path: root/fpga/usrp3/top/b2xxmini/b205.v
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Diffstat (limited to 'fpga/usrp3/top/b2xxmini/b205.v')
1 files changed, 298 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/fpga/usrp3/top/b2xxmini/b205.v b/fpga/usrp3/top/b2xxmini/b205.v
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..3b95521c4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fpga/usrp3/top/b2xxmini/b205.v
@@ -0,0 +1,298 @@
+// Copyright 2015 Ettus Research, a National Instruments Company
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-3.0-or-later
+ * B205 Module Declaration
+ **********************************************************/
+module b205 (
+ // AD9364 - SPI Interface:
+ output CAT_SPI_EN, // Enable
+ input CAT_SPI_DO, // MISO
+ output CAT_SPI_DI, // MOSI
+ output CAT_SPI_CLK, // SPI Clk
+ // AD9364 - Control:
+ output CAT_EN,
+ output CAT_EN_AGC,
+ output CAT_RESETn,
+ output CAT_TXnRX,
+ output [3:0] CAT_CTL_IN, // These should be outputs
+ input [7:0] CAT_CTL_OUT, // MUST BE INPUT
+ // AD9364 - Data:
+ input CAT_DCLK_P, // Clock from AD9364 (RX)
+ output CAT_FBCLK_P, // Clock to AD9364 (TX)
+ output CAT_FBCLK_N,
+ input [11:0] CAT_P0_D, // RX data is on Port 0
+ output [11:0] CAT_P1_D, // TX data is on Port 1
+ input CAT_RX_FR_P,
+ output CAT_TX_FR_P,
+ output CAT_TX_FR_N,
+ // AD9364 - Always on 40MHz clock:
+ input CLK_40MHz_FPGA,
+ // GPIF, FX3 Slave FIFO
+ output FX3_PCLK, // pclk
+ output FX3_CTL0, // n_slcs
+ output FX3_CTL1, // n_slwr
+ output FX3_CTL2, // n_sloe
+ output FX3_CTL3, // n_slrd
+ output FX3_CTL7, // n_pktend
+ input FX3_CTL4, // slfifo_flags[0]
+ input FX3_CTL5, // slfifo_flags[1]
+ input FX3_CTL6, // Serial settings bus from FX3. SDA
+ input FX3_CTL8, // Serial settings bus from FX3. SCL
+ output FX3_CTL11, // slfifo_addr[1]
+ output FX3_CTL12, // slfifo_addr[0]
+ inout [31:0] FX3_DQ,
+ input FX3_CTL9, // global_reset
+ // LEDs
+ output cLED_TRX_G,
+ output cLED_TRX_B,
+ output cLED_TRX_R,
+ output cLED_RX2_G,
+ output cLED_RX2_B,
+ output cLED_RX2_R,
+ output cLED_S0,
+ output cLED_S1,
+ // GPIO
+ inout [7:0] fp_gpio,
+ // PPS or 10 MHz (need to choose from SW)
+ input PPS_IN,
+ input CLKIN_10MHz,
+ output CLKIN_10MHz_REQ,
+ // Clock disciplining / AD5662 controls
+ output CLK_40M_DAC_nSYNC,
+ output CLK_40M_DAC_SCLK,
+ output CLK_40M_DAC_DIN,
+ // RF Hardware Control
+ output cFE_SEL_TRX_TX, // Select TX/RX port for Tx
+ output cFE_SEL_TRX_RX, // Select TX/RX port for Rx
+ output cFE_SEL_RX_TRX, // Select TX/RX port for Rx
+ output cFE_SEL_RX_RX2, // Select RX2 port for Rx
+ output cTXDRV_PWEN // Tx PA enable
+ );
+ wire reset_global = FX3_CTL9;
+ ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ // generate clocks from always on codec main clk
+ ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ wire bus_clk, radio_clk;
+ wire locked;
+ wire int_40mhz;
+ wire ref_pll_clk;
+ b205_clk_gen gen_clks
+ (
+ .CLK_IN1_40(CLK_40MHz_FPGA), // No differential input!
+ .CLK_OUT1_40_int(int_40mhz), .CLK_OUT2_100_bus(bus_clk), .CLK_OUT3_200_ref_pll(ref_pll_clk),
+ .RESET(reset_global), .LOCKED(locked)
+ );
+ //hold-off logic for clocks ready
+ reg [15:0] clocks_ready_count;
+ reg clocks_ready;
+ always @(posedge bus_clk or posedge reset_global or negedge locked) begin
+ if (reset_global | !locked) begin
+ clocks_ready_count <= 16'b0;
+ clocks_ready <= 1'b0;
+ end
+ else if (!clocks_ready) begin
+ clocks_ready_count <= clocks_ready_count + 1'b1;
+ clocks_ready <= (clocks_ready_count == 16'hffff);
+ end
+ end
+ ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ // drive output clocks
+ ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ ODDR2 #(
+ .DDR_ALIGNMENT("NONE"), // to "NONE", "C0" or "C1"
+ .INIT(1'b0), // output to 1'b0 or 1'b1
+ .SRTYPE("ASYNC") // set/reset "SYNC" or "ASYNC"
+ )
+ (
+ .Q(FX3_PCLK), // 1-bit DDR output data
+ .C0(bus_clk), // 1-bit clock input
+ .C1(~bus_clk), // 1-bit clock input
+ .CE(1'b1), // 1-bit clock enable input
+ .D0(1'b1), // 1-bit data input (associated with C0)
+ .D1(1'b0), // 1-bit data input (associated with C1)
+ .R(1'b0), // 1-bit reset input
+ .S(1'b0) // 1-bit set input
+ );
+ ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ // Create sync reset signals
+ ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ wire bus_rst, ref_pll_rst, radio_rst;
+ reset_sync bus_sync(.clk(bus_clk), .reset_in(!clocks_ready), .reset_out(bus_rst));
+ reset_sync ref_pll_sync(.clk(ref_pll_clk), .reset_in(!clocks_ready), .reset_out(ref_pll_rst));
+ reset_sync radio_sync(.clk(radio_clk), .reset_in(!clocks_ready), .reset_out(radio_rst));
+ ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ // reference clock PLL
+ ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ wire ref_sel;
+ wire ext_ref_is_pps;
+ wire ext_ref_locked;
+ wire ext_ref = ext_ref_is_pps ? PPS_IN : ref_sel ? CLKIN_10MHz : 1'b0;
+ b205_ref_pll ref_pll
+ (
+ .reset(ref_pll_rst),
+ .clk(ref_pll_clk),
+ .refclk(int_40mhz),
+ .ref(ext_ref),
+ .locked(ext_ref_locked),
+ .sclk(CLK_40M_DAC_SCLK),
+ .mosi(CLK_40M_DAC_DIN),
+ .sync_n(CLK_40M_DAC_nSYNC)
+ );
+ assign CLKIN_10MHz_REQ = ref_sel;
+ ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ // AD9364 I/O
+ ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ wire [31:0] rx_data;
+ wire [31:0] tx_data;
+ b205_io b205_io_i0
+ (
+ .reset(reset_global),
+ // Baseband sample interface
+ .radio_clk(radio_clk),
+ .rx_i0(rx_data[31:20]),
+ .rx_q0(rx_data[15:4]),
+ .tx_i0(tx_data[31:20]),
+ .tx_q0(tx_data[15:4]),
+ // Catalina interface
+ .rx_clk(CAT_DCLK_P),
+ .rx_frame(CAT_RX_FR_P),
+ .rx_data(CAT_P0_D),
+ .tx_clk(CAT_FBCLK_P),
+ .tx_frame(CAT_TX_FR_P),
+ .tx_data(CAT_P1_D)
+ );
+ assign {rx_data[19:16],rx_data[3:0]} = 8'h0;
+ assign CAT_FBCLK_N = 1'b0;
+ assign CAT_TX_FR_N = 1'b0;
+ ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ // SPI connections
+ ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ wire mosi, miso, sclk;
+ wire [7:0] sen;
+ // AD9364 Slave (it's the only slave for B205)
+ assign CAT_SPI_EN = sen[0];
+ assign CAT_SPI_DI = ~sen[0] & mosi;
+ assign CAT_SPI_CLK = ~sen[0] & sclk;
+ assign miso = CAT_SPI_DO;
+ ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ // bus signals
+ ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ wire [63:0] ctrl_tdata, resp_tdata, rx_tdata, tx_tdata;
+ wire ctrl_tlast, resp_tlast, rx_tlast, tx_tlast;
+ wire ctrl_tvalid, resp_tvalid, rx_tvalid, tx_tvalid;
+ wire ctrl_tready, resp_tready, rx_tready, tx_tready;
+ ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ // frontend assignments
+ ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ wire [7:0] fe_gpio_out;
+ reg [7:0] fe_gpio_reg;
+ //Register in IOB
+ always @(posedge radio_clk)
+ fe_gpio_reg <= fe_gpio_out;
+ assign {cTXDRV_PWEN, cFE_SEL_RX_RX2, cFE_SEL_TRX_TX, cFE_SEL_RX_TRX, cFE_SEL_TRX_RX} = fe_gpio_reg[7:3];
+ assign cLED_TRX_R = ~fe_gpio_reg[0];
+ assign cLED_TRX_G = ~fe_gpio_reg[1];
+ assign cLED_TRX_B = 1'b1;
+ assign cLED_RX2_R = 1'b1;
+ assign cLED_RX2_G = ~fe_gpio_reg[2];
+ assign cLED_RX2_B = 1'b1;
+ assign cLED_S0 = ~ext_ref_locked;
+ assign cLED_S1 = ~(ext_ref);
+ wire [31:0] misc_outs;
+ reg [31:0] misc_outs_r;
+ always @(posedge bus_clk) misc_outs_r <= misc_outs; //register misc ios to ease routing to flop
+ assign ref_sel = misc_outs_r[0];
+ wire codec_arst = misc_outs_r[2];
+ assign CAT_CTL_IN = 4'b1;
+ assign CAT_EN_AGC = 1'b1;
+ assign CAT_TXnRX = 1'b1;
+ assign CAT_EN = 1'b1;
+ assign CAT_RESETn = ~codec_arst; // Codec Reset // RESETB // Operates active-low
+ ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ // b205 core
+ ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ wire [7:0] fp_gpio_in, fp_gpio_out, fp_gpio_ddr;
+ b205_core #(.EXTRA_BUFF_SIZE(12)) b205_core
+ (
+ .bus_clk(bus_clk), .bus_rst(bus_rst),
+ .tx_tdata(tx_tdata), .tx_tlast(tx_tlast), .tx_tvalid(tx_tvalid), .tx_tready(tx_tready),
+ .rx_tdata(rx_tdata), .rx_tlast(rx_tlast), .rx_tvalid(rx_tvalid), .rx_tready(rx_tready),
+ .ctrl_tdata(ctrl_tdata), .ctrl_tlast(ctrl_tlast), .ctrl_tvalid(ctrl_tvalid), .ctrl_tready(ctrl_tready),
+ .resp_tdata(resp_tdata), .resp_tlast(resp_tlast), .resp_tvalid(resp_tvalid), .resp_tready(resp_tready),
+ .radio_clk(radio_clk), .radio_rst(radio_rst),
+ .rx0(rx_data),
+ .tx0(tx_data),
+ .fe_gpio_out(fe_gpio_out),
+ .fp_gpio_in(fp_gpio_in), .fp_gpio_out(fp_gpio_out), .fp_gpio_ddr(fp_gpio_ddr),
+ .ext_ref_is_pps(ext_ref_is_pps),
+ .pps_ext(PPS_IN),
+ .sclk(sclk), .sen(sen), .mosi(mosi), .miso(miso),
+ .rb_misc({31'b0,ext_ref_locked}), .misc_outs(misc_outs),
+ .lock_signals(CAT_CTL_OUT[7:6]),
+ .debug()
+ );
+ gpio_atr_io #(.WIDTH(8)) gpio_atr_io_inst (
+ .clk(radio_clk), .gpio_pins(fp_gpio),
+ .gpio_ddr(fp_gpio_ddr), .gpio_out(fp_gpio_out), .gpio_in(fp_gpio_in)
+ );
+ ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ // GPIF2
+ ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ gpif2_slave_fifo32 #(.DATA_RX_FIFO_SIZE(13), .DATA_TX_FIFO_SIZE(13)) slave_fifo32
+ (
+ .gpif_clk(bus_clk), .gpif_rst(bus_rst), .gpif_enb(1'b1),
+ .gpif_ctl({FX3_CTL8, FX3_CTL6, FX3_CTL5, FX3_CTL4}), .fifoadr({FX3_CTL11, FX3_CTL12}),
+ .slwr(FX3_CTL1), .sloe(FX3_CTL2), .slcs(FX3_CTL0), .slrd(FX3_CTL3), .pktend(FX3_CTL7),
+ .gpif_d(FX3_DQ),
+ .fifo_clk(bus_clk), .fifo_rst(bus_rst),
+ .tx_tdata(tx_tdata), .tx_tlast(tx_tlast), .tx_tvalid(tx_tvalid), .tx_tready(tx_tready),
+ .rx_tdata(rx_tdata), .rx_tlast(rx_tlast), .rx_tvalid(rx_tvalid), .rx_tready(rx_tready),
+ .ctrl_tdata(ctrl_tdata), .ctrl_tlast(ctrl_tlast), .ctrl_tvalid(ctrl_tvalid), .ctrl_tready(ctrl_tready),
+ .resp_tdata(resp_tdata), .resp_tlast(resp_tlast), .resp_tvalid(resp_tvalid), .resp_tready(resp_tready),
+ .debug()
+ );
+endmodule // B205