path: root/fpga/usrp3/sim/rfnoc/PkgRfnocItemUtils.sv
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Diffstat (limited to 'fpga/usrp3/sim/rfnoc/PkgRfnocItemUtils.sv')
1 files changed, 215 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/fpga/usrp3/sim/rfnoc/PkgRfnocItemUtils.sv b/fpga/usrp3/sim/rfnoc/PkgRfnocItemUtils.sv
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..2c671ad93
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fpga/usrp3/sim/rfnoc/PkgRfnocItemUtils.sv
@@ -0,0 +1,215 @@
+// Copyright 2019 Ettus Research, A National Instruments Company
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-3.0-or-later
+// Module: PkgRfnocItemUtils
+// Description: This package contains utilities to handle and process items.
+// - ItemDataBuff: A class that holds a collection of items of arbitrary width
+// To can convert to and from a CHDR vector
+// - ItemDataBuffQueue: A queue of ItemDataBuff buffers
+package PkgRfnocItemUtils;
+ import PkgChdrUtils::*;
+ //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // Item Data Buffer
+ //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ //
+ // This class items of an arbitrary type
+ //
+ //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ class ItemDataBuff #(type data_t);
+ typedef ItemDataBuff #(data_t) ItemDataBuffQueue[$];
+ // Store data in the user-specified format
+ local data_t buff[$];
+ // Create a new empty buffer
+ function new();
+ buff.delete();
+ endfunction : new
+ // Get the bitwidth of a item in this buffer
+ function int item_w();
+ return $size(data_t);
+ endfunction : item_w
+ // Delete the contents of this buffer
+ function void delete();
+ buff.delete();
+ endfunction : delete
+ // Get the size (in number of words) of this buffer
+ function int size();
+ return buff.size();
+ endfunction : size
+ // Get the size (in number of bytes) of this buffer
+ function int get_bytes();
+ return size() * (item_w() / 8);
+ endfunction : get_bytes
+ // Get the i'th element in this buffer
+ function data_t get(int i);
+ return buff[i];
+ endfunction : get
+ // Put and element in this buffer. If i is negative
+ // then put it at the end
+ function void put(data_t d, int i = -1);
+ if (i < 0)
+ buff.push_back(d);
+ else
+ buff.insert(i, d);
+ endfunction : put
+ // Convert the contents of this buffer to a CHDR payload
+ // A CHDR payload can be transmitted using the block controller
+ // BFM.
+ function chdr_word_queue_t to_chdr_payload();
+ int samps_per_word = $size(chdr_word_t) / $size(data_t);
+ int num_chdr_lines = ((buff.size() + samps_per_word - 1) / samps_per_word);
+ chdr_word_t chdr_w_vtr[$];
+ for (int i = 0; i < num_chdr_lines; i++) begin
+ chdr_word_t tmp = 'x;
+ for (int j = 0; j < samps_per_word; j++) begin
+ tmp[j*$size(data_t) +: $size(data_t)] = buff[i*samps_per_word + j];
+ end
+ chdr_w_vtr.push_back(tmp);
+ end
+ return chdr_w_vtr;
+ endfunction : to_chdr_payload
+ // Populate this buffer using a CHDR payload
+ // A CHDR payload can be received using the block controller
+ // BFM.
+ function void from_chdr_payload(chdr_word_queue_t chdr_w_vtr, int bytes);
+ int samps_per_word = $size(chdr_word_t) / $size(data_t);
+ int bytes_left = bytes;
+ buff.delete();
+ foreach (chdr_w_vtr[i]) begin
+ for (int j = 0; j < samps_per_word; j++) begin
+ if (bytes_left > 0) begin
+ buff.push_back(chdr_w_vtr[i][j*$size(data_t) +: $size(data_t)]);
+ bytes_left -= ($size(data_t)/8);
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ endfunction : from_chdr_payload
+ // Output a string representation of the contents of the buffer
+ function string sprint(string format = "%X", bit as_chdr = 0);
+ if (as_chdr) begin
+ string str = $sformatf("ItemDataBuff (64-bit CHDR, %0d bytes)\n", get_bytes());
+ chdr_word_queue_t chdr_q = this.to_chdr_payload();
+ foreach (chdr_q[i]) begin
+ str = { str, $sformatf({"%5d> ", format, "\n"}, i, chdr_q[i]) };
+ end
+ return str;
+ end else begin
+ string str = $sformatf("ItemDataBuff (%0d-bit)\n", $size(data_t));
+ foreach (buff[i]) begin
+ str = { str, $sformatf({"%5d> ", format, "\n"}, i, buff[i]) };
+ end
+ return str;
+ end
+ endfunction : sprint
+ // Print a string representation of the contents of the buffer
+ function void print(string format = "%X", bit as_chdr = 0);
+ $display(sprint(format, as_chdr));
+ endfunction : print
+ // Check if the contents of two buffers is equal
+ function bit equal(
+ ItemDataBuff #(data_t) rhs
+ );
+ if (this.size() != rhs.size()) return 0;
+ for (int i = 0; i < this.size(); i++) begin
+ if (this.get(i) != rhs.get(i)) return 0;
+ end
+ return 1;
+ endfunction : equal
+ endclass
+ class ItemDataBuffQueue #(type data_t);
+ local ItemDataBuff #(data_t) queue[$];
+ // Create a new empty queue
+ function new();
+ queue.delete();
+ endfunction : new
+ // Delete the contents of this queue
+ function void delete();
+ queue.delete();
+ endfunction : delete
+ // Get the size (in number of buffers) of this queue
+ function int size();
+ return queue.size();
+ endfunction : size
+ // Get the i'th element in this buffer
+ function ItemDataBuff #(data_t) get(int i);
+ return queue[i];
+ endfunction : get
+ // Put an element in this buffer. If i is negative
+ // then put it at the end
+ function void put(ItemDataBuff #(data_t) buff, int i = -1);
+ if (i < 0)
+ queue.push_back(buff);
+ else
+ queue.insert(i, buff);
+ endfunction : put
+ // Create a queue of buffers and fill them using the contents of the specified file.
+ function void from_hex_file(
+ int max_buff_size,
+ string filename
+ );
+ string line;
+ int word_i = 0;
+ int handle = $fopen(filename, "r");
+ queue.delete();
+ while ($fgets(line, handle) > 0) begin
+ data_t word = 'x;
+ int buff_i = word_i++ / max_buff_size;
+ if (queue.size() < buff_i + 1) begin
+ ItemDataBuff #(data_t) buff = new;
+ queue.push_back(buff);
+ end
+ if ($sscanf(line, "%x", word) > 0) begin
+ queue[buff_i].put(word);
+ end else begin
+ $error("File parse error");
+ end
+ end
+ $fclose(handle);
+ handle = 0;
+ endfunction : from_hex_file
+ // Write the contents of the queue of buffers to the specified file.
+ function void to_hex_file(
+ string filename
+ );
+ int handle = $fopen(filename, "w");
+ foreach (queue[i]) begin
+ for (int j = 0; j < queue[i].size(); j++) begin
+ $fdisplay(handle, $sformatf("%x", queue[i].get(j)));
+ end
+ end
+ $fclose(handle);
+ handle = 0;
+ endfunction : to_hex_file
+ endclass
+endpackage : PkgRfnocItemUtils