path: root/fpga/usrp3/lib
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Diffstat (limited to 'fpga/usrp3/lib')
1 files changed, 28 insertions, 2 deletions
diff --git a/fpga/usrp3/lib/radio_200/radio_legacy.v b/fpga/usrp3/lib/radio_200/radio_legacy.v
index 0be1264ef..76183b493 100644
--- a/fpga/usrp3/lib/radio_200/radio_legacy.v
+++ b/fpga/usrp3/lib/radio_200/radio_legacy.v
@@ -416,6 +416,8 @@ endgenerate
wire [31:0] rx_sid;
wire [11:0] rx_seqnum;
wire [63:0] rx_tdata_i; wire rx_tlast_i, rx_tvalid_i, rx_tready_i;
+ reg [1:0] rx_err_delay_cnt = 2'd0;
+ reg rx_err_gate = 0;
wire [31:0] debug_rx_framer;
new_rx_framer #(.BASE(SR_RX_CTRL+4),.SAMPLE_FIFO_SIZE(SAMPLE_FIFO_SIZE)) new_rx_framer
@@ -434,7 +436,7 @@ endgenerate
.strobe(strobe_rx), .run(run_rx), .eob(eob_rx), .full(full),
.sid(rx_sid), .seqnum(rx_seqnum),
- .err_tdata(rx_err_tdata_r), .err_tlast(rx_err_tlast_r), .err_tvalid(rx_err_tvalid_r), .err_tready(rx_err_tready_r),
+ .err_tdata(rx_err_tdata_r), .err_tlast(rx_err_tlast_r), .err_tvalid(rx_err_tvalid_r), .err_tready(rx_err_gate & rx_err_tready_r),
@@ -466,10 +468,34 @@ endgenerate
// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// RX Channel Muxing
+ // The RX framer and converters can add up to 3 bubble cycles on the data path.
+ // Delay any error packets so errors are back in band with the data packets.
+ always @(posedge radio_clk) begin
+ if (radio_rst) begin
+ rx_err_delay_cnt <= 2'd0;
+ rx_err_gate <= 0;
+ end else begin
+ if (rx_err_gate) begin
+ if (rx_err_tvalid_r & rx_err_tready_r & rx_err_tlast_r) begin
+ rx_err_delay_cnt <= 2'd0;
+ rx_err_gate <= 0;
+ end
+ end else begin
+ if (rx_postfc_tvalid_r) begin
+ rx_err_delay_cnt <= 2'd0;
+ end else if (rx_err_delay_cnt == 2'd3) begin
+ rx_err_gate <= 1;
+ end else if (rx_err_tvalid_r) begin
+ rx_err_delay_cnt <= rx_err_delay_cnt + 2'd1;
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
axi_mux4 #(.PRIO(1), .WIDTH(64), .BUFFER(1)) rx_mux
(.clk(radio_clk), .reset(radio_rst), .clear(1'b0),
.i0_tdata(rx_postfc_tdata_r), .i0_tlast(rx_postfc_tlast_r), .i0_tvalid(rx_postfc_tvalid_r), .i0_tready(rx_postfc_tready_r),
- .i1_tdata(rx_err_tdata_r), .i1_tlast(rx_err_tlast_r), .i1_tvalid(rx_err_tvalid_r), .i1_tready(rx_err_tready_r),
+ .i1_tdata(rx_err_tdata_r), .i1_tlast(rx_err_gate & rx_err_tlast_r), .i1_tvalid(rx_err_gate & rx_err_tvalid_r), .i1_tready(rx_err_tready_r),
.i2_tdata(64'h0), .i2_tlast(1'b0), .i2_tvalid(1'b0), .i2_tready(),
.i3_tdata(64'h0), .i3_tlast(1'b0), .i3_tvalid(1'b0), .i3_tready(),
.o_tdata(rx_tdata_r), .o_tlast(rx_tlast_r), .o_tvalid(rx_tvalid_r), .o_tready(rx_tready_r));