
+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename SptCntReadbackDsGen_15__SptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx "SptCntReadbackDsGen[15].SptCntReadbackDs/DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex/oSigx/Gen0.FDCEx") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_CLR_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_C_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property ASYNC_REG (boolean (true)))
+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename SptCntReadbackDsGen_16__SptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx "SptCntReadbackDsGen[16].SptCntReadbackDs/DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex/oSig_msx/Gen0.FDCEx") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_CLR_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_C_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property ASYNC_REG (boolean (true)))
+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename SptCntReadbackDsGen_16__SptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx "SptCntReadbackDsGen[16].SptCntReadbackDs/DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex/oSigx/Gen0.FDCEx") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_CLR_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_C_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property ASYNC_REG (boolean (true)))
+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename SptCntReadbackDsGen_17__SptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx "SptCntReadbackDsGen[17].SptCntReadbackDs/DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex/oSig_msx/Gen0.FDCEx") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_CLR_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_C_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property ASYNC_REG (boolean (true)))
+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename SptCntReadbackDsGen_17__SptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx "SptCntReadbackDsGen[17].SptCntReadbackDs/DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex/oSigx/Gen0.FDCEx") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_CLR_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_C_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property ASYNC_REG (boolean (true)))
+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename SptCntReadbackDsGen_18__SptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx "SptCntReadbackDsGen[18].SptCntReadbackDs/DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex/oSig_msx/Gen0.FDCEx") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_CLR_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_C_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property ASYNC_REG (boolean (true)))
+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename SptCntReadbackDsGen_18__SptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx "SptCntReadbackDsGen[18].SptCntReadbackDs/DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex/oSigx/Gen0.FDCEx") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_CLR_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_C_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property ASYNC_REG (boolean (true)))
+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename SptCntReadbackDsGen_19__SptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx "SptCntReadbackDsGen[19].SptCntReadbackDs/DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex/oSig_msx/Gen0.FDCEx") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_CLR_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_C_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property ASYNC_REG (boolean (true)))
+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename SptCntReadbackDsGen_19__SptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx "SptCntReadbackDsGen[19].SptCntReadbackDs/DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex/oSigx/Gen0.FDCEx") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_CLR_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_C_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property ASYNC_REG (boolean (true)))
+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename SptCntReadbackDsGen_1__SptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx "SptCntReadbackDsGen[1].SptCntReadbackDs/DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex/oSig_msx/Gen0.FDCEx") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_CLR_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_C_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property ASYNC_REG (boolean (true)))
+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename SptCntReadbackDsGen_1__SptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx "SptCntReadbackDsGen[1].SptCntReadbackDs/DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex/oSigx/Gen0.FDCEx") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_CLR_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_C_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property ASYNC_REG (boolean (true)))
+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename SptCntReadbackDsGen_20__SptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx "SptCntReadbackDsGen[20].SptCntReadbackDs/DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex/oSig_msx/Gen0.FDCEx") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_CLR_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_C_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property ASYNC_REG (boolean (true)))
+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename SptCntReadbackDsGen_20__SptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx "SptCntReadbackDsGen[20].SptCntReadbackDs/DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex/oSigx/Gen0.FDCEx") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_CLR_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_C_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property ASYNC_REG (boolean (true)))
+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename SptCntReadbackDsGen_21__SptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx "SptCntReadbackDsGen[21].SptCntReadbackDs/DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex/oSig_msx/Gen0.FDCEx") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_CLR_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_C_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property ASYNC_REG (boolean (true)))
+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename SptCntReadbackDsGen_21__SptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx "SptCntReadbackDsGen[21].SptCntReadbackDs/DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex/oSigx/Gen0.FDCEx") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_CLR_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_C_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property ASYNC_REG (boolean (true)))
+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename SptCntReadbackDsGen_22__SptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx "SptCntReadbackDsGen[22].SptCntReadbackDs/DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex/oSig_msx/Gen0.FDCEx") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_CLR_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_C_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property ASYNC_REG (boolean (true)))
+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename SptCntReadbackDsGen_22__SptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx "SptCntReadbackDsGen[22].SptCntReadbackDs/DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex/oSigx/Gen0.FDCEx") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_CLR_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_C_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property ASYNC_REG (boolean (true)))
+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename SptCntReadbackDsGen_23__SptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx "SptCntReadbackDsGen[23].SptCntReadbackDs/DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex/oSig_msx/Gen0.FDCEx") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_CLR_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_C_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property ASYNC_REG (boolean (true)))
+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename SptCntReadbackDsGen_23__SptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx "SptCntReadbackDsGen[23].SptCntReadbackDs/DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex/oSigx/Gen0.FDCEx") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_CLR_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_C_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property ASYNC_REG (boolean (true)))
+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename SptCntReadbackDsGen_24__SptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx "SptCntReadbackDsGen[24].SptCntReadbackDs/DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex/oSig_msx/Gen0.FDCEx") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_CLR_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_C_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property ASYNC_REG (boolean (true)))
+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename SptCntReadbackDsGen_24__SptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx "SptCntReadbackDsGen[24].SptCntReadbackDs/DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex/oSigx/Gen0.FDCEx") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_CLR_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_C_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property ASYNC_REG (boolean (true)))
+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename SptCntReadbackDsGen_25__SptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx "SptCntReadbackDsGen[25].SptCntReadbackDs/DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex/oSig_msx/Gen0.FDCEx") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_CLR_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_C_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property ASYNC_REG (boolean (true)))
+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename SptCntReadbackDsGen_25__SptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx "SptCntReadbackDsGen[25].SptCntReadbackDs/DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex/oSigx/Gen0.FDCEx") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_CLR_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_C_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property ASYNC_REG (boolean (true)))
+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename SptCntReadbackDsGen_26__SptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx "SptCntReadbackDsGen[26].SptCntReadbackDs/DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex/oSig_msx/Gen0.FDCEx") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_CLR_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_C_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property ASYNC_REG (boolean (true)))
+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename SptCntReadbackDsGen_26__SptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx "SptCntReadbackDsGen[26].SptCntReadbackDs/DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex/oSigx/Gen0.FDCEx") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_CLR_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_C_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property ASYNC_REG (boolean (true)))
+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename SptCntReadbackDsGen_27__SptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx "SptCntReadbackDsGen[27].SptCntReadbackDs/DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex/oSig_msx/Gen0.FDCEx") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_CLR_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_C_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property ASYNC_REG (boolean (true)))
+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename SptCntReadbackDsGen_27__SptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx "SptCntReadbackDsGen[27].SptCntReadbackDs/DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex/oSigx/Gen0.FDCEx") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_CLR_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_C_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property ASYNC_REG (boolean (true)))
+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename SptCntReadbackDsGen_28__SptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx "SptCntReadbackDsGen[28].SptCntReadbackDs/DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex/oSig_msx/Gen0.FDCEx") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_CLR_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_C_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property ASYNC_REG (boolean (true)))
+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename SptCntReadbackDsGen_28__SptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx "SptCntReadbackDsGen[28].SptCntReadbackDs/DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex/oSigx/Gen0.FDCEx") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_CLR_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_C_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property ASYNC_REG (boolean (true)))
+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename SptCntReadbackDsGen_29__SptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx "SptCntReadbackDsGen[29].SptCntReadbackDs/DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex/oSig_msx/Gen0.FDCEx") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_CLR_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_C_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property ASYNC_REG (boolean (true)))
+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename SptCntReadbackDsGen_29__SptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx "SptCntReadbackDsGen[29].SptCntReadbackDs/DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex/oSigx/Gen0.FDCEx") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_CLR_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_C_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property ASYNC_REG (boolean (true)))
+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename SptCntReadbackDsGen_2__SptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx "SptCntReadbackDsGen[2].SptCntReadbackDs/DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex/oSig_msx/Gen0.FDCEx") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_CLR_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_C_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property ASYNC_REG (boolean (true)))
+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename SptCntReadbackDsGen_2__SptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx "SptCntReadbackDsGen[2].SptCntReadbackDs/DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex/oSigx/Gen0.FDCEx") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_CLR_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_C_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property ASYNC_REG (boolean (true)))
+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename SptCntReadbackDsGen_30__SptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx "SptCntReadbackDsGen[30].SptCntReadbackDs/DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex/oSig_msx/Gen0.FDCEx") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_CLR_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_C_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property ASYNC_REG (boolean (true)))
+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename SptCntReadbackDsGen_30__SptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx "SptCntReadbackDsGen[30].SptCntReadbackDs/DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex/oSigx/Gen0.FDCEx") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_CLR_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_C_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property ASYNC_REG (boolean (true)))
+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename SptCntReadbackDsGen_31__SptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx "SptCntReadbackDsGen[31].SptCntReadbackDs/DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex/oSig_msx/Gen0.FDCEx") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_CLR_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_C_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property ASYNC_REG (boolean (true)))
+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename SptCntReadbackDsGen_31__SptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx "SptCntReadbackDsGen[31].SptCntReadbackDs/DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex/oSigx/Gen0.FDCEx") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_CLR_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_C_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property ASYNC_REG (boolean (true)))
+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename SptCntReadbackDsGen_3__SptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx "SptCntReadbackDsGen[3].SptCntReadbackDs/DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex/oSig_msx/Gen0.FDCEx") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_CLR_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_C_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property ASYNC_REG (boolean (true)))
+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename SptCntReadbackDsGen_3__SptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx "SptCntReadbackDsGen[3].SptCntReadbackDs/DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex/oSigx/Gen0.FDCEx") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_CLR_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_C_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property ASYNC_REG (boolean (true)))
+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename SptCntReadbackDsGen_4__SptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx "SptCntReadbackDsGen[4].SptCntReadbackDs/DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex/oSig_msx/Gen0.FDCEx") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_CLR_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_C_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property ASYNC_REG (boolean (true)))
+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename SptCntReadbackDsGen_4__SptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx "SptCntReadbackDsGen[4].SptCntReadbackDs/DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex/oSigx/Gen0.FDCEx") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_CLR_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_C_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property ASYNC_REG (boolean (true)))
+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename SptCntReadbackDsGen_5__SptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx "SptCntReadbackDsGen[5].SptCntReadbackDs/DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex/oSig_msx/Gen0.FDCEx") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_CLR_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_C_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property ASYNC_REG (boolean (true)))
+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename SptCntReadbackDsGen_5__SptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx "SptCntReadbackDsGen[5].SptCntReadbackDs/DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex/oSigx/Gen0.FDCEx") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_CLR_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_C_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property ASYNC_REG (boolean (true)))
+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename SptCntReadbackDsGen_6__SptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx "SptCntReadbackDsGen[6].SptCntReadbackDs/DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex/oSig_msx/Gen0.FDCEx") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_CLR_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_C_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property ASYNC_REG (boolean (true)))
+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename SptCntReadbackDsGen_6__SptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx "SptCntReadbackDsGen[6].SptCntReadbackDs/DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex/oSigx/Gen0.FDCEx") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_CLR_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_C_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property ASYNC_REG (boolean (true)))
+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename SptCntReadbackDsGen_7__SptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx "SptCntReadbackDsGen[7].SptCntReadbackDs/DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex/oSig_msx/Gen0.FDCEx") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_CLR_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_C_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property ASYNC_REG (boolean (true)))
+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename SptCntReadbackDsGen_7__SptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx "SptCntReadbackDsGen[7].SptCntReadbackDs/DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex/oSigx/Gen0.FDCEx") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_CLR_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_C_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property ASYNC_REG (boolean (true)))
+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename SptCntReadbackDsGen_8__SptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx "SptCntReadbackDsGen[8].SptCntReadbackDs/DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex/oSig_msx/Gen0.FDCEx") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_CLR_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_C_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property ASYNC_REG (boolean (true)))
+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename SptCntReadbackDsGen_8__SptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx "SptCntReadbackDsGen[8].SptCntReadbackDs/DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex/oSigx/Gen0.FDCEx") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_CLR_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_C_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property ASYNC_REG (boolean (true)))
+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename SptCntReadbackDsGen_9__SptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx "SptCntReadbackDsGen[9].SptCntReadbackDs/DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex/oSig_msx/Gen0.FDCEx") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_CLR_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_C_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property ASYNC_REG (boolean (true)))
+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename SptCntReadbackDsGen_9__SptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx "SptCntReadbackDsGen[9].SptCntReadbackDs/DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex/oSigx/Gen0.FDCEx") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_CLR_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_C_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property IS_D_INVERTED (string "1'b0"))
+ (property ASYNC_REG (boolean (true)))
+ (property box_type (string "PRIMITIVE"))
+ )
+ (instance VCC (viewref netlist (cellref VCC (libraryref hdi_primitives))))
+ (instance aTdcResetLcl_i_1 (viewref netlist (cellref LUT4 (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "16'hBF80"))
+ )
+ (instance aTdcResetLcl_i_2 (viewref netlist (cellref LUT6 (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "64'h0200000000000000"))
+ )
+ (instance aTdcResetLcl_i_3 (viewref netlist (cellref LUT5 (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "32'h00001000"))
+ (property SOFT_HLUTNM (string "soft_lutpair2"))
+ )
+ (instance aTdcResetLcl_i_4 (viewref netlist (cellref LUT4 (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "16'h0001"))
+ )
+ (instance aTdcResetLcl_i_5 (viewref netlist (cellref LUT4 (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "16'h0001"))
+ )
+ (instance aTdcResetLcl_reg (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ (property ORIG_CELL_NAME (string "aTdcResetLcl_reg"))
+ )
+ (instance aTdcResetLcl_reg_rep (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ (property ORIG_CELL_NAME (string "aTdcResetLcl_reg"))
+ )
+ (instance aTdcResetLcl_reg_rep__0 (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ (property ORIG_CELL_NAME (string "aTdcResetLcl_reg"))
+ )
+ (instance aTdcResetLcl_reg_rep__1 (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ (property ORIG_CELL_NAME (string "aTdcResetLcl_reg"))
+ )
+ (instance aTdcResetLcl_reg_rep__2 (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ (property ORIG_CELL_NAME (string "aTdcResetLcl_reg"))
+ )
+ (instance aTdcResetLcl_reg_rep__3 (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ (property ORIG_CELL_NAME (string "aTdcResetLcl_reg"))
+ )
+ (instance aTdcResetLcl_rep_i_1 (viewref netlist (cellref LUT4 (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "16'hBF80"))
+ )
+ (instance aTdcResetLcl_rep_i_1__0 (viewref netlist (cellref LUT4 (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "16'hBF80"))
+ )
+ (instance aTdcResetLcl_rep_i_1__1 (viewref netlist (cellref LUT4 (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "16'hBF80"))
+ )
+ (instance aTdcResetLcl_rep_i_1__2 (viewref netlist (cellref LUT4 (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "16'hBF80"))
+ )
+ (instance aTdcResetLcl_rep_i_1__3 (viewref netlist (cellref LUT4 (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "16'hBF80"))
+ )
+ (instance bClearTdcRegs_i_1 (viewref netlist (cellref LUT5 (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "32'h00000080"))
+ (property SOFT_HLUTNM (string "soft_lutpair1"))
+ )
+ (instance bClearTdcRegs_i_2 (viewref netlist (cellref LUT6 (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "64'h0000000000000080"))
+ )
+ (instance bClearTdcRegs_i_3 (viewref netlist (cellref LUT2 (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "4'h2"))
+ (property SOFT_HLUTNM (string "soft_lutpair22"))
+ )
+ (instance bClearTdcRegs_reg (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ )
+ (instance bEnableTdc_i_1 (viewref netlist (cellref LUT6 (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "64'h1101111111000000"))
+ )
+ (instance bEnableTdc_reg (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ )
+ (instance bOffsetUpdated_i_1 (viewref netlist (cellref LUT5 (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "32'h05030500"))
+ )
+ (instance bOffsetUpdated_reg (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename bPpsClkCrossDelayVal_0__i_1 "bPpsClkCrossDelayVal[0]_i_1") (viewref netlist (cellref LUT3 (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "8'h02"))
+ (property SOFT_HLUTNM (string "soft_lutpair8"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename bPpsClkCrossDelayVal_1__i_1 "bPpsClkCrossDelayVal[1]_i_1") (viewref netlist (cellref LUT3 (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "8'h02"))
+ (property SOFT_HLUTNM (string "soft_lutpair7"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename bPpsClkCrossDelayVal_2__i_1 "bPpsClkCrossDelayVal[2]_i_1") (viewref netlist (cellref LUT3 (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "8'h02"))
+ (property SOFT_HLUTNM (string "soft_lutpair10"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename bPpsClkCrossDelayVal_3__i_1 "bPpsClkCrossDelayVal[3]_i_1") (viewref netlist (cellref LUT4 (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "16'hFFF8"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename bPpsClkCrossDelayVal_3__i_2 "bPpsClkCrossDelayVal[3]_i_2") (viewref netlist (cellref LUT3 (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "8'h02"))
+ (property SOFT_HLUTNM (string "soft_lutpair19"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename bPpsClkCrossDelayVal_3__i_3 "bPpsClkCrossDelayVal[3]_i_3") (viewref netlist (cellref LUT6 (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "64'h0000000000000100"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename bPpsClkCrossDelayVal_reg_0_ "bPpsClkCrossDelayVal_reg[0]") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename bPpsClkCrossDelayVal_reg_1_ "bPpsClkCrossDelayVal_reg[1]") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename bPpsClkCrossDelayVal_reg_2_ "bPpsClkCrossDelayVal_reg[2]") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename bPpsClkCrossDelayVal_reg_3_ "bPpsClkCrossDelayVal_reg[3]") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ )
+ (instance bPpsClkCrossEn_i_1 (viewref netlist (cellref LUT6 (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "64'h1101111111000000"))
+ )
+ (instance bPpsClkCrossEn_reg (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename bPulserEnableDelayVal_0__i_1 "bPulserEnableDelayVal[0]_i_1") (viewref netlist (cellref LUT3 (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "8'hFE"))
+ (property SOFT_HLUTNM (string "soft_lutpair8"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename bPulserEnableDelayVal_1__i_1 "bPulserEnableDelayVal[1]_i_1") (viewref netlist (cellref LUT3 (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "8'h02"))
+ (property SOFT_HLUTNM (string "soft_lutpair29"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename bPulserEnableDelayVal_2__i_1 "bPulserEnableDelayVal[2]_i_1") (viewref netlist (cellref LUT3 (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "8'h02"))
+ (property SOFT_HLUTNM (string "soft_lutpair9"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename bPulserEnableDelayVal_3__i_1 "bPulserEnableDelayVal[3]_i_1") (viewref netlist (cellref LUT4 (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "16'hFFF8"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename bPulserEnableDelayVal_3__i_2 "bPulserEnableDelayVal[3]_i_2") (viewref netlist (cellref LUT3 (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "8'h02"))
+ (property SOFT_HLUTNM (string "soft_lutpair6"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename bPulserEnableDelayVal_reg_0_ "bPulserEnableDelayVal_reg[0]") (viewref netlist (cellref FDPE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b1"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename bPulserEnableDelayVal_reg_1_ "bPulserEnableDelayVal_reg[1]") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename bPulserEnableDelayVal_reg_2_ "bPulserEnableDelayVal_reg[2]") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename bPulserEnableDelayVal_reg_3_ "bPulserEnableDelayVal_reg[3]") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ )
+ (instance bPushPpsDelayVal_i_1 (viewref netlist (cellref LUT6 (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "64'h0080000000000000"))
+ )
+ (instance bPushPpsDelayVal_i_2 (viewref netlist (cellref LUT3 (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "8'h01"))
+ (property SOFT_HLUTNM (string "soft_lutpair0"))
+ )
+ (instance bPushPpsDelayVal_i_3 (viewref netlist (cellref LUT2 (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "4'h2"))
+ (property SOFT_HLUTNM (string "soft_lutpair27"))
+ )
+ (instance bPushPpsDelayVal_i_4 (viewref netlist (cellref LUT2 (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "4'h1"))
+ (property SOFT_HLUTNM (string "soft_lutpair25"))
+ )
+ (instance bPushPpsDelayVal_reg (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ )
+ (instance bPushPulserEnableDelayVal_i_1 (viewref netlist (cellref LUT6 (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "64'h0080000000000000"))
+ )
+ (instance bPushPulserEnableDelayVal_reg (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ )
+ (instance bReRunEnable_i_1 (viewref netlist (cellref LUT6 (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "64'h1101111111000000"))
+ )
+ (instance bReRunEnable_reg (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename bRegPortOutLcl_Data__0__i_1 "bRegPortOutLcl[Data][0]_i_1") (viewref netlist (cellref LUT5 (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "32'hFFFFFFFE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename bRegPortOutLcl_Data__0__i_2 "bRegPortOutLcl[Data][0]_i_2") (viewref netlist (cellref LUT6 (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "64'hFFFFF888F888F888"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename bRegPortOutLcl_Data__0__i_3 "bRegPortOutLcl[Data][0]_i_3") (viewref netlist (cellref LUT6 (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "64'hFFFFF888F888F888"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename bRegPortOutLcl_Data__0__i_4 "bRegPortOutLcl[Data][0]_i_4") (viewref netlist (cellref LUT6 (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "64'hFFFFF888F888F888"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename bRegPortOutLcl_Data__0__i_5 "bRegPortOutLcl[Data][0]_i_5") (viewref netlist (cellref LUT6 (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "64'hAAAAFAAAAAAAEEAA"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename bRegPortOutLcl_Data__0__i_6 "bRegPortOutLcl[Data][0]_i_6") (viewref netlist (cellref LUT4 (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "16'hF888"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename bRegPortOutLcl_Data__0__i_7 "bRegPortOutLcl[Data][0]_i_7") (viewref netlist (cellref LUT6 (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "64'h0000000000002000"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename bRegPortOutLcl_Data__10__i_1 "bRegPortOutLcl[Data][10]_i_1") (viewref netlist (cellref LUT6 (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "64'hFFFFFFFFFFFEFEFE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename bRegPortOutLcl_Data__10__i_2 "bRegPortOutLcl[Data][10]_i_2") (viewref netlist (cellref LUT6 (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "64'hFFFFF888F888F888"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename bRegPortOutLcl_Data__10__i_3 "bRegPortOutLcl[Data][10]_i_3") (viewref netlist (cellref LUT6 (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "64'h88F8888888888888"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename bRegPortOutLcl_Data__10__i_4 "bRegPortOutLcl[Data][10]_i_4") (viewref netlist (cellref LUT6 (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "64'hFFFFF888F888F888"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename bRegPortOutLcl_Data__11__i_1 "bRegPortOutLcl[Data][11]_i_1") (viewref netlist (cellref LUT4 (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "16'hFFFE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename bRegPortOutLcl_Data__11__i_2 "bRegPortOutLcl[Data][11]_i_2") (viewref netlist (cellref LUT6 (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "64'hFFFFF888F888F888"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename bRegPortOutLcl_Data__11__i_3 "bRegPortOutLcl[Data][11]_i_3") (viewref netlist (cellref LUT6 (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "64'hFFFFF888F888F888"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename bRegPortOutLcl_Data__11__i_4 "bRegPortOutLcl[Data][11]_i_4") (viewref netlist (cellref LUT6 (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "64'hFFFFF888F888F888"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename bRegPortOutLcl_Data__12__i_1 "bRegPortOutLcl[Data][12]_i_1") (viewref netlist (cellref LUT6 (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "64'hFFFFFFFFFFFFFFEA"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename bRegPortOutLcl_Data__12__i_2 "bRegPortOutLcl[Data][12]_i_2") (viewref netlist (cellref LUT6 (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "64'hFFFFF888F888F888"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename bRegPortOutLcl_Data__12__i_3 "bRegPortOutLcl[Data][12]_i_3") (viewref netlist (cellref LUT6 (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "64'hFFFFF888F888F888"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename bRegPortOutLcl_Data__12__i_4 "bRegPortOutLcl[Data][12]_i_4") (viewref netlist (cellref LUT6 (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "64'hFFFFF888F888F888"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename bRegPortOutLcl_Data__13__i_1 "bRegPortOutLcl[Data][13]_i_1") (viewref netlist (cellref LUT6 (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "64'hFFFFFFFFFFFFFBAA"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename bRegPortOutLcl_Data__13__i_2 "bRegPortOutLcl[Data][13]_i_2") (viewref netlist (cellref LUT6 (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "64'hFFFFF888F888F888"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename bRegPortOutLcl_Data__13__i_3 "bRegPortOutLcl[Data][13]_i_3") (viewref netlist (cellref LUT6 (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "64'hFFFFF888F888F888"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename bRegPortOutLcl_Data__13__i_4 "bRegPortOutLcl[Data][13]_i_4") (viewref netlist (cellref LUT6 (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "64'hFFFFF888F888F888"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename bRegPortOutLcl_Data__14__i_1 "bRegPortOutLcl[Data][14]_i_1") (viewref netlist (cellref LUT4 (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "16'hFFFE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename bRegPortOutLcl_Data__14__i_2 "bRegPortOutLcl[Data][14]_i_2") (viewref netlist (cellref LUT6 (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "64'hFFFFF888F888F888"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename bRegPortOutLcl_Data__14__i_3 "bRegPortOutLcl[Data][14]_i_3") (viewref netlist (cellref LUT6 (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "64'hFFFFF888F888F888"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename bRegPortOutLcl_Data__14__i_4 "bRegPortOutLcl[Data][14]_i_4") (viewref netlist (cellref LUT6 (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "64'hFFFFF888F888F888"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename bRegPortOutLcl_Data__15__i_1 "bRegPortOutLcl[Data][15]_i_1") (viewref netlist (cellref LUT3 (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "8'hFE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename bRegPortOutLcl_Data__15__i_2 "bRegPortOutLcl[Data][15]_i_2") (viewref netlist (cellref LUT6 (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "64'hFFFFF888F888F888"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename bRegPortOutLcl_Data__15__i_3 "bRegPortOutLcl[Data][15]_i_3") (viewref netlist (cellref LUT6 (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "64'hFFFFF888F888F888"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename bRegPortOutLcl_Data__15__i_4 "bRegPortOutLcl[Data][15]_i_4") (viewref netlist (cellref LUT6 (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "64'hFFFFF888F888F888"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename bRegPortOutLcl_Data__16__i_1 "bRegPortOutLcl[Data][16]_i_1") (viewref netlist (cellref LUT6 (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "64'hFFFFFFFFFFFFFEEE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename bRegPortOutLcl_Data__16__i_2 "bRegPortOutLcl[Data][16]_i_2") (viewref netlist (cellref LUT6 (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "64'hFFFFF888F888F888"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename bRegPortOutLcl_Data__16__i_3 "bRegPortOutLcl[Data][16]_i_3") (viewref netlist (cellref LUT6 (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "64'hFFFF002000200020"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename bRegPortOutLcl_Data__16__i_4 "bRegPortOutLcl[Data][16]_i_4") (viewref netlist (cellref LUT6 (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "64'hF080008000000000"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename bRegPortOutLcl_Data__16__i_5 "bRegPortOutLcl[Data][16]_i_5") (viewref netlist (cellref LUT6 (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "64'hFFFFF888F888F888"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename bRegPortOutLcl_Data__17__i_1 "bRegPortOutLcl[Data][17]_i_1") (viewref netlist (cellref LUT6 (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "64'hFFFFFFFFFFFFFFEA"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename bRegPortOutLcl_Data__17__i_2 "bRegPortOutLcl[Data][17]_i_2") (viewref netlist (cellref LUT6 (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "64'hFFFFF888F888F888"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename bRegPortOutLcl_Data__17__i_3 "bRegPortOutLcl[Data][17]_i_3") (viewref netlist (cellref LUT6 (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "64'hFFFFF888F888F888"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename bRegPortOutLcl_Data__17__i_4 "bRegPortOutLcl[Data][17]_i_4") (viewref netlist (cellref LUT6 (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "64'hFFFFF888F888F888"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename bRegPortOutLcl_Data__18__i_1 "bRegPortOutLcl[Data][18]_i_1") (viewref netlist (cellref LUT5 (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "32'hFFFFFFEA"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename bRegPortOutLcl_Data__18__i_2 "bRegPortOutLcl[Data][18]_i_2") (viewref netlist (cellref LUT6 (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "64'hFFFFF888F888F888"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename bRegPortOutLcl_Data__18__i_3 "bRegPortOutLcl[Data][18]_i_3") (viewref netlist (cellref LUT6 (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "64'hFFFFF888F888F888"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename bRegPortOutLcl_Data__18__i_4 "bRegPortOutLcl[Data][18]_i_4") (viewref netlist (cellref LUT6 (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "64'hFFFFF888F888F888"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename bRegPortOutLcl_Data__19__i_1 "bRegPortOutLcl[Data][19]_i_1") (viewref netlist (cellref LUT6 (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "64'hFFFFFFFFFFFFFEAA"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename bRegPortOutLcl_Data__19__i_2 "bRegPortOutLcl[Data][19]_i_2") (viewref netlist (cellref LUT6 (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "64'hFFFFF888F888F888"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename bRegPortOutLcl_Data__19__i_3 "bRegPortOutLcl[Data][19]_i_3") (viewref netlist (cellref LUT6 (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "64'hFFFFF888F888F888"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename bRegPortOutLcl_Data__19__i_4 "bRegPortOutLcl[Data][19]_i_4") (viewref netlist (cellref LUT6 (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "64'hFFFFF888F888F888"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename bRegPortOutLcl_Data__1__i_1 "bRegPortOutLcl[Data][1]_i_1") (viewref netlist (cellref LUT5 (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "32'hFFFFFFFE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename bRegPortOutLcl_Data__1__i_2 "bRegPortOutLcl[Data][1]_i_2") (viewref netlist (cellref LUT6 (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "64'hFFFF88F888F888F8"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename bRegPortOutLcl_Data__1__i_3 "bRegPortOutLcl[Data][1]_i_3") (viewref netlist (cellref LUT6 (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "64'hFFFFF888F888F888"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename bRegPortOutLcl_Data__1__i_4 "bRegPortOutLcl[Data][1]_i_4") (viewref netlist (cellref LUT6 (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "64'hFFFFF888F888F888"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename bRegPortOutLcl_Data__1__i_5 "bRegPortOutLcl[Data][1]_i_5") (viewref netlist (cellref LUT6 (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "64'hFFFFF888F888F888"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename bRegPortOutLcl_Data__20__i_1 "bRegPortOutLcl[Data][20]_i_1") (viewref netlist (cellref LUT4 (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "16'hFFFE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename bRegPortOutLcl_Data__20__i_2 "bRegPortOutLcl[Data][20]_i_2") (viewref netlist (cellref LUT6 (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "64'hFFFFF888F888F888"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename bRegPortOutLcl_Data__20__i_3 "bRegPortOutLcl[Data][20]_i_3") (viewref netlist (cellref LUT6 (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "64'hFFFFF888F888F888"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename bRegPortOutLcl_Data__20__i_4 "bRegPortOutLcl[Data][20]_i_4") (viewref netlist (cellref LUT6 (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "64'hFFFFF888F888F888"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename bRegPortOutLcl_Data__21__i_1 "bRegPortOutLcl[Data][21]_i_1") (viewref netlist (cellref LUT4 (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "16'hFFFE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename bRegPortOutLcl_Data__21__i_2 "bRegPortOutLcl[Data][21]_i_2") (viewref netlist (cellref LUT6 (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "64'hFFFFF888F888F888"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename bRegPortOutLcl_Data__21__i_3 "bRegPortOutLcl[Data][21]_i_3") (viewref netlist (cellref LUT6 (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "64'hFFFFF888F888F888"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename bRegPortOutLcl_Data__21__i_4 "bRegPortOutLcl[Data][21]_i_4") (viewref netlist (cellref LUT6 (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "64'hFFFFF888F888F888"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename bRegPortOutLcl_Data__22__i_1 "bRegPortOutLcl[Data][22]_i_1") (viewref netlist (cellref LUT4 (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "16'hFFFE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename bRegPortOutLcl_Data__22__i_2 "bRegPortOutLcl[Data][22]_i_2") (viewref netlist (cellref LUT6 (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "64'hFFFFF888F888F888"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename bRegPortOutLcl_Data__22__i_3 "bRegPortOutLcl[Data][22]_i_3") (viewref netlist (cellref LUT6 (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "64'hFFFFF888F888F888"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename bRegPortOutLcl_Data__22__i_4 "bRegPortOutLcl[Data][22]_i_4") (viewref netlist (cellref LUT6 (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "64'hFFFFF888F888F888"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename bRegPortOutLcl_Data__23__i_1 "bRegPortOutLcl[Data][23]_i_1") (viewref netlist (cellref LUT3 (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "8'hFE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename bRegPortOutLcl_Data__23__i_2 "bRegPortOutLcl[Data][23]_i_2") (viewref netlist (cellref LUT6 (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "64'hFFFFF888F888F888"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename bRegPortOutLcl_Data__23__i_3 "bRegPortOutLcl[Data][23]_i_3") (viewref netlist (cellref LUT6 (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "64'hFFFFF888F888F888"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename bRegPortOutLcl_Data__23__i_4 "bRegPortOutLcl[Data][23]_i_4") (viewref netlist (cellref LUT6 (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "64'hFFFFF888F888F888"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename bRegPortOutLcl_Data__24__i_1 "bRegPortOutLcl[Data][24]_i_1") (viewref netlist (cellref LUT6 (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "64'hFFFFFFFFFFFFFEAA"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename bRegPortOutLcl_Data__24__i_2 "bRegPortOutLcl[Data][24]_i_2") (viewref netlist (cellref LUT6 (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "64'hFFFFF888F888F888"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename bRegPortOutLcl_Data__24__i_3 "bRegPortOutLcl[Data][24]_i_3") (viewref netlist (cellref LUT6 (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "64'hFFFFF888F888F888"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename bRegPortOutLcl_Data__24__i_4 "bRegPortOutLcl[Data][24]_i_4") (viewref netlist (cellref LUT6 (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "64'hFFFFF888F888F888"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename bRegPortOutLcl_Data__25__i_1 "bRegPortOutLcl[Data][25]_i_1") (viewref netlist (cellref LUT6 (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "64'hFFFFFFFFFFFFFEAA"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename bRegPortOutLcl_Data__25__i_2 "bRegPortOutLcl[Data][25]_i_2") (viewref netlist (cellref LUT6 (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "64'hFFFFF888F888F888"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename bRegPortOutLcl_Data__25__i_3 "bRegPortOutLcl[Data][25]_i_3") (viewref netlist (cellref LUT6 (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "64'h0000100000000000"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename bRegPortOutLcl_Data__25__i_4 "bRegPortOutLcl[Data][25]_i_4") (viewref netlist (cellref LUT6 (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "64'hFFFFF888F888F888"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename bRegPortOutLcl_Data__25__i_5 "bRegPortOutLcl[Data][25]_i_5") (viewref netlist (cellref LUT6 (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "64'hFFFFF888F888F888"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename bRegPortOutLcl_Data__26__i_1 "bRegPortOutLcl[Data][26]_i_1") (viewref netlist (cellref LUT5 (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "32'hFFFFFFEA"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename bRegPortOutLcl_Data__26__i_2 "bRegPortOutLcl[Data][26]_i_2") (viewref netlist (cellref LUT6 (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "64'hFFFFF888F888F888"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename bRegPortOutLcl_Data__26__i_3 "bRegPortOutLcl[Data][26]_i_3") (viewref netlist (cellref LUT6 (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "64'h0020000000000000"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename bRegPortOutLcl_Data__26__i_4 "bRegPortOutLcl[Data][26]_i_4") (viewref netlist (cellref LUT6 (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "64'hFFFFF888F888F888"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename bRegPortOutLcl_Data__26__i_5 "bRegPortOutLcl[Data][26]_i_5") (viewref netlist (cellref LUT6 (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "64'hFFFFF888F888F888"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename bRegPortOutLcl_Data__27__i_1 "bRegPortOutLcl[Data][27]_i_1") (viewref netlist (cellref LUT6 (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "64'hFFFFFFFFFFFFFFEA"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename bRegPortOutLcl_Data__27__i_2 "bRegPortOutLcl[Data][27]_i_2") (viewref netlist (cellref LUT6 (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "64'hFFFFF888F888F888"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename bRegPortOutLcl_Data__27__i_3 "bRegPortOutLcl[Data][27]_i_3") (viewref netlist (cellref LUT6 (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "64'h0000000000200000"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename bRegPortOutLcl_Data__27__i_4 "bRegPortOutLcl[Data][27]_i_4") (viewref netlist (cellref LUT6 (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "64'h0000120000000000"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename bRegPortOutLcl_Data__27__i_5 "bRegPortOutLcl[Data][27]_i_5") (viewref netlist (cellref LUT6 (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "64'hFFFFF888F888F888"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename bRegPortOutLcl_Data__27__i_6 "bRegPortOutLcl[Data][27]_i_6") (viewref netlist (cellref LUT6 (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "64'hFFFFF888F888F888"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename bRegPortOutLcl_Data__27__i_7 "bRegPortOutLcl[Data][27]_i_7") (viewref netlist (cellref LUT6 (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "64'h0040000000000000"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename bRegPortOutLcl_Data__28__i_1 "bRegPortOutLcl[Data][28]_i_1") (viewref netlist (cellref LUT6 (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "64'hFFFFFFFFFFFEFEFE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename bRegPortOutLcl_Data__28__i_10 "bRegPortOutLcl[Data][28]_i_10") (viewref netlist (cellref LUT2 (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "4'h1"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename bRegPortOutLcl_Data__28__i_2 "bRegPortOutLcl[Data][28]_i_2") (viewref netlist (cellref LUT6 (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "64'hFFFFF888F888F888"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename bRegPortOutLcl_Data__28__i_3 "bRegPortOutLcl[Data][28]_i_3") (viewref netlist (cellref LUT6 (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "64'h88F8888888888888"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename bRegPortOutLcl_Data__28__i_4 "bRegPortOutLcl[Data][28]_i_4") (viewref netlist (cellref LUT6 (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "64'h0004000C00000000"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename bRegPortOutLcl_Data__28__i_5 "bRegPortOutLcl[Data][28]_i_5") (viewref netlist (cellref LUT6 (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "64'h0800000000000000"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename bRegPortOutLcl_Data__28__i_6 "bRegPortOutLcl[Data][28]_i_6") (viewref netlist (cellref LUT6 (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "64'hFFFFF888F888F888"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename bRegPortOutLcl_Data__28__i_7 "bRegPortOutLcl[Data][28]_i_7") (viewref netlist (cellref LUT4 (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "16'h0040"))
+ (property SOFT_HLUTNM (string "soft_lutpair3"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename bRegPortOutLcl_Data__28__i_8 "bRegPortOutLcl[Data][28]_i_8") (viewref netlist (cellref LUT6 (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "64'h0000000000008000"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename bRegPortOutLcl_Data__28__i_9 "bRegPortOutLcl[Data][28]_i_9") (viewref netlist (cellref LUT2 (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "4'h1"))
+ (property SOFT_HLUTNM (string "soft_lutpair5"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename bRegPortOutLcl_Data__29__i_1 "bRegPortOutLcl[Data][29]_i_1") (viewref netlist (cellref LUT4 (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "16'hFFFE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename bRegPortOutLcl_Data__29__i_2 "bRegPortOutLcl[Data][29]_i_2") (viewref netlist (cellref LUT6 (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "64'hFFFFF888F888F888"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename bRegPortOutLcl_Data__29__i_3 "bRegPortOutLcl[Data][29]_i_3") (viewref netlist (cellref LUT6 (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "64'hFFFFF888F888F888"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename bRegPortOutLcl_Data__29__i_4 "bRegPortOutLcl[Data][29]_i_4") (viewref netlist (cellref LUT6 (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "64'hFFFFF888F888F888"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename bRegPortOutLcl_Data__2__i_1 "bRegPortOutLcl[Data][2]_i_1") (viewref netlist (cellref LUT6 (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "64'hFFFFFFFFFFFEFEFE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename bRegPortOutLcl_Data__2__i_2 "bRegPortOutLcl[Data][2]_i_2") (viewref netlist (cellref LUT6 (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "64'hFFFFF888F888F888"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename bRegPortOutLcl_Data__2__i_3 "bRegPortOutLcl[Data][2]_i_3") (viewref netlist (cellref LUT6 (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "64'hFFFFF888F888F888"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename bRegPortOutLcl_Data__2__i_4 "bRegPortOutLcl[Data][2]_i_4") (viewref netlist (cellref LUT3 (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "8'hF8"))
+ (property SOFT_HLUTNM (string "soft_lutpair21"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename bRegPortOutLcl_Data__2__i_5 "bRegPortOutLcl[Data][2]_i_5") (viewref netlist (cellref LUT6 (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "64'hFFFFF888F888F888"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename bRegPortOutLcl_Data__30__i_1 "bRegPortOutLcl[Data][30]_i_1") (viewref netlist (cellref LUT4 (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "16'hFFFE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename bRegPortOutLcl_Data__30__i_2 "bRegPortOutLcl[Data][30]_i_2") (viewref netlist (cellref LUT6 (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "64'hFFFFF888F888F888"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename bRegPortOutLcl_Data__30__i_3 "bRegPortOutLcl[Data][30]_i_3") (viewref netlist (cellref LUT6 (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "64'hFFFFF888F888F888"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename bRegPortOutLcl_Data__30__i_4 "bRegPortOutLcl[Data][30]_i_4") (viewref netlist (cellref LUT6 (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "64'h0000002000000000"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename bRegPortOutLcl_Data__30__i_5 "bRegPortOutLcl[Data][30]_i_5") (viewref netlist (cellref LUT6 (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "64'hFFFFF888F888F888"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename bRegPortOutLcl_Data__30__i_6 "bRegPortOutLcl[Data][30]_i_6") (viewref netlist (cellref LUT6 (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "64'h0000004000000000"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename bRegPortOutLcl_Data__31__i_1 "bRegPortOutLcl[Data][31]_i_1") (viewref netlist (cellref LUT3 (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "8'hFE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename bRegPortOutLcl_Data__31__i_10 "bRegPortOutLcl[Data][31]_i_10") (viewref netlist (cellref LUT6 (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "64'h0000020000000000"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename bRegPortOutLcl_Data__31__i_11 "bRegPortOutLcl[Data][31]_i_11") (viewref netlist (cellref LUT6 (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "64'h0800000000000000"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename bRegPortOutLcl_Data__31__i_12 "bRegPortOutLcl[Data][31]_i_12") (viewref netlist (cellref LUT2 (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "4'h8"))
+ (property SOFT_HLUTNM (string "soft_lutpair23"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename bRegPortOutLcl_Data__31__i_2 "bRegPortOutLcl[Data][31]_i_2") (viewref netlist (cellref LUT6 (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "64'hFFFFF888F888F888"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename bRegPortOutLcl_Data__31__i_3 "bRegPortOutLcl[Data][31]_i_3") (viewref netlist (cellref LUT6 (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "64'hFFFFF888F888F888"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename bRegPortOutLcl_Data__31__i_4 "bRegPortOutLcl[Data][31]_i_4") (viewref netlist (cellref LUT6 (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "64'hFFFFF888F888F888"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename bRegPortOutLcl_Data__31__i_5 "bRegPortOutLcl[Data][31]_i_5") (viewref netlist (cellref LUT6 (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "64'h0010000000000000"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename bRegPortOutLcl_Data__31__i_6 "bRegPortOutLcl[Data][31]_i_6") (viewref netlist (cellref LUT6 (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "64'h0000800000000000"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename bRegPortOutLcl_Data__31__i_7 "bRegPortOutLcl[Data][31]_i_7") (viewref netlist (cellref LUT6 (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "64'h0000200000000000"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename bRegPortOutLcl_Data__31__i_8 "bRegPortOutLcl[Data][31]_i_8") (viewref netlist (cellref LUT6 (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "64'h0000200000000000"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename bRegPortOutLcl_Data__31__i_9 "bRegPortOutLcl[Data][31]_i_9") (viewref netlist (cellref LUT6 (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "64'h0000020000000000"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename bRegPortOutLcl_Data__3__i_1 "bRegPortOutLcl[Data][3]_i_1") (viewref netlist (cellref LUT4 (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "16'hFFFE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename bRegPortOutLcl_Data__3__i_2 "bRegPortOutLcl[Data][3]_i_2") (viewref netlist (cellref LUT6 (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "64'hFFFFF888F888F888"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename bRegPortOutLcl_Data__3__i_3 "bRegPortOutLcl[Data][3]_i_3") (viewref netlist (cellref LUT6 (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "64'hFFFFF888F888F888"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename bRegPortOutLcl_Data__3__i_4 "bRegPortOutLcl[Data][3]_i_4") (viewref netlist (cellref LUT4 (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "16'hF888"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename bRegPortOutLcl_Data__3__i_5 "bRegPortOutLcl[Data][3]_i_5") (viewref netlist (cellref LUT6 (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "64'hFFFFF888F888F888"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename bRegPortOutLcl_Data__4__i_1 "bRegPortOutLcl[Data][4]_i_1") (viewref netlist (cellref LUT6 (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "64'hFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename bRegPortOutLcl_Data__4__i_2 "bRegPortOutLcl[Data][4]_i_2") (viewref netlist (cellref LUT6 (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "64'hFFFFF888F888F888"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename bRegPortOutLcl_Data__4__i_3 "bRegPortOutLcl[Data][4]_i_3") (viewref netlist (cellref LUT6 (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "64'hFFFFF888F888F888"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename bRegPortOutLcl_Data__4__i_4 "bRegPortOutLcl[Data][4]_i_4") (viewref netlist (cellref LUT6 (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "64'hFFFFF888F888F888"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename bRegPortOutLcl_Data__4__i_5 "bRegPortOutLcl[Data][4]_i_5") (viewref netlist (cellref LUT6 (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "64'h0001000000000000"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename bRegPortOutLcl_Data__4__i_6 "bRegPortOutLcl[Data][4]_i_6") (viewref netlist (cellref LUT6 (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "64'h000000C00000E000"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename bRegPortOutLcl_Data__4__i_7 "bRegPortOutLcl[Data][4]_i_7") (viewref netlist (cellref LUT4 (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "16'hF888"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename bRegPortOutLcl_Data__5__i_1 "bRegPortOutLcl[Data][5]_i_1") (viewref netlist (cellref LUT5 (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "32'hFFFFFFFE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename bRegPortOutLcl_Data__5__i_2 "bRegPortOutLcl[Data][5]_i_2") (viewref netlist (cellref LUT6 (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "64'hFFFF88F888F888F8"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename bRegPortOutLcl_Data__5__i_3 "bRegPortOutLcl[Data][5]_i_3") (viewref netlist (cellref LUT6 (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "64'hFFFFF888F888F888"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename bRegPortOutLcl_Data__5__i_4 "bRegPortOutLcl[Data][5]_i_4") (viewref netlist (cellref LUT6 (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "64'hFFFFF888F888F888"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename bRegPortOutLcl_Data__5__i_5 "bRegPortOutLcl[Data][5]_i_5") (viewref netlist (cellref LUT6 (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "64'hFFFFF888F888F888"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename bRegPortOutLcl_Data__6__i_1 "bRegPortOutLcl[Data][6]_i_1") (viewref netlist (cellref LUT6 (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "64'hFFFFFFFFFFFEFEFE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename bRegPortOutLcl_Data__6__i_2 "bRegPortOutLcl[Data][6]_i_2") (viewref netlist (cellref LUT6 (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "64'hFFFFF888F888F888"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename bRegPortOutLcl_Data__6__i_3 "bRegPortOutLcl[Data][6]_i_3") (viewref netlist (cellref LUT6 (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "64'hFFFFF888F888F888"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename bRegPortOutLcl_Data__6__i_4 "bRegPortOutLcl[Data][6]_i_4") (viewref netlist (cellref LUT3 (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "8'hF8"))
+ (property SOFT_HLUTNM (string "soft_lutpair21"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename bRegPortOutLcl_Data__6__i_5 "bRegPortOutLcl[Data][6]_i_5") (viewref netlist (cellref LUT6 (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "64'hFFFFF888F888F888"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename bRegPortOutLcl_Data__7__i_1 "bRegPortOutLcl[Data][7]_i_1") (viewref netlist (cellref LUT4 (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "16'hFFFE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename bRegPortOutLcl_Data__7__i_2 "bRegPortOutLcl[Data][7]_i_2") (viewref netlist (cellref LUT6 (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "64'hFFFFF888F888F888"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename bRegPortOutLcl_Data__7__i_3 "bRegPortOutLcl[Data][7]_i_3") (viewref netlist (cellref LUT6 (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "64'hFFFFF888F888F888"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename bRegPortOutLcl_Data__7__i_4 "bRegPortOutLcl[Data][7]_i_4") (viewref netlist (cellref LUT4 (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "16'hF888"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename bRegPortOutLcl_Data__7__i_5 "bRegPortOutLcl[Data][7]_i_5") (viewref netlist (cellref LUT6 (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "64'hFFFFF888F888F888"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename bRegPortOutLcl_Data__7__i_6 "bRegPortOutLcl[Data][7]_i_6") (viewref netlist (cellref LUT6 (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "64'h0000000000008000"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename bRegPortOutLcl_Data__8__i_1 "bRegPortOutLcl[Data][8]_i_1") (viewref netlist (cellref LUT4 (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "16'hFFFE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename bRegPortOutLcl_Data__8__i_2 "bRegPortOutLcl[Data][8]_i_2") (viewref netlist (cellref LUT6 (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "64'hFFFFF888F888F888"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename bRegPortOutLcl_Data__8__i_3 "bRegPortOutLcl[Data][8]_i_3") (viewref netlist (cellref LUT6 (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "64'hFFFFF888F888F888"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename bRegPortOutLcl_Data__8__i_4 "bRegPortOutLcl[Data][8]_i_4") (viewref netlist (cellref LUT4 (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "16'hF888"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename bRegPortOutLcl_Data__8__i_5 "bRegPortOutLcl[Data][8]_i_5") (viewref netlist (cellref LUT6 (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "64'hFFFFF888F888F888"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename bRegPortOutLcl_Data__8__i_6 "bRegPortOutLcl[Data][8]_i_6") (viewref netlist (cellref LUT4 (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "16'h8000"))
+ (property SOFT_HLUTNM (string "soft_lutpair3"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename bRegPortOutLcl_Data__9__i_1 "bRegPortOutLcl[Data][9]_i_1") (viewref netlist (cellref LUT4 (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "16'hFFFE"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename bRegPortOutLcl_Data__9__i_2 "bRegPortOutLcl[Data][9]_i_2") (viewref netlist (cellref LUT6 (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "64'hFFFFF888F888F888"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename bRegPortOutLcl_Data__9__i_3 "bRegPortOutLcl[Data][9]_i_3") (viewref netlist (cellref LUT5 (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "32'hFFFF88F8"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename bRegPortOutLcl_Data__9__i_4 "bRegPortOutLcl[Data][9]_i_4") (viewref netlist (cellref LUT6 (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "64'h88F8888888888888"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename bRegPortOutLcl_Data__9__i_5 "bRegPortOutLcl[Data][9]_i_5") (viewref netlist (cellref LUT6 (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "64'hFFFFF888F888F888"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename bRegPortOutLcl_reg_Data__0_ "bRegPortOutLcl_reg[Data][0]") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename bRegPortOutLcl_reg_Data__10_ "bRegPortOutLcl_reg[Data][10]") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename bRegPortOutLcl_reg_Data__11_ "bRegPortOutLcl_reg[Data][11]") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename bRegPortOutLcl_reg_Data__12_ "bRegPortOutLcl_reg[Data][12]") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename bRegPortOutLcl_reg_Data__13_ "bRegPortOutLcl_reg[Data][13]") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename bRegPortOutLcl_reg_Data__14_ "bRegPortOutLcl_reg[Data][14]") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename bRegPortOutLcl_reg_Data__15_ "bRegPortOutLcl_reg[Data][15]") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename bRegPortOutLcl_reg_Data__16_ "bRegPortOutLcl_reg[Data][16]") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename bRegPortOutLcl_reg_Data__17_ "bRegPortOutLcl_reg[Data][17]") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename bRegPortOutLcl_reg_Data__18_ "bRegPortOutLcl_reg[Data][18]") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename bRegPortOutLcl_reg_Data__19_ "bRegPortOutLcl_reg[Data][19]") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename bRegPortOutLcl_reg_Data__1_ "bRegPortOutLcl_reg[Data][1]") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename bRegPortOutLcl_reg_Data__20_ "bRegPortOutLcl_reg[Data][20]") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename bRegPortOutLcl_reg_Data__21_ "bRegPortOutLcl_reg[Data][21]") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename bRegPortOutLcl_reg_Data__22_ "bRegPortOutLcl_reg[Data][22]") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename bRegPortOutLcl_reg_Data__23_ "bRegPortOutLcl_reg[Data][23]") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename bRegPortOutLcl_reg_Data__24_ "bRegPortOutLcl_reg[Data][24]") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename bRegPortOutLcl_reg_Data__25_ "bRegPortOutLcl_reg[Data][25]") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename bRegPortOutLcl_reg_Data__26_ "bRegPortOutLcl_reg[Data][26]") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename bRegPortOutLcl_reg_Data__27_ "bRegPortOutLcl_reg[Data][27]") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename bRegPortOutLcl_reg_Data__28_ "bRegPortOutLcl_reg[Data][28]") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename bRegPortOutLcl_reg_Data__29_ "bRegPortOutLcl_reg[Data][29]") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename bRegPortOutLcl_reg_Data__2_ "bRegPortOutLcl_reg[Data][2]") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename bRegPortOutLcl_reg_Data__30_ "bRegPortOutLcl_reg[Data][30]") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename bRegPortOutLcl_reg_Data__31_ "bRegPortOutLcl_reg[Data][31]") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename bRegPortOutLcl_reg_Data__3_ "bRegPortOutLcl_reg[Data][3]") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename bRegPortOutLcl_reg_Data__4_ "bRegPortOutLcl_reg[Data][4]") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename bRegPortOutLcl_reg_Data__5_ "bRegPortOutLcl_reg[Data][5]") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename bRegPortOutLcl_reg_Data__6_ "bRegPortOutLcl_reg[Data][6]") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename bRegPortOutLcl_reg_Data__7_ "bRegPortOutLcl_reg[Data][7]") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename bRegPortOutLcl_reg_Data__8_ "bRegPortOutLcl_reg[Data][8]") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename bRegPortOutLcl_reg_Data__9_ "bRegPortOutLcl_reg[Data][9]") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ )
+ (instance bResetTdc_i_1 (viewref netlist (cellref LUT6 (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "64'hFFEFFFFFFFEEEEEE"))
+ )
+ (instance bResetTdc_reg (viewref netlist (cellref FDPE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b1"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename bRpOffsetStored_0__i_1 "bRpOffsetStored[0]_i_1") (viewref netlist (cellref LUT2 (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "4'h2"))
+ (property SOFT_HLUTNM (string "soft_lutpair49"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename bRpOffsetStored_10__i_1 "bRpOffsetStored[10]_i_1") (viewref netlist (cellref LUT2 (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "4'h2"))
+ (property SOFT_HLUTNM (string "soft_lutpair44"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename bRpOffsetStored_11__i_1 "bRpOffsetStored[11]_i_1") (viewref netlist (cellref LUT2 (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "4'h2"))
+ (property SOFT_HLUTNM (string "soft_lutpair43"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename bRpOffsetStored_12__i_1 "bRpOffsetStored[12]_i_1") (viewref netlist (cellref LUT2 (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "4'h2"))
+ (property SOFT_HLUTNM (string "soft_lutpair43"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename bRpOffsetStored_13__i_1 "bRpOffsetStored[13]_i_1") (viewref netlist (cellref LUT2 (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "4'h2"))
+ (property SOFT_HLUTNM (string "soft_lutpair42"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename bRpOffsetStored_14__i_1 "bRpOffsetStored[14]_i_1") (viewref netlist (cellref LUT2 (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "4'h2"))
+ (property SOFT_HLUTNM (string "soft_lutpair42"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename bRpOffsetStored_15__i_1 "bRpOffsetStored[15]_i_1") (viewref netlist (cellref LUT2 (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "4'h2"))
+ (property SOFT_HLUTNM (string "soft_lutpair41"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename bRpOffsetStored_16__i_1 "bRpOffsetStored[16]_i_1") (viewref netlist (cellref LUT2 (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "4'h2"))
+ (property SOFT_HLUTNM (string "soft_lutpair41"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename bRpOffsetStored_17__i_1 "bRpOffsetStored[17]_i_1") (viewref netlist (cellref LUT2 (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "4'h2"))
+ (property SOFT_HLUTNM (string "soft_lutpair40"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename bRpOffsetStored_18__i_1 "bRpOffsetStored[18]_i_1") (viewref netlist (cellref LUT2 (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "4'h2"))
+ (property SOFT_HLUTNM (string "soft_lutpair40"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename bRpOffsetStored_19__i_1 "bRpOffsetStored[19]_i_1") (viewref netlist (cellref LUT2 (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "4'h2"))
+ (property SOFT_HLUTNM (string "soft_lutpair39"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename bRpOffsetStored_1__i_1 "bRpOffsetStored[1]_i_1") (viewref netlist (cellref LUT2 (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "4'h2"))
+ (property SOFT_HLUTNM (string "soft_lutpair48"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename bRpOffsetStored_20__i_1 "bRpOffsetStored[20]_i_1") (viewref netlist (cellref LUT2 (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "4'h2"))
+ (property SOFT_HLUTNM (string "soft_lutpair39"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename bRpOffsetStored_21__i_1 "bRpOffsetStored[21]_i_1") (viewref netlist (cellref LUT2 (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "4'h2"))
+ (property SOFT_HLUTNM (string "soft_lutpair38"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename bRpOffsetStored_22__i_1 "bRpOffsetStored[22]_i_1") (viewref netlist (cellref LUT2 (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "4'h2"))
+ (property SOFT_HLUTNM (string "soft_lutpair38"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename bRpOffsetStored_23__i_1 "bRpOffsetStored[23]_i_1") (viewref netlist (cellref LUT2 (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "4'h2"))
+ (property SOFT_HLUTNM (string "soft_lutpair37"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename bRpOffsetStored_24__i_1 "bRpOffsetStored[24]_i_1") (viewref netlist (cellref LUT2 (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "4'h2"))
+ (property SOFT_HLUTNM (string "soft_lutpair37"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename bRpOffsetStored_25__i_1 "bRpOffsetStored[25]_i_1") (viewref netlist (cellref LUT2 (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "4'h2"))
+ (property SOFT_HLUTNM (string "soft_lutpair36"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename bRpOffsetStored_26__i_1 "bRpOffsetStored[26]_i_1") (viewref netlist (cellref LUT2 (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "4'h2"))
+ (property SOFT_HLUTNM (string "soft_lutpair36"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename bRpOffsetStored_27__i_1 "bRpOffsetStored[27]_i_1") (viewref netlist (cellref LUT2 (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "4'h2"))
+ (property SOFT_HLUTNM (string "soft_lutpair35"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename bRpOffsetStored_28__i_1 "bRpOffsetStored[28]_i_1") (viewref netlist (cellref LUT2 (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "4'h2"))
+ (property SOFT_HLUTNM (string "soft_lutpair35"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename bRpOffsetStored_29__i_1 "bRpOffsetStored[29]_i_1") (viewref netlist (cellref LUT2 (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "4'h2"))
+ (property SOFT_HLUTNM (string "soft_lutpair34"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename bRpOffsetStored_2__i_1 "bRpOffsetStored[2]_i_1") (viewref netlist (cellref LUT2 (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "4'h2"))
+ (property SOFT_HLUTNM (string "soft_lutpair48"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename bRpOffsetStored_30__i_1 "bRpOffsetStored[30]_i_1") (viewref netlist (cellref LUT2 (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "4'h2"))
+ (property SOFT_HLUTNM (string "soft_lutpair34"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename bRpOffsetStored_31__i_1 "bRpOffsetStored[31]_i_1") (viewref netlist (cellref LUT2 (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "4'h2"))
+ (property SOFT_HLUTNM (string "soft_lutpair33"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename bRpOffsetStored_32__i_1 "bRpOffsetStored[32]_i_1") (viewref netlist (cellref LUT2 (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "4'h2"))
+ (property SOFT_HLUTNM (string "soft_lutpair33"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename bRpOffsetStored_33__i_1 "bRpOffsetStored[33]_i_1") (viewref netlist (cellref LUT2 (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "4'h2"))
+ (property SOFT_HLUTNM (string "soft_lutpair32"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename bRpOffsetStored_34__i_1 "bRpOffsetStored[34]_i_1") (viewref netlist (cellref LUT2 (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "4'h2"))
+ (property SOFT_HLUTNM (string "soft_lutpair32"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename bRpOffsetStored_35__i_1 "bRpOffsetStored[35]_i_1") (viewref netlist (cellref LUT2 (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "4'h2"))
+ (property SOFT_HLUTNM (string "soft_lutpair31"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename bRpOffsetStored_36__i_1 "bRpOffsetStored[36]_i_1") (viewref netlist (cellref LUT2 (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "4'h2"))
+ (property SOFT_HLUTNM (string "soft_lutpair31"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename bRpOffsetStored_37__i_1 "bRpOffsetStored[37]_i_1") (viewref netlist (cellref LUT2 (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "4'h2"))
+ (property SOFT_HLUTNM (string "soft_lutpair30"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename bRpOffsetStored_38__i_1 "bRpOffsetStored[38]_i_1") (viewref netlist (cellref LUT2 (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "4'h2"))
+ (property SOFT_HLUTNM (string "soft_lutpair30"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename bRpOffsetStored_39__i_1 "bRpOffsetStored[39]_i_1") (viewref netlist (cellref LUT5 (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "32'hFFFF8000"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename bRpOffsetStored_39__i_2 "bRpOffsetStored[39]_i_2") (viewref netlist (cellref LUT2 (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "4'h2"))
+ (property SOFT_HLUTNM (string "soft_lutpair29"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename bRpOffsetStored_39__i_3 "bRpOffsetStored[39]_i_3") (viewref netlist (cellref LUT4 (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "16'h0008"))
+ (property SOFT_HLUTNM (string "soft_lutpair2"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename bRpOffsetStored_39__i_4 "bRpOffsetStored[39]_i_4") (viewref netlist (cellref LUT5 (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "32'h00000004"))
+ (property SOFT_HLUTNM (string "soft_lutpair0"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename bRpOffsetStored_3__i_1 "bRpOffsetStored[3]_i_1") (viewref netlist (cellref LUT2 (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "4'h2"))
+ (property SOFT_HLUTNM (string "soft_lutpair47"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename bRpOffsetStored_4__i_1 "bRpOffsetStored[4]_i_1") (viewref netlist (cellref LUT2 (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "4'h2"))
+ (property SOFT_HLUTNM (string "soft_lutpair47"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename bRpOffsetStored_5__i_1 "bRpOffsetStored[5]_i_1") (viewref netlist (cellref LUT2 (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "4'h2"))
+ (property SOFT_HLUTNM (string "soft_lutpair46"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename bRpOffsetStored_6__i_1 "bRpOffsetStored[6]_i_1") (viewref netlist (cellref LUT2 (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "4'h2"))
+ (property SOFT_HLUTNM (string "soft_lutpair46"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename bRpOffsetStored_7__i_1 "bRpOffsetStored[7]_i_1") (viewref netlist (cellref LUT2 (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "4'h2"))
+ (property SOFT_HLUTNM (string "soft_lutpair45"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename bRpOffsetStored_8__i_1 "bRpOffsetStored[8]_i_1") (viewref netlist (cellref LUT2 (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "4'h2"))
+ (property SOFT_HLUTNM (string "soft_lutpair45"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename bRpOffsetStored_9__i_1 "bRpOffsetStored[9]_i_1") (viewref netlist (cellref LUT2 (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "4'h2"))
+ (property SOFT_HLUTNM (string "soft_lutpair44"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename bRpOffsetStored_reg_0_ "bRpOffsetStored_reg[0]") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename bRpOffsetStored_reg_10_ "bRpOffsetStored_reg[10]") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename bRpOffsetStored_reg_11_ "bRpOffsetStored_reg[11]") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename bRpOffsetStored_reg_12_ "bRpOffsetStored_reg[12]") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename bRpOffsetStored_reg_13_ "bRpOffsetStored_reg[13]") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename bRpOffsetStored_reg_14_ "bRpOffsetStored_reg[14]") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename bRpOffsetStored_reg_15_ "bRpOffsetStored_reg[15]") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename bRpOffsetStored_reg_16_ "bRpOffsetStored_reg[16]") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename bRpOffsetStored_reg_17_ "bRpOffsetStored_reg[17]") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename bRpOffsetStored_reg_18_ "bRpOffsetStored_reg[18]") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename bRpOffsetStored_reg_19_ "bRpOffsetStored_reg[19]") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename bRpOffsetStored_reg_1_ "bRpOffsetStored_reg[1]") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename bRpOffsetStored_reg_20_ "bRpOffsetStored_reg[20]") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename bRpOffsetStored_reg_21_ "bRpOffsetStored_reg[21]") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename bRpOffsetStored_reg_22_ "bRpOffsetStored_reg[22]") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename bRpOffsetStored_reg_23_ "bRpOffsetStored_reg[23]") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename bRpOffsetStored_reg_24_ "bRpOffsetStored_reg[24]") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename bRpOffsetStored_reg_25_ "bRpOffsetStored_reg[25]") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename bRpOffsetStored_reg_26_ "bRpOffsetStored_reg[26]") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename bRpOffsetStored_reg_27_ "bRpOffsetStored_reg[27]") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename bRpOffsetStored_reg_28_ "bRpOffsetStored_reg[28]") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename bRpOffsetStored_reg_29_ "bRpOffsetStored_reg[29]") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename bRpOffsetStored_reg_2_ "bRpOffsetStored_reg[2]") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename bRpOffsetStored_reg_30_ "bRpOffsetStored_reg[30]") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename bRpOffsetStored_reg_31_ "bRpOffsetStored_reg[31]") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename bRpOffsetStored_reg_32_ "bRpOffsetStored_reg[32]") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename bRpOffsetStored_reg_33_ "bRpOffsetStored_reg[33]") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename bRpOffsetStored_reg_34_ "bRpOffsetStored_reg[34]") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename bRpOffsetStored_reg_35_ "bRpOffsetStored_reg[35]") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename bRpOffsetStored_reg_36_ "bRpOffsetStored_reg[36]") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename bRpOffsetStored_reg_37_ "bRpOffsetStored_reg[37]") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename bRpOffsetStored_reg_38_ "bRpOffsetStored_reg[38]") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename bRpOffsetStored_reg_39_ "bRpOffsetStored_reg[39]") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename bRpOffsetStored_reg_3_ "bRpOffsetStored_reg[3]") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename bRpOffsetStored_reg_4_ "bRpOffsetStored_reg[4]") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename bRpOffsetStored_reg_5_ "bRpOffsetStored_reg[5]") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename bRpOffsetStored_reg_6_ "bRpOffsetStored_reg[6]") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename bRpOffsetStored_reg_7_ "bRpOffsetStored_reg[7]") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename bRpOffsetStored_reg_8_ "bRpOffsetStored_reg[8]") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename bRpOffsetStored_reg_9_ "bRpOffsetStored_reg[9]") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename bScratch_0__i_1 "bScratch[0]_i_1") (viewref netlist (cellref LUT3 (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "8'h02"))
+ (property SOFT_HLUTNM (string "soft_lutpair28"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename bScratch_10__i_1 "bScratch[10]_i_1") (viewref netlist (cellref LUT3 (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "8'h02"))
+ (property SOFT_HLUTNM (string "soft_lutpair14"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename bScratch_11__i_1 "bScratch[11]_i_1") (viewref netlist (cellref LUT3 (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "8'h02"))
+ (property SOFT_HLUTNM (string "soft_lutpair15"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename bScratch_12__i_1 "bScratch[12]_i_1") (viewref netlist (cellref LUT3 (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "8'h02"))
+ (property SOFT_HLUTNM (string "soft_lutpair17"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename bScratch_13__i_1 "bScratch[13]_i_1") (viewref netlist (cellref LUT3 (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "8'h02"))
+ (property SOFT_HLUTNM (string "soft_lutpair16"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename bScratch_14__i_1 "bScratch[14]_i_1") (viewref netlist (cellref LUT3 (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "8'h02"))
+ (property SOFT_HLUTNM (string "soft_lutpair17"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename bScratch_15__i_1 "bScratch[15]_i_1") (viewref netlist (cellref LUT3 (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "8'h02"))
+ (property SOFT_HLUTNM (string "soft_lutpair18"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename bScratch_1__i_1 "bScratch[1]_i_1") (viewref netlist (cellref LUT3 (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "8'h02"))
+ (property SOFT_HLUTNM (string "soft_lutpair6"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename bScratch_20__i_1 "bScratch[20]_i_1") (viewref netlist (cellref LUT3 (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "8'h02"))
+ (property SOFT_HLUTNM (string "soft_lutpair16"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename bScratch_21__i_1 "bScratch[21]_i_1") (viewref netlist (cellref LUT3 (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "8'h02"))
+ (property SOFT_HLUTNM (string "soft_lutpair20"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename bScratch_22__i_1 "bScratch[22]_i_1") (viewref netlist (cellref LUT3 (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "8'h02"))
+ (property SOFT_HLUTNM (string "soft_lutpair14"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename bScratch_23__i_1 "bScratch[23]_i_1") (viewref netlist (cellref LUT3 (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "8'h02"))
+ (property SOFT_HLUTNM (string "soft_lutpair20"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename bScratch_24__i_1 "bScratch[24]_i_1") (viewref netlist (cellref LUT3 (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "8'h02"))
+ (property SOFT_HLUTNM (string "soft_lutpair28"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename bScratch_28__i_1 "bScratch[28]_i_1") (viewref netlist (cellref LUT3 (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "8'h02"))
+ (property SOFT_HLUTNM (string "soft_lutpair12"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename bScratch_29__i_1 "bScratch[29]_i_1") (viewref netlist (cellref LUT3 (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "8'h02"))
+ (property SOFT_HLUTNM (string "soft_lutpair19"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename bScratch_2__i_1 "bScratch[2]_i_1") (viewref netlist (cellref LUT3 (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "8'h02"))
+ (property SOFT_HLUTNM (string "soft_lutpair7"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename bScratch_30__i_1 "bScratch[30]_i_1") (viewref netlist (cellref LUT3 (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "8'h02"))
+ (property SOFT_HLUTNM (string "soft_lutpair13"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename bScratch_31__i_1 "bScratch[31]_i_1") (viewref netlist (cellref LUT6 (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "64'hFFFFFFFF00800000"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename bScratch_31__i_2 "bScratch[31]_i_2") (viewref netlist (cellref LUT3 (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "8'h02"))
+ (property SOFT_HLUTNM (string "soft_lutpair11"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename bScratch_31__i_3 "bScratch[31]_i_3") (viewref netlist (cellref LUT3 (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "8'h40"))
+ (property SOFT_HLUTNM (string "soft_lutpair27"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename bScratch_31__i_4 "bScratch[31]_i_4") (viewref netlist (cellref LUT2 (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "4'h2"))
+ (property SOFT_HLUTNM (string "soft_lutpair26"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename bScratch_31__i_5 "bScratch[31]_i_5") (viewref netlist (cellref LUT2 (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "4'hE"))
+ (property SOFT_HLUTNM (string "soft_lutpair1"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename bScratch_3__i_1 "bScratch[3]_i_1") (viewref netlist (cellref LUT3 (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "8'h02"))
+ (property SOFT_HLUTNM (string "soft_lutpair9"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename bScratch_4__i_1 "bScratch[4]_i_1") (viewref netlist (cellref LUT3 (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "8'h02"))
+ (property SOFT_HLUTNM (string "soft_lutpair15"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename bScratch_5__i_1 "bScratch[5]_i_1") (viewref netlist (cellref LUT3 (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "8'h02"))
+ (property SOFT_HLUTNM (string "soft_lutpair10"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename bScratch_6__i_1 "bScratch[6]_i_1") (viewref netlist (cellref LUT3 (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "8'h02"))
+ (property SOFT_HLUTNM (string "soft_lutpair11"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename bScratch_7__i_1 "bScratch[7]_i_1") (viewref netlist (cellref LUT3 (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "8'h02"))
+ (property SOFT_HLUTNM (string "soft_lutpair12"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename bScratch_8__i_1 "bScratch[8]_i_1") (viewref netlist (cellref LUT3 (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "8'h02"))
+ (property SOFT_HLUTNM (string "soft_lutpair18"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename bScratch_9__i_1 "bScratch[9]_i_1") (viewref netlist (cellref LUT3 (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "8'h02"))
+ (property SOFT_HLUTNM (string "soft_lutpair13"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename bScratch_reg_0_ "bScratch_reg[0]") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename bScratch_reg_10_ "bScratch_reg[10]") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename bScratch_reg_11_ "bScratch_reg[11]") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename bScratch_reg_12_ "bScratch_reg[12]") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename bScratch_reg_13_ "bScratch_reg[13]") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename bScratch_reg_14_ "bScratch_reg[14]") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename bScratch_reg_15_ "bScratch_reg[15]") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename bScratch_reg_16_ "bScratch_reg[16]") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename bScratch_reg_17_ "bScratch_reg[17]") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename bScratch_reg_18_ "bScratch_reg[18]") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename bScratch_reg_19_ "bScratch_reg[19]") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename bScratch_reg_1_ "bScratch_reg[1]") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename bScratch_reg_20_ "bScratch_reg[20]") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename bScratch_reg_21_ "bScratch_reg[21]") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename bScratch_reg_22_ "bScratch_reg[22]") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename bScratch_reg_23_ "bScratch_reg[23]") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename bScratch_reg_24_ "bScratch_reg[24]") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename bScratch_reg_25_ "bScratch_reg[25]") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename bScratch_reg_26_ "bScratch_reg[26]") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename bScratch_reg_27_ "bScratch_reg[27]") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename bScratch_reg_28_ "bScratch_reg[28]") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename bScratch_reg_29_ "bScratch_reg[29]") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename bScratch_reg_2_ "bScratch_reg[2]") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename bScratch_reg_30_ "bScratch_reg[30]") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename bScratch_reg_31_ "bScratch_reg[31]") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename bScratch_reg_3_ "bScratch_reg[3]") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename bScratch_reg_4_ "bScratch_reg[4]") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename bScratch_reg_5_ "bScratch_reg[5]") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename bScratch_reg_6_ "bScratch_reg[6]") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename bScratch_reg_7_ "bScratch_reg[7]") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename bScratch_reg_8_ "bScratch_reg[8]") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename bScratch_reg_9_ "bScratch_reg[9]") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename bSpOffsetStored_0__i_1 "bSpOffsetStored[0]_i_1") (viewref netlist (cellref LUT2 (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "4'h2"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename bSpOffsetStored_10__i_1 "bSpOffsetStored[10]_i_1") (viewref netlist (cellref LUT2 (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "4'h2"))
+ (property SOFT_HLUTNM (string "soft_lutpair60"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename bSpOffsetStored_11__i_1 "bSpOffsetStored[11]_i_1") (viewref netlist (cellref LUT2 (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "4'h2"))
+ (property SOFT_HLUTNM (string "soft_lutpair59"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename bSpOffsetStored_12__i_1 "bSpOffsetStored[12]_i_1") (viewref netlist (cellref LUT2 (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "4'h2"))
+ (property SOFT_HLUTNM (string "soft_lutpair59"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename bSpOffsetStored_13__i_1 "bSpOffsetStored[13]_i_1") (viewref netlist (cellref LUT2 (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "4'h2"))
+ (property SOFT_HLUTNM (string "soft_lutpair58"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename bSpOffsetStored_14__i_1 "bSpOffsetStored[14]_i_1") (viewref netlist (cellref LUT2 (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "4'h2"))
+ (property SOFT_HLUTNM (string "soft_lutpair58"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename bSpOffsetStored_15__i_1 "bSpOffsetStored[15]_i_1") (viewref netlist (cellref LUT2 (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "4'h2"))
+ (property SOFT_HLUTNM (string "soft_lutpair57"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename bSpOffsetStored_16__i_1 "bSpOffsetStored[16]_i_1") (viewref netlist (cellref LUT2 (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "4'h2"))
+ (property SOFT_HLUTNM (string "soft_lutpair57"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename bSpOffsetStored_17__i_1 "bSpOffsetStored[17]_i_1") (viewref netlist (cellref LUT2 (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "4'h2"))
+ (property SOFT_HLUTNM (string "soft_lutpair56"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename bSpOffsetStored_18__i_1 "bSpOffsetStored[18]_i_1") (viewref netlist (cellref LUT2 (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "4'h2"))
+ (property SOFT_HLUTNM (string "soft_lutpair56"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename bSpOffsetStored_19__i_1 "bSpOffsetStored[19]_i_1") (viewref netlist (cellref LUT2 (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "4'h2"))
+ (property SOFT_HLUTNM (string "soft_lutpair55"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename bSpOffsetStored_1__i_1 "bSpOffsetStored[1]_i_1") (viewref netlist (cellref LUT2 (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "4'h2"))
+ (property SOFT_HLUTNM (string "soft_lutpair64"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename bSpOffsetStored_20__i_1 "bSpOffsetStored[20]_i_1") (viewref netlist (cellref LUT2 (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "4'h2"))
+ (property SOFT_HLUTNM (string "soft_lutpair55"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename bSpOffsetStored_21__i_1 "bSpOffsetStored[21]_i_1") (viewref netlist (cellref LUT2 (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "4'h2"))
+ (property SOFT_HLUTNM (string "soft_lutpair54"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename bSpOffsetStored_22__i_1 "bSpOffsetStored[22]_i_1") (viewref netlist (cellref LUT2 (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "4'h2"))
+ (property SOFT_HLUTNM (string "soft_lutpair54"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename bSpOffsetStored_23__i_1 "bSpOffsetStored[23]_i_1") (viewref netlist (cellref LUT2 (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "4'h2"))
+ (property SOFT_HLUTNM (string "soft_lutpair53"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename bSpOffsetStored_24__i_1 "bSpOffsetStored[24]_i_1") (viewref netlist (cellref LUT2 (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "4'h2"))
+ (property SOFT_HLUTNM (string "soft_lutpair53"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename bSpOffsetStored_25__i_1 "bSpOffsetStored[25]_i_1") (viewref netlist (cellref LUT2 (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "4'h2"))
+ (property SOFT_HLUTNM (string "soft_lutpair52"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename bSpOffsetStored_26__i_1 "bSpOffsetStored[26]_i_1") (viewref netlist (cellref LUT2 (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "4'h2"))
+ (property SOFT_HLUTNM (string "soft_lutpair52"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename bSpOffsetStored_27__i_1 "bSpOffsetStored[27]_i_1") (viewref netlist (cellref LUT2 (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "4'h2"))
+ (property SOFT_HLUTNM (string "soft_lutpair51"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename bSpOffsetStored_28__i_1 "bSpOffsetStored[28]_i_1") (viewref netlist (cellref LUT2 (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "4'h2"))
+ (property SOFT_HLUTNM (string "soft_lutpair51"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename bSpOffsetStored_29__i_1 "bSpOffsetStored[29]_i_1") (viewref netlist (cellref LUT2 (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "4'h2"))
+ (property SOFT_HLUTNM (string "soft_lutpair50"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename bSpOffsetStored_2__i_1 "bSpOffsetStored[2]_i_1") (viewref netlist (cellref LUT2 (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "4'h2"))
+ (property SOFT_HLUTNM (string "soft_lutpair64"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename bSpOffsetStored_30__i_1 "bSpOffsetStored[30]_i_1") (viewref netlist (cellref LUT2 (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "4'h2"))
+ (property SOFT_HLUTNM (string "soft_lutpair50"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename bSpOffsetStored_31__i_1 "bSpOffsetStored[31]_i_1") (viewref netlist (cellref LUT2 (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "4'h2"))
+ (property SOFT_HLUTNM (string "soft_lutpair49"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename bSpOffsetStored_3__i_1 "bSpOffsetStored[3]_i_1") (viewref netlist (cellref LUT2 (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "4'h2"))
+ (property SOFT_HLUTNM (string "soft_lutpair63"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename bSpOffsetStored_4__i_1 "bSpOffsetStored[4]_i_1") (viewref netlist (cellref LUT2 (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "4'h2"))
+ (property SOFT_HLUTNM (string "soft_lutpair63"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename bSpOffsetStored_5__i_1 "bSpOffsetStored[5]_i_1") (viewref netlist (cellref LUT2 (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "4'h2"))
+ (property SOFT_HLUTNM (string "soft_lutpair62"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename bSpOffsetStored_6__i_1 "bSpOffsetStored[6]_i_1") (viewref netlist (cellref LUT2 (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "4'h2"))
+ (property SOFT_HLUTNM (string "soft_lutpair62"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename bSpOffsetStored_7__i_1 "bSpOffsetStored[7]_i_1") (viewref netlist (cellref LUT2 (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "4'h2"))
+ (property SOFT_HLUTNM (string "soft_lutpair61"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename bSpOffsetStored_8__i_1 "bSpOffsetStored[8]_i_1") (viewref netlist (cellref LUT2 (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "4'h2"))
+ (property SOFT_HLUTNM (string "soft_lutpair61"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename bSpOffsetStored_9__i_1 "bSpOffsetStored[9]_i_1") (viewref netlist (cellref LUT2 (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "4'h2"))
+ (property SOFT_HLUTNM (string "soft_lutpair60"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename bSpOffsetStored_reg_0_ "bSpOffsetStored_reg[0]") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename bSpOffsetStored_reg_10_ "bSpOffsetStored_reg[10]") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename bSpOffsetStored_reg_11_ "bSpOffsetStored_reg[11]") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename bSpOffsetStored_reg_12_ "bSpOffsetStored_reg[12]") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename bSpOffsetStored_reg_13_ "bSpOffsetStored_reg[13]") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename bSpOffsetStored_reg_14_ "bSpOffsetStored_reg[14]") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename bSpOffsetStored_reg_15_ "bSpOffsetStored_reg[15]") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename bSpOffsetStored_reg_16_ "bSpOffsetStored_reg[16]") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename bSpOffsetStored_reg_17_ "bSpOffsetStored_reg[17]") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename bSpOffsetStored_reg_18_ "bSpOffsetStored_reg[18]") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename bSpOffsetStored_reg_19_ "bSpOffsetStored_reg[19]") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename bSpOffsetStored_reg_1_ "bSpOffsetStored_reg[1]") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename bSpOffsetStored_reg_20_ "bSpOffsetStored_reg[20]") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename bSpOffsetStored_reg_21_ "bSpOffsetStored_reg[21]") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename bSpOffsetStored_reg_22_ "bSpOffsetStored_reg[22]") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename bSpOffsetStored_reg_23_ "bSpOffsetStored_reg[23]") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename bSpOffsetStored_reg_24_ "bSpOffsetStored_reg[24]") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename bSpOffsetStored_reg_25_ "bSpOffsetStored_reg[25]") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename bSpOffsetStored_reg_26_ "bSpOffsetStored_reg[26]") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename bSpOffsetStored_reg_27_ "bSpOffsetStored_reg[27]") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename bSpOffsetStored_reg_28_ "bSpOffsetStored_reg[28]") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename bSpOffsetStored_reg_29_ "bSpOffsetStored_reg[29]") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename bSpOffsetStored_reg_2_ "bSpOffsetStored_reg[2]") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename bSpOffsetStored_reg_30_ "bSpOffsetStored_reg[30]") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename bSpOffsetStored_reg_31_ "bSpOffsetStored_reg[31]") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename bSpOffsetStored_reg_3_ "bSpOffsetStored_reg[3]") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename bSpOffsetStored_reg_4_ "bSpOffsetStored_reg[4]") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename bSpOffsetStored_reg_5_ "bSpOffsetStored_reg[5]") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename bSpOffsetStored_reg_6_ "bSpOffsetStored_reg[6]") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename bSpOffsetStored_reg_7_ "bSpOffsetStored_reg[7]") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename bSpOffsetStored_reg_8_ "bSpOffsetStored_reg[8]") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename bSpOffsetStored_reg_9_ "bSpOffsetStored_reg[9]") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename rPulserEnableDelayVal_reg_0_ "rPulserEnableDelayVal_reg[0]") (viewref netlist (cellref FDPE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b1"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename rPulserEnableDelayVal_reg_1_ "rPulserEnableDelayVal_reg[1]") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename rPulserEnableDelayVal_reg_2_ "rPulserEnableDelayVal_reg[2]") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename rPulserEnableDelayVal_reg_3_ "rPulserEnableDelayVal_reg[3]") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename sPpsClkCrossDelayVal_reg_0_ "sPpsClkCrossDelayVal_reg[0]") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename sPpsClkCrossDelayVal_reg_1_ "sPpsClkCrossDelayVal_reg[1]") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename sPpsClkCrossDelayVal_reg_2_ "sPpsClkCrossDelayVal_reg[2]") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ )
+ (instance (rename sPpsClkCrossDelayVal_reg_3_ "sPpsClkCrossDelayVal_reg[3]") (viewref netlist (cellref FDCE (libraryref hdi_primitives)))
+ (property INIT (string "1'b0"))
+ )
+ (net (rename &_const0_ "<const0>") (joined
+ (portref CLR (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_0__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_0__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_10__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_10__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_11__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_11__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_12__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_12__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_13__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_13__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_14__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_14__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_15__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_15__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_16__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_16__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_17__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_17__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_18__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_18__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_19__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_19__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_1__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_1__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_20__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_20__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_21__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_21__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_22__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_22__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_23__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_23__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_24__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_24__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_25__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_25__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_26__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_26__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_27__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_27__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_28__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_28__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_29__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_29__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_2__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_2__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_30__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_30__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_31__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_31__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_32__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_32__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_33__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_33__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_34__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_34__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_35__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_35__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_36__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_36__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_37__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_37__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_38__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_38__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_39__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_39__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_3__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_3__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_40__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_40__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_41__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_41__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_42__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_42__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_43__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_43__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_44__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_44__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_45__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_45__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_46__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_46__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_47__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_47__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_48__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_48__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_49__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_49__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_4__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_4__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_50__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_50__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_51__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_51__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_52__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_52__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_53__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_53__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_54__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_54__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_55__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_55__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_56__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_56__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_57__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_57__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_58__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_58__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_59__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_59__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_5__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_5__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_60__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_60__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_61__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_61__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_62__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_62__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_63__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_63__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_64__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_64__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_65__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_65__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_66__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_66__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_67__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_67__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_68__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_68__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_69__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_69__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_6__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_6__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_70__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_70__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_71__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_71__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_72__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_72__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_73__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_73__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_74__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_74__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_75__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_75__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_76__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_76__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_77__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_77__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_78__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_78__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_79__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_79__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_7__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_7__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_8__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_8__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_9__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_9__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref OffsetsValidDs_DoubleSyncSlAsyncInx_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref OffsetsValidDs_DoubleSyncSlAsyncInx_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref PpsCapturedDs_DoubleSyncBasex_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref PpsCapturedDs_DoubleSyncBasex_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref PpsCapturedDs_DoubleSyncBasex_iDlySigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref RePulseCnt1ReadbackDsGen_0__RePulse1ReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref RePulseCnt1ReadbackDsGen_0__RePulse1ReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref RePulseCnt1ReadbackDsGen_10__RePulse1ReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref RePulseCnt1ReadbackDsGen_10__RePulse1ReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref RePulseCnt1ReadbackDsGen_11__RePulse1ReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref RePulseCnt1ReadbackDsGen_11__RePulse1ReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref RePulseCnt1ReadbackDsGen_12__RePulse1ReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref RePulseCnt1ReadbackDsGen_12__RePulse1ReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref RePulseCnt1ReadbackDsGen_13__RePulse1ReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref RePulseCnt1ReadbackDsGen_13__RePulse1ReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref RePulseCnt1ReadbackDsGen_14__RePulse1ReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref RePulseCnt1ReadbackDsGen_14__RePulse1ReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref RePulseCnt1ReadbackDsGen_15__RePulse1ReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref RePulseCnt1ReadbackDsGen_15__RePulse1ReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref RePulseCnt1ReadbackDsGen_16__RePulse1ReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref RePulseCnt1ReadbackDsGen_16__RePulse1ReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref RePulseCnt1ReadbackDsGen_17__RePulse1ReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref RePulseCnt1ReadbackDsGen_17__RePulse1ReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref RePulseCnt1ReadbackDsGen_18__RePulse1ReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref RePulseCnt1ReadbackDsGen_18__RePulse1ReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref RePulseCnt1ReadbackDsGen_19__RePulse1ReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref RePulseCnt1ReadbackDsGen_19__RePulse1ReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref RePulseCnt1ReadbackDsGen_1__RePulse1ReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref RePulseCnt1ReadbackDsGen_1__RePulse1ReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref RePulseCnt1ReadbackDsGen_20__RePulse1ReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref RePulseCnt1ReadbackDsGen_20__RePulse1ReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref RePulseCnt1ReadbackDsGen_21__RePulse1ReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref RePulseCnt1ReadbackDsGen_21__RePulse1ReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref RePulseCnt1ReadbackDsGen_22__RePulse1ReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref RePulseCnt1ReadbackDsGen_22__RePulse1ReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref RePulseCnt1ReadbackDsGen_23__RePulse1ReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref RePulseCnt1ReadbackDsGen_23__RePulse1ReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref RePulseCnt1ReadbackDsGen_24__RePulse1ReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref RePulseCnt1ReadbackDsGen_24__RePulse1ReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref RePulseCnt1ReadbackDsGen_25__RePulse1ReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref RePulseCnt1ReadbackDsGen_25__RePulse1ReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref RePulseCnt1ReadbackDsGen_26__RePulse1ReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref RePulseCnt1ReadbackDsGen_26__RePulse1ReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref RePulseCnt1ReadbackDsGen_27__RePulse1ReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref RePulseCnt1ReadbackDsGen_27__RePulse1ReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref RePulseCnt1ReadbackDsGen_28__RePulse1ReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref RePulseCnt1ReadbackDsGen_28__RePulse1ReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref RePulseCnt1ReadbackDsGen_29__RePulse1ReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref RePulseCnt1ReadbackDsGen_29__RePulse1ReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref RePulseCnt1ReadbackDsGen_2__RePulse1ReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref RePulseCnt1ReadbackDsGen_2__RePulse1ReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref RePulseCnt1ReadbackDsGen_30__RePulse1ReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref RePulseCnt1ReadbackDsGen_30__RePulse1ReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref RePulseCnt1ReadbackDsGen_31__RePulse1ReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref RePulseCnt1ReadbackDsGen_31__RePulse1ReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref RePulseCnt1ReadbackDsGen_3__RePulse1ReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref RePulseCnt1ReadbackDsGen_3__RePulse1ReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref RePulseCnt1ReadbackDsGen_4__RePulse1ReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref RePulseCnt1ReadbackDsGen_4__RePulse1ReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref RePulseCnt1ReadbackDsGen_5__RePulse1ReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref RePulseCnt1ReadbackDsGen_5__RePulse1ReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref RePulseCnt1ReadbackDsGen_6__RePulse1ReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref RePulseCnt1ReadbackDsGen_6__RePulse1ReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref RePulseCnt1ReadbackDsGen_7__RePulse1ReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref RePulseCnt1ReadbackDsGen_7__RePulse1ReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref RePulseCnt1ReadbackDsGen_8__RePulse1ReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref RePulseCnt1ReadbackDsGen_8__RePulse1ReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref RePulseCnt1ReadbackDsGen_9__RePulse1ReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref RePulseCnt1ReadbackDsGen_9__RePulse1ReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref RePulseCnt2ReadbackDsGen_0__RePulse2ReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref RePulseCnt2ReadbackDsGen_0__RePulse2ReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref RePulseCnt2ReadbackDsGen_10__RePulse2ReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref RePulseCnt2ReadbackDsGen_10__RePulse2ReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref RePulseCnt2ReadbackDsGen_11__RePulse2ReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref RePulseCnt2ReadbackDsGen_11__RePulse2ReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref RePulseCnt2ReadbackDsGen_12__RePulse2ReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref RePulseCnt2ReadbackDsGen_12__RePulse2ReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref RePulseCnt2ReadbackDsGen_13__RePulse2ReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref RePulseCnt2ReadbackDsGen_13__RePulse2ReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref RePulseCnt2ReadbackDsGen_14__RePulse2ReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref RePulseCnt2ReadbackDsGen_14__RePulse2ReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref RePulseCnt2ReadbackDsGen_15__RePulse2ReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref RePulseCnt2ReadbackDsGen_15__RePulse2ReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref RePulseCnt2ReadbackDsGen_16__RePulse2ReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref RePulseCnt2ReadbackDsGen_16__RePulse2ReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref RePulseCnt2ReadbackDsGen_17__RePulse2ReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref RePulseCnt2ReadbackDsGen_17__RePulse2ReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref RePulseCnt2ReadbackDsGen_18__RePulse2ReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref RePulseCnt2ReadbackDsGen_18__RePulse2ReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref RePulseCnt2ReadbackDsGen_19__RePulse2ReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref RePulseCnt2ReadbackDsGen_19__RePulse2ReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref RePulseCnt2ReadbackDsGen_1__RePulse2ReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref RePulseCnt2ReadbackDsGen_1__RePulse2ReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref RePulseCnt2ReadbackDsGen_20__RePulse2ReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref RePulseCnt2ReadbackDsGen_20__RePulse2ReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref RePulseCnt2ReadbackDsGen_21__RePulse2ReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref RePulseCnt2ReadbackDsGen_21__RePulse2ReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref RePulseCnt2ReadbackDsGen_22__RePulse2ReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref RePulseCnt2ReadbackDsGen_22__RePulse2ReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref RePulseCnt2ReadbackDsGen_23__RePulse2ReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref RePulseCnt2ReadbackDsGen_23__RePulse2ReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref RePulseCnt2ReadbackDsGen_24__RePulse2ReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref RePulseCnt2ReadbackDsGen_24__RePulse2ReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref RePulseCnt2ReadbackDsGen_25__RePulse2ReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref RePulseCnt2ReadbackDsGen_25__RePulse2ReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref RePulseCnt2ReadbackDsGen_26__RePulse2ReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref RePulseCnt2ReadbackDsGen_26__RePulse2ReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref RePulseCnt2ReadbackDsGen_27__RePulse2ReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref RePulseCnt2ReadbackDsGen_27__RePulse2ReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref RePulseCnt2ReadbackDsGen_28__RePulse2ReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref RePulseCnt2ReadbackDsGen_28__RePulse2ReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref RePulseCnt2ReadbackDsGen_29__RePulse2ReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref RePulseCnt2ReadbackDsGen_29__RePulse2ReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref RePulseCnt2ReadbackDsGen_2__RePulse2ReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref RePulseCnt2ReadbackDsGen_2__RePulse2ReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref RePulseCnt2ReadbackDsGen_30__RePulse2ReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref RePulseCnt2ReadbackDsGen_30__RePulse2ReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref RePulseCnt2ReadbackDsGen_31__RePulse2ReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref RePulseCnt2ReadbackDsGen_31__RePulse2ReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref RePulseCnt2ReadbackDsGen_3__RePulse2ReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref RePulseCnt2ReadbackDsGen_3__RePulse2ReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref RePulseCnt2ReadbackDsGen_4__RePulse2ReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref RePulseCnt2ReadbackDsGen_4__RePulse2ReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref RePulseCnt2ReadbackDsGen_5__RePulse2ReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref RePulseCnt2ReadbackDsGen_5__RePulse2ReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref RePulseCnt2ReadbackDsGen_6__RePulse2ReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref RePulseCnt2ReadbackDsGen_6__RePulse2ReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref RePulseCnt2ReadbackDsGen_7__RePulse2ReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref RePulseCnt2ReadbackDsGen_7__RePulse2ReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref RePulseCnt2ReadbackDsGen_8__RePulse2ReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref RePulseCnt2ReadbackDsGen_8__RePulse2ReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref RePulseCnt2ReadbackDsGen_9__RePulse2ReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref RePulseCnt2ReadbackDsGen_9__RePulse2ReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref ResetDoneDs_DoubleSyncBasex_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref ResetDoneDs_DoubleSyncBasex_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref ResetDoneDs_DoubleSyncBasex_iDlySigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref RpCntReadbackDsGen_0__RpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref RpCntReadbackDsGen_0__RpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref RpCntReadbackDsGen_10__RpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref RpCntReadbackDsGen_10__RpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref RpCntReadbackDsGen_11__RpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref RpCntReadbackDsGen_11__RpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref RpCntReadbackDsGen_12__RpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref RpCntReadbackDsGen_12__RpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref RpCntReadbackDsGen_13__RpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref RpCntReadbackDsGen_13__RpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref RpCntReadbackDsGen_14__RpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref RpCntReadbackDsGen_14__RpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref RpCntReadbackDsGen_15__RpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref RpCntReadbackDsGen_15__RpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref RpCntReadbackDsGen_16__RpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref RpCntReadbackDsGen_16__RpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref RpCntReadbackDsGen_17__RpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref RpCntReadbackDsGen_17__RpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref RpCntReadbackDsGen_18__RpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref RpCntReadbackDsGen_18__RpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref RpCntReadbackDsGen_19__RpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref RpCntReadbackDsGen_19__RpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref RpCntReadbackDsGen_1__RpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref RpCntReadbackDsGen_1__RpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref RpCntReadbackDsGen_20__RpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref RpCntReadbackDsGen_20__RpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref RpCntReadbackDsGen_21__RpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref RpCntReadbackDsGen_21__RpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref RpCntReadbackDsGen_22__RpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref RpCntReadbackDsGen_22__RpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref RpCntReadbackDsGen_23__RpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref RpCntReadbackDsGen_23__RpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref RpCntReadbackDsGen_24__RpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref RpCntReadbackDsGen_24__RpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref RpCntReadbackDsGen_25__RpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref RpCntReadbackDsGen_25__RpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref RpCntReadbackDsGen_26__RpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref RpCntReadbackDsGen_26__RpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref RpCntReadbackDsGen_27__RpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref RpCntReadbackDsGen_27__RpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref RpCntReadbackDsGen_28__RpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref RpCntReadbackDsGen_28__RpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref RpCntReadbackDsGen_29__RpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref RpCntReadbackDsGen_29__RpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref RpCntReadbackDsGen_2__RpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref RpCntReadbackDsGen_2__RpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref RpCntReadbackDsGen_30__RpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref RpCntReadbackDsGen_30__RpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref RpCntReadbackDsGen_31__RpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref RpCntReadbackDsGen_31__RpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref RpCntReadbackDsGen_3__RpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref RpCntReadbackDsGen_3__RpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref RpCntReadbackDsGen_4__RpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref RpCntReadbackDsGen_4__RpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref RpCntReadbackDsGen_5__RpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref RpCntReadbackDsGen_5__RpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref RpCntReadbackDsGen_6__RpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref RpCntReadbackDsGen_6__RpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref RpCntReadbackDsGen_7__RpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref RpCntReadbackDsGen_7__RpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref RpCntReadbackDsGen_8__RpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref RpCntReadbackDsGen_8__RpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref RpCntReadbackDsGen_9__RpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref RpCntReadbackDsGen_9__RpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref RptCntReadbackDsGen_0__RptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref RptCntReadbackDsGen_0__RptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref RptCntReadbackDsGen_10__RptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref RptCntReadbackDsGen_10__RptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref RptCntReadbackDsGen_11__RptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref RptCntReadbackDsGen_11__RptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref RptCntReadbackDsGen_12__RptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref RptCntReadbackDsGen_12__RptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref RptCntReadbackDsGen_13__RptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref RptCntReadbackDsGen_13__RptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref RptCntReadbackDsGen_14__RptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref RptCntReadbackDsGen_14__RptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref RptCntReadbackDsGen_15__RptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref RptCntReadbackDsGen_15__RptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref RptCntReadbackDsGen_16__RptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref RptCntReadbackDsGen_16__RptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref RptCntReadbackDsGen_17__RptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref RptCntReadbackDsGen_17__RptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref RptCntReadbackDsGen_18__RptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref RptCntReadbackDsGen_18__RptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref RptCntReadbackDsGen_19__RptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref RptCntReadbackDsGen_19__RptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref RptCntReadbackDsGen_1__RptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref RptCntReadbackDsGen_1__RptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref RptCntReadbackDsGen_20__RptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref RptCntReadbackDsGen_20__RptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref RptCntReadbackDsGen_21__RptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref RptCntReadbackDsGen_21__RptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref RptCntReadbackDsGen_22__RptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref RptCntReadbackDsGen_22__RptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref RptCntReadbackDsGen_23__RptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref RptCntReadbackDsGen_23__RptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref RptCntReadbackDsGen_24__RptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref RptCntReadbackDsGen_24__RptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref RptCntReadbackDsGen_25__RptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref RptCntReadbackDsGen_25__RptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref RptCntReadbackDsGen_26__RptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref RptCntReadbackDsGen_26__RptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref RptCntReadbackDsGen_27__RptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref RptCntReadbackDsGen_27__RptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref RptCntReadbackDsGen_28__RptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref RptCntReadbackDsGen_28__RptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref RptCntReadbackDsGen_29__RptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref RptCntReadbackDsGen_29__RptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref RptCntReadbackDsGen_2__RptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref RptCntReadbackDsGen_2__RptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref RptCntReadbackDsGen_30__RptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref RptCntReadbackDsGen_30__RptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref RptCntReadbackDsGen_31__RptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref RptCntReadbackDsGen_31__RptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref RptCntReadbackDsGen_3__RptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref RptCntReadbackDsGen_3__RptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref RptCntReadbackDsGen_4__RptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref RptCntReadbackDsGen_4__RptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref RptCntReadbackDsGen_5__RptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref RptCntReadbackDsGen_5__RptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref RptCntReadbackDsGen_6__RptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref RptCntReadbackDsGen_6__RptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref RptCntReadbackDsGen_7__RptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref RptCntReadbackDsGen_7__RptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref RptCntReadbackDsGen_8__RptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref RptCntReadbackDsGen_8__RptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref RptCntReadbackDsGen_9__RptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref RptCntReadbackDsGen_9__RptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref SpCntReadbackDsGen_0__SpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref SpCntReadbackDsGen_0__SpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref SpCntReadbackDsGen_10__SpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref SpCntReadbackDsGen_10__SpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref SpCntReadbackDsGen_11__SpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref SpCntReadbackDsGen_11__SpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref SpCntReadbackDsGen_12__SpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref SpCntReadbackDsGen_12__SpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref SpCntReadbackDsGen_13__SpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref SpCntReadbackDsGen_13__SpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref SpCntReadbackDsGen_14__SpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref SpCntReadbackDsGen_14__SpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref SpCntReadbackDsGen_15__SpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref SpCntReadbackDsGen_15__SpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref SpCntReadbackDsGen_16__SpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref SpCntReadbackDsGen_16__SpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref SpCntReadbackDsGen_17__SpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref SpCntReadbackDsGen_17__SpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref SpCntReadbackDsGen_18__SpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref SpCntReadbackDsGen_18__SpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref SpCntReadbackDsGen_19__SpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref SpCntReadbackDsGen_19__SpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref SpCntReadbackDsGen_1__SpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref SpCntReadbackDsGen_1__SpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref SpCntReadbackDsGen_20__SpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref SpCntReadbackDsGen_20__SpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref SpCntReadbackDsGen_21__SpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref SpCntReadbackDsGen_21__SpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref SpCntReadbackDsGen_22__SpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref SpCntReadbackDsGen_22__SpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref SpCntReadbackDsGen_23__SpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref SpCntReadbackDsGen_23__SpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref SpCntReadbackDsGen_24__SpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref SpCntReadbackDsGen_24__SpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref SpCntReadbackDsGen_25__SpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref SpCntReadbackDsGen_25__SpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref SpCntReadbackDsGen_26__SpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref SpCntReadbackDsGen_26__SpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref SpCntReadbackDsGen_27__SpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref SpCntReadbackDsGen_27__SpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref SpCntReadbackDsGen_28__SpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref SpCntReadbackDsGen_28__SpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref SpCntReadbackDsGen_29__SpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref SpCntReadbackDsGen_29__SpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref SpCntReadbackDsGen_2__SpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref SpCntReadbackDsGen_2__SpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref SpCntReadbackDsGen_30__SpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref SpCntReadbackDsGen_30__SpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref SpCntReadbackDsGen_31__SpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref SpCntReadbackDsGen_31__SpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref SpCntReadbackDsGen_3__SpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref SpCntReadbackDsGen_3__SpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref SpCntReadbackDsGen_4__SpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref SpCntReadbackDsGen_4__SpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref SpCntReadbackDsGen_5__SpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref SpCntReadbackDsGen_5__SpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref SpCntReadbackDsGen_6__SpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref SpCntReadbackDsGen_6__SpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref SpCntReadbackDsGen_7__SpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref SpCntReadbackDsGen_7__SpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref SpCntReadbackDsGen_8__SpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref SpCntReadbackDsGen_8__SpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref SpCntReadbackDsGen_9__SpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref SpCntReadbackDsGen_9__SpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref SptCntReadbackDsGen_0__SptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref SptCntReadbackDsGen_0__SptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref SptCntReadbackDsGen_10__SptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref SptCntReadbackDsGen_10__SptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref SptCntReadbackDsGen_11__SptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref SptCntReadbackDsGen_11__SptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref SptCntReadbackDsGen_12__SptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref SptCntReadbackDsGen_12__SptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref SptCntReadbackDsGen_13__SptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref SptCntReadbackDsGen_13__SptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref SptCntReadbackDsGen_14__SptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref SptCntReadbackDsGen_14__SptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref SptCntReadbackDsGen_15__SptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref SptCntReadbackDsGen_15__SptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref SptCntReadbackDsGen_16__SptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref SptCntReadbackDsGen_16__SptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref SptCntReadbackDsGen_17__SptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref SptCntReadbackDsGen_17__SptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref SptCntReadbackDsGen_18__SptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref SptCntReadbackDsGen_18__SptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref SptCntReadbackDsGen_19__SptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref SptCntReadbackDsGen_19__SptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref SptCntReadbackDsGen_1__SptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref SptCntReadbackDsGen_1__SptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref SptCntReadbackDsGen_20__SptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref SptCntReadbackDsGen_20__SptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref SptCntReadbackDsGen_21__SptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref SptCntReadbackDsGen_21__SptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref SptCntReadbackDsGen_22__SptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref SptCntReadbackDsGen_22__SptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref SptCntReadbackDsGen_23__SptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref SptCntReadbackDsGen_23__SptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref SptCntReadbackDsGen_24__SptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref SptCntReadbackDsGen_24__SptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref SptCntReadbackDsGen_25__SptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref SptCntReadbackDsGen_25__SptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref SptCntReadbackDsGen_26__SptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref SptCntReadbackDsGen_26__SptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref SptCntReadbackDsGen_27__SptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref SptCntReadbackDsGen_27__SptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref SptCntReadbackDsGen_28__SptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref SptCntReadbackDsGen_28__SptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref SptCntReadbackDsGen_29__SptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref SptCntReadbackDsGen_29__SptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref SptCntReadbackDsGen_2__SptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref SptCntReadbackDsGen_2__SptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref SptCntReadbackDsGen_30__SptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref SptCntReadbackDsGen_30__SptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref SptCntReadbackDsGen_31__SptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref SptCntReadbackDsGen_31__SptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref SptCntReadbackDsGen_3__SptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref SptCntReadbackDsGen_3__SptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref SptCntReadbackDsGen_4__SptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref SptCntReadbackDsGen_4__SptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref SptCntReadbackDsGen_5__SptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref SptCntReadbackDsGen_5__SptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref SptCntReadbackDsGen_6__SptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref SptCntReadbackDsGen_6__SptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref SptCntReadbackDsGen_7__SptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref SptCntReadbackDsGen_7__SptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref SptCntReadbackDsGen_8__SptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref SptCntReadbackDsGen_8__SptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref SptCntReadbackDsGen_9__SptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref SptCntReadbackDsGen_9__SptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref G (instanceref GND))
+ (portref (member bRegPortOutFlat 32))
+ (portref (member rRePulseHighTimeInRClks 0))
+ (portref (member rRpHighTimeInRClks 0))
+ (portref (member rRptHighTimeInRClks 0))
+ (portref (member sSpHighTimeInSClks 0))
+ (portref (member sSptHighTimeInSClks 0))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename &_const1_ "<const1>") (joined
+ (portref CE (instanceref EnableTdcDs_DoubleSyncBasex_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref EnableTdcDs_DoubleSyncBasex_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref EnableTdcDs_DoubleSyncBasex_iDlySigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkIn_iDlyPush_reg))
+ (portref CE (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkOut_oDataValid_reg))
+ (portref CE (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkOut_oPushToggle1x_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkOut_oPushToggle2_reg))
+ (portref CE (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkOut_oPushToggle_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_0__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_0__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_10__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_10__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_11__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_11__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_12__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_12__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_13__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_13__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_14__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_14__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_15__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_15__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_16__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_16__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_17__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_17__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_18__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_18__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_19__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_19__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_1__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_1__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_20__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_20__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_21__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_21__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_22__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_22__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_23__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_23__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_24__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_24__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_25__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_25__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_26__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_26__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_27__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_27__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_28__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_28__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_29__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_29__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_2__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_2__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_30__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_30__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_31__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_31__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_32__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_32__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_33__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_33__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_34__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_34__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_35__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_35__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_36__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_36__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_37__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_37__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_38__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_38__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_39__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_39__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_3__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_3__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_40__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_40__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_41__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_41__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_42__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_42__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_43__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_43__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_44__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_44__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_45__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_45__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_46__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_46__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_47__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_47__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_48__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_48__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_49__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_49__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_4__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_4__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_50__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_50__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_51__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_51__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_52__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_52__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_53__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_53__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_54__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_54__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_55__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_55__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_56__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_56__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_57__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_57__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_58__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_58__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_59__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_59__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_5__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_5__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_60__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_60__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_61__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_61__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_62__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_62__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_63__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_63__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_64__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_64__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_65__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_65__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_66__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_66__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_67__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_67__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_68__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_68__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_69__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_69__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_6__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_6__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_70__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_70__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_71__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_71__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_72__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_72__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_73__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_73__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_74__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_74__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_75__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_75__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_76__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_76__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_77__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_77__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_78__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_78__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_79__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_79__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_7__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_7__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_8__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_8__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_9__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_9__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref OffsetsValidDs_DoubleSyncSlAsyncInx_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref OffsetsValidDs_DoubleSyncSlAsyncInx_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref PpsCapturedDs_DoubleSyncBasex_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref PpsCapturedDs_DoubleSyncBasex_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref PpsCapturedDs_DoubleSyncBasex_iDlySigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref PpsCrossEnDs_DoubleSyncBasex_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref PpsCrossEnDs_DoubleSyncBasex_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref PpsCrossEnDs_DoubleSyncBasex_iDlySigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref PpsDelayValCrossingHs_HBx_BlkIn_iDlyPush_reg))
+ (portref CE (instanceref PpsDelayValCrossingHs_HBx_BlkOut_oDataValid_reg))
+ (portref CE (instanceref PpsDelayValCrossingHs_HBx_BlkOut_oPushToggle1x_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref PpsDelayValCrossingHs_HBx_BlkOut_oPushToggle2_reg))
+ (portref CE (instanceref PpsDelayValCrossingHs_HBx_BlkOut_oPushToggle_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref PulserEnableDelayValCrossingHs_HBx_BlkIn_iDlyPush_reg))
+ (portref CE (instanceref PulserEnableDelayValCrossingHs_HBx_BlkOut_oDataValid_reg))
+ (portref CE (instanceref PulserEnableDelayValCrossingHs_HBx_BlkOut_oPushToggle1x_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref PulserEnableDelayValCrossingHs_HBx_BlkOut_oPushToggle2_reg))
+ (portref CE (instanceref PulserEnableDelayValCrossingHs_HBx_BlkOut_oPushToggle_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref RePulse1CntHs_BlkIn_iDlyPush_reg))
+ (portref CE (instanceref RePulse1CntHs_BlkOut_oPushToggle1x_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref RePulse1CntHs_BlkOut_oPushToggle2_reg))
+ (portref CE (instanceref RePulse1CntHs_BlkOut_oPushToggle_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref RePulse2CntHs_BlkIn_iDlyPush_reg))
+ (portref CE (instanceref RePulse2CntHs_BlkOut_oDataValid_reg))
+ (portref CE (instanceref RePulse2CntHs_BlkOut_oPushToggle1x_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref RePulse2CntHs_BlkOut_oPushToggle2_reg))
+ (portref CE (instanceref RePulse2CntHs_BlkOut_oPushToggle_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref RePulseCnt1ReadbackDsGen_0__RePulse1ReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref RePulseCnt1ReadbackDsGen_0__RePulse1ReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref RePulseCnt1ReadbackDsGen_10__RePulse1ReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref RePulseCnt1ReadbackDsGen_10__RePulse1ReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref RePulseCnt1ReadbackDsGen_11__RePulse1ReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref RePulseCnt1ReadbackDsGen_11__RePulse1ReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref RePulseCnt1ReadbackDsGen_12__RePulse1ReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref RePulseCnt1ReadbackDsGen_12__RePulse1ReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref RePulseCnt1ReadbackDsGen_13__RePulse1ReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref RePulseCnt1ReadbackDsGen_13__RePulse1ReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref RePulseCnt1ReadbackDsGen_14__RePulse1ReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref RePulseCnt1ReadbackDsGen_14__RePulse1ReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref RePulseCnt1ReadbackDsGen_15__RePulse1ReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref RePulseCnt1ReadbackDsGen_15__RePulse1ReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref RePulseCnt1ReadbackDsGen_16__RePulse1ReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref RePulseCnt1ReadbackDsGen_16__RePulse1ReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref RePulseCnt1ReadbackDsGen_17__RePulse1ReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref RePulseCnt1ReadbackDsGen_17__RePulse1ReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref RePulseCnt1ReadbackDsGen_18__RePulse1ReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref RePulseCnt1ReadbackDsGen_18__RePulse1ReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref RePulseCnt1ReadbackDsGen_19__RePulse1ReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref RePulseCnt1ReadbackDsGen_19__RePulse1ReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref RePulseCnt1ReadbackDsGen_1__RePulse1ReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref RePulseCnt1ReadbackDsGen_1__RePulse1ReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref RePulseCnt1ReadbackDsGen_20__RePulse1ReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref RePulseCnt1ReadbackDsGen_20__RePulse1ReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref RePulseCnt1ReadbackDsGen_21__RePulse1ReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref RePulseCnt1ReadbackDsGen_21__RePulse1ReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref RePulseCnt1ReadbackDsGen_22__RePulse1ReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref RePulseCnt1ReadbackDsGen_22__RePulse1ReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref RePulseCnt1ReadbackDsGen_23__RePulse1ReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref RePulseCnt1ReadbackDsGen_23__RePulse1ReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref RePulseCnt1ReadbackDsGen_24__RePulse1ReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref RePulseCnt1ReadbackDsGen_24__RePulse1ReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref RePulseCnt1ReadbackDsGen_25__RePulse1ReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref RePulseCnt1ReadbackDsGen_25__RePulse1ReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref RePulseCnt1ReadbackDsGen_26__RePulse1ReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref RePulseCnt1ReadbackDsGen_26__RePulse1ReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref RePulseCnt1ReadbackDsGen_27__RePulse1ReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref RePulseCnt1ReadbackDsGen_27__RePulse1ReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref RePulseCnt1ReadbackDsGen_28__RePulse1ReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref RePulseCnt1ReadbackDsGen_28__RePulse1ReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref RePulseCnt1ReadbackDsGen_29__RePulse1ReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref RePulseCnt1ReadbackDsGen_29__RePulse1ReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref RePulseCnt1ReadbackDsGen_2__RePulse1ReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref RePulseCnt1ReadbackDsGen_2__RePulse1ReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref RePulseCnt1ReadbackDsGen_30__RePulse1ReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref RePulseCnt1ReadbackDsGen_30__RePulse1ReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref RePulseCnt1ReadbackDsGen_31__RePulse1ReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref RePulseCnt1ReadbackDsGen_31__RePulse1ReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref RePulseCnt1ReadbackDsGen_3__RePulse1ReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref RePulseCnt1ReadbackDsGen_3__RePulse1ReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref RePulseCnt1ReadbackDsGen_4__RePulse1ReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref RePulseCnt1ReadbackDsGen_4__RePulse1ReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref RePulseCnt1ReadbackDsGen_5__RePulse1ReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref RePulseCnt1ReadbackDsGen_5__RePulse1ReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref RePulseCnt1ReadbackDsGen_6__RePulse1ReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref RePulseCnt1ReadbackDsGen_6__RePulse1ReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref RePulseCnt1ReadbackDsGen_7__RePulse1ReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref RePulseCnt1ReadbackDsGen_7__RePulse1ReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref RePulseCnt1ReadbackDsGen_8__RePulse1ReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref RePulseCnt1ReadbackDsGen_8__RePulse1ReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref RePulseCnt1ReadbackDsGen_9__RePulse1ReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref RePulseCnt1ReadbackDsGen_9__RePulse1ReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref RePulseCnt2ReadbackDsGen_0__RePulse2ReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref RePulseCnt2ReadbackDsGen_0__RePulse2ReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref RePulseCnt2ReadbackDsGen_10__RePulse2ReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref RePulseCnt2ReadbackDsGen_10__RePulse2ReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref RePulseCnt2ReadbackDsGen_11__RePulse2ReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref RePulseCnt2ReadbackDsGen_11__RePulse2ReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref RePulseCnt2ReadbackDsGen_12__RePulse2ReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref RePulseCnt2ReadbackDsGen_12__RePulse2ReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref RePulseCnt2ReadbackDsGen_13__RePulse2ReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref RePulseCnt2ReadbackDsGen_13__RePulse2ReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref RePulseCnt2ReadbackDsGen_14__RePulse2ReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref RePulseCnt2ReadbackDsGen_14__RePulse2ReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref RePulseCnt2ReadbackDsGen_15__RePulse2ReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref RePulseCnt2ReadbackDsGen_15__RePulse2ReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref RePulseCnt2ReadbackDsGen_16__RePulse2ReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref RePulseCnt2ReadbackDsGen_16__RePulse2ReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref RePulseCnt2ReadbackDsGen_17__RePulse2ReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref RePulseCnt2ReadbackDsGen_17__RePulse2ReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref RePulseCnt2ReadbackDsGen_18__RePulse2ReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref RePulseCnt2ReadbackDsGen_18__RePulse2ReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref RePulseCnt2ReadbackDsGen_19__RePulse2ReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref RePulseCnt2ReadbackDsGen_19__RePulse2ReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref RePulseCnt2ReadbackDsGen_1__RePulse2ReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref RePulseCnt2ReadbackDsGen_1__RePulse2ReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref RePulseCnt2ReadbackDsGen_20__RePulse2ReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref RePulseCnt2ReadbackDsGen_20__RePulse2ReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref RePulseCnt2ReadbackDsGen_21__RePulse2ReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref RePulseCnt2ReadbackDsGen_21__RePulse2ReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref RePulseCnt2ReadbackDsGen_22__RePulse2ReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref RePulseCnt2ReadbackDsGen_22__RePulse2ReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref RePulseCnt2ReadbackDsGen_23__RePulse2ReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref RePulseCnt2ReadbackDsGen_23__RePulse2ReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref RePulseCnt2ReadbackDsGen_24__RePulse2ReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref RePulseCnt2ReadbackDsGen_24__RePulse2ReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref RePulseCnt2ReadbackDsGen_25__RePulse2ReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref RePulseCnt2ReadbackDsGen_25__RePulse2ReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref RePulseCnt2ReadbackDsGen_26__RePulse2ReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref RePulseCnt2ReadbackDsGen_26__RePulse2ReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref RePulseCnt2ReadbackDsGen_27__RePulse2ReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref RePulseCnt2ReadbackDsGen_27__RePulse2ReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref RePulseCnt2ReadbackDsGen_28__RePulse2ReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref RePulseCnt2ReadbackDsGen_28__RePulse2ReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref RePulseCnt2ReadbackDsGen_29__RePulse2ReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref RePulseCnt2ReadbackDsGen_29__RePulse2ReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref RePulseCnt2ReadbackDsGen_2__RePulse2ReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref RePulseCnt2ReadbackDsGen_2__RePulse2ReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref RePulseCnt2ReadbackDsGen_30__RePulse2ReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref RePulseCnt2ReadbackDsGen_30__RePulse2ReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref RePulseCnt2ReadbackDsGen_31__RePulse2ReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref RePulseCnt2ReadbackDsGen_31__RePulse2ReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref RePulseCnt2ReadbackDsGen_3__RePulse2ReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref RePulseCnt2ReadbackDsGen_3__RePulse2ReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref RePulseCnt2ReadbackDsGen_4__RePulse2ReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref RePulseCnt2ReadbackDsGen_4__RePulse2ReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref RePulseCnt2ReadbackDsGen_5__RePulse2ReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref RePulseCnt2ReadbackDsGen_5__RePulse2ReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref RePulseCnt2ReadbackDsGen_6__RePulse2ReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref RePulseCnt2ReadbackDsGen_6__RePulse2ReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref RePulseCnt2ReadbackDsGen_7__RePulse2ReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref RePulseCnt2ReadbackDsGen_7__RePulse2ReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref RePulseCnt2ReadbackDsGen_8__RePulse2ReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref RePulseCnt2ReadbackDsGen_8__RePulse2ReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref RePulseCnt2ReadbackDsGen_9__RePulse2ReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref RePulseCnt2ReadbackDsGen_9__RePulse2ReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref ReRunEnableDs_DoubleSyncBasex_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref ReRunEnableDs_DoubleSyncBasex_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref ReRunEnableDs_DoubleSyncBasex_iDlySigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref ResetDoneDs_DoubleSyncBasex_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref ResetDoneDs_DoubleSyncBasex_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref ResetDoneDs_DoubleSyncBasex_iDlySigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref ResetTdcDs_DoubleSyncBasex_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref ResetTdcDs_DoubleSyncBasex_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref ResetTdcDs_DoubleSyncBasex_iDlySigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref RpCntHs_BlkIn_iDlyPush_reg))
+ (portref CE (instanceref RpCntHs_BlkOut_oDataValid_reg))
+ (portref CE (instanceref RpCntHs_BlkOut_oPushToggle1x_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref RpCntHs_BlkOut_oPushToggle2_reg))
+ (portref CE (instanceref RpCntHs_BlkOut_oPushToggle_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref RpCntReadbackDsGen_0__RpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref RpCntReadbackDsGen_0__RpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref RpCntReadbackDsGen_10__RpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref RpCntReadbackDsGen_10__RpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref RpCntReadbackDsGen_11__RpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref RpCntReadbackDsGen_11__RpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref RpCntReadbackDsGen_12__RpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref RpCntReadbackDsGen_12__RpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref RpCntReadbackDsGen_13__RpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref RpCntReadbackDsGen_13__RpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref RpCntReadbackDsGen_14__RpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref RpCntReadbackDsGen_14__RpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref RpCntReadbackDsGen_15__RpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref RpCntReadbackDsGen_15__RpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref RpCntReadbackDsGen_16__RpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref RpCntReadbackDsGen_16__RpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref RpCntReadbackDsGen_17__RpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref RpCntReadbackDsGen_17__RpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref RpCntReadbackDsGen_18__RpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref RpCntReadbackDsGen_18__RpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref RpCntReadbackDsGen_19__RpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref RpCntReadbackDsGen_19__RpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref RpCntReadbackDsGen_1__RpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref RpCntReadbackDsGen_1__RpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref RpCntReadbackDsGen_20__RpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref RpCntReadbackDsGen_20__RpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref RpCntReadbackDsGen_21__RpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref RpCntReadbackDsGen_21__RpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref RpCntReadbackDsGen_22__RpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref RpCntReadbackDsGen_22__RpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref RpCntReadbackDsGen_23__RpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref RpCntReadbackDsGen_23__RpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref RpCntReadbackDsGen_24__RpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref RpCntReadbackDsGen_24__RpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref RpCntReadbackDsGen_25__RpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref RpCntReadbackDsGen_25__RpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref RpCntReadbackDsGen_26__RpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref RpCntReadbackDsGen_26__RpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref RpCntReadbackDsGen_27__RpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref RpCntReadbackDsGen_27__RpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref RpCntReadbackDsGen_28__RpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref RpCntReadbackDsGen_28__RpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref RpCntReadbackDsGen_29__RpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref RpCntReadbackDsGen_29__RpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref RpCntReadbackDsGen_2__RpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref RpCntReadbackDsGen_2__RpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref RpCntReadbackDsGen_30__RpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref RpCntReadbackDsGen_30__RpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref RpCntReadbackDsGen_31__RpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref RpCntReadbackDsGen_31__RpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref RpCntReadbackDsGen_3__RpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref RpCntReadbackDsGen_3__RpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref RpCntReadbackDsGen_4__RpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref RpCntReadbackDsGen_4__RpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref RpCntReadbackDsGen_5__RpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref RpCntReadbackDsGen_5__RpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref RpCntReadbackDsGen_6__RpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref RpCntReadbackDsGen_6__RpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref RpCntReadbackDsGen_7__RpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref RpCntReadbackDsGen_7__RpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref RpCntReadbackDsGen_8__RpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref RpCntReadbackDsGen_8__RpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref RpCntReadbackDsGen_9__RpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref RpCntReadbackDsGen_9__RpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref RptCntHs_BlkIn_iDlyPush_reg))
+ (portref CE (instanceref RptCntHs_BlkOut_oDataValid_reg))
+ (portref CE (instanceref RptCntHs_BlkOut_oPushToggle1x_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref RptCntHs_BlkOut_oPushToggle2_reg))
+ (portref CE (instanceref RptCntHs_BlkOut_oPushToggle_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref RptCntReadbackDsGen_0__RptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref RptCntReadbackDsGen_0__RptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref RptCntReadbackDsGen_10__RptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref RptCntReadbackDsGen_10__RptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref RptCntReadbackDsGen_11__RptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref RptCntReadbackDsGen_11__RptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref RptCntReadbackDsGen_12__RptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref RptCntReadbackDsGen_12__RptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref RptCntReadbackDsGen_13__RptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref RptCntReadbackDsGen_13__RptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref RptCntReadbackDsGen_14__RptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref RptCntReadbackDsGen_14__RptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref RptCntReadbackDsGen_15__RptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref RptCntReadbackDsGen_15__RptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref RptCntReadbackDsGen_16__RptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref RptCntReadbackDsGen_16__RptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref RptCntReadbackDsGen_17__RptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref RptCntReadbackDsGen_17__RptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref RptCntReadbackDsGen_18__RptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref RptCntReadbackDsGen_18__RptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref RptCntReadbackDsGen_19__RptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref RptCntReadbackDsGen_19__RptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref RptCntReadbackDsGen_1__RptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref RptCntReadbackDsGen_1__RptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref RptCntReadbackDsGen_20__RptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref RptCntReadbackDsGen_20__RptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref RptCntReadbackDsGen_21__RptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref RptCntReadbackDsGen_21__RptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref RptCntReadbackDsGen_22__RptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref RptCntReadbackDsGen_22__RptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref RptCntReadbackDsGen_23__RptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref RptCntReadbackDsGen_23__RptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref RptCntReadbackDsGen_24__RptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref RptCntReadbackDsGen_24__RptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref RptCntReadbackDsGen_25__RptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref RptCntReadbackDsGen_25__RptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref RptCntReadbackDsGen_26__RptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref RptCntReadbackDsGen_26__RptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref RptCntReadbackDsGen_27__RptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref RptCntReadbackDsGen_27__RptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref RptCntReadbackDsGen_28__RptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref RptCntReadbackDsGen_28__RptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref RptCntReadbackDsGen_29__RptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref RptCntReadbackDsGen_29__RptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref RptCntReadbackDsGen_2__RptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref RptCntReadbackDsGen_2__RptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref RptCntReadbackDsGen_30__RptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref RptCntReadbackDsGen_30__RptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref RptCntReadbackDsGen_31__RptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref RptCntReadbackDsGen_31__RptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref RptCntReadbackDsGen_3__RptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref RptCntReadbackDsGen_3__RptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref RptCntReadbackDsGen_4__RptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref RptCntReadbackDsGen_4__RptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref RptCntReadbackDsGen_5__RptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref RptCntReadbackDsGen_5__RptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref RptCntReadbackDsGen_6__RptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref RptCntReadbackDsGen_6__RptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref RptCntReadbackDsGen_7__RptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref RptCntReadbackDsGen_7__RptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref RptCntReadbackDsGen_8__RptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref RptCntReadbackDsGen_8__RptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref RptCntReadbackDsGen_9__RptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref RptCntReadbackDsGen_9__RptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref SpCntHs_BlkIn_iDlyPush_reg))
+ (portref CE (instanceref SpCntHs_BlkOut_oDataValid_reg))
+ (portref CE (instanceref SpCntHs_BlkOut_oPushToggle1x_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref SpCntHs_BlkOut_oPushToggle2_reg))
+ (portref CE (instanceref SpCntHs_BlkOut_oPushToggle_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref SpCntReadbackDsGen_0__SpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref SpCntReadbackDsGen_0__SpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref SpCntReadbackDsGen_10__SpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref SpCntReadbackDsGen_10__SpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref SpCntReadbackDsGen_11__SpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref SpCntReadbackDsGen_11__SpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref SpCntReadbackDsGen_12__SpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref SpCntReadbackDsGen_12__SpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref SpCntReadbackDsGen_13__SpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref SpCntReadbackDsGen_13__SpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref SpCntReadbackDsGen_14__SpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref SpCntReadbackDsGen_14__SpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref SpCntReadbackDsGen_15__SpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref SpCntReadbackDsGen_15__SpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref SpCntReadbackDsGen_16__SpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref SpCntReadbackDsGen_16__SpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref SpCntReadbackDsGen_17__SpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref SpCntReadbackDsGen_17__SpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref SpCntReadbackDsGen_18__SpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref SpCntReadbackDsGen_18__SpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref SpCntReadbackDsGen_19__SpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref SpCntReadbackDsGen_19__SpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref SpCntReadbackDsGen_1__SpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref SpCntReadbackDsGen_1__SpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref SpCntReadbackDsGen_20__SpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref SpCntReadbackDsGen_20__SpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref SpCntReadbackDsGen_21__SpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref SpCntReadbackDsGen_21__SpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref SpCntReadbackDsGen_22__SpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref SpCntReadbackDsGen_22__SpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref SpCntReadbackDsGen_23__SpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref SpCntReadbackDsGen_23__SpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref SpCntReadbackDsGen_24__SpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref SpCntReadbackDsGen_24__SpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref SpCntReadbackDsGen_25__SpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref SpCntReadbackDsGen_25__SpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref SpCntReadbackDsGen_26__SpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref SpCntReadbackDsGen_26__SpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref SpCntReadbackDsGen_27__SpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref SpCntReadbackDsGen_27__SpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref SpCntReadbackDsGen_28__SpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref SpCntReadbackDsGen_28__SpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref SpCntReadbackDsGen_29__SpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref SpCntReadbackDsGen_29__SpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref SpCntReadbackDsGen_2__SpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref SpCntReadbackDsGen_2__SpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref SpCntReadbackDsGen_30__SpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref SpCntReadbackDsGen_30__SpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref SpCntReadbackDsGen_31__SpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref SpCntReadbackDsGen_31__SpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref SpCntReadbackDsGen_3__SpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref SpCntReadbackDsGen_3__SpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref SpCntReadbackDsGen_4__SpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref SpCntReadbackDsGen_4__SpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref SpCntReadbackDsGen_5__SpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref SpCntReadbackDsGen_5__SpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref SpCntReadbackDsGen_6__SpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref SpCntReadbackDsGen_6__SpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref SpCntReadbackDsGen_7__SpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref SpCntReadbackDsGen_7__SpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref SpCntReadbackDsGen_8__SpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref SpCntReadbackDsGen_8__SpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref SpCntReadbackDsGen_9__SpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref SpCntReadbackDsGen_9__SpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref SptCntHs_BlkIn_iDlyPush_reg))
+ (portref CE (instanceref SptCntHs_BlkOut_oDataValid_reg))
+ (portref CE (instanceref SptCntHs_BlkOut_oPushToggle1x_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref SptCntHs_BlkOut_oPushToggle2_reg))
+ (portref CE (instanceref SptCntHs_BlkOut_oPushToggle_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref SptCntReadbackDsGen_0__SptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref SptCntReadbackDsGen_0__SptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref SptCntReadbackDsGen_10__SptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref SptCntReadbackDsGen_10__SptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref SptCntReadbackDsGen_11__SptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref SptCntReadbackDsGen_11__SptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref SptCntReadbackDsGen_12__SptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref SptCntReadbackDsGen_12__SptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref SptCntReadbackDsGen_13__SptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref SptCntReadbackDsGen_13__SptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref SptCntReadbackDsGen_14__SptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref SptCntReadbackDsGen_14__SptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref SptCntReadbackDsGen_15__SptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref SptCntReadbackDsGen_15__SptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref SptCntReadbackDsGen_16__SptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref SptCntReadbackDsGen_16__SptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref SptCntReadbackDsGen_17__SptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref SptCntReadbackDsGen_17__SptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref SptCntReadbackDsGen_18__SptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref SptCntReadbackDsGen_18__SptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref SptCntReadbackDsGen_19__SptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref SptCntReadbackDsGen_19__SptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref SptCntReadbackDsGen_1__SptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref SptCntReadbackDsGen_1__SptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref SptCntReadbackDsGen_20__SptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref SptCntReadbackDsGen_20__SptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref SptCntReadbackDsGen_21__SptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref SptCntReadbackDsGen_21__SptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref SptCntReadbackDsGen_22__SptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref SptCntReadbackDsGen_22__SptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref SptCntReadbackDsGen_23__SptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref SptCntReadbackDsGen_23__SptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref SptCntReadbackDsGen_24__SptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref SptCntReadbackDsGen_24__SptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref SptCntReadbackDsGen_25__SptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref SptCntReadbackDsGen_25__SptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref SptCntReadbackDsGen_26__SptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref SptCntReadbackDsGen_26__SptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref SptCntReadbackDsGen_27__SptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref SptCntReadbackDsGen_27__SptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref SptCntReadbackDsGen_28__SptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref SptCntReadbackDsGen_28__SptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref SptCntReadbackDsGen_29__SptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref SptCntReadbackDsGen_29__SptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref SptCntReadbackDsGen_2__SptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref SptCntReadbackDsGen_2__SptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref SptCntReadbackDsGen_30__SptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref SptCntReadbackDsGen_30__SptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref SptCntReadbackDsGen_31__SptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref SptCntReadbackDsGen_31__SptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref SptCntReadbackDsGen_3__SptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref SptCntReadbackDsGen_3__SptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref SptCntReadbackDsGen_4__SptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref SptCntReadbackDsGen_4__SptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref SptCntReadbackDsGen_5__SptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref SptCntReadbackDsGen_5__SptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref SptCntReadbackDsGen_6__SptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref SptCntReadbackDsGen_6__SptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref SptCntReadbackDsGen_7__SptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref SptCntReadbackDsGen_7__SptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref SptCntReadbackDsGen_8__SptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref SptCntReadbackDsGen_8__SptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref SptCntReadbackDsGen_9__SptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref SptCntReadbackDsGen_9__SptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref aTdcResetLcl_reg))
+ (portref CE (instanceref aTdcResetLcl_reg_rep))
+ (portref CE (instanceref aTdcResetLcl_reg_rep__0))
+ (portref CE (instanceref aTdcResetLcl_reg_rep__1))
+ (portref CE (instanceref aTdcResetLcl_reg_rep__2))
+ (portref CE (instanceref aTdcResetLcl_reg_rep__3))
+ (portref CE (instanceref bClearTdcRegs_reg))
+ (portref CE (instanceref bEnableTdc_reg))
+ (portref CE (instanceref bOffsetUpdated_reg))
+ (portref CE (instanceref bPpsClkCrossEn_reg))
+ (portref CE (instanceref bPushPpsDelayVal_reg))
+ (portref CE (instanceref bPushPulserEnableDelayVal_reg))
+ (portref CE (instanceref bReRunEnable_reg))
+ (portref CE (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_reg_Data__0_))
+ (portref CE (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_reg_Data__10_))
+ (portref CE (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_reg_Data__11_))
+ (portref CE (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_reg_Data__12_))
+ (portref CE (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_reg_Data__13_))
+ (portref CE (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_reg_Data__14_))
+ (portref CE (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_reg_Data__15_))
+ (portref CE (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_reg_Data__16_))
+ (portref CE (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_reg_Data__17_))
+ (portref CE (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_reg_Data__18_))
+ (portref CE (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_reg_Data__19_))
+ (portref CE (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_reg_Data__1_))
+ (portref CE (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_reg_Data__20_))
+ (portref CE (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_reg_Data__21_))
+ (portref CE (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_reg_Data__22_))
+ (portref CE (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_reg_Data__23_))
+ (portref CE (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_reg_Data__24_))
+ (portref CE (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_reg_Data__25_))
+ (portref CE (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_reg_Data__26_))
+ (portref CE (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_reg_Data__27_))
+ (portref CE (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_reg_Data__28_))
+ (portref CE (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_reg_Data__29_))
+ (portref CE (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_reg_Data__2_))
+ (portref CE (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_reg_Data__30_))
+ (portref CE (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_reg_Data__31_))
+ (portref CE (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_reg_Data__3_))
+ (portref CE (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_reg_Data__4_))
+ (portref CE (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_reg_Data__5_))
+ (portref CE (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_reg_Data__6_))
+ (portref CE (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_reg_Data__7_))
+ (portref CE (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_reg_Data__8_))
+ (portref CE (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_reg_Data__9_))
+ (portref CE (instanceref bResetTdc_reg))
+ (portref P (instanceref VCC))
+ (portref (member bRegPortOutFlat 33))
+ )
+ )
+ (net BusClk (joined
+ (portref C (instanceref EnableTdcDs_DoubleSyncBasex_iDlySigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_0__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_10__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_11__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_12__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_13__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_14__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_15__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_16__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_17__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_18__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_19__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_1__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_20__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_21__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_22__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_23__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_24__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_25__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_26__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_27__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_28__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_29__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_2__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_30__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_31__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_32__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_33__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_34__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_35__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_36__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_37__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_38__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_39__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_3__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_40__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_41__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_42__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_43__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_44__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_45__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_46__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_47__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_48__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_49__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_4__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_50__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_51__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_52__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_53__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_54__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_55__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_56__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_57__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_58__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_59__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_5__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_60__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_61__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_62__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_63__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_64__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_65__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_66__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_67__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_68__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_69__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_6__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_70__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_71__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_72__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_73__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_74__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_75__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_76__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_77__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_78__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_79__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_7__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_8__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_9__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkOut_oDataValid_reg))
+ (portref C (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkOut_oPushToggle1x_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkOut_oPushToggle2_reg))
+ (portref C (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkOut_oPushToggle_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_0__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_0__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_10__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_10__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_11__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_11__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_12__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_12__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_13__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_13__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_14__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_14__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_15__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_15__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_16__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_16__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_17__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_17__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_18__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_18__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_19__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_19__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_1__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_1__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_20__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_20__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_21__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_21__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_22__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_22__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_23__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_23__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_24__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_24__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_25__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_25__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_26__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_26__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_27__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_27__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_28__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_28__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_29__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_29__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_2__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_2__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_30__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_30__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_31__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_31__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_32__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_32__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_33__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_33__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_34__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_34__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_35__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_35__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_36__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_36__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_37__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_37__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_38__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_38__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_39__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_39__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_3__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_3__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_40__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_40__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_41__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_41__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_42__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_42__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_43__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_43__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_44__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_44__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_45__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_45__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_46__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_46__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_47__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_47__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_48__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_48__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_49__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_49__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_4__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_4__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_50__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_50__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_51__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_51__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_52__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_52__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_53__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_53__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_54__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_54__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_55__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_55__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_56__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_56__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_57__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_57__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_58__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_58__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_59__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_59__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_5__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_5__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_60__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_60__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_61__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_61__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_62__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_62__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_63__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_63__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_64__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_64__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_65__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_65__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_66__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_66__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_67__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_67__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_68__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_68__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_69__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_69__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_6__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_6__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_70__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_70__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_71__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_71__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_72__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_72__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_73__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_73__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_74__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_74__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_75__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_75__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_76__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_76__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_77__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_77__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_78__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_78__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_79__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_79__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_7__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_7__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_8__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_8__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_9__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_9__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref OffsetsValidDs_DoubleSyncSlAsyncInx_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref OffsetsValidDs_DoubleSyncSlAsyncInx_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref PpsCapturedDs_DoubleSyncBasex_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref PpsCapturedDs_DoubleSyncBasex_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref PpsCrossEnDs_DoubleSyncBasex_iDlySigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref PpsDelayValCrossingHs_HBx_BlkIn_iDlyPush_reg))
+ (portref C (instanceref PpsDelayValCrossingHs_HBx_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_0_))
+ (portref C (instanceref PpsDelayValCrossingHs_HBx_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_1_))
+ (portref C (instanceref PpsDelayValCrossingHs_HBx_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_2_))
+ (portref C (instanceref PpsDelayValCrossingHs_HBx_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_3_))
+ (portref C (instanceref PpsDelayValCrossingHs_HBx_BlkIn_iPushTogglex_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref PulserEnableDelayValCrossingHs_HBx_BlkIn_iDlyPush_reg))
+ (portref C (instanceref PulserEnableDelayValCrossingHs_HBx_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_0_))
+ (portref C (instanceref PulserEnableDelayValCrossingHs_HBx_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_1_))
+ (portref C (instanceref PulserEnableDelayValCrossingHs_HBx_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_2_))
+ (portref C (instanceref PulserEnableDelayValCrossingHs_HBx_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_3_))
+ (portref C (instanceref PulserEnableDelayValCrossingHs_HBx_BlkIn_iPushTogglex_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref RePulse1CntHs_BlkIn_iDlyPush_reg))
+ (portref C (instanceref RePulse1CntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_0_))
+ (portref C (instanceref RePulse1CntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_10_))
+ (portref C (instanceref RePulse1CntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_11_))
+ (portref C (instanceref RePulse1CntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_12_))
+ (portref C (instanceref RePulse1CntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_13_))
+ (portref C (instanceref RePulse1CntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_14_))
+ (portref C (instanceref RePulse1CntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_15_))
+ (portref C (instanceref RePulse1CntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_16_))
+ (portref C (instanceref RePulse1CntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_17_))
+ (portref C (instanceref RePulse1CntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_18_))
+ (portref C (instanceref RePulse1CntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_19_))
+ (portref C (instanceref RePulse1CntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_1_))
+ (portref C (instanceref RePulse1CntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_20_))
+ (portref C (instanceref RePulse1CntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_21_))
+ (portref C (instanceref RePulse1CntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_22_))
+ (portref C (instanceref RePulse1CntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_23_))
+ (portref C (instanceref RePulse1CntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_24_))
+ (portref C (instanceref RePulse1CntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_25_))
+ (portref C (instanceref RePulse1CntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_26_))
+ (portref C (instanceref RePulse1CntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_27_))
+ (portref C (instanceref RePulse1CntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_28_))
+ (portref C (instanceref RePulse1CntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_29_))
+ (portref C (instanceref RePulse1CntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_2_))
+ (portref C (instanceref RePulse1CntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_30_))
+ (portref C (instanceref RePulse1CntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_31_))
+ (portref C (instanceref RePulse1CntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_3_))
+ (portref C (instanceref RePulse1CntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_4_))
+ (portref C (instanceref RePulse1CntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_5_))
+ (portref C (instanceref RePulse1CntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_6_))
+ (portref C (instanceref RePulse1CntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_7_))
+ (portref C (instanceref RePulse1CntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_8_))
+ (portref C (instanceref RePulse1CntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_9_))
+ (portref C (instanceref RePulse1CntHs_BlkIn_iPushTogglex_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref RePulse2CntHs_BlkIn_iDlyPush_reg))
+ (portref C (instanceref RePulse2CntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_0_))
+ (portref C (instanceref RePulse2CntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_10_))
+ (portref C (instanceref RePulse2CntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_11_))
+ (portref C (instanceref RePulse2CntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_12_))
+ (portref C (instanceref RePulse2CntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_13_))
+ (portref C (instanceref RePulse2CntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_14_))
+ (portref C (instanceref RePulse2CntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_15_))
+ (portref C (instanceref RePulse2CntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_16_))
+ (portref C (instanceref RePulse2CntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_17_))
+ (portref C (instanceref RePulse2CntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_18_))
+ (portref C (instanceref RePulse2CntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_19_))
+ (portref C (instanceref RePulse2CntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_1_))
+ (portref C (instanceref RePulse2CntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_20_))
+ (portref C (instanceref RePulse2CntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_21_))
+ (portref C (instanceref RePulse2CntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_22_))
+ (portref C (instanceref RePulse2CntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_23_))
+ (portref C (instanceref RePulse2CntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_24_))
+ (portref C (instanceref RePulse2CntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_25_))
+ (portref C (instanceref RePulse2CntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_26_))
+ (portref C (instanceref RePulse2CntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_27_))
+ (portref C (instanceref RePulse2CntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_28_))
+ (portref C (instanceref RePulse2CntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_29_))
+ (portref C (instanceref RePulse2CntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_2_))
+ (portref C (instanceref RePulse2CntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_30_))
+ (portref C (instanceref RePulse2CntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_31_))
+ (portref C (instanceref RePulse2CntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_3_))
+ (portref C (instanceref RePulse2CntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_4_))
+ (portref C (instanceref RePulse2CntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_5_))
+ (portref C (instanceref RePulse2CntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_6_))
+ (portref C (instanceref RePulse2CntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_7_))
+ (portref C (instanceref RePulse2CntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_8_))
+ (portref C (instanceref RePulse2CntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_9_))
+ (portref C (instanceref RePulse2CntHs_BlkIn_iPushTogglex_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref RePulseCnt1ReadbackDsGen_0__RePulse1ReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref RePulseCnt1ReadbackDsGen_0__RePulse1ReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref RePulseCnt1ReadbackDsGen_10__RePulse1ReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref RePulseCnt1ReadbackDsGen_10__RePulse1ReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref RePulseCnt1ReadbackDsGen_11__RePulse1ReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref RePulseCnt1ReadbackDsGen_11__RePulse1ReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref RePulseCnt1ReadbackDsGen_12__RePulse1ReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref RePulseCnt1ReadbackDsGen_12__RePulse1ReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref RePulseCnt1ReadbackDsGen_13__RePulse1ReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref RePulseCnt1ReadbackDsGen_13__RePulse1ReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref RePulseCnt1ReadbackDsGen_14__RePulse1ReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref RePulseCnt1ReadbackDsGen_14__RePulse1ReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref RePulseCnt1ReadbackDsGen_15__RePulse1ReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref RePulseCnt1ReadbackDsGen_15__RePulse1ReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref RePulseCnt1ReadbackDsGen_16__RePulse1ReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref RePulseCnt1ReadbackDsGen_16__RePulse1ReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref RePulseCnt1ReadbackDsGen_17__RePulse1ReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref RePulseCnt1ReadbackDsGen_17__RePulse1ReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref RePulseCnt1ReadbackDsGen_18__RePulse1ReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref RePulseCnt1ReadbackDsGen_18__RePulse1ReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref RePulseCnt1ReadbackDsGen_19__RePulse1ReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref RePulseCnt1ReadbackDsGen_19__RePulse1ReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref RePulseCnt1ReadbackDsGen_1__RePulse1ReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref RePulseCnt1ReadbackDsGen_1__RePulse1ReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref RePulseCnt1ReadbackDsGen_20__RePulse1ReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref RePulseCnt1ReadbackDsGen_20__RePulse1ReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref RePulseCnt1ReadbackDsGen_21__RePulse1ReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref RePulseCnt1ReadbackDsGen_21__RePulse1ReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref RePulseCnt1ReadbackDsGen_22__RePulse1ReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref RePulseCnt1ReadbackDsGen_22__RePulse1ReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref RePulseCnt1ReadbackDsGen_23__RePulse1ReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref RePulseCnt1ReadbackDsGen_23__RePulse1ReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref RePulseCnt1ReadbackDsGen_24__RePulse1ReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref RePulseCnt1ReadbackDsGen_24__RePulse1ReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref RePulseCnt1ReadbackDsGen_25__RePulse1ReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref RePulseCnt1ReadbackDsGen_25__RePulse1ReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref RePulseCnt1ReadbackDsGen_26__RePulse1ReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref RePulseCnt1ReadbackDsGen_26__RePulse1ReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref RePulseCnt1ReadbackDsGen_27__RePulse1ReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref RePulseCnt1ReadbackDsGen_27__RePulse1ReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref RePulseCnt1ReadbackDsGen_28__RePulse1ReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref RePulseCnt1ReadbackDsGen_28__RePulse1ReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref RePulseCnt1ReadbackDsGen_29__RePulse1ReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref RePulseCnt1ReadbackDsGen_29__RePulse1ReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref RePulseCnt1ReadbackDsGen_2__RePulse1ReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref RePulseCnt1ReadbackDsGen_2__RePulse1ReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref RePulseCnt1ReadbackDsGen_30__RePulse1ReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref RePulseCnt1ReadbackDsGen_30__RePulse1ReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref RePulseCnt1ReadbackDsGen_31__RePulse1ReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref RePulseCnt1ReadbackDsGen_31__RePulse1ReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref RePulseCnt1ReadbackDsGen_3__RePulse1ReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref RePulseCnt1ReadbackDsGen_3__RePulse1ReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref RePulseCnt1ReadbackDsGen_4__RePulse1ReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref RePulseCnt1ReadbackDsGen_4__RePulse1ReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref RePulseCnt1ReadbackDsGen_5__RePulse1ReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref RePulseCnt1ReadbackDsGen_5__RePulse1ReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref RePulseCnt1ReadbackDsGen_6__RePulse1ReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref RePulseCnt1ReadbackDsGen_6__RePulse1ReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref RePulseCnt1ReadbackDsGen_7__RePulse1ReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref RePulseCnt1ReadbackDsGen_7__RePulse1ReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref RePulseCnt1ReadbackDsGen_8__RePulse1ReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref RePulseCnt1ReadbackDsGen_8__RePulse1ReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref RePulseCnt1ReadbackDsGen_9__RePulse1ReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref RePulseCnt1ReadbackDsGen_9__RePulse1ReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref RePulseCnt2ReadbackDsGen_0__RePulse2ReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref RePulseCnt2ReadbackDsGen_0__RePulse2ReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref RePulseCnt2ReadbackDsGen_10__RePulse2ReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref RePulseCnt2ReadbackDsGen_10__RePulse2ReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref RePulseCnt2ReadbackDsGen_11__RePulse2ReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref RePulseCnt2ReadbackDsGen_11__RePulse2ReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref RePulseCnt2ReadbackDsGen_12__RePulse2ReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref RePulseCnt2ReadbackDsGen_12__RePulse2ReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref RePulseCnt2ReadbackDsGen_13__RePulse2ReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref RePulseCnt2ReadbackDsGen_13__RePulse2ReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref RePulseCnt2ReadbackDsGen_14__RePulse2ReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref RePulseCnt2ReadbackDsGen_14__RePulse2ReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref RePulseCnt2ReadbackDsGen_15__RePulse2ReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref RePulseCnt2ReadbackDsGen_15__RePulse2ReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref RePulseCnt2ReadbackDsGen_16__RePulse2ReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref RePulseCnt2ReadbackDsGen_16__RePulse2ReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref RePulseCnt2ReadbackDsGen_17__RePulse2ReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref RePulseCnt2ReadbackDsGen_17__RePulse2ReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref RePulseCnt2ReadbackDsGen_18__RePulse2ReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref RePulseCnt2ReadbackDsGen_18__RePulse2ReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref RePulseCnt2ReadbackDsGen_19__RePulse2ReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref RePulseCnt2ReadbackDsGen_19__RePulse2ReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref RePulseCnt2ReadbackDsGen_1__RePulse2ReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref RePulseCnt2ReadbackDsGen_1__RePulse2ReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref RePulseCnt2ReadbackDsGen_20__RePulse2ReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref RePulseCnt2ReadbackDsGen_20__RePulse2ReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref RePulseCnt2ReadbackDsGen_21__RePulse2ReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref RePulseCnt2ReadbackDsGen_21__RePulse2ReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref RePulseCnt2ReadbackDsGen_22__RePulse2ReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref RePulseCnt2ReadbackDsGen_22__RePulse2ReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref RePulseCnt2ReadbackDsGen_23__RePulse2ReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref RePulseCnt2ReadbackDsGen_23__RePulse2ReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref RePulseCnt2ReadbackDsGen_24__RePulse2ReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref RePulseCnt2ReadbackDsGen_24__RePulse2ReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref RePulseCnt2ReadbackDsGen_25__RePulse2ReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref RePulseCnt2ReadbackDsGen_25__RePulse2ReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref RePulseCnt2ReadbackDsGen_26__RePulse2ReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref RePulseCnt2ReadbackDsGen_26__RePulse2ReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref RePulseCnt2ReadbackDsGen_27__RePulse2ReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref RePulseCnt2ReadbackDsGen_27__RePulse2ReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref RePulseCnt2ReadbackDsGen_28__RePulse2ReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref RePulseCnt2ReadbackDsGen_28__RePulse2ReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref RePulseCnt2ReadbackDsGen_29__RePulse2ReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref RePulseCnt2ReadbackDsGen_29__RePulse2ReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref RePulseCnt2ReadbackDsGen_2__RePulse2ReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref RePulseCnt2ReadbackDsGen_2__RePulse2ReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref RePulseCnt2ReadbackDsGen_30__RePulse2ReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref RePulseCnt2ReadbackDsGen_30__RePulse2ReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref RePulseCnt2ReadbackDsGen_31__RePulse2ReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref RePulseCnt2ReadbackDsGen_31__RePulse2ReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref RePulseCnt2ReadbackDsGen_3__RePulse2ReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref RePulseCnt2ReadbackDsGen_3__RePulse2ReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref RePulseCnt2ReadbackDsGen_4__RePulse2ReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref RePulseCnt2ReadbackDsGen_4__RePulse2ReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref RePulseCnt2ReadbackDsGen_5__RePulse2ReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref RePulseCnt2ReadbackDsGen_5__RePulse2ReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref RePulseCnt2ReadbackDsGen_6__RePulse2ReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref RePulseCnt2ReadbackDsGen_6__RePulse2ReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref RePulseCnt2ReadbackDsGen_7__RePulse2ReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref RePulseCnt2ReadbackDsGen_7__RePulse2ReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref RePulseCnt2ReadbackDsGen_8__RePulse2ReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref RePulseCnt2ReadbackDsGen_8__RePulse2ReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref RePulseCnt2ReadbackDsGen_9__RePulse2ReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref RePulseCnt2ReadbackDsGen_9__RePulse2ReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref ReRunEnableDs_DoubleSyncBasex_iDlySigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref ResetDoneDs_DoubleSyncBasex_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref ResetDoneDs_DoubleSyncBasex_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref ResetTdcDs_DoubleSyncBasex_iDlySigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref RpCntHs_BlkIn_iDlyPush_reg))
+ (portref C (instanceref RpCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_0_))
+ (portref C (instanceref RpCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_10_))
+ (portref C (instanceref RpCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_11_))
+ (portref C (instanceref RpCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_12_))
+ (portref C (instanceref RpCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_13_))
+ (portref C (instanceref RpCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_14_))
+ (portref C (instanceref RpCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_15_))
+ (portref C (instanceref RpCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_16_))
+ (portref C (instanceref RpCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_17_))
+ (portref C (instanceref RpCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_18_))
+ (portref C (instanceref RpCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_19_))
+ (portref C (instanceref RpCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_1_))
+ (portref C (instanceref RpCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_20_))
+ (portref C (instanceref RpCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_21_))
+ (portref C (instanceref RpCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_22_))
+ (portref C (instanceref RpCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_23_))
+ (portref C (instanceref RpCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_24_))
+ (portref C (instanceref RpCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_25_))
+ (portref C (instanceref RpCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_26_))
+ (portref C (instanceref RpCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_27_))
+ (portref C (instanceref RpCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_28_))
+ (portref C (instanceref RpCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_29_))
+ (portref C (instanceref RpCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_2_))
+ (portref C (instanceref RpCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_30_))
+ (portref C (instanceref RpCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_31_))
+ (portref C (instanceref RpCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_3_))
+ (portref C (instanceref RpCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_4_))
+ (portref C (instanceref RpCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_5_))
+ (portref C (instanceref RpCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_6_))
+ (portref C (instanceref RpCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_7_))
+ (portref C (instanceref RpCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_8_))
+ (portref C (instanceref RpCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_9_))
+ (portref C (instanceref RpCntHs_BlkIn_iPushTogglex_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref RpCntReadbackDsGen_0__RpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref RpCntReadbackDsGen_0__RpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref RpCntReadbackDsGen_10__RpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref RpCntReadbackDsGen_10__RpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref RpCntReadbackDsGen_11__RpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref RpCntReadbackDsGen_11__RpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref RpCntReadbackDsGen_12__RpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref RpCntReadbackDsGen_12__RpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref RpCntReadbackDsGen_13__RpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref RpCntReadbackDsGen_13__RpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref RpCntReadbackDsGen_14__RpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref RpCntReadbackDsGen_14__RpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref RpCntReadbackDsGen_15__RpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref RpCntReadbackDsGen_15__RpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref RpCntReadbackDsGen_16__RpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref RpCntReadbackDsGen_16__RpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref RpCntReadbackDsGen_17__RpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref RpCntReadbackDsGen_17__RpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref RpCntReadbackDsGen_18__RpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref RpCntReadbackDsGen_18__RpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref RpCntReadbackDsGen_19__RpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref RpCntReadbackDsGen_19__RpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref RpCntReadbackDsGen_1__RpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref RpCntReadbackDsGen_1__RpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref RpCntReadbackDsGen_20__RpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref RpCntReadbackDsGen_20__RpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref RpCntReadbackDsGen_21__RpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref RpCntReadbackDsGen_21__RpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref RpCntReadbackDsGen_22__RpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref RpCntReadbackDsGen_22__RpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref RpCntReadbackDsGen_23__RpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref RpCntReadbackDsGen_23__RpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref RpCntReadbackDsGen_24__RpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref RpCntReadbackDsGen_24__RpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref RpCntReadbackDsGen_25__RpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref RpCntReadbackDsGen_25__RpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref RpCntReadbackDsGen_26__RpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref RpCntReadbackDsGen_26__RpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref RpCntReadbackDsGen_27__RpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref RpCntReadbackDsGen_27__RpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref RpCntReadbackDsGen_28__RpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref RpCntReadbackDsGen_28__RpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref RpCntReadbackDsGen_29__RpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref RpCntReadbackDsGen_29__RpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref RpCntReadbackDsGen_2__RpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref RpCntReadbackDsGen_2__RpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref RpCntReadbackDsGen_30__RpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref RpCntReadbackDsGen_30__RpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref RpCntReadbackDsGen_31__RpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref RpCntReadbackDsGen_31__RpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref RpCntReadbackDsGen_3__RpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref RpCntReadbackDsGen_3__RpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref RpCntReadbackDsGen_4__RpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref RpCntReadbackDsGen_4__RpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref RpCntReadbackDsGen_5__RpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref RpCntReadbackDsGen_5__RpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref RpCntReadbackDsGen_6__RpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref RpCntReadbackDsGen_6__RpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref RpCntReadbackDsGen_7__RpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref RpCntReadbackDsGen_7__RpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref RpCntReadbackDsGen_8__RpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref RpCntReadbackDsGen_8__RpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref RpCntReadbackDsGen_9__RpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref RpCntReadbackDsGen_9__RpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref RptCntHs_BlkIn_iDlyPush_reg))
+ (portref C (instanceref RptCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_0_))
+ (portref C (instanceref RptCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_10_))
+ (portref C (instanceref RptCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_11_))
+ (portref C (instanceref RptCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_12_))
+ (portref C (instanceref RptCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_13_))
+ (portref C (instanceref RptCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_14_))
+ (portref C (instanceref RptCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_15_))
+ (portref C (instanceref RptCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_16_))
+ (portref C (instanceref RptCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_17_))
+ (portref C (instanceref RptCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_18_))
+ (portref C (instanceref RptCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_19_))
+ (portref C (instanceref RptCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_1_))
+ (portref C (instanceref RptCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_20_))
+ (portref C (instanceref RptCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_21_))
+ (portref C (instanceref RptCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_22_))
+ (portref C (instanceref RptCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_23_))
+ (portref C (instanceref RptCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_24_))
+ (portref C (instanceref RptCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_25_))
+ (portref C (instanceref RptCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_26_))
+ (portref C (instanceref RptCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_27_))
+ (portref C (instanceref RptCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_28_))
+ (portref C (instanceref RptCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_29_))
+ (portref C (instanceref RptCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_2_))
+ (portref C (instanceref RptCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_30_))
+ (portref C (instanceref RptCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_31_))
+ (portref C (instanceref RptCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_3_))
+ (portref C (instanceref RptCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_4_))
+ (portref C (instanceref RptCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_5_))
+ (portref C (instanceref RptCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_6_))
+ (portref C (instanceref RptCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_7_))
+ (portref C (instanceref RptCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_8_))
+ (portref C (instanceref RptCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_9_))
+ (portref C (instanceref RptCntHs_BlkIn_iPushTogglex_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref RptCntReadbackDsGen_0__RptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref RptCntReadbackDsGen_0__RptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref RptCntReadbackDsGen_10__RptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref RptCntReadbackDsGen_10__RptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref RptCntReadbackDsGen_11__RptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref RptCntReadbackDsGen_11__RptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref RptCntReadbackDsGen_12__RptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref RptCntReadbackDsGen_12__RptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref RptCntReadbackDsGen_13__RptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref RptCntReadbackDsGen_13__RptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref RptCntReadbackDsGen_14__RptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref RptCntReadbackDsGen_14__RptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref RptCntReadbackDsGen_15__RptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref RptCntReadbackDsGen_15__RptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref RptCntReadbackDsGen_16__RptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref RptCntReadbackDsGen_16__RptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref RptCntReadbackDsGen_17__RptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref RptCntReadbackDsGen_17__RptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref RptCntReadbackDsGen_18__RptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref RptCntReadbackDsGen_18__RptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref RptCntReadbackDsGen_19__RptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref RptCntReadbackDsGen_19__RptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref RptCntReadbackDsGen_1__RptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref RptCntReadbackDsGen_1__RptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref RptCntReadbackDsGen_20__RptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref RptCntReadbackDsGen_20__RptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref RptCntReadbackDsGen_21__RptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref RptCntReadbackDsGen_21__RptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref RptCntReadbackDsGen_22__RptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref RptCntReadbackDsGen_22__RptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref RptCntReadbackDsGen_23__RptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref RptCntReadbackDsGen_23__RptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref RptCntReadbackDsGen_24__RptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref RptCntReadbackDsGen_24__RptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref RptCntReadbackDsGen_25__RptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref RptCntReadbackDsGen_25__RptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref RptCntReadbackDsGen_26__RptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref RptCntReadbackDsGen_26__RptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref RptCntReadbackDsGen_27__RptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref RptCntReadbackDsGen_27__RptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref RptCntReadbackDsGen_28__RptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref RptCntReadbackDsGen_28__RptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref RptCntReadbackDsGen_29__RptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref RptCntReadbackDsGen_29__RptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref RptCntReadbackDsGen_2__RptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref RptCntReadbackDsGen_2__RptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref RptCntReadbackDsGen_30__RptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref RptCntReadbackDsGen_30__RptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref RptCntReadbackDsGen_31__RptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref RptCntReadbackDsGen_31__RptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref RptCntReadbackDsGen_3__RptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref RptCntReadbackDsGen_3__RptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref RptCntReadbackDsGen_4__RptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref RptCntReadbackDsGen_4__RptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref RptCntReadbackDsGen_5__RptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref RptCntReadbackDsGen_5__RptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref RptCntReadbackDsGen_6__RptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref RptCntReadbackDsGen_6__RptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref RptCntReadbackDsGen_7__RptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref RptCntReadbackDsGen_7__RptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref RptCntReadbackDsGen_8__RptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref RptCntReadbackDsGen_8__RptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref RptCntReadbackDsGen_9__RptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref RptCntReadbackDsGen_9__RptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref SpCntHs_BlkIn_iDlyPush_reg))
+ (portref C (instanceref SpCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_0_))
+ (portref C (instanceref SpCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_10_))
+ (portref C (instanceref SpCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_11_))
+ (portref C (instanceref SpCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_12_))
+ (portref C (instanceref SpCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_13_))
+ (portref C (instanceref SpCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_14_))
+ (portref C (instanceref SpCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_15_))
+ (portref C (instanceref SpCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_16_))
+ (portref C (instanceref SpCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_17_))
+ (portref C (instanceref SpCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_18_))
+ (portref C (instanceref SpCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_19_))
+ (portref C (instanceref SpCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_1_))
+ (portref C (instanceref SpCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_20_))
+ (portref C (instanceref SpCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_21_))
+ (portref C (instanceref SpCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_22_))
+ (portref C (instanceref SpCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_23_))
+ (portref C (instanceref SpCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_24_))
+ (portref C (instanceref SpCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_25_))
+ (portref C (instanceref SpCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_26_))
+ (portref C (instanceref SpCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_27_))
+ (portref C (instanceref SpCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_28_))
+ (portref C (instanceref SpCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_29_))
+ (portref C (instanceref SpCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_2_))
+ (portref C (instanceref SpCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_30_))
+ (portref C (instanceref SpCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_31_))
+ (portref C (instanceref SpCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_3_))
+ (portref C (instanceref SpCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_4_))
+ (portref C (instanceref SpCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_5_))
+ (portref C (instanceref SpCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_6_))
+ (portref C (instanceref SpCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_7_))
+ (portref C (instanceref SpCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_8_))
+ (portref C (instanceref SpCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_9_))
+ (portref C (instanceref SpCntHs_BlkIn_iPushTogglex_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref SpCntReadbackDsGen_0__SpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref SpCntReadbackDsGen_0__SpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref SpCntReadbackDsGen_10__SpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref SpCntReadbackDsGen_10__SpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref SpCntReadbackDsGen_11__SpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref SpCntReadbackDsGen_11__SpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref SpCntReadbackDsGen_12__SpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref SpCntReadbackDsGen_12__SpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref SpCntReadbackDsGen_13__SpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref SpCntReadbackDsGen_13__SpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref SpCntReadbackDsGen_14__SpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref SpCntReadbackDsGen_14__SpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref SpCntReadbackDsGen_15__SpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref SpCntReadbackDsGen_15__SpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref SpCntReadbackDsGen_16__SpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref SpCntReadbackDsGen_16__SpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref SpCntReadbackDsGen_17__SpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref SpCntReadbackDsGen_17__SpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref SpCntReadbackDsGen_18__SpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref SpCntReadbackDsGen_18__SpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref SpCntReadbackDsGen_19__SpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref SpCntReadbackDsGen_19__SpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref SpCntReadbackDsGen_1__SpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref SpCntReadbackDsGen_1__SpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref SpCntReadbackDsGen_20__SpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref SpCntReadbackDsGen_20__SpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref SpCntReadbackDsGen_21__SpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref SpCntReadbackDsGen_21__SpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref SpCntReadbackDsGen_22__SpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref SpCntReadbackDsGen_22__SpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref SpCntReadbackDsGen_23__SpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref SpCntReadbackDsGen_23__SpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref SpCntReadbackDsGen_24__SpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref SpCntReadbackDsGen_24__SpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref SpCntReadbackDsGen_25__SpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref SpCntReadbackDsGen_25__SpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref SpCntReadbackDsGen_26__SpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref SpCntReadbackDsGen_26__SpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref SpCntReadbackDsGen_27__SpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref SpCntReadbackDsGen_27__SpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref SpCntReadbackDsGen_28__SpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref SpCntReadbackDsGen_28__SpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref SpCntReadbackDsGen_29__SpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref SpCntReadbackDsGen_29__SpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref SpCntReadbackDsGen_2__SpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref SpCntReadbackDsGen_2__SpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref SpCntReadbackDsGen_30__SpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref SpCntReadbackDsGen_30__SpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref SpCntReadbackDsGen_31__SpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref SpCntReadbackDsGen_31__SpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref SpCntReadbackDsGen_3__SpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref SpCntReadbackDsGen_3__SpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref SpCntReadbackDsGen_4__SpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref SpCntReadbackDsGen_4__SpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref SpCntReadbackDsGen_5__SpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref SpCntReadbackDsGen_5__SpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref SpCntReadbackDsGen_6__SpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref SpCntReadbackDsGen_6__SpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref SpCntReadbackDsGen_7__SpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref SpCntReadbackDsGen_7__SpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref SpCntReadbackDsGen_8__SpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref SpCntReadbackDsGen_8__SpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref SpCntReadbackDsGen_9__SpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref SpCntReadbackDsGen_9__SpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref SptCntHs_BlkIn_iDlyPush_reg))
+ (portref C (instanceref SptCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_0_))
+ (portref C (instanceref SptCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_10_))
+ (portref C (instanceref SptCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_11_))
+ (portref C (instanceref SptCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_12_))
+ (portref C (instanceref SptCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_13_))
+ (portref C (instanceref SptCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_14_))
+ (portref C (instanceref SptCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_15_))
+ (portref C (instanceref SptCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_16_))
+ (portref C (instanceref SptCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_17_))
+ (portref C (instanceref SptCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_18_))
+ (portref C (instanceref SptCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_19_))
+ (portref C (instanceref SptCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_1_))
+ (portref C (instanceref SptCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_20_))
+ (portref C (instanceref SptCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_21_))
+ (portref C (instanceref SptCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_22_))
+ (portref C (instanceref SptCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_23_))
+ (portref C (instanceref SptCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_24_))
+ (portref C (instanceref SptCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_25_))
+ (portref C (instanceref SptCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_26_))
+ (portref C (instanceref SptCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_27_))
+ (portref C (instanceref SptCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_28_))
+ (portref C (instanceref SptCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_29_))
+ (portref C (instanceref SptCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_2_))
+ (portref C (instanceref SptCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_30_))
+ (portref C (instanceref SptCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_31_))
+ (portref C (instanceref SptCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_3_))
+ (portref C (instanceref SptCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_4_))
+ (portref C (instanceref SptCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_5_))
+ (portref C (instanceref SptCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_6_))
+ (portref C (instanceref SptCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_7_))
+ (portref C (instanceref SptCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_8_))
+ (portref C (instanceref SptCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_9_))
+ (portref C (instanceref SptCntHs_BlkIn_iPushTogglex_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref SptCntReadbackDsGen_0__SptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref SptCntReadbackDsGen_0__SptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref SptCntReadbackDsGen_10__SptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref SptCntReadbackDsGen_10__SptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref SptCntReadbackDsGen_11__SptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref SptCntReadbackDsGen_11__SptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref SptCntReadbackDsGen_12__SptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref SptCntReadbackDsGen_12__SptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref SptCntReadbackDsGen_13__SptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref SptCntReadbackDsGen_13__SptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref SptCntReadbackDsGen_14__SptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref SptCntReadbackDsGen_14__SptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref SptCntReadbackDsGen_15__SptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref SptCntReadbackDsGen_15__SptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref SptCntReadbackDsGen_16__SptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref SptCntReadbackDsGen_16__SptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref SptCntReadbackDsGen_17__SptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref SptCntReadbackDsGen_17__SptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref SptCntReadbackDsGen_18__SptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref SptCntReadbackDsGen_18__SptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref SptCntReadbackDsGen_19__SptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref SptCntReadbackDsGen_19__SptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref SptCntReadbackDsGen_1__SptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref SptCntReadbackDsGen_1__SptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref SptCntReadbackDsGen_20__SptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref SptCntReadbackDsGen_20__SptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref SptCntReadbackDsGen_21__SptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref SptCntReadbackDsGen_21__SptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref SptCntReadbackDsGen_22__SptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref SptCntReadbackDsGen_22__SptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref SptCntReadbackDsGen_23__SptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref SptCntReadbackDsGen_23__SptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref SptCntReadbackDsGen_24__SptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref SptCntReadbackDsGen_24__SptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref SptCntReadbackDsGen_25__SptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref SptCntReadbackDsGen_25__SptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref SptCntReadbackDsGen_26__SptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref SptCntReadbackDsGen_26__SptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref SptCntReadbackDsGen_27__SptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref SptCntReadbackDsGen_27__SptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref SptCntReadbackDsGen_28__SptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref SptCntReadbackDsGen_28__SptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref SptCntReadbackDsGen_29__SptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref SptCntReadbackDsGen_29__SptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref SptCntReadbackDsGen_2__SptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref SptCntReadbackDsGen_2__SptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref SptCntReadbackDsGen_30__SptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref SptCntReadbackDsGen_30__SptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref SptCntReadbackDsGen_31__SptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref SptCntReadbackDsGen_31__SptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref SptCntReadbackDsGen_3__SptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref SptCntReadbackDsGen_3__SptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref SptCntReadbackDsGen_4__SptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref SptCntReadbackDsGen_4__SptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref SptCntReadbackDsGen_5__SptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref SptCntReadbackDsGen_5__SptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref SptCntReadbackDsGen_6__SptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref SptCntReadbackDsGen_6__SptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref SptCntReadbackDsGen_7__SptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref SptCntReadbackDsGen_7__SptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref SptCntReadbackDsGen_8__SptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref SptCntReadbackDsGen_8__SptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref SptCntReadbackDsGen_9__SptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref SptCntReadbackDsGen_9__SptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref aTdcResetLcl_reg))
+ (portref C (instanceref aTdcResetLcl_reg_rep))
+ (portref C (instanceref aTdcResetLcl_reg_rep__0))
+ (portref C (instanceref aTdcResetLcl_reg_rep__1))
+ (portref C (instanceref aTdcResetLcl_reg_rep__2))
+ (portref C (instanceref aTdcResetLcl_reg_rep__3))
+ (portref C (instanceref bClearTdcRegs_reg))
+ (portref C (instanceref bEnableTdc_reg))
+ (portref C (instanceref bOffsetUpdated_reg))
+ (portref C (instanceref bPpsClkCrossDelayVal_reg_0_))
+ (portref C (instanceref bPpsClkCrossDelayVal_reg_1_))
+ (portref C (instanceref bPpsClkCrossDelayVal_reg_2_))
+ (portref C (instanceref bPpsClkCrossDelayVal_reg_3_))
+ (portref C (instanceref bPpsClkCrossEn_reg))
+ (portref C (instanceref bPulserEnableDelayVal_reg_0_))
+ (portref C (instanceref bPulserEnableDelayVal_reg_1_))
+ (portref C (instanceref bPulserEnableDelayVal_reg_2_))
+ (portref C (instanceref bPulserEnableDelayVal_reg_3_))
+ (portref C (instanceref bPushPpsDelayVal_reg))
+ (portref C (instanceref bPushPulserEnableDelayVal_reg))
+ (portref C (instanceref bReRunEnable_reg))
+ (portref C (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_reg_Data__0_))
+ (portref C (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_reg_Data__10_))
+ (portref C (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_reg_Data__11_))
+ (portref C (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_reg_Data__12_))
+ (portref C (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_reg_Data__13_))
+ (portref C (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_reg_Data__14_))
+ (portref C (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_reg_Data__15_))
+ (portref C (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_reg_Data__16_))
+ (portref C (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_reg_Data__17_))
+ (portref C (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_reg_Data__18_))
+ (portref C (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_reg_Data__19_))
+ (portref C (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_reg_Data__1_))
+ (portref C (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_reg_Data__20_))
+ (portref C (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_reg_Data__21_))
+ (portref C (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_reg_Data__22_))
+ (portref C (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_reg_Data__23_))
+ (portref C (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_reg_Data__24_))
+ (portref C (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_reg_Data__25_))
+ (portref C (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_reg_Data__26_))
+ (portref C (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_reg_Data__27_))
+ (portref C (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_reg_Data__28_))
+ (portref C (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_reg_Data__29_))
+ (portref C (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_reg_Data__2_))
+ (portref C (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_reg_Data__30_))
+ (portref C (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_reg_Data__31_))
+ (portref C (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_reg_Data__3_))
+ (portref C (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_reg_Data__4_))
+ (portref C (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_reg_Data__5_))
+ (portref C (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_reg_Data__6_))
+ (portref C (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_reg_Data__7_))
+ (portref C (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_reg_Data__8_))
+ (portref C (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_reg_Data__9_))
+ (portref C (instanceref bResetTdc_reg))
+ (portref C (instanceref bRpOffsetStored_reg_0_))
+ (portref C (instanceref bRpOffsetStored_reg_10_))
+ (portref C (instanceref bRpOffsetStored_reg_11_))
+ (portref C (instanceref bRpOffsetStored_reg_12_))
+ (portref C (instanceref bRpOffsetStored_reg_13_))
+ (portref C (instanceref bRpOffsetStored_reg_14_))
+ (portref C (instanceref bRpOffsetStored_reg_15_))
+ (portref C (instanceref bRpOffsetStored_reg_16_))
+ (portref C (instanceref bRpOffsetStored_reg_17_))
+ (portref C (instanceref bRpOffsetStored_reg_18_))
+ (portref C (instanceref bRpOffsetStored_reg_19_))
+ (portref C (instanceref bRpOffsetStored_reg_1_))
+ (portref C (instanceref bRpOffsetStored_reg_20_))
+ (portref C (instanceref bRpOffsetStored_reg_21_))
+ (portref C (instanceref bRpOffsetStored_reg_22_))
+ (portref C (instanceref bRpOffsetStored_reg_23_))
+ (portref C (instanceref bRpOffsetStored_reg_24_))
+ (portref C (instanceref bRpOffsetStored_reg_25_))
+ (portref C (instanceref bRpOffsetStored_reg_26_))
+ (portref C (instanceref bRpOffsetStored_reg_27_))
+ (portref C (instanceref bRpOffsetStored_reg_28_))
+ (portref C (instanceref bRpOffsetStored_reg_29_))
+ (portref C (instanceref bRpOffsetStored_reg_2_))
+ (portref C (instanceref bRpOffsetStored_reg_30_))
+ (portref C (instanceref bRpOffsetStored_reg_31_))
+ (portref C (instanceref bRpOffsetStored_reg_32_))
+ (portref C (instanceref bRpOffsetStored_reg_33_))
+ (portref C (instanceref bRpOffsetStored_reg_34_))
+ (portref C (instanceref bRpOffsetStored_reg_35_))
+ (portref C (instanceref bRpOffsetStored_reg_36_))
+ (portref C (instanceref bRpOffsetStored_reg_37_))
+ (portref C (instanceref bRpOffsetStored_reg_38_))
+ (portref C (instanceref bRpOffsetStored_reg_39_))
+ (portref C (instanceref bRpOffsetStored_reg_3_))
+ (portref C (instanceref bRpOffsetStored_reg_4_))
+ (portref C (instanceref bRpOffsetStored_reg_5_))
+ (portref C (instanceref bRpOffsetStored_reg_6_))
+ (portref C (instanceref bRpOffsetStored_reg_7_))
+ (portref C (instanceref bRpOffsetStored_reg_8_))
+ (portref C (instanceref bRpOffsetStored_reg_9_))
+ (portref C (instanceref bScratch_reg_0_))
+ (portref C (instanceref bScratch_reg_10_))
+ (portref C (instanceref bScratch_reg_11_))
+ (portref C (instanceref bScratch_reg_12_))
+ (portref C (instanceref bScratch_reg_13_))
+ (portref C (instanceref bScratch_reg_14_))
+ (portref C (instanceref bScratch_reg_15_))
+ (portref C (instanceref bScratch_reg_16_))
+ (portref C (instanceref bScratch_reg_17_))
+ (portref C (instanceref bScratch_reg_18_))
+ (portref C (instanceref bScratch_reg_19_))
+ (portref C (instanceref bScratch_reg_1_))
+ (portref C (instanceref bScratch_reg_20_))
+ (portref C (instanceref bScratch_reg_21_))
+ (portref C (instanceref bScratch_reg_22_))
+ (portref C (instanceref bScratch_reg_23_))
+ (portref C (instanceref bScratch_reg_24_))
+ (portref C (instanceref bScratch_reg_25_))
+ (portref C (instanceref bScratch_reg_26_))
+ (portref C (instanceref bScratch_reg_27_))
+ (portref C (instanceref bScratch_reg_28_))
+ (portref C (instanceref bScratch_reg_29_))
+ (portref C (instanceref bScratch_reg_2_))
+ (portref C (instanceref bScratch_reg_30_))
+ (portref C (instanceref bScratch_reg_31_))
+ (portref C (instanceref bScratch_reg_3_))
+ (portref C (instanceref bScratch_reg_4_))
+ (portref C (instanceref bScratch_reg_5_))
+ (portref C (instanceref bScratch_reg_6_))
+ (portref C (instanceref bScratch_reg_7_))
+ (portref C (instanceref bScratch_reg_8_))
+ (portref C (instanceref bScratch_reg_9_))
+ (portref C (instanceref bSpOffsetStored_reg_0_))
+ (portref C (instanceref bSpOffsetStored_reg_10_))
+ (portref C (instanceref bSpOffsetStored_reg_11_))
+ (portref C (instanceref bSpOffsetStored_reg_12_))
+ (portref C (instanceref bSpOffsetStored_reg_13_))
+ (portref C (instanceref bSpOffsetStored_reg_14_))
+ (portref C (instanceref bSpOffsetStored_reg_15_))
+ (portref C (instanceref bSpOffsetStored_reg_16_))
+ (portref C (instanceref bSpOffsetStored_reg_17_))
+ (portref C (instanceref bSpOffsetStored_reg_18_))
+ (portref C (instanceref bSpOffsetStored_reg_19_))
+ (portref C (instanceref bSpOffsetStored_reg_1_))
+ (portref C (instanceref bSpOffsetStored_reg_20_))
+ (portref C (instanceref bSpOffsetStored_reg_21_))
+ (portref C (instanceref bSpOffsetStored_reg_22_))
+ (portref C (instanceref bSpOffsetStored_reg_23_))
+ (portref C (instanceref bSpOffsetStored_reg_24_))
+ (portref C (instanceref bSpOffsetStored_reg_25_))
+ (portref C (instanceref bSpOffsetStored_reg_26_))
+ (portref C (instanceref bSpOffsetStored_reg_27_))
+ (portref C (instanceref bSpOffsetStored_reg_28_))
+ (portref C (instanceref bSpOffsetStored_reg_29_))
+ (portref C (instanceref bSpOffsetStored_reg_2_))
+ (portref C (instanceref bSpOffsetStored_reg_30_))
+ (portref C (instanceref bSpOffsetStored_reg_31_))
+ (portref C (instanceref bSpOffsetStored_reg_3_))
+ (portref C (instanceref bSpOffsetStored_reg_4_))
+ (portref C (instanceref bSpOffsetStored_reg_5_))
+ (portref C (instanceref bSpOffsetStored_reg_6_))
+ (portref C (instanceref bSpOffsetStored_reg_7_))
+ (portref C (instanceref bSpOffsetStored_reg_8_))
+ (portref C (instanceref bSpOffsetStored_reg_9_))
+ (portref BusClk)
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename EnableTdcDs_DoubleSyncBasex_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_ms "EnableTdcDs/DoubleSyncBasex/DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex/oSig_ms") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref EnableTdcDs_DoubleSyncBasex_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref Q (instanceref EnableTdcDs_DoubleSyncBasex_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename EnableTdcDs_DoubleSyncBasex_iDlySig "EnableTdcDs/DoubleSyncBasex/iDlySig") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref EnableTdcDs_DoubleSyncBasex_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref Q (instanceref EnableTdcDs_DoubleSyncBasex_iDlySigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ )
+ (property RTL_KEEP (string "true"))
+ )
+ (net (rename Gen0_FDCEx_i_1__10_n_0 "Gen0.FDCEx_i_1__10_n_0") (joined
+ (portref CE (instanceref PulserEnableDelayValCrossingHs_HBx_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_0_))
+ (portref CE (instanceref PulserEnableDelayValCrossingHs_HBx_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_1_))
+ (portref CE (instanceref PulserEnableDelayValCrossingHs_HBx_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_2_))
+ (portref CE (instanceref PulserEnableDelayValCrossingHs_HBx_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_3_))
+ (portref CE (instanceref PulserEnableDelayValCrossingHs_HBx_BlkIn_iPushTogglex_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref O (instanceref Gen0_FDCEx_i_1__10))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename Gen0_FDCEx_i_1__11_n_0 "Gen0.FDCEx_i_1__11_n_0") (joined
+ (portref CE (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_0_))
+ (portref CE (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_10_))
+ (portref CE (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_11_))
+ (portref CE (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_12_))
+ (portref CE (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_13_))
+ (portref CE (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_14_))
+ (portref CE (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_15_))
+ (portref CE (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_16_))
+ (portref CE (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_17_))
+ (portref CE (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_18_))
+ (portref CE (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_19_))
+ (portref CE (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_1_))
+ (portref CE (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_20_))
+ (portref CE (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_21_))
+ (portref CE (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_22_))
+ (portref CE (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_23_))
+ (portref CE (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_24_))
+ (portref CE (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_25_))
+ (portref CE (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_26_))
+ (portref CE (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_27_))
+ (portref CE (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_28_))
+ (portref CE (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_29_))
+ (portref CE (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_2_))
+ (portref CE (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_30_))
+ (portref CE (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_31_))
+ (portref CE (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_32_))
+ (portref CE (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_33_))
+ (portref CE (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_34_))
+ (portref CE (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_35_))
+ (portref CE (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_36_))
+ (portref CE (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_37_))
+ (portref CE (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_38_))
+ (portref CE (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_39_))
+ (portref CE (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_3_))
+ (portref CE (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_40_))
+ (portref CE (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_41_))
+ (portref CE (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_42_))
+ (portref CE (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_43_))
+ (portref CE (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_44_))
+ (portref CE (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_45_))
+ (portref CE (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_46_))
+ (portref CE (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_47_))
+ (portref CE (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_48_))
+ (portref CE (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_49_))
+ (portref CE (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_4_))
+ (portref CE (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_50_))
+ (portref CE (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_51_))
+ (portref CE (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_52_))
+ (portref CE (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_53_))
+ (portref CE (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_54_))
+ (portref CE (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_55_))
+ (portref CE (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_56_))
+ (portref CE (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_57_))
+ (portref CE (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_58_))
+ (portref CE (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_59_))
+ (portref CE (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_5_))
+ (portref CE (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_60_))
+ (portref CE (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_61_))
+ (portref CE (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_62_))
+ (portref CE (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_63_))
+ (portref CE (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_64_))
+ (portref CE (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_65_))
+ (portref CE (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_66_))
+ (portref CE (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_67_))
+ (portref CE (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_68_))
+ (portref CE (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_69_))
+ (portref CE (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_6_))
+ (portref CE (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_70_))
+ (portref CE (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_71_))
+ (portref CE (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_72_))
+ (portref CE (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_73_))
+ (portref CE (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_74_))
+ (portref CE (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_75_))
+ (portref CE (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_76_))
+ (portref CE (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_77_))
+ (portref CE (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_78_))
+ (portref CE (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_79_))
+ (portref CE (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_7_))
+ (portref CE (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_8_))
+ (portref CE (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_9_))
+ (portref CE (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkIn_iPushTogglex_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref O (instanceref Gen0_FDCEx_i_1__11))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename Gen0_FDCEx_i_1__9_n_0 "Gen0.FDCEx_i_1__9_n_0") (joined
+ (portref CE (instanceref PpsDelayValCrossingHs_HBx_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_0_))
+ (portref CE (instanceref PpsDelayValCrossingHs_HBx_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_1_))
+ (portref CE (instanceref PpsDelayValCrossingHs_HBx_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_2_))
+ (portref CE (instanceref PpsDelayValCrossingHs_HBx_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_3_))
+ (portref CE (instanceref PpsDelayValCrossingHs_HBx_BlkIn_iPushTogglex_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref O (instanceref Gen0_FDCEx_i_1__9))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename Gen0_FDCEx_i_3__0_n_0 "Gen0.FDCEx_i_3__0_n_0") (joined
+ (portref I0 (instanceref BlkIn_iDlyPush_i_1__1))
+ (portref I0 (instanceref BlkIn_iDlyPush_i_1__2))
+ (portref I3 (instanceref Gen0_FDCEx_i_1__1))
+ (portref I3 (instanceref Gen0_FDCEx_i_1__2))
+ (portref O (instanceref Gen0_FDCEx_i_3__0))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename Gen0_FDCEx_i_3__1_n_0 "Gen0.FDCEx_i_3__1_n_0") (joined
+ (portref I0 (instanceref BlkIn_iDlyPush_i_1__3))
+ (portref I0 (instanceref BlkIn_iDlyPush_i_1__4))
+ (portref I3 (instanceref Gen0_FDCEx_i_1__3))
+ (portref I3 (instanceref Gen0_FDCEx_i_1__4))
+ (portref O (instanceref Gen0_FDCEx_i_3__1))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename Gen0_FDCEx_i_3_n_0 "Gen0.FDCEx_i_3_n_0") (joined
+ (portref I0 (instanceref BlkIn_iDlyPush_i_1))
+ (portref I0 (instanceref BlkIn_iDlyPush_i_1__0))
+ (portref I3 (instanceref Gen0_FDCEx_i_1))
+ (portref I3 (instanceref Gen0_FDCEx_i_1__0))
+ (portref O (instanceref Gen0_FDCEx_i_3))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_n_0__0_ "IncomingOffsetHs/HBx/BlkIn.iLclStoredData_reg_n_0_[0]") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_0__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref Q (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_0_))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_n_0__10_ "IncomingOffsetHs/HBx/BlkIn.iLclStoredData_reg_n_0_[10]") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_10__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref Q (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_10_))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_n_0__11_ "IncomingOffsetHs/HBx/BlkIn.iLclStoredData_reg_n_0_[11]") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_11__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref Q (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_11_))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_n_0__12_ "IncomingOffsetHs/HBx/BlkIn.iLclStoredData_reg_n_0_[12]") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_12__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref Q (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_12_))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_n_0__13_ "IncomingOffsetHs/HBx/BlkIn.iLclStoredData_reg_n_0_[13]") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_13__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref Q (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_13_))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_n_0__14_ "IncomingOffsetHs/HBx/BlkIn.iLclStoredData_reg_n_0_[14]") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_14__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref Q (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_14_))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_n_0__15_ "IncomingOffsetHs/HBx/BlkIn.iLclStoredData_reg_n_0_[15]") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_15__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref Q (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_15_))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_n_0__16_ "IncomingOffsetHs/HBx/BlkIn.iLclStoredData_reg_n_0_[16]") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_16__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref Q (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_16_))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_n_0__17_ "IncomingOffsetHs/HBx/BlkIn.iLclStoredData_reg_n_0_[17]") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_17__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref Q (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_17_))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_n_0__18_ "IncomingOffsetHs/HBx/BlkIn.iLclStoredData_reg_n_0_[18]") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_18__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref Q (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_18_))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_n_0__19_ "IncomingOffsetHs/HBx/BlkIn.iLclStoredData_reg_n_0_[19]") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_19__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref Q (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_19_))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_n_0__1_ "IncomingOffsetHs/HBx/BlkIn.iLclStoredData_reg_n_0_[1]") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_1__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref Q (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_1_))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_n_0__20_ "IncomingOffsetHs/HBx/BlkIn.iLclStoredData_reg_n_0_[20]") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_20__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref Q (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_20_))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_n_0__21_ "IncomingOffsetHs/HBx/BlkIn.iLclStoredData_reg_n_0_[21]") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_21__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref Q (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_21_))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_n_0__22_ "IncomingOffsetHs/HBx/BlkIn.iLclStoredData_reg_n_0_[22]") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_22__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref Q (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_22_))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_n_0__23_ "IncomingOffsetHs/HBx/BlkIn.iLclStoredData_reg_n_0_[23]") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_23__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref Q (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_23_))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_n_0__24_ "IncomingOffsetHs/HBx/BlkIn.iLclStoredData_reg_n_0_[24]") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_24__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref Q (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_24_))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_n_0__25_ "IncomingOffsetHs/HBx/BlkIn.iLclStoredData_reg_n_0_[25]") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_25__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref Q (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_25_))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_n_0__26_ "IncomingOffsetHs/HBx/BlkIn.iLclStoredData_reg_n_0_[26]") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_26__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref Q (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_26_))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_n_0__27_ "IncomingOffsetHs/HBx/BlkIn.iLclStoredData_reg_n_0_[27]") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_27__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref Q (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_27_))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_n_0__28_ "IncomingOffsetHs/HBx/BlkIn.iLclStoredData_reg_n_0_[28]") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_28__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref Q (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_28_))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_n_0__29_ "IncomingOffsetHs/HBx/BlkIn.iLclStoredData_reg_n_0_[29]") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_29__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref Q (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_29_))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_n_0__2_ "IncomingOffsetHs/HBx/BlkIn.iLclStoredData_reg_n_0_[2]") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_2__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref Q (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_2_))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_n_0__30_ "IncomingOffsetHs/HBx/BlkIn.iLclStoredData_reg_n_0_[30]") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_30__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref Q (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_30_))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_n_0__31_ "IncomingOffsetHs/HBx/BlkIn.iLclStoredData_reg_n_0_[31]") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_31__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref Q (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_31_))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_n_0__32_ "IncomingOffsetHs/HBx/BlkIn.iLclStoredData_reg_n_0_[32]") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_32__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref Q (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_32_))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_n_0__33_ "IncomingOffsetHs/HBx/BlkIn.iLclStoredData_reg_n_0_[33]") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_33__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref Q (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_33_))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_n_0__34_ "IncomingOffsetHs/HBx/BlkIn.iLclStoredData_reg_n_0_[34]") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_34__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref Q (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_34_))
+ )
+ )
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+ (portref D (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_35__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref Q (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_35_))
+ )
+ )
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+ (portref D (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_36__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref Q (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_36_))
+ )
+ )
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+ (portref D (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_37__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref Q (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_37_))
+ )
+ )
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+ (portref D (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_38__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref Q (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_38_))
+ )
+ )
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+ (portref D (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_39__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref Q (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_39_))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_n_0__3_ "IncomingOffsetHs/HBx/BlkIn.iLclStoredData_reg_n_0_[3]") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_3__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref Q (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_3_))
+ )
+ )
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+ (portref D (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_40__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref Q (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_40_))
+ )
+ )
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+ (portref D (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_41__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref Q (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_41_))
+ )
+ )
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+ (portref D (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_42__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref Q (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_42_))
+ )
+ )
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+ (portref D (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_43__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref Q (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_43_))
+ )
+ )
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+ (portref D (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_44__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref Q (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_44_))
+ )
+ )
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+ (portref D (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_45__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref Q (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_45_))
+ )
+ )
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+ (portref D (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_46__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref Q (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_46_))
+ )
+ )
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+ (portref D (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_47__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref Q (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_47_))
+ )
+ )
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+ (portref D (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_48__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref Q (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_48_))
+ )
+ )
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+ (portref D (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_49__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref Q (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_49_))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_n_0__4_ "IncomingOffsetHs/HBx/BlkIn.iLclStoredData_reg_n_0_[4]") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_4__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref Q (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_4_))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_n_0__50_ "IncomingOffsetHs/HBx/BlkIn.iLclStoredData_reg_n_0_[50]") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_50__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref Q (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_50_))
+ )
+ )
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+ (portref D (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_51__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref Q (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_51_))
+ )
+ )
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+ (portref D (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_52__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref Q (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_52_))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_n_0__53_ "IncomingOffsetHs/HBx/BlkIn.iLclStoredData_reg_n_0_[53]") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_53__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref Q (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_53_))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_n_0__54_ "IncomingOffsetHs/HBx/BlkIn.iLclStoredData_reg_n_0_[54]") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_54__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref Q (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_54_))
+ )
+ )
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+ (portref D (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_55__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref Q (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_55_))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_n_0__56_ "IncomingOffsetHs/HBx/BlkIn.iLclStoredData_reg_n_0_[56]") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_56__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref Q (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_56_))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_n_0__57_ "IncomingOffsetHs/HBx/BlkIn.iLclStoredData_reg_n_0_[57]") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_57__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref Q (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_57_))
+ )
+ )
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+ (portref D (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_58__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref Q (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_58_))
+ )
+ )
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+ (portref D (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_59__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref Q (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_59_))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_n_0__5_ "IncomingOffsetHs/HBx/BlkIn.iLclStoredData_reg_n_0_[5]") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_5__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
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+ )
+ )
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+ (portref D (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_60__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
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+ )
+ )
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+ (portref D (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_61__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
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+ )
+ )
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+ (portref D (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_62__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
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+ )
+ )
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+ (portref D (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_63__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
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+ )
+ )
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+ (portref D (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_64__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
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+ )
+ )
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+ (portref D (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_65__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
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+ )
+ )
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+ (portref D (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_66__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
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+ )
+ )
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+ (portref D (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_67__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
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+ )
+ )
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+ (portref D (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_68__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
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+ )
+ )
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+ (portref D (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_69__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
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+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_n_0__6_ "IncomingOffsetHs/HBx/BlkIn.iLclStoredData_reg_n_0_[6]") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_6__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
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+ )
+ )
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+ (portref D (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_70__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
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+ )
+ )
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+ (portref D (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_71__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
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+ )
+ )
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+ (portref D (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_72__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
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+ )
+ )
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+ (portref D (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_73__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
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+ )
+ )
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+ (portref D (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_74__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
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+ )
+ )
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+ (portref D (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_75__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
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+ )
+ )
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+ (portref D (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_76__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
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+ )
+ )
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+ (portref D (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_77__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
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+ )
+ )
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+ (portref D (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_78__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
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+ )
+ )
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+ (portref D (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_79__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
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+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_n_0__7_ "IncomingOffsetHs/HBx/BlkIn.iLclStoredData_reg_n_0_[7]") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_7__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref Q (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_7_))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_n_0__8_ "IncomingOffsetHs/HBx/BlkIn.iLclStoredData_reg_n_0_[8]") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_8__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref Q (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_8_))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_n_0__9_ "IncomingOffsetHs/HBx/BlkIn.iLclStoredData_reg_n_0_[9]") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_9__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref Q (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_9_))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkOut_oPushToggle2_reg_n_0 "IncomingOffsetHs/HBx/BlkOut.oPushToggle2_reg_n_0") (joined
+ (portref I1 (instanceref Gen0_FDCEx_i_1__7))
+ (portref Q (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkOut_oPushToggle2_reg))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_iDlyPush "IncomingOffsetHs/HBx/iDlyPush") (joined
+ (portref I1 (instanceref Gen0_FDCEx_i_1__11))
+ (portref Q (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkIn_iDlyPush_reg))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_iPushToggle "IncomingOffsetHs/HBx/iPushToggle") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkOut_oPushToggle_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref I0 (instanceref Gen0_FDCEx_i_2__1))
+ (portref Q (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkIn_iPushTogglex_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_iPushToggleNx "IncomingOffsetHs/HBx/iPushToggleNx") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkIn_iPushTogglex_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref O (instanceref Gen0_FDCEx_i_2__1))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_oPushToggle0_ms "IncomingOffsetHs/HBx/oPushToggle0_ms") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkOut_oPushToggle1x_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref Q (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkOut_oPushToggle_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_oPushToggle1 "IncomingOffsetHs/HBx/oPushToggle1") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkOut_oPushToggle2_reg))
+ (portref I0 (instanceref Gen0_FDCEx_i_1__7))
+ (portref Q (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkOut_oPushToggle1x_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_oPushToggleChanged "IncomingOffsetHs/HBx/oPushToggleChanged") (joined
+ (portref CE (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_0__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_10__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_11__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_12__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_13__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_14__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_15__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_16__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_17__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_18__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_19__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_1__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_20__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_21__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_22__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_23__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_24__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_25__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_26__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_27__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_28__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_29__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_2__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_30__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_31__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_32__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_33__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_34__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_35__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_36__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_37__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_38__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_39__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_3__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_40__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_41__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_42__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_43__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_44__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_45__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_46__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_47__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_48__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_49__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_4__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_50__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_51__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_52__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_53__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_54__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_55__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_56__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_57__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_58__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_59__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_5__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_60__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_61__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_62__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_63__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_64__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_65__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_66__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_67__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_68__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_69__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_6__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_70__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_71__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_72__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_73__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_74__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_75__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_76__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_77__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_78__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_79__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_7__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_8__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_9__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref D (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkOut_oDataValid_reg))
+ (portref O (instanceref Gen0_FDCEx_i_1__7))
+ )
+ )
+ (net MeasClk (joined
+ (portref C (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkIn_iDlyPush_reg))
+ (portref C (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_0_))
+ (portref C (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_10_))
+ (portref C (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_11_))
+ (portref C (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_12_))
+ (portref C (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_13_))
+ (portref C (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_14_))
+ (portref C (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_15_))
+ (portref C (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_16_))
+ (portref C (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_17_))
+ (portref C (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_18_))
+ (portref C (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_19_))
+ (portref C (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_1_))
+ (portref C (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_20_))
+ (portref C (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_21_))
+ (portref C (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_22_))
+ (portref C (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_23_))
+ (portref C (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_24_))
+ (portref C (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_25_))
+ (portref C (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_26_))
+ (portref C (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_27_))
+ (portref C (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_28_))
+ (portref C (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_29_))
+ (portref C (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_2_))
+ (portref C (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_30_))
+ (portref C (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_31_))
+ (portref C (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_32_))
+ (portref C (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_33_))
+ (portref C (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_34_))
+ (portref C (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_35_))
+ (portref C (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_36_))
+ (portref C (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_37_))
+ (portref C (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_38_))
+ (portref C (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_39_))
+ (portref C (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_3_))
+ (portref C (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_40_))
+ (portref C (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_41_))
+ (portref C (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_42_))
+ (portref C (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_43_))
+ (portref C (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_44_))
+ (portref C (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_45_))
+ (portref C (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_46_))
+ (portref C (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_47_))
+ (portref C (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_48_))
+ (portref C (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_49_))
+ (portref C (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_4_))
+ (portref C (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_50_))
+ (portref C (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_51_))
+ (portref C (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_52_))
+ (portref C (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_53_))
+ (portref C (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_54_))
+ (portref C (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_55_))
+ (portref C (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_56_))
+ (portref C (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_57_))
+ (portref C (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_58_))
+ (portref C (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_59_))
+ (portref C (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_5_))
+ (portref C (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_60_))
+ (portref C (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_61_))
+ (portref C (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_62_))
+ (portref C (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_63_))
+ (portref C (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_64_))
+ (portref C (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_65_))
+ (portref C (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_66_))
+ (portref C (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_67_))
+ (portref C (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_68_))
+ (portref C (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_69_))
+ (portref C (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_6_))
+ (portref C (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_70_))
+ (portref C (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_71_))
+ (portref C (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_72_))
+ (portref C (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_73_))
+ (portref C (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_74_))
+ (portref C (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_75_))
+ (portref C (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_76_))
+ (portref C (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_77_))
+ (portref C (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_78_))
+ (portref C (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_79_))
+ (portref C (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_7_))
+ (portref C (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_8_))
+ (portref C (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_9_))
+ (portref C (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkIn_iPushTogglex_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref MeasClk)
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename OffsetsDsGen_0__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_ms "OffsetsDsGen[0].OffsetsDs/DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex/oSig_ms") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_0__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref Q (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_0__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename OffsetsDsGen_10__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_ms "OffsetsDsGen[10].OffsetsDs/DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex/oSig_ms") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_10__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref Q (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_10__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename OffsetsDsGen_11__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_ms "OffsetsDsGen[11].OffsetsDs/DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex/oSig_ms") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_11__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref Q (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_11__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename OffsetsDsGen_12__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_ms "OffsetsDsGen[12].OffsetsDs/DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex/oSig_ms") (joined
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+ )
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+ )
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+ )
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+ )
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+ )
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+ )
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+ )
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+ )
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+ )
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+ )
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+ )
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+ )
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+ )
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+ )
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+ )
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+ )
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+ )
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+ )
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+ )
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+ )
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+ )
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+ )
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+ )
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+ )
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+ )
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+ )
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+ )
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+ )
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+ )
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+ )
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+ )
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+ )
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+ )
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+ )
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+ )
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+ )
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+ )
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+ )
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+ )
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+ )
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+ )
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+ )
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+ )
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+ )
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+ )
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+ )
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+ )
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+ )
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+ )
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+ )
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+ )
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+ )
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+ )
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+ )
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+ )
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+ )
+ )
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+ (portref D (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_63__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref Q (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_63__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename OffsetsDsGen_64__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_ms "OffsetsDsGen[64].OffsetsDs/DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex/oSig_ms") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_64__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref Q (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_64__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename OffsetsDsGen_65__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_ms "OffsetsDsGen[65].OffsetsDs/DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex/oSig_ms") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_65__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref Q (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_65__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename OffsetsDsGen_66__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_ms "OffsetsDsGen[66].OffsetsDs/DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex/oSig_ms") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_66__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref Q (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_66__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename OffsetsDsGen_67__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_ms "OffsetsDsGen[67].OffsetsDs/DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex/oSig_ms") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_67__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref Q (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_67__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename OffsetsDsGen_68__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_ms "OffsetsDsGen[68].OffsetsDs/DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex/oSig_ms") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_68__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref Q (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_68__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename OffsetsDsGen_69__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_ms "OffsetsDsGen[69].OffsetsDs/DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex/oSig_ms") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_69__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref Q (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_69__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename OffsetsDsGen_6__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_ms "OffsetsDsGen[6].OffsetsDs/DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex/oSig_ms") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_6__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref Q (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_6__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename OffsetsDsGen_70__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_ms "OffsetsDsGen[70].OffsetsDs/DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex/oSig_ms") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_70__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref Q (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_70__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename OffsetsDsGen_71__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_ms "OffsetsDsGen[71].OffsetsDs/DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex/oSig_ms") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_71__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref Q (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_71__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename OffsetsDsGen_72__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_ms "OffsetsDsGen[72].OffsetsDs/DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex/oSig_ms") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_72__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref Q (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_72__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename OffsetsDsGen_73__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_ms "OffsetsDsGen[73].OffsetsDs/DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex/oSig_ms") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_73__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref Q (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_73__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename OffsetsDsGen_74__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_ms "OffsetsDsGen[74].OffsetsDs/DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex/oSig_ms") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_74__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref Q (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_74__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename OffsetsDsGen_75__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_ms "OffsetsDsGen[75].OffsetsDs/DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex/oSig_ms") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_75__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref Q (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_75__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename OffsetsDsGen_76__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_ms "OffsetsDsGen[76].OffsetsDs/DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex/oSig_ms") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_76__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref Q (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_76__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename OffsetsDsGen_77__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_ms "OffsetsDsGen[77].OffsetsDs/DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex/oSig_ms") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_77__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref Q (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_77__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename OffsetsDsGen_78__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_ms "OffsetsDsGen[78].OffsetsDs/DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex/oSig_ms") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_78__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref Q (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_78__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename OffsetsDsGen_79__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_ms "OffsetsDsGen[79].OffsetsDs/DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex/oSig_ms") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_79__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref Q (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_79__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename OffsetsDsGen_7__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_ms "OffsetsDsGen[7].OffsetsDs/DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex/oSig_ms") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_7__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref Q (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_7__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename OffsetsDsGen_8__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_ms "OffsetsDsGen[8].OffsetsDs/DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex/oSig_ms") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_8__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref Q (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_8__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename OffsetsDsGen_9__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_ms "OffsetsDsGen[9].OffsetsDs/DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex/oSig_ms") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_9__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref Q (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_9__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename OffsetsValidDs_DoubleSyncSlAsyncInx_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_ms "OffsetsValidDs/DoubleSyncSlAsyncInx/DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex/oSig_ms") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref OffsetsValidDs_DoubleSyncSlAsyncInx_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref Q (instanceref OffsetsValidDs_DoubleSyncSlAsyncInx_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename PpsCapturedDs_DoubleSyncBasex_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_ms "PpsCapturedDs/DoubleSyncBasex/DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex/oSig_ms") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref PpsCapturedDs_DoubleSyncBasex_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref Q (instanceref PpsCapturedDs_DoubleSyncBasex_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename PpsCapturedDs_DoubleSyncBasex_iDlySig "PpsCapturedDs/DoubleSyncBasex/iDlySig") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref PpsCapturedDs_DoubleSyncBasex_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref Q (instanceref PpsCapturedDs_DoubleSyncBasex_iDlySigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ )
+ (property RTL_KEEP (string "true"))
+ )
+ (net (rename PpsCrossEnDs_DoubleSyncBasex_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_ms "PpsCrossEnDs/DoubleSyncBasex/DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex/oSig_ms") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref PpsCrossEnDs_DoubleSyncBasex_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref Q (instanceref PpsCrossEnDs_DoubleSyncBasex_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename PpsCrossEnDs_DoubleSyncBasex_iDlySig "PpsCrossEnDs/DoubleSyncBasex/iDlySig") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref PpsCrossEnDs_DoubleSyncBasex_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref Q (instanceref PpsCrossEnDs_DoubleSyncBasex_iDlySigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ )
+ (property RTL_KEEP (string "true"))
+ )
+ (net (rename PpsDelayValCrossingHs_HBx_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_n_0__0_ "PpsDelayValCrossingHs/HBx/BlkIn.iLclStoredData_reg_n_0_[0]") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref PpsDelayValCrossingHs_HBx_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_0__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref Q (instanceref PpsDelayValCrossingHs_HBx_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_0_))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename PpsDelayValCrossingHs_HBx_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_n_0__1_ "PpsDelayValCrossingHs/HBx/BlkIn.iLclStoredData_reg_n_0_[1]") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref PpsDelayValCrossingHs_HBx_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_1__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref Q (instanceref PpsDelayValCrossingHs_HBx_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_1_))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename PpsDelayValCrossingHs_HBx_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_n_0__2_ "PpsDelayValCrossingHs/HBx/BlkIn.iLclStoredData_reg_n_0_[2]") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref PpsDelayValCrossingHs_HBx_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_2__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref Q (instanceref PpsDelayValCrossingHs_HBx_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_2_))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename PpsDelayValCrossingHs_HBx_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_n_0__3_ "PpsDelayValCrossingHs/HBx/BlkIn.iLclStoredData_reg_n_0_[3]") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref PpsDelayValCrossingHs_HBx_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_3__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref Q (instanceref PpsDelayValCrossingHs_HBx_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_3_))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename PpsDelayValCrossingHs_HBx_iDlyPush "PpsDelayValCrossingHs/HBx/iDlyPush") (joined
+ (portref I1 (instanceref Gen0_FDCEx_i_1__9))
+ (portref Q (instanceref PpsDelayValCrossingHs_HBx_BlkIn_iDlyPush_reg))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename PpsDelayValCrossingHs_HBx_iPushToggle "PpsDelayValCrossingHs/HBx/iPushToggle") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref PpsDelayValCrossingHs_HBx_BlkOut_oPushToggle_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref I0 (instanceref Gen0_FDCEx_i_2))
+ (portref Q (instanceref PpsDelayValCrossingHs_HBx_BlkIn_iPushTogglex_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename PpsDelayValCrossingHs_HBx_iPushToggleNx "PpsDelayValCrossingHs/HBx/iPushToggleNx") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref PpsDelayValCrossingHs_HBx_BlkIn_iPushTogglex_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref O (instanceref Gen0_FDCEx_i_2))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename PpsDelayValCrossingHs_HBx_oPushToggle0_ms "PpsDelayValCrossingHs/HBx/oPushToggle0_ms") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref PpsDelayValCrossingHs_HBx_BlkOut_oPushToggle1x_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref Q (instanceref PpsDelayValCrossingHs_HBx_BlkOut_oPushToggle_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename PpsDelayValCrossingHs_HBx_oPushToggle1 "PpsDelayValCrossingHs/HBx/oPushToggle1") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref PpsDelayValCrossingHs_HBx_BlkOut_oPushToggle2_reg))
+ (portref I0 (instanceref Gen0_FDCEx_i_1__5))
+ (portref Q (instanceref PpsDelayValCrossingHs_HBx_BlkOut_oPushToggle1x_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename PpsDelayValCrossingHs_HBx_oPushToggleChanged "PpsDelayValCrossingHs/HBx/oPushToggleChanged") (joined
+ (portref CE (instanceref PpsDelayValCrossingHs_HBx_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_0__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref PpsDelayValCrossingHs_HBx_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_1__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref PpsDelayValCrossingHs_HBx_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_2__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref PpsDelayValCrossingHs_HBx_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_3__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref D (instanceref PpsDelayValCrossingHs_HBx_BlkOut_oDataValid_reg))
+ (portref O (instanceref Gen0_FDCEx_i_1__5))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename PulserEnableDelayValCrossingHs_HBx_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_n_0__0_ "PulserEnableDelayValCrossingHs/HBx/BlkIn.iLclStoredData_reg_n_0_[0]") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref PulserEnableDelayValCrossingHs_HBx_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_0__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref Q (instanceref PulserEnableDelayValCrossingHs_HBx_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_0_))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename PulserEnableDelayValCrossingHs_HBx_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_n_0__1_ "PulserEnableDelayValCrossingHs/HBx/BlkIn.iLclStoredData_reg_n_0_[1]") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref PulserEnableDelayValCrossingHs_HBx_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_1__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref Q (instanceref PulserEnableDelayValCrossingHs_HBx_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_1_))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename PulserEnableDelayValCrossingHs_HBx_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_n_0__2_ "PulserEnableDelayValCrossingHs/HBx/BlkIn.iLclStoredData_reg_n_0_[2]") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref PulserEnableDelayValCrossingHs_HBx_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_2__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref Q (instanceref PulserEnableDelayValCrossingHs_HBx_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_2_))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename PulserEnableDelayValCrossingHs_HBx_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_n_0__3_ "PulserEnableDelayValCrossingHs/HBx/BlkIn.iLclStoredData_reg_n_0_[3]") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref PulserEnableDelayValCrossingHs_HBx_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_3__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref Q (instanceref PulserEnableDelayValCrossingHs_HBx_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_3_))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename PulserEnableDelayValCrossingHs_HBx_BlkOut_oDataValid_reg_n_0 "PulserEnableDelayValCrossingHs/HBx/BlkOut.oDataValid_reg_n_0") (joined
+ (portref CE (instanceref rPulserEnableDelayVal_reg_0_))
+ (portref CE (instanceref rPulserEnableDelayVal_reg_1_))
+ (portref CE (instanceref rPulserEnableDelayVal_reg_2_))
+ (portref CE (instanceref rPulserEnableDelayVal_reg_3_))
+ (portref Q (instanceref PulserEnableDelayValCrossingHs_HBx_BlkOut_oDataValid_reg))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename PulserEnableDelayValCrossingHs_HBx_BlkOut_oPushToggle2_reg_n_0 "PulserEnableDelayValCrossingHs/HBx/BlkOut.oPushToggle2_reg_n_0") (joined
+ (portref I1 (instanceref Gen0_FDCEx_i_1__6))
+ (portref Q (instanceref PulserEnableDelayValCrossingHs_HBx_BlkOut_oPushToggle2_reg))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename PulserEnableDelayValCrossingHs_HBx_iDlyPush "PulserEnableDelayValCrossingHs/HBx/iDlyPush") (joined
+ (portref I1 (instanceref Gen0_FDCEx_i_1__10))
+ (portref Q (instanceref PulserEnableDelayValCrossingHs_HBx_BlkIn_iDlyPush_reg))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename PulserEnableDelayValCrossingHs_HBx_iPushToggle "PulserEnableDelayValCrossingHs/HBx/iPushToggle") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref PulserEnableDelayValCrossingHs_HBx_BlkOut_oPushToggle_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref I0 (instanceref Gen0_FDCEx_i_2__0))
+ (portref Q (instanceref PulserEnableDelayValCrossingHs_HBx_BlkIn_iPushTogglex_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename PulserEnableDelayValCrossingHs_HBx_iPushToggleNx "PulserEnableDelayValCrossingHs/HBx/iPushToggleNx") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref PulserEnableDelayValCrossingHs_HBx_BlkIn_iPushTogglex_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref O (instanceref Gen0_FDCEx_i_2__0))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename PulserEnableDelayValCrossingHs_HBx_oPushToggle0_ms "PulserEnableDelayValCrossingHs/HBx/oPushToggle0_ms") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref PulserEnableDelayValCrossingHs_HBx_BlkOut_oPushToggle1x_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref Q (instanceref PulserEnableDelayValCrossingHs_HBx_BlkOut_oPushToggle_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename PulserEnableDelayValCrossingHs_HBx_oPushToggle1 "PulserEnableDelayValCrossingHs/HBx/oPushToggle1") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref PulserEnableDelayValCrossingHs_HBx_BlkOut_oPushToggle2_reg))
+ (portref I0 (instanceref Gen0_FDCEx_i_1__6))
+ (portref Q (instanceref PulserEnableDelayValCrossingHs_HBx_BlkOut_oPushToggle1x_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename PulserEnableDelayValCrossingHs_HBx_oPushToggleChanged "PulserEnableDelayValCrossingHs/HBx/oPushToggleChanged") (joined
+ (portref CE (instanceref PulserEnableDelayValCrossingHs_HBx_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_0__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref PulserEnableDelayValCrossingHs_HBx_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_1__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref PulserEnableDelayValCrossingHs_HBx_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_2__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref PulserEnableDelayValCrossingHs_HBx_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_3__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref D (instanceref PulserEnableDelayValCrossingHs_HBx_BlkOut_oDataValid_reg))
+ (portref O (instanceref Gen0_FDCEx_i_1__6))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename RePulse1CntHs_BlkIn_iDlyPush_reg_n_0 "RePulse1CntHs/BlkIn.iDlyPush_reg_n_0") (joined
+ (portref I0 (instanceref Gen0_FDCEx_i_1__2))
+ (portref Q (instanceref RePulse1CntHs_BlkIn_iDlyPush_reg))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename RePulse1CntHs_BlkOut_oPushToggle2_reg_n_0 "RePulse1CntHs/BlkOut.oPushToggle2_reg_n_0") (joined
+ (portref I1 (instanceref Gen0_FDCEx_i_1__8))
+ (portref Q (instanceref RePulse1CntHs_BlkOut_oPushToggle2_reg))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename RePulse1CntHs_iPushPulse "RePulse1CntHs/iPushPulse") (joined
+ (portref CE (instanceref RePulse1CntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_0_))
+ (portref CE (instanceref RePulse1CntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_10_))
+ (portref CE (instanceref RePulse1CntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_11_))
+ (portref CE (instanceref RePulse1CntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_12_))
+ (portref CE (instanceref RePulse1CntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_13_))
+ (portref CE (instanceref RePulse1CntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_14_))
+ (portref CE (instanceref RePulse1CntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_15_))
+ (portref CE (instanceref RePulse1CntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_16_))
+ (portref CE (instanceref RePulse1CntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_17_))
+ (portref CE (instanceref RePulse1CntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_18_))
+ (portref CE (instanceref RePulse1CntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_19_))
+ (portref CE (instanceref RePulse1CntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_1_))
+ (portref CE (instanceref RePulse1CntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_20_))
+ (portref CE (instanceref RePulse1CntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_21_))
+ (portref CE (instanceref RePulse1CntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_22_))
+ (portref CE (instanceref RePulse1CntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_23_))
+ (portref CE (instanceref RePulse1CntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_24_))
+ (portref CE (instanceref RePulse1CntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_25_))
+ (portref CE (instanceref RePulse1CntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_26_))
+ (portref CE (instanceref RePulse1CntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_27_))
+ (portref CE (instanceref RePulse1CntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_28_))
+ (portref CE (instanceref RePulse1CntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_29_))
+ (portref CE (instanceref RePulse1CntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_2_))
+ (portref CE (instanceref RePulse1CntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_30_))
+ (portref CE (instanceref RePulse1CntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_31_))
+ (portref CE (instanceref RePulse1CntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_3_))
+ (portref CE (instanceref RePulse1CntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_4_))
+ (portref CE (instanceref RePulse1CntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_5_))
+ (portref CE (instanceref RePulse1CntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_6_))
+ (portref CE (instanceref RePulse1CntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_7_))
+ (portref CE (instanceref RePulse1CntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_8_))
+ (portref CE (instanceref RePulse1CntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_9_))
+ (portref CE (instanceref RePulse1CntHs_BlkIn_iPushTogglex_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref O (instanceref Gen0_FDCEx_i_1__2))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename RePulse1CntHs_iPushToggle "RePulse1CntHs/iPushToggle") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref RePulse1CntHs_BlkOut_oPushToggle_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref I0 (instanceref Gen0_FDCEx_i_2__4))
+ (portref Q (instanceref RePulse1CntHs_BlkIn_iPushTogglex_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename RePulse1CntHs_iPushToggleNx "RePulse1CntHs/iPushToggleNx") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref RePulse1CntHs_BlkIn_iPushTogglex_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref O (instanceref Gen0_FDCEx_i_2__4))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename RePulse1CntHs_oPushToggle0_ms "RePulse1CntHs/oPushToggle0_ms") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref RePulse1CntHs_BlkOut_oPushToggle1x_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref Q (instanceref RePulse1CntHs_BlkOut_oPushToggle_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename RePulse1CntHs_oPushToggle1 "RePulse1CntHs/oPushToggle1") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref RePulse1CntHs_BlkOut_oPushToggle2_reg))
+ (portref I0 (instanceref Gen0_FDCEx_i_1__8))
+ (portref Q (instanceref RePulse1CntHs_BlkOut_oPushToggle1x_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename RePulse1CntHs_oPushToggleChanged "RePulse1CntHs/oPushToggleChanged") (joined
+ (portref CE (instanceref RePulse1CntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_0__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref RePulse1CntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_10__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref RePulse1CntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_11__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref RePulse1CntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_12__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref RePulse1CntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_13__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref RePulse1CntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_14__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref RePulse1CntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_15__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref RePulse1CntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_16__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref RePulse1CntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_17__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref RePulse1CntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_18__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref RePulse1CntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_19__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref RePulse1CntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_1__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref RePulse1CntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_20__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref RePulse1CntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_21__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref RePulse1CntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_22__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref RePulse1CntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_23__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref RePulse1CntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_2__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref RePulse1CntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_3__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref RePulse1CntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_4__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref RePulse1CntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_5__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref RePulse1CntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_6__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref RePulse1CntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_7__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref RePulse1CntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_8__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref RePulse1CntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_9__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref O (instanceref Gen0_FDCEx_i_1__8))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename RePulse2CntHs_BlkIn_iDlyPush_reg_n_0 "RePulse2CntHs/BlkIn.iDlyPush_reg_n_0") (joined
+ (portref I0 (instanceref Gen0_FDCEx_i_1__1))
+ (portref Q (instanceref RePulse2CntHs_BlkIn_iDlyPush_reg))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename RePulse2CntHs_BlkOut_oPushToggle2_reg_n_0 "RePulse2CntHs/BlkOut.oPushToggle2_reg_n_0") (joined
+ (portref I1 (instanceref BlkOut_oDataValid_i_1__1))
+ (portref Q (instanceref RePulse2CntHs_BlkOut_oPushToggle2_reg))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename RePulse2CntHs_iPushPulse "RePulse2CntHs/iPushPulse") (joined
+ (portref CE (instanceref RePulse2CntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_0_))
+ (portref CE (instanceref RePulse2CntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_10_))
+ (portref CE (instanceref RePulse2CntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_11_))
+ (portref CE (instanceref RePulse2CntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_12_))
+ (portref CE (instanceref RePulse2CntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_13_))
+ (portref CE (instanceref RePulse2CntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_14_))
+ (portref CE (instanceref RePulse2CntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_15_))
+ (portref CE (instanceref RePulse2CntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_16_))
+ (portref CE (instanceref RePulse2CntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_17_))
+ (portref CE (instanceref RePulse2CntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_18_))
+ (portref CE (instanceref RePulse2CntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_19_))
+ (portref CE (instanceref RePulse2CntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_1_))
+ (portref CE (instanceref RePulse2CntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_20_))
+ (portref CE (instanceref RePulse2CntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_21_))
+ (portref CE (instanceref RePulse2CntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_22_))
+ (portref CE (instanceref RePulse2CntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_23_))
+ (portref CE (instanceref RePulse2CntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_24_))
+ (portref CE (instanceref RePulse2CntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_25_))
+ (portref CE (instanceref RePulse2CntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_26_))
+ (portref CE (instanceref RePulse2CntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_27_))
+ (portref CE (instanceref RePulse2CntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_28_))
+ (portref CE (instanceref RePulse2CntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_29_))
+ (portref CE (instanceref RePulse2CntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_2_))
+ (portref CE (instanceref RePulse2CntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_30_))
+ (portref CE (instanceref RePulse2CntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_31_))
+ (portref CE (instanceref RePulse2CntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_3_))
+ (portref CE (instanceref RePulse2CntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_4_))
+ (portref CE (instanceref RePulse2CntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_5_))
+ (portref CE (instanceref RePulse2CntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_6_))
+ (portref CE (instanceref RePulse2CntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_7_))
+ (portref CE (instanceref RePulse2CntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_8_))
+ (portref CE (instanceref RePulse2CntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_9_))
+ (portref CE (instanceref RePulse2CntHs_BlkIn_iPushTogglex_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref O (instanceref Gen0_FDCEx_i_1__1))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename RePulse2CntHs_iPushToggle "RePulse2CntHs/iPushToggle") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref RePulse2CntHs_BlkOut_oPushToggle_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref I0 (instanceref Gen0_FDCEx_i_2__5))
+ (portref Q (instanceref RePulse2CntHs_BlkIn_iPushTogglex_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename RePulse2CntHs_iPushToggleNx "RePulse2CntHs/iPushToggleNx") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref RePulse2CntHs_BlkIn_iPushTogglex_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref O (instanceref Gen0_FDCEx_i_2__5))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename RePulse2CntHs_oPushToggle0_ms "RePulse2CntHs/oPushToggle0_ms") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref RePulse2CntHs_BlkOut_oPushToggle1x_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref Q (instanceref RePulse2CntHs_BlkOut_oPushToggle_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename RePulse2CntHs_oPushToggle1 "RePulse2CntHs/oPushToggle1") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref RePulse2CntHs_BlkOut_oPushToggle2_reg))
+ (portref I0 (instanceref BlkOut_oDataValid_i_1__1))
+ (portref Q (instanceref RePulse2CntHs_BlkOut_oPushToggle1x_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename RePulse2CntHs_oPushToggleChanged "RePulse2CntHs/oPushToggleChanged") (joined
+ (portref CE (instanceref RePulse2CntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_0__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref RePulse2CntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_10__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref RePulse2CntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_11__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref RePulse2CntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_12__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref RePulse2CntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_13__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref RePulse2CntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_14__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref RePulse2CntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_15__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref RePulse2CntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_16__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref RePulse2CntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_17__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref RePulse2CntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_18__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref RePulse2CntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_19__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref RePulse2CntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_1__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref RePulse2CntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_20__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref RePulse2CntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_21__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref RePulse2CntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_22__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref RePulse2CntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_2__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref RePulse2CntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_3__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref RePulse2CntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_4__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref RePulse2CntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_5__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref RePulse2CntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_6__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref RePulse2CntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_7__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref RePulse2CntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_8__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref RePulse2CntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_9__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref D (instanceref RePulse2CntHs_BlkOut_oDataValid_reg))
+ (portref O (instanceref BlkOut_oDataValid_i_1__1))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename RePulseCnt1ReadbackDsGen_0__RePulse1ReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_ms "RePulseCnt1ReadbackDsGen[0].RePulse1ReadbackDs/DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex/oSig_ms") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref RePulseCnt1ReadbackDsGen_0__RePulse1ReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref Q (instanceref RePulseCnt1ReadbackDsGen_0__RePulse1ReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename RePulseCnt1ReadbackDsGen_10__RePulse1ReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_ms "RePulseCnt1ReadbackDsGen[10].RePulse1ReadbackDs/DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex/oSig_ms") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref RePulseCnt1ReadbackDsGen_10__RePulse1ReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref Q (instanceref RePulseCnt1ReadbackDsGen_10__RePulse1ReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename RePulseCnt1ReadbackDsGen_11__RePulse1ReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_ms "RePulseCnt1ReadbackDsGen[11].RePulse1ReadbackDs/DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex/oSig_ms") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref RePulseCnt1ReadbackDsGen_11__RePulse1ReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref Q (instanceref RePulseCnt1ReadbackDsGen_11__RePulse1ReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename RePulseCnt1ReadbackDsGen_12__RePulse1ReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_ms "RePulseCnt1ReadbackDsGen[12].RePulse1ReadbackDs/DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex/oSig_ms") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref RePulseCnt1ReadbackDsGen_12__RePulse1ReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref Q (instanceref RePulseCnt1ReadbackDsGen_12__RePulse1ReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename RePulseCnt1ReadbackDsGen_13__RePulse1ReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_ms "RePulseCnt1ReadbackDsGen[13].RePulse1ReadbackDs/DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex/oSig_ms") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref RePulseCnt1ReadbackDsGen_13__RePulse1ReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref Q (instanceref RePulseCnt1ReadbackDsGen_13__RePulse1ReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename RePulseCnt1ReadbackDsGen_14__RePulse1ReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_ms "RePulseCnt1ReadbackDsGen[14].RePulse1ReadbackDs/DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex/oSig_ms") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref RePulseCnt1ReadbackDsGen_14__RePulse1ReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref Q (instanceref RePulseCnt1ReadbackDsGen_14__RePulse1ReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename RePulseCnt1ReadbackDsGen_15__RePulse1ReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_ms "RePulseCnt1ReadbackDsGen[15].RePulse1ReadbackDs/DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex/oSig_ms") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref RePulseCnt1ReadbackDsGen_15__RePulse1ReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref Q (instanceref RePulseCnt1ReadbackDsGen_15__RePulse1ReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename RePulseCnt1ReadbackDsGen_16__RePulse1ReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_ms "RePulseCnt1ReadbackDsGen[16].RePulse1ReadbackDs/DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex/oSig_ms") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref RePulseCnt1ReadbackDsGen_16__RePulse1ReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref Q (instanceref RePulseCnt1ReadbackDsGen_16__RePulse1ReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename RePulseCnt1ReadbackDsGen_17__RePulse1ReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_ms "RePulseCnt1ReadbackDsGen[17].RePulse1ReadbackDs/DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex/oSig_ms") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref RePulseCnt1ReadbackDsGen_17__RePulse1ReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref Q (instanceref RePulseCnt1ReadbackDsGen_17__RePulse1ReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename RePulseCnt1ReadbackDsGen_18__RePulse1ReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_ms "RePulseCnt1ReadbackDsGen[18].RePulse1ReadbackDs/DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex/oSig_ms") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref RePulseCnt1ReadbackDsGen_18__RePulse1ReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref Q (instanceref RePulseCnt1ReadbackDsGen_18__RePulse1ReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename RePulseCnt1ReadbackDsGen_19__RePulse1ReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_ms "RePulseCnt1ReadbackDsGen[19].RePulse1ReadbackDs/DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex/oSig_ms") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref RePulseCnt1ReadbackDsGen_19__RePulse1ReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref Q (instanceref RePulseCnt1ReadbackDsGen_19__RePulse1ReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename RePulseCnt1ReadbackDsGen_1__RePulse1ReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_ms "RePulseCnt1ReadbackDsGen[1].RePulse1ReadbackDs/DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex/oSig_ms") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref RePulseCnt1ReadbackDsGen_1__RePulse1ReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref Q (instanceref RePulseCnt1ReadbackDsGen_1__RePulse1ReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename RePulseCnt1ReadbackDsGen_20__RePulse1ReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_ms "RePulseCnt1ReadbackDsGen[20].RePulse1ReadbackDs/DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex/oSig_ms") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref RePulseCnt1ReadbackDsGen_20__RePulse1ReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref Q (instanceref RePulseCnt1ReadbackDsGen_20__RePulse1ReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename RePulseCnt1ReadbackDsGen_21__RePulse1ReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_ms "RePulseCnt1ReadbackDsGen[21].RePulse1ReadbackDs/DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex/oSig_ms") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref RePulseCnt1ReadbackDsGen_21__RePulse1ReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref Q (instanceref RePulseCnt1ReadbackDsGen_21__RePulse1ReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename RePulseCnt1ReadbackDsGen_22__RePulse1ReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_ms "RePulseCnt1ReadbackDsGen[22].RePulse1ReadbackDs/DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex/oSig_ms") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref RePulseCnt1ReadbackDsGen_22__RePulse1ReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref Q (instanceref RePulseCnt1ReadbackDsGen_22__RePulse1ReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename RePulseCnt1ReadbackDsGen_23__RePulse1ReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_ms "RePulseCnt1ReadbackDsGen[23].RePulse1ReadbackDs/DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex/oSig_ms") (joined
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+ )
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+ (net (rename RePulseCnt1ReadbackDsGen_24__RePulse1ReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_ms "RePulseCnt1ReadbackDsGen[24].RePulse1ReadbackDs/DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex/oSig_ms") (joined
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+ )
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+ )
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+ (net (rename RePulseCnt1ReadbackDsGen_26__RePulse1ReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_ms "RePulseCnt1ReadbackDsGen[26].RePulse1ReadbackDs/DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex/oSig_ms") (joined
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+ )
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+ )
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+ )
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+ )
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+ )
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+ )
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+ )
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+ (net (rename RePulseCnt2ReadbackDsGen_0__RePulse2ReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_ms "RePulseCnt2ReadbackDsGen[0].RePulse2ReadbackDs/DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex/oSig_ms") (joined
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+ (net (rename RePulseCnt2ReadbackDsGen_12__RePulse2ReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_ms "RePulseCnt2ReadbackDsGen[12].RePulse2ReadbackDs/DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex/oSig_ms") (joined
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+ (net (rename RePulseCnt2ReadbackDsGen_13__RePulse2ReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_ms "RePulseCnt2ReadbackDsGen[13].RePulse2ReadbackDs/DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex/oSig_ms") (joined
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+ (net (rename RePulseCnt2ReadbackDsGen_2__RePulse2ReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_ms "RePulseCnt2ReadbackDsGen[2].RePulse2ReadbackDs/DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex/oSig_ms") (joined
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+ (net (rename RePulseCnt2ReadbackDsGen_30__RePulse2ReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_ms "RePulseCnt2ReadbackDsGen[30].RePulse2ReadbackDs/DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex/oSig_ms") (joined
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+ )
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+ (net (rename RePulseCnt2ReadbackDsGen_31__RePulse2ReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_ms "RePulseCnt2ReadbackDsGen[31].RePulse2ReadbackDs/DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex/oSig_ms") (joined
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+ )
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+ (net (rename RePulseCnt2ReadbackDsGen_3__RePulse2ReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_ms "RePulseCnt2ReadbackDsGen[3].RePulse2ReadbackDs/DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex/oSig_ms") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref RePulseCnt2ReadbackDsGen_3__RePulse2ReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
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+ )
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+ (net (rename RePulseCnt2ReadbackDsGen_4__RePulse2ReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_ms "RePulseCnt2ReadbackDsGen[4].RePulse2ReadbackDs/DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex/oSig_ms") (joined
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+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename RePulseCnt2ReadbackDsGen_5__RePulse2ReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_ms "RePulseCnt2ReadbackDsGen[5].RePulse2ReadbackDs/DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex/oSig_ms") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref RePulseCnt2ReadbackDsGen_5__RePulse2ReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref Q (instanceref RePulseCnt2ReadbackDsGen_5__RePulse2ReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename RePulseCnt2ReadbackDsGen_6__RePulse2ReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_ms "RePulseCnt2ReadbackDsGen[6].RePulse2ReadbackDs/DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex/oSig_ms") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref RePulseCnt2ReadbackDsGen_6__RePulse2ReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref Q (instanceref RePulseCnt2ReadbackDsGen_6__RePulse2ReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename RePulseCnt2ReadbackDsGen_7__RePulse2ReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_ms "RePulseCnt2ReadbackDsGen[7].RePulse2ReadbackDs/DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex/oSig_ms") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref RePulseCnt2ReadbackDsGen_7__RePulse2ReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref Q (instanceref RePulseCnt2ReadbackDsGen_7__RePulse2ReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename RePulseCnt2ReadbackDsGen_8__RePulse2ReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_ms "RePulseCnt2ReadbackDsGen[8].RePulse2ReadbackDs/DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex/oSig_ms") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref RePulseCnt2ReadbackDsGen_8__RePulse2ReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref Q (instanceref RePulseCnt2ReadbackDsGen_8__RePulse2ReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename RePulseCnt2ReadbackDsGen_9__RePulse2ReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_ms "RePulseCnt2ReadbackDsGen[9].RePulse2ReadbackDs/DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex/oSig_ms") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref RePulseCnt2ReadbackDsGen_9__RePulse2ReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref Q (instanceref RePulseCnt2ReadbackDsGen_9__RePulse2ReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename ReRunEnableDs_DoubleSyncBasex_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_ms "ReRunEnableDs/DoubleSyncBasex/DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex/oSig_ms") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref ReRunEnableDs_DoubleSyncBasex_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref Q (instanceref ReRunEnableDs_DoubleSyncBasex_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename ReRunEnableDs_DoubleSyncBasex_iDlySig "ReRunEnableDs/DoubleSyncBasex/iDlySig") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref ReRunEnableDs_DoubleSyncBasex_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref Q (instanceref ReRunEnableDs_DoubleSyncBasex_iDlySigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ )
+ (property RTL_KEEP (string "true"))
+ )
+ (net RefClk (joined
+ (portref C (instanceref EnableTdcDs_DoubleSyncBasex_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref EnableTdcDs_DoubleSyncBasex_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref PpsCapturedDs_DoubleSyncBasex_iDlySigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref PpsCrossEnDs_DoubleSyncBasex_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref PpsCrossEnDs_DoubleSyncBasex_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref PulserEnableDelayValCrossingHs_HBx_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_0__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref PulserEnableDelayValCrossingHs_HBx_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_1__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref PulserEnableDelayValCrossingHs_HBx_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_2__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref PulserEnableDelayValCrossingHs_HBx_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_3__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref PulserEnableDelayValCrossingHs_HBx_BlkOut_oDataValid_reg))
+ (portref C (instanceref PulserEnableDelayValCrossingHs_HBx_BlkOut_oPushToggle1x_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref PulserEnableDelayValCrossingHs_HBx_BlkOut_oPushToggle2_reg))
+ (portref C (instanceref PulserEnableDelayValCrossingHs_HBx_BlkOut_oPushToggle_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref RePulse1CntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_0__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref RePulse1CntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_10__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref RePulse1CntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_11__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref RePulse1CntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_12__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref RePulse1CntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_13__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref RePulse1CntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_14__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref RePulse1CntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_15__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref RePulse1CntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_16__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref RePulse1CntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_17__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref RePulse1CntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_18__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref RePulse1CntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_19__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref RePulse1CntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_1__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref RePulse1CntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_20__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref RePulse1CntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_21__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref RePulse1CntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_22__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref RePulse1CntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_23__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref RePulse1CntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_2__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref RePulse1CntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_3__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref RePulse1CntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_4__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref RePulse1CntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_5__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref RePulse1CntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_6__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref RePulse1CntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_7__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref RePulse1CntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_8__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref RePulse1CntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_9__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref RePulse1CntHs_BlkOut_oPushToggle1x_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref RePulse1CntHs_BlkOut_oPushToggle2_reg))
+ (portref C (instanceref RePulse1CntHs_BlkOut_oPushToggle_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref RePulse2CntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_0__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref RePulse2CntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_10__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref RePulse2CntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_11__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref RePulse2CntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_12__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref RePulse2CntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_13__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref RePulse2CntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_14__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref RePulse2CntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_15__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref RePulse2CntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_16__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref RePulse2CntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_17__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref RePulse2CntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_18__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref RePulse2CntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_19__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref RePulse2CntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_1__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref RePulse2CntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_20__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref RePulse2CntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_21__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref RePulse2CntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_22__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref RePulse2CntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_2__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref RePulse2CntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_3__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref RePulse2CntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_4__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref RePulse2CntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_5__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref RePulse2CntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_6__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref RePulse2CntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_7__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref RePulse2CntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_8__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref RePulse2CntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_9__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref RePulse2CntHs_BlkOut_oDataValid_reg))
+ (portref C (instanceref RePulse2CntHs_BlkOut_oPushToggle1x_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref RePulse2CntHs_BlkOut_oPushToggle2_reg))
+ (portref C (instanceref RePulse2CntHs_BlkOut_oPushToggle_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref ReRunEnableDs_DoubleSyncBasex_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref ReRunEnableDs_DoubleSyncBasex_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref ResetDoneDs_DoubleSyncBasex_iDlySigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref ResetTdcDs_DoubleSyncBasex_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref ResetTdcDs_DoubleSyncBasex_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref RpCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_0__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref RpCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_10__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref RpCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_11__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref RpCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_12__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref RpCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_13__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref RpCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_14__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref RpCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_15__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref RpCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_16__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref RpCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_17__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref RpCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_18__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref RpCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_19__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref RpCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_1__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref RpCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_20__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref RpCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_21__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref RpCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_22__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref RpCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_23__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref RpCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_24__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref RpCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_25__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref RpCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_26__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref RpCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_27__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref RpCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_28__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref RpCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_29__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref RpCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_2__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref RpCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_30__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref RpCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_3__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref RpCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_4__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref RpCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_5__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref RpCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_6__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref RpCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_7__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref RpCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_8__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref RpCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_9__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref RpCntHs_BlkOut_oDataValid_reg))
+ (portref C (instanceref RpCntHs_BlkOut_oPushToggle1x_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref RpCntHs_BlkOut_oPushToggle2_reg))
+ (portref C (instanceref RpCntHs_BlkOut_oPushToggle_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref RptCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_0__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref RptCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_10__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref RptCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_11__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref RptCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_12__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref RptCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_13__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref RptCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_14__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref RptCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_15__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref RptCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_16__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref RptCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_17__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref RptCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_18__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref RptCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_19__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref RptCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_1__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref RptCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_20__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref RptCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_21__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref RptCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_22__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref RptCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_23__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref RptCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_24__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref RptCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_25__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref RptCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_26__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref RptCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_27__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref RptCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_28__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref RptCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_29__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref RptCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_2__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref RptCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_30__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref RptCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_3__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref RptCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_4__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref RptCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_5__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref RptCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_6__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref RptCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_7__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref RptCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_8__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref RptCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_9__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref RptCntHs_BlkOut_oDataValid_reg))
+ (portref C (instanceref RptCntHs_BlkOut_oPushToggle1x_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref RptCntHs_BlkOut_oPushToggle2_reg))
+ (portref C (instanceref RptCntHs_BlkOut_oPushToggle_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref rPulserEnableDelayVal_reg_0_))
+ (portref C (instanceref rPulserEnableDelayVal_reg_1_))
+ (portref C (instanceref rPulserEnableDelayVal_reg_2_))
+ (portref C (instanceref rPulserEnableDelayVal_reg_3_))
+ (portref RefClk)
+ )
+ )
+ (net RegWrite53_out (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref SptCntHs_BlkIn_iDlyPush_reg))
+ (portref O (instanceref BlkIn_iDlyPush_i_1))
+ )
+ )
+ (net RegWrite54_out (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref RptCntHs_BlkIn_iDlyPush_reg))
+ (portref O (instanceref BlkIn_iDlyPush_i_1__0))
+ )
+ )
+ (net RegWrite55_out (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref RePulse2CntHs_BlkIn_iDlyPush_reg))
+ (portref O (instanceref BlkIn_iDlyPush_i_1__1))
+ )
+ )
+ (net RegWrite56_out (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref RePulse1CntHs_BlkIn_iDlyPush_reg))
+ (portref O (instanceref BlkIn_iDlyPush_i_1__2))
+ )
+ )
+ (net RegWrite57_out (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref SpCntHs_BlkIn_iDlyPush_reg))
+ (portref O (instanceref BlkIn_iDlyPush_i_1__3))
+ )
+ )
+ (net RegWrite58_out (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref RpCntHs_BlkIn_iDlyPush_reg))
+ (portref O (instanceref BlkIn_iDlyPush_i_1__4))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename ResetDoneDs_DoubleSyncBasex_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_ms "ResetDoneDs/DoubleSyncBasex/DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex/oSig_ms") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref ResetDoneDs_DoubleSyncBasex_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref Q (instanceref ResetDoneDs_DoubleSyncBasex_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename ResetDoneDs_DoubleSyncBasex_iDlySig "ResetDoneDs/DoubleSyncBasex/iDlySig") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref ResetDoneDs_DoubleSyncBasex_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref Q (instanceref ResetDoneDs_DoubleSyncBasex_iDlySigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ )
+ (property RTL_KEEP (string "true"))
+ )
+ (net (rename ResetTdcDs_DoubleSyncBasex_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_ms "ResetTdcDs/DoubleSyncBasex/DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex/oSig_ms") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref ResetTdcDs_DoubleSyncBasex_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref Q (instanceref ResetTdcDs_DoubleSyncBasex_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename ResetTdcDs_DoubleSyncBasex_iDlySig "ResetTdcDs/DoubleSyncBasex/iDlySig") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref ResetTdcDs_DoubleSyncBasex_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref Q (instanceref ResetTdcDs_DoubleSyncBasex_iDlySigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ )
+ (property RTL_KEEP (string "true"))
+ )
+ (net (rename RpCntHs_BlkOut_oPushToggle2_reg_n_0 "RpCntHs/BlkOut.oPushToggle2_reg_n_0") (joined
+ (portref I1 (instanceref BlkOut_oDataValid_i_1))
+ (portref Q (instanceref RpCntHs_BlkOut_oPushToggle2_reg))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename RpCntHs_iPushPulse "RpCntHs/iPushPulse") (joined
+ (portref CE (instanceref RpCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_0_))
+ (portref CE (instanceref RpCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_10_))
+ (portref CE (instanceref RpCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_11_))
+ (portref CE (instanceref RpCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_12_))
+ (portref CE (instanceref RpCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_13_))
+ (portref CE (instanceref RpCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_14_))
+ (portref CE (instanceref RpCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_15_))
+ (portref CE (instanceref RpCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_16_))
+ (portref CE (instanceref RpCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_17_))
+ (portref CE (instanceref RpCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_18_))
+ (portref CE (instanceref RpCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_19_))
+ (portref CE (instanceref RpCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_1_))
+ (portref CE (instanceref RpCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_20_))
+ (portref CE (instanceref RpCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_21_))
+ (portref CE (instanceref RpCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_22_))
+ (portref CE (instanceref RpCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_23_))
+ (portref CE (instanceref RpCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_24_))
+ (portref CE (instanceref RpCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_25_))
+ (portref CE (instanceref RpCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_26_))
+ (portref CE (instanceref RpCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_27_))
+ (portref CE (instanceref RpCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_28_))
+ (portref CE (instanceref RpCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_29_))
+ (portref CE (instanceref RpCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_2_))
+ (portref CE (instanceref RpCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_30_))
+ (portref CE (instanceref RpCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_31_))
+ (portref CE (instanceref RpCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_3_))
+ (portref CE (instanceref RpCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_4_))
+ (portref CE (instanceref RpCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_5_))
+ (portref CE (instanceref RpCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_6_))
+ (portref CE (instanceref RpCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_7_))
+ (portref CE (instanceref RpCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_8_))
+ (portref CE (instanceref RpCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_9_))
+ (portref CE (instanceref RpCntHs_BlkIn_iPushTogglex_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref O (instanceref Gen0_FDCEx_i_1__4))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename RpCntHs_iPushToggle "RpCntHs/iPushToggle") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref RpCntHs_BlkOut_oPushToggle_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref I0 (instanceref Gen0_FDCEx_i_2__2))
+ (portref Q (instanceref RpCntHs_BlkIn_iPushTogglex_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename RpCntHs_iPushToggleNx "RpCntHs/iPushToggleNx") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref RpCntHs_BlkIn_iPushTogglex_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref O (instanceref Gen0_FDCEx_i_2__2))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename RpCntHs_oPushToggle0_ms "RpCntHs/oPushToggle0_ms") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref RpCntHs_BlkOut_oPushToggle1x_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref Q (instanceref RpCntHs_BlkOut_oPushToggle_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename RpCntHs_oPushToggle1 "RpCntHs/oPushToggle1") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref RpCntHs_BlkOut_oPushToggle2_reg))
+ (portref I0 (instanceref BlkOut_oDataValid_i_1))
+ (portref Q (instanceref RpCntHs_BlkOut_oPushToggle1x_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename RpCntHs_oPushToggleChanged "RpCntHs/oPushToggleChanged") (joined
+ (portref CE (instanceref RpCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_0__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref RpCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_10__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref RpCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_11__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref RpCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_12__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref RpCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_13__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref RpCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_14__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref RpCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_15__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref RpCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_16__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref RpCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_17__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref RpCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_18__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref RpCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_19__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref RpCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_1__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref RpCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_20__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref RpCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_21__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref RpCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_22__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref RpCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_23__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref RpCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_24__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref RpCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_25__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref RpCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_26__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref RpCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_27__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref RpCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_28__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref RpCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_29__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref RpCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_2__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref RpCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_30__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref RpCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_3__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref RpCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_4__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref RpCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_5__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref RpCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_6__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref RpCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_7__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref RpCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_8__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref RpCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_9__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref D (instanceref RpCntHs_BlkOut_oDataValid_reg))
+ (portref O (instanceref BlkOut_oDataValid_i_1))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename RpCntReadbackDsGen_0__RpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_ms "RpCntReadbackDsGen[0].RpCntReadbackDs/DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex/oSig_ms") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref RpCntReadbackDsGen_0__RpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref Q (instanceref RpCntReadbackDsGen_0__RpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename RpCntReadbackDsGen_10__RpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_ms "RpCntReadbackDsGen[10].RpCntReadbackDs/DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex/oSig_ms") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref RpCntReadbackDsGen_10__RpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref Q (instanceref RpCntReadbackDsGen_10__RpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename RpCntReadbackDsGen_11__RpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_ms "RpCntReadbackDsGen[11].RpCntReadbackDs/DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex/oSig_ms") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref RpCntReadbackDsGen_11__RpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref Q (instanceref RpCntReadbackDsGen_11__RpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename RpCntReadbackDsGen_12__RpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_ms "RpCntReadbackDsGen[12].RpCntReadbackDs/DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex/oSig_ms") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref RpCntReadbackDsGen_12__RpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref Q (instanceref RpCntReadbackDsGen_12__RpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename RpCntReadbackDsGen_13__RpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_ms "RpCntReadbackDsGen[13].RpCntReadbackDs/DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex/oSig_ms") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref RpCntReadbackDsGen_13__RpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref Q (instanceref RpCntReadbackDsGen_13__RpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename RpCntReadbackDsGen_14__RpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_ms "RpCntReadbackDsGen[14].RpCntReadbackDs/DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex/oSig_ms") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref RpCntReadbackDsGen_14__RpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref Q (instanceref RpCntReadbackDsGen_14__RpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename RpCntReadbackDsGen_15__RpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_ms "RpCntReadbackDsGen[15].RpCntReadbackDs/DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex/oSig_ms") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref RpCntReadbackDsGen_15__RpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref Q (instanceref RpCntReadbackDsGen_15__RpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename RpCntReadbackDsGen_16__RpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_ms "RpCntReadbackDsGen[16].RpCntReadbackDs/DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex/oSig_ms") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref RpCntReadbackDsGen_16__RpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref Q (instanceref RpCntReadbackDsGen_16__RpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename RpCntReadbackDsGen_17__RpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_ms "RpCntReadbackDsGen[17].RpCntReadbackDs/DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex/oSig_ms") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref RpCntReadbackDsGen_17__RpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref Q (instanceref RpCntReadbackDsGen_17__RpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename RpCntReadbackDsGen_18__RpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_ms "RpCntReadbackDsGen[18].RpCntReadbackDs/DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex/oSig_ms") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref RpCntReadbackDsGen_18__RpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref Q (instanceref RpCntReadbackDsGen_18__RpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename RpCntReadbackDsGen_19__RpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_ms "RpCntReadbackDsGen[19].RpCntReadbackDs/DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex/oSig_ms") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref RpCntReadbackDsGen_19__RpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref Q (instanceref RpCntReadbackDsGen_19__RpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename RpCntReadbackDsGen_1__RpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_ms "RpCntReadbackDsGen[1].RpCntReadbackDs/DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex/oSig_ms") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref RpCntReadbackDsGen_1__RpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref Q (instanceref RpCntReadbackDsGen_1__RpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename RpCntReadbackDsGen_20__RpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_ms "RpCntReadbackDsGen[20].RpCntReadbackDs/DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex/oSig_ms") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref RpCntReadbackDsGen_20__RpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref Q (instanceref RpCntReadbackDsGen_20__RpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename RpCntReadbackDsGen_21__RpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_ms "RpCntReadbackDsGen[21].RpCntReadbackDs/DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex/oSig_ms") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref RpCntReadbackDsGen_21__RpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref Q (instanceref RpCntReadbackDsGen_21__RpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename RpCntReadbackDsGen_22__RpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_ms "RpCntReadbackDsGen[22].RpCntReadbackDs/DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex/oSig_ms") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref RpCntReadbackDsGen_22__RpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref Q (instanceref RpCntReadbackDsGen_22__RpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename RpCntReadbackDsGen_23__RpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_ms "RpCntReadbackDsGen[23].RpCntReadbackDs/DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex/oSig_ms") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref RpCntReadbackDsGen_23__RpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref Q (instanceref RpCntReadbackDsGen_23__RpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename RpCntReadbackDsGen_24__RpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_ms "RpCntReadbackDsGen[24].RpCntReadbackDs/DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex/oSig_ms") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref RpCntReadbackDsGen_24__RpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref Q (instanceref RpCntReadbackDsGen_24__RpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename RpCntReadbackDsGen_25__RpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_ms "RpCntReadbackDsGen[25].RpCntReadbackDs/DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex/oSig_ms") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref RpCntReadbackDsGen_25__RpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref Q (instanceref RpCntReadbackDsGen_25__RpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename RpCntReadbackDsGen_26__RpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_ms "RpCntReadbackDsGen[26].RpCntReadbackDs/DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex/oSig_ms") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref RpCntReadbackDsGen_26__RpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref Q (instanceref RpCntReadbackDsGen_26__RpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename RpCntReadbackDsGen_27__RpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_ms "RpCntReadbackDsGen[27].RpCntReadbackDs/DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex/oSig_ms") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref RpCntReadbackDsGen_27__RpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref Q (instanceref RpCntReadbackDsGen_27__RpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename RpCntReadbackDsGen_28__RpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_ms "RpCntReadbackDsGen[28].RpCntReadbackDs/DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex/oSig_ms") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref RpCntReadbackDsGen_28__RpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref Q (instanceref RpCntReadbackDsGen_28__RpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename RpCntReadbackDsGen_29__RpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_ms "RpCntReadbackDsGen[29].RpCntReadbackDs/DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex/oSig_ms") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref RpCntReadbackDsGen_29__RpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref Q (instanceref RpCntReadbackDsGen_29__RpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename RpCntReadbackDsGen_2__RpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_ms "RpCntReadbackDsGen[2].RpCntReadbackDs/DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex/oSig_ms") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref RpCntReadbackDsGen_2__RpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref Q (instanceref RpCntReadbackDsGen_2__RpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename RpCntReadbackDsGen_30__RpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_ms "RpCntReadbackDsGen[30].RpCntReadbackDs/DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex/oSig_ms") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref RpCntReadbackDsGen_30__RpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref Q (instanceref RpCntReadbackDsGen_30__RpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename RpCntReadbackDsGen_31__RpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_ms "RpCntReadbackDsGen[31].RpCntReadbackDs/DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex/oSig_ms") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref RpCntReadbackDsGen_31__RpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref Q (instanceref RpCntReadbackDsGen_31__RpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename RpCntReadbackDsGen_3__RpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_ms "RpCntReadbackDsGen[3].RpCntReadbackDs/DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex/oSig_ms") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref RpCntReadbackDsGen_3__RpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref Q (instanceref RpCntReadbackDsGen_3__RpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename RpCntReadbackDsGen_4__RpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_ms "RpCntReadbackDsGen[4].RpCntReadbackDs/DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex/oSig_ms") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref RpCntReadbackDsGen_4__RpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref Q (instanceref RpCntReadbackDsGen_4__RpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename RpCntReadbackDsGen_5__RpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_ms "RpCntReadbackDsGen[5].RpCntReadbackDs/DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex/oSig_ms") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref RpCntReadbackDsGen_5__RpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref Q (instanceref RpCntReadbackDsGen_5__RpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename RpCntReadbackDsGen_6__RpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_ms "RpCntReadbackDsGen[6].RpCntReadbackDs/DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex/oSig_ms") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref RpCntReadbackDsGen_6__RpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref Q (instanceref RpCntReadbackDsGen_6__RpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename RpCntReadbackDsGen_7__RpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_ms "RpCntReadbackDsGen[7].RpCntReadbackDs/DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex/oSig_ms") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref RpCntReadbackDsGen_7__RpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref Q (instanceref RpCntReadbackDsGen_7__RpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename RpCntReadbackDsGen_8__RpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_ms "RpCntReadbackDsGen[8].RpCntReadbackDs/DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex/oSig_ms") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref RpCntReadbackDsGen_8__RpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref Q (instanceref RpCntReadbackDsGen_8__RpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename RpCntReadbackDsGen_9__RpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_ms "RpCntReadbackDsGen[9].RpCntReadbackDs/DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex/oSig_ms") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref RpCntReadbackDsGen_9__RpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref Q (instanceref RpCntReadbackDsGen_9__RpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename RptCntHs_BlkIn_iDlyPush_reg_n_0 "RptCntHs/BlkIn.iDlyPush_reg_n_0") (joined
+ (portref I0 (instanceref Gen0_FDCEx_i_1__0))
+ (portref Q (instanceref RptCntHs_BlkIn_iDlyPush_reg))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename RptCntHs_BlkOut_oPushToggle2_reg_n_0 "RptCntHs/BlkOut.oPushToggle2_reg_n_0") (joined
+ (portref I1 (instanceref BlkOut_oDataValid_i_1__2))
+ (portref Q (instanceref RptCntHs_BlkOut_oPushToggle2_reg))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename RptCntHs_iPushPulse "RptCntHs/iPushPulse") (joined
+ (portref CE (instanceref RptCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_0_))
+ (portref CE (instanceref RptCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_10_))
+ (portref CE (instanceref RptCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_11_))
+ (portref CE (instanceref RptCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_12_))
+ (portref CE (instanceref RptCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_13_))
+ (portref CE (instanceref RptCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_14_))
+ (portref CE (instanceref RptCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_15_))
+ (portref CE (instanceref RptCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_16_))
+ (portref CE (instanceref RptCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_17_))
+ (portref CE (instanceref RptCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_18_))
+ (portref CE (instanceref RptCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_19_))
+ (portref CE (instanceref RptCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_1_))
+ (portref CE (instanceref RptCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_20_))
+ (portref CE (instanceref RptCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_21_))
+ (portref CE (instanceref RptCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_22_))
+ (portref CE (instanceref RptCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_23_))
+ (portref CE (instanceref RptCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_24_))
+ (portref CE (instanceref RptCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_25_))
+ (portref CE (instanceref RptCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_26_))
+ (portref CE (instanceref RptCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_27_))
+ (portref CE (instanceref RptCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_28_))
+ (portref CE (instanceref RptCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_29_))
+ (portref CE (instanceref RptCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_2_))
+ (portref CE (instanceref RptCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_30_))
+ (portref CE (instanceref RptCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_31_))
+ (portref CE (instanceref RptCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_3_))
+ (portref CE (instanceref RptCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_4_))
+ (portref CE (instanceref RptCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_5_))
+ (portref CE (instanceref RptCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_6_))
+ (portref CE (instanceref RptCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_7_))
+ (portref CE (instanceref RptCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_8_))
+ (portref CE (instanceref RptCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_9_))
+ (portref CE (instanceref RptCntHs_BlkIn_iPushTogglex_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref O (instanceref Gen0_FDCEx_i_1__0))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename RptCntHs_iPushToggle "RptCntHs/iPushToggle") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref RptCntHs_BlkOut_oPushToggle_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref I0 (instanceref Gen0_FDCEx_i_2__6))
+ (portref Q (instanceref RptCntHs_BlkIn_iPushTogglex_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename RptCntHs_iPushToggleNx "RptCntHs/iPushToggleNx") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref RptCntHs_BlkIn_iPushTogglex_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref O (instanceref Gen0_FDCEx_i_2__6))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename RptCntHs_oPushToggle0_ms "RptCntHs/oPushToggle0_ms") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref RptCntHs_BlkOut_oPushToggle1x_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref Q (instanceref RptCntHs_BlkOut_oPushToggle_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename RptCntHs_oPushToggle1 "RptCntHs/oPushToggle1") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref RptCntHs_BlkOut_oPushToggle2_reg))
+ (portref I0 (instanceref BlkOut_oDataValid_i_1__2))
+ (portref Q (instanceref RptCntHs_BlkOut_oPushToggle1x_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename RptCntHs_oPushToggleChanged "RptCntHs/oPushToggleChanged") (joined
+ (portref CE (instanceref RptCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_0__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref RptCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_10__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref RptCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_11__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref RptCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_12__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref RptCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_13__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref RptCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_14__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref RptCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_15__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref RptCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_16__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref RptCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_17__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref RptCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_18__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref RptCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_19__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref RptCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_1__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref RptCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_20__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref RptCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_21__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref RptCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_22__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref RptCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_23__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref RptCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_24__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref RptCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_25__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref RptCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_26__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref RptCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_27__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref RptCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_28__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref RptCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_29__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref RptCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_2__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref RptCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_30__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref RptCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_3__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref RptCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_4__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref RptCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_5__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref RptCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_6__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref RptCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_7__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref RptCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_8__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref RptCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_9__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref D (instanceref RptCntHs_BlkOut_oDataValid_reg))
+ (portref O (instanceref BlkOut_oDataValid_i_1__2))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename RptCntReadbackDsGen_0__RptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_ms "RptCntReadbackDsGen[0].RptCntReadbackDs/DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex/oSig_ms") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref RptCntReadbackDsGen_0__RptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref Q (instanceref RptCntReadbackDsGen_0__RptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename RptCntReadbackDsGen_10__RptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_ms "RptCntReadbackDsGen[10].RptCntReadbackDs/DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex/oSig_ms") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref RptCntReadbackDsGen_10__RptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref Q (instanceref RptCntReadbackDsGen_10__RptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename RptCntReadbackDsGen_11__RptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_ms "RptCntReadbackDsGen[11].RptCntReadbackDs/DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex/oSig_ms") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref RptCntReadbackDsGen_11__RptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref Q (instanceref RptCntReadbackDsGen_11__RptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename RptCntReadbackDsGen_12__RptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_ms "RptCntReadbackDsGen[12].RptCntReadbackDs/DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex/oSig_ms") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref RptCntReadbackDsGen_12__RptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref Q (instanceref RptCntReadbackDsGen_12__RptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename RptCntReadbackDsGen_13__RptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_ms "RptCntReadbackDsGen[13].RptCntReadbackDs/DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex/oSig_ms") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref RptCntReadbackDsGen_13__RptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref Q (instanceref RptCntReadbackDsGen_13__RptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename RptCntReadbackDsGen_14__RptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_ms "RptCntReadbackDsGen[14].RptCntReadbackDs/DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex/oSig_ms") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref RptCntReadbackDsGen_14__RptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref Q (instanceref RptCntReadbackDsGen_14__RptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename RptCntReadbackDsGen_15__RptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_ms "RptCntReadbackDsGen[15].RptCntReadbackDs/DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex/oSig_ms") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref RptCntReadbackDsGen_15__RptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref Q (instanceref RptCntReadbackDsGen_15__RptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename RptCntReadbackDsGen_16__RptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_ms "RptCntReadbackDsGen[16].RptCntReadbackDs/DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex/oSig_ms") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref RptCntReadbackDsGen_16__RptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref Q (instanceref RptCntReadbackDsGen_16__RptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename RptCntReadbackDsGen_17__RptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_ms "RptCntReadbackDsGen[17].RptCntReadbackDs/DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex/oSig_ms") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref RptCntReadbackDsGen_17__RptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref Q (instanceref RptCntReadbackDsGen_17__RptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename RptCntReadbackDsGen_18__RptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_ms "RptCntReadbackDsGen[18].RptCntReadbackDs/DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex/oSig_ms") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref RptCntReadbackDsGen_18__RptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref Q (instanceref RptCntReadbackDsGen_18__RptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename RptCntReadbackDsGen_19__RptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_ms "RptCntReadbackDsGen[19].RptCntReadbackDs/DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex/oSig_ms") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref RptCntReadbackDsGen_19__RptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref Q (instanceref RptCntReadbackDsGen_19__RptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename RptCntReadbackDsGen_1__RptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_ms "RptCntReadbackDsGen[1].RptCntReadbackDs/DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex/oSig_ms") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref RptCntReadbackDsGen_1__RptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref Q (instanceref RptCntReadbackDsGen_1__RptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename RptCntReadbackDsGen_20__RptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_ms "RptCntReadbackDsGen[20].RptCntReadbackDs/DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex/oSig_ms") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref RptCntReadbackDsGen_20__RptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref Q (instanceref RptCntReadbackDsGen_20__RptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename RptCntReadbackDsGen_21__RptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_ms "RptCntReadbackDsGen[21].RptCntReadbackDs/DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex/oSig_ms") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref RptCntReadbackDsGen_21__RptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref Q (instanceref RptCntReadbackDsGen_21__RptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename RptCntReadbackDsGen_22__RptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_ms "RptCntReadbackDsGen[22].RptCntReadbackDs/DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex/oSig_ms") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref RptCntReadbackDsGen_22__RptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref Q (instanceref RptCntReadbackDsGen_22__RptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename RptCntReadbackDsGen_23__RptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_ms "RptCntReadbackDsGen[23].RptCntReadbackDs/DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex/oSig_ms") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref RptCntReadbackDsGen_23__RptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref Q (instanceref RptCntReadbackDsGen_23__RptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename RptCntReadbackDsGen_24__RptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_ms "RptCntReadbackDsGen[24].RptCntReadbackDs/DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex/oSig_ms") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref RptCntReadbackDsGen_24__RptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref Q (instanceref RptCntReadbackDsGen_24__RptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename RptCntReadbackDsGen_25__RptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_ms "RptCntReadbackDsGen[25].RptCntReadbackDs/DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex/oSig_ms") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref RptCntReadbackDsGen_25__RptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref Q (instanceref RptCntReadbackDsGen_25__RptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename RptCntReadbackDsGen_26__RptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_ms "RptCntReadbackDsGen[26].RptCntReadbackDs/DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex/oSig_ms") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref RptCntReadbackDsGen_26__RptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref Q (instanceref RptCntReadbackDsGen_26__RptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename RptCntReadbackDsGen_27__RptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_ms "RptCntReadbackDsGen[27].RptCntReadbackDs/DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex/oSig_ms") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref RptCntReadbackDsGen_27__RptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref Q (instanceref RptCntReadbackDsGen_27__RptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename RptCntReadbackDsGen_28__RptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_ms "RptCntReadbackDsGen[28].RptCntReadbackDs/DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex/oSig_ms") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref RptCntReadbackDsGen_28__RptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref Q (instanceref RptCntReadbackDsGen_28__RptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename RptCntReadbackDsGen_29__RptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_ms "RptCntReadbackDsGen[29].RptCntReadbackDs/DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex/oSig_ms") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref RptCntReadbackDsGen_29__RptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref Q (instanceref RptCntReadbackDsGen_29__RptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename RptCntReadbackDsGen_2__RptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_ms "RptCntReadbackDsGen[2].RptCntReadbackDs/DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex/oSig_ms") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref RptCntReadbackDsGen_2__RptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref Q (instanceref RptCntReadbackDsGen_2__RptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename RptCntReadbackDsGen_30__RptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_ms "RptCntReadbackDsGen[30].RptCntReadbackDs/DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex/oSig_ms") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref RptCntReadbackDsGen_30__RptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref Q (instanceref RptCntReadbackDsGen_30__RptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename RptCntReadbackDsGen_31__RptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_ms "RptCntReadbackDsGen[31].RptCntReadbackDs/DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex/oSig_ms") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref RptCntReadbackDsGen_31__RptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref Q (instanceref RptCntReadbackDsGen_31__RptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename RptCntReadbackDsGen_3__RptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_ms "RptCntReadbackDsGen[3].RptCntReadbackDs/DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex/oSig_ms") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref RptCntReadbackDsGen_3__RptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref Q (instanceref RptCntReadbackDsGen_3__RptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename RptCntReadbackDsGen_4__RptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_ms "RptCntReadbackDsGen[4].RptCntReadbackDs/DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex/oSig_ms") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref RptCntReadbackDsGen_4__RptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref Q (instanceref RptCntReadbackDsGen_4__RptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename RptCntReadbackDsGen_5__RptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_ms "RptCntReadbackDsGen[5].RptCntReadbackDs/DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex/oSig_ms") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref RptCntReadbackDsGen_5__RptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref Q (instanceref RptCntReadbackDsGen_5__RptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename RptCntReadbackDsGen_6__RptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_ms "RptCntReadbackDsGen[6].RptCntReadbackDs/DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex/oSig_ms") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref RptCntReadbackDsGen_6__RptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref Q (instanceref RptCntReadbackDsGen_6__RptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename RptCntReadbackDsGen_7__RptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_ms "RptCntReadbackDsGen[7].RptCntReadbackDs/DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex/oSig_ms") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref RptCntReadbackDsGen_7__RptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref Q (instanceref RptCntReadbackDsGen_7__RptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename RptCntReadbackDsGen_8__RptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_ms "RptCntReadbackDsGen[8].RptCntReadbackDs/DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex/oSig_ms") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref RptCntReadbackDsGen_8__RptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref Q (instanceref RptCntReadbackDsGen_8__RptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename RptCntReadbackDsGen_9__RptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_ms "RptCntReadbackDsGen[9].RptCntReadbackDs/DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex/oSig_ms") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref RptCntReadbackDsGen_9__RptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref Q (instanceref RptCntReadbackDsGen_9__RptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ )
+ )
+ (net SampleClk (joined
+ (portref C (instanceref PpsDelayValCrossingHs_HBx_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_0__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref PpsDelayValCrossingHs_HBx_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_1__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref PpsDelayValCrossingHs_HBx_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_2__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref PpsDelayValCrossingHs_HBx_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_3__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref PpsDelayValCrossingHs_HBx_BlkOut_oDataValid_reg))
+ (portref C (instanceref PpsDelayValCrossingHs_HBx_BlkOut_oPushToggle1x_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref PpsDelayValCrossingHs_HBx_BlkOut_oPushToggle2_reg))
+ (portref C (instanceref PpsDelayValCrossingHs_HBx_BlkOut_oPushToggle_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref SpCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_0__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref SpCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_10__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref SpCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_11__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref SpCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_12__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref SpCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_13__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref SpCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_14__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref SpCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_15__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref SpCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_16__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref SpCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_17__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref SpCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_18__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref SpCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_19__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref SpCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_1__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref SpCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_20__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref SpCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_21__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref SpCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_22__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref SpCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_23__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref SpCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_24__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref SpCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_25__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref SpCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_26__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref SpCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_27__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref SpCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_28__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref SpCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_29__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref SpCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_2__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref SpCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_30__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref SpCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_3__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref SpCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_4__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref SpCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_5__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref SpCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_6__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref SpCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_7__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref SpCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_8__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref SpCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_9__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref SpCntHs_BlkOut_oDataValid_reg))
+ (portref C (instanceref SpCntHs_BlkOut_oPushToggle1x_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref SpCntHs_BlkOut_oPushToggle2_reg))
+ (portref C (instanceref SpCntHs_BlkOut_oPushToggle_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref SptCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_0__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref SptCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_10__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref SptCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_11__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref SptCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_12__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref SptCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_13__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref SptCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_14__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref SptCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_15__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref SptCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_16__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref SptCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_17__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref SptCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_18__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref SptCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_19__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref SptCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_1__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref SptCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_20__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref SptCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_21__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref SptCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_22__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref SptCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_23__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref SptCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_24__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref SptCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_25__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref SptCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_26__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref SptCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_27__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref SptCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_28__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref SptCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_29__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref SptCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_2__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref SptCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_30__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref SptCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_3__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref SptCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_4__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref SptCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_5__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref SptCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_6__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref SptCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_7__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref SptCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_8__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref SptCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_9__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref SptCntHs_BlkOut_oDataValid_reg))
+ (portref C (instanceref SptCntHs_BlkOut_oPushToggle1x_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref SptCntHs_BlkOut_oPushToggle2_reg))
+ (portref C (instanceref SptCntHs_BlkOut_oPushToggle_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref C (instanceref sPpsClkCrossDelayVal_reg_0_))
+ (portref C (instanceref sPpsClkCrossDelayVal_reg_1_))
+ (portref C (instanceref sPpsClkCrossDelayVal_reg_2_))
+ (portref C (instanceref sPpsClkCrossDelayVal_reg_3_))
+ (portref SampleClk)
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename SpCntHs_BlkIn_iDlyPush_reg_n_0 "SpCntHs/BlkIn.iDlyPush_reg_n_0") (joined
+ (portref I0 (instanceref Gen0_FDCEx_i_1__3))
+ (portref Q (instanceref SpCntHs_BlkIn_iDlyPush_reg))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename SpCntHs_BlkOut_oPushToggle2_reg_n_0 "SpCntHs/BlkOut.oPushToggle2_reg_n_0") (joined
+ (portref I1 (instanceref BlkOut_oDataValid_i_1__0))
+ (portref Q (instanceref SpCntHs_BlkOut_oPushToggle2_reg))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename SpCntHs_iPushPulse "SpCntHs/iPushPulse") (joined
+ (portref CE (instanceref SpCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_0_))
+ (portref CE (instanceref SpCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_10_))
+ (portref CE (instanceref SpCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_11_))
+ (portref CE (instanceref SpCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_12_))
+ (portref CE (instanceref SpCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_13_))
+ (portref CE (instanceref SpCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_14_))
+ (portref CE (instanceref SpCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_15_))
+ (portref CE (instanceref SpCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_16_))
+ (portref CE (instanceref SpCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_17_))
+ (portref CE (instanceref SpCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_18_))
+ (portref CE (instanceref SpCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_19_))
+ (portref CE (instanceref SpCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_1_))
+ (portref CE (instanceref SpCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_20_))
+ (portref CE (instanceref SpCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_21_))
+ (portref CE (instanceref SpCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_22_))
+ (portref CE (instanceref SpCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_23_))
+ (portref CE (instanceref SpCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_24_))
+ (portref CE (instanceref SpCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_25_))
+ (portref CE (instanceref SpCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_26_))
+ (portref CE (instanceref SpCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_27_))
+ (portref CE (instanceref SpCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_28_))
+ (portref CE (instanceref SpCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_29_))
+ (portref CE (instanceref SpCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_2_))
+ (portref CE (instanceref SpCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_30_))
+ (portref CE (instanceref SpCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_31_))
+ (portref CE (instanceref SpCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_3_))
+ (portref CE (instanceref SpCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_4_))
+ (portref CE (instanceref SpCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_5_))
+ (portref CE (instanceref SpCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_6_))
+ (portref CE (instanceref SpCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_7_))
+ (portref CE (instanceref SpCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_8_))
+ (portref CE (instanceref SpCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_9_))
+ (portref CE (instanceref SpCntHs_BlkIn_iPushTogglex_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref O (instanceref Gen0_FDCEx_i_1__3))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename SpCntHs_iPushToggle "SpCntHs/iPushToggle") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref SpCntHs_BlkOut_oPushToggle_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref I0 (instanceref Gen0_FDCEx_i_2__3))
+ (portref Q (instanceref SpCntHs_BlkIn_iPushTogglex_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename SpCntHs_iPushToggleNx "SpCntHs/iPushToggleNx") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref SpCntHs_BlkIn_iPushTogglex_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref O (instanceref Gen0_FDCEx_i_2__3))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename SpCntHs_oPushToggle0_ms "SpCntHs/oPushToggle0_ms") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref SpCntHs_BlkOut_oPushToggle1x_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref Q (instanceref SpCntHs_BlkOut_oPushToggle_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename SpCntHs_oPushToggle1 "SpCntHs/oPushToggle1") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref SpCntHs_BlkOut_oPushToggle2_reg))
+ (portref I0 (instanceref BlkOut_oDataValid_i_1__0))
+ (portref Q (instanceref SpCntHs_BlkOut_oPushToggle1x_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename SpCntHs_oPushToggleChanged "SpCntHs/oPushToggleChanged") (joined
+ (portref CE (instanceref SpCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_0__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref SpCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_10__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref SpCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_11__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref SpCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_12__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref SpCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_13__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref SpCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_14__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref SpCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_15__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref SpCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_16__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref SpCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_17__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref SpCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_18__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref SpCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_19__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref SpCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_1__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref SpCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_20__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref SpCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_21__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref SpCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_22__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref SpCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_23__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref SpCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_24__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref SpCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_25__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref SpCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_26__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref SpCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_27__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref SpCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_28__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref SpCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_29__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref SpCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_2__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref SpCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_30__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref SpCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_3__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref SpCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_4__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref SpCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_5__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref SpCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_6__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref SpCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_7__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref SpCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_8__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref SpCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_9__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref D (instanceref SpCntHs_BlkOut_oDataValid_reg))
+ (portref O (instanceref BlkOut_oDataValid_i_1__0))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename SpCntReadbackDsGen_0__SpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_ms "SpCntReadbackDsGen[0].SpCntReadbackDs/DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex/oSig_ms") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref SpCntReadbackDsGen_0__SpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref Q (instanceref SpCntReadbackDsGen_0__SpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename SpCntReadbackDsGen_10__SpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_ms "SpCntReadbackDsGen[10].SpCntReadbackDs/DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex/oSig_ms") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref SpCntReadbackDsGen_10__SpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref Q (instanceref SpCntReadbackDsGen_10__SpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename SpCntReadbackDsGen_11__SpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_ms "SpCntReadbackDsGen[11].SpCntReadbackDs/DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex/oSig_ms") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref SpCntReadbackDsGen_11__SpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref Q (instanceref SpCntReadbackDsGen_11__SpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename SpCntReadbackDsGen_12__SpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_ms "SpCntReadbackDsGen[12].SpCntReadbackDs/DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex/oSig_ms") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref SpCntReadbackDsGen_12__SpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref Q (instanceref SpCntReadbackDsGen_12__SpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename SpCntReadbackDsGen_13__SpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_ms "SpCntReadbackDsGen[13].SpCntReadbackDs/DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex/oSig_ms") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref SpCntReadbackDsGen_13__SpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref Q (instanceref SpCntReadbackDsGen_13__SpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename SpCntReadbackDsGen_14__SpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_ms "SpCntReadbackDsGen[14].SpCntReadbackDs/DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex/oSig_ms") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref SpCntReadbackDsGen_14__SpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref Q (instanceref SpCntReadbackDsGen_14__SpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename SpCntReadbackDsGen_15__SpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_ms "SpCntReadbackDsGen[15].SpCntReadbackDs/DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex/oSig_ms") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref SpCntReadbackDsGen_15__SpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref Q (instanceref SpCntReadbackDsGen_15__SpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename SpCntReadbackDsGen_16__SpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_ms "SpCntReadbackDsGen[16].SpCntReadbackDs/DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex/oSig_ms") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref SpCntReadbackDsGen_16__SpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref Q (instanceref SpCntReadbackDsGen_16__SpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename SpCntReadbackDsGen_17__SpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_ms "SpCntReadbackDsGen[17].SpCntReadbackDs/DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex/oSig_ms") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref SpCntReadbackDsGen_17__SpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref Q (instanceref SpCntReadbackDsGen_17__SpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename SpCntReadbackDsGen_18__SpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_ms "SpCntReadbackDsGen[18].SpCntReadbackDs/DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex/oSig_ms") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref SpCntReadbackDsGen_18__SpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref Q (instanceref SpCntReadbackDsGen_18__SpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename SpCntReadbackDsGen_19__SpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_ms "SpCntReadbackDsGen[19].SpCntReadbackDs/DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex/oSig_ms") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref SpCntReadbackDsGen_19__SpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref Q (instanceref SpCntReadbackDsGen_19__SpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename SpCntReadbackDsGen_1__SpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_ms "SpCntReadbackDsGen[1].SpCntReadbackDs/DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex/oSig_ms") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref SpCntReadbackDsGen_1__SpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref Q (instanceref SpCntReadbackDsGen_1__SpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename SpCntReadbackDsGen_20__SpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_ms "SpCntReadbackDsGen[20].SpCntReadbackDs/DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex/oSig_ms") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref SpCntReadbackDsGen_20__SpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref Q (instanceref SpCntReadbackDsGen_20__SpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename SpCntReadbackDsGen_21__SpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_ms "SpCntReadbackDsGen[21].SpCntReadbackDs/DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex/oSig_ms") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref SpCntReadbackDsGen_21__SpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref Q (instanceref SpCntReadbackDsGen_21__SpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename SpCntReadbackDsGen_22__SpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_ms "SpCntReadbackDsGen[22].SpCntReadbackDs/DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex/oSig_ms") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref SpCntReadbackDsGen_22__SpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref Q (instanceref SpCntReadbackDsGen_22__SpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename SpCntReadbackDsGen_23__SpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_ms "SpCntReadbackDsGen[23].SpCntReadbackDs/DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex/oSig_ms") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref SpCntReadbackDsGen_23__SpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref Q (instanceref SpCntReadbackDsGen_23__SpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename SpCntReadbackDsGen_24__SpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_ms "SpCntReadbackDsGen[24].SpCntReadbackDs/DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex/oSig_ms") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref SpCntReadbackDsGen_24__SpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref Q (instanceref SpCntReadbackDsGen_24__SpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename SpCntReadbackDsGen_25__SpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_ms "SpCntReadbackDsGen[25].SpCntReadbackDs/DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex/oSig_ms") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref SpCntReadbackDsGen_25__SpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref Q (instanceref SpCntReadbackDsGen_25__SpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename SpCntReadbackDsGen_26__SpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_ms "SpCntReadbackDsGen[26].SpCntReadbackDs/DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex/oSig_ms") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref SpCntReadbackDsGen_26__SpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref Q (instanceref SpCntReadbackDsGen_26__SpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename SpCntReadbackDsGen_27__SpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_ms "SpCntReadbackDsGen[27].SpCntReadbackDs/DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex/oSig_ms") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref SpCntReadbackDsGen_27__SpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref Q (instanceref SpCntReadbackDsGen_27__SpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename SpCntReadbackDsGen_28__SpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_ms "SpCntReadbackDsGen[28].SpCntReadbackDs/DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex/oSig_ms") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref SpCntReadbackDsGen_28__SpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref Q (instanceref SpCntReadbackDsGen_28__SpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename SpCntReadbackDsGen_29__SpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_ms "SpCntReadbackDsGen[29].SpCntReadbackDs/DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex/oSig_ms") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref SpCntReadbackDsGen_29__SpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref Q (instanceref SpCntReadbackDsGen_29__SpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename SpCntReadbackDsGen_2__SpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_ms "SpCntReadbackDsGen[2].SpCntReadbackDs/DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex/oSig_ms") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref SpCntReadbackDsGen_2__SpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref Q (instanceref SpCntReadbackDsGen_2__SpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename SpCntReadbackDsGen_30__SpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_ms "SpCntReadbackDsGen[30].SpCntReadbackDs/DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex/oSig_ms") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref SpCntReadbackDsGen_30__SpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref Q (instanceref SpCntReadbackDsGen_30__SpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename SpCntReadbackDsGen_31__SpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_ms "SpCntReadbackDsGen[31].SpCntReadbackDs/DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex/oSig_ms") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref SpCntReadbackDsGen_31__SpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref Q (instanceref SpCntReadbackDsGen_31__SpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename SpCntReadbackDsGen_3__SpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_ms "SpCntReadbackDsGen[3].SpCntReadbackDs/DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex/oSig_ms") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref SpCntReadbackDsGen_3__SpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref Q (instanceref SpCntReadbackDsGen_3__SpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename SpCntReadbackDsGen_4__SpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_ms "SpCntReadbackDsGen[4].SpCntReadbackDs/DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex/oSig_ms") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref SpCntReadbackDsGen_4__SpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref Q (instanceref SpCntReadbackDsGen_4__SpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename SpCntReadbackDsGen_5__SpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_ms "SpCntReadbackDsGen[5].SpCntReadbackDs/DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex/oSig_ms") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref SpCntReadbackDsGen_5__SpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref Q (instanceref SpCntReadbackDsGen_5__SpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename SpCntReadbackDsGen_6__SpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_ms "SpCntReadbackDsGen[6].SpCntReadbackDs/DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex/oSig_ms") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref SpCntReadbackDsGen_6__SpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref Q (instanceref SpCntReadbackDsGen_6__SpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename SpCntReadbackDsGen_7__SpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_ms "SpCntReadbackDsGen[7].SpCntReadbackDs/DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex/oSig_ms") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref SpCntReadbackDsGen_7__SpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref Q (instanceref SpCntReadbackDsGen_7__SpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename SpCntReadbackDsGen_8__SpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_ms "SpCntReadbackDsGen[8].SpCntReadbackDs/DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex/oSig_ms") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref SpCntReadbackDsGen_8__SpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref Q (instanceref SpCntReadbackDsGen_8__SpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename SpCntReadbackDsGen_9__SpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_ms "SpCntReadbackDsGen[9].SpCntReadbackDs/DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex/oSig_ms") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref SpCntReadbackDsGen_9__SpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref Q (instanceref SpCntReadbackDsGen_9__SpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename SptCntHs_BlkIn_iDlyPush_reg_n_0 "SptCntHs/BlkIn.iDlyPush_reg_n_0") (joined
+ (portref I0 (instanceref Gen0_FDCEx_i_1))
+ (portref Q (instanceref SptCntHs_BlkIn_iDlyPush_reg))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename SptCntHs_BlkOut_oPushToggle2_reg_n_0 "SptCntHs/BlkOut.oPushToggle2_reg_n_0") (joined
+ (portref I1 (instanceref BlkOut_oDataValid_i_1__3))
+ (portref Q (instanceref SptCntHs_BlkOut_oPushToggle2_reg))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename SptCntHs_iPushPulse "SptCntHs/iPushPulse") (joined
+ (portref CE (instanceref SptCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_0_))
+ (portref CE (instanceref SptCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_10_))
+ (portref CE (instanceref SptCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_11_))
+ (portref CE (instanceref SptCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_12_))
+ (portref CE (instanceref SptCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_13_))
+ (portref CE (instanceref SptCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_14_))
+ (portref CE (instanceref SptCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_15_))
+ (portref CE (instanceref SptCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_16_))
+ (portref CE (instanceref SptCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_17_))
+ (portref CE (instanceref SptCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_18_))
+ (portref CE (instanceref SptCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_19_))
+ (portref CE (instanceref SptCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_1_))
+ (portref CE (instanceref SptCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_20_))
+ (portref CE (instanceref SptCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_21_))
+ (portref CE (instanceref SptCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_22_))
+ (portref CE (instanceref SptCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_23_))
+ (portref CE (instanceref SptCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_24_))
+ (portref CE (instanceref SptCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_25_))
+ (portref CE (instanceref SptCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_26_))
+ (portref CE (instanceref SptCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_27_))
+ (portref CE (instanceref SptCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_28_))
+ (portref CE (instanceref SptCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_29_))
+ (portref CE (instanceref SptCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_2_))
+ (portref CE (instanceref SptCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_30_))
+ (portref CE (instanceref SptCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_31_))
+ (portref CE (instanceref SptCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_3_))
+ (portref CE (instanceref SptCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_4_))
+ (portref CE (instanceref SptCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_5_))
+ (portref CE (instanceref SptCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_6_))
+ (portref CE (instanceref SptCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_7_))
+ (portref CE (instanceref SptCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_8_))
+ (portref CE (instanceref SptCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_9_))
+ (portref CE (instanceref SptCntHs_BlkIn_iPushTogglex_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref O (instanceref Gen0_FDCEx_i_1))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename SptCntHs_iPushToggle "SptCntHs/iPushToggle") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref SptCntHs_BlkOut_oPushToggle_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref I0 (instanceref Gen0_FDCEx_i_2__7))
+ (portref Q (instanceref SptCntHs_BlkIn_iPushTogglex_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename SptCntHs_iPushToggleNx "SptCntHs/iPushToggleNx") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref SptCntHs_BlkIn_iPushTogglex_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref O (instanceref Gen0_FDCEx_i_2__7))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename SptCntHs_oPushToggle0_ms "SptCntHs/oPushToggle0_ms") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref SptCntHs_BlkOut_oPushToggle1x_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref Q (instanceref SptCntHs_BlkOut_oPushToggle_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename SptCntHs_oPushToggle1 "SptCntHs/oPushToggle1") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref SptCntHs_BlkOut_oPushToggle2_reg))
+ (portref I0 (instanceref BlkOut_oDataValid_i_1__3))
+ (portref Q (instanceref SptCntHs_BlkOut_oPushToggle1x_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename SptCntHs_oPushToggleChanged "SptCntHs/oPushToggleChanged") (joined
+ (portref CE (instanceref SptCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_0__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref SptCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_10__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref SptCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_11__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref SptCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_12__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref SptCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_13__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref SptCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_14__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref SptCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_15__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref SptCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_16__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref SptCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_17__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref SptCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_18__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref SptCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_19__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref SptCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_1__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref SptCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_20__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref SptCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_21__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref SptCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_22__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref SptCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_23__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref SptCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_24__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref SptCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_25__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref SptCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_26__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref SptCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_27__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref SptCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_28__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref SptCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_29__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref SptCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_2__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref SptCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_30__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref SptCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_3__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref SptCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_4__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref SptCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_5__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref SptCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_6__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref SptCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_7__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref SptCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_8__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CE (instanceref SptCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_9__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref D (instanceref SptCntHs_BlkOut_oDataValid_reg))
+ (portref O (instanceref BlkOut_oDataValid_i_1__3))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename SptCntReadbackDsGen_0__SptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_ms "SptCntReadbackDsGen[0].SptCntReadbackDs/DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex/oSig_ms") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref SptCntReadbackDsGen_0__SptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref Q (instanceref SptCntReadbackDsGen_0__SptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename SptCntReadbackDsGen_10__SptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_ms "SptCntReadbackDsGen[10].SptCntReadbackDs/DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex/oSig_ms") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref SptCntReadbackDsGen_10__SptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref Q (instanceref SptCntReadbackDsGen_10__SptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename SptCntReadbackDsGen_11__SptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_ms "SptCntReadbackDsGen[11].SptCntReadbackDs/DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex/oSig_ms") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref SptCntReadbackDsGen_11__SptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref Q (instanceref SptCntReadbackDsGen_11__SptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename SptCntReadbackDsGen_12__SptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_ms "SptCntReadbackDsGen[12].SptCntReadbackDs/DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex/oSig_ms") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref SptCntReadbackDsGen_12__SptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref Q (instanceref SptCntReadbackDsGen_12__SptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename SptCntReadbackDsGen_13__SptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_ms "SptCntReadbackDsGen[13].SptCntReadbackDs/DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex/oSig_ms") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref SptCntReadbackDsGen_13__SptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref Q (instanceref SptCntReadbackDsGen_13__SptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename SptCntReadbackDsGen_14__SptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_ms "SptCntReadbackDsGen[14].SptCntReadbackDs/DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex/oSig_ms") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref SptCntReadbackDsGen_14__SptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref Q (instanceref SptCntReadbackDsGen_14__SptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename SptCntReadbackDsGen_15__SptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_ms "SptCntReadbackDsGen[15].SptCntReadbackDs/DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex/oSig_ms") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref SptCntReadbackDsGen_15__SptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref Q (instanceref SptCntReadbackDsGen_15__SptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename SptCntReadbackDsGen_16__SptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_ms "SptCntReadbackDsGen[16].SptCntReadbackDs/DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex/oSig_ms") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref SptCntReadbackDsGen_16__SptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref Q (instanceref SptCntReadbackDsGen_16__SptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename SptCntReadbackDsGen_17__SptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_ms "SptCntReadbackDsGen[17].SptCntReadbackDs/DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex/oSig_ms") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref SptCntReadbackDsGen_17__SptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref Q (instanceref SptCntReadbackDsGen_17__SptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename SptCntReadbackDsGen_18__SptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_ms "SptCntReadbackDsGen[18].SptCntReadbackDs/DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex/oSig_ms") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref SptCntReadbackDsGen_18__SptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref Q (instanceref SptCntReadbackDsGen_18__SptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename SptCntReadbackDsGen_19__SptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_ms "SptCntReadbackDsGen[19].SptCntReadbackDs/DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex/oSig_ms") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref SptCntReadbackDsGen_19__SptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref Q (instanceref SptCntReadbackDsGen_19__SptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename SptCntReadbackDsGen_1__SptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_ms "SptCntReadbackDsGen[1].SptCntReadbackDs/DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex/oSig_ms") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref SptCntReadbackDsGen_1__SptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref Q (instanceref SptCntReadbackDsGen_1__SptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename SptCntReadbackDsGen_20__SptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_ms "SptCntReadbackDsGen[20].SptCntReadbackDs/DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex/oSig_ms") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref SptCntReadbackDsGen_20__SptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref Q (instanceref SptCntReadbackDsGen_20__SptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename SptCntReadbackDsGen_21__SptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_ms "SptCntReadbackDsGen[21].SptCntReadbackDs/DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex/oSig_ms") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref SptCntReadbackDsGen_21__SptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref Q (instanceref SptCntReadbackDsGen_21__SptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename SptCntReadbackDsGen_22__SptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_ms "SptCntReadbackDsGen[22].SptCntReadbackDs/DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex/oSig_ms") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref SptCntReadbackDsGen_22__SptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref Q (instanceref SptCntReadbackDsGen_22__SptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename SptCntReadbackDsGen_23__SptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_ms "SptCntReadbackDsGen[23].SptCntReadbackDs/DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex/oSig_ms") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref SptCntReadbackDsGen_23__SptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref Q (instanceref SptCntReadbackDsGen_23__SptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename SptCntReadbackDsGen_24__SptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_ms "SptCntReadbackDsGen[24].SptCntReadbackDs/DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex/oSig_ms") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref SptCntReadbackDsGen_24__SptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref Q (instanceref SptCntReadbackDsGen_24__SptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename SptCntReadbackDsGen_25__SptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_ms "SptCntReadbackDsGen[25].SptCntReadbackDs/DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex/oSig_ms") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref SptCntReadbackDsGen_25__SptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref Q (instanceref SptCntReadbackDsGen_25__SptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename SptCntReadbackDsGen_26__SptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_ms "SptCntReadbackDsGen[26].SptCntReadbackDs/DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex/oSig_ms") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref SptCntReadbackDsGen_26__SptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref Q (instanceref SptCntReadbackDsGen_26__SptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename SptCntReadbackDsGen_27__SptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_ms "SptCntReadbackDsGen[27].SptCntReadbackDs/DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex/oSig_ms") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref SptCntReadbackDsGen_27__SptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref Q (instanceref SptCntReadbackDsGen_27__SptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename SptCntReadbackDsGen_28__SptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_ms "SptCntReadbackDsGen[28].SptCntReadbackDs/DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex/oSig_ms") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref SptCntReadbackDsGen_28__SptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref Q (instanceref SptCntReadbackDsGen_28__SptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename SptCntReadbackDsGen_29__SptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_ms "SptCntReadbackDsGen[29].SptCntReadbackDs/DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex/oSig_ms") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref SptCntReadbackDsGen_29__SptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref Q (instanceref SptCntReadbackDsGen_29__SptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename SptCntReadbackDsGen_2__SptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_ms "SptCntReadbackDsGen[2].SptCntReadbackDs/DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex/oSig_ms") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref SptCntReadbackDsGen_2__SptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref Q (instanceref SptCntReadbackDsGen_2__SptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename SptCntReadbackDsGen_30__SptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_ms "SptCntReadbackDsGen[30].SptCntReadbackDs/DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex/oSig_ms") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref SptCntReadbackDsGen_30__SptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref Q (instanceref SptCntReadbackDsGen_30__SptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename SptCntReadbackDsGen_31__SptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_ms "SptCntReadbackDsGen[31].SptCntReadbackDs/DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex/oSig_ms") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref SptCntReadbackDsGen_31__SptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref Q (instanceref SptCntReadbackDsGen_31__SptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename SptCntReadbackDsGen_3__SptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_ms "SptCntReadbackDsGen[3].SptCntReadbackDs/DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex/oSig_ms") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref SptCntReadbackDsGen_3__SptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref Q (instanceref SptCntReadbackDsGen_3__SptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename SptCntReadbackDsGen_4__SptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_ms "SptCntReadbackDsGen[4].SptCntReadbackDs/DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex/oSig_ms") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref SptCntReadbackDsGen_4__SptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref Q (instanceref SptCntReadbackDsGen_4__SptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename SptCntReadbackDsGen_5__SptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_ms "SptCntReadbackDsGen[5].SptCntReadbackDs/DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex/oSig_ms") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref SptCntReadbackDsGen_5__SptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref Q (instanceref SptCntReadbackDsGen_5__SptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename SptCntReadbackDsGen_6__SptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_ms "SptCntReadbackDsGen[6].SptCntReadbackDs/DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex/oSig_ms") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref SptCntReadbackDsGen_6__SptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref Q (instanceref SptCntReadbackDsGen_6__SptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename SptCntReadbackDsGen_7__SptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_ms "SptCntReadbackDsGen[7].SptCntReadbackDs/DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex/oSig_ms") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref SptCntReadbackDsGen_7__SptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref Q (instanceref SptCntReadbackDsGen_7__SptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename SptCntReadbackDsGen_8__SptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_ms "SptCntReadbackDsGen[8].SptCntReadbackDs/DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex/oSig_ms") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref SptCntReadbackDsGen_8__SptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref Q (instanceref SptCntReadbackDsGen_8__SptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename SptCntReadbackDsGen_9__SptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_ms "SptCntReadbackDsGen[9].SptCntReadbackDs/DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex/oSig_ms") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref SptCntReadbackDsGen_9__SptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref Q (instanceref SptCntReadbackDsGen_9__SptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ )
+ )
+ (net aBusReset (joined
+ (portref CLR (instanceref EnableTdcDs_DoubleSyncBasex_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref EnableTdcDs_DoubleSyncBasex_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref EnableTdcDs_DoubleSyncBasex_iDlySigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref PpsCrossEnDs_DoubleSyncBasex_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref PpsCrossEnDs_DoubleSyncBasex_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref PpsCrossEnDs_DoubleSyncBasex_iDlySigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref PpsDelayValCrossingHs_HBx_BlkIn_iDlyPush_reg))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref PpsDelayValCrossingHs_HBx_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_0_))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref PpsDelayValCrossingHs_HBx_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_1_))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref PpsDelayValCrossingHs_HBx_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_2_))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref PpsDelayValCrossingHs_HBx_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_3_))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref PpsDelayValCrossingHs_HBx_BlkIn_iPushTogglex_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref PpsDelayValCrossingHs_HBx_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_0__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref PpsDelayValCrossingHs_HBx_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_1__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref PpsDelayValCrossingHs_HBx_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_2__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref PpsDelayValCrossingHs_HBx_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_3__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref PpsDelayValCrossingHs_HBx_BlkOut_oDataValid_reg))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref PpsDelayValCrossingHs_HBx_BlkOut_oPushToggle1x_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref PpsDelayValCrossingHs_HBx_BlkOut_oPushToggle2_reg))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref PpsDelayValCrossingHs_HBx_BlkOut_oPushToggle_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref PulserEnableDelayValCrossingHs_HBx_BlkIn_iDlyPush_reg))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref PulserEnableDelayValCrossingHs_HBx_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_0_))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref PulserEnableDelayValCrossingHs_HBx_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_1_))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref PulserEnableDelayValCrossingHs_HBx_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_2_))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref PulserEnableDelayValCrossingHs_HBx_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_3_))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref PulserEnableDelayValCrossingHs_HBx_BlkIn_iPushTogglex_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref PulserEnableDelayValCrossingHs_HBx_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_0__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref PulserEnableDelayValCrossingHs_HBx_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_1__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref PulserEnableDelayValCrossingHs_HBx_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_2__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref PulserEnableDelayValCrossingHs_HBx_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_3__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref PulserEnableDelayValCrossingHs_HBx_BlkOut_oDataValid_reg))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref PulserEnableDelayValCrossingHs_HBx_BlkOut_oPushToggle1x_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref PulserEnableDelayValCrossingHs_HBx_BlkOut_oPushToggle2_reg))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref PulserEnableDelayValCrossingHs_HBx_BlkOut_oPushToggle_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref ReRunEnableDs_DoubleSyncBasex_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref ReRunEnableDs_DoubleSyncBasex_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref ReRunEnableDs_DoubleSyncBasex_iDlySigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref ResetTdcDs_DoubleSyncBasex_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref ResetTdcDs_DoubleSyncBasex_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref ResetTdcDs_DoubleSyncBasex_iDlySigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref aTdcResetLcl_reg))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref aTdcResetLcl_reg_rep))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref aTdcResetLcl_reg_rep__0))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref aTdcResetLcl_reg_rep__1))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref aTdcResetLcl_reg_rep__2))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref aTdcResetLcl_reg_rep__3))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref bClearTdcRegs_reg))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref bEnableTdc_reg))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref bOffsetUpdated_reg))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref bPpsClkCrossDelayVal_reg_0_))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref bPpsClkCrossDelayVal_reg_1_))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref bPpsClkCrossDelayVal_reg_2_))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref bPpsClkCrossDelayVal_reg_3_))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref bPpsClkCrossEn_reg))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref bPulserEnableDelayVal_reg_1_))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref bPulserEnableDelayVal_reg_2_))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref bPulserEnableDelayVal_reg_3_))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref bPushPpsDelayVal_reg))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref bPushPulserEnableDelayVal_reg))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref bReRunEnable_reg))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_reg_Data__0_))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_reg_Data__10_))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_reg_Data__11_))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_reg_Data__12_))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_reg_Data__13_))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_reg_Data__14_))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_reg_Data__15_))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_reg_Data__16_))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_reg_Data__17_))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_reg_Data__18_))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_reg_Data__19_))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_reg_Data__1_))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_reg_Data__20_))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_reg_Data__21_))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_reg_Data__22_))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_reg_Data__23_))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_reg_Data__24_))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_reg_Data__25_))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_reg_Data__26_))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_reg_Data__27_))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_reg_Data__28_))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_reg_Data__29_))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_reg_Data__2_))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_reg_Data__30_))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_reg_Data__31_))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_reg_Data__3_))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_reg_Data__4_))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_reg_Data__5_))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_reg_Data__6_))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_reg_Data__7_))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_reg_Data__8_))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_reg_Data__9_))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref bRpOffsetStored_reg_0_))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref bRpOffsetStored_reg_10_))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref bRpOffsetStored_reg_11_))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref bRpOffsetStored_reg_12_))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref bRpOffsetStored_reg_13_))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref bRpOffsetStored_reg_14_))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref bRpOffsetStored_reg_15_))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref bRpOffsetStored_reg_16_))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref bRpOffsetStored_reg_17_))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref bRpOffsetStored_reg_18_))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref bRpOffsetStored_reg_19_))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref bRpOffsetStored_reg_1_))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref bRpOffsetStored_reg_20_))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref bRpOffsetStored_reg_21_))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref bRpOffsetStored_reg_22_))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref bRpOffsetStored_reg_23_))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref bRpOffsetStored_reg_24_))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref bRpOffsetStored_reg_25_))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref bRpOffsetStored_reg_26_))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref bRpOffsetStored_reg_27_))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref bRpOffsetStored_reg_28_))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref bRpOffsetStored_reg_29_))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref bRpOffsetStored_reg_2_))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref bRpOffsetStored_reg_30_))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref bRpOffsetStored_reg_31_))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref bRpOffsetStored_reg_32_))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref bRpOffsetStored_reg_33_))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref bRpOffsetStored_reg_34_))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref bRpOffsetStored_reg_35_))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref bRpOffsetStored_reg_36_))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref bRpOffsetStored_reg_37_))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref bRpOffsetStored_reg_38_))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref bRpOffsetStored_reg_39_))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref bRpOffsetStored_reg_3_))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref bRpOffsetStored_reg_4_))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref bRpOffsetStored_reg_5_))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref bRpOffsetStored_reg_6_))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref bRpOffsetStored_reg_7_))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref bRpOffsetStored_reg_8_))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref bRpOffsetStored_reg_9_))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref bScratch_reg_0_))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref bScratch_reg_10_))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref bScratch_reg_11_))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref bScratch_reg_12_))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref bScratch_reg_13_))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref bScratch_reg_14_))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref bScratch_reg_15_))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref bScratch_reg_16_))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref bScratch_reg_17_))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref bScratch_reg_18_))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref bScratch_reg_19_))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref bScratch_reg_1_))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref bScratch_reg_20_))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref bScratch_reg_21_))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref bScratch_reg_22_))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref bScratch_reg_23_))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref bScratch_reg_24_))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref bScratch_reg_25_))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref bScratch_reg_26_))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref bScratch_reg_27_))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref bScratch_reg_28_))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref bScratch_reg_29_))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref bScratch_reg_2_))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref bScratch_reg_30_))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref bScratch_reg_31_))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref bScratch_reg_3_))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref bScratch_reg_4_))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref bScratch_reg_5_))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref bScratch_reg_6_))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref bScratch_reg_7_))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref bScratch_reg_8_))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref bScratch_reg_9_))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref bSpOffsetStored_reg_0_))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref bSpOffsetStored_reg_10_))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref bSpOffsetStored_reg_11_))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref bSpOffsetStored_reg_12_))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref bSpOffsetStored_reg_13_))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref bSpOffsetStored_reg_14_))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref bSpOffsetStored_reg_15_))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref bSpOffsetStored_reg_16_))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref bSpOffsetStored_reg_17_))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref bSpOffsetStored_reg_18_))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref bSpOffsetStored_reg_19_))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref bSpOffsetStored_reg_1_))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref bSpOffsetStored_reg_20_))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref bSpOffsetStored_reg_21_))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref bSpOffsetStored_reg_22_))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref bSpOffsetStored_reg_23_))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref bSpOffsetStored_reg_24_))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref bSpOffsetStored_reg_25_))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref bSpOffsetStored_reg_26_))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref bSpOffsetStored_reg_27_))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref bSpOffsetStored_reg_28_))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref bSpOffsetStored_reg_29_))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref bSpOffsetStored_reg_2_))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref bSpOffsetStored_reg_30_))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref bSpOffsetStored_reg_31_))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref bSpOffsetStored_reg_3_))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref bSpOffsetStored_reg_4_))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref bSpOffsetStored_reg_5_))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref bSpOffsetStored_reg_6_))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref bSpOffsetStored_reg_7_))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref bSpOffsetStored_reg_8_))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref bSpOffsetStored_reg_9_))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref rPulserEnableDelayVal_reg_1_))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref rPulserEnableDelayVal_reg_2_))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref rPulserEnableDelayVal_reg_3_))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref sPpsClkCrossDelayVal_reg_0_))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref sPpsClkCrossDelayVal_reg_1_))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref sPpsClkCrossDelayVal_reg_2_))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref sPpsClkCrossDelayVal_reg_3_))
+ (portref PRE (instanceref bPulserEnableDelayVal_reg_0_))
+ (portref PRE (instanceref bResetTdc_reg))
+ (portref PRE (instanceref rPulserEnableDelayVal_reg_0_))
+ (portref aBusReset)
+ )
+ )
+ (net aTdcReset (joined
+ (portref CLR (instanceref RptCntHs_BlkIn_iDlyPush_reg))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref RptCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_0_))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref RptCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_10_))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref RptCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_11_))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref RptCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_12_))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref RptCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_13_))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref RptCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_14_))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref RptCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_15_))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref RptCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_16_))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref RptCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_17_))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref RptCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_18_))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref RptCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_19_))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref RptCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_1_))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref RptCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_20_))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref RptCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_21_))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref RptCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_22_))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref RptCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_23_))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref RptCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_24_))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref RptCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_25_))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref RptCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_26_))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref RptCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_27_))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref RptCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_28_))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref RptCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_29_))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref RptCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_2_))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref RptCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_30_))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref RptCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_31_))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref RptCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_3_))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref RptCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_4_))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref RptCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_5_))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref RptCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_6_))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref RptCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_7_))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref RptCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_8_))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref RptCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_9_))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref RptCntHs_BlkIn_iPushTogglex_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref RptCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_0__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref RptCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_10__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref RptCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_11__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref RptCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_12__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref RptCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_13__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref RptCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_14__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref RptCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_15__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref RptCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_16__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref RptCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_17__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref RptCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_18__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref RptCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_19__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref RptCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_1__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref RptCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_20__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref RptCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_21__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref RptCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_22__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref RptCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_23__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref RptCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_24__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref RptCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_25__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref RptCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_26__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref RptCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_27__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref RptCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_28__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref RptCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_29__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref RptCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_2__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref RptCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_30__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref RptCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_3__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref RptCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_4__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref RptCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_5__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref RptCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_6__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref RptCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_7__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref RptCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_8__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref RptCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_9__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref RptCntHs_BlkOut_oDataValid_reg))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref RptCntHs_BlkOut_oPushToggle1x_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref RptCntHs_BlkOut_oPushToggle2_reg))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref RptCntHs_BlkOut_oPushToggle_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref I3 (instanceref aTdcResetLcl_i_1))
+ (portref I3 (instanceref aTdcResetLcl_rep_i_1))
+ (portref I3 (instanceref aTdcResetLcl_rep_i_1__0))
+ (portref I3 (instanceref aTdcResetLcl_rep_i_1__1))
+ (portref I3 (instanceref aTdcResetLcl_rep_i_1__2))
+ (portref I3 (instanceref aTdcResetLcl_rep_i_1__3))
+ (portref Q (instanceref aTdcResetLcl_reg))
+ (portref aTdcReset)
+ )
+ )
+ (net aTdcResetLcl_i_1_n_0 (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref aTdcResetLcl_reg))
+ (portref O (instanceref aTdcResetLcl_i_1))
+ )
+ )
+ (net aTdcResetLcl_i_2_n_0 (joined
+ (portref I1 (instanceref aTdcResetLcl_i_1))
+ (portref I1 (instanceref aTdcResetLcl_rep_i_1))
+ (portref I1 (instanceref aTdcResetLcl_rep_i_1__0))
+ (portref I1 (instanceref aTdcResetLcl_rep_i_1__1))
+ (portref I1 (instanceref aTdcResetLcl_rep_i_1__2))
+ (portref I1 (instanceref aTdcResetLcl_rep_i_1__3))
+ (portref O (instanceref aTdcResetLcl_i_2))
+ )
+ )
+ (net aTdcResetLcl_i_3_n_0 (joined
+ (portref I1 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__27__i_7))
+ (portref I1 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__28__i_5))
+ (portref I1 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__28__i_7))
+ (portref I1 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__31__i_11))
+ (portref I2 (instanceref aTdcResetLcl_i_1))
+ (portref I2 (instanceref aTdcResetLcl_rep_i_1))
+ (portref I2 (instanceref aTdcResetLcl_rep_i_1__0))
+ (portref I2 (instanceref aTdcResetLcl_rep_i_1__1))
+ (portref I2 (instanceref aTdcResetLcl_rep_i_1__2))
+ (portref I2 (instanceref aTdcResetLcl_rep_i_1__3))
+ (portref I2 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__0__i_7))
+ (portref I2 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__25__i_3))
+ (portref I2 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__31__i_6))
+ (portref I2 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__31__i_7))
+ (portref I2 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__31__i_8))
+ (portref I2 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__7__i_6))
+ (portref I2 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__8__i_6))
+ (portref I5 (instanceref bPushPpsDelayVal_i_1))
+ (portref I5 (instanceref bPushPulserEnableDelayVal_i_1))
+ (portref O (instanceref aTdcResetLcl_i_3))
+ )
+ )
+ (net aTdcResetLcl_i_4_n_0 (joined
+ (portref I1 (instanceref bRpOffsetStored_39__i_3))
+ (portref I2 (instanceref aTdcResetLcl_i_3))
+ (portref I2 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__28__i_8))
+ (portref I2 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__30__i_6))
+ (portref O (instanceref aTdcResetLcl_i_4))
+ )
+ )
+ (net aTdcResetLcl_i_5_n_0 (joined
+ (portref I0 (instanceref bRpOffsetStored_39__i_3))
+ (portref I1 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__30__i_6))
+ (portref I3 (instanceref aTdcResetLcl_i_3))
+ (portref I3 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__28__i_8))
+ (portref O (instanceref aTdcResetLcl_i_5))
+ )
+ )
+ (net aTdcResetLcl_reg_rep__0_n_0 (joined
+ (portref CLR (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkIn_iDlyPush_reg))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_0_))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_10_))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_11_))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_12_))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_13_))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_14_))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_15_))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_16_))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_17_))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_18_))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_19_))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_1_))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_20_))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_21_))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_22_))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_23_))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_24_))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_25_))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_26_))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_27_))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_28_))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_29_))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_2_))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_30_))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_31_))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_32_))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_33_))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_34_))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_35_))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_36_))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_37_))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_38_))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_39_))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_3_))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_40_))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_41_))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_42_))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_43_))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_44_))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_45_))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_46_))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_47_))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_48_))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_49_))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_4_))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_50_))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_51_))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_52_))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_53_))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_54_))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_55_))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_56_))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_57_))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_58_))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_59_))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_5_))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_60_))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_61_))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_62_))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_63_))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_64_))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_65_))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_66_))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_67_))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_68_))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_69_))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_6_))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_70_))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_71_))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_72_))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_73_))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_74_))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_75_))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_76_))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_77_))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_78_))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_79_))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_7_))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_8_))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_9_))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkIn_iPushTogglex_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_0__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_10__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_11__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_12__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_13__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_14__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_15__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_16__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_17__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_18__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_19__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_1__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_20__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_21__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_22__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_23__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_24__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_25__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_26__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_27__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_28__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_29__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_2__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_30__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_31__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_32__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_33__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_34__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_35__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_36__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_37__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_38__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_39__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_3__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_40__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_41__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_42__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_43__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_44__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_45__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_46__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_47__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_48__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_49__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_4__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_50__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_51__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_52__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_53__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_54__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_55__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_56__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_57__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_58__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_59__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_5__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_60__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_61__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_62__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_63__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_64__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_65__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_66__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_67__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_68__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_69__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_6__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_70__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_71__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_72__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_73__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_74__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_75__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_76__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_77__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_78__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_79__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_7__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_8__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_9__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkOut_oDataValid_reg))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkOut_oPushToggle1x_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkOut_oPushToggle2_reg))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkOut_oPushToggle_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref Q (instanceref aTdcResetLcl_reg_rep__0))
+ )
+ )
+ (net aTdcResetLcl_reg_rep__1_n_0 (joined
+ (portref CLR (instanceref RpCntHs_BlkIn_iDlyPush_reg))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref RpCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_0_))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref RpCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_10_))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref RpCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_11_))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref RpCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_12_))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref RpCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_13_))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref RpCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_14_))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref RpCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_15_))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref RpCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_16_))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref RpCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_17_))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref RpCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_18_))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref RpCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_19_))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref RpCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_1_))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref RpCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_20_))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref RpCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_21_))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref RpCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_22_))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref RpCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_23_))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref RpCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_24_))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref RpCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_25_))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref RpCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_26_))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref RpCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_27_))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref RpCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_28_))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref RpCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_29_))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref RpCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_2_))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref RpCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_30_))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref RpCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_31_))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref RpCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_3_))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref RpCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_4_))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref RpCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_5_))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref RpCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_6_))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref RpCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_7_))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref RpCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_8_))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref RpCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_9_))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref RpCntHs_BlkIn_iPushTogglex_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref RpCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_0__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref RpCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_10__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref RpCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_11__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref RpCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_12__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref RpCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_13__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref RpCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_14__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref RpCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_15__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref RpCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_16__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref RpCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_17__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref RpCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_18__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref RpCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_19__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref RpCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_1__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref RpCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_20__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref RpCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_21__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref RpCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_22__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref RpCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_23__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref RpCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_24__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref RpCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_25__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref RpCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_26__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref RpCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_27__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref RpCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_28__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref RpCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_29__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref RpCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_2__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref RpCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_30__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref RpCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_3__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref RpCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_4__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref RpCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_5__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref RpCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_6__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref RpCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_7__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref RpCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_8__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref RpCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_9__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref RpCntHs_BlkOut_oDataValid_reg))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref RpCntHs_BlkOut_oPushToggle1x_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref RpCntHs_BlkOut_oPushToggle2_reg))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref RpCntHs_BlkOut_oPushToggle_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref Q (instanceref aTdcResetLcl_reg_rep__1))
+ )
+ )
+ (net aTdcResetLcl_reg_rep__2_n_0 (joined
+ (portref CLR (instanceref RePulse1CntHs_BlkIn_iDlyPush_reg))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref RePulse1CntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_0_))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref RePulse1CntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_10_))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref RePulse1CntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_11_))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref RePulse1CntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_12_))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref RePulse1CntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_13_))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref RePulse1CntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_14_))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref RePulse1CntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_15_))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref RePulse1CntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_16_))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref RePulse1CntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_17_))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref RePulse1CntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_18_))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref RePulse1CntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_19_))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref RePulse1CntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_1_))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref RePulse1CntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_20_))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref RePulse1CntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_21_))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref RePulse1CntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_22_))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref RePulse1CntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_23_))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref RePulse1CntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_24_))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref RePulse1CntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_25_))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref RePulse1CntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_26_))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref RePulse1CntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_27_))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref RePulse1CntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_28_))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref RePulse1CntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_29_))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref RePulse1CntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_2_))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref RePulse1CntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_30_))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref RePulse1CntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_31_))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref RePulse1CntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_3_))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref RePulse1CntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_4_))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref RePulse1CntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_5_))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref RePulse1CntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_6_))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref RePulse1CntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_7_))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref RePulse1CntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_8_))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref RePulse1CntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_9_))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref RePulse1CntHs_BlkIn_iPushTogglex_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref RePulse1CntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_0__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref RePulse1CntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_10__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref RePulse1CntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_11__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref RePulse1CntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_12__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref RePulse1CntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_13__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref RePulse1CntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_14__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref RePulse1CntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_15__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref RePulse1CntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_16__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref RePulse1CntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_17__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref RePulse1CntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_18__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref RePulse1CntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_19__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref RePulse1CntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_1__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref RePulse1CntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_20__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref RePulse1CntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_21__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref RePulse1CntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_22__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref RePulse1CntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_23__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref RePulse1CntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_2__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref RePulse1CntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_3__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref RePulse1CntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_4__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref RePulse1CntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_5__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref RePulse1CntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_6__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref RePulse1CntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_7__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref RePulse1CntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_8__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref RePulse1CntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_9__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref RePulse1CntHs_BlkOut_oPushToggle1x_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref RePulse1CntHs_BlkOut_oPushToggle2_reg))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref RePulse1CntHs_BlkOut_oPushToggle_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref RePulse2CntHs_BlkIn_iDlyPush_reg))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref RePulse2CntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_0_))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref RePulse2CntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_10_))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref RePulse2CntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_11_))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref RePulse2CntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_12_))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref RePulse2CntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_13_))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref RePulse2CntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_14_))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref RePulse2CntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_15_))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref RePulse2CntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_16_))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref RePulse2CntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_17_))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref RePulse2CntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_18_))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref RePulse2CntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_19_))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref RePulse2CntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_1_))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref RePulse2CntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_20_))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref RePulse2CntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_21_))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref RePulse2CntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_22_))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref RePulse2CntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_23_))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref RePulse2CntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_24_))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref RePulse2CntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_25_))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref RePulse2CntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_26_))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref RePulse2CntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_27_))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref RePulse2CntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_28_))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref RePulse2CntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_29_))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref RePulse2CntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_2_))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref RePulse2CntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_30_))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref RePulse2CntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_31_))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref RePulse2CntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_3_))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref RePulse2CntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_4_))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref RePulse2CntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_5_))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref RePulse2CntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_6_))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref RePulse2CntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_7_))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref RePulse2CntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_8_))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref RePulse2CntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_9_))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref RePulse2CntHs_BlkIn_iPushTogglex_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref RePulse2CntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_0__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref RePulse2CntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_10__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref RePulse2CntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_11__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref RePulse2CntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_12__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref RePulse2CntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_13__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref RePulse2CntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_14__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref RePulse2CntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_15__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref RePulse2CntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_16__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref RePulse2CntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_17__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref RePulse2CntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_18__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref RePulse2CntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_19__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref RePulse2CntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_1__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref RePulse2CntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_20__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref RePulse2CntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_21__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref RePulse2CntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_22__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref RePulse2CntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_2__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref RePulse2CntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_3__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref RePulse2CntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_4__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref RePulse2CntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_5__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref RePulse2CntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_6__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref RePulse2CntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_7__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref RePulse2CntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_8__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref RePulse2CntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_9__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref RePulse2CntHs_BlkOut_oDataValid_reg))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref RePulse2CntHs_BlkOut_oPushToggle1x_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref RePulse2CntHs_BlkOut_oPushToggle2_reg))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref RePulse2CntHs_BlkOut_oPushToggle_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref Q (instanceref aTdcResetLcl_reg_rep__2))
+ )
+ )
+ (net aTdcResetLcl_reg_rep__3_n_0 (joined
+ (portref CLR (instanceref SptCntHs_BlkIn_iDlyPush_reg))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref SptCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_0_))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref SptCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_10_))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref SptCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_11_))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref SptCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_12_))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref SptCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_13_))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref SptCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_14_))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref SptCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_15_))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref SptCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_16_))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref SptCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_17_))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref SptCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_18_))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref SptCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_19_))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref SptCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_1_))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref SptCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_20_))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref SptCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_21_))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref SptCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_22_))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref SptCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_23_))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref SptCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_24_))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref SptCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_25_))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref SptCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_26_))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref SptCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_27_))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref SptCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_28_))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref SptCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_29_))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref SptCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_2_))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref SptCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_30_))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref SptCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_31_))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref SptCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_3_))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref SptCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_4_))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref SptCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_5_))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref SptCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_6_))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref SptCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_7_))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref SptCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_8_))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref SptCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_9_))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref SptCntHs_BlkIn_iPushTogglex_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref SptCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_0__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref SptCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_10__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref SptCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_11__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref SptCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_12__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref SptCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_13__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref SptCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_14__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref SptCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_15__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref SptCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_16__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref SptCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_17__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref SptCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_18__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref SptCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_19__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref SptCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_1__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref SptCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_20__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref SptCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_21__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref SptCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_22__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref SptCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_23__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref SptCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_24__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref SptCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_25__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref SptCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_26__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref SptCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_27__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref SptCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_28__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref SptCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_29__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref SptCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_2__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref SptCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_30__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref SptCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_3__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref SptCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_4__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref SptCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_5__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref SptCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_6__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref SptCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_7__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref SptCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_8__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref SptCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_9__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref SptCntHs_BlkOut_oDataValid_reg))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref SptCntHs_BlkOut_oPushToggle1x_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref SptCntHs_BlkOut_oPushToggle2_reg))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref SptCntHs_BlkOut_oPushToggle_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref Q (instanceref aTdcResetLcl_reg_rep__3))
+ )
+ )
+ (net aTdcResetLcl_reg_rep_n_0 (joined
+ (portref CLR (instanceref SpCntHs_BlkIn_iDlyPush_reg))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref SpCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_0_))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref SpCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_10_))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref SpCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_11_))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref SpCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_12_))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref SpCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_13_))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref SpCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_14_))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref SpCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_15_))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref SpCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_16_))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref SpCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_17_))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref SpCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_18_))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref SpCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_19_))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref SpCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_1_))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref SpCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_20_))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref SpCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_21_))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref SpCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_22_))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref SpCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_23_))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref SpCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_24_))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref SpCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_25_))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref SpCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_26_))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref SpCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_27_))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref SpCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_28_))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref SpCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_29_))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref SpCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_2_))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref SpCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_30_))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref SpCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_31_))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref SpCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_3_))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref SpCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_4_))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref SpCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_5_))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref SpCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_6_))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref SpCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_7_))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref SpCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_8_))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref SpCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_9_))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref SpCntHs_BlkIn_iPushTogglex_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref SpCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_0__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref SpCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_10__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref SpCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_11__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref SpCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_12__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref SpCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_13__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref SpCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_14__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref SpCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_15__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref SpCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_16__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref SpCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_17__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref SpCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_18__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref SpCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_19__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref SpCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_1__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref SpCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_20__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref SpCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_21__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref SpCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_22__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref SpCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_23__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref SpCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_24__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref SpCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_25__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref SpCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_26__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref SpCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_27__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref SpCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_28__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref SpCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_29__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref SpCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_2__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref SpCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_30__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref SpCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_3__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref SpCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_4__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref SpCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_5__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref SpCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_6__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref SpCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_7__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref SpCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_8__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref SpCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_9__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref SpCntHs_BlkOut_oDataValid_reg))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref SpCntHs_BlkOut_oPushToggle1x_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref SpCntHs_BlkOut_oPushToggle2_reg))
+ (portref CLR (instanceref SpCntHs_BlkOut_oPushToggle_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref Q (instanceref aTdcResetLcl_reg_rep))
+ )
+ )
+ (net aTdcResetLcl_rep_i_1__0_n_0 (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref aTdcResetLcl_reg_rep__0))
+ (portref O (instanceref aTdcResetLcl_rep_i_1__0))
+ )
+ )
+ (net aTdcResetLcl_rep_i_1__1_n_0 (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref aTdcResetLcl_reg_rep__1))
+ (portref O (instanceref aTdcResetLcl_rep_i_1__1))
+ )
+ )
+ (net aTdcResetLcl_rep_i_1__2_n_0 (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref aTdcResetLcl_reg_rep__2))
+ (portref O (instanceref aTdcResetLcl_rep_i_1__2))
+ )
+ )
+ (net aTdcResetLcl_rep_i_1__3_n_0 (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref aTdcResetLcl_reg_rep__3))
+ (portref O (instanceref aTdcResetLcl_rep_i_1__3))
+ )
+ )
+ (net aTdcResetLcl_rep_i_1_n_0 (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref aTdcResetLcl_reg_rep))
+ (portref O (instanceref aTdcResetLcl_rep_i_1))
+ )
+ )
+ (net bBusReset (joined
+ (portref I0 (instanceref bOffsetUpdated_i_1))
+ (portref I0 (instanceref bPulserEnableDelayVal_0__i_1))
+ (portref I0 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__30__i_6))
+ (portref I1 (instanceref bEnableTdc_i_1))
+ (portref I1 (instanceref bPpsClkCrossDelayVal_0__i_1))
+ (portref I1 (instanceref bPpsClkCrossDelayVal_1__i_1))
+ (portref I1 (instanceref bPpsClkCrossDelayVal_2__i_1))
+ (portref I1 (instanceref bPpsClkCrossDelayVal_3__i_2))
+ (portref I1 (instanceref bPpsClkCrossEn_i_1))
+ (portref I1 (instanceref bPulserEnableDelayVal_1__i_1))
+ (portref I1 (instanceref bPulserEnableDelayVal_2__i_1))
+ (portref I1 (instanceref bPulserEnableDelayVal_3__i_2))
+ (portref I1 (instanceref bReRunEnable_i_1))
+ (portref I1 (instanceref bResetTdc_i_1))
+ (portref I1 (instanceref bRpOffsetStored_0__i_1))
+ (portref I1 (instanceref bRpOffsetStored_10__i_1))
+ (portref I1 (instanceref bRpOffsetStored_11__i_1))
+ (portref I1 (instanceref bRpOffsetStored_12__i_1))
+ (portref I1 (instanceref bRpOffsetStored_13__i_1))
+ (portref I1 (instanceref bRpOffsetStored_14__i_1))
+ (portref I1 (instanceref bRpOffsetStored_15__i_1))
+ (portref I1 (instanceref bRpOffsetStored_16__i_1))
+ (portref I1 (instanceref bRpOffsetStored_17__i_1))
+ (portref I1 (instanceref bRpOffsetStored_18__i_1))
+ (portref I1 (instanceref bRpOffsetStored_19__i_1))
+ (portref I1 (instanceref bRpOffsetStored_1__i_1))
+ (portref I1 (instanceref bRpOffsetStored_20__i_1))
+ (portref I1 (instanceref bRpOffsetStored_21__i_1))
+ (portref I1 (instanceref bRpOffsetStored_22__i_1))
+ (portref I1 (instanceref bRpOffsetStored_23__i_1))
+ (portref I1 (instanceref bRpOffsetStored_24__i_1))
+ (portref I1 (instanceref bRpOffsetStored_25__i_1))
+ (portref I1 (instanceref bRpOffsetStored_26__i_1))
+ (portref I1 (instanceref bRpOffsetStored_27__i_1))
+ (portref I1 (instanceref bRpOffsetStored_28__i_1))
+ (portref I1 (instanceref bRpOffsetStored_29__i_1))
+ (portref I1 (instanceref bRpOffsetStored_2__i_1))
+ (portref I1 (instanceref bRpOffsetStored_30__i_1))
+ (portref I1 (instanceref bRpOffsetStored_31__i_1))
+ (portref I1 (instanceref bRpOffsetStored_32__i_1))
+ (portref I1 (instanceref bRpOffsetStored_33__i_1))
+ (portref I1 (instanceref bRpOffsetStored_34__i_1))
+ (portref I1 (instanceref bRpOffsetStored_35__i_1))
+ (portref I1 (instanceref bRpOffsetStored_36__i_1))
+ (portref I1 (instanceref bRpOffsetStored_37__i_1))
+ (portref I1 (instanceref bRpOffsetStored_38__i_1))
+ (portref I1 (instanceref bRpOffsetStored_39__i_2))
+ (portref I1 (instanceref bRpOffsetStored_3__i_1))
+ (portref I1 (instanceref bRpOffsetStored_4__i_1))
+ (portref I1 (instanceref bRpOffsetStored_5__i_1))
+ (portref I1 (instanceref bRpOffsetStored_6__i_1))
+ (portref I1 (instanceref bRpOffsetStored_7__i_1))
+ (portref I1 (instanceref bRpOffsetStored_8__i_1))
+ (portref I1 (instanceref bRpOffsetStored_9__i_1))
+ (portref I1 (instanceref bScratch_0__i_1))
+ (portref I1 (instanceref bScratch_10__i_1))
+ (portref I1 (instanceref bScratch_11__i_1))
+ (portref I1 (instanceref bScratch_12__i_1))
+ (portref I1 (instanceref bScratch_13__i_1))
+ (portref I1 (instanceref bScratch_14__i_1))
+ (portref I1 (instanceref bScratch_15__i_1))
+ (portref I1 (instanceref bScratch_1__i_1))
+ (portref I1 (instanceref bScratch_20__i_1))
+ (portref I1 (instanceref bScratch_21__i_1))
+ (portref I1 (instanceref bScratch_22__i_1))
+ (portref I1 (instanceref bScratch_23__i_1))
+ (portref I1 (instanceref bScratch_24__i_1))
+ (portref I1 (instanceref bScratch_28__i_1))
+ (portref I1 (instanceref bScratch_29__i_1))
+ (portref I1 (instanceref bScratch_2__i_1))
+ (portref I1 (instanceref bScratch_30__i_1))
+ (portref I1 (instanceref bScratch_31__i_2))
+ (portref I1 (instanceref bScratch_31__i_5))
+ (portref I1 (instanceref bScratch_3__i_1))
+ (portref I1 (instanceref bScratch_4__i_1))
+ (portref I1 (instanceref bScratch_5__i_1))
+ (portref I1 (instanceref bScratch_6__i_1))
+ (portref I1 (instanceref bScratch_7__i_1))
+ (portref I1 (instanceref bScratch_8__i_1))
+ (portref I1 (instanceref bScratch_9__i_1))
+ (portref I1 (instanceref bSpOffsetStored_0__i_1))
+ (portref I1 (instanceref bSpOffsetStored_10__i_1))
+ (portref I1 (instanceref bSpOffsetStored_11__i_1))
+ (portref I1 (instanceref bSpOffsetStored_12__i_1))
+ (portref I1 (instanceref bSpOffsetStored_13__i_1))
+ (portref I1 (instanceref bSpOffsetStored_14__i_1))
+ (portref I1 (instanceref bSpOffsetStored_15__i_1))
+ (portref I1 (instanceref bSpOffsetStored_16__i_1))
+ (portref I1 (instanceref bSpOffsetStored_17__i_1))
+ (portref I1 (instanceref bSpOffsetStored_18__i_1))
+ (portref I1 (instanceref bSpOffsetStored_19__i_1))
+ (portref I1 (instanceref bSpOffsetStored_1__i_1))
+ (portref I1 (instanceref bSpOffsetStored_20__i_1))
+ (portref I1 (instanceref bSpOffsetStored_21__i_1))
+ (portref I1 (instanceref bSpOffsetStored_22__i_1))
+ (portref I1 (instanceref bSpOffsetStored_23__i_1))
+ (portref I1 (instanceref bSpOffsetStored_24__i_1))
+ (portref I1 (instanceref bSpOffsetStored_25__i_1))
+ (portref I1 (instanceref bSpOffsetStored_26__i_1))
+ (portref I1 (instanceref bSpOffsetStored_27__i_1))
+ (portref I1 (instanceref bSpOffsetStored_28__i_1))
+ (portref I1 (instanceref bSpOffsetStored_29__i_1))
+ (portref I1 (instanceref bSpOffsetStored_2__i_1))
+ (portref I1 (instanceref bSpOffsetStored_30__i_1))
+ (portref I1 (instanceref bSpOffsetStored_31__i_1))
+ (portref I1 (instanceref bSpOffsetStored_3__i_1))
+ (portref I1 (instanceref bSpOffsetStored_4__i_1))
+ (portref I1 (instanceref bSpOffsetStored_5__i_1))
+ (portref I1 (instanceref bSpOffsetStored_6__i_1))
+ (portref I1 (instanceref bSpOffsetStored_7__i_1))
+ (portref I1 (instanceref bSpOffsetStored_8__i_1))
+ (portref I1 (instanceref bSpOffsetStored_9__i_1))
+ (portref I2 (instanceref bPpsClkCrossDelayVal_3__i_1))
+ (portref I2 (instanceref bPulserEnableDelayVal_3__i_1))
+ (portref I3 (instanceref bClearTdcRegs_i_1))
+ (portref I4 (instanceref aTdcResetLcl_i_3))
+ (portref I4 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__28__i_8))
+ (portref I4 (instanceref bRpOffsetStored_39__i_1))
+ (portref bBusReset)
+ )
+ )
+ (net bClearTdcRegs (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref bScratch_reg_0_))
+ (portref O (instanceref bScratch_0__i_1))
+ )
+ )
+ (net bClearTdcRegs_i_1_n_0 (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref bClearTdcRegs_reg))
+ (portref O (instanceref bClearTdcRegs_i_1))
+ )
+ )
+ (net bClearTdcRegs_i_2_n_0 (joined
+ (portref I2 (instanceref bClearTdcRegs_i_1))
+ (portref O (instanceref bClearTdcRegs_i_2))
+ )
+ )
+ (net bClearTdcRegs_i_3_n_0 (joined
+ (portref I0 (instanceref bClearTdcRegs_i_2))
+ (portref I0 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__31__i_7))
+ (portref I0 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__31__i_9))
+ (portref O (instanceref bClearTdcRegs_i_3))
+ )
+ )
+ (net bClearTdcRegs_reg_n_0 (joined
+ (portref I0 (instanceref bEnableTdc_i_1))
+ (portref I0 (instanceref bPpsClkCrossEn_i_1))
+ (portref I0 (instanceref bReRunEnable_i_1))
+ (portref I0 (instanceref bResetTdc_i_1))
+ (portref I0 (instanceref bScratch_31__i_5))
+ (portref I1 (instanceref bPulserEnableDelayVal_0__i_1))
+ (portref I2 (instanceref aTdcResetLcl_i_2))
+ (portref I2 (instanceref bPpsClkCrossDelayVal_0__i_1))
+ (portref I2 (instanceref bPpsClkCrossDelayVal_1__i_1))
+ (portref I2 (instanceref bPpsClkCrossDelayVal_2__i_1))
+ (portref I2 (instanceref bPpsClkCrossDelayVal_3__i_2))
+ (portref I2 (instanceref bPulserEnableDelayVal_1__i_1))
+ (portref I2 (instanceref bPulserEnableDelayVal_2__i_1))
+ (portref I2 (instanceref bPulserEnableDelayVal_3__i_2))
+ (portref I2 (instanceref bScratch_0__i_1))
+ (portref I2 (instanceref bScratch_10__i_1))
+ (portref I2 (instanceref bScratch_11__i_1))
+ (portref I2 (instanceref bScratch_12__i_1))
+ (portref I2 (instanceref bScratch_13__i_1))
+ (portref I2 (instanceref bScratch_14__i_1))
+ (portref I2 (instanceref bScratch_15__i_1))
+ (portref I2 (instanceref bScratch_1__i_1))
+ (portref I2 (instanceref bScratch_20__i_1))
+ (portref I2 (instanceref bScratch_21__i_1))
+ (portref I2 (instanceref bScratch_22__i_1))
+ (portref I2 (instanceref bScratch_23__i_1))
+ (portref I2 (instanceref bScratch_24__i_1))
+ (portref I2 (instanceref bScratch_28__i_1))
+ (portref I2 (instanceref bScratch_29__i_1))
+ (portref I2 (instanceref bScratch_2__i_1))
+ (portref I2 (instanceref bScratch_30__i_1))
+ (portref I2 (instanceref bScratch_31__i_2))
+ (portref I2 (instanceref bScratch_3__i_1))
+ (portref I2 (instanceref bScratch_4__i_1))
+ (portref I2 (instanceref bScratch_5__i_1))
+ (portref I2 (instanceref bScratch_6__i_1))
+ (portref I2 (instanceref bScratch_7__i_1))
+ (portref I2 (instanceref bScratch_8__i_1))
+ (portref I2 (instanceref bScratch_9__i_1))
+ (portref I3 (instanceref bPpsClkCrossDelayVal_3__i_1))
+ (portref I3 (instanceref bPulserEnableDelayVal_3__i_1))
+ (portref I3 (instanceref bPushPpsDelayVal_i_1))
+ (portref I3 (instanceref bPushPulserEnableDelayVal_i_1))
+ (portref I4 (instanceref bClearTdcRegs_i_1))
+ (portref Q (instanceref bClearTdcRegs_reg))
+ )
+ )
+ (net bEnableTdc (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref bScratch_reg_4_))
+ (portref O (instanceref bScratch_4__i_1))
+ )
+ )
+ (net bEnableTdc_i_1_n_0 (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref bEnableTdc_reg))
+ (portref O (instanceref bEnableTdc_i_1))
+ )
+ )
+ (net bEnableTdc_reg_n_0 (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref EnableTdcDs_DoubleSyncBasex_iDlySigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref I3 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__5__i_2))
+ (portref I5 (instanceref bEnableTdc_i_1))
+ (portref I5 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__4__i_5))
+ (portref Q (instanceref bEnableTdc_reg))
+ )
+ )
+ (net bOffsetUpdated_i_1_n_0 (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref bOffsetUpdated_reg))
+ (portref O (instanceref bOffsetUpdated_i_1))
+ )
+ )
+ (net bOffsetUpdated_reg_n_0 (joined
+ (portref I1 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__8__i_2))
+ (portref I4 (instanceref bOffsetUpdated_i_1))
+ (portref Q (instanceref bOffsetUpdated_reg))
+ )
+ )
+ (net bOffsetsValid (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref OffsetsValidDs_DoubleSyncSlAsyncInx_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref Q (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkOut_oDataValid_reg))
+ )
+ )
+ (net bOffsetsValidSyncReset (joined
+ (portref I3 (instanceref bOffsetUpdated_i_1))
+ (portref Q (instanceref OffsetsValidDs_DoubleSyncSlAsyncInx_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename bOffsets_0_ "bOffsets[0]") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_0__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref Q (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_0__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename bOffsets_10_ "bOffsets[10]") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_10__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref Q (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_10__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename bOffsets_11_ "bOffsets[11]") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_11__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref Q (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_11__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename bOffsets_12_ "bOffsets[12]") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_12__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref Q (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_12__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename bOffsets_13_ "bOffsets[13]") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_13__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref Q (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_13__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename bOffsets_14_ "bOffsets[14]") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_14__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref Q (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_14__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename bOffsets_15_ "bOffsets[15]") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_15__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref Q (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_15__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename bOffsets_16_ "bOffsets[16]") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_16__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref Q (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_16__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename bOffsets_17_ "bOffsets[17]") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_17__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref Q (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_17__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename bOffsets_18_ "bOffsets[18]") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_18__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref Q (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_18__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename bOffsets_19_ "bOffsets[19]") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_19__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref Q (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_19__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename bOffsets_1_ "bOffsets[1]") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_1__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref Q (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_1__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename bOffsets_20_ "bOffsets[20]") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_20__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref Q (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_20__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename bOffsets_21_ "bOffsets[21]") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_21__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref Q (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_21__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename bOffsets_22_ "bOffsets[22]") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_22__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref Q (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_22__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename bOffsets_23_ "bOffsets[23]") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_23__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref Q (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_23__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename bOffsets_24_ "bOffsets[24]") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_24__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref Q (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_24__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename bOffsets_25_ "bOffsets[25]") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_25__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref Q (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_25__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename bOffsets_26_ "bOffsets[26]") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_26__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref Q (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_26__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename bOffsets_27_ "bOffsets[27]") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_27__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref Q (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_27__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename bOffsets_28_ "bOffsets[28]") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_28__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref Q (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_28__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename bOffsets_29_ "bOffsets[29]") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_29__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref Q (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_29__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename bOffsets_2_ "bOffsets[2]") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_2__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref Q (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_2__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename bOffsets_30_ "bOffsets[30]") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_30__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref Q (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_30__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename bOffsets_31_ "bOffsets[31]") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_31__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref Q (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_31__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename bOffsets_32_ "bOffsets[32]") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_32__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref Q (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_32__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename bOffsets_33_ "bOffsets[33]") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_33__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref Q (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_33__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename bOffsets_34_ "bOffsets[34]") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_34__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref Q (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_34__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename bOffsets_35_ "bOffsets[35]") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_35__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref Q (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_35__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename bOffsets_36_ "bOffsets[36]") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_36__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref Q (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_36__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename bOffsets_37_ "bOffsets[37]") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_37__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref Q (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_37__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename bOffsets_38_ "bOffsets[38]") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_38__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref Q (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_38__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename bOffsets_39_ "bOffsets[39]") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_39__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref Q (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_39__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename bOffsets_3_ "bOffsets[3]") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_3__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref Q (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_3__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename bOffsets_40_ "bOffsets[40]") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_40__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref Q (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_40__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename bOffsets_41_ "bOffsets[41]") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_41__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref Q (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_41__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename bOffsets_42_ "bOffsets[42]") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_42__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref Q (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_42__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename bOffsets_43_ "bOffsets[43]") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_43__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref Q (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_43__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename bOffsets_44_ "bOffsets[44]") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_44__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref Q (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_44__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename bOffsets_45_ "bOffsets[45]") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_45__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref Q (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_45__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename bOffsets_46_ "bOffsets[46]") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_46__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref Q (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_46__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename bOffsets_47_ "bOffsets[47]") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_47__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref Q (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_47__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename bOffsets_48_ "bOffsets[48]") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_48__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref Q (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_48__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename bOffsets_49_ "bOffsets[49]") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_49__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref Q (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_49__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename bOffsets_4_ "bOffsets[4]") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_4__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref Q (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_4__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename bOffsets_50_ "bOffsets[50]") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_50__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref Q (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_50__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename bOffsets_51_ "bOffsets[51]") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_51__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref Q (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_51__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename bOffsets_52_ "bOffsets[52]") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_52__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref Q (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_52__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename bOffsets_53_ "bOffsets[53]") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_53__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref Q (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_53__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename bOffsets_54_ "bOffsets[54]") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_54__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref Q (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_54__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename bOffsets_55_ "bOffsets[55]") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_55__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref Q (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_55__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename bOffsets_56_ "bOffsets[56]") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_56__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref Q (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_56__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename bOffsets_57_ "bOffsets[57]") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_57__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref Q (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_57__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename bOffsets_58_ "bOffsets[58]") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_58__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref Q (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_58__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename bOffsets_59_ "bOffsets[59]") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_59__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref Q (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_59__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename bOffsets_5_ "bOffsets[5]") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_5__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref Q (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_5__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename bOffsets_60_ "bOffsets[60]") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_60__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref Q (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_60__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename bOffsets_61_ "bOffsets[61]") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_61__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref Q (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_61__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename bOffsets_62_ "bOffsets[62]") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_62__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref Q (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_62__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename bOffsets_63_ "bOffsets[63]") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_63__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref Q (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_63__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename bOffsets_64_ "bOffsets[64]") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_64__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref Q (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_64__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename bOffsets_65_ "bOffsets[65]") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_65__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref Q (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_65__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename bOffsets_66_ "bOffsets[66]") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_66__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref Q (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_66__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename bOffsets_67_ "bOffsets[67]") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_67__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref Q (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_67__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename bOffsets_68_ "bOffsets[68]") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_68__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref Q (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_68__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename bOffsets_69_ "bOffsets[69]") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_69__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref Q (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_69__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename bOffsets_6_ "bOffsets[6]") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_6__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref Q (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_6__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename bOffsets_70_ "bOffsets[70]") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_70__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref Q (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_70__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename bOffsets_71_ "bOffsets[71]") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_71__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref Q (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_71__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename bOffsets_72_ "bOffsets[72]") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_72__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref Q (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_72__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename bOffsets_73_ "bOffsets[73]") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_73__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref Q (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_73__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename bOffsets_74_ "bOffsets[74]") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_74__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref Q (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_74__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename bOffsets_75_ "bOffsets[75]") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_75__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref Q (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_75__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename bOffsets_76_ "bOffsets[76]") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_76__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref Q (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_76__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename bOffsets_77_ "bOffsets[77]") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_77__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref Q (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_77__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename bOffsets_78_ "bOffsets[78]") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_78__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref Q (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_78__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename bOffsets_79_ "bOffsets[79]") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_79__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref Q (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_79__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename bOffsets_7_ "bOffsets[7]") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_7__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref Q (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_7__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename bOffsets_8_ "bOffsets[8]") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_8__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref Q (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_8__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename bOffsets_9_ "bOffsets[9]") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_9__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref Q (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_9__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename bPpsClkCrossDelayVal_1__i_1_n_0 "bPpsClkCrossDelayVal[1]_i_1_n_0") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref bPpsClkCrossDelayVal_reg_1_))
+ (portref D (instanceref bScratch_reg_17_))
+ (portref O (instanceref bPpsClkCrossDelayVal_1__i_1))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename bPpsClkCrossDelayVal_2__i_1_n_0 "bPpsClkCrossDelayVal[2]_i_1_n_0") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref bPpsClkCrossDelayVal_reg_2_))
+ (portref D (instanceref bScratch_reg_18_))
+ (portref O (instanceref bPpsClkCrossDelayVal_2__i_1))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename bPpsClkCrossDelayVal_3__i_1_n_0 "bPpsClkCrossDelayVal[3]_i_1_n_0") (joined
+ (portref CE (instanceref bPpsClkCrossDelayVal_reg_0_))
+ (portref CE (instanceref bPpsClkCrossDelayVal_reg_1_))
+ (portref CE (instanceref bPpsClkCrossDelayVal_reg_2_))
+ (portref CE (instanceref bPpsClkCrossDelayVal_reg_3_))
+ (portref O (instanceref bPpsClkCrossDelayVal_3__i_1))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename bPpsClkCrossDelayVal_3__i_3_n_0 "bPpsClkCrossDelayVal[3]_i_3_n_0") (joined
+ (portref I1 (instanceref bPpsClkCrossDelayVal_3__i_1))
+ (portref I1 (instanceref bPulserEnableDelayVal_3__i_1))
+ (portref I4 (instanceref bEnableTdc_i_1))
+ (portref I4 (instanceref bPpsClkCrossEn_i_1))
+ (portref I4 (instanceref bReRunEnable_i_1))
+ (portref I4 (instanceref bResetTdc_i_1))
+ (portref O (instanceref bPpsClkCrossDelayVal_3__i_3))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename bPpsClkCrossDelayVal_reg_n_0__0_ "bPpsClkCrossDelayVal_reg_n_0_[0]") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref PpsDelayValCrossingHs_HBx_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_0_))
+ (portref I2 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__16__i_1))
+ (portref Q (instanceref bPpsClkCrossDelayVal_reg_0_))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename bPpsClkCrossDelayVal_reg_n_0__1_ "bPpsClkCrossDelayVal_reg_n_0_[1]") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref PpsDelayValCrossingHs_HBx_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_1_))
+ (portref I1 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__17__i_3))
+ (portref Q (instanceref bPpsClkCrossDelayVal_reg_1_))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename bPpsClkCrossDelayVal_reg_n_0__2_ "bPpsClkCrossDelayVal_reg_n_0_[2]") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref PpsDelayValCrossingHs_HBx_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_2_))
+ (portref I1 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__18__i_3))
+ (portref Q (instanceref bPpsClkCrossDelayVal_reg_2_))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename bPpsClkCrossDelayVal_reg_n_0__3_ "bPpsClkCrossDelayVal_reg_n_0_[3]") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref PpsDelayValCrossingHs_HBx_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_3_))
+ (portref I1 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__19__i_1))
+ (portref Q (instanceref bPpsClkCrossDelayVal_reg_3_))
+ )
+ )
+ (net bPpsClkCrossEn (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref bScratch_reg_12_))
+ (portref O (instanceref bScratch_12__i_1))
+ )
+ )
+ (net bPpsClkCrossEn_i_1_n_0 (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref bPpsClkCrossEn_reg))
+ (portref O (instanceref bPpsClkCrossEn_i_1))
+ )
+ )
+ (net bPpsClkCrossEn_reg_n_0 (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref PpsCrossEnDs_DoubleSyncBasex_iDlySigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref I1 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__12__i_3))
+ (portref I1 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__13__i_1))
+ (portref I5 (instanceref bPpsClkCrossEn_i_1))
+ (portref Q (instanceref bPpsClkCrossEn_reg))
+ )
+ )
+ (net bPpsPulseCaptured (joined
+ (portref I0 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__4__i_6))
+ (portref Q (instanceref PpsCapturedDs_DoubleSyncBasex_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename bPulserEnableDelayVal_0__i_1_n_0 "bPulserEnableDelayVal[0]_i_1_n_0") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref bPulserEnableDelayVal_reg_0_))
+ (portref O (instanceref bPulserEnableDelayVal_0__i_1))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename bPulserEnableDelayVal_2__i_1_n_0 "bPulserEnableDelayVal[2]_i_1_n_0") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref bPulserEnableDelayVal_reg_2_))
+ (portref D (instanceref bScratch_reg_26_))
+ (portref O (instanceref bPulserEnableDelayVal_2__i_1))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename bPulserEnableDelayVal_3__i_1_n_0 "bPulserEnableDelayVal[3]_i_1_n_0") (joined
+ (portref CE (instanceref bPulserEnableDelayVal_reg_0_))
+ (portref CE (instanceref bPulserEnableDelayVal_reg_1_))
+ (portref CE (instanceref bPulserEnableDelayVal_reg_2_))
+ (portref CE (instanceref bPulserEnableDelayVal_reg_3_))
+ (portref O (instanceref bPulserEnableDelayVal_3__i_1))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename bPulserEnableDelayVal_3__i_2_n_0 "bPulserEnableDelayVal[3]_i_2_n_0") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref bPulserEnableDelayVal_reg_3_))
+ (portref D (instanceref bScratch_reg_27_))
+ (portref O (instanceref bPulserEnableDelayVal_3__i_2))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename bPulserEnableDelayVal_reg_n_0__0_ "bPulserEnableDelayVal_reg_n_0_[0]") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref PulserEnableDelayValCrossingHs_HBx_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_0_))
+ (portref I1 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__24__i_1))
+ (portref Q (instanceref bPulserEnableDelayVal_reg_0_))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename bPulserEnableDelayVal_reg_n_0__1_ "bPulserEnableDelayVal_reg_n_0_[1]") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref PulserEnableDelayValCrossingHs_HBx_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_1_))
+ (portref I1 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__25__i_1))
+ (portref Q (instanceref bPulserEnableDelayVal_reg_1_))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename bPulserEnableDelayVal_reg_n_0__2_ "bPulserEnableDelayVal_reg_n_0_[2]") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref PulserEnableDelayValCrossingHs_HBx_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_2_))
+ (portref I1 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__26__i_4))
+ (portref Q (instanceref bPulserEnableDelayVal_reg_2_))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename bPulserEnableDelayVal_reg_n_0__3_ "bPulserEnableDelayVal_reg_n_0_[3]") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref PulserEnableDelayValCrossingHs_HBx_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_3_))
+ (portref I1 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__27__i_5))
+ (portref Q (instanceref bPulserEnableDelayVal_reg_3_))
+ )
+ )
+ (net bPushPpsDelayVal (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref bPushPpsDelayVal_reg))
+ (portref O (instanceref bPushPpsDelayVal_i_1))
+ )
+ )
+ (net bPushPpsDelayVal_i_2_n_0 (joined
+ (portref I0 (instanceref bPushPpsDelayVal_i_1))
+ (portref I0 (instanceref bPushPulserEnableDelayVal_i_1))
+ (portref I0 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__31__i_6))
+ (portref I0 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__7__i_6))
+ (portref I5 (instanceref aTdcResetLcl_i_2))
+ (portref O (instanceref bPushPpsDelayVal_i_2))
+ )
+ )
+ (net bPushPpsDelayVal_i_3_n_0 (joined
+ (portref I1 (instanceref bPushPpsDelayVal_i_1))
+ (portref I1 (instanceref bPushPulserEnableDelayVal_i_1))
+ (portref O (instanceref bPushPpsDelayVal_i_3))
+ )
+ )
+ (net bPushPpsDelayVal_i_4_n_0 (joined
+ (portref I0 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__30__i_4))
+ (portref I4 (instanceref bPushPpsDelayVal_i_1))
+ (portref I4 (instanceref bPushPulserEnableDelayVal_i_1))
+ (portref I5 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__25__i_3))
+ (portref I5 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__27__i_7))
+ (portref I5 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__31__i_11))
+ (portref O (instanceref bPushPpsDelayVal_i_4))
+ )
+ )
+ (net bPushPpsDelayVal_reg_n_0 (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref PpsDelayValCrossingHs_HBx_BlkIn_iDlyPush_reg))
+ (portref I0 (instanceref Gen0_FDCEx_i_1__9))
+ (portref Q (instanceref bPushPpsDelayVal_reg))
+ )
+ )
+ (net bPushPulserEnableDelayVal (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref bPushPulserEnableDelayVal_reg))
+ (portref O (instanceref bPushPulserEnableDelayVal_i_1))
+ )
+ )
+ (net bPushPulserEnableDelayVal_reg_n_0 (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref PulserEnableDelayValCrossingHs_HBx_BlkIn_iDlyPush_reg))
+ (portref I0 (instanceref Gen0_FDCEx_i_1__10))
+ (portref Q (instanceref bPushPulserEnableDelayVal_reg))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename bRePulsePeriod1CtrlReadbackSyncReset_0_ "bRePulsePeriod1CtrlReadbackSyncReset[0]") (joined
+ (portref I3 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__0__i_3))
+ (portref Q (instanceref RePulseCnt1ReadbackDsGen_0__RePulse1ReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename bRePulsePeriod1CtrlReadbackSyncReset_10_ "bRePulsePeriod1CtrlReadbackSyncReset[10]") (joined
+ (portref I4 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__10__i_4))
+ (portref Q (instanceref RePulseCnt1ReadbackDsGen_10__RePulse1ReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename bRePulsePeriod1CtrlReadbackSyncReset_11_ "bRePulsePeriod1CtrlReadbackSyncReset[11]") (joined
+ (portref I1 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__11__i_4))
+ (portref Q (instanceref RePulseCnt1ReadbackDsGen_11__RePulse1ReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename bRePulsePeriod1CtrlReadbackSyncReset_12_ "bRePulsePeriod1CtrlReadbackSyncReset[12]") (joined
+ (portref I3 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__12__i_2))
+ (portref Q (instanceref RePulseCnt1ReadbackDsGen_12__RePulse1ReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename bRePulsePeriod1CtrlReadbackSyncReset_13_ "bRePulsePeriod1CtrlReadbackSyncReset[13]") (joined
+ (portref I1 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__13__i_2))
+ (portref Q (instanceref RePulseCnt1ReadbackDsGen_13__RePulse1ReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename bRePulsePeriod1CtrlReadbackSyncReset_14_ "bRePulsePeriod1CtrlReadbackSyncReset[14]") (joined
+ (portref I1 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__14__i_4))
+ (portref Q (instanceref RePulseCnt1ReadbackDsGen_14__RePulse1ReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename bRePulsePeriod1CtrlReadbackSyncReset_15_ "bRePulsePeriod1CtrlReadbackSyncReset[15]") (joined
+ (portref I1 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__15__i_4))
+ (portref Q (instanceref RePulseCnt1ReadbackDsGen_15__RePulse1ReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename bRePulsePeriod1CtrlReadbackSyncReset_16_ "bRePulsePeriod1CtrlReadbackSyncReset[16]") (joined
+ (portref I4 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__16__i_2))
+ (portref Q (instanceref RePulseCnt1ReadbackDsGen_16__RePulse1ReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename bRePulsePeriod1CtrlReadbackSyncReset_17_ "bRePulsePeriod1CtrlReadbackSyncReset[17]") (joined
+ (portref I3 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__17__i_2))
+ (portref Q (instanceref RePulseCnt1ReadbackDsGen_17__RePulse1ReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename bRePulsePeriod1CtrlReadbackSyncReset_18_ "bRePulsePeriod1CtrlReadbackSyncReset[18]") (joined
+ (portref I3 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__18__i_2))
+ (portref Q (instanceref RePulseCnt1ReadbackDsGen_18__RePulse1ReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename bRePulsePeriod1CtrlReadbackSyncReset_19_ "bRePulsePeriod1CtrlReadbackSyncReset[19]") (joined
+ (portref I1 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__19__i_2))
+ (portref Q (instanceref RePulseCnt1ReadbackDsGen_19__RePulse1ReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename bRePulsePeriod1CtrlReadbackSyncReset_1_ "bRePulsePeriod1CtrlReadbackSyncReset[1]") (joined
+ (portref I4 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__1__i_5))
+ (portref Q (instanceref RePulseCnt1ReadbackDsGen_1__RePulse1ReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename bRePulsePeriod1CtrlReadbackSyncReset_20_ "bRePulsePeriod1CtrlReadbackSyncReset[20]") (joined
+ (portref I1 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__20__i_4))
+ (portref Q (instanceref RePulseCnt1ReadbackDsGen_20__RePulse1ReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename bRePulsePeriod1CtrlReadbackSyncReset_21_ "bRePulsePeriod1CtrlReadbackSyncReset[21]") (joined
+ (portref I1 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__21__i_4))
+ (portref Q (instanceref RePulseCnt1ReadbackDsGen_21__RePulse1ReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename bRePulsePeriod1CtrlReadbackSyncReset_22_ "bRePulsePeriod1CtrlReadbackSyncReset[22]") (joined
+ (portref I1 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__22__i_4))
+ (portref Q (instanceref RePulseCnt1ReadbackDsGen_22__RePulse1ReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename bRePulsePeriod1CtrlReadbackSyncReset_23_ "bRePulsePeriod1CtrlReadbackSyncReset[23]") (joined
+ (portref I1 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__23__i_4))
+ (portref Q (instanceref RePulseCnt1ReadbackDsGen_23__RePulse1ReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename bRePulsePeriod1CtrlReadbackSyncReset_24_ "bRePulsePeriod1CtrlReadbackSyncReset[24]") (joined
+ (portref I1 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__24__i_2))
+ (portref Q (instanceref RePulseCnt1ReadbackDsGen_24__RePulse1ReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename bRePulsePeriod1CtrlReadbackSyncReset_25_ "bRePulsePeriod1CtrlReadbackSyncReset[25]") (joined
+ (portref I1 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__25__i_2))
+ (portref Q (instanceref RePulseCnt1ReadbackDsGen_25__RePulse1ReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename bRePulsePeriod1CtrlReadbackSyncReset_26_ "bRePulsePeriod1CtrlReadbackSyncReset[26]") (joined
+ (portref I3 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__26__i_2))
+ (portref Q (instanceref RePulseCnt1ReadbackDsGen_26__RePulse1ReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename bRePulsePeriod1CtrlReadbackSyncReset_27_ "bRePulsePeriod1CtrlReadbackSyncReset[27]") (joined
+ (portref I3 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__27__i_2))
+ (portref Q (instanceref RePulseCnt1ReadbackDsGen_27__RePulse1ReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename bRePulsePeriod1CtrlReadbackSyncReset_28_ "bRePulsePeriod1CtrlReadbackSyncReset[28]") (joined
+ (portref I4 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__28__i_6))
+ (portref Q (instanceref RePulseCnt1ReadbackDsGen_28__RePulse1ReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename bRePulsePeriod1CtrlReadbackSyncReset_29_ "bRePulsePeriod1CtrlReadbackSyncReset[29]") (joined
+ (portref I1 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__29__i_4))
+ (portref Q (instanceref RePulseCnt1ReadbackDsGen_29__RePulse1ReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename bRePulsePeriod1CtrlReadbackSyncReset_2_ "bRePulsePeriod1CtrlReadbackSyncReset[2]") (joined
+ (portref I4 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__2__i_3))
+ (portref Q (instanceref RePulseCnt1ReadbackDsGen_2__RePulse1ReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename bRePulsePeriod1CtrlReadbackSyncReset_30_ "bRePulsePeriod1CtrlReadbackSyncReset[30]") (joined
+ (portref I1 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__30__i_5))
+ (portref Q (instanceref RePulseCnt1ReadbackDsGen_30__RePulse1ReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename bRePulsePeriod1CtrlReadbackSyncReset_31_ "bRePulsePeriod1CtrlReadbackSyncReset[31]") (joined
+ (portref I1 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__31__i_4))
+ (portref Q (instanceref RePulseCnt1ReadbackDsGen_31__RePulse1ReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename bRePulsePeriod1CtrlReadbackSyncReset_3_ "bRePulsePeriod1CtrlReadbackSyncReset[3]") (joined
+ (portref I4 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__3__i_5))
+ (portref Q (instanceref RePulseCnt1ReadbackDsGen_3__RePulse1ReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename bRePulsePeriod1CtrlReadbackSyncReset_4_ "bRePulsePeriod1CtrlReadbackSyncReset[4]") (joined
+ (portref I4 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__4__i_3))
+ (portref Q (instanceref RePulseCnt1ReadbackDsGen_4__RePulse1ReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename bRePulsePeriod1CtrlReadbackSyncReset_5_ "bRePulsePeriod1CtrlReadbackSyncReset[5]") (joined
+ (portref I4 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__5__i_5))
+ (portref Q (instanceref RePulseCnt1ReadbackDsGen_5__RePulse1ReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename bRePulsePeriod1CtrlReadbackSyncReset_6_ "bRePulsePeriod1CtrlReadbackSyncReset[6]") (joined
+ (portref I4 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__6__i_3))
+ (portref Q (instanceref RePulseCnt1ReadbackDsGen_6__RePulse1ReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ )
+ )
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+ (portref I4 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__7__i_5))
+ (portref Q (instanceref RePulseCnt1ReadbackDsGen_7__RePulse1ReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ )
+ )
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+ (portref I4 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__8__i_5))
+ (portref Q (instanceref RePulseCnt1ReadbackDsGen_8__RePulse1ReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ )
+ )
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+ (portref I4 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__9__i_2))
+ (portref Q (instanceref RePulseCnt1ReadbackDsGen_9__RePulse1ReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ )
+ )
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+ (portref D (instanceref RePulse1CntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_0__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref D (instanceref RePulseCnt1ReadbackDsGen_0__RePulse1ReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref Q (instanceref RePulse1CntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_0_))
+ )
+ )
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+ (portref D (instanceref RePulse1CntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_10__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref D (instanceref RePulseCnt1ReadbackDsGen_10__RePulse1ReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref Q (instanceref RePulse1CntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_10_))
+ )
+ )
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+ (portref D (instanceref RePulse1CntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_11__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref D (instanceref RePulseCnt1ReadbackDsGen_11__RePulse1ReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref Q (instanceref RePulse1CntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_11_))
+ )
+ )
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+ (portref D (instanceref RePulse1CntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_12__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref D (instanceref RePulseCnt1ReadbackDsGen_12__RePulse1ReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref Q (instanceref RePulse1CntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_12_))
+ )
+ )
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+ (portref D (instanceref RePulse1CntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_13__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref D (instanceref RePulseCnt1ReadbackDsGen_13__RePulse1ReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref Q (instanceref RePulse1CntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_13_))
+ )
+ )
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+ (portref D (instanceref RePulse1CntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_14__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref D (instanceref RePulseCnt1ReadbackDsGen_14__RePulse1ReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref Q (instanceref RePulse1CntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_14_))
+ )
+ )
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+ (portref D (instanceref RePulse1CntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_15__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref D (instanceref RePulseCnt1ReadbackDsGen_15__RePulse1ReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref Q (instanceref RePulse1CntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_15_))
+ )
+ )
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+ (portref D (instanceref RePulse1CntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_16__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref D (instanceref RePulseCnt1ReadbackDsGen_16__RePulse1ReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref Q (instanceref RePulse1CntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_16_))
+ )
+ )
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+ (portref D (instanceref RePulse1CntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_17__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref D (instanceref RePulseCnt1ReadbackDsGen_17__RePulse1ReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref Q (instanceref RePulse1CntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_17_))
+ )
+ )
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+ (portref D (instanceref RePulse1CntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_18__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref D (instanceref RePulseCnt1ReadbackDsGen_18__RePulse1ReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref Q (instanceref RePulse1CntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_18_))
+ )
+ )
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+ (portref D (instanceref RePulse1CntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_19__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref D (instanceref RePulseCnt1ReadbackDsGen_19__RePulse1ReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref Q (instanceref RePulse1CntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_19_))
+ )
+ )
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+ (portref D (instanceref RePulse1CntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_1__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref D (instanceref RePulseCnt1ReadbackDsGen_1__RePulse1ReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref Q (instanceref RePulse1CntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_1_))
+ )
+ )
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+ (portref D (instanceref RePulse1CntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_20__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref D (instanceref RePulseCnt1ReadbackDsGen_20__RePulse1ReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref Q (instanceref RePulse1CntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_20_))
+ )
+ )
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+ (portref D (instanceref RePulse1CntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_21__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref D (instanceref RePulseCnt1ReadbackDsGen_21__RePulse1ReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref Q (instanceref RePulse1CntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_21_))
+ )
+ )
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+ (portref D (instanceref RePulse1CntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_22__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref D (instanceref RePulseCnt1ReadbackDsGen_22__RePulse1ReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref Q (instanceref RePulse1CntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_22_))
+ )
+ )
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+ (portref D (instanceref RePulse1CntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_23__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref D (instanceref RePulseCnt1ReadbackDsGen_23__RePulse1ReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref Q (instanceref RePulse1CntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_23_))
+ )
+ )
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+ (portref D (instanceref RePulseCnt1ReadbackDsGen_24__RePulse1ReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref Q (instanceref RePulse1CntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_24_))
+ )
+ )
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+ (portref D (instanceref RePulseCnt1ReadbackDsGen_25__RePulse1ReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref Q (instanceref RePulse1CntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_25_))
+ )
+ )
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+ (portref D (instanceref RePulseCnt1ReadbackDsGen_26__RePulse1ReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref Q (instanceref RePulse1CntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_26_))
+ )
+ )
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+ (portref D (instanceref RePulseCnt1ReadbackDsGen_27__RePulse1ReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref Q (instanceref RePulse1CntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_27_))
+ )
+ )
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+ (portref D (instanceref RePulseCnt1ReadbackDsGen_28__RePulse1ReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref Q (instanceref RePulse1CntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_28_))
+ )
+ )
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+ (portref D (instanceref RePulseCnt1ReadbackDsGen_29__RePulse1ReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref Q (instanceref RePulse1CntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_29_))
+ )
+ )
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+ (portref D (instanceref RePulse1CntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_2__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref D (instanceref RePulseCnt1ReadbackDsGen_2__RePulse1ReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref Q (instanceref RePulse1CntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_2_))
+ )
+ )
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+ (portref D (instanceref RePulseCnt1ReadbackDsGen_30__RePulse1ReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref Q (instanceref RePulse1CntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_30_))
+ )
+ )
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+ (portref D (instanceref RePulseCnt1ReadbackDsGen_31__RePulse1ReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref Q (instanceref RePulse1CntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_31_))
+ )
+ )
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+ (portref D (instanceref RePulse1CntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_3__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref D (instanceref RePulseCnt1ReadbackDsGen_3__RePulse1ReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref Q (instanceref RePulse1CntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_3_))
+ )
+ )
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+ (portref D (instanceref RePulse1CntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_4__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref D (instanceref RePulseCnt1ReadbackDsGen_4__RePulse1ReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref Q (instanceref RePulse1CntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_4_))
+ )
+ )
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+ (portref D (instanceref RePulse1CntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_5__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref D (instanceref RePulseCnt1ReadbackDsGen_5__RePulse1ReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref Q (instanceref RePulse1CntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_5_))
+ )
+ )
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+ (portref D (instanceref RePulse1CntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_6__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref D (instanceref RePulseCnt1ReadbackDsGen_6__RePulse1ReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref Q (instanceref RePulse1CntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_6_))
+ )
+ )
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+ (portref D (instanceref RePulse1CntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_7__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref D (instanceref RePulseCnt1ReadbackDsGen_7__RePulse1ReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref Q (instanceref RePulse1CntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_7_))
+ )
+ )
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+ (portref D (instanceref RePulse1CntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_8__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref D (instanceref RePulseCnt1ReadbackDsGen_8__RePulse1ReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref Q (instanceref RePulse1CntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_8_))
+ )
+ )
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+ (portref D (instanceref RePulse1CntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_9__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref D (instanceref RePulseCnt1ReadbackDsGen_9__RePulse1ReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref Q (instanceref RePulse1CntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_9_))
+ )
+ )
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+ (portref I4 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__0__i_3))
+ (portref Q (instanceref RePulseCnt2ReadbackDsGen_0__RePulse2ReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ )
+ )
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+ (portref I3 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__10__i_1))
+ (portref Q (instanceref RePulseCnt2ReadbackDsGen_10__RePulse2ReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ )
+ )
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+ (portref I3 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__11__i_4))
+ (portref Q (instanceref RePulseCnt2ReadbackDsGen_11__RePulse2ReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ )
+ )
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+ (portref I4 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__12__i_2))
+ (portref Q (instanceref RePulseCnt2ReadbackDsGen_12__RePulse2ReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ )
+ )
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+ (portref I3 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__13__i_2))
+ (portref Q (instanceref RePulseCnt2ReadbackDsGen_13__RePulse2ReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ )
+ )
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+ (portref I3 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__14__i_4))
+ (portref Q (instanceref RePulseCnt2ReadbackDsGen_14__RePulse2ReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ )
+ )
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+ (portref I3 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__15__i_4))
+ (portref Q (instanceref RePulseCnt2ReadbackDsGen_15__RePulse2ReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ )
+ )
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+ (portref I4 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__16__i_3))
+ (portref Q (instanceref RePulseCnt2ReadbackDsGen_16__RePulse2ReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ )
+ )
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+ (portref I4 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__17__i_2))
+ (portref Q (instanceref RePulseCnt2ReadbackDsGen_17__RePulse2ReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ )
+ )
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+ (portref I4 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__18__i_2))
+ (portref Q (instanceref RePulseCnt2ReadbackDsGen_18__RePulse2ReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ )
+ )
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+ (portref I3 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__19__i_2))
+ (portref Q (instanceref RePulseCnt2ReadbackDsGen_19__RePulse2ReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ )
+ )
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+ (portref I1 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__1__i_2))
+ (portref Q (instanceref RePulseCnt2ReadbackDsGen_1__RePulse2ReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ )
+ )
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+ (portref I3 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__20__i_4))
+ (portref Q (instanceref RePulseCnt2ReadbackDsGen_20__RePulse2ReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ )
+ )
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+ (portref I3 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__21__i_4))
+ (portref Q (instanceref RePulseCnt2ReadbackDsGen_21__RePulse2ReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ )
+ )
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+ (portref I3 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__22__i_4))
+ (portref Q (instanceref RePulseCnt2ReadbackDsGen_22__RePulse2ReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ )
+ )
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+ (portref I3 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__23__i_4))
+ (portref Q (instanceref RePulseCnt2ReadbackDsGen_23__RePulse2ReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ )
+ )
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+ (portref I3 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__24__i_2))
+ (portref Q (instanceref RePulseCnt2ReadbackDsGen_24__RePulse2ReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ )
+ )
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+ (portref I3 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__25__i_2))
+ (portref Q (instanceref RePulseCnt2ReadbackDsGen_25__RePulse2ReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ )
+ )
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+ (portref I4 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__26__i_2))
+ (portref Q (instanceref RePulseCnt2ReadbackDsGen_26__RePulse2ReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ )
+ )
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+ (portref I4 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__27__i_2))
+ (portref Q (instanceref RePulseCnt2ReadbackDsGen_27__RePulse2ReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename bRePulsePeriod2CtrlReadbackSyncReset_28_ "bRePulsePeriod2CtrlReadbackSyncReset[28]") (joined
+ (portref I3 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__28__i_1))
+ (portref Q (instanceref RePulseCnt2ReadbackDsGen_28__RePulse2ReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename bRePulsePeriod2CtrlReadbackSyncReset_29_ "bRePulsePeriod2CtrlReadbackSyncReset[29]") (joined
+ (portref I3 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__29__i_4))
+ (portref Q (instanceref RePulseCnt2ReadbackDsGen_29__RePulse2ReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename bRePulsePeriod2CtrlReadbackSyncReset_2_ "bRePulsePeriod2CtrlReadbackSyncReset[2]") (joined
+ (portref I0 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__2__i_4))
+ (portref Q (instanceref RePulseCnt2ReadbackDsGen_2__RePulse2ReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename bRePulsePeriod2CtrlReadbackSyncReset_30_ "bRePulsePeriod2CtrlReadbackSyncReset[30]") (joined
+ (portref I3 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__30__i_5))
+ (portref Q (instanceref RePulseCnt2ReadbackDsGen_30__RePulse2ReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename bRePulsePeriod2CtrlReadbackSyncReset_31_ "bRePulsePeriod2CtrlReadbackSyncReset[31]") (joined
+ (portref I3 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__31__i_4))
+ (portref Q (instanceref RePulseCnt2ReadbackDsGen_31__RePulse2ReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename bRePulsePeriod2CtrlReadbackSyncReset_3_ "bRePulsePeriod2CtrlReadbackSyncReset[3]") (joined
+ (portref I2 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__3__i_4))
+ (portref Q (instanceref RePulseCnt2ReadbackDsGen_3__RePulse2ReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename bRePulsePeriod2CtrlReadbackSyncReset_4_ "bRePulsePeriod2CtrlReadbackSyncReset[4]") (joined
+ (portref I2 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__4__i_7))
+ (portref Q (instanceref RePulseCnt2ReadbackDsGen_4__RePulse2ReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename bRePulsePeriod2CtrlReadbackSyncReset_5_ "bRePulsePeriod2CtrlReadbackSyncReset[5]") (joined
+ (portref I1 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__5__i_2))
+ (portref Q (instanceref RePulseCnt2ReadbackDsGen_5__RePulse2ReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename bRePulsePeriod2CtrlReadbackSyncReset_6_ "bRePulsePeriod2CtrlReadbackSyncReset[6]") (joined
+ (portref I0 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__6__i_4))
+ (portref Q (instanceref RePulseCnt2ReadbackDsGen_6__RePulse2ReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename bRePulsePeriod2CtrlReadbackSyncReset_7_ "bRePulsePeriod2CtrlReadbackSyncReset[7]") (joined
+ (portref I2 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__7__i_4))
+ (portref Q (instanceref RePulseCnt2ReadbackDsGen_7__RePulse2ReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename bRePulsePeriod2CtrlReadbackSyncReset_8_ "bRePulsePeriod2CtrlReadbackSyncReset[8]") (joined
+ (portref I2 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__8__i_4))
+ (portref Q (instanceref RePulseCnt2ReadbackDsGen_8__RePulse2ReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename bRePulsePeriod2CtrlReadbackSyncReset_9_ "bRePulsePeriod2CtrlReadbackSyncReset[9]") (joined
+ (portref I1 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__9__i_3))
+ (portref Q (instanceref RePulseCnt2ReadbackDsGen_9__RePulse2ReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename bRePulsePeriod2CtrlReadback_0_ "bRePulsePeriod2CtrlReadback[0]") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref RePulse2CntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_0__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref D (instanceref RePulseCnt2ReadbackDsGen_0__RePulse2ReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref Q (instanceref RePulse2CntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_0_))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename bRePulsePeriod2CtrlReadback_10_ "bRePulsePeriod2CtrlReadback[10]") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref RePulse2CntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_10__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref D (instanceref RePulseCnt2ReadbackDsGen_10__RePulse2ReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref Q (instanceref RePulse2CntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_10_))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename bRePulsePeriod2CtrlReadback_11_ "bRePulsePeriod2CtrlReadback[11]") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref RePulse2CntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_11__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref D (instanceref RePulseCnt2ReadbackDsGen_11__RePulse2ReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref Q (instanceref RePulse2CntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_11_))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename bRePulsePeriod2CtrlReadback_12_ "bRePulsePeriod2CtrlReadback[12]") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref RePulse2CntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_12__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref D (instanceref RePulseCnt2ReadbackDsGen_12__RePulse2ReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref Q (instanceref RePulse2CntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_12_))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename bRePulsePeriod2CtrlReadback_13_ "bRePulsePeriod2CtrlReadback[13]") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref RePulse2CntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_13__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref D (instanceref RePulseCnt2ReadbackDsGen_13__RePulse2ReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref Q (instanceref RePulse2CntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_13_))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename bRePulsePeriod2CtrlReadback_14_ "bRePulsePeriod2CtrlReadback[14]") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref RePulse2CntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_14__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref D (instanceref RePulseCnt2ReadbackDsGen_14__RePulse2ReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref Q (instanceref RePulse2CntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_14_))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename bRePulsePeriod2CtrlReadback_15_ "bRePulsePeriod2CtrlReadback[15]") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref RePulse2CntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_15__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref D (instanceref RePulseCnt2ReadbackDsGen_15__RePulse2ReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref Q (instanceref RePulse2CntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_15_))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename bRePulsePeriod2CtrlReadback_16_ "bRePulsePeriod2CtrlReadback[16]") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref RePulse2CntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_16__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref D (instanceref RePulseCnt2ReadbackDsGen_16__RePulse2ReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref Q (instanceref RePulse2CntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_16_))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename bRePulsePeriod2CtrlReadback_17_ "bRePulsePeriod2CtrlReadback[17]") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref RePulse2CntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_17__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref D (instanceref RePulseCnt2ReadbackDsGen_17__RePulse2ReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref Q (instanceref RePulse2CntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_17_))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename bRePulsePeriod2CtrlReadback_18_ "bRePulsePeriod2CtrlReadback[18]") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref RePulse2CntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_18__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref D (instanceref RePulseCnt2ReadbackDsGen_18__RePulse2ReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref Q (instanceref RePulse2CntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_18_))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename bRePulsePeriod2CtrlReadback_19_ "bRePulsePeriod2CtrlReadback[19]") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref RePulse2CntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_19__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref D (instanceref RePulseCnt2ReadbackDsGen_19__RePulse2ReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref Q (instanceref RePulse2CntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_19_))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename bRePulsePeriod2CtrlReadback_1_ "bRePulsePeriod2CtrlReadback[1]") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref RePulse2CntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_1__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref D (instanceref RePulseCnt2ReadbackDsGen_1__RePulse2ReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref Q (instanceref RePulse2CntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_1_))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename bRePulsePeriod2CtrlReadback_20_ "bRePulsePeriod2CtrlReadback[20]") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref RePulse2CntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_20__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref D (instanceref RePulseCnt2ReadbackDsGen_20__RePulse2ReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref Q (instanceref RePulse2CntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_20_))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename bRePulsePeriod2CtrlReadback_21_ "bRePulsePeriod2CtrlReadback[21]") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref RePulse2CntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_21__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref D (instanceref RePulseCnt2ReadbackDsGen_21__RePulse2ReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref Q (instanceref RePulse2CntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_21_))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename bRePulsePeriod2CtrlReadback_22_ "bRePulsePeriod2CtrlReadback[22]") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref RePulse2CntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_22__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref D (instanceref RePulseCnt2ReadbackDsGen_22__RePulse2ReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref Q (instanceref RePulse2CntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_22_))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename bRePulsePeriod2CtrlReadback_23_ "bRePulsePeriod2CtrlReadback[23]") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref RePulseCnt2ReadbackDsGen_23__RePulse2ReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref Q (instanceref RePulse2CntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_23_))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename bRePulsePeriod2CtrlReadback_24_ "bRePulsePeriod2CtrlReadback[24]") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref RePulseCnt2ReadbackDsGen_24__RePulse2ReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref Q (instanceref RePulse2CntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_24_))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename bRePulsePeriod2CtrlReadback_25_ "bRePulsePeriod2CtrlReadback[25]") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref RePulseCnt2ReadbackDsGen_25__RePulse2ReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref Q (instanceref RePulse2CntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_25_))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename bRePulsePeriod2CtrlReadback_26_ "bRePulsePeriod2CtrlReadback[26]") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref RePulseCnt2ReadbackDsGen_26__RePulse2ReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref Q (instanceref RePulse2CntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_26_))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename bRePulsePeriod2CtrlReadback_27_ "bRePulsePeriod2CtrlReadback[27]") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref RePulseCnt2ReadbackDsGen_27__RePulse2ReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref Q (instanceref RePulse2CntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_27_))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename bRePulsePeriod2CtrlReadback_28_ "bRePulsePeriod2CtrlReadback[28]") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref RePulseCnt2ReadbackDsGen_28__RePulse2ReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref Q (instanceref RePulse2CntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_28_))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename bRePulsePeriod2CtrlReadback_29_ "bRePulsePeriod2CtrlReadback[29]") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref RePulseCnt2ReadbackDsGen_29__RePulse2ReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref Q (instanceref RePulse2CntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_29_))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename bRePulsePeriod2CtrlReadback_2_ "bRePulsePeriod2CtrlReadback[2]") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref RePulse2CntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_2__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref D (instanceref RePulseCnt2ReadbackDsGen_2__RePulse2ReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref Q (instanceref RePulse2CntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_2_))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename bRePulsePeriod2CtrlReadback_30_ "bRePulsePeriod2CtrlReadback[30]") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref RePulseCnt2ReadbackDsGen_30__RePulse2ReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref Q (instanceref RePulse2CntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_30_))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename bRePulsePeriod2CtrlReadback_31_ "bRePulsePeriod2CtrlReadback[31]") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref RePulseCnt2ReadbackDsGen_31__RePulse2ReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref Q (instanceref RePulse2CntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_31_))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename bRePulsePeriod2CtrlReadback_3_ "bRePulsePeriod2CtrlReadback[3]") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref RePulse2CntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_3__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref D (instanceref RePulseCnt2ReadbackDsGen_3__RePulse2ReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref Q (instanceref RePulse2CntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_3_))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename bRePulsePeriod2CtrlReadback_4_ "bRePulsePeriod2CtrlReadback[4]") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref RePulse2CntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_4__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref D (instanceref RePulseCnt2ReadbackDsGen_4__RePulse2ReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref Q (instanceref RePulse2CntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_4_))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename bRePulsePeriod2CtrlReadback_5_ "bRePulsePeriod2CtrlReadback[5]") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref RePulse2CntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_5__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref D (instanceref RePulseCnt2ReadbackDsGen_5__RePulse2ReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref Q (instanceref RePulse2CntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_5_))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename bRePulsePeriod2CtrlReadback_6_ "bRePulsePeriod2CtrlReadback[6]") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref RePulse2CntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_6__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref D (instanceref RePulseCnt2ReadbackDsGen_6__RePulse2ReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref Q (instanceref RePulse2CntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_6_))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename bRePulsePeriod2CtrlReadback_7_ "bRePulsePeriod2CtrlReadback[7]") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref RePulse2CntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_7__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref D (instanceref RePulseCnt2ReadbackDsGen_7__RePulse2ReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref Q (instanceref RePulse2CntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_7_))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename bRePulsePeriod2CtrlReadback_8_ "bRePulsePeriod2CtrlReadback[8]") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref RePulse2CntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_8__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref D (instanceref RePulseCnt2ReadbackDsGen_8__RePulse2ReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref Q (instanceref RePulse2CntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_8_))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename bRePulsePeriod2CtrlReadback_9_ "bRePulsePeriod2CtrlReadback[9]") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref RePulse2CntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_9__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref D (instanceref RePulseCnt2ReadbackDsGen_9__RePulse2ReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref Q (instanceref RePulse2CntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_9_))
+ )
+ )
+ (net bReRunEnable (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref bScratch_reg_8_))
+ (portref O (instanceref bScratch_8__i_1))
+ )
+ )
+ (net bReRunEnable_i_1_n_0 (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref bReRunEnable_reg))
+ (portref O (instanceref bReRunEnable_i_1))
+ )
+ )
+ (net bReRunEnable_reg_n_0 (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref ReRunEnableDs_DoubleSyncBasex_iDlySigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref I1 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__8__i_3))
+ (portref I3 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__9__i_3))
+ (portref I5 (instanceref bReRunEnable_i_1))
+ (portref Q (instanceref bReRunEnable_reg))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename bRegPortInFlat_0_ "bRegPortInFlat[0]") (joined
+ (portref I0 (instanceref bPushPpsDelayVal_i_3))
+ (portref I1 (instanceref bClearTdcRegs_i_2))
+ (portref I1 (instanceref bScratch_31__i_3))
+ (portref I4 (instanceref aTdcResetLcl_i_2))
+ (portref (member bRegPortInFlat 49))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename bRegPortInFlat_10_ "bRegPortInFlat[10]") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref RePulse1CntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_8_))
+ (portref D (instanceref RePulse2CntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_8_))
+ (portref D (instanceref RpCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_8_))
+ (portref D (instanceref RptCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_8_))
+ (portref D (instanceref SpCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_8_))
+ (portref D (instanceref SptCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_8_))
+ (portref I0 (instanceref bScratch_8__i_1))
+ (portref I3 (instanceref bReRunEnable_i_1))
+ (portref (member bRegPortInFlat 39))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename bRegPortInFlat_11_ "bRegPortInFlat[11]") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref RePulse1CntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_9_))
+ (portref D (instanceref RePulse2CntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_9_))
+ (portref D (instanceref RpCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_9_))
+ (portref D (instanceref RptCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_9_))
+ (portref D (instanceref SpCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_9_))
+ (portref D (instanceref SptCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_9_))
+ (portref I0 (instanceref bScratch_9__i_1))
+ (portref I2 (instanceref bReRunEnable_i_1))
+ (portref (member bRegPortInFlat 38))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename bRegPortInFlat_12_ "bRegPortInFlat[12]") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref RePulse1CntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_10_))
+ (portref D (instanceref RePulse2CntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_10_))
+ (portref D (instanceref RpCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_10_))
+ (portref D (instanceref RptCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_10_))
+ (portref D (instanceref SpCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_10_))
+ (portref D (instanceref SptCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_10_))
+ (portref I0 (instanceref bScratch_10__i_1))
+ (portref (member bRegPortInFlat 37))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename bRegPortInFlat_13_ "bRegPortInFlat[13]") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref RePulse1CntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_11_))
+ (portref D (instanceref RePulse2CntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_11_))
+ (portref D (instanceref RpCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_11_))
+ (portref D (instanceref RptCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_11_))
+ (portref D (instanceref SpCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_11_))
+ (portref D (instanceref SptCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_11_))
+ (portref I0 (instanceref bScratch_11__i_1))
+ (portref (member bRegPortInFlat 36))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename bRegPortInFlat_14_ "bRegPortInFlat[14]") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref RePulse1CntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_12_))
+ (portref D (instanceref RePulse2CntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_12_))
+ (portref D (instanceref RpCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_12_))
+ (portref D (instanceref RptCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_12_))
+ (portref D (instanceref SpCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_12_))
+ (portref D (instanceref SptCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_12_))
+ (portref I0 (instanceref bScratch_12__i_1))
+ (portref I3 (instanceref bPpsClkCrossEn_i_1))
+ (portref (member bRegPortInFlat 35))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename bRegPortInFlat_15_ "bRegPortInFlat[15]") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref RePulse1CntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_13_))
+ (portref D (instanceref RePulse2CntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_13_))
+ (portref D (instanceref RpCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_13_))
+ (portref D (instanceref RptCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_13_))
+ (portref D (instanceref SpCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_13_))
+ (portref D (instanceref SptCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_13_))
+ (portref I0 (instanceref bScratch_13__i_1))
+ (portref I2 (instanceref bPpsClkCrossEn_i_1))
+ (portref (member bRegPortInFlat 34))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename bRegPortInFlat_16_ "bRegPortInFlat[16]") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref RePulse1CntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_14_))
+ (portref D (instanceref RePulse2CntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_14_))
+ (portref D (instanceref RpCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_14_))
+ (portref D (instanceref RptCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_14_))
+ (portref D (instanceref SpCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_14_))
+ (portref D (instanceref SptCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_14_))
+ (portref I0 (instanceref bScratch_14__i_1))
+ (portref (member bRegPortInFlat 33))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename bRegPortInFlat_17_ "bRegPortInFlat[17]") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref RePulse1CntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_15_))
+ (portref D (instanceref RePulse2CntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_15_))
+ (portref D (instanceref RpCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_15_))
+ (portref D (instanceref RptCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_15_))
+ (portref D (instanceref SpCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_15_))
+ (portref D (instanceref SptCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_15_))
+ (portref I0 (instanceref bScratch_15__i_1))
+ (portref (member bRegPortInFlat 32))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename bRegPortInFlat_18_ "bRegPortInFlat[18]") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref RePulse1CntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_16_))
+ (portref D (instanceref RePulse2CntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_16_))
+ (portref D (instanceref RpCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_16_))
+ (portref D (instanceref RptCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_16_))
+ (portref D (instanceref SpCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_16_))
+ (portref D (instanceref SptCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_16_))
+ (portref I0 (instanceref bPpsClkCrossDelayVal_0__i_1))
+ (portref (member bRegPortInFlat 31))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename bRegPortInFlat_19_ "bRegPortInFlat[19]") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref RePulse1CntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_17_))
+ (portref D (instanceref RePulse2CntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_17_))
+ (portref D (instanceref RpCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_17_))
+ (portref D (instanceref RptCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_17_))
+ (portref D (instanceref SpCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_17_))
+ (portref D (instanceref SptCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_17_))
+ (portref I0 (instanceref bPpsClkCrossDelayVal_1__i_1))
+ (portref (member bRegPortInFlat 30))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename bRegPortInFlat_1_ "bRegPortInFlat[1]") (joined
+ (portref I0 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__28__i_5))
+ (portref I0 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__28__i_8))
+ (portref I0 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__31__i_11))
+ (portref I1 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__31__i_6))
+ (portref I1 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__7__i_6))
+ (portref I2 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__27__i_7))
+ (portref I2 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__28__i_7))
+ (portref I2 (instanceref bRpOffsetStored_39__i_1))
+ (portref I3 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__0__i_7))
+ (portref I3 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__25__i_3))
+ (portref I3 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__31__i_7))
+ (portref I3 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__31__i_8))
+ (portref I3 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__8__i_6))
+ (portref I5 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__30__i_6))
+ (portref (member bRegPortInFlat 48))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename bRegPortInFlat_20_ "bRegPortInFlat[20]") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref RePulse1CntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_18_))
+ (portref D (instanceref RePulse2CntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_18_))
+ (portref D (instanceref RpCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_18_))
+ (portref D (instanceref RptCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_18_))
+ (portref D (instanceref SpCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_18_))
+ (portref D (instanceref SptCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_18_))
+ (portref I0 (instanceref bPpsClkCrossDelayVal_2__i_1))
+ (portref (member bRegPortInFlat 29))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename bRegPortInFlat_21_ "bRegPortInFlat[21]") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref RePulse1CntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_19_))
+ (portref D (instanceref RePulse2CntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_19_))
+ (portref D (instanceref RpCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_19_))
+ (portref D (instanceref RptCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_19_))
+ (portref D (instanceref SpCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_19_))
+ (portref D (instanceref SptCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_19_))
+ (portref I0 (instanceref bPpsClkCrossDelayVal_3__i_2))
+ (portref (member bRegPortInFlat 28))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename bRegPortInFlat_22_ "bRegPortInFlat[22]") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref RePulse1CntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_20_))
+ (portref D (instanceref RePulse2CntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_20_))
+ (portref D (instanceref RpCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_20_))
+ (portref D (instanceref RptCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_20_))
+ (portref D (instanceref SpCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_20_))
+ (portref D (instanceref SptCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_20_))
+ (portref I0 (instanceref bPpsClkCrossDelayVal_3__i_1))
+ (portref I0 (instanceref bScratch_20__i_1))
+ (portref I2 (instanceref bPushPpsDelayVal_i_1))
+ (portref (member bRegPortInFlat 27))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename bRegPortInFlat_23_ "bRegPortInFlat[23]") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref RePulse1CntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_21_))
+ (portref D (instanceref RePulse2CntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_21_))
+ (portref D (instanceref RpCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_21_))
+ (portref D (instanceref RptCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_21_))
+ (portref D (instanceref SpCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_21_))
+ (portref D (instanceref SptCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_21_))
+ (portref I0 (instanceref bScratch_21__i_1))
+ (portref (member bRegPortInFlat 26))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename bRegPortInFlat_24_ "bRegPortInFlat[24]") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref RePulse1CntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_22_))
+ (portref D (instanceref RePulse2CntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_22_))
+ (portref D (instanceref RpCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_22_))
+ (portref D (instanceref RptCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_22_))
+ (portref D (instanceref SpCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_22_))
+ (portref D (instanceref SptCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_22_))
+ (portref I0 (instanceref bScratch_22__i_1))
+ (portref (member bRegPortInFlat 25))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename bRegPortInFlat_25_ "bRegPortInFlat[25]") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref RePulse1CntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_23_))
+ (portref D (instanceref RePulse2CntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_23_))
+ (portref D (instanceref RpCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_23_))
+ (portref D (instanceref RptCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_23_))
+ (portref D (instanceref SpCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_23_))
+ (portref D (instanceref SptCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_23_))
+ (portref I0 (instanceref bScratch_23__i_1))
+ (portref (member bRegPortInFlat 24))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename bRegPortInFlat_26_ "bRegPortInFlat[26]") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref RePulse1CntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_24_))
+ (portref D (instanceref RePulse2CntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_24_))
+ (portref D (instanceref RpCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_24_))
+ (portref D (instanceref RptCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_24_))
+ (portref D (instanceref SpCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_24_))
+ (portref D (instanceref SptCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_24_))
+ (portref I0 (instanceref bScratch_24__i_1))
+ (portref I2 (instanceref bPulserEnableDelayVal_0__i_1))
+ (portref (member bRegPortInFlat 23))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename bRegPortInFlat_27_ "bRegPortInFlat[27]") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref RePulse1CntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_25_))
+ (portref D (instanceref RePulse2CntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_25_))
+ (portref D (instanceref RpCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_25_))
+ (portref D (instanceref RptCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_25_))
+ (portref D (instanceref SpCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_25_))
+ (portref D (instanceref SptCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_25_))
+ (portref I0 (instanceref bPulserEnableDelayVal_1__i_1))
+ (portref (member bRegPortInFlat 22))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename bRegPortInFlat_28_ "bRegPortInFlat[28]") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref RePulse1CntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_26_))
+ (portref D (instanceref RePulse2CntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_26_))
+ (portref D (instanceref RpCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_26_))
+ (portref D (instanceref RptCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_26_))
+ (portref D (instanceref SpCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_26_))
+ (portref D (instanceref SptCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_26_))
+ (portref I0 (instanceref bPulserEnableDelayVal_2__i_1))
+ (portref (member bRegPortInFlat 21))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename bRegPortInFlat_29_ "bRegPortInFlat[29]") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref RePulse1CntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_27_))
+ (portref D (instanceref RePulse2CntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_27_))
+ (portref D (instanceref RpCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_27_))
+ (portref D (instanceref RptCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_27_))
+ (portref D (instanceref SpCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_27_))
+ (portref D (instanceref SptCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_27_))
+ (portref I0 (instanceref bPulserEnableDelayVal_3__i_2))
+ (portref (member bRegPortInFlat 20))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename bRegPortInFlat_2_ "bRegPortInFlat[2]") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref RePulse1CntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_0_))
+ (portref D (instanceref RePulse2CntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_0_))
+ (portref D (instanceref RpCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_0_))
+ (portref D (instanceref RptCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_0_))
+ (portref D (instanceref SpCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_0_))
+ (portref D (instanceref SptCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_0_))
+ (portref I0 (instanceref bClearTdcRegs_i_1))
+ (portref I0 (instanceref bScratch_0__i_1))
+ (portref I3 (instanceref bResetTdc_i_1))
+ (portref (member bRegPortInFlat 47))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename bRegPortInFlat_30_ "bRegPortInFlat[30]") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref RePulse1CntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_28_))
+ (portref D (instanceref RePulse2CntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_28_))
+ (portref D (instanceref RpCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_28_))
+ (portref D (instanceref RptCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_28_))
+ (portref D (instanceref SpCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_28_))
+ (portref D (instanceref SptCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_28_))
+ (portref I0 (instanceref bPulserEnableDelayVal_3__i_1))
+ (portref I0 (instanceref bScratch_28__i_1))
+ (portref I2 (instanceref bPushPulserEnableDelayVal_i_1))
+ (portref (member bRegPortInFlat 19))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename bRegPortInFlat_31_ "bRegPortInFlat[31]") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref RePulse1CntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_29_))
+ (portref D (instanceref RePulse2CntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_29_))
+ (portref D (instanceref RpCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_29_))
+ (portref D (instanceref RptCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_29_))
+ (portref D (instanceref SpCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_29_))
+ (portref D (instanceref SptCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_29_))
+ (portref I0 (instanceref bScratch_29__i_1))
+ (portref (member bRegPortInFlat 18))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename bRegPortInFlat_32_ "bRegPortInFlat[32]") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref RePulse1CntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_30_))
+ (portref D (instanceref RePulse2CntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_30_))
+ (portref D (instanceref RpCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_30_))
+ (portref D (instanceref RptCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_30_))
+ (portref D (instanceref SpCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_30_))
+ (portref D (instanceref SptCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_30_))
+ (portref I0 (instanceref bScratch_30__i_1))
+ (portref (member bRegPortInFlat 17))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename bRegPortInFlat_33_ "bRegPortInFlat[33]") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref RePulse1CntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_31_))
+ (portref D (instanceref RePulse2CntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_31_))
+ (portref D (instanceref RpCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_31_))
+ (portref D (instanceref RptCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_31_))
+ (portref D (instanceref SpCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_31_))
+ (portref D (instanceref SptCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_31_))
+ (portref I0 (instanceref bScratch_31__i_2))
+ (portref (member bRegPortInFlat 16))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename bRegPortInFlat_34_ "bRegPortInFlat[34]") (joined
+ (portref I0 (instanceref aTdcResetLcl_i_3))
+ (portref I0 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__28__i_10))
+ (portref I3 (instanceref bRpOffsetStored_39__i_3))
+ (portref I4 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__30__i_6))
+ (portref (member bRegPortInFlat 15))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename bRegPortInFlat_35_ "bRegPortInFlat[35]") (joined
+ (portref I1 (instanceref aTdcResetLcl_i_3))
+ (portref I1 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__28__i_10))
+ (portref I2 (instanceref bRpOffsetStored_39__i_3))
+ (portref I3 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__30__i_6))
+ (portref (member bRegPortInFlat 14))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename bRegPortInFlat_36_ "bRegPortInFlat[36]") (joined
+ (portref I0 (instanceref bPushPpsDelayVal_i_4))
+ (portref I0 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__27__i_4))
+ (portref I0 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__31__i_12))
+ (portref I0 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__4__i_5))
+ (portref I0 (instanceref bScratch_31__i_4))
+ (portref I1 (instanceref BlkIn_iDlyPush_i_1__0))
+ (portref I1 (instanceref BlkIn_iDlyPush_i_1__4))
+ (portref I1 (instanceref Gen0_FDCEx_i_1))
+ (portref I1 (instanceref Gen0_FDCEx_i_1__1))
+ (portref I1 (instanceref Gen0_FDCEx_i_1__2))
+ (portref I1 (instanceref Gen0_FDCEx_i_1__3))
+ (portref I1 (instanceref aTdcResetLcl_i_2))
+ (portref I1 (instanceref bClearTdcRegs_i_3))
+ (portref I2 (instanceref BlkIn_iDlyPush_i_1))
+ (portref I2 (instanceref BlkIn_iDlyPush_i_1__1))
+ (portref I2 (instanceref BlkIn_iDlyPush_i_1__2))
+ (portref I2 (instanceref BlkIn_iDlyPush_i_1__3))
+ (portref I2 (instanceref Gen0_FDCEx_i_1__0))
+ (portref I2 (instanceref Gen0_FDCEx_i_1__4))
+ (portref I4 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__28__i_4))
+ (portref I4 (instanceref bRpOffsetStored_39__i_4))
+ (portref I5 (instanceref bPpsClkCrossDelayVal_3__i_3))
+ (portref I5 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__0__i_5))
+ (portref I5 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__31__i_6))
+ (portref I5 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__4__i_6))
+ (portref I5 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__7__i_6))
+ (portref (member bRegPortInFlat 13))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename bRegPortInFlat_37_ "bRegPortInFlat[37]") (joined
+ (portref I0 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__0__i_7))
+ (portref I0 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__25__i_3))
+ (portref I0 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__28__i_4))
+ (portref I0 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__28__i_9))
+ (portref I1 (instanceref Gen0_FDCEx_i_3))
+ (portref I1 (instanceref bPpsClkCrossDelayVal_3__i_3))
+ (portref I1 (instanceref bPushPpsDelayVal_i_2))
+ (portref I1 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__16__i_3))
+ (portref I1 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__16__i_4))
+ (portref I1 (instanceref bRpOffsetStored_39__i_4))
+ (portref I2 (instanceref Gen0_FDCEx_i_3__0))
+ (portref I2 (instanceref Gen0_FDCEx_i_3__1))
+ (portref I2 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__27__i_4))
+ (portref I3 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__4__i_5))
+ (portref I3 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__4__i_6))
+ (portref I4 (instanceref bClearTdcRegs_i_2))
+ (portref I4 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__26__i_3))
+ (portref I4 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__27__i_3))
+ (portref I4 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__30__i_4))
+ (portref I4 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__31__i_5))
+ (portref I4 (instanceref bScratch_31__i_1))
+ (portref I5 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__31__i_10))
+ (portref I5 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__31__i_9))
+ (portref (member bRegPortInFlat 12))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename bRegPortInFlat_38_ "bRegPortInFlat[38]") (joined
+ (portref I0 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__27__i_7))
+ (portref I0 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__28__i_7))
+ (portref I0 (instanceref bScratch_31__i_3))
+ (portref I1 (instanceref bPushPpsDelayVal_i_3))
+ (portref I1 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__0__i_7))
+ (portref I1 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__25__i_3))
+ (portref I1 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__31__i_7))
+ (portref I1 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__31__i_8))
+ (portref I1 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__8__i_6))
+ (portref I1 (instanceref bRpOffsetStored_39__i_1))
+ (portref I2 (instanceref bClearTdcRegs_i_2))
+ (portref I2 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__28__i_5))
+ (portref I2 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__31__i_11))
+ (portref I3 (instanceref aTdcResetLcl_i_2))
+ (portref I3 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__26__i_3))
+ (portref I3 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__27__i_3))
+ (portref I3 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__30__i_4))
+ (portref I3 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__31__i_5))
+ (portref I3 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__31__i_6))
+ (portref I3 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__7__i_6))
+ (portref I4 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__31__i_10))
+ (portref I4 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__31__i_9))
+ (portref I5 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__28__i_8))
+ (portref (member bRegPortInFlat 11))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename bRegPortInFlat_39_ "bRegPortInFlat[39]") (joined
+ (portref I0 (instanceref aTdcResetLcl_i_2))
+ (portref I0 (instanceref bClearTdcRegs_i_3))
+ (portref I1 (instanceref BlkIn_iDlyPush_i_1))
+ (portref I1 (instanceref BlkIn_iDlyPush_i_1__1))
+ (portref I1 (instanceref BlkIn_iDlyPush_i_1__2))
+ (portref I1 (instanceref BlkIn_iDlyPush_i_1__3))
+ (portref I1 (instanceref Gen0_FDCEx_i_1__0))
+ (portref I1 (instanceref Gen0_FDCEx_i_1__4))
+ (portref I1 (instanceref bPushPpsDelayVal_i_4))
+ (portref I1 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__27__i_4))
+ (portref I1 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__31__i_12))
+ (portref I1 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__4__i_5))
+ (portref I1 (instanceref bScratch_31__i_4))
+ (portref I2 (instanceref BlkIn_iDlyPush_i_1__0))
+ (portref I2 (instanceref BlkIn_iDlyPush_i_1__4))
+ (portref I2 (instanceref Gen0_FDCEx_i_1))
+ (portref I2 (instanceref Gen0_FDCEx_i_1__1))
+ (portref I2 (instanceref Gen0_FDCEx_i_1__2))
+ (portref I2 (instanceref Gen0_FDCEx_i_1__3))
+ (portref I3 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__10__i_3))
+ (portref I3 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__16__i_3))
+ (portref I3 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__28__i_3))
+ (portref I3 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__28__i_4))
+ (portref I3 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__9__i_4))
+ (portref I3 (instanceref bRpOffsetStored_39__i_4))
+ (portref I4 (instanceref bPpsClkCrossDelayVal_3__i_3))
+ (portref I4 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__0__i_5))
+ (portref I4 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__31__i_6))
+ (portref I4 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__4__i_6))
+ (portref I4 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__7__i_6))
+ (portref I5 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__27__i_3))
+ (portref (member bRegPortInFlat 10))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename bRegPortInFlat_3_ "bRegPortInFlat[3]") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref RePulse1CntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_1_))
+ (portref D (instanceref RePulse2CntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_1_))
+ (portref D (instanceref RpCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_1_))
+ (portref D (instanceref RptCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_1_))
+ (portref D (instanceref SpCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_1_))
+ (portref D (instanceref SptCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_1_))
+ (portref I0 (instanceref bScratch_1__i_1))
+ (portref I2 (instanceref bResetTdc_i_1))
+ (portref (member bRegPortInFlat 46))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename bRegPortInFlat_40_ "bRegPortInFlat[40]") (joined
+ (portref I1 (instanceref Gen0_FDCEx_i_3__0))
+ (portref I1 (instanceref Gen0_FDCEx_i_3__1))
+ (portref I1 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__26__i_3))
+ (portref I1 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__27__i_3))
+ (portref I1 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__30__i_4))
+ (portref I1 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__31__i_5))
+ (portref I2 (instanceref Gen0_FDCEx_i_3))
+ (portref I2 (instanceref bPpsClkCrossDelayVal_3__i_3))
+ (portref I2 (instanceref bPushPpsDelayVal_i_2))
+ (portref I2 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__28__i_4))
+ (portref I2 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__31__i_10))
+ (portref I2 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__31__i_9))
+ (portref I2 (instanceref bRpOffsetStored_39__i_4))
+ (portref I3 (instanceref bClearTdcRegs_i_2))
+ (portref I3 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__27__i_7))
+ (portref I3 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__28__i_7))
+ (portref I3 (instanceref bScratch_31__i_1))
+ (portref I4 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__0__i_7))
+ (portref I4 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__25__i_3))
+ (portref I4 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__27__i_4))
+ (portref I4 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__28__i_5))
+ (portref I4 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__31__i_11))
+ (portref I4 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__31__i_7))
+ (portref I4 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__31__i_8))
+ (portref (member bRegPortInFlat 9))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename bRegPortInFlat_41_ "bRegPortInFlat[41]") (joined
+ (portref I3 (instanceref aTdcResetLcl_i_4))
+ (portref (member bRegPortInFlat 8))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename bRegPortInFlat_42_ "bRegPortInFlat[42]") (joined
+ (portref I0 (instanceref Gen0_FDCEx_i_3))
+ (portref I0 (instanceref bPpsClkCrossDelayVal_3__i_3))
+ (portref I0 (instanceref bPushPpsDelayVal_i_2))
+ (portref I0 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__26__i_3))
+ (portref I0 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__27__i_3))
+ (portref I0 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__31__i_5))
+ (portref I0 (instanceref bRpOffsetStored_39__i_4))
+ (portref I1 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__28__i_9))
+ (portref I1 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__31__i_10))
+ (portref I1 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__31__i_9))
+ (portref I1 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__4__i_6))
+ (portref I1 (instanceref bScratch_31__i_1))
+ (portref I2 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__13__i_1))
+ (portref I2 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__16__i_3))
+ (portref I2 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__19__i_1))
+ (portref I2 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__24__i_1))
+ (portref I2 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__25__i_1))
+ (portref I2 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__4__i_5))
+ (portref I3 (instanceref Gen0_FDCEx_i_3__0))
+ (portref I3 (instanceref Gen0_FDCEx_i_3__1))
+ (portref I3 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__16__i_4))
+ (portref I4 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__10__i_3))
+ (portref I4 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__28__i_3))
+ (portref I4 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__9__i_4))
+ (portref I5 (instanceref bClearTdcRegs_i_2))
+ (portref I5 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__0__i_7))
+ (portref I5 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__27__i_4))
+ (portref I5 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__28__i_4))
+ (portref I5 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__30__i_4))
+ (portref (member bRegPortInFlat 7))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename bRegPortInFlat_43_ "bRegPortInFlat[43]") (joined
+ (portref I2 (instanceref aTdcResetLcl_i_4))
+ (portref (member bRegPortInFlat 6))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename bRegPortInFlat_44_ "bRegPortInFlat[44]") (joined
+ (portref I1 (instanceref aTdcResetLcl_i_4))
+ (portref (member bRegPortInFlat 5))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename bRegPortInFlat_45_ "bRegPortInFlat[45]") (joined
+ (portref I0 (instanceref aTdcResetLcl_i_4))
+ (portref (member bRegPortInFlat 4))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename bRegPortInFlat_46_ "bRegPortInFlat[46]") (joined
+ (portref I3 (instanceref aTdcResetLcl_i_5))
+ (portref (member bRegPortInFlat 3))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename bRegPortInFlat_47_ "bRegPortInFlat[47]") (joined
+ (portref I2 (instanceref aTdcResetLcl_i_5))
+ (portref (member bRegPortInFlat 2))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename bRegPortInFlat_48_ "bRegPortInFlat[48]") (joined
+ (portref I1 (instanceref aTdcResetLcl_i_5))
+ (portref (member bRegPortInFlat 1))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename bRegPortInFlat_49_ "bRegPortInFlat[49]") (joined
+ (portref I0 (instanceref aTdcResetLcl_i_5))
+ (portref (member bRegPortInFlat 0))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename bRegPortInFlat_4_ "bRegPortInFlat[4]") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref RePulse1CntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_2_))
+ (portref D (instanceref RePulse2CntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_2_))
+ (portref D (instanceref RpCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_2_))
+ (portref D (instanceref RptCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_2_))
+ (portref D (instanceref SpCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_2_))
+ (portref D (instanceref SptCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_2_))
+ (portref I0 (instanceref bScratch_2__i_1))
+ (portref (member bRegPortInFlat 45))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename bRegPortInFlat_5_ "bRegPortInFlat[5]") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref RePulse1CntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_3_))
+ (portref D (instanceref RePulse2CntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_3_))
+ (portref D (instanceref RpCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_3_))
+ (portref D (instanceref RptCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_3_))
+ (portref D (instanceref SpCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_3_))
+ (portref D (instanceref SptCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_3_))
+ (portref I0 (instanceref bScratch_3__i_1))
+ (portref (member bRegPortInFlat 44))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename bRegPortInFlat_6_ "bRegPortInFlat[6]") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref RePulse1CntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_4_))
+ (portref D (instanceref RePulse2CntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_4_))
+ (portref D (instanceref RpCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_4_))
+ (portref D (instanceref RptCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_4_))
+ (portref D (instanceref SpCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_4_))
+ (portref D (instanceref SptCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_4_))
+ (portref I0 (instanceref aTdcResetLcl_i_1))
+ (portref I0 (instanceref aTdcResetLcl_rep_i_1))
+ (portref I0 (instanceref aTdcResetLcl_rep_i_1__0))
+ (portref I0 (instanceref aTdcResetLcl_rep_i_1__1))
+ (portref I0 (instanceref aTdcResetLcl_rep_i_1__2))
+ (portref I0 (instanceref aTdcResetLcl_rep_i_1__3))
+ (portref I0 (instanceref bScratch_4__i_1))
+ (portref I3 (instanceref bEnableTdc_i_1))
+ (portref (member bRegPortInFlat 43))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename bRegPortInFlat_7_ "bRegPortInFlat[7]") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref RePulse1CntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_5_))
+ (portref D (instanceref RePulse2CntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_5_))
+ (portref D (instanceref RpCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_5_))
+ (portref D (instanceref RptCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_5_))
+ (portref D (instanceref SpCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_5_))
+ (portref D (instanceref SptCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_5_))
+ (portref I0 (instanceref bScratch_5__i_1))
+ (portref I2 (instanceref bEnableTdc_i_1))
+ (portref (member bRegPortInFlat 42))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename bRegPortInFlat_8_ "bRegPortInFlat[8]") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref RePulse1CntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_6_))
+ (portref D (instanceref RePulse2CntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_6_))
+ (portref D (instanceref RpCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_6_))
+ (portref D (instanceref RptCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_6_))
+ (portref D (instanceref SpCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_6_))
+ (portref D (instanceref SptCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_6_))
+ (portref I0 (instanceref bScratch_6__i_1))
+ (portref (member bRegPortInFlat 41))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename bRegPortInFlat_9_ "bRegPortInFlat[9]") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref RePulse1CntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_7_))
+ (portref D (instanceref RePulse2CntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_7_))
+ (portref D (instanceref RpCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_7_))
+ (portref D (instanceref RptCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_7_))
+ (portref D (instanceref SpCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_7_))
+ (portref D (instanceref SptCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_7_))
+ (portref I0 (instanceref bScratch_7__i_1))
+ (portref (member bRegPortInFlat 40))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename bRegPortOutFlat_10_ "bRegPortOutFlat[10]") (joined
+ (portref Q (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_reg_Data__8_))
+ (portref (member bRegPortOutFlat 23))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename bRegPortOutFlat_11_ "bRegPortOutFlat[11]") (joined
+ (portref Q (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_reg_Data__9_))
+ (portref (member bRegPortOutFlat 22))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename bRegPortOutFlat_12_ "bRegPortOutFlat[12]") (joined
+ (portref Q (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_reg_Data__10_))
+ (portref (member bRegPortOutFlat 21))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename bRegPortOutFlat_13_ "bRegPortOutFlat[13]") (joined
+ (portref Q (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_reg_Data__11_))
+ (portref (member bRegPortOutFlat 20))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename bRegPortOutFlat_14_ "bRegPortOutFlat[14]") (joined
+ (portref Q (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_reg_Data__12_))
+ (portref (member bRegPortOutFlat 19))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename bRegPortOutFlat_15_ "bRegPortOutFlat[15]") (joined
+ (portref Q (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_reg_Data__13_))
+ (portref (member bRegPortOutFlat 18))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename bRegPortOutFlat_16_ "bRegPortOutFlat[16]") (joined
+ (portref Q (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_reg_Data__14_))
+ (portref (member bRegPortOutFlat 17))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename bRegPortOutFlat_17_ "bRegPortOutFlat[17]") (joined
+ (portref Q (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_reg_Data__15_))
+ (portref (member bRegPortOutFlat 16))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename bRegPortOutFlat_18_ "bRegPortOutFlat[18]") (joined
+ (portref Q (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_reg_Data__16_))
+ (portref (member bRegPortOutFlat 15))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename bRegPortOutFlat_19_ "bRegPortOutFlat[19]") (joined
+ (portref Q (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_reg_Data__17_))
+ (portref (member bRegPortOutFlat 14))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename bRegPortOutFlat_20_ "bRegPortOutFlat[20]") (joined
+ (portref Q (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_reg_Data__18_))
+ (portref (member bRegPortOutFlat 13))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename bRegPortOutFlat_21_ "bRegPortOutFlat[21]") (joined
+ (portref Q (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_reg_Data__19_))
+ (portref (member bRegPortOutFlat 12))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename bRegPortOutFlat_22_ "bRegPortOutFlat[22]") (joined
+ (portref Q (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_reg_Data__20_))
+ (portref (member bRegPortOutFlat 11))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename bRegPortOutFlat_23_ "bRegPortOutFlat[23]") (joined
+ (portref Q (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_reg_Data__21_))
+ (portref (member bRegPortOutFlat 10))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename bRegPortOutFlat_24_ "bRegPortOutFlat[24]") (joined
+ (portref Q (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_reg_Data__22_))
+ (portref (member bRegPortOutFlat 9))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename bRegPortOutFlat_25_ "bRegPortOutFlat[25]") (joined
+ (portref Q (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_reg_Data__23_))
+ (portref (member bRegPortOutFlat 8))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename bRegPortOutFlat_26_ "bRegPortOutFlat[26]") (joined
+ (portref Q (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_reg_Data__24_))
+ (portref (member bRegPortOutFlat 7))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename bRegPortOutFlat_27_ "bRegPortOutFlat[27]") (joined
+ (portref Q (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_reg_Data__25_))
+ (portref (member bRegPortOutFlat 6))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename bRegPortOutFlat_28_ "bRegPortOutFlat[28]") (joined
+ (portref Q (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_reg_Data__26_))
+ (portref (member bRegPortOutFlat 5))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename bRegPortOutFlat_29_ "bRegPortOutFlat[29]") (joined
+ (portref Q (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_reg_Data__27_))
+ (portref (member bRegPortOutFlat 4))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename bRegPortOutFlat_2_ "bRegPortOutFlat[2]") (joined
+ (portref Q (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_reg_Data__0_))
+ (portref (member bRegPortOutFlat 31))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename bRegPortOutFlat_30_ "bRegPortOutFlat[30]") (joined
+ (portref Q (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_reg_Data__28_))
+ (portref (member bRegPortOutFlat 3))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename bRegPortOutFlat_31_ "bRegPortOutFlat[31]") (joined
+ (portref Q (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_reg_Data__29_))
+ (portref (member bRegPortOutFlat 2))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename bRegPortOutFlat_32_ "bRegPortOutFlat[32]") (joined
+ (portref Q (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_reg_Data__30_))
+ (portref (member bRegPortOutFlat 1))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename bRegPortOutFlat_33_ "bRegPortOutFlat[33]") (joined
+ (portref Q (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_reg_Data__31_))
+ (portref (member bRegPortOutFlat 0))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename bRegPortOutFlat_3_ "bRegPortOutFlat[3]") (joined
+ (portref Q (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_reg_Data__1_))
+ (portref (member bRegPortOutFlat 30))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename bRegPortOutFlat_4_ "bRegPortOutFlat[4]") (joined
+ (portref Q (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_reg_Data__2_))
+ (portref (member bRegPortOutFlat 29))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename bRegPortOutFlat_5_ "bRegPortOutFlat[5]") (joined
+ (portref Q (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_reg_Data__3_))
+ (portref (member bRegPortOutFlat 28))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename bRegPortOutFlat_6_ "bRegPortOutFlat[6]") (joined
+ (portref Q (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_reg_Data__4_))
+ (portref (member bRegPortOutFlat 27))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename bRegPortOutFlat_7_ "bRegPortOutFlat[7]") (joined
+ (portref Q (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_reg_Data__5_))
+ (portref (member bRegPortOutFlat 26))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename bRegPortOutFlat_8_ "bRegPortOutFlat[8]") (joined
+ (portref Q (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_reg_Data__6_))
+ (portref (member bRegPortOutFlat 25))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename bRegPortOutFlat_9_ "bRegPortOutFlat[9]") (joined
+ (portref Q (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_reg_Data__7_))
+ (portref (member bRegPortOutFlat 24))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename bRegPortOutLcl_Data__0__i_1_n_0 "bRegPortOutLcl[Data][0]_i_1_n_0") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_reg_Data__0_))
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+ )
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+ (portref I0 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__0__i_1))
+ (portref O (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__0__i_2))
+ )
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+ (portref I1 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__0__i_1))
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+ )
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+ (portref I2 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__0__i_1))
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+ )
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+ )
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+ )
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+ )
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+ )
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+ (portref I0 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__10__i_1))
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+ )
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+ (portref I1 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__10__i_1))
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+ )
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+ )
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+ (portref I0 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__11__i_1))
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+ (portref I1 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__11__i_1))
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+ )
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+ (portref I3 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__11__i_1))
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+ (portref D (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_reg_Data__12_))
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+ )
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+ (portref I0 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__12__i_1))
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+ (portref I5 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__12__i_1))
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+ (portref D (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_reg_Data__13_))
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+ )
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+ (portref I0 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__13__i_1))
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+ (portref I4 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__13__i_1))
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+ (portref I5 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__13__i_1))
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+ (portref D (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_reg_Data__14_))
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+ )
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+ (portref I0 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__14__i_1))
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+ (portref I1 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__14__i_1))
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+ (portref I3 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__14__i_1))
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+ (portref D (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_reg_Data__15_))
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+ )
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+ (portref I0 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__15__i_1))
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+ (portref I1 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__15__i_1))
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+ (portref I2 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__15__i_1))
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+ (portref D (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_reg_Data__16_))
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+ )
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+ )
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+ (portref I4 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__16__i_1))
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+ )
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+ (portref I4 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__17__i_1))
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+ (portref D (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_reg_Data__18_))
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+ )
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+ (portref I0 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__18__i_1))
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+ )
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+ (portref D (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_reg_Data__19_))
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+ )
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+ )
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+ )
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+ )
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+ )
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+ (portref I1 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__21__i_1))
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+ )
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+ )
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+ )
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+ )
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+ )
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+ )
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+ )
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+ )
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+ )
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+ )
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+ )
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+ )
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+ (portref I1 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__0__i_6))
+ (portref I2 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__1__i_2))
+ (portref I2 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__5__i_2))
+ (portref I2 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__9__i_3))
+ (portref I3 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__13__i_1))
+ (portref I3 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__16__i_1))
+ (portref I3 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__19__i_1))
+ (portref I3 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__24__i_1))
+ (portref I3 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__25__i_1))
+ (portref O (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__25__i_3))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename bRegPortOutLcl_Data__25__i_4_n_0 "bRegPortOutLcl[Data][25]_i_4_n_0") (joined
+ (portref I4 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__25__i_1))
+ (portref O (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__25__i_4))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename bRegPortOutLcl_Data__25__i_5_n_0 "bRegPortOutLcl[Data][25]_i_5_n_0") (joined
+ (portref I5 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__25__i_1))
+ (portref O (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__25__i_5))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename bRegPortOutLcl_Data__26__i_1_n_0 "bRegPortOutLcl[Data][26]_i_1_n_0") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_reg_Data__26_))
+ (portref O (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__26__i_1))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename bRegPortOutLcl_Data__26__i_2_n_0 "bRegPortOutLcl[Data][26]_i_2_n_0") (joined
+ (portref I0 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__26__i_1))
+ (portref O (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__26__i_2))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename bRegPortOutLcl_Data__26__i_3_n_0 "bRegPortOutLcl[Data][26]_i_3_n_0") (joined
+ (portref I1 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__18__i_1))
+ (portref I1 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__26__i_1))
+ (portref I1 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__3__i_4))
+ (portref I1 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__7__i_4))
+ (portref I1 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__8__i_4))
+ (portref I3 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__0__i_6))
+ (portref I4 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__6__i_1))
+ (portref I5 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__11__i_4))
+ (portref I5 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__13__i_2))
+ (portref I5 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__14__i_4))
+ (portref I5 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__15__i_4))
+ (portref I5 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__19__i_2))
+ (portref I5 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__1__i_2))
+ (portref I5 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__20__i_4))
+ (portref I5 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__21__i_4))
+ (portref I5 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__22__i_4))
+ (portref I5 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__23__i_4))
+ (portref I5 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__24__i_2))
+ (portref I5 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__25__i_2))
+ (portref I5 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__29__i_4))
+ (portref I5 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__30__i_5))
+ (portref I5 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__31__i_4))
+ (portref I5 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__5__i_2))
+ (portref O (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__26__i_3))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename bRegPortOutLcl_Data__26__i_4_n_0 "bRegPortOutLcl[Data][26]_i_4_n_0") (joined
+ (portref I3 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__26__i_1))
+ (portref O (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__26__i_4))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename bRegPortOutLcl_Data__26__i_5_n_0 "bRegPortOutLcl[Data][26]_i_5_n_0") (joined
+ (portref I4 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__26__i_1))
+ (portref O (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__26__i_5))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename bRegPortOutLcl_Data__27__i_1_n_0 "bRegPortOutLcl[Data][27]_i_1_n_0") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_reg_Data__27_))
+ (portref O (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__27__i_1))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename bRegPortOutLcl_Data__27__i_2_n_0 "bRegPortOutLcl[Data][27]_i_2_n_0") (joined
+ (portref I0 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__27__i_1))
+ (portref O (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__27__i_2))
+ )
+ )
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+ (portref I1 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__4__i_7))
+ (portref I2 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__12__i_1))
+ (portref I2 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__17__i_1))
+ (portref I2 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__27__i_1))
+ (portref I4 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__2__i_1))
+ (portref O (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__27__i_3))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename bRegPortOutLcl_Data__27__i_4_n_0 "bRegPortOutLcl[Data][27]_i_4_n_0") (joined
+ (portref I2 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__2__i_4))
+ (portref I3 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__12__i_1))
+ (portref I3 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__17__i_1))
+ (portref I3 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__27__i_1))
+ (portref O (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__27__i_4))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename bRegPortOutLcl_Data__27__i_5_n_0 "bRegPortOutLcl[Data][27]_i_5_n_0") (joined
+ (portref I4 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__27__i_1))
+ (portref O (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__27__i_5))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename bRegPortOutLcl_Data__27__i_6_n_0 "bRegPortOutLcl[Data][27]_i_6_n_0") (joined
+ (portref I5 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__27__i_1))
+ (portref O (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__27__i_6))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename bRegPortOutLcl_Data__27__i_7_n_0 "bRegPortOutLcl[Data][27]_i_7_n_0") (joined
+ (portref I0 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__12__i_3))
+ (portref I0 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__17__i_3))
+ (portref I0 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__18__i_3))
+ (portref I0 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__26__i_4))
+ (portref I0 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__27__i_5))
+ (portref I0 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__8__i_3))
+ (portref O (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__27__i_7))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename bRegPortOutLcl_Data__28__i_10_n_0 "bRegPortOutLcl[Data][28]_i_10_n_0") (joined
+ (portref I1 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__28__i_8))
+ (portref O (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__28__i_10))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename bRegPortOutLcl_Data__28__i_1_n_0 "bRegPortOutLcl[Data][28]_i_1_n_0") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_reg_Data__28_))
+ (portref O (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__28__i_1))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename bRegPortOutLcl_Data__28__i_2_n_0 "bRegPortOutLcl[Data][28]_i_2_n_0") (joined
+ (portref I0 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__28__i_1))
+ (portref O (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__28__i_2))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename bRegPortOutLcl_Data__28__i_3_n_0 "bRegPortOutLcl[Data][28]_i_3_n_0") (joined
+ (portref I1 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__28__i_1))
+ (portref O (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__28__i_3))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename bRegPortOutLcl_Data__28__i_4_n_0 "bRegPortOutLcl[Data][28]_i_4_n_0") (joined
+ (portref I2 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__10__i_1))
+ (portref I2 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__28__i_1))
+ (portref I4 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__9__i_3))
+ (portref O (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__28__i_4))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename bRegPortOutLcl_Data__28__i_5_n_0 "bRegPortOutLcl[Data][28]_i_5_n_0") (joined
+ (portref I0 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__1__i_2))
+ (portref I0 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__5__i_2))
+ (portref I0 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__9__i_3))
+ (portref I1 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__2__i_4))
+ (portref I1 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__6__i_4))
+ (portref I2 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__11__i_4))
+ (portref I2 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__13__i_2))
+ (portref I2 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__14__i_4))
+ (portref I2 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__15__i_4))
+ (portref I2 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__19__i_2))
+ (portref I2 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__20__i_4))
+ (portref I2 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__21__i_4))
+ (portref I2 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__22__i_4))
+ (portref I2 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__23__i_4))
+ (portref I2 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__24__i_2))
+ (portref I2 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__25__i_2))
+ (portref I2 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__29__i_4))
+ (portref I2 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__30__i_5))
+ (portref I2 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__31__i_4))
+ (portref I3 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__3__i_4))
+ (portref I3 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__4__i_7))
+ (portref I3 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__7__i_4))
+ (portref I3 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__8__i_4))
+ (portref I4 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__10__i_1))
+ (portref I4 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__28__i_1))
+ (portref I5 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__0__i_3))
+ (portref I5 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__12__i_2))
+ (portref I5 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__16__i_3))
+ (portref I5 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__17__i_2))
+ (portref I5 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__18__i_2))
+ (portref I5 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__26__i_2))
+ (portref I5 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__27__i_2))
+ (portref O (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__28__i_5))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename bRegPortOutLcl_Data__28__i_6_n_0 "bRegPortOutLcl[Data][28]_i_6_n_0") (joined
+ (portref I5 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__28__i_1))
+ (portref O (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__28__i_6))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename bRegPortOutLcl_Data__28__i_7_n_0 "bRegPortOutLcl[Data][28]_i_7_n_0") (joined
+ (portref I0 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__16__i_3))
+ (portref I2 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__10__i_3))
+ (portref I2 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__16__i_4))
+ (portref I2 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__28__i_3))
+ (portref I2 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__4__i_6))
+ (portref I2 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__9__i_4))
+ (portref I4 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__4__i_5))
+ (portref O (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__28__i_7))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename bRegPortOutLcl_Data__28__i_8_n_0 "bRegPortOutLcl[Data][28]_i_8_n_0") (joined
+ (portref I1 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__28__i_4))
+ (portref I3 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__27__i_4))
+ (portref O (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__28__i_8))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename bRegPortOutLcl_Data__28__i_9_n_0 "bRegPortOutLcl[Data][28]_i_9_n_0") (joined
+ (portref I3 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__28__i_5))
+ (portref I3 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__31__i_11))
+ (portref I4 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__27__i_7))
+ (portref I5 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__31__i_7))
+ (portref I5 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__31__i_8))
+ (portref O (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__28__i_9))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename bRegPortOutLcl_Data__29__i_1_n_0 "bRegPortOutLcl[Data][29]_i_1_n_0") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_reg_Data__29_))
+ (portref O (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__29__i_1))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename bRegPortOutLcl_Data__29__i_2_n_0 "bRegPortOutLcl[Data][29]_i_2_n_0") (joined
+ (portref I0 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__29__i_1))
+ (portref O (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__29__i_2))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename bRegPortOutLcl_Data__29__i_3_n_0 "bRegPortOutLcl[Data][29]_i_3_n_0") (joined
+ (portref I1 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__29__i_1))
+ (portref O (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__29__i_3))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename bRegPortOutLcl_Data__29__i_4_n_0 "bRegPortOutLcl[Data][29]_i_4_n_0") (joined
+ (portref I3 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__29__i_1))
+ (portref O (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__29__i_4))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename bRegPortOutLcl_Data__2__i_1_n_0 "bRegPortOutLcl[Data][2]_i_1_n_0") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_reg_Data__2_))
+ (portref O (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__2__i_1))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename bRegPortOutLcl_Data__2__i_2_n_0 "bRegPortOutLcl[Data][2]_i_2_n_0") (joined
+ (portref I0 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__2__i_1))
+ (portref O (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__2__i_2))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename bRegPortOutLcl_Data__2__i_3_n_0 "bRegPortOutLcl[Data][2]_i_3_n_0") (joined
+ (portref I1 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__2__i_1))
+ (portref O (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__2__i_3))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename bRegPortOutLcl_Data__2__i_4_n_0 "bRegPortOutLcl[Data][2]_i_4_n_0") (joined
+ (portref I2 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__2__i_1))
+ (portref O (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__2__i_4))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename bRegPortOutLcl_Data__2__i_5_n_0 "bRegPortOutLcl[Data][2]_i_5_n_0") (joined
+ (portref I5 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__2__i_1))
+ (portref O (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__2__i_5))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename bRegPortOutLcl_Data__30__i_1_n_0 "bRegPortOutLcl[Data][30]_i_1_n_0") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_reg_Data__30_))
+ (portref O (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__30__i_1))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename bRegPortOutLcl_Data__30__i_2_n_0 "bRegPortOutLcl[Data][30]_i_2_n_0") (joined
+ (portref I0 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__30__i_1))
+ (portref O (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__30__i_2))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename bRegPortOutLcl_Data__30__i_3_n_0 "bRegPortOutLcl[Data][30]_i_3_n_0") (joined
+ (portref I1 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__30__i_1))
+ (portref O (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__30__i_3))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename bRegPortOutLcl_Data__30__i_4_n_0 "bRegPortOutLcl[Data][30]_i_4_n_0") (joined
+ (portref I0 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__0__i_5))
+ (portref I2 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__11__i_1))
+ (portref I2 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__14__i_1))
+ (portref I2 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__1__i_1))
+ (portref I2 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__20__i_1))
+ (portref I2 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__21__i_1))
+ (portref I2 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__22__i_1))
+ (portref I2 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__29__i_1))
+ (portref I2 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__30__i_1))
+ (portref I2 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__5__i_1))
+ (portref I2 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__6__i_4))
+ (portref O (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__30__i_4))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename bRegPortOutLcl_Data__30__i_5_n_0 "bRegPortOutLcl[Data][30]_i_5_n_0") (joined
+ (portref I3 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__30__i_1))
+ (portref O (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__30__i_5))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename bRegPortOutLcl_Data__30__i_6_n_0 "bRegPortOutLcl[Data][30]_i_6_n_0") (joined
+ (portref I2 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__26__i_3))
+ (portref I2 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__27__i_3))
+ (portref I2 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__30__i_4))
+ (portref I2 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__31__i_5))
+ (portref I3 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__31__i_10))
+ (portref I3 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__31__i_9))
+ (portref O (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__30__i_6))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename bRegPortOutLcl_Data__31__i_10_n_0 "bRegPortOutLcl[Data][31]_i_10_n_0") (joined
+ (portref I0 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__0__i_3))
+ (portref I0 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__12__i_2))
+ (portref I0 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__17__i_2))
+ (portref I0 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__18__i_2))
+ (portref I0 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__26__i_2))
+ (portref I0 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__27__i_2))
+ (portref I2 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__10__i_4))
+ (portref I2 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__16__i_2))
+ (portref I2 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__1__i_5))
+ (portref I2 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__28__i_6))
+ (portref I2 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__2__i_3))
+ (portref I2 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__3__i_5))
+ (portref I2 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__4__i_3))
+ (portref I2 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__5__i_5))
+ (portref I2 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__6__i_3))
+ (portref I2 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__7__i_5))
+ (portref I2 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__8__i_5))
+ (portref I2 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__9__i_2))
+ (portref I5 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__11__i_3))
+ (portref I5 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__13__i_4))
+ (portref I5 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__14__i_3))
+ (portref I5 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__15__i_3))
+ (portref I5 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__19__i_4))
+ (portref I5 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__20__i_3))
+ (portref I5 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__21__i_3))
+ (portref I5 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__22__i_3))
+ (portref I5 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__23__i_3))
+ (portref I5 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__24__i_4))
+ (portref I5 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__25__i_5))
+ (portref I5 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__29__i_3))
+ (portref I5 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__30__i_3))
+ (portref I5 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__31__i_3))
+ (portref O (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__31__i_10))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename bRegPortOutLcl_Data__31__i_11_n_0 "bRegPortOutLcl[Data][31]_i_11_n_0") (joined
+ (portref I0 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__11__i_4))
+ (portref I0 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__13__i_2))
+ (portref I0 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__14__i_4))
+ (portref I0 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__15__i_4))
+ (portref I0 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__19__i_2))
+ (portref I0 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__20__i_4))
+ (portref I0 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__21__i_4))
+ (portref I0 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__22__i_4))
+ (portref I0 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__23__i_4))
+ (portref I0 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__24__i_2))
+ (portref I0 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__25__i_2))
+ (portref I0 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__29__i_4))
+ (portref I0 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__30__i_5))
+ (portref I0 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__31__i_4))
+ (portref I2 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__0__i_3))
+ (portref I2 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__12__i_2))
+ (portref I2 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__17__i_2))
+ (portref I2 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__18__i_2))
+ (portref I2 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__26__i_2))
+ (portref I2 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__27__i_2))
+ (portref I5 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__10__i_4))
+ (portref I5 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__16__i_2))
+ (portref I5 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__1__i_5))
+ (portref I5 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__28__i_6))
+ (portref I5 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__2__i_3))
+ (portref I5 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__3__i_5))
+ (portref I5 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__4__i_3))
+ (portref I5 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__5__i_5))
+ (portref I5 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__6__i_3))
+ (portref I5 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__7__i_5))
+ (portref I5 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__8__i_5))
+ (portref I5 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__9__i_2))
+ (portref O (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__31__i_11))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename bRegPortOutLcl_Data__31__i_12_n_0 "bRegPortOutLcl[Data][31]_i_12_n_0") (joined
+ (portref I0 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__31__i_10))
+ (portref I0 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__31__i_8))
+ (portref O (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__31__i_12))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename bRegPortOutLcl_Data__31__i_1_n_0 "bRegPortOutLcl[Data][31]_i_1_n_0") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_reg_Data__31_))
+ (portref O (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__31__i_1))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename bRegPortOutLcl_Data__31__i_2_n_0 "bRegPortOutLcl[Data][31]_i_2_n_0") (joined
+ (portref I0 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__31__i_1))
+ (portref O (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__31__i_2))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename bRegPortOutLcl_Data__31__i_3_n_0 "bRegPortOutLcl[Data][31]_i_3_n_0") (joined
+ (portref I1 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__31__i_1))
+ (portref O (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__31__i_3))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename bRegPortOutLcl_Data__31__i_4_n_0 "bRegPortOutLcl[Data][31]_i_4_n_0") (joined
+ (portref I2 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__31__i_1))
+ (portref O (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__31__i_4))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename bRegPortOutLcl_Data__31__i_5_n_0 "bRegPortOutLcl[Data][31]_i_5_n_0") (joined
+ (portref I0 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__11__i_2))
+ (portref I0 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__13__i_3))
+ (portref I0 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__14__i_2))
+ (portref I0 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__15__i_2))
+ (portref I0 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__19__i_3))
+ (portref I0 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__1__i_4))
+ (portref I0 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__20__i_2))
+ (portref I0 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__21__i_2))
+ (portref I0 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__22__i_2))
+ (portref I0 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__23__i_2))
+ (portref I0 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__24__i_3))
+ (portref I0 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__25__i_4))
+ (portref I0 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__29__i_2))
+ (portref I0 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__2__i_5))
+ (portref I0 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__30__i_2))
+ (portref I0 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__31__i_2))
+ (portref I0 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__3__i_3))
+ (portref I0 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__4__i_4))
+ (portref I0 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__5__i_4))
+ (portref I0 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__6__i_5))
+ (portref I0 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__7__i_3))
+ (portref I1 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__10__i_3))
+ (portref I1 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__28__i_3))
+ (portref I1 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__9__i_4))
+ (portref I5 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__12__i_3))
+ (portref I5 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__17__i_3))
+ (portref I5 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__18__i_3))
+ (portref I5 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__26__i_4))
+ (portref I5 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__27__i_5))
+ (portref I5 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__8__i_3))
+ (portref O (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__31__i_5))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename bRegPortOutLcl_Data__31__i_6_n_0 "bRegPortOutLcl[Data][31]_i_6_n_0") (joined
+ (portref I0 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__10__i_2))
+ (portref I0 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__16__i_5))
+ (portref I0 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__28__i_2))
+ (portref I0 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__9__i_5))
+ (portref I2 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__0__i_4))
+ (portref I2 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__11__i_2))
+ (portref I2 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__12__i_3))
+ (portref I2 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__13__i_3))
+ (portref I2 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__14__i_2))
+ (portref I2 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__15__i_2))
+ (portref I2 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__17__i_3))
+ (portref I2 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__18__i_3))
+ (portref I2 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__19__i_3))
+ (portref I2 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__20__i_2))
+ (portref I2 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__21__i_2))
+ (portref I2 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__22__i_2))
+ (portref I2 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__23__i_2))
+ (portref I2 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__24__i_3))
+ (portref I2 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__25__i_4))
+ (portref I2 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__26__i_4))
+ (portref I2 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__27__i_5))
+ (portref I2 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__29__i_2))
+ (portref I2 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__30__i_2))
+ (portref I2 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__31__i_2))
+ (portref I2 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__8__i_3))
+ (portref I5 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__1__i_4))
+ (portref I5 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__2__i_5))
+ (portref I5 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__3__i_3))
+ (portref I5 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__4__i_4))
+ (portref I5 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__5__i_4))
+ (portref I5 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__6__i_5))
+ (portref I5 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__7__i_3))
+ (portref O (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__31__i_6))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename bRegPortOutLcl_Data__31__i_7_n_0 "bRegPortOutLcl[Data][31]_i_7_n_0") (joined
+ (portref I0 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__0__i_2))
+ (portref I0 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__12__i_4))
+ (portref I0 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__17__i_4))
+ (portref I0 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__18__i_4))
+ (portref I0 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__26__i_5))
+ (portref I0 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__27__i_6))
+ (portref I2 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__10__i_2))
+ (portref I2 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__16__i_5))
+ (portref I2 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__1__i_3))
+ (portref I2 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__28__i_2))
+ (portref I2 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__2__i_2))
+ (portref I2 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__3__i_2))
+ (portref I2 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__4__i_2))
+ (portref I2 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__5__i_3))
+ (portref I2 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__6__i_2))
+ (portref I2 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__7__i_2))
+ (portref I2 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__8__i_2))
+ (portref I2 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__9__i_5))
+ (portref I5 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__11__i_2))
+ (portref I5 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__13__i_3))
+ (portref I5 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__14__i_2))
+ (portref I5 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__15__i_2))
+ (portref I5 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__19__i_3))
+ (portref I5 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__20__i_2))
+ (portref I5 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__21__i_2))
+ (portref I5 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__22__i_2))
+ (portref I5 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__23__i_2))
+ (portref I5 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__24__i_3))
+ (portref I5 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__25__i_4))
+ (portref I5 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__29__i_2))
+ (portref I5 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__30__i_2))
+ (portref I5 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__31__i_2))
+ (portref O (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__31__i_7))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename bRegPortOutLcl_Data__31__i_8_n_0 "bRegPortOutLcl[Data][31]_i_8_n_0") (joined
+ (portref I0 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__11__i_3))
+ (portref I0 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__13__i_4))
+ (portref I0 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__14__i_3))
+ (portref I0 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__15__i_3))
+ (portref I0 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__19__i_4))
+ (portref I0 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__20__i_3))
+ (portref I0 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__21__i_3))
+ (portref I0 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__22__i_3))
+ (portref I0 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__23__i_3))
+ (portref I0 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__24__i_4))
+ (portref I0 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__25__i_5))
+ (portref I0 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__29__i_3))
+ (portref I0 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__30__i_3))
+ (portref I0 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__31__i_3))
+ (portref I2 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__0__i_2))
+ (portref I2 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__12__i_4))
+ (portref I2 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__17__i_4))
+ (portref I2 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__18__i_4))
+ (portref I2 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__26__i_5))
+ (portref I2 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__27__i_6))
+ (portref I5 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__10__i_2))
+ (portref I5 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__16__i_5))
+ (portref I5 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__1__i_3))
+ (portref I5 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__28__i_2))
+ (portref I5 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__2__i_2))
+ (portref I5 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__3__i_2))
+ (portref I5 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__4__i_2))
+ (portref I5 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__5__i_3))
+ (portref I5 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__6__i_2))
+ (portref I5 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__7__i_2))
+ (portref I5 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__8__i_2))
+ (portref I5 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__9__i_5))
+ (portref O (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__31__i_8))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename bRegPortOutLcl_Data__31__i_9_n_0 "bRegPortOutLcl[Data][31]_i_9_n_0") (joined
+ (portref I0 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__10__i_4))
+ (portref I0 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__16__i_2))
+ (portref I0 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__1__i_5))
+ (portref I0 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__28__i_6))
+ (portref I0 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__2__i_3))
+ (portref I0 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__3__i_5))
+ (portref I0 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__4__i_3))
+ (portref I0 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__5__i_5))
+ (portref I0 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__6__i_3))
+ (portref I0 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__7__i_5))
+ (portref I0 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__8__i_5))
+ (portref I0 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__9__i_2))
+ (portref I2 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__11__i_3))
+ (portref I2 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__13__i_4))
+ (portref I2 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__14__i_3))
+ (portref I2 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__15__i_3))
+ (portref I2 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__19__i_4))
+ (portref I2 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__20__i_3))
+ (portref I2 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__21__i_3))
+ (portref I2 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__22__i_3))
+ (portref I2 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__23__i_3))
+ (portref I2 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__24__i_4))
+ (portref I2 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__25__i_5))
+ (portref I2 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__29__i_3))
+ (portref I2 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__30__i_3))
+ (portref I2 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__31__i_3))
+ (portref I5 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__0__i_2))
+ (portref I5 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__12__i_4))
+ (portref I5 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__17__i_4))
+ (portref I5 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__18__i_4))
+ (portref I5 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__26__i_5))
+ (portref I5 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__27__i_6))
+ (portref O (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__31__i_9))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename bRegPortOutLcl_Data__3__i_1_n_0 "bRegPortOutLcl[Data][3]_i_1_n_0") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_reg_Data__3_))
+ (portref O (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__3__i_1))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename bRegPortOutLcl_Data__3__i_2_n_0 "bRegPortOutLcl[Data][3]_i_2_n_0") (joined
+ (portref I0 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__3__i_1))
+ (portref O (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__3__i_2))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename bRegPortOutLcl_Data__3__i_3_n_0 "bRegPortOutLcl[Data][3]_i_3_n_0") (joined
+ (portref I1 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__3__i_1))
+ (portref O (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__3__i_3))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename bRegPortOutLcl_Data__3__i_4_n_0 "bRegPortOutLcl[Data][3]_i_4_n_0") (joined
+ (portref I2 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__3__i_1))
+ (portref O (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__3__i_4))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename bRegPortOutLcl_Data__3__i_5_n_0 "bRegPortOutLcl[Data][3]_i_5_n_0") (joined
+ (portref I3 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__3__i_1))
+ (portref O (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__3__i_5))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename bRegPortOutLcl_Data__4__i_1_n_0 "bRegPortOutLcl[Data][4]_i_1_n_0") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_reg_Data__4_))
+ (portref O (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__4__i_1))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename bRegPortOutLcl_Data__4__i_2_n_0 "bRegPortOutLcl[Data][4]_i_2_n_0") (joined
+ (portref I0 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__4__i_1))
+ (portref O (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__4__i_2))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename bRegPortOutLcl_Data__4__i_3_n_0 "bRegPortOutLcl[Data][4]_i_3_n_0") (joined
+ (portref I1 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__4__i_1))
+ (portref O (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__4__i_3))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename bRegPortOutLcl_Data__4__i_4_n_0 "bRegPortOutLcl[Data][4]_i_4_n_0") (joined
+ (portref I2 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__4__i_1))
+ (portref O (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__4__i_4))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename bRegPortOutLcl_Data__4__i_5_n_0 "bRegPortOutLcl[Data][4]_i_5_n_0") (joined
+ (portref I3 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__4__i_1))
+ (portref O (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__4__i_5))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename bRegPortOutLcl_Data__4__i_6_n_0 "bRegPortOutLcl[Data][4]_i_6_n_0") (joined
+ (portref I4 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__4__i_1))
+ (portref O (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__4__i_6))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename bRegPortOutLcl_Data__4__i_7_n_0 "bRegPortOutLcl[Data][4]_i_7_n_0") (joined
+ (portref I5 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__4__i_1))
+ (portref O (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__4__i_7))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename bRegPortOutLcl_Data__5__i_1_n_0 "bRegPortOutLcl[Data][5]_i_1_n_0") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_reg_Data__5_))
+ (portref O (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__5__i_1))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename bRegPortOutLcl_Data__5__i_2_n_0 "bRegPortOutLcl[Data][5]_i_2_n_0") (joined
+ (portref I0 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__5__i_1))
+ (portref O (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__5__i_2))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename bRegPortOutLcl_Data__5__i_3_n_0 "bRegPortOutLcl[Data][5]_i_3_n_0") (joined
+ (portref I1 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__5__i_1))
+ (portref O (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__5__i_3))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename bRegPortOutLcl_Data__5__i_4_n_0 "bRegPortOutLcl[Data][5]_i_4_n_0") (joined
+ (portref I3 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__5__i_1))
+ (portref O (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__5__i_4))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename bRegPortOutLcl_Data__5__i_5_n_0 "bRegPortOutLcl[Data][5]_i_5_n_0") (joined
+ (portref I4 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__5__i_1))
+ (portref O (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__5__i_5))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename bRegPortOutLcl_Data__6__i_1_n_0 "bRegPortOutLcl[Data][6]_i_1_n_0") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_reg_Data__6_))
+ (portref O (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__6__i_1))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename bRegPortOutLcl_Data__6__i_2_n_0 "bRegPortOutLcl[Data][6]_i_2_n_0") (joined
+ (portref I0 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__6__i_1))
+ (portref O (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__6__i_2))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename bRegPortOutLcl_Data__6__i_3_n_0 "bRegPortOutLcl[Data][6]_i_3_n_0") (joined
+ (portref I1 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__6__i_1))
+ (portref O (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__6__i_3))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename bRegPortOutLcl_Data__6__i_4_n_0 "bRegPortOutLcl[Data][6]_i_4_n_0") (joined
+ (portref I2 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__6__i_1))
+ (portref O (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__6__i_4))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename bRegPortOutLcl_Data__6__i_5_n_0 "bRegPortOutLcl[Data][6]_i_5_n_0") (joined
+ (portref I5 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__6__i_1))
+ (portref O (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__6__i_5))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename bRegPortOutLcl_Data__7__i_1_n_0 "bRegPortOutLcl[Data][7]_i_1_n_0") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_reg_Data__7_))
+ (portref O (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__7__i_1))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename bRegPortOutLcl_Data__7__i_2_n_0 "bRegPortOutLcl[Data][7]_i_2_n_0") (joined
+ (portref I0 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__7__i_1))
+ (portref O (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__7__i_2))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename bRegPortOutLcl_Data__7__i_3_n_0 "bRegPortOutLcl[Data][7]_i_3_n_0") (joined
+ (portref I1 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__7__i_1))
+ (portref O (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__7__i_3))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename bRegPortOutLcl_Data__7__i_4_n_0 "bRegPortOutLcl[Data][7]_i_4_n_0") (joined
+ (portref I2 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__7__i_1))
+ (portref O (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__7__i_4))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename bRegPortOutLcl_Data__7__i_5_n_0 "bRegPortOutLcl[Data][7]_i_5_n_0") (joined
+ (portref I3 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__7__i_1))
+ (portref O (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__7__i_5))
+ )
+ )
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+ (portref I0 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__0__i_4))
+ (portref I2 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__1__i_4))
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+ (portref I2 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__3__i_3))
+ (portref I2 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__4__i_4))
+ (portref I2 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__5__i_4))
+ (portref I2 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__6__i_5))
+ (portref I2 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__7__i_3))
+ (portref O (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__7__i_6))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename bRegPortOutLcl_Data__8__i_1_n_0 "bRegPortOutLcl[Data][8]_i_1_n_0") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_reg_Data__8_))
+ (portref O (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__8__i_1))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename bRegPortOutLcl_Data__8__i_2_n_0 "bRegPortOutLcl[Data][8]_i_2_n_0") (joined
+ (portref I0 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__8__i_1))
+ (portref O (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__8__i_2))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename bRegPortOutLcl_Data__8__i_3_n_0 "bRegPortOutLcl[Data][8]_i_3_n_0") (joined
+ (portref I1 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__8__i_1))
+ (portref O (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__8__i_3))
+ )
+ )
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+ (portref I2 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__8__i_1))
+ (portref O (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__8__i_4))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename bRegPortOutLcl_Data__8__i_5_n_0 "bRegPortOutLcl[Data][8]_i_5_n_0") (joined
+ (portref I3 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__8__i_1))
+ (portref O (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__8__i_5))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename bRegPortOutLcl_Data__8__i_6_n_0 "bRegPortOutLcl[Data][8]_i_6_n_0") (joined
+ (portref I0 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__1__i_3))
+ (portref I0 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__2__i_2))
+ (portref I0 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__3__i_2))
+ (portref I0 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__4__i_2))
+ (portref I0 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__5__i_3))
+ (portref I0 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__6__i_2))
+ (portref I0 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__7__i_2))
+ (portref I0 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__8__i_2))
+ (portref I5 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__0__i_4))
+ (portref O (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__8__i_6))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename bRegPortOutLcl_Data__9__i_1_n_0 "bRegPortOutLcl[Data][9]_i_1_n_0") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_reg_Data__9_))
+ (portref O (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__9__i_1))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename bRegPortOutLcl_Data__9__i_2_n_0 "bRegPortOutLcl[Data][9]_i_2_n_0") (joined
+ (portref I0 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__9__i_1))
+ (portref O (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__9__i_2))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename bRegPortOutLcl_Data__9__i_3_n_0 "bRegPortOutLcl[Data][9]_i_3_n_0") (joined
+ (portref I1 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__9__i_1))
+ (portref O (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__9__i_3))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename bRegPortOutLcl_Data__9__i_4_n_0 "bRegPortOutLcl[Data][9]_i_4_n_0") (joined
+ (portref I2 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__9__i_1))
+ (portref O (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__9__i_4))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename bRegPortOutLcl_Data__9__i_5_n_0 "bRegPortOutLcl[Data][9]_i_5_n_0") (joined
+ (portref I3 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__9__i_1))
+ (portref O (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__9__i_5))
+ )
+ )
+ (net bResetTdcDone (joined
+ (portref I1 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__0__i_5))
+ (portref Q (instanceref ResetDoneDs_DoubleSyncBasex_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ )
+ )
+ (net bResetTdc_i_1_n_0 (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref bResetTdc_reg))
+ (portref O (instanceref bResetTdc_i_1))
+ )
+ )
+ (net bResetTdc_reg_n_0 (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref ResetTdcDs_DoubleSyncBasex_iDlySigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref I0 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__0__i_6))
+ (portref I2 (instanceref bOffsetUpdated_i_1))
+ (portref I3 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__1__i_2))
+ (portref I5 (instanceref bResetTdc_i_1))
+ (portref Q (instanceref bResetTdc_reg))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename bRpOffsetStored_0_ "bRpOffsetStored[0]") (joined
+ (portref I2 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__0__i_5))
+ (portref Q (instanceref bRpOffsetStored_reg_0_))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename bRpOffsetStored_0__i_1_n_0 "bRpOffsetStored[0]_i_1_n_0") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref bRpOffsetStored_reg_0_))
+ (portref O (instanceref bRpOffsetStored_0__i_1))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename bRpOffsetStored_10_ "bRpOffsetStored[10]") (joined
+ (portref I0 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__10__i_3))
+ (portref Q (instanceref bRpOffsetStored_reg_10_))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename bRpOffsetStored_10__i_1_n_0 "bRpOffsetStored[10]_i_1_n_0") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref bRpOffsetStored_reg_10_))
+ (portref O (instanceref bRpOffsetStored_10__i_1))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename bRpOffsetStored_11_ "bRpOffsetStored[11]") (joined
+ (portref I1 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__11__i_2))
+ (portref Q (instanceref bRpOffsetStored_reg_11_))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename bRpOffsetStored_11__i_1_n_0 "bRpOffsetStored[11]_i_1_n_0") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref bRpOffsetStored_reg_11_))
+ (portref O (instanceref bRpOffsetStored_11__i_1))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename bRpOffsetStored_12_ "bRpOffsetStored[12]") (joined
+ (portref I4 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__12__i_3))
+ (portref Q (instanceref bRpOffsetStored_reg_12_))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename bRpOffsetStored_12__i_1_n_0 "bRpOffsetStored[12]_i_1_n_0") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref bRpOffsetStored_reg_12_))
+ (portref O (instanceref bRpOffsetStored_12__i_1))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename bRpOffsetStored_13_ "bRpOffsetStored[13]") (joined
+ (portref I1 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__13__i_3))
+ (portref Q (instanceref bRpOffsetStored_reg_13_))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename bRpOffsetStored_13__i_1_n_0 "bRpOffsetStored[13]_i_1_n_0") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref bRpOffsetStored_reg_13_))
+ (portref O (instanceref bRpOffsetStored_13__i_1))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename bRpOffsetStored_14_ "bRpOffsetStored[14]") (joined
+ (portref I1 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__14__i_2))
+ (portref Q (instanceref bRpOffsetStored_reg_14_))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename bRpOffsetStored_14__i_1_n_0 "bRpOffsetStored[14]_i_1_n_0") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref bRpOffsetStored_reg_14_))
+ (portref O (instanceref bRpOffsetStored_14__i_1))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename bRpOffsetStored_15_ "bRpOffsetStored[15]") (joined
+ (portref I1 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__15__i_2))
+ (portref Q (instanceref bRpOffsetStored_reg_15_))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename bRpOffsetStored_15__i_1_n_0 "bRpOffsetStored[15]_i_1_n_0") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref bRpOffsetStored_reg_15_))
+ (portref O (instanceref bRpOffsetStored_15__i_1))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename bRpOffsetStored_16_ "bRpOffsetStored[16]") (joined
+ (portref I0 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__16__i_4))
+ (portref Q (instanceref bRpOffsetStored_reg_16_))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename bRpOffsetStored_16__i_1_n_0 "bRpOffsetStored[16]_i_1_n_0") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref bRpOffsetStored_reg_16_))
+ (portref O (instanceref bRpOffsetStored_16__i_1))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename bRpOffsetStored_17_ "bRpOffsetStored[17]") (joined
+ (portref I4 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__17__i_3))
+ (portref Q (instanceref bRpOffsetStored_reg_17_))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename bRpOffsetStored_17__i_1_n_0 "bRpOffsetStored[17]_i_1_n_0") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref bRpOffsetStored_reg_17_))
+ (portref O (instanceref bRpOffsetStored_17__i_1))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename bRpOffsetStored_18_ "bRpOffsetStored[18]") (joined
+ (portref I4 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__18__i_3))
+ (portref Q (instanceref bRpOffsetStored_reg_18_))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename bRpOffsetStored_18__i_1_n_0 "bRpOffsetStored[18]_i_1_n_0") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref bRpOffsetStored_reg_18_))
+ (portref O (instanceref bRpOffsetStored_18__i_1))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename bRpOffsetStored_19_ "bRpOffsetStored[19]") (joined
+ (portref I1 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__19__i_3))
+ (portref Q (instanceref bRpOffsetStored_reg_19_))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename bRpOffsetStored_19__i_1_n_0 "bRpOffsetStored[19]_i_1_n_0") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref bRpOffsetStored_reg_19_))
+ (portref O (instanceref bRpOffsetStored_19__i_1))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename bRpOffsetStored_1_ "bRpOffsetStored[1]") (joined
+ (portref I1 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__1__i_4))
+ (portref Q (instanceref bRpOffsetStored_reg_1_))
+ )
+ )
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+ (portref D (instanceref bRpOffsetStored_reg_1_))
+ (portref O (instanceref bRpOffsetStored_1__i_1))
+ )
+ )
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+ (portref I1 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__20__i_2))
+ (portref Q (instanceref bRpOffsetStored_reg_20_))
+ )
+ )
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+ (portref D (instanceref bRpOffsetStored_reg_20_))
+ (portref O (instanceref bRpOffsetStored_20__i_1))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename bRpOffsetStored_21_ "bRpOffsetStored[21]") (joined
+ (portref I1 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__21__i_2))
+ (portref Q (instanceref bRpOffsetStored_reg_21_))
+ )
+ )
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+ (portref D (instanceref bRpOffsetStored_reg_21_))
+ (portref O (instanceref bRpOffsetStored_21__i_1))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename bRpOffsetStored_22_ "bRpOffsetStored[22]") (joined
+ (portref I1 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__22__i_2))
+ (portref Q (instanceref bRpOffsetStored_reg_22_))
+ )
+ )
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+ (portref D (instanceref bRpOffsetStored_reg_22_))
+ (portref O (instanceref bRpOffsetStored_22__i_1))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename bRpOffsetStored_23_ "bRpOffsetStored[23]") (joined
+ (portref I1 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__23__i_2))
+ (portref Q (instanceref bRpOffsetStored_reg_23_))
+ )
+ )
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+ (portref D (instanceref bRpOffsetStored_reg_23_))
+ (portref O (instanceref bRpOffsetStored_23__i_1))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename bRpOffsetStored_24_ "bRpOffsetStored[24]") (joined
+ (portref I1 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__24__i_3))
+ (portref Q (instanceref bRpOffsetStored_reg_24_))
+ )
+ )
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+ (portref D (instanceref bRpOffsetStored_reg_24_))
+ (portref O (instanceref bRpOffsetStored_24__i_1))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename bRpOffsetStored_25_ "bRpOffsetStored[25]") (joined
+ (portref I1 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__25__i_4))
+ (portref Q (instanceref bRpOffsetStored_reg_25_))
+ )
+ )
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+ (portref D (instanceref bRpOffsetStored_reg_25_))
+ (portref O (instanceref bRpOffsetStored_25__i_1))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename bRpOffsetStored_26_ "bRpOffsetStored[26]") (joined
+ (portref I4 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__26__i_4))
+ (portref Q (instanceref bRpOffsetStored_reg_26_))
+ )
+ )
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+ (portref D (instanceref bRpOffsetStored_reg_26_))
+ (portref O (instanceref bRpOffsetStored_26__i_1))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename bRpOffsetStored_27_ "bRpOffsetStored[27]") (joined
+ (portref I4 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__27__i_5))
+ (portref Q (instanceref bRpOffsetStored_reg_27_))
+ )
+ )
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+ (portref D (instanceref bRpOffsetStored_reg_27_))
+ (portref O (instanceref bRpOffsetStored_27__i_1))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename bRpOffsetStored_28_ "bRpOffsetStored[28]") (joined
+ (portref I0 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__28__i_3))
+ (portref Q (instanceref bRpOffsetStored_reg_28_))
+ )
+ )
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+ (portref D (instanceref bRpOffsetStored_reg_28_))
+ (portref O (instanceref bRpOffsetStored_28__i_1))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename bRpOffsetStored_29_ "bRpOffsetStored[29]") (joined
+ (portref I1 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__29__i_2))
+ (portref Q (instanceref bRpOffsetStored_reg_29_))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename bRpOffsetStored_29__i_1_n_0 "bRpOffsetStored[29]_i_1_n_0") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref bRpOffsetStored_reg_29_))
+ (portref O (instanceref bRpOffsetStored_29__i_1))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename bRpOffsetStored_2_ "bRpOffsetStored[2]") (joined
+ (portref I1 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__2__i_5))
+ (portref Q (instanceref bRpOffsetStored_reg_2_))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename bRpOffsetStored_2__i_1_n_0 "bRpOffsetStored[2]_i_1_n_0") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref bRpOffsetStored_reg_2_))
+ (portref O (instanceref bRpOffsetStored_2__i_1))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename bRpOffsetStored_30_ "bRpOffsetStored[30]") (joined
+ (portref I1 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__30__i_2))
+ (portref Q (instanceref bRpOffsetStored_reg_30_))
+ )
+ )
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+ (portref D (instanceref bRpOffsetStored_reg_30_))
+ (portref O (instanceref bRpOffsetStored_30__i_1))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename bRpOffsetStored_31_ "bRpOffsetStored[31]") (joined
+ (portref I1 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__31__i_2))
+ (portref Q (instanceref bRpOffsetStored_reg_31_))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename bRpOffsetStored_31__i_1_n_0 "bRpOffsetStored[31]_i_1_n_0") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref bRpOffsetStored_reg_31_))
+ (portref O (instanceref bRpOffsetStored_31__i_1))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename bRpOffsetStored_32_ "bRpOffsetStored[32]") (joined
+ (portref I1 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__0__i_4))
+ (portref Q (instanceref bRpOffsetStored_reg_32_))
+ )
+ )
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+ (portref D (instanceref bRpOffsetStored_reg_32_))
+ (portref O (instanceref bRpOffsetStored_32__i_1))
+ )
+ )
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+ (portref I3 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__1__i_4))
+ (portref Q (instanceref bRpOffsetStored_reg_33_))
+ )
+ )
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+ (portref D (instanceref bRpOffsetStored_reg_33_))
+ (portref O (instanceref bRpOffsetStored_33__i_1))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename bRpOffsetStored_34_ "bRpOffsetStored[34]") (joined
+ (portref I3 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__2__i_5))
+ (portref Q (instanceref bRpOffsetStored_reg_34_))
+ )
+ )
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+ (portref D (instanceref bRpOffsetStored_reg_34_))
+ (portref O (instanceref bRpOffsetStored_34__i_1))
+ )
+ )
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+ (portref I3 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__3__i_3))
+ (portref Q (instanceref bRpOffsetStored_reg_35_))
+ )
+ )
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+ (portref D (instanceref bRpOffsetStored_reg_35_))
+ (portref O (instanceref bRpOffsetStored_35__i_1))
+ )
+ )
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+ (portref I3 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__4__i_4))
+ (portref Q (instanceref bRpOffsetStored_reg_36_))
+ )
+ )
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+ (portref D (instanceref bRpOffsetStored_reg_36_))
+ (portref O (instanceref bRpOffsetStored_36__i_1))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename bRpOffsetStored_37_ "bRpOffsetStored[37]") (joined
+ (portref I3 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__5__i_4))
+ (portref Q (instanceref bRpOffsetStored_reg_37_))
+ )
+ )
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+ (portref D (instanceref bRpOffsetStored_reg_37_))
+ (portref O (instanceref bRpOffsetStored_37__i_1))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename bRpOffsetStored_38_ "bRpOffsetStored[38]") (joined
+ (portref I3 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__6__i_5))
+ (portref Q (instanceref bRpOffsetStored_reg_38_))
+ )
+ )
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+ (portref D (instanceref bRpOffsetStored_reg_38_))
+ (portref O (instanceref bRpOffsetStored_38__i_1))
+ )
+ )
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+ (portref I3 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__7__i_3))
+ (portref Q (instanceref bRpOffsetStored_reg_39_))
+ )
+ )
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+ (portref D (instanceref bRpOffsetStored_reg_39_))
+ (portref O (instanceref bRpOffsetStored_39__i_2))
+ )
+ )
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+ (portref I0 (instanceref bRpOffsetStored_39__i_1))
+ (portref I1 (instanceref bClearTdcRegs_i_1))
+ (portref I2 (instanceref bScratch_31__i_3))
+ (portref O (instanceref bRpOffsetStored_39__i_3))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename bRpOffsetStored_39__i_4_n_0 "bRpOffsetStored[39]_i_4_n_0") (joined
+ (portref I0 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__8__i_6))
+ (portref I3 (instanceref bRpOffsetStored_39__i_1))
+ (portref O (instanceref bRpOffsetStored_39__i_4))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename bRpOffsetStored_3_ "bRpOffsetStored[3]") (joined
+ (portref I1 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__3__i_3))
+ (portref Q (instanceref bRpOffsetStored_reg_3_))
+ )
+ )
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+ (portref D (instanceref bRpOffsetStored_reg_3_))
+ (portref O (instanceref bRpOffsetStored_3__i_1))
+ )
+ )
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+ (portref I1 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__4__i_4))
+ (portref Q (instanceref bRpOffsetStored_reg_4_))
+ )
+ )
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+ (portref D (instanceref bRpOffsetStored_reg_4_))
+ (portref O (instanceref bRpOffsetStored_4__i_1))
+ )
+ )
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+ (portref I1 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__5__i_4))
+ (portref Q (instanceref bRpOffsetStored_reg_5_))
+ )
+ )
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+ (portref D (instanceref bRpOffsetStored_reg_5_))
+ (portref O (instanceref bRpOffsetStored_5__i_1))
+ )
+ )
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+ (portref I1 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__6__i_5))
+ (portref Q (instanceref bRpOffsetStored_reg_6_))
+ )
+ )
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+ (portref D (instanceref bRpOffsetStored_reg_6_))
+ (portref O (instanceref bRpOffsetStored_6__i_1))
+ )
+ )
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+ (portref I1 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__7__i_3))
+ (portref Q (instanceref bRpOffsetStored_reg_7_))
+ )
+ )
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+ (portref D (instanceref bRpOffsetStored_reg_7_))
+ (portref O (instanceref bRpOffsetStored_7__i_1))
+ )
+ )
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+ (portref I4 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__8__i_3))
+ (portref Q (instanceref bRpOffsetStored_reg_8_))
+ )
+ )
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+ (portref D (instanceref bRpOffsetStored_reg_8_))
+ (portref O (instanceref bRpOffsetStored_8__i_1))
+ )
+ )
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+ (portref I0 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__9__i_4))
+ (portref Q (instanceref bRpOffsetStored_reg_9_))
+ )
+ )
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+ (portref D (instanceref bRpOffsetStored_reg_9_))
+ (portref O (instanceref bRpOffsetStored_9__i_1))
+ )
+ )
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+ (portref I1 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__0__i_2))
+ (portref Q (instanceref RpCntReadbackDsGen_0__RpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ )
+ )
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+ (portref I3 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__10__i_2))
+ (portref Q (instanceref RpCntReadbackDsGen_10__RpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ )
+ )
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+ (portref I4 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__11__i_2))
+ (portref Q (instanceref RpCntReadbackDsGen_11__RpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ )
+ )
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+ (portref I1 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__12__i_4))
+ (portref Q (instanceref RpCntReadbackDsGen_12__RpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ )
+ )
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+ (portref I4 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__13__i_3))
+ (portref Q (instanceref RpCntReadbackDsGen_13__RpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ )
+ )
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+ (portref I4 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__14__i_2))
+ (portref Q (instanceref RpCntReadbackDsGen_14__RpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ )
+ )
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+ (portref I4 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__15__i_2))
+ (portref Q (instanceref RpCntReadbackDsGen_15__RpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ )
+ )
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+ (portref I3 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__16__i_5))
+ (portref Q (instanceref RpCntReadbackDsGen_16__RpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ )
+ )
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+ (portref I1 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__17__i_4))
+ (portref Q (instanceref RpCntReadbackDsGen_17__RpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ )
+ )
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+ (portref I1 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__18__i_4))
+ (portref Q (instanceref RpCntReadbackDsGen_18__RpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename bRpPeriodCtrlReadbackSyncReset_19_ "bRpPeriodCtrlReadbackSyncReset[19]") (joined
+ (portref I4 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__19__i_3))
+ (portref Q (instanceref RpCntReadbackDsGen_19__RpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename bRpPeriodCtrlReadbackSyncReset_1_ "bRpPeriodCtrlReadbackSyncReset[1]") (joined
+ (portref I3 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__1__i_3))
+ (portref Q (instanceref RpCntReadbackDsGen_1__RpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ )
+ )
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+ (portref I4 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__20__i_2))
+ (portref Q (instanceref RpCntReadbackDsGen_20__RpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ )
+ )
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+ (portref I4 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__21__i_2))
+ (portref Q (instanceref RpCntReadbackDsGen_21__RpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename bRpPeriodCtrlReadbackSyncReset_22_ "bRpPeriodCtrlReadbackSyncReset[22]") (joined
+ (portref I4 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__22__i_2))
+ (portref Q (instanceref RpCntReadbackDsGen_22__RpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename bRpPeriodCtrlReadbackSyncReset_23_ "bRpPeriodCtrlReadbackSyncReset[23]") (joined
+ (portref I4 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__23__i_2))
+ (portref Q (instanceref RpCntReadbackDsGen_23__RpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename bRpPeriodCtrlReadbackSyncReset_24_ "bRpPeriodCtrlReadbackSyncReset[24]") (joined
+ (portref I4 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__24__i_3))
+ (portref Q (instanceref RpCntReadbackDsGen_24__RpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename bRpPeriodCtrlReadbackSyncReset_25_ "bRpPeriodCtrlReadbackSyncReset[25]") (joined
+ (portref I4 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__25__i_4))
+ (portref Q (instanceref RpCntReadbackDsGen_25__RpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ )
+ )
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+ (portref I1 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__26__i_5))
+ (portref Q (instanceref RpCntReadbackDsGen_26__RpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename bRpPeriodCtrlReadbackSyncReset_27_ "bRpPeriodCtrlReadbackSyncReset[27]") (joined
+ (portref I1 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__27__i_6))
+ (portref Q (instanceref RpCntReadbackDsGen_27__RpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ )
+ )
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+ (portref I3 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__28__i_2))
+ (portref Q (instanceref RpCntReadbackDsGen_28__RpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ )
+ )
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+ (portref I4 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__29__i_2))
+ (portref Q (instanceref RpCntReadbackDsGen_29__RpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ )
+ )
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+ (portref I3 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__2__i_2))
+ (portref Q (instanceref RpCntReadbackDsGen_2__RpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ )
+ )
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+ (portref I4 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__30__i_2))
+ (portref Q (instanceref RpCntReadbackDsGen_30__RpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename bRpPeriodCtrlReadbackSyncReset_31_ "bRpPeriodCtrlReadbackSyncReset[31]") (joined
+ (portref I4 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__31__i_2))
+ (portref Q (instanceref RpCntReadbackDsGen_31__RpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename bRpPeriodCtrlReadbackSyncReset_3_ "bRpPeriodCtrlReadbackSyncReset[3]") (joined
+ (portref I3 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__3__i_2))
+ (portref Q (instanceref RpCntReadbackDsGen_3__RpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ )
+ )
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+ (portref I3 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__4__i_2))
+ (portref Q (instanceref RpCntReadbackDsGen_4__RpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ )
+ )
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+ (portref I3 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__5__i_3))
+ (portref Q (instanceref RpCntReadbackDsGen_5__RpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ )
+ )
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+ (portref I3 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__6__i_2))
+ (portref Q (instanceref RpCntReadbackDsGen_6__RpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ )
+ )
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+ (portref I3 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__7__i_2))
+ (portref Q (instanceref RpCntReadbackDsGen_7__RpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ )
+ )
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+ (portref I3 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__8__i_2))
+ (portref Q (instanceref RpCntReadbackDsGen_8__RpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ )
+ )
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+ (portref I3 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__9__i_5))
+ (portref Q (instanceref RpCntReadbackDsGen_9__RpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename bRpPeriodCtrlReadback_0_ "bRpPeriodCtrlReadback[0]") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref RpCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_0__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref D (instanceref RpCntReadbackDsGen_0__RpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref Q (instanceref RpCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_0_))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename bRpPeriodCtrlReadback_10_ "bRpPeriodCtrlReadback[10]") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref RpCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_10__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref D (instanceref RpCntReadbackDsGen_10__RpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref Q (instanceref RpCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_10_))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename bRpPeriodCtrlReadback_11_ "bRpPeriodCtrlReadback[11]") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref RpCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_11__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref D (instanceref RpCntReadbackDsGen_11__RpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref Q (instanceref RpCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_11_))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename bRpPeriodCtrlReadback_12_ "bRpPeriodCtrlReadback[12]") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref RpCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_12__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref D (instanceref RpCntReadbackDsGen_12__RpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref Q (instanceref RpCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_12_))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename bRpPeriodCtrlReadback_13_ "bRpPeriodCtrlReadback[13]") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref RpCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_13__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref D (instanceref RpCntReadbackDsGen_13__RpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref Q (instanceref RpCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_13_))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename bRpPeriodCtrlReadback_14_ "bRpPeriodCtrlReadback[14]") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref RpCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_14__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref D (instanceref RpCntReadbackDsGen_14__RpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref Q (instanceref RpCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_14_))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename bRpPeriodCtrlReadback_15_ "bRpPeriodCtrlReadback[15]") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref RpCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_15__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref D (instanceref RpCntReadbackDsGen_15__RpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref Q (instanceref RpCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_15_))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename bRpPeriodCtrlReadback_16_ "bRpPeriodCtrlReadback[16]") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref RpCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_16__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref D (instanceref RpCntReadbackDsGen_16__RpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref Q (instanceref RpCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_16_))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename bRpPeriodCtrlReadback_17_ "bRpPeriodCtrlReadback[17]") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref RpCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_17__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref D (instanceref RpCntReadbackDsGen_17__RpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref Q (instanceref RpCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_17_))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename bRpPeriodCtrlReadback_18_ "bRpPeriodCtrlReadback[18]") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref RpCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_18__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref D (instanceref RpCntReadbackDsGen_18__RpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref Q (instanceref RpCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_18_))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename bRpPeriodCtrlReadback_19_ "bRpPeriodCtrlReadback[19]") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref RpCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_19__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref D (instanceref RpCntReadbackDsGen_19__RpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref Q (instanceref RpCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_19_))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename bRpPeriodCtrlReadback_1_ "bRpPeriodCtrlReadback[1]") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref RpCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_1__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref D (instanceref RpCntReadbackDsGen_1__RpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref Q (instanceref RpCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_1_))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename bRpPeriodCtrlReadback_20_ "bRpPeriodCtrlReadback[20]") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref RpCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_20__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref D (instanceref RpCntReadbackDsGen_20__RpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref Q (instanceref RpCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_20_))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename bRpPeriodCtrlReadback_21_ "bRpPeriodCtrlReadback[21]") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref RpCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_21__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref D (instanceref RpCntReadbackDsGen_21__RpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref Q (instanceref RpCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_21_))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename bRpPeriodCtrlReadback_22_ "bRpPeriodCtrlReadback[22]") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref RpCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_22__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref D (instanceref RpCntReadbackDsGen_22__RpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref Q (instanceref RpCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_22_))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename bRpPeriodCtrlReadback_23_ "bRpPeriodCtrlReadback[23]") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref RpCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_23__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref D (instanceref RpCntReadbackDsGen_23__RpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref Q (instanceref RpCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_23_))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename bRpPeriodCtrlReadback_24_ "bRpPeriodCtrlReadback[24]") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref RpCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_24__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref D (instanceref RpCntReadbackDsGen_24__RpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref Q (instanceref RpCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_24_))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename bRpPeriodCtrlReadback_25_ "bRpPeriodCtrlReadback[25]") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref RpCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_25__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref D (instanceref RpCntReadbackDsGen_25__RpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref Q (instanceref RpCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_25_))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename bRpPeriodCtrlReadback_26_ "bRpPeriodCtrlReadback[26]") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref RpCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_26__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref D (instanceref RpCntReadbackDsGen_26__RpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref Q (instanceref RpCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_26_))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename bRpPeriodCtrlReadback_27_ "bRpPeriodCtrlReadback[27]") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref RpCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_27__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref D (instanceref RpCntReadbackDsGen_27__RpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref Q (instanceref RpCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_27_))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename bRpPeriodCtrlReadback_28_ "bRpPeriodCtrlReadback[28]") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref RpCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_28__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref D (instanceref RpCntReadbackDsGen_28__RpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref Q (instanceref RpCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_28_))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename bRpPeriodCtrlReadback_29_ "bRpPeriodCtrlReadback[29]") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref RpCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_29__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref D (instanceref RpCntReadbackDsGen_29__RpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref Q (instanceref RpCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_29_))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename bRpPeriodCtrlReadback_2_ "bRpPeriodCtrlReadback[2]") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref RpCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_2__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref D (instanceref RpCntReadbackDsGen_2__RpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref Q (instanceref RpCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_2_))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename bRpPeriodCtrlReadback_30_ "bRpPeriodCtrlReadback[30]") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref RpCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_30__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref D (instanceref RpCntReadbackDsGen_30__RpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref Q (instanceref RpCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_30_))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename bRpPeriodCtrlReadback_31_ "bRpPeriodCtrlReadback[31]") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref RpCntReadbackDsGen_31__RpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref Q (instanceref RpCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_31_))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename bRpPeriodCtrlReadback_3_ "bRpPeriodCtrlReadback[3]") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref RpCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_3__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref D (instanceref RpCntReadbackDsGen_3__RpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref Q (instanceref RpCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_3_))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename bRpPeriodCtrlReadback_4_ "bRpPeriodCtrlReadback[4]") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref RpCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_4__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref D (instanceref RpCntReadbackDsGen_4__RpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref Q (instanceref RpCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_4_))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename bRpPeriodCtrlReadback_5_ "bRpPeriodCtrlReadback[5]") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref RpCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_5__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref D (instanceref RpCntReadbackDsGen_5__RpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref Q (instanceref RpCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_5_))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename bRpPeriodCtrlReadback_6_ "bRpPeriodCtrlReadback[6]") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref RpCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_6__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref D (instanceref RpCntReadbackDsGen_6__RpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref Q (instanceref RpCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_6_))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename bRpPeriodCtrlReadback_7_ "bRpPeriodCtrlReadback[7]") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref RpCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_7__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref D (instanceref RpCntReadbackDsGen_7__RpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref Q (instanceref RpCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_7_))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename bRpPeriodCtrlReadback_8_ "bRpPeriodCtrlReadback[8]") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref RpCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_8__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref D (instanceref RpCntReadbackDsGen_8__RpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref Q (instanceref RpCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_8_))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename bRpPeriodCtrlReadback_9_ "bRpPeriodCtrlReadback[9]") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref RpCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_9__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref D (instanceref RpCntReadbackDsGen_9__RpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref Q (instanceref RpCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_9_))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename bRptPeriodCtrlReadbackSyncReset_0_ "bRptPeriodCtrlReadbackSyncReset[0]") (joined
+ (portref I4 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__0__i_2))
+ (portref Q (instanceref RptCntReadbackDsGen_0__RptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename bRptPeriodCtrlReadbackSyncReset_10_ "bRptPeriodCtrlReadbackSyncReset[10]") (joined
+ (portref I1 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__10__i_4))
+ (portref Q (instanceref RptCntReadbackDsGen_10__RptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename bRptPeriodCtrlReadbackSyncReset_11_ "bRptPeriodCtrlReadbackSyncReset[11]") (joined
+ (portref I3 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__11__i_3))
+ (portref Q (instanceref RptCntReadbackDsGen_11__RptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename bRptPeriodCtrlReadbackSyncReset_12_ "bRptPeriodCtrlReadbackSyncReset[12]") (joined
+ (portref I4 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__12__i_4))
+ (portref Q (instanceref RptCntReadbackDsGen_12__RptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename bRptPeriodCtrlReadbackSyncReset_13_ "bRptPeriodCtrlReadbackSyncReset[13]") (joined
+ (portref I3 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__13__i_4))
+ (portref Q (instanceref RptCntReadbackDsGen_13__RptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename bRptPeriodCtrlReadbackSyncReset_14_ "bRptPeriodCtrlReadbackSyncReset[14]") (joined
+ (portref I3 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__14__i_3))
+ (portref Q (instanceref RptCntReadbackDsGen_14__RptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename bRptPeriodCtrlReadbackSyncReset_15_ "bRptPeriodCtrlReadbackSyncReset[15]") (joined
+ (portref I3 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__15__i_3))
+ (portref Q (instanceref RptCntReadbackDsGen_15__RptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename bRptPeriodCtrlReadbackSyncReset_16_ "bRptPeriodCtrlReadbackSyncReset[16]") (joined
+ (portref I1 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__16__i_2))
+ (portref Q (instanceref RptCntReadbackDsGen_16__RptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename bRptPeriodCtrlReadbackSyncReset_17_ "bRptPeriodCtrlReadbackSyncReset[17]") (joined
+ (portref I4 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__17__i_4))
+ (portref Q (instanceref RptCntReadbackDsGen_17__RptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename bRptPeriodCtrlReadbackSyncReset_18_ "bRptPeriodCtrlReadbackSyncReset[18]") (joined
+ (portref I4 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__18__i_4))
+ (portref Q (instanceref RptCntReadbackDsGen_18__RptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename bRptPeriodCtrlReadbackSyncReset_19_ "bRptPeriodCtrlReadbackSyncReset[19]") (joined
+ (portref I3 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__19__i_4))
+ (portref Q (instanceref RptCntReadbackDsGen_19__RptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename bRptPeriodCtrlReadbackSyncReset_1_ "bRptPeriodCtrlReadbackSyncReset[1]") (joined
+ (portref I1 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__1__i_5))
+ (portref Q (instanceref RptCntReadbackDsGen_1__RptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename bRptPeriodCtrlReadbackSyncReset_20_ "bRptPeriodCtrlReadbackSyncReset[20]") (joined
+ (portref I3 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__20__i_3))
+ (portref Q (instanceref RptCntReadbackDsGen_20__RptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename bRptPeriodCtrlReadbackSyncReset_21_ "bRptPeriodCtrlReadbackSyncReset[21]") (joined
+ (portref I3 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__21__i_3))
+ (portref Q (instanceref RptCntReadbackDsGen_21__RptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename bRptPeriodCtrlReadbackSyncReset_22_ "bRptPeriodCtrlReadbackSyncReset[22]") (joined
+ (portref I3 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__22__i_3))
+ (portref Q (instanceref RptCntReadbackDsGen_22__RptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename bRptPeriodCtrlReadbackSyncReset_23_ "bRptPeriodCtrlReadbackSyncReset[23]") (joined
+ (portref I3 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__23__i_3))
+ (portref Q (instanceref RptCntReadbackDsGen_23__RptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename bRptPeriodCtrlReadbackSyncReset_24_ "bRptPeriodCtrlReadbackSyncReset[24]") (joined
+ (portref I3 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__24__i_4))
+ (portref Q (instanceref RptCntReadbackDsGen_24__RptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename bRptPeriodCtrlReadbackSyncReset_25_ "bRptPeriodCtrlReadbackSyncReset[25]") (joined
+ (portref I3 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__25__i_5))
+ (portref Q (instanceref RptCntReadbackDsGen_25__RptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename bRptPeriodCtrlReadbackSyncReset_26_ "bRptPeriodCtrlReadbackSyncReset[26]") (joined
+ (portref I4 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__26__i_5))
+ (portref Q (instanceref RptCntReadbackDsGen_26__RptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename bRptPeriodCtrlReadbackSyncReset_27_ "bRptPeriodCtrlReadbackSyncReset[27]") (joined
+ (portref I4 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__27__i_6))
+ (portref Q (instanceref RptCntReadbackDsGen_27__RptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename bRptPeriodCtrlReadbackSyncReset_28_ "bRptPeriodCtrlReadbackSyncReset[28]") (joined
+ (portref I1 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__28__i_6))
+ (portref Q (instanceref RptCntReadbackDsGen_28__RptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename bRptPeriodCtrlReadbackSyncReset_29_ "bRptPeriodCtrlReadbackSyncReset[29]") (joined
+ (portref I3 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__29__i_3))
+ (portref Q (instanceref RptCntReadbackDsGen_29__RptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename bRptPeriodCtrlReadbackSyncReset_2_ "bRptPeriodCtrlReadbackSyncReset[2]") (joined
+ (portref I1 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__2__i_3))
+ (portref Q (instanceref RptCntReadbackDsGen_2__RptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename bRptPeriodCtrlReadbackSyncReset_30_ "bRptPeriodCtrlReadbackSyncReset[30]") (joined
+ (portref I3 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__30__i_3))
+ (portref Q (instanceref RptCntReadbackDsGen_30__RptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename bRptPeriodCtrlReadbackSyncReset_31_ "bRptPeriodCtrlReadbackSyncReset[31]") (joined
+ (portref I3 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__31__i_3))
+ (portref Q (instanceref RptCntReadbackDsGen_31__RptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename bRptPeriodCtrlReadbackSyncReset_3_ "bRptPeriodCtrlReadbackSyncReset[3]") (joined
+ (portref I1 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__3__i_5))
+ (portref Q (instanceref RptCntReadbackDsGen_3__RptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename bRptPeriodCtrlReadbackSyncReset_4_ "bRptPeriodCtrlReadbackSyncReset[4]") (joined
+ (portref I1 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__4__i_3))
+ (portref Q (instanceref RptCntReadbackDsGen_4__RptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename bRptPeriodCtrlReadbackSyncReset_5_ "bRptPeriodCtrlReadbackSyncReset[5]") (joined
+ (portref I1 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__5__i_5))
+ (portref Q (instanceref RptCntReadbackDsGen_5__RptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename bRptPeriodCtrlReadbackSyncReset_6_ "bRptPeriodCtrlReadbackSyncReset[6]") (joined
+ (portref I1 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__6__i_3))
+ (portref Q (instanceref RptCntReadbackDsGen_6__RptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename bRptPeriodCtrlReadbackSyncReset_7_ "bRptPeriodCtrlReadbackSyncReset[7]") (joined
+ (portref I1 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__7__i_5))
+ (portref Q (instanceref RptCntReadbackDsGen_7__RptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename bRptPeriodCtrlReadbackSyncReset_8_ "bRptPeriodCtrlReadbackSyncReset[8]") (joined
+ (portref I1 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__8__i_5))
+ (portref Q (instanceref RptCntReadbackDsGen_8__RptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename bRptPeriodCtrlReadbackSyncReset_9_ "bRptPeriodCtrlReadbackSyncReset[9]") (joined
+ (portref I1 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__9__i_2))
+ (portref Q (instanceref RptCntReadbackDsGen_9__RptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename bRptPeriodCtrlReadback_0_ "bRptPeriodCtrlReadback[0]") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref RptCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_0__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref D (instanceref RptCntReadbackDsGen_0__RptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref Q (instanceref RptCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_0_))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename bRptPeriodCtrlReadback_10_ "bRptPeriodCtrlReadback[10]") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref RptCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_10__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref D (instanceref RptCntReadbackDsGen_10__RptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref Q (instanceref RptCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_10_))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename bRptPeriodCtrlReadback_11_ "bRptPeriodCtrlReadback[11]") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref RptCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_11__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref D (instanceref RptCntReadbackDsGen_11__RptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref Q (instanceref RptCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_11_))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename bRptPeriodCtrlReadback_12_ "bRptPeriodCtrlReadback[12]") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref RptCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_12__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref D (instanceref RptCntReadbackDsGen_12__RptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref Q (instanceref RptCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_12_))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename bRptPeriodCtrlReadback_13_ "bRptPeriodCtrlReadback[13]") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref RptCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_13__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref D (instanceref RptCntReadbackDsGen_13__RptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref Q (instanceref RptCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_13_))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename bRptPeriodCtrlReadback_14_ "bRptPeriodCtrlReadback[14]") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref RptCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_14__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref D (instanceref RptCntReadbackDsGen_14__RptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref Q (instanceref RptCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_14_))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename bRptPeriodCtrlReadback_15_ "bRptPeriodCtrlReadback[15]") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref RptCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_15__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref D (instanceref RptCntReadbackDsGen_15__RptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref Q (instanceref RptCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_15_))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename bRptPeriodCtrlReadback_16_ "bRptPeriodCtrlReadback[16]") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref RptCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_16__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref D (instanceref RptCntReadbackDsGen_16__RptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref Q (instanceref RptCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_16_))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename bRptPeriodCtrlReadback_17_ "bRptPeriodCtrlReadback[17]") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref RptCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_17__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref D (instanceref RptCntReadbackDsGen_17__RptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref Q (instanceref RptCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_17_))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename bRptPeriodCtrlReadback_18_ "bRptPeriodCtrlReadback[18]") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref RptCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_18__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref D (instanceref RptCntReadbackDsGen_18__RptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref Q (instanceref RptCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_18_))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename bRptPeriodCtrlReadback_19_ "bRptPeriodCtrlReadback[19]") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref RptCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_19__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref D (instanceref RptCntReadbackDsGen_19__RptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref Q (instanceref RptCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_19_))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename bRptPeriodCtrlReadback_1_ "bRptPeriodCtrlReadback[1]") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref RptCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_1__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref D (instanceref RptCntReadbackDsGen_1__RptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref Q (instanceref RptCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_1_))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename bRptPeriodCtrlReadback_20_ "bRptPeriodCtrlReadback[20]") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref RptCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_20__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref D (instanceref RptCntReadbackDsGen_20__RptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref Q (instanceref RptCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_20_))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename bRptPeriodCtrlReadback_21_ "bRptPeriodCtrlReadback[21]") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref RptCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_21__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref D (instanceref RptCntReadbackDsGen_21__RptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref Q (instanceref RptCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_21_))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename bRptPeriodCtrlReadback_22_ "bRptPeriodCtrlReadback[22]") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref RptCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_22__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref D (instanceref RptCntReadbackDsGen_22__RptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref Q (instanceref RptCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_22_))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename bRptPeriodCtrlReadback_23_ "bRptPeriodCtrlReadback[23]") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref RptCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_23__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref D (instanceref RptCntReadbackDsGen_23__RptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref Q (instanceref RptCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_23_))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename bRptPeriodCtrlReadback_24_ "bRptPeriodCtrlReadback[24]") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref RptCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_24__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref D (instanceref RptCntReadbackDsGen_24__RptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref Q (instanceref RptCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_24_))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename bRptPeriodCtrlReadback_25_ "bRptPeriodCtrlReadback[25]") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref RptCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_25__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref D (instanceref RptCntReadbackDsGen_25__RptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref Q (instanceref RptCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_25_))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename bRptPeriodCtrlReadback_26_ "bRptPeriodCtrlReadback[26]") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref RptCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_26__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref D (instanceref RptCntReadbackDsGen_26__RptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref Q (instanceref RptCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_26_))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename bRptPeriodCtrlReadback_27_ "bRptPeriodCtrlReadback[27]") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref RptCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_27__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref D (instanceref RptCntReadbackDsGen_27__RptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref Q (instanceref RptCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_27_))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename bRptPeriodCtrlReadback_28_ "bRptPeriodCtrlReadback[28]") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref RptCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_28__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref D (instanceref RptCntReadbackDsGen_28__RptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref Q (instanceref RptCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_28_))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename bRptPeriodCtrlReadback_29_ "bRptPeriodCtrlReadback[29]") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref RptCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_29__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref D (instanceref RptCntReadbackDsGen_29__RptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref Q (instanceref RptCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_29_))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename bRptPeriodCtrlReadback_2_ "bRptPeriodCtrlReadback[2]") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref RptCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_2__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref D (instanceref RptCntReadbackDsGen_2__RptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref Q (instanceref RptCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_2_))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename bRptPeriodCtrlReadback_30_ "bRptPeriodCtrlReadback[30]") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref RptCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_30__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref D (instanceref RptCntReadbackDsGen_30__RptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref Q (instanceref RptCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_30_))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename bRptPeriodCtrlReadback_31_ "bRptPeriodCtrlReadback[31]") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref RptCntReadbackDsGen_31__RptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref Q (instanceref RptCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_31_))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename bRptPeriodCtrlReadback_3_ "bRptPeriodCtrlReadback[3]") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref RptCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_3__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref D (instanceref RptCntReadbackDsGen_3__RptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref Q (instanceref RptCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_3_))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename bRptPeriodCtrlReadback_4_ "bRptPeriodCtrlReadback[4]") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref RptCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_4__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref D (instanceref RptCntReadbackDsGen_4__RptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref Q (instanceref RptCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_4_))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename bRptPeriodCtrlReadback_5_ "bRptPeriodCtrlReadback[5]") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref RptCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_5__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref D (instanceref RptCntReadbackDsGen_5__RptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref Q (instanceref RptCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_5_))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename bRptPeriodCtrlReadback_6_ "bRptPeriodCtrlReadback[6]") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref RptCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_6__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref D (instanceref RptCntReadbackDsGen_6__RptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref Q (instanceref RptCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_6_))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename bRptPeriodCtrlReadback_7_ "bRptPeriodCtrlReadback[7]") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref RptCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_7__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref D (instanceref RptCntReadbackDsGen_7__RptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref Q (instanceref RptCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_7_))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename bRptPeriodCtrlReadback_8_ "bRptPeriodCtrlReadback[8]") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref RptCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_8__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref D (instanceref RptCntReadbackDsGen_8__RptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref Q (instanceref RptCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_8_))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename bRptPeriodCtrlReadback_9_ "bRptPeriodCtrlReadback[9]") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref RptCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_9__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref D (instanceref RptCntReadbackDsGen_9__RptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref Q (instanceref RptCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_9_))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename bScratch_0_ "bScratch[0]") (joined
+ (portref I2 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__0__i_6))
+ (portref Q (instanceref bScratch_reg_0_))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename bScratch_10_ "bScratch[10]") (joined
+ (portref I5 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__10__i_3))
+ (portref Q (instanceref bScratch_reg_10_))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename bScratch_11_ "bScratch[11]") (joined
+ (portref I4 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__11__i_4))
+ (portref Q (instanceref bScratch_reg_11_))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename bScratch_12_ "bScratch[12]") (joined
+ (portref I1 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__12__i_1))
+ (portref Q (instanceref bScratch_reg_12_))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename bScratch_13_ "bScratch[13]") (joined
+ (portref I4 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__13__i_2))
+ (portref Q (instanceref bScratch_reg_13_))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename bScratch_14_ "bScratch[14]") (joined
+ (portref I4 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__14__i_4))
+ (portref Q (instanceref bScratch_reg_14_))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename bScratch_15_ "bScratch[15]") (joined
+ (portref I4 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__15__i_4))
+ (portref Q (instanceref bScratch_reg_15_))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename bScratch_16_ "bScratch[16]") (joined
+ (portref I4 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__16__i_4))
+ (portref Q (instanceref bScratch_reg_16_))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename bScratch_17_ "bScratch[17]") (joined
+ (portref I1 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__17__i_1))
+ (portref Q (instanceref bScratch_reg_17_))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename bScratch_18_ "bScratch[18]") (joined
+ (portref I2 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__18__i_1))
+ (portref Q (instanceref bScratch_reg_18_))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename bScratch_19_ "bScratch[19]") (joined
+ (portref I4 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__19__i_2))
+ (portref Q (instanceref bScratch_reg_19_))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename bScratch_1_ "bScratch[1]") (joined
+ (portref I4 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__1__i_2))
+ (portref Q (instanceref bScratch_reg_1_))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename bScratch_20_ "bScratch[20]") (joined
+ (portref I4 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__20__i_4))
+ (portref Q (instanceref bScratch_reg_20_))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename bScratch_21_ "bScratch[21]") (joined
+ (portref I4 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__21__i_4))
+ (portref Q (instanceref bScratch_reg_21_))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename bScratch_22_ "bScratch[22]") (joined
+ (portref I4 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__22__i_4))
+ (portref Q (instanceref bScratch_reg_22_))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename bScratch_23_ "bScratch[23]") (joined
+ (portref I4 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__23__i_4))
+ (portref Q (instanceref bScratch_reg_23_))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename bScratch_24_ "bScratch[24]") (joined
+ (portref I4 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__24__i_2))
+ (portref Q (instanceref bScratch_reg_24_))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename bScratch_25_ "bScratch[25]") (joined
+ (portref I4 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__25__i_2))
+ (portref Q (instanceref bScratch_reg_25_))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename bScratch_26_ "bScratch[26]") (joined
+ (portref I2 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__26__i_1))
+ (portref Q (instanceref bScratch_reg_26_))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename bScratch_27_ "bScratch[27]") (joined
+ (portref I1 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__27__i_1))
+ (portref Q (instanceref bScratch_reg_27_))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename bScratch_28_ "bScratch[28]") (joined
+ (portref I5 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__28__i_3))
+ (portref Q (instanceref bScratch_reg_28_))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename bScratch_29_ "bScratch[29]") (joined
+ (portref I4 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__29__i_4))
+ (portref Q (instanceref bScratch_reg_29_))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename bScratch_2_ "bScratch[2]") (joined
+ (portref I3 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__2__i_1))
+ (portref Q (instanceref bScratch_reg_2_))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename bScratch_30_ "bScratch[30]") (joined
+ (portref I4 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__30__i_5))
+ (portref Q (instanceref bScratch_reg_30_))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename bScratch_31_ "bScratch[31]") (joined
+ (portref I4 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__31__i_4))
+ (portref Q (instanceref bScratch_reg_31_))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename bScratch_31__i_1_n_0 "bScratch[31]_i_1_n_0") (joined
+ (portref CE (instanceref bScratch_reg_0_))
+ (portref CE (instanceref bScratch_reg_10_))
+ (portref CE (instanceref bScratch_reg_11_))
+ (portref CE (instanceref bScratch_reg_12_))
+ (portref CE (instanceref bScratch_reg_13_))
+ (portref CE (instanceref bScratch_reg_14_))
+ (portref CE (instanceref bScratch_reg_15_))
+ (portref CE (instanceref bScratch_reg_16_))
+ (portref CE (instanceref bScratch_reg_17_))
+ (portref CE (instanceref bScratch_reg_18_))
+ (portref CE (instanceref bScratch_reg_19_))
+ (portref CE (instanceref bScratch_reg_1_))
+ (portref CE (instanceref bScratch_reg_20_))
+ (portref CE (instanceref bScratch_reg_21_))
+ (portref CE (instanceref bScratch_reg_22_))
+ (portref CE (instanceref bScratch_reg_23_))
+ (portref CE (instanceref bScratch_reg_24_))
+ (portref CE (instanceref bScratch_reg_25_))
+ (portref CE (instanceref bScratch_reg_26_))
+ (portref CE (instanceref bScratch_reg_27_))
+ (portref CE (instanceref bScratch_reg_28_))
+ (portref CE (instanceref bScratch_reg_29_))
+ (portref CE (instanceref bScratch_reg_2_))
+ (portref CE (instanceref bScratch_reg_30_))
+ (portref CE (instanceref bScratch_reg_31_))
+ (portref CE (instanceref bScratch_reg_3_))
+ (portref CE (instanceref bScratch_reg_4_))
+ (portref CE (instanceref bScratch_reg_5_))
+ (portref CE (instanceref bScratch_reg_6_))
+ (portref CE (instanceref bScratch_reg_7_))
+ (portref CE (instanceref bScratch_reg_8_))
+ (portref CE (instanceref bScratch_reg_9_))
+ (portref O (instanceref bScratch_31__i_1))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename bScratch_31__i_3_n_0 "bScratch[31]_i_3_n_0") (joined
+ (portref I0 (instanceref Gen0_FDCEx_i_3__0))
+ (portref I0 (instanceref Gen0_FDCEx_i_3__1))
+ (portref I0 (instanceref bScratch_31__i_1))
+ (portref I3 (instanceref Gen0_FDCEx_i_3))
+ (portref I3 (instanceref bPpsClkCrossDelayVal_3__i_3))
+ (portref O (instanceref bScratch_31__i_3))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename bScratch_31__i_4_n_0 "bScratch[31]_i_4_n_0") (joined
+ (portref I2 (instanceref bScratch_31__i_1))
+ (portref I5 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__16__i_4))
+ (portref I5 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__26__i_3))
+ (portref I5 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__28__i_5))
+ (portref I5 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__31__i_5))
+ (portref O (instanceref bScratch_31__i_4))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename bScratch_31__i_5_n_0 "bScratch[31]_i_5_n_0") (joined
+ (portref I5 (instanceref bScratch_31__i_1))
+ (portref O (instanceref bScratch_31__i_5))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename bScratch_3_ "bScratch[3]") (joined
+ (portref I0 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__3__i_4))
+ (portref Q (instanceref bScratch_reg_3_))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename bScratch_4_ "bScratch[4]") (joined
+ (portref I0 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__4__i_7))
+ (portref Q (instanceref bScratch_reg_4_))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename bScratch_5_ "bScratch[5]") (joined
+ (portref I4 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__5__i_2))
+ (portref Q (instanceref bScratch_reg_5_))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename bScratch_6_ "bScratch[6]") (joined
+ (portref I3 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__6__i_1))
+ (portref Q (instanceref bScratch_reg_6_))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename bScratch_7_ "bScratch[7]") (joined
+ (portref I0 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__7__i_4))
+ (portref Q (instanceref bScratch_reg_7_))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename bScratch_8_ "bScratch[8]") (joined
+ (portref I0 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__8__i_4))
+ (portref Q (instanceref bScratch_reg_8_))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename bScratch_9_ "bScratch[9]") (joined
+ (portref I5 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__9__i_4))
+ (portref Q (instanceref bScratch_reg_9_))
+ )
+ )
+ (net bSpOffsetStored (joined
+ (portref CE (instanceref bRpOffsetStored_reg_0_))
+ (portref CE (instanceref bRpOffsetStored_reg_10_))
+ (portref CE (instanceref bRpOffsetStored_reg_11_))
+ (portref CE (instanceref bRpOffsetStored_reg_12_))
+ (portref CE (instanceref bRpOffsetStored_reg_13_))
+ (portref CE (instanceref bRpOffsetStored_reg_14_))
+ (portref CE (instanceref bRpOffsetStored_reg_15_))
+ (portref CE (instanceref bRpOffsetStored_reg_16_))
+ (portref CE (instanceref bRpOffsetStored_reg_17_))
+ (portref CE (instanceref bRpOffsetStored_reg_18_))
+ (portref CE (instanceref bRpOffsetStored_reg_19_))
+ (portref CE (instanceref bRpOffsetStored_reg_1_))
+ (portref CE (instanceref bRpOffsetStored_reg_20_))
+ (portref CE (instanceref bRpOffsetStored_reg_21_))
+ (portref CE (instanceref bRpOffsetStored_reg_22_))
+ (portref CE (instanceref bRpOffsetStored_reg_23_))
+ (portref CE (instanceref bRpOffsetStored_reg_24_))
+ (portref CE (instanceref bRpOffsetStored_reg_25_))
+ (portref CE (instanceref bRpOffsetStored_reg_26_))
+ (portref CE (instanceref bRpOffsetStored_reg_27_))
+ (portref CE (instanceref bRpOffsetStored_reg_28_))
+ (portref CE (instanceref bRpOffsetStored_reg_29_))
+ (portref CE (instanceref bRpOffsetStored_reg_2_))
+ (portref CE (instanceref bRpOffsetStored_reg_30_))
+ (portref CE (instanceref bRpOffsetStored_reg_31_))
+ (portref CE (instanceref bRpOffsetStored_reg_32_))
+ (portref CE (instanceref bRpOffsetStored_reg_33_))
+ (portref CE (instanceref bRpOffsetStored_reg_34_))
+ (portref CE (instanceref bRpOffsetStored_reg_35_))
+ (portref CE (instanceref bRpOffsetStored_reg_36_))
+ (portref CE (instanceref bRpOffsetStored_reg_37_))
+ (portref CE (instanceref bRpOffsetStored_reg_38_))
+ (portref CE (instanceref bRpOffsetStored_reg_39_))
+ (portref CE (instanceref bRpOffsetStored_reg_3_))
+ (portref CE (instanceref bRpOffsetStored_reg_4_))
+ (portref CE (instanceref bRpOffsetStored_reg_5_))
+ (portref CE (instanceref bRpOffsetStored_reg_6_))
+ (portref CE (instanceref bRpOffsetStored_reg_7_))
+ (portref CE (instanceref bRpOffsetStored_reg_8_))
+ (portref CE (instanceref bRpOffsetStored_reg_9_))
+ (portref CE (instanceref bSpOffsetStored_reg_0_))
+ (portref CE (instanceref bSpOffsetStored_reg_10_))
+ (portref CE (instanceref bSpOffsetStored_reg_11_))
+ (portref CE (instanceref bSpOffsetStored_reg_12_))
+ (portref CE (instanceref bSpOffsetStored_reg_13_))
+ (portref CE (instanceref bSpOffsetStored_reg_14_))
+ (portref CE (instanceref bSpOffsetStored_reg_15_))
+ (portref CE (instanceref bSpOffsetStored_reg_16_))
+ (portref CE (instanceref bSpOffsetStored_reg_17_))
+ (portref CE (instanceref bSpOffsetStored_reg_18_))
+ (portref CE (instanceref bSpOffsetStored_reg_19_))
+ (portref CE (instanceref bSpOffsetStored_reg_1_))
+ (portref CE (instanceref bSpOffsetStored_reg_20_))
+ (portref CE (instanceref bSpOffsetStored_reg_21_))
+ (portref CE (instanceref bSpOffsetStored_reg_22_))
+ (portref CE (instanceref bSpOffsetStored_reg_23_))
+ (portref CE (instanceref bSpOffsetStored_reg_24_))
+ (portref CE (instanceref bSpOffsetStored_reg_25_))
+ (portref CE (instanceref bSpOffsetStored_reg_26_))
+ (portref CE (instanceref bSpOffsetStored_reg_27_))
+ (portref CE (instanceref bSpOffsetStored_reg_28_))
+ (portref CE (instanceref bSpOffsetStored_reg_29_))
+ (portref CE (instanceref bSpOffsetStored_reg_2_))
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+ (portref CE (instanceref bSpOffsetStored_reg_31_))
+ (portref CE (instanceref bSpOffsetStored_reg_3_))
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+ (portref CE (instanceref bSpOffsetStored_reg_5_))
+ (portref CE (instanceref bSpOffsetStored_reg_6_))
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+ (portref CE (instanceref bSpOffsetStored_reg_8_))
+ (portref CE (instanceref bSpOffsetStored_reg_9_))
+ (portref I1 (instanceref bOffsetUpdated_i_1))
+ (portref O (instanceref bRpOffsetStored_39__i_1))
+ )
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+ )
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+ )
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+ )
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+ )
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+ )
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+ )
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+ )
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+ )
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+ )
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+ )
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+ )
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+ )
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+ )
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+ )
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+ )
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+ )
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+ )
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+ )
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+ )
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+ )
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+ )
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+ )
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+ )
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+ )
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+ )
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+ (portref I3 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__0__i_2))
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+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename bSpPeriodCtrlReadbackSyncReset_10_ "bSpPeriodCtrlReadbackSyncReset[10]") (joined
+ (portref I4 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__10__i_2))
+ (portref Q (instanceref SpCntReadbackDsGen_10__SpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ )
+ )
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+ (portref I1 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__11__i_3))
+ (portref Q (instanceref SpCntReadbackDsGen_11__SpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename bSpPeriodCtrlReadbackSyncReset_12_ "bSpPeriodCtrlReadbackSyncReset[12]") (joined
+ (portref I3 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__12__i_4))
+ (portref Q (instanceref SpCntReadbackDsGen_12__SpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ )
+ )
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+ (portref I1 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__13__i_4))
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+ )
+ )
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+ (portref I1 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__14__i_3))
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+ )
+ )
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+ (portref I1 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__15__i_3))
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+ )
+ )
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+ (portref I4 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__16__i_5))
+ (portref Q (instanceref SpCntReadbackDsGen_16__SpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ )
+ )
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+ (portref I3 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__17__i_4))
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+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename bSpPeriodCtrlReadbackSyncReset_18_ "bSpPeriodCtrlReadbackSyncReset[18]") (joined
+ (portref I3 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__18__i_4))
+ (portref Q (instanceref SpCntReadbackDsGen_18__SpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename bSpPeriodCtrlReadbackSyncReset_19_ "bSpPeriodCtrlReadbackSyncReset[19]") (joined
+ (portref I1 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__19__i_4))
+ (portref Q (instanceref SpCntReadbackDsGen_19__SpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename bSpPeriodCtrlReadbackSyncReset_1_ "bSpPeriodCtrlReadbackSyncReset[1]") (joined
+ (portref I4 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__1__i_3))
+ (portref Q (instanceref SpCntReadbackDsGen_1__SpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename bSpPeriodCtrlReadbackSyncReset_20_ "bSpPeriodCtrlReadbackSyncReset[20]") (joined
+ (portref I1 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__20__i_3))
+ (portref Q (instanceref SpCntReadbackDsGen_20__SpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename bSpPeriodCtrlReadbackSyncReset_21_ "bSpPeriodCtrlReadbackSyncReset[21]") (joined
+ (portref I1 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__21__i_3))
+ (portref Q (instanceref SpCntReadbackDsGen_21__SpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename bSpPeriodCtrlReadbackSyncReset_22_ "bSpPeriodCtrlReadbackSyncReset[22]") (joined
+ (portref I1 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__22__i_3))
+ (portref Q (instanceref SpCntReadbackDsGen_22__SpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename bSpPeriodCtrlReadbackSyncReset_23_ "bSpPeriodCtrlReadbackSyncReset[23]") (joined
+ (portref I1 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__23__i_3))
+ (portref Q (instanceref SpCntReadbackDsGen_23__SpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename bSpPeriodCtrlReadbackSyncReset_24_ "bSpPeriodCtrlReadbackSyncReset[24]") (joined
+ (portref I1 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__24__i_4))
+ (portref Q (instanceref SpCntReadbackDsGen_24__SpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename bSpPeriodCtrlReadbackSyncReset_25_ "bSpPeriodCtrlReadbackSyncReset[25]") (joined
+ (portref I1 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__25__i_5))
+ (portref Q (instanceref SpCntReadbackDsGen_25__SpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename bSpPeriodCtrlReadbackSyncReset_26_ "bSpPeriodCtrlReadbackSyncReset[26]") (joined
+ (portref I3 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__26__i_5))
+ (portref Q (instanceref SpCntReadbackDsGen_26__SpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename bSpPeriodCtrlReadbackSyncReset_27_ "bSpPeriodCtrlReadbackSyncReset[27]") (joined
+ (portref I3 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__27__i_6))
+ (portref Q (instanceref SpCntReadbackDsGen_27__SpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename bSpPeriodCtrlReadbackSyncReset_28_ "bSpPeriodCtrlReadbackSyncReset[28]") (joined
+ (portref I4 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__28__i_2))
+ (portref Q (instanceref SpCntReadbackDsGen_28__SpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename bSpPeriodCtrlReadbackSyncReset_29_ "bSpPeriodCtrlReadbackSyncReset[29]") (joined
+ (portref I1 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__29__i_3))
+ (portref Q (instanceref SpCntReadbackDsGen_29__SpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename bSpPeriodCtrlReadbackSyncReset_2_ "bSpPeriodCtrlReadbackSyncReset[2]") (joined
+ (portref I4 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__2__i_2))
+ (portref Q (instanceref SpCntReadbackDsGen_2__SpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename bSpPeriodCtrlReadbackSyncReset_30_ "bSpPeriodCtrlReadbackSyncReset[30]") (joined
+ (portref I1 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__30__i_3))
+ (portref Q (instanceref SpCntReadbackDsGen_30__SpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename bSpPeriodCtrlReadbackSyncReset_31_ "bSpPeriodCtrlReadbackSyncReset[31]") (joined
+ (portref I1 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__31__i_3))
+ (portref Q (instanceref SpCntReadbackDsGen_31__SpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename bSpPeriodCtrlReadbackSyncReset_3_ "bSpPeriodCtrlReadbackSyncReset[3]") (joined
+ (portref I4 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__3__i_2))
+ (portref Q (instanceref SpCntReadbackDsGen_3__SpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename bSpPeriodCtrlReadbackSyncReset_4_ "bSpPeriodCtrlReadbackSyncReset[4]") (joined
+ (portref I4 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__4__i_2))
+ (portref Q (instanceref SpCntReadbackDsGen_4__SpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename bSpPeriodCtrlReadbackSyncReset_5_ "bSpPeriodCtrlReadbackSyncReset[5]") (joined
+ (portref I4 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__5__i_3))
+ (portref Q (instanceref SpCntReadbackDsGen_5__SpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename bSpPeriodCtrlReadbackSyncReset_6_ "bSpPeriodCtrlReadbackSyncReset[6]") (joined
+ (portref I4 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__6__i_2))
+ (portref Q (instanceref SpCntReadbackDsGen_6__SpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename bSpPeriodCtrlReadbackSyncReset_7_ "bSpPeriodCtrlReadbackSyncReset[7]") (joined
+ (portref I4 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__7__i_2))
+ (portref Q (instanceref SpCntReadbackDsGen_7__SpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename bSpPeriodCtrlReadbackSyncReset_8_ "bSpPeriodCtrlReadbackSyncReset[8]") (joined
+ (portref I4 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__8__i_2))
+ (portref Q (instanceref SpCntReadbackDsGen_8__SpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename bSpPeriodCtrlReadbackSyncReset_9_ "bSpPeriodCtrlReadbackSyncReset[9]") (joined
+ (portref I4 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__9__i_5))
+ (portref Q (instanceref SpCntReadbackDsGen_9__SpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename bSpPeriodCtrlReadback_0_ "bSpPeriodCtrlReadback[0]") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref SpCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_0__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref D (instanceref SpCntReadbackDsGen_0__SpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref Q (instanceref SpCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_0_))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename bSpPeriodCtrlReadback_10_ "bSpPeriodCtrlReadback[10]") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref SpCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_10__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref D (instanceref SpCntReadbackDsGen_10__SpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref Q (instanceref SpCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_10_))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename bSpPeriodCtrlReadback_11_ "bSpPeriodCtrlReadback[11]") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref SpCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_11__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref D (instanceref SpCntReadbackDsGen_11__SpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref Q (instanceref SpCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_11_))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename bSpPeriodCtrlReadback_12_ "bSpPeriodCtrlReadback[12]") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref SpCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_12__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref D (instanceref SpCntReadbackDsGen_12__SpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref Q (instanceref SpCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_12_))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename bSpPeriodCtrlReadback_13_ "bSpPeriodCtrlReadback[13]") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref SpCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_13__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref D (instanceref SpCntReadbackDsGen_13__SpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref Q (instanceref SpCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_13_))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename bSpPeriodCtrlReadback_14_ "bSpPeriodCtrlReadback[14]") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref SpCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_14__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref D (instanceref SpCntReadbackDsGen_14__SpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref Q (instanceref SpCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_14_))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename bSpPeriodCtrlReadback_15_ "bSpPeriodCtrlReadback[15]") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref SpCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_15__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref D (instanceref SpCntReadbackDsGen_15__SpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref Q (instanceref SpCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_15_))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename bSpPeriodCtrlReadback_16_ "bSpPeriodCtrlReadback[16]") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref SpCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_16__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref D (instanceref SpCntReadbackDsGen_16__SpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref Q (instanceref SpCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_16_))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename bSpPeriodCtrlReadback_17_ "bSpPeriodCtrlReadback[17]") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref SpCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_17__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref D (instanceref SpCntReadbackDsGen_17__SpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref Q (instanceref SpCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_17_))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename bSpPeriodCtrlReadback_18_ "bSpPeriodCtrlReadback[18]") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref SpCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_18__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref D (instanceref SpCntReadbackDsGen_18__SpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref Q (instanceref SpCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_18_))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename bSpPeriodCtrlReadback_19_ "bSpPeriodCtrlReadback[19]") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref SpCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_19__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref D (instanceref SpCntReadbackDsGen_19__SpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref Q (instanceref SpCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_19_))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename bSpPeriodCtrlReadback_1_ "bSpPeriodCtrlReadback[1]") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref SpCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_1__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref D (instanceref SpCntReadbackDsGen_1__SpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref Q (instanceref SpCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_1_))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename bSpPeriodCtrlReadback_20_ "bSpPeriodCtrlReadback[20]") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref SpCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_20__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref D (instanceref SpCntReadbackDsGen_20__SpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref Q (instanceref SpCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_20_))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename bSpPeriodCtrlReadback_21_ "bSpPeriodCtrlReadback[21]") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref SpCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_21__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref D (instanceref SpCntReadbackDsGen_21__SpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref Q (instanceref SpCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_21_))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename bSpPeriodCtrlReadback_22_ "bSpPeriodCtrlReadback[22]") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref SpCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_22__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref D (instanceref SpCntReadbackDsGen_22__SpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref Q (instanceref SpCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_22_))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename bSpPeriodCtrlReadback_23_ "bSpPeriodCtrlReadback[23]") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref SpCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_23__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref D (instanceref SpCntReadbackDsGen_23__SpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref Q (instanceref SpCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_23_))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename bSpPeriodCtrlReadback_24_ "bSpPeriodCtrlReadback[24]") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref SpCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_24__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref D (instanceref SpCntReadbackDsGen_24__SpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref Q (instanceref SpCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_24_))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename bSpPeriodCtrlReadback_25_ "bSpPeriodCtrlReadback[25]") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref SpCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_25__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref D (instanceref SpCntReadbackDsGen_25__SpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref Q (instanceref SpCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_25_))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename bSpPeriodCtrlReadback_26_ "bSpPeriodCtrlReadback[26]") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref SpCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_26__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref D (instanceref SpCntReadbackDsGen_26__SpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref Q (instanceref SpCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_26_))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename bSpPeriodCtrlReadback_27_ "bSpPeriodCtrlReadback[27]") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref SpCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_27__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref D (instanceref SpCntReadbackDsGen_27__SpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref Q (instanceref SpCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_27_))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename bSpPeriodCtrlReadback_28_ "bSpPeriodCtrlReadback[28]") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref SpCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_28__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref D (instanceref SpCntReadbackDsGen_28__SpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref Q (instanceref SpCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_28_))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename bSpPeriodCtrlReadback_29_ "bSpPeriodCtrlReadback[29]") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref SpCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_29__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref D (instanceref SpCntReadbackDsGen_29__SpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref Q (instanceref SpCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_29_))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename bSpPeriodCtrlReadback_2_ "bSpPeriodCtrlReadback[2]") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref SpCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_2__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref D (instanceref SpCntReadbackDsGen_2__SpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref Q (instanceref SpCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_2_))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename bSpPeriodCtrlReadback_30_ "bSpPeriodCtrlReadback[30]") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref SpCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_30__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref D (instanceref SpCntReadbackDsGen_30__SpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref Q (instanceref SpCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_30_))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename bSpPeriodCtrlReadback_31_ "bSpPeriodCtrlReadback[31]") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref SpCntReadbackDsGen_31__SpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref Q (instanceref SpCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_31_))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename bSpPeriodCtrlReadback_3_ "bSpPeriodCtrlReadback[3]") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref SpCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_3__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref D (instanceref SpCntReadbackDsGen_3__SpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref Q (instanceref SpCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_3_))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename bSpPeriodCtrlReadback_4_ "bSpPeriodCtrlReadback[4]") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref SpCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_4__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref D (instanceref SpCntReadbackDsGen_4__SpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref Q (instanceref SpCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_4_))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename bSpPeriodCtrlReadback_5_ "bSpPeriodCtrlReadback[5]") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref SpCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_5__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref D (instanceref SpCntReadbackDsGen_5__SpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref Q (instanceref SpCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_5_))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename bSpPeriodCtrlReadback_6_ "bSpPeriodCtrlReadback[6]") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref SpCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_6__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref D (instanceref SpCntReadbackDsGen_6__SpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref Q (instanceref SpCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_6_))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename bSpPeriodCtrlReadback_7_ "bSpPeriodCtrlReadback[7]") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref SpCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_7__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref D (instanceref SpCntReadbackDsGen_7__SpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref Q (instanceref SpCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_7_))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename bSpPeriodCtrlReadback_8_ "bSpPeriodCtrlReadback[8]") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref SpCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_8__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref D (instanceref SpCntReadbackDsGen_8__SpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref Q (instanceref SpCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_8_))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename bSpPeriodCtrlReadback_9_ "bSpPeriodCtrlReadback[9]") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref SpCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_9__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref D (instanceref SpCntReadbackDsGen_9__SpCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref Q (instanceref SpCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_9_))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename bSptPeriodCtrlReadbackSyncReset_0_ "bSptPeriodCtrlReadbackSyncReset[0]") (joined
+ (portref I1 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__0__i_3))
+ (portref Q (instanceref SptCntReadbackDsGen_0__SptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename bSptPeriodCtrlReadbackSyncReset_10_ "bSptPeriodCtrlReadbackSyncReset[10]") (joined
+ (portref I3 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__10__i_4))
+ (portref Q (instanceref SptCntReadbackDsGen_10__SptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename bSptPeriodCtrlReadbackSyncReset_11_ "bSptPeriodCtrlReadbackSyncReset[11]") (joined
+ (portref I4 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__11__i_3))
+ (portref Q (instanceref SptCntReadbackDsGen_11__SptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename bSptPeriodCtrlReadbackSyncReset_12_ "bSptPeriodCtrlReadbackSyncReset[12]") (joined
+ (portref I1 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__12__i_2))
+ (portref Q (instanceref SptCntReadbackDsGen_12__SptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename bSptPeriodCtrlReadbackSyncReset_13_ "bSptPeriodCtrlReadbackSyncReset[13]") (joined
+ (portref I4 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__13__i_4))
+ (portref Q (instanceref SptCntReadbackDsGen_13__SptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename bSptPeriodCtrlReadbackSyncReset_14_ "bSptPeriodCtrlReadbackSyncReset[14]") (joined
+ (portref I4 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__14__i_3))
+ (portref Q (instanceref SptCntReadbackDsGen_14__SptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename bSptPeriodCtrlReadbackSyncReset_15_ "bSptPeriodCtrlReadbackSyncReset[15]") (joined
+ (portref I4 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__15__i_3))
+ (portref Q (instanceref SptCntReadbackDsGen_15__SptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename bSptPeriodCtrlReadbackSyncReset_16_ "bSptPeriodCtrlReadbackSyncReset[16]") (joined
+ (portref I3 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__16__i_2))
+ (portref Q (instanceref SptCntReadbackDsGen_16__SptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename bSptPeriodCtrlReadbackSyncReset_17_ "bSptPeriodCtrlReadbackSyncReset[17]") (joined
+ (portref I1 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__17__i_2))
+ (portref Q (instanceref SptCntReadbackDsGen_17__SptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename bSptPeriodCtrlReadbackSyncReset_18_ "bSptPeriodCtrlReadbackSyncReset[18]") (joined
+ (portref I1 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__18__i_2))
+ (portref Q (instanceref SptCntReadbackDsGen_18__SptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename bSptPeriodCtrlReadbackSyncReset_19_ "bSptPeriodCtrlReadbackSyncReset[19]") (joined
+ (portref I4 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__19__i_4))
+ (portref Q (instanceref SptCntReadbackDsGen_19__SptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename bSptPeriodCtrlReadbackSyncReset_1_ "bSptPeriodCtrlReadbackSyncReset[1]") (joined
+ (portref I3 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__1__i_5))
+ (portref Q (instanceref SptCntReadbackDsGen_1__SptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename bSptPeriodCtrlReadbackSyncReset_20_ "bSptPeriodCtrlReadbackSyncReset[20]") (joined
+ (portref I4 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__20__i_3))
+ (portref Q (instanceref SptCntReadbackDsGen_20__SptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename bSptPeriodCtrlReadbackSyncReset_21_ "bSptPeriodCtrlReadbackSyncReset[21]") (joined
+ (portref I4 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__21__i_3))
+ (portref Q (instanceref SptCntReadbackDsGen_21__SptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename bSptPeriodCtrlReadbackSyncReset_22_ "bSptPeriodCtrlReadbackSyncReset[22]") (joined
+ (portref I4 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__22__i_3))
+ (portref Q (instanceref SptCntReadbackDsGen_22__SptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename bSptPeriodCtrlReadbackSyncReset_23_ "bSptPeriodCtrlReadbackSyncReset[23]") (joined
+ (portref I4 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__23__i_3))
+ (portref Q (instanceref SptCntReadbackDsGen_23__SptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename bSptPeriodCtrlReadbackSyncReset_24_ "bSptPeriodCtrlReadbackSyncReset[24]") (joined
+ (portref I4 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__24__i_4))
+ (portref Q (instanceref SptCntReadbackDsGen_24__SptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename bSptPeriodCtrlReadbackSyncReset_25_ "bSptPeriodCtrlReadbackSyncReset[25]") (joined
+ (portref I4 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__25__i_5))
+ (portref Q (instanceref SptCntReadbackDsGen_25__SptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename bSptPeriodCtrlReadbackSyncReset_26_ "bSptPeriodCtrlReadbackSyncReset[26]") (joined
+ (portref I1 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__26__i_2))
+ (portref Q (instanceref SptCntReadbackDsGen_26__SptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename bSptPeriodCtrlReadbackSyncReset_27_ "bSptPeriodCtrlReadbackSyncReset[27]") (joined
+ (portref I1 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__27__i_2))
+ (portref Q (instanceref SptCntReadbackDsGen_27__SptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename bSptPeriodCtrlReadbackSyncReset_28_ "bSptPeriodCtrlReadbackSyncReset[28]") (joined
+ (portref I3 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__28__i_6))
+ (portref Q (instanceref SptCntReadbackDsGen_28__SptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename bSptPeriodCtrlReadbackSyncReset_29_ "bSptPeriodCtrlReadbackSyncReset[29]") (joined
+ (portref I4 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__29__i_3))
+ (portref Q (instanceref SptCntReadbackDsGen_29__SptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename bSptPeriodCtrlReadbackSyncReset_2_ "bSptPeriodCtrlReadbackSyncReset[2]") (joined
+ (portref I3 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__2__i_3))
+ (portref Q (instanceref SptCntReadbackDsGen_2__SptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename bSptPeriodCtrlReadbackSyncReset_30_ "bSptPeriodCtrlReadbackSyncReset[30]") (joined
+ (portref I4 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__30__i_3))
+ (portref Q (instanceref SptCntReadbackDsGen_30__SptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename bSptPeriodCtrlReadbackSyncReset_31_ "bSptPeriodCtrlReadbackSyncReset[31]") (joined
+ (portref I4 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__31__i_3))
+ (portref Q (instanceref SptCntReadbackDsGen_31__SptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename bSptPeriodCtrlReadbackSyncReset_3_ "bSptPeriodCtrlReadbackSyncReset[3]") (joined
+ (portref I3 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__3__i_5))
+ (portref Q (instanceref SptCntReadbackDsGen_3__SptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename bSptPeriodCtrlReadbackSyncReset_4_ "bSptPeriodCtrlReadbackSyncReset[4]") (joined
+ (portref I3 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__4__i_3))
+ (portref Q (instanceref SptCntReadbackDsGen_4__SptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename bSptPeriodCtrlReadbackSyncReset_5_ "bSptPeriodCtrlReadbackSyncReset[5]") (joined
+ (portref I3 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__5__i_5))
+ (portref Q (instanceref SptCntReadbackDsGen_5__SptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename bSptPeriodCtrlReadbackSyncReset_6_ "bSptPeriodCtrlReadbackSyncReset[6]") (joined
+ (portref I3 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__6__i_3))
+ (portref Q (instanceref SptCntReadbackDsGen_6__SptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename bSptPeriodCtrlReadbackSyncReset_7_ "bSptPeriodCtrlReadbackSyncReset[7]") (joined
+ (portref I3 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__7__i_5))
+ (portref Q (instanceref SptCntReadbackDsGen_7__SptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename bSptPeriodCtrlReadbackSyncReset_8_ "bSptPeriodCtrlReadbackSyncReset[8]") (joined
+ (portref I3 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__8__i_5))
+ (portref Q (instanceref SptCntReadbackDsGen_8__SptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename bSptPeriodCtrlReadbackSyncReset_9_ "bSptPeriodCtrlReadbackSyncReset[9]") (joined
+ (portref I3 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__9__i_2))
+ (portref Q (instanceref SptCntReadbackDsGen_9__SptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename bSptPeriodCtrlReadback_0_ "bSptPeriodCtrlReadback[0]") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref SptCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_0__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref D (instanceref SptCntReadbackDsGen_0__SptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref Q (instanceref SptCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_0_))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename bSptPeriodCtrlReadback_10_ "bSptPeriodCtrlReadback[10]") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref SptCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_10__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref D (instanceref SptCntReadbackDsGen_10__SptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref Q (instanceref SptCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_10_))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename bSptPeriodCtrlReadback_11_ "bSptPeriodCtrlReadback[11]") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref SptCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_11__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref D (instanceref SptCntReadbackDsGen_11__SptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref Q (instanceref SptCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_11_))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename bSptPeriodCtrlReadback_12_ "bSptPeriodCtrlReadback[12]") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref SptCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_12__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref D (instanceref SptCntReadbackDsGen_12__SptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref Q (instanceref SptCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_12_))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename bSptPeriodCtrlReadback_13_ "bSptPeriodCtrlReadback[13]") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref SptCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_13__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref D (instanceref SptCntReadbackDsGen_13__SptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref Q (instanceref SptCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_13_))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename bSptPeriodCtrlReadback_14_ "bSptPeriodCtrlReadback[14]") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref SptCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_14__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref D (instanceref SptCntReadbackDsGen_14__SptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref Q (instanceref SptCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_14_))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename bSptPeriodCtrlReadback_15_ "bSptPeriodCtrlReadback[15]") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref SptCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_15__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref D (instanceref SptCntReadbackDsGen_15__SptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref Q (instanceref SptCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_15_))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename bSptPeriodCtrlReadback_16_ "bSptPeriodCtrlReadback[16]") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref SptCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_16__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref D (instanceref SptCntReadbackDsGen_16__SptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref Q (instanceref SptCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_16_))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename bSptPeriodCtrlReadback_17_ "bSptPeriodCtrlReadback[17]") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref SptCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_17__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref D (instanceref SptCntReadbackDsGen_17__SptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref Q (instanceref SptCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_17_))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename bSptPeriodCtrlReadback_18_ "bSptPeriodCtrlReadback[18]") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref SptCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_18__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref D (instanceref SptCntReadbackDsGen_18__SptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref Q (instanceref SptCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_18_))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename bSptPeriodCtrlReadback_19_ "bSptPeriodCtrlReadback[19]") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref SptCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_19__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref D (instanceref SptCntReadbackDsGen_19__SptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref Q (instanceref SptCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_19_))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename bSptPeriodCtrlReadback_1_ "bSptPeriodCtrlReadback[1]") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref SptCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_1__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref D (instanceref SptCntReadbackDsGen_1__SptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref Q (instanceref SptCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_1_))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename bSptPeriodCtrlReadback_20_ "bSptPeriodCtrlReadback[20]") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref SptCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_20__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref D (instanceref SptCntReadbackDsGen_20__SptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref Q (instanceref SptCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_20_))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename bSptPeriodCtrlReadback_21_ "bSptPeriodCtrlReadback[21]") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref SptCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_21__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref D (instanceref SptCntReadbackDsGen_21__SptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref Q (instanceref SptCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_21_))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename bSptPeriodCtrlReadback_22_ "bSptPeriodCtrlReadback[22]") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref SptCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_22__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref D (instanceref SptCntReadbackDsGen_22__SptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref Q (instanceref SptCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_22_))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename bSptPeriodCtrlReadback_23_ "bSptPeriodCtrlReadback[23]") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref SptCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_23__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref D (instanceref SptCntReadbackDsGen_23__SptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref Q (instanceref SptCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_23_))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename bSptPeriodCtrlReadback_24_ "bSptPeriodCtrlReadback[24]") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref SptCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_24__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref D (instanceref SptCntReadbackDsGen_24__SptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref Q (instanceref SptCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_24_))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename bSptPeriodCtrlReadback_25_ "bSptPeriodCtrlReadback[25]") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref SptCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_25__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref D (instanceref SptCntReadbackDsGen_25__SptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref Q (instanceref SptCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_25_))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename bSptPeriodCtrlReadback_26_ "bSptPeriodCtrlReadback[26]") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref SptCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_26__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref D (instanceref SptCntReadbackDsGen_26__SptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref Q (instanceref SptCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_26_))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename bSptPeriodCtrlReadback_27_ "bSptPeriodCtrlReadback[27]") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref SptCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_27__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref D (instanceref SptCntReadbackDsGen_27__SptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref Q (instanceref SptCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_27_))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename bSptPeriodCtrlReadback_28_ "bSptPeriodCtrlReadback[28]") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref SptCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_28__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref D (instanceref SptCntReadbackDsGen_28__SptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref Q (instanceref SptCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_28_))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename bSptPeriodCtrlReadback_29_ "bSptPeriodCtrlReadback[29]") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref SptCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_29__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref D (instanceref SptCntReadbackDsGen_29__SptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref Q (instanceref SptCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_29_))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename bSptPeriodCtrlReadback_2_ "bSptPeriodCtrlReadback[2]") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref SptCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_2__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref D (instanceref SptCntReadbackDsGen_2__SptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref Q (instanceref SptCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_2_))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename bSptPeriodCtrlReadback_30_ "bSptPeriodCtrlReadback[30]") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref SptCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_30__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref D (instanceref SptCntReadbackDsGen_30__SptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref Q (instanceref SptCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_30_))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename bSptPeriodCtrlReadback_31_ "bSptPeriodCtrlReadback[31]") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref SptCntReadbackDsGen_31__SptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref Q (instanceref SptCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_31_))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename bSptPeriodCtrlReadback_3_ "bSptPeriodCtrlReadback[3]") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref SptCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_3__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref D (instanceref SptCntReadbackDsGen_3__SptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref Q (instanceref SptCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_3_))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename bSptPeriodCtrlReadback_4_ "bSptPeriodCtrlReadback[4]") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref SptCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_4__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref D (instanceref SptCntReadbackDsGen_4__SptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref Q (instanceref SptCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_4_))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename bSptPeriodCtrlReadback_5_ "bSptPeriodCtrlReadback[5]") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref SptCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_5__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref D (instanceref SptCntReadbackDsGen_5__SptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref Q (instanceref SptCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_5_))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename bSptPeriodCtrlReadback_6_ "bSptPeriodCtrlReadback[6]") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref SptCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_6__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref D (instanceref SptCntReadbackDsGen_6__SptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref Q (instanceref SptCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_6_))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename bSptPeriodCtrlReadback_7_ "bSptPeriodCtrlReadback[7]") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref SptCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_7__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref D (instanceref SptCntReadbackDsGen_7__SptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref Q (instanceref SptCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_7_))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename bSptPeriodCtrlReadback_8_ "bSptPeriodCtrlReadback[8]") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref SptCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_8__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref D (instanceref SptCntReadbackDsGen_8__SptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref Q (instanceref SptCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_8_))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename bSptPeriodCtrlReadback_9_ "bSptPeriodCtrlReadback[9]") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref SptCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_9__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref D (instanceref SptCntReadbackDsGen_9__SptCntReadbackDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSig_msx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref Q (instanceref SptCntHs_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_9_))
+ )
+ )
+ (net iDlyPush (joined
+ (portref I0 (instanceref Gen0_FDCEx_i_1__4))
+ (portref Q (instanceref RpCntHs_BlkIn_iDlyPush_reg))
+ )
+ )
+ (net mOffsetsValid (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkIn_iDlyPush_reg))
+ (portref I0 (instanceref Gen0_FDCEx_i_1__11))
+ (portref mOffsetsValid)
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename mRpOffset_0_ "mRpOffset[0]") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_40_))
+ (portref (member mRpOffset 39))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename mRpOffset_10_ "mRpOffset[10]") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_50_))
+ (portref (member mRpOffset 29))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename mRpOffset_11_ "mRpOffset[11]") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_51_))
+ (portref (member mRpOffset 28))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename mRpOffset_12_ "mRpOffset[12]") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_52_))
+ (portref (member mRpOffset 27))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename mRpOffset_13_ "mRpOffset[13]") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_53_))
+ (portref (member mRpOffset 26))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename mRpOffset_14_ "mRpOffset[14]") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_54_))
+ (portref (member mRpOffset 25))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename mRpOffset_15_ "mRpOffset[15]") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_55_))
+ (portref (member mRpOffset 24))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename mRpOffset_16_ "mRpOffset[16]") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_56_))
+ (portref (member mRpOffset 23))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename mRpOffset_17_ "mRpOffset[17]") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_57_))
+ (portref (member mRpOffset 22))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename mRpOffset_18_ "mRpOffset[18]") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_58_))
+ (portref (member mRpOffset 21))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename mRpOffset_19_ "mRpOffset[19]") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_59_))
+ (portref (member mRpOffset 20))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename mRpOffset_1_ "mRpOffset[1]") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_41_))
+ (portref (member mRpOffset 38))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename mRpOffset_20_ "mRpOffset[20]") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_60_))
+ (portref (member mRpOffset 19))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename mRpOffset_21_ "mRpOffset[21]") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_61_))
+ (portref (member mRpOffset 18))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename mRpOffset_22_ "mRpOffset[22]") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_62_))
+ (portref (member mRpOffset 17))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename mRpOffset_23_ "mRpOffset[23]") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_63_))
+ (portref (member mRpOffset 16))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename mRpOffset_24_ "mRpOffset[24]") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_64_))
+ (portref (member mRpOffset 15))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename mRpOffset_25_ "mRpOffset[25]") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_65_))
+ (portref (member mRpOffset 14))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename mRpOffset_26_ "mRpOffset[26]") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_66_))
+ (portref (member mRpOffset 13))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename mRpOffset_27_ "mRpOffset[27]") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_67_))
+ (portref (member mRpOffset 12))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename mRpOffset_28_ "mRpOffset[28]") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_68_))
+ (portref (member mRpOffset 11))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename mRpOffset_29_ "mRpOffset[29]") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_69_))
+ (portref (member mRpOffset 10))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename mRpOffset_2_ "mRpOffset[2]") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_42_))
+ (portref (member mRpOffset 37))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename mRpOffset_30_ "mRpOffset[30]") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_70_))
+ (portref (member mRpOffset 9))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename mRpOffset_31_ "mRpOffset[31]") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_71_))
+ (portref (member mRpOffset 8))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename mRpOffset_32_ "mRpOffset[32]") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_72_))
+ (portref (member mRpOffset 7))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename mRpOffset_33_ "mRpOffset[33]") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_73_))
+ (portref (member mRpOffset 6))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename mRpOffset_34_ "mRpOffset[34]") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_74_))
+ (portref (member mRpOffset 5))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename mRpOffset_35_ "mRpOffset[35]") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_75_))
+ (portref (member mRpOffset 4))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename mRpOffset_36_ "mRpOffset[36]") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_76_))
+ (portref (member mRpOffset 3))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename mRpOffset_37_ "mRpOffset[37]") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_77_))
+ (portref (member mRpOffset 2))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename mRpOffset_38_ "mRpOffset[38]") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_78_))
+ (portref (member mRpOffset 1))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename mRpOffset_39_ "mRpOffset[39]") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_79_))
+ (portref (member mRpOffset 0))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename mRpOffset_3_ "mRpOffset[3]") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_43_))
+ (portref (member mRpOffset 36))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename mRpOffset_4_ "mRpOffset[4]") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_44_))
+ (portref (member mRpOffset 35))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename mRpOffset_5_ "mRpOffset[5]") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_45_))
+ (portref (member mRpOffset 34))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename mRpOffset_6_ "mRpOffset[6]") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_46_))
+ (portref (member mRpOffset 33))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename mRpOffset_7_ "mRpOffset[7]") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_47_))
+ (portref (member mRpOffset 32))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename mRpOffset_8_ "mRpOffset[8]") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_48_))
+ (portref (member mRpOffset 31))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename mRpOffset_9_ "mRpOffset[9]") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_49_))
+ (portref (member mRpOffset 30))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename mSpOffset_0_ "mSpOffset[0]") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_0_))
+ (portref (member mSpOffset 39))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename mSpOffset_10_ "mSpOffset[10]") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_10_))
+ (portref (member mSpOffset 29))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename mSpOffset_11_ "mSpOffset[11]") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_11_))
+ (portref (member mSpOffset 28))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename mSpOffset_12_ "mSpOffset[12]") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_12_))
+ (portref (member mSpOffset 27))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename mSpOffset_13_ "mSpOffset[13]") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_13_))
+ (portref (member mSpOffset 26))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename mSpOffset_14_ "mSpOffset[14]") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_14_))
+ (portref (member mSpOffset 25))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename mSpOffset_15_ "mSpOffset[15]") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_15_))
+ (portref (member mSpOffset 24))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename mSpOffset_16_ "mSpOffset[16]") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_16_))
+ (portref (member mSpOffset 23))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename mSpOffset_17_ "mSpOffset[17]") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_17_))
+ (portref (member mSpOffset 22))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename mSpOffset_18_ "mSpOffset[18]") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_18_))
+ (portref (member mSpOffset 21))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename mSpOffset_19_ "mSpOffset[19]") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_19_))
+ (portref (member mSpOffset 20))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename mSpOffset_1_ "mSpOffset[1]") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_1_))
+ (portref (member mSpOffset 38))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename mSpOffset_20_ "mSpOffset[20]") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_20_))
+ (portref (member mSpOffset 19))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename mSpOffset_21_ "mSpOffset[21]") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_21_))
+ (portref (member mSpOffset 18))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename mSpOffset_22_ "mSpOffset[22]") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_22_))
+ (portref (member mSpOffset 17))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename mSpOffset_23_ "mSpOffset[23]") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_23_))
+ (portref (member mSpOffset 16))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename mSpOffset_24_ "mSpOffset[24]") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_24_))
+ (portref (member mSpOffset 15))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename mSpOffset_25_ "mSpOffset[25]") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_25_))
+ (portref (member mSpOffset 14))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename mSpOffset_26_ "mSpOffset[26]") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_26_))
+ (portref (member mSpOffset 13))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename mSpOffset_27_ "mSpOffset[27]") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_27_))
+ (portref (member mSpOffset 12))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename mSpOffset_28_ "mSpOffset[28]") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_28_))
+ (portref (member mSpOffset 11))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename mSpOffset_29_ "mSpOffset[29]") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_29_))
+ (portref (member mSpOffset 10))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename mSpOffset_2_ "mSpOffset[2]") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_2_))
+ (portref (member mSpOffset 37))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename mSpOffset_30_ "mSpOffset[30]") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_30_))
+ (portref (member mSpOffset 9))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename mSpOffset_31_ "mSpOffset[31]") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_31_))
+ (portref (member mSpOffset 8))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename mSpOffset_32_ "mSpOffset[32]") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_32_))
+ (portref (member mSpOffset 7))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename mSpOffset_33_ "mSpOffset[33]") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_33_))
+ (portref (member mSpOffset 6))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename mSpOffset_34_ "mSpOffset[34]") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_34_))
+ (portref (member mSpOffset 5))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename mSpOffset_35_ "mSpOffset[35]") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_35_))
+ (portref (member mSpOffset 4))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename mSpOffset_36_ "mSpOffset[36]") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_36_))
+ (portref (member mSpOffset 3))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename mSpOffset_37_ "mSpOffset[37]") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_37_))
+ (portref (member mSpOffset 2))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename mSpOffset_38_ "mSpOffset[38]") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_38_))
+ (portref (member mSpOffset 1))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename mSpOffset_39_ "mSpOffset[39]") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_39_))
+ (portref (member mSpOffset 0))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename mSpOffset_3_ "mSpOffset[3]") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_3_))
+ (portref (member mSpOffset 36))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename mSpOffset_4_ "mSpOffset[4]") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_4_))
+ (portref (member mSpOffset 35))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename mSpOffset_5_ "mSpOffset[5]") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_5_))
+ (portref (member mSpOffset 34))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename mSpOffset_6_ "mSpOffset[6]") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_6_))
+ (portref (member mSpOffset 33))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename mSpOffset_7_ "mSpOffset[7]") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_7_))
+ (portref (member mSpOffset 32))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename mSpOffset_8_ "mSpOffset[8]") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_8_))
+ (portref (member mSpOffset 31))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename mSpOffset_9_ "mSpOffset[9]") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref IncomingOffsetHs_HBx_BlkIn_iLclStoredData_reg_9_))
+ (portref (member mSpOffset 30))
+ )
+ )
+ (net oDataValid (joined
+ (portref CE (instanceref sPpsClkCrossDelayVal_reg_0_))
+ (portref CE (instanceref sPpsClkCrossDelayVal_reg_1_))
+ (portref CE (instanceref sPpsClkCrossDelayVal_reg_2_))
+ (portref CE (instanceref sPpsClkCrossDelayVal_reg_3_))
+ (portref Q (instanceref PpsDelayValCrossingHs_HBx_BlkOut_oDataValid_reg))
+ )
+ )
+ (net oPushToggle2 (joined
+ (portref I1 (instanceref Gen0_FDCEx_i_1__5))
+ (portref Q (instanceref PpsDelayValCrossingHs_HBx_BlkOut_oPushToggle2_reg))
+ )
+ )
+ (net p_0_out (joined
+ (portref I0 (instanceref bSpOffsetStored_0__i_1))
+ (portref Q (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_0__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ )
+ )
+ (net p_10_out (joined
+ (portref I0 (instanceref bSpOffsetStored_10__i_1))
+ (portref Q (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_10__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ )
+ )
+ (net p_11_out (joined
+ (portref I0 (instanceref bSpOffsetStored_11__i_1))
+ (portref Q (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_11__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ )
+ )
+ (net p_12_out (joined
+ (portref I0 (instanceref bSpOffsetStored_12__i_1))
+ (portref Q (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_12__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ )
+ )
+ (net p_13_out (joined
+ (portref I0 (instanceref bSpOffsetStored_13__i_1))
+ (portref Q (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_13__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ )
+ )
+ (net p_14_out (joined
+ (portref I0 (instanceref bSpOffsetStored_14__i_1))
+ (portref Q (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_14__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ )
+ )
+ (net p_15_out (joined
+ (portref I0 (instanceref bSpOffsetStored_15__i_1))
+ (portref Q (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_15__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ )
+ )
+ (net p_16_out (joined
+ (portref I0 (instanceref bSpOffsetStored_16__i_1))
+ (portref Q (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_16__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ )
+ )
+ (net p_17_out (joined
+ (portref I0 (instanceref bSpOffsetStored_17__i_1))
+ (portref Q (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_17__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ )
+ )
+ (net p_18_out (joined
+ (portref I0 (instanceref bSpOffsetStored_18__i_1))
+ (portref Q (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_18__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ )
+ )
+ (net p_19_out (joined
+ (portref I0 (instanceref bSpOffsetStored_19__i_1))
+ (portref Q (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_19__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename p_1_in_10_ "p_1_in[10]") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref bScratch_reg_10_))
+ (portref O (instanceref bScratch_10__i_1))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename p_1_in_11_ "p_1_in[11]") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref bScratch_reg_11_))
+ (portref O (instanceref bScratch_11__i_1))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename p_1_in_13_ "p_1_in[13]") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref bScratch_reg_13_))
+ (portref O (instanceref bScratch_13__i_1))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename p_1_in_14_ "p_1_in[14]") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref bScratch_reg_14_))
+ (portref O (instanceref bScratch_14__i_1))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename p_1_in_15_ "p_1_in[15]") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref bScratch_reg_15_))
+ (portref O (instanceref bScratch_15__i_1))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename p_1_in_16_ "p_1_in[16]") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref bPpsClkCrossDelayVal_reg_0_))
+ (portref D (instanceref bScratch_reg_16_))
+ (portref O (instanceref bPpsClkCrossDelayVal_0__i_1))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename p_1_in_19_ "p_1_in[19]") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref bPpsClkCrossDelayVal_reg_3_))
+ (portref D (instanceref bScratch_reg_19_))
+ (portref O (instanceref bPpsClkCrossDelayVal_3__i_2))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename p_1_in_1_ "p_1_in[1]") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref bScratch_reg_1_))
+ (portref O (instanceref bScratch_1__i_1))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename p_1_in_20_ "p_1_in[20]") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref bScratch_reg_20_))
+ (portref O (instanceref bScratch_20__i_1))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename p_1_in_21_ "p_1_in[21]") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref bScratch_reg_21_))
+ (portref O (instanceref bScratch_21__i_1))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename p_1_in_22_ "p_1_in[22]") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref bScratch_reg_22_))
+ (portref O (instanceref bScratch_22__i_1))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename p_1_in_23_ "p_1_in[23]") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref bScratch_reg_23_))
+ (portref O (instanceref bScratch_23__i_1))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename p_1_in_24_ "p_1_in[24]") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref bScratch_reg_24_))
+ (portref O (instanceref bScratch_24__i_1))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename p_1_in_25_ "p_1_in[25]") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref bPulserEnableDelayVal_reg_1_))
+ (portref D (instanceref bScratch_reg_25_))
+ (portref O (instanceref bPulserEnableDelayVal_1__i_1))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename p_1_in_28_ "p_1_in[28]") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref bScratch_reg_28_))
+ (portref O (instanceref bScratch_28__i_1))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename p_1_in_29_ "p_1_in[29]") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref bScratch_reg_29_))
+ (portref O (instanceref bScratch_29__i_1))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename p_1_in_2_ "p_1_in[2]") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref bScratch_reg_2_))
+ (portref O (instanceref bScratch_2__i_1))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename p_1_in_30_ "p_1_in[30]") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref bScratch_reg_30_))
+ (portref O (instanceref bScratch_30__i_1))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename p_1_in_31_ "p_1_in[31]") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref bScratch_reg_31_))
+ (portref O (instanceref bScratch_31__i_2))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename p_1_in_3_ "p_1_in[3]") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref bScratch_reg_3_))
+ (portref O (instanceref bScratch_3__i_1))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename p_1_in_5_ "p_1_in[5]") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref bScratch_reg_5_))
+ (portref O (instanceref bScratch_5__i_1))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename p_1_in_6_ "p_1_in[6]") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref bScratch_reg_6_))
+ (portref O (instanceref bScratch_6__i_1))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename p_1_in_7_ "p_1_in[7]") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref bScratch_reg_7_))
+ (portref O (instanceref bScratch_7__i_1))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename p_1_in_9_ "p_1_in[9]") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref bScratch_reg_9_))
+ (portref O (instanceref bScratch_9__i_1))
+ )
+ )
+ (net p_1_out (joined
+ (portref I0 (instanceref bSpOffsetStored_1__i_1))
+ (portref Q (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_1__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ )
+ )
+ (net p_20_out (joined
+ (portref I0 (instanceref bSpOffsetStored_20__i_1))
+ (portref Q (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_20__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ )
+ )
+ (net p_21_out (joined
+ (portref I0 (instanceref bSpOffsetStored_21__i_1))
+ (portref Q (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_21__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ )
+ )
+ (net p_22_out (joined
+ (portref I0 (instanceref bSpOffsetStored_22__i_1))
+ (portref Q (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_22__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ )
+ )
+ (net p_23_out (joined
+ (portref I0 (instanceref bSpOffsetStored_23__i_1))
+ (portref Q (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_23__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ )
+ )
+ (net p_24_out (joined
+ (portref I0 (instanceref bSpOffsetStored_24__i_1))
+ (portref Q (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_24__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ )
+ )
+ (net p_25_out (joined
+ (portref I0 (instanceref bSpOffsetStored_25__i_1))
+ (portref Q (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_25__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ )
+ )
+ (net p_26_out (joined
+ (portref I0 (instanceref bSpOffsetStored_26__i_1))
+ (portref Q (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_26__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ )
+ )
+ (net p_27_out (joined
+ (portref I0 (instanceref bSpOffsetStored_27__i_1))
+ (portref Q (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_27__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ )
+ )
+ (net p_28_out (joined
+ (portref I0 (instanceref bSpOffsetStored_28__i_1))
+ (portref Q (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_28__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ )
+ )
+ (net p_29_out (joined
+ (portref I0 (instanceref bSpOffsetStored_29__i_1))
+ (portref Q (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_29__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ )
+ )
+ (net p_2_out (joined
+ (portref I0 (instanceref bSpOffsetStored_2__i_1))
+ (portref Q (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_2__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ )
+ )
+ (net p_30_out (joined
+ (portref I0 (instanceref bSpOffsetStored_30__i_1))
+ (portref Q (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_30__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ )
+ )
+ (net p_31_out (joined
+ (portref I0 (instanceref bSpOffsetStored_31__i_1))
+ (portref Q (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_31__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ )
+ )
+ (net p_32_out (joined
+ (portref I4 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__0__i_4))
+ (portref Q (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_32__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ )
+ )
+ (net p_33_out (joined
+ (portref I1 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__1__i_3))
+ (portref Q (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_33__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ )
+ )
+ (net p_34_out (joined
+ (portref I1 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__2__i_2))
+ (portref Q (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_34__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ )
+ )
+ (net p_35_out (joined
+ (portref I1 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__3__i_2))
+ (portref Q (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_35__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ )
+ )
+ (net p_36_out (joined
+ (portref I1 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__4__i_2))
+ (portref Q (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_36__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ )
+ )
+ (net p_37_out (joined
+ (portref I1 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__5__i_3))
+ (portref Q (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_37__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ )
+ )
+ (net p_38_out (joined
+ (portref I1 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__6__i_2))
+ (portref Q (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_38__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ )
+ )
+ (net p_39_out (joined
+ (portref I1 (instanceref bRegPortOutLcl_Data__7__i_2))
+ (portref Q (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_39__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ )
+ )
+ (net p_3_out (joined
+ (portref I0 (instanceref bSpOffsetStored_3__i_1))
+ (portref Q (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_3__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ )
+ )
+ (net p_40_out (joined
+ (portref I0 (instanceref bRpOffsetStored_0__i_1))
+ (portref Q (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_40__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ )
+ )
+ (net p_41_out (joined
+ (portref I0 (instanceref bRpOffsetStored_1__i_1))
+ (portref Q (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_41__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ )
+ )
+ (net p_42_out (joined
+ (portref I0 (instanceref bRpOffsetStored_2__i_1))
+ (portref Q (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_42__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ )
+ )
+ (net p_43_out (joined
+ (portref I0 (instanceref bRpOffsetStored_3__i_1))
+ (portref Q (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_43__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ )
+ )
+ (net p_44_out (joined
+ (portref I0 (instanceref bRpOffsetStored_4__i_1))
+ (portref Q (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_44__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ )
+ )
+ (net p_45_out (joined
+ (portref I0 (instanceref bRpOffsetStored_5__i_1))
+ (portref Q (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_45__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ )
+ )
+ (net p_46_out (joined
+ (portref I0 (instanceref bRpOffsetStored_6__i_1))
+ (portref Q (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_46__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ )
+ )
+ (net p_47_out (joined
+ (portref I0 (instanceref bRpOffsetStored_7__i_1))
+ (portref Q (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_47__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ )
+ )
+ (net p_48_out (joined
+ (portref I0 (instanceref bRpOffsetStored_8__i_1))
+ (portref Q (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_48__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ )
+ )
+ (net p_49_out (joined
+ (portref I0 (instanceref bRpOffsetStored_9__i_1))
+ (portref Q (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_49__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ )
+ )
+ (net p_4_out (joined
+ (portref I0 (instanceref bSpOffsetStored_4__i_1))
+ (portref Q (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_4__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ )
+ )
+ (net p_50_out (joined
+ (portref I0 (instanceref bRpOffsetStored_10__i_1))
+ (portref Q (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_50__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ )
+ )
+ (net p_51_out (joined
+ (portref I0 (instanceref bRpOffsetStored_11__i_1))
+ (portref Q (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_51__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ )
+ )
+ (net p_52_out (joined
+ (portref I0 (instanceref bRpOffsetStored_12__i_1))
+ (portref Q (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_52__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ )
+ )
+ (net p_53_out (joined
+ (portref I0 (instanceref bRpOffsetStored_13__i_1))
+ (portref Q (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_53__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ )
+ )
+ (net p_54_out (joined
+ (portref I0 (instanceref bRpOffsetStored_14__i_1))
+ (portref Q (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_54__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ )
+ )
+ (net p_55_out (joined
+ (portref I0 (instanceref bRpOffsetStored_15__i_1))
+ (portref Q (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_55__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ )
+ )
+ (net p_56_out (joined
+ (portref I0 (instanceref bRpOffsetStored_16__i_1))
+ (portref Q (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_56__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ )
+ )
+ (net p_57_out (joined
+ (portref I0 (instanceref bRpOffsetStored_17__i_1))
+ (portref Q (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_57__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ )
+ )
+ (net p_58_out (joined
+ (portref I0 (instanceref bRpOffsetStored_18__i_1))
+ (portref Q (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_58__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ )
+ )
+ (net p_59_out (joined
+ (portref I0 (instanceref bRpOffsetStored_19__i_1))
+ (portref Q (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_59__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ )
+ )
+ (net p_5_out (joined
+ (portref I0 (instanceref bSpOffsetStored_5__i_1))
+ (portref Q (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_5__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ )
+ )
+ (net p_60_out (joined
+ (portref I0 (instanceref bRpOffsetStored_20__i_1))
+ (portref Q (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_60__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ )
+ )
+ (net p_61_out (joined
+ (portref I0 (instanceref bRpOffsetStored_21__i_1))
+ (portref Q (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_61__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ )
+ )
+ (net p_62_out (joined
+ (portref I0 (instanceref bRpOffsetStored_22__i_1))
+ (portref Q (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_62__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ )
+ )
+ (net p_63_out (joined
+ (portref I0 (instanceref bRpOffsetStored_23__i_1))
+ (portref Q (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_63__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ )
+ )
+ (net p_64_out (joined
+ (portref I0 (instanceref bRpOffsetStored_24__i_1))
+ (portref Q (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_64__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ )
+ )
+ (net p_65_out (joined
+ (portref I0 (instanceref bRpOffsetStored_25__i_1))
+ (portref Q (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_65__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ )
+ )
+ (net p_66_out (joined
+ (portref I0 (instanceref bRpOffsetStored_26__i_1))
+ (portref Q (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_66__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ )
+ )
+ (net p_67_out (joined
+ (portref I0 (instanceref bRpOffsetStored_27__i_1))
+ (portref Q (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_67__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ )
+ )
+ (net p_68_out (joined
+ (portref I0 (instanceref bRpOffsetStored_28__i_1))
+ (portref Q (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_68__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ )
+ )
+ (net p_69_out (joined
+ (portref I0 (instanceref bRpOffsetStored_29__i_1))
+ (portref Q (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_69__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ )
+ )
+ (net p_6_out (joined
+ (portref I0 (instanceref bSpOffsetStored_6__i_1))
+ (portref Q (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_6__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ )
+ )
+ (net p_70_out (joined
+ (portref I0 (instanceref bRpOffsetStored_30__i_1))
+ (portref Q (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_70__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ )
+ )
+ (net p_71_out (joined
+ (portref I0 (instanceref bRpOffsetStored_31__i_1))
+ (portref Q (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_71__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ )
+ )
+ (net p_72_out (joined
+ (portref I0 (instanceref bRpOffsetStored_32__i_1))
+ (portref Q (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_72__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ )
+ )
+ (net p_73_out (joined
+ (portref I0 (instanceref bRpOffsetStored_33__i_1))
+ (portref Q (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_73__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ )
+ )
+ (net p_74_out (joined
+ (portref I0 (instanceref bRpOffsetStored_34__i_1))
+ (portref Q (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_74__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ )
+ )
+ (net p_75_out (joined
+ (portref I0 (instanceref bRpOffsetStored_35__i_1))
+ (portref Q (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_75__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ )
+ )
+ (net p_76_out (joined
+ (portref I0 (instanceref bRpOffsetStored_36__i_1))
+ (portref Q (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_76__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ )
+ )
+ (net p_77_out (joined
+ (portref I0 (instanceref bRpOffsetStored_37__i_1))
+ (portref Q (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_77__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ )
+ )
+ (net p_78_out (joined
+ (portref I0 (instanceref bRpOffsetStored_38__i_1))
+ (portref Q (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_78__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ )
+ )
+ (net p_79_out (joined
+ (portref I0 (instanceref bRpOffsetStored_39__i_2))
+ (portref Q (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_79__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ )
+ )
+ (net p_7_out (joined
+ (portref I0 (instanceref bSpOffsetStored_7__i_1))
+ (portref Q (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_7__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ )
+ )
+ (net p_8_out (joined
+ (portref I0 (instanceref bSpOffsetStored_8__i_1))
+ (portref Q (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_8__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ )
+ )
+ (net p_9_out (joined
+ (portref I0 (instanceref bSpOffsetStored_9__i_1))
+ (portref Q (instanceref OffsetsDsGen_9__OffsetsDs_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ )
+ )
+ (net rEnablePpsCrossing (joined
+ (portref Q (instanceref PpsCrossEnDs_DoubleSyncBasex_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref rEnablePpsCrossing)
+ )
+ )
+ (net rEnableTdc (joined
+ (portref Q (instanceref EnableTdcDs_DoubleSyncBasex_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref rEnableTdc)
+ )
+ )
+ (net rLoadRePulseCounts (joined
+ (portref Q (instanceref RePulse2CntHs_BlkOut_oDataValid_reg))
+ (portref rLoadRePulseCounts)
+ )
+ )
+ (net rLoadRpCounts (joined
+ (portref Q (instanceref RpCntHs_BlkOut_oDataValid_reg))
+ (portref rLoadRpCounts)
+ )
+ )
+ (net rLoadRptCounts (joined
+ (portref Q (instanceref RptCntHs_BlkOut_oDataValid_reg))
+ (portref rLoadRptCounts)
+ )
+ )
+ (net rPpsPulseCaptured (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref PpsCapturedDs_DoubleSyncBasex_iDlySigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref rPpsPulseCaptured)
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename rPulserEnableDelayValTemp_0_ "rPulserEnableDelayValTemp[0]") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref rPulserEnableDelayVal_reg_0_))
+ (portref Q (instanceref PulserEnableDelayValCrossingHs_HBx_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_0__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename rPulserEnableDelayValTemp_1_ "rPulserEnableDelayValTemp[1]") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref rPulserEnableDelayVal_reg_1_))
+ (portref Q (instanceref PulserEnableDelayValCrossingHs_HBx_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_1__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename rPulserEnableDelayValTemp_2_ "rPulserEnableDelayValTemp[2]") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref rPulserEnableDelayVal_reg_2_))
+ (portref Q (instanceref PulserEnableDelayValCrossingHs_HBx_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_2__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename rPulserEnableDelayValTemp_3_ "rPulserEnableDelayValTemp[3]") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref rPulserEnableDelayVal_reg_3_))
+ (portref Q (instanceref PulserEnableDelayValCrossingHs_HBx_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_3__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename rPulserEnableDelayVal_0_ "rPulserEnableDelayVal[0]") (joined
+ (portref Q (instanceref rPulserEnableDelayVal_reg_0_))
+ (portref (member rPulserEnableDelayVal 3))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename rPulserEnableDelayVal_1_ "rPulserEnableDelayVal[1]") (joined
+ (portref Q (instanceref rPulserEnableDelayVal_reg_1_))
+ (portref (member rPulserEnableDelayVal 2))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename rPulserEnableDelayVal_2_ "rPulserEnableDelayVal[2]") (joined
+ (portref Q (instanceref rPulserEnableDelayVal_reg_2_))
+ (portref (member rPulserEnableDelayVal 1))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename rPulserEnableDelayVal_3_ "rPulserEnableDelayVal[3]") (joined
+ (portref Q (instanceref rPulserEnableDelayVal_reg_3_))
+ (portref (member rPulserEnableDelayVal 0))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename rRePulseHighTimeInRClks_0_ "rRePulseHighTimeInRClks[0]") (joined
+ (portref Q (instanceref RePulse2CntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_0__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref (member rRePulseHighTimeInRClks 23))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename rRePulseHighTimeInRClks_10_ "rRePulseHighTimeInRClks[10]") (joined
+ (portref Q (instanceref RePulse2CntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_10__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref (member rRePulseHighTimeInRClks 13))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename rRePulseHighTimeInRClks_11_ "rRePulseHighTimeInRClks[11]") (joined
+ (portref Q (instanceref RePulse2CntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_11__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref (member rRePulseHighTimeInRClks 12))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename rRePulseHighTimeInRClks_12_ "rRePulseHighTimeInRClks[12]") (joined
+ (portref Q (instanceref RePulse2CntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_12__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref (member rRePulseHighTimeInRClks 11))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename rRePulseHighTimeInRClks_13_ "rRePulseHighTimeInRClks[13]") (joined
+ (portref Q (instanceref RePulse2CntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_13__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref (member rRePulseHighTimeInRClks 10))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename rRePulseHighTimeInRClks_14_ "rRePulseHighTimeInRClks[14]") (joined
+ (portref Q (instanceref RePulse2CntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_14__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref (member rRePulseHighTimeInRClks 9))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename rRePulseHighTimeInRClks_15_ "rRePulseHighTimeInRClks[15]") (joined
+ (portref Q (instanceref RePulse2CntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_15__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref (member rRePulseHighTimeInRClks 8))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename rRePulseHighTimeInRClks_16_ "rRePulseHighTimeInRClks[16]") (joined
+ (portref Q (instanceref RePulse2CntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_16__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref (member rRePulseHighTimeInRClks 7))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename rRePulseHighTimeInRClks_17_ "rRePulseHighTimeInRClks[17]") (joined
+ (portref Q (instanceref RePulse2CntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_17__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref (member rRePulseHighTimeInRClks 6))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename rRePulseHighTimeInRClks_18_ "rRePulseHighTimeInRClks[18]") (joined
+ (portref Q (instanceref RePulse2CntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_18__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref (member rRePulseHighTimeInRClks 5))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename rRePulseHighTimeInRClks_19_ "rRePulseHighTimeInRClks[19]") (joined
+ (portref Q (instanceref RePulse2CntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_19__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref (member rRePulseHighTimeInRClks 4))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename rRePulseHighTimeInRClks_1_ "rRePulseHighTimeInRClks[1]") (joined
+ (portref Q (instanceref RePulse2CntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_1__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref (member rRePulseHighTimeInRClks 22))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename rRePulseHighTimeInRClks_20_ "rRePulseHighTimeInRClks[20]") (joined
+ (portref Q (instanceref RePulse2CntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_20__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref (member rRePulseHighTimeInRClks 3))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename rRePulseHighTimeInRClks_21_ "rRePulseHighTimeInRClks[21]") (joined
+ (portref Q (instanceref RePulse2CntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_21__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref (member rRePulseHighTimeInRClks 2))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename rRePulseHighTimeInRClks_22_ "rRePulseHighTimeInRClks[22]") (joined
+ (portref Q (instanceref RePulse2CntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_22__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref (member rRePulseHighTimeInRClks 1))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename rRePulseHighTimeInRClks_2_ "rRePulseHighTimeInRClks[2]") (joined
+ (portref Q (instanceref RePulse2CntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_2__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref (member rRePulseHighTimeInRClks 21))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename rRePulseHighTimeInRClks_3_ "rRePulseHighTimeInRClks[3]") (joined
+ (portref Q (instanceref RePulse2CntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_3__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref (member rRePulseHighTimeInRClks 20))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename rRePulseHighTimeInRClks_4_ "rRePulseHighTimeInRClks[4]") (joined
+ (portref Q (instanceref RePulse2CntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_4__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref (member rRePulseHighTimeInRClks 19))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename rRePulseHighTimeInRClks_5_ "rRePulseHighTimeInRClks[5]") (joined
+ (portref Q (instanceref RePulse2CntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_5__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref (member rRePulseHighTimeInRClks 18))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename rRePulseHighTimeInRClks_6_ "rRePulseHighTimeInRClks[6]") (joined
+ (portref Q (instanceref RePulse2CntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_6__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref (member rRePulseHighTimeInRClks 17))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename rRePulseHighTimeInRClks_7_ "rRePulseHighTimeInRClks[7]") (joined
+ (portref Q (instanceref RePulse2CntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_7__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref (member rRePulseHighTimeInRClks 16))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename rRePulseHighTimeInRClks_8_ "rRePulseHighTimeInRClks[8]") (joined
+ (portref Q (instanceref RePulse2CntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_8__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref (member rRePulseHighTimeInRClks 15))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename rRePulseHighTimeInRClks_9_ "rRePulseHighTimeInRClks[9]") (joined
+ (portref Q (instanceref RePulse2CntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_9__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref (member rRePulseHighTimeInRClks 14))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename rRePulsePeriodInRClks_0_ "rRePulsePeriodInRClks[0]") (joined
+ (portref Q (instanceref RePulse1CntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_0__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref (member rRePulsePeriodInRClks 23))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename rRePulsePeriodInRClks_10_ "rRePulsePeriodInRClks[10]") (joined
+ (portref Q (instanceref RePulse1CntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_10__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref (member rRePulsePeriodInRClks 13))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename rRePulsePeriodInRClks_11_ "rRePulsePeriodInRClks[11]") (joined
+ (portref Q (instanceref RePulse1CntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_11__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref (member rRePulsePeriodInRClks 12))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename rRePulsePeriodInRClks_12_ "rRePulsePeriodInRClks[12]") (joined
+ (portref Q (instanceref RePulse1CntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_12__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref (member rRePulsePeriodInRClks 11))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename rRePulsePeriodInRClks_13_ "rRePulsePeriodInRClks[13]") (joined
+ (portref Q (instanceref RePulse1CntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_13__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref (member rRePulsePeriodInRClks 10))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename rRePulsePeriodInRClks_14_ "rRePulsePeriodInRClks[14]") (joined
+ (portref Q (instanceref RePulse1CntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_14__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref (member rRePulsePeriodInRClks 9))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename rRePulsePeriodInRClks_15_ "rRePulsePeriodInRClks[15]") (joined
+ (portref Q (instanceref RePulse1CntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_15__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref (member rRePulsePeriodInRClks 8))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename rRePulsePeriodInRClks_16_ "rRePulsePeriodInRClks[16]") (joined
+ (portref Q (instanceref RePulse1CntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_16__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref (member rRePulsePeriodInRClks 7))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename rRePulsePeriodInRClks_17_ "rRePulsePeriodInRClks[17]") (joined
+ (portref Q (instanceref RePulse1CntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_17__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref (member rRePulsePeriodInRClks 6))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename rRePulsePeriodInRClks_18_ "rRePulsePeriodInRClks[18]") (joined
+ (portref Q (instanceref RePulse1CntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_18__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref (member rRePulsePeriodInRClks 5))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename rRePulsePeriodInRClks_19_ "rRePulsePeriodInRClks[19]") (joined
+ (portref Q (instanceref RePulse1CntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_19__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref (member rRePulsePeriodInRClks 4))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename rRePulsePeriodInRClks_1_ "rRePulsePeriodInRClks[1]") (joined
+ (portref Q (instanceref RePulse1CntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_1__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref (member rRePulsePeriodInRClks 22))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename rRePulsePeriodInRClks_20_ "rRePulsePeriodInRClks[20]") (joined
+ (portref Q (instanceref RePulse1CntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_20__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref (member rRePulsePeriodInRClks 3))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename rRePulsePeriodInRClks_21_ "rRePulsePeriodInRClks[21]") (joined
+ (portref Q (instanceref RePulse1CntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_21__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref (member rRePulsePeriodInRClks 2))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename rRePulsePeriodInRClks_22_ "rRePulsePeriodInRClks[22]") (joined
+ (portref Q (instanceref RePulse1CntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_22__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref (member rRePulsePeriodInRClks 1))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename rRePulsePeriodInRClks_23_ "rRePulsePeriodInRClks[23]") (joined
+ (portref Q (instanceref RePulse1CntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_23__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref (member rRePulsePeriodInRClks 0))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename rRePulsePeriodInRClks_2_ "rRePulsePeriodInRClks[2]") (joined
+ (portref Q (instanceref RePulse1CntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_2__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref (member rRePulsePeriodInRClks 21))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename rRePulsePeriodInRClks_3_ "rRePulsePeriodInRClks[3]") (joined
+ (portref Q (instanceref RePulse1CntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_3__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref (member rRePulsePeriodInRClks 20))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename rRePulsePeriodInRClks_4_ "rRePulsePeriodInRClks[4]") (joined
+ (portref Q (instanceref RePulse1CntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_4__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref (member rRePulsePeriodInRClks 19))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename rRePulsePeriodInRClks_5_ "rRePulsePeriodInRClks[5]") (joined
+ (portref Q (instanceref RePulse1CntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_5__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref (member rRePulsePeriodInRClks 18))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename rRePulsePeriodInRClks_6_ "rRePulsePeriodInRClks[6]") (joined
+ (portref Q (instanceref RePulse1CntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_6__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref (member rRePulsePeriodInRClks 17))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename rRePulsePeriodInRClks_7_ "rRePulsePeriodInRClks[7]") (joined
+ (portref Q (instanceref RePulse1CntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_7__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref (member rRePulsePeriodInRClks 16))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename rRePulsePeriodInRClks_8_ "rRePulsePeriodInRClks[8]") (joined
+ (portref Q (instanceref RePulse1CntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_8__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref (member rRePulsePeriodInRClks 15))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename rRePulsePeriodInRClks_9_ "rRePulsePeriodInRClks[9]") (joined
+ (portref Q (instanceref RePulse1CntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_9__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref (member rRePulsePeriodInRClks 14))
+ )
+ )
+ (net rReRunEnable (joined
+ (portref Q (instanceref ReRunEnableDs_DoubleSyncBasex_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref rReRunEnable)
+ )
+ )
+ (net rResetTdc (joined
+ (portref Q (instanceref ResetTdcDs_DoubleSyncBasex_DoubleSyncAsyncInBasex_oSigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref rResetTdc)
+ )
+ )
+ (net rResetTdcDone (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref ResetDoneDs_DoubleSyncBasex_iDlySigx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref rResetTdcDone)
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename rRpHighTimeInRClks_0_ "rRpHighTimeInRClks[0]") (joined
+ (portref Q (instanceref RpCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_16__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref (member rRpHighTimeInRClks 15))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename rRpHighTimeInRClks_10_ "rRpHighTimeInRClks[10]") (joined
+ (portref Q (instanceref RpCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_26__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref (member rRpHighTimeInRClks 5))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename rRpHighTimeInRClks_11_ "rRpHighTimeInRClks[11]") (joined
+ (portref Q (instanceref RpCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_27__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref (member rRpHighTimeInRClks 4))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename rRpHighTimeInRClks_12_ "rRpHighTimeInRClks[12]") (joined
+ (portref Q (instanceref RpCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_28__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref (member rRpHighTimeInRClks 3))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename rRpHighTimeInRClks_13_ "rRpHighTimeInRClks[13]") (joined
+ (portref Q (instanceref RpCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_29__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref (member rRpHighTimeInRClks 2))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename rRpHighTimeInRClks_14_ "rRpHighTimeInRClks[14]") (joined
+ (portref Q (instanceref RpCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_30__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref (member rRpHighTimeInRClks 1))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename rRpHighTimeInRClks_1_ "rRpHighTimeInRClks[1]") (joined
+ (portref Q (instanceref RpCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_17__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref (member rRpHighTimeInRClks 14))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename rRpHighTimeInRClks_2_ "rRpHighTimeInRClks[2]") (joined
+ (portref Q (instanceref RpCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_18__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref (member rRpHighTimeInRClks 13))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename rRpHighTimeInRClks_3_ "rRpHighTimeInRClks[3]") (joined
+ (portref Q (instanceref RpCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_19__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref (member rRpHighTimeInRClks 12))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename rRpHighTimeInRClks_4_ "rRpHighTimeInRClks[4]") (joined
+ (portref Q (instanceref RpCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_20__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref (member rRpHighTimeInRClks 11))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename rRpHighTimeInRClks_5_ "rRpHighTimeInRClks[5]") (joined
+ (portref Q (instanceref RpCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_21__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref (member rRpHighTimeInRClks 10))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename rRpHighTimeInRClks_6_ "rRpHighTimeInRClks[6]") (joined
+ (portref Q (instanceref RpCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_22__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref (member rRpHighTimeInRClks 9))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename rRpHighTimeInRClks_7_ "rRpHighTimeInRClks[7]") (joined
+ (portref Q (instanceref RpCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_23__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref (member rRpHighTimeInRClks 8))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename rRpHighTimeInRClks_8_ "rRpHighTimeInRClks[8]") (joined
+ (portref Q (instanceref RpCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_24__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref (member rRpHighTimeInRClks 7))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename rRpHighTimeInRClks_9_ "rRpHighTimeInRClks[9]") (joined
+ (portref Q (instanceref RpCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_25__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref (member rRpHighTimeInRClks 6))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename rRpPeriodInRClks_0_ "rRpPeriodInRClks[0]") (joined
+ (portref Q (instanceref RpCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_0__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref (member rRpPeriodInRClks 15))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename rRpPeriodInRClks_10_ "rRpPeriodInRClks[10]") (joined
+ (portref Q (instanceref RpCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_10__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref (member rRpPeriodInRClks 5))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename rRpPeriodInRClks_11_ "rRpPeriodInRClks[11]") (joined
+ (portref Q (instanceref RpCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_11__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref (member rRpPeriodInRClks 4))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename rRpPeriodInRClks_12_ "rRpPeriodInRClks[12]") (joined
+ (portref Q (instanceref RpCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_12__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref (member rRpPeriodInRClks 3))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename rRpPeriodInRClks_13_ "rRpPeriodInRClks[13]") (joined
+ (portref Q (instanceref RpCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_13__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref (member rRpPeriodInRClks 2))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename rRpPeriodInRClks_14_ "rRpPeriodInRClks[14]") (joined
+ (portref Q (instanceref RpCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_14__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref (member rRpPeriodInRClks 1))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename rRpPeriodInRClks_15_ "rRpPeriodInRClks[15]") (joined
+ (portref Q (instanceref RpCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_15__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref (member rRpPeriodInRClks 0))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename rRpPeriodInRClks_1_ "rRpPeriodInRClks[1]") (joined
+ (portref Q (instanceref RpCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_1__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref (member rRpPeriodInRClks 14))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename rRpPeriodInRClks_2_ "rRpPeriodInRClks[2]") (joined
+ (portref Q (instanceref RpCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_2__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref (member rRpPeriodInRClks 13))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename rRpPeriodInRClks_3_ "rRpPeriodInRClks[3]") (joined
+ (portref Q (instanceref RpCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_3__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref (member rRpPeriodInRClks 12))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename rRpPeriodInRClks_4_ "rRpPeriodInRClks[4]") (joined
+ (portref Q (instanceref RpCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_4__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref (member rRpPeriodInRClks 11))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename rRpPeriodInRClks_5_ "rRpPeriodInRClks[5]") (joined
+ (portref Q (instanceref RpCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_5__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref (member rRpPeriodInRClks 10))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename rRpPeriodInRClks_6_ "rRpPeriodInRClks[6]") (joined
+ (portref Q (instanceref RpCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_6__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref (member rRpPeriodInRClks 9))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename rRpPeriodInRClks_7_ "rRpPeriodInRClks[7]") (joined
+ (portref Q (instanceref RpCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_7__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref (member rRpPeriodInRClks 8))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename rRpPeriodInRClks_8_ "rRpPeriodInRClks[8]") (joined
+ (portref Q (instanceref RpCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_8__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref (member rRpPeriodInRClks 7))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename rRpPeriodInRClks_9_ "rRpPeriodInRClks[9]") (joined
+ (portref Q (instanceref RpCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_9__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref (member rRpPeriodInRClks 6))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename rRptHighTimeInRClks_0_ "rRptHighTimeInRClks[0]") (joined
+ (portref Q (instanceref RptCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_16__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref (member rRptHighTimeInRClks 15))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename rRptHighTimeInRClks_10_ "rRptHighTimeInRClks[10]") (joined
+ (portref Q (instanceref RptCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_26__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref (member rRptHighTimeInRClks 5))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename rRptHighTimeInRClks_11_ "rRptHighTimeInRClks[11]") (joined
+ (portref Q (instanceref RptCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_27__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref (member rRptHighTimeInRClks 4))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename rRptHighTimeInRClks_12_ "rRptHighTimeInRClks[12]") (joined
+ (portref Q (instanceref RptCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_28__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref (member rRptHighTimeInRClks 3))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename rRptHighTimeInRClks_13_ "rRptHighTimeInRClks[13]") (joined
+ (portref Q (instanceref RptCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_29__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref (member rRptHighTimeInRClks 2))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename rRptHighTimeInRClks_14_ "rRptHighTimeInRClks[14]") (joined
+ (portref Q (instanceref RptCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_30__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref (member rRptHighTimeInRClks 1))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename rRptHighTimeInRClks_1_ "rRptHighTimeInRClks[1]") (joined
+ (portref Q (instanceref RptCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_17__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref (member rRptHighTimeInRClks 14))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename rRptHighTimeInRClks_2_ "rRptHighTimeInRClks[2]") (joined
+ (portref Q (instanceref RptCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_18__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref (member rRptHighTimeInRClks 13))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename rRptHighTimeInRClks_3_ "rRptHighTimeInRClks[3]") (joined
+ (portref Q (instanceref RptCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_19__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref (member rRptHighTimeInRClks 12))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename rRptHighTimeInRClks_4_ "rRptHighTimeInRClks[4]") (joined
+ (portref Q (instanceref RptCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_20__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref (member rRptHighTimeInRClks 11))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename rRptHighTimeInRClks_5_ "rRptHighTimeInRClks[5]") (joined
+ (portref Q (instanceref RptCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_21__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref (member rRptHighTimeInRClks 10))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename rRptHighTimeInRClks_6_ "rRptHighTimeInRClks[6]") (joined
+ (portref Q (instanceref RptCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_22__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref (member rRptHighTimeInRClks 9))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename rRptHighTimeInRClks_7_ "rRptHighTimeInRClks[7]") (joined
+ (portref Q (instanceref RptCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_23__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref (member rRptHighTimeInRClks 8))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename rRptHighTimeInRClks_8_ "rRptHighTimeInRClks[8]") (joined
+ (portref Q (instanceref RptCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_24__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref (member rRptHighTimeInRClks 7))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename rRptHighTimeInRClks_9_ "rRptHighTimeInRClks[9]") (joined
+ (portref Q (instanceref RptCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_25__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref (member rRptHighTimeInRClks 6))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename rRptPeriodInRClks_0_ "rRptPeriodInRClks[0]") (joined
+ (portref Q (instanceref RptCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_0__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref (member rRptPeriodInRClks 15))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename rRptPeriodInRClks_10_ "rRptPeriodInRClks[10]") (joined
+ (portref Q (instanceref RptCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_10__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref (member rRptPeriodInRClks 5))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename rRptPeriodInRClks_11_ "rRptPeriodInRClks[11]") (joined
+ (portref Q (instanceref RptCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_11__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref (member rRptPeriodInRClks 4))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename rRptPeriodInRClks_12_ "rRptPeriodInRClks[12]") (joined
+ (portref Q (instanceref RptCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_12__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref (member rRptPeriodInRClks 3))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename rRptPeriodInRClks_13_ "rRptPeriodInRClks[13]") (joined
+ (portref Q (instanceref RptCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_13__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref (member rRptPeriodInRClks 2))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename rRptPeriodInRClks_14_ "rRptPeriodInRClks[14]") (joined
+ (portref Q (instanceref RptCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_14__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref (member rRptPeriodInRClks 1))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename rRptPeriodInRClks_15_ "rRptPeriodInRClks[15]") (joined
+ (portref Q (instanceref RptCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_15__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref (member rRptPeriodInRClks 0))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename rRptPeriodInRClks_1_ "rRptPeriodInRClks[1]") (joined
+ (portref Q (instanceref RptCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_1__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref (member rRptPeriodInRClks 14))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename rRptPeriodInRClks_2_ "rRptPeriodInRClks[2]") (joined
+ (portref Q (instanceref RptCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_2__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref (member rRptPeriodInRClks 13))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename rRptPeriodInRClks_3_ "rRptPeriodInRClks[3]") (joined
+ (portref Q (instanceref RptCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_3__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref (member rRptPeriodInRClks 12))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename rRptPeriodInRClks_4_ "rRptPeriodInRClks[4]") (joined
+ (portref Q (instanceref RptCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_4__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref (member rRptPeriodInRClks 11))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename rRptPeriodInRClks_5_ "rRptPeriodInRClks[5]") (joined
+ (portref Q (instanceref RptCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_5__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref (member rRptPeriodInRClks 10))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename rRptPeriodInRClks_6_ "rRptPeriodInRClks[6]") (joined
+ (portref Q (instanceref RptCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_6__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref (member rRptPeriodInRClks 9))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename rRptPeriodInRClks_7_ "rRptPeriodInRClks[7]") (joined
+ (portref Q (instanceref RptCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_7__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref (member rRptPeriodInRClks 8))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename rRptPeriodInRClks_8_ "rRptPeriodInRClks[8]") (joined
+ (portref Q (instanceref RptCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_8__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref (member rRptPeriodInRClks 7))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename rRptPeriodInRClks_9_ "rRptPeriodInRClks[9]") (joined
+ (portref Q (instanceref RptCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_9__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref (member rRptPeriodInRClks 6))
+ )
+ )
+ (net sLoadSpCounts (joined
+ (portref Q (instanceref SpCntHs_BlkOut_oDataValid_reg))
+ (portref sLoadSpCounts)
+ )
+ )
+ (net sLoadSptCounts (joined
+ (portref Q (instanceref SptCntHs_BlkOut_oDataValid_reg))
+ (portref sLoadSptCounts)
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename sPpsClkCrossDelayValTemp_0_ "sPpsClkCrossDelayValTemp[0]") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref sPpsClkCrossDelayVal_reg_0_))
+ (portref Q (instanceref PpsDelayValCrossingHs_HBx_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_0__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename sPpsClkCrossDelayValTemp_1_ "sPpsClkCrossDelayValTemp[1]") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref sPpsClkCrossDelayVal_reg_1_))
+ (portref Q (instanceref PpsDelayValCrossingHs_HBx_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_1__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename sPpsClkCrossDelayValTemp_2_ "sPpsClkCrossDelayValTemp[2]") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref sPpsClkCrossDelayVal_reg_2_))
+ (portref Q (instanceref PpsDelayValCrossingHs_HBx_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_2__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename sPpsClkCrossDelayValTemp_3_ "sPpsClkCrossDelayValTemp[3]") (joined
+ (portref D (instanceref sPpsClkCrossDelayVal_reg_3_))
+ (portref Q (instanceref PpsDelayValCrossingHs_HBx_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_3__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename sPpsClkCrossDelayVal_0_ "sPpsClkCrossDelayVal[0]") (joined
+ (portref Q (instanceref sPpsClkCrossDelayVal_reg_0_))
+ (portref (member sPpsClkCrossDelayVal 3))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename sPpsClkCrossDelayVal_1_ "sPpsClkCrossDelayVal[1]") (joined
+ (portref Q (instanceref sPpsClkCrossDelayVal_reg_1_))
+ (portref (member sPpsClkCrossDelayVal 2))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename sPpsClkCrossDelayVal_2_ "sPpsClkCrossDelayVal[2]") (joined
+ (portref Q (instanceref sPpsClkCrossDelayVal_reg_2_))
+ (portref (member sPpsClkCrossDelayVal 1))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename sPpsClkCrossDelayVal_3_ "sPpsClkCrossDelayVal[3]") (joined
+ (portref Q (instanceref sPpsClkCrossDelayVal_reg_3_))
+ (portref (member sPpsClkCrossDelayVal 0))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename sSpHighTimeInSClks_0_ "sSpHighTimeInSClks[0]") (joined
+ (portref Q (instanceref SpCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_16__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref (member sSpHighTimeInSClks 15))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename sSpHighTimeInSClks_10_ "sSpHighTimeInSClks[10]") (joined
+ (portref Q (instanceref SpCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_26__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref (member sSpHighTimeInSClks 5))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename sSpHighTimeInSClks_11_ "sSpHighTimeInSClks[11]") (joined
+ (portref Q (instanceref SpCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_27__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref (member sSpHighTimeInSClks 4))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename sSpHighTimeInSClks_12_ "sSpHighTimeInSClks[12]") (joined
+ (portref Q (instanceref SpCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_28__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref (member sSpHighTimeInSClks 3))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename sSpHighTimeInSClks_13_ "sSpHighTimeInSClks[13]") (joined
+ (portref Q (instanceref SpCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_29__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref (member sSpHighTimeInSClks 2))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename sSpHighTimeInSClks_14_ "sSpHighTimeInSClks[14]") (joined
+ (portref Q (instanceref SpCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_30__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref (member sSpHighTimeInSClks 1))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename sSpHighTimeInSClks_1_ "sSpHighTimeInSClks[1]") (joined
+ (portref Q (instanceref SpCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_17__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref (member sSpHighTimeInSClks 14))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename sSpHighTimeInSClks_2_ "sSpHighTimeInSClks[2]") (joined
+ (portref Q (instanceref SpCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_18__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref (member sSpHighTimeInSClks 13))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename sSpHighTimeInSClks_3_ "sSpHighTimeInSClks[3]") (joined
+ (portref Q (instanceref SpCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_19__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref (member sSpHighTimeInSClks 12))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename sSpHighTimeInSClks_4_ "sSpHighTimeInSClks[4]") (joined
+ (portref Q (instanceref SpCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_20__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref (member sSpHighTimeInSClks 11))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename sSpHighTimeInSClks_5_ "sSpHighTimeInSClks[5]") (joined
+ (portref Q (instanceref SpCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_21__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref (member sSpHighTimeInSClks 10))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename sSpHighTimeInSClks_6_ "sSpHighTimeInSClks[6]") (joined
+ (portref Q (instanceref SpCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_22__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref (member sSpHighTimeInSClks 9))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename sSpHighTimeInSClks_7_ "sSpHighTimeInSClks[7]") (joined
+ (portref Q (instanceref SpCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_23__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref (member sSpHighTimeInSClks 8))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename sSpHighTimeInSClks_8_ "sSpHighTimeInSClks[8]") (joined
+ (portref Q (instanceref SpCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_24__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref (member sSpHighTimeInSClks 7))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename sSpHighTimeInSClks_9_ "sSpHighTimeInSClks[9]") (joined
+ (portref Q (instanceref SpCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_25__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref (member sSpHighTimeInSClks 6))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename sSpPeriodInSClks_0_ "sSpPeriodInSClks[0]") (joined
+ (portref Q (instanceref SpCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_0__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref (member sSpPeriodInSClks 15))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename sSpPeriodInSClks_10_ "sSpPeriodInSClks[10]") (joined
+ (portref Q (instanceref SpCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_10__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref (member sSpPeriodInSClks 5))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename sSpPeriodInSClks_11_ "sSpPeriodInSClks[11]") (joined
+ (portref Q (instanceref SpCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_11__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref (member sSpPeriodInSClks 4))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename sSpPeriodInSClks_12_ "sSpPeriodInSClks[12]") (joined
+ (portref Q (instanceref SpCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_12__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref (member sSpPeriodInSClks 3))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename sSpPeriodInSClks_13_ "sSpPeriodInSClks[13]") (joined
+ (portref Q (instanceref SpCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_13__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref (member sSpPeriodInSClks 2))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename sSpPeriodInSClks_14_ "sSpPeriodInSClks[14]") (joined
+ (portref Q (instanceref SpCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_14__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref (member sSpPeriodInSClks 1))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename sSpPeriodInSClks_15_ "sSpPeriodInSClks[15]") (joined
+ (portref Q (instanceref SpCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_15__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref (member sSpPeriodInSClks 0))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename sSpPeriodInSClks_1_ "sSpPeriodInSClks[1]") (joined
+ (portref Q (instanceref SpCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_1__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref (member sSpPeriodInSClks 14))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename sSpPeriodInSClks_2_ "sSpPeriodInSClks[2]") (joined
+ (portref Q (instanceref SpCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_2__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref (member sSpPeriodInSClks 13))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename sSpPeriodInSClks_3_ "sSpPeriodInSClks[3]") (joined
+ (portref Q (instanceref SpCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_3__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref (member sSpPeriodInSClks 12))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename sSpPeriodInSClks_4_ "sSpPeriodInSClks[4]") (joined
+ (portref Q (instanceref SpCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_4__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref (member sSpPeriodInSClks 11))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename sSpPeriodInSClks_5_ "sSpPeriodInSClks[5]") (joined
+ (portref Q (instanceref SpCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_5__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref (member sSpPeriodInSClks 10))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename sSpPeriodInSClks_6_ "sSpPeriodInSClks[6]") (joined
+ (portref Q (instanceref SpCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_6__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref (member sSpPeriodInSClks 9))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename sSpPeriodInSClks_7_ "sSpPeriodInSClks[7]") (joined
+ (portref Q (instanceref SpCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_7__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref (member sSpPeriodInSClks 8))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename sSpPeriodInSClks_8_ "sSpPeriodInSClks[8]") (joined
+ (portref Q (instanceref SpCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_8__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref (member sSpPeriodInSClks 7))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename sSpPeriodInSClks_9_ "sSpPeriodInSClks[9]") (joined
+ (portref Q (instanceref SpCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_9__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref (member sSpPeriodInSClks 6))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename sSptHighTimeInSClks_0_ "sSptHighTimeInSClks[0]") (joined
+ (portref Q (instanceref SptCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_16__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref (member sSptHighTimeInSClks 15))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename sSptHighTimeInSClks_10_ "sSptHighTimeInSClks[10]") (joined
+ (portref Q (instanceref SptCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_26__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref (member sSptHighTimeInSClks 5))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename sSptHighTimeInSClks_11_ "sSptHighTimeInSClks[11]") (joined
+ (portref Q (instanceref SptCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_27__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref (member sSptHighTimeInSClks 4))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename sSptHighTimeInSClks_12_ "sSptHighTimeInSClks[12]") (joined
+ (portref Q (instanceref SptCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_28__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref (member sSptHighTimeInSClks 3))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename sSptHighTimeInSClks_13_ "sSptHighTimeInSClks[13]") (joined
+ (portref Q (instanceref SptCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_29__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref (member sSptHighTimeInSClks 2))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename sSptHighTimeInSClks_14_ "sSptHighTimeInSClks[14]") (joined
+ (portref Q (instanceref SptCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_30__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref (member sSptHighTimeInSClks 1))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename sSptHighTimeInSClks_1_ "sSptHighTimeInSClks[1]") (joined
+ (portref Q (instanceref SptCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_17__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref (member sSptHighTimeInSClks 14))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename sSptHighTimeInSClks_2_ "sSptHighTimeInSClks[2]") (joined
+ (portref Q (instanceref SptCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_18__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref (member sSptHighTimeInSClks 13))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename sSptHighTimeInSClks_3_ "sSptHighTimeInSClks[3]") (joined
+ (portref Q (instanceref SptCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_19__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref (member sSptHighTimeInSClks 12))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename sSptHighTimeInSClks_4_ "sSptHighTimeInSClks[4]") (joined
+ (portref Q (instanceref SptCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_20__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref (member sSptHighTimeInSClks 11))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename sSptHighTimeInSClks_5_ "sSptHighTimeInSClks[5]") (joined
+ (portref Q (instanceref SptCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_21__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref (member sSptHighTimeInSClks 10))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename sSptHighTimeInSClks_6_ "sSptHighTimeInSClks[6]") (joined
+ (portref Q (instanceref SptCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_22__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref (member sSptHighTimeInSClks 9))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename sSptHighTimeInSClks_7_ "sSptHighTimeInSClks[7]") (joined
+ (portref Q (instanceref SptCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_23__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref (member sSptHighTimeInSClks 8))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename sSptHighTimeInSClks_8_ "sSptHighTimeInSClks[8]") (joined
+ (portref Q (instanceref SptCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_24__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref (member sSptHighTimeInSClks 7))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename sSptHighTimeInSClks_9_ "sSptHighTimeInSClks[9]") (joined
+ (portref Q (instanceref SptCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_25__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref (member sSptHighTimeInSClks 6))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename sSptPeriodInSClks_0_ "sSptPeriodInSClks[0]") (joined
+ (portref Q (instanceref SptCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_0__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref (member sSptPeriodInSClks 15))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename sSptPeriodInSClks_10_ "sSptPeriodInSClks[10]") (joined
+ (portref Q (instanceref SptCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_10__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref (member sSptPeriodInSClks 5))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename sSptPeriodInSClks_11_ "sSptPeriodInSClks[11]") (joined
+ (portref Q (instanceref SptCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_11__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref (member sSptPeriodInSClks 4))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename sSptPeriodInSClks_12_ "sSptPeriodInSClks[12]") (joined
+ (portref Q (instanceref SptCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_12__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref (member sSptPeriodInSClks 3))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename sSptPeriodInSClks_13_ "sSptPeriodInSClks[13]") (joined
+ (portref Q (instanceref SptCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_13__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref (member sSptPeriodInSClks 2))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename sSptPeriodInSClks_14_ "sSptPeriodInSClks[14]") (joined
+ (portref Q (instanceref SptCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_14__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref (member sSptPeriodInSClks 1))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename sSptPeriodInSClks_15_ "sSptPeriodInSClks[15]") (joined
+ (portref Q (instanceref SptCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_15__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref (member sSptPeriodInSClks 0))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename sSptPeriodInSClks_1_ "sSptPeriodInSClks[1]") (joined
+ (portref Q (instanceref SptCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_1__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref (member sSptPeriodInSClks 14))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename sSptPeriodInSClks_2_ "sSptPeriodInSClks[2]") (joined
+ (portref Q (instanceref SptCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_2__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref (member sSptPeriodInSClks 13))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename sSptPeriodInSClks_3_ "sSptPeriodInSClks[3]") (joined
+ (portref Q (instanceref SptCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_3__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref (member sSptPeriodInSClks 12))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename sSptPeriodInSClks_4_ "sSptPeriodInSClks[4]") (joined
+ (portref Q (instanceref SptCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_4__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref (member sSptPeriodInSClks 11))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename sSptPeriodInSClks_5_ "sSptPeriodInSClks[5]") (joined
+ (portref Q (instanceref SptCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_5__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref (member sSptPeriodInSClks 10))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename sSptPeriodInSClks_6_ "sSptPeriodInSClks[6]") (joined
+ (portref Q (instanceref SptCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_6__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref (member sSptPeriodInSClks 9))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename sSptPeriodInSClks_7_ "sSptPeriodInSClks[7]") (joined
+ (portref Q (instanceref SptCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_7__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref (member sSptPeriodInSClks 8))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename sSptPeriodInSClks_8_ "sSptPeriodInSClks[8]") (joined
+ (portref Q (instanceref SptCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_8__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref (member sSptPeriodInSClks 7))
+ )
+ )
+ (net (rename sSptPeriodInSClks_9_ "sSptPeriodInSClks[9]") (joined
+ (portref Q (instanceref SptCntHs_BlkOut_ODataFlop_GenFlops_9__DFlopx_Gen0_FDCEx))
+ (portref (member sSptPeriodInSClks 6))
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ )
+(comment "Reference To The Cell Of Highest Level")
+ (design SyncRegsIfc
+ (cellref SyncRegsIfc (libraryref work))
+ (property part (string "xc7z100ffg900-2"))
+ )
diff --git a/fpga/usrp3/top/n3xx/dboards/common/sync/TdcCore.edf b/fpga/usrp3/top/n3xx/dboards/common/sync/TdcCore.edf
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..9679f2c63
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fpga/usrp3/top/n3xx/dboards/common/sync/TdcCore.edf
Binary files differ
diff --git a/fpga/usrp3/top/n3xx/dboards/common/sync/TdcTop.vhd b/fpga/usrp3/top/n3xx/dboards/common/sync/TdcTop.vhd
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..6535bbd04
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fpga/usrp3/top/n3xx/dboards/common/sync/TdcTop.vhd
@@ -0,0 +1,1147 @@
+-- Copyright 2018 Ettus Research, a National Instruments Company
+-- SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-3.0-or-later
+-- Purpose:
+-- This top level module orchestrates both of the TDC Cores for the RP and SP. It
+-- handles PPS capture, resets, re-run logic, and PPS crossing logic. The guts of the TDC
+-- are all located in the Cores.
+-- This file (and the Cores) follows exactly the "TDC Detail" diagram from this document:
+-- //MI/RF/HW/USRP/N310/HWCode/Common/Synchronization/design/Diagrams.vsdx
+-- To control this module:
+-- 0) Default values expected to be driven on the control inputs:
+-- aReset <= true
+-- rResetTdc <= true
+-- rEnableTdc <= false
+-- rReRunEnable <= false
+-- rEnablePpsCrossing <= false
+-- sPpsClkCrossDelayVal <= don't care
+-- Prior to starting the core, the Sync Pulse counters must be loaded. Apply the
+-- correct count values to rRpPeriodInRClks, etc, and then pulse the load bit for
+-- each RP and SP. It is critical that this step is performed before de-asserting
+-- reset.
+-- 1) De-assert the global reset, aReset, as well as the synchronous reset, rResetTdc,
+-- after all clocks are active and stable. Wait until rResetTdcDone is de-asserted.
+-- If it doesn't de-assert, then one of your clocks isn't running.
+-- 2) At any point after rResetTdcDone de-asserts it is safe to assert rEnableTdc.
+-- The rPpsPulse input is now actively listening for PPS activity and the TDC
+-- will begin on the first PPS pulse received. After a PPS is received, the
+-- rPpsPulseCaptured bit will assert and will remain asserted until aReset or
+-- rResetTdc is asserted.
+-- 3) When the TDC measurement completes, mRpOffsetDone and mSpOffsetDone will assert
+-- (not necessarily at the same time). The results of the measurements will be valid
+-- on mRpOffset and mSpOffset.
+-- 4) To cross the PPS trigger into the SampleClk domain, first write the correct delay
+-- value to sPpsClkCrossDelayVal. Then (or at the same time), enable the crossing
+-- logic by asserting rEnablePpsCrossing. All subsequent PPS pulses will be crossed
+-- deterministically. Although not the typical use case, sPpsClkCrossDelayVal can
+-- be adjusted on the fly without producing output glitches, although output pulses
+-- may be skipped.
+-- 5) To run the measurement again, assert the rReRunEnable input and capture the new
+-- offsets whenever mRpOffsetValid or mSpOffsetValid asserts.
+-- Sync Pulse = RP and SP, which are the repeated pulses that are some integer
+-- divisor of the Reference and Sample clocks. RP = Reference Pulse in the
+-- RefClk domain. SP = Repeated TClk pulse in the SampleClk domain.
+-- Clock period relationship requirements to meet system concerns:
+-- 1) MeasClkPeriod < 2*RefClkPeriod
+-- 2) MeasClkPeriod < 4*SampleClkPeriod
+-- vreview_group Tdc
+library ieee;
+ use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
+ use ieee.numeric_std.all;
+ use ieee.math_real.all;
+entity TdcTop is
+ generic (
+ -- Determines the maximum number of bits required to create the restart
+ -- pulser. This value is based off of the RefClk and RePulse rates.
+ kRClksPerRePulsePeriodBitsMax : integer range 3 to 32 := 24;
+ -- Determines the maximum number of bits required to create the Gated and Freerunning
+ -- sync pulsers. This value is based off of the RefClk and SyncPulse rates.
+ kRClksPerRpPeriodBitsMax : integer range 3 to 16 := 16;
+ -- This value is based off of the SampleClk and SyncPulse rates.
+ kSClksPerSpPeriodBitsMax : integer range 3 to 16 := 16;
+ -- Number of MeasClk periods required to count one period of RP or SP (in bits).
+ kPulsePeriodCntSize : integer := 13;
+ -- Number of FreqRef periods to be measured (in bits).
+ kFreqRefPeriodsToCheckSize: integer := 17;
+ -- Number of Sync Pulse Periods to be timestamped (in bits).
+ kSyncPeriodsToStampSize : integer := 10
+ );
+ port (
+ -- Clocks and Resets : --------------------------------------------------------------
+ -- Asynchronous global reset.
+ aReset : in boolean;
+ -- Reference Clock
+ RefClk : in std_logic;
+ -- Sample Clock
+ SampleClk : in std_logic;
+ -- Measurement Clock must run at a very specific frequency, determined by the
+ -- SampleClk, RefClk, and Sync Pulse rates... oh and a lot of math/luck.
+ MeasClk : in std_logic;
+ -- Controls and Status : ------------------------------------------------------------
+ -- Soft reset for the module. Wait until rResetTdcDone asserts before de-asserting
+ -- the reset.
+ rResetTdc : in boolean;
+ rResetTdcDone : out boolean;
+ -- Once enabled, the TDC waits for the next PPS pulse to begin measurements. Leave
+ -- this signal asserted for the measurement duration (there is no need to de-assert
+ -- it unless you want to capture a different PPS edge).
+ rEnableTdc : in boolean;
+ -- Assert this bit to allow the TDC to perform repeated measurements.
+ rReRunEnable : in boolean;
+ -- Only required to pulse 1 RefClk cycle.
+ rPpsPulse : in boolean;
+ -- Debug, held asserted when pulse is captured.
+ rPpsPulseCaptured : out boolean;
+ -- Programmable value for delaying the RP and SP pulsers from when the Restart
+ -- Pulser begins.
+ rPulserEnableDelayVal : in unsigned(3 downto 0);
+ -- Crossing PPS into Sample Clock : -------------------------------------------------
+ -- Enable crossing rPpsPulse into SampleClk domain. This should remain de-asserted
+ -- until the TDC measurements are complete and sPpsClkCrossDelayVal is written.
+ rEnablePpsCrossing : in boolean;
+ -- Programmable delay value for crossing clock domains. This is used to compensate
+ -- for differences in sSP pulses across modules. This value is typically set once
+ -- after running initial synchronization.
+ sPpsClkCrossDelayVal : in unsigned(3 downto 0);
+ -- PPS pulse output on the SampleClk domain.
+ sPpsPulse : out boolean;
+ -- FTDC Measurement Results : -------------------------------------------------------
+ -- Final FTDC measurements in MeasClk ticks. Done will assert when *Offset
+ -- becomes valid and will remain asserted until aReset or rResetTdc asserts.
+ -- FXP<+40,13> where kPulsePeriodCntSize is the number of integer bits.
+ mRpOffset : out unsigned(kPulsePeriodCntSize+
+ kSyncPeriodsToStampSize+
+ kFreqRefPeriodsToCheckSize-1 downto 0);
+ mSpOffset : out unsigned(kPulsePeriodCntSize+
+ kSyncPeriodsToStampSize+
+ kFreqRefPeriodsToCheckSize-1 downto 0);
+ mOffsetsDone : out boolean;
+ mOffsetsValid : out boolean;
+ -- Setup for Pulsers : --------------------------------------------------------------
+ -- Only load these counts when rResetTdc is asserted and rEnableTdc is de-asserted!!!
+ -- If both of the above conditions are met, load the counts by pulsing Load
+ -- when the counts are valid. It is not necessary to keep the count values valid
+ -- after pulsing Load.
+ rLoadRePulseCounts : in boolean; -- RePulse
+ rRePulsePeriodInRClks : in unsigned(kRClksPerRePulsePeriodBitsMax - 1 downto 0);
+ rRePulseHighTimeInRClks : in unsigned(kRClksPerRePulsePeriodBitsMax - 1 downto 0);
+ rLoadRpCounts : in boolean; -- RP
+ rRpPeriodInRClks : in unsigned(kRClksPerRpPeriodBitsMax - 1 downto 0);
+ rRpHighTimeInRClks : in unsigned(kRClksPerRpPeriodBitsMax - 1 downto 0);
+ rLoadRptCounts : in boolean; -- RP-transfer
+ rRptPeriodInRClks : in unsigned(kRClksPerRpPeriodBitsMax - 1 downto 0);
+ rRptHighTimeInRClks : in unsigned(kRClksPerRpPeriodBitsMax - 1 downto 0);
+ sLoadSpCounts : in boolean; -- SP
+ sSpPeriodInSClks : in unsigned(kSClksPerSpPeriodBitsMax - 1 downto 0);
+ sSpHighTimeInSClks : in unsigned(kSClksPerSpPeriodBitsMax - 1 downto 0);
+ sLoadSptCounts : in boolean; -- SP-transfer
+ sSptPeriodInSClks : in unsigned(kSClksPerSpPeriodBitsMax - 1 downto 0);
+ sSptHighTimeInSClks : in unsigned(kSClksPerSpPeriodBitsMax - 1 downto 0);
+ -- Sync Pulse Outputs : -------------------------------------------------------------
+ -- The repeating pulses can be useful for many things, including passing triggers.
+ -- The rising edges will always have a fixed (but unknown) phase relationship to one
+ -- another. This fixed phase relationship is valid across daughterboards and all
+ -- modules using the same Reference Clock and Sample Clock rates and sources.
+ rRpTransfer : out boolean;
+ sSpTransfer : out boolean;
+ -- Pin bouncers out and in. Must go to unused and unconnected pins on the FPGA!
+ rGatedPulseToPin : inout std_logic;
+ sGatedPulseToPin : inout std_logic
+ );
+end TdcTop;
+architecture struct of TdcTop is
+ component TdcCore
+ generic (
+ kSourceClksPerPulseMaxBits : integer range 3 to 16 := 16;
+ kPulsePeriodCntSize : integer := 13;
+ kFreqRefPeriodsToCheckSize : integer := 17;
+ kSyncPeriodsToStampSize : integer := 10);
+ port (
+ aReset : in boolean;
+ MeasClk : in std_logic;
+ mResetPeriodMeas : in boolean;
+ mPeriodMeasDone : out boolean;
+ mResetTdcMeas : in boolean;
+ mRunTdcMeas : in boolean;
+ mGatedPulse : out boolean;
+ mAvgOffset : out unsigned(kPulsePeriodCntSize+kSyncPeriodsToStampSize+kFreqRefPeriodsToCheckSize-1 downto 0);
+ mAvgOffsetDone : out boolean;
+ mAvgOffsetValid : out boolean;
+ SourceClk : in std_logic;
+ sResetTdc : in boolean;
+ sSyncPulseLoadCnt : in boolean;
+ sSyncPulsePeriod : in unsigned(kSourceClksPerPulseMaxBits-1 downto 0);
+ sSyncPulseHighTime : in unsigned(kSourceClksPerPulseMaxBits-1 downto 0);
+ sSyncPulseEnable : in boolean;
+ sGatedPulse : out boolean;
+ sGatedPulseToPin : inout std_logic);
+ end component;
+ --vhook_sigstart
+ signal mRP: boolean;
+ signal mRpOffsetDoneLcl: boolean;
+ signal mRpOffsetValidLcl: boolean;
+ signal mRunTdc: boolean;
+ signal mSP: boolean;
+ signal mSpOffsetDoneLcl: boolean;
+ signal mSpOffsetValidLcl: boolean;
+ signal rCrossTrigRFI: boolean;
+ signal rGatedCptrPulseIn: boolean;
+ signal rRePulse: boolean;
+ signal rRePulseEnable: boolean;
+ signal rRpEnable: boolean;
+ signal rRptPulse: boolean;
+ signal sSpEnable: boolean;
+ signal sSptPulse: boolean;
+ --vhook_sigend
+ signal sSpEnable_ms : boolean;
+ -- Delay chain for enables.
+ constant kDelaySizeForRpEnable : integer := 15;
+ constant kAddtlDelayForSpEnable : integer := 3;
+ signal rSyncPulseEnableDly :
+ std_logic_vector(kDelaySizeForRpEnable+
+ kAddtlDelayForSpEnable-1 downto 0) := (others => '0');
+ -- Adding kAddtlDelayForSpEnable stages, so this vector needs to handle one extra
+ -- bit of range (hence no -1 downto 0).
+ signal rSyncPulseEnableDlyVal : unsigned(rPulserEnableDelayVal'length downto 0);
+ signal rResetTdcFlop_ms, rResetTdcFlop,
+ rResetTdcDone_ms,
+ rSpEnable,
+ mRunTdcEnable_ms, mRunTdcEnable,
+ mRunTdcEnableDly, mRunTdcEnableRe,
+ mResetTdc_ms, mResetTdc,
+ sResetTdc_ms, sResetTdc,
+ mRpValidStored, mSpValidStored,
+ mOffsetsValidLcl,
+ rPpsPulseDly, rPpsPulseRe,
+ mReRunEnable_ms, mReRunEnable : boolean;
+ signal rPpsCaptured : std_logic;
+ type EnableFsmState_t is (Disabled, WaitForRunComplete, ReRuns);
+ signal mEnableState : EnableFsmState_t;
+ attribute ASYNC_REG : string;
+ attribute ASYNC_REG of sSpEnable_ms : signal is "true";
+ attribute ASYNC_REG of sSpEnable : signal is "true";
+ attribute ASYNC_REG of rResetTdcFlop_ms : signal is "true";
+ attribute ASYNC_REG of rResetTdcFlop : signal is "true";
+ attribute ASYNC_REG of rResetTdcDone_ms : signal is "true";
+ attribute ASYNC_REG of rResetTdcDone : signal is "true";
+ attribute ASYNC_REG of mRunTdcEnable_ms : signal is "true";
+ attribute ASYNC_REG of mRunTdcEnable : signal is "true";
+ attribute ASYNC_REG of mResetTdc_ms : signal is "true";
+ attribute ASYNC_REG of mResetTdc : signal is "true";
+ attribute ASYNC_REG of sResetTdc_ms : signal is "true";
+ attribute ASYNC_REG of sResetTdc : signal is "true";
+ attribute ASYNC_REG of mReRunEnable_ms : signal is "true";
+ attribute ASYNC_REG of mReRunEnable : signal is "true";
+ -- Generate Resets : ------------------------------------------------------------------
+ -- Double-sync the reset to the MeasClk domain and then back to the RefClk domain to
+ -- prove it made it all the way into the TDC. Also move it into the SampleClk domain.
+ -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ GenResets : process(aReset, RefClk)
+ begin
+ if aReset then
+ rResetTdcFlop_ms <= true;
+ rResetTdcFlop <= true;
+ rResetTdcDone_ms <= true;
+ rResetTdcDone <= true;
+ elsif rising_edge(RefClk) then
+ -- Run this through a double-sync in case the user defaults it to false, which
+ -- could cause rResetTdcFlop_ms to go meta-stable.
+ rResetTdcFlop_ms <= rResetTdc;
+ rResetTdcFlop <= rResetTdcFlop_ms;
+ -- Second double-sync to move the reset from the MeasClk domain back to RefClk.
+ rResetTdcDone_ms <= mResetTdc;
+ rResetTdcDone <= rResetTdcDone_ms;
+ end if;
+ end process;
+ GenResetsMeasClk : process(aReset, MeasClk)
+ begin
+ if aReset then
+ mResetTdc_ms <= true;
+ mResetTdc <= true;
+ elsif rising_edge(MeasClk) then
+ -- Move the reset from the RefClk to the MeasClk domain.
+ mResetTdc_ms <= rResetTdcFlop;
+ mResetTdc <= mResetTdc_ms;
+ end if;
+ end process;
+ GenResetsSampleClk : process(aReset, SampleClk)
+ begin
+ if aReset then
+ sResetTdc_ms <= true;
+ sResetTdc <= true;
+ elsif rising_edge(SampleClk) then
+ -- Move the reset from the RefClk to the SampleClk domain.
+ sResetTdc_ms <= rResetTdcFlop;
+ sResetTdc <= sResetTdc_ms;
+ end if;
+ end process;
+ -- Generate Enables for TDCs : --------------------------------------------------------
+ -- When the TDC is enabled by asserting rEnableTdc, we start "listening" for a PPS
+ -- rising edge to occur. We capture the first edge we see and then keep the all the
+ -- enables asserted until the TDC is disabled.
+ -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ rPpsPulseRe <= rPpsPulse and not rPpsPulseDly;
+ EnableTdc : process(aReset, RefClk)
+ begin
+ if aReset then
+ rPpsPulseDly <= false;
+ rPpsCaptured <= '0';
+ rSyncPulseEnableDly <= (others => '0');
+ elsif rising_edge(RefClk) then
+ -- RE detector for PPS to ONLY trigger on the edge and not accidentally half
+ -- way through the high time.
+ rPpsPulseDly <= rPpsPulse;
+ -- When the TDC is enabled we capture the first PPS. This starts the Sync Pulses
+ -- (RP / SP) as well as enables the TDC measurement for capturing edges. Note
+ -- that this is independent from any synchronous reset such that we can control
+ -- the PPS capture and the edge capture independently.
+ if rEnableTdc then
+ if rPpsPulseRe then
+ rPpsCaptured <= '1';
+ end if;
+ else
+ rPpsCaptured <= '0';
+ rSyncPulseEnableDly <= (others => '0');
+ end if;
+ -- Delay chain for the enable bits. Shift left low to high.
+ rSyncPulseEnableDly <=
+ rSyncPulseEnableDly(rSyncPulseEnableDly'high-1 downto 0) & rPpsCaptured;
+ end if;
+ end process;
+ rSyncPulseEnableDlyVal <= resize(rPulserEnableDelayVal, rSyncPulseEnableDlyVal'length);
+ -- Enables for the RePulse/RP/SP. The RePulse enable must be asserted two cycles
+ -- before the other enables to allow the TDC to start running before the RP/SP begin.
+ rRePulseEnable <= rPpsCaptured = '1'; -- no delay
+ rRpEnable <= rSyncPulseEnableDly(to_integer(rSyncPulseEnableDlyVal)) = '1';
+ rSpEnable <= rSyncPulseEnableDly(to_integer(rSyncPulseEnableDlyVal)+kAddtlDelayForSpEnable-1) = '1';
+ -- Local to output.
+ rPpsPulseCaptured <= rPpsCaptured = '1';
+ -- Sync rSpEnable to the SampleClk now... based on the "TDC 2.0" diagram.
+ SyncEnableToSampleClk : process(aReset, SampleClk)
+ begin
+ if aReset then
+ sSpEnable_ms <= false;
+ sSpEnable <= false;
+ elsif rising_edge(SampleClk) then
+ sSpEnable_ms <= rSpEnable;
+ sSpEnable <= sSpEnable_ms;
+ end if;
+ end process;
+ --vhook_e Pulser ReRunPulser
+ --vhook_a kClksPerPulseMaxBits kRClksPerRePulsePeriodBitsMax
+ --vhook_a Clk RefClk
+ --vhook_a cLoadLimits rLoadRePulseCounts
+ --vhook_a cPeriod rRePulsePeriodInRClks
+ --vhook_a cHighTime rRePulseHighTimeInRClks
+ --vhook_a cEnablePulse rRePulseEnable
+ --vhook_a cPulse rRePulse
+ ReRunPulser: entity work.Pulser (rtl)
+ generic map (kClksPerPulseMaxBits => kRClksPerRePulsePeriodBitsMax) --integer range 3:32 :=16
+ port map (
+ aReset => aReset, --in boolean
+ Clk => RefClk, --in std_logic
+ cLoadLimits => rLoadRePulseCounts, --in boolean
+ cPeriod => rRePulsePeriodInRClks, --in unsigned(kClksPerPulseMaxBits-1:0)
+ cHighTime => rRePulseHighTimeInRClks, --in unsigned(kClksPerPulseMaxBits-1:0)
+ cEnablePulse => rRePulseEnable, --in boolean
+ cPulse => rRePulse); --out boolean
+ mRunTdcEnableRe <= mRunTdcEnable and not mRunTdcEnableDly;
+ -- FSM to generate the master Run signal, as well as the repeat run.
+ SyncEnableToMeasClk : process(aReset, MeasClk)
+ begin
+ if aReset then
+ mRunTdcEnable_ms <= false;
+ mRunTdcEnable <= false;
+ mReRunEnable_ms <= false;
+ mReRunEnable <= false;
+ mRunTdcEnableDly <= false;
+ mRunTdc <= false;
+ mEnableState <= Disabled;
+ elsif rising_edge(MeasClk) then
+ -- rRePulse is many, many MeasClk cycles high/low, so this is safe to double-sync.
+ mRunTdcEnable_ms <= rRePulse;
+ mRunTdcEnable <= mRunTdcEnable_ms;
+ mReRunEnable_ms <= rReRunEnable;
+ mReRunEnable <= mReRunEnable_ms;
+ mRunTdcEnableDly <= mRunTdcEnable;
+ -- STATE MACHINE STARTUP !!! ------------------------------------------------------
+ -- This state machine starts safely because it cannot change state until
+ -- mRunTdcEnable is asserted, which cannot happen until several cycles after
+ -- aReset de-assertion due to the double-synchronizer from the RefClk domain.
+ -- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ -- De-assert strobe.
+ mRunTdc <= false;
+ case mEnableState is
+ -- Transition to WaitForRunComplete when the TDC is enabled. Pulse mRunTdc here,
+ -- and then wait for it to complete in WaitForRunComplete.
+ when Disabled =>
+ if mRunTdcEnableRe then
+ mRunTdc <= true;
+ mEnableState <= WaitForRunComplete;
+ end if;
+ -- The TDC measurement is complete when both offsets are valid. Go to the re-run
+ -- state regardless of whether re-runs are enabled. If they aren't we just sit
+ -- there and wait for more instructions...
+ when WaitForRunComplete =>
+ if mOffsetsValidLcl then
+ mEnableState <= ReRuns;
+ end if;
+ -- Only pulse mRunTdc again if re-runs are enabled and the rising edge of
+ -- the enable signal occurs. This guarantees our RP/SP have the correct phase
+ -- relationship every time the TDC is run.
+ when ReRuns =>
+ if mReRunEnable and mRunTdcEnableRe then
+ mRunTdc <= true;
+ mEnableState <= WaitForRunComplete;
+ end if;
+ when others =>
+ mEnableState <= Disabled;
+ end case;
+ -- Synchronous reset for FSM.
+ if mResetTdc then
+ mEnableState <= Disabled;
+ mRunTdc <= false;
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ end process;
+ -- Generate Output Valid Signals : ----------------------------------------------------
+ -- Depending on how fast SW can read the measurements (and in what order they read)
+ -- the readings could be out of sync with one another. This section conditions the
+ -- output valid signals from each core and asserts a single output valid pulse after
+ -- BOTH valids have asserted. It is agnostic to the order in which the valids assert.
+ -- It creates a delay in the output valid assertion. Minimal delay is one MeasClk cycle
+ -- if the core valids assert together. Worst-case delay is two MeasClk cycles after
+ -- the latter of the two valids asserts. This is acceptable delay because the core
+ -- cannot be re-run until both valids have asserted (mOffsetsValidLcl is fed back into
+ -- the ReRun FSM above).
+ -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ ConditionDataValidProc : process(aReset, MeasClk) is
+ begin
+ if aReset then
+ mOffsetsValidLcl <= false;
+ mRpValidStored <= false;
+ mSpValidStored <= false;
+ elsif rising_edge(MeasClk) then
+ -- Reset the strobe signals.
+ mOffsetsValidLcl <= false;
+ -- First, we're sensitive to the TDC sync reset signal.
+ if mResetTdc then
+ mOffsetsValidLcl <= false;
+ mRpValidStored <= false;
+ mSpValidStored <= false;
+ -- Case 1: Both Valid signals pulse at the same time.
+ -- Case 4: Both Valid signals have been stored independently. Yes, this incurs
+ -- a one-cycle delay in the output valid (from when the second one asserts)
+ -- but it makes for cleaner code and is safe because by design because the
+ -- valid signals cannot assert again for a longggg time.
+ elsif (mRpOffsetValidLcl and mSpOffsetValidLcl) or
+ (mRpValidStored and mSpValidStored) then
+ mOffsetsValidLcl <= true;
+ mRpValidStored <= false;
+ mSpValidStored <= false;
+ -- Case 2: RP Valid pulses alone.
+ elsif mRpOffsetValidLcl then
+ mRpValidStored <= true;
+ -- Case 3: SP Valid pulses alone.
+ elsif mSpOffsetValidLcl then
+ mSpValidStored <= true;
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ end process;
+ -- Local to output.
+ mOffsetsValid <= mOffsetsValidLcl;
+ -- Only assert done with both cores are done.
+ mOffsetsDone <= mRpOffsetDoneLcl and mSpOffsetDoneLcl;
+ -- Reference Clock TDC (RP) : ---------------------------------------------------------
+ -- mRP is only used for testbenching purposes, so ignore vhook warnings.
+ --vhook_nowarn mRP
+ -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ --vhook TdcCore RpTdc
+ --vhook_g kSourceClksPerPulseMaxBits kRClksPerRpPeriodBitsMax
+ --vhook_a mResetPeriodMeas mResetTdc
+ --vhook_a mResetTdcMeas mResetTdc
+ --vhook_a mPeriodMeasDone open
+ --vhook_a mRunTdcMeas mRunTdc
+ --vhook_a mGatedPulse mRP
+ --vhook_a mAvgOffset mRpOffset
+ --vhook_a mAvgOffsetDone mRpOffsetDoneLcl
+ --vhook_a mAvgOffsetValid mRpOffsetValidLcl
+ --vhook_a SourceClk RefClk
+ --vhook_a sResetTdc rResetTdcFlop
+ --vhook_a sSyncPulseLoadCnt rLoadRpCounts
+ --vhook_a sSyncPulsePeriod rRpPeriodInRClks
+ --vhook_a sSyncPulseHighTime rRpHighTimeInRClks
+ --vhook_a sSyncPulseEnable rRpEnable
+ --vhook_a sGatedPulse open
+ --vhook_a {^sGated(.*)} rGated$1
+ RpTdc: TdcCore
+ generic map (
+ kSourceClksPerPulseMaxBits => kRClksPerRpPeriodBitsMax, --integer range 3:16 :=16
+ kPulsePeriodCntSize => kPulsePeriodCntSize, --integer:=13
+ kFreqRefPeriodsToCheckSize => kFreqRefPeriodsToCheckSize, --integer:=17
+ kSyncPeriodsToStampSize => kSyncPeriodsToStampSize) --integer:=10
+ port map (
+ aReset => aReset, --in boolean
+ MeasClk => MeasClk, --in std_logic
+ mResetPeriodMeas => mResetTdc, --in boolean
+ mPeriodMeasDone => open, --out boolean
+ mResetTdcMeas => mResetTdc, --in boolean
+ mRunTdcMeas => mRunTdc, --in boolean
+ mGatedPulse => mRP, --out boolean
+ mAvgOffset => mRpOffset, --out unsigned(kPulsePeriodCntSize+ kSyncPeriodsToStampSize+ kFreqRefPeriodsToCheckSize-1:0)
+ mAvgOffsetDone => mRpOffsetDoneLcl, --out boolean
+ mAvgOffsetValid => mRpOffsetValidLcl, --out boolean
+ SourceClk => RefClk, --in std_logic
+ sResetTdc => rResetTdcFlop, --in boolean
+ sSyncPulseLoadCnt => rLoadRpCounts, --in boolean
+ sSyncPulsePeriod => rRpPeriodInRClks, --in unsigned(kSourceClksPerPulseMaxBits-1:0)
+ sSyncPulseHighTime => rRpHighTimeInRClks, --in unsigned(kSourceClksPerPulseMaxBits-1:0)
+ sSyncPulseEnable => rRpEnable, --in boolean
+ sGatedPulse => open, --out boolean
+ sGatedPulseToPin => rGatedPulseToPin); --inout std_logic
+ --vhook_e Pulser RpTransferPulse
+ --vhook_a kClksPerPulseMaxBits kRClksPerRpPeriodBitsMax
+ --vhook_a Clk RefClk
+ --vhook_a cLoadLimits rLoadRptCounts
+ --vhook_a cPeriod rRptPeriodInRClks
+ --vhook_a cHighTime rRptHighTimeInRClks
+ --vhook_a cEnablePulse rRpEnable
+ --vhook_a cPulse rRptPulse
+ RpTransferPulse: entity work.Pulser (rtl)
+ generic map (kClksPerPulseMaxBits => kRClksPerRpPeriodBitsMax) --integer range 3:32 :=16
+ port map (
+ aReset => aReset, --in boolean
+ Clk => RefClk, --in std_logic
+ cLoadLimits => rLoadRptCounts, --in boolean
+ cPeriod => rRptPeriodInRClks, --in unsigned(kClksPerPulseMaxBits-1:0)
+ cHighTime => rRptHighTimeInRClks, --in unsigned(kClksPerPulseMaxBits-1:0)
+ cEnablePulse => rRpEnable, --in boolean
+ cPulse => rRptPulse); --out boolean
+ -- Local to output
+ rRpTransfer <= rRptPulse;
+ -- Sample Clock TDC (SP) : ------------------------------------------------------------
+ -- mSP is only used for testbenching purposes, so ignore vhook warnings.
+ --vhook_nowarn mSP
+ -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ --vhook TdcCore SpTdc
+ --vhook_g kSourceClksPerPulseMaxBits kSClksPerSpPeriodBitsMax
+ --vhook_a mResetPeriodMeas mResetTdc
+ --vhook_a mResetTdcMeas mResetTdc
+ --vhook_a mPeriodMeasDone open
+ --vhook_a mRunTdcMeas mRunTdc
+ --vhook_a mGatedPulse mSP
+ --vhook_a mAvgOffset mSpOffset
+ --vhook_a mAvgOffsetDone mSpOffsetDoneLcl
+ --vhook_a mAvgOffsetValid mSpOffsetValidLcl
+ --vhook_a SourceClk SampleClk
+ --vhook_a sResetTdc sResetTdc
+ --vhook_a sSyncPulseLoadCnt sLoadSpCounts
+ --vhook_a sSyncPulsePeriod sSpPeriodInSClks
+ --vhook_a sSyncPulseHighTime sSpHighTimeInSClks
+ --vhook_a sSyncPulseEnable sSpEnable
+ --vhook_a sGatedPulse open
+ --vhook_a {^sGated(.*)} sGated$1
+ SpTdc: TdcCore
+ generic map (
+ kSourceClksPerPulseMaxBits => kSClksPerSpPeriodBitsMax, --integer range 3:16 :=16
+ kPulsePeriodCntSize => kPulsePeriodCntSize, --integer:=13
+ kFreqRefPeriodsToCheckSize => kFreqRefPeriodsToCheckSize, --integer:=17
+ kSyncPeriodsToStampSize => kSyncPeriodsToStampSize) --integer:=10
+ port map (
+ aReset => aReset, --in boolean
+ MeasClk => MeasClk, --in std_logic
+ mResetPeriodMeas => mResetTdc, --in boolean
+ mPeriodMeasDone => open, --out boolean
+ mResetTdcMeas => mResetTdc, --in boolean
+ mRunTdcMeas => mRunTdc, --in boolean
+ mGatedPulse => mSP, --out boolean
+ mAvgOffset => mSpOffset, --out unsigned(kPulsePeriodCntSize+ kSyncPeriodsToStampSize+ kFreqRefPeriodsToCheckSize-1:0)
+ mAvgOffsetDone => mSpOffsetDoneLcl, --out boolean
+ mAvgOffsetValid => mSpOffsetValidLcl, --out boolean
+ SourceClk => SampleClk, --in std_logic
+ sResetTdc => sResetTdc, --in boolean
+ sSyncPulseLoadCnt => sLoadSpCounts, --in boolean
+ sSyncPulsePeriod => sSpPeriodInSClks, --in unsigned(kSourceClksPerPulseMaxBits-1:0)
+ sSyncPulseHighTime => sSpHighTimeInSClks, --in unsigned(kSourceClksPerPulseMaxBits-1:0)
+ sSyncPulseEnable => sSpEnable, --in boolean
+ sGatedPulse => open, --out boolean
+ sGatedPulseToPin => sGatedPulseToPin); --inout std_logic
+ --vhook_e Pulser SpTransferPulse
+ --vhook_a kClksPerPulseMaxBits kSClksPerSpPeriodBitsMax
+ --vhook_a Clk SampleClk
+ --vhook_a cLoadLimits sLoadSptCounts
+ --vhook_a cPeriod sSptPeriodInSClks
+ --vhook_a cHighTime sSptHighTimeInSClks
+ --vhook_a cEnablePulse sSpEnable
+ --vhook_a cPulse sSptPulse
+ SpTransferPulse: entity work.Pulser (rtl)
+ generic map (kClksPerPulseMaxBits => kSClksPerSpPeriodBitsMax) --integer range 3:32 :=16
+ port map (
+ aReset => aReset, --in boolean
+ Clk => SampleClk, --in std_logic
+ cLoadLimits => sLoadSptCounts, --in boolean
+ cPeriod => sSptPeriodInSClks, --in unsigned(kClksPerPulseMaxBits-1:0)
+ cHighTime => sSptHighTimeInSClks, --in unsigned(kClksPerPulseMaxBits-1:0)
+ cEnablePulse => sSpEnable, --in boolean
+ cPulse => sSptPulse); --out boolean
+ -- Local to output
+ sSpTransfer <= sSptPulse;
+ -- Cross PPS to SampleClk : ----------------------------------------------------------
+ -- Cross it safely and with deterministic delay.
+ -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ -- Keep the module from over-pulsing itself by gating the input with the RFI signal,
+ -- although at 1 Hz, this module should never run into the RFI de-asserted case
+ -- by design.
+ rGatedCptrPulseIn <= rCrossTrigRFI and rPpsPulseRe;
+ --vhook_e CrossTrigger CrossCptrPulse
+ --vhook_a rRP rRptPulse
+ --vhook_a rReadyForInput rCrossTrigRFI
+ --vhook_a rEnableTrigger rEnablePpsCrossing
+ --vhook_a rTriggerIn rGatedCptrPulseIn
+ --vhook_a sSP sSptPulse
+ --vhook_a sElasticBufferPtr sPpsClkCrossDelayVal
+ --vhook_a sTriggerOut sPpsPulse
+ CrossCptrPulse: entity work.CrossTrigger (rtl)
+ port map (
+ aReset => aReset, --in boolean
+ RefClk => RefClk, --in std_logic
+ rRP => rRptPulse, --in boolean
+ rReadyForInput => rCrossTrigRFI, --out boolean
+ rEnableTrigger => rEnablePpsCrossing, --in boolean
+ rTriggerIn => rGatedCptrPulseIn, --in boolean
+ SampleClk => SampleClk, --in std_logic
+ sSP => sSptPulse, --in boolean
+ sElasticBufferPtr => sPpsClkCrossDelayVal, --in unsigned(3:0)
+ sTriggerOut => sPpsPulse); --out boolean
+end struct;
+-- Testbench for TdcTop
+--synopsys translate_off
+library ieee;
+ use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
+ use ieee.numeric_std.all;
+ use ieee.math_real.all;
+entity tb_TdcTop is end tb_TdcTop;
+architecture test of tb_TdcTop is
+ -- Constants for the clock periods.
+ constant kSPer : time := 8.000 ns; -- 125.00 MHz
+ constant kMPer : time := 5.050 ns; -- 198.00 MHz
+ constant kRPer : time := 100.000 ns; -- 10.00 MHz
+ constant kRClksPerRePulsePeriodBitsMax : integer := 24;
+ constant kRClksPerRpPeriodBitsMax : integer := 16;
+ constant kSClksPerSpPeriodBitsMax : integer := 16;
+ -- Constants for the RP/SP pulses, based on the clock frequencies above. The periods
+ -- should all divide into one another without remainders, so this is safe to do...
+ -- High time is 50% duty cycle, or close to it if the period isn't a round number.
+ constant kRpPeriod : time := 1000 ns;
+ constant kRpPeriodInRClks : integer := kRpPeriod/kRPer;
+ constant kRpHighTimeInRClks : integer := integer(floor(real(kRpPeriodInRClks)/2.0));
+ constant kRptPeriod : time := 25000 ns;
+ constant kRptPeriodInRClks : integer := kRptPeriod/kRPer;
+ constant kRptHighTimeInRClks : integer := integer(floor(real(kRptPeriodInRClks)/2.0));
+ constant kSpPeriod : time := 800 ns;
+ constant kSpPeriodInSClks : integer := kSpPeriod/kSPer;
+ constant kSpHighTimeInSClks : integer := integer(floor(real(kSpPeriodInSClks)/2.0));
+ constant kSptPeriod : time := 25000 ns;
+ constant kSptPeriodInSClks : integer := kSptPeriod/kSPer;
+ constant kSptHighTimeInSClks : integer := integer(floor(real(kSptPeriodInSClks)/2.0));
+ constant kRePulsePeriod : time := 2.500 ms;
+ constant kRePulsePeriodInRClks : integer := kRePulsePeriod/kRPer;
+ constant kRePulseHighTimeInRClks : integer := integer(floor(real(kRePulsePeriodInRClks)/2.0));
+ -- This doesn't come out to a nice number (or shouldn't), but that's ok. Round up.
+ constant kMeasClksPerRp : integer := kRpPeriod/kMPer+1;
+ -- Inputs to DUT
+ constant kPulsePeriodCntSize : integer := integer(ceil(log2(real(kMeasClksPerRp))));
+ constant kFreqRefPeriodsToCheckSize: integer := 12; -- usually 17, but to save run time...
+ constant kSyncPeriodsToStampSize : integer := 10;
+ constant kMeasurementTimeout : time :=
+ kMPer*(kMeasClksPerRp*(2**kSyncPeriodsToStampSize) +
+ 40*(2**kSyncPeriodsToStampSize) +
+ kMeasClksPerRp*(2**kFreqRefPeriodsToCheckSize)
+ );
+ --vhook_sigstart
+ signal aReset: boolean;
+ signal MeasClk: std_logic := '0';
+ signal mOffsetsDone: boolean;
+ signal mOffsetsValid: boolean;
+ signal mRpOffset: unsigned(kPulsePeriodCntSize+kSyncPeriodsToStampSize+kFreqRefPeriodsToCheckSize-1 downto 0);
+ signal mSpOffset: unsigned(kPulsePeriodCntSize+kSyncPeriodsToStampSize+kFreqRefPeriodsToCheckSize-1 downto 0);
+ signal RefClk: std_logic := '0';
+ signal rEnablePpsCrossing: boolean;
+ signal rEnableTdc: boolean;
+ signal rGatedPulseToPin: std_logic;
+ signal rLoadRePulseCounts: boolean;
+ signal rLoadRpCounts: boolean;
+ signal rLoadRptCounts: boolean;
+ signal rPpsPulse: boolean;
+ signal rPpsPulseCaptured: boolean;
+ signal rPulserEnableDelayVal: unsigned(3 downto 0);
+ signal rReRunEnable: boolean;
+ signal rResetTdc: boolean;
+ signal rResetTdcDone: boolean;
+ signal rRpTransfer: boolean;
+ signal SampleClk: std_logic := '0';
+ signal sGatedPulseToPin: std_logic;
+ signal sLoadSpCounts: boolean;
+ signal sLoadSptCounts: boolean;
+ signal sPpsClkCrossDelayVal: unsigned(3 downto 0);
+ signal sPpsPulse: boolean;
+ signal sSpTransfer: boolean;
+ --vhook_sigend
+ signal StopSim : boolean;
+ signal EnableOutputChecks : boolean := true;
+ signal ExpectedRpOutput,
+ ExpectedFinalMeas,
+ ExpectedSpOutput : real := 0.0;
+ alias mRunTdc is <<signal .tb_TdcTop.dutx.mRunTdc : boolean>>;
+ alias mSP is <<signal .tb_TdcTop.dutx.mSP : boolean>>;
+ alias mRP is <<signal .tb_TdcTop.dutx.mRP : boolean>>;
+ procedure ClkWait(
+ signal Clk : in std_logic;
+ X : positive := 1) is
+ begin
+ for i in 1 to X loop
+ wait until rising_edge(Clk);
+ end loop;
+ end procedure ClkWait;
+ function OffsetToReal (Offset : unsigned) return real is
+ variable TempVar : real := 0.0;
+ begin
+ TempVar :=
+ real(to_integer(
+ Offset(Offset'high downto kFreqRefPeriodsToCheckSize+kSyncPeriodsToStampSize))) +
+ real(to_integer(
+ Offset(kFreqRefPeriodsToCheckSize+kSyncPeriodsToStampSize-1 downto 0)))*
+ real(2.0**(-(kFreqRefPeriodsToCheckSize+kSyncPeriodsToStampSize)));
+ return TempVar;
+ end OffsetToReal;
+ SampleClk <= not SampleClk after kSPer/2 when not StopSim else '0';
+ RefClk <= not RefClk after kRPer/2 when not StopSim else '0';
+ MeasClk <= not MeasClk after kMPer/2 when not StopSim else '0';
+ main: process
+ begin
+ -- Defaults, per instructions in Purpose
+ sPpsClkCrossDelayVal <= to_unsigned(0, sPpsClkCrossDelayVal'length);
+ rPulserEnableDelayVal <= to_unsigned(1, rPulserEnableDelayVal'length);
+ rResetTdc <= true;
+ rEnableTdc <= false;
+ rReRunEnable <= false;
+ rEnablePpsCrossing <= false;
+ rPpsPulse <= false;
+ rLoadRePulseCounts <= false;
+ rLoadRpCounts <= false;
+ rLoadRptCounts <= false;
+ sLoadSpCounts <= false;
+ sLoadSptCounts <= false;
+ aReset <= true, false after kRPer*4;
+ ClkWait(RefClk,10);
+ -- Step 0 : -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ -- Prior to de-asserting reset, we need to load the counters, so pulse the loads.
+ ClkWait(RefClk);
+ rLoadRePulseCounts <= true;
+ rLoadRpCounts <= true;
+ rLoadRptCounts <= true;
+ ClkWait(RefClk);
+ rLoadRePulseCounts <= false;
+ rLoadRpCounts <= false;
+ rLoadRptCounts <= false;
+ ClkWait(SampleClk);
+ sLoadSpCounts <= true;
+ sLoadSptCounts <= true;
+ ClkWait(SampleClk);
+ sLoadSpCounts <= false;
+ sLoadSptCounts <= false;
+ -- Step 1 : -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ report "De-asserting Synchronous Reset..." severity note;
+ ClkWait(RefClk);
+ rResetTdc <= false;
+ wait until not rResetTdcDone for (kRPer*4)+(kMPer*2);
+ assert not rResetTdcDone
+ report "rRestTdcDone didn't de-assert in time"
+ severity error;
+ -- Step 2 : -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ report "Enabling TDC Measurement & Capturing PPS..." severity note;
+ rEnableTdc <= true;
+ ClkWait(RefClk,5);
+ -- Trigger a PPS one-cycle pulse.
+ rPpsPulse <= true;
+ ClkWait(RefClk);
+ rPpsPulse <= false;
+ ClkWait(RefClk);
+ assert rPpsPulseCaptured report "PPS not captured" severity error;
+ -- Step 3 : -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ report "Waiting for Measurements to Complete..." severity note;
+ wait until mOffsetsDone for kMeasurementTimeout;
+ assert mOffsetsDone
+ report "Offset measurements not completed within timeout"
+ severity error;
+ -- Offset values checked below in CheckOutput.
+ report "Printing Results..." & LF &
+ "RP: " & real'image(OffsetToReal(mRpOffset)) &
+ " Expected: " & real'image(ExpectedRpOutput) & LF &
+ "SP: " & real'image(OffsetToReal(mSpOffset)) &
+ " Expected: " & real'image(ExpectedSpOutput) & LF &
+ "Meas: " & real'image((OffsetToReal(mSpOffset-mRpOffset)*real(kMPer/1 ns)+
+ real(kRPer/1 ns)-real(kSPer/1 ns))/real(kSPer/1 ns)) &
+ " Expected: " & real'image(ExpectedFinalMeas)
+ severity note;
+ -- Step 4 : -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ -- Trigger another PPS one-cycle pulse to watch it all cross over correctly.
+ -- Issue the trigger around where a real PPS pulse will come (RE of RP).
+ -- First, set the programmable delay sPpsClkCrossDelayVal.
+ ClkWait(SampleClk);
+ sPpsClkCrossDelayVal <= to_unsigned(4, sPpsClkCrossDelayVal'length);
+ ClkWait(RefClk);
+ rEnablePpsCrossing <= true;
+ wait until rRpTransfer and not rRpTransfer'delayed;
+ rPpsPulse <= true;
+ ClkWait(RefClk);
+ rPpsPulse <= false;
+ ClkWait(RefClk);
+ -- We expect the PPS output pulse to arrive after FE and RE of sSP have passed,
+ -- and then a few extra cycles of SampleClk delay on there as well.
+ wait until (not sSpTransfer) and ( sSpTransfer'delayed); -- FE
+ wait until ( sSpTransfer) and (not sSpTransfer'delayed); -- RE
+ ClkWait(SampleClk, 2 + to_integer(sPpsClkCrossDelayVal));
+ -- Check on falling edge of clock.
+ wait until falling_edge(SampleClk);
+ assert sPpsPulse and not sPpsPulse'delayed(kSPer) report "sPpsPulse did not assert";
+ wait until falling_edge(SampleClk);
+ assert not sPpsPulse report "sPpsPulse did not pulse correctly";
+ -- Step 5 : -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ report "Repeating TDC Measurement..." severity note;
+ ClkWait(RefClk);
+ rReRunEnable <= true;
+ -- Now wait for the measurement to complete.
+ wait until mOffsetsValid for kMeasurementTimeout;
+ assert mOffsetsValid
+ report "Offset measurements not re-completed within timeout"
+ severity error;
+ -- Offset values checked below in CheckOutput.
+ report "Printing Results..." & LF &
+ "RP: " & real'image(OffsetToReal(mRpOffset)) &
+ " Expected: " & real'image(ExpectedRpOutput) & LF &
+ "SP: " & real'image(OffsetToReal(mSpOffset)) &
+ " Expected: " & real'image(ExpectedSpOutput) & LF &
+ "Meas: " & real'image((OffsetToReal(mSpOffset-mRpOffset)*real(kMPer/1 ns)+
+ real(kRPer/1 ns)-real(kSPer/1 ns))/real(kSPer/1 ns)) &
+ " Expected: " & real'image(ExpectedFinalMeas)
+ severity note;
+ ClkWait(MeasClk,100);
+ -- Let it run for a while : ---------------------------------------------------------
+ for i in 0 to 9 loop
+ wait until mOffsetsValid for kMeasurementTimeout;
+ assert mOffsetsValid
+ report "Offset measurements not re-completed within timeout"
+ severity error;
+ report "Printing Results..." & LF &
+ "RP: " & real'image(OffsetToReal(mRpOffset)) &
+ " Expected: " & real'image(ExpectedRpOutput) & LF &
+ "SP: " & real'image(OffsetToReal(mSpOffset)) &
+ " Expected: " & real'image(ExpectedSpOutput) & LF &
+ "Meas: " & real'image((OffsetToReal(mSpOffset-mRpOffset)*real(kMPer/1 ns)+
+ real(kRPer/1 ns)-real(kSPer/1 ns))/real(kSPer/1 ns)) &
+ " Expected: " & real'image(ExpectedFinalMeas)
+ severity note;
+ end loop;
+ -- And stop it : --------------------------------------------------------------------
+ report "Stopping Repeating TDC Measurements..." severity note;
+ ClkWait(RefClk);
+ rReRunEnable <= false;
+ -- Wait to make sure it doesn't keep going.
+ wait until mOffsetsValid
+ for 2*(kMPer*(kMeasClksPerRp*(2**kSyncPeriodsToStampSize) + 40*(2**kSyncPeriodsToStampSize)));
+ assert not mOffsetsValid;
+ -- Let it run for a while : ---------------------------------------------------------
+ report "Starting again Repeating TDC Measurements..." severity note;
+ ClkWait(RefClk);
+ rReRunEnable <= true;
+ for i in 0 to 2 loop
+ wait until mOffsetsValid for kMeasurementTimeout;
+ assert mOffsetsValid
+ report "Offset measurements not re-completed within timeout"
+ severity error;
+ report "Printing Results..." & LF &
+ "RP: " & real'image(OffsetToReal(mRpOffset)) &
+ " Expected: " & real'image(ExpectedRpOutput) & LF &
+ "SP: " & real'image(OffsetToReal(mSpOffset)) &
+ " Expected: " & real'image(ExpectedSpOutput) & LF &
+ "Meas: " & real'image((OffsetToReal(mSpOffset-mRpOffset)*real(kMPer/1 ns)+
+ real(kRPer/1 ns)-real(kSPer/1 ns))/real(kSPer/1 ns)) &
+ " Expected: " & real'image(ExpectedFinalMeas)
+ severity note;
+ end loop;
+ StopSim <= true;
+ wait;
+ end process;
+ ExpectedFinalMeasGen : process
+ variable StartTime : time := 0 ns;
+ begin
+ wait until rPpsPulse;
+ wait until rRpTransfer;
+ StartTime := now;
+ wait until sSpTransfer;
+ ExpectedFinalMeas <= real((now - StartTime)/1 ps)/real((kSPer/1 ps));
+ wait until rResetTdc;
+ end process;
+ ExpectedRpOutputGen : process
+ variable StartTime : time := 0 ns;
+ begin
+ wait until mRunTdc;
+ StartTime := now;
+ wait until mRP;
+ ExpectedRpOutput <= real((now - StartTime)/1 ps)/real((kMPer/1 ps));
+ wait until mOffsetsValid;
+ end process;
+ ExpectedSpOutputGen : process
+ variable StartTime : time := 0 ns;
+ begin
+ wait until mRunTdc;
+ StartTime := now;
+ wait until mSP;
+ ExpectedSpOutput <= real((now - StartTime)/1 ps)/real((kMPer/1 ps));
+ wait until mOffsetsValid;
+ end process;
+ CheckOutput : process(MeasClk)
+ begin
+ if falling_edge(MeasClk) then
+ if EnableOutputChecks then
+ if mOffsetsValid then
+ assert (OffsetToReal(mRpOffset) < ExpectedRpOutput + 1.0) and
+ (OffsetToReal(mRpOffset) > ExpectedRpOutput - 1.0)
+ report "Mismatch between mRpOffset and expected!" & LF &
+ "Actual: " & real'image(OffsetToReal(mRpOffset)) & LF &
+ "Expect: " & real'image(ExpectedRpOutput)
+ severity error;
+ assert (OffsetToReal(mSpOffset) < ExpectedSpOutput + 1.0) and
+ (OffsetToReal(mSpOffset) > ExpectedSpOutput - 1.0)
+ report "Mismatch between mSpOffset and expected!" & LF &
+ "Actual: " & real'image(OffsetToReal(mSpOffset)) & LF &
+ "Expect: " & real'image(ExpectedSpOutput)
+ severity error;
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ end process;
+ --vhook_e TdcTop dutx
+ --vhook_a rRpPeriodInRClks to_unsigned(kRpPeriodInRClks, kRClksPerRpPeriodBitsMax)
+ --vhook_a rRpHighTimeInRClks to_unsigned(kRpHighTimeInRClks, kRClksPerRpPeriodBitsMax)
+ --vhook_a sSpPeriodInSClks to_unsigned(kSpPeriodInSClks, kSClksPerSpPeriodBitsMax)
+ --vhook_a sSpHighTimeInSClks to_unsigned(kSpHighTimeInSClks, kSClksPerSpPeriodBitsMax)
+ --vhook_a rRptPeriodInRClks to_unsigned(kRptPeriodInRClks, kRClksPerRpPeriodBitsMax)
+ --vhook_a rRptHighTimeInRClks to_unsigned(kRptHighTimeInRClks, kRClksPerRpPeriodBitsMax)
+ --vhook_a sSptPeriodInSClks to_unsigned(kSptPeriodInSClks, kSClksPerSpPeriodBitsMax)
+ --vhook_a sSptHighTimeInSClks to_unsigned(kSptHighTimeInSClks, kSClksPerSpPeriodBitsMax)
+ --vhook_a rRePulsePeriodInRClks to_unsigned(kRePulsePeriodInRClks, kRClksPerRePulsePeriodBitsMax)
+ --vhook_a rRePulseHighTimeInRClks to_unsigned(kRePulseHighTimeInRClks, kRClksPerRePulsePeriodBitsMax)
+ dutx: entity work.TdcTop (struct)
+ generic map (
+ kRClksPerRePulsePeriodBitsMax => kRClksPerRePulsePeriodBitsMax, --integer range 3:32 :=24
+ kRClksPerRpPeriodBitsMax => kRClksPerRpPeriodBitsMax, --integer range 3:16 :=16
+ kSClksPerSpPeriodBitsMax => kSClksPerSpPeriodBitsMax, --integer range 3:16 :=16
+ kPulsePeriodCntSize => kPulsePeriodCntSize, --integer:=13
+ kFreqRefPeriodsToCheckSize => kFreqRefPeriodsToCheckSize, --integer:=17
+ kSyncPeriodsToStampSize => kSyncPeriodsToStampSize) --integer:=10
+ port map (
+ aReset => aReset, --in boolean
+ RefClk => RefClk, --in std_logic
+ SampleClk => SampleClk, --in std_logic
+ MeasClk => MeasClk, --in std_logic
+ rResetTdc => rResetTdc, --in boolean
+ rResetTdcDone => rResetTdcDone, --out boolean
+ rEnableTdc => rEnableTdc, --in boolean
+ rReRunEnable => rReRunEnable, --in boolean
+ rPpsPulse => rPpsPulse, --in boolean
+ rPpsPulseCaptured => rPpsPulseCaptured, --out boolean
+ rPulserEnableDelayVal => rPulserEnableDelayVal, --in unsigned(3:0)
+ rEnablePpsCrossing => rEnablePpsCrossing, --in boolean
+ sPpsClkCrossDelayVal => sPpsClkCrossDelayVal, --in unsigned(3:0)
+ sPpsPulse => sPpsPulse, --out boolean
+ mRpOffset => mRpOffset, --out unsigned(kPulsePeriodCntSize+ kSyncPeriodsToStampSize+ kFreqRefPeriodsToCheckSize-1:0)
+ mSpOffset => mSpOffset, --out unsigned(kPulsePeriodCntSize+ kSyncPeriodsToStampSize+ kFreqRefPeriodsToCheckSize-1:0)
+ mOffsetsDone => mOffsetsDone, --out boolean
+ mOffsetsValid => mOffsetsValid, --out boolean
+ rLoadRePulseCounts => rLoadRePulseCounts, --in boolean
+ rRePulsePeriodInRClks => to_unsigned(kRePulsePeriodInRClks, kRClksPerRePulsePeriodBitsMax), --in unsigned(kRClksPerRePulsePeriodBitsMax-1:0)
+ rRePulseHighTimeInRClks => to_unsigned(kRePulseHighTimeInRClks, kRClksPerRePulsePeriodBitsMax), --in unsigned(kRClksPerRePulsePeriodBitsMax-1:0)
+ rLoadRpCounts => rLoadRpCounts, --in boolean
+ rRpPeriodInRClks => to_unsigned(kRpPeriodInRClks, kRClksPerRpPeriodBitsMax), --in unsigned(kRClksPerRpPeriodBitsMax-1:0)
+ rRpHighTimeInRClks => to_unsigned(kRpHighTimeInRClks, kRClksPerRpPeriodBitsMax), --in unsigned(kRClksPerRpPeriodBitsMax-1:0)
+ rLoadRptCounts => rLoadRptCounts, --in boolean
+ rRptPeriodInRClks => to_unsigned(kRptPeriodInRClks, kRClksPerRpPeriodBitsMax), --in unsigned(kRClksPerRpPeriodBitsMax-1:0)
+ rRptHighTimeInRClks => to_unsigned(kRptHighTimeInRClks, kRClksPerRpPeriodBitsMax), --in unsigned(kRClksPerRpPeriodBitsMax-1:0)
+ sLoadSpCounts => sLoadSpCounts, --in boolean
+ sSpPeriodInSClks => to_unsigned(kSpPeriodInSClks, kSClksPerSpPeriodBitsMax), --in unsigned(kSClksPerSpPeriodBitsMax-1:0)
+ sSpHighTimeInSClks => to_unsigned(kSpHighTimeInSClks, kSClksPerSpPeriodBitsMax), --in unsigned(kSClksPerSpPeriodBitsMax-1:0)
+ sLoadSptCounts => sLoadSptCounts, --in boolean
+ sSptPeriodInSClks => to_unsigned(kSptPeriodInSClks, kSClksPerSpPeriodBitsMax), --in unsigned(kSClksPerSpPeriodBitsMax-1:0)
+ sSptHighTimeInSClks => to_unsigned(kSptHighTimeInSClks, kSClksPerSpPeriodBitsMax), --in unsigned(kSClksPerSpPeriodBitsMax-1:0)
+ rRpTransfer => rRpTransfer, --out boolean
+ sSpTransfer => sSpTransfer, --out boolean
+ rGatedPulseToPin => rGatedPulseToPin, --inout std_logic
+ sGatedPulseToPin => sGatedPulseToPin); --inout std_logic
+end test;
+--synopsys translate_on
diff --git a/fpga/usrp3/top/n3xx/dboards/common/sync/TdcWrapper.vhd b/fpga/usrp3/top/n3xx/dboards/common/sync/TdcWrapper.vhd
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..1ab235fe2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fpga/usrp3/top/n3xx/dboards/common/sync/TdcWrapper.vhd
@@ -0,0 +1,397 @@
+-- Copyright 2018 Ettus Research, a National Instruments Company
+-- SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-3.0-or-later
+-- Purpose:
+-- Wrapper for the TDC and register control modules.
+-- vreview_group Tdc
+-- vreview_reviewers dabaker sgupta jmarsar
+library ieee;
+ use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
+ use ieee.numeric_std.all;
+library work;
+ use work.PkgRegs.all;
+entity TdcWrapper is
+ port (
+ -- Clocks and Resets : --------------------------------------------------------------
+ -- Bus Clock and synchronous bus reset.
+ BusClk : in std_logic;
+ bBusReset : in std_logic;
+ -- Reference Clock
+ RefClk : in std_logic;
+ -- Sample Clock
+ SampleClk : in std_logic;
+ -- Measurement Clock must run at a very specific frequency, determined by the
+ -- SampleClk, RefClk, and Sync Pulse rates... oh and a lot of math.
+ MeasClk : in std_logic;
+ -- Register Port: -------------------------------------------------------------------
+ bSyncRegPortOut : out RegPortOut_t;
+ bSyncRegPortIn : in RegPortIn_t;
+ -- PPS In and Out : -----------------------------------------------------------------
+ -- Only required to pulse 1 RefClk cycle.
+ rPpsPulse : in std_logic;
+ -- PPS pulse output on the SampleClk domain.
+ sPpsPulse : out std_logic;
+ -- Sync Pulse Outputs : -------------------------------------------------------------
+ -- The repeating pulses can be useful for many things, including passing triggers.
+ rRpTransfer : out std_logic;
+ sSpTransfer : out std_logic;
+ -- Pin bouncers out and in. Must go to unused and unconnected pins on the FPGA!
+ rGatedPulseToPin : inout std_logic;
+ sGatedPulseToPin : inout std_logic
+ );
+end TdcWrapper;
+architecture struct of TdcWrapper is
+ component SyncRegsIfc
+ port (
+ aBusReset : in std_logic;
+ bBusReset : in std_logic;
+ BusClk : in std_logic;
+ aTdcReset : out std_logic;
+ bRegPortInFlat : in std_logic_vector(49 downto 0);
+ bRegPortOutFlat : out std_logic_vector(33 downto 0);
+ RefClk : in std_logic;
+ rResetTdc : out std_logic;
+ rResetTdcDone : in std_logic;
+ rEnableTdc : out std_logic;
+ rReRunEnable : out std_logic;
+ rEnablePpsCrossing : out std_logic;
+ rPpsPulseCaptured : in std_logic;
+ rPulserEnableDelayVal : out std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
+ SampleClk : in std_logic;
+ sPpsClkCrossDelayVal : out std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
+ MeasClk : in std_logic;
+ mRpOffset : in std_logic_vector(39 downto 0);
+ mSpOffset : in std_logic_vector(39 downto 0);
+ mOffsetsDone : in std_logic;
+ mOffsetsValid : in std_logic;
+ rLoadRePulseCounts : out std_logic;
+ rRePulsePeriodInRClks : out std_logic_vector(23 downto 0);
+ rRePulseHighTimeInRClks : out std_logic_vector(23 downto 0);
+ rLoadRpCounts : out std_logic;
+ rRpPeriodInRClks : out std_logic_vector(15 downto 0);
+ rRpHighTimeInRClks : out std_logic_vector(15 downto 0);
+ rLoadRptCounts : out std_logic;
+ rRptPeriodInRClks : out std_logic_vector(15 downto 0);
+ rRptHighTimeInRClks : out std_logic_vector(15 downto 0);
+ sLoadSpCounts : out std_logic;
+ sSpPeriodInSClks : out std_logic_vector(15 downto 0);
+ sSpHighTimeInSClks : out std_logic_vector(15 downto 0);
+ sLoadSptCounts : out std_logic;
+ sSptPeriodInSClks : out std_logic_vector(15 downto 0);
+ sSptHighTimeInSClks : out std_logic_vector(15 downto 0));
+ end component;
+ -- Generic values for the TdcTop instantiation below. These generics are the maximum
+ -- of possible values for all combinations of Sample and Reference clocks for the N3xx
+ -- family of devices.
+ constant kRClksPerRePulsePeriodBitsMax : integer := 24;
+ constant kRClksPerRpPeriodBitsMax : integer := 16;
+ constant kSClksPerSpPeriodBitsMax : integer := 16;
+ constant kPulsePeriodCntSize : integer := 13;
+ -- The following are ideal values for balancing measurement time and accuracy, based
+ -- on calcs given in the spec doc.
+ constant kFreqRefPeriodsToCheckSize : integer := 17;
+ constant kSyncPeriodsToStampSize : integer := 10;
+ --vhook_sigstart
+ signal aTdcReset: std_logic;
+ signal bSyncRegPortInFlat: std_logic_vector(49 downto 0);
+ signal bSyncRegPortOutFlat: std_logic_vector(33 downto 0);
+ signal mOffsetsDone: boolean;
+ signal mOffsetsValid: boolean;
+ signal mRpOffset: unsigned(kPulsePeriodCntSize+kSyncPeriodsToStampSize+kFreqRefPeriodsToCheckSize-1 downto 0);
+ signal mSpOffset: unsigned(kPulsePeriodCntSize+kSyncPeriodsToStampSize+kFreqRefPeriodsToCheckSize-1 downto 0);
+ signal rEnablePpsCrossing: std_logic;
+ signal rEnableTdc: std_logic;
+ signal rLoadRePulseCounts: std_logic;
+ signal rLoadRpCounts: std_logic;
+ signal rLoadRptCounts: std_logic;
+ signal rPpsPulseCaptured: boolean;
+ signal rPulserEnableDelayVal: std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
+ signal rRePulseHighTimeInRClks: std_logic_vector(kRClksPerRePulsePeriodBitsMax-1 downto 0);
+ signal rRePulsePeriodInRClks: std_logic_vector(kRClksPerRePulsePeriodBitsMax-1 downto 0);
+ signal rReRunEnable: std_logic;
+ signal rResetTdc: std_logic;
+ signal rResetTdcDone: boolean;
+ signal rRpHighTimeInRClks: std_logic_vector(kRClksPerRpPeriodBitsMax-1 downto 0);
+ signal rRpPeriodInRClks: std_logic_vector(kRClksPerRpPeriodBitsMax-1 downto 0);
+ signal rRptHighTimeInRClks: std_logic_vector(kRClksPerRpPeriodBitsMax-1 downto 0);
+ signal rRptPeriodInRClks: std_logic_vector(kRClksPerRpPeriodBitsMax-1 downto 0);
+ signal rRpTransferBool: boolean;
+ signal sLoadSpCounts: std_logic;
+ signal sLoadSptCounts: std_logic;
+ signal sPpsClkCrossDelayVal: std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
+ signal sPpsPulseAsyncReset: boolean;
+ signal sSpHighTimeInSClks: std_logic_vector(kSClksPerSpPeriodBitsMax-1 downto 0);
+ signal sSpPeriodInSClks: std_logic_vector(kSClksPerSpPeriodBitsMax-1 downto 0);
+ signal sSptHighTimeInSClks: std_logic_vector(kSClksPerSpPeriodBitsMax-1 downto 0);
+ signal sSptPeriodInSClks: std_logic_vector(kSClksPerSpPeriodBitsMax-1 downto 0);
+ signal sSpTransferBool: boolean;
+ --vhook_sigend
+ signal rPpsPulseAsyncReset_ms, rPpsPulseAsyncReset,
+ sPpsPulseOut_ms, sPpsPulseOut : std_logic := '0';
+ function to_StdLogic(b : boolean) return std_ulogic is
+ begin
+ if b then
+ return '1';
+ else
+ return '0';
+ end if;
+ end to_StdLogic;
+ function to_Boolean (s : std_ulogic) return boolean is
+ begin
+ return (To_X01(s)='1');
+ end to_Boolean;
+ attribute ASYNC_REG : string;
+ attribute ASYNC_REG of rPpsPulseAsyncReset_ms : signal is "true";
+ attribute ASYNC_REG of rPpsPulseAsyncReset : signal is "true";
+ attribute ASYNC_REG of sPpsPulseOut_ms : signal is "true";
+ attribute ASYNC_REG of sPpsPulseOut : signal is "true";
+ -- Cross the PPS from the no-reset domain into the aTdcReset domain since there is a
+ -- reset crossing going into the TdcWrapper (reset by aTdcReset)! No clock domain
+ -- crossing here, so crossing a single-cycle pulse is safe.
+ DoubleSyncToAsyncReset : process (aTdcReset, RefClk)
+ begin
+ if to_boolean(aTdcReset) then
+ rPpsPulseAsyncReset_ms <= '0';
+ rPpsPulseAsyncReset <= '0';
+ elsif rising_edge(RefClk) then
+ rPpsPulseAsyncReset_ms <= rPpsPulse;
+ rPpsPulseAsyncReset <= rPpsPulseAsyncReset_ms;
+ end if;
+ end process;
+ -- In a similar fashion, cross the output PPS trigger from the async aTdcReset domain
+ -- to the no-reset of the rest of the design. The odds of this signal triggering a
+ -- failure are astronomically low (since it only pulses one clock cycle per second),
+ -- but two flops is worth the assurance it won't mess something else up downstream.
+ -- Note this double-sync mainly protects against the reset assertion case, since in the
+ -- de-assertion case sPpsPulseAsyncReset should be zero and not transition for a long
+ -- time afterwards. Again no clock crossing here, so crossing a single-cycle pulse
+ -- is safe.
+ DoubleSyncToNoReset : process (SampleClk)
+ begin
+ if rising_edge(SampleClk) then
+ sPpsPulseOut_ms <= to_stdlogic(sPpsPulseAsyncReset);
+ sPpsPulseOut <= sPpsPulseOut_ms;
+ end if;
+ end process;
+ sPpsPulse <= sPpsPulseOut;
+ rRpTransfer <= to_stdlogic(rRpTransferBool);
+ sSpTransfer <= to_stdlogic(sSpTransferBool);
+ --vhook_e TdcTop
+ --vhook_a aReset to_boolean(aTdcReset)
+ --vhook_a rResetTdc to_boolean(rResetTdc)
+ --vhook_a rEnableTdc to_boolean(rEnableTdc)
+ --vhook_a rReRunEnable to_boolean(rReRunEnable)
+ --vhook_a rPpsPulse to_boolean(rPpsPulseAsyncReset)
+ --vhook_a rLoadRePulseCounts to_boolean(rLoadRePulseCounts)
+ --vhook_a rLoadRpCounts to_boolean(rLoadRpCounts)
+ --vhook_a rLoadRptCounts to_boolean(rLoadRptCounts)
+ --vhook_a sLoadSpCounts to_boolean(sLoadSpCounts)
+ --vhook_a sLoadSptCounts to_boolean(sLoadSptCounts)
+ --vhook_a rEnablePpsCrossing to_boolean(rEnablePpsCrossing)
+ --vhook_a rPulserEnableDelayVal unsigned(rPulserEnableDelayVal)
+ --vhook_a sPpsClkCrossDelayVal unsigned(sPpsClkCrossDelayVal)
+ --vhook_a rRpTransfer rRpTransferBool
+ --vhook_a sSpTransfer sSpTransferBool
+ --vhook_a sPpsPulse sPpsPulseAsyncReset
+ --vhook_p {^rR(.*)In(.*)Clks} unsigned(rR$1In$2Clks)
+ --vhook_p {^sS(.*)In(.*)Clks} unsigned(sS$1In$2Clks)
+ TdcTopx: entity work.TdcTop (struct)
+ generic map (
+ kRClksPerRePulsePeriodBitsMax => kRClksPerRePulsePeriodBitsMax, --integer range 3:32 :=24
+ kRClksPerRpPeriodBitsMax => kRClksPerRpPeriodBitsMax, --integer range 3:16 :=16
+ kSClksPerSpPeriodBitsMax => kSClksPerSpPeriodBitsMax, --integer range 3:16 :=16
+ kPulsePeriodCntSize => kPulsePeriodCntSize, --integer:=13
+ kFreqRefPeriodsToCheckSize => kFreqRefPeriodsToCheckSize, --integer:=17
+ kSyncPeriodsToStampSize => kSyncPeriodsToStampSize) --integer:=10
+ port map (
+ aReset => to_boolean(aTdcReset), --in boolean
+ RefClk => RefClk, --in std_logic
+ SampleClk => SampleClk, --in std_logic
+ MeasClk => MeasClk, --in std_logic
+ rResetTdc => to_boolean(rResetTdc), --in boolean
+ rResetTdcDone => rResetTdcDone, --out boolean
+ rEnableTdc => to_boolean(rEnableTdc), --in boolean
+ rReRunEnable => to_boolean(rReRunEnable), --in boolean
+ rPpsPulse => to_boolean(rPpsPulseAsyncReset), --in boolean
+ rPpsPulseCaptured => rPpsPulseCaptured, --out boolean
+ rPulserEnableDelayVal => unsigned(rPulserEnableDelayVal), --in unsigned(3:0)
+ rEnablePpsCrossing => to_boolean(rEnablePpsCrossing), --in boolean
+ sPpsClkCrossDelayVal => unsigned(sPpsClkCrossDelayVal), --in unsigned(3:0)
+ sPpsPulse => sPpsPulseAsyncReset, --out boolean
+ mRpOffset => mRpOffset, --out unsigned(kPulsePeriodCntSize+ kSyncPeriodsToStampSize+ kFreqRefPeriodsToCheckSize-1:0)
+ mSpOffset => mSpOffset, --out unsigned(kPulsePeriodCntSize+ kSyncPeriodsToStampSize+ kFreqRefPeriodsToCheckSize-1:0)
+ mOffsetsDone => mOffsetsDone, --out boolean
+ mOffsetsValid => mOffsetsValid, --out boolean
+ rLoadRePulseCounts => to_boolean(rLoadRePulseCounts), --in boolean
+ rRePulsePeriodInRClks => unsigned(rRePulsePeriodInRClks), --in unsigned(kRClksPerRePulsePeriodBitsMax-1:0)
+ rRePulseHighTimeInRClks => unsigned(rRePulseHighTimeInRClks), --in unsigned(kRClksPerRePulsePeriodBitsMax-1:0)
+ rLoadRpCounts => to_boolean(rLoadRpCounts), --in boolean
+ rRpPeriodInRClks => unsigned(rRpPeriodInRClks), --in unsigned(kRClksPerRpPeriodBitsMax-1:0)
+ rRpHighTimeInRClks => unsigned(rRpHighTimeInRClks), --in unsigned(kRClksPerRpPeriodBitsMax-1:0)
+ rLoadRptCounts => to_boolean(rLoadRptCounts), --in boolean
+ rRptPeriodInRClks => unsigned(rRptPeriodInRClks), --in unsigned(kRClksPerRpPeriodBitsMax-1:0)
+ rRptHighTimeInRClks => unsigned(rRptHighTimeInRClks), --in unsigned(kRClksPerRpPeriodBitsMax-1:0)
+ sLoadSpCounts => to_boolean(sLoadSpCounts), --in boolean
+ sSpPeriodInSClks => unsigned(sSpPeriodInSClks), --in unsigned(kSClksPerSpPeriodBitsMax-1:0)
+ sSpHighTimeInSClks => unsigned(sSpHighTimeInSClks), --in unsigned(kSClksPerSpPeriodBitsMax-1:0)
+ sLoadSptCounts => to_boolean(sLoadSptCounts), --in boolean
+ sSptPeriodInSClks => unsigned(sSptPeriodInSClks), --in unsigned(kSClksPerSpPeriodBitsMax-1:0)
+ sSptHighTimeInSClks => unsigned(sSptHighTimeInSClks), --in unsigned(kSClksPerSpPeriodBitsMax-1:0)
+ rRpTransfer => rRpTransferBool, --out boolean
+ sSpTransfer => sSpTransferBool, --out boolean
+ rGatedPulseToPin => rGatedPulseToPin, --inout std_logic
+ sGatedPulseToPin => sGatedPulseToPin); --inout std_logic
+ -- Expand/compress the RegPort for moving through the netlist boundary.
+ bSyncRegPortOut <= Unflatten(bSyncRegPortOutFlat);
+ bSyncRegPortInFlat <= Flatten(bSyncRegPortIn);
+ --vhook SyncRegsIfc
+ --vhook_# Tying this low is safe because the sync reset is used inside SyncRegsIfc.
+ --vhook_a aBusReset '0'
+ --vhook_a bRegPortInFlat bSyncRegPortInFlat
+ --vhook_a bRegPortOutFlat bSyncRegPortOutFlat
+ --vhook_a rResetTdcDone to_stdlogic(rResetTdcDone)
+ --vhook_a rPpsPulseCaptured to_stdlogic(rPpsPulseCaptured)
+ --vhook_a mOffsetsDone to_stdlogic(mOffsetsDone)
+ --vhook_a mOffsetsValid to_stdlogic(mOffsetsValid)
+ --vhook_a mRpOffset std_logic_vector(mRpOffset)
+ --vhook_a mSpOffset std_logic_vector(mSpOffset)
+ SyncRegsIfcx: SyncRegsIfc
+ port map (
+ aBusReset => '0', --in std_logic
+ bBusReset => bBusReset, --in std_logic
+ BusClk => BusClk, --in std_logic
+ aTdcReset => aTdcReset, --out std_logic
+ bRegPortInFlat => bSyncRegPortInFlat, --in std_logic_vector(49:0)
+ bRegPortOutFlat => bSyncRegPortOutFlat, --out std_logic_vector(33:0)
+ RefClk => RefClk, --in std_logic
+ rResetTdc => rResetTdc, --out std_logic
+ rResetTdcDone => to_stdlogic(rResetTdcDone), --in std_logic
+ rEnableTdc => rEnableTdc, --out std_logic
+ rReRunEnable => rReRunEnable, --out std_logic
+ rEnablePpsCrossing => rEnablePpsCrossing, --out std_logic
+ rPpsPulseCaptured => to_stdlogic(rPpsPulseCaptured), --in std_logic
+ rPulserEnableDelayVal => rPulserEnableDelayVal, --out std_logic_vector(3:0)
+ SampleClk => SampleClk, --in std_logic
+ sPpsClkCrossDelayVal => sPpsClkCrossDelayVal, --out std_logic_vector(3:0)
+ MeasClk => MeasClk, --in std_logic
+ mRpOffset => std_logic_vector(mRpOffset), --in std_logic_vector(39:0)
+ mSpOffset => std_logic_vector(mSpOffset), --in std_logic_vector(39:0)
+ mOffsetsDone => to_stdlogic(mOffsetsDone), --in std_logic
+ mOffsetsValid => to_stdlogic(mOffsetsValid), --in std_logic
+ rLoadRePulseCounts => rLoadRePulseCounts, --out std_logic
+ rRePulsePeriodInRClks => rRePulsePeriodInRClks, --out std_logic_vector(23:0)
+ rRePulseHighTimeInRClks => rRePulseHighTimeInRClks, --out std_logic_vector(23:0)
+ rLoadRpCounts => rLoadRpCounts, --out std_logic
+ rRpPeriodInRClks => rRpPeriodInRClks, --out std_logic_vector(15:0)
+ rRpHighTimeInRClks => rRpHighTimeInRClks, --out std_logic_vector(15:0)
+ rLoadRptCounts => rLoadRptCounts, --out std_logic
+ rRptPeriodInRClks => rRptPeriodInRClks, --out std_logic_vector(15:0)
+ rRptHighTimeInRClks => rRptHighTimeInRClks, --out std_logic_vector(15:0)
+ sLoadSpCounts => sLoadSpCounts, --out std_logic
+ sSpPeriodInSClks => sSpPeriodInSClks, --out std_logic_vector(15:0)
+ sSpHighTimeInSClks => sSpHighTimeInSClks, --out std_logic_vector(15:0)
+ sLoadSptCounts => sLoadSptCounts, --out std_logic
+ sSptPeriodInSClks => sSptPeriodInSClks, --out std_logic_vector(15:0)
+ sSptHighTimeInSClks => sSptHighTimeInSClks); --out std_logic_vector(15:0)
+end struct;
+-- Testbench for TdcWrapper
+--synopsys translate_off
+library ieee;
+ use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
+ use ieee.numeric_std.all;
+library work;
+ use work.PkgRegs.all;
+entity tb_TdcWrapper is end tb_TdcWrapper;
+architecture test of tb_TdcWrapper is
+ --vhook_sigstart
+ signal bBusReset: std_logic;
+ signal bSyncRegPortIn: RegPortIn_t;
+ signal bSyncRegPortOut: RegPortOut_t;
+ signal BusClk: std_logic := '0';
+ signal MeasClk: std_logic := '0';
+ signal RefClk: std_logic := '0';
+ signal rGatedPulseToPin: std_logic;
+ signal rPpsPulse: std_logic;
+ signal rRpTransfer: std_logic;
+ signal SampleClk: std_logic := '0';
+ signal sGatedPulseToPin: std_logic;
+ signal sPpsPulse: std_logic;
+ signal sSpTransfer: std_logic;
+ --vhook_sigend
+ --vhook_e TdcWrapper dutx
+ dutx: entity work.TdcWrapper (struct)
+ port map (
+ BusClk => BusClk, --in std_logic
+ bBusReset => bBusReset, --in std_logic
+ RefClk => RefClk, --in std_logic
+ SampleClk => SampleClk, --in std_logic
+ MeasClk => MeasClk, --in std_logic
+ bSyncRegPortOut => bSyncRegPortOut, --out RegPortOut_t
+ bSyncRegPortIn => bSyncRegPortIn, --in RegPortIn_t
+ rPpsPulse => rPpsPulse, --in std_logic
+ sPpsPulse => sPpsPulse, --out std_logic
+ rRpTransfer => rRpTransfer, --out std_logic
+ sSpTransfer => sSpTransfer, --out std_logic
+ rGatedPulseToPin => rGatedPulseToPin, --inout std_logic
+ sGatedPulseToPin => sGatedPulseToPin); --inout std_logic
+ main: process
+ begin
+ report "TdcWrapper Test is EMPTY! (but that's ok in this case)" severity note;
+ --vhook_nowarn tb_TdcWrapper.test.*
+ wait;
+ end process;
+end test;
+--synopsys translate_on
diff --git a/fpga/usrp3/top/n3xx/dboards/mg/Makefile.srcs b/fpga/usrp3/top/n3xx/dboards/mg/Makefile.srcs
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..85bb60752
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fpga/usrp3/top/n3xx/dboards/mg/Makefile.srcs
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+# Copyright 2017 Ettus Research LLC
+# DB IFC Sources
+MAGNESIUM_DB_SRCS = $(abspath $(addprefix $(BASE_DIR)/n3xx/dboards/mg/db_ifc/, \
+DbCore.vhd \
+DaughterboardRegs.vhd \
+ClockingRegs.vhd \
+PkgMgPersonality.vhd \
+PkgDaughterboardRegMap.vhd \
+PkgClockingRegMap.vhd \
+PkgJesdConfig.vhd \
+RadioClocking.vhd \
+Jesd204bXcvrCore.edf \
+MAGNESIUM_TOP_SRCS = $(abspath $(addprefix $(BASE_DIR)/n3xx/dboards/mg/, \
+n3xx.v \
+MAGNESIUM_DB_TIMING_XDC = $(abspath $(addprefix $(BASE_DIR)/n3xx/dboards/mg/, \
+db_timing.xdc \
+MAGNESIUM_DB0_XDC = $(abspath $(addprefix $(BASE_DIR)/n3xx/dboards/mg/, \
+db0_pins.xdc \
+MAGNESIUM_DB1_XDC = $(abspath $(addprefix $(BASE_DIR)/n3xx/dboards/mg/, \
+db1_pins.xdc \
diff --git a/fpga/usrp3/top/n3xx/dboards/mg/cpld/Makefile b/fpga/usrp3/top/n3xx/dboards/mg/cpld/Makefile
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..3fbb7d3bb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fpga/usrp3/top/n3xx/dboards/mg/cpld/Makefile
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+# Copyright 2018 Ettus Research, a National Instruments Company
+.PHONY: all clean
+SRCS=TopCpld.qpf TopCpld.qsf Timing.sdc PkgMgCpld.vhd PkgSetup.vhd TopCpld.vhd
+all: output_files/TopCpld.svf
+cpld-magnesium-revc.svf: output_files/TopCpld.pof
+ quartus_cpf --convert --frequency 10.0MHz --voltage 3.3 --operation p $? $@
+output_files/TopCpld.pof: $(SRCS)
+ quartus_map TopCpld
+ quartus_fit TopCpld
+ quartus_asm TopCpld
+ quartus_sta TopCpld
+ rm -rf db incremental_db output_files simulation cpld-magnesium-revc.svf
diff --git a/fpga/usrp3/top/n3xx/dboards/mg/cpld/PkgMgCpld.vhd b/fpga/usrp3/top/n3xx/dboards/mg/cpld/PkgMgCpld.vhd
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..327183bea
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fpga/usrp3/top/n3xx/dboards/mg/cpld/PkgMgCpld.vhd
@@ -0,0 +1,424 @@
+-- File: PkgMgCpld.vhd
+-- Author: Autogenerated by XmlParse
+-- Original Project: --
+-- Date: --
+-- Copyright 2016-2017 Ettus Research, A National Instruments Company
+-- SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0
+-- Purpose:
+-- The constants in this file are autogenerated by XmlParse and should
+-- be used by testbench code to access specific register fields.
+library ieee;
+ use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
+ use ieee.numeric_std.all;
+package PkgMgCpld is
+-- A numerically ordered list of registers and their VHDL source files
+ -- SignatureReg : 0x0 (TopCpld.vhd)
+ -- MinorRevReg : 0x1 (TopCpld.vhd)
+ -- MajorRevReg : 0x2 (TopCpld.vhd)
+ -- BuildCodeLSB : 0x3 (TopCpld.vhd)
+ -- BuildCodeMSB : 0x4 (TopCpld.vhd)
+ -- Scratch : 0x5 (TopCpld.vhd)
+ -- CpldControl : 0x10 (TopCpld.vhd)
+ -- LmkControl : 0x11 (TopCpld.vhd)
+ -- LoStatus : 0x12 (TopCpld.vhd)
+ -- MykonosControl : 0x13 (TopCpld.vhd)
+ -- PlScratch : 0x40 (TopCpld.vhd)
+ -- PlCpldControl : 0x41 (TopCpld.vhd)
+ -- TxCh1_Idle : 0x50 (TopCpld.vhd)
+ -- RxCh1_0_Idle : 0x51 (TopCpld.vhd)
+ -- RxCh1_1_Idle : 0x52 (TopCpld.vhd)
+ -- TxCh1_TxOn : 0x53 (TopCpld.vhd)
+ -- RxCh1_0_RxOn : 0x54 (TopCpld.vhd)
+ -- RxCh1_1_RxOn : 0x55 (TopCpld.vhd)
+ -- TxCh2_Idle : 0x60 (TopCpld.vhd)
+ -- RxCh2_0_Idle : 0x61 (TopCpld.vhd)
+ -- RxCh2_1_Idle : 0x62 (TopCpld.vhd)
+ -- TxCh2_TxOn : 0x63 (TopCpld.vhd)
+ -- RxCh2_0_RxOn : 0x64 (TopCpld.vhd)
+ -- RxCh2_1_RxOn : 0x65 (TopCpld.vhd)
+-- RegTypes
+-- Register Group PsSpi_CpldRegisters
+ -- SignatureReg Register (from TopCpld.vhd)
+ constant kSignatureReg : integer := 16#0#; -- Register Offset
+ constant kSignatureRegSize: integer := 16; -- register width in bits
+ constant kSignatureRegMask : std_logic_vector(15 downto 0) := X"ffff";
+ constant kProductSignatureSize : integer := 16; --SignatureReg:ProductSignature
+ constant kProductSignatureMsb : integer := 15; --SignatureReg:ProductSignature
+ constant kProductSignature : integer := 0; --SignatureReg:ProductSignature
+ -- MinorRevReg Register (from TopCpld.vhd)
+ constant kMinorRevReg : integer := 16#1#; -- Register Offset
+ constant kMinorRevRegSize: integer := 16; -- register width in bits
+ constant kMinorRevRegMask : std_logic_vector(15 downto 0) := X"ffff";
+ constant kCpldMinorRevisionSize : integer := 16; --MinorRevReg:CpldMinorRevision
+ constant kCpldMinorRevisionMsb : integer := 15; --MinorRevReg:CpldMinorRevision
+ constant kCpldMinorRevision : integer := 0; --MinorRevReg:CpldMinorRevision
+ -- MajorRevReg Register (from TopCpld.vhd)
+ constant kMajorRevReg : integer := 16#2#; -- Register Offset
+ constant kMajorRevRegSize: integer := 16; -- register width in bits
+ constant kMajorRevRegMask : std_logic_vector(15 downto 0) := X"ffff";
+ constant kCpldMajorRevisionSize : integer := 16; --MajorRevReg:CpldMajorRevision
+ constant kCpldMajorRevisionMsb : integer := 15; --MajorRevReg:CpldMajorRevision
+ constant kCpldMajorRevision : integer := 0; --MajorRevReg:CpldMajorRevision
+ -- BuildCodeLSB Register (from TopCpld.vhd)
+ constant kBuildCodeLSB : integer := 16#3#; -- Register Offset
+ constant kBuildCodeLSBSize: integer := 16; -- register width in bits
+ constant kBuildCodeLSBMask : std_logic_vector(15 downto 0) := X"ffff";
+ constant kBuildCodeHHSize : integer := 8; --BuildCodeLSB:BuildCodeHH
+ constant kBuildCodeHHMsb : integer := 7; --BuildCodeLSB:BuildCodeHH
+ constant kBuildCodeHH : integer := 0; --BuildCodeLSB:BuildCodeHH
+ constant kBuildCodeDDSize : integer := 8; --BuildCodeLSB:BuildCodeDD
+ constant kBuildCodeDDMsb : integer := 15; --BuildCodeLSB:BuildCodeDD
+ constant kBuildCodeDD : integer := 8; --BuildCodeLSB:BuildCodeDD
+ -- BuildCodeMSB Register (from TopCpld.vhd)
+ constant kBuildCodeMSB : integer := 16#4#; -- Register Offset
+ constant kBuildCodeMSBSize: integer := 16; -- register width in bits
+ constant kBuildCodeMSBMask : std_logic_vector(15 downto 0) := X"ffff";
+ constant kBuildCodeMMSize : integer := 8; --BuildCodeMSB:BuildCodeMM
+ constant kBuildCodeMMMsb : integer := 7; --BuildCodeMSB:BuildCodeMM
+ constant kBuildCodeMM : integer := 0; --BuildCodeMSB:BuildCodeMM
+ constant kBuildCodeYYSize : integer := 8; --BuildCodeMSB:BuildCodeYY
+ constant kBuildCodeYYMsb : integer := 15; --BuildCodeMSB:BuildCodeYY
+ constant kBuildCodeYY : integer := 8; --BuildCodeMSB:BuildCodeYY
+ -- Scratch Register (from TopCpld.vhd)
+ constant kScratch : integer := 16#5#; -- Register Offset
+ constant kScratchSize: integer := 16; -- register width in bits
+ constant kScratchMask : std_logic_vector(15 downto 0) := X"ffff";
+ constant kScratchValSize : integer := 16; --Scratch:ScratchVal
+ constant kScratchValMsb : integer := 15; --Scratch:ScratchVal
+ constant kScratchVal : integer := 0; --Scratch:ScratchVal
+ -- CpldControl Register (from TopCpld.vhd)
+ constant kCpldControl : integer := 16#10#; -- Register Offset
+ constant kCpldControlSize: integer := 16; -- register width in bits
+ constant kCpldControlMask : std_logic_vector(15 downto 0) := X"0001";
+ constant kCpldResetSize : integer := 1; --CpldControl:CpldReset
+ constant kCpldResetMsb : integer := 0; --CpldControl:CpldReset
+ constant kCpldReset : integer := 0; --CpldControl:CpldReset
+ -- LmkControl Register (from TopCpld.vhd)
+ constant kLmkControl : integer := 16#11#; -- Register Offset
+ constant kLmkControlSize: integer := 16; -- register width in bits
+ constant kLmkControlMask : std_logic_vector(15 downto 0) := X"0010";
+ constant kVcxoControlSize : integer := 1; --LmkControl:VcxoControl
+ constant kVcxoControlMsb : integer := 4; --LmkControl:VcxoControl
+ constant kVcxoControl : integer := 4; --LmkControl:VcxoControl
+ -- LoStatus Register (from TopCpld.vhd)
+ constant kLoStatus : integer := 16#12#; -- Register Offset
+ constant kLoStatusSize: integer := 16; -- register width in bits
+ constant kLoStatusMask : std_logic_vector(15 downto 0) := X"0011";
+ constant kRxLoLockDetectSize : integer := 1; --LoStatus:RxLoLockDetect
+ constant kRxLoLockDetectMsb : integer := 0; --LoStatus:RxLoLockDetect
+ constant kRxLoLockDetect : integer := 0; --LoStatus:RxLoLockDetect
+ constant kTxLoLockDetectSize : integer := 1; --LoStatus:TxLoLockDetect
+ constant kTxLoLockDetectMsb : integer := 4; --LoStatus:TxLoLockDetect
+ constant kTxLoLockDetect : integer := 4; --LoStatus:TxLoLockDetect
+ -- MykonosControl Register (from TopCpld.vhd)
+ constant kMykonosControl : integer := 16#13#; -- Register Offset
+ constant kMykonosControlSize: integer := 16; -- register width in bits
+ constant kMykonosControlMask : std_logic_vector(15 downto 0) := X"0001";
+ constant kMykonosResetSize : integer := 1; --MykonosControl:MykonosReset
+ constant kMykonosResetMsb : integer := 0; --MykonosControl:MykonosReset
+ constant kMykonosReset : integer := 0; --MykonosControl:MykonosReset
+-- Register Group PlSpi_FrontEndControl
+ -- Enumerated type Rx1Switch1
+ constant kRx1Switch1Size : integer := 4;
+ constant kTxRxInput : integer := 0; -- Rx1Switch1:TxRxInput
+ constant kRxLoCalInput : integer := 1; -- Rx1Switch1:RxLoCalInput
+ constant kTrxSwitchOutput : integer := 2; -- Rx1Switch1:TrxSwitchOutput
+ constant kRx2Input : integer := 3; -- Rx1Switch1:Rx2Input
+ -- Enumerated type Rx1Switch2
+ constant kRx1Switch2Size : integer := 4;
+ constant kShutdownSw2 : integer := 0; -- Rx1Switch2:ShutdownSw2
+ constant kLowerFilterBankToSwitch3 : integer := 1; -- Rx1Switch2:LowerFilterBankToSwitch3
+ constant kBypassPathToSwitch6 : integer := 2; -- Rx1Switch2:BypassPathToSwitch6
+ constant kUpperFilterBankToSwitch4 : integer := 3; -- Rx1Switch2:UpperFilterBankToSwitch4
+ -- Enumerated type Rx1Switch3
+ constant kRx1Switch3Size : integer := 7;
+ constant kFilter2100x2850MHz : integer := 0; -- Rx1Switch3:Filter2100x2850MHz
+ constant kFilter0490LpMHz : integer := 1; -- Rx1Switch3:Filter0490LpMHz
+ constant kFilter1600x2250MHz : integer := 2; -- Rx1Switch3:Filter1600x2250MHz
+ constant kFilter0440x0530MHz : integer := 4; -- Rx1Switch3:Filter0440x0530MHz
+ constant kFilter0650x1000MHz : integer := 5; -- Rx1Switch3:Filter0650x1000MHz
+ constant kFilter1100x1575MHz : integer := 6; -- Rx1Switch3:Filter1100x1575MHz
+ constant kShutdownSw3 : integer := 7; -- Rx1Switch3:ShutdownSw3
+ -- Enumerated type Rx1Switch4
+ constant kRx1Switch4Size : integer := 3;
+ constant kFilter2100x2850MHzFrom : integer := 1; -- Rx1Switch4:Filter2100x2850MHzFrom
+ constant kFilter1600x2250MHzFrom : integer := 2; -- Rx1Switch4:Filter1600x2250MHzFrom
+ constant kFilter2700HpMHz : integer := 4; -- Rx1Switch4:Filter2700HpMHz
+ -- Enumerated type Rx1Switch5
+ constant kRx1Switch5Size : integer := 4;
+ constant kFilter0440x0530MHzFrom : integer := 1; -- Rx1Switch5:Filter0440x0530MHzFrom
+ constant kFilter1100x1575MHzFrom : integer := 2; -- Rx1Switch5:Filter1100x1575MHzFrom
+ constant kFilter0490LpMHzFrom : integer := 4; -- Rx1Switch5:Filter0490LpMHzFrom
+ constant kFilter0650x1000MHzFrom : integer := 8; -- Rx1Switch5:Filter0650x1000MHzFrom
+ -- Enumerated type Rx1Switch6
+ constant kRx1Switch6Size : integer := 3;
+ constant kLowerFilterBankFromSwitch5 : integer := 1; -- Rx1Switch6:LowerFilterBankFromSwitch5
+ constant kUpperFilterBankFromSwitch4 : integer := 2; -- Rx1Switch6:UpperFilterBankFromSwitch4
+ constant kBypassPathFromSwitch2 : integer := 4; -- Rx1Switch6:BypassPathFromSwitch2
+ -- Enumerated type TrxSwitch
+ constant kTrxSwitchSize : integer := 4;
+ constant kFromLowerFilterBankTxSw1 : integer := 0; -- TrxSwitch:FromLowerFilterBankTxSw1
+ constant kFromTxUpperFilterBankLp6400MHz : integer := 1; -- TrxSwitch:FromTxUpperFilterBankLp6400MHz
+ constant kRxChannelPath : integer := 2; -- TrxSwitch:RxChannelPath
+ constant kBypassPathToTxSw3 : integer := 3; -- TrxSwitch:BypassPathToTxSw3
+ -- Enumerated type TxSwitch1
+ constant kTxSwitch1Size : integer := 4;
+ constant kShutdownTxSw1 : integer := 0; -- TxSwitch1:ShutdownTxSw1
+ constant kFromTxFilterLp1700MHz : integer := 1; -- TxSwitch1:FromTxFilterLp1700MHz
+ constant kFromTxFilterLp3400MHz : integer := 2; -- TxSwitch1:FromTxFilterLp3400MHz
+ constant kFromTxFilterLp0800MHz : integer := 3; -- TxSwitch1:FromTxFilterLp0800MHz
+ -- Enumerated type TxSwitch2
+ constant kTxSwitch2Size : integer := 4;
+ constant kToTxFilterLp3400MHz : integer := 1; -- TxSwitch2:ToTxFilterLp3400MHz
+ constant kToTxFilterLp1700MHz : integer := 2; -- TxSwitch2:ToTxFilterLp1700MHz
+ constant kToTxFilterLp0800MHz : integer := 4; -- TxSwitch2:ToTxFilterLp0800MHz
+ constant kToTxFilterLp6400MHz : integer := 8; -- TxSwitch2:ToTxFilterLp6400MHz
+ -- Enumerated type TxSwitch3
+ constant kTxSwitch3Size : integer := 2;
+ constant kToTxFilterBanks : integer := 0; -- TxSwitch3:ToTxFilterBanks
+ constant kBypassPathToTrxSw : integer := 1; -- TxSwitch3:BypassPathToTrxSw
+ -- PlScratch Register (from TopCpld.vhd)
+ constant kPlScratch : integer := 16#40#; -- Register Offset
+ constant kPlScratchSize: integer := 16; -- register width in bits
+ constant kPlScratchMask : std_logic_vector(15 downto 0) := X"ffff";
+ constant kPlScratchValSize : integer := 16; --PlScratch:PlScratchVal
+ constant kPlScratchValMsb : integer := 15; --PlScratch:PlScratchVal
+ constant kPlScratchVal : integer := 0; --PlScratch:PlScratchVal
+ -- PlCpldControl Register (from TopCpld.vhd)
+ constant kPlCpldControl : integer := 16#41#; -- Register Offset
+ constant kPlCpldControlSize: integer := 16; -- register width in bits
+ constant kPlCpldControlMask : std_logic_vector(15 downto 0) := X"0001";
+ constant kPlCpldResetSize : integer := 1; --PlCpldControl:PlCpldReset
+ constant kPlCpldResetMsb : integer := 0; --PlCpldControl:PlCpldReset
+ constant kPlCpldReset : integer := 0; --PlCpldControl:PlCpldReset
+ -- TxCh1_Idle Register (from TopCpld.vhd)
+ constant kTxCh1_Idle : integer := 16#50#; -- Register Offset
+ constant kTxCh1_IdleSize: integer := 16; -- register width in bits
+ constant kTxCh1_IdleMask : std_logic_vector(15 downto 0) := X"7fff";
+ constant kCh1TxSw1Size : integer := 2; --TxCh1_Idle:Ch1TxSw1
+ constant kCh1TxSw1Msb : integer := 1; --TxCh1_Idle:Ch1TxSw1
+ constant kCh1TxSw1 : integer := 0; --TxCh1_Idle:Ch1TxSw1
+ constant kCh1TxSw2Size : integer := 4; --TxCh1_Idle:Ch1TxSw2
+ constant kCh1TxSw2Msb : integer := 5; --TxCh1_Idle:Ch1TxSw2
+ constant kCh1TxSw2 : integer := 2; --TxCh1_Idle:Ch1TxSw2
+ constant kCh1TxSw3Size : integer := 1; --TxCh1_Idle:Ch1TxSw3
+ constant kCh1TxSw3Msb : integer := 6; --TxCh1_Idle:Ch1TxSw3
+ constant kCh1TxSw3 : integer := 6; --TxCh1_Idle:Ch1TxSw3
+ constant kCh1TxLowbandMixerPathSelectSize : integer := 1; --TxCh1_Idle:Ch1TxLowbandMixerPathSelect
+ constant kCh1TxLowbandMixerPathSelectMsb : integer := 7; --TxCh1_Idle:Ch1TxLowbandMixerPathSelect
+ constant kCh1TxLowbandMixerPathSelect : integer := 7; --TxCh1_Idle:Ch1TxLowbandMixerPathSelect
+ constant kCh1TxMixerEnSize : integer := 1; --TxCh1_Idle:Ch1TxMixerEn
+ constant kCh1TxMixerEnMsb : integer := 8; --TxCh1_Idle:Ch1TxMixerEn
+ constant kCh1TxMixerEn : integer := 8; --TxCh1_Idle:Ch1TxMixerEn
+ constant kCh1TxAmpEnSize : integer := 1; --TxCh1_Idle:Ch1TxAmpEn
+ constant kCh1TxAmpEnMsb : integer := 9; --TxCh1_Idle:Ch1TxAmpEn
+ constant kCh1TxAmpEn : integer := 9; --TxCh1_Idle:Ch1TxAmpEn
+ constant kCh1TxPaEnSize : integer := 1; --TxCh1_Idle:Ch1TxPaEn
+ constant kCh1TxPaEnMsb : integer := 10; --TxCh1_Idle:Ch1TxPaEn
+ constant kCh1TxPaEn : integer := 10; --TxCh1_Idle:Ch1TxPaEn
+ constant kCh1SwTrxSize : integer := 2; --TxCh1_Idle:Ch1SwTrx
+ constant kCh1SwTrxMsb : integer := 12; --TxCh1_Idle:Ch1SwTrx
+ constant kCh1SwTrx : integer := 11; --TxCh1_Idle:Ch1SwTrx
+ constant kCh1TxLedSize : integer := 1; --TxCh1_Idle:Ch1TxLed
+ constant kCh1TxLedMsb : integer := 13; --TxCh1_Idle:Ch1TxLed
+ constant kCh1TxLed : integer := 13; --TxCh1_Idle:Ch1TxLed
+ constant kCh1MykEnTxSize : integer := 1; --TxCh1_Idle:Ch1MykEnTx
+ constant kCh1MykEnTxMsb : integer := 14; --TxCh1_Idle:Ch1MykEnTx
+ constant kCh1MykEnTx : integer := 14; --TxCh1_Idle:Ch1MykEnTx
+ -- RxCh1_0_Idle Register (from TopCpld.vhd)
+ constant kRxCh1_0_Idle : integer := 16#51#; -- Register Offset
+ constant kRxCh1_0_IdleSize: integer := 16; -- register width in bits
+ constant kRxCh1_0_IdleMask : std_logic_vector(15 downto 0) := X"3fff";
+ constant kCh1RxSw1Size : integer := 2; --RxCh1_0_Idle:Ch1RxSw1
+ constant kCh1RxSw1Msb : integer := 1; --RxCh1_0_Idle:Ch1RxSw1
+ constant kCh1RxSw1 : integer := 0; --RxCh1_0_Idle:Ch1RxSw1
+ constant kCh1RxSw2Size : integer := 2; --RxCh1_0_Idle:Ch1RxSw2
+ constant kCh1RxSw2Msb : integer := 3; --RxCh1_0_Idle:Ch1RxSw2
+ constant kCh1RxSw2 : integer := 2; --RxCh1_0_Idle:Ch1RxSw2
+ constant kCh1RxSw3Size : integer := 3; --RxCh1_0_Idle:Ch1RxSw3
+ constant kCh1RxSw3Msb : integer := 6; --RxCh1_0_Idle:Ch1RxSw3
+ constant kCh1RxSw3 : integer := 4; --RxCh1_0_Idle:Ch1RxSw3
+ constant kCh1RxSw4Size : integer := 3; --RxCh1_0_Idle:Ch1RxSw4
+ constant kCh1RxSw4Msb : integer := 9; --RxCh1_0_Idle:Ch1RxSw4
+ constant kCh1RxSw4 : integer := 7; --RxCh1_0_Idle:Ch1RxSw4
+ constant kCh1RxSw5Size : integer := 4; --RxCh1_0_Idle:Ch1RxSw5
+ constant kCh1RxSw5Msb : integer := 13; --RxCh1_0_Idle:Ch1RxSw5
+ constant kCh1RxSw5 : integer := 10; --RxCh1_0_Idle:Ch1RxSw5
+ -- RxCh1_1_Idle Register (from TopCpld.vhd)
+ constant kRxCh1_1_Idle : integer := 16#52#; -- Register Offset
+ constant kRxCh1_1_IdleSize: integer := 16; -- register width in bits
+ constant kRxCh1_1_IdleMask : std_logic_vector(15 downto 0) := X"07ff";
+ constant kCh1RxSw6Size : integer := 3; --RxCh1_1_Idle:Ch1RxSw6
+ constant kCh1RxSw6Msb : integer := 2; --RxCh1_1_Idle:Ch1RxSw6
+ constant kCh1RxSw6 : integer := 0; --RxCh1_1_Idle:Ch1RxSw6
+ constant kCh1RxLowbandMixerPathSelectSize : integer := 1; --RxCh1_1_Idle:Ch1RxLowbandMixerPathSelect
+ constant kCh1RxLowbandMixerPathSelectMsb : integer := 3; --RxCh1_1_Idle:Ch1RxLowbandMixerPathSelect
+ constant kCh1RxLowbandMixerPathSelect : integer := 3; --RxCh1_1_Idle:Ch1RxLowbandMixerPathSelect
+ constant kCh1RxMixerEnSize : integer := 1; --RxCh1_1_Idle:Ch1RxMixerEn
+ constant kCh1RxMixerEnMsb : integer := 4; --RxCh1_1_Idle:Ch1RxMixerEn
+ constant kCh1RxMixerEn : integer := 4; --RxCh1_1_Idle:Ch1RxMixerEn
+ constant kCh1RxAmpEnSize : integer := 1; --RxCh1_1_Idle:Ch1RxAmpEn
+ constant kCh1RxAmpEnMsb : integer := 5; --RxCh1_1_Idle:Ch1RxAmpEn
+ constant kCh1RxAmpEn : integer := 5; --RxCh1_1_Idle:Ch1RxAmpEn
+ constant kCh1RxLna1EnSize : integer := 1; --RxCh1_1_Idle:Ch1RxLna1En
+ constant kCh1RxLna1EnMsb : integer := 6; --RxCh1_1_Idle:Ch1RxLna1En
+ constant kCh1RxLna1En : integer := 6; --RxCh1_1_Idle:Ch1RxLna1En
+ constant kCh1RxLna2EnSize : integer := 1; --RxCh1_1_Idle:Ch1RxLna2En
+ constant kCh1RxLna2EnMsb : integer := 7; --RxCh1_1_Idle:Ch1RxLna2En
+ constant kCh1RxLna2En : integer := 7; --RxCh1_1_Idle:Ch1RxLna2En
+ constant kCh1Rx2LedSize : integer := 1; --RxCh1_1_Idle:Ch1Rx2Led
+ constant kCh1Rx2LedMsb : integer := 8; --RxCh1_1_Idle:Ch1Rx2Led
+ constant kCh1Rx2Led : integer := 8; --RxCh1_1_Idle:Ch1Rx2Led
+ constant kCh1RxLedSize : integer := 1; --RxCh1_1_Idle:Ch1RxLed
+ constant kCh1RxLedMsb : integer := 9; --RxCh1_1_Idle:Ch1RxLed
+ constant kCh1RxLed : integer := 9; --RxCh1_1_Idle:Ch1RxLed
+ constant kCh1MykEnRxSize : integer := 1; --RxCh1_1_Idle:Ch1MykEnRx
+ constant kCh1MykEnRxMsb : integer := 10; --RxCh1_1_Idle:Ch1MykEnRx
+ constant kCh1MykEnRx : integer := 10; --RxCh1_1_Idle:Ch1MykEnRx
+ -- TxCh1_TxOn Register (from TopCpld.vhd)
+ constant kTxCh1_TxOn : integer := 16#53#; -- Register Offset
+ constant kTxCh1_TxOnSize: integer := 16; -- register width in bits
+ constant kTxCh1_TxOnMask : std_logic_vector(15 downto 0) := X"0000";
+ -- RxCh1_0_RxOn Register (from TopCpld.vhd)
+ constant kRxCh1_0_RxOn : integer := 16#54#; -- Register Offset
+ constant kRxCh1_0_RxOnSize: integer := 16; -- register width in bits
+ constant kRxCh1_0_RxOnMask : std_logic_vector(15 downto 0) := X"0000";
+ -- RxCh1_1_RxOn Register (from TopCpld.vhd)
+ constant kRxCh1_1_RxOn : integer := 16#55#; -- Register Offset
+ constant kRxCh1_1_RxOnSize: integer := 16; -- register width in bits
+ constant kRxCh1_1_RxOnMask : std_logic_vector(15 downto 0) := X"0000";
+ -- TxCh2_Idle Register (from TopCpld.vhd)
+ constant kTxCh2_Idle : integer := 16#60#; -- Register Offset
+ constant kTxCh2_IdleSize: integer := 16; -- register width in bits
+ constant kTxCh2_IdleMask : std_logic_vector(15 downto 0) := X"0000";
+ -- RxCh2_0_Idle Register (from TopCpld.vhd)
+ constant kRxCh2_0_Idle : integer := 16#61#; -- Register Offset
+ constant kRxCh2_0_IdleSize: integer := 16; -- register width in bits
+ constant kRxCh2_0_IdleMask : std_logic_vector(15 downto 0) := X"0000";
+ -- RxCh2_1_Idle Register (from TopCpld.vhd)
+ constant kRxCh2_1_Idle : integer := 16#62#; -- Register Offset
+ constant kRxCh2_1_IdleSize: integer := 16; -- register width in bits
+ constant kRxCh2_1_IdleMask : std_logic_vector(15 downto 0) := X"0000";
+ -- TxCh2_TxOn Register (from TopCpld.vhd)
+ constant kTxCh2_TxOn : integer := 16#63#; -- Register Offset
+ constant kTxCh2_TxOnSize: integer := 16; -- register width in bits
+ constant kTxCh2_TxOnMask : std_logic_vector(15 downto 0) := X"0000";
+ -- RxCh2_0_RxOn Register (from TopCpld.vhd)
+ constant kRxCh2_0_RxOn : integer := 16#64#; -- Register Offset
+ constant kRxCh2_0_RxOnSize: integer := 16; -- register width in bits
+ constant kRxCh2_0_RxOnMask : std_logic_vector(15 downto 0) := X"0000";
+ -- RxCh2_1_RxOn Register (from TopCpld.vhd)
+ constant kRxCh2_1_RxOn : integer := 16#65#; -- Register Offset
+ constant kRxCh2_1_RxOnSize: integer := 16; -- register width in bits
+ constant kRxCh2_1_RxOnMask : std_logic_vector(15 downto 0) := X"0000";
+end package;
+package body PkgMgCpld is
+ -- function kSignatureRegRec not implemented because PkgXReg in this project does not support XReg2_t.
+ -- function kMinorRevRegRec not implemented because PkgXReg in this project does not support XReg2_t.
+ -- function kMajorRevRegRec not implemented because PkgXReg in this project does not support XReg2_t.
+ -- function kBuildCodeLSBRec not implemented because PkgXReg in this project does not support XReg2_t.
+ -- function kBuildCodeMSBRec not implemented because PkgXReg in this project does not support XReg2_t.
+ -- function kScratchRec not implemented because PkgXReg in this project does not support XReg2_t.
+ -- function kCpldControlRec not implemented because PkgXReg in this project does not support XReg2_t.
+ -- function kLmkControlRec not implemented because PkgXReg in this project does not support XReg2_t.
+ -- function kLoStatusRec not implemented because PkgXReg in this project does not support XReg2_t.
+ -- function kMykonosControlRec not implemented because PkgXReg in this project does not support XReg2_t.
+ -- function kPlScratchRec not implemented because PkgXReg in this project does not support XReg2_t.
+ -- function kPlCpldControlRec not implemented because PkgXReg in this project does not support XReg2_t.
+ -- function kTxCh1_IdleRec not implemented because PkgXReg in this project does not support XReg2_t.
+ -- function kRxCh1_0_IdleRec not implemented because PkgXReg in this project does not support XReg2_t.
+ -- function kRxCh1_1_IdleRec not implemented because PkgXReg in this project does not support XReg2_t.
+ -- function kTxCh1_TxOnRec not implemented because PkgXReg in this project does not support XReg2_t.
+ -- function kRxCh1_0_RxOnRec not implemented because PkgXReg in this project does not support XReg2_t.
+ -- function kRxCh1_1_RxOnRec not implemented because PkgXReg in this project does not support XReg2_t.
+ -- function kTxCh2_IdleRec not implemented because PkgXReg in this project does not support XReg2_t.
+ -- function kRxCh2_0_IdleRec not implemented because PkgXReg in this project does not support XReg2_t.
+ -- function kRxCh2_1_IdleRec not implemented because PkgXReg in this project does not support XReg2_t.
+ -- function kTxCh2_TxOnRec not implemented because PkgXReg in this project does not support XReg2_t.
+ -- function kRxCh2_0_RxOnRec not implemented because PkgXReg in this project does not support XReg2_t.
+ -- function kRxCh2_1_RxOnRec not implemented because PkgXReg in this project does not support XReg2_t.
+end package body;
diff --git a/fpga/usrp3/top/n3xx/dboards/mg/cpld/PkgSetup.vhd b/fpga/usrp3/top/n3xx/dboards/mg/cpld/PkgSetup.vhd
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..e19358912
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fpga/usrp3/top/n3xx/dboards/mg/cpld/PkgSetup.vhd
@@ -0,0 +1,259 @@
+-- File: PkgSetup.vhd
+-- Author: Daniel Jepson
+-- Original Project: N310
+-- Date: 22 September 2017
+-- Copyright 2016-2017 Ettus Research, A National Instruments Company
+-- SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0
+-- Purpose:
+-- Default values for front end config and CPLD constants.
+-- Contains the revision constants that must be bumped when the CPLD is updated.
+library ieee;
+ use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
+ use ieee.numeric_std.all;
+library work;
+ use work.PkgMgCpld.all;
+package PkgSetup is
+ constant kRdWtWidth : integer := 1;
+ constant kAddrWidth : integer := 7;
+ constant kDataWidth : integer := 16;
+ constant kTotalWidth : integer := kRdWtWidth + kAddrWidth + kDataWidth;
+ subtype InterfaceData_t is std_logic_vector(kDataWidth-1 downto 0);
+ constant kSignature : InterfaceData_t := x"CAFE";
+ -- UPDATE THESE REVISIONS when making changes to the CPLD -----------------------------
+ -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ constant kMinorRev : InterfaceData_t := std_logic_vector(to_unsigned(0,kDataWidth));
+ constant kMajorRev : InterfaceData_t := std_logic_vector(to_unsigned(5,kDataWidth));
+ -- Currently just the timestamp of the build time/date: yymmddhh
+ constant kBuildCode : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0) := X"18010408";
+ function kTxChDefault return InterfaceData_t;
+ function kTxChDefaultRun return InterfaceData_t;
+ function kRxChDefault0 return InterfaceData_t;
+ function kRxChDefault1 return InterfaceData_t;
+ function kRxChDefault0Run return InterfaceData_t;
+ function kRxChDefault1Run return InterfaceData_t;
+ function Tx2Switch2Mod(kCh1Val : std_logic_vector) return std_logic_vector;
+ function Tx2TrxMod (kCh1Val : std_logic_vector) return std_logic_vector;
+ function Rx2Switch1Mod(kCh1Val : std_logic_vector) return std_logic_vector;
+ function Rx2Switch2Mod(kCh1Val : std_logic_vector) return std_logic_vector;
+ function Rx2Switch3Mod(kCh1Val : std_logic_vector) return std_logic_vector;
+ function Rx2Switch4Mod(kCh1Val : std_logic_vector) return std_logic_vector;
+ function Rx2Switch5Mod(kCh1Val : std_logic_vector) return std_logic_vector;
+ function Rx2Switch6Mod(kCh1Val : std_logic_vector) return std_logic_vector;
+end package;
+package body PkgSetup is
+ function kTxChDefault return InterfaceData_t is
+ variable RetVal : InterfaceData_t := (others => '0');
+ begin
+ RetVal(kCh1SwTrxMsb downto kCh1SwTrx) := std_logic_vector(to_unsigned(kFromLowerFilterBankTxSw1, kCh1SwTrxSize));
+ RetVal(kCh1TxSw1Msb downto kCh1TxSw1) := std_logic_vector(to_unsigned(kShutdownTxSw1, kCh1TxSw1Size));
+ RetVal(kCh1TxSw2Msb downto kCh1TxSw2) := std_logic_vector(to_unsigned(kToTxFilterLp3400MHz, kCh1TxSw2Size));
+ RetVal(kCh1TxSw3 downto kCh1TxSw3) := std_logic_vector(to_unsigned(kToTxFilterBanks, kCh1TxSw3Size));
+ RetVal(kCh1TxLowbandMixerPathSelect) := '0';
+ RetVal(kCh1TxMixerEn) := '0';
+ RetVal(kCh1TxAmpEn) := '0';
+ RetVal(kCh1TxPaEn) := '0';
+ RetVal(kCh1TxLed) := '0';
+ RetVal(kCh1MykEnTx) := '1';
+ return RetVal;
+ end kTxChDefault;
+ function kTxChDefaultRun return InterfaceData_t is
+ variable RetVal : InterfaceData_t := (others => '0');
+ begin
+ RetVal(kCh1SwTrxMsb downto kCh1SwTrx) := std_logic_vector(to_unsigned(kFromLowerFilterBankTxSw1, kCh1SwTrxSize));
+ RetVal(kCh1TxSw1Msb downto kCh1TxSw1) := std_logic_vector(to_unsigned(kFromTxFilterLp3400MHz, kCh1TxSw1Size));
+ RetVal(kCh1TxSw2Msb downto kCh1TxSw2) := std_logic_vector(to_unsigned(kToTxFilterLp3400MHz, kCh1TxSw2Size));
+ RetVal(kCh1TxSw3 downto kCh1TxSw3) := std_logic_vector(to_unsigned(kToTxFilterBanks, kCh1TxSw3Size));
+ RetVal(kCh1TxLowbandMixerPathSelect) := '0';
+ RetVal(kCh1TxMixerEn) := '0';
+ RetVal(kCh1TxAmpEn) := '1';
+ RetVal(kCh1TxPaEn) := '1';
+ RetVal(kCh1TxLed) := '1';
+ RetVal(kCh1MykEnTx) := '1';
+ return RetVal;
+ end kTxChDefaultRun;
+ function kRxChDefault0 return InterfaceData_t is
+ variable RetVal : InterfaceData_t := (others => '0');
+ begin
+ RetVal(kCh1RxSw1Msb downto kCh1RxSw1) := std_logic_vector(to_unsigned(kRx2Input, kCh1RxSw1Size));
+ RetVal(kCh1RxSw2Msb downto kCh1RxSw2) := std_logic_vector(to_unsigned(kShutdownSw2, kCh1RxSw2Size));
+ RetVal(kCh1RxSw3Msb downto kCh1RxSw3) := std_logic_vector(to_unsigned(kShutdownSw3, kCh1RxSw3Size));
+ RetVal(kCh1RxSw4Msb downto kCh1RxSw4) := std_logic_vector(to_unsigned(kFilter2100x2850MHzFrom, kCh1RxSw4Size));
+ RetVal(kCh1RxSw5Msb downto kCh1RxSw5) := std_logic_vector(to_unsigned(kFilter0490LpMHzFrom, kCh1RxSw5Size));
+ return RetVal;
+ end kRxChDefault0;
+ function kRxChDefault1 return InterfaceData_t is
+ variable RetVal : InterfaceData_t := (others => '0');
+ begin
+ RetVal(kCh1RxSw6Msb downto kCh1RxSw6) := std_logic_vector(to_unsigned(kUpperFilterBankFromSwitch4, kCh1RxSw6Size));
+ RetVal(kCh1RxLowbandMixerPathSelect) := '0';
+ RetVal(kCh1RxMixerEn) := '0';
+ RetVal(kCh1RxAmpEn) := '0';
+ RetVal(kCh1RxLna1En) := '0';
+ RetVal(kCh1RxLna2En) := '0';
+ RetVal(kCh1Rx2Led) := '0';
+ RetVal(kCh1RxLed) := '0';
+ RetVal(kCh1MykEnRx) := '1';
+ return RetVal;
+ end kRxChDefault1;
+ function kRxChDefault0Run return InterfaceData_t is
+ variable RetVal : InterfaceData_t := (others => '0');
+ begin
+ RetVal(kCh1RxSw1Msb downto kCh1RxSw1) := std_logic_vector(to_unsigned(kRx2Input, kCh1RxSw1Size));
+ RetVal(kCh1RxSw2Msb downto kCh1RxSw2) := std_logic_vector(to_unsigned(kLowerFilterBankToSwitch3, kCh1RxSw2Size));
+ RetVal(kCh1RxSw3Msb downto kCh1RxSw3) := std_logic_vector(to_unsigned(kFilter2100x2850MHz, kCh1RxSw3Size));
+ RetVal(kCh1RxSw4Msb downto kCh1RxSw4) := std_logic_vector(to_unsigned(kFilter2100x2850MHzFrom, kCh1RxSw4Size));
+ RetVal(kCh1RxSw5Msb downto kCh1RxSw5) := std_logic_vector(to_unsigned(kFilter0490LpMHzFrom, kCh1RxSw5Size));
+ return RetVal;
+ end kRxChDefault0Run;
+ function kRxChDefault1Run return InterfaceData_t is
+ variable RetVal : InterfaceData_t := (others => '0');
+ begin
+ RetVal(kCh1RxSw6Msb downto kCh1RxSw6) := std_logic_vector(to_unsigned(kUpperFilterBankFromSwitch4, kCh1RxSw6Size));
+ RetVal(kCh1RxLowbandMixerPathSelect) := '0';
+ RetVal(kCh1RxMixerEn) := '0';
+ RetVal(kCh1RxAmpEn) := '1';
+ RetVal(kCh1RxLna1En) := '1';
+ RetVal(kCh1RxLna2En) := '1';
+ RetVal(kCh1Rx2Led) := '1'; -- turn on a LED for grins
+ RetVal(kCh1RxLed) := '0';
+ RetVal(kCh1MykEnRx) := '1';
+ return RetVal;
+ end kRxChDefault1Run;
+ function Tx2Switch2Mod(kCh1Val : std_logic_vector) return std_logic_vector is
+ variable RetVal : std_logic_vector(kCh1Val'range) := (others => '0');
+ begin
+ -- Encoding for this switch is one-hot, so we just flip around the bits here.
+ RetVal(kCh1Val'low + 0) := kCh1Val(kCh1Val'low + 0);
+ RetVal(kCh1Val'low + 3) := kCh1Val(kCh1Val'low + 1);
+ RetVal(kCh1Val'low + 1) := kCh1Val(kCh1Val'low + 2);
+ RetVal(kCh1Val'low + 2) := kCh1Val(kCh1Val'low + 3);
+ return RetVal;
+ end Tx2Switch2Mod;
+ function Tx2TrxMod(kCh1Val : std_logic_vector) return std_logic_vector is
+ variable RetVal : std_logic_vector(kCh1Val'range) := (others => '0');
+ begin
+ if kCh1Val = "00" then RetVal := "00";
+ elsif kCh1Val = "01" then RetVal := "10";
+ elsif kCh1Val = "10" then RetVal := "01";
+ elsif kCh1Val = "11" then RetVal := "11";
+ else RetVal := "00"; end if;
+ return RetVal;
+ end Tx2TrxMod;
+ function Rx2Switch1Mod(kCh1Val : std_logic_vector) return std_logic_vector is
+ variable RetVal : std_logic_vector(kCh1Val'range) := (others => '0');
+ begin
+ -- Encoding for this switch is binary, so we need to mux.
+ if kCh1Val = "00" then RetVal := "01";
+ elsif kCh1Val = "01" then RetVal := "00";
+ elsif kCh1Val = "10" then RetVal := "11";
+ elsif kCh1Val = "11" then RetVal := "10";
+ else RetVal := "00"; end if;
+ return RetVal;
+ end Rx2Switch1Mod;
+ function Rx2Switch2Mod(kCh1Val : std_logic_vector) return std_logic_vector is
+ variable RetVal : std_logic_vector(kCh1Val'range) := (others => '0');
+ begin
+ -- Encoding for this switch is binary, so we need to mux.
+ if kCh1Val = "00" then RetVal := "00";
+ elsif kCh1Val = "01" then RetVal := "11";
+ elsif kCh1Val = "10" then RetVal := "10";
+ elsif kCh1Val = "11" then RetVal := "01";
+ else RetVal := "00"; end if;
+ return RetVal;
+ end Rx2Switch2Mod;
+ function Rx2Switch3Mod(kCh1Val : std_logic_vector) return std_logic_vector is
+ variable RetVal : std_logic_vector(kCh1Val'range) := (others => '0');
+ begin
+ -- Encoding for this switch is binary, so we need to mux.
+ if kCh1Val = "000" then RetVal := "100";
+ elsif kCh1Val = "001" then RetVal := "101";
+ elsif kCh1Val = "010" then RetVal := "110";
+ elsif kCh1Val = "011" then RetVal := "011";
+ elsif kCh1Val = "100" then RetVal := "001";
+ elsif kCh1Val = "101" then RetVal := "000";
+ elsif kCh1Val = "110" then RetVal := "010";
+ elsif kCh1Val = "111" then RetVal := "111";
+ else RetVal := "000"; end if;
+ return RetVal;
+ end Rx2Switch3Mod;
+ function Rx2Switch4Mod(kCh1Val : std_logic_vector) return std_logic_vector is
+ variable RetVal : std_logic_vector(kCh1Val'range) := (others => '0');
+ begin
+ -- Encoding for this switch is one-hot, so we just flip around the bits here.
+ RetVal(kCh1Val'low + 2) := kCh1Val(kCh1Val'low + 0);
+ RetVal(kCh1Val'low + 1) := kCh1Val(kCh1Val'low + 1);
+ RetVal(kCh1Val'low + 0) := kCh1Val(kCh1Val'low + 2);
+ return RetVal;
+ end Rx2Switch4Mod;
+ function Rx2Switch5Mod(kCh1Val : std_logic_vector) return std_logic_vector is
+ variable RetVal : std_logic_vector(kCh1Val'range) := (others => '0');
+ begin
+ -- Encoding for this switch is one-hot, so we just flip around the bits here.
+ RetVal(kCh1Val'low + 1) := kCh1Val(kCh1Val'low + 0);
+ RetVal(kCh1Val'low + 0) := kCh1Val(kCh1Val'low + 1);
+ RetVal(kCh1Val'low + 3) := kCh1Val(kCh1Val'low + 2);
+ RetVal(kCh1Val'low + 2) := kCh1Val(kCh1Val'low + 3);
+ return RetVal;
+ end Rx2Switch5Mod;
+ function Rx2Switch6Mod(kCh1Val : std_logic_vector) return std_logic_vector is
+ variable RetVal : std_logic_vector(kCh1Val'range) := (others => '0');
+ begin
+ -- Encoding for this switch is one-hot, so we just flip around the bits here.
+ RetVal(kCh1Val'low + 2) := kCh1Val(kCh1Val'low + 0);
+ RetVal(kCh1Val'low + 1) := kCh1Val(kCh1Val'low + 1);
+ RetVal(kCh1Val'low + 0) := kCh1Val(kCh1Val'low + 2);
+ return RetVal;
+ end Rx2Switch6Mod;
+end package body; \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/fpga/usrp3/top/n3xx/dboards/mg/cpld/Timing.sdc b/fpga/usrp3/top/n3xx/dboards/mg/cpld/Timing.sdc
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..496814662
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fpga/usrp3/top/n3xx/dboards/mg/cpld/Timing.sdc
@@ -0,0 +1,160 @@
+# Copyright 2017 Ettus Research, A National Instruments Company
+# SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-3.0
+# All the magic numbers come from the "/n3xx/dboards/mg/doc/mg_timing.xlsx" timing
+# analysis spreadsheet. Analysis should be re-performed every time a board rev occurs
+# that affects the CPLD interfaces.
+## PS Slave Constraints #################################################################
+# - PsClk Rate
+# - PsClk to SDI
+# - PsClk to LE (sync and async paths)
+# - PsClk to SDO
+# Maximum 4 MHz clock rate! This is heavily limited by the read data turnaround time...
+# and could be up to 20 MHz if only performing writes.
+create_clock -name PsClk -period 250 [get_ports {PsSpiSck}]
+# SDI is both registered in the CPLD and used as a direct passthrough. First constrain
+# the input delay on the local paths inside the CPLD. Passthrough constraints
+# are handled elsewhere.
+set PsSdiInputDelayMax 22.303
+set PsSdiInputDelayMin -19.019
+# SDI is driven from the PS on the falling edge of the Clk. Worst-case data-clock skew
+# is around +/-20ns due to FPGA routing delays and board buffering. Complete timing
+# analysis is performed and recorded elsewhere.
+set_input_delay -clock PsClk -max $PsSdiInputDelayMax [get_ports sPsSpiSdi] -clock_fall
+set_input_delay -clock PsClk -min $PsSdiInputDelayMin [get_ports sPsSpiSdi] -clock_fall
+# For the CPLD Cs_n, the latch enable is used both as an asynchronous reset and
+# synchronously to latch data. First, constrain the overall input delay for sync use.
+# Technically, Cs_n is asserted and de-asserted many nanoseconds before the clock arrives
+# but we still constrain it identically to the SDI in case something goes amiss.
+set_input_delay -clock PsClk -max $PsSdiInputDelayMax [get_ports sPsSpiLe] -clock_fall
+set_input_delay -clock PsClk -min $PsSdiInputDelayMin [get_ports sPsSpiLe] -clock_fall
+# Then set a false path only on the async reset flops.
+set_false_path -from [get_ports {sPsSpiLe}] -to [get_pins sPsMosiIndex[*]|*]
+set_false_path -from [get_ports {sPsSpiLe}] -to [get_pins sPsMisoIndex[*]|*]
+# Constrain MISO as snugly as possible through the CPLD without making the tools work
+# too hard. At a 200 ns period, this sets the clock-to-out for the CPLD at [10, 65]ns.
+# Math for Max = T_clk/2 - 60 = 250/2 - 60 = 65 ns.
+set PsSdoOutputDelayMax 60
+set PsSdoOutputDelayMin -10
+set_output_delay -clock PsClk -max $PsSdoOutputDelayMax [get_ports sPsSpiSdo]
+set_output_delay -clock PsClk -min $PsSdoOutputDelayMin [get_ports sPsSpiSdo]
+## PL Slave Constraints #################################################################
+# - PlClk Rate
+# - PlClk to SDI
+# - PlClk to LE (sync and async paths)
+# - PlClk to SDO
+# Maximum 5 MHz clock rate!
+create_clock -name PlClk -period 200 [get_ports {PlSpiSck}]
+# SDI is both registered in the CPLD and used as a direct passthrough. First constrain
+# the input delay on the local paths inside the CPLD. Passthrough constraints
+# are handled elsewhere.
+set PlSdiInputDelayMax 10.445
+set PlSdiInputDelayMin -10.378
+# SDI is driven from the FPGA on the falling edge of the Clk. Worst-case data-clock skew
+# is around +/-10ns. Complete timing analysis is performed and recorded elsewhere.
+set_input_delay -clock PlClk -max $PlSdiInputDelayMax [get_ports lPlSpiSdi] -clock_fall
+set_input_delay -clock PlClk -min $PlSdiInputDelayMin [get_ports lPlSpiSdi] -clock_fall
+# For the CPLD Cs_n, the latch enable is used both as an asynchronous reset and
+# synchronously to latch data. First, constrain the overall input delay for sync use.
+# Technically, Cs_n is asserted and de-asserted many nanoseconds before the clock arrives
+# but we still constrain it identically to the SDI in case something goes amiss.
+set_input_delay -clock PlClk -max $PlSdiInputDelayMax [get_ports lPlSpiLe] -clock_fall
+set_input_delay -clock PlClk -min $PlSdiInputDelayMin [get_ports lPlSpiLe] -clock_fall
+# Then set a false path only on the async reset flops.
+set_false_path -from [get_ports {lPlSpiLe}] -to [get_pins {lPlMosiIndex[*]|*}]
+set_false_path -from [get_ports {lPlSpiLe}] -to [get_pins {lPlMisoIndex[*]|*}]
+# Constrain MISO as snugly as possible through the CPLD without making the tools work
+# too hard. At a 200 ns period, this sets the clock-to-out for the CPLD at [10, 65]ns.
+# Math for Max = T_clk/2 - 35 = 200/2 - 35 = 65 ns.
+set PlSdoOutputDelayMax 35
+set PlSdoOutputDelayMin -10
+set_output_delay -clock PlClk -max $PlSdoOutputDelayMax [get_ports lPlSpiSdo]
+set_output_delay -clock PlClk -min $PlSdoOutputDelayMin [get_ports lPlSpiSdo]
+## Passthrough Constraints ##############################################################
+# - PlClk/PsClk passthrough
+# - SDI passthrough for both
+# - SDO return mux passthrough for both
+# - Cs_n passthrough for both
+# LMK Sync Passthrough: constrain min and max delays for output
+set_max_delay -from [get_ports {aPlSpiAddr[2]}] -to [get_ports {aLmkSync}] 17
+set_min_delay -from [get_ports {aPlSpiAddr[2]}] -to [get_ports {aLmkSync}] 2
+# SPI Passthroughs: constrain min and max delays for outputs and inputs.
+# Since the SDI ports have input delays pre-defined above, we have to remove those from
+# the delay analysis here by adding the input delay to the constraint.
+# Similarly, for the SDO pins add the output delay to the constraint.
+set SpiMaxDelay 25
+set SpiMinDelay 5
+# PS
+set_max_delay -to [get_ports {aDacDin aLmkSpiSdio}] [expr $PsSdiInputDelayMax + $SpiMaxDelay]
+set_min_delay -to [get_ports {aDacDin aLmkSpiSdio}] [expr $PsSdiInputDelayMin + $SpiMinDelay]
+set_max_delay -to [get_ports {aDacSync_n aLmkSpiCs_n}] $SpiMaxDelay
+set_min_delay -to [get_ports {aDacSync_n aLmkSpiCs_n}] $SpiMinDelay
+set_max_delay -to [get_ports {aDacSck aLmkSpiSck}] $SpiMaxDelay
+set_min_delay -to [get_ports {aDacSck aLmkSpiSck}] $SpiMinDelay
+set_max_delay -from [get_ports {aLmkClkinSel*}] [expr $SpiMaxDelay + $PsSdoOutputDelayMax]
+set_min_delay -from [get_ports {aLmkClkinSel*}] [expr $SpiMinDelay + $PsSdoOutputDelayMin]
+# PL
+set_max_delay -to [get_ports {aRxLoDin aTxLoDin}] [expr $PlSdiInputDelayMax + $SpiMaxDelay]
+set_min_delay -to [get_ports {aRxLoDin aTxLoDin}] [expr $PlSdiInputDelayMin + $SpiMinDelay]
+set_max_delay -to [get_ports {aRxLoCs_n aTxLoCs_n}] $SpiMaxDelay
+set_min_delay -to [get_ports {aRxLoCs_n aTxLoCs_n}] $SpiMinDelay
+set_max_delay -to [get_ports {aRxLoSck aTxLoSck}] $SpiMaxDelay
+set_min_delay -to [get_ports {aRxLoSck aTxLoSck}] $SpiMinDelay
+set_max_delay -from [get_ports {aTxLoMuxOut aRxLoMuxOut}] [expr $SpiMaxDelay + $PlSdoOutputDelayMax]
+set_min_delay -from [get_ports {aTxLoMuxOut aRxLoMuxOut}] [expr $SpiMinDelay + $PlSdoOutputDelayMin]
+## Async Inputs #########################################################################
+# aLmkStatus2 aRxLoLockDetect aTxLoLockDetect
+set_false_path -from [get_ports {aRxLoLockDetect}]
+set_false_path -from [get_ports {aTxLoLockDetect}]
+## Async Outputs ########################################################################
+# aMkReset_n aVcxoCtrl
+set_false_path -to [get_ports {aMkReset_n}]
+set_false_path -to [get_ports {aVcxoCtrl}]
+## Sync Front End Outputs ###############################################################
+# All we need to do here is constrain for maximum path delay from the aAtr(Rx|Tx)(1|2)
+# control bits toggling to the outputs for aCh1* and aCh2* toggling. Just in case the
+# user attempts to write the ATR while it's in use, we also constrain from the flops
+# to the pins... which covers all paths... so just to -to option is needed.
+set_max_delay -to [get_ports {aCh1* aCh2* aMk*x*En}] 40
+set_min_delay -to [get_ports {aCh1* aCh2* aMk*x*En}] 5
+# We don't care about the LED timing whatsoever. Let's not have them clogging up our
+# precious timing paths.
+set_false_path -to [get_ports {aCh*Led*}]
diff --git a/fpga/usrp3/top/n3xx/dboards/mg/cpld/TopCpld.qpf b/fpga/usrp3/top/n3xx/dboards/mg/cpld/TopCpld.qpf
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..e16aaf0af
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fpga/usrp3/top/n3xx/dboards/mg/cpld/TopCpld.qpf
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+# -------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
+# Copyright (C) 2017 Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.
+# Your use of Intel Corporation's design tools, logic functions
+# and other software and tools, and its AMPP partner logic
+# functions, and any output files from any of the foregoing
+# (including device programming or simulation files), and any
+# associated documentation or information are expressly subject
+# to the terms and conditions of the Intel Program License
+# Subscription Agreement, the Intel Quartus Prime License Agreement,
+# the Intel MegaCore Function License Agreement, or other
+# applicable license agreement, including, without limitation,
+# that your use is for the sole purpose of programming logic
+# devices manufactured by Intel and sold by Intel or its
+# authorized distributors. Please refer to the applicable
+# agreement for further details.
+# -------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
+# Quartus Prime
+# Version 16.1.2 Build 203 01/18/2017 SJ Standard Edition
+# Date created = 14:51:27 February 24, 2017
+# -------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
+DATE = "14:51:27 February 24, 2017"
+# Revisions
diff --git a/fpga/usrp3/top/n3xx/dboards/mg/cpld/TopCpld.qsf b/fpga/usrp3/top/n3xx/dboards/mg/cpld/TopCpld.qsf
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..64238c87a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fpga/usrp3/top/n3xx/dboards/mg/cpld/TopCpld.qsf
@@ -0,0 +1,313 @@
+# -------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
+# Copyright (C) 2017 Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.
+# Your use of Intel Corporation's design tools, logic functions
+# and other software and tools, and its AMPP partner logic
+# functions, and any output files from any of the foregoing
+# (including device programming or simulation files), and any
+# associated documentation or information are expressly subject
+# to the terms and conditions of the Intel Program License
+# Subscription Agreement, the Intel Quartus Prime License Agreement,
+# the Intel MegaCore Function License Agreement, or other
+# applicable license agreement, including, without limitation,
+# that your use is for the sole purpose of programming logic
+# devices manufactured by Intel and sold by Intel or its
+# authorized distributors. Please refer to the applicable
+# agreement for further details.
+# -------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
+# Quartus Prime
+# Version 16.1.2 Build 203 01/18/2017 SJ Standard Edition
+# Date created = 14:51:27 February 24, 2017
+# -------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
+# Notes:
+# 1) The default values for assignments are stored in the file:
+# TopCpld_assignment_defaults.qdf
+# If this file doesn't exist, see file:
+# assignment_defaults.qdf
+# 2) Altera recommends that you do not modify this file. This
+# file is updated automatically by the Quartus Prime software
+# and any changes you make may be lost or overwritten.
+# -------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
+set_global_assignment -name FAMILY "MAX V"
+set_global_assignment -name DEVICE 5M570ZF256I5
+set_global_assignment -name ORIGINAL_QUARTUS_VERSION 16.1.2
+set_global_assignment -name PROJECT_CREATION_TIME_DATE "14:51:27 FEBRUARY 24, 2017"
+set_global_assignment -name LAST_QUARTUS_VERSION "16.1.2 Lite Edition"
+set_global_assignment -name PROJECT_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY output_files
+set_global_assignment -name MIN_CORE_JUNCTION_TEMP "-40"
+set_global_assignment -name MAX_CORE_JUNCTION_TEMP 125
+set_global_assignment -name ERROR_CHECK_FREQUENCY_DIVISOR "-1"
+set_global_assignment -name SDC_FILE Timing.sdc
+set_global_assignment -name AUTO_RESTART_CONFIGURATION OFF
+set_global_assignment -name ENABLE_OCT_DONE OFF
+set_global_assignment -name ENABLE_CONFIGURATION_PINS OFF
+set_global_assignment -name ENABLE_BOOT_SEL_PIN OFF
+set_global_assignment -name USE_CONFIGURATION_DEVICE ON
+set_global_assignment -name GENERATE_SVF_FILE ON
+set_global_assignment -name TIMEQUEST_MULTICORNER_ANALYSIS OFF
+set_global_assignment -name RESERVE_ALL_UNUSED_PINS "AS INPUT TRI-STATED"
+set_location_assignment PIN_C3 -to aCh2RxSw4[0]
+set_location_assignment PIN_C2 -to aCh2TxPaEn
+set_location_assignment PIN_D3 -to aCh2RxSw6[0]
+set_location_assignment PIN_D1 -to aCh2RxSw4[1]
+set_location_assignment PIN_D2 -to aCh2TxSw3
+set_location_assignment PIN_E1 -to aCh2RxSw4[2]
+set_location_assignment PIN_E4 -to aCh2RxSw7[1]
+set_location_assignment PIN_F2 -to aCh2RxSw6[1]
+set_location_assignment PIN_E3 -to aCh2RxSw7[0]
+set_location_assignment PIN_F1 -to aCh2RxSw5[0]
+set_location_assignment PIN_E2 -to aCh2RxSw5[1]
+set_location_assignment PIN_G2 -to aCh2RxSw5[3]
+set_location_assignment PIN_F3 -to aCh2TxSw4[0]
+set_location_assignment PIN_G1 -to aCh2RxSw6[2]
+set_location_assignment PIN_G3 -to aCh2TxSw4[1]
+set_location_assignment PIN_H2 -to aCh2TxAmpEn
+set_location_assignment PIN_H1 -to aCh2RxSw5[2]
+set_location_assignment PIN_J1 -to aCh2TxMixerEn
+set_location_assignment PIN_H5 -to aLoSpiSync
+set_location_assignment PIN_J2 -to aCh2RxMixerEn
+#set_location_assignment PIN_L3 -to aLmkSpiSdio
+set_location_assignment PIN_K1 -to aCh2TxSw5[1]
+set_location_assignment PIN_K2 -to aCh2TxSw5[0]
+set_location_assignment PIN_M2 -to aLmkSpiSdio
+set_location_assignment PIN_L1 -to aCh2RxSw8[0]
+set_location_assignment PIN_M3 -to lPlSpiSdi
+set_location_assignment PIN_L2 -to aCh2RxSw8[1]
+set_location_assignment PIN_M1 -to aCh2RxAmpEn
+set_location_assignment PIN_N2 -to aLmkSpiSck
+set_location_assignment PIN_N1 -to aLmkSpiCs_n
+set_location_assignment PIN_N3 -to PlSpiSck
+# set_location_assignment PIN_P2 -to lPlSpiLe
+set_location_assignment PIN_R3 -to aMkReset_n
+set_location_assignment PIN_R1 -to lPlSpiLe
+set_location_assignment PIN_T2 -to aLmkSync
+set_location_assignment PIN_R4 -to aVcxoCtrl
+set_location_assignment PIN_T4 -to aDacDin
+set_location_assignment PIN_T5 -to aDacSync_n
+set_location_assignment PIN_R6 -to aPlSpiAddr[2]
+set_location_assignment PIN_R5 -to aDacSck
+set_location_assignment PIN_T6 -to aPlSpiAddr[1]
+set_location_assignment PIN_R7 -to aLmkClkinSel[0]
+set_location_assignment PIN_T7 -to lPlSpiSdo
+set_location_assignment PIN_P8 -to sPsSpiLe
+set_location_assignment PIN_R8 -to aPsSpiAddr[1]
+set_location_assignment PIN_P9 -to aPlSpiAddr[0]
+set_location_assignment PIN_T8 -to PsSpiSck
+set_location_assignment PIN_T9 -to aPsSpiAddr[0]
+set_location_assignment PIN_R9 -to sPsSpiSdi
+set_location_assignment PIN_P10 -to aAtrRx1
+set_location_assignment PIN_T10 -to sPsSpiSdo
+set_location_assignment PIN_P11 -to aAtrTx2
+set_location_assignment PIN_R10 -to aRxLoLockDetect
+set_location_assignment PIN_R12 -to aRxLoSck
+set_location_assignment PIN_T11 -to aTxLoLockDetect
+set_location_assignment PIN_P12 -to aAtrRx2
+set_location_assignment PIN_R11 -to aRxLoDin
+set_location_assignment PIN_T12 -to aRxLoCs_n
+set_location_assignment PIN_R13 -to aTxLoDin
+set_location_assignment PIN_T13 -to aRxLoMuxOut
+set_location_assignment PIN_P13 -to aAtrTx1
+set_location_assignment PIN_T15 -to aTxLoSck
+set_location_assignment PIN_R14 -to aTxLoCs_n
+set_location_assignment PIN_R16 -to aTxLoMuxOut
+set_location_assignment PIN_P14 -to aMkTx1En
+set_location_assignment PIN_N15 -to aMkRx2En
+set_location_assignment PIN_P15 -to aMkRx1En
+set_location_assignment PIN_N16 -to aMkTx2En
+set_location_assignment PIN_K15 -to aCh1TxSw5[1]
+set_location_assignment PIN_L14 -to aCh1RxMixerEn
+set_location_assignment PIN_K16 -to aCh1TxMixerEn
+set_location_assignment PIN_K14 -to aCh1RxSw8[0]
+set_location_assignment PIN_J15 -to aCh1TxAmpEn
+set_location_assignment PIN_J14 -to aCh1RxSw8[1]
+set_location_assignment PIN_J16 -to aCh1TxSw5[0]
+set_location_assignment PIN_H14 -to aCh1RxAmpEn
+set_location_assignment PIN_H16 -to aCh1TxSw4[0]
+set_location_assignment PIN_G14 -to aCh1TxSw4[1]
+set_location_assignment PIN_H15 -to aCh1RxSw5[1]
+set_location_assignment PIN_F14 -to aCh1RxSw7[1]
+set_location_assignment PIN_G16 -to aCh1RxSw5[0]
+set_location_assignment PIN_G15 -to aCh1RxSw4[0]
+set_location_assignment PIN_E14 -to aCh1RxSw6[1]
+set_location_assignment PIN_F16 -to aCh1RxSw2[1]
+set_location_assignment PIN_E13 -to aCh1RxSw7[0]
+set_location_assignment PIN_F15 -to aCh1RxSw2[0]
+set_location_assignment PIN_D14 -to aCh1RxSw6[2]
+set_location_assignment PIN_E16 -to aCh1RxSw6[0]
+set_location_assignment PIN_E15 -to aCh1TxSw3
+set_location_assignment PIN_C15 -to aCh1RxSw5[2]
+set_location_assignment PIN_D16 -to aCh1TxPaEn
+set_location_assignment PIN_C14 -to aCh1RxSw4[1]
+set_location_assignment PIN_D15 -to aCh1RxSw5[3]
+set_location_assignment PIN_B14 -to aCh1TxSw2[3]
+set_location_assignment PIN_B16 -to aCh1RxLna2En
+set_location_assignment PIN_C13 -to aCh1RxSw4[2]
+set_location_assignment PIN_A15 -to aCh1TxSw2[2]
+set_location_assignment PIN_B13 -to aCh1TxSw2[1]
+set_location_assignment PIN_A13 -to aCh1TxSw2[0]
+set_location_assignment PIN_C12 -to aCh1RxSw1[0]
+set_location_assignment PIN_B12 -to aCh1TxSw1[0]
+set_location_assignment PIN_D12 -to aCh1RxSw1[1]
+set_location_assignment PIN_A12 -to aCh1TxSw1[1]
+set_location_assignment PIN_C11 -to aCh1LedTx
+set_location_assignment PIN_B11 -to aCh1RxLna1En
+set_location_assignment PIN_D11 -to aCh2RxSw1[1]
+set_location_assignment PIN_A11 -to aCh1RxSw3[2]
+set_location_assignment PIN_C10 -to aCh1LedRx
+set_location_assignment PIN_B10 -to aCh1RxSw3[1]
+set_location_assignment PIN_C9 -to aCh1LedRx2
+set_location_assignment PIN_A10 -to aCh1RxSw3[0]
+set_location_assignment PIN_C8 -to aCh2LedRx2
+set_location_assignment PIN_B9 -to aCh1SwTrx[1]
+set_location_assignment PIN_A9 -to aCh1SwTrx[0]
+set_location_assignment PIN_A8 -to aCh2SwTrx[0]
+set_location_assignment PIN_C7 -to aCh2RxSw3[0]
+set_location_assignment PIN_B8 -to aCh2SwTrx[1]
+set_location_assignment PIN_C6 -to aCh2LedRx
+set_location_assignment PIN_A7 -to aCh2RxSw3[1]
+set_location_assignment PIN_B5 -to aCh2TxSw1[0]
+set_location_assignment PIN_C5 -to aCh2RxSw1[0]
+set_location_assignment PIN_A6 -to aCh2TxSw1[1]
+set_location_assignment PIN_D5 -to aCh2LedTx
+set_location_assignment PIN_B6 -to aCh2RxSw3[2]
+set_location_assignment PIN_B4 -to aCh2RxLna2En
+set_location_assignment PIN_A5 -to aCh2RxLna1En
+set_location_assignment PIN_C4 -to aCh2RxSw2[0]
+set_location_assignment PIN_A4 -to aCh2TxSw2[1]
+set_location_assignment PIN_D4 -to aCh2RxSw2[1]
+set_location_assignment PIN_A2 -to aCh2TxSw2[3]
+set_location_assignment PIN_B3 -to aCh2TxSw2[0]
+set_location_assignment PIN_B1 -to aCh2TxSw2[2]
+set_global_assignment -name DEVICE_FILTER_PACKAGE FBGA
+set_global_assignment -name DEVICE_FILTER_PIN_COUNT 256
+set_global_assignment -name GENERATE_JAM_FILE ON
+set_global_assignment -name GENERATE_JBC_FILE ON
+set_instance_assignment -name CURRENT_STRENGTH_NEW 8MA -to aCh2RxSw4[0]
+set_instance_assignment -name CURRENT_STRENGTH_NEW 8MA -to aCh2TxPaEn
+set_instance_assignment -name CURRENT_STRENGTH_NEW 8MA -to aCh2RxSw6[0]
+set_instance_assignment -name CURRENT_STRENGTH_NEW 8MA -to aCh2RxSw4[1]
+set_instance_assignment -name CURRENT_STRENGTH_NEW 8MA -to aCh2TxSw3
+set_instance_assignment -name CURRENT_STRENGTH_NEW 8MA -to aCh2RxSw7[1]
+set_instance_assignment -name CURRENT_STRENGTH_NEW 8MA -to aCh2RxSw4[2]
+set_instance_assignment -name CURRENT_STRENGTH_NEW 8MA -to aCh2RxSw6[1]
+set_instance_assignment -name CURRENT_STRENGTH_NEW 8MA -to aCh2RxSw7[0]
+set_instance_assignment -name CURRENT_STRENGTH_NEW 8MA -to aCh2RxSw5[0]
+set_instance_assignment -name CURRENT_STRENGTH_NEW 8MA -to aCh2RxSw5[1]
+set_instance_assignment -name CURRENT_STRENGTH_NEW 8MA -to aCh2TxSw4[0]
+set_instance_assignment -name CURRENT_STRENGTH_NEW 8MA -to aCh2RxSw5[3]
+set_instance_assignment -name CURRENT_STRENGTH_NEW 8MA -to aCh2RxSw6[2]
+set_instance_assignment -name CURRENT_STRENGTH_NEW 8MA -to aCh2TxSw4[1]
+set_instance_assignment -name CURRENT_STRENGTH_NEW 8MA -to aCh2TxAmpEn
+set_instance_assignment -name CURRENT_STRENGTH_NEW 8MA -to aCh2RxSw5[2]
+set_instance_assignment -name CURRENT_STRENGTH_NEW 8MA -to aCh2TxMixerEn
+set_instance_assignment -name CURRENT_STRENGTH_NEW 8MA -to aCh2RxMixerEn
+set_instance_assignment -name CURRENT_STRENGTH_NEW 8MA -to aCh2TxSw5[1]
+set_instance_assignment -name CURRENT_STRENGTH_NEW 8MA -to aCh2TxSw5[0]
+set_instance_assignment -name CURRENT_STRENGTH_NEW 8MA -to aLmkSpiSdio
+set_instance_assignment -name CURRENT_STRENGTH_NEW 8MA -to aCh2RxSw8[0]
+set_instance_assignment -name CURRENT_STRENGTH_NEW 8MA -to aCh2RxSw8[1]
+set_instance_assignment -name CURRENT_STRENGTH_NEW 8MA -to aCh2RxAmpEn
+set_instance_assignment -name CURRENT_STRENGTH_NEW 8MA -to aLmkSpiSck
+set_instance_assignment -name CURRENT_STRENGTH_NEW 8MA -to aLmkSpiCs_n
+set_instance_assignment -name CURRENT_STRENGTH_NEW 8MA -to aMkReset_n
+set_instance_assignment -name CURRENT_STRENGTH_NEW 8MA -to aLmkSync
+set_instance_assignment -name CURRENT_STRENGTH_NEW 8MA -to aVcxoCtrl
+set_instance_assignment -name CURRENT_STRENGTH_NEW 8MA -to aDacDin
+set_instance_assignment -name CURRENT_STRENGTH_NEW 8MA -to aDacSync_n
+set_instance_assignment -name CURRENT_STRENGTH_NEW 8MA -to aDacSck
+set_instance_assignment -name CURRENT_STRENGTH_NEW 8MA -to lPlSpiSdo
+set_instance_assignment -name CURRENT_STRENGTH_NEW 8MA -to sPsSpiSdo
+set_instance_assignment -name CURRENT_STRENGTH_NEW 8MA -to aRxLoSck
+set_instance_assignment -name CURRENT_STRENGTH_NEW 8MA -to aRxLoDin
+set_instance_assignment -name CURRENT_STRENGTH_NEW 8MA -to aRxLoCs_n
+set_instance_assignment -name CURRENT_STRENGTH_NEW 8MA -to aTxLoDin
+set_instance_assignment -name CURRENT_STRENGTH_NEW 8MA -to aTxLoSck
+set_instance_assignment -name CURRENT_STRENGTH_NEW 8MA -to aTxLoCs_n
+set_instance_assignment -name CURRENT_STRENGTH_NEW 8MA -to aMkTx1En
+set_instance_assignment -name CURRENT_STRENGTH_NEW 8MA -to aMkRx2En
+set_instance_assignment -name CURRENT_STRENGTH_NEW 8MA -to aMkRx1En
+set_instance_assignment -name CURRENT_STRENGTH_NEW 8MA -to aMkTx2En
+set_instance_assignment -name CURRENT_STRENGTH_NEW 8MA -to aCh1RxMixerEn
+set_instance_assignment -name CURRENT_STRENGTH_NEW 8MA -to aCh1TxSw5[1]
+set_instance_assignment -name CURRENT_STRENGTH_NEW 8MA -to aCh1TxMixerEn
+set_instance_assignment -name CURRENT_STRENGTH_NEW 8MA -to aCh1RxSw8[0]
+set_instance_assignment -name CURRENT_STRENGTH_NEW 8MA -to aCh1TxAmpEn
+set_instance_assignment -name CURRENT_STRENGTH_NEW 8MA -to aCh1RxSw8[1]
+set_instance_assignment -name CURRENT_STRENGTH_NEW 8MA -to aCh1TxSw5[0]
+set_instance_assignment -name CURRENT_STRENGTH_NEW 8MA -to aCh1RxAmpEn
+set_instance_assignment -name CURRENT_STRENGTH_NEW 8MA -to aCh1TxSw4[0]
+set_instance_assignment -name CURRENT_STRENGTH_NEW 8MA -to aCh1TxSw4[1]
+set_instance_assignment -name CURRENT_STRENGTH_NEW 8MA -to aCh1RxSw5[1]
+set_instance_assignment -name CURRENT_STRENGTH_NEW 8MA -to aCh1RxSw7[1]
+set_instance_assignment -name CURRENT_STRENGTH_NEW 8MA -to aCh1RxSw4[0]
+set_instance_assignment -name CURRENT_STRENGTH_NEW 8MA -to aCh1RxSw5[0]
+set_instance_assignment -name CURRENT_STRENGTH_NEW 8MA -to aCh1RxSw6[1]
+set_instance_assignment -name CURRENT_STRENGTH_NEW 8MA -to aCh1RxSw2[1]
+set_instance_assignment -name CURRENT_STRENGTH_NEW 8MA -to aCh1RxSw7[0]
+set_instance_assignment -name CURRENT_STRENGTH_NEW 8MA -to aCh1RxSw2[0]
+set_instance_assignment -name CURRENT_STRENGTH_NEW 8MA -to aCh1RxSw6[2]
+set_instance_assignment -name CURRENT_STRENGTH_NEW 8MA -to aCh1RxSw6[0]
+set_instance_assignment -name CURRENT_STRENGTH_NEW 8MA -to aCh1TxSw3
+set_instance_assignment -name CURRENT_STRENGTH_NEW 8MA -to aCh1RxSw5[2]
+set_instance_assignment -name CURRENT_STRENGTH_NEW 8MA -to aCh1TxPaEn
+set_instance_assignment -name CURRENT_STRENGTH_NEW 8MA -to aCh1RxSw4[1]
+set_instance_assignment -name CURRENT_STRENGTH_NEW 8MA -to aCh1RxSw5[3]
+set_instance_assignment -name CURRENT_STRENGTH_NEW 8MA -to aCh1TxSw2[3]
+set_instance_assignment -name CURRENT_STRENGTH_NEW 8MA -to aCh1RxSw4[2]
+set_instance_assignment -name CURRENT_STRENGTH_NEW 8MA -to aCh1RxLna2En
+set_instance_assignment -name CURRENT_STRENGTH_NEW 8MA -to aCh1TxSw2[2]
+set_instance_assignment -name CURRENT_STRENGTH_NEW 8MA -to aCh1TxSw2[1]
+set_instance_assignment -name CURRENT_STRENGTH_NEW 8MA -to aCh1TxSw2[0]
+set_instance_assignment -name CURRENT_STRENGTH_NEW 8MA -to aCh1RxSw1[0]
+set_instance_assignment -name CURRENT_STRENGTH_NEW 8MA -to aCh1TxSw1[0]
+set_instance_assignment -name CURRENT_STRENGTH_NEW 8MA -to aCh1RxSw1[1]
+set_instance_assignment -name CURRENT_STRENGTH_NEW 8MA -to aCh1TxSw1[1]
+set_instance_assignment -name CURRENT_STRENGTH_NEW 8MA -to aCh1LedTx
+set_instance_assignment -name CURRENT_STRENGTH_NEW 8MA -to aCh1RxLna1En
+set_instance_assignment -name CURRENT_STRENGTH_NEW 8MA -to aCh2RxSw1[1]
+set_instance_assignment -name CURRENT_STRENGTH_NEW 8MA -to aCh1RxSw3[2]
+set_instance_assignment -name CURRENT_STRENGTH_NEW 8MA -to aCh1LedRx
+set_instance_assignment -name CURRENT_STRENGTH_NEW 8MA -to aCh1RxSw3[1]
+set_instance_assignment -name CURRENT_STRENGTH_NEW 8MA -to aCh1LedRx2
+set_instance_assignment -name CURRENT_STRENGTH_NEW 8MA -to aCh1RxSw3[0]
+set_instance_assignment -name CURRENT_STRENGTH_NEW 8MA -to aCh2LedRx2
+set_instance_assignment -name CURRENT_STRENGTH_NEW 8MA -to aCh1SwTrx[1]
+set_instance_assignment -name CURRENT_STRENGTH_NEW 8MA -to aCh1SwTrx[0]
+set_instance_assignment -name CURRENT_STRENGTH_NEW 8MA -to aCh2SwTrx[0]
+set_instance_assignment -name CURRENT_STRENGTH_NEW 8MA -to aCh2RxSw3[0]
+set_instance_assignment -name CURRENT_STRENGTH_NEW 8MA -to aCh2SwTrx[1]
+set_instance_assignment -name CURRENT_STRENGTH_NEW 8MA -to aCh2LedRx
+set_instance_assignment -name CURRENT_STRENGTH_NEW 8MA -to aCh2RxSw3[1]
+set_instance_assignment -name CURRENT_STRENGTH_NEW 8MA -to aCh2TxSw1[0]
+set_instance_assignment -name CURRENT_STRENGTH_NEW 8MA -to aCh2RxSw1[0]
+set_instance_assignment -name CURRENT_STRENGTH_NEW 8MA -to aCh2TxSw1[1]
+set_instance_assignment -name CURRENT_STRENGTH_NEW 8MA -to aCh2LedTx
+set_instance_assignment -name CURRENT_STRENGTH_NEW 8MA -to aCh2RxSw3[2]
+set_instance_assignment -name CURRENT_STRENGTH_NEW 8MA -to aCh2RxLna2En
+set_instance_assignment -name CURRENT_STRENGTH_NEW 8MA -to aCh2RxLna1En
+set_instance_assignment -name CURRENT_STRENGTH_NEW 8MA -to aCh2TxSw2[1]
+set_instance_assignment -name CURRENT_STRENGTH_NEW 8MA -to aCh2RxSw2[0]
+set_instance_assignment -name CURRENT_STRENGTH_NEW 8MA -to aCh2RxSw2[1]
+set_instance_assignment -name CURRENT_STRENGTH_NEW 8MA -to aCh2TxSw2[0]
+set_instance_assignment -name CURRENT_STRENGTH_NEW 8MA -to aCh2TxSw2[3]
+set_instance_assignment -name CURRENT_STRENGTH_NEW 8MA -to aCh2TxSw2[2]
+set_global_assignment -name SEED 11
+set_global_assignment -name VHDL_FILE PkgMgCpld.vhd
+set_global_assignment -name VHDL_FILE PkgSetup.vhd
+set_global_assignment -name VHDL_FILE TopCpld.vhd
+set_global_assignment -name TOP_LEVEL_ENTITY TopCpld
diff --git a/fpga/usrp3/top/n3xx/dboards/mg/cpld/TopCpld.vhd b/fpga/usrp3/top/n3xx/dboards/mg/cpld/TopCpld.vhd
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..4e3488f54
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fpga/usrp3/top/n3xx/dboards/mg/cpld/TopCpld.vhd
@@ -0,0 +1,1228 @@
+-- File: TopCpld.vhd
+-- Author: Daniel Jepson
+-- Original Project: N310
+-- Date: 24 October 2016
+-- Copyright 2016-2017 Ettus Research, A National Instruments Company
+-- SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0
+-- Purpose:
+-- Top level file for the Magnesium CPLD.
+-- This file instantiates two SPI slave ports. One slave port comes from the PS
+-- of the motherboard Zynq. It has three slave select pins, mapped as follows:
+-- sPlsSpiLe = CPLD Internal Registers
+-- aPsSpiAddr(0) = LMK Endpoint
+-- aPsSpiAddr(1) = Phase DAC Endpoint
+-- The other slave port comes from the PL of the motherboard Zynq. It also has
+-- three slave select pins:
+-- lPlSpiLe = CPLD Internal Registers
+-- aPlSpiAddr(0) = TX Lowband LO
+-- aPlSpiAddr(1) = RX Lowband LO
+-- The final address line for the PL slave is used as a passthrough for the LMK
+-- SYNC pin.
+-- For either SPI interface, the CPLD has internal registers that can be addressed
+-- whenever the appropriate slave select is driven asserted. These register groups
+-- are completely independent from one another, meaning the PS SPI interface cannot
+-- access the PL registers, and vice-versa.
+-- See the register interface XML at the bottom of this file for details on how
+-- each SPI port is expected to be driven, and for the register maps for the PS
+-- and PL slaves.
+-- In PkgSetup the kMinorRev and kMajorRev are defined. Whenever a change
+-- is made to the CPLD, no matter how small, bump the kMinorRev value. If this change
+-- breaks compatibility with current HW or SW drivers, increment the kMajorRev value
+-- and reset the kMinorRev to zero. Similarly, there is a constant to define the build
+-- code, kBuildCode. Currently this is simply the year, month, day, and hour the CPLD is
+-- built, but could be user-definable.
+library ieee;
+ use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
+ use ieee.numeric_std.all;
+ use ieee.math_real.all;
+library work;
+ use work.PkgMgCpld.all;
+ use work.PkgSetup.all;
+entity TopCpld is
+ port(
+ -- SPI Port Incoming from FPGA --
+ PlSpiSck : in std_logic;
+ lPlSpiSdi : in std_logic;
+ lPlSpiSdo : out std_logic;
+ lPlSpiLe : in std_logic;
+ aPlSpiAddr : in std_logic_vector(2 downto 0);
+ -- SPI Port Incoming from PS --
+ PsSpiSck : in std_logic;
+ sPsSpiSdi : in std_logic;
+ sPsSpiSdo : out std_logic;
+ sPsSpiLe : in std_logic;
+ aPsSpiAddr : in std_logic_vector(1 downto 0);
+ -- ATR bits from FPGA --
+ aAtrRx1 : in std_logic;
+ aAtrRx2 : in std_logic;
+ aAtrTx1 : in std_logic;
+ aAtrTx2 : in std_logic;
+ -- Ch 1 TX (15 bits) --
+ aCh1LedTx : out std_logic;
+ aCh1TxPaEn : out std_logic;
+ aCh1TxAmpEn : out std_logic;
+ aCh1TxMixerEn : out std_logic;
+ aCh1TxSw1 : out std_logic_vector(1 downto 0);
+ aCh1TxSw2 : out std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
+ aCh1TxSw3 : out std_logic;
+ aCh1TxSw4 : out std_logic_vector(1 downto 0);
+ aCh1TxSw5 : out std_logic_vector(1 downto 0);
+ -- Ch 1 RX (29 bits) --
+ aCh1LedRx : out std_logic;
+ aCh1LedRx2 : out std_logic;
+ aCh1RxAmpEn : out std_logic;
+ aCh1RxMixerEn : out std_logic;
+ aCh1RxLna1En : out std_logic;
+ aCh1RxLna2En : out std_logic;
+ aCh1SwTrx : out std_logic_vector(1 downto 0);
+ aCh1RxSw1 : out std_logic_vector(1 downto 0);
+ aCh1RxSw2 : out std_logic_vector(1 downto 0);
+ aCh1RxSw3 : out std_logic_vector(2 downto 0);
+ aCh1RxSw4 : out std_logic_vector(2 downto 0);
+ aCh1RxSw5 : out std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
+ aCh1RxSw6 : out std_logic_vector(2 downto 0);
+ aCh1RxSw7 : out std_logic_vector(1 downto 0);
+ aCh1RxSw8 : out std_logic_vector(1 downto 0);
+ -- Ch 2 TX --
+ aCh2LedTx : out std_logic;
+ aCh2TxPaEn : out std_logic;
+ aCh2TxAmpEn : out std_logic;
+ aCh2TxMixerEn : out std_logic;
+ aCh2TxSw1 : out std_logic_vector(1 downto 0);
+ aCh2TxSw2 : out std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
+ aCh2TxSw3 : out std_logic;
+ aCh2TxSw4 : out std_logic_vector(1 downto 0);
+ aCh2TxSw5 : out std_logic_vector(1 downto 0);
+ -- Ch 2 RX --
+ aCh2LedRx : out std_logic;
+ aCh2LedRx2 : out std_logic;
+ aCh2RxAmpEn : out std_logic;
+ aCh2RxMixerEn : out std_logic;
+ aCh2RxLna1En : out std_logic;
+ aCh2RxLna2En : out std_logic;
+ aCh2SwTrx : out std_logic_vector(1 downto 0);
+ aCh2RxSw1 : out std_logic_vector(1 downto 0);
+ aCh2RxSw2 : out std_logic_vector(1 downto 0);
+ aCh2RxSw3 : out std_logic_vector(2 downto 0);
+ aCh2RxSw4 : out std_logic_vector(2 downto 0);
+ aCh2RxSw5 : out std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
+ aCh2RxSw6 : out std_logic_vector(2 downto 0);
+ aCh2RxSw7 : out std_logic_vector(1 downto 0);
+ aCh2RxSw8 : out std_logic_vector(1 downto 0);
+ -- LMK --
+ aLmkSpiSdio : out std_logic;
+ aLmkSpiSck : out std_logic;
+ aLmkSpiCs_n : out std_logic;
+ aLmkClkinSel : in std_logic_vector(0 downto 0); -- SDO
+ aLmkSync : out std_logic; -- direct connect to aPlSpiAddr(2)
+ -- Phase DAC --
+ aDacDin : out std_logic;
+ aDacSync_n : out std_logic;
+ aDacSck : out std_logic;
+ aVcxoCtrl : out std_logic; -- @PS-REG-WR
+ -- RX and TX LOs -- (timed)
+ aLoSpiSync : in std_logic; -- Clock! (unused atm, only for reclocking
+ aRxLoSck : out std_logic; -- the SPI bus if needed for sync)
+ aRxLoDin : out std_logic;
+ aRxLoCs_n : out std_logic;
+ aRxLoMuxOut : in std_logic;
+ aRxLoLockDetect : in std_logic; -- @PS-REG-RD
+ aTxLoSck : out std_logic;
+ aTxLoDin : out std_logic;
+ aTxLoCs_n : out std_logic;
+ aTxLoMuxOut : in std_logic;
+ aTxLoLockDetect : in std_logic; -- @PS-REG-RD
+ -- Mykonos Interface --
+ aMkReset_n : out std_logic; -- @PS-REG-WR
+ aMkRx1En : out std_logic;
+ aMkRx2En : out std_logic;
+ aMkTx1En : out std_logic;
+ aMkTx2En : out std_logic
+ );
+end TopCpld;
+architecture RTL of TopCpld is
+ -- PS MOSI
+ signal sCpldPsSpiActive : boolean;
+ signal sPsMosiIndex : unsigned(integer(ceil(log2(real(kTotalWidth)))) downto 0);
+ signal sPsMosiBuffer : InterfaceData_t := (others => '0');
+ signal sPsRd : boolean := false;
+ signal sPsRegAddr : unsigned(kAddrWidth-1 downto 0) := (others => '0');
+ -- PS MISO
+ signal sPsCpldMiso : std_logic;
+ signal sPsMisoIndex : unsigned(integer(ceil(log2(real(kTotalWidth)))) downto 0);
+ signal sPsMisoBuffer : std_logic_vector(kTotalWidth-1 downto 0);
+ -- PS Register Signals
+ signal aRxLoLockDetect_ms, sRxLoLockDetect,
+ aTxLoLockDetect_ms, sTxLoLockDetect : std_logic := '0';
+ signal sReset : boolean := false;
+ signal sScratchVal : InterfaceData_t := (others => '0');
+ signal sVcxoControl : std_logic := '1';
+ signal sMykonosReset : std_logic := '0';
+ -- PL MOSI
+ signal lCpldPlSpiActive : boolean;
+ signal lPlMosiIndex : unsigned(integer(ceil(log2(real(kTotalWidth)))) downto 0);
+ signal lPlMosiBuffer : InterfaceData_t := (others => '0');
+ signal lPlRd : boolean := false;
+ signal lPlRegAddr : unsigned(kAddrWidth-1 downto 0) := (others => '0');
+ -- PL MISO
+ signal lPlCpldMiso : std_logic;
+ signal lPlMisoIndex : unsigned(integer(ceil(log2(real(kTotalWidth)))) downto 0);
+ signal lPlMisoBuffer : std_logic_vector(kTotalWidth-1 downto 0);
+ -- PL Register Signals
+ signal lScratchVal : InterfaceData_t := (others => '0');
+ signal lReset : boolean := false;
+ -- See PkgSetup for each Default definition.
+ signal lTxCh1IdleReg : InterfaceData_t := kTxChDefault;
+ signal lTxCh2IdleReg : InterfaceData_t := kTxChDefault;
+ signal lTxCh1TxOnReg : InterfaceData_t := kTxChDefaultRun;
+ signal lTxCh2TxOnReg : InterfaceData_t := kTxChDefaultRun;
+ signal lRxCh1_0IdleReg : InterfaceData_t := kRxChDefault0;
+ signal lRxCh1_1IdleReg : InterfaceData_t := kRxChDefault1;
+ signal lRxCh2_0IdleReg : InterfaceData_t := kRxChDefault0;
+ signal lRxCh2_1IdleReg : InterfaceData_t := kRxChDefault1;
+ signal lRxCh1_0RxOnReg : InterfaceData_t := kRxChDefault0Run;
+ signal lRxCh1_1RxOnReg : InterfaceData_t := kRxChDefault1Run;
+ signal lRxCh2_0RxOnReg : InterfaceData_t := kRxChDefault0Run;
+ signal lRxCh2_1RxOnReg : InterfaceData_t := kRxChDefault1Run;
+ signal lTxCh1 : InterfaceData_t;
+ signal lTxCh2 : InterfaceData_t;
+ signal lRxCh1_0 : InterfaceData_t;
+ signal lRxCh1_1 : InterfaceData_t;
+ signal lRxCh2_0 : InterfaceData_t;
+ signal lRxCh2_1 : InterfaceData_t;
+ -- Direct Pass-through Pins : ---------------------------------------------------------
+ -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ -- LMK SYNC assignment for direct passthrough to LMK from SPI Addr line.
+ aLmkSync <= aPlSpiAddr(2);
+ -- PS SPI Interface : -----------------------------------------------------------------
+ -- Composed of a few modules:
+ -- 1) PsMosiIndex - generate pointer for MOSI Buffer
+ -- 2) PsMosiBuffer - actually implement the buffer, only when the CPLD is targeted.
+ -- 3) PsMosiProcessing - process the MOSI data: sort into Rd/!Wt, Address, and Data.
+ -- This process works on the falling edge of the clock to register the pieces
+ -- of the MOSI packet as they are complete. The final falling edge registers
+ -- the data into the individual registers, so it is critical that the clock idle
+ -- LOW after the transaction is complete such that this final falling edge occurs.
+ -- 4) PsMisoBuffer - generate pointer for the MISO buffer. The buffer itself is
+ -- completely async.
+ -- 5) PsMisoBufferMux - Mux all the register data back into the MISO buffer.
+ -- 6) StatusSynchronizer - double-synchronizers for status bits from the LMK and LOs.
+ -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ -- Decode the PS SPI Address bits... which are actually going to be used as individual
+ -- chip selects coming from the PS.
+ sCpldPsSpiActive <= sPsSpiLe = '0';
+ aLmkSpiCs_n <= aPsSpiAddr(0);
+ aDacSync_n <= aPsSpiAddr(1);
+ -- Assign the remainder of the SPI lines to the LMK and DAC.
+ aLmkSpiSck <= PsSpiSck;
+ aLmkSpiSdio <= sPsSpiSdi;
+ aDacSck <= PsSpiSck;
+ aDacDin <= sPsSpiSdi;
+ -- Output mux for data back to the FPGA (PS core). The LMK and CPLD are the only
+ -- endpoints that have readback enabled.
+ sPsSpiSdo <= aLmkClkinSel(0) when aPsSpiAddr(0) = '0' else
+ sPsCpldMiso;
+ -- Use the LE signal (Cs_n) as the asynchronous reset to the shift register counter.
+ -- LE will hold the counter in reset until this endpoint is targeted, when it will
+ -- release the reset (long before the clock toggles) and allow the shift operation
+ -- to begin.
+ --
+ -- This counter starts safely from reset because the PsSpiSck will not start toggling
+ -- until long after the asynchronous reset (sCpldPsSpiActive) de-asserts. Similarly,
+ -- the reset will only assert long after the last clock edge is received.
+ PsMosiIndex : process(PsSpiSck, sCpldPsSpiActive)
+ begin
+ if not sCpldPsSpiActive then
+ sPsMosiIndex <= (others => '0');
+ elsif rising_edge(PsSpiSck) then
+ sPsMosiIndex <= sPsMosiIndex + 1;
+ end if;
+ end process PsMosiIndex;
+ -- Shift in SDI (MOSI) data from the PS on the rising edge of the clock. Only use
+ -- synchronous resets from here on out.
+ PsMosiBuffer : process(PsSpiSck)
+ begin
+ if rising_edge(PsSpiSck) then
+ if sReset then
+ sPsMosiBuffer <= (others => '0');
+ else
+ if sCpldPsSpiActive then
+ sPsMosiBuffer <= sPsMosiBuffer(sPsMosiBuffer'high-1 downto 0) & sPsSpiSdi; -- left shift
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ end process PsMosiBuffer;
+ -- As portions of the command and data packets become available, register them here
+ -- using the falling edge of the PS SPI clock.
+ PsMosiProcessing : process(PsSpiSck)
+ begin
+ if falling_edge(PsSpiSck) then
+ if sReset then
+ -- sReset is intentionally self-clearing. It clears on the first falling edge of
+ -- the next SPI transaction after it is set. Logic on the first rising edge of
+ -- that next transaction is therefore held in reset. This will not matter
+ -- as long as SW follows the recommended reset procedure (writing a '1' to reset
+ -- then writing a '0'), since the first bit of the transaction is '0' for a
+ -- write operation.
+ sReset <= false;
+ sScratchVal <= (others => '0');
+ sVcxoControl <= '1';
+ sMykonosReset <= '0';
+ sPsRd <= false;
+ sPsRegAddr <= (others => '0');
+ else
+ -- After the first bit is captured, we can determine if it is a write or read.
+ if (sPsMosiIndex = (kRdWtWidth)) then
+ sPsRd <= sPsMosiBuffer(0) = '1';
+ end if;
+ -- After the entire command word is captured, the address is ready for capture.
+ if (sPsMosiIndex = (kAddrWidth + kRdWtWidth)) then
+ sPsRegAddr <= unsigned(sPsMosiBuffer(kAddrWidth - 1 downto 0));
+ end if;
+ -- And finally after the entire transaction is complete we can save off the data
+ -- on the final falling edge of the SPI clock into it's appropriate place, based
+ -- off the address value captured above.
+ if (sPsMosiIndex = kTotalWidth) and (not sPsRd) then
+ -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ -- Assign writable register values here! --------------------------------------
+ -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ if (sPsRegAddr = kScratch) then
+ sScratchVal <= sPsMosiBuffer;
+ end if;
+ if (sPsRegAddr = kCpldControl) then
+ sReset <= sPsMosiBuffer(kCpldReset) = '1';
+ end if;
+ if (sPsRegAddr = kLmkControl) then
+ sVcxoControl <= sPsMosiBuffer(kVcxoControl);
+ end if;
+ if (sPsRegAddr = kMykonosControl) then
+ sMykonosReset <= sPsMosiBuffer(kMykonosReset);
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ end process PsMosiProcessing;
+ -- Send MISO back to FPGA (PS) on the falling edge as well.
+ --
+ -- This counter starts safely from reset because the PsSpiSck will not start toggling
+ -- until long after the asynchronous reset (sCpldPsSpiActive) de-asserts. Similarly,
+ -- the reset will only assert long after the last clock edge is received.
+ PsMisoBuffer : process(PsSpiSck, sCpldPsSpiActive)
+ begin
+ if not sCpldPsSpiActive then
+ sPsMisoIndex <= to_unsigned(kTotalWidth-1, sPsMisoIndex'length);
+ elsif falling_edge(PsSpiSck) then
+ if sPsMisoIndex > 0 then
+ sPsMisoIndex <= sPsMisoIndex - 1;
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ end process PsMisoBuffer;
+ sPsCpldMiso <= sPsMisoBuffer(to_integer(sPsMisoIndex));
+ -- Mux the register data from the CPLD back to the FPGA.
+ PsMisoBufferMux : process(sPsRegAddr, sScratchVal, sVcxoControl,
+ sTxLoLockDetect, sRxLoLockDetect, sMykonosReset)
+ begin
+ sPsMisoBuffer <= (others => '0');
+ case to_integer(sPsRegAddr) is
+ when kSignatureReg => sPsMisoBuffer(kDataWidth-1 downto 0) <= kSignature;
+ when kMinorRevReg => sPsMisoBuffer(kDataWidth-1 downto 0) <= kMinorRev;
+ when kMajorRevReg => sPsMisoBuffer(kDataWidth-1 downto 0) <= kMajorRev;
+ when kBuildCodeLSB => sPsMisoBuffer(kDataWidth-1 downto 0) <= kBuildCode(15 downto 0);
+ when kBuildCodeMSB => sPsMisoBuffer(kDataWidth-1 downto 0) <= kBuildCode(31 downto 16);
+ when kScratch => sPsMisoBuffer(kDataWidth-1 downto 0) <= sScratchVal;
+ when kLmkControl => sPsMisoBuffer(kVcxoControl) <= sVcxoControl;
+ when kLoStatus => sPsMisoBuffer(kTxLoLockDetect) <= sTxLoLockDetect;
+ sPsMisoBuffer(kRxLoLockDetect) <= sRxLoLockDetect;
+ when kMykonosControl => sPsMisoBuffer(kMykonosReset) <= sMykonosReset;
+ when others => sPsMisoBuffer(kDataWidth-1 downto 0) <= (others => '0');
+ end case;
+ end process PsMisoBufferMux;
+ -- Double-synchronize the async inputs to the PS clock domain. However, this clock
+ -- isn't toggling all the time. Whenever it is toggling, let's capture these bits.
+ StatusSynchronizer : process(PsSpiSck)
+ begin
+ if rising_edge(PsSpiSck) then
+ aRxLoLockDetect_ms <= aRxLoLockDetect;
+ sRxLoLockDetect <= aRxLoLockDetect_ms;
+ aTxLoLockDetect_ms <= aTxLoLockDetect;
+ sTxLoLockDetect <= aTxLoLockDetect_ms;
+ end if;
+ end process;
+ -- PS SPI locals to outputs.
+ aVcxoCtrl <= sVcxoControl;
+ aMkReset_n <= not sMykonosReset;
+ -- PL SPI Interface : -----------------------------------------------------------------
+ -- Composed of a few modules:
+ -- 1) PlMosiIndex - generate pointer for MOSI Buffer
+ -- 2) PlMosiBuffer - actually implement the buffer, only when the CPLD is targeted.
+ -- 3) PlMosiProcessing - process the MOSI data: sort into Rd/!Wt, Address, and Data.
+ -- This process works on the falling edge of the clock to register the pieces
+ -- of the MOSI packet as they are complete. The final falling edge registers
+ -- the data into the individual registers, so it is critical that the clock idle
+ -- LOW after the transaction is complete such that this final falling edge occurs.
+ -- 4) PlMisoBuffer - generate pointer for the MISO buffer. The buffer itself is
+ -- completely async.
+ -- 5) PlMisoBufferMux - Mux all the register data back into the MISO buffer.
+ -- 6) StatusSynchronizer - double-synchronizers for status bits from the LMK and LOs.
+ -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ -- Decode the PL SPI Address bits... which are actually going to be used as individual
+ -- chip selects coming from the PL.
+ lCpldPlSpiActive <= lPlSpiLe = '0';
+ aTxLoCs_n <= aPlSpiAddr(0);
+ aRxLoCs_n <= aPlSpiAddr(1);
+ -- Assign the remainder of the SPI lines to the LOs.
+ aRxLoSck <= PlSpiSck;
+ aRxLoDin <= lPlSpiSdi;
+ aTxLoSck <= PlSpiSck;
+ aTxLoDin <= lPlSpiSdi;
+ -- Output mux for data back to the FPGA (PL core). The LMK and CPLD are the only
+ -- endpoints that have readback enabled.
+ lPlSpiSdo <= aTxLoMuxOut when aPlSpiAddr(0) = '0' else
+ aRxLoMuxOut when aPlSpiAddr(1) = '0' else
+ lPlCpldMiso;
+ -- Use the LE signal (Cs_n) as the asynchronous reset to the shift register counter.
+ -- LE will hold the counter in reset until this endpoint is targeted, when it will
+ -- release the reset (long before the clock toggles) and allow the shift operation
+ -- to begin.
+ --
+ -- This counter starts safely from reset because the PlSpiSck will not start toggling
+ -- until long after the asynchronous reset (lCpldPlSpiActive) de-asserts. Similarly,
+ -- the reset will only assert long after the last clock edge is received.
+ PlMosiIndex : process(PlSpiSck, lCpldPlSpiActive)
+ begin
+ if not lCpldPlSpiActive then
+ lPlMosiIndex <= (others => '0');
+ elsif rising_edge(PlSpiSck) then
+ lPlMosiIndex <= lPlMosiIndex + 1;
+ end if;
+ end process PlMosiIndex;
+ -- Shift in SDI (MOSI) data from the PL on the rising edge of the clock. Only use
+ -- synchronous resets from here on out.
+ PlMosiBuffer : process(PlSpiSck)
+ begin
+ if rising_edge(PlSpiSck) then
+ if lReset then
+ lPlMosiBuffer <= (others => '0');
+ else
+ if lCpldPlSpiActive then
+ lPlMosiBuffer <= lPlMosiBuffer(lPlMosiBuffer'high-1 downto 0) & lPlSpiSdi; -- left shift
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ end process PlMosiBuffer;
+ -- As portions of the command and data packets become available, register them here
+ -- using the falling edge of the PL SPI clock.
+ PlMosiProcessing : process(PlSpiSck)
+ begin
+ if falling_edge(PlSpiSck) then
+ if lReset then
+ -- lReset is intentionally self-clearing. It clears on the first falling edge of
+ -- the next SPI transaction after it is set. Logic on the first rising edge of
+ -- that next transaction is therefore held in reset. This will not matter
+ -- as long as SW follows the recommended reset procedure (writing a '1' to reset
+ -- then writing a '0'), since the first bit of the transaction is '0' for a
+ -- write operation.
+ lReset <= false;
+ lScratchVal <= (others => '0');
+ lTxCh1IdleReg <= kTxChDefault;
+ lTxCh1TxOnReg <= kTxChDefault;
+ lTxCh2IdleReg <= kTxChDefault;
+ lTxCh2TxOnReg <= kTxChDefault;
+ lRxCh1_0IdleReg <= kRxChDefault0;
+ lRxCh1_1IdleReg <= kRxChDefault1;
+ lRxCh1_0RxOnReg <= kRxChDefault0;
+ lRxCh1_1RxOnReg <= kRxChDefault1;
+ lRxCh2_0IdleReg <= kRxChDefault0;
+ lRxCh2_1IdleReg <= kRxChDefault1;
+ lRxCh2_0RxOnReg <= kRxChDefault0;
+ lRxCh2_1RxOnReg <= kRxChDefault1;
+ lPlRd <= false;
+ lPlRegAddr <= (others => '0');
+ else
+ -- After the first bit is captured, we can determine if it is a write or read.
+ if (lPlMosiIndex = (kRdWtWidth)) then
+ lPlRd <= lPlMosiBuffer(0) = '1';
+ end if;
+ -- After the entire command word is captured, the address is ready for capture.
+ if (lPlMosiIndex = (kAddrWidth + kRdWtWidth)) then
+ lPlRegAddr <= unsigned(lPlMosiBuffer(kAddrWidth - 1 downto 0));
+ end if;
+ -- And finally after the entire transaction is complete we can save off the data
+ -- on the final falling edge of the SPI clock into it's appropriate place, based
+ -- off the address value captured above.
+ if (lPlMosiIndex = kTotalWidth) and (not lPlRd) then
+ -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ -- Assign writable register values here! --------------------------------------
+ -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ if (lPlRegAddr = kPlScratch) then
+ lScratchVal <= lPlMosiBuffer;
+ end if;
+ if (lPlRegAddr = kPlCpldControl) then
+ lReset <= lPlMosiBuffer(kCpldReset) = '1';
+ end if;
+ if (lPlRegAddr = kTxCh1_Idle) then
+ lTxCh1IdleReg <= lPlMosiBuffer;
+ end if;
+ if (lPlRegAddr = kTxCh1_TxOn) then
+ lTxCh1TxOnReg <= lPlMosiBuffer;
+ end if;
+ if (lPlRegAddr = kTxCh2_Idle) then
+ lTxCh2IdleReg <= lPlMosiBuffer;
+ end if;
+ if (lPlRegAddr = kTxCh2_TxOn) then
+ lTxCh2TxOnReg <= lPlMosiBuffer;
+ end if;
+ if (lPlRegAddr = kRxCh1_0_Idle) then
+ lRxCh1_0IdleReg <= lPlMosiBuffer;
+ end if;
+ if (lPlRegAddr = kRxCh1_1_Idle) then
+ lRxCh1_1IdleReg <= lPlMosiBuffer;
+ end if;
+ if (lPlRegAddr = kRxCh1_0_RxOn) then
+ lRxCh1_0RxOnReg <= lPlMosiBuffer;
+ end if;
+ if (lPlRegAddr = kRxCh1_1_RxOn) then
+ lRxCh1_1RxOnReg <= lPlMosiBuffer;
+ end if;
+ if (lPlRegAddr = kRxCh2_0_Idle) then
+ lRxCh2_0IdleReg <= lPlMosiBuffer;
+ end if;
+ if (lPlRegAddr = kRxCh2_1_Idle) then
+ lRxCh2_1IdleReg <= lPlMosiBuffer;
+ end if;
+ if (lPlRegAddr = kRxCh2_0_RxOn) then
+ lRxCh2_0RxOnReg <= lPlMosiBuffer;
+ end if;
+ if (lPlRegAddr = kRxCh2_1_RxOn) then
+ lRxCh2_1RxOnReg <= lPlMosiBuffer;
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ end process PlMosiProcessing;
+ -- Send MISO back to FPGA (PL) on the falling edge as well.
+ --
+ -- This counter starts safely from reset because the PlSpiSck will not start toggling
+ -- until long after the asynchronous reset (lCpldPlSpiActive) de-asserts. Similarly,
+ -- the reset will only assert long after the last clock edge is received.
+ PlMisoBuffer : process(PlSpiSck, lCpldPlSpiActive)
+ begin
+ if not lCpldPlSpiActive then
+ lPlMisoIndex <= to_unsigned(kTotalWidth-1, lPlMisoIndex'length);
+ elsif falling_edge(PlSpiSck) then
+ if lPlMisoIndex > 0 then
+ lPlMisoIndex <= lPlMisoIndex - 1;
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ end process PlMisoBuffer;
+ lPlCpldMiso <= lPlMisoBuffer(to_integer(lPlMisoIndex));
+ -- Mux the register data from the CPLD back to the FPGA.
+ PlMisoBufferMux : process(lPlRegAddr, lScratchVal, lTxCh1IdleReg, lTxCh1TxOnReg,
+ lTxCh2IdleReg, lTxCh2TxOnReg, lRxCh1_0IdleReg,
+ lRxCh1_1IdleReg, lRxCh1_0RxOnReg, lRxCh1_1RxOnReg,
+ lRxCh2_0IdleReg, lRxCh2_1IdleReg, lRxCh2_0RxOnReg,
+ lRxCh2_1RxOnReg)
+ begin
+ lPlMisoBuffer <= (others => '0');
+ case to_integer(lPlRegAddr) is
+ when kPlScratch => lPlMisoBuffer(kDataWidth-1 downto 0) <= lScratchVal;
+ when kTxCh1_Idle => lPlMisoBuffer(kDataWidth-1 downto 0) <= lTxCh1IdleReg;
+ when kTxCh1_TxOn => lPlMisoBuffer(kDataWidth-1 downto 0) <= lTxCh1TxOnReg;
+ when kTxCh2_Idle => lPlMisoBuffer(kDataWidth-1 downto 0) <= lTxCh2IdleReg;
+ when kTxCh2_TxOn => lPlMisoBuffer(kDataWidth-1 downto 0) <= lTxCh2TxOnReg;
+ when kRxCh1_0_Idle => lPlMisoBuffer(kDataWidth-1 downto 0) <= lRxCh1_0IdleReg;
+ when kRxCh1_1_Idle => lPlMisoBuffer(kDataWidth-1 downto 0) <= lRxCh1_1IdleReg;
+ when kRxCh1_0_RxOn => lPlMisoBuffer(kDataWidth-1 downto 0) <= lRxCh1_0RxOnReg;
+ when kRxCh1_1_RxOn => lPlMisoBuffer(kDataWidth-1 downto 0) <= lRxCh1_1RxOnReg;
+ when kRxCh2_0_Idle => lPlMisoBuffer(kDataWidth-1 downto 0) <= lRxCh2_0IdleReg;
+ when kRxCh2_1_Idle => lPlMisoBuffer(kDataWidth-1 downto 0) <= lRxCh2_1IdleReg;
+ when kRxCh2_0_RxOn => lPlMisoBuffer(kDataWidth-1 downto 0) <= lRxCh2_0RxOnReg;
+ when kRxCh2_1_RxOn => lPlMisoBuffer(kDataWidth-1 downto 0) <= lRxCh2_1RxOnReg;
+ when others => lPlMisoBuffer(kDataWidth-1 downto 0) <= (others => '0');
+ end case;
+ end process PlMisoBufferMux;
+ -- Use the ATR bits to mux the output values.
+ lTxCh1 <= lTxCh1IdleReg when aAtrTx1 = '0' else lTxCh1TxOnReg;
+ lTxCh2 <= lTxCh2IdleReg when aAtrTx2 = '0' else lTxCh2TxOnReg;
+ lRxCh1_0 <= lRxCh1_0IdleReg when aAtrRx1 = '0' else lRxCh1_0RxOnReg;
+ lRxCh1_1 <= lRxCh1_1IdleReg when aAtrRx1 = '0' else lRxCh1_1RxOnReg;
+ lRxCh2_0 <= lRxCh2_0IdleReg when aAtrRx2 = '0' else lRxCh2_0RxOnReg;
+ lRxCh2_1 <= lRxCh2_1IdleReg when aAtrRx2 = '0' else lRxCh2_1RxOnReg;
+ -- PL SPI locals to outputs. All the register values are set for Channel 1. Channel 2
+ -- values are mixed around here in order for the same register settings to work for
+ -- Channel 1 and Channel 2, even though Ch2 switch configuration is different in HW.
+ aCh1LedTx <= lTxCh1(kCh1TxLed);
+ aCh1TxPaEn <= lTxCh1(kCh1TxPaEn);
+ aCh1TxAmpEn <= lTxCh1(kCh1TxAmpEn);
+ aCh1TxMixerEn <= lTxCh1(kCh1TxMixerEn);
+ aCh1TxSw1 <= lTxCh1(kCh1TxSw1Msb downto kCh1TxSw1);
+ aCh1TxSw2 <= lTxCh1(kCh1TxSw2Msb downto kCh1TxSw2);
+ aCh1TxSw3 <= lTxCh1(kCh1TxSw3);
+ aCh1TxSw4 <= "01" when lTxCh1(kCh1TxLowbandMixerPathSelect) = '1' else "10";
+ aCh1TxSw5 <= "10" when lTxCh1(kCh1TxLowbandMixerPathSelect) = '1' else "01";
+ aCh1SwTrx <= lTxCh1(kCh1SwTrxMsb downto kCh1SwTrx);
+ aMkTx1En <= lTxCh1(kCh1MykEnTx);
+ aCh2LedTx <= lTxCh2(kCh1TxLed);
+ aCh2TxPaEn <= lTxCh2(kCh1TxPaEn);
+ aCh2TxAmpEn <= lTxCh2(kCh1TxAmpEn);
+ aCh2TxMixerEn <= lTxCh2(kCh1TxMixerEn);
+ aCh2TxSw1 <= lTxCh2(kCh1TxSw1Msb downto kCh1TxSw1);
+ aCh2TxSw2 <= Tx2Switch2Mod(lTxCh2(kCh1TxSw2Msb downto kCh1TxSw2));
+ aCh2TxSw3 <= lTxCh2(kCh1TxSw3);
+ aCh2TxSw4 <= "10" when lTxCh2(kCh1TxLowbandMixerPathSelect) = '1' else "01";
+ aCh2TxSw5 <= "01" when lTxCh2(kCh1TxLowbandMixerPathSelect) = '1' else "10";
+ aCh2SwTrx <= Tx2TrxMod(lTxCh2(kCh1SwTrxMsb downto kCh1SwTrx));
+ aMkTx2En <= lTxCh2(kCh1MykEnTx);
+ aCh1RxSw1 <= lRxCh1_0(kCh1RxSw1Msb downto kCh1RxSw1);
+ aCh1RxSw2 <= lRxCh1_0(kCh1RxSw2Msb downto kCh1RxSw2);
+ aCh1RxSw3 <= lRxCh1_0(kCh1RxSw3Msb downto kCh1RxSw3);
+ aCh1RxSw4 <= lRxCh1_0(kCh1RxSw4Msb downto kCh1RxSw4);
+ aCh1RxSw5 <= lRxCh1_0(kCh1RxSw5Msb downto kCh1RxSw5);
+ aCh1RxSw6 <= lRxCh1_1(kCh1RxSw6Msb downto kCh1RxSw6);
+ aCh1RxSw7 <= "01" when lRxCh1_1(kCh1RxLowbandMixerPathSelect) = '1' else "10";
+ aCh1RxSw8 <= "01" when lRxCh1_1(kCh1RxLowbandMixerPathSelect) = '1' else "10";
+ aCh1LedRx <= lRxCh1_1(kCh1RxLed) and not lTxCh1(kCh1TxLed);
+ aCh1LedRx2 <= lRxCh1_1(kCh1Rx2Led);
+ aCh1RxAmpEn <= lRxCh1_1(kCh1RxAmpEn);
+ aCh1RxMixerEn <= lRxCh1_1(kCh1RxMixerEn);
+ aCh1RxLna1En <= lRxCh1_1(kCh1RxLna1En);
+ aCh1RxLna2En <= lRxCh1_1(kCh1RxLna2En);
+ aMkRx1En <= lRxCh1_1(kCh1MykEnRx);
+ aCh2RxSw1 <= Rx2Switch1Mod(lRxCh2_0(kCh1RxSw1Msb downto kCh1RxSw1));
+ aCh2RxSw2 <= Rx2Switch2Mod(lRxCh2_0(kCh1RxSw2Msb downto kCh1RxSw2));
+ aCh2RxSw3 <= Rx2Switch3Mod(lRxCh2_0(kCh1RxSw3Msb downto kCh1RxSw3));
+ aCh2RxSw4 <= Rx2Switch4Mod(lRxCh2_0(kCh1RxSw4Msb downto kCh1RxSw4));
+ aCh2RxSw5 <= Rx2Switch5Mod(lRxCh2_0(kCh1RxSw5Msb downto kCh1RxSw5));
+ aCh2RxSw6 <= Rx2Switch6Mod(lRxCh2_1(kCh1RxSw6Msb downto kCh1RxSw6));
+ aCh2RxSw7 <= "10" when lRxCh2_1(kCh1RxLowbandMixerPathSelect) = '1' else "01";
+ aCh2RxSw8 <= "10" when lRxCh2_1(kCh1RxLowbandMixerPathSelect) = '1' else "01";
+ aCh2LedRx <= lRxCh2_1(kCh1RxLed) and not lTxCh2(kCh1TxLed);
+ aCh2LedRx2 <= lRxCh2_1(kCh1Rx2Led);
+ aCh2RxAmpEn <= lRxCh2_1(kCh1RxAmpEn);
+ aCh2RxMixerEn <= lRxCh2_1(kCh1RxMixerEn);
+ aCh2RxLna1En <= lRxCh2_1(kCh1RxLna1En);
+ aCh2RxLna2En <= lRxCh2_1(kCh1RxLna2En);
+ aMkRx2En <= lRxCh2_1(kCh1MykEnRx);
+end RTL;
+--XmlParse xml_on
+--<top name="MgCpld"></top>
+--<regmap name="MgCpld">
+-- <group name="PsSpi_CpldRegisters" order="1">
+-- <info>
+-- These registers are accessed via the PS SPI interface to the CPLD. They are all
+-- internal to the CPLD. The SPI format is 24 bits total. On MOSI, shift (msb first)
+-- Rd/!Wt | Addr(6:0) | Data(15:0) (lsb). The SPI clock {b}MUST{/b} idle LOW before
+-- and after the transaction. CPOL=CPHA=0. To access these registers, use the chip
+-- select line named "CPLD-PS-SPI-SLE-33" as an active-low select.
+-- </info>
+-- <register name="SignatureReg" size="16" offset="0x00" attributes="Readable">
+-- <info>
+-- This register contains the device signature.
+-- </info>
+-- <bitfield name="ProductSignature" range="15..0">
+-- <info>
+-- Represents the product family name/number. This field reads back as
+-- 0xCAFE.
+-- </info>
+-- </bitfield>
+-- </register>
+-- <register name="MinorRevReg" size="16" offset="0x01" attributes="Readable">
+-- <info>
+-- This register contains the device revision numeric code.
+-- </info>
+-- <bitfield name="CpldMinorRevision" range="15..0">
+-- <info>
+-- Contains minor revision code (0,1,2,...).
+-- </info>
+-- </bitfield>
+-- </register>
+-- <register name="MajorRevReg" size="16" offset="0x02" attributes="Readable">
+-- <info>
+-- This register contains the major revision value.
+-- </info>
+-- <bitfield name="CpldMajorRevision" range="15..0">
+-- <info>
+-- Contains major revision code.
+-- </info>
+-- </bitfield>
+-- </register>
+-- <register name="BuildCodeLSB" size="16" offset="0x03" attributes="Readable">
+-- <info>
+-- Build code... right now it's the date it was built. LSB in this register.
+-- </info>
+-- <bitfield name="BuildCodeHH" range="7..0">
+-- <info>
+-- Contains build code hour code.
+-- </info>
+-- </bitfield>
+-- <bitfield name="BuildCodeDD" range="15..8">
+-- <info>
+-- Contains build code day code.
+-- </info>
+-- </bitfield>
+-- </register>
+-- <register name="BuildCodeMSB" size="16" offset="0x04" attributes="Readable">
+-- <info>
+-- Build code... right now it's the date it was built. MSB in this register.
+-- </info>
+-- <bitfield name="BuildCodeMM" range="7..0">
+-- <info>
+-- Contains build code month code.
+-- </info>
+-- </bitfield>
+-- <bitfield name="BuildCodeYY" range="15..8">
+-- <info>
+-- Contains build code revision year code.
+-- </info>
+-- </bitfield>
+-- </register>
+-- <register name="Scratch" size="16" offset="0x05" attributes="Readable|Writable">
+-- <info>
+-- </info>
+-- <bitfield name="ScratchVal" range="15..0">
+-- <info>
+-- Contains scratch value for testing. The state of this register has
+-- no effect on any other operation in the CPLD.
+-- </info>
+-- </bitfield>
+-- </register>
+-- <register name="CpldControl" size="16" offset="0x10" attributes="Writable">
+-- <info>
+-- </info>
+-- <bitfield name="CpldReset" range="0">
+-- <info>
+-- Asserting this bit resets all the CPLD logic.
+-- This reset will return all registers on the PS SPI interface to their default
+-- state! To use this reset correctly, first write CpldReset to '1', then write
+-- it to '0'. Registers will be reset on the _falling_ edge of CpldReset.
+-- </info>
+-- </bitfield>
+-- </register>
+-- <register name="LmkControl" size="16" offset="0x11" attributes="Readable|Writable">
+-- <info>
+-- </info>
+-- <bitfield name="VcxoControl" range="4">
+-- <info>
+-- Setting this bit to '0' will allow the Phase DAC to exclusively control the
+-- VCXO voltage. Defaults to '1', which allows the Phase DAC to adjust the
+-- voltage (but the LMK still has control as well).
+-- </info>
+-- </bitfield>
+-- </register>
+-- <register name="LoStatus" size="16" offset="0x12" attributes="Readable">
+-- <info>
+-- </info>
+-- <bitfield name="RxLoLockDetect" range="0" attributes="Readable">
+-- <info>
+-- Live lock detect status from the RX LO.
+-- </info>
+-- </bitfield>
+-- <bitfield name="TxLoLockDetect" range="4" attributes="Readable">
+-- <info>
+-- Live lock detect status from the TX LO.
+-- </info>
+-- </bitfield>
+-- </register>
+-- <register name="MykonosControl" size="16" offset="0x13" attributes="Readable|Writable">
+-- <info>
+-- </info>
+-- <bitfield name="MykonosReset" range="0">
+-- <info>
+-- Drives the Mykonos hard reset line. Defaults to de-asserted. Write a '1' to
+-- assert the reset, and a '0' to de-assert.
+-- </info>
+-- </bitfield>
+-- </register>
+-- </group>
+-- <group name="PlSpi_FrontEndControl" order="2">
+-- <info>
+-- These registers are accessed via the PL SPI interface to the CPLD. They are all
+-- internal to the CPLD. The SPI format is 24 bits total. On MOSI, shift (msb first)
+-- Rd/!Wt | Addr(6:0) | Data(15:0) (lsb). The SPI clock {b}MUST{/b} idle LOW before
+-- and after the transaction. CPOL=CPHA=0. To access these registers, use the chip
+-- select line named "CPLD-PL-SPI-LE-25" as an active-low select. {br}{br}
+-- The ATR bits ultimately control which of these registers actually control
+-- the RF front end.
+-- </info>
+-- <register name="PlScratch" size="16" offset="0x40" attributes="Readable|Writable">
+-- <bitfield name="PlScratchVal" range="15..0">
+-- <info>
+-- Contains scratch value for testing. The state of this register has no effect
+-- on any other operation in the CPLD.
+-- </info>
+-- </bitfield>
+-- </register>
+-- <register name="PlCpldControl" size="16" offset="0x41" attributes="Writable">
+-- <info>
+-- </info>
+-- <bitfield name="PlCpldReset" range="0">
+-- <info>
+-- Asserting this bit resets all the CPLD logic on the PL SPI interface.
+-- This reset will return all registers to their default state! To use this
+-- reset correctly, first write PlCpldReset to '1', then write it to '0'.
+-- Registers will be reset on the _falling_ edge of PlCpldReset.
+-- </info>
+-- </bitfield>
+-- </register>
+-- <enumeratedtype name="TrxSwitch">
+-- <value name="FromLowerFilterBankTxSw1" integer="0"/>
+-- <value name="FromTxUpperFilterBankLp6400MHz" integer="1"/>
+-- <value name="RxChannelPath" integer="2"/>
+-- <value name="BypassPathToTxSw3" integer="3"/>
+-- </enumeratedtype>
+-- <enumeratedtype name="TxSwitch1">
+-- <value name="ShutdownTxSw1" integer="0"/>
+-- <value name="FromTxFilterLp1700MHz" integer="1"/>
+-- <value name="FromTxFilterLp3400MHz" integer="2"/>
+-- <value name="FromTxFilterLp0800MHz" integer="3"/>
+-- </enumeratedtype>
+-- <enumeratedtype name="TxSwitch2">
+-- <value name="ToTxFilterLp3400MHz" integer="1"/>
+-- <value name="ToTxFilterLp1700MHz" integer="2"/>
+-- <value name="ToTxFilterLp0800MHz" integer="4"/>
+-- <value name="ToTxFilterLp6400MHz" integer="8"/>
+-- </enumeratedtype>
+-- <enumeratedtype name="TxSwitch3">
+-- <value name="ToTxFilterBanks" integer="0"/>
+-- <value name="BypassPathToTrxSw" integer="1"/>
+-- </enumeratedtype>
+-- <register name="TxCh1_Idle" size="16" offset="0x50" attributes="Readable|Writable">
+-- <info>
+-- Load this register with the front-end configuration for channel TX 1 when the
+-- ATR bits are configured: TX = 0, RX = don't-care.
+-- </info>
+-- <bitfield name="Ch1TxSw1" type="TxSwitch1" range="1..0">
+-- <info>
+-- Controls Switch 1. Filter bank receive switch.
+-- </info>
+-- </bitfield>
+-- <bitfield name="Ch1TxSw2" type="TxSwitch2" range="5..2">
+-- <info>
+-- Controls Switch 2. Filter bank distribution switch.
+-- </info>
+-- </bitfield>
+-- <bitfield name="Ch1TxSw3" type="TxSwitch3" range="6">
+-- <info>
+-- Controls Switch 3. Bypasses the filter bank and PA, or doesn't.
+-- </info>
+-- </bitfield>
+-- <bitfield name="Ch1TxLowbandMixerPathSelect" range="7">
+-- <info>
+-- Controls Switches 4 and 5. Write a '1' to select the Lowband Mixer path.
+-- Writing '0' will select the bypass path around the mixer. Default is '0'. Note:
+-- Individual control over these switches was removed as an optimization to
+-- allow all TX controls to fit in one 16 bit register.
+-- </info>
+-- </bitfield>
+-- <bitfield name="Ch1TxMixerEn" range="8">
+-- <info>
+-- Write a '1' to enable the lowband mixer. Note that Ch1TxLowbandMixerPathSelect
+-- must be properly configured to select the mixer path.
+-- </info>
+-- </bitfield>
+-- <bitfield name="Ch1TxAmpEn" range="9">
+-- <info>
+-- Write a '1' to enable the TX path Amp in between TX switches 3 and 4. The path
+-- (from Mykonos) is: TxSw4 -> Amp -> DSA -> TxSw3.
+-- </info>
+-- </bitfield>
+-- <bitfield name="Ch1TxPaEn" range="10">
+-- <info>
+-- Write a '1' to enable the TX path PA in between TX switches 2 and 3.
+-- </info>
+-- </bitfield>
+-- <bitfield name="Ch1SwTrx" type="TrxSwitch" range="12..11">
+-- <info>
+-- TRX switch control.
+-- </info>
+-- </bitfield>
+-- <bitfield name="Ch1TxLed" range="13">
+-- <info>
+-- Red/Green combo LED for the TRX channel.
+-- </info>
+-- </bitfield>
+-- <bitfield name="Ch1MykEnTx" range="14">
+-- <info>
+-- Drives the Mykonos input port TX1_ENABLE.
+-- </info>
+-- </bitfield>
+-- </register>
+-- <register name="TxCh1_TxOn" size="16" offset="0x53" attributes="Readable|Writable">
+-- <info>
+-- Load this register with the front-end configuration for channel TX 1 when the
+-- ATR bits are configured: TX = 1, RX = don't-care. The bitfields are the same
+-- as for the Tx1_Off register.
+-- </info>
+-- </register>
+-- <register name="TxCh2_Idle" size="16" offset="0x60" attributes="Readable|Writable">
+-- <info>
+-- Load this register with the front-end configuration for channel TX 2 when the
+-- ATR bits are configured: TX = 0, RX = don't-care. The bitfields are the same
+-- as for the Tx1_Off register.
+-- </info>
+-- </register>
+-- <register name="TxCh2_TxOn" size="16" offset="0x63" attributes="Readable|Writable">
+-- <info>
+-- Load this register with the front-end configuration for channel TX 2 when the
+-- ATR bits are configured: TX = 1, RX = don't-care. The bitfields are the same
+-- as for the Tx1_Off register.
+-- </info>
+-- </register>
+-- <enumeratedtype name="Rx1Switch1">
+-- <value name="TxRxInput" integer="0"/>
+-- <value name="RxLoCalInput" integer="1"/>
+-- <value name="TrxSwitchOutput" integer="2"/>
+-- <value name="Rx2Input" integer="3"/>
+-- </enumeratedtype>
+-- <enumeratedtype name="Rx1Switch2">
+-- <value name="ShutdownSw2" integer="0"/>
+-- <value name="LowerFilterBankToSwitch3" integer="1"/>
+-- <value name="BypassPathToSwitch6" integer="2"/>
+-- <value name="UpperFilterBankToSwitch4" integer="3"/>
+-- </enumeratedtype>
+-- <enumeratedtype name="Rx1Switch3">
+-- <value name="Filter2100x2850MHz" integer="0"/>
+-- <value name="Filter0490LpMHz" integer="1"/>
+-- <value name="Filter1600x2250MHz" integer="2"/>
+-- <value name="Filter0440x0530MHz" integer="4"/>
+-- <value name="Filter0650x1000MHz" integer="5"/>
+-- <value name="Filter1100x1575MHz" integer="6"/>
+-- <value name="ShutdownSw3" integer="7"/>
+-- </enumeratedtype>
+-- <enumeratedtype name="Rx1Switch4">
+-- <value name="Filter2100x2850MHzFrom" integer="1"/>
+-- <value name="Filter1600x2250MHzFrom" integer="2"/>
+-- <value name="Filter2700HpMHz" integer="4"/>
+-- </enumeratedtype>
+-- <enumeratedtype name="Rx1Switch5">
+-- <value name="Filter0440x0530MHzFrom" integer="1"/>
+-- <value name="Filter1100x1575MHzFrom" integer="2"/>
+-- <value name="Filter0490LpMHzFrom" integer="4"/>
+-- <value name="Filter0650x1000MHzFrom" integer="8"/>
+-- </enumeratedtype>
+-- <enumeratedtype name="Rx1Switch6">
+-- <value name="LowerFilterBankFromSwitch5" integer="1"/>
+-- <value name="UpperFilterBankFromSwitch4" integer="2"/>
+-- <value name="BypassPathFromSwitch2" integer="4"/>
+-- </enumeratedtype>
+-- <register name="RxCh1_0_Idle" size="16" offset="0x51" attributes="Readable|Writable">
+-- <info>
+-- Load this register with the front-end configuration for channel RX 1 when the
+-- ATR bits are configured: TX = don't-care, RX = 0.
+-- </info>
+-- <bitfield name="Ch1RxSw1" type="Rx1Switch1" range="1..0">
+-- <info>
+-- Controls Switch 1. Selects between the cal, bypass, RX2, and TRX paths.
+-- </info>
+-- </bitfield>
+-- <bitfield name="Ch1RxSw2" type="Rx1Switch2" range="3..2">
+-- <info>
+-- Controls Switch 2. First filter switch. Selects between bypass path and
+-- the upper/lower filter banks.
+-- </info>
+-- </bitfield>
+-- <bitfield name="Ch1RxSw3" type="Rx1Switch3" range="6..4">
+-- <info>
+-- Controls Switch 3. Lower filter bank transmit switch.
+-- </info>
+-- </bitfield>
+-- <bitfield name="Ch1RxSw4" type="Rx1Switch4" range="9..7">
+-- <info>
+-- Controls Switch 4. Upper filter bank receive switch.
+-- </info>
+-- </bitfield>
+-- <bitfield name="Ch1RxSw5" type="Rx1Switch5" range="13..10">
+-- <info>
+-- Controls Switch 5. Lower filter bank receive switch.
+-- </info>
+-- </bitfield>
+-- </register>
+-- <register name="RxCh1_1_Idle" size="16" offset="0x52" attributes="Readable|Writable">
+-- <info>
+-- Load this register with the front-end configuration for channel RX 1 when the
+-- ATR bits are configured: TX = don't-care, RX = 0.
+-- </info>
+-- <bitfield name="Ch1RxSw6" type="Rx1Switch6" range="2..0">
+-- <info>
+-- Controls Switch 6. Selects between the upper and lower filter banks and
+-- bypass path.
+-- </info>
+-- </bitfield>
+-- <bitfield name="Ch1RxLowbandMixerPathSelect" range="3">
+-- <info>
+-- Controls Switches 7 and 8. Write a '1' to select the Lowband Mixer path.
+-- Writing '0' will select the bypass path around the mixer. Default is '0'. Note:
+-- Individual control over these switches was removed as an optimization to
+-- allow all TX controls to fit in one 16 bit register... so the same was done
+-- for the RX path for continuity.
+-- </info>
+-- </bitfield>
+-- <bitfield name="Ch1RxMixerEn" range="4">
+-- <info>
+-- Write a '1' to enable the lowband mixer. Note that Ch1RxLowbandMixerPathSelect
+-- must be properly configured to select the mixer path.
+-- </info>
+-- </bitfield>
+-- <bitfield name="Ch1RxAmpEn" range="5">
+-- <info>
+-- Write a '1' to enable the RX path Amp directly before the Mykonos inputs.
+-- </info>
+-- </bitfield>
+-- <bitfield name="Ch1RxLna1En" range="6">
+-- <info>
+-- Write a '1' to enable the RX path LNA1 between RxSw4 and RxSw6.
+-- </info>
+-- </bitfield>
+-- <bitfield name="Ch1RxLna2En" range="7">
+-- <info>
+-- Write a '1' to enable the RX path LNA2 between RxSw5 and RxSw6.
+-- </info>
+-- </bitfield>
+-- <bitfield name="Ch1Rx2Led" range="8">
+-- <info>
+-- Green LED for RX2 channel.
+-- </info>
+-- </bitfield>
+-- <bitfield name="Ch1RxLed" range="9">
+-- <info>
+-- Red/Green combo LED for the TRX channel.
+-- </info>
+-- </bitfield>
+-- <bitfield name="Ch1MykEnRx" range="10">
+-- <info>
+-- Drives the Mykonos input port RX1_ENABLE.
+-- </info>
+-- </bitfield>
+-- </register>
+-- <register name="RxCh1_0_RxOn" size="16" offset="0x54" attributes="Readable|Writable">
+-- <info>
+-- Load this register with the front-end configuration for channel RX 1 when the
+-- ATR bits are configured: TX = don't-care, RX = 1. The bitfields are the same
+-- as for the RxCh1_0_Idle register.
+-- </info>
+-- </register>
+-- <register name="RxCh1_1_RxOn" size="16" offset="0x55" attributes="Readable|Writable">
+-- <info>
+-- Load this register with the front-end configuration for channel RX 1 when the
+-- ATR bits are configured: TX = don't-care, RX = 1. The bitfields are the same
+-- as for the RxCh1_1_Idle register.
+-- </info>
+-- </register>
+-- <register name="RxCh2_0_Idle" size="16" offset="0x61" attributes="Readable|Writable">
+-- <info>
+-- Load this register with the front-end configuration for channel RX 2 when the
+-- ATR bits are configured: TX = don't-care, RX = 0. The bitfields are the same
+-- as for the RxCh1_0_Idle register.
+-- </info>
+-- </register>
+-- <register name="RxCh2_1_Idle" size="16" offset="0x62" attributes="Readable|Writable">
+-- <info>
+-- Load this register with the front-end configuration for channel RX 2 when the
+-- ATR bits are configured: TX = don't-care, RX = 0. The bitfields are the same
+-- as for the RxCh1_1_Idle register.
+-- </info>
+-- </register>
+-- <register name="RxCh2_0_RxOn" size="16" offset="0x64" attributes="Readable|Writable">
+-- <info>
+-- Load this register with the front-end configuration for channel RX 2 when the
+-- ATR bits are configured: TX = don't-care, RX = 1. The bitfields are the same
+-- as for the RxCh1_0_Idle register.
+-- </info>
+-- </register>
+-- <register name="RxCh2_1_RxOn" size="16" offset="0x65" attributes="Readable|Writable">
+-- <info>
+-- Load this register with the front-end configuration for channel RX 2 when the
+-- ATR bits are configured: TX = don't-care, RX = 1. The bitfields are the same
+-- as for the RxCh1_1_Idle register.
+-- </info>
+-- </register>
+-- </group>
+--XmlParse xml_off
diff --git a/fpga/usrp3/top/n3xx/dboards/mg/db0_pins.xdc b/fpga/usrp3/top/n3xx/dboards/mg/db0_pins.xdc
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..b89183a2e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fpga/usrp3/top/n3xx/dboards/mg/db0_pins.xdc
@@ -0,0 +1,156 @@
+# Copyright 2017 Ettus Research, A National Instruments Company
+# SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-3.0
+# Daughterboard Pin Definitions for the N310.
+## TDC : ################################################################################
+## Bank 10, 2.5V (DB A)
+set_property PACKAGE_PIN AB15 [get_ports {UNUSED_PIN_TDCA_0}]
+set_property PACKAGE_PIN AB14 [get_ports {UNUSED_PIN_TDCA_1}]
+set_property PACKAGE_PIN AB16 [get_ports {UNUSED_PIN_TDCA_2}]
+set_property PACKAGE_PIN AB17 [get_ports {UNUSED_PIN_TDCA_3}]
+set_property IOSTANDARD LVCMOS25 [get_ports {UNUSED_PIN_TDCA_*}]
+set_property IOB TRUE [get_ports {UNUSED_PIN_TDCA_*}]
+## USRP IO A : ##########################################################################
+## Banks 10/33
+## HP GPIO, Bank 33, 1.8V
+set_property PACKAGE_PIN G1 [get_ports {DBA_CPLD_PS_SPI_LE}]
+set_property PACKAGE_PIN H2 [get_ports {DBA_CPLD_PS_SPI_SCLK}]
+set_property PACKAGE_PIN D1 [get_ports {DBA_CH1_TX_DSA_DATA[5]}]
+# set_property PACKAGE_PIN E1 [get_ports {nc}]
+set_property PACKAGE_PIN H1 [get_ports {DBA_CPLD_PS_SPI_ADDR[0]}]
+set_property PACKAGE_PIN J1 [get_ports {DBA_CPLD_PS_SPI_ADDR[1]}]
+set_property PACKAGE_PIN A5 [get_ports {DBA_CH1_TX_DSA_DATA[3]}]
+set_property PACKAGE_PIN A4 [get_ports {DBA_CH1_TX_DSA_DATA[4]}]
+set_property PACKAGE_PIN F5 [get_ports {DBA_CPLD_PS_SPI_SDO}]
+set_property PACKAGE_PIN E5 [get_ports {DBA_CPLD_PS_SPI_SDI}]
+set_property PACKAGE_PIN E3 [get_ports {DBA_CH1_RX_DSA_DATA[0]}]
+set_property PACKAGE_PIN E2 [get_ports {DBA_CH1_RX_DSA_DATA[1]}]
+set_property PACKAGE_PIN A3 [get_ports {DBA_CH1_TX_DSA_DATA[2]}]
+set_property PACKAGE_PIN A2 [get_ports {DBA_CH1_TX_DSA_DATA[1]}]
+set_property PACKAGE_PIN K1 [get_ports {DBA_ATR_RX_1}]
+set_property PACKAGE_PIN L1 [get_ports {DBA_ATR_TX_2}]
+set_property PACKAGE_PIN C4 [get_ports {DBA_CH1_TX_DSA_DATA[0]}]
+set_property PACKAGE_PIN C3 [get_ports {DBA_CH1_RX_DSA_DATA[5]}]
+set_property PACKAGE_PIN F4 [get_ports {DBA_ATR_TX_1}]
+set_property PACKAGE_PIN F3 [get_ports {DBA_ATR_RX_2}]
+# set_property PACKAGE_PIN B1 [get_ports {nc}]
+set_property PACKAGE_PIN B2 [get_ports {DBA_CH1_RX_DSA_DATA[3]}]
+set_property PACKAGE_PIN C1 [get_ports {DBA_CH1_RX_DSA_DATA[4]}]
+set_property PACKAGE_PIN C2 [get_ports {DBA_CH1_RX_DSA_DATA[2]}]
+## HR GPIO, Bank 10, 2.5V
+set_property PACKAGE_PIN AG12 [get_ports {DBA_MYK_SYNC_IN_n}]
+set_property PACKAGE_PIN AH12 [get_ports {DBA_CPLD_PL_SPI_ADDR[0]}]
+set_property PACKAGE_PIN AJ13 [get_ports {DBA_MYK_SPI_SDO}]
+set_property PACKAGE_PIN AJ14 [get_ports {DBA_MYK_SPI_SDIO}]
+set_property PACKAGE_PIN AG15 [get_ports {DBA_CPLD_PL_SPI_ADDR[1]}]
+set_property PACKAGE_PIN AF15 [get_ports {DBA_CH2_TX_DSA_DATA[5]}]
+set_property PACKAGE_PIN AH13 [get_ports {DBA_CPLD_JTAG_TDI}]
+set_property PACKAGE_PIN AH14 [get_ports {DBA_CPLD_JTAG_TDO}]
+set_property PACKAGE_PIN AK15 [get_ports {DBA_MYK_GPIO_1}]
+set_property PACKAGE_PIN AJ15 [get_ports {DBA_MYK_GPIO_4}]
+set_property PACKAGE_PIN AH16 [get_ports {DBA_CH2_TX_DSA_DATA[4]}]
+set_property PACKAGE_PIN AH17 [get_ports {DBA_CH2_TX_DSA_DATA[3]}]
+set_property PACKAGE_PIN AE12 [get_ports {DBA_MYK_SYNC_OUT_n}]
+set_property PACKAGE_PIN AF12 [get_ports {DBA_CPLD_PL_SPI_SDO}]
+set_property PACKAGE_PIN AK12 [get_ports {DBA_MYK_GPIO_13}]
+set_property PACKAGE_PIN AK13 [get_ports {DBA_MYK_GPIO_0}]
+set_property PACKAGE_PIN AK16 [get_ports {DBA_MYK_INTRQ}]
+set_property PACKAGE_PIN AJ16 [get_ports {DBA_CH2_TX_DSA_DATA[2]}]
+set_property PACKAGE_PIN AH18 [get_ports {DBA_CH2_TX_DSA_DATA[0]}]
+set_property PACKAGE_PIN AJ18 [get_ports {DBA_CH2_TX_DSA_DATA[1]}]
+set_property PACKAGE_PIN AF14 [get_ports {DBA_FPGA_CLK_P}]
+set_property PACKAGE_PIN AG14 [get_ports {DBA_FPGA_CLK_N}]
+set_property PACKAGE_PIN AG17 [get_ports {DBA_FPGA_SYSREF_P}]
+set_property PACKAGE_PIN AG16 [get_ports {DBA_FPGA_SYSREF_N}]
+set_property PACKAGE_PIN AD15 [get_ports {DBA_CH2_RX_DSA_DATA[3]}]
+set_property PACKAGE_PIN AD16 [get_ports {DBA_CH2_RX_DSA_DATA[5]}]
+set_property PACKAGE_PIN AE13 [get_ports {DBA_CPLD_JTAG_TMS}]
+set_property PACKAGE_PIN AF13 [get_ports {DBA_CPLD_JTAG_TCK}]
+set_property PACKAGE_PIN AE15 [get_ports {DBA_MYK_GPIO_15}]
+set_property PACKAGE_PIN AE16 [get_ports {DBA_MYK_SPI_CS_n}]
+set_property PACKAGE_PIN AF17 [get_ports {DBA_CH2_RX_DSA_DATA[1]}]
+set_property PACKAGE_PIN AF18 [get_ports {DBA_CH2_RX_DSA_DATA[2]}]
+set_property PACKAGE_PIN AC16 [get_ports {DBA_CPLD_PL_SPI_LE}]
+set_property PACKAGE_PIN AC17 [get_ports {DBA_CPLD_PL_SPI_SDI}]
+set_property PACKAGE_PIN AD13 [get_ports {DBA_MYK_GPIO_12}]
+set_property PACKAGE_PIN AD14 [get_ports {DBA_MYK_GPIO_14}]
+set_property PACKAGE_PIN AE17 [get_ports {DBA_MYK_SPI_SCLK}]
+set_property PACKAGE_PIN AE18 [get_ports {DBA_MYK_GPIO_3}]
+set_property PACKAGE_PIN AB12 [get_ports {DBA_CH2_RX_DSA_DATA[0]}]
+set_property PACKAGE_PIN AC12 [get_ports {DBA_CH2_RX_DSA_DATA[4]}]
+set_property PACKAGE_PIN AC13 [get_ports {DBA_CPLD_PL_SPI_ADDR[2]}]
+set_property PACKAGE_PIN AC14 [get_ports {DBA_CPLD_PL_SPI_SCLK}]
+# set_property PACKAGE_PIN AB25 [get_ports {DBA_SWITCHER_CLOCK}]
+# set_property IOSTANDARD LVCMOS33 [get_ports {DBA_SWITCHER_CLOCK}]
+# set_property DRIVE 4 [get_ports {DBA_SWITCHER_CLOCK}]
+# set_property SLEW SLOW [get_ports {DBA_SWITCHER_CLOCK}]
+# During SI measurements with default drive strength, many of the FPGA-driven lines to
+# the DB were showing high over/undershoot. Therefore for single-ended lines to the DBs
+# we are decreasing the drive strength to the minimum value (4mA) and explicitly
+# declaring the (default) slew rate as SLOW.
+set UsrpIoAHpPinsSe [get_ports {DBA_CPLD_PS_* \
+ DBA_CH1_* \
+ DBA_ATR*}]
+set_property IOSTANDARD LVCMOS18 $UsrpIoAHpPinsSe
+set_property DRIVE 4 $UsrpIoAHpPinsSe
+set_property SLEW SLOW $UsrpIoAHpPinsSe
+set UsrpIoAHrPinsSe [get_ports {DBA_MYK_SPI_* \
+ DBA_CH2*}]
+set_property IOSTANDARD LVCMOS25 $UsrpIoAHrPinsSe
+set_property DRIVE 4 $UsrpIoAHrPinsSe
+set_property SLEW SLOW $UsrpIoAHrPinsSe
+set UsrpIoAHrPinsDiff [get_ports {DBA_FPGA_CLK_* \
+set_property IOSTANDARD LVDS_25 $UsrpIoAHrPinsDiff
+set_property DIFF_TERM TRUE $UsrpIoAHrPinsDiff
+# Do not allow the DSA lines to float... give them a weak pull if undriven.
+set_property PULLUP TRUE [get_ports {DBA_CH*_*X_DSA_DATA[*]}]
+### MGTs, Bank 112
+set_property PACKAGE_PIN N8 [get_ports {USRPIO_A_MGTCLK_P}]
+set_property PACKAGE_PIN N7 [get_ports {USRPIO_A_MGTCLK_N}]
+# This mapping uses the TX pins as the "master" and mimics RX off of them so Vivado
+# places the transceivers in the correct places. The mixup in lanes is accounted for
+# in the Mykonos lane crossbar settings.
+set_property PACKAGE_PIN V6 [get_ports {USRPIO_A_RX_P[0]}]
+set_property PACKAGE_PIN V5 [get_ports {USRPIO_A_RX_N[0]}]
+set_property PACKAGE_PIN U4 [get_ports {USRPIO_A_RX_P[1]}]
+set_property PACKAGE_PIN U3 [get_ports {USRPIO_A_RX_N[1]}]
+set_property PACKAGE_PIN T6 [get_ports {USRPIO_A_RX_P[2]}]
+set_property PACKAGE_PIN T5 [get_ports {USRPIO_A_RX_N[2]}]
+set_property PACKAGE_PIN P6 [get_ports {USRPIO_A_RX_P[3]}]
+set_property PACKAGE_PIN P5 [get_ports {USRPIO_A_RX_N[3]}]
+set_property PACKAGE_PIN T2 [get_ports {USRPIO_A_TX_P[0]}]
+set_property PACKAGE_PIN T1 [get_ports {USRPIO_A_TX_N[0]}]
+set_property PACKAGE_PIN R4 [get_ports {USRPIO_A_TX_P[1]}]
+set_property PACKAGE_PIN R3 [get_ports {USRPIO_A_TX_N[1]}]
+set_property PACKAGE_PIN P2 [get_ports {USRPIO_A_TX_P[2]}]
+set_property PACKAGE_PIN P1 [get_ports {USRPIO_A_TX_N[2]}]
+set_property PACKAGE_PIN N4 [get_ports {USRPIO_A_TX_P[3]}]
+set_property PACKAGE_PIN N3 [get_ports {USRPIO_A_TX_N[3]}]
diff --git a/fpga/usrp3/top/n3xx/dboards/mg/db1_pins.xdc b/fpga/usrp3/top/n3xx/dboards/mg/db1_pins.xdc
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..f95051ba7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fpga/usrp3/top/n3xx/dboards/mg/db1_pins.xdc
@@ -0,0 +1,156 @@
+# Copyright 2017 Ettus Research, A National Instruments Company
+# SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-3.0
+# Daughterboard Pin Definitions for the N310.
+## TDC : ################################################################################
+## Bank 11, 2.5V (DB B)
+set_property PACKAGE_PIN W21 [get_ports {UNUSED_PIN_TDCB_0}]
+set_property PACKAGE_PIN Y21 [get_ports {UNUSED_PIN_TDCB_1}]
+set_property PACKAGE_PIN Y22 [get_ports {UNUSED_PIN_TDCB_2}]
+set_property PACKAGE_PIN Y23 [get_ports {UNUSED_PIN_TDCB_3}]
+set_property IOSTANDARD LVCMOS25 [get_ports {UNUSED_PIN_TDCB_*}]
+set_property IOB TRUE [get_ports {UNUSED_PIN_TDCB_*}]
+### USRP IO B : #########################################################################
+## Bank 11/33
+## HP GPIO, Bank 33, 1.8V
+set_property PACKAGE_PIN J4 [get_ports {DBB_CPLD_PS_SPI_LE}]
+set_property PACKAGE_PIN J3 [get_ports {DBB_CPLD_PS_SPI_SCLK}]
+set_property PACKAGE_PIN D4 [get_ports {DBB_CH1_TX_DSA_DATA[5]}]
+# set_property PACKAGE_PIN D3 [get_ports {nc}]
+set_property PACKAGE_PIN K2 [get_ports {DBB_CPLD_PS_SPI_ADDR[0]}]
+set_property PACKAGE_PIN K3 [get_ports {DBB_CPLD_PS_SPI_ADDR[1]}]
+set_property PACKAGE_PIN B5 [get_ports {DBB_CH1_TX_DSA_DATA[3]}]
+set_property PACKAGE_PIN B4 [get_ports {DBB_CH1_TX_DSA_DATA[4]}]
+set_property PACKAGE_PIN G5 [get_ports {DBB_CPLD_PS_SPI_SDO}]
+set_property PACKAGE_PIN G4 [get_ports {DBB_CPLD_PS_SPI_SDI}]
+set_property PACKAGE_PIN J5 [get_ports {DBB_CH1_RX_DSA_DATA[0]}]
+set_property PACKAGE_PIN K5 [get_ports {DBB_CH1_RX_DSA_DATA[1]}]
+set_property PACKAGE_PIN D5 [get_ports {DBB_CH1_TX_DSA_DATA[2]}]
+set_property PACKAGE_PIN E6 [get_ports {DBB_CH1_TX_DSA_DATA[1]}]
+set_property PACKAGE_PIN L3 [get_ports {DBB_ATR_RX_1}]
+set_property PACKAGE_PIN L2 [get_ports {DBB_ATR_TX_2}]
+set_property PACKAGE_PIN G6 [get_ports {DBB_CH1_TX_DSA_DATA[0]}]
+set_property PACKAGE_PIN H6 [get_ports {DBB_CH1_RX_DSA_DATA[5]}]
+set_property PACKAGE_PIN H4 [get_ports {DBB_ATR_TX_1}]
+set_property PACKAGE_PIN H3 [get_ports {DBB_ATR_RX_2}]
+# set_property PACKAGE_PIN F2 [get_ports {nc}]
+set_property PACKAGE_PIN G2 [get_ports {DBB_CH1_RX_DSA_DATA[3]}]
+set_property PACKAGE_PIN J6 [get_ports {DBB_CH1_RX_DSA_DATA[4]}]
+set_property PACKAGE_PIN K6 [get_ports {DBB_CH1_RX_DSA_DATA[2]}]
+## HR GPIO, Bank 10, 2.5V
+set_property PACKAGE_PIN AK17 [get_ports {DBB_MYK_SYNC_IN_n}]
+set_property PACKAGE_PIN AK18 [get_ports {DBB_CPLD_PL_SPI_ADDR[0]}]
+set_property PACKAGE_PIN AK21 [get_ports {DBB_MYK_SPI_SDO}]
+set_property PACKAGE_PIN AJ21 [get_ports {DBB_MYK_SPI_SDIO}]
+set_property PACKAGE_PIN AF19 [get_ports {DBB_CPLD_PL_SPI_ADDR[1]}]
+set_property PACKAGE_PIN AG19 [get_ports {DBB_CH2_TX_DSA_DATA[5]}]
+set_property PACKAGE_PIN AH19 [get_ports {DBB_CPLD_JTAG_TDI}]
+set_property PACKAGE_PIN AJ19 [get_ports {DBB_CPLD_JTAG_TDO}]
+set_property PACKAGE_PIN AK22 [get_ports {DBB_MYK_GPIO_1}]
+set_property PACKAGE_PIN AK23 [get_ports {DBB_MYK_GPIO_4}]
+set_property PACKAGE_PIN AF20 [get_ports {DBB_CH2_TX_DSA_DATA[4]}]
+set_property PACKAGE_PIN AG20 [get_ports {DBB_CH2_TX_DSA_DATA[3]}]
+set_property PACKAGE_PIN AF23 [get_ports {DBB_MYK_SYNC_OUT_n}]
+set_property PACKAGE_PIN AF24 [get_ports {DBB_CPLD_PL_SPI_SDO}]
+set_property PACKAGE_PIN AK20 [get_ports {DBB_MYK_GPIO_13}]
+set_property PACKAGE_PIN AJ20 [get_ports {DBB_MYK_GPIO_0}]
+set_property PACKAGE_PIN AJ23 [get_ports {DBB_MYK_INTRQ}]
+set_property PACKAGE_PIN AJ24 [get_ports {DBB_CH2_TX_DSA_DATA[2]}]
+set_property PACKAGE_PIN AG24 [get_ports {DBB_CH2_TX_DSA_DATA[0]}]
+set_property PACKAGE_PIN AG25 [get_ports {DBB_CH2_TX_DSA_DATA[1]}]
+set_property PACKAGE_PIN AG21 [get_ports {DBB_FPGA_CLK_P}]
+set_property PACKAGE_PIN AH21 [get_ports {DBB_FPGA_CLK_N}]
+set_property PACKAGE_PIN AE22 [get_ports {DBB_FPGA_SYSREF_P}]
+set_property PACKAGE_PIN AF22 [get_ports {DBB_FPGA_SYSREF_N}]
+set_property PACKAGE_PIN AJ25 [get_ports {DBB_CH2_RX_DSA_DATA[3]}]
+set_property PACKAGE_PIN AK25 [get_ports {DBB_CH2_RX_DSA_DATA[5]}]
+set_property PACKAGE_PIN AB21 [get_ports {DBB_CPLD_JTAG_TMS}]
+set_property PACKAGE_PIN AB22 [get_ports {DBB_CPLD_JTAG_TCK}]
+set_property PACKAGE_PIN AD23 [get_ports {DBB_MYK_GPIO_15}]
+set_property PACKAGE_PIN AE23 [get_ports {DBB_MYK_SPI_CS_n}]
+set_property PACKAGE_PIN AB24 [get_ports {DBB_CH2_RX_DSA_DATA[1]}]
+set_property PACKAGE_PIN AA24 [get_ports {DBB_CH2_RX_DSA_DATA[2]}]
+set_property PACKAGE_PIN AG22 [get_ports {DBB_CPLD_PL_SPI_LE}]
+set_property PACKAGE_PIN AH22 [get_ports {DBB_CPLD_PL_SPI_SDI}]
+set_property PACKAGE_PIN AD21 [get_ports {DBB_MYK_GPIO_12}]
+set_property PACKAGE_PIN AE21 [get_ports {DBB_MYK_GPIO_14}]
+set_property PACKAGE_PIN AC22 [get_ports {DBB_MYK_SPI_SCLK}]
+set_property PACKAGE_PIN AC23 [get_ports {DBB_MYK_GPIO_3}]
+set_property PACKAGE_PIN AC24 [get_ports {DBB_CH2_RX_DSA_DATA[0]}]
+set_property PACKAGE_PIN AD24 [get_ports {DBB_CH2_RX_DSA_DATA[4]}]
+set_property PACKAGE_PIN AH23 [get_ports {DBB_CPLD_PL_SPI_ADDR[2]}]
+set_property PACKAGE_PIN AH24 [get_ports {DBB_CPLD_PL_SPI_SCLK}]
+# set_property PACKAGE_PIN AA25 [get_ports DBB_SWITCHER_CLOCK]
+# set_property IOSTANDARD LVCMOS33 [get_ports DBB_SWITCHER_CLOCK]
+# set_property DRIVE 4 [get_ports DBB_SWITCHER_CLOCK]
+# set_property SLEW SLOW [get_ports DBB_SWITCHER_CLOCK]
+# During SI measurements with default drive strength, many of the FPGA-driven lines to
+# the DB were showing high over/undershoot. Therefore for single-ended lines to the DBs
+# we are decreasing the drive strength to the minimum value (4mA) and explicitly
+# declaring the (default) slew rate as SLOW.
+set UsrpIoBHpPinsSe [get_ports {DBB_CPLD_PS_* \
+ DBB_CH1_* \
+ DBB_ATR*}]
+set_property IOSTANDARD LVCMOS18 $UsrpIoBHpPinsSe
+set_property DRIVE 4 $UsrpIoBHpPinsSe
+set_property SLEW SLOW $UsrpIoBHpPinsSe
+set UsrpIoBHrPinsSe [get_ports {DBB_MYK_SPI_* \
+ DBB_CH2*}]
+set_property IOSTANDARD LVCMOS25 $UsrpIoBHrPinsSe
+set_property DRIVE 4 $UsrpIoBHrPinsSe
+set_property SLEW SLOW $UsrpIoBHrPinsSe
+set UsrpIoBHrPinsDiff [get_ports {DBB_FPGA_CLK_* \
+set_property IOSTANDARD LVDS_25 $UsrpIoBHrPinsDiff
+set_property DIFF_TERM TRUE $UsrpIoBHrPinsDiff
+# Do not allow the DSA lines to float... give them a weak pull if undriven.
+set_property PULLUP TRUE [get_ports {DBB_CH*_*X_DSA_DATA[*]}]
+### MGTs, Bank 112
+set_property PACKAGE_PIN W8 [get_ports {USRPIO_B_MGTCLK_P}]
+set_property PACKAGE_PIN W7 [get_ports {USRPIO_B_MGTCLK_N}]
+# This mapping uses the TX pins as the "master" and mimics RX off of them so Vivado
+# places the transceivers in the correct places. The mixup in lanes is accounted for
+# in the Mykonos lane crossbar settings.
+set_property PACKAGE_PIN AC4 [get_ports {USRPIO_B_RX_P[0]}]
+set_property PACKAGE_PIN AC3 [get_ports {USRPIO_B_RX_N[0]}]
+set_property PACKAGE_PIN AB6 [get_ports {USRPIO_B_RX_P[1]}]
+set_property PACKAGE_PIN AB5 [get_ports {USRPIO_B_RX_N[1]}]
+set_property PACKAGE_PIN Y6 [get_ports {USRPIO_B_RX_P[2]}]
+set_property PACKAGE_PIN Y5 [get_ports {USRPIO_B_RX_N[2]}]
+set_property PACKAGE_PIN AA4 [get_ports {USRPIO_B_RX_P[3]}]
+set_property PACKAGE_PIN AA3 [get_ports {USRPIO_B_RX_N[3]}]
+set_property PACKAGE_PIN AB2 [get_ports {USRPIO_B_TX_P[0]}]
+set_property PACKAGE_PIN AB1 [get_ports {USRPIO_B_TX_N[0]}]
+set_property PACKAGE_PIN Y2 [get_ports {USRPIO_B_TX_P[1]}]
+set_property PACKAGE_PIN Y1 [get_ports {USRPIO_B_TX_N[1]}]
+set_property PACKAGE_PIN W4 [get_ports {USRPIO_B_TX_P[2]}]
+set_property PACKAGE_PIN W3 [get_ports {USRPIO_B_TX_N[2]}]
+set_property PACKAGE_PIN V2 [get_ports {USRPIO_B_TX_P[3]}]
+set_property PACKAGE_PIN V1 [get_ports {USRPIO_B_TX_N[3]}]
diff --git a/fpga/usrp3/top/n3xx/dboards/mg/db_ifc/ClockingRegs.vhd b/fpga/usrp3/top/n3xx/dboards/mg/db_ifc/ClockingRegs.vhd
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..ffaa64f68
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fpga/usrp3/top/n3xx/dboards/mg/db_ifc/ClockingRegs.vhd
@@ -0,0 +1,345 @@
+-- File: ClockingRegs.vhd
+-- Author: Daniel Jepson
+-- Original Project: N310
+-- Date: 17 March 2016
+-- Copyright 2016-2018 Ettus Research, A National Instruments Company
+-- SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-3.0
+-- Purpose:
+-- Register access to the control/status bits and interfaces for the
+-- RadioClocking module.
+-- XML register definition is included below the module.
+library ieee;
+ use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
+library work;
+ use work.PkgClockingRegMap.all;
+ use work.PkgRegs.all;
+entity ClockingRegs is
+ port(
+ -- Async reset. Can be tied low if desired.
+ aReset : in boolean;
+ -- Sync reset... used in the same places as the async one.
+ bReset : in boolean;
+ -- Register Bus Clock -- this module connects the BusClk to PsClk, so it's limited
+ -- to 200 MHz!
+ BusClk : in std_logic;
+ bRegPortOut : out RegPortOut_t;
+ bRegPortIn : in RegPortIn_t;
+ -- Phase shift interface to the RadioClkMmcm.
+ -- There is a reset crossing here between the MMCM reset and aReset. The outgoing
+ -- crossing is safe because (a) the enable signal driven to the MMCM is a strobe-only
+ -- signal and (b) this interface should only be used when the MMCM is not in reset
+ -- (SW waits for the MMCM to be out of reset and locked before using this interface).
+ -- The only input signal, pPsDone, is double-synced in this file before being used.
+ -- This is OK (even though it is a strobe signal) because there is only a reset
+ -- crossing and not a clock domain crossing.
+ pPsInc : out std_logic;
+ pPsEn : out std_logic;
+ pPsDone : in std_logic;
+ -- PsClk is driven directly by BusClk, so p = b in the logic below!
+ PsClk : out std_logic;
+ -- Sync reset strobes from the register bus to the RadioClkMmcm.
+ bRadioClkMmcmReset : out std_logic;
+ -- Status of RadioClk MMCM lock to register bus.
+ aRadioClksValid : in std_logic;
+ bRadioClk1xEnabled : out std_logic;
+ bRadioClk2xEnabled : out std_logic;
+ bRadioClk3xEnabled : out std_logic;
+ bJesdRefClkPresent : in std_logic
+ );
+end ClockingRegs;
+architecture RTL of ClockingRegs is
+ --vhook_sigstart
+ --vhook_sigend
+ signal bRadioClkMmcmResetInt : std_logic := '1';
+ signal bRegPortOutLcl : RegPortOut_t := kRegPortOutZero;
+ signal bPsDone,
+ bPsEn,
+ bPsInc,
+ pPsDoneDs_ms,
+ pPsDoneDs : std_logic := '0';
+ signal bRadioClk1xEnabledInt,
+ bRadioClk2xEnabledInt,
+ bRadioClk3xEnabledInt,
+ bRadioClksValid_ms,
+ bRadioClksValid : std_logic := '0';
+ attribute ASYNC_REG : string;
+ attribute ASYNC_REG of bRadioClksValid_ms : signal is "true";
+ attribute ASYNC_REG of bRadioClksValid : signal is "true";
+ attribute ASYNC_REG of pPsDoneDs_ms : signal is "true";
+ attribute ASYNC_REG of pPsDoneDs : signal is "true";
+ -- Locals to outputs.
+ PsClk <= BusClk;
+ pPsInc <= bPsInc;
+ pPsEn <= bPsEn;
+ bRadioClkMmcmReset <= bRadioClkMmcmResetInt;
+ bRadioClk1xEnabled <= bRadioClk1xEnabledInt;
+ bRadioClk2xEnabled <= bRadioClk2xEnabledInt;
+ bRadioClk3xEnabled <= bRadioClk3xEnabledInt;
+ -- Write Registers : ------------------------------------------------------------------
+ -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ WriteRegisters: process(aReset, BusClk)
+ begin
+ if aReset then
+ bRadioClkMmcmResetInt <= '1';
+ bPsInc <= '0';
+ bPsEn <= '0';
+ bRadioClk1xEnabledInt <= '0';
+ bRadioClk2xEnabledInt <= '0';
+ bRadioClk3xEnabledInt <= '0';
+ elsif rising_edge(BusClk) then
+ if bReset then
+ bRadioClkMmcmResetInt <= '1';
+ bPsInc <= '0';
+ bPsEn <= '0';
+ bRadioClk1xEnabledInt <= '0';
+ bRadioClk2xEnabledInt <= '0';
+ bRadioClk3xEnabledInt <= '0';
+ else
+ -- Clear strobe
+ bPsEn <= '0';
+ if RegWrite(kPhaseShiftControl, bRegPortIn) then
+ if bRegPortIn.Data(kPsInc) = '1' then
+ bPsInc <= '1';
+ bPsEn <= '1';
+ elsif bRegPortIn.Data(kPsDec) = '1' then
+ bPsInc <= '0';
+ bPsEn <= '1';
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ if RegWrite(kRadioClkMmcm, bRegPortIn) then
+ -- Set/Clear pair
+ if bRegPortIn.Data(kRadioClkMmcmResetSet) = '1' then
+ bRadioClkMmcmResetInt <= '1';
+ elsif bRegPortIn.Data(kRadioClkMmcmResetClear) = '1' then
+ bRadioClkMmcmResetInt <= '0';
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ if RegWrite(kRadioClkEnables, bRegPortIn) then
+ bRadioClk1xEnabledInt <= bRegPortIn.Data(kRadioClk1xEnabled);
+ bRadioClk2xEnabledInt <= bRegPortIn.Data(kRadioClk2xEnabled);
+ bRadioClk3xEnabledInt <= bRegPortIn.Data(kRadioClk3xEnabled);
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ end process WriteRegisters;
+ DoubleSyncs : process (aReset, BusClk)
+ begin
+ if aReset then
+ bRadioClksValid_ms <= '0';
+ bRadioClksValid <= '0';
+ pPsDoneDs_ms <= '0';
+ pPsDoneDs <= '0';
+ elsif rising_edge(BusClk) then
+ -- No sync reset on double-syncs (however there are default assignments above)!
+ bRadioClksValid_ms <= aRadioClksValid;
+ bRadioClksValid <= bRadioClksValid_ms;
+ pPsDoneDs_ms <= pPsDone;
+ pPsDoneDs <= pPsDoneDs_ms;
+ end if;
+ end process;
+ -- Read Registers : -------------------------------------------------------------------
+ -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ ReadRegisters: process(aReset, BusClk)
+ begin
+ if aReset then
+ bRegPortOutLcl <= kRegPortOutZero;
+ bPsDone <= '0';
+ elsif rising_edge(BusClk) then
+ if bReset then
+ bRegPortOutLcl <= kRegPortOutZero;
+ bPsDone <= '0';
+ else
+ -- Deassert strobes
+ bRegPortOutLcl.Data <= kRegPortDataZero;
+ -- All of these transactions only take one clock cycle, so we do not have to
+ -- de-assert the Ready signal (ever).
+ bRegPortOutLcl.Ready <= true;
+ -- Process the returned data from the phase shifter in the MMCM. Note that even
+ -- though the prefixes are different (p and b), we drive the PsClk from the BusClk
+ -- so this "crossing" is actually safe. Whenever the Done signal asserts (pPsDone -
+ -- pay attention to the prefix!) from the MMCM, we set a sticky bit to tell SW
+ -- that the shift operation is complete.
+ --
+ -- However, if pPsDone asserts at the same time that SW tries to read the register,
+ -- we should accurately report that the operation is indeed complete and then NOT
+ -- store the sticky (since it has already been read by SW). If a read does not come
+ -- through at the same time pPsDone is asserted, then we store the done state as a
+ -- sticky, bPsDone, which is only cleared by a read to this register.
+ if RegRead(kPhaseShiftControl, bRegPortIn) then
+ -- The phase shift is always enabled for the feedback clock in RadioClocking.vhd
+ bRegPortOutLcl.Data(kPsEnabledForFdbClk) <= '1';
+ bRegPortOutLcl.Data(kPsDone) <= bPsDone or pPsDoneDs;
+ bPsDone <= '0';
+ elsif pPsDoneDs = '1' then
+ bPsDone <= '1';
+ end if;
+ if RegRead(kRadioClkMmcm, bRegPortIn) then
+ bRegPortOutLcl.Data(kRadioClkMmcmLocked) <= bRadioClksValid;
+ end if;
+ if RegRead(kRadioClkEnables, bRegPortIn) then
+ bRegPortOutLcl.Data(kRadioClk1xEnabled) <= bRadioClk1xEnabledInt;
+ bRegPortOutLcl.Data(kRadioClk2xEnabled) <= bRadioClk2xEnabledInt;
+ bRegPortOutLcl.Data(kRadioClk3xEnabled) <= bRadioClk3xEnabledInt;
+ end if;
+ if RegRead(kMgtRefClkStatus, bRegPortIn) then
+ bRegPortOutLcl.Data(kJesdRefClkPresent) <= bJesdRefClkPresent;
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ end process ReadRegisters;
+ -- Local to output
+ bRegPortOut <= bRegPortOutLcl;
+end RTL;
+--XmlParse xml_on
+--<regmap name="ClockingRegMap">
+-- <group name="ClockingRegs">
+-- <register name="RadioClkMmcm" size="32" offset="0x20" attributes="Readable|Writable">
+-- <info>
+-- </info>
+-- <bitfield name="RadioClkMmcmLocked" range="4">
+-- <info>
+-- Reflects the locked status of the MMCM. '1' = locked. This bit is only valid
+-- when the MMCM reset is de-asserted. Read-only.
+-- </info>
+-- </bitfield>
+-- <bitfield name="RadioClkMmcmResetClear" range="1" attributes="Strobe">
+-- <info>
+-- Controls the reset to the Radio Clock MMCM. Strobe this bit to de-assert the
+-- reset to the MMCM. Default is reset asserted. Write-only.
+-- </info>
+-- </bitfield>
+-- <bitfield name="RadioClkMmcmResetSet" range="0" attributes="Strobe">
+-- <info>
+-- Controls the reset to the Radio Clock MMCM. Strobe this bit to assert the
+-- reset to the MMCM. Default is reset asserted. Write-only.
+-- </info>
+-- </bitfield>
+-- </register>
+-- <register name="PhaseShiftControl" size="32" offset="0x24" attributes="Readable|Writable">
+-- <info>
+-- Phase Shift for RadioClkMmcm.
+-- </info>
+-- <bitfield name="PsDone" range="28">
+-- <info>
+-- This bit should set after a shift operation successfully completes.
+-- Reading this register will clear this bit. Read-only.
+-- </info>
+-- </bitfield>
+-- <bitfield name="PsInc" range="0" attributes="Strobe">
+-- <info>
+-- Strobe this bit to increment the phase. This bit is self-clearing and will
+-- always return '0' when read. If PsInc and PsDec are asserted together,
+-- the phase will increment.
+-- </info>
+-- </bitfield>
+-- <bitfield name="PsDec" range="4" attributes="Strobe">
+-- <info>
+-- Strobe this bit to decrement the phase. This bit is self-clearing and will
+-- always return '0' when read. If PsInc and PsDec are asserted together,
+-- the phase will increment.
+-- </info>
+-- </bitfield>
+-- <bitfield name="PsEnabledForFdbClk" range="16">
+-- <info>
+-- Read-only.
+-- </info>
+-- </bitfield>
+-- </register>
+-- <register name="RadioClkEnables" size="32" offset="0x28" attributes="Readable|Writable">
+-- <info>
+-- </info>
+-- <bitfield name="RadioClk3xEnabled" range="8">
+-- <info>
+-- Set to '1' to enable the clock. Default disabled = '0'.
+-- Do so ONLY after the MMCM is out of reset and locked!
+-- </info>
+-- </bitfield>
+-- <bitfield name="RadioClk2xEnabled" range="4">
+-- <info>
+-- Set to '1' to enable the clock. Default disabled = '0'.
+-- Do so ONLY after the MMCM is out of reset and locked!
+-- </info>
+-- </bitfield>
+-- <bitfield name="RadioClk1xEnabled" range="0">
+-- <info>
+-- Set to '1' to enable the clock. Default disabled = '0'.
+-- Do so ONLY after the MMCM is out of reset and locked!
+-- </info>
+-- </bitfield>
+-- </register>
+-- <register name="MgtRefClkStatus" size="32" offset="0x30" attributes="Readable">
+-- <info>
+-- </info>
+-- <bitfield name="JesdRefClkPresent" range="0">
+-- <info>
+-- Live indicator of the MGT Reference Clock toggling and within expected
+-- frequency limits. If this bit is de-asserted, then the JESD204b core will
+-- not function correctly!
+-- </info>
+-- </bitfield>
+-- </register>
+-- </group>
+--XmlParse xml_off
diff --git a/fpga/usrp3/top/n3xx/dboards/mg/db_ifc/DaughterboardRegs.vhd b/fpga/usrp3/top/n3xx/dboards/mg/db_ifc/DaughterboardRegs.vhd
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..7f8ef388a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fpga/usrp3/top/n3xx/dboards/mg/db_ifc/DaughterboardRegs.vhd
@@ -0,0 +1,116 @@
+-- File: DaughterboardRegs.vhd
+-- Author: Daniel Jepson
+-- Original Project: N310
+-- Date: 27 April 2016
+-- Copyright 2016-2018 Ettus Research, A National Instruments Company
+-- SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-3.0
+-- Purpose:
+-- Register interface to the semi-static control lines for the Mg
+-- Daughterboard.
+-- XML register definition is included below the module.
+library ieee;
+ use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
+library work;
+ use work.PkgDaughterboardRegMap.all;
+ use work.PkgRegs.all;
+entity DaughterboardRegs is
+ port(
+ -- Async reset. Can be tied low if desired.
+ aReset : in boolean;
+ -- Sync reset... used in the same places as the async one.
+ bReset : in boolean;
+ BusClk : in std_logic;
+ bRegPortOut : out RegPortOut_t;
+ bRegPortIn : in RegPortIn_t;
+ -- Slot and DB ID values. These should be tied to constants!
+ kDbId : in std_logic_vector(15 downto 0);
+ kSlotId : in std_logic
+ );
+end DaughterboardRegs;
+architecture RTL of DaughterboardRegs is
+ --vhook_sigstart
+ --vhook_sigend
+ signal bRegPortOutLcl : RegPortOut_t := kRegPortOutZero;
+ -- Read Registers : -------------------------------------------------------------------
+ -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ ReadRegisters: process(aReset, BusClk)
+ begin
+ if aReset then
+ bRegPortOutLcl <= kRegPortOutZero;
+ elsif rising_edge(BusClk) then
+ if bReset then
+ bRegPortOutLcl <= kRegPortOutZero;
+ else
+ -- De-assert strobes
+ bRegPortOutLcl.Data <= kRegPortDataZero;
+ -- All of these transactions only take one clock cycle, so we do not have to
+ -- de-assert the Ready signal (ever).
+ bRegPortOutLcl.Ready <= true;
+ if RegRead(kDaughterboardId, bRegPortIn) then
+ bRegPortOutLcl.Data(kDbIdValMsb downto kDbIdVal) <= kDbId;
+ bRegPortOutLcl.Data(kSlotIdVal) <= kSlotId;
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ end process ReadRegisters;
+ -- Local to output
+ bRegPortOut <= bRegPortOutLcl;
+end RTL;
+--XmlParse xml_on
+--<regmap name="DaughterboardRegMap">
+-- <group name="StaticControl" order="1">
+-- <register name="DaughterboardId" size="32" offset="0x30" attributes="Readable">
+-- <info>
+-- </info>
+-- <bitfield name="DbIdVal" range="15..0">
+-- <info>
+-- ID for the DB with which this file is designed to communicate. Matches the DB
+-- </info>
+-- </bitfield>
+-- <bitfield name="SlotIdVal" range="16">
+-- <info>
+-- ID for the Slot this module controls. Options are 0 and 1 for the N310 MB.
+-- </info>
+-- </bitfield>
+-- </register>
+-- </group>
+--XmlParse xml_off
diff --git a/fpga/usrp3/top/n3xx/dboards/mg/db_ifc/DbCore.vhd b/fpga/usrp3/top/n3xx/dboards/mg/db_ifc/DbCore.vhd
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..e1369ec00
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fpga/usrp3/top/n3xx/dboards/mg/db_ifc/DbCore.vhd
@@ -0,0 +1,562 @@
+-- File: DbCore.vhd
+-- Author: Daniel Jepson
+-- Original Project: N310
+-- Date: 12 April 2017
+-- Copyright 2017-2018 Ettus Research, A National Instruments Company
+-- SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-3.0
+-- Purpose:
+-- Wrapper file for Daughterboard Control. This includes the semi-static control
+-- and status registers, clocking, synchronization, and JESD204B cores.
+-- There is no version register for the plain-text files here.
+-- Version control for the Sync and JESD204B cores is internal to the netlists.
+-- The resets for this core are almost entirely local and/or synchronous.
+-- bBusReset is a Synchronous reset on the BusClk domain that resets all of the
+-- registers connected to the RegPort, as well as any other stray registers
+-- connected to the BusClk. All other resets are local to the modules they touch.
+-- No other reset drives all modules universally.
+library ieee;
+ use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
+ use ieee.numeric_std.all;
+library work;
+ use work.PkgMgPersonality.all;
+ use work.PkgRegs.all;
+ use work.PkgJesdConfig.all;
+entity DbCore is
+ generic(
+ -- Set to '1' to include the White Rabbit TDC.
+ kInclWhiteRabbitTdc : std_logic := '0'
+ );
+ port(
+ -- Resets --
+ -- Synchronous Reset for the BusClk domain (mainly for the RegPort)
+ bBusReset : in std_logic;
+ -- Clocks --
+ -- Register Bus Clock (any frequency)
+ BusClk : in std_logic;
+ -- Always-on at 40 MHz
+ Clk40 : in std_logic;
+ -- Super secret crazy awesome measurement clock at weird frequencies.
+ MeasClk : in std_logic;
+ -- FPGA Sample Clock from DB LMK
+ FpgaClk_p : in std_logic;
+ FpgaClk_n : in std_logic;
+ -- Sample Clock Sharing. The clocks generated in this module are exported out to the
+ -- top level so they can be shared amongst daughterboards. Therefore they must be
+ -- driven back into the SampleClk*x inputs at a higher level in order for this module
+ -- to work correctly. There are a few isolated cases where SampleClk*xOut is used
+ -- directly in this module, and those are documented below.
+ SampleClk1xOut : out std_logic;
+ SampleClk1x : in std_logic;
+ SampleClk2xOut : out std_logic;
+ SampleClk2x : in std_logic;
+ -- Register Ports --
+ --
+ -- Only synchronous resets can be used for these ports!
+ bRegPortInFlat : in std_logic_vector(49 downto 0);
+ bRegPortOutFlat : out std_logic_vector(33 downto 0);
+ -- Slot ID value. This should be tied to a constant!
+ kSlotId : in std_logic;
+ -- SYSREF --
+ --
+ -- SYSREF direct from the LMK
+ sSysRefFpgaLvds_p,
+ sSysRefFpgaLvds_n : in std_logic;
+ -- SYNC directly to the LMK
+ aLmkSync : out std_logic;
+ -- JESD Signals --
+ --
+ -- GTX Sample Clock Reference Input. Direct connect to FPGA pins.
+ JesdRefClk_p,
+ JesdRefClk_n : in std_logic;
+ -- ADC JESD PHY Interface. Direct connect to FPGA pins.
+ aAdcRx_p,
+ aAdcRx_n : in std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
+ aSyncAdcOut_n : out std_logic;
+ -- DAC JESD PHY Interface. Direct connect to FPGA pins.
+ aDacTx_p,
+ aDacTx_n : out std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
+ aSyncDacIn_n : in std_logic;
+ -- Data Pipes to/from the DACs/ADCs --
+ --
+ -- - Data is presented as one sample per cycle.
+ -- - sAdcDataValid asserts when ADC data is valid.
+ -- - sDacReadyForInput asserts when DAC data is ready to be received.
+ --
+ -- Reset Crossings:
+ -- The ADC data and valid outputs are synchronously cleared before the asynchronous
+ -- reset is asserted--preventing any reset crossing issues here between the RX
+ -- (internal to the core) reset and the no-reset domain of RFNoC.
+ --
+ -- The DAC samples should be zeros on reset de-assertion due to RFI being de-asserted
+ -- in reset. If they are not zeros, then it is still OK because data is ignored until
+ -- RFI is asserted. DAC RFI is double-synchronized to protect against the reset
+ -- crossing. This is safe to do because it simply delays the output of RFI by two
+ -- cycles on the assertion edge, and as long as reset is held for more than two
+ -- cycles, the de-assertion edge of RFI should come long before the TX module is
+ -- taken out of reset.
+ sAdcDataValid : out std_logic;
+ sAdcDataSamples0I : out std_logic_vector(15 downto 0);
+ sAdcDataSamples0Q : out std_logic_vector(15 downto 0);
+ sAdcDataSamples1I : out std_logic_vector(15 downto 0);
+ sAdcDataSamples1Q : out std_logic_vector(15 downto 0);
+ sDacReadyForInput : out std_logic;
+ sDacDataSamples0I : in std_logic_vector(15 downto 0);
+ sDacDataSamples0Q : in std_logic_vector(15 downto 0);
+ sDacDataSamples1I : in std_logic_vector(15 downto 0);
+ sDacDataSamples1Q : in std_logic_vector(15 downto 0);
+ -- RefClk & Timing & Sync --
+ RefClk : in std_logic;
+ rPpsPulse : in std_logic;
+ rGatedPulseToPin : inout std_logic; -- straight to pin
+ sGatedPulseToPin : inout std_logic; -- straight to pin
+ sPps : out std_logic;
+ sPpsToIob : out std_logic;
+ -- White Rabbit Timing & Sync --
+ WrRefClk : in std_logic;
+ rWrPpsPulse : in std_logic;
+ rWrGatedPulseToPin : inout std_logic; -- straight to pin
+ sWrGatedPulseToPin : inout std_logic; -- straight to pin
+ aPpsSfpSel : in std_logic_vector(1 downto 0);
+ -- Debug for JESD
+ sAdcSync : out std_logic;
+ sDacSync : out std_logic;
+ sSysRef : out std_logic;
+ -- Debug for Timing & Sync
+ rRpTransfer : out std_logic;
+ sSpTransfer : out std_logic;
+ rWrRpTransfer : out std_logic;
+ sWrSpTransfer : out std_logic
+ );
+end DbCore;
+architecture RTL of DbCore is
+ component Jesd204bXcvrCore
+ port (
+ bBusReset : in STD_LOGIC;
+ BusClk : in STD_LOGIC;
+ ReliableClk40 : in STD_LOGIC;
+ FpgaClk1x : in STD_LOGIC;
+ FpgaClk2x : in STD_LOGIC;
+ bFpgaClksStable : in STD_LOGIC;
+ bRegPortInFlat : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(49 downto 0);
+ bRegPortOutFlat : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(33 downto 0);
+ aLmkSync : out STD_LOGIC;
+ cSysRefFpgaLvds_p : in STD_LOGIC;
+ cSysRefFpgaLvds_n : in STD_LOGIC;
+ fSysRef : out STD_LOGIC;
+ CaptureSysRefClk : in STD_LOGIC;
+ JesdRefClk_p : in STD_LOGIC;
+ JesdRefClk_n : in STD_LOGIC;
+ bJesdRefClkPresent : out STD_LOGIC;
+ aAdcRx_p : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(3 downto 0);
+ aAdcRx_n : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(3 downto 0);
+ aSyncAdcOut_n : out STD_LOGIC;
+ aDacTx_p : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(3 downto 0);
+ aDacTx_n : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(3 downto 0);
+ aSyncDacIn_n : in STD_LOGIC;
+ fAdc0DataFlat : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(31 downto 0);
+ fAdc1DataFlat : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(31 downto 0);
+ fDac0DataFlat : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(31 downto 0);
+ fDac1DataFlat : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(31 downto 0);
+ fAdcDataValid : out STD_LOGIC;
+ fDacReadyForInput : out STD_LOGIC;
+ aDacSync : out STD_LOGIC;
+ aAdcSync : out STD_LOGIC);
+ end component;
+ function to_Boolean (s : std_ulogic) return boolean is
+ begin
+ return (To_X01(s)='1');
+ end to_Boolean;
+ function to_StdLogic(b : boolean) return std_ulogic is
+ begin
+ if b then
+ return '1';
+ else
+ return '0';
+ end if;
+ end to_StdLogic;
+ --vhook_sigstart
+ signal aAdcSync: STD_LOGIC;
+ signal aDacSync: STD_LOGIC;
+ signal bClockingRegPortOut: RegPortOut_t;
+ signal bDbRegPortOut: RegPortOut_t;
+ signal bFpgaClksStable: STD_LOGIC;
+ signal bJesdCoreRegPortInFlat: STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(49 downto 0);
+ signal bJesdCoreRegPortOutFlat: STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(33 downto 0);
+ signal bJesdRefClkPresent: STD_LOGIC;
+ signal bRadioClk1xEnabled: std_logic;
+ signal bRadioClk2xEnabled: std_logic;
+ signal bRadioClk3xEnabled: std_logic;
+ signal bRadioClkMmcmReset: std_logic;
+ signal bRadioClksValid: std_logic;
+ signal pPsDone: std_logic;
+ signal pPsEn: std_logic;
+ signal pPsInc: std_logic;
+ signal PsClk: std_logic;
+ signal sAdc0DataFlat: STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(31 downto 0);
+ signal sAdc1DataFlat: STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(31 downto 0);
+ signal SampleClk1xOutLcl: std_logic;
+ signal sDac0DataFlat: STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(31 downto 0);
+ signal sDac1DataFlat: STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(31 downto 0);
+ signal sDacReadyForInputAsyncReset: STD_LOGIC;
+ signal sRegPps: std_logic;
+ signal sSysRefAsyncReset: STD_LOGIC;
+ signal sWrPps: std_logic;
+ --vhook_sigend
+ signal bJesdRegPortInGrp, bSyncRegPortIn, bWrSyncRegPortIn, bRegPortIn : RegPortIn_t;
+ signal bJesdRegPortOut, bSyncRegPortOut, bWrSyncRegPortOut, bRegPortOut : RegPortOut_t;
+ signal sDacReadyForInput_ms, sDacReadyForInputLcl,
+ sDacSync_ms, sDacSyncLcl,
+ sAdcSync_ms, sAdcSyncLcl,
+ sSysRef_ms, sSysRefLcl : std_logic := '0';
+ signal sAdc0Data, sAdc1Data : AdcData_t;
+ signal sDac0Data, sDac1Data : DacData_t;
+ signal sPpsSfpSel_ms, sPpsSfpSel : std_logic_vector(1 downto 0) := (others => '0');
+ signal sUseWrTdcPps : boolean := false;
+ signal sPpsInt, sPpsMuxed : std_logic := '0';
+ attribute ASYNC_REG : string;
+ attribute ASYNC_REG of sDacReadyForInput_ms : signal is "true";
+ attribute ASYNC_REG of sDacReadyForInputLcl : signal is "true";
+ attribute ASYNC_REG of sDacSync_ms : signal is "true";
+ attribute ASYNC_REG of sDacSyncLcl : signal is "true";
+ attribute ASYNC_REG of sAdcSync_ms : signal is "true";
+ attribute ASYNC_REG of sAdcSyncLcl : signal is "true";
+ attribute ASYNC_REG of sSysRef_ms : signal is "true";
+ attribute ASYNC_REG of sSysRefLcl : signal is "true";
+ attribute ASYNC_REG of sPpsSfpSel_ms : signal is "true";
+ attribute ASYNC_REG of sPpsSfpSel : signal is "true";
+ bRegPortOutFlat <= Flatten(bRegPortOut);
+ bRegPortIn <= Unflatten(bRegPortInFlat);
+ -- Combine return RegPorts.
+ bRegPortOut <= bJesdRegPortOut
+ + bClockingRegPortOut
+ + bSyncRegPortOut + bWrSyncRegPortOut
+ + bDbRegPortOut;
+ -- Clocking : -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ -- Automatically export the Sample Clocks and only use the incoming clocks in the
+ -- remainder of the logic. For a single module, the clocks must be looped back
+ -- in at a higher level!
+ -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ --vhook_e RadioClocking
+ --vhook_a aReset false
+ --vhook_a bReset to_boolean(bBusReset)
+ --vhook_a RadioClk1x SampleClk1xOutLcl
+ --vhook_a RadioClk2x SampleClk2xOut
+ --vhook_a RadioClk3x open
+ RadioClockingx: entity work.RadioClocking (rtl)
+ port map (
+ aReset => false, --in boolean
+ bReset => to_boolean(bBusReset), --in boolean
+ BusClk => BusClk, --in std_logic
+ bRadioClkMmcmReset => bRadioClkMmcmReset, --in std_logic
+ bRadioClksValid => bRadioClksValid, --out std_logic
+ bRadioClk1xEnabled => bRadioClk1xEnabled, --in std_logic
+ bRadioClk2xEnabled => bRadioClk2xEnabled, --in std_logic
+ bRadioClk3xEnabled => bRadioClk3xEnabled, --in std_logic
+ pPsInc => pPsInc, --in std_logic
+ pPsEn => pPsEn, --in std_logic
+ PsClk => PsClk, --in std_logic
+ pPsDone => pPsDone, --out std_logic
+ FpgaClk_n => FpgaClk_n, --in std_logic
+ FpgaClk_p => FpgaClk_p, --in std_logic
+ RadioClk1x => SampleClk1xOutLcl, --out std_logic
+ RadioClk2x => SampleClk2xOut, --out std_logic
+ RadioClk3x => open); --out std_logic
+ -- We need an internal copy of SampleClk1x for the TDC, since we don't want to try
+ -- and align the other DB's clock accidentally.
+ SampleClk1xOut <= SampleClk1xOutLcl;
+ --vhook_e ClockingRegs
+ --vhook_a aReset false
+ --vhook_a bReset to_boolean(bBusReset)
+ --vhook_a bRegPortOut bClockingRegPortOut
+ --vhook_a aRadioClksValid bRadioClksValid
+ ClockingRegsx: entity work.ClockingRegs (RTL)
+ port map (
+ aReset => false, --in boolean
+ bReset => to_boolean(bBusReset), --in boolean
+ BusClk => BusClk, --in std_logic
+ bRegPortOut => bClockingRegPortOut, --out RegPortOut_t
+ bRegPortIn => bRegPortIn, --in RegPortIn_t
+ pPsInc => pPsInc, --out std_logic
+ pPsEn => pPsEn, --out std_logic
+ pPsDone => pPsDone, --in std_logic
+ PsClk => PsClk, --out std_logic
+ bRadioClkMmcmReset => bRadioClkMmcmReset, --out std_logic
+ aRadioClksValid => bRadioClksValid, --in std_logic
+ bRadioClk1xEnabled => bRadioClk1xEnabled, --out std_logic
+ bRadioClk2xEnabled => bRadioClk2xEnabled, --out std_logic
+ bRadioClk3xEnabled => bRadioClk3xEnabled, --out std_logic
+ bJesdRefClkPresent => bJesdRefClkPresent); --in std_logic
+ -- JESD204B : -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ bJesdRegPortInGrp <= Mask(RegPortIn => bRegPortIn,
+ kRegisterOffset => kJesdRegGroupInDbRegs); -- 0x2000 to 0x3FFC
+ -- Expand/compress the RegPort for moving through the netlist boundary.
+ bJesdRegPortOut <= Unflatten(bJesdCoreRegPortOutFlat);
+ bJesdCoreRegPortInFlat <= Flatten(bJesdRegPortInGrp);
+ --vhook Jesd204bXcvrCore
+ --vhook_a bRegPortInFlat bJesdCoreRegPortInFlat
+ --vhook_a bRegPortOutFlat bJesdCoreRegPortOutFlat
+ --vhook_a FpgaClk1x SampleClk1x
+ --vhook_a FpgaClk2x SampleClk2x
+ --vhook_a ReliableClk40 Clk40
+ --vhook_a CaptureSysRefClk SampleClk1xOutLcl
+ --vhook_a cSysRefFpgaLvds_p sSysRefFpgaLvds_p
+ --vhook_a cSysRefFpgaLvds_n sSysRefFpgaLvds_n
+ --vhook_a fSysRef sSysRefAsyncReset
+ --vhook_a fDacReadyForInput sDacReadyForInputAsyncReset
+ --vhook_a {^f(.*)} s$1
+ Jesd204bXcvrCorex: Jesd204bXcvrCore
+ port map (
+ bBusReset => bBusReset, --in STD_LOGIC
+ BusClk => BusClk, --in STD_LOGIC
+ ReliableClk40 => Clk40, --in STD_LOGIC
+ FpgaClk1x => SampleClk1x, --in STD_LOGIC
+ FpgaClk2x => SampleClk2x, --in STD_LOGIC
+ bFpgaClksStable => bFpgaClksStable, --in STD_LOGIC
+ bRegPortInFlat => bJesdCoreRegPortInFlat, --in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(49:0)
+ bRegPortOutFlat => bJesdCoreRegPortOutFlat, --out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(33:0)
+ aLmkSync => aLmkSync, --out STD_LOGIC
+ cSysRefFpgaLvds_p => sSysRefFpgaLvds_p, --in STD_LOGIC
+ cSysRefFpgaLvds_n => sSysRefFpgaLvds_n, --in STD_LOGIC
+ fSysRef => sSysRefAsyncReset, --out STD_LOGIC
+ CaptureSysRefClk => SampleClk1xOutLcl, --in STD_LOGIC
+ JesdRefClk_p => JesdRefClk_p, --in STD_LOGIC
+ JesdRefClk_n => JesdRefClk_n, --in STD_LOGIC
+ bJesdRefClkPresent => bJesdRefClkPresent, --out STD_LOGIC
+ aAdcRx_p => aAdcRx_p, --in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(3:0)
+ aAdcRx_n => aAdcRx_n, --in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(3:0)
+ aSyncAdcOut_n => aSyncAdcOut_n, --out STD_LOGIC
+ aDacTx_p => aDacTx_p, --out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(3:0)
+ aDacTx_n => aDacTx_n, --out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(3:0)
+ aSyncDacIn_n => aSyncDacIn_n, --in STD_LOGIC
+ fAdc0DataFlat => sAdc0DataFlat, --out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(31:0)
+ fAdc1DataFlat => sAdc1DataFlat, --out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(31:0)
+ fDac0DataFlat => sDac0DataFlat, --in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(31:0)
+ fDac1DataFlat => sDac1DataFlat, --in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(31:0)
+ fAdcDataValid => sAdcDataValid, --out STD_LOGIC
+ fDacReadyForInput => sDacReadyForInputAsyncReset, --out STD_LOGIC
+ aDacSync => aDacSync, --out STD_LOGIC
+ aAdcSync => aAdcSync); --out STD_LOGIC
+ JesdDoubleSyncToNoResetSampleClk : process (SampleClk1x)
+ begin
+ if rising_edge(SampleClk1x) then
+ sDacReadyForInput_ms <= sDacReadyForInputAsyncReset;
+ sDacReadyForInputLcl <= sDacReadyForInput_ms;
+ -- No clock crossing here -- just reset, although the prefix declares otherwise...
+ sDacSync_ms <= aDacSync;
+ sDacSyncLcl <= sDacSync_ms;
+ sAdcSync_ms <= aAdcSync;
+ sAdcSyncLcl <= sAdcSync_ms;
+ sSysRef_ms <= sSysRefAsyncReset;
+ sSysRefLcl <= sSysRef_ms;
+ end if;
+ end process;
+ -- Locals to outputs.
+ sDacReadyForInput <= sDacReadyForInputLcl;
+ sDacSync <= sDacSyncLcl;
+ sAdcSync <= sAdcSyncLcl;
+ sSysRef <= sSysRefLcl;
+ -- Just combine the first two enables, since they're the ones that are used for JESD.
+ -- No reset crossing here, since bFpgaClksStable is only received by a no-reset domain
+ -- and the MGTs directly.
+ bFpgaClksStable <= bRadioClksValid and bRadioClk1xEnabled and bRadioClk2xEnabled;
+ -- Compress/expand the flat data types from the netlist and route to top level.
+ sAdc0Data <= Unflatten(sAdc0DataFlat);
+ sAdc1Data <= Unflatten(sAdc1DataFlat);
+ sDac0DataFlat <= Flatten(sDac0Data);
+ sDac1DataFlat <= Flatten(sDac1Data);
+ sAdcDataSamples0I <= sAdc0Data.I;
+ sAdcDataSamples0Q <= sAdc0Data.Q;
+ sAdcDataSamples1I <= sAdc1Data.I;
+ sAdcDataSamples1Q <= sAdc1Data.Q;
+ sDac0Data.I <= sDacDataSamples0I;
+ sDac0Data.Q <= sDacDataSamples0Q;
+ sDac1Data.I <= sDacDataSamples1I;
+ sDac1Data.Q <= sDacDataSamples1Q;
+ -- Timing and Sync : ------------------------------------------------------------------
+ -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ bSyncRegPortIn <= Mask(RegPortIn => bRegPortIn,
+ kRegisterOffset => kTdc0OffsetsInEndpoint); -- 0x0200
+ --vhook_e TdcWrapper
+ --vhook_# Use the local copy of the SampleClock, since we want the TDC to measure the
+ --vhook_# clock offset for this daughterboard, not the global SampleClock.
+ --vhook_a SampleClk SampleClk1xOutLcl
+ --vhook_a sPpsPulse sRegPps
+ TdcWrapperx: entity work.TdcWrapper (struct)
+ port map (
+ BusClk => BusClk, --in std_logic
+ bBusReset => bBusReset, --in std_logic
+ RefClk => RefClk, --in std_logic
+ SampleClk => SampleClk1xOutLcl, --in std_logic
+ MeasClk => MeasClk, --in std_logic
+ bSyncRegPortOut => bSyncRegPortOut, --out RegPortOut_t
+ bSyncRegPortIn => bSyncRegPortIn, --in RegPortIn_t
+ rPpsPulse => rPpsPulse, --in std_logic
+ sPpsPulse => sRegPps, --out std_logic
+ rRpTransfer => rRpTransfer, --out std_logic
+ sSpTransfer => sSpTransfer, --out std_logic
+ rGatedPulseToPin => rGatedPulseToPin, --inout std_logic
+ sGatedPulseToPin => sGatedPulseToPin); --inout std_logic
+ WrTdcGen: if kInclWhiteRabbitTdc = '1' generate
+ bWrSyncRegPortIn <= Mask(RegPortIn => bRegPortIn,
+ kRegisterOffset => kTdc1OffsetsInEndpoint); -- 0x0400
+ --vhook_e TdcWrapper WrTdcWrapperx
+ --vhook_# Use the local copy of the SampleClock, since we want the TDC to measure the
+ --vhook_# clock offset for this daughterboard, not the global SampleClock.
+ --vhook_a bSyncRegPortIn bWrSyncRegPortIn
+ --vhook_a bSyncRegPortOut bWrSyncRegPortOut
+ --vhook_a SampleClk SampleClk1xOutLcl
+ --vhook_a RefClk WrRefClk
+ --vhook_a rPpsPulse rWrPpsPulse
+ --vhook_a sPpsPulse sWrPps
+ --vhook_a rRpTransfer rWrRpTransfer
+ --vhook_a sSpTransfer sWrSpTransfer
+ --vhook_a rGatedPulseToPin rWrGatedPulseToPin
+ --vhook_a sGatedPulseToPin sWrGatedPulseToPin
+ WrTdcWrapperx: entity work.TdcWrapper (struct)
+ port map (
+ BusClk => BusClk, --in std_logic
+ bBusReset => bBusReset, --in std_logic
+ RefClk => WrRefClk, --in std_logic
+ SampleClk => SampleClk1xOutLcl, --in std_logic
+ MeasClk => MeasClk, --in std_logic
+ bSyncRegPortOut => bWrSyncRegPortOut, --out RegPortOut_t
+ bSyncRegPortIn => bWrSyncRegPortIn, --in RegPortIn_t
+ rPpsPulse => rWrPpsPulse, --in std_logic
+ sPpsPulse => sWrPps, --out std_logic
+ rRpTransfer => rWrRpTransfer, --out std_logic
+ sSpTransfer => sWrSpTransfer, --out std_logic
+ rGatedPulseToPin => rWrGatedPulseToPin, --inout std_logic
+ sGatedPulseToPin => sWrGatedPulseToPin); --inout std_logic
+ end generate WrTdcGen;
+ WrTdcNotGen: if kInclWhiteRabbitTdc = '0' generate
+ bWrSyncRegPortOut <= kRegPortOutZero;
+ sWrPps <= '0';
+ rWrRpTransfer <= '0';
+ sWrSpTransfer <= '0';
+ rWrGatedPulseToPin <= '0';
+ sWrGatedPulseToPin <= '0';
+ end generate WrTdcNotGen;
+ -- Mux the output PPS based on the SFP selection bits. Encoding is one-hot, with zero
+ -- also a valid state. Regardless of whether the user selects SFP0 or SFP1 as the time
+ -- source, there is only one White Rabbit TDC, so '01' and '10' are equivalent.
+ -- '00': Use the PPS output from the "regular" TDC.
+ -- '01': Use the PPS output from the "white rabbit" TDC.
+ -- '10': Use the PPS output from the "white rabbit" TDC.
+ PpsOutputMux : process (SampleClk1xOutLcl)
+ begin
+ if rising_edge(SampleClk1xOutLcl) then
+ -- Double-sync the control bits to the Sample Clock domain.
+ sPpsSfpSel_ms <= aPpsSfpSel;
+ sPpsSfpSel <= sPpsSfpSel_ms;
+ -- OR the control bits together to produce a single override enable for the WR TDC.
+ sUseWrTdcPps <= to_boolean(sPpsSfpSel(0) or sPpsSfpSel(1));
+ -- Flop the outputs. One flop for the PPS output IOB, the other for use internally.
+ sPpsInt <= sPpsMuxed;
+ end if;
+ end process PpsOutputMux;
+ sPpsMuxed <= sWrPps when sUseWrTdcPps else sRegPps;
+ sPps <= sPpsInt;
+ sPpsToIob <= sPpsMuxed; -- No added flop here since there's an IOB outside this module.
+ -- Daughterboard Control : ------------------------------------------------------------
+ -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ --vhook_e DaughterboardRegs
+ --vhook_# Tying this low is safe because the sync reset is used inside DaughterboardRegs.
+ --vhook_a aReset false
+ --vhook_a bReset to_boolean(bBusReset)
+ --vhook_a bRegPortOut bDbRegPortOut
+ --vhook_a kDbId std_logic_vector(to_unsigned(16#150#,16))
+ DaughterboardRegsx: entity work.DaughterboardRegs (RTL)
+ port map (
+ aReset => false, --in boolean
+ bReset => to_boolean(bBusReset), --in boolean
+ BusClk => BusClk, --in std_logic
+ bRegPortOut => bDbRegPortOut, --out RegPortOut_t
+ bRegPortIn => bRegPortIn, --in RegPortIn_t
+ kDbId => std_logic_vector(to_unsigned(16#150#,16)), --in std_logic_vector(15:0)
+ kSlotId => kSlotId); --in std_logic
+end RTL;
diff --git a/fpga/usrp3/top/n3xx/dboards/mg/db_ifc/Jesd204bXcvrCore.edf b/fpga/usrp3/top/n3xx/dboards/mg/db_ifc/Jesd204bXcvrCore.edf
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..27619d2a0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fpga/usrp3/top/n3xx/dboards/mg/db_ifc/Jesd204bXcvrCore.edf
Binary files differ
diff --git a/fpga/usrp3/top/n3xx/dboards/mg/db_ifc/Jesd204bXcvrCore_stub.vhd b/fpga/usrp3/top/n3xx/dboards/mg/db_ifc/Jesd204bXcvrCore_stub.vhd
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..84c461d26
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fpga/usrp3/top/n3xx/dboards/mg/db_ifc/Jesd204bXcvrCore_stub.vhd
@@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
+-- Copyright 1986-2015 Xilinx, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
+-- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- Tool Version: Vivado v.2015.4.2 (win64) Build 1494164 Fri Feb 26 04:18:56 MST 2016
+-- Date : Wed Jan 10 10:53:33 2018
+-- Host : djepson-lt running 64-bit major release (build 9200)
+-- Command : write_vhdl -mode synth_stub -force -file ./Jesd204bXcvrCore_stub.vhd
+-- Design : Jesd204bXcvrCore
+-- Purpose : Stub declaration of top-level module interface
+-- Device : xc7z100ffg900-2
+-- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+library IEEE;
+entity Jesd204bXcvrCore is
+ Port (
+ bBusReset : in STD_LOGIC;
+ BusClk : in STD_LOGIC;
+ ReliableClk40 : in STD_LOGIC;
+ FpgaClk1x : in STD_LOGIC;
+ FpgaClk2x : in STD_LOGIC;
+ bFpgaClksStable : in STD_LOGIC;
+ bRegPortInFlat : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 49 downto 0 );
+ bRegPortOutFlat : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 33 downto 0 );
+ aLmkSync : out STD_LOGIC;
+ cSysRefFpgaLvds_p : in STD_LOGIC;
+ cSysRefFpgaLvds_n : in STD_LOGIC;
+ fSysRef : out STD_LOGIC;
+ CaptureSysRefClk : in STD_LOGIC;
+ JesdRefClk_p : in STD_LOGIC;
+ JesdRefClk_n : in STD_LOGIC;
+ bJesdRefClkPresent : out STD_LOGIC;
+ aAdcRx_p : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 3 downto 0 );
+ aAdcRx_n : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 3 downto 0 );
+ aSyncAdcOut_n : out STD_LOGIC;
+ aDacTx_p : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 3 downto 0 );
+ aDacTx_n : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 3 downto 0 );
+ aSyncDacIn_n : in STD_LOGIC;
+ fAdc0DataFlat : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 31 downto 0 );
+ fAdc1DataFlat : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 31 downto 0 );
+ fDac0DataFlat : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 31 downto 0 );
+ fDac1DataFlat : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 31 downto 0 );
+ fAdcDataValid : out STD_LOGIC;
+ fDacReadyForInput : out STD_LOGIC;
+ aDacSync : out STD_LOGIC;
+ aAdcSync : out STD_LOGIC
+ );
+end Jesd204bXcvrCore;
+architecture stub of Jesd204bXcvrCore is
+attribute syn_black_box : boolean;
+attribute black_box_pad_pin : string;
+attribute syn_black_box of stub : architecture is true;
+attribute black_box_pad_pin of stub : architecture is "bBusReset,BusClk,ReliableClk40,FpgaClk1x,FpgaClk2x,bFpgaClksStable,bRegPortInFlat[49:0],bRegPortOutFlat[33:0],aLmkSync,cSysRefFpgaLvds_p,cSysRefFpgaLvds_n,fSysRef,CaptureSysRefClk,JesdRefClk_p,JesdRefClk_n,bJesdRefClkPresent,aAdcRx_p[3:0],aAdcRx_n[3:0],aSyncAdcOut_n,aDacTx_p[3:0],aDacTx_n[3:0],aSyncDacIn_n,fAdc0DataFlat[31:0],fAdc1DataFlat[31:0],fDac0DataFlat[31:0],fDac1DataFlat[31:0],fAdcDataValid,fDacReadyForInput,aDacSync,aAdcSync";
diff --git a/fpga/usrp3/top/n3xx/dboards/mg/db_ifc/PkgClockingRegMap.vhd b/fpga/usrp3/top/n3xx/dboards/mg/db_ifc/PkgClockingRegMap.vhd
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..03b95c100
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fpga/usrp3/top/n3xx/dboards/mg/db_ifc/PkgClockingRegMap.vhd
@@ -0,0 +1,107 @@
+-- File: PkgClockingRegMap.vhd
+-- Author: Autogenerated by XmlParse
+-- Original Project: --
+-- Date: --
+-- Copyright 2017 Ettus Research, A National Instruments Company
+-- SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-3.0
+-- Purpose:
+-- The constants in this file are autogenerated by XmlParse and should
+-- be used by testbench code to access specific register fields.
+library ieee;
+ use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
+ use ieee.numeric_std.all;
+package PkgClockingRegMap is
+-- A numerically ordered list of registers and their VHDL source files
+ -- RadioClkMmcm : 0x20 (ClockingRegs.vhd)
+ -- PhaseShiftControl : 0x24 (ClockingRegs.vhd)
+ -- RadioClkEnables : 0x28 (ClockingRegs.vhd)
+ -- MgtRefClkStatus : 0x30 (ClockingRegs.vhd)
+-- RegTypes
+-- Register Group ClockingRegs
+ -- RadioClkMmcm Register (from ClockingRegs.vhd)
+ constant kRadioClkMmcm : integer := 16#20#; -- Register Offset
+ constant kRadioClkMmcmSize: integer := 32; -- register width in bits
+ constant kRadioClkMmcmMask : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0) := X"00000013";
+ constant kRadioClkMmcmResetSetSize : integer := 1; --RadioClkMmcm:RadioClkMmcmResetSet
+ constant kRadioClkMmcmResetSetMsb : integer := 0; --RadioClkMmcm:RadioClkMmcmResetSet
+ constant kRadioClkMmcmResetSet : integer := 0; --RadioClkMmcm:RadioClkMmcmResetSet
+ constant kRadioClkMmcmResetClearSize : integer := 1; --RadioClkMmcm:RadioClkMmcmResetClear
+ constant kRadioClkMmcmResetClearMsb : integer := 1; --RadioClkMmcm:RadioClkMmcmResetClear
+ constant kRadioClkMmcmResetClear : integer := 1; --RadioClkMmcm:RadioClkMmcmResetClear
+ constant kRadioClkMmcmLockedSize : integer := 1; --RadioClkMmcm:RadioClkMmcmLocked
+ constant kRadioClkMmcmLockedMsb : integer := 4; --RadioClkMmcm:RadioClkMmcmLocked
+ constant kRadioClkMmcmLocked : integer := 4; --RadioClkMmcm:RadioClkMmcmLocked
+ -- PhaseShiftControl Register (from ClockingRegs.vhd)
+ constant kPhaseShiftControl : integer := 16#24#; -- Register Offset
+ constant kPhaseShiftControlSize: integer := 32; -- register width in bits
+ constant kPhaseShiftControlMask : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0) := X"10010011";
+ constant kPsIncSize : integer := 1; --PhaseShiftControl:PsInc
+ constant kPsIncMsb : integer := 0; --PhaseShiftControl:PsInc
+ constant kPsInc : integer := 0; --PhaseShiftControl:PsInc
+ constant kPsDecSize : integer := 1; --PhaseShiftControl:PsDec
+ constant kPsDecMsb : integer := 4; --PhaseShiftControl:PsDec
+ constant kPsDec : integer := 4; --PhaseShiftControl:PsDec
+ constant kPsEnabledForFdbClkSize : integer := 1; --PhaseShiftControl:PsEnabledForFdbClk
+ constant kPsEnabledForFdbClkMsb : integer := 16; --PhaseShiftControl:PsEnabledForFdbClk
+ constant kPsEnabledForFdbClk : integer := 16; --PhaseShiftControl:PsEnabledForFdbClk
+ constant kPsDoneSize : integer := 1; --PhaseShiftControl:PsDone
+ constant kPsDoneMsb : integer := 28; --PhaseShiftControl:PsDone
+ constant kPsDone : integer := 28; --PhaseShiftControl:PsDone
+ -- RadioClkEnables Register (from ClockingRegs.vhd)
+ constant kRadioClkEnables : integer := 16#28#; -- Register Offset
+ constant kRadioClkEnablesSize: integer := 32; -- register width in bits
+ constant kRadioClkEnablesMask : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0) := X"00000111";
+ constant kRadioClk1xEnabledSize : integer := 1; --RadioClkEnables:RadioClk1xEnabled
+ constant kRadioClk1xEnabledMsb : integer := 0; --RadioClkEnables:RadioClk1xEnabled
+ constant kRadioClk1xEnabled : integer := 0; --RadioClkEnables:RadioClk1xEnabled
+ constant kRadioClk2xEnabledSize : integer := 1; --RadioClkEnables:RadioClk2xEnabled
+ constant kRadioClk2xEnabledMsb : integer := 4; --RadioClkEnables:RadioClk2xEnabled
+ constant kRadioClk2xEnabled : integer := 4; --RadioClkEnables:RadioClk2xEnabled
+ constant kRadioClk3xEnabledSize : integer := 1; --RadioClkEnables:RadioClk3xEnabled
+ constant kRadioClk3xEnabledMsb : integer := 8; --RadioClkEnables:RadioClk3xEnabled
+ constant kRadioClk3xEnabled : integer := 8; --RadioClkEnables:RadioClk3xEnabled
+ -- MgtRefClkStatus Register (from ClockingRegs.vhd)
+ constant kMgtRefClkStatus : integer := 16#30#; -- Register Offset
+ constant kMgtRefClkStatusSize: integer := 32; -- register width in bits
+ constant kMgtRefClkStatusMask : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0) := X"00000001";
+ constant kJesdRefClkPresentSize : integer := 1; --MgtRefClkStatus:JesdRefClkPresent
+ constant kJesdRefClkPresentMsb : integer := 0; --MgtRefClkStatus:JesdRefClkPresent
+ constant kJesdRefClkPresent : integer := 0; --MgtRefClkStatus:JesdRefClkPresent
+end package;
+package body PkgClockingRegMap is
+ -- function kRadioClkMmcmRec not implemented because PkgXReg in this project does not support XReg2_t.
+ -- function kPhaseShiftControlRec not implemented because PkgXReg in this project does not support XReg2_t.
+ -- function kRadioClkEnablesRec not implemented because PkgXReg in this project does not support XReg2_t.
+ -- function kMgtRefClkStatusRec not implemented because PkgXReg in this project does not support XReg2_t.
+end package body;
diff --git a/fpga/usrp3/top/n3xx/dboards/mg/db_ifc/PkgDaughterboardRegMap.vhd b/fpga/usrp3/top/n3xx/dboards/mg/db_ifc/PkgDaughterboardRegMap.vhd
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..06708cde3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fpga/usrp3/top/n3xx/dboards/mg/db_ifc/PkgDaughterboardRegMap.vhd
@@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
+-- File: PkgDaughterboardRegMap.vhd
+-- Author: Autogenerated by XmlParse
+-- Original Project: --
+-- Date: --
+-- Copyright 2017 Ettus Research, A National Instruments Company
+-- SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-3.0
+-- Purpose:
+-- The constants in this file are autogenerated by XmlParse and should
+-- be used by testbench code to access specific register fields.
+library ieee;
+ use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
+ use ieee.numeric_std.all;
+package PkgDaughterboardRegMap is
+-- A numerically ordered list of registers and their VHDL source files
+ -- DaughterboardId : 0x630 (DaughterboardRegs.vhd)
+-- RegTypes
+-- Register Group StaticControl
+ -- DaughterboardId Register (from DaughterboardRegs.vhd)
+ constant kDaughterboardId : integer := 16#630#; -- Register Offset
+ constant kDaughterboardIdSize: integer := 32; -- register width in bits
+ constant kDaughterboardIdMask : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0) := X"0001ffff";
+ constant kDbIdValSize : integer := 16; --DaughterboardId:DbIdVal
+ constant kDbIdValMsb : integer := 15; --DaughterboardId:DbIdVal
+ constant kDbIdVal : integer := 0; --DaughterboardId:DbIdVal
+ constant kSlotIdValSize : integer := 1; --DaughterboardId:SlotIdVal
+ constant kSlotIdValMsb : integer := 16; --DaughterboardId:SlotIdVal
+ constant kSlotIdVal : integer := 16; --DaughterboardId:SlotIdVal
+end package;
+package body PkgDaughterboardRegMap is
+ -- function kDaughterboardIdRec not implemented because PkgXReg in this project does not support XReg2_t.
+end package body;
diff --git a/fpga/usrp3/top/n3xx/dboards/mg/db_ifc/PkgJesdConfig.vhd b/fpga/usrp3/top/n3xx/dboards/mg/db_ifc/PkgJesdConfig.vhd
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..c0f5244b5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fpga/usrp3/top/n3xx/dboards/mg/db_ifc/PkgJesdConfig.vhd
@@ -0,0 +1,234 @@
+-- File: PkgJesdConfig.vhd
+-- Author: National Instruments
+-- Original Project: NI 5840
+-- Date: 11 March 2016
+-- Copyright 2016-2018 Ettus Research, A National Instruments Company
+-- SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-3.0
+-- Purpose: JESD204B setup constants and functions. These constants are shared
+-- between RX and TX JESD cores.
+library ieee;
+ use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
+ use ieee.numeric_std.all;
+library work;
+ use work.PkgRegs.all;
+package PkgJesdConfig is
+ -- "JESD" in ASCII - with the core number 0 or 1 on the LSb.
+ constant kJesdSignature : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0) := x"4a455344";
+ -- Register endpoints
+ constant kJesdDrpRegsInEndpoint : RegOffset_t := (kOffset => 16#0800#, -- 0x2800 to
+ kWidth => 16#0800#); -- 0x2FFF
+ -- Selects the UsrClk2 for the transceivers. For 64-bit wide transceivers, the
+ -- UsrClk = 2*UserClk2 frequency. For 32-bit wide transceivers, UsrClk = UserClk2
+ -- frequency. This is a generalization, the clock ratio should be confirmed based on
+ -- the transceiver configuration.
+ -- The N310 transceivers use the single rate reference, hence = false.
+ constant kDoubleRateUsrClk : boolean := false;
+ -- For the N310, all lanes are in one quad and we use the QPLL.
+ constant kJesdUseQpll : boolean := true;
+ constant kAdcDataWidth : integer := 16; -- ADC data width in bits
+ constant kDacDataWidth : integer := 16; -- DAC data width in bits
+ constant kSamplesPerCycle : integer := 1; -- Number of samples per SampleClk1x
+ constant kGtxDrpAddrWidth : natural := 9;
+ constant kQpllDrpAddrWidth : natural := 8;
+ -- Max supported number of lanes
+ constant kMaxNumLanes : natural := 4;
+ -- Max supported number of quads (normally there is 1 quad per 4 lanes but disconnect
+ -- the definitions to allow quad sharing)
+ constant kMaxNumQuads : natural := 1;
+ -- JESD shared setup - LMFS = 4421, HD = 0
+ constant kNumLanes : natural := 4; -- L
+ constant kNumConvs : positive := 4; -- M
+ constant kOctetsPerFrame : natural := 2; -- F
+ constant kDacJesdSamplesPerCycle : integer := 1; -- S
+ constant kOctetsPerLane : natural := 2; -- MGT data is kOctetsPerLane*8 = 16 bits wide
+ constant kNumQuads : natural := kNumLanes/4; -- 4 lanes per quad
+ constant kHighDensity : boolean := false; -- HD
+ constant kConvResBits : positive := kDacDataWidth-2; -- Converter resolution in bits
+ constant kConvSampleBits : positive := kDacDataWidth; -- Sample Length in bits
+ constant kInitLaneAlignCnt : positive := 4;
+ constant kFramesPerMulti : natural := 20; -- K
+ -- In the N310 case we are one SPC, so this value is simply the number of frames
+ -- (samples) per multiframe.
+ constant kUserClksPerMulti : integer := kFramesPerMulti;
+ type NaturalVector is array ( natural range <>) of natural;
+ -- The PCB connections are as follows:
+ --
+ -- Transceiver MGT Channel ADC Lane DAC Lane
+ -- *********** *********** ******** ********
+ -- GT0: X0Y8 0 0 0
+ -- GT1: X0Y9 1 1 1
+ -- GT2: X0Y10 2 2 2
+ -- GT3: X0Y11 3 3 3
+ constant kRxLaneIndices : NaturalVector(kNumLanes - 1 downto 0) :=
+ (
+ -- MGT => ADC (in above table)
+ 0 => 0,
+ 1 => 1,
+ 2 => 2,
+ 3 => 3
+ );
+ constant kTxLaneIndices : NaturalVector(kNumLanes - 1 downto 0) :=
+ (
+ -- MGT => DAC lane
+ 0 => 0,
+ 1 => 1,
+ 2 => 2,
+ 3 => 3
+ );
+ constant kLaneToQuadMap : NaturalVector(kNumLanes - 1 downto 0) :=
+ (
+ -- All lanes are in one quad
+ 0 => 0,
+ 1 => 0,
+ 2 => 0,
+ 3 => 0
+ );
+ -- The master transceiver channel for channel bonding. E(kMasterBondingChannel)
+ -- must have the highest value decrementing to b"000" for that last channels to bond.
+ constant kMasterBondingChannel : integer := 1;
+ -- Channel bonding occurs when a master detects a K-char sequence and aligns its
+ -- internal FIFO to the start of this sequence. A signal is then generated to other
+ -- slave transceivers that cause them to bond to the sequence - this bonding signal is
+ -- cascaded from master to slave to slave to slave, etc where each slave must know how
+ -- many levels to the master there are. The last slave to bond must be at level b"000"
+ -- and the master is at the highest level; the number of levels in the sequence is
+ -- governed by the size of the transceiver FIFO (see the Xilinx user guides for more
+ -- information).
+ type BondLevels_t is array(0 to kNumLanes - 1) of std_logic_vector(2 downto 0);
+ constant kBondLevel : BondLevels_t := (
+ 0 => b"000", -- Control from 1
+ 1 => b"001", -- Master
+ 2 => b"000", -- Control from 1
+ 3 => b"000" -- Control from 1
+ );
+ -- Option to pipeline stages to improve timing, if needed
+ constant kPipelineDetectCharsStage : boolean := false;
+ constant kPipelineCharReplStage : boolean := false;
+ -- ADC & DAC Data Types
+ --
+ -- ADC Words from JESD204B RX Core. The array is 4 elements wide to accommodate the
+ -- I & Q elements from both RX channels.
+ subtype AdcWord_t is std_logic_vector(kAdcDataWidth - 1 downto 0);
+ type AdcWordArray_t is array(4 - 1 downto 0) of AdcWord_t;
+ -- Data types for manipulation and presentation to outside world.
+ type AdcData_t is record
+ I : std_logic_vector(kAdcDataWidth - 1 downto 0);
+ Q : std_logic_vector(kAdcDataWidth - 1 downto 0);
+ end record;
+ type DacData_t is record
+ I : std_logic_vector(kDacDataWidth - 1 downto 0);
+ Q : std_logic_vector(kDacDataWidth - 1 downto 0);
+ end record;
+ -- Flattened data types for passing into and out of pre-synthesized components.
+ subtype AdcDataFlat_t is std_logic_vector(2*kAdcDataWidth - 1 downto 0);
+ subtype DacDataFlat_t is std_logic_vector(2*kDacDataWidth - 1 downto 0);
+ -- Functions to convert to/from types defined above.
+ function Flatten (AdcData : AdcData_t) return AdcDataFlat_t;
+ function Unflatten(AdcData : AdcDataFlat_t) return AdcData_t;
+ function Flatten (DacData : DacData_t) return DacDataFlat_t;
+ function Unflatten(DacData : DacDataFlat_t) return DacData_t;
+end package;
+package body PkgJesdConfig is
+ -- Flattens AdcData_t to AdcDataFlat_t
+ function Flatten (AdcData : AdcData_t) return AdcDataFlat_t
+ is
+ variable ReturnVar : AdcDataFlat_t;
+ begin
+ ReturnVar := (others => '0');
+ -- MSB is I
+ ReturnVar := AdcData.I & AdcData.Q;
+ return ReturnVar;
+ end function Flatten;
+ -- UnFlattens AdcDataFlat_t to AdcData_t
+ function Unflatten(AdcData : AdcDataFlat_t) return AdcData_t
+ is
+ variable ReturnVar : AdcData_t;
+ begin
+ ReturnVar := (others => (others => '0'));
+ -- MSB is I
+ ReturnVar.I := AdcData(2*kAdcDataWidth - 1 downto kAdcDataWidth);
+ ReturnVar.Q := AdcData( kAdcDataWidth - 1 downto 0);
+ return ReturnVar;
+ end function Unflatten;
+ -- Flattens DacData_t to DacDataFlat_t
+ function Flatten (DacData : DacData_t) return DacDataFlat_t
+ is
+ variable ReturnVar : DacDataFlat_t;
+ begin
+ ReturnVar := (others => '0');
+ -- MSB is I
+ ReturnVar := DacData.I & DacData.Q;
+ return ReturnVar;
+ end function Flatten;
+ -- UnFlattens DacDataFlat_t to DacData_t
+ function Unflatten(DacData : DacDataFlat_t) return DacData_t
+ is
+ variable ReturnVar : DacData_t;
+ begin
+ ReturnVar := (others => (others => '0'));
+ -- MSB is I
+ ReturnVar.I := DacData(2*kDacDataWidth - 1 downto kDacDataWidth);
+ ReturnVar.Q := DacData( kDacDataWidth - 1 downto 0);
+ return ReturnVar;
+ end function Unflatten;
+end package body; \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/fpga/usrp3/top/n3xx/dboards/mg/db_ifc/PkgMgPersonality.vhd b/fpga/usrp3/top/n3xx/dboards/mg/db_ifc/PkgMgPersonality.vhd
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..904653a8e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fpga/usrp3/top/n3xx/dboards/mg/db_ifc/PkgMgPersonality.vhd
@@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
+-- File: PkgMgPersonality.vhd
+-- Author: National Instruments
+-- Original Project: N310
+-- Date: 13 April 2017
+-- Copyright 2017 Ettus Research, A National Instruments Company
+-- SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-3.0
+-- Purpose: This package contains constants and helpful functions that enable
+-- the FPGA to be compiled with different features.
+library ieee;
+ use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
+ use ieee.numeric_std.all;
+library work;
+ use work.PkgRegs.all;
+package PkgMgPersonality is
+ -- RegPort Address Definitions : ------------------------------------------------------
+ --
+ -- DB Regs ...
+ --
+ -- Clocking Offset: 0x 000 Width: 0x 200
+ -- Tdco0 Offset: 0x 200 Width: 0x 200
+ -- Tdco1 Offset: 0x 400 Width: 0x 200
+ -- Daughterboard Ctrl Offset: 0x 600 Width: 0x 200
+ -- Total: 0x2000
+ -- JESD 2x - A Offset: 0x2000 Width: 0x1000
+ -- JESD 2x - B Offset: 0x3000 Width: 0x1000
+ -- Total: 0x4000
+ -- Total: 0x8000 for two DBs
+ -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ -- A single RegPort runs to the JESD204B Core.
+ constant kJesdRegGroupInDbRegs : RegOffset_t := (kOffset => 16#2000#, -- 0x2000 to
+ kWidth => 16#1000#); -- 0x2FFF
+ -- DB Regs : --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ constant kClockingOffsetInEndpoint : RegOffset_t := (kOffset => 16#0000#, -- 0x0000 to
+ kWidth => 16#0200#); -- 0x01FF
+ constant kTdc0OffsetsInEndpoint : RegOffset_t := (kOffset => 16#0200#, -- 0x0200 to
+ kWidth => 16#0200#); -- 0x03FF
+ constant kTdc1OffsetsInEndpoint : RegOffset_t := (kOffset => 16#0400#, -- 0x0400 to
+ kWidth => 16#0200#); -- 0x05FF
+ constant kDaughterboardOffsetInEndpoint : RegOffset_t := (kOffset => 16#0600#, -- 0x0600 to
+ kWidth => 16#0200#); -- 0x07FF
+end package PkgMgPersonality;
diff --git a/fpga/usrp3/top/n3xx/dboards/mg/db_ifc/RadioClocking.vhd b/fpga/usrp3/top/n3xx/dboards/mg/db_ifc/RadioClocking.vhd
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..ee0da9f84
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fpga/usrp3/top/n3xx/dboards/mg/db_ifc/RadioClocking.vhd
@@ -0,0 +1,304 @@
+-- File: RadioClocking.vhd
+-- Author: Daniel Jepson
+-- Original Project: N310
+-- Date: 22 February 2016
+-- Copyright 2016-2018 Ettus Research, A National Instruments Company
+-- SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-3.0
+-- Purpose:
+-- Instantiates a MMCM to produce 1x, 2x, and 3x versions of the Radio Clock
+-- coming from the FPGA input pin. Handles all the buffering for the input clock.
+-- Additionally allows the clocks to be turned on and off, and phase shifted.
+-- NOTE: This module hard-codes the MMCM settings for a SPECIFIC clock rate!
+library ieee;
+ use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
+library unisim;
+ use unisim.vcomponents.all;
+entity RadioClocking is
+ port (
+ -- Async reset. Can be tied low if desired.
+ aReset : in boolean;
+ -- Sync reset... used in the same places as the async one.
+ bReset : in boolean;
+ -- Should be a always-on clock
+ BusClk : in std_logic;
+ -- Sync reset to the RadioClkMmcm.
+ bRadioClkMmcmReset : in std_logic;
+ -- Locked indication from the RadioClkMmcm in BusClk and aReset domains.
+ bRadioClksValid : out std_logic;
+ bRadioClk1xEnabled : in std_logic;
+ bRadioClk2xEnabled : in std_logic;
+ bRadioClk3xEnabled : in std_logic;
+ -- Phase shift interface for the RadioClkMmcm. PsClk must be <= 200 MHz.
+ pPsInc : in std_logic;
+ pPsEn : in std_logic;
+ PsClk : in std_logic;
+ pPsDone : out std_logic;
+ -- Straight from pins. Buffer included in here.
+ FpgaClk_n : in std_logic;
+ FpgaClk_p : in std_logic;
+ RadioClk1x : out std_logic;
+ RadioClk2x : out std_logic;
+ RadioClk3x : out std_logic
+ );
+end RadioClocking;
+architecture rtl of RadioClocking is
+ --vhook_sigstart
+ signal RadioClk1xLcl: std_logic;
+ signal RadioClk1xPll: std_logic;
+ signal RadioClk2xLcl: std_logic;
+ signal RadioClk2xPll: std_logic;
+ signal RadioClk3xLcl: std_logic;
+ signal RadioClk3xPll: std_logic;
+ --vhook_sigend
+ signal RadioClkMmcmFeedbackIn,
+ RadioClkMmcmFeedbackOut,
+ FpgaClkSE,
+ aRadioClkMmcmLocked : std_logic;
+ signal bRadioClkMmcmLocked_ms,
+ bRadioClkMmcmLocked,
+ bEnableRadioClkBufgOutputs,
+ bEnableRadioClk1xBufgOutput,
+ bEnableRadioClk2xBufgOutput,
+ bEnableRadioClk3xBufgOutput : std_logic := '0';
+ signal aRadioClkMmcmResetInternal : std_logic := '1';
+ attribute ASYNC_REG : string;
+ attribute ASYNC_REG of bRadioClkMmcmLocked_ms : signal is "true";
+ attribute ASYNC_REG of bRadioClkMmcmLocked : signal is "true";
+ -- Radio Clock Buffering : ------------------------------------------------------------
+ --
+ -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ --vhook_i IBUFDS FpgaClkIbufg hidegeneric=true
+ --vhook_a I FpgaClk_p
+ --vhook_a IB FpgaClk_n
+ --vhook_a O FpgaClkSE
+ FpgaClkIbufg: IBUFDS
+ port map (
+ O => FpgaClkSE, --out std_ulogic
+ I => FpgaClk_p, --in std_ulogic
+ IB => FpgaClk_n); --in std_ulogic
+ ResetDelay : process(aReset, BusClk)
+ begin
+ if aReset then
+ aRadioClkMmcmResetInternal <= '1';
+ elsif rising_edge(BusClk) then
+ if bReset then
+ aRadioClkMmcmResetInternal <= '1';
+ else
+ -- Delay by 1 to allow the BUFGs to turn off before the MMCM is reset.
+ aRadioClkMmcmResetInternal <= bRadioClkMmcmReset;
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ end process ResetDelay;
+ RadioClkMmcm: MMCME2_ADV
+ generic map(
+ CLKFBOUT_MULT_F => 6.000, -- Feedback
+ CLKOUT0_DIVIDE_F => 6.000, -- Data Clock 1x, RadioClk1xPll
+ CLKOUT1_DIVIDE => 3, -- Data Clock 2x, RadioClk2xPll
+ CLKOUT2_DIVIDE => 2, -- Data Clock 3x, RadioClk3xPll
+ CLKOUT3_DIVIDE => 1, -- unused
+ CLKOUT4_DIVIDE => 1, -- unused
+ CLKOUT5_DIVIDE => 1, -- unused
+ CLKOUT6_DIVIDE => 1, -- unused
+ CLKFBOUT_PHASE => 0.000, -- Feedback
+ CLKOUT0_PHASE => 0.000, -- Data Clock 1x
+ CLKOUT1_PHASE => 0.000, -- Data Clock 2x
+ CLKOUT2_PHASE => 0.000, -- Data Clock 3x
+ CLKOUT3_PHASE => 0.000, -- unused
+ CLKOUT4_PHASE => 0.000, -- unused
+ CLKOUT5_PHASE => 0.000, -- unused
+ CLKOUT6_PHASE => 0.000, -- unused
+ CLKOUT0_DUTY_CYCLE => 0.500,
+ CLKOUT1_DUTY_CYCLE => 0.500,
+ CLKOUT2_DUTY_CYCLE => 0.500,
+ CLKOUT3_DUTY_CYCLE => 0.500,
+ CLKOUT4_DUTY_CYCLE => 0.500,
+ CLKOUT5_DUTY_CYCLE => 0.500,
+ CLKOUT6_DUTY_CYCLE => 0.500,
+ REF_JITTER1 => 0.010,
+ CLKIN1_PERIOD => 6.510, -- 153.6 MHz max
+ CLKOUT0_USE_FINE_PS => false,
+ CLKOUT1_USE_FINE_PS => false,
+ CLKOUT2_USE_FINE_PS => false,
+ CLKOUT3_USE_FINE_PS => false,
+ CLKOUT4_USE_FINE_PS => false,
+ CLKOUT5_USE_FINE_PS => false,
+ CLKOUT6_USE_FINE_PS => false,
+ STARTUP_WAIT => false,
+ CLKOUT4_CASCADE => false)
+ port map (
+ CLKINSEL => '1',
+ CLKIN1 => FpgaClkSE,
+ CLKIN2 => '0',
+ CLKFBIN => RadioClkMmcmFeedbackIn,
+ RST => aRadioClkMmcmResetInternal,
+ PWRDWN => '0',
+ DADDR => (others => '0'),
+ DI => (others => '0'),
+ DWE => '0',
+ DEN => '0',
+ DCLK => '0',
+ DO => open,
+ DRDY => open,
+ PSINCDEC => pPsInc,
+ PSEN => pPsEn,
+ PSCLK => PsClk,
+ PSDONE => pPsDone,
+ CLKOUT0 => RadioClk1xPll,
+ CLKOUT0B => open,
+ CLKOUT1 => RadioClk2xPll,
+ CLKOUT1B => open,
+ CLKOUT2 => RadioClk3xPll,
+ CLKOUT2B => open,
+ CLKOUT3 => open,
+ CLKOUT3B => open,
+ CLKOUT4 => open,
+ CLKOUT5 => open,
+ CLKOUT6 => open,
+ CLKFBOUT => RadioClkMmcmFeedbackOut,
+ CLKFBOUTB => open,
+ LOCKED => aRadioClkMmcmLocked,
+ CLKFBSTOPPED => open);
+ RadioClkMmcmFeedbackBufg: BUFG
+ port map (
+ I => RadioClkMmcmFeedbackOut,
+ O => RadioClkMmcmFeedbackIn
+ );
+ -- Only enable the WRAPBUFGs when the MMCM is locked. If the MMCM is ever placed in
+ -- reset, we turn off the clocks one cycle before the asynchronous version
+ -- (aRadioClkMmcmResetInternal) reaches the MMCM inputs in order to prevent
+ -- output glitches.
+ CombineEnablesForBuffers : process(aReset, BusClk)
+ begin
+ if aReset then
+ bRadioClkMmcmLocked_ms <= '0';
+ bRadioClkMmcmLocked <= '0';
+ bEnableRadioClk1xBufgOutput <= '0';
+ bEnableRadioClk2xBufgOutput <= '0';
+ bEnableRadioClk3xBufgOutput <= '0';
+ bEnableRadioClkBufgOutputs <= '0';
+ elsif rising_edge(BusClk) then
+ if bReset then
+ bRadioClkMmcmLocked_ms <= '0';
+ bRadioClkMmcmLocked <= '0';
+ bEnableRadioClk1xBufgOutput <= '0';
+ bEnableRadioClk2xBufgOutput <= '0';
+ bEnableRadioClk3xBufgOutput <= '0';
+ bEnableRadioClkBufgOutputs <= '0';
+ else
+ bRadioClkMmcmLocked_ms <= aRadioClkMmcmLocked;
+ bRadioClkMmcmLocked <= bRadioClkMmcmLocked_ms;
+ bEnableRadioClkBufgOutputs <= bRadioClkMmcmLocked and
+ not bRadioClkMmcmReset;
+ bEnableRadioClk1xBufgOutput <= bRadioClk1xEnabled and bEnableRadioClkBufgOutputs;
+ bEnableRadioClk2xBufgOutput <= bRadioClk2xEnabled and bEnableRadioClkBufgOutputs;
+ bEnableRadioClk3xBufgOutput <= bRadioClk3xEnabled and bEnableRadioClkBufgOutputs;
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ end process CombineEnablesForBuffers;
+ bRadioClksValid <= bEnableRadioClkBufgOutputs;
+ --vhook_e WrapBufg RadioClk1xBuf
+ --vhook_a kEnableByDefault false
+ --vhook_a kIgnore false
+ --vhook_a kEnableIsAsync true
+ --vhook_a ClkIn RadioClk1xPll
+ --vhook_a aCe bEnableRadioClk1xBufgOutput
+ --vhook_a ClkOut RadioClk1xLcl
+ RadioClk1xBuf: entity work.WrapBufg (rtl)
+ generic map (
+ kEnableByDefault => false, --boolean:=false
+ kIgnore => false, --boolean:=false
+ kEnableIsAsync => true) --boolean:=false
+ port map (
+ ClkIn => RadioClk1xPll, --in std_logic
+ aCe => bEnableRadioClk1xBufgOutput, --in std_logic
+ ClkOut => RadioClk1xLcl); --out std_logic
+ --vhook_e WrapBufg RadioClk2xBuf
+ --vhook_a kEnableByDefault false
+ --vhook_a kIgnore false
+ --vhook_a kEnableIsAsync true
+ --vhook_a ClkIn RadioClk2xPll
+ --vhook_a aCe bEnableRadioClk2xBufgOutput
+ --vhook_a ClkOut RadioClk2xLcl
+ RadioClk2xBuf: entity work.WrapBufg (rtl)
+ generic map (
+ kEnableByDefault => false, --boolean:=false
+ kIgnore => false, --boolean:=false
+ kEnableIsAsync => true) --boolean:=false
+ port map (
+ ClkIn => RadioClk2xPll, --in std_logic
+ aCe => bEnableRadioClk2xBufgOutput, --in std_logic
+ ClkOut => RadioClk2xLcl); --out std_logic
+ --vhook_e WrapBufg RadioClk3xBuf
+ --vhook_a kEnableByDefault false
+ --vhook_a kIgnore false
+ --vhook_a kEnableIsAsync true
+ --vhook_a ClkIn RadioClk3xPll
+ --vhook_a aCe bEnableRadioClk3xBufgOutput
+ --vhook_a ClkOut RadioClk3xLcl
+ RadioClk3xBuf: entity work.WrapBufg (rtl)
+ generic map (
+ kEnableByDefault => false, --boolean:=false
+ kIgnore => false, --boolean:=false
+ kEnableIsAsync => true) --boolean:=false
+ port map (
+ ClkIn => RadioClk3xPll, --in std_logic
+ aCe => bEnableRadioClk3xBufgOutput, --in std_logic
+ ClkOut => RadioClk3xLcl); --out std_logic
+ -- Assign outputs from locals.
+ RadioClk1x <= RadioClk1xLcl;
+ RadioClk2x <= RadioClk2xLcl;
+ RadioClk3x <= RadioClk3xLcl;
+end rtl;
diff --git a/fpga/usrp3/top/n3xx/dboards/mg/db_timing.xdc b/fpga/usrp3/top/n3xx/dboards/mg/db_timing.xdc
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..142ba9ab4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fpga/usrp3/top/n3xx/dboards/mg/db_timing.xdc
@@ -0,0 +1,347 @@
+# Copyright 2017 Ettus Research, A National Instruments Company
+# SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-3.0
+# Timing analysis is performed in "/n3xx/dboards/mg/doc/mg_timing.xlsx". See
+# the spreadsheet for more details and explanations.
+## Daughterboard Clocks
+# 122.88, 125, and 153.6 MHz Sample Clocks are allowable. Constrain the paths to the max
+# rate in order to support all rates in a single FPGA image.
+create_clock -name fpga_clk_a -period $SAMPLE_CLK_PERIOD [get_ports DBA_FPGA_CLK_P]
+create_clock -name fpga_clk_b -period $SAMPLE_CLK_PERIOD [get_ports DBB_FPGA_CLK_P]
+create_clock -name mgt_clk_dba -period $SAMPLE_CLK_PERIOD [get_ports USRPIO_A_MGTCLK_P]
+create_clock -name mgt_clk_dbb -period $SAMPLE_CLK_PERIOD [get_ports USRPIO_B_MGTCLK_P]
+# The Radio Clocks coming from the DBs are synchronized together (at the ADCs) to a
+# typical value of less than 100ps. To give ourselves and Vivado some margin, we claim
+# here that the DB-B Radio Clock can arrive 500ps before or after the DB-A clock at
+# the FPGA (note that the trace lengths of the Radio Clocks coming from the DBs to the
+# FPGA are about 0.5" different, thereby incurring ~80ps of additional skew at the FPGA).
+# There is one spot in the FPGA where we cross domains between the DB-A and
+# DB-B clock, so we must ensure that Vivado can analyze that path safely.
+set FPGA_CLK_EARLY -0.5
+set FPGA_CLK_LATE 0.5
+set_clock_latency -source -early $FPGA_CLK_EARLY [get_clocks fpga_clk_b]
+set_clock_latency -source -late $FPGA_CLK_LATE [get_clocks fpga_clk_b]
+# Virtual clocks for constraining I/O (used below)
+create_clock -name fpga_clk_a_v -period $SAMPLE_CLK_PERIOD
+create_clock -name fpga_clk_b_v -period $SAMPLE_CLK_PERIOD
+# The set_clock_latency constraints set on fpga_clk_b are problematic when used with
+# I/O timing, since the analyzer gives us a double-hit on the latency. One workaround
+# (used here) is to simply swap the early and late times for the virtual clock so that
+# it cancels out the source latency during analysis. I tested this by setting the
+# early and late numbers to zero and then their actual value, running timing reports
+# on each. The slack report matches for both cases, showing that the reversed early/late
+# numbers on the virtual clock zero out the latency effects on the actual clock.
+# Note this is not a problem for the fpga_clk_a, since no latency is added. So only apply
+# it to fpga_clk_b_v.
+set_clock_latency -source -early $FPGA_CLK_LATE [get_clocks fpga_clk_b_v]
+set_clock_latency -source -late $FPGA_CLK_EARLY [get_clocks fpga_clk_b_v]
+## Aliases for auto-generated clocks
+create_generated_clock -name radio_clk_fb [get_pins {dba_core/RadioClockingx/RadioClkMmcm/CLKFBOUT}]
+create_generated_clock -name radio_clk [get_pins {dba_core/RadioClockingx/RadioClkMmcm/CLKOUT0}]
+create_generated_clock -name radio_clk_2x [get_pins {dba_core/RadioClockingx/RadioClkMmcm/CLKOUT1}]
+create_generated_clock -name radio_clk_b_fb [get_pins {dbb_core/RadioClockingx/RadioClkMmcm/CLKFBOUT}]
+create_generated_clock -name radio_clk_b [get_pins {dbb_core/RadioClockingx/RadioClkMmcm/CLKOUT0}]
+create_generated_clock -name radio_clk_b_2x [get_pins {dbb_core/RadioClockingx/RadioClkMmcm/CLKOUT1}]
+## Generated clocks for output busses to the daughterboard
+# These clock definitions need to come above the set_clock_groups commands below to work!
+# Define clocks on the PL SPI clock output pins for both DBs. Actual divider values are
+# set by SW at run-time. Divider values are 123, 125, or 154 based on what radio clock
+# rate is set. To be ultra-conservative (which still provides 10s of ns of slack), we
+# set an over-constrained divider value of 50.
+set PL_SPI_CLK_A [get_ports DBA_CPLD_PL_SPI_SCLK]
+create_generated_clock -name pl_spi_clk_a \
+ -source [get_pins [all_fanin -flat -only_cells -startpoints_only $PL_SPI_CLK_A]/C] \
+set PL_SPI_CLK_B [get_ports DBB_CPLD_PL_SPI_SCLK]
+create_generated_clock -name pl_spi_clk_b \
+ -source [get_pins [all_fanin -flat -only_cells -startpoints_only $PL_SPI_CLK_B]/C] \
+# Define one of the outputs of each bus as a clock (even though it isn't a clock). This
+# allows us to constrain the overall bus skew with respect to one of the bus outputs.
+# See the remainder of this constraint below for more details.
+set DSA_CLK [get_ports {DBA_CH1_RX_DSA_DATA[0]}]
+create_generated_clock -name dsa_bus_clk \
+ -source [get_pins [all_fanin -flat -only_cells -startpoints_only $DSA_CLK]/C] \
+ -divide_by 2 $DSA_CLK
+set ATR_CLK [get_ports DBA_ATR_RX_1]
+create_generated_clock -name atr_bus_clk \
+ -source [get_pins [all_fanin -flat -only_cells -startpoints_only $ATR_CLK]/C] \
+ -divide_by 2 $ATR_CLK
+# Interface Unused
+# set MGPIO_CLK [get_ports DBA_MYK_GPIO_0]
+# create_generated_clock -name myk_gpio_bus_clk \
+ # -source [get_pins [all_fanin -flat -only_cells -startpoints_only [get_ports $MGPIO_CLK]]/C] \
+ # -divide_by 2 [get_ports $MGPIO_CLK]
+## Asynchronous clock groups
+# MGT reference clocks are also async to everything.
+set_clock_groups -asynchronous -group [get_clocks mgt_clk_dba -include_generated_clocks]
+set_clock_groups -asynchronous -group [get_clocks mgt_clk_dbb -include_generated_clocks]
+# fpga_clk_a and fpga_clk_b are related to one another after synchronization.
+# However, we do need to declare that these clocks (both a and b) and their children
+# are async to the remainder of the design. Use the wildcard at the end to grab the
+# virtual clock as well as the real ones.
+set_clock_groups -asynchronous -group [get_clocks {fpga_clk_a* fpga_clk_b*} -include_generated_clocks]
+## PS SPI: since these lines all come from the PS and I don't have access to the
+# driving clock (or anything for that matter), I'm left with constraining the maximum
+# and minimum delay on these lines, per a Xilinx AR:
+# https://www.xilinx.com/support/answers/62122.html
+set CPLD_SPI_OUTS [get_ports {DB*_CPLD_PS_SPI_SCLK \
+set_max_delay 12.0 -to $CPLD_SPI_OUTS
+set_min_delay 3.0 -to $CPLD_SPI_OUTS
+set MYK_SPI_OUTS [get_ports {DB*_MYK_SPI_SCLK \
+ DB*_MYK_SPI_CS_n}]
+set_max_delay 14.0 -to $MYK_SPI_OUTS
+set_min_delay 3.0 -to $MYK_SPI_OUTS
+# report_timing -to $CPLD_SPI_OUTS -max_paths 20 -delay_type min_max -name CpldSpiOutTiming
+# report_timing -to $MYK_SPI_OUTS -max_paths 20 -delay_type min_max -name MykSpiOutTiming
+set MIN_IN_DELAY 2.0
+set MAX_IN_DELAY 10.0
+set PS_SPI_INPUTS_0 [get_pins -hierarchical -filter {NAME =~ "*/PS7_i/EMIOSPI0MI"}]
+set PS_SPI_INPUTS_1 [get_pins -hierarchical -filter {NAME =~ "*/PS7_i/EMIOSPI1MI"}]
+set_max_delay $MAX_IN_DELAY -to $PS_SPI_INPUTS_0
+set_min_delay $MIN_IN_DELAY -to $PS_SPI_INPUTS_0
+set_max_delay $MAX_IN_DELAY -to $PS_SPI_INPUTS_1
+set_min_delay $MIN_IN_DELAY -to $PS_SPI_INPUTS_1
+# report_timing -to $PS_SPI_INPUTS_0 -max_paths 30 -delay_type min_max -nworst 30 -name Spi0InTiming
+# report_timing -to $PS_SPI_INPUTS_1 -max_paths 30 -delay_type min_max -nworst 30 -name Spi1InTiming
+## PL SPI to the CPLD
+# All of these lines are driven or received from flops in simple_spi_core. The CPLD
+# calculations assume the FPGA has less than 20 ns of skew between the SCK and
+# SDI/CS_n. Pretty easy constraint to write! See above for the clock definition.
+# Do this for DBA and DBB independently.
+set MAX_SKEW 20.0
+set SETUP_SKEW [expr {$MAX_SKEW / 2}]
+set HOLD_SKEW [expr {$MAX_SKEW / 2}]
+# Do not set the output delay constraint on the clock line!
+set PORT_LIST_A [get_ports {DBA_CPLD_PL_SPI_LE \
+set PORT_LIST_B [get_ports {DBB_CPLD_PL_SPI_LE \
+# Then add the output delay on each of the ports.
+set_output_delay -clock [get_clocks pl_spi_clk_a] -max -$SETUP_SKEW $PORT_LIST_A
+set_output_delay -add_delay -clock_fall -clock [get_clocks pl_spi_clk_a] -max -$SETUP_SKEW $PORT_LIST_A
+set_output_delay -clock [get_clocks pl_spi_clk_a] -min $HOLD_SKEW $PORT_LIST_A
+set_output_delay -add_delay -clock_fall -clock [get_clocks pl_spi_clk_a] -min $HOLD_SKEW $PORT_LIST_A
+set_output_delay -clock [get_clocks pl_spi_clk_b] -max -$SETUP_SKEW $PORT_LIST_B
+set_output_delay -add_delay -clock_fall -clock [get_clocks pl_spi_clk_b] -max -$SETUP_SKEW $PORT_LIST_B
+set_output_delay -clock [get_clocks pl_spi_clk_b] -min $HOLD_SKEW $PORT_LIST_B
+set_output_delay -add_delay -clock_fall -clock [get_clocks pl_spi_clk_b] -min $HOLD_SKEW $PORT_LIST_B
+# Finally, make both the setup and hold checks use the same launching and latching edges.
+set_multicycle_path -setup -from [get_clocks radio_clk] -to [get_clocks pl_spi_clk_a] -start 0
+set_multicycle_path -hold -from [get_clocks radio_clk] -to [get_clocks pl_spi_clk_a] -1
+set_multicycle_path -setup -from [get_clocks radio_clk] -to [get_clocks pl_spi_clk_b] -start 0
+set_multicycle_path -hold -from [get_clocks radio_clk] -to [get_clocks pl_spi_clk_b] -1
+# For SDO input timing (MISO), we need to look at the CPLD's constraints on turnaround
+# time plus any board propagation delay.
+set_input_delay -clock [get_clocks pl_spi_clk_a] -clock_fall -max 68.041 $MISO_INPUT_A
+set_input_delay -clock [get_clocks pl_spi_clk_a] -clock_fall -min 12.218 $MISO_INPUT_A
+set_input_delay -clock [get_clocks pl_spi_clk_b] -clock_fall -max 68.041 $MISO_INPUT_B
+set_input_delay -clock [get_clocks pl_spi_clk_b] -clock_fall -min 12.218 $MISO_INPUT_B
+# Since the input delay span is clearly more than a period of the radio_clk, we need to
+# add a multicycle path here as well to define the clock divider ratio. The MISO data
+# is driven on the falling edge of the SPI clock and captured on the rising edge, so we
+# only have one half of a SPI clock cycle for our setup. Hold is left alone and is OK
+# as-is due to the delays in the CPLD and board.
+set_multicycle_path -setup -from [get_clocks pl_spi_clk_a] -through $MISO_INPUT_A \
+set_multicycle_path -hold -from [get_clocks pl_spi_clk_a] -through $MISO_INPUT_A -end \
+ [expr {$SETUP_CYCLES + $HOLD_CYCLES - 1}]
+set_multicycle_path -setup -from [get_clocks pl_spi_clk_b] -through $MISO_INPUT_B \
+set_multicycle_path -hold -from [get_clocks pl_spi_clk_b] -through $MISO_INPUT_B -end \
+ [expr {$SETUP_CYCLES + $HOLD_CYCLES - 1}]
+# One of the PL_SPI_ADDR lines is used instead for the LMK SYNC strobe. This line is
+# driven asynchronously.
+set_output_delay -clock [get_clocks async_out_clk] 0.000 [get_ports DB*_CPLD_PL_SPI_ADDR[2]]
+set_max_delay -to [get_ports DB*_CPLD_PL_SPI_ADDR[2]] 50.000
+set_min_delay -to [get_ports DB*_CPLD_PL_SPI_ADDR[2]] 0.000
+## DSA Bus
+# The DSA controls are driven from the DB-A radio clock. Although they are received async
+# at the DSAs, they should be tightly constrained in the FPGA to arrive as closely as
+# possible. The best way to do this is a skew constraint across all the bits.
+set MAX_SKEW 2.5
+set SETUP_SKEW [expr {($MAX_SKEW / 2)+0.5}]
+set HOLD_SKEW [expr {($MAX_SKEW / 2)-0.5}]
+set PORT_LIST [get_ports {DB*_CH*_*X_DSA_DATA[*]}]
+# Then add the output delay on each of the ports.
+set_output_delay -clock [get_clocks dsa_bus_clk] -max -$SETUP_SKEW $PORT_LIST
+set_output_delay -add_delay -clock_fall -clock [get_clocks dsa_bus_clk] -max -$SETUP_SKEW $PORT_LIST
+set_output_delay -clock [get_clocks dsa_bus_clk] -min $HOLD_SKEW $PORT_LIST
+set_output_delay -add_delay -clock_fall -clock [get_clocks dsa_bus_clk] -min $HOLD_SKEW $PORT_LIST
+# Finally, make both the setup and hold checks use the same launching and latching edges.
+# The clock, which is essentially one of the data lines, should arrive at the pin
+# +/- MAX_DELAY compared to the other data lines, so setup and hold checks need to be
+# relative to the SAME edges for both the clock and the data.
+set_multicycle_path -setup -from [get_clocks radio_clk] -to [get_clocks dsa_bus_clk] -start 0
+set_multicycle_path -hold -from [get_clocks radio_clk] -to [get_clocks dsa_bus_clk] -1
+# Remove analysis from the output "clock" pin. There are ways to do this using TCL, but
+# they aren't supported in XDC files... so we do it the old fashioned way.
+set_output_delay -clock [get_clocks async_out_clk] 0.000 $DSA_CLK
+set_max_delay -to $DSA_CLK 50.000
+set_min_delay -to $DSA_CLK 0.000
+## ATR Bus
+# The ATR bits are driven from the DB-A radio clock. Although they are received async in
+# the CPLD, they should be tightly constrained in the FPGA to avoid any race conditions.
+# The best way to do this is a skew constraint across all the bits.
+set MAX_SKEW 2.5
+set SETUP_SKEW [expr {($MAX_SKEW / 2)+0.5}]
+set HOLD_SKEW [expr {($MAX_SKEW / 2)-0.5}]
+set PORT_LIST [get_ports DB*_ATR_*X_*]
+# Then add the output delay on each of the ports.
+set_output_delay -clock [get_clocks atr_bus_clk] -max -$SETUP_SKEW $PORT_LIST
+set_output_delay -add_delay -clock_fall -clock [get_clocks atr_bus_clk] -max -$SETUP_SKEW $PORT_LIST
+set_output_delay -clock [get_clocks atr_bus_clk] -min $HOLD_SKEW $PORT_LIST
+set_output_delay -add_delay -clock_fall -clock [get_clocks atr_bus_clk] -min $HOLD_SKEW $PORT_LIST
+# Finally, make both the setup and hold checks use the same launching and latching edges.
+set_multicycle_path -setup -to [get_clocks atr_bus_clk] -start 0
+set_multicycle_path -hold -to [get_clocks atr_bus_clk] -1
+# Remove analysis from the output "clock" pin. There are ways to do this using TCL, but
+# they aren't supported in XDC files... so we do it the old fashioned way.
+set_output_delay -clock [get_clocks async_out_clk] 0.000 $ATR_CLK
+set_max_delay -to $ATR_CLK 50.000
+set_min_delay -to $ATR_CLK 0.000
+## Mykonos Ports
+# Mykonos GPIO is driven from the DB-A radio clock. Although they are received async in
+# Mykonos, they should be tightly constrained in the FPGA to avoid any race conditions.
+# The best way to do this is a skew constraint across all the bits.
+# set MAX_SKEW 2.5
+# set SETUP_SKEW [expr {($MAX_SKEW / 2)+0.5}]
+# set HOLD_SKEW [expr {($MAX_SKEW / 2)-0.5}]
+# set PORT_LIST [get_ports DB*_ATR_*X_*]
+# # Then add the output delay on each of the ports.
+# set_output_delay -clock [get_clocks myk_gpio_bus_clk] -max -$SETUP_SKEW $PORT_LIST
+# set_output_delay -add_delay -clock_fall -clock [get_clocks myk_gpio_bus_clk] -max -$SETUP_SKEW $PORT_LIST
+# set_output_delay -clock [get_clocks myk_gpio_bus_clk] -min $HOLD_SKEW $PORT_LIST
+# set_output_delay -add_delay -clock_fall -clock [get_clocks myk_gpio_bus_clk] -min $HOLD_SKEW $PORT_LIST
+# # Finally, make both the setup and hold checks use the same launching and latching edges.
+# set_multicycle_path -setup -to [get_clocks myk_gpio_bus_clk] -start 0
+# set_multicycle_path -hold -to [get_clocks myk_gpio_bus_clk] -1
+# # Remove analysis from the output "clock" pin. There are ways to do this using TCL, but
+# # they aren't supported in XDC files... so we do it the old fashioned way.
+# set_output_delay -clock [get_clocks async_out_clk] 0.000 $MGPIO_CLK
+# set_max_delay -to $MGPIO_CLK 50.000
+# set_min_delay -to $MGPIO_CLK 0.000
+# Mykonos Interrupt is received asynchronously, and driven directly to the PS.
+set_input_delay -clock [get_clocks async_in_clk] 0.000 [get_ports DB*_MYK_INTRQ]
+set_max_delay -from [get_ports DB*_MYK_INTRQ] 50.000
+set_min_delay -from [get_ports DB*_MYK_INTRQ] 0.000
+# SYNC is async, SYSREF is tightly timed.
+# The SYNC output for both DBs is governed by the JESD cores, which are solely driven by
+# DB-A clock... but it is an asynchronous signal so we use the async_out_clk.
+set_output_delay -clock [get_clocks async_out_clk] 0.000 [get_ports DB*_MYK_SYNC_IN_n]
+set_max_delay -to [get_ports DB*_MYK_SYNC_IN_n] 50.000
+set_min_delay -to [get_ports DB*_MYK_SYNC_IN_n] 0.000
+# The SYNC input for both DBs is received by the DB-A clock inside the JESD cores... but
+# again, it is asynchronous and therefore uses the async_in_clk.
+set_input_delay -clock [get_clocks async_in_clk] 0.000 [get_ports DB*_MYK_SYNC_OUT_n]
+set_max_delay -from [get_ports DB*_MYK_SYNC_OUT_n] 50.000
+set_min_delay -from [get_ports DB*_MYK_SYNC_OUT_n] 0.000
+# SYSREF is driven by the LMK directly to the FPGA. Timing analysis was performed once
+# for the worst-case numbers across both DBs to produce one set of numbers for both DBs.
+# Since we easily meet setup and hold in Vivado, then this is an acceptable approach.
+# SYSREF is captured by the local clock from each DB, so we have two sets of constraints.
+set_input_delay -clock fpga_clk_a_v -min -0.906 [get_ports DBA_FPGA_SYSREF_*]
+set_input_delay -clock fpga_clk_a_v -max 0.646 [get_ports DBA_FPGA_SYSREF_*]
+set_input_delay -clock fpga_clk_b_v -min -0.906 [get_ports DBB_FPGA_SYSREF_*]
+set_input_delay -clock fpga_clk_b_v -max 0.646 [get_ports DBB_FPGA_SYSREF_*]
+## PPS Timing
+# Due to the N3xx synchronization and clocking structure, the PPS output is driven from
+# the Sample Clock domain instead of the input Reference Clock. Constrain the output as
+# tightly as possible to accurately mimic the internal Sample Clock timing.
+set SETUP_SKEW 2.0
+set HOLD_SKEW -0.5
+set_output_delay -clock [get_clocks fpga_clk_a_v] -max -$SETUP_SKEW [get_ports REF_1PPS_OUT]
+set_output_delay -clock [get_clocks fpga_clk_a_v] -min $HOLD_SKEW [get_ports REF_1PPS_OUT]
+set_multicycle_path -setup -to [get_ports REF_1PPS_OUT] -start 0
+set_multicycle_path -hold -to [get_ports REF_1PPS_OUT] -1
diff --git a/fpga/usrp3/top/n3xx/dboards/mg/doc/CPLD.md b/fpga/usrp3/top/n3xx/dboards/mg/doc/CPLD.md
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..2071c46ba
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fpga/usrp3/top/n3xx/dboards/mg/doc/CPLD.md
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+Timing closure of the CPLD design relies on the pre-set seed value. The build
+requires Quartus 16.1.2.
diff --git a/fpga/usrp3/top/n3xx/dboards/mg/doc/mg_timing.xlsx b/fpga/usrp3/top/n3xx/dboards/mg/doc/mg_timing.xlsx
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..c4ad8ac5c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fpga/usrp3/top/n3xx/dboards/mg/doc/mg_timing.xlsx
Binary files differ
diff --git a/fpga/usrp3/top/n3xx/dboards/mg/n3xx.v b/fpga/usrp3/top/n3xx/dboards/mg/n3xx.v
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..32fa84153
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fpga/usrp3/top/n3xx/dboards/mg/n3xx.v
@@ -0,0 +1,3915 @@
+// Copyright 2016-2019 Ettus Research, A National Instruments Brand
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-3.0-or-later
+// Module: n3xx
+// Description:
+// Top Level for N3xx devices
+module n3xx (
+ inout [11:0] FPGA_GPIO,
+ input FPGA_REFCLK_P,
+ input FPGA_REFCLK_N,
+ input REF_1PPS_IN,
+ input NETCLK_REF_P,
+ input NETCLK_REF_N,
+ //input REF_1PPS_IN_MGMT,
+ output REF_1PPS_OUT,
+ //TDC
+ inout UNUSED_PIN_TDCA_0,
+ inout UNUSED_PIN_TDCA_1,
+ inout UNUSED_PIN_TDCA_2,
+ inout UNUSED_PIN_TDCA_3,
+ inout UNUSED_PIN_TDCB_0,
+ inout UNUSED_PIN_TDCB_1,
+ inout UNUSED_PIN_TDCB_2,
+ inout UNUSED_PIN_TDCB_3,
+`ifdef NPIO_LANES
+ input NPIO_RX0_P,
+ input NPIO_RX0_N,
+ output NPIO_TX0_P,
+ output NPIO_TX0_N,
+ input NPIO_RX1_P,
+ input NPIO_RX1_N,
+ output NPIO_TX1_P,
+ output NPIO_TX1_N,
+`ifdef QSFP_LANES
+ input [`QSFP_LANES-1:0] QSFP_RX_P,
+ input [`QSFP_LANES-1:0] QSFP_RX_N,
+ output [`QSFP_LANES-1:0] QSFP_TX_P,
+ output [`QSFP_LANES-1:0] QSFP_TX_N,
+ output QSFP_RESET_B,
+ output QSFP_LED,
+ output QSFP_MODSEL_B,
+ output QSFP_LPMODE,
+ input QSFP_INT_B,
+ inout QSFP_I2C_SCL,
+ inout QSFP_I2C_SDA,
+ //TODO: Uncomment when connected here
+ //input NPIO_0_RXSYNC_0_P, NPIO_0_RXSYNC_1_P,
+ //input NPIO_0_RXSYNC_0_N, NPIO_0_RXSYNC_1_N,
+ //output NPIO_0_TXSYNC_0_P, NPIO_0_TXSYNC_1_P,
+ //output NPIO_0_TXSYNC_0_N, NPIO_0_TXSYNC_1_N,
+ //input NPIO_1_RXSYNC_0_P, NPIO_1_RXSYNC_1_P,
+ //input NPIO_1_RXSYNC_0_N, NPIO_1_RXSYNC_1_N,
+ //output NPIO_1_TXSYNC_0_P, NPIO_1_TXSYNC_1_P,
+ //output NPIO_1_TXSYNC_0_N, NPIO_1_TXSYNC_1_N,
+ //input NPIO_2_RXSYNC_0_P, NPIO_2_RXSYNC_1_P,
+ //input NPIO_2_RXSYNC_0_N, NPIO_2_RXSYNC_1_N,
+ //output NPIO_2_TXSYNC_0_P, NPIO_2_TXSYNC_1_P,
+ //output NPIO_2_TXSYNC_0_N, NPIO_2_TXSYNC_1_N,
+ //GPS
+ input GPS_1PPS,
+ //input GPS_1PPS_RAW,
+ //Misc
+ input ENET0_CLK125,
+ //inout ENET0_PTP,
+ //output ENET0_PTP_DIR,
+ //inout ATSHA204_SDA,
+ input FPGA_PL_RESETN, // TODO: Add to reset logic
+ // output reg [1:0] FPGA_TEST,
+ //input PWR_CLK_FPGA, // TODO: check direction
+ input FPGA_PUDC_B,
+ //White Rabbit
+ input WB_20MHZ_P,
+ input WB_20MHZ_N,
+ output WB_DAC_DIN,
+ output WB_DAC_NCLR,
+ output WB_DAC_NLDAC,
+ output WB_DAC_NSYNC,
+ output WB_DAC_SCLK,
+ //LEDS
+ output PANEL_LED_GPS,
+ output PANEL_LED_LINK,
+ output PANEL_LED_PPS,
+ output PANEL_LED_REF,
+ // ARM Connections (PS)
+ inout [53:0] MIO,
+ inout PS_SRSTB,
+ inout PS_CLK,
+ inout PS_PORB,
+ inout DDR_Clk,
+ inout DDR_Clk_n,
+ inout DDR_CKE,
+ inout DDR_CS_n,
+ inout DDR_RAS_n,
+ inout DDR_CAS_n,
+ inout DDR_WEB,
+ inout [2:0] DDR_BankAddr,
+ inout [14:0] DDR_Addr,
+ inout DDR_ODT,
+ inout DDR_DRSTB,
+ inout [31:0] DDR_DQ,
+ inout [3:0] DDR_DM,
+ inout [3:0] DDR_DQS,
+ inout [3:0] DDR_DQS_n,
+ inout DDR_VRP,
+ inout DDR_VRN,
+ ///////////////////////////////////
+ //
+ // High Speed SPF+ signals and clocking
+ //
+ ///////////////////////////////////
+ // These clock inputs must always be enabled with a buffer regardless of the build
+ // target to avoid damage to the FPGA.
+ input NETCLK_P,
+ input NETCLK_N,
+ input MGT156MHZ_CLK1_P,
+ input MGT156MHZ_CLK1_N,
+ input SFP_0_RX_P, input SFP_0_RX_N,
+ output SFP_0_TX_P, output SFP_0_TX_N,
+ input SFP_1_RX_P, input SFP_1_RX_N,
+ output SFP_1_TX_P, output SFP_1_TX_N,
+ ///////////////////////////////////
+ //
+ // DRAM Interface
+ //
+ ///////////////////////////////////
+ inout [31:0] ddr3_dq, // Data pins. Input for Reads, Output for Writes.
+ inout [3:0] ddr3_dqs_n, // Data Strobes. Input for Reads, Output for Writes.
+ inout [3:0] ddr3_dqs_p,
+ //
+ output [15:0] ddr3_addr, // Address
+ output [2:0] ddr3_ba, // Bank Address
+ output ddr3_ras_n, // Row Address Strobe.
+ output ddr3_cas_n, // Column address select
+ output ddr3_we_n, // Write Enable
+ output ddr3_reset_n, // SDRAM reset pin.
+ output [0:0] ddr3_ck_p, // Differential clock
+ output [0:0] ddr3_ck_n,
+ output [0:0] ddr3_cke, // Clock Enable
+ output [0:0] ddr3_cs_n, // Chip Select
+ output [3:0] ddr3_dm, // Data Mask [3] = UDM.U26, [2] = LDM.U26, ...
+ output [0:0] ddr3_odt, // On-Die termination enable.
+ //
+ input sys_clk_p, // Differential
+ input sys_clk_n, // 100MHz clock source to generate DDR3 clocking.
+ ///////////////////////////////////
+ //
+ // Supporting I/O for SPF+ interfaces
+ // (non high speed stuff)
+ //
+ ///////////////////////////////////
+ //SFP+ 0, Slow Speed, Bank 13 3.3V
+ input SFP_0_I2C_NPRESENT,
+ output SFP_0_LED_A,
+ output SFP_0_LED_B,
+ input SFP_0_LOS,
+ output SFP_0_RS0,
+ output SFP_0_RS1,
+ output SFP_0_TXDISABLE,
+ input SFP_0_TXFAULT,
+ //SFP+ 1, Slow Speed, Bank 13 3.3V
+ //input SFP_1_I2C_NPRESENT,
+ output SFP_1_LED_A,
+ output SFP_1_LED_B,
+ input SFP_1_LOS,
+ output SFP_1_RS0,
+ output SFP_1_RS1,
+ output SFP_1_TXDISABLE,
+ input SFP_1_TXFAULT,
+ output DBA_CPLD_PS_SPI_LE,
+ output [1:0] DBA_CPLD_PS_SPI_ADDR,
+ output DBA_ATR_RX_1,
+ output DBA_ATR_RX_2,
+ output DBA_ATR_TX_1,
+ output DBA_ATR_TX_2,
+ output [5:0] DBA_CH1_TX_DSA_DATA,
+ output [5:0] DBA_CH1_RX_DSA_DATA,
+ output [5:0] DBA_CH2_TX_DSA_DATA,
+ output [5:0] DBA_CH2_RX_DSA_DATA,
+ output DBA_CPLD_PL_SPI_LE,
+ output [2:0] DBA_CPLD_PL_SPI_ADDR,
+ output DBA_MYK_SPI_SCLK,
+ output DBA_MYK_SPI_CS_n,
+ input DBA_MYK_SPI_SDO,
+ output DBA_MYK_SPI_SDIO,
+ input DBA_MYK_INTRQ,
+ output DBA_MYK_SYNC_IN_n,
+ input DBA_MYK_SYNC_OUT_n,
+ output DBA_MYK_GPIO_0,
+ output DBA_MYK_GPIO_1,
+ output DBA_MYK_GPIO_3,
+ output DBA_MYK_GPIO_4,
+ output DBA_MYK_GPIO_12,
+ output DBA_MYK_GPIO_13,
+ output DBA_MYK_GPIO_14,
+ output DBA_MYK_GPIO_15,
+ input DBA_FPGA_CLK_P,
+ input DBA_FPGA_CLK_N,
+ input [3:0] USRPIO_A_RX_P,
+ input [3:0] USRPIO_A_RX_N,
+ output [3:0] USRPIO_A_TX_P,
+ output [3:0] USRPIO_A_TX_N
+`ifndef N300
+ output DBB_CPLD_PS_SPI_LE,
+ output [1:0] DBB_CPLD_PS_SPI_ADDR,
+ output DBB_ATR_RX_1,
+ output DBB_ATR_RX_2,
+ output DBB_ATR_TX_1,
+ output DBB_ATR_TX_2,
+ output [5:0] DBB_CH1_TX_DSA_DATA,
+ output [5:0] DBB_CH1_RX_DSA_DATA,
+ output [5:0] DBB_CH2_TX_DSA_DATA,
+ output [5:0] DBB_CH2_RX_DSA_DATA,
+ output DBB_CPLD_PL_SPI_LE,
+ output [2:0] DBB_CPLD_PL_SPI_ADDR,
+ output DBB_MYK_SPI_SCLK,
+ output DBB_MYK_SPI_CS_n,
+ input DBB_MYK_SPI_SDO,
+ output DBB_MYK_SPI_SDIO,
+ input DBB_MYK_INTRQ,
+ output DBB_MYK_SYNC_IN_n,
+ input DBB_MYK_SYNC_OUT_n,
+ output DBB_MYK_GPIO_0,
+ output DBB_MYK_GPIO_1,
+ output DBB_MYK_GPIO_3,
+ output DBB_MYK_GPIO_4,
+ output DBB_MYK_GPIO_12,
+ output DBB_MYK_GPIO_13,
+ output DBB_MYK_GPIO_14,
+ output DBB_MYK_GPIO_15,
+ input DBB_FPGA_CLK_P,
+ input DBB_FPGA_CLK_N,
+ input [3:0] USRPIO_B_RX_P,
+ input [3:0] USRPIO_B_RX_N,
+ output [3:0] USRPIO_B_TX_P,
+ output [3:0] USRPIO_B_TX_N
+ localparam N_AXILITE_SLAVES = 4;
+ localparam REG_AWIDTH = 14; // log2(0x4000)
+ localparam QSFP_REG_AWIDTH = 17; // log2(0x20000)
+ localparam REG_DWIDTH = 32;
+ localparam FP_GPIO_OFFSET = 32;
+ localparam FP_GPIO_WIDTH = 12;
+`ifdef N310
+ localparam NUM_RADIOS = 2;
+ localparam NUM_CHANNELS_PER_RADIO = 2;
+ localparam NUM_DBOARDS = 2;
+`elsif N300
+ localparam NUM_RADIOS = 1;
+ localparam NUM_CHANNELS_PER_RADIO = 2;
+ localparam NUM_DBOARDS = 1;
+ localparam [15:0] RFNOC_PROTOVER = {8'd1, 8'd0};
+ // Internal connections to PS
+ // HP0 -- High Performance port 0, FPGA is the master
+ wire [5:0] S_AXI_HP0_AWID;
+ wire [31:0] S_AXI_HP0_AWADDR;
+ wire [2:0] S_AXI_HP0_AWPROT;
+ wire [63:0] S_AXI_HP0_WDATA;
+ wire [7:0] S_AXI_HP0_WSTRB;
+ wire S_AXI_HP0_WVALID;
+ wire S_AXI_HP0_WREADY;
+ wire [1:0] S_AXI_HP0_BRESP;
+ wire S_AXI_HP0_BVALID;
+ wire S_AXI_HP0_BREADY;
+ wire [5:0] S_AXI_HP0_ARID;
+ wire [31:0] S_AXI_HP0_ARADDR;
+ wire [2:0] S_AXI_HP0_ARPROT;
+ wire [63:0] S_AXI_HP0_RDATA;
+ wire [1:0] S_AXI_HP0_RRESP;
+ wire S_AXI_HP0_RVALID;
+ wire S_AXI_HP0_RREADY;
+ wire S_AXI_HP0_RLAST;
+ wire [3:0] S_AXI_HP0_ARCACHE;
+ wire [7:0] S_AXI_HP0_AWLEN;
+ wire [2:0] S_AXI_HP0_AWSIZE;
+ wire [1:0] S_AXI_HP0_AWBURST;
+ wire [3:0] S_AXI_HP0_AWCACHE;
+ wire S_AXI_HP0_WLAST;
+ wire [7:0] S_AXI_HP0_ARLEN;
+ wire [1:0] S_AXI_HP0_ARBURST;
+ wire [2:0] S_AXI_HP0_ARSIZE;
+ // GP0 -- General Purpose port 0, FPGA is the master
+ wire [4:0] S_AXI_GP0_AWID;
+ wire [31:0] S_AXI_GP0_AWADDR;
+ wire [2:0] S_AXI_GP0_AWPROT;
+ wire [31:0] S_AXI_GP0_WDATA;
+ wire [3:0] S_AXI_GP0_WSTRB;
+ wire S_AXI_GP0_WVALID;
+ wire S_AXI_GP0_WREADY;
+ wire [1:0] S_AXI_GP0_BRESP;
+ wire S_AXI_GP0_BVALID;
+ wire S_AXI_GP0_BREADY;
+ wire [4:0] S_AXI_GP0_ARID;
+ wire [31:0] S_AXI_GP0_ARADDR;
+ wire [2:0] S_AXI_GP0_ARPROT;
+ wire [31:0] S_AXI_GP0_RDATA;
+ wire [1:0] S_AXI_GP0_RRESP;
+ wire S_AXI_GP0_RVALID;
+ wire S_AXI_GP0_RREADY;
+ wire S_AXI_GP0_RLAST;
+ wire [3:0] S_AXI_GP0_ARCACHE;
+ wire [7:0] S_AXI_GP0_AWLEN;
+ wire [2:0] S_AXI_GP0_AWSIZE;
+ wire [1:0] S_AXI_GP0_AWBURST;
+ wire [3:0] S_AXI_GP0_AWCACHE;
+ wire S_AXI_GP0_WLAST;
+ wire [7:0] S_AXI_GP0_ARLEN;
+ wire [1:0] S_AXI_GP0_ARBURST;
+ wire [2:0] S_AXI_GP0_ARSIZE;
+ // HP1 -- High Performance port 1, FPGA is the master
+ wire [5:0] S_AXI_HP1_AWID;
+ wire [31:0] S_AXI_HP1_AWADDR;
+ wire [2:0] S_AXI_HP1_AWPROT;
+ wire [63:0] S_AXI_HP1_WDATA;
+ wire [7:0] S_AXI_HP1_WSTRB;
+ wire S_AXI_HP1_WVALID;
+ wire S_AXI_HP1_WREADY;
+ wire [1:0] S_AXI_HP1_BRESP;
+ wire S_AXI_HP1_BVALID;
+ wire S_AXI_HP1_BREADY;
+ wire [5:0] S_AXI_HP1_ARID;
+ wire [31:0] S_AXI_HP1_ARADDR;
+ wire [2:0] S_AXI_HP1_ARPROT;
+ wire [63:0] S_AXI_HP1_RDATA;
+ wire [1:0] S_AXI_HP1_RRESP;
+ wire S_AXI_HP1_RVALID;
+ wire S_AXI_HP1_RREADY;
+ wire S_AXI_HP1_RLAST;
+ wire [3:0] S_AXI_HP1_ARCACHE;
+ wire [7:0] S_AXI_HP1_AWLEN;
+ wire [2:0] S_AXI_HP1_AWSIZE;
+ wire [1:0] S_AXI_HP1_AWBURST;
+ wire [3:0] S_AXI_HP1_AWCACHE;
+ wire S_AXI_HP1_WLAST;
+ wire [7:0] S_AXI_HP1_ARLEN;
+ wire [1:0] S_AXI_HP1_ARBURST;
+ wire [2:0] S_AXI_HP1_ARSIZE;
+ // GP1 -- General Purpose port 1, FPGA is the master
+ wire [4:0] S_AXI_GP1_AWID;
+ wire [31:0] S_AXI_GP1_AWADDR;
+ wire [2:0] S_AXI_GP1_AWPROT;
+ wire [31:0] S_AXI_GP1_WDATA;
+ wire [3:0] S_AXI_GP1_WSTRB;
+ wire S_AXI_GP1_WVALID;
+ wire S_AXI_GP1_WREADY;
+ wire [1:0] S_AXI_GP1_BRESP;
+ wire S_AXI_GP1_BVALID;
+ wire S_AXI_GP1_BREADY;
+ wire [4:0] S_AXI_GP1_ARID;
+ wire [31:0] S_AXI_GP1_ARADDR;
+ wire [2:0] S_AXI_GP1_ARPROT;
+ wire [31:0] S_AXI_GP1_RDATA;
+ wire [1:0] S_AXI_GP1_RRESP;
+ wire S_AXI_GP1_RVALID;
+ wire S_AXI_GP1_RREADY;
+ wire S_AXI_GP1_RLAST;
+ wire [3:0] S_AXI_GP1_ARCACHE;
+ wire [7:0] S_AXI_GP1_AWLEN;
+ wire [2:0] S_AXI_GP1_AWSIZE;
+ wire [1:0] S_AXI_GP1_AWBURST;
+ wire [3:0] S_AXI_GP1_AWCACHE;
+ wire S_AXI_GP1_WLAST;
+ wire [7:0] S_AXI_GP1_ARLEN;
+ wire [1:0] S_AXI_GP1_ARBURST;
+ wire [2:0] S_AXI_GP1_ARSIZE;
+ // GP0 -- General Purpose port 0, FPGA is the slave
+ wire M_AXI_GP0_BREADY;
+ wire M_AXI_GP0_RREADY;
+ wire M_AXI_GP0_WVALID;
+ wire [11:0] M_AXI_GP0_ARID;
+ wire [11:0] M_AXI_GP0_AWID;
+ wire [11:0] M_AXI_GP0_WID;
+ wire [31:0] M_AXI_GP0_ARADDR;
+ wire [31:0] M_AXI_GP0_AWADDR;
+ wire [31:0] M_AXI_GP0_WDATA;
+ wire [3:0] M_AXI_GP0_WSTRB;
+ wire M_AXI_GP0_BVALID;
+ wire M_AXI_GP0_RLAST;
+ wire M_AXI_GP0_RVALID;
+ wire M_AXI_GP0_WREADY;
+ wire [1:0] M_AXI_GP0_BRESP;
+ wire [1:0] M_AXI_GP0_RRESP;
+ wire [31:0] M_AXI_GP0_RDATA;
+ wire [11:0] M_AXI_ETH_DMA0_ARID;
+ wire [11:0] M_AXI_ETH_DMA0_AWID;
+ wire [11:0] M_AXI_ETH_DMA0_WID;
+ wire [31:0] M_AXI_ETH_DMA0_ARADDR;
+ wire [31:0] M_AXI_ETH_DMA0_AWADDR;
+ wire [31:0] M_AXI_ETH_DMA0_WDATA;
+ wire [3:0] M_AXI_ETH_DMA0_WSTRB;
+ wire [1:0] M_AXI_ETH_DMA0_BRESP;
+ wire [1:0] M_AXI_ETH_DMA0_RRESP;
+ wire [31:0] M_AXI_ETH_DMA0_RDATA;
+ wire [11:0] M_AXI_NET0_ARID;
+ wire [11:0] M_AXI_NET0_AWID;
+ wire [11:0] M_AXI_NET0_WID;
+ wire [31:0] M_AXI_NET0_ARADDR;
+ wire [31:0] M_AXI_NET0_AWADDR;
+ wire [31:0] M_AXI_NET0_WDATA;
+ wire [3:0] M_AXI_NET0_WSTRB;
+ wire M_AXI_NET0_RLAST;
+ wire [1:0] M_AXI_NET0_BRESP;
+ wire [1:0] M_AXI_NET0_RRESP;
+ wire [31:0] M_AXI_NET0_RDATA;
+ wire [11:0] M_AXI_ETH_DMA1_ARID;
+ wire [11:0] M_AXI_ETH_DMA1_AWID;
+ wire [11:0] M_AXI_ETH_DMA1_WID;
+ wire [31:0] M_AXI_ETH_DMA1_ARADDR;
+ wire [31:0] M_AXI_ETH_DMA1_AWADDR;
+ wire [31:0] M_AXI_ETH_DMA1_WDATA;
+ wire [3:0] M_AXI_ETH_DMA1_WSTRB;
+ wire [1:0] M_AXI_ETH_DMA1_BRESP;
+ wire [1:0] M_AXI_ETH_DMA1_RRESP;
+ wire [31:0] M_AXI_ETH_DMA1_RDATA;
+ wire [11:0] M_AXI_NET1_ARID;
+ wire [11:0] M_AXI_NET1_AWID;
+ wire [11:0] M_AXI_NET1_WID;
+ wire [31:0] M_AXI_NET1_ARADDR;
+ wire [31:0] M_AXI_NET1_AWADDR;
+ wire [31:0] M_AXI_NET1_WDATA;
+ wire [3:0] M_AXI_NET1_WSTRB;
+ wire M_AXI_NET1_RLAST;
+ wire [1:0] M_AXI_NET1_BRESP;
+ wire [1:0] M_AXI_NET1_RRESP;
+ wire [31:0] M_AXI_NET1_RDATA;
+ wire [11:0] M_AXI_NET2_ARID;
+ wire [11:0] M_AXI_NET2_AWID;
+ wire [11:0] M_AXI_NET2_WID;
+ wire [31:0] M_AXI_NET2_ARADDR;
+ wire [31:0] M_AXI_NET2_AWADDR;
+ wire [31:0] M_AXI_NET2_WDATA;
+ wire [3:0] M_AXI_NET2_WSTRB;
+ wire M_AXI_NET2_RLAST;
+ wire [1:0] M_AXI_NET2_BRESP;
+ wire [1:0] M_AXI_NET2_RRESP;
+ wire [31:0] M_AXI_NET2_RDATA;
+ wire [11:0] M_AXI_XBAR_ARID;
+ wire [11:0] M_AXI_XBAR_AWID;
+ wire [11:0] M_AXI_XBAR_WID;
+ wire [31:0] M_AXI_XBAR_ARADDR;
+ wire [31:0] M_AXI_XBAR_AWADDR;
+ wire [31:0] M_AXI_XBAR_WDATA;
+ wire [3:0] M_AXI_XBAR_WSTRB;
+ wire [1:0] M_AXI_XBAR_BRESP;
+ wire [1:0] M_AXI_XBAR_RRESP;
+ wire [31:0] M_AXI_XBAR_RDATA;
+ wire [11:0] M_AXI_JESD0_ARID;
+ wire [11:0] M_AXI_JESD0_AWID;
+ wire [11:0] M_AXI_JESD0_WID;
+ wire [31:0] M_AXI_JESD0_ARADDR;
+ wire [31:0] M_AXI_JESD0_AWADDR;
+ wire [31:0] M_AXI_JESD0_WDATA;
+ wire [3:0] M_AXI_JESD0_WSTRB;
+ wire [1:0] M_AXI_JESD0_BRESP;
+ wire [1:0] M_AXI_JESD0_RRESP;
+ wire [31:0] M_AXI_JESD0_RDATA;
+ wire [11:0] M_AXI_JESD1_ARID;
+ wire [11:0] M_AXI_JESD1_AWID;
+ wire [11:0] M_AXI_JESD1_WID;
+ wire [31:0] M_AXI_JESD1_ARADDR;
+ wire [31:0] M_AXI_JESD1_AWADDR;
+ wire [31:0] M_AXI_JESD1_WDATA;
+ wire [3:0] M_AXI_JESD1_WSTRB;
+ wire [1:0] M_AXI_JESD1_BRESP;
+ wire [1:0] M_AXI_JESD1_RRESP;
+ wire [31:0] M_AXI_JESD1_RDATA;
+ // White Rabbit
+ wire wr_uart_txd;
+ wire wr_uart_rxd;
+ wire pps_wr_refclk;
+ wire wr_ref_clk;
+ // AXI bus from PS to WR Core
+ wire m_axi_wr_clk;
+ wire [31:0] m_axi_wr_araddr;
+ wire [0:0] m_axi_wr_arready;
+ wire [0:0] m_axi_wr_arvalid;
+ wire [31:0] m_axi_wr_awaddr;
+ wire [0:0] m_axi_wr_awready;
+ wire [0:0] m_axi_wr_awvalid;
+ wire [0:0] m_axi_wr_bready;
+ wire [1:0] m_axi_wr_bresp;
+ wire [0:0] m_axi_wr_bvalid;
+ wire [31:0] m_axi_wr_rdata;
+ wire [0:0] m_axi_wr_rready;
+ wire [1:0] m_axi_wr_rresp;
+ wire [0:0] m_axi_wr_rvalid;
+ wire [31:0] m_axi_wr_wdata;
+ wire [0:0] m_axi_wr_wready;
+ wire [3:0] m_axi_wr_wstrb;
+ wire [0:0] m_axi_wr_wvalid;
+ wire [63:0] ps_gpio_out;
+ wire [63:0] ps_gpio_in;
+ wire [63:0] ps_gpio_tri;
+ wire [15:0] IRQ_F2P;
+ wire FCLK_CLK0;
+ wire FCLK_CLK1;
+ wire FCLK_CLK2;
+ wire FCLK_CLK3;
+ wire clk100;
+ wire clk40;
+ wire meas_clk_ref;
+ wire bus_clk;
+ wire gige_refclk;
+ wire gige_refclk_bufg;
+ wire xgige_refclk;
+ wire xgige_clk156;
+ wire xgige_dclk;
+ wire global_rst;
+ wire radio_rst;
+ wire bus_rst;
+ wire FCLK_RESET0_N;
+ wire clk40_rst;
+ wire clk40_rstn;
+ wire [1:0] USB0_PORT_INDCTL;
+ wire ref_clk;
+ wire wr_refclk_buf;
+ wire netclk_buf;
+ wire meas_clk;
+ wire ddr3_dma_clk;
+ wire meas_clk_reset;
+ wire meas_clk_locked;
+ wire enable_ref_clk_async;
+ wire pps_radioclk1x_iob;
+ wire pps_radioclk1x;
+ wire [3:0] pps_select;
+ wire pps_out_enb;
+ wire [1:0] pps_select_sfp;
+ wire pps_refclk;
+ wire export_pps_radioclk;
+ wire radio_clk;
+ wire radio_clk_2x;
+ wire qsfp_sda_i;
+ wire qsfp_sda_o;
+ wire qsfp_sda_t;
+ wire qsfp_scl_i;
+ wire qsfp_scl_o;
+ wire qsfp_scl_t;
+ /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ //
+ // Resets
+ //
+ //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ // Global synchronous reset, on the bus_clk domain. De-asserts after 85
+ // bus_clk cycles. Asserted by default.
+ por_gen por_gen(.clk(bus_clk), .reset_out(global_rst));
+ // Synchronous reset for the radio_clk domain, based on the global_rst.
+ reset_sync radio_reset_gen (
+ .clk(radio_clk),
+ .reset_in(global_rst),
+ .reset_out(radio_rst)
+ );
+ // Synchronous reset for the bus_clk domain, based on the global_rst.
+ reset_sync bus_reset_gen (
+ .clk(bus_clk),
+ .reset_in(global_rst),
+ .reset_out(bus_rst)
+ );
+ // PS-based Resets //
+ //
+ // Synchronous reset for the clk40 domain. This is derived from the PS reset 0.
+ reset_sync clk40_reset_gen (
+ .clk(clk40),
+ .reset_in(~FCLK_RESET0_N),
+ .reset_out(clk40_rst)
+ );
+ // Invert for various modules.
+ assign clk40_rstn = ~clk40_rst;
+ /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ //
+ // Timing
+ //
+ //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ // Clocks from the PS
+ //
+ // These clocks appear to have BUFGs already instantiated by the ip generator.
+ // Simply rename them here for clarity.
+ // FCLK_CLK0 : 100 MHz
+ // FCLK_CLK1 : 40 MHz
+ // FCLK_CLK2 : 166.6667 MHz
+ // FCLK_CLK3 : 200 MHz
+ assign clk100 = FCLK_CLK0;
+ assign clk40 = FCLK_CLK1;
+ assign meas_clk_ref = FCLK_CLK2;
+ assign bus_clk = FCLK_CLK3;
+ //If bus_clk freq ever changes, update this paramter accordingly.
+ localparam BUS_CLK_RATE = 32'd200000000; //200 MHz bus_clk rate.
+ n3xx_clocking n3xx_clocking_i (
+ .enable_ref_clk_async(enable_ref_clk_async),
+ .ref_clk(ref_clk),
+ .WB_20MHz_P(WB_20MHZ_P),
+ .WB_20MHz_N(WB_20MHZ_N),
+ .wr_refclk_buf(wr_refclk_buf),
+ .netclk_buf(netclk_buf),
+ .gige_refclk_buf(gige_refclk),
+ .xgige_refclk_buf(xgige_refclk),
+ .misc_clks_ref(meas_clk_ref),
+ .meas_clk(meas_clk),
+ .ddr3_dma_clk(ddr3_dma_clk),
+ .misc_clks_reset(meas_clk_reset),
+ .misc_clks_locked(meas_clk_locked),
+ .ext_pps_from_pin(REF_1PPS_IN),
+ .gps_pps_from_pin(GPS_1PPS),
+ .pps_select(pps_select),
+ .pps_refclk(pps_refclk)
+ );
+ // Drive the rear panel connector with another controllable copy of the post-TDC PPS
+ // that SW can enable/disable. The user is free to hack this to be whatever
+ // they desire. Flop the PPS signal one more time in order that it can be packed into
+ // an IOB. This extra flop stage matches the additional flop inside DbCore to allow
+ // pps_radioclk1x and pps_out_radioclk to be in sync with one another.
+ synchronizer #(
+ ) pps_export_dsync (
+ .clk(radio_clk), .rst(1'b0), .in(pps_out_enb), .out(export_pps_radioclk)
+ );
+ // The radio_clk rate is between [122.88M, 250M] for all known N3xx variants,
+ // resulting in approximately [8ns, 4ns] periods. To pulse-extend the PPS output,
+ // we create a 25 bit-wide counter, creating ~[.262s, .131s] long output high pulses,
+ // variable depending on our radio_clk rate. Create two of the same output signal
+ // in order that the PPS_OUT gets packed into an IOB for tight timing.
+ reg [24:0] pps_out_count = 'b0;
+ reg pps_out_radioclk = 1'b0;
+ reg pps_led_radioclk = 1'b0;
+ always @(posedge radio_clk) begin
+ if (export_pps_radioclk) begin
+ if (pps_radioclk1x_iob) begin
+ pps_out_radioclk <= 1'b1;
+ pps_led_radioclk <= 1'b1;
+ pps_out_count <= {25{1'b1}};
+ end else begin
+ if (pps_out_count > 0) begin
+ pps_out_count <= pps_out_count - 1'b1;
+ end else begin
+ pps_out_radioclk <= 1'b0;
+ pps_led_radioclk <= 1'b0;
+ end
+ end
+ end else begin
+ pps_out_radioclk <= 1'b0;
+ pps_led_radioclk <= 1'b0;
+ end
+ end
+ // Local to output.
+ assign REF_1PPS_OUT = pps_out_radioclk;
+ assign PANEL_LED_PPS = pps_led_radioclk;
+ /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ //
+ // SFP, QSFP and NPIO MGT Connections
+ //
+ //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ wire reg_wr_req_npio;
+ wire [REG_AWIDTH-1:0] reg_wr_addr_npio;
+ wire [REG_DWIDTH-1:0] reg_wr_data_npio;
+ wire reg_rd_req_npio;
+ wire [REG_AWIDTH-1:0] reg_rd_addr_npio;
+ wire reg_rd_resp_npio, reg_rd_resp_npio0, reg_rd_resp_npio1;
+ wire [REG_DWIDTH-1:0] reg_rd_data_npio, reg_rd_data_npio0, reg_rd_data_npio1;
+ localparam NPIO_REG_BASE = 14'h0200;
+ regport_resp_mux #(
+ ) npio_resp_mux_i(
+ .clk(bus_clk), .reset(bus_rst),
+ .sla_rd_resp({reg_rd_resp_npio0, reg_rd_resp_npio1}),
+ .sla_rd_data({reg_rd_data_npio0, reg_rd_data_npio1}),
+ .mst_rd_resp(reg_rd_resp_npio), .mst_rd_data(reg_rd_data_npio)
+ );
+ //--------------------------------------------------------------
+ // SFP/MGT Reference Clocks
+ //--------------------------------------------------------------
+ // We support the HG, XG, XA, AA targets, all of which require
+ // the 156.25MHz reference clock. Instantiate it here.
+ ten_gige_phy_clk_gen xgige_clk_gen_i (
+ .refclk_ibuf(xgige_refclk),
+ .clk156(xgige_clk156),
+ .dclk(xgige_dclk)
+ );
+ wire qpllreset;
+ wire qpllreset_sfp0, qpllreset_sfp1, qpllreset_npio0, qpllreset_npio1;
+ wire qplllock;
+ wire qplloutclk;
+ wire qplloutrefclk;
+ // We reuse this GT_COMMON wrapper for both ethernet and Aurora because
+ // the behavior is identical
+ ten_gig_eth_pcs_pma_gt_common # (
+ .WRAPPER_SIM_GTRESET_SPEEDUP("TRUE") //Does not affect hardware
+ ) ten_gig_eth_pcs_pma_gt_common_block (
+ .refclk(xgige_refclk),
+ .qpllreset(qpllreset), //from 2nd sfp
+ .qplllock(qplllock),
+ .qplloutclk(qplloutclk),
+ .qplloutrefclk(qplloutrefclk),
+ .qpllrefclksel(3'b101 /*GTSOUTHREFCLK0*/)
+ );
+ // The quad's QPLL should reset if any of the channels request it
+ // This should never really happen because we are not changing the reference clock
+ // source for the QPLL.
+ assign qpllreset = qpllreset_sfp0 | qpllreset_sfp1 | qpllreset_npio0 | qpllreset_npio1;
+ // Use the 156.25MHz reference clock for Aurora
+ wire aurora_refclk = xgige_refclk;
+ wire aurora_clk156 = xgige_clk156;
+ wire aurora_init_clk = xgige_dclk;
+ // White Rabbit and 1GbE both use the same clocking
+`ifdef SFP0_1GBE
+ `define SFP0_WR_1GBE
+`ifdef SFP0_WR
+ `define SFP0_WR_1GBE
+`ifdef SFP0_WR_1GBE
+ // HG and WX targets require the 1GbE clock support
+ BUFG bufg_gige_refclk_i (
+ .I(gige_refclk),
+ .O(gige_refclk_bufg)
+ );
+ assign SFP_0_RS0 = 1'b0;
+ assign SFP_0_RS1 = 1'b0;
+ assign SFP_0_RS0 = 1'b1;
+ assign SFP_0_RS1 = 1'b1;
+ // SFP 1 is always set to run at ~10Gbps rates.
+ assign SFP_1_RS0 = 1'b1;
+ assign SFP_1_RS1 = 1'b1;
+ // SFP port specific reference clocks
+ wire sfp0_gt_refclk, sfp1_gt_refclk;
+ wire sfp0_gb_refclk, sfp1_gb_refclk;
+ wire sfp0_misc_clk, sfp1_misc_clk;
+`ifdef SFP0_10GBE
+ assign sfp0_gt_refclk = xgige_refclk;
+ assign sfp0_gb_refclk = xgige_clk156;
+ assign sfp0_misc_clk = xgige_dclk;
+`ifdef SFP0_WR_1GBE
+ assign sfp0_gt_refclk = gige_refclk;
+ assign sfp0_gb_refclk = gige_refclk_bufg;
+ assign sfp0_misc_clk = gige_refclk_bufg;
+`ifdef SFP0_AURORA
+ assign sfp0_gt_refclk = aurora_refclk;
+ assign sfp0_gb_refclk = aurora_clk156;
+ assign sfp0_misc_clk = aurora_init_clk;
+`ifdef SFP1_10GBE
+ assign sfp1_gt_refclk = xgige_refclk;
+ assign sfp1_gb_refclk = xgige_clk156;
+ assign sfp1_misc_clk = xgige_dclk;
+`ifdef SFP1_1GBE
+ assign sfp1_gt_refclk = gige_refclk;
+ assign sfp1_gb_refclk = gige_refclk_bufg;
+ assign sfp1_misc_clk = gige_refclk_bufg;
+`ifdef SFP1_AURORA
+ assign sfp1_gt_refclk = aurora_refclk;
+ assign sfp1_gb_refclk = aurora_clk156;
+ assign sfp1_misc_clk = aurora_init_clk;
+ // Instantiate Aurora MMCM if either of the SFPs
+ // or NPIOs are Aurora
+ wire au_tx_clk;
+ wire au_mmcm_reset;
+ wire au_user_clk;
+ wire au_sync_clk;
+ wire au_mmcm_locked;
+ wire sfp0_tx_out_clk, sfp1_tx_out_clk;
+ wire sfp0_gt_pll_lock, sfp1_gt_pll_lock;
+ wire npio0_tx_out_clk, npio1_tx_out_clk;
+ wire npio0_gt_pll_lock, npio1_gt_pll_lock;
+ //NOTE: need to declare one of these defines in order to enable Aurora on
+ //any SFP or NPIO lane.
+`ifdef SFP1_AURORA
+ `define SFP_AU_MMCM
+ assign au_tx_clk = sfp1_tx_out_clk;
+ assign au_mmcm_reset = ~sfp1_gt_pll_lock;
+`elsif NPIO0
+ `define SFP_AU_MMCM
+ assign au_tx_clk = npio0_tx_out_clk;
+ assign au_mmcm_reset = ~npio0_gt_pll_lock;
+`elsif NPIO1
+ `define SFP_AU_MMCM
+ assign au_tx_clk = npio1_tx_out_clk;
+ assign au_mmcm_reset = ~npio1_gt_pll_lock;
+`ifdef SFP_AU_MMCM
+ aurora_phy_mmcm au_phy_mmcm_i (
+ .aurora_tx_clk_unbuf(au_tx_clk),
+ .mmcm_reset(au_mmcm_reset),
+ .user_clk(au_user_clk),
+ .sync_clk(au_sync_clk),
+ .mmcm_locked(au_mmcm_locked)
+ );
+ assign au_user_clk = 1'b0;
+ assign au_sync_clk = 1'b0;
+ assign au_mmcm_locked = 1'b0;
+ //--------------------------------------------------------------
+ // NPIO-QSFP MGT Lanes (Example loopback config)
+ //--------------------------------------------------------------
+`ifdef QSFP_LANES
+ localparam NUM_QSFP_LANES = `QSFP_LANES;
+ // QSFP wires to the ARM core and the crossbar
+ // These will only be connected if QSFP is 2x10 GbE
+ wire [NUM_QSFP_LANES*64-1:0] arm_eth_qsfp_tx_tdata_b;
+ wire [NUM_QSFP_LANES-1:0] arm_eth_qsfp_tx_tvalid_b;
+ wire [NUM_QSFP_LANES-1:0] arm_eth_qsfp_tx_tlast_b;
+ wire [NUM_QSFP_LANES-1:0] arm_eth_qsfp_tx_tready_b;
+ wire [NUM_QSFP_LANES*4-1:0] arm_eth_qsfp_tx_tuser_b;
+ wire [NUM_QSFP_LANES*8-1:0] arm_eth_qsfp_tx_tkeep_b;
+ wire [NUM_QSFP_LANES*64-1:0] arm_eth_qsfp_rx_tdata_b;
+ wire [NUM_QSFP_LANES-1:0] arm_eth_qsfp_rx_tvalid_b;
+ wire [NUM_QSFP_LANES-1:0] arm_eth_qsfp_rx_tlast_b;
+ wire [NUM_QSFP_LANES-1:0] arm_eth_qsfp_rx_tready_b;
+ wire [NUM_QSFP_LANES*4-1:0] arm_eth_qsfp_rx_tuser_b;
+ wire [NUM_QSFP_LANES*8-1:0] arm_eth_qsfp_rx_tkeep_b;
+ wire [NUM_QSFP_LANES*64-1:0] v2e_qsfp_tdata;
+ wire [NUM_QSFP_LANES-1:0] v2e_qsfp_tlast;
+ wire [NUM_QSFP_LANES-1:0] v2e_qsfp_tvalid;
+ wire [NUM_QSFP_LANES-1:0] v2e_qsfp_tready;
+ wire [NUM_QSFP_LANES*64-1:0] e2v_qsfp_tdata;
+ wire [NUM_QSFP_LANES-1:0] e2v_qsfp_tlast;
+ wire [NUM_QSFP_LANES-1:0] e2v_qsfp_tvalid;
+ wire [NUM_QSFP_LANES-1:0] e2v_qsfp_tready;
+ wire [NUM_QSFP_LANES-1:0] qsfp_link_up;
+ // QSFP quad's specific reference clocks
+ wire qsfp_gt_refclk;
+ wire qsfp_gb_refclk;
+ wire qsfp_misc_clk;
+ wire qsfp_qplloutclk;
+ wire qsfp_qplloutrefclk;
+ wire qsfp_qplllock;
+ wire qsfp_qpllreset;
+ wire qsfp_gt_tx_out_clk;
+ wire qsfp_gt_pll_lock;
+ wire qsfp_au_user_clk;
+ wire qsfp_au_sync_clk;
+ wire qsfp_au_mmcm_locked;
+`ifdef QSFP_10GBE
+ assign qsfp_gt_refclk = xgige_refclk;
+ assign qsfp_gb_refclk = xgige_clk156;
+ assign qsfp_misc_clk = xgige_dclk;
+ assign qsfp_gt_refclk = aurora_refclk;
+ assign qsfp_gb_refclk = aurora_clk156;
+ assign qsfp_misc_clk = aurora_init_clk;
+ // We reuse this GT_COMMON wrapper for both ethernet and Aurora because
+ // the behavior is identical
+ ten_gig_eth_pcs_pma_gt_common # (
+ .WRAPPER_SIM_GTRESET_SPEEDUP("TRUE") //Does not affect hardware
+ ) qsfp_gt_common_block (
+ .refclk(xgige_refclk),
+ .qpllreset(qsfp_qpllreset),
+ .qplllock(qsfp_qplllock),
+ .qplloutclk(qsfp_qplloutclk),
+ .qplloutrefclk(qsfp_qplloutrefclk),
+ .qpllrefclksel(3'b001 /*GTREFCLK0*/)
+ );
+ `ifdef QSFP_AURORA
+ aurora_phy_mmcm aurora_phy_mmcm (
+ .aurora_tx_clk_unbuf(qsfp_gt_tx_out_clk),
+ .mmcm_reset(~qsfp_gt_pll_lock),
+ .user_clk(qsfp_au_user_clk),
+ .sync_clk(qsfp_au_sync_clk),
+ .mmcm_locked(qsfp_au_mmcm_locked)
+ );
+ `else
+ assign qsfp_au_user_clk = 1'b0;
+ assign qsfp_au_sync_clk = 1'b0;
+ assign qsfp_au_mmcm_locked = 1'b0;
+ `endif
+ n3xx_mgt_channel_wrapper #(
+ `ifdef QSFP_10GBE
+ .PROTOCOL ("10GbE"),
+ .MDIO_EN (1'b1),
+ .MDIO_PHYADDR (5'd4),
+ `elsif QSFP_AURORA
+ .PROTOCOL ("Aurora"),
+ .MDIO_EN (1'b0),
+ `endif
+ ) qsfp_wrapper_i (
+ .areset (global_rst),
+ .gt_refclk (qsfp_gt_refclk),
+ .gb_refclk (qsfp_gb_refclk),
+ .misc_clk (qsfp_misc_clk),
+ .user_clk (qsfp_au_user_clk),
+ .sync_clk (qsfp_au_sync_clk),
+ .gt_tx_out_clk_unbuf(qsfp_gt_tx_out_clk),
+ .bus_clk (bus_clk),
+ .bus_rst (bus_rst),
+ // GT Common
+ .qpllrefclklost (),
+ .qplllock (qsfp_qplllock),
+ .qplloutclk (qsfp_qplloutclk),
+ .qplloutrefclk (qsfp_qplloutrefclk),
+ .qpllreset (qsfp_qpllreset),
+ // Aurora MMCM
+ .mmcm_locked (qsfp_au_mmcm_locked),
+ .gt_pll_lock (qsfp_gt_pll_lock),
+ .txp (QSFP_TX_P),
+ .txn (QSFP_TX_N),
+ .rxp (QSFP_RX_P),
+ .rxn (QSFP_RX_N),
+ .mod_present_n (QSFP_PRESENT_B),
+ .mod_rxlos (1'b0),
+ .mod_tx_fault (1'b0),
+ .mod_tx_disable (),
+ .mod_int_n (QSFP_INT_B),
+ .mod_reset_n (QSFP_RESET_B),
+ .mod_lpmode (QSFP_LPMODE),
+ .mod_sel_n (QSFP_MODSEL_B),
+ // Clock and reset
+ .s_axi_aclk (clk40),
+ .s_axi_aresetn (clk40_rstn),
+ // AXI4-Lite: Write address port (domain: s_axi_aclk)
+ .s_axi_awaddr (M_AXI_NET2_AWADDR[QSFP_REG_AWIDTH-1:0]),
+ .s_axi_awvalid (M_AXI_NET2_AWVALID),
+ .s_axi_awready (M_AXI_NET2_AWREADY),
+ // AXI4-Lite: Write data port (domain: s_axi_aclk)
+ .s_axi_wdata (M_AXI_NET2_WDATA),
+ .s_axi_wstrb (M_AXI_NET2_WSTRB),
+ .s_axi_wvalid (M_AXI_NET2_WVALID),
+ .s_axi_wready (M_AXI_NET2_WREADY),
+ // AXI4-Lite: Write response port (domain: s_axi_aclk)
+ .s_axi_bresp (M_AXI_NET2_BRESP),
+ .s_axi_bvalid (M_AXI_NET2_BVALID),
+ .s_axi_bready (M_AXI_NET2_BREADY),
+ // AXI4-Lite: Read address port (domain: s_axi_aclk)
+ .s_axi_araddr (M_AXI_NET2_ARADDR[QSFP_REG_AWIDTH-1:0]),
+ .s_axi_arvalid (M_AXI_NET2_ARVALID),
+ .s_axi_arready (M_AXI_NET2_ARREADY),
+ // AXI4-Lite: Read data port (domain: s_axi_aclk)
+ .s_axi_rdata (M_AXI_NET2_RDATA),
+ .s_axi_rresp (M_AXI_NET2_RRESP),
+ .s_axi_rvalid (M_AXI_NET2_RVALID),
+ .s_axi_rready (M_AXI_NET2_RREADY),
+ // Ethernet to Vita
+ .e2v_tdata (e2v_qsfp_tdata),
+ .e2v_tlast (e2v_qsfp_tlast),
+ .e2v_tvalid (e2v_qsfp_tvalid),
+ .e2v_tready (e2v_qsfp_tready),
+ // Vita to Ethernet
+ .v2e_tdata (v2e_qsfp_tdata),
+ .v2e_tlast (v2e_qsfp_tlast),
+ .v2e_tvalid (v2e_qsfp_tvalid),
+ .v2e_tready (v2e_qsfp_tready),
+ // Ethernet to CPU
+ .e2c_tdata (arm_eth_qsfp_rx_tdata_b),
+ .e2c_tkeep (arm_eth_qsfp_rx_tkeep_b),
+ .e2c_tlast (arm_eth_qsfp_rx_tlast_b),
+ .e2c_tvalid (arm_eth_qsfp_rx_tvalid_b),
+ .e2c_tready (arm_eth_qsfp_rx_tready_b),
+ // CPU to Ethernet
+ .c2e_tdata (arm_eth_qsfp_tx_tdata_b),
+ .c2e_tkeep (arm_eth_qsfp_tx_tkeep_b),
+ .c2e_tlast (arm_eth_qsfp_tx_tlast_b),
+ .c2e_tvalid (arm_eth_qsfp_tx_tvalid_b),
+ .c2e_tready (arm_eth_qsfp_tx_tready_b),
+ // Sideband White Rabbit Control
+ .wr_reset_n (1'b1),
+ .wr_refclk (1'b0),
+ .wr_dac_sclk (),
+ .wr_dac_din (),
+ .wr_dac_clr_n (),
+ .wr_dac_cs_n (),
+ .wr_dac_ldac_n (),
+ .wr_eeprom_scl_o(),
+ .wr_eeprom_scl_i(1'b0),
+ .wr_eeprom_sda_o(),
+ .wr_eeprom_sda_i(1'b0),
+ .wr_uart_rx (1'b0),
+ .wr_uart_tx (),
+ .mod_pps (),
+ .mod_refclk (),
+ // WR AXI Control
+ .wr_axi_aclk (),
+ .wr_axi_aresetn (1'b1),
+ .wr_axi_awaddr (),
+ .wr_axi_awvalid (),
+ .wr_axi_awready (),
+ .wr_axi_wdata (),
+ .wr_axi_wstrb (),
+ .wr_axi_wvalid (),
+ .wr_axi_wready (),
+ .wr_axi_bresp (),
+ .wr_axi_bvalid (),
+ .wr_axi_bready (),
+ .wr_axi_araddr (),
+ .wr_axi_arvalid (),
+ .wr_axi_arready (),
+ .wr_axi_rdata (),
+ .wr_axi_rresp (),
+ .wr_axi_rvalid (),
+ .wr_axi_rready (),
+ .wr_axi_rlast (),
+ .port_info (),
+ .device_id (device_id),
+ .link_up (qsfp_link_up),
+ .activity ()
+ );
+ assign QSFP_I2C_SCL = qsfp_scl_t ? 1'bz : qsfp_scl_o;
+ assign qsfp_scl_i = QSFP_I2C_SCL;
+ assign QSFP_I2C_SDA = qsfp_sda_t ? 1'bz : qsfp_sda_o;
+ assign qsfp_sda_i = QSFP_I2C_SDA;
+ assign QSFP_LED = |qsfp_link_up;
+ axi_dummy #(
+ .DEC_ERR(1'b0)
+ ) inst_axi_dummy_qsfp (
+ .s_axi_aclk(bus_clk),
+ .s_axi_areset(bus_rst),
+ .s_axi_awaddr(M_AXI_NET2_AWADDR),
+ .s_axi_awvalid(M_AXI_NET2_AWVALID),
+ .s_axi_awready(M_AXI_NET2_AWREADY),
+ .s_axi_wdata(M_AXI_NET2_WDATA),
+ .s_axi_wvalid(M_AXI_NET2_WVALID),
+ .s_axi_wready(M_AXI_NET2_WREADY),
+ .s_axi_bresp(M_AXI_NET2_BRESP),
+ .s_axi_bvalid(M_AXI_NET2_BVALID),
+ .s_axi_bready(M_AXI_NET2_BREADY),
+ .s_axi_araddr(M_AXI_NET2_ARADDR),
+ .s_axi_arvalid(M_AXI_NET2_ARVALID),
+ .s_axi_arready(M_AXI_NET2_ARREADY),
+ .s_axi_rdata(M_AXI_NET2_RDATA),
+ .s_axi_rresp(M_AXI_NET2_RRESP),
+ .s_axi_rvalid(M_AXI_NET2_RVALID),
+ .s_axi_rready(M_AXI_NET2_RREADY)
+ );
+ assign qsfp_scl_i = qsfp_scl_t ? 1'b1 : qsfp_scl_o;
+ assign qsfp_sda_i = qsfp_sda_t ? 1'b1 : qsfp_sda_o;
+ //--------------------------------------------------------------
+ // NPIO MGT Lanes (Example loopback config)
+ //--------------------------------------------------------------
+`ifdef NPIO_LANES
+ wire [127:0] npio_loopback_tdata;
+ wire [1:0] npio_loopback_tvalid;
+ wire [1:0] npio_loopback_tready;
+ wire [1:0] npio_loopback_tlast;
+ n3xx_mgt_io_core #(
+ .PROTOCOL ("Aurora"),
+ .REG_BASE (NPIO_REG_BASE + 14'h00),
+ .REG_DWIDTH (REG_DWIDTH), // Width of the AXI4-Lite data bus (must be 32 or 64)
+ .REG_AWIDTH (REG_AWIDTH), // Width of the address bus
+ .PORTNUM (8'd2),
+ .MDIO_EN (0)
+ ) npio_ln_0_i (
+ .areset (global_rst),
+ .gt_refclk (aurora_refclk),
+ .gb_refclk (aurora_clk156),
+ .misc_clk (aurora_init_clk),
+ .user_clk (au_user_clk),
+ .sync_clk (au_sync_clk),
+ .gt_tx_out_clk_unbuf(npio0_tx_out_clk),
+ .bus_clk (bus_clk),//clk for status reg reads to mdio interface
+ .bus_rst (bus_rst),
+ .qpllreset (qpllreset_npio0),
+ .qplloutclk (qplloutclk),
+ .qplloutrefclk (qplloutrefclk),
+ .qplllock (qplllock),
+ .qpllrefclklost (),
+ .rxp (NPIO_RX0_P),
+ .rxn (NPIO_RX0_N),
+ .txp (NPIO_TX0_P),
+ .txn (NPIO_TX0_N),
+ .sfpp_rxlos (1'b0),
+ .sfpp_tx_fault (1'b0),
+ //RegPort
+ .reg_wr_req (reg_wr_req_npio),
+ .reg_wr_addr (reg_wr_addr_npio),
+ .reg_wr_data (reg_wr_data_npio),
+ .reg_rd_req (reg_rd_req_npio),
+ .reg_rd_addr (reg_rd_addr_npio),
+ .reg_rd_resp (reg_rd_resp_npio0),
+ .reg_rd_data (reg_rd_data_npio0),
+ //DATA (loopback mode)
+ .s_axis_tdata (npio_loopback_tdata[63:0]), //Data to aurora core
+ .s_axis_tuser (4'b0),
+ .s_axis_tvalid (npio_loopback_tvalid[0]),
+ .s_axis_tlast (npio_loopback_tlast[0]),
+ .s_axis_tready (npio_loopback_tready[0]),
+ .m_axis_tdata (npio_loopback_tdata[63:0]), //Data from aurora core
+ .m_axis_tuser (),
+ .m_axis_tvalid (npio_loopback_tvalid[0]),
+ .m_axis_tlast (npio_loopback_tlast[0]),
+ .m_axis_tready (npio_loopback_tready[0]),
+ .mmcm_locked (au_mmcm_locked),
+ .gt_pll_lock (npio0_gt_pll_lock)
+ );
+ n3xx_mgt_io_core #(
+ .PROTOCOL ("Aurora"),
+ .REG_BASE (NPIO_REG_BASE + 14'h40),
+ .REG_DWIDTH (REG_DWIDTH), // Width of the AXI4-Lite data bus (must be 32 or 64)
+ .REG_AWIDTH (REG_AWIDTH), // Width of the address bus
+ .PORTNUM (8'd3),
+ .MDIO_EN (0)
+ ) npio_ln_1_i (
+ .areset (global_rst),
+ .gt_refclk (aurora_refclk),
+ .gb_refclk (aurora_clk156),
+ .misc_clk (aurora_init_clk),
+ .user_clk (au_user_clk),
+ .sync_clk (au_sync_clk),
+ .gt_tx_out_clk_unbuf(npio1_tx_out_clk),
+ .bus_clk (bus_clk),//clk for status reg reads to mdio interface
+ .bus_rst (bus_rst),
+ .qpllreset (qpllreset_npio1),
+ .qplloutclk (qplloutclk),
+ .qplloutrefclk (qplloutrefclk),
+ .qplllock (qplllock),
+ .qpllrefclklost (),
+ .rxp (NPIO_RX1_P),
+ .rxn (NPIO_RX1_N),
+ .txp (NPIO_TX1_P),
+ .txn (NPIO_TX1_N),
+ .sfpp_rxlos (1'b0),
+ .sfpp_tx_fault (1'b0),
+ //RegPort
+ .reg_wr_req (reg_wr_req_npio),
+ .reg_wr_addr (reg_wr_addr_npio),
+ .reg_wr_data (reg_wr_data_npio),
+ .reg_rd_req (reg_rd_req_npio),
+ .reg_rd_addr (reg_rd_addr_npio),
+ .reg_rd_resp (reg_rd_resp_npio1),
+ .reg_rd_data (reg_rd_data_npio1),
+ //DATA (loopback mode)
+ .s_axis_tdata (npio_loopback_tdata[127:64]), //Data to aurora core
+ .s_axis_tuser (4'b0),
+ .s_axis_tvalid (npio_loopback_tvalid[1]),
+ .s_axis_tlast (npio_loopback_tlast[1]),
+ .s_axis_tready (npio_loopback_tready[1]),
+ .m_axis_tdata (npio_loopback_tdata[127:64]), //Data from aurora core
+ .m_axis_tuser (),
+ .m_axis_tvalid (npio_loopback_tvalid[1]),
+ .m_axis_tlast (npio_loopback_tlast[1]),
+ .m_axis_tready (npio_loopback_tready[1]),
+ .mmcm_locked (au_mmcm_locked),
+ .gt_pll_lock (npio1_gt_pll_lock)
+ );
+ assign reg_rd_resp_npio0 = 1'b0;
+ assign reg_rd_data_npio0 = 'h0;
+ assign reg_rd_resp_npio1 = 1'b0;
+ assign reg_rd_data_npio1 = 'h0;
+ assign npio0_gt_pll_lock = 1'b1;
+ assign npio1_gt_pll_lock = 1'b1;
+ assign qpllreset_npio0 = 1'b0;
+ assign qpllreset_npio1 = 1'b0;
+ // ARM ethernet 0 bridge signals
+ wire [63:0] arm_eth0_tx_tdata;
+ wire arm_eth0_tx_tvalid;
+ wire arm_eth0_tx_tlast;
+ wire arm_eth0_tx_tready;
+ wire [3:0] arm_eth0_tx_tuser;
+ wire [7:0] arm_eth0_tx_tkeep;
+ wire [63:0] arm_eth0_tx_tdata_b;
+ wire arm_eth0_tx_tvalid_b;
+ wire arm_eth0_tx_tlast_b;
+ wire arm_eth0_tx_tready_b;
+ wire [3:0] arm_eth0_tx_tuser_b;
+ wire [7:0] arm_eth0_tx_tkeep_b;
+ wire [63:0] arm_eth_sfp0_tx_tdata_b;
+ wire arm_eth_sfp0_tx_tvalid_b;
+ wire arm_eth_sfp0_tx_tlast_b;
+ wire arm_eth_sfp0_tx_tready_b;
+ wire [3:0] arm_eth_sfp0_tx_tuser_b;
+ wire [7:0] arm_eth_sfp0_tx_tkeep_b;
+ wire [63:0] arm_eth0_rx_tdata;
+ wire arm_eth0_rx_tvalid;
+ wire arm_eth0_rx_tlast;
+ wire arm_eth0_rx_tready;
+ wire [3:0] arm_eth0_rx_tuser;
+ wire [7:0] arm_eth0_rx_tkeep;
+ wire [63:0] arm_eth0_rx_tdata_b;
+ wire arm_eth0_rx_tvalid_b;
+ wire arm_eth0_rx_tlast_b;
+ wire arm_eth0_rx_tready_b;
+ wire [3:0] arm_eth0_rx_tuser_b;
+ wire [7:0] arm_eth0_rx_tkeep_b;
+ wire [63:0] arm_eth_sfp0_rx_tdata_b;
+ wire arm_eth_sfp0_rx_tvalid_b;
+ wire arm_eth_sfp0_rx_tlast_b;
+ wire arm_eth_sfp0_rx_tready_b;
+ wire [3:0] arm_eth_sfp0_rx_tuser_b;
+ wire [7:0] arm_eth_sfp0_rx_tkeep_b;
+ wire arm_eth0_rx_irq;
+ wire arm_eth0_tx_irq;
+ // ARM ethernet 1 bridge signals
+ wire [63:0] arm_eth1_tx_tdata;
+ wire arm_eth1_tx_tvalid;
+ wire arm_eth1_tx_tlast;
+ wire arm_eth1_tx_tready;
+ wire [3:0] arm_eth1_tx_tuser;
+ wire [7:0] arm_eth1_tx_tkeep;
+ wire [63:0] arm_eth1_tx_tdata_b;
+ wire arm_eth1_tx_tvalid_b;
+ wire arm_eth1_tx_tlast_b;
+ wire arm_eth1_tx_tready_b;
+ wire [3:0] arm_eth1_tx_tuser_b;
+ wire [7:0] arm_eth1_tx_tkeep_b;
+ wire [63:0] arm_eth_sfp1_tx_tdata_b;
+ wire arm_eth_sfp1_tx_tvalid_b;
+ wire arm_eth_sfp1_tx_tlast_b;
+ wire arm_eth_sfp1_tx_tready_b;
+ wire [3:0] arm_eth_sfp1_tx_tuser_b;
+ wire [7:0] arm_eth_sfp1_tx_tkeep_b;
+ wire [63:0] arm_eth1_rx_tdata;
+ wire arm_eth1_rx_tvalid;
+ wire arm_eth1_rx_tlast;
+ wire arm_eth1_rx_tready;
+ wire [3:0] arm_eth1_rx_tuser;
+ wire [7:0] arm_eth1_rx_tkeep;
+ wire [63:0] arm_eth1_rx_tdata_b;
+ wire arm_eth1_rx_tvalid_b;
+ wire arm_eth1_rx_tlast_b;
+ wire arm_eth1_rx_tready_b;
+ wire [3:0] arm_eth1_rx_tuser_b;
+ wire [7:0] arm_eth1_rx_tkeep_b;
+ wire [63:0] arm_eth_sfp1_rx_tdata_b;
+ wire arm_eth_sfp1_rx_tvalid_b;
+ wire arm_eth_sfp1_rx_tlast_b;
+ wire arm_eth_sfp1_rx_tready_b;
+ wire [3:0] arm_eth_sfp1_rx_tuser_b;
+ wire [7:0] arm_eth_sfp1_rx_tkeep_b;
+ wire arm_eth1_tx_irq;
+ wire arm_eth1_rx_irq;
+ // Vita to Ethernet
+ wire [63:0] v2e0_tdata;
+ wire v2e0_tlast;
+ wire v2e0_tvalid;
+ wire v2e0_tready;
+ wire [63:0] v2e1_tdata;
+ wire v2e1_tlast;
+ wire v2e1_tvalid;
+ wire v2e1_tready;
+ wire [63:0] v2e_sfp0_tdata;
+ wire v2e_sfp0_tlast;
+ wire v2e_sfp0_tvalid;
+ wire v2e_sfp0_tready;
+ wire [63:0] v2e_sfp1_tdata;
+ wire v2e_sfp1_tlast;
+ wire v2e_sfp1_tvalid;
+ wire v2e_sfp1_tready;
+ // Ethernet to Vita
+ wire [63:0] e2v0_tdata;
+ wire e2v0_tlast;
+ wire e2v0_tvalid;
+ wire e2v0_tready;
+ wire [63:0] e2v1_tdata;
+ wire e2v1_tlast;
+ wire e2v1_tvalid;
+ wire e2v1_tready;
+ wire [63:0] e2v_sfp0_tdata;
+ wire e2v_sfp0_tlast;
+ wire e2v_sfp0_tvalid;
+ wire e2v_sfp0_tready;
+ wire [63:0] e2v_sfp1_tdata;
+ wire e2v_sfp1_tlast;
+ wire e2v_sfp1_tvalid;
+ wire e2v_sfp1_tready;
+ // Ethernet crossover
+ wire [63:0] e01_tdata, e10_tdata;
+ wire [3:0] e01_tuser, e10_tuser;
+ wire e01_tlast, e01_tvalid, e01_tready;
+ wire e10_tlast, e10_tvalid, e10_tready;
+ // DMA xport adapter to PS
+ wire [63:0] m_axis_dma_tdata;
+ wire [3:0] m_axis_dma_tuser;
+ wire m_axis_dma_tlast;
+ wire m_axis_dma_tready;
+ wire m_axis_dma_tvalid;
+ wire [63:0] s_axis_dma_tdata;
+ wire [3:0] s_axis_dma_tdest;
+ wire s_axis_dma_tlast;
+ wire s_axis_dma_tready;
+ wire s_axis_dma_tvalid;
+ // Misc
+ wire [31:0] sfp_port0_info;
+ wire [31:0] sfp_port1_info;
+ wire sfp0_link_up, sfp1_link_up;
+ wire [15:0] device_id;
+ /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ //
+ // SFP Wrapper 0: Network Interface (1/10G or Aurora)
+ //
+ //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ n3xx_mgt_channel_wrapper #(
+ .LANES(1),
+ `ifdef SFP0_10GBE
+ .PROTOCOL("10GbE"),
+ .MDIO_EN(1'b1),
+ .MDIO_PHYADDR(5'd4), // PHYADDR must match the "reg" property for PHY in DTS file
+ `elsif SFP0_AURORA
+ .PROTOCOL("Aurora"),
+ .MDIO_EN(1'b0),
+ `elsif SFP0_1GBE
+ .PROTOCOL("1GbE"),
+ .MDIO_EN(1'b1),
+ .MDIO_PHYADDR(5'd4), // PHYADDR must match the "reg" property for PHY in DTS file
+ `elsif SFP0_WR
+ .PROTOCOL("WhiteRabbit"),
+ .MDIO_EN(1'b0),
+ `endif
+ .REG_DWIDTH(REG_DWIDTH), // Width of the AXI4-Lite data bus (must be 32 or 64)
+ .REG_AWIDTH(REG_AWIDTH), // Width of the address bus
+ ) sfp_wrapper_0 (
+ .areset(global_rst),
+ .gt_refclk(sfp0_gt_refclk),
+ .gb_refclk(sfp0_gb_refclk),
+ .misc_clk(sfp0_misc_clk),
+ .user_clk(au_user_clk),
+ .sync_clk(au_sync_clk),
+ .gt_tx_out_clk_unbuf(sfp0_tx_out_clk),
+ .bus_rst(bus_rst),
+ .bus_clk(bus_clk),
+ .qpllreset(qpllreset_sfp0),
+ .qplllock(qplllock),
+ .qplloutclk(qplloutclk),
+ .qplloutrefclk(qplloutrefclk),
+ .qpllrefclklost(),
+ .mmcm_locked(au_mmcm_locked),
+ .gt_pll_lock(sfp0_gt_pll_lock),
+ .txp(SFP_0_TX_P),
+ .txn(SFP_0_TX_N),
+ .rxp(SFP_0_RX_P),
+ .rxn(SFP_0_RX_N),
+ .mod_present_n(SFP_0_I2C_NPRESENT),
+ .mod_rxlos(SFP_0_LOS),
+ .mod_tx_fault(SFP_0_TXFAULT),
+ .mod_tx_disable(SFP_0_TXDISABLE),
+ // Clock and reset
+ .s_axi_aclk(clk40),
+ .s_axi_aresetn(clk40_rstn),
+ // AXI4-Lite: Write address port (domain: s_axi_aclk)
+ .s_axi_awaddr(M_AXI_NET0_AWADDR[REG_AWIDTH-1:0]),
+ .s_axi_awvalid(M_AXI_NET0_AWVALID),
+ .s_axi_awready(M_AXI_NET0_AWREADY),
+ // AXI4-Lite: Write data port (domain: s_axi_aclk)
+ .s_axi_wdata(M_AXI_NET0_WDATA),
+ .s_axi_wstrb(M_AXI_NET0_WSTRB),
+ .s_axi_wvalid(M_AXI_NET0_WVALID),
+ .s_axi_wready(M_AXI_NET0_WREADY),
+ // AXI4-Lite: Write response port (domain: s_axi_aclk)
+ .s_axi_bresp(M_AXI_NET0_BRESP),
+ .s_axi_bvalid(M_AXI_NET0_BVALID),
+ .s_axi_bready(M_AXI_NET0_BREADY),
+ // AXI4-Lite: Read address port (domain: s_axi_aclk)
+ .s_axi_araddr(M_AXI_NET0_ARADDR[REG_AWIDTH-1:0]),
+ .s_axi_arvalid(M_AXI_NET0_ARVALID),
+ .s_axi_arready(M_AXI_NET0_ARREADY),
+ // AXI4-Lite: Read data port (domain: s_axi_aclk)
+ .s_axi_rdata(M_AXI_NET0_RDATA),
+ .s_axi_rresp(M_AXI_NET0_RRESP),
+ .s_axi_rvalid(M_AXI_NET0_RVALID),
+ .s_axi_rready(M_AXI_NET0_RREADY),
+ // Ethernet to Vita
+ .e2v_tdata(e2v_sfp0_tdata),
+ .e2v_tlast(e2v_sfp0_tlast),
+ .e2v_tvalid(e2v_sfp0_tvalid),
+ .e2v_tready(e2v_sfp0_tready),
+ // Vita to Ethernet
+ .v2e_tdata(v2e_sfp0_tdata),
+ .v2e_tlast(v2e_sfp0_tlast),
+ .v2e_tvalid(v2e_sfp0_tvalid),
+ .v2e_tready(v2e_sfp0_tready),
+ // Ethernet to CPU
+ .e2c_tdata(arm_eth_sfp0_rx_tdata_b),
+ .e2c_tkeep(arm_eth_sfp0_rx_tkeep_b),
+ .e2c_tlast(arm_eth_sfp0_rx_tlast_b),
+ .e2c_tvalid(arm_eth_sfp0_rx_tvalid_b),
+ .e2c_tready(arm_eth_sfp0_rx_tready_b),
+ // CPU to Ethernet
+ .c2e_tdata(arm_eth_sfp0_tx_tdata_b),
+ .c2e_tkeep(arm_eth_sfp0_tx_tkeep_b),
+ .c2e_tlast(arm_eth_sfp0_tx_tlast_b),
+ .c2e_tvalid(arm_eth_sfp0_tx_tvalid_b),
+ .c2e_tready(arm_eth_sfp0_tx_tready_b),
+ // White Rabbit Specific
+`ifdef SFP0_WR
+ .wr_reset_n (~ps_gpio_out[48]), // reset for WR only
+ .wr_refclk (wr_refclk_buf),
+ .wr_dac_sclk (WB_DAC_SCLK),
+ .wr_dac_din (WB_DAC_DIN),
+ .wr_dac_clr_n (WB_DAC_NCLR),
+ .wr_dac_cs_n (WB_DAC_NSYNC),
+ .wr_dac_ldac_n(WB_DAC_NLDAC),
+ .wr_eeprom_scl_o(), // storage for delay characterization
+ .wr_eeprom_scl_i(1'b0), // temp
+ .wr_eeprom_sda_o(),
+ .wr_eeprom_sda_i(1'b0), // temp
+ .wr_uart_rx(wr_uart_rxd), // to/from PS
+ .wr_uart_tx(wr_uart_txd),
+ .mod_pps(pps_wr_refclk), // out, reference clock and pps
+ .mod_refclk(wr_ref_clk),
+ // WR Slave Port to PS
+ .wr_axi_aclk(m_axi_wr_clk), // out to PS
+ .wr_axi_aresetn(1'b1), // in
+ .wr_axi_awaddr(m_axi_wr_awaddr),
+ .wr_axi_awvalid(m_axi_wr_awvalid),
+ .wr_axi_awready(m_axi_wr_awready),
+ .wr_axi_wdata(m_axi_wr_wdata),
+ .wr_axi_wstrb(m_axi_wr_wstrb),
+ .wr_axi_wvalid(m_axi_wr_wvalid),
+ .wr_axi_wready(m_axi_wr_wready),
+ .wr_axi_bresp(m_axi_wr_bresp),
+ .wr_axi_bvalid(m_axi_wr_bvalid),
+ .wr_axi_bready(m_axi_wr_bready),
+ .wr_axi_araddr(m_axi_wr_araddr),
+ .wr_axi_arvalid(m_axi_wr_arvalid),
+ .wr_axi_arready(m_axi_wr_arready),
+ .wr_axi_rdata(m_axi_wr_rdata),
+ .wr_axi_rresp(m_axi_wr_rresp),
+ .wr_axi_rvalid(m_axi_wr_rvalid),
+ .wr_axi_rready(m_axi_wr_rready),
+ .wr_axi_rlast(),
+ .wr_reset_n(1'b1),
+ .wr_refclk(1'b0),
+ .wr_eeprom_scl_i(1'b0),
+ .wr_eeprom_sda_i(1'b0),
+ .wr_uart_rx(1'b0),
+ // Misc
+ .port_info(sfp_port0_info),
+ .device_id(device_id),
+ // LED
+ .link_up(sfp0_link_up),
+ .activity(SFP_0_LED_A)
+ );
+ assign ps_gpio_in[60] = ps_gpio_tri[60] ? sfp0_link_up : ps_gpio_out[60];
+ assign SFP_0_LED_B = sfp0_link_up;
+`ifndef SFP0_WR
+ assign WB_DAC_SCLK = 1'b0;
+ assign WB_DAC_DIN = 1'b0;
+ assign WB_DAC_NCLR = 1'b1;
+ assign WB_DAC_NSYNC = 1'b1;
+ assign WB_DAC_NLDAC = 1'b1;
+ assign pps_wr_refclk = 1'b0;
+ assign wr_ref_clk = 1'b0;
+ /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ //
+ // SFP Wrapper 1: Network Interface (1/10G or Aurora)
+ //
+ //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ n3xx_mgt_channel_wrapper #(
+ .LANES(1),
+ `ifdef SFP1_10GBE
+ .PROTOCOL("10GbE"),
+ .MDIO_EN(1'b1),
+ .MDIO_PHYADDR(5'd4), // PHYADDR must match the "reg" property for PHY in DTS file
+ `elsif SFP1_AURORA
+ .PROTOCOL("Aurora"),
+ .MDIO_EN(1'b0),
+ `endif
+ .REG_DWIDTH(REG_DWIDTH), // Width of the AXI4-Lite data bus (must be 32 or 64)
+ .REG_AWIDTH(REG_AWIDTH), // Width of the address bus
+ ) sfp_wrapper_1 (
+ .areset(global_rst),
+ .gt_refclk(sfp1_gt_refclk),
+ .gb_refclk(sfp1_gb_refclk),
+ .misc_clk(sfp1_misc_clk),
+ .user_clk(au_user_clk),
+ .sync_clk(au_sync_clk),
+ .gt_tx_out_clk_unbuf(sfp1_tx_out_clk),
+ .bus_rst(bus_rst),
+ .bus_clk(bus_clk),
+ .qpllreset(qpllreset_sfp1),
+ .qplllock(qplllock),
+ .qplloutclk(qplloutclk),
+ .qplloutrefclk(qplloutrefclk),
+ .qpllrefclklost(),
+ .mmcm_locked(au_mmcm_locked),
+ .gt_pll_lock(sfp1_gt_pll_lock),
+ .txp(SFP_1_TX_P),
+ .txn(SFP_1_TX_N),
+ .rxp(SFP_1_RX_P),
+ .rxn(SFP_1_RX_N),
+ .mod_rxlos(SFP_1_LOS),
+ .mod_tx_fault(SFP_1_TXFAULT),
+ .mod_tx_disable(SFP_1_TXDISABLE),
+ // Clock and reset
+ .s_axi_aclk(clk40),
+ .s_axi_aresetn(clk40_rstn),
+ // AXI4-Lite: Write address port (domain: s_axi_aclk)
+ .s_axi_awaddr(M_AXI_NET1_AWADDR[REG_AWIDTH-1:0]),
+ .s_axi_awvalid(M_AXI_NET1_AWVALID),
+ .s_axi_awready(M_AXI_NET1_AWREADY),
+ // AXI4-Lite: Write data port (domain: s_axi_aclk)
+ .s_axi_wdata(M_AXI_NET1_WDATA),
+ .s_axi_wstrb(M_AXI_NET1_WSTRB),
+ .s_axi_wvalid(M_AXI_NET1_WVALID),
+ .s_axi_wready(M_AXI_NET1_WREADY),
+ // AXI4-Lite: Write response port (domain: s_axi_aclk)
+ .s_axi_bresp(M_AXI_NET1_BRESP),
+ .s_axi_bvalid(M_AXI_NET1_BVALID),
+ .s_axi_bready(M_AXI_NET1_BREADY),
+ // AXI4-Lite: Read address port (domain: s_axi_aclk)
+ .s_axi_araddr(M_AXI_NET1_ARADDR[REG_AWIDTH-1:0]),
+ .s_axi_arvalid(M_AXI_NET1_ARVALID),
+ .s_axi_arready(M_AXI_NET1_ARREADY),
+ // AXI4-Lite: Read data port (domain: s_axi_aclk)
+ .s_axi_rdata(M_AXI_NET1_RDATA),
+ .s_axi_rresp(M_AXI_NET1_RRESP),
+ .s_axi_rvalid(M_AXI_NET1_RVALID),
+ .s_axi_rready(M_AXI_NET1_RREADY),
+ // Ethernet to Vita
+ .e2v_tdata(e2v_sfp1_tdata),
+ .e2v_tlast(e2v_sfp1_tlast),
+ .e2v_tvalid(e2v_sfp1_tvalid),
+ .e2v_tready(e2v_sfp1_tready),
+ // Vita to Ethernet
+ .v2e_tdata(v2e_sfp1_tdata),
+ .v2e_tlast(v2e_sfp1_tlast),
+ .v2e_tvalid(v2e_sfp1_tvalid),
+ .v2e_tready(v2e_sfp1_tready),
+ // Ethernet to CPU
+ .e2c_tdata(arm_eth_sfp1_rx_tdata_b),
+ .e2c_tkeep(arm_eth_sfp1_rx_tkeep_b),
+ .e2c_tlast(arm_eth_sfp1_rx_tlast_b),
+ .e2c_tvalid(arm_eth_sfp1_rx_tvalid_b),
+ .e2c_tready(arm_eth_sfp1_rx_tready_b),
+ // CPU to Ethernet
+ .c2e_tdata(arm_eth_sfp1_tx_tdata_b),
+ .c2e_tkeep(arm_eth_sfp1_tx_tkeep_b),
+ .c2e_tlast(arm_eth_sfp1_tx_tlast_b),
+ .c2e_tvalid(arm_eth_sfp1_tx_tvalid_b),
+ .c2e_tready(arm_eth_sfp1_tx_tready_b),
+ // Misc
+ .port_info(sfp_port1_info),
+ .device_id(device_id),
+ // LED
+ .link_up(sfp1_link_up),
+ .activity(SFP_1_LED_A)
+ );
+ assign ps_gpio_in[61] = ps_gpio_tri[61] ? sfp1_link_up : ps_gpio_out[61];
+ assign SFP_1_LED_B = sfp1_link_up;
+ /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ //
+ // Ethernet DMA 0
+ //
+ //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ assign IRQ_F2P[0] = arm_eth0_rx_irq;
+ assign IRQ_F2P[1] = arm_eth0_tx_irq;
+ assign {S_AXI_HP0_AWID, S_AXI_HP0_ARID} = 12'd0;
+ assign {S_AXI_GP0_AWID, S_AXI_GP0_ARID} = 10'd0;
+`ifdef QSFP_10GBE
+ // QSFP+ lanes connect to DMA engines and crossbar
+ // Connect first QSFP+ 10 GbE port to a DMA engine (and the PS/ARM)
+ assign arm_eth_qsfp_tx_tdata_b[0*64 +: 64] = arm_eth0_tx_tdata_b;
+ assign arm_eth_qsfp_tx_tvalid_b[0] = arm_eth0_tx_tvalid_b;
+ assign arm_eth_qsfp_tx_tlast_b[0] = arm_eth0_tx_tlast_b;
+ assign arm_eth0_tx_tready_b = arm_eth_qsfp_tx_tready_b[0];
+ assign arm_eth_qsfp_tx_tuser_b[0*4 +: 4] = arm_eth0_tx_tuser_b;
+ assign arm_eth_qsfp_tx_tkeep_b[0*8 +: 8] = arm_eth0_tx_tkeep_b;
+ assign arm_eth0_rx_tdata_b = arm_eth_qsfp_rx_tdata_b[0*64 +: 64];
+ assign arm_eth0_rx_tvalid_b = arm_eth_qsfp_rx_tvalid_b[0];
+ assign arm_eth0_rx_tlast_b = arm_eth_qsfp_rx_tlast_b[0];
+ assign arm_eth_qsfp_rx_tready_b[0] = arm_eth0_rx_tready_b;
+ assign arm_eth0_rx_tuser_b = arm_eth_qsfp_rx_tuser_b[0*4 +: 4];
+ assign arm_eth0_rx_tkeep_b = arm_eth_qsfp_rx_tkeep_b[0*8 +: 8];
+ // Connect first QSFP+ 10 GbE port to the crossbar
+ assign v2e_qsfp_tdata[0*64 +: 64] = v2e0_tdata;
+ assign v2e_qsfp_tlast[0] = v2e0_tlast;
+ assign v2e_qsfp_tvalid[0] = v2e0_tvalid;
+ assign v2e0_tready = v2e_qsfp_tready[0];
+ assign e2v0_tdata = e2v_qsfp_tdata[0*64 +: 64];
+ assign e2v0_tlast = e2v_qsfp_tlast[0];
+ assign e2v0_tvalid = e2v_qsfp_tvalid[0];
+ assign e2v_qsfp_tready[0] = e2v0_tready;
+ // Connect second QSFP+ 10 GbE port to a DMA engine (and the PS/ARM)
+ assign arm_eth_qsfp_tx_tdata_b[1*64 +: 64] = arm_eth1_tx_tdata_b;
+ assign arm_eth_qsfp_tx_tvalid_b[1] = arm_eth1_tx_tvalid_b;
+ assign arm_eth_qsfp_tx_tlast_b[1] = arm_eth1_tx_tlast_b;
+ assign arm_eth1_tx_tready_b = arm_eth_qsfp_tx_tready_b[1];
+ assign arm_eth_qsfp_tx_tuser_b[1*4 +: 4] = arm_eth1_tx_tuser_b;
+ assign arm_eth_qsfp_tx_tkeep_b[1*8 +: 8] = arm_eth1_tx_tkeep_b;
+ assign arm_eth1_rx_tdata_b = arm_eth_qsfp_rx_tdata_b[1*64 +: 64];
+ assign arm_eth1_rx_tvalid_b = arm_eth_qsfp_rx_tvalid_b[1];
+ assign arm_eth1_rx_tlast_b = arm_eth_qsfp_rx_tlast_b[1];
+ assign arm_eth_qsfp_rx_tready_b[1] = arm_eth1_rx_tready_b;
+ assign arm_eth1_rx_tuser_b = arm_eth_qsfp_rx_tuser_b[1*4 +: 4];
+ assign arm_eth1_rx_tkeep_b = arm_eth_qsfp_rx_tkeep_b[1*8 +: 8];
+ // Connect second QSFP+ 10 GbE port to the crossbar
+ assign v2e_qsfp_tdata[1*64 +: 64] = v2e1_tdata;
+ assign v2e_qsfp_tlast[1] = v2e1_tlast;
+ assign v2e_qsfp_tvalid[1] = v2e1_tvalid;
+ assign v2e1_tready = v2e_qsfp_tready[1];
+ assign e2v1_tdata = e2v_qsfp_tdata[1*64 +: 64];
+ assign e2v1_tlast = e2v_qsfp_tlast[1];
+ assign e2v1_tvalid = e2v_qsfp_tvalid[1];
+ assign e2v_qsfp_tready[1] = e2v1_tready;
+ // SFP+ ports connects to DMA engines and crossbar
+ // Connect first SFP+ 10 GbE port to a DMA engine (and the PS/ARM)
+ assign arm_eth_sfp0_tx_tdata_b = arm_eth0_tx_tdata_b;
+ assign arm_eth_sfp0_tx_tvalid_b = arm_eth0_tx_tvalid_b;
+ assign arm_eth_sfp0_tx_tlast_b = arm_eth0_tx_tlast_b;
+ assign arm_eth0_tx_tready_b = arm_eth_sfp0_tx_tready_b;
+ assign arm_eth_sfp0_tx_tuser_b = arm_eth0_tx_tuser_b;
+ assign arm_eth_sfp0_tx_tkeep_b = arm_eth0_tx_tkeep_b;
+ assign arm_eth0_rx_tdata_b = arm_eth_sfp0_rx_tdata_b;
+ assign arm_eth0_rx_tvalid_b = arm_eth_sfp0_rx_tvalid_b;
+ assign arm_eth0_rx_tlast_b = arm_eth_sfp0_rx_tlast_b;
+ assign arm_eth_sfp0_rx_tready_b = arm_eth0_rx_tready_b;
+ assign arm_eth0_rx_tuser_b = arm_eth_sfp0_rx_tuser_b;
+ assign arm_eth0_rx_tkeep_b = arm_eth_sfp0_rx_tkeep_b;
+ // Connect first SFP+ 10 GbE port to the crossbar
+ assign v2e_sfp0_tdata = v2e0_tdata;
+ assign v2e_sfp0_tlast = v2e0_tlast;
+ assign v2e_sfp0_tvalid = v2e0_tvalid;
+ assign v2e0_tready = v2e_sfp0_tready;
+ assign e2v0_tdata = e2v_sfp0_tdata;
+ assign e2v0_tlast = e2v_sfp0_tlast;
+ assign e2v0_tvalid = e2v_sfp0_tvalid;
+ assign e2v_sfp0_tready = e2v0_tready;
+ // Connect second SFP+ 10 GbE port to a DMA engine (and the PS/ARM)
+ assign arm_eth_sfp1_tx_tdata_b = arm_eth1_tx_tdata_b;
+ assign arm_eth_sfp1_tx_tvalid_b = arm_eth1_tx_tvalid_b;
+ assign arm_eth_sfp1_tx_tlast_b = arm_eth1_tx_tlast_b;
+ assign arm_eth1_tx_tready_b = arm_eth_sfp1_tx_tready_b;
+ assign arm_eth_sfp1_tx_tuser_b = arm_eth1_tx_tuser_b;
+ assign arm_eth_sfp1_tx_tkeep_b = arm_eth1_tx_tkeep_b;
+ assign arm_eth1_rx_tdata_b = arm_eth_sfp1_rx_tdata_b;
+ assign arm_eth1_rx_tvalid_b = arm_eth_sfp1_rx_tvalid_b;
+ assign arm_eth1_rx_tlast_b = arm_eth_sfp1_rx_tlast_b;
+ assign arm_eth_sfp1_rx_tready_b = arm_eth1_rx_tready_b;
+ assign arm_eth1_rx_tuser_b = arm_eth_sfp1_rx_tuser_b;
+ assign arm_eth1_rx_tkeep_b = arm_eth_sfp1_rx_tkeep_b;
+ // Connect first SFP+ 10 GbE port to the crossbar
+ assign v2e_sfp1_tdata = v2e1_tdata;
+ assign v2e_sfp1_tlast = v2e1_tlast;
+ assign v2e_sfp1_tvalid = v2e1_tvalid;
+ assign v2e1_tready = v2e_sfp1_tready;
+ assign e2v1_tdata = e2v_sfp1_tdata;
+ assign e2v1_tlast = e2v_sfp1_tlast;
+ assign e2v1_tvalid = e2v_sfp1_tvalid;
+ assign e2v_sfp1_tready = e2v1_tready;
+ // Don't actually instantiate DMA engines if protocols can't use them
+ `ifdef SFP0_AURORA
+ `define NO_ETH_DMA_0
+ `elsif SFP0_WR
+ `define NO_ETH_DMA_0
+ `endif
+ `ifdef SFP1_AURORA
+ `define NO_ETH_DMA_1
+ `endif
+`ifdef NO_ETH_DMA_0
+ //If inst Aurora, tie off each axi/axi-lite interface
+ axi_dummy #(
+ .DEC_ERR(1'b0)
+ ) inst_axi_dummy_sfp0_eth_dma (
+ .s_axi_aclk(bus_clk),
+ .s_axi_areset(bus_rst),
+ .s_axi_awaddr(M_AXI_ETH_DMA0_AWADDR),
+ .s_axi_awvalid(M_AXI_ETH_DMA0_AWVALID),
+ .s_axi_awready(M_AXI_ETH_DMA0_AWREADY),
+ .s_axi_wdata(M_AXI_ETH_DMA0_WDATA),
+ .s_axi_wvalid(M_AXI_ETH_DMA0_WVALID),
+ .s_axi_wready(M_AXI_ETH_DMA0_WREADY),
+ .s_axi_bresp(M_AXI_ETH_DMA0_BRESP),
+ .s_axi_bvalid(M_AXI_ETH_DMA0_BVALID),
+ .s_axi_bready(M_AXI_ETH_DMA0_BREADY),
+ .s_axi_araddr(M_AXI_ETH_DMA0_ARADDR),
+ .s_axi_arvalid(M_AXI_ETH_DMA0_ARVALID),
+ .s_axi_arready(M_AXI_ETH_DMA0_ARREADY),
+ .s_axi_rdata(M_AXI_ETH_DMA0_RDATA),
+ .s_axi_rresp(M_AXI_ETH_DMA0_RRESP),
+ .s_axi_rvalid(M_AXI_ETH_DMA0_RVALID),
+ .s_axi_rready(M_AXI_ETH_DMA0_RREADY)
+ );
+ //S_AXI_GP0 outputs from axi_eth_dma, so needs some sort of controller/tie off
+ assign S_AXI_GP0_AWADDR = 32'h0;
+ assign S_AXI_GP0_AWLEN = 8'h0;
+ assign S_AXI_GP0_AWSIZE = 4'h0;
+ assign S_AXI_GP0_AWBURST = 3'h0;
+ assign S_AXI_GP0_AWPROT = 3'h0;
+ assign S_AXI_GP0_AWCACHE = 4'h0;
+ assign S_AXI_GP0_AWVALID = 1'b0;
+ //S_AXI_GP0_AWREADY output from PS
+ assign S_AXI_GP0_WDATA = 32'h0;
+ assign S_AXI_GP0_WSTRB = 4'h0;
+ assign S_AXI_GP0_WLAST = 1'b0;
+ assign S_AXI_GP0_WVALID = 1'b0;
+ //S_AXI_GP0_WREADY output from PS
+ assign S_AXI_GP0_BREADY = 1'b1;
+ assign S_AXI_GP0_ARADDR = 32'h0;
+ assign S_AXI_GP0_ARLEN = 8'h0;
+ assign S_AXI_GP0_ARSIZE = 3'h0;
+ assign S_AXI_GP0_ARBURST = 2'h0;
+ assign S_AXI_GP0_ARPROT = 3'h0;
+ assign S_AXI_GP0_ARCACHE = 4'h0;
+ assign S_AXI_GP0_ARVALID = 1'b0;
+ assign S_AXI_GP0_RREADY = 1'b1;
+ //S_AXI_HP0 from axi_eth_dma
+ assign S_AXI_HP0_ARADDR = 32'h0;
+ assign S_AXI_HP0_ARLEN = 8'h0;
+ assign S_AXI_HP0_ARSIZE = 3'h0;
+ assign S_AXI_HP0_ARBURST = 2'h0;
+ assign S_AXI_HP0_ARPROT = 3'h0;
+ assign S_AXI_HP0_ARCACHE = 4'h0;
+ assign S_AXI_HP0_ARVALID = 1'b0;
+ assign S_AXI_HP0_RREADY = 1'b1;
+ assign S_AXI_HP0_AWADDR = 32'h0;
+ assign S_AXI_HP0_AWLEN = 8'h0;
+ assign S_AXI_HP0_AWSIZE = 3'h0;
+ assign S_AXI_HP0_AWBURST = 2'h0;
+ assign S_AXI_HP0_AWPROT = 3'h0;
+ assign S_AXI_HP0_AWCACHE = 4'h0;
+ assign S_AXI_HP0_AWVALID = 1'b0;
+ assign S_AXI_HP0_WDATA = 64'h0;
+ assign S_AXI_HP0_WSTRB = 8'h0;
+ assign S_AXI_HP0_WLAST = 1'b0;
+ assign S_AXI_HP0_WVALID = 1'b0;
+ assign S_AXI_HP0_BREADY = 1'b1;
+ axi_eth_dma inst_axi_eth_dma0 (
+ .s_axi_lite_aclk(clk40),
+ .m_axi_sg_aclk(clk40),
+ .m_axi_mm2s_aclk(clk40),
+ .m_axi_s2mm_aclk(clk40),
+ .axi_resetn(clk40_rstn),
+ .s_axi_lite_awaddr(M_AXI_ETH_DMA0_AWADDR),
+ .s_axi_lite_awvalid(M_AXI_ETH_DMA0_AWVALID),
+ .s_axi_lite_awready(M_AXI_ETH_DMA0_AWREADY),
+ .s_axi_lite_wdata(M_AXI_ETH_DMA0_WDATA),
+ .s_axi_lite_wvalid(M_AXI_ETH_DMA0_WVALID),
+ .s_axi_lite_wready(M_AXI_ETH_DMA0_WREADY),
+ .s_axi_lite_bresp(M_AXI_ETH_DMA0_BRESP),
+ .s_axi_lite_bvalid(M_AXI_ETH_DMA0_BVALID),
+ .s_axi_lite_bready(M_AXI_ETH_DMA0_BREADY),
+ .s_axi_lite_araddr(M_AXI_ETH_DMA0_ARADDR),
+ .s_axi_lite_arvalid(M_AXI_ETH_DMA0_ARVALID),
+ .s_axi_lite_arready(M_AXI_ETH_DMA0_ARREADY),
+ .s_axi_lite_rdata(M_AXI_ETH_DMA0_RDATA),
+ .s_axi_lite_rresp(M_AXI_ETH_DMA0_RRESP),
+ .s_axi_lite_rvalid(M_AXI_ETH_DMA0_RVALID),
+ .s_axi_lite_rready(M_AXI_ETH_DMA0_RREADY),
+ .m_axi_sg_awaddr(S_AXI_GP0_AWADDR),
+ .m_axi_sg_awlen(S_AXI_GP0_AWLEN),
+ .m_axi_sg_awsize(S_AXI_GP0_AWSIZE),
+ .m_axi_sg_awburst(S_AXI_GP0_AWBURST),
+ .m_axi_sg_awprot(S_AXI_GP0_AWPROT),
+ .m_axi_sg_awcache(S_AXI_GP0_AWCACHE),
+ .m_axi_sg_awvalid(S_AXI_GP0_AWVALID),
+ .m_axi_sg_awready(S_AXI_GP0_AWREADY),
+ .m_axi_sg_wdata(S_AXI_GP0_WDATA),
+ .m_axi_sg_wstrb(S_AXI_GP0_WSTRB),
+ .m_axi_sg_wlast(S_AXI_GP0_WLAST),
+ .m_axi_sg_wvalid(S_AXI_GP0_WVALID),
+ .m_axi_sg_wready(S_AXI_GP0_WREADY),
+ .m_axi_sg_bresp(S_AXI_GP0_BRESP),
+ .m_axi_sg_bvalid(S_AXI_GP0_BVALID),
+ .m_axi_sg_bready(S_AXI_GP0_BREADY),
+ .m_axi_sg_araddr(S_AXI_GP0_ARADDR),
+ .m_axi_sg_arlen(S_AXI_GP0_ARLEN),
+ .m_axi_sg_arsize(S_AXI_GP0_ARSIZE),
+ .m_axi_sg_arburst(S_AXI_GP0_ARBURST),
+ .m_axi_sg_arprot(S_AXI_GP0_ARPROT),
+ .m_axi_sg_arcache(S_AXI_GP0_ARCACHE),
+ .m_axi_sg_arvalid(S_AXI_GP0_ARVALID),
+ .m_axi_sg_arready(S_AXI_GP0_ARREADY),
+ .m_axi_sg_rdata(S_AXI_GP0_RDATA),
+ .m_axi_sg_rresp(S_AXI_GP0_RRESP),
+ .m_axi_sg_rlast(S_AXI_GP0_RLAST),
+ .m_axi_sg_rvalid(S_AXI_GP0_RVALID),
+ .m_axi_sg_rready(S_AXI_GP0_RREADY),
+ .m_axi_mm2s_araddr(S_AXI_HP0_ARADDR),
+ .m_axi_mm2s_arlen(S_AXI_HP0_ARLEN),
+ .m_axi_mm2s_arsize(S_AXI_HP0_ARSIZE),
+ .m_axi_mm2s_arburst(S_AXI_HP0_ARBURST),
+ .m_axi_mm2s_arprot(S_AXI_HP0_ARPROT),
+ .m_axi_mm2s_arcache(S_AXI_HP0_ARCACHE),
+ .m_axi_mm2s_arvalid(S_AXI_HP0_ARVALID),
+ .m_axi_mm2s_arready(S_AXI_HP0_ARREADY),
+ .m_axi_mm2s_rdata(S_AXI_HP0_RDATA),
+ .m_axi_mm2s_rresp(S_AXI_HP0_RRESP),
+ .m_axi_mm2s_rlast(S_AXI_HP0_RLAST),
+ .m_axi_mm2s_rvalid(S_AXI_HP0_RVALID),
+ .m_axi_mm2s_rready(S_AXI_HP0_RREADY),
+ .mm2s_prmry_reset_out_n(),
+ .m_axis_mm2s_tdata(arm_eth0_tx_tdata),
+ .m_axis_mm2s_tkeep(arm_eth0_tx_tkeep),
+ .m_axis_mm2s_tvalid(arm_eth0_tx_tvalid),
+ .m_axis_mm2s_tready(arm_eth0_tx_tready),
+ .m_axis_mm2s_tlast(arm_eth0_tx_tlast),
+ .m_axi_s2mm_awaddr(S_AXI_HP0_AWADDR),
+ .m_axi_s2mm_awlen(S_AXI_HP0_AWLEN),
+ .m_axi_s2mm_awsize(S_AXI_HP0_AWSIZE),
+ .m_axi_s2mm_awburst(S_AXI_HP0_AWBURST),
+ .m_axi_s2mm_awprot(S_AXI_HP0_AWPROT),
+ .m_axi_s2mm_awcache(S_AXI_HP0_AWCACHE),
+ .m_axi_s2mm_awvalid(S_AXI_HP0_AWVALID),
+ .m_axi_s2mm_awready(S_AXI_HP0_AWREADY),
+ .m_axi_s2mm_wdata(S_AXI_HP0_WDATA),
+ .m_axi_s2mm_wstrb(S_AXI_HP0_WSTRB),
+ .m_axi_s2mm_wlast(S_AXI_HP0_WLAST),
+ .m_axi_s2mm_wvalid(S_AXI_HP0_WVALID),
+ .m_axi_s2mm_wready(S_AXI_HP0_WREADY),
+ .m_axi_s2mm_bresp(S_AXI_HP0_BRESP),
+ .m_axi_s2mm_bvalid(S_AXI_HP0_BVALID),
+ .m_axi_s2mm_bready(S_AXI_HP0_BREADY),
+ .s2mm_prmry_reset_out_n(),
+ .s_axis_s2mm_tdata(arm_eth0_rx_tdata),
+ .s_axis_s2mm_tkeep(arm_eth0_rx_tkeep),
+ .s_axis_s2mm_tvalid(arm_eth0_rx_tvalid),
+ .s_axis_s2mm_tready(arm_eth0_rx_tready),
+ .s_axis_s2mm_tlast(arm_eth0_rx_tlast),
+ .mm2s_introut(arm_eth0_tx_irq),
+ .s2mm_introut(arm_eth0_rx_irq),
+ .axi_dma_tstvec()
+ );
+ axi_fifo_2clk #(
+ .WIDTH(1+8+64),
+ .SIZE(5)
+ ) eth_tx_0_fifo_2clk_i (
+ .reset(clk40_rst),
+ .i_aclk(clk40),
+ .i_tdata({arm_eth0_tx_tlast, arm_eth0_tx_tkeep, arm_eth0_tx_tdata}),
+ .i_tvalid(arm_eth0_tx_tvalid),
+ .i_tready(arm_eth0_tx_tready),
+ .o_aclk(bus_clk),
+ .o_tdata({arm_eth0_tx_tlast_b, arm_eth0_tx_tkeep_b, arm_eth0_tx_tdata_b}),
+ .o_tvalid(arm_eth0_tx_tvalid_b),
+ .o_tready(arm_eth0_tx_tready_b)
+ );
+ axi_fifo_2clk #(
+ .WIDTH(1+8+64),
+ .SIZE(5)
+ ) eth_rx_0_fifo_2clk_i (
+ .reset(bus_rst),
+ .i_aclk(bus_clk),
+ .i_tdata({arm_eth0_rx_tlast_b, arm_eth0_rx_tkeep_b, arm_eth0_rx_tdata_b}),
+ .i_tvalid(arm_eth0_rx_tvalid_b),
+ .i_tready(arm_eth0_rx_tready_b),
+ .o_aclk(clk40),
+ .o_tdata({arm_eth0_rx_tlast, arm_eth0_rx_tkeep, arm_eth0_rx_tdata}),
+ .o_tvalid(arm_eth0_rx_tvalid),
+ .o_tready(arm_eth0_rx_tready)
+ );
+ /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ //
+ // Ethernet DMA 1
+ //
+ //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ assign IRQ_F2P[2] = arm_eth1_rx_irq;
+ assign IRQ_F2P[3] = arm_eth1_tx_irq;
+ assign {S_AXI_HP1_AWID, S_AXI_HP1_ARID} = 12'd0;
+ assign {S_AXI_GP1_AWID, S_AXI_GP1_ARID} = 10'd0;
+`ifdef NO_ETH_DMA_1
+ //If inst Aurora, tie off each axi/axi-lite interface
+ axi_dummy #(.DEC_ERR(1'b0)) inst_axi_dummy_sfp1_eth_dma
+ (
+ .s_axi_aclk(bus_clk),
+ .s_axi_areset(bus_rst),
+ .s_axi_awaddr(M_AXI_ETH_DMA1_AWADDR),
+ .s_axi_awvalid(M_AXI_ETH_DMA1_AWVALID),
+ .s_axi_awready(M_AXI_ETH_DMA1_AWREADY),
+ .s_axi_wdata(M_AXI_ETH_DMA1_WDATA),
+ .s_axi_wvalid(M_AXI_ETH_DMA1_WVALID),
+ .s_axi_wready(M_AXI_ETH_DMA1_WREADY),
+ .s_axi_bresp(M_AXI_ETH_DMA1_BRESP),
+ .s_axi_bvalid(M_AXI_ETH_DMA1_BVALID),
+ .s_axi_bready(M_AXI_ETH_DMA1_BREADY),
+ .s_axi_araddr(M_AXI_ETH_DMA1_ARADDR),
+ .s_axi_arvalid(M_AXI_ETH_DMA1_ARVALID),
+ .s_axi_arready(M_AXI_ETH_DMA1_ARREADY),
+ .s_axi_rdata(M_AXI_ETH_DMA1_RDATA),
+ .s_axi_rresp(M_AXI_ETH_DMA1_RRESP),
+ .s_axi_rvalid(M_AXI_ETH_DMA1_RVALID),
+ .s_axi_rready(M_AXI_ETH_DMA1_RREADY)
+ );
+ //S_AXI_GP0 outputs from axi_eth_dma, so needs some sort of controller/tie off
+ assign S_AXI_GP1_AWADDR = 32'h0;
+ assign S_AXI_GP1_AWLEN = 8'h0;
+ assign S_AXI_GP1_AWSIZE = 4'h0;
+ assign S_AXI_GP1_AWBURST = 3'h0;
+ assign S_AXI_GP1_AWPROT = 3'h0;
+ assign S_AXI_GP1_AWCACHE = 4'h0;
+ assign S_AXI_GP1_AWVALID = 1'b0;
+ //S_AXI_GP1_AWREADY output from PS
+ assign S_AXI_GP1_WDATA = 32'h0;
+ assign S_AXI_GP1_WSTRB = 4'h0;
+ assign S_AXI_GP1_WLAST = 1'b0;
+ assign S_AXI_GP1_WVALID = 1'b0;
+ //S_AXI_GP1_WREADY output from PS
+ assign S_AXI_GP1_BREADY = 1'b1;
+ assign S_AXI_GP1_ARADDR = 32'h0;
+ assign S_AXI_GP1_ARLEN = 8'h0;
+ assign S_AXI_GP1_ARSIZE = 3'h0;
+ assign S_AXI_GP1_ARBURST = 2'h0;
+ assign S_AXI_GP1_ARPROT = 3'h0;
+ assign S_AXI_GP1_ARCACHE = 4'h0;
+ assign S_AXI_GP1_ARVALID = 1'b0;
+ assign S_AXI_GP1_RREADY = 1'b1;
+ //S_AXI_HP0 from axi_eth_dma
+ assign S_AXI_HP1_ARADDR = 32'h0;
+ assign S_AXI_HP1_ARLEN = 8'h0;
+ assign S_AXI_HP1_ARSIZE = 3'h0;
+ assign S_AXI_HP1_ARBURST = 2'h0;
+ assign S_AXI_HP1_ARPROT = 3'h0;
+ assign S_AXI_HP1_ARCACHE = 4'h0;
+ assign S_AXI_HP1_ARVALID = 1'b0;
+ assign S_AXI_HP1_RREADY = 1'b1;
+ assign S_AXI_HP1_AWADDR = 32'h0;
+ assign S_AXI_HP1_AWLEN = 8'h0;
+ assign S_AXI_HP1_AWSIZE = 3'h0;
+ assign S_AXI_HP1_AWBURST = 2'h0;
+ assign S_AXI_HP1_AWPROT = 3'h0;
+ assign S_AXI_HP1_AWCACHE = 4'h0;
+ assign S_AXI_HP1_AWVALID = 1'b0;
+ assign S_AXI_HP1_WDATA = 64'h0;
+ assign S_AXI_HP1_WSTRB = 8'h0;
+ assign S_AXI_HP1_WLAST = 1'b0;
+ assign S_AXI_HP1_WVALID = 1'b0;
+ assign S_AXI_HP1_BREADY = 1'b1;
+ axi_eth_dma inst_axi_eth_dma1 (
+ .s_axi_lite_aclk(clk40),
+ .m_axi_sg_aclk(clk40),
+ .m_axi_mm2s_aclk(clk40),
+ .m_axi_s2mm_aclk(clk40),
+ .axi_resetn(clk40_rstn),
+ .s_axi_lite_awaddr(M_AXI_ETH_DMA1_AWADDR),
+ .s_axi_lite_awvalid(M_AXI_ETH_DMA1_AWVALID),
+ .s_axi_lite_awready(M_AXI_ETH_DMA1_AWREADY),
+ .s_axi_lite_wdata(M_AXI_ETH_DMA1_WDATA),
+ .s_axi_lite_wvalid(M_AXI_ETH_DMA1_WVALID),
+ .s_axi_lite_wready(M_AXI_ETH_DMA1_WREADY),
+ .s_axi_lite_bresp(M_AXI_ETH_DMA1_BRESP),
+ .s_axi_lite_bvalid(M_AXI_ETH_DMA1_BVALID),
+ .s_axi_lite_bready(M_AXI_ETH_DMA1_BREADY),
+ .s_axi_lite_araddr(M_AXI_ETH_DMA1_ARADDR),
+ .s_axi_lite_arvalid(M_AXI_ETH_DMA1_ARVALID),
+ .s_axi_lite_arready(M_AXI_ETH_DMA1_ARREADY),
+ .s_axi_lite_rdata(M_AXI_ETH_DMA1_RDATA),
+ .s_axi_lite_rresp(M_AXI_ETH_DMA1_RRESP),
+ .s_axi_lite_rvalid(M_AXI_ETH_DMA1_RVALID),
+ .s_axi_lite_rready(M_AXI_ETH_DMA1_RREADY),
+ .m_axi_sg_awaddr(S_AXI_GP1_AWADDR),
+ .m_axi_sg_awlen(S_AXI_GP1_AWLEN),
+ .m_axi_sg_awsize(S_AXI_GP1_AWSIZE),
+ .m_axi_sg_awburst(S_AXI_GP1_AWBURST),
+ .m_axi_sg_awprot(S_AXI_GP1_AWPROT),
+ .m_axi_sg_awcache(S_AXI_GP1_AWCACHE),
+ .m_axi_sg_awvalid(S_AXI_GP1_AWVALID),
+ .m_axi_sg_awready(S_AXI_GP1_AWREADY),
+ .m_axi_sg_wdata(S_AXI_GP1_WDATA),
+ .m_axi_sg_wstrb(S_AXI_GP1_WSTRB),
+ .m_axi_sg_wlast(S_AXI_GP1_WLAST),
+ .m_axi_sg_wvalid(S_AXI_GP1_WVALID),
+ .m_axi_sg_wready(S_AXI_GP1_WREADY),
+ .m_axi_sg_bresp(S_AXI_GP1_BRESP),
+ .m_axi_sg_bvalid(S_AXI_GP1_BVALID),
+ .m_axi_sg_bready(S_AXI_GP1_BREADY),
+ .m_axi_sg_araddr(S_AXI_GP1_ARADDR),
+ .m_axi_sg_arlen(S_AXI_GP1_ARLEN),
+ .m_axi_sg_arsize(S_AXI_GP1_ARSIZE),
+ .m_axi_sg_arburst(S_AXI_GP1_ARBURST),
+ .m_axi_sg_arprot(S_AXI_GP1_ARPROT),
+ .m_axi_sg_arcache(S_AXI_GP1_ARCACHE),
+ .m_axi_sg_arvalid(S_AXI_GP1_ARVALID),
+ .m_axi_sg_arready(S_AXI_GP1_ARREADY),
+ .m_axi_sg_rdata(S_AXI_GP1_RDATA),
+ .m_axi_sg_rresp(S_AXI_GP1_RRESP),
+ .m_axi_sg_rlast(S_AXI_GP1_RLAST),
+ .m_axi_sg_rvalid(S_AXI_GP1_RVALID),
+ .m_axi_sg_rready(S_AXI_GP1_RREADY),
+ .m_axi_mm2s_araddr(S_AXI_HP1_ARADDR),
+ .m_axi_mm2s_arlen(S_AXI_HP1_ARLEN),
+ .m_axi_mm2s_arsize(S_AXI_HP1_ARSIZE),
+ .m_axi_mm2s_arburst(S_AXI_HP1_ARBURST),
+ .m_axi_mm2s_arprot(S_AXI_HP1_ARPROT),
+ .m_axi_mm2s_arcache(S_AXI_HP1_ARCACHE),
+ .m_axi_mm2s_arvalid(S_AXI_HP1_ARVALID),
+ .m_axi_mm2s_arready(S_AXI_HP1_ARREADY),
+ .m_axi_mm2s_rdata(S_AXI_HP1_RDATA),
+ .m_axi_mm2s_rresp(S_AXI_HP1_RRESP),
+ .m_axi_mm2s_rlast(S_AXI_HP1_RLAST),
+ .m_axi_mm2s_rvalid(S_AXI_HP1_RVALID),
+ .m_axi_mm2s_rready(S_AXI_HP1_RREADY),
+ .mm2s_prmry_reset_out_n(),
+ .m_axis_mm2s_tdata(arm_eth1_tx_tdata),
+ .m_axis_mm2s_tkeep(arm_eth1_tx_tkeep),
+ .m_axis_mm2s_tvalid(arm_eth1_tx_tvalid),
+ .m_axis_mm2s_tready(arm_eth1_tx_tready),
+ .m_axis_mm2s_tlast(arm_eth1_tx_tlast),
+ .m_axi_s2mm_awaddr(S_AXI_HP1_AWADDR),
+ .m_axi_s2mm_awlen(S_AXI_HP1_AWLEN),
+ .m_axi_s2mm_awsize(S_AXI_HP1_AWSIZE),
+ .m_axi_s2mm_awburst(S_AXI_HP1_AWBURST),
+ .m_axi_s2mm_awprot(S_AXI_HP1_AWPROT),
+ .m_axi_s2mm_awcache(S_AXI_HP1_AWCACHE),
+ .m_axi_s2mm_awvalid(S_AXI_HP1_AWVALID),
+ .m_axi_s2mm_awready(S_AXI_HP1_AWREADY),
+ .m_axi_s2mm_wdata(S_AXI_HP1_WDATA),
+ .m_axi_s2mm_wstrb(S_AXI_HP1_WSTRB),
+ .m_axi_s2mm_wlast(S_AXI_HP1_WLAST),
+ .m_axi_s2mm_wvalid(S_AXI_HP1_WVALID),
+ .m_axi_s2mm_wready(S_AXI_HP1_WREADY),
+ .m_axi_s2mm_bresp(S_AXI_HP1_BRESP),
+ .m_axi_s2mm_bvalid(S_AXI_HP1_BVALID),
+ .m_axi_s2mm_bready(S_AXI_HP1_BREADY),
+ .s2mm_prmry_reset_out_n(),
+ .s_axis_s2mm_tdata(arm_eth1_rx_tdata),
+ .s_axis_s2mm_tkeep(arm_eth1_rx_tkeep),
+ .s_axis_s2mm_tvalid(arm_eth1_rx_tvalid),
+ .s_axis_s2mm_tready(arm_eth1_rx_tready),
+ .s_axis_s2mm_tlast(arm_eth1_rx_tlast),
+ .mm2s_introut(arm_eth1_tx_irq),
+ .s2mm_introut(arm_eth1_rx_irq),
+ .axi_dma_tstvec()
+ );
+ axi_fifo_2clk #(
+ .WIDTH(1+8+64),
+ .SIZE(5)
+ ) eth_tx_1_fifo_2clk_i (
+ .reset(clk40_rst),
+ .i_aclk(clk40),
+ .i_tdata({arm_eth1_tx_tlast, arm_eth1_tx_tkeep, arm_eth1_tx_tdata}),
+ .i_tvalid(arm_eth1_tx_tvalid),
+ .i_tready(arm_eth1_tx_tready),
+ .o_aclk(bus_clk),
+ .o_tdata({arm_eth1_tx_tlast_b, arm_eth1_tx_tkeep_b, arm_eth1_tx_tdata_b}),
+ .o_tvalid(arm_eth1_tx_tvalid_b),
+ .o_tready(arm_eth1_tx_tready_b)
+ );
+ axi_fifo_2clk #(
+ .WIDTH(1+8+64),
+ .SIZE(5)
+ ) eth_rx_1_fifo_2clk_i (
+ .reset(bus_rst),
+ .i_aclk(bus_clk),
+ .i_tdata({arm_eth1_rx_tlast_b, arm_eth1_rx_tkeep_b, arm_eth1_rx_tdata_b}),
+ .i_tvalid(arm_eth1_rx_tvalid_b),
+ .i_tready(arm_eth1_rx_tready_b),
+ .o_aclk(clk40),
+ .o_tdata({arm_eth1_rx_tlast, arm_eth1_rx_tkeep, arm_eth1_rx_tdata}),
+ .o_tvalid(arm_eth1_rx_tvalid),
+ .o_tready(arm_eth1_rx_tready)
+ );
+ /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ //
+ // Processing System
+ //
+ //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ wire spi0_sclk;
+ wire spi0_mosi;
+ wire spi0_miso;
+ wire spi0_ss0;
+ wire spi0_ss1;
+ wire spi0_ss2;
+ wire spi1_sclk;
+ wire spi1_mosi;
+ wire spi1_miso;
+ wire spi1_ss0;
+ wire spi1_ss1;
+ wire spi1_ss2;
+ assign ps_gpio_in[10] = DBA_MYK_INTRQ;
+`ifndef N300
+ assign ps_gpio_in[11] = DBB_MYK_INTRQ;
+ assign ps_gpio_in[11] = 1'b0;
+ // Processing System
+ n310_ps_bd inst_n310_ps (
+ .SPI0_SCLK_I(1'b0),
+ .SPI0_SCLK_O(spi0_sclk),
+ .SPI0_SCLK_T(),
+ .SPI0_MOSI_I(1'b0),
+ .SPI0_MOSI_O(spi0_mosi),
+ .SPI0_MOSI_T(),
+ .SPI0_MISO_I(spi0_miso),
+ .SPI0_MISO_O(),
+ .SPI0_MISO_T(),
+ .SPI0_SS_I(1'b1),
+ .SPI0_SS_O(spi0_ss0),
+ .SPI0_SS1_O(spi0_ss1),
+ .SPI0_SS2_O(spi0_ss2),
+ .SPI0_SS_T(),
+ `ifndef N300
+ .SPI1_SCLK_I(1'b0),
+ .SPI1_SCLK_O(spi1_sclk),
+ .SPI1_SCLK_T(),
+ .SPI1_MOSI_I(1'b0),
+ .SPI1_MOSI_O(spi1_mosi),
+ .SPI1_MOSI_T(),
+ .SPI1_MISO_I(spi1_miso),
+ .SPI1_MISO_O(),
+ .SPI1_MISO_T(),
+ .SPI1_SS_I(1'b1),
+ .SPI1_SS_O(spi1_ss0),
+ .SPI1_SS1_O(spi1_ss1),
+ .SPI1_SS2_O(spi1_ss2),
+ .SPI1_SS_T(),
+ `else
+ .SPI1_SCLK_I(1'b0),
+ .SPI1_SCLK_O(),
+ .SPI1_SCLK_T(),
+ .SPI1_MOSI_I(1'b0),
+ .SPI1_MOSI_O(),
+ .SPI1_MOSI_T(),
+ .SPI1_MISO_I(1'b0),
+ .SPI1_MISO_O(),
+ .SPI1_MISO_T(),
+ .SPI1_SS_I(1'b1),
+ .SPI1_SS_O(),
+ .SPI1_SS1_O(),
+ .SPI1_SS2_O(),
+ .SPI1_SS_T(),
+ `endif
+ .bus_clk(bus_clk),
+ .bus_rstn(~bus_rst),
+ .clk40(clk40),
+ .clk40_rstn(clk40_rstn),
+ .M_AXI_ETH_DMA0_arprot(),
+ .M_AXI_ETH_DMA0_awprot(),
+ .M_AXI_ETH_DMA1_arprot(),
+ .M_AXI_ETH_DMA1_awprot(),
+ .M_AXI_JESD0_arprot(),
+ .M_AXI_JESD0_awprot(),
+ .M_AXI_JESD1_arprot(),
+ .M_AXI_JESD1_awprot(),
+ .M_AXI_NET0_araddr(M_AXI_NET0_ARADDR),
+ .M_AXI_NET0_arprot(),
+ .M_AXI_NET0_arready(M_AXI_NET0_ARREADY),
+ .M_AXI_NET0_arvalid(M_AXI_NET0_ARVALID),
+ .M_AXI_NET0_awaddr(M_AXI_NET0_AWADDR),
+ .M_AXI_NET0_awprot(),
+ .M_AXI_NET0_awready(M_AXI_NET0_AWREADY),
+ .M_AXI_NET0_awvalid(M_AXI_NET0_AWVALID),
+ .M_AXI_NET0_bready(M_AXI_NET0_BREADY),
+ .M_AXI_NET0_bresp(M_AXI_NET0_BRESP),
+ .M_AXI_NET0_bvalid(M_AXI_NET0_BVALID),
+ .M_AXI_NET0_rdata(M_AXI_NET0_RDATA),
+ .M_AXI_NET0_rready(M_AXI_NET0_RREADY),
+ .M_AXI_NET0_rresp(M_AXI_NET0_RRESP),
+ .M_AXI_NET0_rvalid(M_AXI_NET0_RVALID),
+ .M_AXI_NET0_wdata(M_AXI_NET0_WDATA),
+ .M_AXI_NET0_wready(M_AXI_NET0_WREADY),
+ .M_AXI_NET0_wstrb(M_AXI_NET0_WSTRB),
+ .M_AXI_NET0_wvalid(M_AXI_NET0_WVALID),
+ .M_AXI_NET1_araddr(M_AXI_NET1_ARADDR),
+ .M_AXI_NET1_arprot(),
+ .M_AXI_NET1_arready(M_AXI_NET1_ARREADY),
+ .M_AXI_NET1_arvalid(M_AXI_NET1_ARVALID),
+ .M_AXI_NET1_awaddr(M_AXI_NET1_AWADDR),
+ .M_AXI_NET1_awprot(),
+ .M_AXI_NET1_awready(M_AXI_NET1_AWREADY),
+ .M_AXI_NET1_awvalid(M_AXI_NET1_AWVALID),
+ .M_AXI_NET1_bready(M_AXI_NET1_BREADY),
+ .M_AXI_NET1_bresp(M_AXI_NET1_BRESP),
+ .M_AXI_NET1_bvalid(M_AXI_NET1_BVALID),
+ .M_AXI_NET1_rdata(M_AXI_NET1_RDATA),
+ .M_AXI_NET1_rready(M_AXI_NET1_RREADY),
+ .M_AXI_NET1_rresp(M_AXI_NET1_RRESP),
+ .M_AXI_NET1_rvalid(M_AXI_NET1_RVALID),
+ .M_AXI_NET1_wdata(M_AXI_NET1_WDATA),
+ .M_AXI_NET1_wready(M_AXI_NET1_WREADY),
+ .M_AXI_NET1_wstrb(M_AXI_NET1_WSTRB),
+ .M_AXI_NET1_wvalid(M_AXI_NET1_WVALID),
+ .M_AXI_NET2_araddr(M_AXI_NET2_ARADDR),
+ .M_AXI_NET2_arprot(),
+ .M_AXI_NET2_arready(M_AXI_NET2_ARREADY),
+ .M_AXI_NET2_arvalid(M_AXI_NET2_ARVALID),
+ .M_AXI_NET2_awaddr(M_AXI_NET2_AWADDR),
+ .M_AXI_NET2_awprot(),
+ .M_AXI_NET2_awready(M_AXI_NET2_AWREADY),
+ .M_AXI_NET2_awvalid(M_AXI_NET2_AWVALID),
+ .M_AXI_NET2_bready(M_AXI_NET2_BREADY),
+ .M_AXI_NET2_bresp(M_AXI_NET2_BRESP),
+ .M_AXI_NET2_bvalid(M_AXI_NET2_BVALID),
+ .M_AXI_NET2_rdata(M_AXI_NET2_RDATA),
+ .M_AXI_NET2_rready(M_AXI_NET2_RREADY),
+ .M_AXI_NET2_rresp(M_AXI_NET2_RRESP),
+ .M_AXI_NET2_rvalid(M_AXI_NET2_RVALID),
+ .M_AXI_NET2_wdata(M_AXI_NET2_WDATA),
+ .M_AXI_NET2_wready(M_AXI_NET2_WREADY),
+ .M_AXI_NET2_wstrb(M_AXI_NET2_WSTRB),
+ .M_AXI_NET2_wvalid(M_AXI_NET2_WVALID),
+ .M_AXI_WR_CLK(m_axi_wr_clk),
+ .M_AXI_WR_RSTn(1'b1),
+ .M_AXI_WR_araddr(m_axi_wr_araddr),
+ .M_AXI_WR_arready(m_axi_wr_arready),
+ .M_AXI_WR_arvalid(m_axi_wr_arvalid),
+ .M_AXI_WR_awaddr(m_axi_wr_awaddr),
+ .M_AXI_WR_awready(m_axi_wr_awready),
+ .M_AXI_WR_awvalid(m_axi_wr_awvalid),
+ .M_AXI_WR_bready(m_axi_wr_bready),
+ .M_AXI_WR_bresp(m_axi_wr_bresp),
+ .M_AXI_WR_bvalid(m_axi_wr_bvalid),
+ .M_AXI_WR_rdata(m_axi_wr_rdata),
+ .M_AXI_WR_rready(m_axi_wr_rready),
+ .M_AXI_WR_rresp(m_axi_wr_rresp),
+ .M_AXI_WR_rvalid(m_axi_wr_rvalid),
+ .M_AXI_WR_wdata(m_axi_wr_wdata),
+ .M_AXI_WR_wready(m_axi_wr_wready),
+ .M_AXI_WR_wstrb(m_axi_wr_wstrb),
+ .M_AXI_WR_wvalid(m_axi_wr_wvalid),
+ .M_AXI_XBAR_arprot(),
+ .M_AXI_XBAR_awprot(),
+ .S_AXI_GP0_ACLK(clk40),
+ .S_AXI_GP0_ARESETN(clk40_rstn),
+ .S_AXI_GP0_araddr(S_AXI_GP0_ARADDR),
+ .S_AXI_GP0_arburst(S_AXI_GP0_ARBURST),
+ .S_AXI_GP0_arcache(S_AXI_GP0_ARCACHE),
+ .S_AXI_GP0_arid(S_AXI_GP0_ARID),
+ .S_AXI_GP0_arlen(S_AXI_GP0_ARLEN),
+ .S_AXI_GP0_arlock(1'b0),
+ .S_AXI_GP0_arprot(S_AXI_GP0_ARPROT),
+ .S_AXI_GP0_arqos(4'b0000),
+ .S_AXI_GP0_arready(S_AXI_GP0_ARREADY),
+ .S_AXI_GP0_arsize(S_AXI_GP0_ARSIZE),
+ .S_AXI_GP0_arvalid(S_AXI_GP0_ARVALID),
+ .S_AXI_GP0_awaddr(S_AXI_GP0_AWADDR),
+ .S_AXI_GP0_awburst(S_AXI_GP0_AWBURST),
+ .S_AXI_GP0_awcache(S_AXI_GP0_AWCACHE),
+ .S_AXI_GP0_awid(S_AXI_GP0_AWID),
+ .S_AXI_GP0_awlen(S_AXI_GP0_AWLEN),
+ .S_AXI_GP0_awlock(1'b0),
+ .S_AXI_GP0_awprot(S_AXI_GP0_AWPROT),
+ .S_AXI_GP0_awqos(4'b0000),
+ .S_AXI_GP0_awregion(4'b0000),
+ .S_AXI_GP0_awready(S_AXI_GP0_AWREADY),
+ .S_AXI_GP0_awsize(S_AXI_GP0_AWSIZE),
+ .S_AXI_GP0_awvalid(S_AXI_GP0_AWVALID),
+ .S_AXI_GP0_bid(),
+ .S_AXI_GP0_bready(S_AXI_GP0_BREADY),
+ .S_AXI_GP0_bresp(S_AXI_GP0_BRESP),
+ .S_AXI_GP0_bvalid(S_AXI_GP0_BVALID),
+ .S_AXI_GP0_rdata(S_AXI_GP0_RDATA),
+ .S_AXI_GP0_rid(),
+ .S_AXI_GP0_rlast(S_AXI_GP0_RLAST),
+ .S_AXI_GP0_rready(S_AXI_GP0_RREADY),
+ .S_AXI_GP0_rresp(S_AXI_GP0_RRESP),
+ .S_AXI_GP0_rvalid(S_AXI_GP0_RVALID),
+ .S_AXI_GP0_wdata(S_AXI_GP0_WDATA),
+ .S_AXI_GP0_wlast(S_AXI_GP0_WLAST),
+ .S_AXI_GP0_wready(S_AXI_GP0_WREADY),
+ .S_AXI_GP0_wstrb(S_AXI_GP0_WSTRB),
+ .S_AXI_GP0_wvalid(S_AXI_GP0_WVALID),
+ .S_AXI_GP1_ACLK(clk40),
+ .S_AXI_GP1_ARESETN(clk40_rstn),
+ .S_AXI_GP1_araddr(S_AXI_GP1_ARADDR),
+ .S_AXI_GP1_arburst(S_AXI_GP1_ARBURST),
+ .S_AXI_GP1_arcache(S_AXI_GP1_ARCACHE),
+ .S_AXI_GP1_arid(S_AXI_GP1_ARID),
+ .S_AXI_GP1_arlen(S_AXI_GP1_ARLEN),
+ .S_AXI_GP1_arlock(1'b0),
+ .S_AXI_GP1_arprot(S_AXI_GP1_ARPROT),
+ .S_AXI_GP1_arqos(4'b000),
+ .S_AXI_GP1_arready(S_AXI_GP1_ARREADY),
+ .S_AXI_GP1_arsize(S_AXI_GP1_ARSIZE),
+ .S_AXI_GP1_arvalid(S_AXI_GP1_ARVALID),
+ .S_AXI_GP1_awaddr(S_AXI_GP1_AWADDR),
+ .S_AXI_GP1_awburst(S_AXI_GP1_AWBURST),
+ .S_AXI_GP1_awcache(S_AXI_GP1_AWCACHE),
+ .S_AXI_GP1_awid(S_AXI_GP1_AWID),
+ .S_AXI_GP1_awlen(S_AXI_GP1_AWLEN),
+ .S_AXI_GP1_awlock(1'b0),
+ .S_AXI_GP1_awprot(S_AXI_GP1_AWPROT),
+ .S_AXI_GP1_awqos(4'b0000),
+ .S_AXI_GP1_awregion(4'b0000),
+ .S_AXI_GP1_awready(S_AXI_GP1_AWREADY),
+ .S_AXI_GP1_awsize(S_AXI_GP1_AWSIZE),
+ .S_AXI_GP1_awvalid(S_AXI_GP1_AWVALID),
+ .S_AXI_GP1_bid(),
+ .S_AXI_GP1_bready(S_AXI_GP1_BREADY),
+ .S_AXI_GP1_bresp(S_AXI_GP1_BRESP),
+ .S_AXI_GP1_bvalid(S_AXI_GP1_BVALID),
+ .S_AXI_GP1_rdata(S_AXI_GP1_RDATA),
+ .S_AXI_GP1_rid(),
+ .S_AXI_GP1_rlast(S_AXI_GP1_RLAST),
+ .S_AXI_GP1_rready(S_AXI_GP1_RREADY),
+ .S_AXI_GP1_rresp(S_AXI_GP1_RRESP),
+ .S_AXI_GP1_rvalid(S_AXI_GP1_RVALID),
+ .S_AXI_GP1_wdata(S_AXI_GP1_WDATA),
+ .S_AXI_GP1_wlast(S_AXI_GP1_WLAST),
+ .S_AXI_GP1_wready(S_AXI_GP1_WREADY),
+ .S_AXI_GP1_wstrb(S_AXI_GP1_WSTRB),
+ .S_AXI_GP1_wvalid(S_AXI_GP1_WVALID),
+ .S_AXI_HP0_ACLK(clk40),
+ .S_AXI_HP0_ARESETN(clk40_rstn),
+ .S_AXI_HP0_araddr(S_AXI_HP0_ARADDR),
+ .S_AXI_HP0_arburst(S_AXI_HP0_ARBURST),
+ .S_AXI_HP0_arcache(S_AXI_HP0_ARCACHE),
+ .S_AXI_HP0_arid(S_AXI_HP0_ARID),
+ .S_AXI_HP0_arlen(S_AXI_HP0_ARLEN),
+ .S_AXI_HP0_arlock(1'b0),
+ .S_AXI_HP0_arprot(S_AXI_HP0_ARPROT),
+ .S_AXI_HP0_arqos(4'b0000),
+ .S_AXI_HP0_arready(S_AXI_HP0_ARREADY),
+ .S_AXI_HP0_arsize(S_AXI_HP0_ARSIZE),
+ .S_AXI_HP0_arvalid(S_AXI_HP0_ARVALID),
+ .S_AXI_HP0_awaddr(S_AXI_HP0_AWADDR),
+ .S_AXI_HP0_awburst(S_AXI_HP0_AWBURST),
+ .S_AXI_HP0_awcache(S_AXI_HP0_AWCACHE),
+ .S_AXI_HP0_awid(S_AXI_HP0_AWID),
+ .S_AXI_HP0_awlen(S_AXI_HP0_AWLEN),
+ .S_AXI_HP0_awlock(1'b0),
+ .S_AXI_HP0_awprot(S_AXI_HP0_AWPROT),
+ .S_AXI_HP0_awqos(4'b0000),
+ .S_AXI_HP0_awready(S_AXI_HP0_AWREADY),
+ .S_AXI_HP0_awsize(S_AXI_HP0_AWSIZE),
+ .S_AXI_HP0_awvalid(S_AXI_HP0_AWVALID),
+ .S_AXI_HP0_bid(),
+ .S_AXI_HP0_bready(S_AXI_HP0_BREADY),
+ .S_AXI_HP0_bresp(S_AXI_HP0_BRESP),
+ .S_AXI_HP0_bvalid(S_AXI_HP0_BVALID),
+ .S_AXI_HP0_rdata(S_AXI_HP0_RDATA),
+ .S_AXI_HP0_rid(),
+ .S_AXI_HP0_rlast(S_AXI_HP0_RLAST),
+ .S_AXI_HP0_rready(S_AXI_HP0_RREADY),
+ .S_AXI_HP0_rresp(S_AXI_HP0_RRESP),
+ .S_AXI_HP0_rvalid(S_AXI_HP0_RVALID),
+ .S_AXI_HP0_wdata(S_AXI_HP0_WDATA),
+ .S_AXI_HP0_wlast(S_AXI_HP0_WLAST),
+ .S_AXI_HP0_wready(S_AXI_HP0_WREADY),
+ .S_AXI_HP0_wstrb(S_AXI_HP0_WSTRB),
+ .S_AXI_HP0_wvalid(S_AXI_HP0_WVALID),
+ .S_AXI_HP1_ACLK(clk40),
+ .S_AXI_HP1_ARESETN(clk40_rstn),
+ .S_AXI_HP1_araddr(S_AXI_HP1_ARADDR),
+ .S_AXI_HP1_arburst(S_AXI_HP1_ARBURST),
+ .S_AXI_HP1_arcache(S_AXI_HP1_ARCACHE),
+ .S_AXI_HP1_arid(S_AXI_HP1_ARID),
+ .S_AXI_HP1_arlen(S_AXI_HP1_ARLEN),
+ .S_AXI_HP1_arlock(1'b0),
+ .S_AXI_HP1_arprot(S_AXI_HP1_ARPROT),
+ .S_AXI_HP1_arqos(4'b0000),
+ .S_AXI_HP1_arready(S_AXI_HP1_ARREADY),
+ .S_AXI_HP1_arsize(S_AXI_HP1_ARSIZE),
+ .S_AXI_HP1_arvalid(S_AXI_HP1_ARVALID),
+ .S_AXI_HP1_awaddr(S_AXI_HP1_AWADDR),
+ .S_AXI_HP1_awburst(S_AXI_HP1_AWBURST),
+ .S_AXI_HP1_awcache(S_AXI_HP1_AWCACHE),
+ .S_AXI_HP1_awid(S_AXI_HP1_AWID),
+ .S_AXI_HP1_awlen(S_AXI_HP1_AWLEN),
+ .S_AXI_HP1_awlock(1'b0),
+ .S_AXI_HP1_awprot(S_AXI_HP1_AWPROT),
+ .S_AXI_HP1_awqos(4'b0000),
+ .S_AXI_HP1_awready(S_AXI_HP1_AWREADY),
+ .S_AXI_HP1_awsize(S_AXI_HP1_AWSIZE),
+ .S_AXI_HP1_awvalid(S_AXI_HP1_AWVALID),
+ .S_AXI_HP1_bid(),
+ .S_AXI_HP1_bready(S_AXI_HP1_BREADY),
+ .S_AXI_HP1_bresp(S_AXI_HP1_BRESP),
+ .S_AXI_HP1_bvalid(S_AXI_HP1_BVALID),
+ .S_AXI_HP1_rdata(S_AXI_HP1_RDATA),
+ .S_AXI_HP1_rid(),
+ .S_AXI_HP1_rlast(S_AXI_HP1_RLAST),
+ .S_AXI_HP1_rready(S_AXI_HP1_RREADY),
+ .S_AXI_HP1_rresp(S_AXI_HP1_RRESP),
+ .S_AXI_HP1_rvalid(S_AXI_HP1_RVALID),
+ .S_AXI_HP1_wdata(S_AXI_HP1_WDATA),
+ .S_AXI_HP1_wlast(S_AXI_HP1_WLAST),
+ .S_AXI_HP1_wready(S_AXI_HP1_WREADY),
+ .S_AXI_HP1_wstrb(S_AXI_HP1_WSTRB),
+ .S_AXI_HP1_wvalid(S_AXI_HP1_WVALID),
+ // ARM DMA
+ .s_axis_dma_tdata(s_axis_dma_tdata),
+ .s_axis_dma_tdest(s_axis_dma_tdest),
+ .s_axis_dma_tlast(s_axis_dma_tlast),
+ .s_axis_dma_tready(s_axis_dma_tready),
+ .s_axis_dma_tvalid(s_axis_dma_tvalid),
+ .m_axis_dma_tdata(m_axis_dma_tdata),
+ .m_axis_dma_tuser(m_axis_dma_tuser),
+ .m_axis_dma_tlast(m_axis_dma_tlast),
+ .m_axis_dma_tready(m_axis_dma_tready),
+ .m_axis_dma_tvalid(m_axis_dma_tvalid),
+ // Misc Interrupts, GPIO, clk
+ .IRQ_F2P(IRQ_F2P),
+ .GPIO_0_tri_i(ps_gpio_in),
+ .GPIO_0_tri_o(ps_gpio_out),
+ .GPIO_0_tri_t(ps_gpio_tri),
+ `ifndef N300
+ `else
+ .JTAG1_TCK(),
+ .JTAG1_TMS(),
+ .JTAG1_TDI(),
+ .JTAG1_TDO('b0),
+ `endif
+ .WR_UART_txd(wr_uart_rxd), // rx <-> tx
+ .WR_UART_rxd(wr_uart_txd), // rx <-> tx
+ .qsfp_sda_i(qsfp_sda_i),
+ .qsfp_sda_o(qsfp_sda_o),
+ .qsfp_sda_t(qsfp_sda_t),
+ .qsfp_scl_i(qsfp_scl_i),
+ .qsfp_scl_o(qsfp_scl_o),
+ .qsfp_scl_t(qsfp_scl_t),
+ .USBIND_0_port_indctl(),
+ .USBIND_0_vbus_pwrfault(),
+ .USBIND_0_vbus_pwrselect(),
+ // Outward connections to the pins
+ .MIO(MIO),
+ .DDR_cas_n(DDR_CAS_n),
+ .DDR_cke(DDR_CKE),
+ .DDR_ck_n(DDR_Clk_n),
+ .DDR_ck_p(DDR_Clk),
+ .DDR_cs_n(DDR_CS_n),
+ .DDR_reset_n(DDR_DRSTB),
+ .DDR_odt(DDR_ODT),
+ .DDR_ras_n(DDR_RAS_n),
+ .DDR_we_n(DDR_WEB),
+ .DDR_ba(DDR_BankAddr),
+ .DDR_addr(DDR_Addr),
+ .DDR_dm(DDR_DM),
+ .DDR_dq(DDR_DQ),
+ .DDR_dqs_n(DDR_DQS_n),
+ .DDR_dqs_p(DDR_DQS),
+ );
+ ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ //
+ // Xilinx DDR3 Controller and PHY.
+ //
+ ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ wire ddr3_axi_clk; // 1/4 DDR external clock rate (200MHz)
+ wire ddr3_axi_rst; // Synchronized to ddr_sys_clk
+ wire ddr3_running; // DRAM calibration complete.
+ wire [11:0] device_temp;
+ // Slave Interface Write Address Ports
+ wire [3:0] ddr3_axi_awid;
+ wire [31:0] ddr3_axi_awaddr;
+ wire [7:0] ddr3_axi_awlen;
+ wire [2:0] ddr3_axi_awsize;
+ wire [1:0] ddr3_axi_awburst;
+ wire [0:0] ddr3_axi_awlock;
+ wire [3:0] ddr3_axi_awcache;
+ wire [2:0] ddr3_axi_awprot;
+ wire [3:0] ddr3_axi_awqos;
+ wire ddr3_axi_awvalid;
+ wire ddr3_axi_awready;
+ // Slave Interface Write Data Ports
+ wire [255:0] ddr3_axi_wdata;
+ wire [31:0] ddr3_axi_wstrb;
+ wire ddr3_axi_wlast;
+ wire ddr3_axi_wvalid;
+ wire ddr3_axi_wready;
+ // Slave Interface Write Response Ports
+ wire ddr3_axi_bready;
+ wire [3:0] ddr3_axi_bid;
+ wire [1:0] ddr3_axi_bresp;
+ wire ddr3_axi_bvalid;
+ // Slave Interface Read Address Ports
+ wire [3:0] ddr3_axi_arid;
+ wire [31:0] ddr3_axi_araddr;
+ wire [7:0] ddr3_axi_arlen;
+ wire [2:0] ddr3_axi_arsize;
+ wire [1:0] ddr3_axi_arburst;
+ wire [0:0] ddr3_axi_arlock;
+ wire [3:0] ddr3_axi_arcache;
+ wire [2:0] ddr3_axi_arprot;
+ wire [3:0] ddr3_axi_arqos;
+ wire ddr3_axi_arvalid;
+ wire ddr3_axi_arready;
+ // Slave Interface Read Data Ports
+ wire ddr3_axi_rready;
+ wire [3:0] ddr3_axi_rid;
+ wire [255:0] ddr3_axi_rdata;
+ wire [1:0] ddr3_axi_rresp;
+ wire ddr3_axi_rlast;
+ wire ddr3_axi_rvalid;
+ reg ddr3_axi_rst_reg_n;
+ // Copied this reset circuit from example design.
+ always @(posedge ddr3_axi_clk)
+ ddr3_axi_rst_reg_n <= ~ddr3_axi_rst;
+ // Instantiate the DDR3 MIG core
+ //
+ // The top-level IP block has no parameters defined for some reason.
+ // Most of configurable parameters are hard-coded in the mig so get
+ // some additional knobs we pull those out into verilog headers.
+ //
+ // Synthesis params: ip/ddr3_32bit/ddr3_32bit_mig_parameters.vh
+ // Simulation params: ip/ddr3_32bit/ddr3_32bit_mig_sim_parameters.vh
+ ddr3_32bit u_ddr3_32bit (
+ // Memory interface ports
+ .ddr3_addr (ddr3_addr),
+ .ddr3_ba (ddr3_ba),
+ .ddr3_cas_n (ddr3_cas_n),
+ .ddr3_ck_n (ddr3_ck_n),
+ .ddr3_ck_p (ddr3_ck_p),
+ .ddr3_cke (ddr3_cke),
+ .ddr3_ras_n (ddr3_ras_n),
+ .ddr3_reset_n (ddr3_reset_n),
+ .ddr3_we_n (ddr3_we_n),
+ .ddr3_dq (ddr3_dq),
+ .ddr3_dqs_n (ddr3_dqs_n),
+ .ddr3_dqs_p (ddr3_dqs_p),
+ .init_calib_complete (ddr3_running),
+ .device_temp_i (device_temp),
+ .ddr3_cs_n (ddr3_cs_n),
+ .ddr3_dm (ddr3_dm),
+ .ddr3_odt (ddr3_odt),
+ // Application interface ports
+ .ui_clk (ddr3_axi_clk), // 200Hz clock out
+ .ui_clk_sync_rst (ddr3_axi_rst), // Active high Reset signal synchronised to 200 MHz.
+ .aresetn (ddr3_axi_rst_reg_n),
+ .app_sr_req (1'b0),
+ .app_sr_active (),
+ .app_ref_req (1'b0),
+ .app_ref_ack (),
+ .app_zq_req (1'b0),
+ .app_zq_ack (),
+ // Slave Interface Write Address Ports
+ .s_axi_awid (ddr3_axi_awid),
+ .s_axi_awaddr (ddr3_axi_awaddr),
+ .s_axi_awlen (ddr3_axi_awlen),
+ .s_axi_awsize (ddr3_axi_awsize),
+ .s_axi_awburst (ddr3_axi_awburst),
+ .s_axi_awlock (ddr3_axi_awlock),
+ .s_axi_awcache (ddr3_axi_awcache),
+ .s_axi_awprot (ddr3_axi_awprot),
+ .s_axi_awqos (ddr3_axi_awqos),
+ .s_axi_awvalid (ddr3_axi_awvalid),
+ .s_axi_awready (ddr3_axi_awready),
+ // Slave Interface Write Data Ports
+ .s_axi_wdata (ddr3_axi_wdata),
+ .s_axi_wstrb (ddr3_axi_wstrb),
+ .s_axi_wlast (ddr3_axi_wlast),
+ .s_axi_wvalid (ddr3_axi_wvalid),
+ .s_axi_wready (ddr3_axi_wready),
+ // Slave Interface Write Response Ports
+ .s_axi_bid (ddr3_axi_bid),
+ .s_axi_bresp (ddr3_axi_bresp),
+ .s_axi_bvalid (ddr3_axi_bvalid),
+ .s_axi_bready (ddr3_axi_bready),
+ // Slave Interface Read Address Ports
+ .s_axi_arid (ddr3_axi_arid),
+ .s_axi_araddr (ddr3_axi_araddr),
+ .s_axi_arlen (ddr3_axi_arlen),
+ .s_axi_arsize (ddr3_axi_arsize),
+ .s_axi_arburst (ddr3_axi_arburst),
+ .s_axi_arlock (ddr3_axi_arlock),
+ .s_axi_arcache (ddr3_axi_arcache),
+ .s_axi_arprot (ddr3_axi_arprot),
+ .s_axi_arqos (ddr3_axi_arqos),
+ .s_axi_arvalid (ddr3_axi_arvalid),
+ .s_axi_arready (ddr3_axi_arready),
+ // Slave Interface Read Data Ports
+ .s_axi_rid (ddr3_axi_rid),
+ .s_axi_rdata (ddr3_axi_rdata),
+ .s_axi_rresp (ddr3_axi_rresp),
+ .s_axi_rlast (ddr3_axi_rlast),
+ .s_axi_rvalid (ddr3_axi_rvalid),
+ .s_axi_rready (ddr3_axi_rready),
+ // System Clock Ports
+ .sys_clk_p (sys_clk_p),
+ .sys_clk_n (sys_clk_n),
+ .clk_ref_i (bus_clk),
+ .sys_rst (~global_rst) // IJB. Poorly named active low. Should change RST_ACT_LOW.
+ );
+ // Temperature monitor module
+ mig_7series_v4_2_tempmon #(
+ .XADC_CLK_PERIOD(5000 /* 200MHz clock period in ps */)
+ ) tempmon_i (
+ .clk(bus_clk), .xadc_clk(bus_clk), .rst(bus_rst),
+ .device_temp_i(12'd0 /* ignored */), .device_temp(device_temp)
+ );
+ ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ //
+ // DB PS SPI Connections
+ //
+ ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ wire [NUM_CHANNELS-1:0] rx_atr;
+ wire [NUM_CHANNELS-1:0] tx_atr;
+ (* IOB = "true" *) reg [NUM_CHANNELS-1:0] rx_atr_reg;
+ (* IOB = "true" *) reg [NUM_CHANNELS-1:0] tx_atr_reg;
+ // Radio GPIO control for DSA
+ wire [16*NUM_CHANNELS-1:0] db_gpio_out;
+ wire [16*NUM_CHANNELS-1:0] db_gpio_ddr;
+ wire [16*NUM_CHANNELS-1:0] db_gpio_in;
+ wire [16*NUM_CHANNELS-1:0] db_gpio_fab;
+ // DB A SPI Connections
+ wire cpld_a_cs_n;
+ wire lmk_a_cs_n;
+ wire dac_a_cs_n;
+ wire myk_a_cs_n;
+ // Split out the SCLK and MOSI data to Mykonos and the CPLD.
+ assign DBA_CPLD_PS_SPI_SCLK = spi0_sclk;
+ assign DBA_CPLD_PS_SPI_SDI = spi0_mosi;
+ assign DBA_MYK_SPI_SCLK = spi0_sclk;
+ assign DBA_MYK_SPI_SDIO = spi0_mosi;
+ // Assign individual chip selects from PS SPI MASTER 0.
+ assign cpld_a_cs_n = spi0_ss0;
+ assign lmk_a_cs_n = spi0_ss1;
+ assign dac_a_cs_n = ps_gpio_out[8]; // DAC select driven through GPIO.
+ assign myk_a_cs_n = spi0_ss2;
+ // Returned data mux from the SPI interfaces.
+ assign spi0_miso = ~myk_a_cs_n ? DBA_MYK_SPI_SDO : // From Mykonos
+ // For the PS SPI connection to the CPLD, we use the LE and ADDR lines as individual
+ // chip selects for the CPLD endpoint as well as the LMK and DAC endpoints.
+ // LE = CPLD
+ // ADDR[0] = LMK
+ // ADDR[1] = DAC
+ assign DBA_CPLD_PS_SPI_LE = cpld_a_cs_n;
+ assign DBA_CPLD_PS_SPI_ADDR[0] = lmk_a_cs_n;
+ assign DBA_CPLD_PS_SPI_ADDR[1] = dac_a_cs_n;
+ assign DBA_MYK_SPI_CS_n = myk_a_cs_n;
+ // Instantiate DSA registers in the IOB
+ (* IOB = "true" *) reg [5:0] dsa_tx1_a_out_iob, dsa_rx1_a_out_iob;
+ (* IOB = "true" *) reg [5:0] dsa_tx2_a_out_iob, dsa_rx2_a_out_iob;
+ always @(posedge radio_clk) begin
+ dsa_tx1_a_out_iob <= db_gpio_out[16*0+11:16*0+6];
+ dsa_rx1_a_out_iob <= db_gpio_out[16*0+5:16*0+0];
+ dsa_tx2_a_out_iob <= db_gpio_out[16*1+11:16*1+6];
+ dsa_rx2_a_out_iob <= db_gpio_out[16*1+5:16*1+0];
+ end
+ assign DBA_CH1_TX_DSA_DATA = dsa_tx1_a_out_iob;
+ assign DBA_CH1_RX_DSA_DATA = dsa_rx1_a_out_iob;
+ assign DBA_CH2_TX_DSA_DATA = dsa_tx2_a_out_iob;
+ assign DBA_CH2_RX_DSA_DATA = dsa_rx2_a_out_iob;
+ assign DBA_ATR_RX_1 = rx_atr_reg[0];
+ assign DBA_ATR_RX_2 = rx_atr_reg[1];
+ assign DBA_ATR_TX_1 = tx_atr_reg[0];
+ assign DBA_ATR_TX_2 = tx_atr_reg[1];
+ assign DBA_MYK_GPIO_0 = 1'b0;
+ assign DBA_MYK_GPIO_1 = 1'b0;
+ assign DBA_MYK_GPIO_3 = 1'b0;
+ assign DBA_MYK_GPIO_4 = 1'b0;
+ assign DBA_MYK_GPIO_12 = 1'b0;
+ assign DBA_MYK_GPIO_13 = 1'b0;
+ assign DBA_MYK_GPIO_14 = 1'b0;
+ assign DBA_MYK_GPIO_15 = 1'b0;
+`ifndef N300
+ // DB B SPI Connections
+ wire cpld_b_cs_n;
+ wire lmk_b_cs_n;
+ wire dac_b_cs_n;
+ wire myk_b_cs_n;
+ // Split out the SCLK and MOSI data to Mykonos and the CPLD.
+ assign DBB_CPLD_PS_SPI_SCLK = spi1_sclk;
+ assign DBB_CPLD_PS_SPI_SDI = spi1_mosi;
+ assign DBB_MYK_SPI_SCLK = spi1_sclk;
+ assign DBB_MYK_SPI_SDIO = spi1_mosi;
+ // Assign individual chip selects from PS SPI MASTER 1.
+ assign cpld_b_cs_n = spi1_ss0;
+ assign lmk_b_cs_n = spi1_ss1;
+ assign dac_b_cs_n = ps_gpio_out[9]; // DAC select driven through GPIO.
+ assign myk_b_cs_n = spi1_ss2;
+ // Returned data mux from the SPI interfaces.
+ assign spi1_miso = ~myk_b_cs_n ? DBB_MYK_SPI_SDO : // From Mykonos
+ // For the PS SPI connection to the CPLD, we use the LE and ADDR lines as individual
+ // chip selects for the CPLD endpoint as well as the LMK and DAC endpoints.
+ // LE = CPLD
+ // ADDR[0] = LMK
+ // ADDR[1] = DAC
+ assign DBB_CPLD_PS_SPI_LE = cpld_b_cs_n;
+ assign DBB_CPLD_PS_SPI_ADDR[0] = lmk_b_cs_n;
+ assign DBB_CPLD_PS_SPI_ADDR[1] = dac_b_cs_n;
+ assign DBB_MYK_SPI_CS_n = myk_b_cs_n;
+ // Instantiate DSA registers in the IOB
+ (* IOB = "true" *) reg [5:0] dsa_tx1_b_out_iob, dsa_rx1_b_out_iob;
+ (* IOB = "true" *) reg [5:0] dsa_tx2_b_out_iob, dsa_rx2_b_out_iob;
+ always @(posedge radio_clk) begin
+ dsa_tx1_b_out_iob <= db_gpio_out[16*2+11:16*2+6];
+ dsa_rx1_b_out_iob <= db_gpio_out[16*2+5:16*2+0];
+ dsa_tx2_b_out_iob <= db_gpio_out[16*3+11:16*3+6];
+ dsa_rx2_b_out_iob <= db_gpio_out[16*3+5:16*3+0];
+ end
+ assign DBB_CH1_TX_DSA_DATA = dsa_tx1_b_out_iob;
+ assign DBB_CH1_RX_DSA_DATA = dsa_rx1_b_out_iob;
+ assign DBB_CH2_TX_DSA_DATA = dsa_tx2_b_out_iob;
+ assign DBB_CH2_RX_DSA_DATA = dsa_rx2_b_out_iob;
+ assign DBB_ATR_RX_1 = rx_atr_reg[2];
+ assign DBB_ATR_RX_2 = rx_atr_reg[3];
+ assign DBB_ATR_TX_1 = tx_atr_reg[2];
+ assign DBB_ATR_TX_2 = tx_atr_reg[3];
+ assign DBB_MYK_GPIO_0 = 1'b0;
+ assign DBB_MYK_GPIO_1 = 1'b0;
+ assign DBB_MYK_GPIO_3 = 1'b0;
+ assign DBB_MYK_GPIO_4 = 1'b0;
+ assign DBB_MYK_GPIO_12 = 1'b0;
+ assign DBB_MYK_GPIO_13 = 1'b0;
+ assign DBB_MYK_GPIO_14 = 1'b0;
+ assign DBB_MYK_GPIO_15 = 1'b0;
+ ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ //
+ // N3xx CORE
+ //
+ ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ wire [31:0] rx[NUM_CHANNELS-1:0];
+ wire [31:0] tx[NUM_CHANNELS-1:0];
+ wire [32*NUM_CHANNELS-1:0] rx_flat;
+ wire [32*NUM_CHANNELS-1:0] tx_flat;
+ wire [NUM_CHANNELS-1:0] rx_stb;
+ wire [NUM_CHANNELS-1:0] tx_stb;
+ wire [31:0] build_datestamp;
+ genvar i;
+ generate
+ for (i = 0; i < NUM_CHANNELS; i = i + 1) begin
+ // Radio Data
+ assign rx_flat[32*i+31:32*i] = rx[i];
+ assign tx[i] = tx_flat[32*i+31:32*i];
+ end
+ endgenerate
+ USR_ACCESSE2 usr_access_i (
+ .DATA(build_datestamp), .CFGCLK(), .DATAVALID()
+ );
+ n3xx_core #(
+ .REG_AWIDTH(14),
+ `ifdef USE_REPLAY
+ `else
+ `endif
+ ) n3xx_core(
+ // Clocks and resets
+ `ifdef NO_DB
+ .radio_clk(bus_clk),
+ .radio_rst(bus_rst),
+ `else
+ .radio_clk(radio_clk),
+ .radio_rst(radio_rst),
+ `endif
+ .bus_clk(bus_clk),
+ .bus_rst(bus_rst),
+ .ddr3_dma_clk(ddr3_dma_clk),
+ .clk40(clk40),
+ // Clocking and PPS Controls/Indicators
+ .pps(pps_radioclk1x),
+ .pps_select(pps_select),
+ .pps_out_enb(pps_out_enb),
+ .pps_select_sfp(pps_select_sfp),
+ .ref_clk_reset(),
+ .meas_clk_reset(meas_clk_reset),
+ .ref_clk_locked(1'b1),
+ .meas_clk_locked(meas_clk_locked),
+ .enable_ref_clk_async(enable_ref_clk_async),
+ .s_axi_aclk(clk40),
+ .s_axi_aresetn(clk40_rstn),
+ // AXI4-Lite: Write address port (domain: s_axi_aclk)
+ .s_axi_awaddr(M_AXI_XBAR_AWADDR),
+ .s_axi_awvalid(M_AXI_XBAR_AWVALID),
+ .s_axi_awready(M_AXI_XBAR_AWREADY),
+ // AXI4-Lite: Write data port (domain: s_axi_aclk)
+ .s_axi_wdata(M_AXI_XBAR_WDATA),
+ .s_axi_wstrb(M_AXI_XBAR_WSTRB),
+ .s_axi_wvalid(M_AXI_XBAR_WVALID),
+ .s_axi_wready(M_AXI_XBAR_WREADY),
+ // AXI4-Lite: Write response port (domain: s_axi_aclk)
+ .s_axi_bresp(M_AXI_XBAR_BRESP),
+ .s_axi_bvalid(M_AXI_XBAR_BVALID),
+ .s_axi_bready(M_AXI_XBAR_BREADY),
+ // AXI4-Lite: Read address port (domain: s_axi_aclk)
+ .s_axi_araddr(M_AXI_XBAR_ARADDR),
+ .s_axi_arvalid(M_AXI_XBAR_ARVALID),
+ .s_axi_arready(M_AXI_XBAR_ARREADY),
+ // AXI4-Lite: Read data port (domain: s_axi_aclk)
+ .s_axi_rdata(M_AXI_XBAR_RDATA),
+ .s_axi_rresp(M_AXI_XBAR_RRESP),
+ .s_axi_rvalid(M_AXI_XBAR_RVALID),
+ .s_axi_rready(M_AXI_XBAR_RREADY),
+ // ps gpio source
+ .ps_gpio_tri(ps_gpio_tri[FP_GPIO_WIDTH+FP_GPIO_OFFSET-1:FP_GPIO_OFFSET]),
+ .ps_gpio_out(ps_gpio_out[FP_GPIO_WIDTH+FP_GPIO_OFFSET-1:FP_GPIO_OFFSET]),
+ .ps_gpio_in(ps_gpio_in[FP_GPIO_WIDTH+FP_GPIO_OFFSET-1:FP_GPIO_OFFSET]),
+ // FP_GPIO
+ .fp_gpio_inout(FPGA_GPIO),
+ // Radio ATR
+ .rx_atr(rx_atr),
+ .tx_atr(tx_atr),
+ // Radio GPIO DSA
+ .db_gpio_out_flat(db_gpio_out),
+ .db_gpio_in_flat(db_gpio_in),
+ .db_gpio_ddr_flat(db_gpio_ddr),
+ .db_gpio_fab_flat(db_gpio_fab),
+ // Radio Strobes
+ .rx_stb(rx_stb),
+ .tx_stb(tx_stb),
+ // Radio Data
+ .rx(rx_flat),
+ .tx(tx_flat),
+ `ifndef N300
+ .sclk_flat({DBB_CPLD_PL_SPI_SCLK,
+ .mosi_flat({DBB_CPLD_PL_SPI_SDI,
+ .miso_flat({DBB_CPLD_PL_SPI_SDO,
+ `else
+ .sclk_flat(DBA_CPLD_PL_SPI_SCLK),
+ .mosi_flat(DBA_CPLD_PL_SPI_SDI),
+ .miso_flat(DBA_CPLD_PL_SPI_SDO),
+ `endif
+ // DRAM signals
+ .ddr3_axi_clk (ddr3_axi_clk),
+ .ddr3_axi_rst (ddr3_axi_rst),
+ .ddr3_running (ddr3_running),
+ // Slave Interface Write Address Ports
+ .ddr3_axi_awid (ddr3_axi_awid),
+ .ddr3_axi_awaddr (ddr3_axi_awaddr),
+ .ddr3_axi_awlen (ddr3_axi_awlen),
+ .ddr3_axi_awsize (ddr3_axi_awsize),
+ .ddr3_axi_awburst (ddr3_axi_awburst),
+ .ddr3_axi_awlock (ddr3_axi_awlock),
+ .ddr3_axi_awcache (ddr3_axi_awcache),
+ .ddr3_axi_awprot (ddr3_axi_awprot),
+ .ddr3_axi_awqos (ddr3_axi_awqos),
+ .ddr3_axi_awvalid (ddr3_axi_awvalid),
+ .ddr3_axi_awready (ddr3_axi_awready),
+ // Slave Interface Write Data Ports
+ .ddr3_axi_wdata (ddr3_axi_wdata),
+ .ddr3_axi_wstrb (ddr3_axi_wstrb),
+ .ddr3_axi_wlast (ddr3_axi_wlast),
+ .ddr3_axi_wvalid (ddr3_axi_wvalid),
+ .ddr3_axi_wready (ddr3_axi_wready),
+ // Slave Interface Write Response Ports
+ .ddr3_axi_bid (ddr3_axi_bid),
+ .ddr3_axi_bresp (ddr3_axi_bresp),
+ .ddr3_axi_bvalid (ddr3_axi_bvalid),
+ .ddr3_axi_bready (ddr3_axi_bready),
+ // Slave Interface Read Address Ports
+ .ddr3_axi_arid (ddr3_axi_arid),
+ .ddr3_axi_araddr (ddr3_axi_araddr),
+ .ddr3_axi_arlen (ddr3_axi_arlen),
+ .ddr3_axi_arsize (ddr3_axi_arsize),
+ .ddr3_axi_arburst (ddr3_axi_arburst),
+ .ddr3_axi_arlock (ddr3_axi_arlock),
+ .ddr3_axi_arcache (ddr3_axi_arcache),
+ .ddr3_axi_arprot (ddr3_axi_arprot),
+ .ddr3_axi_arqos (ddr3_axi_arqos),
+ .ddr3_axi_arvalid (ddr3_axi_arvalid),
+ .ddr3_axi_arready (ddr3_axi_arready),
+ // Slave Interface Read Data Ports
+ .ddr3_axi_rid (ddr3_axi_rid),
+ .ddr3_axi_rdata (ddr3_axi_rdata),
+ .ddr3_axi_rresp (ddr3_axi_rresp),
+ .ddr3_axi_rlast (ddr3_axi_rlast),
+ .ddr3_axi_rvalid (ddr3_axi_rvalid),
+ .ddr3_axi_rready (ddr3_axi_rready),
+ // DMA to PS
+ .m_dma_tdata(s_axis_dma_tdata),
+ .m_dma_tdest(s_axis_dma_tdest),
+ .m_dma_tlast(s_axis_dma_tlast),
+ .m_dma_tready(s_axis_dma_tready),
+ .m_dma_tvalid(s_axis_dma_tvalid),
+ .s_dma_tdata(m_axis_dma_tdata),
+ .s_dma_tuser(m_axis_dma_tuser),
+ .s_dma_tlast(m_axis_dma_tlast),
+ .s_dma_tready(m_axis_dma_tready),
+ .s_dma_tvalid(m_axis_dma_tvalid),
+ // VITA to Ethernet
+ .v2e0_tdata(v2e0_tdata),
+ .v2e0_tvalid(v2e0_tvalid),
+ .v2e0_tlast(v2e0_tlast),
+ .v2e0_tready(v2e0_tready),
+ .v2e1_tdata(v2e1_tdata),
+ .v2e1_tlast(v2e1_tlast),
+ .v2e1_tvalid(v2e1_tvalid),
+ .v2e1_tready(v2e1_tready),
+ // Ethernet to VITA
+ .e2v0_tdata(e2v0_tdata),
+ .e2v0_tlast(e2v0_tlast),
+ .e2v0_tvalid(e2v0_tvalid),
+ .e2v0_tready(e2v0_tready),
+ .e2v1_tdata(e2v1_tdata),
+ .e2v1_tlast(e2v1_tlast),
+ .e2v1_tvalid(e2v1_tvalid),
+ .e2v1_tready(e2v1_tready),
+ //regport interface to npio
+ .reg_wr_req_npio(reg_wr_req_npio),
+ .reg_wr_addr_npio(reg_wr_addr_npio),
+ .reg_wr_data_npio(reg_wr_data_npio),
+ .reg_rd_req_npio(reg_rd_req_npio),
+ .reg_rd_addr_npio(reg_rd_addr_npio),
+ .reg_rd_resp_npio(reg_rd_resp_npio),
+ .reg_rd_data_npio(reg_rd_data_npio),
+ .build_datestamp(build_datestamp),
+ .xadc_readback({20'h0, device_temp}),
+ .sfp_ports_info({sfp_port1_info, sfp_port0_info}),
+ .device_id(device_id)
+ );
+ // Register the ATR bits once between sending them out to the CPLD to avoid
+ // glitches on the outputs!
+ always @(posedge radio_clk) begin
+ rx_atr_reg <= rx_atr;
+ tx_atr_reg <= tx_atr;
+ end
+ // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ //
+ // Daughterboard Cores
+ //
+ // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ wire [49:0] bRegPortInFlatA;
+ wire [33:0] bRegPortOutFlatA;
+ wire rx_a_valid;
+ wire tx_a_rfi;
+`ifndef N300
+ wire [49:0] bRegPortInFlatB;
+ wire [33:0] bRegPortOutFlatB;
+ wire rx_b_valid;
+ wire tx_b_rfi;
+`ifdef BUILD_WR
+ localparam INCL_WR_TDC = 1'b1;
+ localparam INCL_WR_TDC = 1'b0;
+ wire reg_portA_rd;
+ wire reg_portA_wr;
+ wire [14-1:0] reg_portA_addr;
+ wire [32-1:0] reg_portA_wr_data;
+ wire [32-1:0] reg_portA_rd_data;
+ wire reg_portA_ready;
+ wire validA_unused;
+ assign bRegPortInFlatA = {2'b0, reg_portA_addr, reg_portA_wr_data, reg_portA_rd, reg_portA_wr};
+ assign {reg_portA_rd_data, validA_unused, reg_portA_ready} = bRegPortOutFlatA;
+ DbCore #(
+ .kInclWhiteRabbitTdc(INCL_WR_TDC)
+ ) dba_core (
+ .bBusReset(clk40_rst), //in std_logic
+ .BusClk(clk40), //in std_logic
+ .Clk40(clk40), //in std_logic
+ .MeasClk(meas_clk), //in std_logic
+ .FpgaClk_p(DBA_FPGA_CLK_P), //in std_logic
+ .FpgaClk_n(DBA_FPGA_CLK_N), //in std_logic
+ .SampleClk1xOut(radio_clk), //out std_logic
+ .SampleClk1x(radio_clk), //in std_logic
+ .SampleClk2xOut(radio_clk_2x), //out std_logic
+ .SampleClk2x(radio_clk_2x), //in std_logic
+ .bRegPortInFlat(bRegPortInFlatA), //in std_logic_vector(49:0)
+ .bRegPortOutFlat(bRegPortOutFlatA), //out std_logic_vector(33:0)
+ .kSlotId(1'b0), //in std_logic
+ .sSysRefFpgaLvds_p(DBA_FPGA_SYSREF_P), //in std_logic
+ .sSysRefFpgaLvds_n(DBA_FPGA_SYSREF_N), //in std_logic
+ .aLmkSync(DBA_CPLD_PL_SPI_ADDR[2]), //out std_logic
+ .JesdRefClk_p(USRPIO_A_MGTCLK_P), //in std_logic
+ .JesdRefClk_n(USRPIO_A_MGTCLK_N), //in std_logic
+ .aAdcRx_p(USRPIO_A_RX_P), //in std_logic_vector(3:0)
+ .aAdcRx_n(USRPIO_A_RX_N), //in std_logic_vector(3:0)
+ .aSyncAdcOut_n(DBA_MYK_SYNC_IN_n), //out std_logic
+ .aDacTx_p(USRPIO_A_TX_P), //out std_logic_vector(3:0)
+ .aDacTx_n(USRPIO_A_TX_N), //out std_logic_vector(3:0)
+ .aSyncDacIn_n(DBA_MYK_SYNC_OUT_n), //in std_logic
+ .sAdcDataValid(rx_a_valid), //out std_logic
+ .sAdcDataSamples0I(rx[0][31:16]), //out std_logic_vector(15:0)
+ .sAdcDataSamples0Q(rx[0][15:0]), //out std_logic_vector(15:0)
+ .sAdcDataSamples1I(rx[1][31:16]), //out std_logic_vector(15:0)
+ .sAdcDataSamples1Q(rx[1][15:0]), //out std_logic_vector(15:0)
+ .sDacReadyForInput(tx_a_rfi), //out std_logic
+ .sDacDataSamples0I(tx[0][31:16]), //in std_logic_vector(15:0)
+ .sDacDataSamples0Q(tx[0][15:0]), //in std_logic_vector(15:0)
+ .sDacDataSamples1I(tx[1][31:16]), //in std_logic_vector(15:0)
+ .sDacDataSamples1Q(tx[1][15:0]), //in std_logic_vector(15:0)
+ .RefClk(ref_clk), //in std_logic
+ .rPpsPulse(pps_refclk), //in std_logic
+ .rGatedPulseToPin(UNUSED_PIN_TDCA_0), //inout std_logic
+ .sGatedPulseToPin(UNUSED_PIN_TDCA_1), //inout std_logic
+ .sPps(pps_radioclk1x), //out std_logic
+ .sPpsToIob(pps_radioclk1x_iob), //out std_logic
+ .WrRefClk(wr_ref_clk), //in std_logic
+ .rWrPpsPulse(pps_wr_refclk), //in std_logic
+ .rWrGatedPulseToPin(UNUSED_PIN_TDCA_2), //inout std_logic
+ .sWrGatedPulseToPin(UNUSED_PIN_TDCA_3), //inout std_logic
+ .aPpsSfpSel(pps_select_sfp), //out std_logic_vector(1:0)
+ .sAdcSync(), //out std_logic
+ .sDacSync(), //out std_logic
+ .sSysRef(), //out std_logic
+ .rRpTransfer(), //out std_logic
+ .sSpTransfer(), //out std_logic
+ .rWrRpTransfer(), //out std_logic
+ .sWrSpTransfer() //out std_logic
+ );
+ assign rx_stb[0] = rx_a_valid;
+ assign rx_stb[1] = rx_a_valid;
+ assign tx_stb[0] = tx_a_rfi;
+ assign tx_stb[1] = tx_a_rfi;
+ axil_to_ni_regport #(
+ .RP_DWIDTH (32),
+ .RP_AWIDTH (14),
+ .TIMEOUT (512)
+ ) ni_regportA_inst (
+ // Clock and reset
+ .s_axi_aclk (clk40),
+ .s_axi_areset (clk40_rst),
+ // AXI4-Lite: Write address port (domain: s_axi_aclk)
+ .s_axi_awaddr(M_AXI_JESD0_AWADDR),
+ .s_axi_awvalid(M_AXI_JESD0_AWVALID),
+ .s_axi_awready(M_AXI_JESD0_AWREADY),
+ // AXI4-Lite: Write data port (domain: s_axi_aclk)
+ .s_axi_wdata(M_AXI_JESD0_WDATA),
+ .s_axi_wstrb(M_AXI_JESD0_WSTRB),
+ .s_axi_wvalid(M_AXI_JESD0_WVALID),
+ .s_axi_wready(M_AXI_JESD0_WREADY),
+ // AXI4-Lite: Write response port (domain: s_axi_aclk)
+ .s_axi_bresp(M_AXI_JESD0_BRESP),
+ .s_axi_bvalid(M_AXI_JESD0_BVALID),
+ .s_axi_bready(M_AXI_JESD0_BREADY),
+ // AXI4-Lite: Read address port (domain: s_axi_aclk)
+ .s_axi_araddr(M_AXI_JESD0_ARADDR),
+ .s_axi_arvalid(M_AXI_JESD0_ARVALID),
+ .s_axi_arready(M_AXI_JESD0_ARREADY),
+ // AXI4-Lite: Read data port (domain: s_axi_aclk)
+ .s_axi_rdata(M_AXI_JESD0_RDATA),
+ .s_axi_rresp(M_AXI_JESD0_RRESP),
+ .s_axi_rvalid(M_AXI_JESD0_RVALID),
+ .s_axi_rready(M_AXI_JESD0_RREADY),
+ // Register port
+ .reg_port_in_rd (reg_portA_rd),
+ .reg_port_in_wt (reg_portA_wr),
+ .reg_port_in_addr (reg_portA_addr),
+ .reg_port_in_data (reg_portA_wr_data),
+ .reg_port_out_data (reg_portA_rd_data),
+ .reg_port_out_ready(reg_portA_ready)
+ );
+`ifndef N300
+ wire reg_portB_rd;
+ wire reg_portB_wr;
+ wire [14-1:0] reg_portB_addr;
+ wire [32-1:0] reg_portB_wr_data;
+ wire [32-1:0] reg_portB_rd_data;
+ wire reg_portB_ready;
+ wire validB_unused;
+ assign bRegPortInFlatB = {2'b0, reg_portB_addr, reg_portB_wr_data, reg_portB_rd, reg_portB_wr};
+ assign {reg_portB_rd_data, validB_unused, reg_portB_ready} = bRegPortOutFlatB;
+ DbCore #(
+ .kInclWhiteRabbitTdc(INCL_WR_TDC)
+ ) dbb_core (
+ .bBusReset(clk40_rst), //in std_logic
+ .BusClk(clk40), //in std_logic
+ .Clk40(clk40), //in std_logic
+ .MeasClk(meas_clk), //in std_logic
+ .FpgaClk_p(DBB_FPGA_CLK_P), //in std_logic
+ .FpgaClk_n(DBB_FPGA_CLK_N), //in std_logic
+ .SampleClk1xOut(), //out std_logic
+ .SampleClk1x(radio_clk), //in std_logic
+ .SampleClk2xOut(), //out std_logic
+ .SampleClk2x(radio_clk_2x), //in std_logic
+ .bRegPortInFlat(bRegPortInFlatB), //in std_logic_vector(49:0)
+ .bRegPortOutFlat(bRegPortOutFlatB), //out std_logic_vector(33:0)
+ .kSlotId(1'b1), //in std_logic
+ .sSysRefFpgaLvds_p(DBB_FPGA_SYSREF_P), //in std_logic
+ .sSysRefFpgaLvds_n(DBB_FPGA_SYSREF_N), //in std_logic
+ .aLmkSync(DBB_CPLD_PL_SPI_ADDR[2]), //out std_logic
+ .JesdRefClk_p(USRPIO_B_MGTCLK_P), //in std_logic
+ .JesdRefClk_n(USRPIO_B_MGTCLK_N), //in std_logic
+ .aAdcRx_p(USRPIO_B_RX_P), //in std_logic_vector(3:0)
+ .aAdcRx_n(USRPIO_B_RX_N), //in std_logic_vector(3:0)
+ .aSyncAdcOut_n(DBB_MYK_SYNC_IN_n), //out std_logic
+ .aDacTx_p(USRPIO_B_TX_P), //out std_logic_vector(3:0)
+ .aDacTx_n(USRPIO_B_TX_N), //out std_logic_vector(3:0)
+ .aSyncDacIn_n(DBB_MYK_SYNC_OUT_n), //in std_logic
+ .sAdcDataValid(rx_b_valid), //out std_logic
+ .sAdcDataSamples0I(rx[2][31:16]), //out std_logic_vector(15:0)
+ .sAdcDataSamples0Q(rx[2][15:0]), //out std_logic_vector(15:0)
+ .sAdcDataSamples1I(rx[3][31:16]), //out std_logic_vector(15:0)
+ .sAdcDataSamples1Q(rx[3][15:0]), //out std_logic_vector(15:0)
+ .sDacReadyForInput(tx_b_rfi), //out std_logic
+ .sDacDataSamples0I(tx[2][31:16]), //in std_logic_vector(15:0)
+ .sDacDataSamples0Q(tx[2][15:0]), //in std_logic_vector(15:0)
+ .sDacDataSamples1I(tx[3][31:16]), //in std_logic_vector(15:0)
+ .sDacDataSamples1Q(tx[3][15:0]), //in std_logic_vector(15:0)
+ .RefClk(ref_clk), //in std_logic
+ .rPpsPulse(pps_refclk), //in std_logic
+ .rGatedPulseToPin(UNUSED_PIN_TDCB_0), //inout std_logic
+ .sGatedPulseToPin(UNUSED_PIN_TDCB_1), //inout std_logic
+ .sPps(), //out std_logic
+ .sPpsToIob(), //out std_logic
+ .WrRefClk(wr_ref_clk), //in std_logic
+ .rWrPpsPulse(pps_wr_refclk), //in std_logic
+ .rWrGatedPulseToPin(UNUSED_PIN_TDCB_2), //inout std_logic
+ .sWrGatedPulseToPin(UNUSED_PIN_TDCB_3), //inout std_logic
+ .aPpsSfpSel(2'b0), //out std_logic_vector(1:0)
+ .sAdcSync(), //out std_logic
+ .sDacSync(), //out std_logic
+ .sSysRef(), //out std_logic
+ .rRpTransfer(), //out std_logic
+ .sSpTransfer(), //out std_logic
+ .rWrRpTransfer(), //out std_logic
+ .sWrSpTransfer() //out std_logic
+ );
+ assign rx_stb[2] = rx_b_valid;
+ assign rx_stb[3] = rx_b_valid;
+ assign tx_stb[2] = tx_b_rfi;
+ assign tx_stb[3] = tx_b_rfi;
+ axil_to_ni_regport #(
+ .RP_DWIDTH (32),
+ .RP_AWIDTH (14),
+ .TIMEOUT (512)
+ ) ni_regportB_inst (
+ // Clock and reset
+ .s_axi_aclk (clk40),
+ .s_axi_areset (clk40_rst),
+ // AXI4-Lite: Write address port (domain: s_axi_aclk)
+ .s_axi_awaddr(M_AXI_JESD1_AWADDR),
+ .s_axi_awvalid(M_AXI_JESD1_AWVALID),
+ .s_axi_awready(M_AXI_JESD1_AWREADY),
+ // AXI4-Lite: Write data port (domain: s_axi_aclk)
+ .s_axi_wdata(M_AXI_JESD1_WDATA),
+ .s_axi_wstrb(M_AXI_JESD1_WSTRB),
+ .s_axi_wvalid(M_AXI_JESD1_WVALID),
+ .s_axi_wready(M_AXI_JESD1_WREADY),
+ // AXI4-Lite: Write response port (domain: s_axi_aclk)
+ .s_axi_bresp(M_AXI_JESD1_BRESP),
+ .s_axi_bvalid(M_AXI_JESD1_BVALID),
+ .s_axi_bready(M_AXI_JESD1_BREADY),
+ // AXI4-Lite: Read address port (domain: s_axi_aclk)
+ .s_axi_araddr(M_AXI_JESD1_ARADDR),
+ .s_axi_arvalid(M_AXI_JESD1_ARVALID),
+ .s_axi_arready(M_AXI_JESD1_ARREADY),
+ // AXI4-Lite: Read data port (domain: s_axi_aclk)
+ .s_axi_rdata (M_AXI_JESD1_RDATA),
+ .s_axi_rresp (M_AXI_JESD1_RRESP),
+ .s_axi_rvalid (M_AXI_JESD1_RVALID),
+ .s_axi_rready (M_AXI_JESD1_RREADY),
+ // Register port
+ .reg_port_in_rd (reg_portB_rd),
+ .reg_port_in_wt (reg_portB_wr),
+ .reg_port_in_addr (reg_portB_addr),
+ .reg_port_in_data (reg_portB_wr_data),
+ .reg_port_out_data (reg_portB_rd_data),
+ .reg_port_out_ready(reg_portB_ready)
+ );
+ // Tie off second daughterboard interface
+ axi_dummy #(
+ .DEC_ERR(1'b0)
+ ) inst_axi_dummy_dbb_core (
+ // Clock and reset
+ .s_axi_aclk (clk40),
+ .s_axi_areset (clk40_rst),
+ // AXI4-Lite: Write address port (domain: s_axi_aclk)
+ .s_axi_awaddr(M_AXI_JESD1_AWADDR),
+ .s_axi_awvalid(M_AXI_JESD1_AWVALID),
+ .s_axi_awready(M_AXI_JESD1_AWREADY),
+ // AXI4-Lite: Write data port (domain: s_axi_aclk)
+ .s_axi_wdata(M_AXI_JESD1_WDATA),
+ .s_axi_wstrb(M_AXI_JESD1_WSTRB),
+ .s_axi_wvalid(M_AXI_JESD1_WVALID),
+ .s_axi_wready(M_AXI_JESD1_WREADY),
+ // AXI4-Lite: Write response port (domain: s_axi_aclk)
+ .s_axi_bresp(M_AXI_JESD1_BRESP),
+ .s_axi_bvalid(M_AXI_JESD1_BVALID),
+ .s_axi_bready(M_AXI_JESD1_BREADY),
+ // AXI4-Lite: Read address port (domain: s_axi_aclk)
+ .s_axi_araddr(M_AXI_JESD1_ARADDR),
+ .s_axi_arvalid(M_AXI_JESD1_ARVALID),
+ .s_axi_arready(M_AXI_JESD1_ARREADY),
+ // AXI4-Lite: Read data port (domain: s_axi_aclk)
+ .s_axi_rdata (M_AXI_JESD1_RDATA),
+ .s_axi_rresp (M_AXI_JESD1_RRESP),
+ .s_axi_rvalid (M_AXI_JESD1_RVALID),
+ .s_axi_rready (M_AXI_JESD1_RREADY)
+ );
+ // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ //
+ // LEDS
+ //
+ // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ assign PANEL_LED_LINK = ps_gpio_out[45];
+ assign PANEL_LED_REF = ps_gpio_out[46];
+ assign PANEL_LED_GPS = ps_gpio_out[47];
+ /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ //
+ // PUDC Workaround
+ //
+ //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ // This is a workaround for a silicon bug in Series 7 FPGA where a
+ // race condition with the reading of PUDC during the erase of the FPGA
+ // image cause glitches on output IO pins.
+ //
+ // Workaround:
+ // - Define the PUDC pin in the XDC file with a pullup.
+ // - Implements an IBUF on the PUDC input and make sure that it does
+ // not get optimized out.
+ (* dont_touch = "true" *) wire fpga_pudc_b_buf;
+ IBUF pudc_ibuf_i (
+ .O(fpga_pudc_b_buf));
diff --git a/fpga/usrp3/top/n3xx/dboards/rh/Makefile.srcs b/fpga/usrp3/top/n3xx/dboards/rh/Makefile.srcs
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..1296e68e6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fpga/usrp3/top/n3xx/dboards/rh/Makefile.srcs
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+# Copyright 2018 Ettus Research, a National Instruments Company
+# DB IFC Sources
+RHODIUM_DB_SRCS = $(abspath $(addprefix $(BASE_DIR)/n3xx/dboards/rh/db_ifc/, \
+DbCore.vhd \
+DaughterboardRegs.vhd \
+ClockingRegs.vhd \
+PkgRhPersonality.vhd \
+PkgDaughterboardRegMap.vhd \
+PkgClockingRegMap.vhd \
+PkgJesdConfig.vhd \
+PkgAdcDacInterfaceTypes.vhd \
+RadioClocking.vhd \
+Jesd204bXcvrCore.edf \
+RHODIUM_TOP_SRCS = $(abspath $(addprefix $(BASE_DIR)/n3xx/dboards/rh/, \
+n3xx.v \
+RHODIUM_DB_CLOCKS_XDC = $(abspath $(addprefix $(BASE_DIR)/n3xx/dboards/rh/, \
+db_clocks.xdc \
+RHODIUM_DB_XDC = $(abspath $(addprefix $(BASE_DIR)/n3xx/dboards/rh/, \
+db_pins.xdc \
+db_timing.xdc \
diff --git a/fpga/usrp3/top/n3xx/dboards/rh/cpld/Makefile b/fpga/usrp3/top/n3xx/dboards/rh/cpld/Makefile
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..ff1598894
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fpga/usrp3/top/n3xx/dboards/rh/cpld/Makefile
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+# Copyright 2018 Ettus Research, a National Instruments Company
+.PHONY: all clean
+SRCS=rhodium_top.qpf rhodium_top.qsf rhodium_top.sdc rhodium_top.v rhodium_gain_ctrl.v rhodium_gain_table.v rhodium_lo_gain.v
+SIM_SRCS=rh_tb.v rhodium_top.v rhodium_gain_ctrl.v rhodium_gain_table.v rhodium_lo_gain.v
+SHORT_HASH=$(addprefix GIT_HASH=,$(shell ../../../../../tools/scripts/git-hash.sh))
+all: cpld-rhodium-revb.svf
+output_files/rhodium_top.pof: $(SRCS)
+ quartus_map rhodium_top --verilog_macro="$(SHORT_HASH)"
+ quartus_fit rhodium_top
+ quartus_asm rhodium_top
+ quartus_sta rhodium_top
+cpld-rhodium-revb.svf: output_files/rhodium_top.pof
+ quartus_cpf --convert --frequency 10.0MHz --voltage 2.5 --operation p $? $@
+ rm -rf db incremental_db output_files simulation cpld-rhodium-revb.svf
+a.out: $(SIM_SRCS)
+ iverilog -tvvp -D$(SHORT_HASH) -s rh_tb $(SIM_SRCS)
diff --git a/fpga/usrp3/top/n3xx/dboards/rh/cpld/rh_tb.v b/fpga/usrp3/top/n3xx/dboards/rh/cpld/rh_tb.v
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..fb5f62328
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fpga/usrp3/top/n3xx/dboards/rh/cpld/rh_tb.v
@@ -0,0 +1,410 @@
+// Copyright 2018 Ettus Research, A National Instruments Company
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-3.0-or-later
+// Module: rh_tb
+// Simple testbench for rhodium_top
+// This creates a rudimentary stimulus only, to allow results to be viewed
+// in the waveform viewer
+`timescale 1ns/1ps
+module rh_tb;
+reg ADC_A_Over_Range_18, ADC_B_Over_Range_18;
+wire [13:0] usrpio_io; // TODO: use one of these as pl_spi_addr[3]
+wire CPLD_PS_SPI_SDO_25;
+wire CPLD_PL_SPI_SDO_18;
+// NOTE: TxRx front-end switches are driven direct from the motherboard, so these ATR
+// lines have no function at this time.
+wire ADC_SPI_CS_L_18, ADC_SPI_SCLK_18;
+wire ADC_SPI_SDIO_18;
+wire DAC_SPI_CS_L_18, DAC_SPI_SCLK_18;
+wire DAC_SPI_SDIO_18;
+reg DAC_Alarm_18; // TODO: drive to gpio?
+reg LO_SYNC;
+wire Tx_DSA_C1,
+ Tx_DSA_C2,
+ Tx_DSA_C4,
+ Tx_DSA_C8,
+ Tx_DSA_C16;
+ wire Tx_DSA1_LE,
+ Tx_DSA2_LE;
+ wire Tx_Sw1_Ctrl_1,
+ Tx_Sw1_Ctrl_2,
+ Tx_Sw2_Ctrl_1,
+ Tx_Sw2_Ctrl_2,
+ Tx_Sw3_Ctrl_1,
+ Tx_Sw3_Ctrl_2,
+ Tx_Sw3_Ctrl_3,
+ Tx_Sw3_Ctrl_4,
+ Rx_LO_Input_Select,
+ Rx_LO_Filter_Sw_1,
+ Rx_LO_Filter_Sw_2,
+ Tx_LO_Input_Select,
+ Tx_LO_Filter_Sw_1,
+ Tx_LO_Filter_Sw_2;
+wire CLKDIST_Status_LD1,
+ CLKDIST_Status_LD2;
+wire LO_SPI_SCLK,
+ Rx_Sw1_Ctrl_1,
+ Rx_Sw1_Ctrl_2,
+ Rx_DSA_C1,
+ Rx_DSA_C2,
+ Rx_DSA_C4,
+ Rx_DSA_C8,
+ Rx_DSA_C16;
+ wire Rx_DSA1_LE,
+ Rx_DSA2_LE;
+ wire Rx_Sw2_Ctrl,
+ Rx_Sw3_Ctrl_1,
+ Rx_Sw3_Ctrl_2,
+ Rx_Sw4_Ctrl_1,
+ Rx_Sw4_Ctrl_2,
+ Rx_Sw4_Ctrl_3,
+ Rx_Sw4_Ctrl_4,
+ Rx_Demod_ADJ_1,
+ Rx_Demod_ADJ_2;
+wire LO_DSA_C1,
+ LO_DSA_C2,
+ LO_DSA_C4,
+ LO_DSA_C8,
+ LO_DSA_C16;
+wire RxLO_DSA_LE,
+ Tx_Sw5_Ctrl_1,
+ Tx_Sw5_Ctrl_2,
+ Rx_Sw6_Ctrl_1,
+ Rx_Sw6_Ctrl_2;
+wire LODIST_Bd_IO1;
+wire Tx_HB_LB_Select,
+parameter dly = 20;
+integer scnt;
+integer acnt;
+integer ccnt;
+integer ccnt_max;
+reg ps_sck;
+reg ps_mosi;
+reg clkdis_cs_b;
+reg cpld_ps_cs_b;
+reg phdac_cs_b;
+reg adc_cs_b;
+reg dac_cs_b;
+reg pl_sck;
+reg pl_mosi;
+reg txlo_cs_b;
+reg rxlo_cs_b;
+reg lodis_cs_b;
+reg cpld_pl_cs_b;
+task ps_cpld_xfer;
+ input [1:0] tbl;
+ input [5:0] cmd;
+ input [15:0] data;
+ reg [23:0] shiftreg;
+ integer i;
+ ps_sck <= 1'b0;
+ clkdis_cs_b <= 1'b1;
+ cpld_ps_cs_b <= 1'b1;
+ phdac_cs_b <= 1'b1;
+ adc_cs_b <= 1'b1;
+ dac_cs_b <= 1'b1;
+ txlo_cs_b <= 1'b1;
+ rxlo_cs_b <= 1'b1;
+ lodis_cs_b <= 1'b1;
+ cpld_pl_cs_b <= 1'b1;
+ shiftreg <= {tbl,cmd,data};
+ #(dly);
+ cpld_ps_cs_b <= 1'b0;
+ #(dly);
+ for (i = 0; i < 24; i = i + 1) begin
+ ps_sck <= 1'b0;
+ ps_mosi <= shiftreg[23-i];
+ #(dly);
+ ps_sck <= 1'b1;
+ #(dly);
+ end
+ ps_sck <= 1'b0;
+ #(dly);
+ cpld_ps_cs_b <= 1'b1;
+ #(dly);
+task pl_cpld_xfer;
+ input [1:0] tbl;
+ input [5:0] cmd;
+ input [15:0] data;
+ reg [23:0] shiftreg;
+ integer i;
+ pl_sck <= 1'b0;
+ clkdis_cs_b <= 1'b1;
+ cpld_ps_cs_b <= 1'b1;
+ phdac_cs_b <= 1'b1;
+ adc_cs_b <= 1'b1;
+ dac_cs_b <= 1'b1;
+ txlo_cs_b <= 1'b1;
+ rxlo_cs_b <= 1'b1;
+ lodis_cs_b <= 1'b1;
+ cpld_pl_cs_b <= 1'b1;
+ shiftreg <= {tbl,cmd,data};
+ #(dly);
+ cpld_pl_cs_b <= 1'b0;
+ #(dly);
+ for (i = 0; i < 24; i = i + 1) begin
+ pl_sck <= 1'b0;
+ pl_mosi <= shiftreg[23-i];
+ #(dly);
+ pl_sck <= 1'b1;
+ #(dly);
+ end
+ pl_sck <= 1'b0;
+ #(dly);
+ cpld_pl_cs_b <= 1'b1;
+ #(dly);
+assign CPLD_PS_SPI_LE_25 = clkdis_cs_b;
+assign CPLD_PS_ADDR0_25 = cpld_ps_cs_b;
+assign CPLD_PS_ADDR1_25 = phdac_cs_b;
+assign usrpio_io[12] = adc_cs_b;
+assign usrpio_io[13] = dac_cs_b;
+assign CPLD_PS_SPI_CLK_25 = ps_sck;
+assign CPLD_PS_SPI_SDI_25 = ps_mosi;
+assign CPLD_PL_SPI_LE_18 = txlo_cs_b;
+assign CPLD_PL_SPI_ADDR1_18 = rxlo_cs_b;
+assign CPLD_PL_SPI_ADDR2_18 = lodis_cs_b;
+assign CPLD_PL_SPI_ADDR0_18 = cpld_pl_cs_b;
+assign CPLD_PL_SPI_SCLK_18 = pl_sck;
+assign CPLD_PL_SPI_SDI_18 = pl_mosi;
+assign CLKDIST_Status_LD1 = 1'b0;
+assign LOSYNTH_RX_MUXOUT = 1'b1;
+assign LOSYNTH_TX_MUXOUT = 1'b1;
+ $dumpfile("rh_cpld.vcd");
+ $dumpvars;
+ // Check Signature register read-back
+ #(dly) ps_cpld_xfer(2'b00, {5'b00000, 1'b1}, 16'h0000);
+ // Check Signature register is read-only
+ #(dly) ps_cpld_xfer(2'b00, {5'b00000, 1'b0}, 16'h1234);
+ #(dly) ps_cpld_xfer(2'b00, {5'b00000, 1'b1}, 16'h0000);
+ // Load portions of lower RX gain table with some values
+ #(dly) ps_cpld_xfer(2'b00, {5'b00110, 1'b0}, 16'h0000); /* Write GAIN_BAND_SEL for lower table */
+ #(dly) ps_cpld_xfer(2'b01, 6'd0, {2'd0, 5'd0, 5'd1, 1'b1, 3'd0});
+ #(dly) ps_cpld_xfer(2'b01, 6'd1, {2'd0, 5'd0, 5'd2, 1'b1, 3'd0});
+ #(dly) ps_cpld_xfer(2'b01, 6'd2, {2'd0, 5'd1, 5'd2, 1'b1, 3'd0});
+ #(dly) ps_cpld_xfer(2'b01, 6'd3, {2'd0, 5'd1, 5'd3, 1'b1, 3'd0});
+ // Load portions of upper RX gain table with some values
+ #(dly) ps_cpld_xfer(2'b00, {5'b00110, 1'b0}, 16'h0101); /* Write GAIN_BAND_SEL for upper table */
+ #(dly) ps_cpld_xfer(2'b01, 6'd4, {2'd0, 5'd2, 5'd3, 1'b1, 3'd0});
+ #(dly) ps_cpld_xfer(2'b01, 6'd5, {2'd0, 5'd2, 5'd4, 1'b1, 3'd0});
+ #(dly) ps_cpld_xfer(2'b01, 6'd6, {2'd0, 5'd3, 5'd4, 1'b1, 3'd0});
+ #(dly) ps_cpld_xfer(2'b01, 6'd7, {2'd0, 5'd3, 5'd5, 1'b1, 3'd0});
+ // Check RX gain table readback
+ #(dly) ps_cpld_xfer(2'b01, 6'd0, 16'h0);
+ #(dly) ps_cpld_xfer(2'b01, 6'd1, 16'h0);
+ #(dly) ps_cpld_xfer(2'b01, 6'd2, 16'h0);
+ #(dly) ps_cpld_xfer(2'b01, 6'd3, 16'h0);
+ #(dly) ps_cpld_xfer(2'b01, 6'd4, 16'h0);
+ #(dly) ps_cpld_xfer(2'b01, 6'd5, 16'h0);
+ #(dly) ps_cpld_xfer(2'b01, 6'd6, 16'h0);
+ // Check can write a couple registers on PL side
+ // (Also make sure we're looking at the lower gain tables)
+ #(dly) pl_cpld_xfer(2'b00, {5'd6, 1'b0}, 16'h0000);
+ #(dly) pl_cpld_xfer(2'b00, {5'd7, 1'b0}, 16'h0000);
+ // Check retrieval of gain values for RX table and program DSAs
+ #(dly) pl_cpld_xfer(2'b01, 6'd2, {2'b0, 1'b1, 6'b0, 1'b1, 6'b0});
+ #(dly) pl_cpld_xfer(2'b01, 6'd3, {2'b0, 1'b0, 6'b0, 1'b1, 6'b0});
+ #(dly) pl_cpld_xfer(2'b01, 6'd1, {2'b0, 1'b1, 6'b0, 1'b0, 6'b0});
+ // Check writes to RXBS and TXBS registers
+ #(dly) pl_cpld_xfer(2'b00, {5'd6, 1'b0}, 16'h1ABC);
+ #(dly) pl_cpld_xfer(2'b00, {5'd7, 1'b0}, 16'h1CAB);
+ // Check TX DSA programming is independent of RX DSA programming
+ #(dly) pl_cpld_xfer(2'b10, 6'd4, {2'b0, 1'b1, 6'b0, 1'b0, 6'b0});
+ // Check LO gain programming works
+ #(dly) pl_cpld_xfer(2'b11, 6'd5, {2'b0, 1'b1, 6'b0, 1'b0, 6'b0});
+ #(dly) pl_cpld_xfer(2'b11, 6'd7, {2'b0, 1'b0, 6'b0, 1'b1, 6'b0});
+ #(dly) pl_cpld_xfer(2'b11, 6'd0, {2'b0, 1'b0, 6'b0, 1'b0, 6'b0});
+ // More checks for PL register writes
+ #(dly) pl_cpld_xfer(2'b00, {5'd6, 1'b0}, 16'h0ABC);
+ #(dly) pl_cpld_xfer(2'b00, {5'd7, 1'b0}, 16'h0CAB);
+ #(dly) pl_cpld_xfer(2'b00, {5'd8, 1'b0}, 16'hAA5C);
+ #(dly) pl_cpld_xfer(2'b00, {5'd8, 1'b0}, 16'h5A5C);
+ #(dly) pl_cpld_xfer(2'b00, {5'd6, 1'b0}, 16'h1C42);
+ // Check low/high gain tables and independence of RX vs. TX
+ #(dly) pl_cpld_xfer(2'b01, 6'd0, 16'h2040);
+ #(dly) pl_cpld_xfer(2'b00, {5'd7, 1'b0}, 16'h104C);
+ #(dly) pl_cpld_xfer(2'b10, 6'd0, 16'h2040);
+ #(dly) pl_cpld_xfer(2'b00, {5'd7, 1'b0}, 16'h0C80);
+ #(dly) pl_cpld_xfer(2'b10, 6'd5, 16'h2040);
+ $finish;
+rhodium_top toplevel_inst(usrpio_io, // bank 1A, 1B and 6
+ADC_A_Over_Range_18, ADC_B_Over_Range_18, // bank 1A
+// bank 6
+// bank 2
+// bank 3
+// bank 8
+LO_SPI_SCLK, // fans out to both rx & tx synths
+// bank 5
+endmodule // rh_tb
diff --git a/fpga/usrp3/top/n3xx/dboards/rh/cpld/rhodium_gain_ctrl.v b/fpga/usrp3/top/n3xx/dboards/rh/cpld/rhodium_gain_ctrl.v
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..b13eca846
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fpga/usrp3/top/n3xx/dboards/rh/cpld/rhodium_gain_ctrl.v
@@ -0,0 +1,203 @@
+// Copyright 2018 Ettus Research, A National Instruments Company
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-3.0-or-later
+// Module: rhodium_gain_ctrl
+// Description:
+// Gain controller for Rhodium
+// Provides 2 SPI slaves:
+// The "load" slave is used to load the gain table with DSA settings for
+// each index.
+// The "ctrl" slave takes in a gain index and drives the DSAs with the
+// setting found in the gain table.
+// The SPI formats are provided below.
+`default_nettype none
+* M {table_sel[1:0], gain_index[5:0], rsvd[1:0], dsa1[4:0], dsa2[4:0], wr_en, rsvd[2:0]}
+* S {-------------------------------, rsvd[1:0], dsa1[4:0], dsa2[4:0], -------rsvd[3:0]}
+* M {table_sel[1:0], gain_index[5:0], rsvd[1:0], wr_dsa1, -rsvd[5:0], wr_dsa2, rsvd[5:0]}
+* S {-------------------------------, ---------rsvd[2:0], gain1[5:0], ---rsvd, gain2[5:0]}
+module rhodium_gain_ctrl
+ parameter TABLE_NUM = 2'b01
+) (
+ input wire load_table_sel,
+ input wire load_sck,
+ input wire load_csb,
+ input wire load_mosi,
+ output wire load_miso,
+ input wire ctrl_table_sel,
+ input wire ctrl_sck,
+ input wire ctrl_csb,
+ input wire ctrl_mosi,
+ output reg ctrl_miso,
+ output wire [4:0] dsa,
+ output reg dsa1_le,
+ output reg dsa2_le
+localparam CNT_GAIN1_DRIVE = 10,
+ CNT_DSA1_LE_RISE = 11,
+ CNT_DSA1_LE_FALL = 14,
+localparam CNT_GAIN2_DRIVE = 17,
+ CNT_DSA2_LE_RISE = 18,
+ CNT_DSA2_LE_FALL = 21,
+* Gain table loader
+reg [4:0] load_bit_cnt;
+reg [1:0] load_tbl;
+reg [5:0] load_index;
+reg [15:0] load_rd_data;
+reg [4:0] load_dsa1;
+reg [4:0] load_dsa2;
+wire [4:0] load_dsa1_prev;
+wire [4:0] load_dsa2_prev;
+assign load_miso = load_rd_data[15]; // Shift out on neg edge
+wire wr_en;
+assign wr_en = (!load_csb) && (load_tbl == TABLE_NUM) && (load_bit_cnt == 20) && (load_mosi);
+// Cycle counter for where we are in protocol and shift register for input
+always @ (posedge load_sck or posedge load_csb)
+ if (load_csb) begin
+ load_bit_cnt <= 5'd0;
+ end else if (!load_csb) begin
+ {load_dsa1, load_dsa2} <= {load_dsa1[3:0], load_dsa2, load_mosi};
+ if (load_bit_cnt < 23) begin
+ load_bit_cnt <= load_bit_cnt + 5'd1;
+ end
+ if (load_bit_cnt < 8) begin
+ {load_tbl, load_index} <= {load_tbl[0], load_index, load_mosi};
+ end
+ end
+// Readback shift register
+always @ (negedge load_sck)
+ if (load_bit_cnt == 9) begin
+ load_rd_data <= {load_dsa1_prev, load_dsa2_prev, 5'b000};
+ end else begin
+ load_rd_data <= {load_rd_data[14:0], 1'b0};
+ end
+* Gain table RAM
+wire [4:0] ctrl_dsa1;
+wire [4:0] ctrl_dsa2;
+/* Use half of table for low band, other half for high band
+ * Software decides address mapping
+ */
+rhodium_gain_table gain_table(
+ .wr_clk(load_sck),
+ .wr_en(wr_en),
+ .wr_addr({load_table_sel, load_index}),
+ .wr_data({load_dsa1, load_dsa2}),
+ .wr_data_prev({load_dsa1_prev, load_dsa2_prev}),
+ .rd_clk(ctrl_sck),
+ .rd_addr({ctrl_table_sel, ctrl_index}),
+ .rd_data({ctrl_dsa1, ctrl_dsa2})
+* Gain control
+reg [4:0] ctrl_bit_cnt;
+reg [1:0] ctrl_tbl;
+reg [5:0] ctrl_index;
+reg [5:0] gain1;
+reg [5:0] gain2;
+reg gain1_t;
+reg gain2_t;
+assign dsa = !gain1_t ? ctrl_dsa1 :
+ (!gain2_t ? ctrl_dsa2 :
+ 5'b11111);
+// Cycle counter for where we are in protocol and shift register for input
+// Also controls timing of DSAs' latch enable signals
+always @ (posedge ctrl_sck or posedge ctrl_csb)
+ if (ctrl_csb) begin
+ ctrl_bit_cnt <= 5'd0;
+ dsa1_le <= 1'b0;
+ dsa2_le <= 1'b0;
+ gain1_t <= 1'b1;
+ gain2_t <= 1'b1;
+ end else if (!ctrl_csb) begin
+ if (ctrl_bit_cnt < 23) begin
+ ctrl_bit_cnt <= ctrl_bit_cnt + 5'd1;
+ end
+ if (ctrl_bit_cnt < 8) begin
+ {ctrl_tbl, ctrl_index} <= {ctrl_tbl[0], ctrl_index, ctrl_mosi};
+ end
+ if (ctrl_tbl == TABLE_NUM) begin
+ if ((ctrl_bit_cnt == CNT_GAIN1_DRIVE) && (ctrl_mosi)) begin
+ gain1 <= ctrl_index;
+ gain1_t <= 1'b0;
+ end else if ((gain1_t == 1'b0) && (ctrl_bit_cnt == CNT_DSA1_LE_RISE)) begin
+ dsa1_le <= 1'b1;
+ end else if ((gain1_t == 1'b0) && (ctrl_bit_cnt == CNT_DSA1_LE_FALL)) begin
+ dsa1_le <= 1'b0;
+ end else if ((gain1_t == 1'b0) && (ctrl_bit_cnt == CNT_GAIN1_RELEASE)) begin
+ gain1_t <= 1'b1;
+ end
+ if ((ctrl_bit_cnt == CNT_GAIN2_DRIVE) && (ctrl_mosi)) begin
+ gain2 <= ctrl_index;
+ gain2_t <= 1'b0;
+ end else if ((gain2_t == 1'b0) && (ctrl_bit_cnt == CNT_DSA2_LE_RISE)) begin
+ dsa2_le <= 1'b1;
+ end else if ((gain2_t == 1'b0) && (ctrl_bit_cnt == CNT_DSA2_LE_FALL)) begin
+ dsa2_le <= 1'b0;
+ end else if ((gain2_t == 1'b0) && (ctrl_bit_cnt == CNT_GAIN2_RELEASE)) begin
+ gain2_t <= 1'b1;
+ end
+ end
+ end
+// SPI readback for ctrl bus, based on current bit count
+always @ (negedge ctrl_sck)
+ case (ctrl_bit_cnt) // Shift out on neg edge
+ 11: ctrl_miso <= gain1[5];
+ 12: ctrl_miso <= gain1[4];
+ 13: ctrl_miso <= gain1[3];
+ 14: ctrl_miso <= gain1[2];
+ 15: ctrl_miso <= gain1[1];
+ 16: ctrl_miso <= gain1[0];
+ 18: ctrl_miso <= gain2[5];
+ 19: ctrl_miso <= gain2[4];
+ 20: ctrl_miso <= gain2[3];
+ 21: ctrl_miso <= gain2[2];
+ 22: ctrl_miso <= gain2[1];
+ 23: ctrl_miso <= gain2[0];
+ default: ctrl_miso <= 1'b0;
+ endcase
+endmodule // rhodium_gain_ctrl
+`default_nettype wire
diff --git a/fpga/usrp3/top/n3xx/dboards/rh/cpld/rhodium_gain_table.v b/fpga/usrp3/top/n3xx/dboards/rh/cpld/rhodium_gain_table.v
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..abaca43ba
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fpga/usrp3/top/n3xx/dboards/rh/cpld/rhodium_gain_table.v
@@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
+// Copyright 2018 Ettus Research, A National Instruments Company
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-3.0-or-later
+// Module: rhodium_gain_table
+// Description:
+// Simple dual port memory for use as gain table
+// Implements a 128 x 16 bit dual-port RAM for storing 10-bit gain values.
+// Write and read domains are independent. Data takes 1 cycle to become valid
+// on the output of the RAM once written.
+`default_nettype none
+module rhodium_gain_table
+ input wire wr_clk,
+ input wire wr_en,
+ input wire [6:0] wr_addr,
+ input wire [9:0] wr_data,
+ // Read data for wr_addr (read-first/read-before-write): One cycle latency
+ output wire [9:0] wr_data_prev,
+ input wire rd_clk,
+ input wire [6:0] rd_addr,
+ output wire [9:0] rd_data // Read data for rd_addr: One cycle latency
+reg [15:0] gain_table[127:0];
+reg [15:0] wr_data_prev_r;
+reg [15:0] rd_data_r;
+assign wr_data_prev = wr_data_prev_r[15:6];
+assign rd_data = rd_data_r[15:6];
+always @ (posedge wr_clk)
+ if (wr_en)
+ gain_table[wr_addr] <= {wr_data, 6'b0};
+ wr_data_prev_r <= gain_table[wr_addr];
+always @ (posedge rd_clk)
+ rd_data_r <= gain_table[rd_addr];
+endmodule // rhodium_gain_table
+`default_nettype wire
diff --git a/fpga/usrp3/top/n3xx/dboards/rh/cpld/rhodium_lo_gain.v b/fpga/usrp3/top/n3xx/dboards/rh/cpld/rhodium_lo_gain.v
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..0c4ed4c52
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fpga/usrp3/top/n3xx/dboards/rh/cpld/rhodium_lo_gain.v
@@ -0,0 +1,124 @@
+// Copyright 2018 Ettus Research, A National Instruments Company
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-3.0-or-later
+// Module: rhodium_lo_gain
+// Description:
+// LO Gain controller for Rhodium
+// Implements a gain index register (not a table)
+// Provides 1 SPI slave:
+// The "ctrl" slave takes in a gain index and drives the DSA with that
+// value.
+// The SPI formats are provided below.
+`default_nettype none
+* SPI DATA FORMAT (left-most bit is first)
+* M {table_sel[1:0], rsvd, gain[4:0], rsvd[1:0], wr_dsa1, ------rsvd[5:0], wr_dsa2, ----rsvd[5:0]
+* S {-------------------------------, --------------rsvd[3:0], gain1[4:0], -rsvd[1:0], gain2[4:0]}
+module rhodium_lo_gain #(
+ parameter TABLE_NUM = 2'b01
+) (
+ input wire ctrl_sck,
+ input wire ctrl_csb,
+ input wire ctrl_mosi,
+ output reg ctrl_miso,
+ output wire [4:0] dsa,
+ output reg dsa1_le,
+ output reg dsa2_le
+localparam CNT_GAIN1_DRIVE = 10,
+ CNT_DSA1_LE_RISE = 11,
+ CNT_DSA1_LE_FALL = 14,
+localparam CNT_GAIN2_DRIVE = 17,
+ CNT_DSA2_LE_RISE = 18,
+ CNT_DSA2_LE_FALL = 21,
+reg [4:0] ctrl_bit_cnt;
+reg [1:0] ctrl_tbl;
+reg [5:0] ctrl_index;
+reg [5:0] gain1, gain2;
+reg gain1_t;
+reg gain2_t;
+assign dsa = (!gain1_t | !gain2_t) ? ctrl_index[4:0] : 5'b11111;
+// Cycle counter for where we are in protocol and shift register for input
+// Also controls timing of DSAs' latch enable signals
+always @ (posedge ctrl_sck or posedge ctrl_csb)
+ if (ctrl_csb) begin
+ ctrl_bit_cnt <= 5'd0;
+ dsa1_le <= 1'b0;
+ dsa2_le <= 1'b0;
+ gain1_t <= 1'b1;
+ gain2_t <= 1'b1;
+ end else if (!ctrl_csb) begin
+ if (ctrl_bit_cnt < 23) begin
+ ctrl_bit_cnt <= ctrl_bit_cnt + 5'd1;
+ end
+ if (ctrl_bit_cnt < 8) begin
+ {ctrl_tbl, ctrl_index} <= {ctrl_tbl[0], ctrl_index, ctrl_mosi};
+ end
+ if (ctrl_tbl == TABLE_NUM) begin
+ if ((ctrl_bit_cnt == CNT_GAIN1_DRIVE) && (ctrl_mosi)) begin
+ gain1 <= ctrl_index;
+ gain1_t <= 1'b0;
+ end else if ((gain1_t == 1'b0) && (ctrl_bit_cnt == CNT_DSA1_LE_RISE)) begin
+ dsa1_le <= 1'b1;
+ end else if ((gain1_t == 1'b0) && (ctrl_bit_cnt == CNT_DSA1_LE_FALL)) begin
+ dsa1_le <= 1'b0;
+ end else if ((gain1_t == 1'b0) && (ctrl_bit_cnt == CNT_GAIN1_RELEASE)) begin
+ gain1_t <= 1'b1;
+ end
+ if ((ctrl_bit_cnt == CNT_GAIN2_DRIVE) && (ctrl_mosi)) begin
+ gain2 <= ctrl_index;
+ gain2_t <= 1'b0;
+ end else if ((gain2_t == 1'b0) && (ctrl_bit_cnt == CNT_DSA2_LE_RISE)) begin
+ dsa2_le <= 1'b1;
+ end else if ((gain2_t == 1'b0) && (ctrl_bit_cnt == CNT_DSA2_LE_FALL)) begin
+ dsa2_le <= 1'b0;
+ end else if ((gain2_t == 1'b0) && (ctrl_bit_cnt == CNT_GAIN2_RELEASE)) begin
+ gain2_t <= 1'b1;
+ end
+ end
+ end
+// SPI readback for ctrl bus, based on current bit count
+always @ (negedge ctrl_sck)
+ case (ctrl_bit_cnt) // Shift out on neg edge
+ 11: ctrl_miso <= gain1[5];
+ 12: ctrl_miso <= gain1[4];
+ 13: ctrl_miso <= gain1[3];
+ 14: ctrl_miso <= gain1[2];
+ 15: ctrl_miso <= gain1[1];
+ 16: ctrl_miso <= gain1[0];
+ 18: ctrl_miso <= gain2[5];
+ 19: ctrl_miso <= gain2[4];
+ 20: ctrl_miso <= gain2[3];
+ 21: ctrl_miso <= gain2[2];
+ 22: ctrl_miso <= gain2[1];
+ 23: ctrl_miso <= gain2[0];
+ default: ctrl_miso <= 1'b0;
+ endcase
+endmodule // rhodium_lo_gain
+`default_nettype wire
diff --git a/fpga/usrp3/top/n3xx/dboards/rh/cpld/rhodium_top.qpf b/fpga/usrp3/top/n3xx/dboards/rh/cpld/rhodium_top.qpf
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..5e1bf4d57
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fpga/usrp3/top/n3xx/dboards/rh/cpld/rhodium_top.qpf
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+# -------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
+# Copyright (C) 2017 Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.
+# Your use of Intel Corporation's design tools, logic functions
+# and other software and tools, and its AMPP partner logic
+# functions, and any output files from any of the foregoing
+# (including device programming or simulation files), and any
+# associated documentation or information are expressly subject
+# to the terms and conditions of the Intel Program License
+# Subscription Agreement, the Intel Quartus Prime License Agreement,
+# the Intel MegaCore Function License Agreement, or other
+# applicable license agreement, including, without limitation,
+# that your use is for the sole purpose of programming logic
+# devices manufactured by Intel and sold by Intel or its
+# authorized distributors. Please refer to the applicable
+# agreement for further details.
+# -------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
+# Quartus Prime
+# Version 17.0.2 Build 602 07/19/2017 SJ Lite Edition
+# Date created = 08:22:34 September 13, 2017
+# -------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
+DATE = "08:22:34 September 13, 2017"
+# Revisions
+PROJECT_REVISION = "rhodium_top"
diff --git a/fpga/usrp3/top/n3xx/dboards/rh/cpld/rhodium_top.qsf b/fpga/usrp3/top/n3xx/dboards/rh/cpld/rhodium_top.qsf
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..e94f0bbc8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fpga/usrp3/top/n3xx/dboards/rh/cpld/rhodium_top.qsf
@@ -0,0 +1,306 @@
+# -------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
+# Copyright (C) 2017 Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.
+# Your use of Intel Corporation's design tools, logic functions
+# and other software and tools, and its AMPP partner logic
+# functions, and any output files from any of the foregoing
+# (including device programming or simulation files), and any
+# associated documentation or information are expressly subject
+# to the terms and conditions of the Intel Program License
+# Subscription Agreement, the Intel Quartus Prime License Agreement,
+# the Intel MegaCore Function License Agreement, or other
+# applicable license agreement, including, without limitation,
+# that your use is for the sole purpose of programming logic
+# devices manufactured by Intel and sold by Intel or its
+# authorized distributors. Please refer to the applicable
+# agreement for further details.
+# -------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
+# Quartus Prime
+# Version 17.0.2 Build 602 07/19/2017 SJ Lite Edition
+# Date created = 08:22:34 September 13, 2017
+# -------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
+# Notes:
+# 1) The default values for assignments are stored in the file:
+# rhodium_top_assignment_defaults.qdf
+# If this file doesn't exist, see file:
+# assignment_defaults.qdf
+# 2) Altera recommends that you do not modify this file. This
+# file is updated automatically by the Quartus Prime software
+# and any changes you make may be lost or overwritten.
+# -------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
+set_global_assignment -name FAMILY "MAX 10"
+set_global_assignment -name DEVICE 10M04SAU169I7G
+set_global_assignment -name TOP_LEVEL_ENTITY rhodium_top
+set_global_assignment -name ORIGINAL_QUARTUS_VERSION 17.0.2
+set_global_assignment -name PROJECT_CREATION_TIME_DATE "08:22:34 SEPTEMBER 13, 2017"
+set_global_assignment -name LAST_QUARTUS_VERSION "18.1.0 Lite Edition"
+set_global_assignment -name PROJECT_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY output_files
+set_global_assignment -name MIN_CORE_JUNCTION_TEMP "-40"
+set_global_assignment -name MAX_CORE_JUNCTION_TEMP 100
+set_global_assignment -name ERROR_CHECK_FREQUENCY_DIVISOR 256
+set_global_assignment -name PARTITION_NETLIST_TYPE SOURCE -section_id Top
+set_global_assignment -name PARTITION_COLOR 16764057 -section_id Top
+set_location_assignment PIN_D11 -to CPLD_PS_SPI_LE_25
+set_location_assignment PIN_F13 -to CPLD_PS_SPI_CLK_25
+set_location_assignment PIN_E10 -to CPLD_PS_ADDR0_25
+set_location_assignment PIN_A12 -to CPLD_PS_ADDR1_25
+set_location_assignment PIN_F12 -to CPLD_PS_SPI_SDI_25
+set_location_assignment PIN_F10 -to CPLD_PS_SPI_SDO_25
+set_location_assignment PIN_B1 -to ADC_A_Over_Range_18
+set_location_assignment PIN_D1 -to ADC_B_Over_Range_18
+set_instance_assignment -name IO_STANDARD "1.8 V" -to ADC_A_Over_Range_18
+set_instance_assignment -name IO_STANDARD "1.8 V" -to ADC_B_Over_Range_18
+set_instance_assignment -name IO_STANDARD LVDS -to LO_SYNC
+set_location_assignment PIN_G9 -to LO_SYNC
+set_location_assignment PIN_G10 -to "LO_SYNC(n)"
+set_instance_assignment -name IO_STANDARD "1.8 V" -to ADC_SPI_CS_L_18
+set_location_assignment PIN_C2 -to ADC_SPI_CS_L_18
+set_location_assignment PIN_C1 -to ADC_SPI_SCLK_18
+set_location_assignment PIN_E3 -to ADC_SPI_SDIO_18
+set_location_assignment PIN_M5 -to CLKDIST_SPI_CS_L
+set_instance_assignment -name IO_STANDARD "3.3-V LVCMOS" -to CLKDIST_SPI_CS_L
+set_instance_assignment -name IO_STANDARD "1.8 V" -to ADC_SPI_SCLK_18
+set_instance_assignment -name IO_STANDARD "1.8 V" -to ADC_SPI_SDIO_18
+set_location_assignment PIN_L5 -to CLKDIST_SPI_SCLK
+set_location_assignment PIN_N5 -to CLKDIST_SPI_SDIO
+set_instance_assignment -name IO_STANDARD "3.3-V LVCMOS" -to CLKDIST_SPI_SCLK
+set_instance_assignment -name IO_STANDARD "3.3-V LVCMOS" -to CLKDIST_SPI_SDIO
+set_location_assignment PIN_K6 -to CLKDIST_Status_LD1
+set_location_assignment PIN_J6 -to CLKDIST_Status_LD2
+set_instance_assignment -name IO_STANDARD "3.3-V LVCMOS" -to CLKDIST_Status_LD1
+set_instance_assignment -name IO_STANDARD "3.3-V LVCMOS" -to CLKDIST_Status_LD2
+set_location_assignment PIN_M1 -to CPLD_ATR_TX_18
+set_location_assignment PIN_L1 -to CPLD_ATR_RX_18
+set_instance_assignment -name IO_STANDARD "1.8 V" -to CPLD_ATR_RX_18
+set_instance_assignment -name IO_STANDARD "1.8 V" -to CPLD_ATR_TX_18
+set_location_assignment PIN_H6 -to CPLD_PL_SPI_ADDR0_18
+set_location_assignment PIN_K2 -to CPLD_PL_SPI_ADDR1_18
+set_location_assignment PIN_J2 -to CPLD_PL_SPI_ADDR2_18
+set_instance_assignment -name IO_STANDARD "1.8 V" -to CPLD_PL_SPI_ADDR0_18
+set_instance_assignment -name IO_STANDARD "1.8 V" -to CPLD_PL_SPI_ADDR1_18
+set_instance_assignment -name IO_STANDARD "1.8 V" -to CPLD_PL_SPI_ADDR2_18
+set_location_assignment PIN_K1 -to CPLD_PL_SPI_LE_18
+set_location_assignment PIN_H5 -to CPLD_PL_SPI_SCLK_18
+set_location_assignment PIN_L3 -to CPLD_PL_SPI_SDI_18
+set_location_assignment PIN_L2 -to CPLD_PL_SPI_SDO_18
+set_instance_assignment -name IO_STANDARD "1.8 V" -to CPLD_PL_SPI_LE_18
+set_instance_assignment -name IO_STANDARD "1.8 V" -to CPLD_PL_SPI_SCLK_18
+set_instance_assignment -name IO_STANDARD "1.8 V" -to CPLD_PL_SPI_SDI_18
+set_instance_assignment -name IO_STANDARD "1.8 V" -to CPLD_PL_SPI_SDO_18
+set_location_assignment PIN_M2 -to DAC_Alarm_18
+set_instance_assignment -name IO_STANDARD "1.8 V" -to DAC_Alarm_18
+set_location_assignment PIN_N3 -to DAC_SPI_SDIO_18
+set_location_assignment PIN_N2 -to DAC_SPI_SCLK_18
+set_location_assignment PIN_M3 -to DAC_SPI_CS_L_18
+set_instance_assignment -name IO_STANDARD "1.8 V" -to DAC_SPI_CS_L_18
+set_instance_assignment -name IO_STANDARD "1.8 V" -to DAC_SPI_SCLK_18
+set_instance_assignment -name IO_STANDARD "1.8 V" -to DAC_SPI_SDIO_18
+set_location_assignment PIN_M7 -to LOSYNTH_RX_MUXOUT
+set_location_assignment PIN_N7 -to LOSYNTH_TX_MUXOUT
+set_instance_assignment -name IO_STANDARD "3.3-V LVCMOS" -to LOSYNTH_RX_MUXOUT
+set_instance_assignment -name IO_STANDARD "3.3-V LVCMOS" -to LOSYNTH_TX_MUXOUT
+set_location_assignment PIN_E6 -to LO_RX_CS_L
+set_location_assignment PIN_B2 -to LO_SPI_SCLK
+set_location_assignment PIN_M4 -to LO_SPI_SDI
+set_instance_assignment -name IO_STANDARD "3.3-V LVCMOS" -to LO_RX_CS_L
+set_instance_assignment -name IO_STANDARD "3.3-V LVCMOS" -to LO_SPI_SCLK
+set_instance_assignment -name IO_STANDARD "3.3-V LVCMOS" -to LO_SPI_SDI
+set_location_assignment PIN_K5 -to LO_TX_CS_L
+set_instance_assignment -name IO_STANDARD "3.3-V LVCMOS" -to LO_TX_CS_L
+set_location_assignment PIN_B6 -to Rx_DSA1_LE
+set_location_assignment PIN_A9 -to Rx_DSA2_LE
+set_location_assignment PIN_D8 -to Rx_DSA_C1
+set_location_assignment PIN_D6 -to Rx_DSA_C2
+set_location_assignment PIN_A11 -to Rx_DSA_C4
+set_location_assignment PIN_B10 -to Rx_DSA_C8
+set_location_assignment PIN_A10 -to Rx_DSA_C16
+set_instance_assignment -name IO_STANDARD "3.3-V LVCMOS" -to Rx_DSA1_LE
+set_instance_assignment -name IO_STANDARD "3.3-V LVCMOS" -to Rx_DSA2_LE
+set_instance_assignment -name IO_STANDARD "3.3-V LVCMOS" -to Rx_DSA_C1
+set_instance_assignment -name IO_STANDARD "3.3-V LVCMOS" -to Rx_DSA_C2
+set_instance_assignment -name IO_STANDARD "3.3-V LVCMOS" -to Rx_DSA_C4
+set_instance_assignment -name IO_STANDARD "3.3-V LVCMOS" -to Rx_DSA_C8
+set_instance_assignment -name IO_STANDARD "3.3-V LVCMOS" -to Rx_DSA_C16
+set_location_assignment PIN_B3 -to Rx_Demod_ADJ_1
+set_location_assignment PIN_N4 -to Rx_Demod_ADJ_2
+set_location_assignment PIN_J5 -to Rx_LO_Filter_Sw_1
+set_location_assignment PIN_J7 -to Rx_LO_Filter_Sw_2
+set_location_assignment PIN_L4 -to Rx_LO_Input_Select
+set_location_assignment PIN_A6 -to Rx_Sw1_Ctrl_1
+set_location_assignment PIN_A7 -to Rx_Sw1_Ctrl_2
+set_location_assignment PIN_A5 -to Rx_Sw2_Ctrl
+set_instance_assignment -name IO_STANDARD "3.3-V LVCMOS" -to Rx_Demod_ADJ_1
+set_instance_assignment -name IO_STANDARD "3.3-V LVCMOS" -to Rx_Demod_ADJ_2
+set_instance_assignment -name IO_STANDARD "3.3-V LVCMOS" -to Rx_Sw1_Ctrl_1
+set_instance_assignment -name IO_STANDARD "3.3-V LVCMOS" -to Rx_Sw1_Ctrl_2
+set_instance_assignment -name IO_STANDARD "3.3-V LVCMOS" -to Rx_Sw2_Ctrl
+set_instance_assignment -name IO_STANDARD "3.3-V LVCMOS" -to Rx_LO_Filter_Sw_1
+set_instance_assignment -name IO_STANDARD "3.3-V LVCMOS" -to Rx_LO_Filter_Sw_2
+set_instance_assignment -name IO_STANDARD "3.3-V LVCMOS" -to Rx_LO_Input_Select
+set_location_assignment PIN_A4 -to Rx_Sw3_Ctrl_1
+set_location_assignment PIN_A3 -to Rx_Sw3_Ctrl_2
+set_location_assignment PIN_C10 -to Rx_Sw4_Ctrl_1
+set_location_assignment PIN_A8 -to Rx_Sw4_Ctrl_2
+set_location_assignment PIN_B9 -to Rx_Sw4_Ctrl_3
+set_location_assignment PIN_C9 -to Rx_Sw4_Ctrl_4
+set_location_assignment PIN_K13 -to Tx_DSA1_LE
+set_location_assignment PIN_K12 -to Tx_DSA2_LE
+set_instance_assignment -name IO_STANDARD "3.3-V LVCMOS" -to Rx_Sw3_Ctrl_1
+set_instance_assignment -name IO_STANDARD "3.3-V LVCMOS" -to Rx_Sw3_Ctrl_2
+set_instance_assignment -name IO_STANDARD "3.3-V LVCMOS" -to Rx_Sw4_Ctrl_1
+set_instance_assignment -name IO_STANDARD "3.3-V LVCMOS" -to Rx_Sw4_Ctrl_2
+set_instance_assignment -name IO_STANDARD "3.3-V LVCMOS" -to Rx_Sw4_Ctrl_3
+set_instance_assignment -name IO_STANDARD "3.3-V LVCMOS" -to Rx_Sw4_Ctrl_4
+set_instance_assignment -name IO_STANDARD "3.3-V LVCMOS" -to Tx_DSA1_LE
+set_instance_assignment -name IO_STANDARD "3.3-V LVCMOS" -to Tx_DSA2_LE
+set_location_assignment PIN_H13 -to Tx_DSA_C1
+set_location_assignment PIN_H8 -to Tx_DSA_C2
+set_location_assignment PIN_J13 -to Tx_DSA_C4
+set_location_assignment PIN_H10 -to Tx_DSA_C8
+set_location_assignment PIN_J12 -to Tx_DSA_C16
+set_instance_assignment -name IO_STANDARD "3.3-V LVCMOS" -to Tx_DSA_C1
+set_instance_assignment -name IO_STANDARD "3.3-V LVCMOS" -to Tx_DSA_C2
+set_instance_assignment -name IO_STANDARD "3.3-V LVCMOS" -to Tx_DSA_C4
+set_instance_assignment -name IO_STANDARD "3.3-V LVCMOS" -to Tx_DSA_C8
+set_instance_assignment -name IO_STANDARD "3.3-V LVCMOS" -to Tx_DSA_C16
+set_location_assignment PIN_N6 -to Tx_LO_Filter_Sw_1
+set_location_assignment PIN_N12 -to Tx_LO_Filter_Sw_2
+set_location_assignment PIN_N8 -to Tx_LO_Input_Select
+set_location_assignment PIN_L10 -to Tx_Sw1_Ctrl_1
+set_location_assignment PIN_N10 -to Tx_Sw1_Ctrl_2
+set_location_assignment PIN_N11 -to Tx_Sw2_Ctrl_1
+set_location_assignment PIN_L11 -to Tx_Sw2_Ctrl_2
+set_location_assignment PIN_L12 -to Tx_Sw3_Ctrl_1
+set_location_assignment PIN_M13 -to Tx_Sw3_Ctrl_2
+set_location_assignment PIN_K11 -to Tx_Sw3_Ctrl_3
+set_location_assignment PIN_J9 -to Tx_Sw3_Ctrl_4
+set_instance_assignment -name IO_STANDARD "3.3-V LVCMOS" -to Tx_LO_Filter_Sw_1
+set_instance_assignment -name IO_STANDARD "3.3-V LVCMOS" -to Tx_LO_Filter_Sw_2
+set_instance_assignment -name IO_STANDARD "3.3-V LVCMOS" -to Tx_LO_Input_Select
+set_instance_assignment -name IO_STANDARD "3.3-V LVCMOS" -to Tx_Sw1_Ctrl_1
+set_instance_assignment -name IO_STANDARD "3.3-V LVCMOS" -to Tx_Sw1_Ctrl_2
+set_instance_assignment -name IO_STANDARD "3.3-V LVCMOS" -to Tx_Sw2_Ctrl_1
+set_instance_assignment -name IO_STANDARD "3.3-V LVCMOS" -to Tx_Sw2_Ctrl_2
+set_instance_assignment -name IO_STANDARD "3.3-V LVCMOS" -to Tx_Sw3_Ctrl_1
+set_instance_assignment -name IO_STANDARD "3.3-V LVCMOS" -to Tx_Sw3_Ctrl_2
+set_instance_assignment -name IO_STANDARD "3.3-V LVCMOS" -to Tx_Sw3_Ctrl_3
+set_instance_assignment -name IO_STANDARD "3.3-V LVCMOS" -to Tx_Sw3_Ctrl_4
+set_location_assignment PIN_B11 -to PHDAC_SPI_CS_L
+set_location_assignment PIN_C11 -to PHDAC_SPI_SCLK
+set_location_assignment PIN_D9 -to PHDAC_SPI_SDI
+set_location_assignment PIN_N9 -to LODIST_Bd_SPI_CS_L
+set_location_assignment PIN_J8 -to LODIST_Bd_SPI_SCLK
+set_location_assignment PIN_M9 -to LODIST_Bd_SPI_SDI
+set_location_assignment PIN_L13 -to LO_DSA_C1
+set_location_assignment PIN_K10 -to LO_DSA_C2
+set_location_assignment PIN_H9 -to LO_DSA_C4
+set_location_assignment PIN_G12 -to LO_DSA_C8
+set_location_assignment PIN_G13 -to LO_DSA_C16
+set_location_assignment PIN_J10 -to RxLO_DSA_LE
+set_instance_assignment -name IO_STANDARD "3.3-V LVCMOS" -to LODIST_Bd_SPI_CS_L
+set_instance_assignment -name IO_STANDARD "3.3-V LVCMOS" -to LODIST_Bd_SPI_SCLK
+set_instance_assignment -name IO_STANDARD "3.3-V LVCMOS" -to LODIST_Bd_SPI_SDI
+set_instance_assignment -name IO_STANDARD "3.3-V LVCMOS" -to LO_DSA_C1
+set_instance_assignment -name IO_STANDARD "3.3-V LVCMOS" -to LO_DSA_C2
+set_instance_assignment -name IO_STANDARD "3.3-V LVCMOS" -to LO_DSA_C4
+set_instance_assignment -name IO_STANDARD "3.3-V LVCMOS" -to LO_DSA_C8
+set_instance_assignment -name IO_STANDARD "3.3-V LVCMOS" -to LO_DSA_C16
+set_instance_assignment -name IO_STANDARD "3.3-V LVCMOS" -to RxLO_DSA_LE
+set_location_assignment PIN_B4 -to Rx_Sw6_Ctrl_1
+set_location_assignment PIN_B5 -to Rx_Sw6_Ctrl_2
+set_instance_assignment -name IO_STANDARD "3.3-V LVCMOS" -to Rx_Sw6_Ctrl_1
+set_instance_assignment -name IO_STANDARD "3.3-V LVCMOS" -to Rx_Sw6_Ctrl_2
+set_location_assignment PIN_M8 -to TxLO_DSA_LE
+set_instance_assignment -name IO_STANDARD "3.3-V LVCMOS" -to TxLO_DSA_LE
+set_location_assignment PIN_M11 -to Tx_Sw5_Ctrl_1
+set_location_assignment PIN_M12 -to Tx_Sw5_Ctrl_2
+set_instance_assignment -name IO_STANDARD "3.3-V LVCMOS" -to Tx_Sw5_Ctrl_1
+set_instance_assignment -name IO_STANDARD "3.3-V LVCMOS" -to Tx_Sw5_Ctrl_2
+set_location_assignment PIN_D12 -to Cal_iso_Sw_Ctrl
+set_location_assignment PIN_K8 -to LODIST_Bd_IO1
+set_location_assignment PIN_M10 -to Tx_HB_LB_Select
+set_instance_assignment -name IO_STANDARD "3.3-V LVCMOS" -to Tx_HB_LB_Select
+set_location_assignment PIN_E8 -to Rx_HB_LB_Select
+set_instance_assignment -name IO_STANDARD "3.3-V LVCMOS" -to Rx_HB_LB_Select
+set_instance_assignment -name IO_STANDARD "2.5 V" -to PHDAC_SPI_CS_L
+set_instance_assignment -name IO_STANDARD "2.5 V" -to PHDAC_SPI_SCLK
+set_instance_assignment -name IO_STANDARD "2.5 V" -to PHDAC_SPI_SDI
+set_instance_assignment -name IO_STANDARD "2.5 V" -to CPLD_PS_ADDR0_25
+set_instance_assignment -name IO_STANDARD "2.5 V" -to CPLD_PS_ADDR1_25
+set_instance_assignment -name IO_STANDARD "2.5 V" -to CPLD_PS_SPI_CLK_25
+set_instance_assignment -name IO_STANDARD "2.5 V" -to CPLD_PS_SPI_LE_25
+set_instance_assignment -name IO_STANDARD "2.5 V" -to CPLD_PS_SPI_SDI_25
+set_instance_assignment -name IO_STANDARD "2.5 V" -to CPLD_PS_SPI_SDO_25
+set_instance_assignment -name IO_STANDARD "2.5 V" -to Cal_iso_Sw_Ctrl
+set_instance_assignment -name IO_STANDARD "3.3 V SCHMITT TRIGGER" -to LODIST_Bd_IO1
+set_global_assignment -name EDA_SIMULATION_TOOL "ModelSim-Altera (Verilog)"
+set_global_assignment -name EDA_OUTPUT_DATA_FORMAT "VERILOG HDL" -section_id eda_simulation
+set_location_assignment PIN_E4 -to usrp_io[0]
+set_location_assignment PIN_G5 -to usrp_io[1]
+set_location_assignment PIN_H4 -to usrp_io[2]
+set_location_assignment PIN_J1 -to usrp_io[3]
+set_location_assignment PIN_F1 -to usrp_io[4]
+set_location_assignment PIN_C12 -to usrp_io[5]
+set_location_assignment PIN_C13 -to usrp_io[6]
+set_location_assignment PIN_E12 -to usrp_io[7]
+set_location_assignment PIN_E13 -to usrp_io[8]
+set_location_assignment PIN_B13 -to usrp_io[9]
+set_location_assignment PIN_F9 -to usrp_io[10]
+set_location_assignment PIN_B12 -to usrp_io[11]
+set_location_assignment PIN_E9 -to usrp_io[12]
+set_location_assignment PIN_F8 -to usrp_io[13]
+set_instance_assignment -name IO_STANDARD "1.8 V" -to usrp_io[0]
+set_instance_assignment -name IO_STANDARD "1.8 V" -to usrp_io[1]
+set_instance_assignment -name IO_STANDARD "1.8 V" -to usrp_io[2]
+set_instance_assignment -name IO_STANDARD "1.8 V" -to usrp_io[3]
+set_instance_assignment -name IO_STANDARD "1.8 V" -to usrp_io[4]
+set_instance_assignment -name IO_STANDARD "2.5 V" -to usrp_io[5]
+set_instance_assignment -name IO_STANDARD "2.5 V" -to usrp_io[6]
+set_instance_assignment -name IO_STANDARD "2.5 V" -to usrp_io[7]
+set_instance_assignment -name IO_STANDARD "2.5 V" -to usrp_io[8]
+set_instance_assignment -name IO_STANDARD "2.5 V" -to usrp_io[9]
+set_instance_assignment -name IO_STANDARD "2.5 V" -to usrp_io[10]
+set_instance_assignment -name IO_STANDARD "2.5 V" -to usrp_io[11]
+set_instance_assignment -name IO_STANDARD "2.5 V" -to usrp_io[12]
+set_instance_assignment -name IO_STANDARD "2.5 V" -to usrp_io[13]
+set_global_assignment -name POWER_BOARD_THERMAL_MODEL "NONE (CONSERVATIVE)"
+set_global_assignment -name EDA_TIME_SCALE "1 ps" -section_id eda_simulation
+set_global_assignment -name EDA_TEST_BENCH_ENABLE_STATUS TEST_BENCH_MODE -section_id eda_simulation
+set_global_assignment -name EDA_NATIVELINK_SIMULATION_TEST_BENCH rh_tb -section_id eda_simulation
+set_global_assignment -name EDA_TEST_BENCH_NAME rh_tb -section_id eda_simulation
+set_global_assignment -name EDA_DESIGN_INSTANCE_NAME NA -section_id rh_tb
+set_global_assignment -name EDA_TEST_BENCH_RUN_SIM_FOR "9000 ns" -section_id rh_tb
+set_global_assignment -name EDA_TEST_BENCH_MODULE_NAME rh_tb -section_id rh_tb
+set_global_assignment -name FLOW_ENABLE_POWER_ANALYZER ON
+set_global_assignment -name POWER_DEFAULT_INPUT_IO_TOGGLE_RATE "12.5 %"
+set_global_assignment -name EDA_RUN_TOOL_AUTOMATICALLY OFF -section_id eda_simulation
+set_global_assignment -name VERILOG_FILE rhodium_top.v
+set_global_assignment -name VERILOG_FILE rhodium_gain_ctrl.v
+set_global_assignment -name VERILOG_FILE rhodium_gain_table.v
+set_global_assignment -name VERILOG_FILE rhodium_lo_gain.v
+set_global_assignment -name VERILOG_FILE rh_tb.v
+set_global_assignment -name EDA_TEST_BENCH_FILE rh_tb.v -section_id rh_tb
+set_global_assignment -name ENABLE_OCT_DONE OFF
+set_global_assignment -name USE_CONFIGURATION_DEVICE ON
+set_global_assignment -name CRC_ERROR_OPEN_DRAIN OFF
+set_global_assignment -name GENERATE_SVF_FILE ON
+set_global_assignment -name OUTPUT_IO_TIMING_NEAR_END_VMEAS "HALF VCCIO" -rise
+set_global_assignment -name OUTPUT_IO_TIMING_NEAR_END_VMEAS "HALF VCCIO" -fall
+set_global_assignment -name OUTPUT_IO_TIMING_FAR_END_VMEAS "HALF SIGNAL SWING" -rise
+set_global_assignment -name OUTPUT_IO_TIMING_FAR_END_VMEAS "HALF SIGNAL SWING" -fall
+set_instance_assignment -name PARTITION_HIERARCHY root_partition -to | -section_id Top
diff --git a/fpga/usrp3/top/n3xx/dboards/rh/cpld/rhodium_top.sdc b/fpga/usrp3/top/n3xx/dboards/rh/cpld/rhodium_top.sdc
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..4b00a5053
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fpga/usrp3/top/n3xx/dboards/rh/cpld/rhodium_top.sdc
@@ -0,0 +1,415 @@
+# SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-3.0-or-later
+# Copyright 2019 Ettus Research, A National Instruments Company
+# Timing constraints for Rhodium's MAX 10 board controller
+set_time_format -unit ns -decimal_places 3
+# Some constants for constraining the design with the FPGA-centric method:
+# Maximum trace propagation delay is assumed to be 0.6 ns on any traces
+# to on-dboard slaves
+set board_delay 0.600
+set clk_uncertainty 0.150
+# Clocks
+# The PS SPI clock is maximum 10 MHz. It is driven from another source and
+# provided with the data.
+# CPLD_PS_SPI_CLK_25: 8 MHz
+set sclk_ps_period 125.000
+# Create clock for the PS's SPI interface
+create_clock -name sclk_ps -period $sclk_ps_period \
+ [get_ports CPLD_PS_SPI_CLK_25]
+# The PL SPI clock is split into two pieces. For the normal case, the clock
+# frequency is 10 MHz. This is for any read operations.
+# CPLD_PL_SPI_SCLK_18 pass through / read back ONLY: 10 MHz
+set sclk_pl_period 100.000
+create_clock -name sclk_pl -period $sclk_pl_period \
+ [get_ports CPLD_PL_SPI_SCLK_18]
+# We can go faster for the PL writes to the internal registers and LOs.
+# This rate is not supported for readback, but it helps with getting the DSA
+# settings and LO settings in faster.
+# CPLD_PL_SPI_SCLK_18 internal ONLY: 25 MHz
+set sclk_pl_wr_period 40.000
+create_clock -name sclk_pl_wr -period $sclk_pl_wr_period \
+ [get_ports CPLD_PL_SPI_SCLK_18] -add
+# Output clocks for the MAX 10's SPI master interfaces (1 for each slave IC)
+create_generated_clock -source [get_ports CPLD_PS_SPI_CLK_25] \
+ -name clkdist_clk [get_ports CLKDIST_SPI_SCLK]
+create_generated_clock -source [get_ports CPLD_PS_SPI_CLK_25] \
+ -name adc_clk [get_ports ADC_SPI_SCLK_18]
+create_generated_clock -source [get_ports CPLD_PS_SPI_CLK_25] \
+ -name dac_clk [get_ports DAC_SPI_SCLK_18]
+create_generated_clock -source [get_ports CPLD_PS_SPI_CLK_25] \
+ -name phdac_clk [get_ports PHDAC_SPI_SCLK]
+create_generated_clock -source [get_ports CPLD_PL_SPI_SCLK_18] \
+ -master_clock [get_clocks sclk_pl] \
+ -name lo_clk [get_ports LO_SPI_SCLK]
+create_generated_clock -source [get_ports CPLD_PL_SPI_SCLK_18] \
+ -master_clock [get_clocks sclk_pl_wr] \
+ -name lo_wr_clk [get_ports LO_SPI_SCLK] -add
+create_generated_clock -source [get_ports CPLD_PL_SPI_SCLK_18] \
+ -master_clock [get_clocks sclk_pl] \
+ -name lodist_clk [get_ports LODIST_Bd_SPI_SCLK]
+# Virtual clock for DSA writes for skew calculations
+#create_generated_clock -source [get_pins lo_gain_table\|dsa1_le\|clk]
+create_generated_clock -source [get_ports CPLD_PL_SPI_SCLK_18] \
+ -master_clock [get_clocks sclk_pl_wr] \
+ -name dsa_reg_clk [get_pins lo_gain_table\|dsa1_le\|q]
+create_generated_clock -source [get_pins lo_gain_table\|dsa1_le\|q] \
+ -name dsa_clk [get_ports RxLO_DSA_LE]
+# PL's pass through clock doesn't interact with internal clock
+set_clock_groups -physically_exclusive \
+ -group [get_clocks {sclk_pl_wr lo_wr_clk dsa_reg_clk dsa_clk}] \
+ -group [get_clocks {sclk_pl lo_clk lodist_clk}]
+set_clock_groups -asynchronous \
+ -group [get_clocks {sclk_ps clkdist_clk adc_clk dac_clk phdac_clk}] \
+ -group [get_clocks {sclk_pl sclk_pl_wr lo_clk lodist_clk}]
+set_clock_uncertainty -to [get_clocks {sclk_ps sclk_pl sclk_pl_wr clkdist_clk
+ adc_clk dac_clk phdac_clk lo_clk lo_wr_clk lodist_clk dsa_reg_clk dsa_clk}] \
+ $clk_uncertainty
+# Timing Budget Calculations
+# Here we carve out some timing budget for the master's SPI interfaces.
+# The master will use these values to time its SPI interface.
+# The PL's write-only values are smaller because there are no external chip
+# dependencies.
+set setup_ps 25
+set hold_ps 30
+# PL SPI is constrained on the master with an allowed skew value of +/- 3 ns
+# relative to the launch clock
+# Increase to 5 ns here for more margin
+set pl_skew 5
+# Clocks are nominally a 50% duty cycle, so difference between latch and
+# launch is half a period, so subtract allowed skew from that for setup/hold
+# specification. The half period is due to launch being the falling edge and
+# latch being the rising edge.
+set setup_pl [expr {$sclk_pl_period / 2 - $pl_skew}]
+set hold_pl [expr {$sclk_pl_period / 2 - $pl_skew}]
+set setup_pl_wr [expr {$sclk_pl_wr_period / 2 - $pl_skew}]
+set hold_pl_wr [expr {$sclk_pl_wr_period / 2 - $pl_skew}]
+# Calculate input delays relative to falling edge (launch)
+# Min is hold time after previous rising edge (previous latch)
+# Max is setup time before next rising edge (next latch)
+set input_delay_min_ps [expr {-$sclk_ps_period / 2 + $hold_ps}]
+set input_delay_max_ps [expr {$sclk_ps_period / 2 - $setup_ps}]
+set input_delay_min_pl [expr {-$sclk_pl_period / 2 + $hold_pl}]
+set input_delay_max_pl [expr {$sclk_pl_period / 2 - $setup_pl}]
+set input_delay_min_pl_wr [expr {-$sclk_pl_wr_period / 2 + $hold_pl_wr}]
+set input_delay_max_pl_wr [expr {$sclk_pl_wr_period / 2 - $setup_pl_wr}]
+# Again, carve out timing budget for master's SPI interface
+# Readback on the master will depend on clk-to-q of our slave.
+# These values will need to be at least as large as the worst slave.
+# Clock arrival at the slave will be delayed by propagation through the MAX 10
+# Data to the MAX 10's input port will be further delayed by slave's clk-to-q
+# On top of that, we then need budget for the data to cross the MAX 10, head
+# out the I/O, and propagate to the master's pin. Then the master will need
+# some budget for setup time.
+# Here is what we'll budget:
+# Clk propagation to I/O: 7 ns
+# Clk trace delay: 1 ns
+# Worst-case chip clk-to-q: 10 ns
+# Data trace delay: 1 ns
+# Data propagation delay from input pin to output pin: 8 ns
+# Total clk-to-q from MAX 10 sclk input to MAX 10 output: 27 ns
+# Then master's budget is 23 ns for clock delay + data delay + setup time
+set clk_q_max_ps 27.000
+# For the PL, the worst-case chip changes to 2 ns, so there is more budget
+set clk_q_max_pl 20.000
+# clk-to-q determines one side of the data invalid window
+# The maximum output delay is simply latch edge - clk-to-q
+# Launch is falling edge, and latch is rising edge, so...
+set output_delay_max_ps [expr {$sclk_ps_period / 2 - $clk_q_max_ps}]
+set output_delay_max_pl [expr {$sclk_pl_period / 2 - $clk_q_max_pl}]
+# The minimum output delay represents the other edge of the data invalid
+# window. Our clock is likely quite delayed already, but add a little more
+# margin for hold time.
+set output_delay_min_ps -5.000
+set output_delay_min_pl -5.000
+# I/O groups (for reference later)
+# Chip selects
+set ps_csb [get_ports {
+ usrp_io[12]
+ usrp_io[13]
+set pl_csb [get_ports {
+# Data for internal PL SPI
+set pl_src [get_ports {
+# Passthrough inputs (forward direction)
+# CPLD_PS_SPI_CLK_25 and CPLD_PL_SPI_SCLK_18 are special
+set ps_pt_src [get_ports {CPLD_PS_SPI_LE_25
+ usrp_io[12]
+ usrp_io[13]
+ }]
+set pl_pt_src [get_ports {CPLD_PL_SPI_LE_18
+ }]
+# Passthrough outputs (forward direction)
+# And inputs from the SPI slaves (readback direction)
+set clkdist_spi_out [get_ports {
+set clkdist_spi_in [get_ports {
+set phdac_spi [get_ports {
+set dac_spi_out [get_ports {
+set dac_spi_in [get_ports {
+set adc_spi_out [get_ports {
+set adc_spi_in [get_ports {
+set lo_spi_out [get_ports {
+set lo_spi_in [get_ports {
+set lodist_spi_out [get_ports {
+# Readback outputs
+set ps_rb_out [get_ports CPLD_PS_SPI_SDO_25]
+set pl_rb_out [get_ports CPLD_PL_SPI_SDO_18]
+# Chip-selects provide async resets
+set_false_path -from $ps_csb -to [get_pins *|clrn]
+set_false_path -from $pl_csb -to [get_pins *|clrn]
+# Also ignore setup/hold analysis for chip-selects affecting readback path
+# These are available many cycles before readback begins and have
+# combinatorial paths to the output
+set_false_path -from $ps_csb -to $ps_rb_out
+set_false_path -from $pl_csb -to $pl_rb_out
+set_input_delay -clock sclk_ps -clock_fall -max $input_delay_max_ps \
+ [get_ports CPLD_PS_ADDR0_25]
+set_input_delay -clock sclk_ps -clock_fall -min $input_delay_min_ps \
+ [get_ports CPLD_PS_ADDR0_25]
+set_input_delay -clock sclk_pl -clock_fall -max $input_delay_max_pl \
+ [get_ports CPLD_PL_SPI_ADDR0_18]
+set_input_delay -clock sclk_pl -clock_fall -min $input_delay_min_pl \
+ [get_ports CPLD_PL_SPI_ADDR0_18]
+set_input_delay -clock sclk_pl_wr -clock_fall -max $input_delay_max_pl_wr \
+ [get_ports CPLD_PL_SPI_ADDR0_18] -add
+set_input_delay -clock sclk_pl_wr -clock_fall -min $input_delay_min_pl_wr \
+ [get_ports CPLD_PL_SPI_ADDR0_18] -add
+# Input delays from SPI master
+set_input_delay -clock sclk_ps -clock_fall -max $input_delay_max_ps $ps_pt_src
+set_input_delay -clock sclk_ps -clock_fall -min $input_delay_min_ps $ps_pt_src
+set_input_delay -clock sclk_pl -clock_fall -max $input_delay_max_pl $pl_pt_src
+set_input_delay -clock sclk_pl -clock_fall -min $input_delay_min_pl $pl_pt_src
+set_input_delay -clock sclk_pl_wr -clock_fall -max $input_delay_max_pl_wr $pl_src -add
+set_input_delay -clock sclk_pl_wr -clock_fall -min $input_delay_min_pl_wr $pl_src -add
+# Output delays to each SPI slave (uses setup/hold times from data sheet)
+set adc_setup 4
+set adc_hold 2
+set_output_delay -clock adc_clk -max [expr {$adc_setup + $board_delay}] \
+ $adc_spi_out
+set_output_delay -clock adc_clk -min [expr {-$adc_hold - $board_delay}] \
+ $adc_spi_out
+set dac_setup 10
+set dac_hold 5
+set_output_delay -clock dac_clk -max [expr {$dac_setup + $board_delay}] \
+ $dac_spi_out
+set_output_delay -clock dac_clk -min [expr {-$dac_hold - $board_delay}] \
+ $dac_spi_out
+set phdac_setup 5
+set phdac_hold 5
+set_output_delay -clock phdac_clk -max [expr {$phdac_setup + $board_delay}] \
+ $phdac_spi
+set_output_delay -clock phdac_clk -min [expr {-$phdac_hold - $board_delay}] \
+ $phdac_spi
+set clkdist_setup 10
+set clkdist_hold 10
+set_output_delay -clock clkdist_clk -max [expr {$clkdist_setup + $board_delay}] \
+ $clkdist_spi_out
+set_output_delay -clock clkdist_clk -min [expr {-$clkdist_hold - $board_delay}] \
+ $clkdist_spi_out
+set lo_setup 2
+set lo_hold 2
+set_output_delay -clock lo_wr_clk -max [expr {$lo_setup + $board_delay}] \
+ $lo_spi_out
+set_output_delay -clock lo_wr_clk -min [expr {-$lo_hold - $board_delay}] \
+ $lo_spi_out
+# Input delays from each SPI slave (uses clk-to-q times from data sheet)
+# One board delay for clock, another for data
+set lo_clk_q 2
+set_input_delay -clock lo_clk -clock_fall -max [expr {$lo_clk_q + $board_delay + $board_delay}] \
+ $lo_spi_in
+set_input_delay -clock lo_clk -clock_fall -min 0 \
+ $lo_spi_in
+set adc_clk_q 10
+set dac_clk_q 10
+set clkdist_clk_q 10
+set_input_delay -clock adc_clk -clock_fall -max [expr {$adc_clk_q + $board_delay + $board_delay}] \
+ $adc_spi_in
+set_input_delay -clock adc_clk -clock_fall -min 0 \
+ $adc_spi_in
+set_input_delay -clock dac_clk -clock_fall -max [expr {$dac_clk_q + $board_delay + $board_delay}] \
+ $dac_spi_in
+set_input_delay -clock dac_clk -clock_fall -min 0 \
+ $dac_spi_in
+set_input_delay -clock clkdist_clk -clock_fall -max [expr {$clkdist_clk_q + $board_delay + $board_delay}] \
+ $clkdist_spi_in
+set_input_delay -clock clkdist_clk -clock_fall -min 0 \
+ $clkdist_spi_in
+# Output delays for readback path
+set_output_delay -clock sclk_ps -max $output_delay_max_ps $ps_rb_out
+set_output_delay -clock sclk_ps -min $output_delay_min_ps $ps_rb_out
+set_output_delay -clock sclk_pl -max $output_delay_max_pl $pl_rb_out
+set_output_delay -clock sclk_pl -min $output_delay_min_pl $pl_rb_out
+# GPIOs and DSAs
+# Outputs that aren't timing-critical
+set gpos [get_ports {Tx_Sw*
+ Rx_LO_*
+ Tx_LO_*
+ Rx_Sw*
+ Rx_Demod_*
+ Tx_HB_LB_Select
+ Rx_HB_LB_Select
+ Cal_iso_Sw_Ctrl
+ }]
+# Inputs that aren't timing-critical
+set gpis [get_ports {LO_SYNC
+ DAC_Alarm_18
+ CLKDIST_Status*
+ }]
+# DSAs (special skew needs)
+# RxLO_DSA_LE used for skew basis
+set dsas [get_ports {Tx_DSA*
+ Rx_DSA*
+ }]
+# Just do false paths for gpios
+set_false_path -to $gpos
+set_false_path -from $gpis
+# Unused
+set_false_path -to $lodist_spi_out
+# DSA skew timing
+# Earlier, we created a "clock" for one of the DSA latch enable signals
+# Use set_output_delay to constrain skew around the latch enable
+# set_multicycle_path is used to make latch clock = launch clock for setup
+# Constrain skew to 8 ns -- controller nominally does 120 ns minimum between
+# edges, and 100 ns is the DSA's requirement for setup/hold
+set dsa_skew 8.0
+set_output_delay -clock dsa_clk -max -$dsa_skew $dsas
+set_output_delay -clock dsa_clk -min $dsa_skew $dsas
+set_multicycle_path -start -setup 0 -to $dsas
+set_max_delay -from [get_ports CPLD_ATR_TX_18] \
+ -to [get_ports {Tx_Sw1_Ctrl_1 Tx_Sw1_Ctrl_2}] 10.0
diff --git a/fpga/usrp3/top/n3xx/dboards/rh/cpld/rhodium_top.v b/fpga/usrp3/top/n3xx/dboards/rh/cpld/rhodium_top.v
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..1d0d640da
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fpga/usrp3/top/n3xx/dboards/rh/cpld/rhodium_top.v
@@ -0,0 +1,605 @@
+// Copyright 2018 Ettus Research, A National Instruments Company
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-3.0-or-later
+// Module: rhodium_top
+`default_nettype none
+module rhodium_top(
+input [13:0] usrp_io, // bank 1A, 1B and 6
+input ADC_A_Over_Range_18, input ADC_B_Over_Range_18, // bank 1A
+// bank 6
+input CPLD_PS_SPI_LE_25,
+input CPLD_PS_SPI_CLK_25,
+input CPLD_PS_ADDR0_25,
+input CPLD_PS_ADDR1_25,
+input CPLD_PS_SPI_SDI_25,
+output reg CPLD_PS_SPI_SDO_25,
+output PHDAC_SPI_CS_L,
+output PHDAC_SPI_SDI,
+input LO_SYNC,
+// bank 2
+output reg CPLD_PL_SPI_SDO_18,
+input CPLD_PL_SPI_LE_18,
+input CPLD_PL_SPI_SCLK_18,
+input CPLD_PL_SPI_SDI_18,
+input CPLD_PL_SPI_ADDR0_18,
+input CPLD_PL_SPI_ADDR1_18,
+input CPLD_PL_SPI_ADDR2_18,
+// NOTE: TxRx front-end switches are driven direct from the motherboard, so these ATR
+// lines have no function at this time.
+input CPLD_ATR_TX_18,
+input CPLD_ATR_RX_18,
+output ADC_SPI_CS_L_18,
+output ADC_SPI_SCLK_18,
+inout ADC_SPI_SDIO_18,
+output DAC_SPI_CS_L_18,
+output DAC_SPI_SCLK_18,
+inout DAC_SPI_SDIO_18,
+input DAC_Alarm_18, // TODO: drive to gpio?
+// bank 3
+output Tx_DSA_C1,
+output Tx_DSA_C2,
+output Tx_DSA_C4,
+output Tx_DSA_C8,
+output Tx_DSA_C16,
+output Tx_DSA1_LE,
+output Tx_DSA2_LE,
+output Tx_Sw1_Ctrl_1,
+output Tx_Sw1_Ctrl_2,
+output Tx_Sw2_Ctrl_1,
+output Tx_Sw2_Ctrl_2,
+output Tx_Sw3_Ctrl_1,
+output Tx_Sw3_Ctrl_2,
+output Tx_Sw3_Ctrl_3,
+output Tx_Sw3_Ctrl_4,
+output Rx_LO_Input_Select,
+output Rx_LO_Filter_Sw_1,
+output Rx_LO_Filter_Sw_2,
+output Tx_LO_Input_Select,
+output Tx_LO_Filter_Sw_1,
+output Tx_LO_Filter_Sw_2,
+input CLKDIST_Status_LD1,
+input CLKDIST_Status_LD2,
+// bank 8
+output LO_SPI_SCLK, // fans out to both rx & tx synths
+output LO_SPI_SDI,
+output LO_TX_CS_L,
+output LO_RX_CS_L,
+output Rx_Sw1_Ctrl_1,
+output Rx_Sw1_Ctrl_2,
+output Rx_DSA_C1,
+output Rx_DSA_C2,
+output Rx_DSA_C4,
+output Rx_DSA_C8,
+output Rx_DSA_C16,
+output Rx_DSA1_LE,
+output Rx_DSA2_LE,
+output Rx_Sw2_Ctrl,
+output Rx_Sw3_Ctrl_1,
+output Rx_Sw3_Ctrl_2,
+output Rx_Sw4_Ctrl_1,
+output Rx_Sw4_Ctrl_2,
+output Rx_Sw4_Ctrl_3,
+output Rx_Sw4_Ctrl_4,
+output Rx_Demod_ADJ_1,
+output Rx_Demod_ADJ_2,
+// bank 5
+output LO_DSA_C1,
+output LO_DSA_C2,
+output LO_DSA_C4,
+output LO_DSA_C8,
+output LO_DSA_C16,
+output RxLO_DSA_LE,
+output TxLO_DSA_LE,
+output LODIST_Bd_SPI_CS_L,
+output LODIST_Bd_SPI_SDI,
+inout LODIST_Bd_IO1,
+output Tx_Sw5_Ctrl_1,
+output Tx_Sw5_Ctrl_2,
+output Rx_Sw6_Ctrl_1,
+output Rx_Sw6_Ctrl_2,
+output Tx_HB_LB_Select,
+output Rx_HB_LB_Select,
+output Cal_iso_Sw_Ctrl
+/* PS SPI */
+localparam GIT_HASH = 36'h`GIT_HASH;
+localparam PROD_SIGNATURE = 16'h0045; // Product signature (Rhodium atomic number in BCD)
+localparam REVISION_MINOR = 16'h0002;
+localparam REVISION_MAJOR = 16'h0004;
+localparam CPLD_BUILD_LSB = GIT_HASH[15:0]; // Build code LSB
+localparam CPLD_BUILD_MSB = GIT_HASH[31:16]; // Build code MSB
+localparam PSADDR_SIGNATURE = 3'd0;
+localparam PSADDR_REV_MINOR = 3'd1; // Minor version register
+localparam PSADDR_REV_MAJOR = 3'd2; // Major version register
+localparam PSADDR_BUILD_LSB = 3'd3;
+localparam PSADDR_BUILD_MSB = 3'd4;
+localparam PSADDR_SCRATCH = 3'd5; // scratchpad register
+localparam PSADDR_GAIN_SEL = 3'd6; // band select for gain table loader
+localparam PSADDR_DAC_ALARM = 3'd7; // DAC alarm pin register
+// Sub-device selection for PS SPI
+localparam PS_CPLD_REGS = 2'b00;
+localparam GAIN_TABLE_RX = 2'b01;
+localparam GAIN_TABLE_TX = 2'b10;
+localparam GAIN_TABLE_LO = 2'b11;
+// Setting to put TX SW1 in isolation mode
+localparam [1:0] TX_SW1_TERM = 2'b11;
+wire clkdis_cs_b = CPLD_PS_SPI_LE_25;
+wire cpld_ps_cs_b = CPLD_PS_ADDR0_25;
+wire phdac_cs_b = CPLD_PS_ADDR1_25;
+wire adc_cs_b = usrp_io[12];
+wire dac_cs_b = usrp_io[13];
+// CPLD PS SPI format (left-most bit first):
+// {table_sel[1:0], rsvd, reg_addr[3:0], rnw, data[15:0]}
+wire [1:0] cpld_ps_table_sel;
+wire [6:0] cpld_ps_spi_addr;
+wire cpld_ps_spi_rnw;
+reg [7:0] cpld_ps_spi_cmd;
+reg [15:0] cpld_ps_spi_rdata;
+reg [14:0] cpld_ps_spi_wdata;
+reg cpld_ps_spi_sdo;
+reg [4:0] cpld_ps_cnt;
+assign {cpld_ps_spi_addr, cpld_ps_spi_rnw} = cpld_ps_spi_cmd;
+// CPLD registers
+reg [15:0] spad;
+reg [15:0] gain_load_sel;
+// Double sync. the DAC ALARM pin (async).
+reg dac_alarm_ms, dac_alarm = 0;
+always @(posedge CPLD_PS_SPI_CLK_25) begin
+ {dac_alarm, dac_alarm_ms} <= {dac_alarm_ms, DAC_Alarm_18};
+wire rx_gain_load_tbl_sel;
+wire rx_gain_load_miso;
+wire rx_gain_ctrl_tbl_sel;
+wire rx_gain_ctrl_miso;
+wire tx_gain_load_tbl_sel;
+wire tx_gain_load_miso;
+wire tx_gain_ctrl_tbl_sel;
+wire tx_gain_ctrl_miso;
+wire lo_gain_ctrl_miso;
+assign rx_gain_load_tbl_sel = gain_load_sel[0];
+assign tx_gain_load_tbl_sel = gain_load_sel[8];
+always @(posedge CPLD_PS_SPI_CLK_25 or posedge cpld_ps_cs_b)
+ if (cpld_ps_cs_b) begin
+ cpld_ps_cnt <= 5'd0;
+ end else if (!cpld_ps_cs_b) begin
+ if (cpld_ps_cnt < 8) begin // Address / command
+ cpld_ps_spi_cmd <= {cpld_ps_spi_cmd[6:0], CPLD_PS_SPI_SDI_25};
+ cpld_ps_cnt <= cpld_ps_cnt + 5'd1;
+ end else if (cpld_ps_cnt < 23) begin // Shift in write data
+ cpld_ps_spi_wdata <= {cpld_ps_spi_wdata[13:0], CPLD_PS_SPI_SDI_25};
+ cpld_ps_cnt <= cpld_ps_cnt + 5'd1;
+ end else if (!cpld_ps_spi_rnw && cpld_ps_cnt == 23 && cpld_ps_spi_addr[6:5] == PS_CPLD_REGS) begin // Write
+ case (cpld_ps_spi_addr[2:0])
+ PSADDR_SCRATCH: spad <= {cpld_ps_spi_wdata, CPLD_PS_SPI_SDI_25};
+ PSADDR_GAIN_SEL: gain_load_sel <= {cpld_ps_spi_wdata, CPLD_PS_SPI_SDI_25};
+ endcase
+ end
+ if (cpld_ps_cnt == 7) begin // Set up read one cycle earlier
+ case (cpld_ps_spi_cmd[2:0])
+ PSADDR_SIGNATURE: cpld_ps_spi_rdata <= PROD_SIGNATURE;
+ PSADDR_REV_MINOR: cpld_ps_spi_rdata <= REVISION_MINOR;
+ PSADDR_REV_MAJOR: cpld_ps_spi_rdata <= REVISION_MAJOR;
+ PSADDR_BUILD_LSB: cpld_ps_spi_rdata <= CPLD_BUILD_LSB;
+ PSADDR_BUILD_MSB: cpld_ps_spi_rdata <= CPLD_BUILD_MSB;
+ PSADDR_SCRATCH: cpld_ps_spi_rdata <= spad;
+ PSADDR_GAIN_SEL: cpld_ps_spi_rdata <= gain_load_sel;
+ PSADDR_DAC_ALARM: cpld_ps_spi_rdata <= {15'b0, dac_alarm};
+ endcase
+ end else begin
+ cpld_ps_spi_rdata <= {cpld_ps_spi_rdata[14:0], 1'b1};
+ end
+ end
+always @(negedge CPLD_PS_SPI_CLK_25)
+ cpld_ps_spi_sdo <= cpld_ps_spi_rdata[15]; // Shift out on negative edge
+// CLKDIST 3-wire to 4-wire
+reg [4:0] clkdis_cnt;
+reg clkdis_rd_pre, clkdis_rd, clkdis_sdio_t;
+always @(posedge CPLD_PS_SPI_CLK_25 or posedge clkdis_cs_b)
+ if (clkdis_cs_b) begin
+ clkdis_cnt <= 5'd0;
+ clkdis_rd <= 1'b0;
+ clkdis_rd_pre <= 1'b0;
+ end else if (!clkdis_cs_b) begin
+ if (clkdis_cnt < 23)
+ clkdis_cnt <= clkdis_cnt + 5'd1;
+ if (clkdis_cnt == 5'd0) // Check if read
+ clkdis_rd_pre <= CPLD_PS_SPI_SDI_25;
+ if (clkdis_cnt == 5'd15)
+ clkdis_rd <= clkdis_rd_pre;
+ end
+always @(negedge CPLD_PS_SPI_CLK_25 or posedge clkdis_cs_b)
+ if (clkdis_cs_b) begin
+ clkdis_sdio_t <= 1'b0;
+ end else begin
+ clkdis_sdio_t <= clkdis_rd;
+ end
+// ADC 3-wire to 4-wire
+reg [4:0] adc_cnt;
+reg adc_rd_pre, adc_rd, adc_sdio_t;
+always @(posedge CPLD_PS_SPI_CLK_25 or posedge adc_cs_b)
+ if (adc_cs_b) begin
+ adc_cnt <= 5'd0;
+ adc_rd <= 1'b0;
+ adc_rd_pre <= 1'b0;
+ end else if (!adc_cs_b) begin
+ if (adc_cnt < 23)
+ adc_cnt <= adc_cnt + 5'd1;
+ if (adc_cnt == 5'd0) // Check if read
+ adc_rd_pre <= CPLD_PS_SPI_SDI_25;
+ if (adc_cnt == 5'd15)
+ adc_rd <= adc_rd_pre;
+ end
+always @(negedge CPLD_PS_SPI_CLK_25 or posedge adc_cs_b)
+ if (adc_cs_b) begin
+ adc_sdio_t <= 1'b0;
+ end else begin
+ adc_sdio_t <= adc_rd;
+ end
+// DAC 3-wire to 4-wire
+reg [4:0] dac_cnt;
+reg dac_rd_pre, dac_rd, dac_sdio_t;
+always @(posedge CPLD_PS_SPI_CLK_25 or posedge dac_cs_b)
+ if (dac_cs_b) begin
+ dac_cnt <= 5'd0;
+ dac_rd <= 1'b0;
+ dac_rd_pre <= 1'b0;
+ end else if (!dac_cs_b) begin
+ if (dac_cnt < 23)
+ dac_cnt <= dac_cnt + 5'd1;
+ if (dac_cnt == 5'd0) // Check if read
+ dac_rd_pre <= CPLD_PS_SPI_SDI_25;
+ if (dac_cnt == 5'd7)
+ dac_rd <= dac_rd_pre;
+ end
+always @(negedge CPLD_PS_SPI_CLK_25 or posedge dac_cs_b)
+ if (dac_cs_b) begin
+ dac_sdio_t <= 1'b0;
+ end else begin
+ dac_sdio_t <= dac_rd;
+ end
+// multiplexed slave device SPI ports
+wire phdac_sck, phdac_sdi;
+wire clkdis_sck, adc_sck, dac_sck;
+assign clkdis_sck = (clkdis_cs_b == 1'b0) ? CPLD_PS_SPI_CLK_25 : 1'b0;
+assign CLKDIST_SPI_CS_L = clkdis_cs_b;
+assign CLKDIST_SPI_SCLK = clkdis_sck;
+assign adc_sck = !adc_cs_b ? CPLD_PS_SPI_CLK_25 : 1'b0;
+assign dac_sck = !dac_cs_b ? CPLD_PS_SPI_CLK_25 : 1'b0;
+assign ADC_SPI_CS_L_18 = adc_cs_b;
+assign ADC_SPI_SCLK_18 = adc_sck;
+assign DAC_SPI_CS_L_18 = dac_cs_b;
+assign DAC_SPI_SCLK_18 = dac_sck;
+assign CLKDIST_SPI_SDIO = (!clkdis_sdio_t && !clkdis_cs_b) ? CPLD_PS_SPI_SDI_25 : 1'bz ;
+assign ADC_SPI_SDIO_18 = (!adc_sdio_t && !adc_cs_b) ? CPLD_PS_SPI_SDI_25 : 1'bz ;
+assign DAC_SPI_SDIO_18 = (!dac_sdio_t && !dac_cs_b) ? CPLD_PS_SPI_SDI_25 : 1'bz ;
+always @(*)
+ CPLD_PS_SPI_SDO_25 = 1'b1;
+ case ({cpld_ps_cs_b, clkdis_cs_b, adc_cs_b, dac_cs_b})
+ 4'b0111: begin
+ case (cpld_ps_spi_addr[6:5])
+ PS_CPLD_REGS : CPLD_PS_SPI_SDO_25 = cpld_ps_spi_sdo;
+ GAIN_TABLE_RX: CPLD_PS_SPI_SDO_25 = rx_gain_load_miso;
+ GAIN_TABLE_TX: CPLD_PS_SPI_SDO_25 = tx_gain_load_miso;
+ endcase
+ end
+ 4'b1101: CPLD_PS_SPI_SDO_25 = ADC_SPI_SDIO_18;
+ 4'b1110: CPLD_PS_SPI_SDO_25 = DAC_SPI_SDIO_18;
+ default: ;
+ endcase
+// note: no readback from PHDAC
+assign phdac_sck = (phdac_cs_b == 1'b0) ? CPLD_PS_SPI_CLK_25 : 1'b0;
+assign phdac_sdi = (phdac_cs_b == 1'b0) ? CPLD_PS_SPI_SDI_25 : 1'b1;
+assign PHDAC_SPI_SCLK = phdac_sck;
+assign PHDAC_SPI_CS_L = phdac_cs_b;
+assign PHDAC_SPI_SDI = phdac_sdi;
+/* PL SPI */
+// CPLD PL SPI format (left-most bit first):
+// {table_sel[1:0], reg_addr[4:0], rnw, data[15:0]}
+localparam PLADDR_SCRATCH = 4'b0101; // scratchpad register
+localparam PLADDR_RXBS = 4'b0110;
+localparam PLADDR_TXBS = 4'b0111;
+localparam PLADDR_RFCTRL = 4'b1000;
+localparam PL_CPLD_REGS = 2'b00;
+// CPLD PL registers
+reg [15:0] rxbs = 'h0;
+reg [15:0] txbs = 'h0;
+reg [15:0] rfctrl = 'h0;
+// register address on the falling edge of chip-select
+wire txlo_cs_b = CPLD_PL_SPI_LE_18;
+wire rxlo_cs_b = CPLD_PL_SPI_ADDR1_18;
+wire lodis_cs_b = CPLD_PL_SPI_ADDR2_18;
+wire cpld_pl_cs_b = CPLD_PL_SPI_ADDR0_18;
+wire cpld_pl_spi_rnw;
+wire [6:0] cpld_pl_spi_addr;
+reg [7:0] cpld_pl_spi_cmd;
+reg [15:0] cpld_pl_spi_rdata;
+reg [14:0] cpld_pl_spi_wdata;
+reg cpld_pl_spi_sdo;
+reg [4:0] cpld_pl_cnt;
+assign {cpld_pl_spi_addr, cpld_pl_spi_rnw} = cpld_pl_spi_cmd;
+reg [15:0] pl_spad;
+always @(posedge CPLD_PL_SPI_SCLK_18 or posedge cpld_pl_cs_b)
+ if (cpld_pl_cs_b) begin
+ cpld_pl_cnt <= 5'd0;
+ end else if (!cpld_pl_cs_b) begin
+ if (cpld_pl_cnt < 8) begin // Address / command
+ cpld_pl_spi_cmd <= {cpld_pl_spi_cmd[6:0], CPLD_PL_SPI_SDI_18};
+ cpld_pl_cnt <= cpld_pl_cnt + 5'd1;
+ end else if (cpld_pl_cnt < 23) begin // Shift in write data
+ cpld_pl_spi_wdata <= {cpld_pl_spi_wdata[13:0], CPLD_PL_SPI_SDI_18};
+ cpld_pl_cnt <= cpld_pl_cnt + 5'd1;
+ end else if (!cpld_pl_spi_rnw && cpld_pl_cnt == 23 && cpld_pl_spi_addr[6:5] == PL_CPLD_REGS) begin // Write
+ case (cpld_pl_spi_addr[3:0])
+ PLADDR_SCRATCH: pl_spad <= {cpld_pl_spi_wdata, CPLD_PL_SPI_SDI_18};
+ PLADDR_RXBS: rxbs <= {cpld_pl_spi_wdata, CPLD_PL_SPI_SDI_18};
+ PLADDR_TXBS: txbs <= {cpld_pl_spi_wdata, CPLD_PL_SPI_SDI_18};
+ PLADDR_RFCTRL: rfctrl <= {cpld_pl_spi_wdata, CPLD_PL_SPI_SDI_18};
+ endcase
+ end
+ if (cpld_pl_cnt == 7) begin // Set up read one cycle earlier
+ case (cpld_pl_spi_cmd[3:0])
+ PLADDR_SCRATCH: cpld_pl_spi_rdata <= pl_spad;
+ PLADDR_RXBS: cpld_pl_spi_rdata <= rxbs;
+ PLADDR_TXBS: cpld_pl_spi_rdata <= txbs;
+ PLADDR_RFCTRL: cpld_pl_spi_rdata <= rfctrl;
+ endcase
+ end else begin
+ cpld_pl_spi_rdata <= {cpld_pl_spi_rdata[14:0], 1'b1};
+ end
+ end
+always @(negedge CPLD_PL_SPI_SCLK_18)
+ cpld_pl_spi_sdo <= cpld_pl_spi_rdata[15]; // Shift out on negative edge
+// multiplexed slave device SPI ports, names aliased to protect the innocent
+wire lo_sck, lodis_sck;
+wire lo_sdi, lodis_sdi;
+// Note: lo_sck and lo_sdi -> fan out to both rxlo and txlo synths
+assign { LO_TX_CS_L, LO_RX_CS_L } = { txlo_cs_b, rxlo_cs_b};
+assign LO_SPI_SCLK = lo_sck;
+assign LO_SPI_SDI = lo_sdi;
+assign LODIST_Bd_SPI_CS_L = lodis_cs_b;
+assign LODIST_Bd_SPI_SDI = lodis_sdi;
+assign LODIST_Bd_SPI_SCLK = lodis_sck;
+assign lodis_sck = !lodis_cs_b ? CPLD_PL_SPI_SCLK_18 : 1'b0;
+assign lodis_sdi = !lodis_cs_b ? CPLD_PL_SPI_SDI_18 : 1'b1;
+assign { lo_sck, lo_sdi } = (!txlo_cs_b | !rxlo_cs_b) ? {CPLD_PL_SPI_SCLK_18,CPLD_PL_SPI_SDI_18} : 2'b01;
+always @(*)
+ CPLD_PL_SPI_SDO_18 = 1'bz;
+ case ({cpld_pl_cs_b, txlo_cs_b, rxlo_cs_b})
+ 3'b011: begin
+ case (cpld_pl_spi_addr[6:5])
+ PL_CPLD_REGS : CPLD_PL_SPI_SDO_18 = cpld_pl_spi_sdo;
+ GAIN_TABLE_RX: CPLD_PL_SPI_SDO_18 = rx_gain_ctrl_miso;
+ GAIN_TABLE_TX: CPLD_PL_SPI_SDO_18 = tx_gain_ctrl_miso;
+ GAIN_TABLE_LO: CPLD_PL_SPI_SDO_18 = lo_gain_ctrl_miso;
+ endcase
+ end
+ default: ;
+ endcase
+assign rx_gain_ctrl_tbl_sel = rxbs[12];
+assign { Rx_Sw6_Ctrl_2,
+ Rx_Sw6_Ctrl_1,
+ Rx_Sw4_Ctrl_4,
+ Rx_Sw4_Ctrl_3,
+ Rx_Sw4_Ctrl_2,
+ Rx_Sw4_Ctrl_1,
+ Rx_Sw3_Ctrl_2,
+ Rx_Sw3_Ctrl_1,
+ Rx_Sw2_Ctrl,
+ Rx_Sw1_Ctrl_2,
+ Rx_Sw1_Ctrl_1 } = { rxbs[11:1] };
+assign tx_gain_ctrl_tbl_sel = txbs[12];
+assign { Tx_Sw5_Ctrl_2,
+ Tx_Sw5_Ctrl_1,
+ Tx_Sw3_Ctrl_4,
+ Tx_Sw3_Ctrl_3,
+ Tx_Sw3_Ctrl_2,
+ Tx_Sw3_Ctrl_1,
+ Tx_Sw2_Ctrl_2,
+ Tx_Sw2_Ctrl_1} = { txbs[11:4] };
+// Terminate TX when idle
+assign {Tx_Sw1_Ctrl_2, Tx_Sw1_Ctrl_1} = CPLD_ATR_TX_18 ? txbs[3:2] : TX_SW1_TERM;
+assign { Rx_LO_Filter_Sw_2,
+ Rx_LO_Filter_Sw_1,
+ Tx_LO_Filter_Sw_2,
+ Tx_LO_Filter_Sw_1,
+ Rx_Demod_ADJ_1,
+ Rx_Demod_ADJ_2,
+ Rx_LO_Input_Select } = rfctrl[15:9];
+assign { Rx_HB_LB_Select,
+ Tx_LO_Input_Select } = rfctrl[7:6];
+assign { Tx_HB_LB_Select,
+ Cal_iso_Sw_Ctrl }
+ = { rfctrl[4:3] };
+// RX Gain Table
+wire [4:0] rx_dsa;
+rhodium_gain_ctrl #(
+) rx_gain_table (
+ .load_table_sel(rx_gain_load_tbl_sel),
+ .load_sck(CPLD_PS_SPI_CLK_25),
+ .load_csb(cpld_ps_cs_b),
+ .load_mosi(CPLD_PS_SPI_SDI_25),
+ .load_miso(rx_gain_load_miso),
+ .ctrl_table_sel(rx_gain_ctrl_tbl_sel),
+ .ctrl_sck(CPLD_PL_SPI_SCLK_18),
+ .ctrl_csb(cpld_pl_cs_b),
+ .ctrl_mosi(CPLD_PL_SPI_SDI_18),
+ .ctrl_miso(rx_gain_ctrl_miso),
+ .dsa(rx_dsa),
+ .dsa1_le(Rx_DSA1_LE),
+ .dsa2_le(Rx_DSA2_LE)
+// TX Gain Table
+wire [4:0] tx_dsa;
+rhodium_gain_ctrl #(
+) tx_gain_table (
+ .load_table_sel(tx_gain_load_tbl_sel),
+ .load_sck(CPLD_PS_SPI_CLK_25),
+ .load_csb(cpld_ps_cs_b),
+ .load_mosi(CPLD_PS_SPI_SDI_25),
+ .load_miso(tx_gain_load_miso),
+ .ctrl_table_sel(tx_gain_ctrl_tbl_sel),
+ .ctrl_sck(CPLD_PL_SPI_SCLK_18),
+ .ctrl_csb(cpld_pl_cs_b),
+ .ctrl_mosi(CPLD_PL_SPI_SDI_18),
+ .ctrl_miso(tx_gain_ctrl_miso),
+ .dsa(tx_dsa),
+ .dsa1_le(Tx_DSA1_LE),
+ .dsa2_le(Tx_DSA2_LE)
+// LO Gain Table
+wire [4:0] lo_dsa;
+rhodium_lo_gain #(
+) lo_gain_table (
+ .ctrl_sck(CPLD_PL_SPI_SCLK_18),
+ .ctrl_csb(cpld_pl_cs_b),
+ .ctrl_mosi(CPLD_PL_SPI_SDI_18),
+ .ctrl_miso(lo_gain_ctrl_miso),
+ .dsa(lo_dsa),
+ .dsa1_le(RxLO_DSA_LE),
+ .dsa2_le(TxLO_DSA_LE)
+// Rx data shared by DSA1, DSA2
+assign { Rx_DSA_C16, Rx_DSA_C8, Rx_DSA_C4, Rx_DSA_C2, Rx_DSA_C1 } = rx_dsa;
+// Tx data shared by DSA1, DSA2
+assign { Tx_DSA_C16, Tx_DSA_C8, Tx_DSA_C4, Tx_DSA_C2, Tx_DSA_C1 } = tx_dsa;
+// data shared by both tx and rx lo DSAs
+assign { LO_DSA_C16, LO_DSA_C8, LO_DSA_C4, LO_DSA_C2, LO_DSA_C1 } = lo_dsa;
+`default_nettype wire
diff --git a/fpga/usrp3/top/n3xx/dboards/rh/db_clocks.xdc b/fpga/usrp3/top/n3xx/dboards/rh/db_clocks.xdc
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..e78342849
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fpga/usrp3/top/n3xx/dboards/rh/db_clocks.xdc
@@ -0,0 +1,118 @@
+# Copyright 2017 Ettus Research, A National Instruments Company
+# SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-3.0
+# Timing analysis is performed in "usrp3/top/n3xx/dboards/rh/doc/rh_timing.xlsx".
+# See this spreadsheet for more details and explanations.
+## Daughterboard Clocks
+# 122.88, 200, 245.76 and 250 MHz Sample Rates are allowable with 2:1/1:2 DSP and
+# 2 samples/cycle arriving at the FPGA:
+# <-- 2:1/1:2 -->
+# | Supported | Sample rate | FPGA Clk |
+# |sample rates | at JESD core | Frequency |
+# | (MSPS) | (MSPS) | (MHz) |
+# |-------------|--------------|-----------|
+# | 122.88 | 491.52 | 245.76 | (uses DUC/DDC)
+# | 200.00 | 400.00 | 200.00 |
+# | 245.76 | 491.52 | 245.76 |
+# | 250.00 | 500.00 | 250.00 |
+# Therefore, supported sample clocks are: 122.88, 200, 245.76 and 250 MHz.
+# Constrain the paths to the max rate to support all rates in a single FPGA image.
+create_clock -name fpga_clk_a -period $SAMPLE_CLK_PERIOD [get_ports DBA_FPGA_CLK_P]
+create_clock -name fpga_clk_b -period $SAMPLE_CLK_PERIOD [get_ports DBB_FPGA_CLK_P]
+create_clock -name mgt_clk_dba -period $SAMPLE_CLK_PERIOD [get_ports DBA_MGTCLK_P]
+create_clock -name mgt_clk_dbb -period $SAMPLE_CLK_PERIOD [get_ports DBB_MGTCLK_P]
+# The Radio Clocks coming from the DBs are synchronized together (at the converters) to
+# a typical value of less than 100ps. To give ourselves and Vivado some margin, we claim
+# here that the DB-B Radio Clock can arrive 500ps before or after the DB-A clock at
+# the FPGA (note that the trace lengths of the Radio Clocks coming from the DBs to the
+# FPGA are about 0.5" different, thereby incurring ~80ps of additional skew at the FPGA).
+# There is one spot in the FPGA where we cross domains between the DB-A and
+# DB-B clock, so we must ensure that Vivado can analyze that path safely.
+set FPGA_CLK_EARLY -0.5
+set FPGA_CLK_LATE 0.5
+set_clock_latency -source -early $FPGA_CLK_EARLY [get_clocks fpga_clk_b]
+set_clock_latency -source -late $FPGA_CLK_LATE [get_clocks fpga_clk_b]
+# Virtual clocks for constraining I/O (used below)
+create_clock -name fpga_clk_a_v -period $SAMPLE_CLK_PERIOD
+create_clock -name fpga_clk_b_v -period $SAMPLE_CLK_PERIOD
+# The set_clock_latency constraints set on fpga_clk_b are problematic when used with
+# I/O timing, since the analyzer gives us a double-hit on the latency. One workaround
+# (used here) is to simply swap the early and late times for the virtual clock so that
+# it cancels out the source latency during analysis. D. Jepson tested this by setting
+# the early and late numbers to zero and then their actual value, running timing reports
+# on each. The slack report matches for both cases, showing that the reversed early/late
+# numbers on the virtual clock zero out the latency effects on the actual clock.
+# Note this is not a problem for the fpga_clk_a, since no latency is added. So only apply
+# it to fpga_clk_b_v.
+set_clock_latency -source -early $FPGA_CLK_LATE [get_clocks fpga_clk_b_v]
+set_clock_latency -source -late $FPGA_CLK_EARLY [get_clocks fpga_clk_b_v]
+## Aliases for auto-generated clocks
+create_generated_clock -name radio_clk_fb [get_pins {dba_core/RadioClockingx/RadioClkMmcm/CLKFBOUT}]
+create_generated_clock -name radio_clk [get_pins {dba_core/RadioClockingx/RadioClkMmcm/CLKOUT0}]
+create_generated_clock -name radio_clk_2x [get_pins {dba_core/RadioClockingx/RadioClkMmcm/CLKOUT1}]
+create_generated_clock -name radio_clk_b_fb [get_pins {dbb_core/RadioClockingx/RadioClkMmcm/CLKFBOUT}]
+create_generated_clock -name radio_clk_b [get_pins {dbb_core/RadioClockingx/RadioClkMmcm/CLKOUT0}]
+create_generated_clock -name radio_clk_b_2x [get_pins {dbb_core/RadioClockingx/RadioClkMmcm/CLKOUT1}]
+## Generated clocks for output busses to the daughterboard
+# These clock definitions need to come above the set_clock_groups commands below to work!
+# Define clocks on the PL SPI clock output pins for both DBs. Actual divider values are
+# set by SW at run-time. Current divider value is 125 based on what radio clock
+# rate is set.
+# For the CPLD SPI endpoint alone, we need it to run at ~25 MHz (writes only), this means
+# that at times, the PL SPI will have its divider set to 10 (radio_clock = 250 MHz) or 8
+# (radio_clock = 200 MHz).
+# The readback clock is lower (~10 MHz), so create a separate clock for it.
+# Use readback divide value of 24 for an even divider (and some overconstraining).
+set PL_SPI_CLK_A [get_ports DBA_CPLD_PL_SPI_SCLK]
+create_generated_clock -name pl_spi_clk_a \
+ -source [get_pins [all_fanin -flat -only_cells -startpoints_only $PL_SPI_CLK_A]/C] \
+create_generated_clock -name pl_spi_rb_clk_a \
+ -master_clock [get_clocks radio_clk] \
+ -source [get_pins [all_fanin -flat -only_cells -startpoints_only $PL_SPI_CLK_A]/C] \
+ -divide_by $PL_SPI_RB_DIVIDE_VAL -add $PL_SPI_CLK_A
+set PL_SPI_CLK_B [get_ports DBB_CPLD_PL_SPI_SCLK]
+create_generated_clock -name pl_spi_clk_b \
+ -source [get_pins [all_fanin -flat -only_cells -startpoints_only $PL_SPI_CLK_B]/C] \
+create_generated_clock -name pl_spi_rb_clk_b \
+ -master_clock [get_clocks radio_clk] \
+ -source [get_pins [all_fanin -flat -only_cells -startpoints_only $PL_SPI_CLK_B]/C] \
+ -divide_by $PL_SPI_RB_DIVIDE_VAL -add $PL_SPI_CLK_B
+## JTAG
+create_generated_clock -name dba_jtag_tck -divide_by $DB_JTAG_DIVISOR \
+ -source [get_pins {inst_n310_ps/jtag_0/U0/bitq_ctrl/bitq_state_reg[1]/C}] \
+ [get_ports DBA_CPLD_JTAG_TCK]
+create_generated_clock -name dbb_jtag_tck -divide_by $DB_JTAG_DIVISOR \
+ -source [get_pins {inst_n310_ps/jtag_1/U0/bitq_ctrl/bitq_state_reg[1]/C}] \
+ [get_ports DBB_CPLD_JTAG_TCK]
diff --git a/fpga/usrp3/top/n3xx/dboards/rh/db_ifc/ClockingRegs.vhd b/fpga/usrp3/top/n3xx/dboards/rh/db_ifc/ClockingRegs.vhd
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..52c68ab4a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fpga/usrp3/top/n3xx/dboards/rh/db_ifc/ClockingRegs.vhd
@@ -0,0 +1,345 @@
+-- File: ClockingRegs.vhd
+-- Author: Daniel Jepson; mods by Humberto Jimenez
+-- Original Project: N310; N32x
+-- Date: 17 March 2016
+-- Copyright 2016-2018 Ettus Research, A National Instruments Company
+-- SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-3.0
+-- Purpose:
+-- Register access to the control/status bits and interfaces for the
+-- RadioClocking module.
+-- XML register definition is included below the module.
+library ieee;
+ use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
+library work;
+ use work.PkgClockingRegMap.all;
+ use work.PkgRegs.all;
+entity ClockingRegs is
+ port(
+ -- Async reset. Can be tied low if desired.
+ aReset : in boolean;
+ -- Sync reset... used in the same places as the async one.
+ bReset : in boolean;
+ -- Register Bus Clock -- this module connects the BusClk to PsClk, so it's limited
+ -- to 200 MHz!
+ BusClk : in std_logic;
+ bRegPortOut : out RegPortOut_t;
+ bRegPortIn : in RegPortIn_t;
+ -- Phase shift interface to the RadioClkMmcm.
+ -- There is a reset crossing here between the MMCM reset and aReset. The outgoing
+ -- crossing is safe because (a) the enable signal driven to the MMCM is a strobe-only
+ -- signal and (b) this interface should only be used when the MMCM is not in reset
+ -- (SW waits for the MMCM to be out of reset and locked before using this interface).
+ -- The only input signal, pPsDone, is double-synced in this file before being used.
+ -- This is OK (even though it is a strobe signal) because there is only a reset
+ -- crossing and not a clock domain crossing.
+ pPsInc : out std_logic;
+ pPsEn : out std_logic;
+ pPsDone : in std_logic;
+ -- PsClk is driven directly by BusClk, so p = b in the logic below!
+ PsClk : out std_logic;
+ -- Sync reset strobes from the register bus to the RadioClkMmcm.
+ bRadioClkMmcmReset : out std_logic;
+ -- Status of RadioClk MMCM lock to register bus.
+ aRadioClksValid : in std_logic;
+ bRadioClk1xEnabled : out std_logic;
+ bRadioClk2xEnabled : out std_logic;
+ bRadioClk3xEnabled : out std_logic;
+ bJesdRefClkPresent : in std_logic
+ );
+end ClockingRegs;
+architecture RTL of ClockingRegs is
+ --vhook_sigstart
+ --vhook_sigend
+ signal bRadioClkMmcmResetInt : std_logic := '1';
+ signal bRegPortOutLcl : RegPortOut_t := kRegPortOutZero;
+ signal bPsDone,
+ bPsEn,
+ bPsInc,
+ pPsDoneDs_ms,
+ pPsDoneDs : std_logic := '0';
+ signal bRadioClk1xEnabledInt,
+ bRadioClk2xEnabledInt,
+ bRadioClk3xEnabledInt,
+ bRadioClksValid_ms,
+ bRadioClksValid : std_logic := '0';
+ attribute ASYNC_REG : string;
+ attribute ASYNC_REG of bRadioClksValid_ms : signal is "true";
+ attribute ASYNC_REG of bRadioClksValid : signal is "true";
+ attribute ASYNC_REG of pPsDoneDs_ms : signal is "true";
+ attribute ASYNC_REG of pPsDoneDs : signal is "true";
+ -- Locals to outputs.
+ PsClk <= BusClk;
+ pPsInc <= bPsInc;
+ pPsEn <= bPsEn;
+ bRadioClkMmcmReset <= bRadioClkMmcmResetInt;
+ bRadioClk1xEnabled <= bRadioClk1xEnabledInt;
+ bRadioClk2xEnabled <= bRadioClk2xEnabledInt;
+ bRadioClk3xEnabled <= bRadioClk3xEnabledInt;
+ -- Write Registers : ------------------------------------------------------------------
+ -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ WriteRegisters: process(aReset, BusClk)
+ begin
+ if aReset then
+ bRadioClkMmcmResetInt <= '1';
+ bPsInc <= '0';
+ bPsEn <= '0';
+ bRadioClk1xEnabledInt <= '0';
+ bRadioClk2xEnabledInt <= '0';
+ bRadioClk3xEnabledInt <= '0';
+ elsif rising_edge(BusClk) then
+ if bReset then
+ bRadioClkMmcmResetInt <= '1';
+ bPsInc <= '0';
+ bPsEn <= '0';
+ bRadioClk1xEnabledInt <= '0';
+ bRadioClk2xEnabledInt <= '0';
+ bRadioClk3xEnabledInt <= '0';
+ else
+ -- Clear strobe
+ bPsEn <= '0';
+ if RegWrite(kPhaseShiftControl, bRegPortIn) then
+ if bRegPortIn.Data(kPsInc) = '1' then
+ bPsInc <= '1';
+ bPsEn <= '1';
+ elsif bRegPortIn.Data(kPsDec) = '1' then
+ bPsInc <= '0';
+ bPsEn <= '1';
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ if RegWrite(kRadioClkMmcm, bRegPortIn) then
+ -- Set/Clear pair
+ if bRegPortIn.Data(kRadioClkMmcmResetSet) = '1' then
+ bRadioClkMmcmResetInt <= '1';
+ elsif bRegPortIn.Data(kRadioClkMmcmResetClear) = '1' then
+ bRadioClkMmcmResetInt <= '0';
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ if RegWrite(kRadioClkEnables, bRegPortIn) then
+ bRadioClk1xEnabledInt <= bRegPortIn.Data(kRadioClk1xEnabled);
+ bRadioClk2xEnabledInt <= bRegPortIn.Data(kRadioClk2xEnabled);
+ bRadioClk3xEnabledInt <= bRegPortIn.Data(kRadioClk3xEnabled);
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ end process WriteRegisters;
+ DoubleSyncs : process (aReset, BusClk)
+ begin
+ if aReset then
+ bRadioClksValid_ms <= '0';
+ bRadioClksValid <= '0';
+ pPsDoneDs_ms <= '0';
+ pPsDoneDs <= '0';
+ elsif rising_edge(BusClk) then
+ -- No sync reset on double-syncs (however there are default assignments above)!
+ bRadioClksValid_ms <= aRadioClksValid;
+ bRadioClksValid <= bRadioClksValid_ms;
+ pPsDoneDs_ms <= pPsDone;
+ pPsDoneDs <= pPsDoneDs_ms;
+ end if;
+ end process;
+ -- Read Registers : -------------------------------------------------------------------
+ -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ ReadRegisters: process(aReset, BusClk)
+ begin
+ if aReset then
+ bRegPortOutLcl <= kRegPortOutZero;
+ bPsDone <= '0';
+ elsif rising_edge(BusClk) then
+ if bReset then
+ bRegPortOutLcl <= kRegPortOutZero;
+ bPsDone <= '0';
+ else
+ -- Deassert strobes
+ bRegPortOutLcl.Data <= kRegPortDataZero;
+ -- All of these transactions only take one clock cycle, so we do not have to
+ -- de-assert the Ready signal (ever).
+ bRegPortOutLcl.Ready <= true;
+ -- Process the returned data from the phase shifter in the MMCM. Note that even
+ -- though the prefixes are different (p and b), we drive the PsClk from the BusClk
+ -- so this "crossing" is actually safe. Whenever the Done signal asserts (pPsDone -
+ -- pay attention to the prefix!) from the MMCM, we set a sticky bit to tell SW
+ -- that the shift operation is complete.
+ --
+ -- However, if pPsDone asserts at the same time that SW tries to read the register,
+ -- we should accurately report that the operation is indeed complete and then NOT
+ -- store the sticky (since it has already been read by SW). If a read does not come
+ -- through at the same time pPsDone is asserted, then we store the done state as a
+ -- sticky, bPsDone, which is only cleared by a read to this register.
+ if RegRead(kPhaseShiftControl, bRegPortIn) then
+ -- The phase shift is always enabled for the feedback clock in RadioClocking.vhd
+ bRegPortOutLcl.Data(kPsEnabledForFdbClk) <= '1';
+ bRegPortOutLcl.Data(kPsDone) <= bPsDone or pPsDoneDs;
+ bPsDone <= '0';
+ elsif pPsDoneDs = '1' then
+ bPsDone <= '1';
+ end if;
+ if RegRead(kRadioClkMmcm, bRegPortIn) then
+ bRegPortOutLcl.Data(kRadioClkMmcmLocked) <= bRadioClksValid;
+ end if;
+ if RegRead(kRadioClkEnables, bRegPortIn) then
+ bRegPortOutLcl.Data(kRadioClk1xEnabled) <= bRadioClk1xEnabledInt;
+ bRegPortOutLcl.Data(kRadioClk2xEnabled) <= bRadioClk2xEnabledInt;
+ bRegPortOutLcl.Data(kRadioClk3xEnabled) <= bRadioClk3xEnabledInt;
+ end if;
+ if RegRead(kMgtRefClkStatus, bRegPortIn) then
+ bRegPortOutLcl.Data(kJesdRefClkPresent) <= bJesdRefClkPresent;
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ end process ReadRegisters;
+ -- Local to output
+ bRegPortOut <= bRegPortOutLcl;
+end RTL;
+--XmlParse xml_on
+--<regmap name="ClockingRegMap">
+-- <group name="ClockingRegs">
+-- <register name="RadioClkMmcm" size="32" offset="0x20" attributes="Readable|Writable">
+-- <info>
+-- </info>
+-- <bitfield name="RadioClkMmcmLocked" range="4">
+-- <info>
+-- Reflects the locked status of the MMCM. '1' = locked. This bit is only valid
+-- when the MMCM reset is de-asserted. Read-only.
+-- </info>
+-- </bitfield>
+-- <bitfield name="RadioClkMmcmResetClear" range="1" attributes="Strobe">
+-- <info>
+-- Controls the reset to the Radio Clock MMCM. Strobe this bit to de-assert the
+-- reset to the MMCM. Default is reset asserted. Write-only.
+-- </info>
+-- </bitfield>
+-- <bitfield name="RadioClkMmcmResetSet" range="0" attributes="Strobe">
+-- <info>
+-- Controls the reset to the Radio Clock MMCM. Strobe this bit to assert the
+-- reset to the MMCM. Default is reset asserted. Write-only.
+-- </info>
+-- </bitfield>
+-- </register>
+-- <register name="PhaseShiftControl" size="32" offset="0x24" attributes="Readable|Writable">
+-- <info>
+-- Phase Shift for RadioClkMmcm.
+-- </info>
+-- <bitfield name="PsDone" range="28">
+-- <info>
+-- This bit should set after a shift operation successfully completes.
+-- Reading this register will clear this bit. Read-only.
+-- </info>
+-- </bitfield>
+-- <bitfield name="PsInc" range="0" attributes="Strobe">
+-- <info>
+-- Strobe this bit to increment the phase. This bit is self-clearing and will
+-- always return '0' when read. If PsInc and PsDec are asserted together,
+-- the phase will increment.
+-- </info>
+-- </bitfield>
+-- <bitfield name="PsDec" range="4" attributes="Strobe">
+-- <info>
+-- Strobe this bit to decrement the phase. This bit is self-clearing and will
+-- always return '0' when read. If PsInc and PsDec are asserted together,
+-- the phase will increment.
+-- </info>
+-- </bitfield>
+-- <bitfield name="PsEnabledForFdbClk" range="16">
+-- <info>
+-- Read-only.
+-- </info>
+-- </bitfield>
+-- </register>
+-- <register name="RadioClkEnables" size="32" offset="0x28" attributes="Readable|Writable">
+-- <info>
+-- </info>
+-- <bitfield name="RadioClk3xEnabled" range="8">
+-- <info>
+-- Set to '1' to enable the clock. Default disabled = '0'.
+-- Do so ONLY after the MMCM is out of reset and locked!
+-- </info>
+-- </bitfield>
+-- <bitfield name="RadioClk2xEnabled" range="4">
+-- <info>
+-- Set to '1' to enable the clock. Default disabled = '0'.
+-- Do so ONLY after the MMCM is out of reset and locked!
+-- </info>
+-- </bitfield>
+-- <bitfield name="RadioClk1xEnabled" range="0">
+-- <info>
+-- Set to '1' to enable the clock. Default disabled = '0'.
+-- Do so ONLY after the MMCM is out of reset and locked!
+-- </info>
+-- </bitfield>
+-- </register>
+-- <register name="MgtRefClkStatus" size="32" offset="0x30" attributes="Readable">
+-- <info>
+-- </info>
+-- <bitfield name="JesdRefClkPresent" range="0">
+-- <info>
+-- Live indicator of the MGT Reference Clock toggling and within expected
+-- frequency limits. If this bit is de-asserted, then the JESD204b core will
+-- not function correctly!
+-- </info>
+-- </bitfield>
+-- </register>
+-- </group>
+--XmlParse xml_off
diff --git a/fpga/usrp3/top/n3xx/dboards/rh/db_ifc/DaughterboardRegs.vhd b/fpga/usrp3/top/n3xx/dboards/rh/db_ifc/DaughterboardRegs.vhd
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..8a9c20372
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fpga/usrp3/top/n3xx/dboards/rh/db_ifc/DaughterboardRegs.vhd
@@ -0,0 +1,116 @@
+-- File: DaughterboardRegs.vhd
+-- Author: Daniel Jepson; mods by Humberto Jimenez
+-- Original Project: N310; N32x
+-- Date: 27 April 2016
+-- Copyright 2016-2018 Ettus Research, A National Instruments Company
+-- SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-3.0
+-- Purpose:
+-- Register interface to the semi-static control lines for the Mg
+-- Daughterboard.
+-- XML register definition is included below the module.
+library ieee;
+ use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
+library work;
+ use work.PkgDaughterboardRegMap.all;
+ use work.PkgRegs.all;
+entity DaughterboardRegs is
+ port(
+ -- Async reset. Can be tied low if desired.
+ aReset : in boolean;
+ -- Sync reset... used in the same places as the async one.
+ bReset : in boolean;
+ BusClk : in std_logic;
+ bRegPortOut : out RegPortOut_t;
+ bRegPortIn : in RegPortIn_t;
+ -- Slot and DB ID values. These should be tied to constants!
+ kDbId : in std_logic_vector(15 downto 0);
+ kSlotId : in std_logic
+ );
+end DaughterboardRegs;
+architecture RTL of DaughterboardRegs is
+ --vhook_sigstart
+ --vhook_sigend
+ signal bRegPortOutLcl : RegPortOut_t := kRegPortOutZero;
+ -- Read Registers : -------------------------------------------------------------------
+ -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ ReadRegisters: process(aReset, BusClk)
+ begin
+ if aReset then
+ bRegPortOutLcl <= kRegPortOutZero;
+ elsif rising_edge(BusClk) then
+ if bReset then
+ bRegPortOutLcl <= kRegPortOutZero;
+ else
+ -- De-assert strobes
+ bRegPortOutLcl.Data <= kRegPortDataZero;
+ -- All of these transactions only take one clock cycle, so we do not have to
+ -- de-assert the Ready signal (ever).
+ bRegPortOutLcl.Ready <= true;
+ if RegRead(kDaughterboardId, bRegPortIn) then
+ bRegPortOutLcl.Data(kDbIdValMsb downto kDbIdVal) <= kDbId;
+ bRegPortOutLcl.Data(kSlotIdVal) <= kSlotId;
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ end process ReadRegisters;
+ -- Local to output
+ bRegPortOut <= bRegPortOutLcl;
+end RTL;
+--XmlParse xml_on
+--<regmap name="DaughterboardRegMap">
+-- <group name="StaticControl" order="1">
+-- <register name="DaughterboardId" size="32" offset="0x30" attributes="Readable">
+-- <info>
+-- </info>
+-- <bitfield name="DbIdVal" range="15..0">
+-- <info>
+-- ID for the DB with which this file is designed to communicate. Matches the DB
+-- </info>
+-- </bitfield>
+-- <bitfield name="SlotIdVal" range="16">
+-- <info>
+-- ID for the Slot this module controls. Options are 0 and 1 for the N310 MB.
+-- </info>
+-- </bitfield>
+-- </register>
+-- </group>
+--XmlParse xml_off
diff --git a/fpga/usrp3/top/n3xx/dboards/rh/db_ifc/DbCore.vhd b/fpga/usrp3/top/n3xx/dboards/rh/db_ifc/DbCore.vhd
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..f54a976d1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fpga/usrp3/top/n3xx/dboards/rh/db_ifc/DbCore.vhd
@@ -0,0 +1,563 @@
+-- File: DbCore.vhd
+-- Author: Daniel Jepson; mods by Humberto Jimenez
+-- Original Project: N310; N320
+-- Date: 12 April 2017
+-- Copyright 2017-2018 Ettus Research, A National Instruments Company
+-- SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-3.0
+-- Purpose:
+-- Wrapper file for Daughterboard Control. This includes the semi-static control
+-- and status registers, clocking, synchronization, and JESD204B cores.
+-- There is no version register for the plain-text files here.
+-- Version control for the Sync and JESD204B cores is internal to the netlists.
+-- The resets for this core are almost entirely local and/or synchronous.
+-- bBusReset is a Synchronous reset on the BusClk domain that resets all of the
+-- registers connected to the RegPort, as well as any other stray registers
+-- connected to the BusClk. All other resets are local to the modules they touch.
+-- No other reset drives all modules universally.
+library ieee;
+ use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
+ use ieee.numeric_std.all;
+library work;
+ use work.PkgRhPersonality.all;
+ use work.PkgRegs.all;
+ use work.PkgJesdConfig.all;
+ use work.PkgAdcDacInterfaceTypes.all;
+entity DbCore is
+ generic(
+ -- Set to '1' to include the White Rabbit TDC.
+ kInclWhiteRabbitTdc : std_logic := '0'
+ );
+ port(
+ -- Resets --
+ -- Synchronous Reset for the BusClk domain (mainly for the RegPort)
+ bBusReset : in std_logic;
+ -- Clocks --
+ -- Register Bus Clock (any frequency)
+ BusClk : in std_logic;
+ -- Always-on at 40 MHz
+ Clk40 : in std_logic;
+ -- Super secret crazy awesome measurement clock at weird frequencies.
+ MeasClk : in std_logic;
+ -- FPGA Sample Clock from DB LMK
+ FpgaClk_p : in std_logic;
+ FpgaClk_n : in std_logic;
+ -- Sample Clock Sharing. The clocks generated in this module are exported out to the
+ -- top level so they can be shared amongst daughterboards. Therefore they must be
+ -- driven back into the SampleClk*x inputs at a higher level in order for this module
+ -- to work correctly. There are a few isolated cases where SampleClk*xOut is used
+ -- directly in this module, and those are documented below.
+ SampleClk1xOut : out std_logic;
+ SampleClk1x : in std_logic;
+ SampleClk2xOut : out std_logic;
+ SampleClk2x : in std_logic;
+ -- Register Ports --
+ --
+ -- Only synchronous resets can be used for these ports!
+ bRegPortInFlat : in std_logic_vector(49 downto 0);
+ bRegPortOutFlat : out std_logic_vector(33 downto 0);
+ -- Slot ID value. This should be tied to a constant!
+ kSlotId : in std_logic;
+ -- SYSREF --
+ --
+ -- SYSREF direct from the LMK
+ sSysRefFpgaLvds_p,
+ sSysRefFpgaLvds_n : in std_logic;
+ -- SYNC directly to the LMK
+ aLmkSync : out std_logic;
+ -- JESD Signals --
+ --
+ -- GTX Sample Clock Reference Input. Direct connect to FPGA pins.
+ JesdRefClk_p,
+ JesdRefClk_n : in std_logic;
+ -- ADC JESD PHY Interface. Direct connect to FPGA pins.
+ aAdcRx_p,
+ aAdcRx_n : in std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
+ aSyncAdcOut_n : out std_logic;
+ -- DAC JESD PHY Interface. Direct connect to FPGA pins.
+ aDacTx_p,
+ aDacTx_n : out std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
+ aSyncDacIn_n : in std_logic;
+ -- Data Pipes to/from the DACs/ADCs --
+ --
+ -- - Data is presented as two samples per cycle.
+ -- - sAdcDataValid asserts when ADC data is valid.
+ -- - sDacReadyForInput asserts when DAC data is ready to be received.
+ --
+ -- Reset Crossings:
+ -- The ADC data and valid outputs are synchronously cleared before the asynchronous
+ -- reset is asserted--preventing any reset crossing issues here between the RX
+ -- (internal to the core) reset and the no-reset domain of RFNoC.
+ --
+ -- The DAC samples should be zeros on reset de-assertion due to RFI being de-asserted
+ -- in reset. If they are not zeros, then it is still OK because data is ignored until
+ -- RFI is asserted. DAC RFI is double-synchronized to protect against the reset
+ -- crossing. This is safe to do because it simply delays the output of RFI by two
+ -- cycles on the assertion edge, and as long as reset is held for more than two
+ -- cycles, the de-assertion edge of RFI should come long before the TX module is
+ -- taken out of reset.
+ -- Supporting 2 samples per clk cycle.
+ sAdcDataValid : out std_logic;
+ sAdcDataSample0I : out std_logic_vector(15 downto 0);
+ sAdcDataSample0Q : out std_logic_vector(15 downto 0);
+ sAdcDataSample1I : out std_logic_vector(15 downto 0);
+ sAdcDataSample1Q : out std_logic_vector(15 downto 0);
+ --
+ sDacReadyForInput : out std_logic;
+ sDacDataSample0I : in std_logic_vector(15 downto 0);
+ sDacDataSample0Q : in std_logic_vector(15 downto 0);
+ sDacDataSample1I : in std_logic_vector(15 downto 0);
+ sDacDataSample1Q : in std_logic_vector(15 downto 0);
+ -- RefClk & Timing & Sync --
+ RefClk : in std_logic;
+ rPpsPulse : in std_logic;
+ rGatedPulseToPin : inout std_logic; -- straight to pin
+ sGatedPulseToPin : inout std_logic; -- straight to pin
+ sPps : out std_logic;
+ sPpsToIob : out std_logic;
+ -- White Rabbit Timing & Sync --
+ WrRefClk : in std_logic;
+ rWrPpsPulse : in std_logic;
+ rWrGatedPulseToPin : inout std_logic; -- straight to pin
+ sWrGatedPulseToPin : inout std_logic; -- straight to pin
+ aPpsSfpSel : in std_logic_vector(1 downto 0);
+ -- Debug for JESD
+ sAdcSync : out std_logic;
+ sDacSync : out std_logic;
+ sSysRef : out std_logic;
+ -- Debug for Timing & Sync
+ rRpTransfer : out std_logic;
+ sSpTransfer : out std_logic;
+ rWrRpTransfer : out std_logic;
+ sWrSpTransfer : out std_logic
+ );
+end DbCore;
+architecture RTL of DbCore is
+ component Jesd204bXcvrCore
+ port (
+ bBusReset : in STD_LOGIC;
+ BusClk : in STD_LOGIC;
+ ReliableClk40 : in STD_LOGIC;
+ FpgaClk1x : in STD_LOGIC;
+ FpgaClk2x : in STD_LOGIC;
+ bFpgaClksStable : in STD_LOGIC;
+ JesdRefClk_p : in STD_LOGIC;
+ JesdRefClk_n : in STD_LOGIC;
+ bJesdRefClkPresent : out STD_LOGIC;
+ aLmkSync : out STD_LOGIC;
+ bRegPortInFlat : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(49 downto 0);
+ bRegPortOutFlat : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(33 downto 0);
+ CaptureSysRefClk : in STD_LOGIC;
+ cSysRefFpgaLvds_p : in STD_LOGIC;
+ cSysRefFpgaLvds_n : in STD_LOGIC;
+ fSysRef : out STD_LOGIC;
+ aAdcRx_p : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(3 downto 0);
+ aAdcRx_n : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(3 downto 0);
+ aSyncAdcOut_n : out STD_LOGIC;
+ aDacTx_p : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(3 downto 0);
+ aDacTx_n : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(3 downto 0);
+ aSyncDacIn_n : in STD_LOGIC;
+ fAdcDataFlatter : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(63 downto 0);
+ fDacDataFlatter : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(63 downto 0);
+ fAdcDataValid : out STD_LOGIC;
+ fDacReadyForInput : out STD_LOGIC;
+ aDacSync : out STD_LOGIC;
+ aAdcSync : out STD_LOGIC);
+ end component;
+ function to_Boolean (s : std_ulogic) return boolean is
+ begin
+ return (To_X01(s)='1');
+ end to_Boolean;
+ function to_StdLogic(b : boolean) return std_ulogic is
+ begin
+ if b then
+ return '1';
+ else
+ return '0';
+ end if;
+ end to_StdLogic;
+ --vhook_sigstart
+ signal aAdcSync: STD_LOGIC;
+ signal aDacSync: STD_LOGIC;
+ signal bClockingRegPortOut: RegPortOut_t;
+ signal bDbRegPortOut: RegPortOut_t;
+ signal bFpgaClksStable: STD_LOGIC;
+ signal bJesdCoreRegPortInFlat: STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(49 downto 0);
+ signal bJesdCoreRegPortOutFlat: STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(33 downto 0);
+ signal bJesdRefClkPresent: STD_LOGIC;
+ signal bRadioClk1xEnabled: std_logic;
+ signal bRadioClk2xEnabled: std_logic;
+ signal bRadioClk3xEnabled: std_logic;
+ signal bRadioClkMmcmReset: std_logic;
+ signal bRadioClksValid: std_logic;
+ signal pPsDone: std_logic;
+ signal pPsEn: std_logic;
+ signal pPsInc: std_logic;
+ signal PsClk: std_logic;
+ signal sAdcDataFlatter: STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(63 downto 0);
+ signal SampleClk1xOutLcl: std_logic;
+ signal sDacDataFlatter: STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(63 downto 0);
+ signal sDacReadyForInputAsyncReset: STD_LOGIC;
+ signal sRegPps: std_logic;
+ signal sSysRefAsyncReset: STD_LOGIC;
+ signal sWrPps: std_logic;
+ --vhook_sigend
+ signal bJesdRegPortInGrp, bSyncRegPortIn, bWrSyncRegPortIn, bRegPortIn : RegPortIn_t;
+ signal bJesdRegPortOut, bSyncRegPortOut, bWrSyncRegPortOut, bRegPortOut : RegPortOut_t;
+ signal sDacReadyForInput_ms, sDacReadyForInputLcl,
+ sDacSync_ms, sDacSyncLcl,
+ sAdcSync_ms, sAdcSyncLcl,
+ sSysRef_ms, sSysRefLcl : std_logic := '0';
+ signal sAdcDataAry : AdcDataAry_t;
+ signal sDacDataAry : DacDataAry_t;
+ signal sPpsSfpSel_ms, sPpsSfpSel : std_logic_vector(1 downto 0) := (others => '0');
+ signal sUseWrTdcPps : boolean := false;
+ signal sPpsInt, sPpsMuxed : std_logic := '0';
+ attribute ASYNC_REG : string;
+ attribute ASYNC_REG of sDacReadyForInput_ms : signal is "true";
+ attribute ASYNC_REG of sDacReadyForInputLcl : signal is "true";
+ attribute ASYNC_REG of sDacSync_ms : signal is "true";
+ attribute ASYNC_REG of sDacSyncLcl : signal is "true";
+ attribute ASYNC_REG of sAdcSync_ms : signal is "true";
+ attribute ASYNC_REG of sAdcSyncLcl : signal is "true";
+ attribute ASYNC_REG of sSysRef_ms : signal is "true";
+ attribute ASYNC_REG of sSysRefLcl : signal is "true";
+ attribute ASYNC_REG of sPpsSfpSel_ms : signal is "true";
+ attribute ASYNC_REG of sPpsSfpSel : signal is "true";
+ bRegPortOutFlat <= Flatten(bRegPortOut);
+ bRegPortIn <= Unflatten(bRegPortInFlat);
+ -- Combine return RegPorts.
+ bRegPortOut <= bJesdRegPortOut
+ + bClockingRegPortOut
+ + bSyncRegPortOut + bWrSyncRegPortOut
+ + bDbRegPortOut;
+ -- Clocking : -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ -- Automatically export the Sample Clocks and only use the incoming clocks in the
+ -- remainder of the logic. For a single module, the clocks must be looped back
+ -- in at a higher level!
+ -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ --vhook_e RadioClocking
+ --vhook_a aReset false
+ --vhook_a bReset to_boolean(bBusReset)
+ --vhook_a RadioClk1x SampleClk1xOutLcl
+ --vhook_a RadioClk2x SampleClk2xOut
+ --vhook_a RadioClk3x open
+ RadioClockingx: entity work.RadioClocking (rtl)
+ port map (
+ aReset => false, --in boolean
+ bReset => to_boolean(bBusReset), --in boolean
+ BusClk => BusClk, --in std_logic
+ bRadioClkMmcmReset => bRadioClkMmcmReset, --in std_logic
+ bRadioClksValid => bRadioClksValid, --out std_logic
+ bRadioClk1xEnabled => bRadioClk1xEnabled, --in std_logic
+ bRadioClk2xEnabled => bRadioClk2xEnabled, --in std_logic
+ bRadioClk3xEnabled => bRadioClk3xEnabled, --in std_logic
+ pPsInc => pPsInc, --in std_logic
+ pPsEn => pPsEn, --in std_logic
+ PsClk => PsClk, --in std_logic
+ pPsDone => pPsDone, --out std_logic
+ FpgaClk_n => FpgaClk_n, --in std_logic
+ FpgaClk_p => FpgaClk_p, --in std_logic
+ RadioClk1x => SampleClk1xOutLcl, --out std_logic
+ RadioClk2x => SampleClk2xOut, --out std_logic
+ RadioClk3x => open); --out std_logic
+ -- We need an internal copy of SampleClk1x for the TDC, since we don't want to try
+ -- and align the other DB's clock accidentally.
+ SampleClk1xOut <= SampleClk1xOutLcl;
+ --vhook_e ClockingRegs
+ --vhook_a aReset false
+ --vhook_a bReset to_boolean(bBusReset)
+ --vhook_a bRegPortOut bClockingRegPortOut
+ --vhook_a aRadioClksValid bRadioClksValid
+ ClockingRegsx: entity work.ClockingRegs (RTL)
+ port map (
+ aReset => false, --in boolean
+ bReset => to_boolean(bBusReset), --in boolean
+ BusClk => BusClk, --in std_logic
+ bRegPortOut => bClockingRegPortOut, --out RegPortOut_t
+ bRegPortIn => bRegPortIn, --in RegPortIn_t
+ pPsInc => pPsInc, --out std_logic
+ pPsEn => pPsEn, --out std_logic
+ pPsDone => pPsDone, --in std_logic
+ PsClk => PsClk, --out std_logic
+ bRadioClkMmcmReset => bRadioClkMmcmReset, --out std_logic
+ aRadioClksValid => bRadioClksValid, --in std_logic
+ bRadioClk1xEnabled => bRadioClk1xEnabled, --out std_logic
+ bRadioClk2xEnabled => bRadioClk2xEnabled, --out std_logic
+ bRadioClk3xEnabled => bRadioClk3xEnabled, --out std_logic
+ bJesdRefClkPresent => bJesdRefClkPresent); --in std_logic
+ -- JESD204B : -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ bJesdRegPortInGrp <= Mask(RegPortIn => bRegPortIn,
+ kRegisterOffset => kJesdRegGroupInDbRegs); -- 0x2000 to 0x3FFC
+ -- Expand/compress the RegPort for moving through the netlist boundary.
+ bJesdRegPortOut <= Unflatten(bJesdCoreRegPortOutFlat);
+ bJesdCoreRegPortInFlat <= Flatten(bJesdRegPortInGrp);
+ --vhook Jesd204bXcvrCore
+ --vhook_a bRegPortInFlat bJesdCoreRegPortInFlat
+ --vhook_a bRegPortOutFlat bJesdCoreRegPortOutFlat
+ --vhook_a FpgaClk1x SampleClk1x
+ --vhook_a FpgaClk2x SampleClk2x
+ --vhook_a ReliableClk40 Clk40
+ --vhook_a CaptureSysRefClk SampleClk1xOutLcl
+ --vhook_a cSysRefFpgaLvds_p sSysRefFpgaLvds_p
+ --vhook_a cSysRefFpgaLvds_n sSysRefFpgaLvds_n
+ --vhook_a fSysRef sSysRefAsyncReset
+ --vhook_a fDacReadyForInput sDacReadyForInputAsyncReset
+ --vhook_a {^f(.*)} s$1
+ Jesd204bXcvrCorex: Jesd204bXcvrCore
+ port map (
+ bBusReset => bBusReset, --in STD_LOGIC
+ BusClk => BusClk, --in STD_LOGIC
+ ReliableClk40 => Clk40, --in STD_LOGIC
+ FpgaClk1x => SampleClk1x, --in STD_LOGIC
+ FpgaClk2x => SampleClk2x, --in STD_LOGIC
+ bFpgaClksStable => bFpgaClksStable, --in STD_LOGIC
+ JesdRefClk_p => JesdRefClk_p, --in STD_LOGIC
+ JesdRefClk_n => JesdRefClk_n, --in STD_LOGIC
+ bJesdRefClkPresent => bJesdRefClkPresent, --out STD_LOGIC
+ aLmkSync => aLmkSync, --out STD_LOGIC
+ bRegPortInFlat => bJesdCoreRegPortInFlat, --in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(49:0)
+ bRegPortOutFlat => bJesdCoreRegPortOutFlat, --out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(33:0)
+ CaptureSysRefClk => SampleClk1xOutLcl, --in STD_LOGIC
+ cSysRefFpgaLvds_p => sSysRefFpgaLvds_p, --in STD_LOGIC
+ cSysRefFpgaLvds_n => sSysRefFpgaLvds_n, --in STD_LOGIC
+ fSysRef => sSysRefAsyncReset, --out STD_LOGIC
+ aAdcRx_p => aAdcRx_p, --in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(3:0)
+ aAdcRx_n => aAdcRx_n, --in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(3:0)
+ aSyncAdcOut_n => aSyncAdcOut_n, --out STD_LOGIC
+ aDacTx_p => aDacTx_p, --out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(3:0)
+ aDacTx_n => aDacTx_n, --out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(3:0)
+ aSyncDacIn_n => aSyncDacIn_n, --in STD_LOGIC
+ fAdcDataFlatter => sAdcDataFlatter, --out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(63:0)
+ fDacDataFlatter => sDacDataFlatter, --in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(63:0)
+ fAdcDataValid => sAdcDataValid, --out STD_LOGIC
+ fDacReadyForInput => sDacReadyForInputAsyncReset, --out STD_LOGIC
+ aDacSync => aDacSync, --out STD_LOGIC
+ aAdcSync => aAdcSync); --out STD_LOGIC
+ JesdDoubleSyncToNoResetSampleClk : process (SampleClk1x)
+ begin
+ if rising_edge(SampleClk1x) then
+ sDacReadyForInput_ms <= sDacReadyForInputAsyncReset;
+ sDacReadyForInputLcl <= sDacReadyForInput_ms;
+ -- No clock crossing here -- just reset, although the prefix declares otherwise...
+ sDacSync_ms <= aDacSync;
+ sDacSyncLcl <= sDacSync_ms;
+ sAdcSync_ms <= aAdcSync;
+ sAdcSyncLcl <= sAdcSync_ms;
+ sSysRef_ms <= sSysRefAsyncReset;
+ sSysRefLcl <= sSysRef_ms;
+ end if;
+ end process;
+ -- Locals to outputs.
+ sDacReadyForInput <= sDacReadyForInputLcl;
+ sDacSync <= sDacSyncLcl;
+ sAdcSync <= sAdcSyncLcl;
+ sSysRef <= sSysRefLcl;
+ -- Just combine the first two enables, since they're the ones that are used for JESD.
+ -- No reset crossing here, since bFpgaClksStable is only received by a no-reset domain
+ -- and the MGTs directly.
+ bFpgaClksStable <= bRadioClksValid and bRadioClk1xEnabled and bRadioClk2xEnabled;
+ -- Compress/expand the flat data types from the netlist and route to top level.
+ sAdcDataAry <= Unflatten(sAdcDataFlatter);
+ sDacDataFlatter <= Flatten(sDacDataAry);
+ -- Data mapping using the array types.
+ sAdcDataSample0I <= (sAdcDataAry(0).Data.I & sAdcDataAry(0).Over.I & sAdcDataAry(0).CBit1.I);
+ sAdcDataSample0Q <= (sAdcDataAry(0).Data.Q & sAdcDataAry(0).Over.Q & sAdcDataAry(0).CBit1.Q);
+ sAdcDataSample1I <= (sAdcDataAry(1).Data.I & sAdcDataAry(1).Over.I & sAdcDataAry(1).CBit1.I);
+ sAdcDataSample1Q <= (sAdcDataAry(1).Data.Q & sAdcDataAry(1).Over.Q & sAdcDataAry(1).CBit1.Q);
+ --
+ sDacDataAry(0).Data.I <= sDacDataSample0I;
+ sDacDataAry(0).Data.Q <= sDacDataSample0Q;
+ sDacDataAry(1).Data.I <= sDacDataSample1I;
+ sDacDataAry(1).Data.Q <= sDacDataSample1Q;
+ -- Timing and Sync : ------------------------------------------------------------------
+ -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ bSyncRegPortIn <= Mask(RegPortIn => bRegPortIn,
+ kRegisterOffset => kTdc0OffsetsInEndpoint); -- 0x0200
+ --vhook_e TdcWrapper
+ --vhook_# Use the local copy of the SampleClock, since we want the TDC to measure the
+ --vhook_# clock offset for this daughterboard, not the global SampleClock.
+ --vhook_a SampleClk SampleClk1xOutLcl
+ --vhook_a sPpsPulse sRegPps
+ TdcWrapperx: entity work.TdcWrapper (struct)
+ port map (
+ BusClk => BusClk, --in std_logic
+ bBusReset => bBusReset, --in std_logic
+ RefClk => RefClk, --in std_logic
+ SampleClk => SampleClk1xOutLcl, --in std_logic
+ MeasClk => MeasClk, --in std_logic
+ bSyncRegPortOut => bSyncRegPortOut, --out RegPortOut_t
+ bSyncRegPortIn => bSyncRegPortIn, --in RegPortIn_t
+ rPpsPulse => rPpsPulse, --in std_logic
+ sPpsPulse => sRegPps, --out std_logic
+ rRpTransfer => rRpTransfer, --out std_logic
+ sSpTransfer => sSpTransfer, --out std_logic
+ rGatedPulseToPin => rGatedPulseToPin, --inout std_logic
+ sGatedPulseToPin => sGatedPulseToPin); --inout std_logic
+ WrTdcGen: if kInclWhiteRabbitTdc = '1' generate
+ bWrSyncRegPortIn <= Mask(RegPortIn => bRegPortIn,
+ kRegisterOffset => kTdc1OffsetsInEndpoint); -- 0x0400
+ --vhook_e TdcWrapper WrTdcWrapperx
+ --vhook_# Use the local copy of the SampleClock, since we want the TDC to measure the
+ --vhook_# clock offset for this daughterboard, not the global SampleClock.
+ --vhook_a bSyncRegPortIn bWrSyncRegPortIn
+ --vhook_a bSyncRegPortOut bWrSyncRegPortOut
+ --vhook_a SampleClk SampleClk1xOutLcl
+ --vhook_a RefClk WrRefClk
+ --vhook_a rPpsPulse rWrPpsPulse
+ --vhook_a sPpsPulse sWrPps
+ --vhook_a rRpTransfer rWrRpTransfer
+ --vhook_a sSpTransfer sWrSpTransfer
+ --vhook_a rGatedPulseToPin rWrGatedPulseToPin
+ --vhook_a sGatedPulseToPin sWrGatedPulseToPin
+ WrTdcWrapperx: entity work.TdcWrapper (struct)
+ port map (
+ BusClk => BusClk, --in std_logic
+ bBusReset => bBusReset, --in std_logic
+ RefClk => WrRefClk, --in std_logic
+ SampleClk => SampleClk1xOutLcl, --in std_logic
+ MeasClk => MeasClk, --in std_logic
+ bSyncRegPortOut => bWrSyncRegPortOut, --out RegPortOut_t
+ bSyncRegPortIn => bWrSyncRegPortIn, --in RegPortIn_t
+ rPpsPulse => rWrPpsPulse, --in std_logic
+ sPpsPulse => sWrPps, --out std_logic
+ rRpTransfer => rWrRpTransfer, --out std_logic
+ sSpTransfer => sWrSpTransfer, --out std_logic
+ rGatedPulseToPin => rWrGatedPulseToPin, --inout std_logic
+ sGatedPulseToPin => sWrGatedPulseToPin); --inout std_logic
+ end generate WrTdcGen;
+ WrTdcNotGen: if kInclWhiteRabbitTdc = '0' generate
+ bWrSyncRegPortOut <= kRegPortOutZero;
+ sWrPps <= '0';
+ rWrRpTransfer <= '0';
+ sWrSpTransfer <= '0';
+ rWrGatedPulseToPin <= '0';
+ sWrGatedPulseToPin <= '0';
+ end generate WrTdcNotGen;
+ -- Mux the output PPS based on the SFP selection bits. Encoding is one-hot, with zero
+ -- also a valid state. Regardless of whether the user selects SFP0 or SFP1 as the time
+ -- source, there is only one White Rabbit TDC, so '01' and '10' are equivalent.
+ -- '00': Use the PPS output from the "regular" TDC.
+ -- '01': Use the PPS output from the "white rabbit" TDC.
+ -- '10': Use the PPS output from the "white rabbit" TDC.
+ PpsOutputMux : process (SampleClk1xOutLcl)
+ begin
+ if rising_edge(SampleClk1xOutLcl) then
+ -- Double-sync the control bits to the Sample Clock domain.
+ sPpsSfpSel_ms <= aPpsSfpSel;
+ sPpsSfpSel <= sPpsSfpSel_ms;
+ -- OR the control bits together to produce a single override enable for the WR TDC.
+ sUseWrTdcPps <= to_boolean(sPpsSfpSel(0) or sPpsSfpSel(1));
+ -- Flop the outputs. One flop for the PPS output IOB, the other for use internally.
+ sPpsInt <= sPpsMuxed;
+ end if;
+ end process PpsOutputMux;
+ sPpsMuxed <= sWrPps when sUseWrTdcPps else sRegPps;
+ sPps <= sPpsInt;
+ sPpsToIob <= sPpsMuxed; -- No added flop here since there's an IOB outside this module.
+ -- Daughterboard Control : ------------------------------------------------------------
+ -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ --vhook_e DaughterboardRegs
+ --vhook_# Tying this low is safe because the sync reset is used inside DaughterboardRegs.
+ --vhook_a aReset false
+ --vhook_a bReset to_boolean(bBusReset)
+ --vhook_a bRegPortOut bDbRegPortOut
+ --vhook_a kDbId std_logic_vector(to_unsigned(kDbId,kDbIdSize))
+ DaughterboardRegsx: entity work.DaughterboardRegs (RTL)
+ port map (
+ aReset => false, --in boolean
+ bReset => to_boolean(bBusReset), --in boolean
+ BusClk => BusClk, --in std_logic
+ bRegPortOut => bDbRegPortOut, --out RegPortOut_t
+ bRegPortIn => bRegPortIn, --in RegPortIn_t
+ kDbId => std_logic_vector(to_unsigned(kDbId,kDbIdSize)), --in std_logic_vector(15:0)
+ kSlotId => kSlotId); --in std_logic
+end RTL;
diff --git a/fpga/usrp3/top/n3xx/dboards/rh/db_ifc/Jesd204bXcvrCore.edf b/fpga/usrp3/top/n3xx/dboards/rh/db_ifc/Jesd204bXcvrCore.edf
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..c9df3749b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fpga/usrp3/top/n3xx/dboards/rh/db_ifc/Jesd204bXcvrCore.edf
Binary files differ
diff --git a/fpga/usrp3/top/n3xx/dboards/rh/db_ifc/Jesd204bXcvrCore_stub.vhd b/fpga/usrp3/top/n3xx/dboards/rh/db_ifc/Jesd204bXcvrCore_stub.vhd
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..bf75e9d0d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fpga/usrp3/top/n3xx/dboards/rh/db_ifc/Jesd204bXcvrCore_stub.vhd
@@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
+-- Copyright 1986-2017 Xilinx, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
+-- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- Tool Version: Vivado v.2017.4 (win64) Build 2086221 Fri Dec 15 20:55:39 MST 2017
+-- Date : Fri Nov 9 16:19:51 2018
+-- Host : hjimenez running 64-bit major release (build 9200)
+-- Command : write_vhdl -mode synth_stub -force -file ./Jesd204bXcvrCore_stub.vhd
+-- Design : Jesd204bXcvrCore
+-- Purpose : Stub declaration of top-level module interface
+-- Device : xc7z100ffg900-2
+-- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+library IEEE;
+entity Jesd204bXcvrCore is
+ Port (
+ bBusReset : in STD_LOGIC;
+ BusClk : in STD_LOGIC;
+ ReliableClk40 : in STD_LOGIC;
+ FpgaClk1x : in STD_LOGIC;
+ FpgaClk2x : in STD_LOGIC;
+ bFpgaClksStable : in STD_LOGIC;
+ JesdRefClk_p : in STD_LOGIC;
+ JesdRefClk_n : in STD_LOGIC;
+ bJesdRefClkPresent : out STD_LOGIC;
+ aLmkSync : out STD_LOGIC;
+ bRegPortInFlat : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 49 downto 0 );
+ bRegPortOutFlat : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 33 downto 0 );
+ CaptureSysRefClk : in STD_LOGIC;
+ cSysRefFpgaLvds_p : in STD_LOGIC;
+ cSysRefFpgaLvds_n : in STD_LOGIC;
+ fSysRef : out STD_LOGIC;
+ aAdcRx_p : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 3 downto 0 );
+ aAdcRx_n : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 3 downto 0 );
+ aSyncAdcOut_n : out STD_LOGIC;
+ aDacTx_p : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 3 downto 0 );
+ aDacTx_n : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 3 downto 0 );
+ aSyncDacIn_n : in STD_LOGIC;
+ fAdcDataFlatter : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 63 downto 0 );
+ fDacDataFlatter : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 63 downto 0 );
+ fAdcDataValid : out STD_LOGIC;
+ fDacReadyForInput : out STD_LOGIC;
+ aDacSync : out STD_LOGIC;
+ aAdcSync : out STD_LOGIC
+ );
+end Jesd204bXcvrCore;
+architecture stub of Jesd204bXcvrCore is
+attribute syn_black_box : boolean;
+attribute black_box_pad_pin : string;
+attribute syn_black_box of stub : architecture is true;
+attribute black_box_pad_pin of stub : architecture is "bBusReset,BusClk,ReliableClk40,FpgaClk1x,FpgaClk2x,bFpgaClksStable,JesdRefClk_p,JesdRefClk_n,bJesdRefClkPresent,aLmkSync,bRegPortInFlat[49:0],bRegPortOutFlat[33:0],CaptureSysRefClk,cSysRefFpgaLvds_p,cSysRefFpgaLvds_n,fSysRef,aAdcRx_p[3:0],aAdcRx_n[3:0],aSyncAdcOut_n,aDacTx_p[3:0],aDacTx_n[3:0],aSyncDacIn_n,fAdcDataFlatter[63:0],fDacDataFlatter[63:0],fAdcDataValid,fDacReadyForInput,aDacSync,aAdcSync";
diff --git a/fpga/usrp3/top/n3xx/dboards/rh/db_ifc/PkgAdcDacInterfaceTypes.vhd b/fpga/usrp3/top/n3xx/dboards/rh/db_ifc/PkgAdcDacInterfaceTypes.vhd
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..8512d133a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fpga/usrp3/top/n3xx/dboards/rh/db_ifc/PkgAdcDacInterfaceTypes.vhd
@@ -0,0 +1,302 @@
+-- File: PkgAdcDacInterfaceTypes.vhd
+-- Author: National Instruments
+-- Original Project: USRP N32x
+-- Date: 15 Dec 2017
+-- (c) 2018 Copyright National Instruments Corporation
+-- All Rights Reserved
+-- National Instruments Internal Information
+-- Purpose: Contains types for ADC and DAC data so they can more easily be
+-- passed through the design.
+-- vreview_group JesdCoreN32x
+-- vreview_reviewers djepson wfife
+library ieee;
+ use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
+ use ieee.numeric_std.all;
+library work;
+ use work.PkgJesdConfig.all;
+package PkgAdcDacInterfaceTypes is
+ -- Data type for the DACs.
+ type DacData_t is record
+ I : std_logic_vector(kDacDataWidth - 1 downto 0);
+ Q : std_logic_vector(kDacDataWidth - 1 downto 0);
+ end record;
+ -- Data type for the ADCs.
+ type AdcData_t is record
+ I : std_logic_vector(kAdcDataWidth - 1 downto 0);
+ Q : std_logic_vector(kAdcDataWidth - 1 downto 0);
+ end record;
+ -- Type has two bits that correspond to I and Q; example usage: overrange flags.
+ type IQFlags_t is record
+ I : std_logic;
+ Q : std_logic;
+ end record;
+ -- Single data type for all information from the ADCs.
+ type AdcSamples_t is record
+ Data : AdcData_t;
+ Over : IQFlags_t;
+ CBit1 : IQFlags_t;
+ end record;
+ -- Single data type for all information to the DACs.
+ type DacSamples_t is record
+ Data : DacData_t;
+ end record;
+ -- To support multiple data values per clock cycle, these types
+ -- are arrays of the ADC and DAC data types where the size of the array
+ -- corresponds to the number of samples per cycle.
+ type AdcDataAry_t is array (kSamplesPerCycle - 1 downto 0) of AdcSamples_t;
+ type DacDataAry_t is array (kSamplesPerCycle - 1 downto 0) of DacSamples_t;
+ -- Zero/default constant
+ constant kAdcDataAryZero : AdcDataAry_t :=
+ (others => (Data => (others => (others => '0')),
+ Over => (others => '0'),
+ CBit1 => (others => '0'))
+ );
+ -- Zero/default constant
+ constant kDacDataAryZero : DacDataAry_t :=
+ (others => (Data => (others => (others => '0')))
+ );
+ -- Flattened type that converts the ADC data into std_logic_vector types. This type is
+ -- not suitable for use in the port maps of components that are presynthesized (into EDF
+ -- or NGC files) but is useful for passing data to the top level.
+ type AdcDataAryFlat_t is record
+ DataI : std_logic_vector(kSamplesPerCycle*kAdcDataWidth - 1 downto 0);
+ DataQ : std_logic_vector(kSamplesPerCycle*kAdcDataWidth - 1 downto 0);
+ OverI : std_logic_vector(kSamplesPerCycle - 1 downto 0);
+ OverQ : std_logic_vector(kSamplesPerCycle - 1 downto 0);
+ CBit1I : std_logic_vector(kSamplesPerCycle - 1 downto 0);
+ CBit1Q : std_logic_vector(kSamplesPerCycle - 1 downto 0);
+ end record;
+ -- Fully flattened ADC data for passing into and out of presynthesized components.
+ subtype AdcDataAryFlatter_t is std_logic_vector(2*(kSamplesPerCycle*(kAdcDataWidth + 2)) - 1 downto 0);
+ -- Flattened type that converts the DAC data into std_logic_vector types. This type is
+ -- not suitable for use in the port maps of components that are presynthesized (into EDF
+ -- or NGC files) but is useful for passing data from the top level.
+ type DacDataAryFlat_t is record
+ DataI : std_logic_vector(kSamplesPerCycle*kDacDataWidth - 1 downto 0);
+ DataQ : std_logic_vector(kSamplesPerCycle*kDacDataWidth - 1 downto 0);
+ end record;
+ -- Fully flattened DAC data for passing into and out of presynthesized components.
+ subtype DacDataAryFlatter_t is std_logic_vector(2*(kSamplesPerCycle*kDacDataWidth) - 1 downto 0);
+ -- Function to convert types defined above for the ADC data
+ function Flatten (AdcData : AdcDataAry_t) return AdcDataAryFlat_t;
+ function Flatten (AdcData : AdcDataAryFlat_t) return AdcDataAryFlatter_t;
+ function Flatten (AdcData : AdcDataAry_t) return AdcDataAryFlatter_t;
+ function Unflatten(AdcData : AdcDataAryFlatter_t) return AdcDataAryFlat_t;
+ function Unflatten(AdcData : AdcDataAryFlat_t) return AdcDataAry_t;
+ function Unflatten(AdcData : AdcDataAryFlatter_t) return AdcDataAry_t;
+ -- Function to convert types defined above for the DAC data
+ function Flatten (DacData : DacDataAry_t) return DacDataAryFlat_t;
+ function Flatten (DacData : DacDataAryFlat_t) return DacDataAryFlatter_t;
+ function Flatten (DacData : DacDataAry_t) return DacDataAryFlatter_t;
+ function Unflatten(DacData : DacDataAryFlatter_t) return DacDataAryFlat_t;
+ function UnFlatten(DacData : DacDataAryFlat_t) return DacDataAry_t;
+ function Unflatten(DacData : DacDataAryFlatter_t) return DacDataAry_t;
+end package PkgAdcDacInterfaceTypes;
+package body PkgAdcDacInterfaceTypes is
+ -- Flattens AdcDataAry_t to AdcDataAryFlat_t
+ function Flatten(AdcData : AdcDataAry_t) return AdcDataAryFlat_t
+ is
+ variable ReturnVar : AdcDataAryFlat_t;
+ begin
+ ReturnVar := (DataI => (others => '0'), -- Note (others => (others => '0')) does not work here
+ DataQ => (others => '0'), -- since DataX and OverX/CBit1X are of different lengths (ModelSim error)
+ OverI => (others => '0'),
+ OverQ => (others => '0'),
+ CBit1I => (others => '0'),
+ CBit1Q => (others => '0'));
+ -- The upstream logic puts the 0th element of an array in the MSBs of its data word
+ for i in 0 to kSamplesPerCycle - 1 loop
+ ReturnVar.DataI((kSamplesPerCycle - i)*kAdcDataWidth - 1 downto (kSamplesPerCycle - 1 - i)*kAdcDataWidth) := AdcData(i).Data.I; -- Input Data 0 to MSB
+ ReturnVar.DataQ((kSamplesPerCycle - i)*kAdcDataWidth - 1 downto (kSamplesPerCycle - 1 - i)*kAdcDataWidth) := AdcData(i).Data.Q;
+ ReturnVar.OverI (kSamplesPerCycle - 1 - i) := AdcData(i).Over.I; -- Input Data 0 to MSB
+ ReturnVar.OverQ (kSamplesPerCycle - 1 - i) := AdcData(i).Over.Q;
+ ReturnVar.CBit1I(kSamplesPerCycle - 1 - i) := AdcData(i).CBit1.I;
+ ReturnVar.CBit1Q(kSamplesPerCycle - 1 - i) := AdcData(i).CBit1.Q;
+ end loop;
+ return ReturnVar;
+ end function Flatten;
+ -- UnFlattens AdcDataAryFlat_t to AdcDataAry_t
+ function Unflatten(AdcData : AdcDataAryFlat_t) return AdcDataAry_t
+ is
+ variable ReturnVar : AdcDataAry_t;
+ begin
+ ReturnVar := (others => (Data => (others => (others => '0')), Over => (others => '0'), CBit1 => (others => '0')));
+ for i in 0 to kSamplesPerCycle - 1 loop
+ -- MSB of flattened word = 0th element of ADC data array - this corresponds to how TheWindow
+ -- expects data arrays to be transferred.
+ ReturnVar(kSamplesPerCycle - 1 - i).Data.I := AdcData.DataI((i+1)*kAdcDataWidth - 1 downto i*kAdcDataWidth);
+ ReturnVar(kSamplesPerCycle - 1 - i).Data.Q := AdcData.DataQ((i+1)*kAdcDataWidth - 1 downto i*kAdcDataWidth);
+ ReturnVar(kSamplesPerCycle - 1 - i).Over.I := AdcData.OverI(i);
+ ReturnVar(kSamplesPerCycle - 1 - i).Over.Q := AdcData.OverQ(i);
+ ReturnVar(kSamplesPerCycle - 1 - i).CBit1.I := AdcData.CBit1I(i);
+ ReturnVar(kSamplesPerCycle - 1 - i).CBit1.Q := AdcData.CBit1Q(i);
+ end loop;
+ return ReturnVar;
+ end function Unflatten;
+ -- Flattens AdcDataAryFlat_t to AdcDataAryFlatter_t
+ function Flatten(AdcData : AdcDataAryFlat_t) return AdcDataAryFlatter_t
+ is
+ variable ReturnVar : AdcDataAryFlatter_t;
+ begin
+ ReturnVar := AdcData.OverQ & AdcData.CBit1Q & AdcData.OverI & AdcData.CBit1I & AdcData.DataQ & AdcData.DataI;
+ return ReturnVar;
+ end function Flatten;
+ -- UnFlattens AdcDataAryFlatter_t to AdcDataAryFlat_t
+ function Unflatten(AdcData : AdcDataAryFlatter_t) return AdcDataAryFlat_t
+ is
+ variable ReturnVar : AdcDataAryFlat_t;
+ begin
+ ReturnVar.DataI := AdcData(1*kSamplesPerCycle*kAdcDataWidth + 0*kSamplesPerCycle - 1 downto 0*kSamplesPerCycle*kAdcDataWidth + 0*kSamplesPerCycle);
+ ReturnVar.DataQ := AdcData(2*kSamplesPerCycle*kAdcDataWidth + 0*kSamplesPerCycle - 1 downto 1*kSamplesPerCycle*kAdcDataWidth + 0*kSamplesPerCycle);
+ ReturnVar.CBit1I := AdcData(2*kSamplesPerCycle*kAdcDataWidth + 1*kSamplesPerCycle - 1 downto 2*kSamplesPerCycle*kAdcDataWidth + 0*kSamplesPerCycle);
+ ReturnVar.OverI := AdcData(2*kSamplesPerCycle*kAdcDataWidth + 2*kSamplesPerCycle - 1 downto 2*kSamplesPerCycle*kAdcDataWidth + 1*kSamplesPerCycle);
+ ReturnVar.CBit1Q := AdcData(2*kSamplesPerCycle*kAdcDataWidth + 3*kSamplesPerCycle - 1 downto 2*kSamplesPerCycle*kAdcDataWidth + 2*kSamplesPerCycle);
+ ReturnVar.OverQ := AdcData(2*kSamplesPerCycle*kAdcDataWidth + 4*kSamplesPerCycle - 1 downto 2*kSamplesPerCycle*kAdcDataWidth + 3*kSamplesPerCycle);
+ return ReturnVar;
+ end function Unflatten;
+ -- Flattens AdcDataAry_t to AdcDataAryFlatter_t
+ function Flatten(AdcData : AdcDataAry_t) return AdcDataAryFlatter_t
+ is
+ variable TempVar : AdcDataAryFlat_t;
+ variable ReturnVar : AdcDataAryFlatter_t;
+ begin
+ TempVar := Flatten(AdcData);
+ ReturnVar := Flatten(TempVar);
+ return ReturnVar;
+ end function Flatten;
+ -- UnFlattens AdcDataAryFlatter_t to AdcDataAry_t
+ function Unflatten(AdcData : AdcDataAryFlatter_t) return AdcDataAry_t
+ is
+ variable TempVar : AdcDataAryFlat_t;
+ variable ReturnVar : AdcDataAry_t;
+ begin
+ TempVar := Unflatten(AdcData);
+ ReturnVar := Unflatten(TempVar);
+ return ReturnVar;
+ end function Unflatten;
+ -- Flattens DacDataAry_t to DacDataAryFlat_t
+ function Flatten(DacData : DacDataAry_t) return DacDataAryFlat_t
+ is
+ variable ReturnVar : DacDataAryFlat_t;
+ begin
+ ReturnVar := (others => (others => '0'));
+ for i in 0 to kSamplesPerCycle - 1 loop
+ -- MSB of flattened word = 0th element of ADC data array - this corresponds to how TheWindow
+ -- expects data arrays to be transferred.
+ ReturnVar.DataI((i+1)*kDacDataWidth - 1 downto i*kDacDataWidth) := DacData(kSamplesPerCycle - 1 - i).Data.I;
+ ReturnVar.DataQ((i+1)*kDacDataWidth - 1 downto i*kDacDataWidth) := DacData(kSamplesPerCycle - 1 - i).Data.Q;
+ end loop;
+ return ReturnVar;
+ end function Flatten;
+ -- UnFlattens DacDataAryFlat_t to DacDataAry_t
+ function UnFlatten(DacData : DacDataAryFlat_t) return DacDataAry_t
+ is
+ variable ReturnVar : DacDataAry_t;
+ begin
+ ReturnVar := (others => (Data => (others => (others => '0'))));
+ -- The upstream logic puts the 0th element of an array in the MSBs of its data word
+ for i in 0 to kSamplesPerCycle - 1 loop
+ ReturnVar(kSamplesPerCycle - 1 - i).Data.I := DacData.DataI(kDacDataWidth*(i+1) - 1 downto kDacDataWidth*i);
+ ReturnVar(kSamplesPerCycle - 1 - i).Data.Q := DacData.DataQ(kDacDataWidth*(i+1) - 1 downto kDacDataWidth*i);
+ end loop;
+ return ReturnVar;
+ end function UnFlatten;
+ -- Flattens DacDataAryFlat_t to DacDataAryFlatter_t
+ function Flatten(DacData : DacDataAryFlat_t) return DacDataAryFlatter_t
+ is
+ variable ReturnVar : DacDataAryFlatter_t;
+ begin
+ ReturnVar := DacData.DataQ & DacData.DataI;
+ return ReturnVar;
+ end function Flatten;
+ -- UnFlattens DacDataAryFlatter_t to DacDataAryFlat_t
+ function Unflatten(DacData : DacDataAryFlatter_t) return DacDataAryFlat_t
+ is
+ variable ReturnVar : DacDataAryFlat_t;
+ begin
+ ReturnVar.DataI := DacData(1*kSamplesPerCycle*kDacDataWidth - 1 downto 0*kSamplesPerCycle*kDacDataWidth);
+ ReturnVar.DataQ := DacData(2*kSamplesPerCycle*kDacDataWidth - 1 downto 1*kSamplesPerCycle*kDacDataWidth);
+ return ReturnVar;
+ end function Unflatten;
+ -- Flattens DacDataAry_t to DacDataAryFlatter_t
+ function Flatten(DacData : DacDataAry_t) return DacDataAryFlatter_t
+ is
+ variable TempVar : DacDataAryFlat_t;
+ variable ReturnVar : DacDataAryFlatter_t;
+ begin
+ TempVar := Flatten(DacData);
+ ReturnVar := Flatten(TempVar);
+ return ReturnVar;
+ end function Flatten;
+ -- UnFlattens DacDataAryFlatter_t to DacDataAry_t
+ function Unflatten(DacData : DacDataAryFlatter_t) return DacDataAry_t
+ is
+ variable TempVar : DacDataAryFlat_t;
+ variable ReturnVar : DacDataAry_t;
+ begin
+ TempVar := Unflatten(DacData);
+ ReturnVar := Unflatten(TempVar);
+ return ReturnVar;
+ end function Unflatten;
+end package body;
diff --git a/fpga/usrp3/top/n3xx/dboards/rh/db_ifc/PkgClockingRegMap.vhd b/fpga/usrp3/top/n3xx/dboards/rh/db_ifc/PkgClockingRegMap.vhd
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..03b95c100
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fpga/usrp3/top/n3xx/dboards/rh/db_ifc/PkgClockingRegMap.vhd
@@ -0,0 +1,107 @@
+-- File: PkgClockingRegMap.vhd
+-- Author: Autogenerated by XmlParse
+-- Original Project: --
+-- Date: --
+-- Copyright 2017 Ettus Research, A National Instruments Company
+-- SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-3.0
+-- Purpose:
+-- The constants in this file are autogenerated by XmlParse and should
+-- be used by testbench code to access specific register fields.
+library ieee;
+ use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
+ use ieee.numeric_std.all;
+package PkgClockingRegMap is
+-- A numerically ordered list of registers and their VHDL source files
+ -- RadioClkMmcm : 0x20 (ClockingRegs.vhd)
+ -- PhaseShiftControl : 0x24 (ClockingRegs.vhd)
+ -- RadioClkEnables : 0x28 (ClockingRegs.vhd)
+ -- MgtRefClkStatus : 0x30 (ClockingRegs.vhd)
+-- RegTypes
+-- Register Group ClockingRegs
+ -- RadioClkMmcm Register (from ClockingRegs.vhd)
+ constant kRadioClkMmcm : integer := 16#20#; -- Register Offset
+ constant kRadioClkMmcmSize: integer := 32; -- register width in bits
+ constant kRadioClkMmcmMask : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0) := X"00000013";
+ constant kRadioClkMmcmResetSetSize : integer := 1; --RadioClkMmcm:RadioClkMmcmResetSet
+ constant kRadioClkMmcmResetSetMsb : integer := 0; --RadioClkMmcm:RadioClkMmcmResetSet
+ constant kRadioClkMmcmResetSet : integer := 0; --RadioClkMmcm:RadioClkMmcmResetSet
+ constant kRadioClkMmcmResetClearSize : integer := 1; --RadioClkMmcm:RadioClkMmcmResetClear
+ constant kRadioClkMmcmResetClearMsb : integer := 1; --RadioClkMmcm:RadioClkMmcmResetClear
+ constant kRadioClkMmcmResetClear : integer := 1; --RadioClkMmcm:RadioClkMmcmResetClear
+ constant kRadioClkMmcmLockedSize : integer := 1; --RadioClkMmcm:RadioClkMmcmLocked
+ constant kRadioClkMmcmLockedMsb : integer := 4; --RadioClkMmcm:RadioClkMmcmLocked
+ constant kRadioClkMmcmLocked : integer := 4; --RadioClkMmcm:RadioClkMmcmLocked
+ -- PhaseShiftControl Register (from ClockingRegs.vhd)
+ constant kPhaseShiftControl : integer := 16#24#; -- Register Offset
+ constant kPhaseShiftControlSize: integer := 32; -- register width in bits
+ constant kPhaseShiftControlMask : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0) := X"10010011";
+ constant kPsIncSize : integer := 1; --PhaseShiftControl:PsInc
+ constant kPsIncMsb : integer := 0; --PhaseShiftControl:PsInc
+ constant kPsInc : integer := 0; --PhaseShiftControl:PsInc
+ constant kPsDecSize : integer := 1; --PhaseShiftControl:PsDec
+ constant kPsDecMsb : integer := 4; --PhaseShiftControl:PsDec
+ constant kPsDec : integer := 4; --PhaseShiftControl:PsDec
+ constant kPsEnabledForFdbClkSize : integer := 1; --PhaseShiftControl:PsEnabledForFdbClk
+ constant kPsEnabledForFdbClkMsb : integer := 16; --PhaseShiftControl:PsEnabledForFdbClk
+ constant kPsEnabledForFdbClk : integer := 16; --PhaseShiftControl:PsEnabledForFdbClk
+ constant kPsDoneSize : integer := 1; --PhaseShiftControl:PsDone
+ constant kPsDoneMsb : integer := 28; --PhaseShiftControl:PsDone
+ constant kPsDone : integer := 28; --PhaseShiftControl:PsDone
+ -- RadioClkEnables Register (from ClockingRegs.vhd)
+ constant kRadioClkEnables : integer := 16#28#; -- Register Offset
+ constant kRadioClkEnablesSize: integer := 32; -- register width in bits
+ constant kRadioClkEnablesMask : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0) := X"00000111";
+ constant kRadioClk1xEnabledSize : integer := 1; --RadioClkEnables:RadioClk1xEnabled
+ constant kRadioClk1xEnabledMsb : integer := 0; --RadioClkEnables:RadioClk1xEnabled
+ constant kRadioClk1xEnabled : integer := 0; --RadioClkEnables:RadioClk1xEnabled
+ constant kRadioClk2xEnabledSize : integer := 1; --RadioClkEnables:RadioClk2xEnabled
+ constant kRadioClk2xEnabledMsb : integer := 4; --RadioClkEnables:RadioClk2xEnabled
+ constant kRadioClk2xEnabled : integer := 4; --RadioClkEnables:RadioClk2xEnabled
+ constant kRadioClk3xEnabledSize : integer := 1; --RadioClkEnables:RadioClk3xEnabled
+ constant kRadioClk3xEnabledMsb : integer := 8; --RadioClkEnables:RadioClk3xEnabled
+ constant kRadioClk3xEnabled : integer := 8; --RadioClkEnables:RadioClk3xEnabled
+ -- MgtRefClkStatus Register (from ClockingRegs.vhd)
+ constant kMgtRefClkStatus : integer := 16#30#; -- Register Offset
+ constant kMgtRefClkStatusSize: integer := 32; -- register width in bits
+ constant kMgtRefClkStatusMask : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0) := X"00000001";
+ constant kJesdRefClkPresentSize : integer := 1; --MgtRefClkStatus:JesdRefClkPresent
+ constant kJesdRefClkPresentMsb : integer := 0; --MgtRefClkStatus:JesdRefClkPresent
+ constant kJesdRefClkPresent : integer := 0; --MgtRefClkStatus:JesdRefClkPresent
+end package;
+package body PkgClockingRegMap is
+ -- function kRadioClkMmcmRec not implemented because PkgXReg in this project does not support XReg2_t.
+ -- function kPhaseShiftControlRec not implemented because PkgXReg in this project does not support XReg2_t.
+ -- function kRadioClkEnablesRec not implemented because PkgXReg in this project does not support XReg2_t.
+ -- function kMgtRefClkStatusRec not implemented because PkgXReg in this project does not support XReg2_t.
+end package body;
diff --git a/fpga/usrp3/top/n3xx/dboards/rh/db_ifc/PkgDaughterboardRegMap.vhd b/fpga/usrp3/top/n3xx/dboards/rh/db_ifc/PkgDaughterboardRegMap.vhd
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..06708cde3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fpga/usrp3/top/n3xx/dboards/rh/db_ifc/PkgDaughterboardRegMap.vhd
@@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
+-- File: PkgDaughterboardRegMap.vhd
+-- Author: Autogenerated by XmlParse
+-- Original Project: --
+-- Date: --
+-- Copyright 2017 Ettus Research, A National Instruments Company
+-- SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-3.0
+-- Purpose:
+-- The constants in this file are autogenerated by XmlParse and should
+-- be used by testbench code to access specific register fields.
+library ieee;
+ use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
+ use ieee.numeric_std.all;
+package PkgDaughterboardRegMap is
+-- A numerically ordered list of registers and their VHDL source files
+ -- DaughterboardId : 0x630 (DaughterboardRegs.vhd)
+-- RegTypes
+-- Register Group StaticControl
+ -- DaughterboardId Register (from DaughterboardRegs.vhd)
+ constant kDaughterboardId : integer := 16#630#; -- Register Offset
+ constant kDaughterboardIdSize: integer := 32; -- register width in bits
+ constant kDaughterboardIdMask : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0) := X"0001ffff";
+ constant kDbIdValSize : integer := 16; --DaughterboardId:DbIdVal
+ constant kDbIdValMsb : integer := 15; --DaughterboardId:DbIdVal
+ constant kDbIdVal : integer := 0; --DaughterboardId:DbIdVal
+ constant kSlotIdValSize : integer := 1; --DaughterboardId:SlotIdVal
+ constant kSlotIdValMsb : integer := 16; --DaughterboardId:SlotIdVal
+ constant kSlotIdVal : integer := 16; --DaughterboardId:SlotIdVal
+end package;
+package body PkgDaughterboardRegMap is
+ -- function kDaughterboardIdRec not implemented because PkgXReg in this project does not support XReg2_t.
+end package body;
diff --git a/fpga/usrp3/top/n3xx/dboards/rh/db_ifc/PkgJesdConfig.vhd b/fpga/usrp3/top/n3xx/dboards/rh/db_ifc/PkgJesdConfig.vhd
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..4913b03fc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fpga/usrp3/top/n3xx/dboards/rh/db_ifc/PkgJesdConfig.vhd
@@ -0,0 +1,165 @@
+-- File: PkgJesdConfig.vhd
+-- Author: National Instruments
+-- Original Project: N32x
+-- Date: 15 Dec 2017
+-- Copyright 2016-2018 Ettus Research, A National Instruments Company
+-- SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-3.0
+-- Purpose: JESD204B setup constants and functions. These constants are shared
+-- between RX and TX JESD cores.
+-- vreview_group JesdCoreN32x
+-- vreview_reviewers djepson wfife
+library ieee;
+ use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
+ use ieee.numeric_std.all;
+library work;
+ use work.PkgRegs.all;
+package PkgJesdConfig is
+ -- "JESD" in ASCII - with the core number 0 or 1 on the LSb.
+ constant kJesdSignature : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0) := x"4a455344";
+ -- Register endpoints
+ constant kJesdDrpRegsInEndpoint : RegOffset_t := (kOffset => 16#0800#, -- 0x2800 to
+ kWidth => 16#0800#); -- 0x2FFF
+ -- Selects the UsrClk2 for the transceivers. For 64-bit wide transceivers, the
+ -- UsrClk = 2*UserClk2 frequency. For 32-bit wide transceivers, UsrClk = UserClk2
+ -- frequency. This is a generalization, the clock ratio should be confirmed based on
+ -- the transceiver configuration.
+ -- The N310 transceivers use the single rate reference, hence = false.
+ constant kDoubleRateUsrClk : boolean := false;
+ -- For the N32x, all lanes are in one quad and we use the QPLL.
+ constant kJesdUseQpll : boolean := true;
+ constant kAdcDataWidth : integer := 14; -- ADC data width in bits
+ constant kDacDataWidth : integer := 16; -- DAC data width in bits
+ constant kSamplesPerCycle : integer := 2; -- Number of samples per SampleClk1x
+ constant kGtxDrpAddrWidth : natural := 9;
+ constant kGtxAddrLsbPosition : natural := 2;
+ constant kQpllDrpAddrWidth : natural := 8;
+ constant kGtxDrpDataWidth : natural := 16;
+ -- Max supported number of lanes
+ constant kMaxNumLanes : natural := 4;
+ -- Max supported number of quads (normally there is 1 quad per 4 lanes but disconnect
+ -- the definitions to allow quad sharing)
+ constant kMaxNumQuads : natural := 1;
+ -- Rhodium:
+ -- JESD shared setup - LMFS = 4211, HD = 1 (Samples are split across multiple lanes).
+ constant kNumLanes : natural := 4; -- L
+ constant kNumConvs : positive := 2; -- M
+ constant kOctetsPerFrame : natural := 1; -- F
+ constant kDacJesdSamplesPerCycle : integer := 1; -- S
+ constant kOctetsPerLane : natural := 2; -- MGT data is kOctetsPerLane*8 = 16 bits wide
+ constant kNumQuads : natural := kNumLanes / 4; -- 4 lanes per quad
+ constant kHighDensity : boolean := true; -- HD
+ constant kConvResBits : positive := kDacDataWidth; -- Converter resolution in bits
+ constant kConvSampleBits : positive := 16; -- Sample Length in bits
+ constant kInitLaneAlignCnt : positive := 4;
+ constant kFramesPerMulti : natural := 24; -- K
+ -- Rhodium:
+ -- The converters are running at 400/491.52/500 MSPS (DeviceClk), and the sampling
+ -- clock at the FPGA (UserClk) is 200/245.76/250 MHz; so UsrClk = (DeviceClk / 2).
+ -- The frame rate = DeviceClk, and the Multiframe rate = (frame rate / kFramesPerMulti)
+ -- Thus, kUserClksPerMulti = (UsrClk / Multiframe rate)
+ -- = (UsrClk / (DeviceClk / kFramesPerMulti))
+ -- since UsrClk = DeviceClk / 2 then,
+ -- kUserClksPerMulti = ((DeviceClk / 2) / (DeviceClk / kFramesPerMulti))
+ -- therefore,
+ -- kUserClksPerMulti = kFramesPerMulti / 2
+ constant kUserClksPerMulti : integer := kFramesPerMulti / 2;
+ type NaturalVector is array ( natural range <>) of natural;
+ -- The PCB connections are are passed trough, any swapping is handled somewhere else.
+ --
+ -- Transceiver MGT Channel ADC Lane DAC Lane
+ -- *********** *********** ******** ********
+ -- GT0: X0Y8 0 0 0
+ -- GT1: X0Y9 1 1 1
+ -- GT2: X0Y10 2 2 2
+ -- GT3: X0Y11 3 3 3
+ constant kRxLaneIndices : NaturalVector(kNumLanes - 1 downto 0) :=
+ (
+ -- MGT => ADC (in above table)
+ 0 => 0,
+ 1 => 1,
+ 2 => 2,
+ 3 => 3
+ );
+ constant kTxLaneIndices : NaturalVector(kNumLanes - 1 downto 0) :=
+ (
+ -- MGT => DAC lane
+ 0 => 0,
+ 1 => 1,
+ 2 => 2,
+ 3 => 3
+ );
+ constant kLaneToQuadMap : NaturalVector(kNumLanes - 1 downto 0) :=
+ (
+ -- All lanes are in one quad
+ 0 => 0,
+ 1 => 0,
+ 2 => 0,
+ 3 => 0
+ );
+ -- The master transceiver channel for channel bonding. E(kMasterBondingChannel)
+ -- must have the highest value decrementing to b"000" for that last channels to bond.
+ constant kMasterBondingChannel : integer := 1;
+ -- Channel bonding occurs when a master detects a K-char sequence and aligns its
+ -- internal FIFO to the start of this sequence. A signal is then generated to other
+ -- slave transceivers that cause them to bond to the sequence - this bonding signal is
+ -- cascaded from master to slave to slave to slave, etc where each slave must know how
+ -- many levels to the master there are. The last slave to bond must be at level b"000"
+ -- and the master is at the highest level; the number of levels in the sequence is
+ -- governed by the size of the transceiver FIFO (see the Xilinx user guides for more
+ -- information).
+ type BondLevels_t is array(0 to kNumLanes - 1) of std_logic_vector(2 downto 0);
+ constant kBondLevel : BondLevels_t := (
+ 0 => b"000", -- Control from 1
+ 1 => b"001", -- Master
+ 2 => b"000", -- Control from 1
+ 3 => b"000" -- Control from 1
+ );
+ -- User Rx Data
+ -- ADC Word data width: 14 sample bits + 2 tails bits
+ constant kAdcWordWidth : integer := 16;
+ subtype AdcWord_t is std_logic_vector(kAdcWordWidth - 1 downto 0);
+ type AdcWordArray_t is array(kSamplesPerCycle*2 - 1 downto 0) of AdcWord_t; -- The *2 is because there are two samples (I and Q) per "sample"
+ -- Constants to specify the contents of the AdcWord_t vector.
+ constant kAdcWordDataMsb : integer := 15;
+ constant kAdcWordDataLsb : integer := 2;
+ constant kAdcWordOver : integer := 1;
+ constant kAdcWordCBit1 : integer := 0;
+ -- Option to pipeline stages to improve timing, if needed
+ constant kPipelineDetectCharsStage : boolean := false;
+ constant kPipelineCharReplStage : boolean := false;
+end package;
diff --git a/fpga/usrp3/top/n3xx/dboards/rh/db_ifc/PkgRhPersonality.vhd b/fpga/usrp3/top/n3xx/dboards/rh/db_ifc/PkgRhPersonality.vhd
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..801a46d15
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fpga/usrp3/top/n3xx/dboards/rh/db_ifc/PkgRhPersonality.vhd
@@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
+-- File: PkgRhPersonality.vhd
+-- Author: National Instruments
+-- Original Project: N32x
+-- Date: 15 Dec 2017
+-- Copyright 2017 Ettus Research, A National Instruments Company
+-- SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0
+-- Purpose: This package contains constants and helpful functions that enable
+-- the FPGA to be compiled with different features.
+library ieee;
+ use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
+ use ieee.numeric_std.all;
+library work;
+ use work.PkgRegs.all;
+package PkgRhPersonality is
+ -- Rhodium daughterboard ID definition.
+ constant kDbId : integer := 16#152#;
+ constant kDbIdSize : integer := 16;
+ -- RegPort Address Definitions : ------------------------------------------------------
+ --
+ -- DB Regs ...
+ --
+ -- Clocking Offset: 0x 000 Width: 0x 200
+ -- Tdco0 Offset: 0x 200 Width: 0x 200
+ -- Tdco1 Offset: 0x 400 Width: 0x 200
+ -- Daughterboard Ctrl Offset: 0x 600 Width: 0x 200
+ -- Total: 0x2000
+ -- JESD 2x - A Offset: 0x2000 Width: 0x1000
+ -- JESD 2x - B Offset: 0x3000 Width: 0x1000
+ -- Total: 0x4000
+ -- Total: 0x8000 for two DBs
+ -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ -- A single RegPort runs to the JESD204B Core.
+ constant kJesdRegGroupInDbRegs : RegOffset_t := (kOffset => 16#2000#, -- 0x2000 to
+ kWidth => 16#1000#); -- 0x2FFF
+ -- DB Regs : --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ constant kClockingOffsetInEndpoint : RegOffset_t := (kOffset => 16#0000#, -- 0x0000 to
+ kWidth => 16#0200#); -- 0x01FF
+ constant kTdc0OffsetsInEndpoint : RegOffset_t := (kOffset => 16#0200#, -- 0x0200 to
+ kWidth => 16#0200#); -- 0x03FF
+ constant kTdc1OffsetsInEndpoint : RegOffset_t := (kOffset => 16#0400#, -- 0x0400 to
+ kWidth => 16#0200#); -- 0x05FF
+ constant kDaughterboardOffsetInEndpoint : RegOffset_t := (kOffset => 16#0600#, -- 0x0600 to
+ kWidth => 16#0200#); -- 0x07FF
+end package PkgRhPersonality;
diff --git a/fpga/usrp3/top/n3xx/dboards/rh/db_ifc/RadioClocking.vhd b/fpga/usrp3/top/n3xx/dboards/rh/db_ifc/RadioClocking.vhd
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..69a15d49a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fpga/usrp3/top/n3xx/dboards/rh/db_ifc/RadioClocking.vhd
@@ -0,0 +1,305 @@
+-- File: RadioClocking.vhd
+-- Author: Daniel Jepson
+-- Original Project: N310
+-- Date: 22 February 2016
+-- Copyright 2016-2018 Ettus Research, A National Instruments Company
+-- SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-3.0
+-- Purpose:
+-- Instantiates a MMCM to produce 1x, 2x, and 3x versions of the Radio Clock
+-- coming from the FPGA input pin. Handles all the buffering for the input clock.
+-- Additionally allows the clocks to be turned on and off, and phase shifted.
+-- NOTE: This module hard-codes the MMCM settings for a SPECIFIC clock rate!
+library ieee;
+ use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
+library unisim;
+ use unisim.vcomponents.all;
+entity RadioClocking is
+ port (
+ -- Async reset. Can be tied low if desired.
+ aReset : in boolean;
+ -- Sync reset... used in the same places as the async one.
+ bReset : in boolean;
+ -- Should be a always-on clock
+ BusClk : in std_logic;
+ -- Sync reset to the RadioClkMmcm.
+ bRadioClkMmcmReset : in std_logic;
+ -- Locked indication from the RadioClkMmcm in BusClk and aReset domains.
+ bRadioClksValid : out std_logic;
+ bRadioClk1xEnabled : in std_logic;
+ bRadioClk2xEnabled : in std_logic;
+ bRadioClk3xEnabled : in std_logic;
+ -- Phase shift interface for the RadioClkMmcm. PsClk must be <= 200 MHz.
+ pPsInc : in std_logic;
+ pPsEn : in std_logic;
+ PsClk : in std_logic;
+ pPsDone : out std_logic;
+ -- Straight from pins. Buffer included in here.
+ FpgaClk_n : in std_logic;
+ FpgaClk_p : in std_logic;
+ RadioClk1x : out std_logic;
+ RadioClk2x : out std_logic;
+ RadioClk3x : out std_logic
+ );
+end RadioClocking;
+architecture rtl of RadioClocking is
+ --vhook_sigstart
+ signal RadioClk1xLcl: std_logic;
+ signal RadioClk1xPll: std_logic;
+ signal RadioClk2xLcl: std_logic;
+ signal RadioClk2xPll: std_logic;
+ signal RadioClk3xLcl: std_logic;
+ signal RadioClk3xPll: std_logic;
+ --vhook_sigend
+ signal RadioClkMmcmFeedbackIn,
+ RadioClkMmcmFeedbackOut,
+ FpgaClkSE,
+ aRadioClkMmcmLocked : std_logic;
+ signal bRadioClkMmcmLocked_ms,
+ bRadioClkMmcmLocked,
+ bEnableRadioClkBufgOutputs,
+ bEnableRadioClk1xBufgOutput,
+ bEnableRadioClk2xBufgOutput,
+ bEnableRadioClk3xBufgOutput : std_logic := '0';
+ signal aRadioClkMmcmResetInternal : std_logic := '1';
+ attribute ASYNC_REG : string;
+ attribute ASYNC_REG of bRadioClkMmcmLocked_ms : signal is "true";
+ attribute ASYNC_REG of bRadioClkMmcmLocked : signal is "true";
+ -- Radio Clock Buffering : ------------------------------------------------------------
+ --
+ -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ --vhook_i IBUFDS FpgaClkIbufg hidegeneric=true
+ --vhook_a I FpgaClk_p
+ --vhook_a IB FpgaClk_n
+ --vhook_a O FpgaClkSE
+ FpgaClkIbufg: IBUFDS
+ port map (
+ O => FpgaClkSE, --out std_ulogic
+ I => FpgaClk_p, --in std_ulogic
+ IB => FpgaClk_n); --in std_ulogic
+ ResetDelay : process(aReset, BusClk)
+ begin
+ if aReset then
+ aRadioClkMmcmResetInternal <= '1';
+ elsif rising_edge(BusClk) then
+ if bReset then
+ aRadioClkMmcmResetInternal <= '1';
+ else
+ -- Delay by 1 to allow the BUFGs to turn off before the MMCM is reset.
+ aRadioClkMmcmResetInternal <= bRadioClkMmcmReset;
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ end process ResetDelay;
+ RadioClkMmcm: MMCME2_ADV
+ generic map(
+ CLKFBOUT_MULT_F => 4.000, -- Feedback
+ CLKOUT0_DIVIDE_F => 4.000, -- Data Clock 1x, RadioClk1xPll
+ CLKOUT1_DIVIDE => 2, -- Data Clock 2x, RadioClk2xPll
+ CLKOUT2_DIVIDE => 2, -- Data Clock 3x, RadioClk3xPll
+ CLKOUT3_DIVIDE => 1, -- unused
+ CLKOUT4_DIVIDE => 1, -- unused
+ CLKOUT5_DIVIDE => 1, -- unused
+ CLKOUT6_DIVIDE => 1, -- unused
+ CLKFBOUT_PHASE => 0.000, -- Feedback
+ CLKOUT0_PHASE => 0.000, -- Data Clock 1x
+ CLKOUT1_PHASE => 0.000, -- Data Clock 2x
+ CLKOUT2_PHASE => 0.000, -- Data Clock 3x
+ CLKOUT3_PHASE => 0.000, -- unused
+ CLKOUT4_PHASE => 0.000, -- unused
+ CLKOUT5_PHASE => 0.000, -- unused
+ CLKOUT6_PHASE => 0.000, -- unused
+ CLKOUT0_DUTY_CYCLE => 0.500,
+ CLKOUT1_DUTY_CYCLE => 0.500,
+ CLKOUT2_DUTY_CYCLE => 0.500,
+ CLKOUT3_DUTY_CYCLE => 0.500,
+ CLKOUT4_DUTY_CYCLE => 0.500,
+ CLKOUT5_DUTY_CYCLE => 0.500,
+ CLKOUT6_DUTY_CYCLE => 0.500,
+ REF_JITTER1 => 0.010,
+ CLKIN1_PERIOD => 4.069, -- 245.76 MHz max
+ CLKOUT0_USE_FINE_PS => false,
+ CLKOUT1_USE_FINE_PS => false,
+ CLKOUT2_USE_FINE_PS => false,
+ CLKOUT3_USE_FINE_PS => false,
+ CLKOUT4_USE_FINE_PS => false,
+ CLKOUT5_USE_FINE_PS => false,
+ CLKOUT6_USE_FINE_PS => false,
+ STARTUP_WAIT => false,
+ CLKOUT4_CASCADE => false)
+ port map (
+ CLKINSEL => '1',
+ CLKIN1 => FpgaClkSE,
+ CLKIN2 => '0',
+ CLKFBIN => RadioClkMmcmFeedbackIn,
+ RST => aRadioClkMmcmResetInternal,
+ PWRDWN => '0',
+ DADDR => (others => '0'),
+ DI => (others => '0'),
+ DWE => '0',
+ DEN => '0',
+ DCLK => '0',
+ DO => open,
+ DRDY => open,
+ PSINCDEC => pPsInc,
+ PSEN => pPsEn,
+ PSCLK => PsClk,
+ PSDONE => pPsDone,
+ CLKOUT0 => RadioClk1xPll,
+ CLKOUT0B => open,
+ CLKOUT1 => RadioClk2xPll,
+ CLKOUT1B => open,
+ CLKOUT2 => RadioClk3xPll,
+ CLKOUT2B => open,
+ CLKOUT3 => open,
+ CLKOUT3B => open,
+ CLKOUT4 => open,
+ CLKOUT5 => open,
+ CLKOUT6 => open,
+ CLKFBOUT => RadioClkMmcmFeedbackOut,
+ CLKFBOUTB => open,
+ LOCKED => aRadioClkMmcmLocked,
+ CLKFBSTOPPED => open);
+ RadioClkMmcmFeedbackBufg: BUFG
+ port map (
+ I => RadioClkMmcmFeedbackOut,
+ O => RadioClkMmcmFeedbackIn
+ );
+ -- Only enable the WRAPBUFGs when the MMCM is locked. If the MMCM is ever placed in
+ -- reset, we turn off the clocks one cycle before the asynchronous version
+ -- (aRadioClkMmcmResetInternal) reaches the MMCM inputs in order to prevent
+ -- output glitches.
+ CombineEnablesForBuffers : process(aReset, BusClk)
+ begin
+ if aReset then
+ bRadioClkMmcmLocked_ms <= '0';
+ bRadioClkMmcmLocked <= '0';
+ bEnableRadioClk1xBufgOutput <= '0';
+ bEnableRadioClk2xBufgOutput <= '0';
+ bEnableRadioClk3xBufgOutput <= '0';
+ bEnableRadioClkBufgOutputs <= '0';
+ elsif rising_edge(BusClk) then
+ if bReset then
+ bRadioClkMmcmLocked_ms <= '0';
+ bRadioClkMmcmLocked <= '0';
+ bEnableRadioClk1xBufgOutput <= '0';
+ bEnableRadioClk2xBufgOutput <= '0';
+ bEnableRadioClk3xBufgOutput <= '0';
+ bEnableRadioClkBufgOutputs <= '0';
+ else
+ bRadioClkMmcmLocked_ms <= aRadioClkMmcmLocked;
+ bRadioClkMmcmLocked <= bRadioClkMmcmLocked_ms;
+ bEnableRadioClkBufgOutputs <= bRadioClkMmcmLocked and
+ not bRadioClkMmcmReset;
+ bEnableRadioClk1xBufgOutput <= bRadioClk1xEnabled and bEnableRadioClkBufgOutputs;
+ bEnableRadioClk2xBufgOutput <= bRadioClk2xEnabled and bEnableRadioClkBufgOutputs;
+ bEnableRadioClk3xBufgOutput <= bRadioClk3xEnabled and bEnableRadioClkBufgOutputs;
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ end process CombineEnablesForBuffers;
+ bRadioClksValid <= bEnableRadioClkBufgOutputs;
+ --vhook_e WrapBufg RadioClk1xBuf
+ --vhook_a kEnableByDefault false
+ --vhook_a kIgnore false
+ --vhook_a kEnableIsAsync true
+ --vhook_a ClkIn RadioClk1xPll
+ --vhook_a aCe bEnableRadioClk1xBufgOutput
+ --vhook_a ClkOut RadioClk1xLcl
+ RadioClk1xBuf: entity work.WrapBufg (rtl)
+ generic map (
+ kEnableByDefault => false, --boolean:=false
+ kIgnore => false, --boolean:=false
+ kEnableIsAsync => true) --boolean:=false
+ port map (
+ ClkIn => RadioClk1xPll, --in std_logic
+ aCe => bEnableRadioClk1xBufgOutput, --in std_logic
+ ClkOut => RadioClk1xLcl); --out std_logic
+ --vhook_e WrapBufg RadioClk2xBuf
+ --vhook_a kEnableByDefault false
+ --vhook_a kIgnore false
+ --vhook_a kEnableIsAsync true
+ --vhook_a ClkIn RadioClk2xPll
+ --vhook_a aCe bEnableRadioClk2xBufgOutput
+ --vhook_a ClkOut RadioClk2xLcl
+ RadioClk2xBuf: entity work.WrapBufg (rtl)
+ generic map (
+ kEnableByDefault => false, --boolean:=false
+ kIgnore => false, --boolean:=false
+ kEnableIsAsync => true) --boolean:=false
+ port map (
+ ClkIn => RadioClk2xPll, --in std_logic
+ aCe => bEnableRadioClk2xBufgOutput, --in std_logic
+ ClkOut => RadioClk2xLcl); --out std_logic
+ --vhook_e WrapBufg RadioClk3xBuf
+ --vhook_a kEnableByDefault false
+ --vhook_a kIgnore false
+ --vhook_a kEnableIsAsync true
+ --vhook_a ClkIn RadioClk3xPll
+ --vhook_a aCe bEnableRadioClk3xBufgOutput
+ --vhook_a ClkOut RadioClk3xLcl
+ RadioClk3xBuf: entity work.WrapBufg (rtl)
+ generic map (
+ kEnableByDefault => false, --boolean:=false
+ kIgnore => false, --boolean:=false
+ kEnableIsAsync => true) --boolean:=false
+ port map (
+ ClkIn => RadioClk3xPll, --in std_logic
+ aCe => bEnableRadioClk3xBufgOutput, --in std_logic
+ ClkOut => RadioClk3xLcl); --out std_logic
+ -- Assign outputs from locals.
+ RadioClk1x <= RadioClk1xLcl;
+ RadioClk2x <= RadioClk2xLcl;
+ RadioClk3x <= RadioClk3xLcl;
+end rtl;
diff --git a/fpga/usrp3/top/n3xx/dboards/rh/db_pins.xdc b/fpga/usrp3/top/n3xx/dboards/rh/db_pins.xdc
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..b67269cd9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fpga/usrp3/top/n3xx/dboards/rh/db_pins.xdc
@@ -0,0 +1,280 @@
+## TDC : ################################################################################
+## Bank 10, 2.5V (DB A)
+set_property PACKAGE_PIN AB15 [get_ports {UNUSED_PIN_TDCA_0}]
+set_property PACKAGE_PIN AB14 [get_ports {UNUSED_PIN_TDCA_1}]
+set_property PACKAGE_PIN AB16 [get_ports {UNUSED_PIN_TDCA_2}]
+set_property PACKAGE_PIN AB17 [get_ports {UNUSED_PIN_TDCA_3}]
+set_property IOSTANDARD LVCMOS25 [get_ports {UNUSED_PIN_TDCA_*}]
+set_property IOB TRUE [get_ports {UNUSED_PIN_TDCA_*}]
+## TDC : ################################################################################
+## Bank 11, 2.5V (DB B)
+set_property PACKAGE_PIN W21 [get_ports {UNUSED_PIN_TDCB_0}]
+set_property PACKAGE_PIN Y21 [get_ports {UNUSED_PIN_TDCB_1}]
+set_property PACKAGE_PIN Y22 [get_ports {UNUSED_PIN_TDCB_2}]
+set_property PACKAGE_PIN Y23 [get_ports {UNUSED_PIN_TDCB_3}]
+set_property IOSTANDARD LVCMOS25 [get_ports {UNUSED_PIN_TDCB_*}]
+set_property IOB TRUE [get_ports {UNUSED_PIN_TDCB_*}]
+## USRP IO A : ##########################################################################
+# DBA
+set_property PACKAGE_PIN G1 [get_ports DBA_MODULE_PWR_ENABLE]
+set_property PACKAGE_PIN E5 [get_ports DBA_RF_PWR_ENABLE]
+set_property PACKAGE_PIN AF14 [get_ports DBA_FPGA_CLK_P]
+set_property PACKAGE_PIN AG14 [get_ports DBA_FPGA_CLK_N]
+set_property PACKAGE_PIN N8 [get_ports DBA_MGTCLK_P]
+set_property PACKAGE_PIN N7 [get_ports DBA_MGTCLK_N]
+set_property PACKAGE_PIN AG17 [get_ports DBA_FPGA_SYSREF_P]
+set_property PACKAGE_PIN AG16 [get_ports DBA_FPGA_SYSREF_N]
+set_property IOB TRUE [get_ports DBA_FPGA_SYSREF_*]
+# set_property PACKAGE_PIN AD10 [get_ports NET2CLK_P]
+# set_property PACKAGE_PIN AD9 [get_ports NET2CLK_N]
+set_property PACKAGE_PIN C2 [get_ports DBA_CPLD_PL_SPI_SCLK]
+set_property PACKAGE_PIN B1 [get_ports DBA_TXLO_SPI_CS_B]; # DBA_CPLD_PL_SPI_LE
+set_property PACKAGE_PIN B2 [get_ports DBA_CPLD_PL_SPI_CS_B]; # DBA_CPLD_PL_SPI_ADDR[0]
+set_property PACKAGE_PIN F4 [get_ports DBA_RXLO_SPI_CS_B]; # DBA_CPLD_PL_SPI_ADDR[1]
+set_property PACKAGE_PIN F3 [get_ports DBA_LODIS_SPI_CS_B]; # DBA_CPLD_PL_SPI_ADDR[2]
+set_property PACKAGE_PIN C1 [get_ports DBA_CPLD_PL_SPI_MISO]
+set_property PACKAGE_PIN A3 [get_ports DBA_CPLD_PL_SPI_MOSI]
+set_property PACKAGE_PIN AC16 [get_ports DBA_CPLD_PS_SPI_SCLK]; # DBA_CPLD_PS_SPI_ADDR[0]
+set_property PACKAGE_PIN AE15 [get_ports DBA_CPLD_PS_SPI_CS_B]; # DBA_CPLD_PS_SPI_ADDR[1]
+set_property PACKAGE_PIN AE16 [get_ports DBA_PHDAC_SPI_CS_B]; # DBA_CPLD_PS_SPI_LE
+set_property PACKAGE_PIN AF17 [get_ports DBA_CLKDIS_SPI_CS_B]
+set_property PACKAGE_PIN AK16 [get_ports DBA_ADC_SPI_CS_B]; # DBA_CPLD_UNUSED[12]
+set_property PACKAGE_PIN AJ16 [get_ports DBA_DAC_SPI_CS_B]; # DBA_CPLD_UNUSED[13]
+set_property PACKAGE_PIN AC17 [get_ports DBA_CPLD_PS_SPI_MISO]
+set_property PACKAGE_PIN AF18 [get_ports DBA_CPLD_PS_SPI_MOSI]
+set_property PACKAGE_PIN AH13 [get_ports DBA_CPLD_JTAG_TDI]
+set_property PACKAGE_PIN AH14 [get_ports DBA_CPLD_JTAG_TDO]
+set_property PACKAGE_PIN AE13 [get_ports DBA_CPLD_JTAG_TMS]
+set_property PACKAGE_PIN AF13 [get_ports DBA_CPLD_JTAG_TCK]
+set_property PACKAGE_PIN E1 [get_ports DBA_CLKDIST_SYNC]
+set_property PACKAGE_PIN A2 [get_ports DBA_ATR_TX]
+set_property PACKAGE_PIN E3 [get_ports DBA_ATR_RX]
+set_property PACKAGE_PIN E2 [get_ports DBA_TXRX_SW_CTRL_1]
+set_property PACKAGE_PIN F5 [get_ports DBA_TXRX_SW_CTRL_2]
+set_property PACKAGE_PIN AE12 [get_ports DBA_ADC_SYNCB_P]
+set_property PACKAGE_PIN AF12 [get_ports DBA_ADC_SYNCB_N]
+set_property PACKAGE_PIN AD14 [get_ports DBA_DAC_SYNCB_P]; # Layout swapped, RTL is negated.
+set_property PACKAGE_PIN AD13 [get_ports DBA_DAC_SYNCB_N]; # Layout swapped, RTL is negated.
+# This mapping uses the TX pins as the "master" and mimics RX off of them so Vivado
+# places the transceivers in the correct places. The mixup in lanes is accounted for
+# in the AD9695 and the DAC37J82 crossbar settings.
+set_property PACKAGE_PIN V6 [get_ports DBA_RX_P[0]]
+set_property PACKAGE_PIN V5 [get_ports DBA_RX_N[0]]
+set_property PACKAGE_PIN U4 [get_ports DBA_RX_P[1]]
+set_property PACKAGE_PIN U3 [get_ports DBA_RX_N[1]]
+set_property PACKAGE_PIN T6 [get_ports DBA_RX_P[2]]
+set_property PACKAGE_PIN T5 [get_ports DBA_RX_N[2]]
+set_property PACKAGE_PIN P6 [get_ports DBA_RX_P[3]]
+set_property PACKAGE_PIN P5 [get_ports DBA_RX_N[3]]
+set_property PACKAGE_PIN T2 [get_ports DBA_TX_P[0]]
+set_property PACKAGE_PIN T1 [get_ports DBA_TX_N[0]]
+set_property PACKAGE_PIN R4 [get_ports DBA_TX_P[1]]
+set_property PACKAGE_PIN R3 [get_ports DBA_TX_N[1]]
+set_property PACKAGE_PIN P2 [get_ports DBA_TX_P[2]]
+set_property PACKAGE_PIN P1 [get_ports DBA_TX_N[2]]
+set_property PACKAGE_PIN N4 [get_ports DBA_TX_P[3]]
+set_property PACKAGE_PIN N3 [get_ports DBA_TX_N[3]]
+set_property PACKAGE_PIN AG12 [get_ports DBA_LED_RX]
+set_property PACKAGE_PIN AH12 [get_ports DBA_LED_RX2]
+set_property PACKAGE_PIN AJ13 [get_ports DBA_LED_TX]
+# Possibly need to be used. Connected to CPLD.
+# set_property PACKAGE_PIN C4 [get_ports DBA_CPLD_UNUSED[0]]
+# set_property PACKAGE_PIN C3 [get_ports DBA_CPLD_UNUSED[1]]
+# set_property PACKAGE_PIN K1 [get_ports DBA_CPLD_UNUSED[2]]
+# set_property PACKAGE_PIN L1 [get_ports DBA_CPLD_UNUSED[3]]
+# set_property PACKAGE_PIN D1 [get_ports DBA_CPLD_UNUSED[4]]
+# set_property PACKAGE_PIN AE17 [get_ports DBA_CPLD_UNUSED[5]]
+# set_property PACKAGE_PIN AE18 [get_ports DBA_CPLD_UNUSED[6]]
+# set_property PACKAGE_PIN AB12 [get_ports DBA_CPLD_UNUSED[7]]
+# set_property PACKAGE_PIN AC12 [get_ports DBA_CPLD_UNUSED[8]]
+# set_property PACKAGE_PIN AG17 [get_ports DBA_CPLD_UNUSED[9]]
+# set_property PACKAGE_PIN AK12 [get_ports DBA_CPLD_UNUSED[10]]
+# set_property PACKAGE_PIN AK13 [get_ports DBA_CPLD_UNUSED[11]]
+set UsrpIoAHpPinsSe [get_ports {DBA_MODULE_PWR_ENABLE \
+ DBA_ATR_*}]
+set_property IOSTANDARD LVCMOS18 $UsrpIoAHpPinsSe
+set_property DRIVE 6 $UsrpIoAHpPinsSe
+set_property SLEW SLOW $UsrpIoAHpPinsSe
+set UsrpIoAHrPinsSeDr4 [get_ports {DBA_LED_* \
+set_property IOSTANDARD LVCMOS25 $UsrpIoAHrPinsSeDr4
+set_property DRIVE 4 $UsrpIoAHrPinsSeDr4
+set_property SLEW SLOW $UsrpIoAHrPinsSeDr4
+set UsrpIoAHrPinsSeDr8 [get_ports {DBA_CPLD_PS_SPI_* \
+set_property IOSTANDARD LVCMOS25 $UsrpIoAHrPinsSeDr8
+set_property DRIVE 8 $UsrpIoAHrPinsSeDr8
+set_property SLEW SLOW $UsrpIoAHrPinsSeDr8
+set UsrpIoAHrPinsDiff [get_ports {DBA_ADC_SYNCB_* \
+set_property IOSTANDARD LVDS_25 $UsrpIoAHrPinsDiff
+set_property DIFF_TERM TRUE $UsrpIoAHrPinsDiff
+## USRP IO B : ##########################################################################
+# DBB
+set_property PACKAGE_PIN J4 [get_ports DBB_MODULE_PWR_ENABLE]
+set_property PACKAGE_PIN G4 [get_ports DBB_RF_PWR_ENABLE]
+set_property PACKAGE_PIN AG21 [get_ports DBB_FPGA_CLK_P]
+set_property PACKAGE_PIN AH21 [get_ports DBB_FPGA_CLK_N]
+set_property PACKAGE_PIN W8 [get_ports DBB_MGTCLK_P]
+set_property PACKAGE_PIN W7 [get_ports DBB_MGTCLK_N]
+set_property PACKAGE_PIN AE22 [get_ports DBB_FPGA_SYSREF_P]
+set_property PACKAGE_PIN AF22 [get_ports DBB_FPGA_SYSREF_N]
+set_property IOB TRUE [get_ports DBB_FPGA_SYSREF_*]
+set_property PACKAGE_PIN K6 [get_ports DBB_CPLD_PL_SPI_SCLK]
+set_property PACKAGE_PIN F2 [get_ports DBB_TXLO_SPI_CS_B]; # DBB_CPLD_PL_SPI_LE
+set_property PACKAGE_PIN G2 [get_ports DBB_CPLD_PL_SPI_CS_B]; # DBB_CPLD_PL_SPI_ADDR[0]
+set_property PACKAGE_PIN H4 [get_ports DBB_RXLO_SPI_CS_B]; # DBB_CPLD_PL_SPI_ADDR[1]
+set_property PACKAGE_PIN H3 [get_ports DBB_LODIS_SPI_CS_B]; # DBB_CPLD_PL_SPI_ADDR[2]
+set_property PACKAGE_PIN J6 [get_ports DBB_CPLD_PL_SPI_MISO]
+set_property PACKAGE_PIN D5 [get_ports DBB_CPLD_PL_SPI_MOSI]
+set_property PACKAGE_PIN AG22 [get_ports DBB_CPLD_PS_SPI_SCLK]
+set_property PACKAGE_PIN AD23 [get_ports DBB_CPLD_PS_SPI_CS_B]; # DBB_CPLD_PS_SPI_ADDR[0]
+set_property PACKAGE_PIN AE23 [get_ports DBB_PHDAC_SPI_CS_B]; # DBB_CPLD_PS_SPI_ADDR[1]
+set_property PACKAGE_PIN AB24 [get_ports DBB_CLKDIS_SPI_CS_B]; # DBB_CPLD_PS_SPI_LE
+set_property PACKAGE_PIN AJ23 [get_ports DBB_ADC_SPI_CS_B]; # DBB_CPLD_UNUSED[12]]
+set_property PACKAGE_PIN AJ24 [get_ports DBB_DAC_SPI_CS_B]; # DBB_CPLD_UNUSED[13]]
+set_property PACKAGE_PIN AH22 [get_ports DBB_CPLD_PS_SPI_MISO]
+set_property PACKAGE_PIN AA24 [get_ports DBB_CPLD_PS_SPI_MOSI]
+set_property PACKAGE_PIN AH19 [get_ports DBB_CPLD_JTAG_TDI]
+set_property PACKAGE_PIN AJ19 [get_ports DBB_CPLD_JTAG_TDO]
+set_property PACKAGE_PIN AB21 [get_ports DBB_CPLD_JTAG_TMS]
+set_property PACKAGE_PIN AB22 [get_ports DBB_CPLD_JTAG_TCK]
+set_property PACKAGE_PIN D3 [get_ports DBB_CLKDIST_SYNC]
+set_property PACKAGE_PIN E6 [get_ports DBB_ATR_TX]
+set_property PACKAGE_PIN J5 [get_ports DBB_ATR_RX]
+set_property PACKAGE_PIN K5 [get_ports DBB_TXRX_SW_CTRL_1]
+set_property PACKAGE_PIN G5 [get_ports DBB_TXRX_SW_CTRL_2]
+set_property PACKAGE_PIN AF23 [get_ports DBB_ADC_SYNCB_P]
+set_property PACKAGE_PIN AF24 [get_ports DBB_ADC_SYNCB_N]
+set_property PACKAGE_PIN AD21 [get_ports DBB_DAC_SYNCB_P]
+set_property PACKAGE_PIN AE21 [get_ports DBB_DAC_SYNCB_N]
+# This mapping uses the TX pins as the "master" and mimics RX off of them so Vivado
+# places the transceivers in the correct places. The mixup in lanes is accounted for
+# in the AD9695 and the DAC37J82 crossbar settings.
+set_property PACKAGE_PIN AC4 [get_ports DBB_RX_P[0]]
+set_property PACKAGE_PIN AC3 [get_ports DBB_RX_N[0]]
+set_property PACKAGE_PIN AB6 [get_ports DBB_RX_P[1]]
+set_property PACKAGE_PIN AB5 [get_ports DBB_RX_N[1]]
+set_property PACKAGE_PIN Y6 [get_ports DBB_RX_P[2]]
+set_property PACKAGE_PIN Y5 [get_ports DBB_RX_N[2]]
+set_property PACKAGE_PIN AA4 [get_ports DBB_RX_P[3]]
+set_property PACKAGE_PIN AA3 [get_ports DBB_RX_N[3]]
+set_property PACKAGE_PIN AB2 [get_ports DBB_TX_P[0]]
+set_property PACKAGE_PIN AB1 [get_ports DBB_TX_N[0]]
+set_property PACKAGE_PIN Y2 [get_ports DBB_TX_P[1]]
+set_property PACKAGE_PIN Y1 [get_ports DBB_TX_N[1]]
+set_property PACKAGE_PIN W4 [get_ports DBB_TX_P[2]]
+set_property PACKAGE_PIN W3 [get_ports DBB_TX_N[2]]
+set_property PACKAGE_PIN V2 [get_ports DBB_TX_P[3]]
+set_property PACKAGE_PIN V1 [get_ports DBB_TX_N[3]]
+set_property PACKAGE_PIN AK17 [get_ports DBB_LED_RX]
+set_property PACKAGE_PIN AK18 [get_ports DBB_LED_RX2]
+set_property PACKAGE_PIN AK21 [get_ports DBB_LED_TX]
+# Possibly need to be used. Connected to CPLD.
+# set_property PACKAGE_PIN G6 [get_ports DBB_CPLD_UNUSED[0]]
+# set_property PACKAGE_PIN H6 [get_ports DBB_CPLD_UNUSED[1]]
+# set_property PACKAGE_PIN L3 [get_ports DBB_CPLD_UNUSED[2]]
+# set_property PACKAGE_PIN L2 [get_ports DBB_CPLD_UNUSED[3]]
+# set_property PACKAGE_PIN D4 [get_ports DBB_CPLD_UNUSED[4]]
+# set_property PACKAGE_PIN AC22 [get_ports DBB_CPLD_UNUSED[5]]
+# set_property PACKAGE_PIN AC23 [get_ports DBB_CPLD_UNUSED[6]]
+# set_property PACKAGE_PIN AC24 [get_ports DBB_CPLD_UNUSED[7]]
+# set_property PACKAGE_PIN AD24 [get_ports DBB_CPLD_UNUSED[8]]
+# set_property PACKAGE_PIN AE22 [get_ports DBB_CPLD_UNUSED[9]]
+# set_property PACKAGE_PIN AK20 [get_ports DBB_CPLD_UNUSED[10]]
+# set_property PACKAGE_PIN AJ20 [get_ports DBB_CPLD_UNUSED[11]]
+set UsrpIoBHpPinsSe [get_ports {DBB_MODULE_PWR_ENABLE \
+ DBB_ATR_*}]
+set_property IOSTANDARD LVCMOS18 $UsrpIoBHpPinsSe
+set_property DRIVE 6 $UsrpIoBHpPinsSe
+set_property SLEW SLOW $UsrpIoBHpPinsSe
+set UsrpIoBHrPinsSeDr4 [get_ports {DBB_LED_* \
+set_property IOSTANDARD LVCMOS25 $UsrpIoBHrPinsSeDr4
+set_property DRIVE 4 $UsrpIoBHrPinsSeDr4
+set_property SLEW SLOW $UsrpIoBHrPinsSeDr4
+set UsrpIoBHrPinsSeDr8 [get_ports {DBB_CPLD_PS_SPI_* \
+set_property IOSTANDARD LVCMOS25 $UsrpIoBHrPinsSeDr8
+set_property DRIVE 8 $UsrpIoBHrPinsSeDr8
+set_property SLEW SLOW $UsrpIoBHrPinsSeDr8
+set UsrpIoBHrPinsDiff [get_ports {DBB_ADC_SYNCB_* \
+set_property IOSTANDARD LVDS_25 $UsrpIoBHrPinsDiff
+set_property DIFF_TERM TRUE $UsrpIoBHrPinsDiff
diff --git a/fpga/usrp3/top/n3xx/dboards/rh/db_timing.xdc b/fpga/usrp3/top/n3xx/dboards/rh/db_timing.xdc
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..cffbd839a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fpga/usrp3/top/n3xx/dboards/rh/db_timing.xdc
@@ -0,0 +1,264 @@
+# Copyright 2017 Ettus Research, A National Instruments Company
+# SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-3.0
+# Timing analysis is performed in "usrp3/top/n3xx/dboards/rh/doc/rh_timing.xlsx".
+# See this spreadsheet for more details and explanations.
+## Asynchronous clock groups
+# MGT reference clocks are also async to everything.
+set_clock_groups -asynchronous -group [get_clocks mgt_clk_dba -include_generated_clocks]
+set_clock_groups -asynchronous -group [get_clocks mgt_clk_dbb -include_generated_clocks]
+# fpga_clk_a and fpga_clk_b are related to one another after synchronization.
+# However, we do need to declare that these clocks (both a and b) and their children
+# are async to the remainder of the design. Use the wildcard at the end to grab the
+# virtual clock as well as the real ones.
+set_clock_groups -asynchronous -group [get_clocks {fpga_clk_a* fpga_clk_b*} -include_generated_clocks]
+# The SPI readback and write clocks cannot be active at the same time, as they
+# originate from the same pin.
+set_clock_groups -physically_exclusive \
+ -group [get_clocks pl_spi_rb_clk_a] \
+ -group [get_clocks pl_spi_clk_a]
+set_clock_groups -physically_exclusive \
+ -group [get_clocks pl_spi_rb_clk_b] \
+ -group [get_clocks pl_spi_clk_b]
+## PS SPI: since these lines all come from the PS and I don't have access to the
+# driving clock (or anything for that matter), I'm left with constraining the maximum
+# and minimum delay on these lines, per a Xilinx AR:
+# https://www.xilinx.com/support/answers/62122.html
+set CPLD_SPI_OUTS [get_ports {DB*_CPLD_PS_SPI_SCLK \
+# The actual min and max path delays before applying constraints were (from report_timing):
+# 3.332 ns (Min at Fast Process Corner)
+# 10.596 ns (Max at Slow Process Corner)
+# Therefore, we round those number to their immediate succesor respectively.
+# After implementation, the tools were unable to meet timing when leaving a 11 ns max
+# delay value, so it was incremented.
+set MIN_OUT_DELAY 3.0
+set MAX_OUT_DELAY 12.0
+set_max_delay $MAX_OUT_DELAY -to $CPLD_SPI_OUTS
+set_min_delay $MIN_OUT_DELAY -to $CPLD_SPI_OUTS
+# report_timing -to $CPLD_SPI_OUTS -max_paths 20 -delay_type min_max -name CpldSpiOutTiming
+# The actual min and max path delays before applying constraints were (from report_timing):
+# 2.733 ns (Min at Fast Process Corner)
+# 6.071 ns (Max at Slow Process Corner)
+# Therefore, we round those number to their immediate succesor respectively.
+set MIN_IN_DELAY 2.0
+set MAX_IN_DELAY 10.0
+set PS_SPI_INPUTS_0 [get_pins -hierarchical -filter {NAME =~ "*/PS7_i/EMIOSPI0MI"}]
+set PS_SPI_INPUTS_1 [get_pins -hierarchical -filter {NAME =~ "*/PS7_i/EMIOSPI1MI"}]
+set_max_delay $MAX_IN_DELAY -to $PS_SPI_INPUTS_0
+set_min_delay $MIN_IN_DELAY -to $PS_SPI_INPUTS_0
+set_max_delay $MAX_IN_DELAY -to $PS_SPI_INPUTS_1
+set_min_delay $MIN_IN_DELAY -to $PS_SPI_INPUTS_1
+# report_timing -to $PS_SPI_INPUTS_0 -max_paths 30 -delay_type min_max -nworst 30 -name Spi0InTiming
+# report_timing -to $PS_SPI_INPUTS_1 -max_paths 30 -delay_type min_max -nworst 30 -name Spi1InTiming
+## PL SPI to the CPLD
+# All of these lines are driven or received from flops in simple_spi_core. The CPLD
+# calculations assume the FPGA has less than 6 ns of skew between the SCK and
+# SDI/CS_n. Pretty easy constraint to write! See above for the clock definition.
+# Do this for DBA and DBB independently.
+set MAX_SKEW 6.0
+set SETUP_SKEW [expr {$MAX_SKEW / 2}]
+set HOLD_SKEW [expr {$MAX_SKEW / 2}]
+# Do not set the output delay constraint on the clock line!
+set PORT_LIST_A [get_ports {DBA_CPLD_PL_SPI_CS_B \
+set PORT_LIST_B [get_ports {DBB_CPLD_PL_SPI_CS_B \
+# Then add the output delay on each of the ports.
+set_output_delay -clock [get_clocks pl_spi_clk_a] -max -$SETUP_SKEW $PORT_LIST_A
+set_output_delay -add_delay -clock_fall -clock [get_clocks pl_spi_clk_a] -max -$SETUP_SKEW $PORT_LIST_A
+set_output_delay -clock [get_clocks pl_spi_clk_a] -min $HOLD_SKEW $PORT_LIST_A
+set_output_delay -add_delay -clock_fall -clock [get_clocks pl_spi_clk_a] -min $HOLD_SKEW $PORT_LIST_A
+set_output_delay -clock [get_clocks pl_spi_clk_b] -max -$SETUP_SKEW $PORT_LIST_B
+set_output_delay -add_delay -clock_fall -clock [get_clocks pl_spi_clk_b] -max -$SETUP_SKEW $PORT_LIST_B
+set_output_delay -clock [get_clocks pl_spi_clk_b] -min $HOLD_SKEW $PORT_LIST_B
+set_output_delay -add_delay -clock_fall -clock [get_clocks pl_spi_clk_b] -min $HOLD_SKEW $PORT_LIST_B
+# Finally, make both the setup and hold checks use the same launching and latching edges.
+set_multicycle_path -setup -from [get_clocks radio_clk] -to [get_clocks pl_spi_clk_a] -start 0
+set_multicycle_path -hold -from [get_clocks radio_clk] -to [get_clocks pl_spi_clk_a] -1
+set_multicycle_path -setup -from [get_clocks radio_clk] -to [get_clocks pl_spi_clk_b] -start 0
+set_multicycle_path -hold -from [get_clocks radio_clk] -to [get_clocks pl_spi_clk_b] -1
+# For SDO input timing (MISO), we need to look at the CPLD's constraints on turnaround
+# time plus any board propagation delay.
+# CPLD clk-to-q is 20 ns, then add 1.2 ns for board delay (once for clock, once for data)
+# For hold time, assume zero delay (likely overconstraining here, due to board delays)
+set_input_delay -clock [get_clocks pl_spi_rb_clk_a] -clock_fall -max 22.400 $MISO_INPUT_A
+set_input_delay -clock [get_clocks pl_spi_rb_clk_a] -clock_fall -min 0.000 $MISO_INPUT_A
+set_input_delay -clock [get_clocks pl_spi_rb_clk_b] -clock_fall -max 22.400 $MISO_INPUT_B
+set_input_delay -clock [get_clocks pl_spi_rb_clk_b] -clock_fall -min 0.000 $MISO_INPUT_B
+# Since the input delay span is clearly more than a period of the radio_clk, we need to
+# add a multicycle path here as well to define the clock divider ratio. The MISO data
+# is driven on the falling edge of the SPI clock and captured on the rising edge, so we
+# only have one half of a SPI clock cycle for our setup. Hold is left alone and is OK
+# as-is due to the delays in the CPLD and board.
+set_multicycle_path -setup -from [get_clocks pl_spi_rb_clk_a] -through $MISO_INPUT_A \
+set_multicycle_path -hold -from [get_clocks pl_spi_rb_clk_a] -through $MISO_INPUT_A -end \
+ [expr {$SETUP_CYCLES + $HOLD_CYCLES - 1}]
+set_multicycle_path -setup -from [get_clocks pl_spi_rb_clk_b] -through $MISO_INPUT_B \
+set_multicycle_path -hold -from [get_clocks pl_spi_rb_clk_b] -through $MISO_INPUT_B -end \
+ [expr {$SETUP_CYCLES + $HOLD_CYCLES - 1}]
+# SYNC is async, SYSREF is tightly timed.
+# The SYNC output (to ADC) for both DBs is governed by the JESD cores, which are solely
+# driven by DB-A clock... but it is an asynchronous signal so we use the async_out_clk.
+set_output_delay -clock [get_clocks async_out_clk] 0.000 [get_ports DB*_ADC_SYNCB_P]
+set_max_delay -to [get_ports DB*_ADC_SYNCB_P] 50.000
+set_min_delay -to [get_ports DB*_ADC_SYNCB_P] 0.000
+# The SYNC input (from DAC) for both DBs is received by the DB-A clock inside the JESD
+# cores... but again, it is asynchronous and therefore uses the async_in_clk.
+set_input_delay -clock [get_clocks async_in_clk] 0.000 [get_ports DB*_DAC_SYNCB_P]
+set_max_delay -from [get_ports DB*_DAC_SYNCB_P] 50.000
+set_min_delay -from [get_ports DB*_DAC_SYNCB_P] 0.000
+# SYSREF is driven by the LMK directly to the FPGA. Timing analysis was performed once
+# for the worst-case numbers across both DBs to produce one set of numbers for both DBs.
+# Since we easily meet setup and hold in Vivado, then this is an acceptable approach.
+# SYSREF is captured by the local clock from each DB, so we have two sets of constraints.
+set_input_delay -clock fpga_clk_a_v -min -0.479 [get_ports DBA_FPGA_SYSREF_*]
+set_input_delay -clock fpga_clk_a_v -max 0.661 [get_ports DBA_FPGA_SYSREF_*]
+set_input_delay -clock fpga_clk_b_v -min -0.479 [get_ports DBB_FPGA_SYSREF_*]
+set_input_delay -clock fpga_clk_b_v -max 0.661 [get_ports DBB_FPGA_SYSREF_*]
+## PPS Timing
+# Due to the N3xx synchronization and clocking structure, the PPS output is driven from
+# the Sample Clock domain instead of the input Reference Clock. Constrain the output as
+# tightly as possible to accurately mimic the internal Sample Clock timing.
+set SETUP_SKEW 2.0
+set HOLD_SKEW -0.5
+set_output_delay -clock [get_clocks fpga_clk_a_v] -max -$SETUP_SKEW [get_ports REF_1PPS_OUT]
+set_output_delay -clock [get_clocks fpga_clk_a_v] -min $HOLD_SKEW [get_ports REF_1PPS_OUT]
+set_multicycle_path -setup -to [get_ports REF_1PPS_OUT] -start 0
+set_multicycle_path -hold -to [get_ports REF_1PPS_OUT] -1
+### Async I/Os
+set DB_ASYNC_OUTPUTS [get_ports {
+ QSFP_I2C_*
+set_output_delay -clock [get_clocks async_out_clk] 0.000 $DB_ASYNC_OUTPUTS
+set_max_delay -to $DB_ASYNC_OUTPUTS 50.000
+set_min_delay -to $DB_ASYNC_OUTPUTS 0.000
+set_input_delay -clock [get_clocks async_in_clk] 0.000 [get_ports QSFP_I2C_*]
+set_max_delay -from [get_ports QSFP_I2C_*] 50.000
+set_min_delay -from [get_ports QSFP_I2C_*] 0.000
+## JTAG
+## MAX 10 JTAG TDI setup: 2 ns
+## MAX 10 JTAG TMS setup: 3 ns
+## MAX 10 JTAG hold: 10 ns
+## MAX 10 JTAG clk-to-q: 18 ns
+## Board delay: < 1.5 ns
+## Setup time = Board delay + TMS setup = 3 ns + 1.5 ns = 4.5 ns
+## Hold time = Board delay + TMS hold = 1.5 ns + 10 ns = 11.5 ns
+## Overconstrain output delay and keep skew to +/- 8 ns
+## Input delay = 2x Board delay + clk-to-q = 3 ns + 18 ns = 21 ns
+# Constrain outputs for skew, with same latch/launch edge:
+set_output_delay -clock [get_clocks dba_jtag_tck] -max -4.0 \
+set_output_delay -add_delay -clock_fall -clock [get_clocks dba_jtag_tck] -max -4.0 \
+set_output_delay -clock [get_clocks dba_jtag_tck] -min 4.0 \
+set_output_delay -add_delay -clock_fall -clock [get_clocks dba_jtag_tck] -min 4.0 \
+set_output_delay -clock [get_clocks dbb_jtag_tck] -max -4.0 \
+set_output_delay -add_delay -clock_fall -clock [get_clocks dbb_jtag_tck] -max -4.0 \
+set_output_delay -clock [get_clocks dbb_jtag_tck] -min 4.0 \
+set_output_delay -add_delay -clock_fall -clock [get_clocks dbb_jtag_tck] -min 4.0 \
+# Finally, make both the setup and hold checks use the same launching and latching edges.
+set_multicycle_path -setup -from [get_clocks clk40] -to [get_clocks dba_jtag_tck] -start 0
+set_multicycle_path -hold -from [get_clocks clk40] -to [get_clocks dba_jtag_tck] -1
+set_multicycle_path -setup -from [get_clocks clk40] -to [get_clocks dbb_jtag_tck] -start 0
+set_multicycle_path -hold -from [get_clocks clk40] -to [get_clocks dbb_jtag_tck] -1
+set_input_delay -clock [get_clocks dba_jtag_tck] -clock_fall -max 21 \
+ [get_ports DBA_CPLD_JTAG_TDO]
+set_input_delay -clock [get_clocks dba_jtag_tck] -clock_fall -min 0 \
+ [get_ports DBA_CPLD_JTAG_TDO]
+set_input_delay -clock [get_clocks dbb_jtag_tck] -clock_fall -max 21 \
+ [get_ports DBB_CPLD_JTAG_TDO]
+set_input_delay -clock [get_clocks dbb_jtag_tck] -clock_fall -min 0 \
+ [get_ports DBB_CPLD_JTAG_TDO]
+# Inputs have setup checks relative to half a period of TCK (launch on fall,
+# latch on rise). Actual latch clock is faster, so push back setup and hold
+# checks to match.
+set_multicycle_path -setup -from [get_clocks dba_jtag_tck] \
+ -through [get_ports DBA_CPLD_JTAG_TDO] \
+ [expr {$DB_JTAG_DIVISOR / 2}]
+set_multicycle_path -end -hold -from [get_clocks dba_jtag_tck] \
+ -through [get_ports DBA_CPLD_JTAG_TDO] \
+ [expr {$DB_JTAG_DIVISOR - 1}]
+set_multicycle_path -setup -from [get_clocks dbb_jtag_tck] \
+ -through [get_ports DBB_CPLD_JTAG_TDO] \
+ [expr {$DB_JTAG_DIVISOR / 2}]
+set_multicycle_path -end -hold -from [get_clocks dbb_jtag_tck] \
+ -through [get_ports DBB_CPLD_JTAG_TDO] \
+ [expr {$DB_JTAG_DIVISOR - 1}]
diff --git a/fpga/usrp3/top/n3xx/dboards/rh/doc/rh_timing.xlsx b/fpga/usrp3/top/n3xx/dboards/rh/doc/rh_timing.xlsx
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..7782ee33c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fpga/usrp3/top/n3xx/dboards/rh/doc/rh_timing.xlsx
Binary files differ
diff --git a/fpga/usrp3/top/n3xx/dboards/rh/n3xx.v b/fpga/usrp3/top/n3xx/dboards/rh/n3xx.v
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..e697f00d4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fpga/usrp3/top/n3xx/dboards/rh/n3xx.v
@@ -0,0 +1,3855 @@
+// Copyright 2018-2019 Ettus Research, A National Instruments Brand
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-3.0-or-later
+// Module: n3xx
+// Description:
+// Top Level for N320, N321 devices
+module n3xx (
+ inout [11:0] FPGA_GPIO,
+ input FPGA_REFCLK_P,
+ input FPGA_REFCLK_N,
+ input REF_1PPS_IN,
+ input NETCLK_REF_P,
+ input NETCLK_REF_N,
+ //input REF_1PPS_IN_MGMT,
+ output REF_1PPS_OUT,
+ //TDC
+ inout UNUSED_PIN_TDCA_0,
+ inout UNUSED_PIN_TDCA_1,
+ inout UNUSED_PIN_TDCA_2,
+ inout UNUSED_PIN_TDCA_3,
+ inout UNUSED_PIN_TDCB_0,
+ inout UNUSED_PIN_TDCB_1,
+ inout UNUSED_PIN_TDCB_2,
+ inout UNUSED_PIN_TDCB_3,
+`ifdef NPIO_LANES
+ input NPIO_RX0_P,
+ input NPIO_RX0_N,
+ output NPIO_TX0_P,
+ output NPIO_TX0_N,
+ input NPIO_RX1_P,
+ input NPIO_RX1_N,
+ output NPIO_TX1_P,
+ output NPIO_TX1_N,
+`ifdef QSFP_LANES
+ input [`QSFP_LANES-1:0] QSFP_RX_P,
+ input [`QSFP_LANES-1:0] QSFP_RX_N,
+ output [`QSFP_LANES-1:0] QSFP_TX_P,
+ output [`QSFP_LANES-1:0] QSFP_TX_N,
+ output QSFP_RESET_B,
+ output QSFP_LED,
+ output QSFP_MODSEL_B,
+ output QSFP_LPMODE,
+ input QSFP_INT_B,
+ inout QSFP_I2C_SCL,
+ inout QSFP_I2C_SDA,
+ //TODO: Uncomment when connected here
+ //input NPIO_0_RXSYNC_0_P, NPIO_0_RXSYNC_1_P,
+ //input NPIO_0_RXSYNC_0_N, NPIO_0_RXSYNC_1_N,
+ //output NPIO_0_TXSYNC_0_P, NPIO_0_TXSYNC_1_P,
+ //output NPIO_0_TXSYNC_0_N, NPIO_0_TXSYNC_1_N,
+ //input NPIO_1_RXSYNC_0_P, NPIO_1_RXSYNC_1_P,
+ //input NPIO_1_RXSYNC_0_N, NPIO_1_RXSYNC_1_N,
+ //output NPIO_1_TXSYNC_0_P, NPIO_1_TXSYNC_1_P,
+ //output NPIO_1_TXSYNC_0_N, NPIO_1_TXSYNC_1_N,
+ //input NPIO_2_RXSYNC_0_P, NPIO_2_RXSYNC_1_P,
+ //input NPIO_2_RXSYNC_0_N, NPIO_2_RXSYNC_1_N,
+ //output NPIO_2_TXSYNC_0_P, NPIO_2_TXSYNC_1_P,
+ //output NPIO_2_TXSYNC_0_N, NPIO_2_TXSYNC_1_N,
+ //GPS
+ input GPS_1PPS,
+ //input GPS_1PPS_RAW,
+ //Misc
+ input ENET0_CLK125,
+ //inout ENET0_PTP,
+ //output ENET0_PTP_DIR,
+ //inout ATSHA204_SDA,
+ input FPGA_PL_RESETN, // TODO: Add to reset logic
+ // output reg [1:0] FPGA_TEST,
+ //input PWR_CLK_FPGA, // TODO: check direction
+ input FPGA_PUDC_B,
+ //White Rabbit
+ input WB_20MHZ_P,
+ input WB_20MHZ_N,
+ output WB_DAC_DIN,
+ output WB_DAC_NCLR,
+ output WB_DAC_NLDAC,
+ output WB_DAC_NSYNC,
+ output WB_DAC_SCLK,
+ //LEDS
+ output PANEL_LED_GPS,
+ output PANEL_LED_LINK,
+ output PANEL_LED_PPS,
+ output PANEL_LED_REF,
+ // ARM Connections (PS)
+ inout [53:0] MIO,
+ inout PS_SRSTB,
+ inout PS_CLK,
+ inout PS_PORB,
+ inout DDR_Clk,
+ inout DDR_Clk_n,
+ inout DDR_CKE,
+ inout DDR_CS_n,
+ inout DDR_RAS_n,
+ inout DDR_CAS_n,
+ inout DDR_WEB,
+ inout [2:0] DDR_BankAddr,
+ inout [14:0] DDR_Addr,
+ inout DDR_ODT,
+ inout DDR_DRSTB,
+ inout [31:0] DDR_DQ,
+ inout [3:0] DDR_DM,
+ inout [3:0] DDR_DQS,
+ inout [3:0] DDR_DQS_n,
+ inout DDR_VRP,
+ inout DDR_VRN,
+ ///////////////////////////////////
+ //
+ // High Speed SPF+ signals and clocking
+ //
+ ///////////////////////////////////
+ // These clock inputs must always be enabled with a buffer regardless of the build
+ // target to avoid damage to the FPGA.
+ input NETCLK_P,
+ input NETCLK_N,
+ input MGT156MHZ_CLK1_P,
+ input MGT156MHZ_CLK1_N,
+ input SFP_0_RX_P, input SFP_0_RX_N,
+ output SFP_0_TX_P, output SFP_0_TX_N,
+ input SFP_1_RX_P, input SFP_1_RX_N,
+ output SFP_1_TX_P, output SFP_1_TX_N,
+ ///////////////////////////////////
+ //
+ // DRAM Interface
+ //
+ ///////////////////////////////////
+ inout [31:0] ddr3_dq, // Data pins. Input for Reads, Output for Writes.
+ inout [3:0] ddr3_dqs_n, // Data Strobes. Input for Reads, Output for Writes.
+ inout [3:0] ddr3_dqs_p,
+ //
+ output [15:0] ddr3_addr, // Address
+ output [2:0] ddr3_ba, // Bank Address
+ output ddr3_ras_n, // Row Address Strobe.
+ output ddr3_cas_n, // Column address select
+ output ddr3_we_n, // Write Enable
+ output ddr3_reset_n, // SDRAM reset pin.
+ output [0:0] ddr3_ck_p, // Differential clock
+ output [0:0] ddr3_ck_n,
+ output [0:0] ddr3_cke, // Clock Enable
+ output [0:0] ddr3_cs_n, // Chip Select
+ output [3:0] ddr3_dm, // Data Mask [3] = UDM.U26, [2] = LDM.U26, ...
+ output [0:0] ddr3_odt, // On-Die termination enable.
+ //
+ input sys_clk_p, // Differential
+ input sys_clk_n, // 100MHz clock source to generate DDR3 clocking.
+ ///////////////////////////////////
+ //
+ // Supporting I/O for SPF+ interfaces
+ // (non high speed stuff)
+ //
+ ///////////////////////////////////
+ //SFP+ 0, Slow Speed, Bank 13 3.3V
+ input SFP_0_I2C_NPRESENT,
+ output SFP_0_LED_A,
+ output SFP_0_LED_B,
+ input SFP_0_LOS,
+ output SFP_0_RS0,
+ output SFP_0_RS1,
+ output SFP_0_TXDISABLE,
+ input SFP_0_TXFAULT,
+ //SFP+ 1, Slow Speed, Bank 13 3.3V
+ //input SFP_1_I2C_NPRESENT,
+ output SFP_1_LED_A,
+ output SFP_1_LED_B,
+ input SFP_1_LOS,
+ output SFP_1_RS0,
+ output SFP_1_RS1,
+ output SFP_1_TXDISABLE,
+ input SFP_1_TXFAULT,
+ output DBA_CPLD_PS_SPI_CS_B,
+ output DBA_PHDAC_SPI_CS_B,
+ output DBA_ATR_RX,
+ output DBA_ATR_TX,
+ output DBA_TXRX_SW_CTRL_1,
+ output DBA_TXRX_SW_CTRL_2,
+ output DBA_ADC_SPI_CS_B,
+ output DBA_DAC_SPI_CS_B,
+ output DBA_TXLO_SPI_CS_B,
+ output DBA_RXLO_SPI_CS_B,
+ output DBA_LODIS_SPI_CS_B,
+ output DBA_CPLD_PL_SPI_CS_B,
+ output DBA_ADC_SYNCB_P,
+ output DBA_ADC_SYNCB_N,
+ input DBA_DAC_SYNCB_P,
+ input DBA_DAC_SYNCB_N,
+ input DBA_FPGA_CLK_P,
+ input DBA_FPGA_CLK_N,
+ input DBA_MGTCLK_P,
+ input DBA_MGTCLK_N,
+ input [3:0] DBA_RX_P,
+ input [3:0] DBA_RX_N,
+ output [3:0] DBA_TX_P,
+ output [3:0] DBA_TX_N,
+ output DBA_LED_RX,
+ output DBA_LED_RX2,
+ output DBA_LED_TX,
+ output DBB_CPLD_PS_SPI_CS_B,
+ output DBB_PHDAC_SPI_CS_B,
+ output DBB_ATR_RX,
+ output DBB_ATR_TX,
+ output DBB_TXRX_SW_CTRL_1,
+ output DBB_TXRX_SW_CTRL_2,
+ output DBB_ADC_SPI_CS_B,
+ output DBB_DAC_SPI_CS_B,
+ output DBB_TXLO_SPI_CS_B,
+ output DBB_RXLO_SPI_CS_B,
+ output DBB_LODIS_SPI_CS_B,
+ output DBB_CPLD_PL_SPI_CS_B,
+ output DBB_ADC_SYNCB_P,
+ output DBB_ADC_SYNCB_N,
+ input DBB_DAC_SYNCB_P,
+ input DBB_DAC_SYNCB_N,
+ input DBB_FPGA_CLK_P,
+ input DBB_FPGA_CLK_N,
+ input DBB_MGTCLK_P,
+ input DBB_MGTCLK_N,
+ input [3:0] DBB_RX_P,
+ input [3:0] DBB_RX_N,
+ output [3:0] DBB_TX_P,
+ output [3:0] DBB_TX_N,
+ output DBB_LED_RX,
+ output DBB_LED_RX2,
+ output DBB_LED_TX
+ localparam N_AXILITE_SLAVES = 4;
+ localparam REG_AWIDTH = 14; // log2(0x4000)
+ localparam QSFP_REG_AWIDTH = 17; // log2(0x20000)
+ localparam REG_DWIDTH = 32;
+ localparam FP_GPIO_OFFSET = 32;
+ localparam FP_GPIO_WIDTH = 12;
+ localparam NUM_RADIOS = 2;
+ localparam NUM_CHANNELS_PER_RADIO = 1;
+ localparam NUM_DBOARDS = 2;
+ localparam CHANNEL_WIDTH = 32;
+ // Internal connections to PS
+ // HP0 -- High Performance port 0, FPGA is the master
+ wire [5:0] S_AXI_HP0_AWID;
+ wire [31:0] S_AXI_HP0_AWADDR;
+ wire [2:0] S_AXI_HP0_AWPROT;
+ wire [63:0] S_AXI_HP0_WDATA;
+ wire [7:0] S_AXI_HP0_WSTRB;
+ wire S_AXI_HP0_WVALID;
+ wire S_AXI_HP0_WREADY;
+ wire [1:0] S_AXI_HP0_BRESP;
+ wire S_AXI_HP0_BVALID;
+ wire S_AXI_HP0_BREADY;
+ wire [5:0] S_AXI_HP0_ARID;
+ wire [31:0] S_AXI_HP0_ARADDR;
+ wire [2:0] S_AXI_HP0_ARPROT;
+ wire [63:0] S_AXI_HP0_RDATA;
+ wire [1:0] S_AXI_HP0_RRESP;
+ wire S_AXI_HP0_RVALID;
+ wire S_AXI_HP0_RREADY;
+ wire S_AXI_HP0_RLAST;
+ wire [3:0] S_AXI_HP0_ARCACHE;
+ wire [7:0] S_AXI_HP0_AWLEN;
+ wire [2:0] S_AXI_HP0_AWSIZE;
+ wire [1:0] S_AXI_HP0_AWBURST;
+ wire [3:0] S_AXI_HP0_AWCACHE;
+ wire S_AXI_HP0_WLAST;
+ wire [7:0] S_AXI_HP0_ARLEN;
+ wire [1:0] S_AXI_HP0_ARBURST;
+ wire [2:0] S_AXI_HP0_ARSIZE;
+ // GP0 -- General Purpose port 0, FPGA is the master
+ wire [4:0] S_AXI_GP0_AWID;
+ wire [31:0] S_AXI_GP0_AWADDR;
+ wire [2:0] S_AXI_GP0_AWPROT;
+ wire [31:0] S_AXI_GP0_WDATA;
+ wire [3:0] S_AXI_GP0_WSTRB;
+ wire S_AXI_GP0_WVALID;
+ wire S_AXI_GP0_WREADY;
+ wire [1:0] S_AXI_GP0_BRESP;
+ wire S_AXI_GP0_BVALID;
+ wire S_AXI_GP0_BREADY;
+ wire [4:0] S_AXI_GP0_ARID;
+ wire [31:0] S_AXI_GP0_ARADDR;
+ wire [2:0] S_AXI_GP0_ARPROT;
+ wire [31:0] S_AXI_GP0_RDATA;
+ wire [1:0] S_AXI_GP0_RRESP;
+ wire S_AXI_GP0_RVALID;
+ wire S_AXI_GP0_RREADY;
+ wire S_AXI_GP0_RLAST;
+ wire [3:0] S_AXI_GP0_ARCACHE;
+ wire [7:0] S_AXI_GP0_AWLEN;
+ wire [2:0] S_AXI_GP0_AWSIZE;
+ wire [1:0] S_AXI_GP0_AWBURST;
+ wire [3:0] S_AXI_GP0_AWCACHE;
+ wire S_AXI_GP0_WLAST;
+ wire [7:0] S_AXI_GP0_ARLEN;
+ wire [1:0] S_AXI_GP0_ARBURST;
+ wire [2:0] S_AXI_GP0_ARSIZE;
+ // HP1 -- High Performance port 1, FPGA is the master
+ wire [5:0] S_AXI_HP1_AWID;
+ wire [31:0] S_AXI_HP1_AWADDR;
+ wire [2:0] S_AXI_HP1_AWPROT;
+ wire [63:0] S_AXI_HP1_WDATA;
+ wire [7:0] S_AXI_HP1_WSTRB;
+ wire S_AXI_HP1_WVALID;
+ wire S_AXI_HP1_WREADY;
+ wire [1:0] S_AXI_HP1_BRESP;
+ wire S_AXI_HP1_BVALID;
+ wire S_AXI_HP1_BREADY;
+ wire [5:0] S_AXI_HP1_ARID;
+ wire [31:0] S_AXI_HP1_ARADDR;
+ wire [2:0] S_AXI_HP1_ARPROT;
+ wire [63:0] S_AXI_HP1_RDATA;
+ wire [1:0] S_AXI_HP1_RRESP;
+ wire S_AXI_HP1_RVALID;
+ wire S_AXI_HP1_RREADY;
+ wire S_AXI_HP1_RLAST;
+ wire [3:0] S_AXI_HP1_ARCACHE;
+ wire [7:0] S_AXI_HP1_AWLEN;
+ wire [2:0] S_AXI_HP1_AWSIZE;
+ wire [1:0] S_AXI_HP1_AWBURST;
+ wire [3:0] S_AXI_HP1_AWCACHE;
+ wire S_AXI_HP1_WLAST;
+ wire [7:0] S_AXI_HP1_ARLEN;
+ wire [1:0] S_AXI_HP1_ARBURST;
+ wire [2:0] S_AXI_HP1_ARSIZE;
+ // GP1 -- General Purpose port 1, FPGA is the master
+ wire [4:0] S_AXI_GP1_AWID;
+ wire [31:0] S_AXI_GP1_AWADDR;
+ wire [2:0] S_AXI_GP1_AWPROT;
+ wire [31:0] S_AXI_GP1_WDATA;
+ wire [3:0] S_AXI_GP1_WSTRB;
+ wire S_AXI_GP1_WVALID;
+ wire S_AXI_GP1_WREADY;
+ wire [1:0] S_AXI_GP1_BRESP;
+ wire S_AXI_GP1_BVALID;
+ wire S_AXI_GP1_BREADY;
+ wire [4:0] S_AXI_GP1_ARID;
+ wire [31:0] S_AXI_GP1_ARADDR;
+ wire [2:0] S_AXI_GP1_ARPROT;
+ wire [31:0] S_AXI_GP1_RDATA;
+ wire [1:0] S_AXI_GP1_RRESP;
+ wire S_AXI_GP1_RVALID;
+ wire S_AXI_GP1_RREADY;
+ wire S_AXI_GP1_RLAST;
+ wire [3:0] S_AXI_GP1_ARCACHE;
+ wire [7:0] S_AXI_GP1_AWLEN;
+ wire [2:0] S_AXI_GP1_AWSIZE;
+ wire [1:0] S_AXI_GP1_AWBURST;
+ wire [3:0] S_AXI_GP1_AWCACHE;
+ wire S_AXI_GP1_WLAST;
+ wire [7:0] S_AXI_GP1_ARLEN;
+ wire [1:0] S_AXI_GP1_ARBURST;
+ wire [2:0] S_AXI_GP1_ARSIZE;
+ // GP0 -- General Purpose port 0, FPGA is the slave
+ wire M_AXI_GP0_BREADY;
+ wire M_AXI_GP0_RREADY;
+ wire M_AXI_GP0_WVALID;
+ wire [11:0] M_AXI_GP0_ARID;
+ wire [11:0] M_AXI_GP0_AWID;
+ wire [11:0] M_AXI_GP0_WID;
+ wire [31:0] M_AXI_GP0_ARADDR;
+ wire [31:0] M_AXI_GP0_AWADDR;
+ wire [31:0] M_AXI_GP0_WDATA;
+ wire [3:0] M_AXI_GP0_WSTRB;
+ wire M_AXI_GP0_BVALID;
+ wire M_AXI_GP0_RLAST;
+ wire M_AXI_GP0_RVALID;
+ wire M_AXI_GP0_WREADY;
+ wire [1:0] M_AXI_GP0_BRESP;
+ wire [1:0] M_AXI_GP0_RRESP;
+ wire [31:0] M_AXI_GP0_RDATA;
+ wire [11:0] M_AXI_ETH_DMA0_ARID;
+ wire [11:0] M_AXI_ETH_DMA0_AWID;
+ wire [11:0] M_AXI_ETH_DMA0_WID;
+ wire [31:0] M_AXI_ETH_DMA0_ARADDR;
+ wire [31:0] M_AXI_ETH_DMA0_AWADDR;
+ wire [31:0] M_AXI_ETH_DMA0_WDATA;
+ wire [3:0] M_AXI_ETH_DMA0_WSTRB;
+ wire [1:0] M_AXI_ETH_DMA0_BRESP;
+ wire [1:0] M_AXI_ETH_DMA0_RRESP;
+ wire [31:0] M_AXI_ETH_DMA0_RDATA;
+ wire [11:0] M_AXI_NET0_ARID;
+ wire [11:0] M_AXI_NET0_AWID;
+ wire [11:0] M_AXI_NET0_WID;
+ wire [31:0] M_AXI_NET0_ARADDR;
+ wire [31:0] M_AXI_NET0_AWADDR;
+ wire [31:0] M_AXI_NET0_WDATA;
+ wire [3:0] M_AXI_NET0_WSTRB;
+ wire M_AXI_NET0_RLAST;
+ wire [1:0] M_AXI_NET0_BRESP;
+ wire [1:0] M_AXI_NET0_RRESP;
+ wire [31:0] M_AXI_NET0_RDATA;
+ wire [11:0] M_AXI_ETH_DMA1_ARID;
+ wire [11:0] M_AXI_ETH_DMA1_AWID;
+ wire [11:0] M_AXI_ETH_DMA1_WID;
+ wire [31:0] M_AXI_ETH_DMA1_ARADDR;
+ wire [31:0] M_AXI_ETH_DMA1_AWADDR;
+ wire [31:0] M_AXI_ETH_DMA1_WDATA;
+ wire [3:0] M_AXI_ETH_DMA1_WSTRB;
+ wire [1:0] M_AXI_ETH_DMA1_BRESP;
+ wire [1:0] M_AXI_ETH_DMA1_RRESP;
+ wire [31:0] M_AXI_ETH_DMA1_RDATA;
+ wire [11:0] M_AXI_NET1_ARID;
+ wire [11:0] M_AXI_NET1_AWID;
+ wire [11:0] M_AXI_NET1_WID;
+ wire [31:0] M_AXI_NET1_ARADDR;
+ wire [31:0] M_AXI_NET1_AWADDR;
+ wire [31:0] M_AXI_NET1_WDATA;
+ wire [3:0] M_AXI_NET1_WSTRB;
+ wire M_AXI_NET1_RLAST;
+ wire [1:0] M_AXI_NET1_BRESP;
+ wire [1:0] M_AXI_NET1_RRESP;
+ wire [31:0] M_AXI_NET1_RDATA;
+ wire [11:0] M_AXI_NET2_ARID;
+ wire [11:0] M_AXI_NET2_AWID;
+ wire [11:0] M_AXI_NET2_WID;
+ wire [31:0] M_AXI_NET2_ARADDR;
+ wire [31:0] M_AXI_NET2_AWADDR;
+ wire [31:0] M_AXI_NET2_WDATA;
+ wire [3:0] M_AXI_NET2_WSTRB;
+ wire M_AXI_NET2_RLAST;
+ wire [1:0] M_AXI_NET2_BRESP;
+ wire [1:0] M_AXI_NET2_RRESP;
+ wire [31:0] M_AXI_NET2_RDATA;
+ wire [11:0] M_AXI_XBAR_ARID;
+ wire [11:0] M_AXI_XBAR_AWID;
+ wire [11:0] M_AXI_XBAR_WID;
+ wire [31:0] M_AXI_XBAR_ARADDR;
+ wire [31:0] M_AXI_XBAR_AWADDR;
+ wire [31:0] M_AXI_XBAR_WDATA;
+ wire [3:0] M_AXI_XBAR_WSTRB;
+ wire [1:0] M_AXI_XBAR_BRESP;
+ wire [1:0] M_AXI_XBAR_RRESP;
+ wire [31:0] M_AXI_XBAR_RDATA;
+ wire [11:0] M_AXI_JESD0_ARID;
+ wire [11:0] M_AXI_JESD0_AWID;
+ wire [11:0] M_AXI_JESD0_WID;
+ wire [31:0] M_AXI_JESD0_ARADDR;
+ wire [31:0] M_AXI_JESD0_AWADDR;
+ wire [31:0] M_AXI_JESD0_WDATA;
+ wire [3:0] M_AXI_JESD0_WSTRB;
+ wire [1:0] M_AXI_JESD0_BRESP;
+ wire [1:0] M_AXI_JESD0_RRESP;
+ wire [31:0] M_AXI_JESD0_RDATA;
+ wire [11:0] M_AXI_JESD1_ARID;
+ wire [11:0] M_AXI_JESD1_AWID;
+ wire [11:0] M_AXI_JESD1_WID;
+ wire [31:0] M_AXI_JESD1_ARADDR;
+ wire [31:0] M_AXI_JESD1_AWADDR;
+ wire [31:0] M_AXI_JESD1_WDATA;
+ wire [3:0] M_AXI_JESD1_WSTRB;
+ wire [1:0] M_AXI_JESD1_BRESP;
+ wire [1:0] M_AXI_JESD1_RRESP;
+ wire [31:0] M_AXI_JESD1_RDATA;
+ // White Rabbit
+ wire wr_uart_txd;
+ wire wr_uart_rxd;
+ wire pps_wr_refclk;
+ wire wr_ref_clk;
+ // AXI bus from PS to WR Core
+ wire m_axi_wr_clk;
+ wire [31:0] m_axi_wr_araddr;
+ wire [0:0] m_axi_wr_arready;
+ wire [0:0] m_axi_wr_arvalid;
+ wire [31:0] m_axi_wr_awaddr;
+ wire [0:0] m_axi_wr_awready;
+ wire [0:0] m_axi_wr_awvalid;
+ wire [0:0] m_axi_wr_bready;
+ wire [1:0] m_axi_wr_bresp;
+ wire [0:0] m_axi_wr_bvalid;
+ wire [31:0] m_axi_wr_rdata;
+ wire [0:0] m_axi_wr_rready;
+ wire [1:0] m_axi_wr_rresp;
+ wire [0:0] m_axi_wr_rvalid;
+ wire [31:0] m_axi_wr_wdata;
+ wire [0:0] m_axi_wr_wready;
+ wire [3:0] m_axi_wr_wstrb;
+ wire [0:0] m_axi_wr_wvalid;
+ wire [63:0] ps_gpio_out;
+ wire [63:0] ps_gpio_in;
+ wire [63:0] ps_gpio_tri;
+ wire [15:0] IRQ_F2P;
+ wire FCLK_CLK0;
+ wire FCLK_CLK1;
+ wire FCLK_CLK2;
+ wire FCLK_CLK3;
+ wire clk100;
+ wire clk40;
+ wire meas_clk_ref;
+ wire bus_clk;
+ wire gige_refclk;
+ wire gige_refclk_bufg;
+ wire xgige_refclk;
+ wire xgige_clk156;
+ wire xgige_dclk;
+ wire global_rst;
+ wire radio_rst;
+ wire bus_rst;
+ wire FCLK_RESET0_N;
+ wire clk40_rst;
+ wire clk40_rstn;
+ wire [1:0] USB0_PORT_INDCTL;
+ wire ref_clk;
+ wire wr_refclk_buf;
+ wire netclk_buf;
+ wire meas_clk;
+ wire ddr3_dma_clk;
+ wire meas_clk_reset;
+ wire meas_clk_locked;
+ wire enable_ref_clk_async;
+ wire pps_radioclk1x_iob;
+ wire pps_radioclk1x;
+ wire [3:0] pps_select;
+ wire pps_out_enb;
+ wire [1:0] pps_select_sfp;
+ wire pps_refclk;
+ wire export_pps_radioclk;
+ wire radio_clk;
+ wire radio_clkB;
+ wire radio_clk_2x;
+ wire radio_clk_2xB;
+ wire qsfp_sda_i;
+ wire qsfp_sda_o;
+ wire qsfp_sda_t;
+ wire qsfp_scl_i;
+ wire qsfp_scl_o;
+ wire qsfp_scl_t;
+ /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ //
+ // Resets
+ //
+ //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ // Global synchronous reset, on the bus_clk domain. De-asserts after 85
+ // bus_clk cycles. Asserted by default.
+ por_gen por_gen(.clk(bus_clk), .reset_out(global_rst));
+ // Synchronous reset for the radio_clk domain, based on the global_rst.
+ reset_sync radio_reset_gen (
+ .clk(radio_clk),
+ .reset_in(global_rst),
+ .reset_out(radio_rst)
+ );
+ // Synchronous reset for the bus_clk domain, based on the global_rst.
+ reset_sync bus_reset_gen (
+ .clk(bus_clk),
+ .reset_in(global_rst),
+ .reset_out(bus_rst)
+ );
+ // PS-based Resets //
+ //
+ // Synchronous reset for the clk40 domain. This is derived from the PS reset 0.
+ reset_sync clk40_reset_gen (
+ .clk(clk40),
+ .reset_in(~FCLK_RESET0_N),
+ .reset_out(clk40_rst)
+ );
+ // Invert for various modules.
+ assign clk40_rstn = ~clk40_rst;
+ /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ //
+ // Timing
+ //
+ //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ // Clocks from the PS
+ //
+ // These clocks appear to have BUFGs already instantiated by the ip generator.
+ // Simply rename them here for clarity.
+ // FCLK_CLK0 : 100 MHz
+ // FCLK_CLK1 : 40 MHz
+ // FCLK_CLK2 : 166.6667 MHz
+ // FCLK_CLK3 : 200 MHz
+ assign clk100 = FCLK_CLK0;
+ assign clk40 = FCLK_CLK1;
+ assign meas_clk_ref = FCLK_CLK2;
+ assign bus_clk = FCLK_CLK3;
+ //If bus_clk freq ever changes, update this paramter accordingly.
+ localparam BUS_CLK_RATE = 32'd200000000; //200 MHz bus_clk rate.
+ n3xx_clocking n3xx_clocking_i (
+ .enable_ref_clk_async(enable_ref_clk_async),
+ .ref_clk(ref_clk),
+ .WB_20MHz_P(WB_20MHZ_P),
+ .WB_20MHz_N(WB_20MHZ_N),
+ .wr_refclk_buf(wr_refclk_buf),
+ .netclk_buf(netclk_buf),
+ .gige_refclk_buf(gige_refclk),
+ .xgige_refclk_buf(xgige_refclk),
+ .misc_clks_ref(meas_clk_ref),
+ .meas_clk(meas_clk),
+ .ddr3_dma_clk(ddr3_dma_clk),
+ .misc_clks_reset(meas_clk_reset),
+ .misc_clks_locked(meas_clk_locked),
+ .ext_pps_from_pin(REF_1PPS_IN),
+ .gps_pps_from_pin(GPS_1PPS),
+ .pps_select(pps_select),
+ .pps_refclk(pps_refclk)
+ );
+ // Drive the rear panel connector with another controllable copy of the post-TDC PPS
+ // that SW can enable/disable. The user is free to hack this to be whatever
+ // they desire. Flop the PPS signal one more time in order that it can be packed into
+ // an IOB. This extra flop stage matches the additional flop inside DbCore to allow
+ // pps_radioclk1x and pps_out_radioclk to be in sync with one another.
+ synchronizer #(
+ ) pps_export_dsync (
+ .clk(radio_clk), .rst(1'b0), .in(pps_out_enb), .out(export_pps_radioclk)
+ );
+ // The radio_clk rate is between [122.88M, 250M] for all known N3xx variants,
+ // resulting in approximately [8ns, 4ns] periods. To pulse-extend the PPS output,
+ // we create a 25 bit-wide counter, creating ~[.262s, .131s] long output high pulses,
+ // variable depending on our radio_clk rate. Create two of the same output signal
+ // in order that the PPS_OUT gets packed into an IOB for tight timing.
+ reg [24:0] pps_out_count = 'b0;
+ reg pps_out_radioclk = 1'b0;
+ reg pps_led_radioclk = 1'b0;
+ always @(posedge radio_clk) begin
+ if (export_pps_radioclk) begin
+ if (pps_radioclk1x_iob) begin
+ pps_out_radioclk <= 1'b1;
+ pps_led_radioclk <= 1'b1;
+ pps_out_count <= {25{1'b1}};
+ end else begin
+ if (pps_out_count > 0) begin
+ pps_out_count <= pps_out_count - 1'b1;
+ end else begin
+ pps_out_radioclk <= 1'b0;
+ pps_led_radioclk <= 1'b0;
+ end
+ end
+ end else begin
+ pps_out_radioclk <= 1'b0;
+ pps_led_radioclk <= 1'b0;
+ end
+ end
+ // Local to output.
+ assign REF_1PPS_OUT = pps_out_radioclk;
+ assign PANEL_LED_PPS = pps_led_radioclk;
+ /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ //
+ // SFP, QSFP and NPIO MGT Connections
+ //
+ //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ wire reg_wr_req_npio;
+ wire [REG_AWIDTH-1:0] reg_wr_addr_npio;
+ wire [REG_DWIDTH-1:0] reg_wr_data_npio;
+ wire reg_rd_req_npio;
+ wire [REG_AWIDTH-1:0] reg_rd_addr_npio;
+ wire reg_rd_resp_npio, reg_rd_resp_npio0, reg_rd_resp_npio1;
+ wire [REG_DWIDTH-1:0] reg_rd_data_npio, reg_rd_data_npio0, reg_rd_data_npio1;
+ localparam NPIO_REG_BASE = 14'h0200;
+ regport_resp_mux #(
+ ) npio_resp_mux_i(
+ .clk(bus_clk), .reset(bus_rst),
+ .sla_rd_resp({reg_rd_resp_npio0, reg_rd_resp_npio1}),
+ .sla_rd_data({reg_rd_data_npio0, reg_rd_data_npio1}),
+ .mst_rd_resp(reg_rd_resp_npio), .mst_rd_data(reg_rd_data_npio)
+ );
+ //--------------------------------------------------------------
+ // SFP/MGT Reference Clocks
+ //--------------------------------------------------------------
+ // We support the HG, XG, XA, AA targets, all of which require
+ // the 156.25MHz reference clock. Instantiate it here.
+ ten_gige_phy_clk_gen xgige_clk_gen_i (
+ .refclk_ibuf(xgige_refclk),
+ .clk156(xgige_clk156),
+ .dclk(xgige_dclk)
+ );
+ wire qpllreset;
+ wire qpllreset_sfp0, qpllreset_sfp1, qpllreset_npio0, qpllreset_npio1;
+ wire qplllock;
+ wire qplloutclk;
+ wire qplloutrefclk;
+ // We reuse this GT_COMMON wrapper for both ethernet and Aurora because
+ // the behavior is identical
+ ten_gig_eth_pcs_pma_gt_common # (
+ .WRAPPER_SIM_GTRESET_SPEEDUP("TRUE") //Does not affect hardware
+ ) ten_gig_eth_pcs_pma_gt_common_block (
+ .refclk(xgige_refclk),
+ .qpllreset(qpllreset), //from 2nd sfp
+ .qplllock(qplllock),
+ .qplloutclk(qplloutclk),
+ .qplloutrefclk(qplloutrefclk),
+ .qpllrefclksel(3'b101 /*GTSOUTHREFCLK0*/)
+ );
+ // The quad's QPLL should reset if any of the channels request it
+ // This should never really happen because we are not changing the reference clock
+ // source for the QPLL.
+ assign qpllreset = qpllreset_sfp0 | qpllreset_sfp1 | qpllreset_npio0 | qpllreset_npio1;
+ // Use the 156.25MHz reference clock for Aurora
+ wire aurora_refclk = xgige_refclk;
+ wire aurora_clk156 = xgige_clk156;
+ wire aurora_init_clk = xgige_dclk;
+ // White Rabbit and 1GbE both use the same clocking
+`ifdef SFP0_1GBE
+ `define SFP0_WR_1GBE
+`ifdef SFP0_WR
+ `define SFP0_WR_1GBE
+`ifdef SFP0_WR_1GBE
+ // HG and WX targets require the 1GbE clock support
+ BUFG bufg_gige_refclk_i (
+ .I(gige_refclk),
+ .O(gige_refclk_bufg)
+ );
+ assign SFP_0_RS0 = 1'b0;
+ assign SFP_0_RS1 = 1'b0;
+ assign SFP_0_RS0 = 1'b1;
+ assign SFP_0_RS1 = 1'b1;
+ // SFP 1 is always set to run at ~10Gbps rates.
+ assign SFP_1_RS0 = 1'b1;
+ assign SFP_1_RS1 = 1'b1;
+ // SFP port specific reference clocks
+ wire sfp0_gt_refclk, sfp1_gt_refclk;
+ wire sfp0_gb_refclk, sfp1_gb_refclk;
+ wire sfp0_misc_clk, sfp1_misc_clk;
+`ifdef SFP0_10GBE
+ assign sfp0_gt_refclk = xgige_refclk;
+ assign sfp0_gb_refclk = xgige_clk156;
+ assign sfp0_misc_clk = xgige_dclk;
+`ifdef SFP0_WR_1GBE
+ assign sfp0_gt_refclk = gige_refclk;
+ assign sfp0_gb_refclk = gige_refclk_bufg;
+ assign sfp0_misc_clk = gige_refclk_bufg;
+`ifdef SFP0_AURORA
+ assign sfp0_gt_refclk = aurora_refclk;
+ assign sfp0_gb_refclk = aurora_clk156;
+ assign sfp0_misc_clk = aurora_init_clk;
+`ifdef SFP1_10GBE
+ assign sfp1_gt_refclk = xgige_refclk;
+ assign sfp1_gb_refclk = xgige_clk156;
+ assign sfp1_misc_clk = xgige_dclk;
+`ifdef SFP1_1GBE
+ assign sfp1_gt_refclk = gige_refclk;
+ assign sfp1_gb_refclk = gige_refclk_bufg;
+ assign sfp1_misc_clk = gige_refclk_bufg;
+`ifdef SFP1_AURORA
+ assign sfp1_gt_refclk = aurora_refclk;
+ assign sfp1_gb_refclk = aurora_clk156;
+ assign sfp1_misc_clk = aurora_init_clk;
+ // Instantiate Aurora MMCM if either of the SFPs
+ // or NPIOs are Aurora
+ wire au_tx_clk;
+ wire au_mmcm_reset;
+ wire au_user_clk;
+ wire au_sync_clk;
+ wire au_mmcm_locked;
+ wire sfp0_tx_out_clk, sfp1_tx_out_clk;
+ wire sfp0_gt_pll_lock, sfp1_gt_pll_lock;
+ wire npio0_tx_out_clk, npio1_tx_out_clk;
+ wire npio0_gt_pll_lock, npio1_gt_pll_lock;
+ //NOTE: need to declare one of these defines in order to enable Aurora on
+ //any SFP or NPIO lane.
+`ifdef SFP1_AURORA
+ `define SFP_AU_MMCM
+ assign au_tx_clk = sfp1_tx_out_clk;
+ assign au_mmcm_reset = ~sfp1_gt_pll_lock;
+`elsif NPIO0
+ `define SFP_AU_MMCM
+ assign au_tx_clk = npio0_tx_out_clk;
+ assign au_mmcm_reset = ~npio0_gt_pll_lock;
+`elsif NPIO1
+ `define SFP_AU_MMCM
+ assign au_tx_clk = npio1_tx_out_clk;
+ assign au_mmcm_reset = ~npio1_gt_pll_lock;
+`ifdef SFP_AU_MMCM
+ aurora_phy_mmcm au_phy_mmcm_i (
+ .aurora_tx_clk_unbuf(au_tx_clk),
+ .mmcm_reset(au_mmcm_reset),
+ .user_clk(au_user_clk),
+ .sync_clk(au_sync_clk),
+ .mmcm_locked(au_mmcm_locked)
+ );
+ assign au_user_clk = 1'b0;
+ assign au_sync_clk = 1'b0;
+ assign au_mmcm_locked = 1'b0;
+ //--------------------------------------------------------------
+ // NPIO-QSFP MGT Lanes (Example loopback config)
+ //--------------------------------------------------------------
+`ifdef QSFP_LANES
+ localparam NUM_QSFP_LANES = `QSFP_LANES;
+ // QSFP wires to the ARM core and the crossbar
+ // These will only be connected if QSFP is 2x10 GbE
+ wire [NUM_QSFP_LANES*64-1:0] arm_eth_qsfp_tx_tdata_b;
+ wire [NUM_QSFP_LANES-1:0] arm_eth_qsfp_tx_tvalid_b;
+ wire [NUM_QSFP_LANES-1:0] arm_eth_qsfp_tx_tlast_b;
+ wire [NUM_QSFP_LANES-1:0] arm_eth_qsfp_tx_tready_b;
+ wire [NUM_QSFP_LANES*4-1:0] arm_eth_qsfp_tx_tuser_b;
+ wire [NUM_QSFP_LANES*8-1:0] arm_eth_qsfp_tx_tkeep_b;
+ wire [NUM_QSFP_LANES*64-1:0] arm_eth_qsfp_rx_tdata_b;
+ wire [NUM_QSFP_LANES-1:0] arm_eth_qsfp_rx_tvalid_b;
+ wire [NUM_QSFP_LANES-1:0] arm_eth_qsfp_rx_tlast_b;
+ wire [NUM_QSFP_LANES-1:0] arm_eth_qsfp_rx_tready_b;
+ wire [NUM_QSFP_LANES*4-1:0] arm_eth_qsfp_rx_tuser_b;
+ wire [NUM_QSFP_LANES*8-1:0] arm_eth_qsfp_rx_tkeep_b;
+ wire [NUM_QSFP_LANES*64-1:0] v2e_qsfp_tdata;
+ wire [NUM_QSFP_LANES-1:0] v2e_qsfp_tlast;
+ wire [NUM_QSFP_LANES-1:0] v2e_qsfp_tvalid;
+ wire [NUM_QSFP_LANES-1:0] v2e_qsfp_tready;
+ wire [NUM_QSFP_LANES*64-1:0] e2v_qsfp_tdata;
+ wire [NUM_QSFP_LANES-1:0] e2v_qsfp_tlast;
+ wire [NUM_QSFP_LANES-1:0] e2v_qsfp_tvalid;
+ wire [NUM_QSFP_LANES-1:0] e2v_qsfp_tready;
+ wire [NUM_QSFP_LANES-1:0] qsfp_link_up;
+ // QSFP quad's specific reference clocks
+ wire qsfp_gt_refclk;
+ wire qsfp_gb_refclk;
+ wire qsfp_misc_clk;
+ wire qsfp_qplloutclk;
+ wire qsfp_qplloutrefclk;
+ wire qsfp_qplllock;
+ wire qsfp_qpllreset;
+ wire qsfp_gt_tx_out_clk;
+ wire qsfp_gt_pll_lock;
+ wire qsfp_au_user_clk;
+ wire qsfp_au_sync_clk;
+ wire qsfp_au_mmcm_locked;
+`ifdef QSFP_10GBE
+ assign qsfp_gt_refclk = xgige_refclk;
+ assign qsfp_gb_refclk = xgige_clk156;
+ assign qsfp_misc_clk = xgige_dclk;
+ assign qsfp_gt_refclk = aurora_refclk;
+ assign qsfp_gb_refclk = aurora_clk156;
+ assign qsfp_misc_clk = aurora_init_clk;
+ // We reuse this GT_COMMON wrapper for both ethernet and Aurora because
+ // the behavior is identical
+ ten_gig_eth_pcs_pma_gt_common # (
+ .WRAPPER_SIM_GTRESET_SPEEDUP("TRUE") //Does not affect hardware
+ ) qsfp_gt_common_block (
+ .refclk(xgige_refclk),
+ .qpllreset(qsfp_qpllreset),
+ .qplllock(qsfp_qplllock),
+ .qplloutclk(qsfp_qplloutclk),
+ .qplloutrefclk(qsfp_qplloutrefclk),
+ .qpllrefclksel(3'b001 /*GTREFCLK0*/)
+ );
+ `ifdef QSFP_AURORA
+ aurora_phy_mmcm aurora_phy_mmcm (
+ .aurora_tx_clk_unbuf(qsfp_gt_tx_out_clk),
+ .mmcm_reset(~qsfp_gt_pll_lock),
+ .user_clk(qsfp_au_user_clk),
+ .sync_clk(qsfp_au_sync_clk),
+ .mmcm_locked(qsfp_au_mmcm_locked)
+ );
+ `else
+ assign qsfp_au_user_clk = 1'b0;
+ assign qsfp_au_sync_clk = 1'b0;
+ assign qsfp_au_mmcm_locked = 1'b0;
+ `endif
+ n3xx_mgt_channel_wrapper #(
+ `ifdef QSFP_10GBE
+ .PROTOCOL ("10GbE"),
+ .MDIO_EN (1'b1),
+ .MDIO_PHYADDR (5'd4),
+ `elsif QSFP_AURORA
+ .PROTOCOL ("Aurora"),
+ .MDIO_EN (1'b0),
+ `endif
+ .GT_COMMON (1),
+ ) qsfp_wrapper_i (
+ .areset (global_rst),
+ .gt_refclk (qsfp_gt_refclk),
+ .gb_refclk (qsfp_gb_refclk),
+ .misc_clk (qsfp_misc_clk),
+ .user_clk (qsfp_au_user_clk),
+ .sync_clk (qsfp_au_sync_clk),
+ .gt_tx_out_clk_unbuf(qsfp_gt_tx_out_clk),
+ .bus_clk (bus_clk),
+ .bus_rst (bus_rst),
+ // GT Common
+ .qpllrefclklost (),
+ .qplllock (qsfp_qplllock),
+ .qplloutclk (qsfp_qplloutclk),
+ .qplloutrefclk (qsfp_qplloutrefclk),
+ .qpllreset (qsfp_qpllreset),
+ // Aurora MMCM
+ .mmcm_locked (qsfp_au_mmcm_locked),
+ .gt_pll_lock (qsfp_gt_pll_lock),
+ .txp (QSFP_TX_P),
+ .txn (QSFP_TX_N),
+ .rxp (QSFP_RX_P),
+ .rxn (QSFP_RX_N),
+ .mod_present_n (QSFP_PRESENT_B),
+ .mod_rxlos (1'b0),
+ .mod_tx_fault (1'b0),
+ .mod_tx_disable (),
+ .mod_int_n (QSFP_INT_B),
+ .mod_reset_n (QSFP_RESET_B),
+ .mod_lpmode (QSFP_LPMODE),
+ .mod_sel_n (QSFP_MODSEL_B),
+ // Clock and reset
+ .s_axi_aclk (clk40),
+ .s_axi_aresetn (clk40_rstn),
+ // AXI4-Lite: Write address port (domain: s_axi_aclk)
+ .s_axi_awaddr (M_AXI_NET2_AWADDR[QSFP_REG_AWIDTH-1:0]),
+ .s_axi_awvalid (M_AXI_NET2_AWVALID),
+ .s_axi_awready (M_AXI_NET2_AWREADY),
+ // AXI4-Lite: Write data port (domain: s_axi_aclk)
+ .s_axi_wdata (M_AXI_NET2_WDATA),
+ .s_axi_wstrb (M_AXI_NET2_WSTRB),
+ .s_axi_wvalid (M_AXI_NET2_WVALID),
+ .s_axi_wready (M_AXI_NET2_WREADY),
+ // AXI4-Lite: Write response port (domain: s_axi_aclk)
+ .s_axi_bresp (M_AXI_NET2_BRESP),
+ .s_axi_bvalid (M_AXI_NET2_BVALID),
+ .s_axi_bready (M_AXI_NET2_BREADY),
+ // AXI4-Lite: Read address port (domain: s_axi_aclk)
+ .s_axi_araddr (M_AXI_NET2_ARADDR[QSFP_REG_AWIDTH-1:0]),
+ .s_axi_arvalid (M_AXI_NET2_ARVALID),
+ .s_axi_arready (M_AXI_NET2_ARREADY),
+ // AXI4-Lite: Read data port (domain: s_axi_aclk)
+ .s_axi_rdata (M_AXI_NET2_RDATA),
+ .s_axi_rresp (M_AXI_NET2_RRESP),
+ .s_axi_rvalid (M_AXI_NET2_RVALID),
+ .s_axi_rready (M_AXI_NET2_RREADY),
+ // Ethernet to Vita
+ .e2v_tdata (e2v_qsfp_tdata),
+ .e2v_tlast (e2v_qsfp_tlast),
+ .e2v_tvalid (e2v_qsfp_tvalid),
+ .e2v_tready (e2v_qsfp_tready),
+ // Vita to Ethernet
+ .v2e_tdata (v2e_qsfp_tdata),
+ .v2e_tlast (v2e_qsfp_tlast),
+ .v2e_tvalid (v2e_qsfp_tvalid),
+ .v2e_tready (v2e_qsfp_tready),
+ // Ethernet to CPU
+ .e2c_tdata (arm_eth_qsfp_rx_tdata_b),
+ .e2c_tkeep (arm_eth_qsfp_rx_tkeep_b),
+ .e2c_tlast (arm_eth_qsfp_rx_tlast_b),
+ .e2c_tvalid (arm_eth_qsfp_rx_tvalid_b),
+ .e2c_tready (arm_eth_qsfp_rx_tready_b),
+ // CPU to Ethernet
+ .c2e_tdata (arm_eth_qsfp_tx_tdata_b),
+ .c2e_tkeep (arm_eth_qsfp_tx_tkeep_b),
+ .c2e_tlast (arm_eth_qsfp_tx_tlast_b),
+ .c2e_tvalid (arm_eth_qsfp_tx_tvalid_b),
+ .c2e_tready (arm_eth_qsfp_tx_tready_b),
+ // Sideband White Rabbit Control
+ .wr_reset_n (1'b1),
+ .wr_refclk (1'b0),
+ .wr_dac_sclk (),
+ .wr_dac_din (),
+ .wr_dac_clr_n (),
+ .wr_dac_cs_n (),
+ .wr_dac_ldac_n (),
+ .wr_eeprom_scl_o(),
+ .wr_eeprom_scl_i(1'b0),
+ .wr_eeprom_sda_o(),
+ .wr_eeprom_sda_i(1'b0),
+ .wr_uart_rx (1'b0),
+ .wr_uart_tx (),
+ .mod_pps (),
+ .mod_refclk (),
+ // WR AXI Control
+ .wr_axi_aclk (),
+ .wr_axi_aresetn (1'b1),
+ .wr_axi_awaddr (),
+ .wr_axi_awvalid (),
+ .wr_axi_awready (),
+ .wr_axi_wdata (),
+ .wr_axi_wstrb (),
+ .wr_axi_wvalid (),
+ .wr_axi_wready (),
+ .wr_axi_bresp (),
+ .wr_axi_bvalid (),
+ .wr_axi_bready (),
+ .wr_axi_araddr (),
+ .wr_axi_arvalid (),
+ .wr_axi_arready (),
+ .wr_axi_rdata (),
+ .wr_axi_rresp (),
+ .wr_axi_rvalid (),
+ .wr_axi_rready (),
+ .wr_axi_rlast (),
+ .port_info (),
+ .device_id (device_id),
+ .link_up (qsfp_link_up),
+ .activity ()
+ );
+ assign QSFP_I2C_SCL = qsfp_scl_t ? 1'bz : qsfp_scl_o;
+ assign qsfp_scl_i = QSFP_I2C_SCL;
+ assign QSFP_I2C_SDA = qsfp_sda_t ? 1'bz : qsfp_sda_o;
+ assign qsfp_sda_i = QSFP_I2C_SDA;
+ assign QSFP_LED = |qsfp_link_up;
+ axi_dummy #(
+ .DEC_ERR(1'b0)
+ ) inst_axi_dummy_qsfp (
+ .s_axi_aclk(bus_clk),
+ .s_axi_areset(bus_rst),
+ .s_axi_awaddr(M_AXI_NET2_AWADDR),
+ .s_axi_awvalid(M_AXI_NET2_AWVALID),
+ .s_axi_awready(M_AXI_NET2_AWREADY),
+ .s_axi_wdata(M_AXI_NET2_WDATA),
+ .s_axi_wvalid(M_AXI_NET2_WVALID),
+ .s_axi_wready(M_AXI_NET2_WREADY),
+ .s_axi_bresp(M_AXI_NET2_BRESP),
+ .s_axi_bvalid(M_AXI_NET2_BVALID),
+ .s_axi_bready(M_AXI_NET2_BREADY),
+ .s_axi_araddr(M_AXI_NET2_ARADDR),
+ .s_axi_arvalid(M_AXI_NET2_ARVALID),
+ .s_axi_arready(M_AXI_NET2_ARREADY),
+ .s_axi_rdata(M_AXI_NET2_RDATA),
+ .s_axi_rresp(M_AXI_NET2_RRESP),
+ .s_axi_rvalid(M_AXI_NET2_RVALID),
+ .s_axi_rready(M_AXI_NET2_RREADY)
+ );
+ assign qsfp_scl_i = qsfp_scl_t ? 1'b1 : qsfp_scl_o;
+ assign qsfp_sda_i = qsfp_sda_t ? 1'b1 : qsfp_sda_o;
+ //--------------------------------------------------------------
+ // NPIO MGT Lanes (Example loopback config)
+ //--------------------------------------------------------------
+`ifdef NPIO_LANES
+ wire [127:0] npio_loopback_tdata;
+ wire [1:0] npio_loopback_tvalid;
+ wire [1:0] npio_loopback_tready;
+ wire [1:0] npio_loopback_tlast;
+ n3xx_mgt_io_core #(
+ .PROTOCOL ("Aurora"),
+ .REG_BASE (NPIO_REG_BASE + 14'h00),
+ .REG_DWIDTH (REG_DWIDTH), // Width of the AXI4-Lite data bus (must be 32 or 64)
+ .REG_AWIDTH (REG_AWIDTH), // Width of the address bus
+ .PORTNUM (8'd2),
+ .MDIO_EN (0)
+ ) npio_ln_0_i (
+ .areset (global_rst),
+ .gt_refclk (aurora_refclk),
+ .gb_refclk (aurora_clk156),
+ .misc_clk (aurora_init_clk),
+ .user_clk (au_user_clk),
+ .sync_clk (au_sync_clk),
+ .gt_tx_out_clk_unbuf(npio0_tx_out_clk),
+ .bus_clk (bus_clk),//clk for status reg reads to mdio interface
+ .bus_rst (bus_rst),
+ .qpllreset (qpllreset_npio0),
+ .qplloutclk (qplloutclk),
+ .qplloutrefclk (qplloutrefclk),
+ .qplllock (qplllock),
+ .qpllrefclklost (),
+ .rxp (NPIO_RX0_P),
+ .rxn (NPIO_RX0_N),
+ .txp (NPIO_TX0_P),
+ .txn (NPIO_TX0_N),
+ .sfpp_rxlos (1'b0),
+ .sfpp_tx_fault (1'b0),
+ //RegPort
+ .reg_wr_req (reg_wr_req_npio),
+ .reg_wr_addr (reg_wr_addr_npio),
+ .reg_wr_data (reg_wr_data_npio),
+ .reg_rd_req (reg_rd_req_npio),
+ .reg_rd_addr (reg_rd_addr_npio),
+ .reg_rd_resp (reg_rd_resp_npio0),
+ .reg_rd_data (reg_rd_data_npio0),
+ //DATA (loopback mode)
+ .s_axis_tdata (npio_loopback_tdata[63:0]), //Data to aurora core
+ .s_axis_tuser (4'b0),
+ .s_axis_tvalid (npio_loopback_tvalid[0]),
+ .s_axis_tlast (npio_loopback_tlast[0]),
+ .s_axis_tready (npio_loopback_tready[0]),
+ .m_axis_tdata (npio_loopback_tdata[63:0]), //Data from aurora core
+ .m_axis_tuser (),
+ .m_axis_tvalid (npio_loopback_tvalid[0]),
+ .m_axis_tlast (npio_loopback_tlast[0]),
+ .m_axis_tready (npio_loopback_tready[0]),
+ .mmcm_locked (au_mmcm_locked),
+ .gt_pll_lock (npio0_gt_pll_lock)
+ );
+ n3xx_mgt_io_core #(
+ .PROTOCOL ("Aurora"),
+ .REG_BASE (NPIO_REG_BASE + 14'h40),
+ .REG_DWIDTH (REG_DWIDTH), // Width of the AXI4-Lite data bus (must be 32 or 64)
+ .REG_AWIDTH (REG_AWIDTH), // Width of the address bus
+ .PORTNUM (8'd3),
+ .MDIO_EN (0)
+ ) npio_ln_1_i (
+ .areset (global_rst),
+ .gt_refclk (aurora_refclk),
+ .gb_refclk (aurora_clk156),
+ .misc_clk (aurora_init_clk),
+ .user_clk (au_user_clk),
+ .sync_clk (au_sync_clk),
+ .gt_tx_out_clk_unbuf(npio1_tx_out_clk),
+ .bus_clk (bus_clk),//clk for status reg reads to mdio interface
+ .bus_rst (bus_rst),
+ .qpllreset (qpllreset_npio1),
+ .qplloutclk (qplloutclk),
+ .qplloutrefclk (qplloutrefclk),
+ .qplllock (qplllock),
+ .qpllrefclklost (),
+ .rxp (NPIO_RX1_P),
+ .rxn (NPIO_RX1_N),
+ .txp (NPIO_TX1_P),
+ .txn (NPIO_TX1_N),
+ .sfpp_rxlos (1'b0),
+ .sfpp_tx_fault (1'b0),
+ //RegPort
+ .reg_wr_req (reg_wr_req_npio),
+ .reg_wr_addr (reg_wr_addr_npio),
+ .reg_wr_data (reg_wr_data_npio),
+ .reg_rd_req (reg_rd_req_npio),
+ .reg_rd_addr (reg_rd_addr_npio),
+ .reg_rd_resp (reg_rd_resp_npio1),
+ .reg_rd_data (reg_rd_data_npio1),
+ //DATA (loopback mode)
+ .s_axis_tdata (npio_loopback_tdata[127:64]), //Data to aurora core
+ .s_axis_tuser (4'b0),
+ .s_axis_tvalid (npio_loopback_tvalid[1]),
+ .s_axis_tlast (npio_loopback_tlast[1]),
+ .s_axis_tready (npio_loopback_tready[1]),
+ .m_axis_tdata (npio_loopback_tdata[127:64]), //Data from aurora core
+ .m_axis_tuser (),
+ .m_axis_tvalid (npio_loopback_tvalid[1]),
+ .m_axis_tlast (npio_loopback_tlast[1]),
+ .m_axis_tready (npio_loopback_tready[1]),
+ .mmcm_locked (au_mmcm_locked),
+ .gt_pll_lock (npio1_gt_pll_lock)
+ );
+ assign reg_rd_resp_npio0 = 1'b0;
+ assign reg_rd_data_npio0 = 'h0;
+ assign reg_rd_resp_npio1 = 1'b0;
+ assign reg_rd_data_npio1 = 'h0;
+ assign npio0_gt_pll_lock = 1'b1;
+ assign npio1_gt_pll_lock = 1'b1;
+ assign qpllreset_npio0 = 1'b0;
+ assign qpllreset_npio1 = 1'b0;
+ // ARM ethernet 0 bridge signals
+ wire [63:0] arm_eth0_tx_tdata;
+ wire arm_eth0_tx_tvalid;
+ wire arm_eth0_tx_tlast;
+ wire arm_eth0_tx_tready;
+ wire [3:0] arm_eth0_tx_tuser;
+ wire [7:0] arm_eth0_tx_tkeep;
+ wire [63:0] arm_eth0_tx_tdata_b;
+ wire arm_eth0_tx_tvalid_b;
+ wire arm_eth0_tx_tlast_b;
+ wire arm_eth0_tx_tready_b;
+ wire [3:0] arm_eth0_tx_tuser_b;
+ wire [7:0] arm_eth0_tx_tkeep_b;
+ wire [63:0] arm_eth_sfp0_tx_tdata_b;
+ wire arm_eth_sfp0_tx_tvalid_b;
+ wire arm_eth_sfp0_tx_tlast_b;
+ wire arm_eth_sfp0_tx_tready_b;
+ wire [3:0] arm_eth_sfp0_tx_tuser_b;
+ wire [7:0] arm_eth_sfp0_tx_tkeep_b;
+ wire [63:0] arm_eth0_rx_tdata;
+ wire arm_eth0_rx_tvalid;
+ wire arm_eth0_rx_tlast;
+ wire arm_eth0_rx_tready;
+ wire [3:0] arm_eth0_rx_tuser;
+ wire [7:0] arm_eth0_rx_tkeep;
+ wire [63:0] arm_eth0_rx_tdata_b;
+ wire arm_eth0_rx_tvalid_b;
+ wire arm_eth0_rx_tlast_b;
+ wire arm_eth0_rx_tready_b;
+ wire [3:0] arm_eth0_rx_tuser_b;
+ wire [7:0] arm_eth0_rx_tkeep_b;
+ wire [63:0] arm_eth_sfp0_rx_tdata_b;
+ wire arm_eth_sfp0_rx_tvalid_b;
+ wire arm_eth_sfp0_rx_tlast_b;
+ wire arm_eth_sfp0_rx_tready_b;
+ wire [3:0] arm_eth_sfp0_rx_tuser_b;
+ wire [7:0] arm_eth_sfp0_rx_tkeep_b;
+ wire arm_eth0_rx_irq;
+ wire arm_eth0_tx_irq;
+ // ARM ethernet 1 bridge signals
+ wire [63:0] arm_eth1_tx_tdata;
+ wire arm_eth1_tx_tvalid;
+ wire arm_eth1_tx_tlast;
+ wire arm_eth1_tx_tready;
+ wire [3:0] arm_eth1_tx_tuser;
+ wire [7:0] arm_eth1_tx_tkeep;
+ wire [63:0] arm_eth1_tx_tdata_b;
+ wire arm_eth1_tx_tvalid_b;
+ wire arm_eth1_tx_tlast_b;
+ wire arm_eth1_tx_tready_b;
+ wire [3:0] arm_eth1_tx_tuser_b;
+ wire [7:0] arm_eth1_tx_tkeep_b;
+ wire [63:0] arm_eth_sfp1_tx_tdata_b;
+ wire arm_eth_sfp1_tx_tvalid_b;
+ wire arm_eth_sfp1_tx_tlast_b;
+ wire arm_eth_sfp1_tx_tready_b;
+ wire [3:0] arm_eth_sfp1_tx_tuser_b;
+ wire [7:0] arm_eth_sfp1_tx_tkeep_b;
+ wire [63:0] arm_eth1_rx_tdata;
+ wire arm_eth1_rx_tvalid;
+ wire arm_eth1_rx_tlast;
+ wire arm_eth1_rx_tready;
+ wire [3:0] arm_eth1_rx_tuser;
+ wire [7:0] arm_eth1_rx_tkeep;
+ wire [63:0] arm_eth1_rx_tdata_b;
+ wire arm_eth1_rx_tvalid_b;
+ wire arm_eth1_rx_tlast_b;
+ wire arm_eth1_rx_tready_b;
+ wire [3:0] arm_eth1_rx_tuser_b;
+ wire [7:0] arm_eth1_rx_tkeep_b;
+ wire [63:0] arm_eth_sfp1_rx_tdata_b;
+ wire arm_eth_sfp1_rx_tvalid_b;
+ wire arm_eth_sfp1_rx_tlast_b;
+ wire arm_eth_sfp1_rx_tready_b;
+ wire [3:0] arm_eth_sfp1_rx_tuser_b;
+ wire [7:0] arm_eth_sfp1_rx_tkeep_b;
+ wire arm_eth1_tx_irq;
+ wire arm_eth1_rx_irq;
+ // Vita to Ethernet
+ wire [63:0] v2e0_tdata;
+ wire v2e0_tlast;
+ wire v2e0_tvalid;
+ wire v2e0_tready;
+ wire [63:0] v2e1_tdata;
+ wire v2e1_tlast;
+ wire v2e1_tvalid;
+ wire v2e1_tready;
+ wire [63:0] v2e_sfp0_tdata;
+ wire v2e_sfp0_tlast;
+ wire v2e_sfp0_tvalid;
+ wire v2e_sfp0_tready;
+ wire [63:0] v2e_sfp1_tdata;
+ wire v2e_sfp1_tlast;
+ wire v2e_sfp1_tvalid;
+ wire v2e_sfp1_tready;
+ // Ethernet to Vita
+ wire [63:0] e2v0_tdata;
+ wire e2v0_tlast;
+ wire e2v0_tvalid;
+ wire e2v0_tready;
+ wire [63:0] e2v1_tdata;
+ wire e2v1_tlast;
+ wire e2v1_tvalid;
+ wire e2v1_tready;
+ wire [63:0] e2v_sfp0_tdata;
+ wire e2v_sfp0_tlast;
+ wire e2v_sfp0_tvalid;
+ wire e2v_sfp0_tready;
+ wire [63:0] e2v_sfp1_tdata;
+ wire e2v_sfp1_tlast;
+ wire e2v_sfp1_tvalid;
+ wire e2v_sfp1_tready;
+ // Ethernet crossover
+ wire [63:0] e01_tdata, e10_tdata;
+ wire [3:0] e01_tuser, e10_tuser;
+ wire e01_tlast, e01_tvalid, e01_tready;
+ wire e10_tlast, e10_tvalid, e10_tready;
+ // DMA xport adapter to PS
+ wire [63:0] m_axis_dma_tdata;
+ wire [3:0] m_axis_dma_tuser;
+ wire m_axis_dma_tlast;
+ wire m_axis_dma_tready;
+ wire m_axis_dma_tvalid;
+ wire [63:0] s_axis_dma_tdata;
+ wire [3:0] s_axis_dma_tdest;
+ wire s_axis_dma_tlast;
+ wire s_axis_dma_tready;
+ wire s_axis_dma_tvalid;
+ // Misc
+ wire [31:0] sfp_port0_info;
+ wire [31:0] sfp_port1_info;
+ wire sfp0_link_up, sfp1_link_up;
+ wire [15:0] device_id;
+ /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ //
+ // SFP Wrapper 0: Network Interface (1/10G or Aurora)
+ //
+ //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ n3xx_mgt_channel_wrapper #(
+ .LANES(1),
+ `ifdef SFP0_10GBE
+ .PROTOCOL("10GbE"),
+ .MDIO_EN(1'b1),
+ .MDIO_PHYADDR(5'd4), // PHYADDR must match the "reg" property for PHY in DTS file
+ `elsif SFP0_AURORA
+ .PROTOCOL("Aurora"),
+ .MDIO_EN(1'b0),
+ `elsif SFP0_1GBE
+ .PROTOCOL("1GbE"),
+ .MDIO_EN(1'b1),
+ .MDIO_PHYADDR(5'd4), // PHYADDR must match the "reg" property for PHY in DTS file
+ `elsif SFP0_WR
+ .PROTOCOL("WhiteRabbit"),
+ .MDIO_EN(1'b0),
+ `endif
+ .REG_DWIDTH(REG_DWIDTH), // Width of the AXI4-Lite data bus (must be 32 or 64)
+ .REG_AWIDTH(REG_AWIDTH), // Width of the address bus
+ .GT_COMMON(1),
+ ) sfp_wrapper_0 (
+ .areset(global_rst),
+ .gt_refclk(sfp0_gt_refclk),
+ .gb_refclk(sfp0_gb_refclk),
+ .misc_clk(sfp0_misc_clk),
+ .user_clk(au_user_clk),
+ .sync_clk(au_sync_clk),
+ .gt_tx_out_clk_unbuf(sfp0_tx_out_clk),
+ .bus_rst(bus_rst),
+ .bus_clk(bus_clk),
+ .qpllreset(qpllreset_sfp0),
+ .qplllock(qplllock),
+ .qplloutclk(qplloutclk),
+ .qplloutrefclk(qplloutrefclk),
+ .qpllrefclklost(),
+ .mmcm_locked(au_mmcm_locked),
+ .gt_pll_lock(sfp0_gt_pll_lock),
+ .txp(SFP_0_TX_P),
+ .txn(SFP_0_TX_N),
+ .rxp(SFP_0_RX_P),
+ .rxn(SFP_0_RX_N),
+ .mod_present_n(SFP_0_I2C_NPRESENT),
+ .mod_rxlos(SFP_0_LOS),
+ .mod_tx_fault(SFP_0_TXFAULT),
+ .mod_tx_disable(SFP_0_TXDISABLE),
+ // Clock and reset
+ .s_axi_aclk(clk40),
+ .s_axi_aresetn(clk40_rstn),
+ // AXI4-Lite: Write address port (domain: s_axi_aclk)
+ .s_axi_awaddr(M_AXI_NET0_AWADDR[REG_AWIDTH-1:0]),
+ .s_axi_awvalid(M_AXI_NET0_AWVALID),
+ .s_axi_awready(M_AXI_NET0_AWREADY),
+ // AXI4-Lite: Write data port (domain: s_axi_aclk)
+ .s_axi_wdata(M_AXI_NET0_WDATA),
+ .s_axi_wstrb(M_AXI_NET0_WSTRB),
+ .s_axi_wvalid(M_AXI_NET0_WVALID),
+ .s_axi_wready(M_AXI_NET0_WREADY),
+ // AXI4-Lite: Write response port (domain: s_axi_aclk)
+ .s_axi_bresp(M_AXI_NET0_BRESP),
+ .s_axi_bvalid(M_AXI_NET0_BVALID),
+ .s_axi_bready(M_AXI_NET0_BREADY),
+ // AXI4-Lite: Read address port (domain: s_axi_aclk)
+ .s_axi_araddr(M_AXI_NET0_ARADDR[REG_AWIDTH-1:0]),
+ .s_axi_arvalid(M_AXI_NET0_ARVALID),
+ .s_axi_arready(M_AXI_NET0_ARREADY),
+ // AXI4-Lite: Read data port (domain: s_axi_aclk)
+ .s_axi_rdata(M_AXI_NET0_RDATA),
+ .s_axi_rresp(M_AXI_NET0_RRESP),
+ .s_axi_rvalid(M_AXI_NET0_RVALID),
+ .s_axi_rready(M_AXI_NET0_RREADY),
+ // Ethernet to Vita
+ .e2v_tdata(e2v_sfp0_tdata),
+ .e2v_tlast(e2v_sfp0_tlast),
+ .e2v_tvalid(e2v_sfp0_tvalid),
+ .e2v_tready(e2v_sfp0_tready),
+ // Vita to Ethernet
+ .v2e_tdata(v2e_sfp0_tdata),
+ .v2e_tlast(v2e_sfp0_tlast),
+ .v2e_tvalid(v2e_sfp0_tvalid),
+ .v2e_tready(v2e_sfp0_tready),
+ // Ethernet to CPU
+ .e2c_tdata(arm_eth_sfp0_rx_tdata_b),
+ .e2c_tkeep(arm_eth_sfp0_rx_tkeep_b),
+ .e2c_tlast(arm_eth_sfp0_rx_tlast_b),
+ .e2c_tvalid(arm_eth_sfp0_rx_tvalid_b),
+ .e2c_tready(arm_eth_sfp0_rx_tready_b),
+ // CPU to Ethernet
+ .c2e_tdata(arm_eth_sfp0_tx_tdata_b),
+ .c2e_tkeep(arm_eth_sfp0_tx_tkeep_b),
+ .c2e_tlast(arm_eth_sfp0_tx_tlast_b),
+ .c2e_tvalid(arm_eth_sfp0_tx_tvalid_b),
+ .c2e_tready(arm_eth_sfp0_tx_tready_b),
+ // White Rabbit Specific
+`ifdef SFP0_WR
+ .wr_reset_n (~ps_gpio_out[48]), // reset for WR only
+ .wr_refclk (wr_refclk_buf),
+ .wr_dac_sclk (WB_DAC_SCLK),
+ .wr_dac_din (WB_DAC_DIN),
+ .wr_dac_clr_n (WB_DAC_NCLR),
+ .wr_dac_cs_n (WB_DAC_NSYNC),
+ .wr_dac_ldac_n(WB_DAC_NLDAC),
+ .wr_eeprom_scl_o(), // storage for delay characterization
+ .wr_eeprom_scl_i(1'b0), // temp
+ .wr_eeprom_sda_o(),
+ .wr_eeprom_sda_i(1'b0), // temp
+ .wr_uart_rx(wr_uart_rxd), // to/from PS
+ .wr_uart_tx(wr_uart_txd),
+ .mod_pps(pps_wr_refclk), // out, reference clock and pps
+ .mod_refclk(wr_ref_clk),
+ // WR Slave Port to PS
+ .wr_axi_aclk(m_axi_wr_clk), // out to PS
+ .wr_axi_aresetn(1'b1), // in
+ .wr_axi_awaddr(m_axi_wr_awaddr),
+ .wr_axi_awvalid(m_axi_wr_awvalid),
+ .wr_axi_awready(m_axi_wr_awready),
+ .wr_axi_wdata(m_axi_wr_wdata),
+ .wr_axi_wstrb(m_axi_wr_wstrb),
+ .wr_axi_wvalid(m_axi_wr_wvalid),
+ .wr_axi_wready(m_axi_wr_wready),
+ .wr_axi_bresp(m_axi_wr_bresp),
+ .wr_axi_bvalid(m_axi_wr_bvalid),
+ .wr_axi_bready(m_axi_wr_bready),
+ .wr_axi_araddr(m_axi_wr_araddr),
+ .wr_axi_arvalid(m_axi_wr_arvalid),
+ .wr_axi_arready(m_axi_wr_arready),
+ .wr_axi_rdata(m_axi_wr_rdata),
+ .wr_axi_rresp(m_axi_wr_rresp),
+ .wr_axi_rvalid(m_axi_wr_rvalid),
+ .wr_axi_rready(m_axi_wr_rready),
+ .wr_axi_rlast(),
+ .wr_reset_n(1'b1),
+ .wr_refclk(1'b0),
+ .wr_eeprom_scl_i(1'b0),
+ .wr_eeprom_sda_i(1'b0),
+ .wr_uart_rx(1'b0),
+ // Misc
+ .port_info(sfp_port0_info),
+ .device_id(device_id),
+ // LED
+ .link_up(sfp0_link_up),
+ .activity(SFP_0_LED_A)
+ );
+ assign ps_gpio_in[60] = ps_gpio_tri[60] ? sfp0_link_up : ps_gpio_out[60];
+ assign SFP_0_LED_B = sfp0_link_up;
+`ifndef SFP0_WR
+ assign WB_DAC_SCLK = 1'b0;
+ assign WB_DAC_DIN = 1'b0;
+ assign WB_DAC_NCLR = 1'b1;
+ assign WB_DAC_NSYNC = 1'b1;
+ assign WB_DAC_NLDAC = 1'b1;
+ assign pps_wr_refclk = 1'b0;
+ assign wr_ref_clk = 1'b0;
+ /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ //
+ // SFP Wrapper 1: Network Interface (1/10G or Aurora)
+ //
+ //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ n3xx_mgt_channel_wrapper #(
+ .LANES(1),
+ `ifdef SFP1_10GBE
+ .PROTOCOL("10GbE"),
+ .MDIO_EN(1'b1),
+ .MDIO_PHYADDR(5'd4), // PHYADDR must match the "reg" property for PHY in DTS file
+ `elsif SFP1_AURORA
+ .PROTOCOL("Aurora"),
+ .MDIO_EN(1'b0),
+ `endif
+ .REG_DWIDTH(REG_DWIDTH), // Width of the AXI4-Lite data bus (must be 32 or 64)
+ .REG_AWIDTH(REG_AWIDTH), // Width of the address bus
+ .GT_COMMON(1),
+ ) sfp_wrapper_1 (
+ .areset(global_rst),
+ .gt_refclk(sfp1_gt_refclk),
+ .gb_refclk(sfp1_gb_refclk),
+ .misc_clk(sfp1_misc_clk),
+ .user_clk(au_user_clk),
+ .sync_clk(au_sync_clk),
+ .gt_tx_out_clk_unbuf(sfp1_tx_out_clk),
+ .bus_rst(bus_rst),
+ .bus_clk(bus_clk),
+ .qpllreset(qpllreset_sfp1),
+ .qplllock(qplllock),
+ .qplloutclk(qplloutclk),
+ .qplloutrefclk(qplloutrefclk),
+ .qpllrefclklost(),
+ .mmcm_locked(au_mmcm_locked),
+ .gt_pll_lock(sfp1_gt_pll_lock),
+ .txp(SFP_1_TX_P),
+ .txn(SFP_1_TX_N),
+ .rxp(SFP_1_RX_P),
+ .rxn(SFP_1_RX_N),
+ .mod_rxlos(SFP_1_LOS),
+ .mod_tx_fault(SFP_1_TXFAULT),
+ .mod_tx_disable(SFP_1_TXDISABLE),
+ // Clock and reset
+ .s_axi_aclk(clk40),
+ .s_axi_aresetn(clk40_rstn),
+ // AXI4-Lite: Write address port (domain: s_axi_aclk)
+ .s_axi_awaddr(M_AXI_NET1_AWADDR[REG_AWIDTH-1:0]),
+ .s_axi_awvalid(M_AXI_NET1_AWVALID),
+ .s_axi_awready(M_AXI_NET1_AWREADY),
+ // AXI4-Lite: Write data port (domain: s_axi_aclk)
+ .s_axi_wdata(M_AXI_NET1_WDATA),
+ .s_axi_wstrb(M_AXI_NET1_WSTRB),
+ .s_axi_wvalid(M_AXI_NET1_WVALID),
+ .s_axi_wready(M_AXI_NET1_WREADY),
+ // AXI4-Lite: Write response port (domain: s_axi_aclk)
+ .s_axi_bresp(M_AXI_NET1_BRESP),
+ .s_axi_bvalid(M_AXI_NET1_BVALID),
+ .s_axi_bready(M_AXI_NET1_BREADY),
+ // AXI4-Lite: Read address port (domain: s_axi_aclk)
+ .s_axi_araddr(M_AXI_NET1_ARADDR[REG_AWIDTH-1:0]),
+ .s_axi_arvalid(M_AXI_NET1_ARVALID),
+ .s_axi_arready(M_AXI_NET1_ARREADY),
+ // AXI4-Lite: Read data port (domain: s_axi_aclk)
+ .s_axi_rdata(M_AXI_NET1_RDATA),
+ .s_axi_rresp(M_AXI_NET1_RRESP),
+ .s_axi_rvalid(M_AXI_NET1_RVALID),
+ .s_axi_rready(M_AXI_NET1_RREADY),
+ // Ethernet to Vita
+ .e2v_tdata(e2v_sfp1_tdata),
+ .e2v_tlast(e2v_sfp1_tlast),
+ .e2v_tvalid(e2v_sfp1_tvalid),
+ .e2v_tready(e2v_sfp1_tready),
+ // Vita to Ethernet
+ .v2e_tdata(v2e_sfp1_tdata),
+ .v2e_tlast(v2e_sfp1_tlast),
+ .v2e_tvalid(v2e_sfp1_tvalid),
+ .v2e_tready(v2e_sfp1_tready),
+ // Ethernet to CPU
+ .e2c_tdata(arm_eth_sfp1_rx_tdata_b),
+ .e2c_tkeep(arm_eth_sfp1_rx_tkeep_b),
+ .e2c_tlast(arm_eth_sfp1_rx_tlast_b),
+ .e2c_tvalid(arm_eth_sfp1_rx_tvalid_b),
+ .e2c_tready(arm_eth_sfp1_rx_tready_b),
+ // CPU to Ethernet
+ .c2e_tdata(arm_eth_sfp1_tx_tdata_b),
+ .c2e_tkeep(arm_eth_sfp1_tx_tkeep_b),
+ .c2e_tlast(arm_eth_sfp1_tx_tlast_b),
+ .c2e_tvalid(arm_eth_sfp1_tx_tvalid_b),
+ .c2e_tready(arm_eth_sfp1_tx_tready_b),
+ // Misc
+ .port_info(sfp_port1_info),
+ .device_id(device_id),
+ // LED
+ .link_up(sfp1_link_up),
+ .activity(SFP_1_LED_A)
+ );
+ assign ps_gpio_in[61] = ps_gpio_tri[61] ? sfp1_link_up : ps_gpio_out[61];
+ assign SFP_1_LED_B = sfp1_link_up;
+ /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ //
+ // Ethernet DMA 0
+ //
+ //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ assign IRQ_F2P[0] = arm_eth0_rx_irq;
+ assign IRQ_F2P[1] = arm_eth0_tx_irq;
+ assign {S_AXI_HP0_AWID, S_AXI_HP0_ARID} = 12'd0;
+ assign {S_AXI_GP0_AWID, S_AXI_GP0_ARID} = 10'd0;
+`ifdef QSFP_10GBE
+ // QSFP+ lanes connect to DMA engines and crossbar
+ // Connect first QSFP+ 10 GbE port to a DMA engine (and the PS/ARM)
+ assign arm_eth_qsfp_tx_tdata_b[0*64 +: 64] = arm_eth0_tx_tdata_b;
+ assign arm_eth_qsfp_tx_tvalid_b[0] = arm_eth0_tx_tvalid_b;
+ assign arm_eth_qsfp_tx_tlast_b[0] = arm_eth0_tx_tlast_b;
+ assign arm_eth0_tx_tready_b = arm_eth_qsfp_tx_tready_b[0];
+ assign arm_eth_qsfp_tx_tuser_b[0*4 +: 4] = arm_eth0_tx_tuser_b;
+ assign arm_eth_qsfp_tx_tkeep_b[0*8 +: 8] = arm_eth0_tx_tkeep_b;
+ assign arm_eth0_rx_tdata_b = arm_eth_qsfp_rx_tdata_b[0*64 +: 64];
+ assign arm_eth0_rx_tvalid_b = arm_eth_qsfp_rx_tvalid_b[0];
+ assign arm_eth0_rx_tlast_b = arm_eth_qsfp_rx_tlast_b[0];
+ assign arm_eth_qsfp_rx_tready_b[0] = arm_eth0_rx_tready_b;
+ assign arm_eth0_rx_tuser_b = arm_eth_qsfp_rx_tuser_b[0*4 +: 4];
+ assign arm_eth0_rx_tkeep_b = arm_eth_qsfp_rx_tkeep_b[0*8 +: 8];
+ // Connect first QSFP+ 10 GbE port to the crossbar
+ assign v2e_qsfp_tdata[0*64 +: 64] = v2e0_tdata;
+ assign v2e_qsfp_tlast[0] = v2e0_tlast;
+ assign v2e_qsfp_tvalid[0] = v2e0_tvalid;
+ assign v2e0_tready = v2e_qsfp_tready[0];
+ assign e2v0_tdata = e2v_qsfp_tdata[0*64 +: 64];
+ assign e2v0_tlast = e2v_qsfp_tlast[0];
+ assign e2v0_tvalid = e2v_qsfp_tvalid[0];
+ assign e2v_qsfp_tready[0] = e2v0_tready;
+ // Connect second QSFP+ 10 GbE port to a DMA engine (and the PS/ARM)
+ assign arm_eth_qsfp_tx_tdata_b[1*64 +: 64] = arm_eth1_tx_tdata_b;
+ assign arm_eth_qsfp_tx_tvalid_b[1] = arm_eth1_tx_tvalid_b;
+ assign arm_eth_qsfp_tx_tlast_b[1] = arm_eth1_tx_tlast_b;
+ assign arm_eth1_tx_tready_b = arm_eth_qsfp_tx_tready_b[1];
+ assign arm_eth_qsfp_tx_tuser_b[1*4 +: 4] = arm_eth1_tx_tuser_b;
+ assign arm_eth_qsfp_tx_tkeep_b[1*8 +: 8] = arm_eth1_tx_tkeep_b;
+ assign arm_eth1_rx_tdata_b = arm_eth_qsfp_rx_tdata_b[1*64 +: 64];
+ assign arm_eth1_rx_tvalid_b = arm_eth_qsfp_rx_tvalid_b[1];
+ assign arm_eth1_rx_tlast_b = arm_eth_qsfp_rx_tlast_b[1];
+ assign arm_eth_qsfp_rx_tready_b[1] = arm_eth1_rx_tready_b;
+ assign arm_eth1_rx_tuser_b = arm_eth_qsfp_rx_tuser_b[1*4 +: 4];
+ assign arm_eth1_rx_tkeep_b = arm_eth_qsfp_rx_tkeep_b[1*8 +: 8];
+ // Connect second QSFP+ 10 GbE port to the crossbar
+ assign v2e_qsfp_tdata[1*64 +: 64] = v2e1_tdata;
+ assign v2e_qsfp_tlast[1] = v2e1_tlast;
+ assign v2e_qsfp_tvalid[1] = v2e1_tvalid;
+ assign v2e1_tready = v2e_qsfp_tready[1];
+ assign e2v1_tdata = e2v_qsfp_tdata[1*64 +: 64];
+ assign e2v1_tlast = e2v_qsfp_tlast[1];
+ assign e2v1_tvalid = e2v_qsfp_tvalid[1];
+ assign e2v_qsfp_tready[1] = e2v1_tready;
+ // SFP+ ports connects to DMA engines and crossbar
+ // Connect first SFP+ 10 GbE port to a DMA engine (and the PS/ARM)
+ assign arm_eth_sfp0_tx_tdata_b = arm_eth0_tx_tdata_b;
+ assign arm_eth_sfp0_tx_tvalid_b = arm_eth0_tx_tvalid_b;
+ assign arm_eth_sfp0_tx_tlast_b = arm_eth0_tx_tlast_b;
+ assign arm_eth0_tx_tready_b = arm_eth_sfp0_tx_tready_b;
+ assign arm_eth_sfp0_tx_tuser_b = arm_eth0_tx_tuser_b;
+ assign arm_eth_sfp0_tx_tkeep_b = arm_eth0_tx_tkeep_b;
+ assign arm_eth0_rx_tdata_b = arm_eth_sfp0_rx_tdata_b;
+ assign arm_eth0_rx_tvalid_b = arm_eth_sfp0_rx_tvalid_b;
+ assign arm_eth0_rx_tlast_b = arm_eth_sfp0_rx_tlast_b;
+ assign arm_eth_sfp0_rx_tready_b = arm_eth0_rx_tready_b;
+ assign arm_eth0_rx_tuser_b = arm_eth_sfp0_rx_tuser_b;
+ assign arm_eth0_rx_tkeep_b = arm_eth_sfp0_rx_tkeep_b;
+ // Connect first SFP+ 10 GbE port to the crossbar
+ assign v2e_sfp0_tdata = v2e0_tdata;
+ assign v2e_sfp0_tlast = v2e0_tlast;
+ assign v2e_sfp0_tvalid = v2e0_tvalid;
+ assign v2e0_tready = v2e_sfp0_tready;
+ assign e2v0_tdata = e2v_sfp0_tdata;
+ assign e2v0_tlast = e2v_sfp0_tlast;
+ assign e2v0_tvalid = e2v_sfp0_tvalid;
+ assign e2v_sfp0_tready = e2v0_tready;
+ // Connect second SFP+ 10 GbE port to a DMA engine (and the PS/ARM)
+ assign arm_eth_sfp1_tx_tdata_b = arm_eth1_tx_tdata_b;
+ assign arm_eth_sfp1_tx_tvalid_b = arm_eth1_tx_tvalid_b;
+ assign arm_eth_sfp1_tx_tlast_b = arm_eth1_tx_tlast_b;
+ assign arm_eth1_tx_tready_b = arm_eth_sfp1_tx_tready_b;
+ assign arm_eth_sfp1_tx_tuser_b = arm_eth1_tx_tuser_b;
+ assign arm_eth_sfp1_tx_tkeep_b = arm_eth1_tx_tkeep_b;
+ assign arm_eth1_rx_tdata_b = arm_eth_sfp1_rx_tdata_b;
+ assign arm_eth1_rx_tvalid_b = arm_eth_sfp1_rx_tvalid_b;
+ assign arm_eth1_rx_tlast_b = arm_eth_sfp1_rx_tlast_b;
+ assign arm_eth_sfp1_rx_tready_b = arm_eth1_rx_tready_b;
+ assign arm_eth1_rx_tuser_b = arm_eth_sfp1_rx_tuser_b;
+ assign arm_eth1_rx_tkeep_b = arm_eth_sfp1_rx_tkeep_b;
+ // Connect first SFP+ 10 GbE port to the crossbar
+ assign v2e_sfp1_tdata = v2e1_tdata;
+ assign v2e_sfp1_tlast = v2e1_tlast;
+ assign v2e_sfp1_tvalid = v2e1_tvalid;
+ assign v2e1_tready = v2e_sfp1_tready;
+ assign e2v1_tdata = e2v_sfp1_tdata;
+ assign e2v1_tlast = e2v_sfp1_tlast;
+ assign e2v1_tvalid = e2v_sfp1_tvalid;
+ assign e2v_sfp1_tready = e2v1_tready;
+ // Don't actually instantiate DMA engines if protocols can't use them
+ `ifdef SFP0_AURORA
+ `define NO_ETH_DMA_0
+ `elsif SFP0_WR
+ `define NO_ETH_DMA_0
+ `endif
+ `ifdef SFP1_AURORA
+ `define NO_ETH_DMA_1
+ `endif
+`ifdef NO_ETH_DMA_0
+ //If inst Aurora, tie off each axi/axi-lite interface
+ axi_dummy #(
+ .DEC_ERR(1'b0)
+ ) inst_axi_dummy_sfp0_eth_dma (
+ .s_axi_aclk(bus_clk),
+ .s_axi_areset(bus_rst),
+ .s_axi_awaddr(M_AXI_ETH_DMA0_AWADDR),
+ .s_axi_awvalid(M_AXI_ETH_DMA0_AWVALID),
+ .s_axi_awready(M_AXI_ETH_DMA0_AWREADY),
+ .s_axi_wdata(M_AXI_ETH_DMA0_WDATA),
+ .s_axi_wvalid(M_AXI_ETH_DMA0_WVALID),
+ .s_axi_wready(M_AXI_ETH_DMA0_WREADY),
+ .s_axi_bresp(M_AXI_ETH_DMA0_BRESP),
+ .s_axi_bvalid(M_AXI_ETH_DMA0_BVALID),
+ .s_axi_bready(M_AXI_ETH_DMA0_BREADY),
+ .s_axi_araddr(M_AXI_ETH_DMA0_ARADDR),
+ .s_axi_arvalid(M_AXI_ETH_DMA0_ARVALID),
+ .s_axi_arready(M_AXI_ETH_DMA0_ARREADY),
+ .s_axi_rdata(M_AXI_ETH_DMA0_RDATA),
+ .s_axi_rresp(M_AXI_ETH_DMA0_RRESP),
+ .s_axi_rvalid(M_AXI_ETH_DMA0_RVALID),
+ .s_axi_rready(M_AXI_ETH_DMA0_RREADY)
+ );
+ //S_AXI_GP0 outputs from axi_eth_dma, so needs some sort of controller/tie off
+ assign S_AXI_GP0_AWADDR = 32'h0;
+ assign S_AXI_GP0_AWLEN = 8'h0;
+ assign S_AXI_GP0_AWSIZE = 4'h0;
+ assign S_AXI_GP0_AWBURST = 3'h0;
+ assign S_AXI_GP0_AWPROT = 3'h0;
+ assign S_AXI_GP0_AWCACHE = 4'h0;
+ assign S_AXI_GP0_AWVALID = 1'b0;
+ //S_AXI_GP0_AWREADY output from PS
+ assign S_AXI_GP0_WDATA = 32'h0;
+ assign S_AXI_GP0_WSTRB = 4'h0;
+ assign S_AXI_GP0_WLAST = 1'b0;
+ assign S_AXI_GP0_WVALID = 1'b0;
+ //S_AXI_GP0_WREADY output from PS
+ assign S_AXI_GP0_BREADY = 1'b1;
+ assign S_AXI_GP0_ARADDR = 32'h0;
+ assign S_AXI_GP0_ARLEN = 8'h0;
+ assign S_AXI_GP0_ARSIZE = 3'h0;
+ assign S_AXI_GP0_ARBURST = 2'h0;
+ assign S_AXI_GP0_ARPROT = 3'h0;
+ assign S_AXI_GP0_ARCACHE = 4'h0;
+ assign S_AXI_GP0_ARVALID = 1'b0;
+ assign S_AXI_GP0_RREADY = 1'b1;
+ //S_AXI_HP0 from axi_eth_dma
+ assign S_AXI_HP0_ARADDR = 32'h0;
+ assign S_AXI_HP0_ARLEN = 8'h0;
+ assign S_AXI_HP0_ARSIZE = 3'h0;
+ assign S_AXI_HP0_ARBURST = 2'h0;
+ assign S_AXI_HP0_ARPROT = 3'h0;
+ assign S_AXI_HP0_ARCACHE = 4'h0;
+ assign S_AXI_HP0_ARVALID = 1'b0;
+ assign S_AXI_HP0_RREADY = 1'b1;
+ assign S_AXI_HP0_AWADDR = 32'h0;
+ assign S_AXI_HP0_AWLEN = 8'h0;
+ assign S_AXI_HP0_AWSIZE = 3'h0;
+ assign S_AXI_HP0_AWBURST = 2'h0;
+ assign S_AXI_HP0_AWPROT = 3'h0;
+ assign S_AXI_HP0_AWCACHE = 4'h0;
+ assign S_AXI_HP0_AWVALID = 1'b0;
+ assign S_AXI_HP0_WDATA = 64'h0;
+ assign S_AXI_HP0_WSTRB = 8'h0;
+ assign S_AXI_HP0_WLAST = 1'b0;
+ assign S_AXI_HP0_WVALID = 1'b0;
+ assign S_AXI_HP0_BREADY = 1'b1;
+ axi_eth_dma inst_axi_eth_dma0 (
+ .s_axi_lite_aclk(clk40),
+ .m_axi_sg_aclk(clk40),
+ .m_axi_mm2s_aclk(clk40),
+ .m_axi_s2mm_aclk(clk40),
+ .axi_resetn(clk40_rstn),
+ .s_axi_lite_awaddr(M_AXI_ETH_DMA0_AWADDR),
+ .s_axi_lite_awvalid(M_AXI_ETH_DMA0_AWVALID),
+ .s_axi_lite_awready(M_AXI_ETH_DMA0_AWREADY),
+ .s_axi_lite_wdata(M_AXI_ETH_DMA0_WDATA),
+ .s_axi_lite_wvalid(M_AXI_ETH_DMA0_WVALID),
+ .s_axi_lite_wready(M_AXI_ETH_DMA0_WREADY),
+ .s_axi_lite_bresp(M_AXI_ETH_DMA0_BRESP),
+ .s_axi_lite_bvalid(M_AXI_ETH_DMA0_BVALID),
+ .s_axi_lite_bready(M_AXI_ETH_DMA0_BREADY),
+ .s_axi_lite_araddr(M_AXI_ETH_DMA0_ARADDR),
+ .s_axi_lite_arvalid(M_AXI_ETH_DMA0_ARVALID),
+ .s_axi_lite_arready(M_AXI_ETH_DMA0_ARREADY),
+ .s_axi_lite_rdata(M_AXI_ETH_DMA0_RDATA),
+ .s_axi_lite_rresp(M_AXI_ETH_DMA0_RRESP),
+ .s_axi_lite_rvalid(M_AXI_ETH_DMA0_RVALID),
+ .s_axi_lite_rready(M_AXI_ETH_DMA0_RREADY),
+ .m_axi_sg_awaddr(S_AXI_GP0_AWADDR),
+ .m_axi_sg_awlen(S_AXI_GP0_AWLEN),
+ .m_axi_sg_awsize(S_AXI_GP0_AWSIZE),
+ .m_axi_sg_awburst(S_AXI_GP0_AWBURST),
+ .m_axi_sg_awprot(S_AXI_GP0_AWPROT),
+ .m_axi_sg_awcache(S_AXI_GP0_AWCACHE),
+ .m_axi_sg_awvalid(S_AXI_GP0_AWVALID),
+ .m_axi_sg_awready(S_AXI_GP0_AWREADY),
+ .m_axi_sg_wdata(S_AXI_GP0_WDATA),
+ .m_axi_sg_wstrb(S_AXI_GP0_WSTRB),
+ .m_axi_sg_wlast(S_AXI_GP0_WLAST),
+ .m_axi_sg_wvalid(S_AXI_GP0_WVALID),
+ .m_axi_sg_wready(S_AXI_GP0_WREADY),
+ .m_axi_sg_bresp(S_AXI_GP0_BRESP),
+ .m_axi_sg_bvalid(S_AXI_GP0_BVALID),
+ .m_axi_sg_bready(S_AXI_GP0_BREADY),
+ .m_axi_sg_araddr(S_AXI_GP0_ARADDR),
+ .m_axi_sg_arlen(S_AXI_GP0_ARLEN),
+ .m_axi_sg_arsize(S_AXI_GP0_ARSIZE),
+ .m_axi_sg_arburst(S_AXI_GP0_ARBURST),
+ .m_axi_sg_arprot(S_AXI_GP0_ARPROT),
+ .m_axi_sg_arcache(S_AXI_GP0_ARCACHE),
+ .m_axi_sg_arvalid(S_AXI_GP0_ARVALID),
+ .m_axi_sg_arready(S_AXI_GP0_ARREADY),
+ .m_axi_sg_rdata(S_AXI_GP0_RDATA),
+ .m_axi_sg_rresp(S_AXI_GP0_RRESP),
+ .m_axi_sg_rlast(S_AXI_GP0_RLAST),
+ .m_axi_sg_rvalid(S_AXI_GP0_RVALID),
+ .m_axi_sg_rready(S_AXI_GP0_RREADY),
+ .m_axi_mm2s_araddr(S_AXI_HP0_ARADDR),
+ .m_axi_mm2s_arlen(S_AXI_HP0_ARLEN),
+ .m_axi_mm2s_arsize(S_AXI_HP0_ARSIZE),
+ .m_axi_mm2s_arburst(S_AXI_HP0_ARBURST),
+ .m_axi_mm2s_arprot(S_AXI_HP0_ARPROT),
+ .m_axi_mm2s_arcache(S_AXI_HP0_ARCACHE),
+ .m_axi_mm2s_arvalid(S_AXI_HP0_ARVALID),
+ .m_axi_mm2s_arready(S_AXI_HP0_ARREADY),
+ .m_axi_mm2s_rdata(S_AXI_HP0_RDATA),
+ .m_axi_mm2s_rresp(S_AXI_HP0_RRESP),
+ .m_axi_mm2s_rlast(S_AXI_HP0_RLAST),
+ .m_axi_mm2s_rvalid(S_AXI_HP0_RVALID),
+ .m_axi_mm2s_rready(S_AXI_HP0_RREADY),
+ .mm2s_prmry_reset_out_n(),
+ .m_axis_mm2s_tdata(arm_eth0_tx_tdata),
+ .m_axis_mm2s_tkeep(arm_eth0_tx_tkeep),
+ .m_axis_mm2s_tvalid(arm_eth0_tx_tvalid),
+ .m_axis_mm2s_tready(arm_eth0_tx_tready),
+ .m_axis_mm2s_tlast(arm_eth0_tx_tlast),
+ .m_axi_s2mm_awaddr(S_AXI_HP0_AWADDR),
+ .m_axi_s2mm_awlen(S_AXI_HP0_AWLEN),
+ .m_axi_s2mm_awsize(S_AXI_HP0_AWSIZE),
+ .m_axi_s2mm_awburst(S_AXI_HP0_AWBURST),
+ .m_axi_s2mm_awprot(S_AXI_HP0_AWPROT),
+ .m_axi_s2mm_awcache(S_AXI_HP0_AWCACHE),
+ .m_axi_s2mm_awvalid(S_AXI_HP0_AWVALID),
+ .m_axi_s2mm_awready(S_AXI_HP0_AWREADY),
+ .m_axi_s2mm_wdata(S_AXI_HP0_WDATA),
+ .m_axi_s2mm_wstrb(S_AXI_HP0_WSTRB),
+ .m_axi_s2mm_wlast(S_AXI_HP0_WLAST),
+ .m_axi_s2mm_wvalid(S_AXI_HP0_WVALID),
+ .m_axi_s2mm_wready(S_AXI_HP0_WREADY),
+ .m_axi_s2mm_bresp(S_AXI_HP0_BRESP),
+ .m_axi_s2mm_bvalid(S_AXI_HP0_BVALID),
+ .m_axi_s2mm_bready(S_AXI_HP0_BREADY),
+ .s2mm_prmry_reset_out_n(),
+ .s_axis_s2mm_tdata(arm_eth0_rx_tdata),
+ .s_axis_s2mm_tkeep(arm_eth0_rx_tkeep),
+ .s_axis_s2mm_tvalid(arm_eth0_rx_tvalid),
+ .s_axis_s2mm_tready(arm_eth0_rx_tready),
+ .s_axis_s2mm_tlast(arm_eth0_rx_tlast),
+ .mm2s_introut(arm_eth0_tx_irq),
+ .s2mm_introut(arm_eth0_rx_irq),
+ .axi_dma_tstvec()
+ );
+ axi_fifo_2clk #(
+ .WIDTH(1+8+64),
+ .SIZE(5)
+ ) eth_tx_0_fifo_2clk_i (
+ .reset(clk40_rst),
+ .i_aclk(clk40),
+ .i_tdata({arm_eth0_tx_tlast, arm_eth0_tx_tkeep, arm_eth0_tx_tdata}),
+ .i_tvalid(arm_eth0_tx_tvalid),
+ .i_tready(arm_eth0_tx_tready),
+ .o_aclk(bus_clk),
+ .o_tdata({arm_eth0_tx_tlast_b, arm_eth0_tx_tkeep_b, arm_eth0_tx_tdata_b}),
+ .o_tvalid(arm_eth0_tx_tvalid_b),
+ .o_tready(arm_eth0_tx_tready_b)
+ );
+ axi_fifo_2clk #(
+ .WIDTH(1+8+64),
+ .SIZE(5)
+ ) eth_rx_0_fifo_2clk_i (
+ .reset(bus_rst),
+ .i_aclk(bus_clk),
+ .i_tdata({arm_eth0_rx_tlast_b, arm_eth0_rx_tkeep_b, arm_eth0_rx_tdata_b}),
+ .i_tvalid(arm_eth0_rx_tvalid_b),
+ .i_tready(arm_eth0_rx_tready_b),
+ .o_aclk(clk40),
+ .o_tdata({arm_eth0_rx_tlast, arm_eth0_rx_tkeep, arm_eth0_rx_tdata}),
+ .o_tvalid(arm_eth0_rx_tvalid),
+ .o_tready(arm_eth0_rx_tready)
+ );
+ /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ //
+ // Ethernet DMA 1
+ //
+ //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ assign IRQ_F2P[2] = arm_eth1_rx_irq;
+ assign IRQ_F2P[3] = arm_eth1_tx_irq;
+ assign {S_AXI_HP1_AWID, S_AXI_HP1_ARID} = 12'd0;
+ assign {S_AXI_GP1_AWID, S_AXI_GP1_ARID} = 10'd0;
+`ifdef NO_ETH_DMA_1
+ //If inst Aurora, tie off each axi/axi-lite interface
+ axi_dummy #(.DEC_ERR(1'b0)) inst_axi_dummy_sfp1_eth_dma
+ (
+ .s_axi_aclk(bus_clk),
+ .s_axi_areset(bus_rst),
+ .s_axi_awaddr(M_AXI_ETH_DMA1_AWADDR),
+ .s_axi_awvalid(M_AXI_ETH_DMA1_AWVALID),
+ .s_axi_awready(M_AXI_ETH_DMA1_AWREADY),
+ .s_axi_wdata(M_AXI_ETH_DMA1_WDATA),
+ .s_axi_wvalid(M_AXI_ETH_DMA1_WVALID),
+ .s_axi_wready(M_AXI_ETH_DMA1_WREADY),
+ .s_axi_bresp(M_AXI_ETH_DMA1_BRESP),
+ .s_axi_bvalid(M_AXI_ETH_DMA1_BVALID),
+ .s_axi_bready(M_AXI_ETH_DMA1_BREADY),
+ .s_axi_araddr(M_AXI_ETH_DMA1_ARADDR),
+ .s_axi_arvalid(M_AXI_ETH_DMA1_ARVALID),
+ .s_axi_arready(M_AXI_ETH_DMA1_ARREADY),
+ .s_axi_rdata(M_AXI_ETH_DMA1_RDATA),
+ .s_axi_rresp(M_AXI_ETH_DMA1_RRESP),
+ .s_axi_rvalid(M_AXI_ETH_DMA1_RVALID),
+ .s_axi_rready(M_AXI_ETH_DMA1_RREADY)
+ );
+ //S_AXI_GP0 outputs from axi_eth_dma, so needs some sort of controller/tie off
+ assign S_AXI_GP1_AWADDR = 32'h0;
+ assign S_AXI_GP1_AWLEN = 8'h0;
+ assign S_AXI_GP1_AWSIZE = 4'h0;
+ assign S_AXI_GP1_AWBURST = 3'h0;
+ assign S_AXI_GP1_AWPROT = 3'h0;
+ assign S_AXI_GP1_AWCACHE = 4'h0;
+ assign S_AXI_GP1_AWVALID = 1'b0;
+ //S_AXI_GP1_AWREADY output from PS
+ assign S_AXI_GP1_WDATA = 32'h0;
+ assign S_AXI_GP1_WSTRB = 4'h0;
+ assign S_AXI_GP1_WLAST = 1'b0;
+ assign S_AXI_GP1_WVALID = 1'b0;
+ //S_AXI_GP1_WREADY output from PS
+ assign S_AXI_GP1_BREADY = 1'b1;
+ assign S_AXI_GP1_ARADDR = 32'h0;
+ assign S_AXI_GP1_ARLEN = 8'h0;
+ assign S_AXI_GP1_ARSIZE = 3'h0;
+ assign S_AXI_GP1_ARBURST = 2'h0;
+ assign S_AXI_GP1_ARPROT = 3'h0;
+ assign S_AXI_GP1_ARCACHE = 4'h0;
+ assign S_AXI_GP1_ARVALID = 1'b0;
+ assign S_AXI_GP1_RREADY = 1'b1;
+ //S_AXI_HP0 from axi_eth_dma
+ assign S_AXI_HP1_ARADDR = 32'h0;
+ assign S_AXI_HP1_ARLEN = 8'h0;
+ assign S_AXI_HP1_ARSIZE = 3'h0;
+ assign S_AXI_HP1_ARBURST = 2'h0;
+ assign S_AXI_HP1_ARPROT = 3'h0;
+ assign S_AXI_HP1_ARCACHE = 4'h0;
+ assign S_AXI_HP1_ARVALID = 1'b0;
+ assign S_AXI_HP1_RREADY = 1'b1;
+ assign S_AXI_HP1_AWADDR = 32'h0;
+ assign S_AXI_HP1_AWLEN = 8'h0;
+ assign S_AXI_HP1_AWSIZE = 3'h0;
+ assign S_AXI_HP1_AWBURST = 2'h0;
+ assign S_AXI_HP1_AWPROT = 3'h0;
+ assign S_AXI_HP1_AWCACHE = 4'h0;
+ assign S_AXI_HP1_AWVALID = 1'b0;
+ assign S_AXI_HP1_WDATA = 64'h0;
+ assign S_AXI_HP1_WSTRB = 8'h0;
+ assign S_AXI_HP1_WLAST = 1'b0;
+ assign S_AXI_HP1_WVALID = 1'b0;
+ assign S_AXI_HP1_BREADY = 1'b1;
+ axi_eth_dma inst_axi_eth_dma1 (
+ .s_axi_lite_aclk(clk40),
+ .m_axi_sg_aclk(clk40),
+ .m_axi_mm2s_aclk(clk40),
+ .m_axi_s2mm_aclk(clk40),
+ .axi_resetn(clk40_rstn),
+ .s_axi_lite_awaddr(M_AXI_ETH_DMA1_AWADDR),
+ .s_axi_lite_awvalid(M_AXI_ETH_DMA1_AWVALID),
+ .s_axi_lite_awready(M_AXI_ETH_DMA1_AWREADY),
+ .s_axi_lite_wdata(M_AXI_ETH_DMA1_WDATA),
+ .s_axi_lite_wvalid(M_AXI_ETH_DMA1_WVALID),
+ .s_axi_lite_wready(M_AXI_ETH_DMA1_WREADY),
+ .s_axi_lite_bresp(M_AXI_ETH_DMA1_BRESP),
+ .s_axi_lite_bvalid(M_AXI_ETH_DMA1_BVALID),
+ .s_axi_lite_bready(M_AXI_ETH_DMA1_BREADY),
+ .s_axi_lite_araddr(M_AXI_ETH_DMA1_ARADDR),
+ .s_axi_lite_arvalid(M_AXI_ETH_DMA1_ARVALID),
+ .s_axi_lite_arready(M_AXI_ETH_DMA1_ARREADY),
+ .s_axi_lite_rdata(M_AXI_ETH_DMA1_RDATA),
+ .s_axi_lite_rresp(M_AXI_ETH_DMA1_RRESP),
+ .s_axi_lite_rvalid(M_AXI_ETH_DMA1_RVALID),
+ .s_axi_lite_rready(M_AXI_ETH_DMA1_RREADY),
+ .m_axi_sg_awaddr(S_AXI_GP1_AWADDR),
+ .m_axi_sg_awlen(S_AXI_GP1_AWLEN),
+ .m_axi_sg_awsize(S_AXI_GP1_AWSIZE),
+ .m_axi_sg_awburst(S_AXI_GP1_AWBURST),
+ .m_axi_sg_awprot(S_AXI_GP1_AWPROT),
+ .m_axi_sg_awcache(S_AXI_GP1_AWCACHE),
+ .m_axi_sg_awvalid(S_AXI_GP1_AWVALID),
+ .m_axi_sg_awready(S_AXI_GP1_AWREADY),
+ .m_axi_sg_wdata(S_AXI_GP1_WDATA),
+ .m_axi_sg_wstrb(S_AXI_GP1_WSTRB),
+ .m_axi_sg_wlast(S_AXI_GP1_WLAST),
+ .m_axi_sg_wvalid(S_AXI_GP1_WVALID),
+ .m_axi_sg_wready(S_AXI_GP1_WREADY),
+ .m_axi_sg_bresp(S_AXI_GP1_BRESP),
+ .m_axi_sg_bvalid(S_AXI_GP1_BVALID),
+ .m_axi_sg_bready(S_AXI_GP1_BREADY),
+ .m_axi_sg_araddr(S_AXI_GP1_ARADDR),
+ .m_axi_sg_arlen(S_AXI_GP1_ARLEN),
+ .m_axi_sg_arsize(S_AXI_GP1_ARSIZE),
+ .m_axi_sg_arburst(S_AXI_GP1_ARBURST),
+ .m_axi_sg_arprot(S_AXI_GP1_ARPROT),
+ .m_axi_sg_arcache(S_AXI_GP1_ARCACHE),
+ .m_axi_sg_arvalid(S_AXI_GP1_ARVALID),
+ .m_axi_sg_arready(S_AXI_GP1_ARREADY),
+ .m_axi_sg_rdata(S_AXI_GP1_RDATA),
+ .m_axi_sg_rresp(S_AXI_GP1_RRESP),
+ .m_axi_sg_rlast(S_AXI_GP1_RLAST),
+ .m_axi_sg_rvalid(S_AXI_GP1_RVALID),
+ .m_axi_sg_rready(S_AXI_GP1_RREADY),
+ .m_axi_mm2s_araddr(S_AXI_HP1_ARADDR),
+ .m_axi_mm2s_arlen(S_AXI_HP1_ARLEN),
+ .m_axi_mm2s_arsize(S_AXI_HP1_ARSIZE),
+ .m_axi_mm2s_arburst(S_AXI_HP1_ARBURST),
+ .m_axi_mm2s_arprot(S_AXI_HP1_ARPROT),
+ .m_axi_mm2s_arcache(S_AXI_HP1_ARCACHE),
+ .m_axi_mm2s_arvalid(S_AXI_HP1_ARVALID),
+ .m_axi_mm2s_arready(S_AXI_HP1_ARREADY),
+ .m_axi_mm2s_rdata(S_AXI_HP1_RDATA),
+ .m_axi_mm2s_rresp(S_AXI_HP1_RRESP),
+ .m_axi_mm2s_rlast(S_AXI_HP1_RLAST),
+ .m_axi_mm2s_rvalid(S_AXI_HP1_RVALID),
+ .m_axi_mm2s_rready(S_AXI_HP1_RREADY),
+ .mm2s_prmry_reset_out_n(),
+ .m_axis_mm2s_tdata(arm_eth1_tx_tdata),
+ .m_axis_mm2s_tkeep(arm_eth1_tx_tkeep),
+ .m_axis_mm2s_tvalid(arm_eth1_tx_tvalid),
+ .m_axis_mm2s_tready(arm_eth1_tx_tready),
+ .m_axis_mm2s_tlast(arm_eth1_tx_tlast),
+ .m_axi_s2mm_awaddr(S_AXI_HP1_AWADDR),
+ .m_axi_s2mm_awlen(S_AXI_HP1_AWLEN),
+ .m_axi_s2mm_awsize(S_AXI_HP1_AWSIZE),
+ .m_axi_s2mm_awburst(S_AXI_HP1_AWBURST),
+ .m_axi_s2mm_awprot(S_AXI_HP1_AWPROT),
+ .m_axi_s2mm_awcache(S_AXI_HP1_AWCACHE),
+ .m_axi_s2mm_awvalid(S_AXI_HP1_AWVALID),
+ .m_axi_s2mm_awready(S_AXI_HP1_AWREADY),
+ .m_axi_s2mm_wdata(S_AXI_HP1_WDATA),
+ .m_axi_s2mm_wstrb(S_AXI_HP1_WSTRB),
+ .m_axi_s2mm_wlast(S_AXI_HP1_WLAST),
+ .m_axi_s2mm_wvalid(S_AXI_HP1_WVALID),
+ .m_axi_s2mm_wready(S_AXI_HP1_WREADY),
+ .m_axi_s2mm_bresp(S_AXI_HP1_BRESP),
+ .m_axi_s2mm_bvalid(S_AXI_HP1_BVALID),
+ .m_axi_s2mm_bready(S_AXI_HP1_BREADY),
+ .s2mm_prmry_reset_out_n(),
+ .s_axis_s2mm_tdata(arm_eth1_rx_tdata),
+ .s_axis_s2mm_tkeep(arm_eth1_rx_tkeep),
+ .s_axis_s2mm_tvalid(arm_eth1_rx_tvalid),
+ .s_axis_s2mm_tready(arm_eth1_rx_tready),
+ .s_axis_s2mm_tlast(arm_eth1_rx_tlast),
+ .mm2s_introut(arm_eth1_tx_irq),
+ .s2mm_introut(arm_eth1_rx_irq),
+ .axi_dma_tstvec()
+ );
+ axi_fifo_2clk #(
+ .WIDTH(1+8+64),
+ .SIZE(5)
+ ) eth_tx_1_fifo_2clk_i (
+ .reset(clk40_rst),
+ .i_aclk(clk40),
+ .i_tdata({arm_eth1_tx_tlast, arm_eth1_tx_tkeep, arm_eth1_tx_tdata}),
+ .i_tvalid(arm_eth1_tx_tvalid),
+ .i_tready(arm_eth1_tx_tready),
+ .o_aclk(bus_clk),
+ .o_tdata({arm_eth1_tx_tlast_b, arm_eth1_tx_tkeep_b, arm_eth1_tx_tdata_b}),
+ .o_tvalid(arm_eth1_tx_tvalid_b),
+ .o_tready(arm_eth1_tx_tready_b)
+ );
+ axi_fifo_2clk #(
+ .WIDTH(1+8+64),
+ .SIZE(5)
+ ) eth_rx_1_fifo_2clk_i (
+ .reset(bus_rst),
+ .i_aclk(bus_clk),
+ .i_tdata({arm_eth1_rx_tlast_b, arm_eth1_rx_tkeep_b, arm_eth1_rx_tdata_b}),
+ .i_tvalid(arm_eth1_rx_tvalid_b),
+ .i_tready(arm_eth1_rx_tready_b),
+ .o_aclk(clk40),
+ .o_tdata({arm_eth1_rx_tlast, arm_eth1_rx_tkeep, arm_eth1_rx_tdata}),
+ .o_tvalid(arm_eth1_rx_tvalid),
+ .o_tready(arm_eth1_rx_tready)
+ );
+ /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ //
+ // Processing System
+ //
+ //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ wire spi0_sclk;
+ wire spi0_mosi;
+ wire spi0_miso;
+ wire spi0_ss0;
+ wire spi0_ss1;
+ wire spi0_ss2;
+ wire spi1_sclk;
+ wire spi1_mosi;
+ wire spi1_miso;
+ wire spi1_ss0;
+ wire spi1_ss1;
+ wire spi1_ss2;
+ assign DBA_MODULE_PWR_ENABLE = ps_gpio_out[8];
+ assign DBA_RF_PWR_ENABLE = ps_gpio_out[9];
+ assign DBB_MODULE_PWR_ENABLE = ps_gpio_out[10];
+ assign DBB_RF_PWR_ENABLE = ps_gpio_out[11];
+ assign ps_gpio_in[8] = DBA_MODULE_PWR_ENABLE;
+ assign ps_gpio_in[9] = DBA_RF_PWR_ENABLE;
+ assign ps_gpio_in[10] = DBB_MODULE_PWR_ENABLE;
+ assign ps_gpio_in[11] = DBB_RF_PWR_ENABLE;
+ // Processing System
+ n310_ps_bd inst_n310_ps (
+ .SPI0_SCLK_I(1'b0),
+ .SPI0_SCLK_O(spi0_sclk),
+ .SPI0_SCLK_T(),
+ .SPI0_MOSI_I(1'b0),
+ .SPI0_MOSI_O(spi0_mosi),
+ .SPI0_MOSI_T(),
+ .SPI0_MISO_I(spi0_miso),
+ .SPI0_MISO_O(),
+ .SPI0_MISO_T(),
+ .SPI0_SS_I(1'b1),
+ .SPI0_SS_O(spi0_ss0),
+ .SPI0_SS1_O(spi0_ss1),
+ .SPI0_SS2_O(spi0_ss2),
+ .SPI0_SS_T(),
+ .SPI1_SCLK_I(1'b0),
+ .SPI1_SCLK_O(spi1_sclk),
+ .SPI1_SCLK_T(),
+ .SPI1_MOSI_I(1'b0),
+ .SPI1_MOSI_O(spi1_mosi),
+ .SPI1_MOSI_T(),
+ .SPI1_MISO_I(spi1_miso),
+ .SPI1_MISO_O(),
+ .SPI1_MISO_T(),
+ .SPI1_SS_I(1'b1),
+ .SPI1_SS_O(spi1_ss0),
+ .SPI1_SS1_O(spi1_ss1),
+ .SPI1_SS2_O(spi1_ss2),
+ .SPI1_SS_T(),
+ .bus_clk(bus_clk),
+ .bus_rstn(~bus_rst),
+ .clk40(clk40),
+ .clk40_rstn(clk40_rstn),
+ .M_AXI_ETH_DMA0_arprot(),
+ .M_AXI_ETH_DMA0_awprot(),
+ .M_AXI_ETH_DMA1_arprot(),
+ .M_AXI_ETH_DMA1_awprot(),
+ .M_AXI_JESD0_arprot(),
+ .M_AXI_JESD0_awprot(),
+ .M_AXI_JESD1_arprot(),
+ .M_AXI_JESD1_awprot(),
+ .M_AXI_NET0_araddr(M_AXI_NET0_ARADDR),
+ .M_AXI_NET0_arprot(),
+ .M_AXI_NET0_arready(M_AXI_NET0_ARREADY),
+ .M_AXI_NET0_arvalid(M_AXI_NET0_ARVALID),
+ .M_AXI_NET0_awaddr(M_AXI_NET0_AWADDR),
+ .M_AXI_NET0_awprot(),
+ .M_AXI_NET0_awready(M_AXI_NET0_AWREADY),
+ .M_AXI_NET0_awvalid(M_AXI_NET0_AWVALID),
+ .M_AXI_NET0_bready(M_AXI_NET0_BREADY),
+ .M_AXI_NET0_bresp(M_AXI_NET0_BRESP),
+ .M_AXI_NET0_bvalid(M_AXI_NET0_BVALID),
+ .M_AXI_NET0_rdata(M_AXI_NET0_RDATA),
+ .M_AXI_NET0_rready(M_AXI_NET0_RREADY),
+ .M_AXI_NET0_rresp(M_AXI_NET0_RRESP),
+ .M_AXI_NET0_rvalid(M_AXI_NET0_RVALID),
+ .M_AXI_NET0_wdata(M_AXI_NET0_WDATA),
+ .M_AXI_NET0_wready(M_AXI_NET0_WREADY),
+ .M_AXI_NET0_wstrb(M_AXI_NET0_WSTRB),
+ .M_AXI_NET0_wvalid(M_AXI_NET0_WVALID),
+ .M_AXI_NET1_araddr(M_AXI_NET1_ARADDR),
+ .M_AXI_NET1_arprot(),
+ .M_AXI_NET1_arready(M_AXI_NET1_ARREADY),
+ .M_AXI_NET1_arvalid(M_AXI_NET1_ARVALID),
+ .M_AXI_NET1_awaddr(M_AXI_NET1_AWADDR),
+ .M_AXI_NET1_awprot(),
+ .M_AXI_NET1_awready(M_AXI_NET1_AWREADY),
+ .M_AXI_NET1_awvalid(M_AXI_NET1_AWVALID),
+ .M_AXI_NET1_bready(M_AXI_NET1_BREADY),
+ .M_AXI_NET1_bresp(M_AXI_NET1_BRESP),
+ .M_AXI_NET1_bvalid(M_AXI_NET1_BVALID),
+ .M_AXI_NET1_rdata(M_AXI_NET1_RDATA),
+ .M_AXI_NET1_rready(M_AXI_NET1_RREADY),
+ .M_AXI_NET1_rresp(M_AXI_NET1_RRESP),
+ .M_AXI_NET1_rvalid(M_AXI_NET1_RVALID),
+ .M_AXI_NET1_wdata(M_AXI_NET1_WDATA),
+ .M_AXI_NET1_wready(M_AXI_NET1_WREADY),
+ .M_AXI_NET1_wstrb(M_AXI_NET1_WSTRB),
+ .M_AXI_NET1_wvalid(M_AXI_NET1_WVALID),
+ .M_AXI_NET2_araddr(M_AXI_NET2_ARADDR),
+ .M_AXI_NET2_arprot(),
+ .M_AXI_NET2_arready(M_AXI_NET2_ARREADY),
+ .M_AXI_NET2_arvalid(M_AXI_NET2_ARVALID),
+ .M_AXI_NET2_awaddr(M_AXI_NET2_AWADDR),
+ .M_AXI_NET2_awprot(),
+ .M_AXI_NET2_awready(M_AXI_NET2_AWREADY),
+ .M_AXI_NET2_awvalid(M_AXI_NET2_AWVALID),
+ .M_AXI_NET2_bready(M_AXI_NET2_BREADY),
+ .M_AXI_NET2_bresp(M_AXI_NET2_BRESP),
+ .M_AXI_NET2_bvalid(M_AXI_NET2_BVALID),
+ .M_AXI_NET2_rdata(M_AXI_NET2_RDATA),
+ .M_AXI_NET2_rready(M_AXI_NET2_RREADY),
+ .M_AXI_NET2_rresp(M_AXI_NET2_RRESP),
+ .M_AXI_NET2_rvalid(M_AXI_NET2_RVALID),
+ .M_AXI_NET2_wdata(M_AXI_NET2_WDATA),
+ .M_AXI_NET2_wready(M_AXI_NET2_WREADY),
+ .M_AXI_NET2_wstrb(M_AXI_NET2_WSTRB),
+ .M_AXI_NET2_wvalid(M_AXI_NET2_WVALID),
+ .M_AXI_WR_CLK(m_axi_wr_clk),
+ .M_AXI_WR_RSTn(1'b1),
+ .M_AXI_WR_araddr(m_axi_wr_araddr),
+ .M_AXI_WR_arready(m_axi_wr_arready),
+ .M_AXI_WR_arvalid(m_axi_wr_arvalid),
+ .M_AXI_WR_arprot(),
+ .M_AXI_WR_awaddr(m_axi_wr_awaddr),
+ .M_AXI_WR_awready(m_axi_wr_awready),
+ .M_AXI_WR_awvalid(m_axi_wr_awvalid),
+ .M_AXI_WR_awprot(),
+ .M_AXI_WR_bready(m_axi_wr_bready),
+ .M_AXI_WR_bresp(m_axi_wr_bresp),
+ .M_AXI_WR_bvalid(m_axi_wr_bvalid),
+ .M_AXI_WR_rdata(m_axi_wr_rdata),
+ .M_AXI_WR_rready(m_axi_wr_rready),
+ .M_AXI_WR_rresp(m_axi_wr_rresp),
+ .M_AXI_WR_rvalid(m_axi_wr_rvalid),
+ .M_AXI_WR_wdata(m_axi_wr_wdata),
+ .M_AXI_WR_wready(m_axi_wr_wready),
+ .M_AXI_WR_wstrb(m_axi_wr_wstrb),
+ .M_AXI_WR_wvalid(m_axi_wr_wvalid),
+ .M_AXI_XBAR_arprot(),
+ .M_AXI_XBAR_awprot(),
+ .S_AXI_GP0_ACLK(clk40),
+ .S_AXI_GP0_ARESETN(clk40_rstn),
+ .S_AXI_GP0_araddr(S_AXI_GP0_ARADDR),
+ .S_AXI_GP0_arburst(S_AXI_GP0_ARBURST),
+ .S_AXI_GP0_arcache(S_AXI_GP0_ARCACHE),
+ .S_AXI_GP0_arid(S_AXI_GP0_ARID),
+ .S_AXI_GP0_arlen(S_AXI_GP0_ARLEN),
+ .S_AXI_GP0_arlock(1'b0),
+ .S_AXI_GP0_arprot(S_AXI_GP0_ARPROT),
+ .S_AXI_GP0_arqos(4'b0000),
+ .S_AXI_GP0_arready(S_AXI_GP0_ARREADY),
+ .S_AXI_GP0_arregion(4'b0000),
+ .S_AXI_GP0_arsize(S_AXI_GP0_ARSIZE),
+ .S_AXI_GP0_arvalid(S_AXI_GP0_ARVALID),
+ .S_AXI_GP0_awaddr(S_AXI_GP0_AWADDR),
+ .S_AXI_GP0_awburst(S_AXI_GP0_AWBURST),
+ .S_AXI_GP0_awcache(S_AXI_GP0_AWCACHE),
+ .S_AXI_GP0_awid(S_AXI_GP0_AWID),
+ .S_AXI_GP0_awlen(S_AXI_GP0_AWLEN),
+ .S_AXI_GP0_awlock(1'b0),
+ .S_AXI_GP0_awprot(S_AXI_GP0_AWPROT),
+ .S_AXI_GP0_awqos(4'b0000),
+ .S_AXI_GP0_awregion(4'b0000),
+ .S_AXI_GP0_awready(S_AXI_GP0_AWREADY),
+ .S_AXI_GP0_awsize(S_AXI_GP0_AWSIZE),
+ .S_AXI_GP0_awvalid(S_AXI_GP0_AWVALID),
+ .S_AXI_GP0_bid(),
+ .S_AXI_GP0_bready(S_AXI_GP0_BREADY),
+ .S_AXI_GP0_bresp(S_AXI_GP0_BRESP),
+ .S_AXI_GP0_bvalid(S_AXI_GP0_BVALID),
+ .S_AXI_GP0_rdata(S_AXI_GP0_RDATA),
+ .S_AXI_GP0_rid(),
+ .S_AXI_GP0_rlast(S_AXI_GP0_RLAST),
+ .S_AXI_GP0_rready(S_AXI_GP0_RREADY),
+ .S_AXI_GP0_rresp(S_AXI_GP0_RRESP),
+ .S_AXI_GP0_rvalid(S_AXI_GP0_RVALID),
+ .S_AXI_GP0_wdata(S_AXI_GP0_WDATA),
+ .S_AXI_GP0_wlast(S_AXI_GP0_WLAST),
+ .S_AXI_GP0_wready(S_AXI_GP0_WREADY),
+ .S_AXI_GP0_wstrb(S_AXI_GP0_WSTRB),
+ .S_AXI_GP0_wvalid(S_AXI_GP0_WVALID),
+ .S_AXI_GP1_ACLK(clk40),
+ .S_AXI_GP1_ARESETN(clk40_rstn),
+ .S_AXI_GP1_araddr(S_AXI_GP1_ARADDR),
+ .S_AXI_GP1_arburst(S_AXI_GP1_ARBURST),
+ .S_AXI_GP1_arcache(S_AXI_GP1_ARCACHE),
+ .S_AXI_GP1_arid(S_AXI_GP1_ARID),
+ .S_AXI_GP1_arlen(S_AXI_GP1_ARLEN),
+ .S_AXI_GP1_arlock(1'b0),
+ .S_AXI_GP1_arprot(S_AXI_GP1_ARPROT),
+ .S_AXI_GP1_arqos(4'b000),
+ .S_AXI_GP1_arregion(4'b0000),
+ .S_AXI_GP1_arready(S_AXI_GP1_ARREADY),
+ .S_AXI_GP1_arsize(S_AXI_GP1_ARSIZE),
+ .S_AXI_GP1_arvalid(S_AXI_GP1_ARVALID),
+ .S_AXI_GP1_awaddr(S_AXI_GP1_AWADDR),
+ .S_AXI_GP1_awburst(S_AXI_GP1_AWBURST),
+ .S_AXI_GP1_awcache(S_AXI_GP1_AWCACHE),
+ .S_AXI_GP1_awid(S_AXI_GP1_AWID),
+ .S_AXI_GP1_awlen(S_AXI_GP1_AWLEN),
+ .S_AXI_GP1_awlock(1'b0),
+ .S_AXI_GP1_awprot(S_AXI_GP1_AWPROT),
+ .S_AXI_GP1_awqos(4'b0000),
+ .S_AXI_GP1_awregion(4'b0000),
+ .S_AXI_GP1_awready(S_AXI_GP1_AWREADY),
+ .S_AXI_GP1_awsize(S_AXI_GP1_AWSIZE),
+ .S_AXI_GP1_awvalid(S_AXI_GP1_AWVALID),
+ .S_AXI_GP1_bid(),
+ .S_AXI_GP1_bready(S_AXI_GP1_BREADY),
+ .S_AXI_GP1_bresp(S_AXI_GP1_BRESP),
+ .S_AXI_GP1_bvalid(S_AXI_GP1_BVALID),
+ .S_AXI_GP1_rdata(S_AXI_GP1_RDATA),
+ .S_AXI_GP1_rid(),
+ .S_AXI_GP1_rlast(S_AXI_GP1_RLAST),
+ .S_AXI_GP1_rready(S_AXI_GP1_RREADY),
+ .S_AXI_GP1_rresp(S_AXI_GP1_RRESP),
+ .S_AXI_GP1_rvalid(S_AXI_GP1_RVALID),
+ .S_AXI_GP1_wdata(S_AXI_GP1_WDATA),
+ .S_AXI_GP1_wlast(S_AXI_GP1_WLAST),
+ .S_AXI_GP1_wready(S_AXI_GP1_WREADY),
+ .S_AXI_GP1_wstrb(S_AXI_GP1_WSTRB),
+ .S_AXI_GP1_wvalid(S_AXI_GP1_WVALID),
+ .S_AXI_HP0_ACLK(clk40),
+ .S_AXI_HP0_ARESETN(clk40_rstn),
+ .S_AXI_HP0_araddr(S_AXI_HP0_ARADDR),
+ .S_AXI_HP0_arburst(S_AXI_HP0_ARBURST),
+ .S_AXI_HP0_arcache(S_AXI_HP0_ARCACHE),
+ .S_AXI_HP0_arid(S_AXI_HP0_ARID),
+ .S_AXI_HP0_arlen(S_AXI_HP0_ARLEN),
+ .S_AXI_HP0_arlock(1'b0),
+ .S_AXI_HP0_arprot(S_AXI_HP0_ARPROT),
+ .S_AXI_HP0_arqos(4'b0000),
+ .S_AXI_HP0_arready(S_AXI_HP0_ARREADY),
+ .S_AXI_HP0_arsize(S_AXI_HP0_ARSIZE),
+ .S_AXI_HP0_arvalid(S_AXI_HP0_ARVALID),
+ .S_AXI_HP0_awaddr(S_AXI_HP0_AWADDR),
+ .S_AXI_HP0_awburst(S_AXI_HP0_AWBURST),
+ .S_AXI_HP0_awcache(S_AXI_HP0_AWCACHE),
+ .S_AXI_HP0_awid(S_AXI_HP0_AWID),
+ .S_AXI_HP0_awlen(S_AXI_HP0_AWLEN),
+ .S_AXI_HP0_awlock(1'b0),
+ .S_AXI_HP0_awprot(S_AXI_HP0_AWPROT),
+ .S_AXI_HP0_awqos(4'b0000),
+ .S_AXI_HP0_awready(S_AXI_HP0_AWREADY),
+ .S_AXI_HP0_awsize(S_AXI_HP0_AWSIZE),
+ .S_AXI_HP0_awvalid(S_AXI_HP0_AWVALID),
+ .S_AXI_HP0_bid(),
+ .S_AXI_HP0_bready(S_AXI_HP0_BREADY),
+ .S_AXI_HP0_bresp(S_AXI_HP0_BRESP),
+ .S_AXI_HP0_bvalid(S_AXI_HP0_BVALID),
+ .S_AXI_HP0_rdata(S_AXI_HP0_RDATA),
+ .S_AXI_HP0_rid(),
+ .S_AXI_HP0_rlast(S_AXI_HP0_RLAST),
+ .S_AXI_HP0_rready(S_AXI_HP0_RREADY),
+ .S_AXI_HP0_rresp(S_AXI_HP0_RRESP),
+ .S_AXI_HP0_rvalid(S_AXI_HP0_RVALID),
+ .S_AXI_HP0_wdata(S_AXI_HP0_WDATA),
+ .S_AXI_HP0_wlast(S_AXI_HP0_WLAST),
+ .S_AXI_HP0_wready(S_AXI_HP0_WREADY),
+ .S_AXI_HP0_wstrb(S_AXI_HP0_WSTRB),
+ .S_AXI_HP0_wvalid(S_AXI_HP0_WVALID),
+ .S_AXI_HP1_ACLK(clk40),
+ .S_AXI_HP1_ARESETN(clk40_rstn),
+ .S_AXI_HP1_araddr(S_AXI_HP1_ARADDR),
+ .S_AXI_HP1_arburst(S_AXI_HP1_ARBURST),
+ .S_AXI_HP1_arcache(S_AXI_HP1_ARCACHE),
+ .S_AXI_HP1_arid(S_AXI_HP1_ARID),
+ .S_AXI_HP1_arlen(S_AXI_HP1_ARLEN),
+ .S_AXI_HP1_arlock(1'b0),
+ .S_AXI_HP1_arprot(S_AXI_HP1_ARPROT),
+ .S_AXI_HP1_arqos(4'b0000),
+ .S_AXI_HP1_arready(S_AXI_HP1_ARREADY),
+ .S_AXI_HP1_arsize(S_AXI_HP1_ARSIZE),
+ .S_AXI_HP1_arvalid(S_AXI_HP1_ARVALID),
+ .S_AXI_HP1_awaddr(S_AXI_HP1_AWADDR),
+ .S_AXI_HP1_awburst(S_AXI_HP1_AWBURST),
+ .S_AXI_HP1_awcache(S_AXI_HP1_AWCACHE),
+ .S_AXI_HP1_awid(S_AXI_HP1_AWID),
+ .S_AXI_HP1_awlen(S_AXI_HP1_AWLEN),
+ .S_AXI_HP1_awlock(1'b0),
+ .S_AXI_HP1_awprot(S_AXI_HP1_AWPROT),
+ .S_AXI_HP1_awqos(4'b0000),
+ .S_AXI_HP1_awready(S_AXI_HP1_AWREADY),
+ .S_AXI_HP1_awsize(S_AXI_HP1_AWSIZE),
+ .S_AXI_HP1_awvalid(S_AXI_HP1_AWVALID),
+ .S_AXI_HP1_bid(),
+ .S_AXI_HP1_bready(S_AXI_HP1_BREADY),
+ .S_AXI_HP1_bresp(S_AXI_HP1_BRESP),
+ .S_AXI_HP1_bvalid(S_AXI_HP1_BVALID),
+ .S_AXI_HP1_rdata(S_AXI_HP1_RDATA),
+ .S_AXI_HP1_rid(),
+ .S_AXI_HP1_rlast(S_AXI_HP1_RLAST),
+ .S_AXI_HP1_rready(S_AXI_HP1_RREADY),
+ .S_AXI_HP1_rresp(S_AXI_HP1_RRESP),
+ .S_AXI_HP1_rvalid(S_AXI_HP1_RVALID),
+ .S_AXI_HP1_wdata(S_AXI_HP1_WDATA),
+ .S_AXI_HP1_wlast(S_AXI_HP1_WLAST),
+ .S_AXI_HP1_wready(S_AXI_HP1_WREADY),
+ .S_AXI_HP1_wstrb(S_AXI_HP1_WSTRB),
+ .S_AXI_HP1_wvalid(S_AXI_HP1_WVALID),
+ // ARM DMA
+ .s_axis_dma_tdata(s_axis_dma_tdata),
+ .s_axis_dma_tdest(s_axis_dma_tdest),
+ .s_axis_dma_tlast(s_axis_dma_tlast),
+ .s_axis_dma_tready(s_axis_dma_tready),
+ .s_axis_dma_tvalid(s_axis_dma_tvalid),
+ .m_axis_dma_tdata(m_axis_dma_tdata),
+ .m_axis_dma_tuser(m_axis_dma_tuser),
+ .m_axis_dma_tlast(m_axis_dma_tlast),
+ .m_axis_dma_tready(m_axis_dma_tready),
+ .m_axis_dma_tvalid(m_axis_dma_tvalid),
+ // Misc Interrupts, GPIO, clk
+ .IRQ_F2P(IRQ_F2P),
+ .GPIO_0_tri_i(ps_gpio_in),
+ .GPIO_0_tri_o(ps_gpio_out),
+ .GPIO_0_tri_t(ps_gpio_tri),
+ .WR_UART_txd(wr_uart_rxd), // rx <-> tx
+ .WR_UART_rxd(wr_uart_txd), // rx <-> tx
+ .qsfp_sda_i(qsfp_sda_i),
+ .qsfp_sda_o(qsfp_sda_o),
+ .qsfp_sda_t(qsfp_sda_t),
+ .qsfp_scl_i(qsfp_scl_i),
+ .qsfp_scl_o(qsfp_scl_o),
+ .qsfp_scl_t(qsfp_scl_t),
+ .USBIND_0_port_indctl(),
+ .USBIND_0_vbus_pwrfault(),
+ .USBIND_0_vbus_pwrselect(),
+ // Outward connections to the pins
+ .MIO(MIO),
+ .DDR_cas_n(DDR_CAS_n),
+ .DDR_cke(DDR_CKE),
+ .DDR_ck_n(DDR_Clk_n),
+ .DDR_ck_p(DDR_Clk),
+ .DDR_cs_n(DDR_CS_n),
+ .DDR_reset_n(DDR_DRSTB),
+ .DDR_odt(DDR_ODT),
+ .DDR_ras_n(DDR_RAS_n),
+ .DDR_we_n(DDR_WEB),
+ .DDR_ba(DDR_BankAddr),
+ .DDR_addr(DDR_Addr),
+ .DDR_dm(DDR_DM),
+ .DDR_dq(DDR_DQ),
+ .DDR_dqs_n(DDR_DQS_n),
+ .DDR_dqs_p(DDR_DQS),
+ );
+ ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ //
+ // Xilinx DDR3 Controller and PHY.
+ //
+ ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ wire ddr3_axi_clk; // 1/4 DDR external clock rate (200MHz)
+ wire ddr3_axi_rst; // Synchronized to ddr_sys_clk
+ wire ddr3_running; // DRAM calibration complete.
+ wire [11:0] device_temp;
+ // Slave Interface Write Address Ports
+ wire [3:0] ddr3_axi_awid;
+ wire [31:0] ddr3_axi_awaddr;
+ wire [7:0] ddr3_axi_awlen;
+ wire [2:0] ddr3_axi_awsize;
+ wire [1:0] ddr3_axi_awburst;
+ wire [0:0] ddr3_axi_awlock;
+ wire [3:0] ddr3_axi_awcache;
+ wire [2:0] ddr3_axi_awprot;
+ wire [3:0] ddr3_axi_awqos;
+ wire ddr3_axi_awvalid;
+ wire ddr3_axi_awready;
+ // Slave Interface Write Data Ports
+ wire [255:0] ddr3_axi_wdata;
+ wire [31:0] ddr3_axi_wstrb;
+ wire ddr3_axi_wlast;
+ wire ddr3_axi_wvalid;
+ wire ddr3_axi_wready;
+ // Slave Interface Write Response Ports
+ wire ddr3_axi_bready;
+ wire [3:0] ddr3_axi_bid;
+ wire [1:0] ddr3_axi_bresp;
+ wire ddr3_axi_bvalid;
+ // Slave Interface Read Address Ports
+ wire [3:0] ddr3_axi_arid;
+ wire [31:0] ddr3_axi_araddr;
+ wire [7:0] ddr3_axi_arlen;
+ wire [2:0] ddr3_axi_arsize;
+ wire [1:0] ddr3_axi_arburst;
+ wire [0:0] ddr3_axi_arlock;
+ wire [3:0] ddr3_axi_arcache;
+ wire [2:0] ddr3_axi_arprot;
+ wire [3:0] ddr3_axi_arqos;
+ wire ddr3_axi_arvalid;
+ wire ddr3_axi_arready;
+ // Slave Interface Read Data Ports
+ wire ddr3_axi_rready;
+ wire [3:0] ddr3_axi_rid;
+ wire [255:0] ddr3_axi_rdata;
+ wire [1:0] ddr3_axi_rresp;
+ wire ddr3_axi_rlast;
+ wire ddr3_axi_rvalid;
+ reg ddr3_axi_rst_reg_n;
+ // Copied this reset circuit from example design.
+ always @(posedge ddr3_axi_clk)
+ ddr3_axi_rst_reg_n <= ~ddr3_axi_rst;
+ // Instantiate the DDR3 MIG core
+ //
+ // The top-level IP block has no parameters defined for some reason.
+ // Most of configurable parameters are hard-coded in the mig so get
+ // some additional knobs we pull those out into verilog headers.
+ //
+ // Synthesis params: ip/ddr3_32bit/ddr3_32bit_mig_parameters.vh
+ // Simulation params: ip/ddr3_32bit/ddr3_32bit_mig_sim_parameters.vh
+ ddr3_32bit u_ddr3_32bit (
+ // Memory interface ports
+ .ddr3_addr (ddr3_addr),
+ .ddr3_ba (ddr3_ba),
+ .ddr3_cas_n (ddr3_cas_n),
+ .ddr3_ck_n (ddr3_ck_n),
+ .ddr3_ck_p (ddr3_ck_p),
+ .ddr3_cke (ddr3_cke),
+ .ddr3_ras_n (ddr3_ras_n),
+ .ddr3_reset_n (ddr3_reset_n),
+ .ddr3_we_n (ddr3_we_n),
+ .ddr3_dq (ddr3_dq),
+ .ddr3_dqs_n (ddr3_dqs_n),
+ .ddr3_dqs_p (ddr3_dqs_p),
+ .init_calib_complete (ddr3_running),
+ .device_temp_i (device_temp),
+ .ddr3_cs_n (ddr3_cs_n),
+ .ddr3_dm (ddr3_dm),
+ .ddr3_odt (ddr3_odt),
+ // Application interface ports
+ .ui_clk (ddr3_axi_clk), // 200Hz clock out
+ .ui_clk_sync_rst (ddr3_axi_rst), // Active high Reset signal synchronised to 200 MHz.
+ .aresetn (ddr3_axi_rst_reg_n),
+ .app_sr_req (1'b0),
+ .app_sr_active (),
+ .app_ref_req (1'b0),
+ .app_ref_ack (),
+ .app_zq_req (1'b0),
+ .app_zq_ack (),
+ // Slave Interface Write Address Ports
+ .s_axi_awid (ddr3_axi_awid),
+ .s_axi_awaddr (ddr3_axi_awaddr),
+ .s_axi_awlen (ddr3_axi_awlen),
+ .s_axi_awsize (ddr3_axi_awsize),
+ .s_axi_awburst (ddr3_axi_awburst),
+ .s_axi_awlock (ddr3_axi_awlock),
+ .s_axi_awcache (ddr3_axi_awcache),
+ .s_axi_awprot (ddr3_axi_awprot),
+ .s_axi_awqos (ddr3_axi_awqos),
+ .s_axi_awvalid (ddr3_axi_awvalid),
+ .s_axi_awready (ddr3_axi_awready),
+ // Slave Interface Write Data Ports
+ .s_axi_wdata (ddr3_axi_wdata),
+ .s_axi_wstrb (ddr3_axi_wstrb),
+ .s_axi_wlast (ddr3_axi_wlast),
+ .s_axi_wvalid (ddr3_axi_wvalid),
+ .s_axi_wready (ddr3_axi_wready),
+ // Slave Interface Write Response Ports
+ .s_axi_bid (ddr3_axi_bid),
+ .s_axi_bresp (ddr3_axi_bresp),
+ .s_axi_bvalid (ddr3_axi_bvalid),
+ .s_axi_bready (ddr3_axi_bready),
+ // Slave Interface Read Address Ports
+ .s_axi_arid (ddr3_axi_arid),
+ .s_axi_araddr (ddr3_axi_araddr),
+ .s_axi_arlen (ddr3_axi_arlen),
+ .s_axi_arsize (ddr3_axi_arsize),
+ .s_axi_arburst (ddr3_axi_arburst),
+ .s_axi_arlock (ddr3_axi_arlock),
+ .s_axi_arcache (ddr3_axi_arcache),
+ .s_axi_arprot (ddr3_axi_arprot),
+ .s_axi_arqos (ddr3_axi_arqos),
+ .s_axi_arvalid (ddr3_axi_arvalid),
+ .s_axi_arready (ddr3_axi_arready),
+ // Slave Interface Read Data Ports
+ .s_axi_rid (ddr3_axi_rid),
+ .s_axi_rdata (ddr3_axi_rdata),
+ .s_axi_rresp (ddr3_axi_rresp),
+ .s_axi_rlast (ddr3_axi_rlast),
+ .s_axi_rvalid (ddr3_axi_rvalid),
+ .s_axi_rready (ddr3_axi_rready),
+ // System Clock Ports
+ .sys_clk_p (sys_clk_p),
+ .sys_clk_n (sys_clk_n),
+ .clk_ref_i (bus_clk),
+ .sys_rst (~global_rst) // IJB. Poorly named active low. Should change RST_ACT_LOW.
+ );
+ // Temperature monitor module
+ mig_7series_v4_2_tempmon #(
+ .XADC_CLK_PERIOD(5000 /* 200MHz clock period in ps */)
+ ) tempmon_i (
+ .clk(bus_clk), .xadc_clk(bus_clk), .rst(bus_rst),
+ .device_temp_i(12'd0 /* ignored */), .device_temp(device_temp)
+ );
+ ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ //
+ // DB PS SPI Connections
+ //
+ ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ wire [NUM_CHANNELS-1:0] rx_atr;
+ wire [NUM_CHANNELS-1:0] tx_atr;
+ (* IOB = "true" *) reg [NUM_CHANNELS-1:0] rx_atr_reg;
+ (* IOB = "true" *) reg [NUM_CHANNELS-1:0] tx_atr_reg;
+ // Radio GPIO control for DSA
+ wire [16*NUM_CHANNELS-1:0] db_gpio_out;
+ wire [16*NUM_CHANNELS-1:0] db_gpio_ddr;
+ wire [16*NUM_CHANNELS-1:0] db_gpio_in;
+ wire [16*NUM_CHANNELS-1:0] db_gpio_fab;
+ // DB A SPI Connections
+ assign DBA_CPLD_PS_SPI_SCLK = spi0_sclk;
+ assign DBA_CPLD_PS_SPI_MOSI = spi0_mosi;
+ // Assign individual chip selects from PS SPI MASTER 0.
+ assign DBA_CPLD_PS_SPI_CS_B = spi0_ss0;
+ assign DBA_CLKDIS_SPI_CS_B = spi0_ss1;
+ assign DBA_PHDAC_SPI_CS_B = spi0_ss2;
+ assign DBA_ADC_SPI_CS_B = ps_gpio_out[13];
+ assign DBA_DAC_SPI_CS_B = ps_gpio_out[14];
+ // Returned data mux from the SPI interfaces.
+ assign spi0_miso = DBA_CPLD_PS_SPI_MISO;
+ // TODO: How to control?
+ assign DBA_ATR_RX = rx_atr_reg[0];
+ assign DBA_ATR_TX = tx_atr_reg[0];
+ assign DBA_TXRX_SW_CTRL_1 = db_gpio_out[16*0+0];
+ assign DBA_TXRX_SW_CTRL_2 = db_gpio_out[16*0+1];
+ assign DBA_LED_RX = db_gpio_out[16*0+2];
+ assign DBA_LED_RX2 = db_gpio_out[16*0+3];
+ assign DBA_LED_TX = db_gpio_out[16*0+4];
+ // DB B SPI Connections
+ assign DBB_CPLD_PS_SPI_SCLK = spi1_sclk;
+ assign DBB_CPLD_PS_SPI_MOSI = spi1_mosi;
+ // Assign individual chip selects from PS SPI MASTER 1.
+ assign DBB_CPLD_PS_SPI_CS_B = spi1_ss0;
+ assign DBB_CLKDIS_SPI_CS_B = spi1_ss1;
+ assign DBB_PHDAC_SPI_CS_B = spi1_ss2;
+ assign DBB_ADC_SPI_CS_B = ps_gpio_out[15];
+ assign DBB_DAC_SPI_CS_B = ps_gpio_out[16];
+ // Returned data mux from the SPI interfaces.
+ assign spi1_miso = DBB_CPLD_PS_SPI_MISO;
+ // TODO: How to control?
+ assign DBB_ATR_RX = rx_atr_reg[1];
+ assign DBB_ATR_TX = tx_atr_reg[1];
+ assign DBB_TXRX_SW_CTRL_1 = db_gpio_out[16*1+0];
+ assign DBB_TXRX_SW_CTRL_2 = db_gpio_out[16*1+1];
+ assign DBB_LED_RX = db_gpio_out[16*1+2];
+ assign DBB_LED_RX2 = db_gpio_out[16*1+3];
+ assign DBB_LED_TX = db_gpio_out[16*1+4];
+ ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ //
+ // N320 CORE
+ //
+ ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ wire [CHANNEL_WIDTH-1:0] rx_db[2*NUM_CHANNELS-1:0];
+ wire [CHANNEL_WIDTH-1:0] tx_db[2*NUM_CHANNELS-1:0];
+ wire [CHANNEL_WIDTH-1:0] rx[NUM_CHANNELS-1:0];
+ wire [CHANNEL_WIDTH-1:0] tx[NUM_CHANNELS-1:0];
+ wire [CHANNEL_WIDTH*NUM_CHANNELS-1:0] rx_flat;
+ wire [CHANNEL_WIDTH*NUM_CHANNELS-1:0] tx_flat;
+ wire [47:0] rx_hb[NUM_CHANNELS-1:0];
+ wire [95:0] tx_hb[NUM_CHANNELS-1:0];
+ wire [NUM_CHANNELS-1:0] rx_stb;
+ wire [NUM_CHANNELS-1:0] tx_stb;
+ wire [31:0] build_datestamp;
+ /* 2:1 and 1:2 filters to bring sample rates down
+ */
+ genvar i;
+ generate for (i = 0; i < NUM_CHANNELS; i = i + 1) begin
+ hb47_1to2 tx_1to2 (
+ .aresetn(!radio_rst),
+ .aclk(radio_clk),
+ .s_axis_data_tvalid(tx_stb[i]),
+ .s_axis_data_tready(),
+ .s_axis_data_tdata(tx[i]),
+ .m_axis_data_tvalid(),
+ .m_axis_data_tready(tx_stb[i]),
+ .m_axis_data_tdata(tx_hb[i])
+ );
+ assign tx_db[2*i] = {tx_hb[i][39:24], tx_hb[i][15:0]};
+ assign tx_db[2*i+1] = {tx_hb[i][87:72], tx_hb[i][63:48]};
+ hb47_2to1 rx_2to1 (
+ .aresetn(!radio_rst),
+ .aclk(radio_clk),
+ .s_axis_data_tvalid(rx_stb[i]),
+ .s_axis_data_tready(),
+ .s_axis_data_tdata({rx_db[2*i+1], rx_db[2*i]}),
+ .m_axis_data_tvalid(),
+ .m_axis_data_tdata(rx_hb[i])
+ );
+ assign rx[i] = {rx_hb[i][39:24], rx_hb[i][15:0]};
+ end endgenerate
+ generate
+ for (i = 0; i < NUM_CHANNELS; i = i + 1) begin
+ // Radio Data
+ assign rx_flat[CHANNEL_WIDTH*i +: CHANNEL_WIDTH] = rx[i];
+ assign tx[i] = tx_flat[CHANNEL_WIDTH*i +: CHANNEL_WIDTH];
+ end
+ endgenerate
+ USR_ACCESSE2 usr_access_i (
+ .DATA(build_datestamp), .CFGCLK(), .DATAVALID()
+ );
+ n3xx_core #(
+ .REG_AWIDTH(14),
+ `ifdef USE_REPLAY
+ `else
+ `endif
+ ) n3xx_core(
+ // Clocks and resets
+`ifdef NO_DB
+ .radio_clk(bus_clk),
+ .radio_rst(bus_rst),
+ .radio_clk(radio_clk),
+ .radio_rst(radio_rst),
+ .bus_clk(bus_clk),
+ .bus_rst(bus_rst),
+ .ddr3_dma_clk(ddr3_dma_clk),
+ .clk40(clk40),
+ // Clocking and PPS Controls/Indicators
+ .pps(pps_radioclk1x),
+ .pps_select(pps_select),
+ .pps_out_enb(pps_out_enb),
+ .pps_select_sfp(pps_select_sfp),
+ .ref_clk_reset(),
+ .meas_clk_reset(meas_clk_reset),
+ .ref_clk_locked(1'b1),
+ .meas_clk_locked(meas_clk_locked),
+ .enable_ref_clk_async(enable_ref_clk_async),
+ .s_axi_aclk(clk40),
+ .s_axi_aresetn(clk40_rstn),
+ // AXI4-Lite: Write address port (domain: s_axi_aclk)
+ .s_axi_awaddr(M_AXI_XBAR_AWADDR),
+ .s_axi_awvalid(M_AXI_XBAR_AWVALID),
+ .s_axi_awready(M_AXI_XBAR_AWREADY),
+ // AXI4-Lite: Write data port (domain: s_axi_aclk)
+ .s_axi_wdata(M_AXI_XBAR_WDATA),
+ .s_axi_wstrb(M_AXI_XBAR_WSTRB),
+ .s_axi_wvalid(M_AXI_XBAR_WVALID),
+ .s_axi_wready(M_AXI_XBAR_WREADY),
+ // AXI4-Lite: Write response port (domain: s_axi_aclk)
+ .s_axi_bresp(M_AXI_XBAR_BRESP),
+ .s_axi_bvalid(M_AXI_XBAR_BVALID),
+ .s_axi_bready(M_AXI_XBAR_BREADY),
+ // AXI4-Lite: Read address port (domain: s_axi_aclk)
+ .s_axi_araddr(M_AXI_XBAR_ARADDR),
+ .s_axi_arvalid(M_AXI_XBAR_ARVALID),
+ .s_axi_arready(M_AXI_XBAR_ARREADY),
+ // AXI4-Lite: Read data port (domain: s_axi_aclk)
+ .s_axi_rdata(M_AXI_XBAR_RDATA),
+ .s_axi_rresp(M_AXI_XBAR_RRESP),
+ .s_axi_rvalid(M_AXI_XBAR_RVALID),
+ .s_axi_rready(M_AXI_XBAR_RREADY),
+ // ps gpio source
+ .ps_gpio_tri(ps_gpio_tri[FP_GPIO_WIDTH+FP_GPIO_OFFSET-1:FP_GPIO_OFFSET]),
+ .ps_gpio_out(ps_gpio_out[FP_GPIO_WIDTH+FP_GPIO_OFFSET-1:FP_GPIO_OFFSET]),
+ .ps_gpio_in(ps_gpio_in[FP_GPIO_WIDTH+FP_GPIO_OFFSET-1:FP_GPIO_OFFSET]),
+ // FP_GPIO
+ .fp_gpio_inout(FPGA_GPIO),
+ // Radio ATR
+ .rx_atr(rx_atr),
+ .tx_atr(tx_atr),
+ // Radio GPIO DSA
+ .db_gpio_out_flat(db_gpio_out),
+ .db_gpio_in_flat(db_gpio_in),
+ .db_gpio_ddr_flat(db_gpio_ddr),
+ .db_gpio_fab_flat(db_gpio_fab),
+ // Radio Strobes
+ .rx_stb(rx_stb),
+ .tx_stb(tx_stb),
+ // Radio Data
+ .rx(rx_flat),
+ .tx(tx_flat),
+ //cpld rx_lo tx_lo spi
+ .sclk_flat({DBB_CPLD_PL_SPI_SCLK,
+ .mosi_flat({DBB_CPLD_PL_SPI_MOSI,
+ .miso_flat({DBB_CPLD_PL_SPI_MISO,
+ // DRAM signals.
+ .ddr3_axi_clk (ddr3_axi_clk),
+ .ddr3_axi_rst (ddr3_axi_rst),
+ .ddr3_running (ddr3_running),
+ // Slave Interface Write Address Ports
+ .ddr3_axi_awid (ddr3_axi_awid),
+ .ddr3_axi_awaddr (ddr3_axi_awaddr),
+ .ddr3_axi_awlen (ddr3_axi_awlen),
+ .ddr3_axi_awsize (ddr3_axi_awsize),
+ .ddr3_axi_awburst (ddr3_axi_awburst),
+ .ddr3_axi_awlock (ddr3_axi_awlock),
+ .ddr3_axi_awcache (ddr3_axi_awcache),
+ .ddr3_axi_awprot (ddr3_axi_awprot),
+ .ddr3_axi_awqos (ddr3_axi_awqos),
+ .ddr3_axi_awvalid (ddr3_axi_awvalid),
+ .ddr3_axi_awready (ddr3_axi_awready),
+ // Slave Interface Write Data Ports
+ .ddr3_axi_wdata (ddr3_axi_wdata),
+ .ddr3_axi_wstrb (ddr3_axi_wstrb),
+ .ddr3_axi_wlast (ddr3_axi_wlast),
+ .ddr3_axi_wvalid (ddr3_axi_wvalid),
+ .ddr3_axi_wready (ddr3_axi_wready),
+ // Slave Interface Write Response Ports
+ .ddr3_axi_bid (ddr3_axi_bid),
+ .ddr3_axi_bresp (ddr3_axi_bresp),
+ .ddr3_axi_bvalid (ddr3_axi_bvalid),
+ .ddr3_axi_bready (ddr3_axi_bready),
+ // Slave Interface Read Address Ports
+ .ddr3_axi_arid (ddr3_axi_arid),
+ .ddr3_axi_araddr (ddr3_axi_araddr),
+ .ddr3_axi_arlen (ddr3_axi_arlen),
+ .ddr3_axi_arsize (ddr3_axi_arsize),
+ .ddr3_axi_arburst (ddr3_axi_arburst),
+ .ddr3_axi_arlock (ddr3_axi_arlock),
+ .ddr3_axi_arcache (ddr3_axi_arcache),
+ .ddr3_axi_arprot (ddr3_axi_arprot),
+ .ddr3_axi_arqos (ddr3_axi_arqos),
+ .ddr3_axi_arvalid (ddr3_axi_arvalid),
+ .ddr3_axi_arready (ddr3_axi_arready),
+ // Slave Interface Read Data Ports
+ .ddr3_axi_rid (ddr3_axi_rid),
+ .ddr3_axi_rdata (ddr3_axi_rdata),
+ .ddr3_axi_rresp (ddr3_axi_rresp),
+ .ddr3_axi_rlast (ddr3_axi_rlast),
+ .ddr3_axi_rvalid (ddr3_axi_rvalid),
+ .ddr3_axi_rready (ddr3_axi_rready),
+ // DMA to PS
+ .m_dma_tdata(s_axis_dma_tdata),
+ .m_dma_tdest(s_axis_dma_tdest),
+ .m_dma_tlast(s_axis_dma_tlast),
+ .m_dma_tready(s_axis_dma_tready),
+ .m_dma_tvalid(s_axis_dma_tvalid),
+ .s_dma_tdata(m_axis_dma_tdata),
+ .s_dma_tuser(m_axis_dma_tuser),
+ .s_dma_tlast(m_axis_dma_tlast),
+ .s_dma_tready(m_axis_dma_tready),
+ .s_dma_tvalid(m_axis_dma_tvalid),
+ // VITA to Ethernet
+ .v2e0_tdata(v2e0_tdata),
+ .v2e0_tvalid(v2e0_tvalid),
+ .v2e0_tlast(v2e0_tlast),
+ .v2e0_tready(v2e0_tready),
+ .v2e1_tdata(v2e1_tdata),
+ .v2e1_tlast(v2e1_tlast),
+ .v2e1_tvalid(v2e1_tvalid),
+ .v2e1_tready(v2e1_tready),
+ // Ethernet to VITA
+ .e2v0_tdata(e2v0_tdata),
+ .e2v0_tlast(e2v0_tlast),
+ .e2v0_tvalid(e2v0_tvalid),
+ .e2v0_tready(e2v0_tready),
+ .e2v1_tdata(e2v1_tdata),
+ .e2v1_tlast(e2v1_tlast),
+ .e2v1_tvalid(e2v1_tvalid),
+ .e2v1_tready(e2v1_tready),
+ //regport interface to npio
+ .reg_wr_req_npio(reg_wr_req_npio),
+ .reg_wr_addr_npio(reg_wr_addr_npio),
+ .reg_wr_data_npio(reg_wr_data_npio),
+ .reg_rd_req_npio(reg_rd_req_npio),
+ .reg_rd_addr_npio(reg_rd_addr_npio),
+ .reg_rd_resp_npio(reg_rd_resp_npio),
+ .reg_rd_data_npio(reg_rd_data_npio),
+ .build_datestamp(build_datestamp),
+ .xadc_readback({20'h0, device_temp}),
+ .sfp_ports_info({sfp_port1_info, sfp_port0_info}),
+ .device_id(device_id)
+ );
+ // Register the ATR bits once between sending them out to the CPLD to avoid
+ // glitches on the outputs!
+ always @(posedge radio_clk) begin
+ rx_atr_reg <= rx_atr;
+ tx_atr_reg <= tx_atr;
+ end
+ // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ //
+ // Daughterboard Cores
+ //
+ // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ wire sAdcSyncUnusedA;
+ wire sAdcSyncUnusedB;
+ wire sDacSyncUnusedA;
+ wire sDacSyncUnusedB;
+ wire sSysrefUnusedA;
+ wire sSysrefUnusedB;
+ wire rRpTransferUnusedA;
+ wire rRpTransferUnusedB;
+ wire sSpTransferUnusedA;
+ wire sSpTransferUnusedB;
+ wire rWrRpTransferUnusedA;
+ wire rWrRpTransferUnusedB;
+ wire sWrSpTransferUnusedA;
+ wire sWrSpTransferUnusedB;
+ wire sPpsUnusedB;
+ wire sPpsToIobUnusedB;
+ wire dba_adc_sync_b;
+ wire dba_dac_sync_b;
+ wire dba_dac_sync_b_n; // This is the swapped version coming from the IBUFDS.
+ wire dbb_adc_sync_b;
+ wire dbb_dac_sync_b;
+ wire [49:0] bRegPortInFlatA;
+ wire [49:0] bRegPortInFlatB;
+ wire [33:0] bRegPortOutFlatA;
+ wire [33:0] bRegPortOutFlatB;
+ wire rx_a_valid;
+ wire rx_b_valid;
+ wire tx_a_rfi;
+ wire tx_b_rfi;
+`ifdef BUILD_WR
+ localparam INCL_WR_TDC = 1'b1;
+ localparam INCL_WR_TDC = 1'b0;
+ wire reg_portA_rd;
+ wire reg_portA_wr;
+ wire [14-1:0] reg_portA_addr;
+ wire [32-1:0] reg_portA_wr_data;
+ wire [32-1:0] reg_portA_rd_data;
+ wire reg_portA_ready;
+ wire validA_unused;
+ OBUFDS dba_adc_sync_buf(
+ .I(dba_adc_sync_b)
+ );
+ IBUFDS dba_dac_sync_buf(
+ .O(dba_dac_sync_b_n)
+ );
+ // The differential signals are swapped in the pins, so the SYNC signal
+ // must be negated after the IBUFDS.
+ assign dba_dac_sync_b = ~ dba_dac_sync_b_n;
+ OBUFDS dbb_adc_sync_buf(
+ .I(dbb_adc_sync_b)
+ );
+ IBUFDS dbb_dac_sync_buf(
+ .O(dbb_dac_sync_b)
+ );
+ assign bRegPortInFlatA = {2'b0, reg_portA_addr, reg_portA_wr_data, reg_portA_rd, reg_portA_wr};
+ assign {reg_portA_rd_data, validA_unused, reg_portA_ready} = bRegPortOutFlatA;
+ DbCore
+ # (.kInclWhiteRabbitTdc(INCL_WR_TDC)) //std_logic:='0'
+ dba_core (
+ .bBusReset(clk40_rst), //in std_logic
+ .BusClk(clk40), //in std_logic
+ .Clk40(clk40), //in std_logic
+ .MeasClk(meas_clk), //in std_logic
+ .FpgaClk_p(DBA_FPGA_CLK_P), //in std_logic
+ .FpgaClk_n(DBA_FPGA_CLK_N), //in std_logic
+ .SampleClk1xOut(radio_clk), //out std_logic
+ .SampleClk1x(radio_clk), //in std_logic
+ .SampleClk2xOut(radio_clk_2x), //out std_logic
+ .SampleClk2x(radio_clk_2x), //in std_logic
+ .bRegPortInFlat(bRegPortInFlatA), //in std_logic_vector(49:0)
+ .bRegPortOutFlat(bRegPortOutFlatA), //out std_logic_vector(33:0)
+ .kSlotId(1'b0), //in std_logic
+ .sSysRefFpgaLvds_p(DBA_FPGA_SYSREF_P), //in std_logic
+ .sSysRefFpgaLvds_n(DBA_FPGA_SYSREF_N), //in std_logic
+ .aLmkSync(DBA_CLKDIST_SYNC), //out std_logic
+ .JesdRefClk_p(DBA_MGTCLK_P), //in std_logic
+ .JesdRefClk_n(DBA_MGTCLK_N), //in std_logic
+ .aAdcRx_p(DBA_RX_P), //in std_logic_vector(3:0)
+ .aAdcRx_n(DBA_RX_N), //in std_logic_vector(3:0)
+ .aSyncAdcOut_n(dba_adc_sync_b), //out std_logic
+ .aDacTx_p(DBA_TX_P), //out std_logic_vector(3:0)
+ .aDacTx_n(DBA_TX_N), //out std_logic_vector(3:0)
+ .aSyncDacIn_n(dba_dac_sync_b), //in std_logic
+ .sAdcDataValid(rx_a_valid), //out std_logic
+ .sAdcDataSample0I(rx_db[0][31:16]), //out std_logic_vector(15:0)
+ .sAdcDataSample0Q(rx_db[0][15: 0]), //out std_logic_vector(15:0)
+ .sAdcDataSample1I(rx_db[1][31:16]), //out std_logic_vector(15:0)
+ .sAdcDataSample1Q(rx_db[1][15: 0]), //out std_logic_vector(15:0)
+ .sDacReadyForInput(tx_a_rfi), //out std_logic
+ .sDacDataSample0I(tx_db[0][31:16]), //in std_logic_vector(15:0)
+ .sDacDataSample0Q(tx_db[0][15: 0]), //in std_logic_vector(15:0)
+ .sDacDataSample1I(tx_db[1][31:16]), //in std_logic_vector(15:0)
+ .sDacDataSample1Q(tx_db[1][15: 0]), //in std_logic_vector(15:0)
+ .RefClk(ref_clk), //in std_logic
+ .rPpsPulse(pps_refclk), //in std_logic
+ .rGatedPulseToPin(UNUSED_PIN_TDCA_0), //inout std_logic
+ .sGatedPulseToPin(UNUSED_PIN_TDCA_1), //inout std_logic
+ .sPps(pps_radioclk1x), //out std_logic
+ .sPpsToIob(pps_radioclk1x_iob), //out std_logic
+ .WrRefClk(wr_ref_clk), //in std_logic
+ .rWrPpsPulse(pps_wr_refclk), //in std_logic
+ .rWrGatedPulseToPin(UNUSED_PIN_TDCA_2), //inout std_logic
+ .sWrGatedPulseToPin(UNUSED_PIN_TDCA_3), //inout std_logic
+ .aPpsSfpSel(pps_select_sfp), //in std_logic_vector(1:0)
+ .sAdcSync(sAdcSyncUnusedA), //out std_logic
+ .sDacSync(sDacSyncUnusedA), //out std_logic
+ .sSysRef(sSysrefUnusedA), //out std_logic
+ .rRpTransfer(rRpTransferUnusedA), //out std_logic
+ .sSpTransfer(sSpTransferUnusedA), //out std_logic
+ .rWrRpTransfer(rWrRpTransferUnusedA), //out std_logic
+ .sWrSpTransfer(sWrSpTransferUnusedA)); //out std_logic
+ assign rx_stb[0] = rx_a_valid;
+ assign tx_stb[0] = tx_a_rfi;
+ axil_to_ni_regport #(
+ .RP_DWIDTH (32),
+ .RP_AWIDTH (14),
+ .TIMEOUT (512)
+ ) ni_regportA_inst (
+ // Clock and reset
+ .s_axi_aclk (clk40),
+ .s_axi_areset (clk40_rst),
+ // AXI4-Lite: Write address port (domain: s_axi_aclk)
+ .s_axi_awaddr(M_AXI_JESD0_AWADDR),
+ .s_axi_awvalid(M_AXI_JESD0_AWVALID),
+ .s_axi_awready(M_AXI_JESD0_AWREADY),
+ // AXI4-Lite: Write data port (domain: s_axi_aclk)
+ .s_axi_wdata(M_AXI_JESD0_WDATA),
+ .s_axi_wstrb(M_AXI_JESD0_WSTRB),
+ .s_axi_wvalid(M_AXI_JESD0_WVALID),
+ .s_axi_wready(M_AXI_JESD0_WREADY),
+ // AXI4-Lite: Write response port (domain: s_axi_aclk)
+ .s_axi_bresp(M_AXI_JESD0_BRESP),
+ .s_axi_bvalid(M_AXI_JESD0_BVALID),
+ .s_axi_bready(M_AXI_JESD0_BREADY),
+ // AXI4-Lite: Read address port (domain: s_axi_aclk)
+ .s_axi_araddr(M_AXI_JESD0_ARADDR),
+ .s_axi_arvalid(M_AXI_JESD0_ARVALID),
+ .s_axi_arready(M_AXI_JESD0_ARREADY),
+ // AXI4-Lite: Read data port (domain: s_axi_aclk)
+ .s_axi_rdata(M_AXI_JESD0_RDATA),
+ .s_axi_rresp(M_AXI_JESD0_RRESP),
+ .s_axi_rvalid(M_AXI_JESD0_RVALID),
+ .s_axi_rready(M_AXI_JESD0_RREADY),
+ // Register port
+ .reg_port_in_rd (reg_portA_rd),
+ .reg_port_in_wt (reg_portA_wr),
+ .reg_port_in_addr (reg_portA_addr),
+ .reg_port_in_data (reg_portA_wr_data),
+ .reg_port_out_data (reg_portA_rd_data),
+ .reg_port_out_ready(reg_portA_ready)
+ );
+ wire reg_portB_rd;
+ wire reg_portB_wr;
+ wire [14-1:0] reg_portB_addr;
+ wire [32-1:0] reg_portB_wr_data;
+ wire [32-1:0] reg_portB_rd_data;
+ wire reg_portB_ready;
+ wire validB_unused;
+ assign bRegPortInFlatB = {2'b0, reg_portB_addr, reg_portB_wr_data, reg_portB_rd, reg_portB_wr};
+ assign {reg_portB_rd_data, validB_unused, reg_portB_ready} = bRegPortOutFlatB;
+ DbCore
+ # (.kInclWhiteRabbitTdc(INCL_WR_TDC)) //std_logic:='0'
+ dbb_core (
+ .bBusReset(clk40_rst), //in std_logic
+ .BusClk(clk40), //in std_logic
+ .Clk40(clk40), //in std_logic
+ .MeasClk(meas_clk), //in std_logic
+ .FpgaClk_p(DBB_FPGA_CLK_P), //in std_logic
+ .FpgaClk_n(DBB_FPGA_CLK_N), //in std_logic
+ .SampleClk1xOut(radio_clkB), //out std_logic
+ .SampleClk1x(radio_clk), //in std_logic
+ .SampleClk2xOut(radio_clk_2xB), //out std_logic
+ .SampleClk2x(radio_clk_2x), //in std_logic
+ .bRegPortInFlat(bRegPortInFlatB), //in std_logic_vector(49:0)
+ .bRegPortOutFlat(bRegPortOutFlatB), //out std_logic_vector(33:0)
+ .kSlotId(1'b1), //in std_logic
+ .sSysRefFpgaLvds_p(DBB_FPGA_SYSREF_P), //in std_logic
+ .sSysRefFpgaLvds_n(DBB_FPGA_SYSREF_N), //in std_logic
+ .aLmkSync(DBB_CLKDIST_SYNC), //out std_logic
+ .JesdRefClk_p(DBB_MGTCLK_P), //in std_logic
+ .JesdRefClk_n(DBB_MGTCLK_N), //in std_logic
+ .aAdcRx_p(DBB_RX_P), //in std_logic_vector(3:0)
+ .aAdcRx_n(DBB_RX_N), //in std_logic_vector(3:0)
+ .aSyncAdcOut_n(dbb_adc_sync_b), //out std_logic
+ .aDacTx_p(DBB_TX_P), //out std_logic_vector(3:0)
+ .aDacTx_n(DBB_TX_N), //out std_logic_vector(3:0)
+ .aSyncDacIn_n(dbb_dac_sync_b), //in std_logic
+ .sAdcDataValid(rx_b_valid), //out std_logic
+ .sAdcDataSample0I(rx_db[2][31:16]), //out std_logic_vector(15:0)
+ .sAdcDataSample0Q(rx_db[2][15: 0]), //out std_logic_vector(15:0)
+ .sAdcDataSample1I(rx_db[3][31:16]), //out std_logic_vector(15:0)
+ .sAdcDataSample1Q(rx_db[3][15: 0]), //out std_logic_vector(15:0)
+ .sDacReadyForInput(tx_b_rfi), //out std_logic
+ .sDacDataSample0I(tx_db[2][31:16]), //in std_logic_vector(15:0)
+ .sDacDataSample0Q(tx_db[2][15: 0]), //in std_logic_vector(15:0)
+ .sDacDataSample1I(tx_db[3][31:16]), //in std_logic_vector(15:0)
+ .sDacDataSample1Q(tx_db[3][15: 0]), //in std_logic_vector(15:0)
+ .RefClk(ref_clk), //in std_logic
+ .rPpsPulse(pps_refclk), //in std_logic
+ .rGatedPulseToPin(UNUSED_PIN_TDCB_0), //inout std_logic
+ .sGatedPulseToPin(UNUSED_PIN_TDCB_1), //inout std_logic
+ .sPps(sPpsUnusedB), //out std_logic
+ .sPpsToIob(sPpsToIobUnusedB), //out std_logic
+ .WrRefClk(wr_ref_clk), //in std_logic
+ .rWrPpsPulse(pps_wr_refclk), //in std_logic
+ .rWrGatedPulseToPin(UNUSED_PIN_TDCB_2), //inout std_logic
+ .sWrGatedPulseToPin(UNUSED_PIN_TDCB_3), //inout std_logic
+ .aPpsSfpSel(2'd0), //in std_logic_vector(1:0)
+ .sAdcSync(sAdcSyncUnusedB), //out std_logic
+ .sDacSync(sDacSyncUnusedB), //out std_logic
+ .sSysRef(sSysrefUnusedB), //out std_logic
+ .rRpTransfer(rRpTransferUnusedB), //out std_logic
+ .sSpTransfer(sSpTransferUnusedB), //out std_logic
+ .rWrRpTransfer(rWrRpTransferUnusedB), //out std_logic
+ .sWrSpTransfer(sWrSpTransferUnusedB)); //out std_logic
+ assign rx_stb[1] = rx_b_valid;
+ assign tx_stb[1] = tx_b_rfi;
+ axil_to_ni_regport #(
+ .RP_DWIDTH (32),
+ .RP_AWIDTH (14),
+ .TIMEOUT (512)
+ ) ni_regportB_inst (
+ // Clock and reset
+ .s_axi_aclk (clk40),
+ .s_axi_areset (clk40_rst),
+ // AXI4-Lite: Write address port (domain: s_axi_aclk)
+ .s_axi_awaddr(M_AXI_JESD1_AWADDR),
+ .s_axi_awvalid(M_AXI_JESD1_AWVALID),
+ .s_axi_awready(M_AXI_JESD1_AWREADY),
+ // AXI4-Lite: Write data port (domain: s_axi_aclk)
+ .s_axi_wdata(M_AXI_JESD1_WDATA),
+ .s_axi_wstrb(M_AXI_JESD1_WSTRB),
+ .s_axi_wvalid(M_AXI_JESD1_WVALID),
+ .s_axi_wready(M_AXI_JESD1_WREADY),
+ // AXI4-Lite: Write response port (domain: s_axi_aclk)
+ .s_axi_bresp(M_AXI_JESD1_BRESP),
+ .s_axi_bvalid(M_AXI_JESD1_BVALID),
+ .s_axi_bready(M_AXI_JESD1_BREADY),
+ // AXI4-Lite: Read address port (domain: s_axi_aclk)
+ .s_axi_araddr(M_AXI_JESD1_ARADDR),
+ .s_axi_arvalid(M_AXI_JESD1_ARVALID),
+ .s_axi_arready(M_AXI_JESD1_ARREADY),
+ // AXI4-Lite: Read data port (domain: s_axi_aclk)
+ .s_axi_rdata (M_AXI_JESD1_RDATA),
+ .s_axi_rresp (M_AXI_JESD1_RRESP),
+ .s_axi_rvalid (M_AXI_JESD1_RVALID),
+ .s_axi_rready (M_AXI_JESD1_RREADY),
+ // Register port
+ .reg_port_in_rd (reg_portB_rd),
+ .reg_port_in_wt (reg_portB_wr),
+ .reg_port_in_addr (reg_portB_addr),
+ .reg_port_in_data (reg_portB_wr_data),
+ .reg_port_out_data (reg_portB_rd_data),
+ .reg_port_out_ready(reg_portB_ready)
+ );
+ // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ //
+ // LEDS
+ //
+ // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ assign PANEL_LED_LINK = ps_gpio_out[45];
+ assign PANEL_LED_REF = ps_gpio_out[46];
+ assign PANEL_LED_GPS = ps_gpio_out[47];
+ /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ //
+ // PUDC Workaround
+ //
+ //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ // This is a workaround for a silicon bug in Series 7 FPGA where a
+ // race condition with the reading of PUDC during the erase of the FPGA
+ // image cause glitches on output IO pins.
+ //
+ // Workaround:
+ // - Define the PUDC pin in the XDC file with a pullup.
+ // - Implements an IBUF on the PUDC input and make sure that it does
+ // not get optimized out.
+ (* dont_touch = "true" *) wire fpga_pudc_b_buf;
+ IBUF pudc_ibuf_i (
+ .O(fpga_pudc_b_buf));