path: root/fpga/usrp3/top/n3xx/dboards/common/PkgRegs.vhd
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Diffstat (limited to 'fpga/usrp3/top/n3xx/dboards/common/PkgRegs.vhd')
1 files changed, 314 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/fpga/usrp3/top/n3xx/dboards/common/PkgRegs.vhd b/fpga/usrp3/top/n3xx/dboards/common/PkgRegs.vhd
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..783e86e9c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fpga/usrp3/top/n3xx/dboards/common/PkgRegs.vhd
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+-- Copyright 2018 Ettus Research, a National Instruments Company
+-- SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-3.0-or-later
+-- This package contains functions for reading and writing N310 registers.
+library ieee;
+ use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
+ use ieee.numeric_std.all;
+package PkgRegs is
+ -- RegPort Type Definitions : ---------------------------------------------------------
+ -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ constant kAddressWidth : integer := 16;
+ subtype InterfaceData_t is std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);
+ type RegDataAry_t is array (natural range <>) of InterfaceData_t;
+ constant kRegPortDataZero : InterfaceData_t := (others => '0');
+ -- The type of the signal used to communicate from the Interface
+ -- component to the frameworks
+ type RegPortIn_t is record
+ Address : unsigned(kAddressWidth - 1 downto 0);
+ Data : InterfaceData_t;
+ Rd : boolean; -- Must be a one clock cycle pulse
+ Wt : boolean; -- Must be a one clock cycle pulse
+ end record;
+ -- The type of the signal used to communicate to the Interface
+ -- component from the frameworks
+ -- Ready is just the Ready signal from the Handshake component.
+ -- Address in RegPortIn_t should be valid in the cycle where Data, DataValid,
+ -- or Ready are being sampled by the bus communication interface.
+ type RegPortOut_t is record
+ Data : InterfaceData_t;
+ DataValid : boolean; -- Must be a one clock cycle pulse
+ Ready : boolean; -- Must be valid one clock after Wt assertion
+ end record;
+ -- Constants for the RegPort
+ constant kRegPortInZero : RegPortIn_t := (
+ Address => to_unsigned(0,kAddressWidth),
+ Data => (others => '0'),
+ Rd => false,
+ Wt => false);
+ constant kRegPortOutZero : RegPortOut_t := (
+ Data => (others=>'0'),
+ DataValid => false,
+ Ready => true);
+ -- Register Offset Types : ------------------------------------------------------------
+ -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ -- Custom type for defining register spaces. Is it assumed that all defined register
+ -- addresses for each space are kOffset <= Address < kOffset+kWidth. Therefore when
+ -- Address equals kOffset+kWidth, we are not talking to this space but the space
+ -- above it.
+ type RegOffset_t is record
+ kOffset : integer;
+ kWidth : integer;
+ end record;
+ constant kRegOffsetZero : RegOffset_t := (kOffset => 16#0#, kWidth => 16#04#);
+ -- Access Functions : -----------------------------------------------------------------
+ -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ -- Helper function to combine register ports on their way back upstream.
+ function "+" (L, R : RegPortOut_t) return RegPortOut_t;
+ function Mask(RegPortIn : in RegPortIn_t;
+ kRegisterOffset : in RegOffset_t) return RegPortIn_t;
+ -- Helper functions to determine when a register is targeted by the RegPort. There
+ -- are three groups: RegSelected, RegWrite, and RegRead. The latter two call
+ -- RegSelected to determine if a register is targeted and being read or written.
+ -- RegSelected is also overloaded to accommodate the RegOffset_t type.
+ -- function RegSelected (RegPortIn : RegPortIn_t;
+ -- RegisterOffset : RegOffset_t) return boolean;
+ function RegSelected (RegOffset : integer;
+ RegPortIn : RegPortIn_t) return boolean;
+ function RegWrite (Address : integer;
+ RegPortIn : RegPortIn_t) return boolean;
+ function RegRead (Address : integer;
+ RegPortIn : RegPortIn_t) return boolean;
+ function OrArray(ArrayIn : RegDataAry_t) return std_logic_vector;
+ -- Flattening Functions : -------------------------------------------------------------
+ -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ constant kFlatRegPortInSize : natural := kAddressWidth +
+ InterfaceData_t'length +
+ 2;
+ subtype FlatRegPortIn_t is std_logic_vector(kFlatRegPortInSize-1 downto 0);
+ constant kFlatRegPortOutSize : natural := InterfaceData_t'length +
+ 2;
+ subtype FlatRegPortOut_t is std_logic_vector(kFlatRegPortOutSize-1 downto 0);
+ function Flatten(Var : RegPortIn_t) return FlatRegPortIn_t;
+ function Unflatten(Var : FlatRegPortIn_t) return RegPortIn_t;
+ function Flatten(Var : RegPortOut_t) return FlatRegPortOut_t;
+ function Unflatten(Var : FlatRegPortOut_t) return RegPortOut_t;
+end PkgRegs;
+package body PkgRegs is
+ -- Combines RegPortOut_t types together
+ function "+" (L, R : RegPortOut_t) return RegPortOut_t
+ is
+ variable ReturnVal : RegPortOut_t;
+ begin
+ ReturnVal := kRegPortOutZero;
+ ReturnVal.Data := L.Data or R.Data;
+ ReturnVal.DataValid := L.DataValid or R.DataValid;
+ ReturnVal.Ready := L.Ready and R.Ready;
+ return ReturnVal;
+ end function;
+ -- This function lops off the portion of the register bus that is
+ -- decoded in the InAddrSpace function in order to reduce the number of bits
+ -- decoded by the register read logic. Also, the Rd and Wt strobes are gated
+ -- as well.
+ function Mask(RegPortIn : in RegPortIn_t;
+ kRegisterOffset : in RegOffset_t) return RegPortIn_t
+ is
+ variable RegPortInVar : RegPortIn_t;
+ variable InSpace : boolean := false;
+ begin
+ InSpace := (RegPortIn.Address >= kRegisterOffset.kOffset) and
+ (RegPortIn.Address < kRegisterOffset.kOffset + kRegisterOffset.kWidth);
+ -- Compare the most significant bits of the address bus downto the LSb
+ -- that we just calculated.
+ if InSpace then
+ -- If in address space then allow Rd and Wt to assert
+ RegPortInVar.Rd := RegPortIn.Rd;
+ RegPortInVar.Wt := RegPortIn.Wt;
+ else
+ RegPortInVar.Rd := kRegPortInZero.Rd;
+ RegPortInVar.Wt := kRegPortInZero.Wt;
+ end if;
+ RegPortInVar.Data := RegPortIn.Data;
+ RegPortInVar.Address := RegPortIn.Address - kRegisterOffset.kOffset;
+ return RegPortInVar;
+ end function Mask;
+ -- Returns true when this chip is selected and the address matches the register.
+ -- Note that RegOffset is divided by 4 before being compared against the register
+ -- port Address value.
+ function RegSelected (RegOffset : integer;
+ RegPortIn : RegPortIn_t) return boolean is
+ begin
+ return RegPortIn.Address = to_unsigned(RegOffset, RegPortIn.Address'length);
+ end function RegSelected;
+ -- Returns true when the register is being written.
+ function RegWrite (Address : integer;
+ RegPortIn : RegPortIn_t) return boolean is
+ begin
+ return RegSelected(Address, RegPortIn) and RegPortIn.Wt;
+ end function RegWrite;
+ -- Returns true when the register is being read.
+ function RegRead (Address : integer;
+ RegPortIn : RegPortIn_t) return boolean is
+ begin
+ return RegSelected(Address, RegPortIn) and RegPortIn.Rd;
+ end function RegRead;
+ -- Overloaded version of RegSelected for the RegOffset_t
+ -- NOTE!!! Offset <= Address < Offset+Width
+ -- Therefore, this function assumes that when Address = Offset+Width we are talking to
+ -- a different register group than the one given in RegisterOffset.
+ -- function RegSelected (RegPortIn : RegPortIn_t;
+ -- RegisterOffset : RegOffset_t) return boolean is
+ -- begin
+ -- return (RegPortIn.Address >= to_unsigned(RegisterOffset.kOffset, RegPortIn.Address'length)) and
+ -- (RegPortIn.Address < to_unsigned(RegisterOffset.kOffset + RegisterOffset.kWidth, RegPortIn.Address'length));
+ -- end function RegSelected;
+ function OrArray(ArrayIn : RegDataAry_t) return std_logic_vector
+ is
+ variable ReturnVar : std_logic_vector(ArrayIn(ArrayIn'right)'range);
+ begin
+ ReturnVar := (others => '0');
+ for i in ArrayIn'range loop
+ ReturnVar := ReturnVar or ArrayIn(i);
+ end loop;
+ return ReturnVar;
+ end function OrArray;
+ function to_Boolean (s : std_ulogic) return boolean is
+ begin
+ return (To_X01(s)='1');
+ end to_Boolean;
+ function to_StdLogic(b : boolean) return std_ulogic is
+ begin
+ if b then
+ return '1';
+ else
+ return '0';
+ end if;
+ end to_StdLogic;
+ -----------------------------------------------------
+ -- REG PORTS (FROM PkgCommunicationInterface)
+ --
+ -- subtype InterfaceData_t is std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);
+ --
+ -- constant kAddressWidth : positive := kAddressWidth - 2;
+ --
+ -- type RegPortIn_t is record
+ -- Address : unsigned(kAddressWidth - 1 downto 0);
+ -- Data : InterfaceData_t;
+ -- Rd : boolean; -- Must be a one clock cycle pulse
+ -- Wt : boolean; -- Must be a one clock cycle pulse
+ -- end record;
+ function Flatten(Var : RegPortIn_t) return FlatRegPortIn_t is
+ variable Index : natural;
+ variable RetVar : FlatRegPortIn_t;
+ begin
+ Index := 0;
+ RetVar(Index) := to_StdLogic(Var.Wt); Index := Index + 1;
+ RetVar(Index) := to_StdLogic(Var.Rd); Index := Index + 1;
+ RetVar(Index + Var.Data'length - 1 downto Index) := std_logic_vector(Var.Data);
+ Index := Index + Var.Data'length;
+ RetVar(Index + Var.Address'length - 1 downto Index) := std_logic_vector(Var.Address);
+ Index := Index + Var.Address'length;
+ return RetVar;
+ end function Flatten;
+ function Unflatten(Var : FlatRegPortIn_t) return RegPortIn_t is
+ variable Index : natural;
+ variable RetVal : RegPortIn_t;
+ begin
+ Index := 0;
+ RetVal.Wt := to_Boolean(Var(Index)); Index := Index + 1;
+ RetVal.Rd := to_Boolean(Var(Index)); Index := Index + 1;
+ RetVal.Data := InterfaceData_t(Var(Index + RetVal.Data'length - 1 downto Index));
+ Index := Index + RetVal.Data'length;
+ RetVal.Address := unsigned(Var(Index + RetVal.Address'length - 1 downto Index));
+ Index := Index + RetVal.Address'length;
+ return RetVal;
+ end function Unflatten;
+ -- type RegPortOut_t is record
+ -- Data : InterfaceData_t;
+ -- DataValid : boolean; -- Must be a one clock cycle pulse
+ -- Ready : boolean; -- Must be valid one clock after Wt assertion
+ -- end record;
+ function Flatten(Var : RegPortOut_t) return FlatRegPortOut_t is
+ variable Index : natural;
+ variable RetVar : FlatRegPortOut_t;
+ begin
+ Index := 0;
+ RetVar(Index) := to_StdLogic(Var.Ready); Index := Index + 1;
+ RetVar(Index) := to_StdLogic(Var.DataValid); Index := Index + 1;
+ RetVar(Index + Var.Data'length - 1 downto Index) := std_logic_vector(Var.Data);
+ Index := Index + Var.Data'length;
+ return RetVar;
+ end function Flatten;
+ function Unflatten(Var : FlatRegPortOut_t) return RegPortOut_t is
+ variable Index : natural;
+ variable RetVal : RegPortOut_t;
+ begin
+ Index := 0;
+ RetVal.Ready := to_Boolean(Var(Index)); Index := Index + 1;
+ RetVal.DataValid := to_Boolean(Var(Index)); Index := Index + 1;
+ RetVal.Data := InterfaceData_t(Var(Index + RetVal.Data'length - 1 downto Index));
+ Index := Index + RetVal.Data'length;
+ return RetVal;
+ end function Unflatten;
+end PkgRegs;