path: root/fpga/usrp3/lib/rfnoc/axi_wrapper.v
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1 files changed, 217 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/fpga/usrp3/lib/rfnoc/axi_wrapper.v b/fpga/usrp3/lib/rfnoc/axi_wrapper.v
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..f93a693b8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fpga/usrp3/lib/rfnoc/axi_wrapper.v
@@ -0,0 +1,217 @@
+// Copyright 2015 Ettus Research
+// Copyright 2018 Ettus Research, a National Instruments Company
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-3.0-or-later
+// Assumes 32-bit elements (such as sc16) carried over AXI-Stream
+// SIMPLE_MODE -- Automatically handle header (s_axis_data_tuser), packets must be consumed / produced 1-to-1
+// RESIZE_INPUT_PACKET -- Resize input packets. m_axis_data_tlast will be based on m_axis_pkt_len_tdata. Otherwise packet length based on actual input packet length (via i_tlast).
+// RESIZE_OUTPUT_PACKET -- Resize output packets. s_axis_data_tlast will be ignored and instead use packet length in s_axis_tuser_data. Otherwise use s_axis_data_tlast.
+// Note: When SIMPLE_MODE = 1 and RESIZE_OUTPUT_PACKET = 1, s_axis_data_tlast is ignored and output packets are sized according to the length
+// of the input packet (via the packet length field in the received header). Useful if the user design wants output packet length to
+// match the input packet length without having to drive s_axis_data_tlast.
+// *** Warning: Care should be taken when using RESIZE_INPUT_PACKET and/or RESIZE_OUTPUT_PACKET along with SIMPLE_MODE
+// as issues could arise if packets are not produced / consumed in a 1:1 ratio. For instance, the header
+// FIFO could overflow or underflow.
+// _tuser bit definitions
+// [127:64] == CHDR header
+// [127:126] == Packet type -- 00 for data, 01 for flow control, 10 for command, 11 for response
+// [125] == Has time? (0 for no, 1 for time field on next line)
+// [124] == EOB (end of burst indicator)
+// [123:112] == 12-bit sequence number
+// [111: 96] == 16-bit length in bytes
+// [ 95: 80] == SRC SID (stream ID)
+// [ 79: 64] == DST SID
+// [ 63: 0] == timestamp
+module axi_wrapper
+ #(parameter MTU=10,
+ parameter SR_AXI_CONFIG_BASE=129, // AXI configuration bus base, settings bus address range size is 2*NUM_AXI_CONFIG_BUS
+ parameter NUM_AXI_CONFIG_BUS=1, // Number of AXI configuration buses
+ parameter CONFIG_BUS_FIFO_DEPTH=1, // Depth of AXI configuration bus FIFO. Note: AXI configuration bus lacks back pressure.
+ parameter SIMPLE_MODE=1, // 0 = User handles CHDR insertion via tuser signals, 1 = Automatically save / insert CHDR with internal FIFO
+ parameter USE_SEQ_NUM=0, // 0 = Frame will automatically handle sequence number, 1 = Use sequence number provided in s_axis_data_tuser
+ parameter RESIZE_INPUT_PACKET=0, // 0 = Do not resize, packet length determined by i_tlast, 1 = Generate m_axis_data_tlast based on user input m_axis_pkt_len_tdata
+ parameter RESIZE_OUTPUT_PACKET=0, // 0 = Do not resize, packet length determined by s_axis_data_tlast, 1 = Use packet length from user header (s_axis_data_tuser)
+ parameter WIDTH=32) // Specify the output width for the AXI stream data (can be 32 or 64)
+ (input clk, input reset,
+ input bus_clk, input bus_rst,
+ input clear_tx_seqnum,
+ input [15:0] next_dst, // Used with SIMPLE_MODE=1
+ // To NoC Shell
+ input set_stb, input [7:0] set_addr, input [31:0] set_data,
+ input [63:0] i_tdata, input i_tlast, input i_tvalid, output i_tready,
+ output [63:0] o_tdata, output o_tlast, output o_tvalid, input o_tready,
+ // To AXI IP
+ output [WIDTH-1:0] m_axis_data_tdata, output [127:0] m_axis_data_tuser, output m_axis_data_tlast, output m_axis_data_tvalid, input m_axis_data_tready,
+ input [WIDTH-1:0] s_axis_data_tdata, input [127:0] s_axis_data_tuser, input s_axis_data_tlast, input s_axis_data_tvalid, output s_axis_data_tready,
+ input [15:0] m_axis_pkt_len_tdata, input m_axis_pkt_len_tvalid, output m_axis_pkt_len_tready, // Used when RESIZE_INPUT_PACKET=1
+ // Variable number of AXI configuration buses
+ output [NUM_AXI_CONFIG_BUS*32-1:0] m_axis_config_tdata,
+ output [NUM_AXI_CONFIG_BUS-1:0] m_axis_config_tlast,
+ output [NUM_AXI_CONFIG_BUS-1:0] m_axis_config_tvalid,
+ input [NUM_AXI_CONFIG_BUS-1:0] m_axis_config_tready
+ );
+ wire clear_tx_seqnum_bclk;
+ pulse_synchronizer clear_tx_seqnum_sync_i (
+ .clk_a(clk), .rst_a(reset), .pulse_a(clear_tx_seqnum), .busy_a(/*Ignored: Pulses from SW are slow*/),
+ .clk_b(bus_clk), .pulse_b(clear_tx_seqnum_bclk)
+ );
+ // /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ // Input side handling, chdr_deframer
+ wire [127:0] s_axis_data_tuser_int, m_axis_data_tuser_int;
+ wire s_axis_data_tlast_int, m_axis_data_tlast_int;
+ reg [15:0] m_axis_pkt_len_reg = 16'd8;
+ reg sof_in = 1'b1;
+ wire [127:0] header_fifo_i_tdata = {m_axis_data_tuser[127:96],m_axis_data_tuser[79:64],next_dst,m_axis_data_tuser[63:0]};
+ wire header_fifo_i_tvalid = sof_in & m_axis_data_tvalid & m_axis_data_tready;
+ chdr_deframer_2clk #(.WIDTH(WIDTH)) chdr_deframer (
+ .samp_clk(clk), .samp_rst(reset | clear_tx_seqnum), .pkt_clk(bus_clk), .pkt_rst(bus_rst | clear_tx_seqnum_bclk),
+ .i_tdata(i_tdata), .i_tlast(i_tlast), .i_tvalid(i_tvalid), .i_tready(i_tready),
+ .o_tdata(m_axis_data_tdata), .o_tuser(m_axis_data_tuser_int), .o_tlast(m_axis_data_tlast_int), .o_tvalid(m_axis_data_tvalid), .o_tready(m_axis_data_tready)
+ );
+ assign m_axis_data_tuser[127:80] = m_axis_data_tuser_int[127:80];
+ assign m_axis_data_tuser[79:64] = RESIZE_INPUT_PACKET ? (m_axis_data_tuser_int[125] ? m_axis_pkt_len_reg+16 : m_axis_pkt_len_reg+8) : m_axis_data_tuser_int[79:64];
+ assign m_axis_data_tuser[63:0] = m_axis_data_tuser_int[63:0];
+ // Only store header once per packet
+ always @(posedge clk)
+ if(reset | clear_tx_seqnum)
+ sof_in <= 1'b1;
+ else
+ if(m_axis_data_tvalid & m_axis_data_tready)
+ if(m_axis_data_tlast)
+ sof_in <= 1'b1;
+ else
+ sof_in <= 1'b0;
+ // SIMPLE MODE: Store input packet header to reuse as output packet header.
+ generate
+ begin
+ // FIFO
+ axi_fifo #(.WIDTH(128), .SIZE(5)) header_fifo
+ (.clk(clk), .reset(reset), .clear(clear_tx_seqnum),
+ .i_tdata(header_fifo_i_tdata),
+ .i_tvalid(header_fifo_i_tvalid), .i_tready(),
+ .o_tdata(s_axis_data_tuser_int), .o_tvalid(), .o_tready(s_axis_data_tlast_int & s_axis_data_tvalid & s_axis_data_tready),
+ .occupied(), .space());
+ end else begin
+ assign s_axis_data_tuser_int = s_axis_data_tuser;
+ end
+ endgenerate
+ // Size input packets based on m_axis_pkt_len_tdata (RESIZE_INPUT_PACKET=1) or based on i_tdata
+ generate
+ reg m_axis_data_tlast_reg;
+ reg [15:0] m_axis_pkt_cnt;
+ always @(posedge clk) begin
+ if (reset | clear_tx_seqnum) begin
+ m_axis_data_tlast_reg <= 1'b0;
+ m_axis_pkt_cnt <= (WIDTH/8); // Number of bytes in packet
+ m_axis_pkt_len_reg <= 2*(WIDTH/8); // Double size by default
+ end else begin
+ // Only update packet length at the beginning of a new packet
+ if (m_axis_pkt_len_tvalid & m_axis_pkt_len_tready) begin
+ m_axis_pkt_len_reg <= m_axis_pkt_len_tdata;
+ end
+ if (m_axis_data_tvalid & m_axis_data_tready) begin
+ if (m_axis_pkt_cnt >= m_axis_pkt_len_reg) begin
+ m_axis_pkt_cnt <= (WIDTH/8);
+ end else begin
+ m_axis_pkt_cnt <= m_axis_pkt_cnt + (WIDTH/8);
+ end
+ if (m_axis_pkt_cnt >= m_axis_pkt_len_reg-(WIDTH/8)) begin
+ m_axis_data_tlast_reg <= 1'b1;
+ end else begin
+ m_axis_data_tlast_reg <= 1'b0;
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ assign m_axis_data_tlast = m_axis_data_tlast_reg;
+ assign m_axis_pkt_len_tready = sof_in;
+ end else begin
+ assign m_axis_data_tlast = m_axis_data_tlast_int;
+ assign m_axis_pkt_len_tready = 1'b0;
+ end
+ endgenerate
+ // Size output packets based on either s_axis_data_tlast (RESIZE_OUTPUT_PACKETS=1) or packet length from user header (s_axis_data_tuser)
+ // TODO: There could be a race condition on s_axis_data_tuser_int when
+ // receiving very short packets, but latency in chdr_deframer
+ // prevents this from occurring. Need to fix so it cannot
+ // occur by design.
+ generate
+ reg [15:0] s_axis_pkt_cnt;
+ reg [15:0] s_axis_pkt_len;
+ always @(posedge clk) begin
+ if (reset | clear_tx_seqnum) begin
+ s_axis_pkt_cnt <= (WIDTH/8);
+ s_axis_pkt_len <= 0;
+ end else begin
+ // Remove header
+ s_axis_pkt_len <= s_axis_data_tuser_int[125] ? s_axis_data_tuser_int[111:96]-16 : s_axis_data_tuser_int[111:96]-8;
+ if (s_axis_data_tvalid & s_axis_data_tready) begin
+ if ((s_axis_pkt_cnt >= s_axis_pkt_len) | s_axis_data_tlast) begin
+ s_axis_pkt_cnt <= (WIDTH/8);
+ end else begin
+ s_axis_pkt_cnt <= s_axis_pkt_cnt + (WIDTH/8);
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ assign s_axis_data_tlast_int = (s_axis_pkt_cnt >= s_axis_pkt_len) | s_axis_data_tlast;
+ end else begin
+ // chdr_framer will automatically fill in the packet length based on user provided tlast
+ assign s_axis_data_tlast_int = s_axis_data_tlast;
+ end
+ endgenerate
+ // /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ // Output side handling, chdr_framer
+ chdr_framer_2clk #(.SIZE(MTU), .WIDTH(WIDTH), .USE_SEQ_NUM(USE_SEQ_NUM)) chdr_framer (
+ .samp_clk(clk), .samp_rst(reset | clear_tx_seqnum), .pkt_clk(bus_clk), .pkt_rst(bus_rst | clear_tx_seqnum_bclk),
+ .i_tdata(s_axis_data_tdata), .i_tuser(s_axis_data_tuser_int), .i_tlast(s_axis_data_tlast_int), .i_tvalid(s_axis_data_tvalid), .i_tready(s_axis_data_tready),
+ .o_tdata(o_tdata), .o_tlast(o_tlast), .o_tvalid(o_tvalid), .o_tready(o_tready)
+ );
+ // /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ // Control bus handling
+ // FIXME we could put inline control here...
+ // Generate additional AXI stream interfaces for configuration.
+ // FIXME need to make sure we don't overrun this if core can backpressure us
+ // Write to SR_AXI_CONFIG_BASE+1+2*(CONFIG BUS #) asserts tvalid, SR_AXI_CONFIG_BASE+1+2*(CONFIG BUS #)+1 asserts tvalid & tlast
+ genvar k;
+ generate
+ for (k = 0; k < NUM_AXI_CONFIG_BUS; k = k + 1) begin
+ axi_fifo #(.WIDTH(33), .SIZE(CONFIG_BUS_FIFO_DEPTH)) config_stream
+ (.clk(clk), .reset(reset), .clear(clear_tx_seqnum),
+ .i_tdata({(set_addr == (SR_AXI_CONFIG_BASE+2*k+1)),set_data}),
+ .i_tvalid(set_stb & ((set_addr == (SR_AXI_CONFIG_BASE+2*k))|(set_addr == (SR_AXI_CONFIG_BASE+2*k+1)))),
+ .i_tready(),
+ .o_tdata({m_axis_config_tlast[k],m_axis_config_tdata[32*k+31:32*k]}),
+ .o_tvalid(m_axis_config_tvalid[k]),
+ .o_tready(m_axis_config_tready[k]),
+ .occupied(), .space());
+ end
+ endgenerate
+endmodule // axi_wrapper