path: root/fpga/usrp2/sdr_lib/rx_control.v
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Diffstat (limited to 'fpga/usrp2/sdr_lib/rx_control.v')
1 files changed, 197 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/fpga/usrp2/sdr_lib/rx_control.v b/fpga/usrp2/sdr_lib/rx_control.v
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..12f411ffe
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fpga/usrp2/sdr_lib/rx_control.v
@@ -0,0 +1,197 @@
+// Copyright 2011 Ettus Research LLC
+// This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+// (at your option) any later version.
+// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+// GNU General Public License for more details.
+// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+// along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+`define DSP_CORE_RX_BASE 160
+module rx_control
+ #(parameter FIFOSIZE = 10)
+ (input clk, input rst,
+ input set_stb, input [7:0] set_addr, input [31:0] set_data,
+ input [31:0] master_time,
+ output overrun,
+ // To FIFO interface of Buffer Pool
+ output [31:0] wr_dat_o,
+ output [3:0] wr_flags_o,
+ input wr_ready_i,
+ output wr_ready_o,
+ // From DSP Core
+ input [31:0] sample,
+ output run,
+ input strobe,
+ // FIFO Levels
+ output [15:0] fifo_occupied,
+ output fifo_full,
+ output fifo_empty,
+ // Debug
+ output [31:0] debug_rx
+ );
+ wire [31:0] new_time, new_command;
+ wire sc_pre1, clear_overrun;
+ wire [31:0] rcvtime_pre;
+ reg [31:0] rcvtime;
+ wire [8:0] lines_per_frame;
+ wire [20:0] numlines;
+ wire send_imm_pre, chain_pre;
+ reg send_imm, chain;
+ wire full_ctrl, read_ctrl, empty_ctrl, write_ctrl;
+ setting_reg #(.my_addr(`DSP_CORE_RX_BASE+3)) sr_3
+ (.clk(clk),.rst(rst),.strobe(set_stb),.addr(set_addr),
+ .in(set_data),.out(new_time),.changed(sc_pre1));
+ setting_reg #(.my_addr(`DSP_CORE_RX_BASE+4)) sr_4
+ (.clk(clk),.rst(rst),.strobe(set_stb),.addr(set_addr),
+ .in(set_data),.out(new_command),.changed());
+ setting_reg #(.my_addr(`DSP_CORE_RX_BASE+5)) sr_5
+ (.clk(clk),.rst(rst),.strobe(set_stb),.addr(set_addr),
+ .in(set_data),.out(),.changed(clear_overrun));
+ reg sc_pre2;
+ always @(posedge clk)
+ sc_pre2 <= sc_pre1;
+ assign write_ctrl = sc_pre1 & ~sc_pre2;
+ shortfifo #(.WIDTH(64)) commandfifo
+ (.clk(clk),.rst(rst),.clear(clear_overrun),
+ .datain({new_command,new_time}), .write(write_ctrl), .full(full_ctrl),
+ .dataout({send_imm_pre,chain_pre,numlines,lines_per_frame,rcvtime_pre}),
+ .read(read_ctrl), .empty(empty_ctrl) );
+ // Buffer interface to internal FIFO
+ wire have_space, write;
+ wire [35:0] fifo_line;
+ // Internal FIFO, size 9 is 2K, size 10 is 4K
+ fifo_cascade #(.WIDTH(36),.SIZE(FIFOSIZE)) rxfifo
+ (.clk(clk),.reset(rst),.clear(clear_overrun),
+ .datain(fifo_line), .src_rdy_i(write), .dst_rdy_o(have_space),
+ .dataout({wr_flags_o,wr_dat_o}), .src_rdy_o(wr_ready_o), .dst_rdy_i(wr_ready_i),
+ .space(),.occupied(fifo_occupied) );
+ assign fifo_full = ~have_space;
+ assign fifo_empty = ~wr_ready_o;
+ // Internal FIFO to DSP interface
+ reg [22:0] lines_left;
+ reg [8:0] lines_left_frame;
+ localparam IBS_IDLE = 0;
+ localparam IBS_WAITING = 1;
+ localparam IBS_FIRSTLINE = 2;
+ localparam IBS_RUNNING = 3;
+ localparam IBS_OVERRUN = 4;
+ reg [2:0] ibs_state;
+ wire [32:0] delta_time = {1'b0,rcvtime}-{1'b0,master_time};
+ wire too_late = (delta_time[32:31] == 2'b11) & ~send_imm;
+ wire go_now = send_imm | ( master_time == rcvtime );
+ always @(posedge clk)
+ if(rst)
+ begin
+ ibs_state <= IBS_IDLE;
+ lines_left <= 0;
+ lines_left_frame <= 0;
+ rcvtime <= 0;
+ send_imm <= 0;
+ chain <= 0;
+ end
+ else
+ if(clear_overrun)
+ begin
+ ibs_state <= IBS_IDLE;
+ lines_left <= 0;
+ lines_left_frame <= 0;
+ rcvtime <= 0;
+ send_imm <= 0;
+ chain <= 0;
+ end
+ else
+ case(ibs_state)
+ if(~empty_ctrl)
+ begin
+ lines_left <= numlines;
+ lines_left_frame <= lines_per_frame;
+ rcvtime <= rcvtime_pre;
+ ibs_state <= IBS_WAITING;
+ send_imm <= send_imm_pre;
+ chain <= chain_pre;
+ end
+ if(go_now)
+ ibs_state <= IBS_FIRSTLINE;
+ else if(too_late)
+ ibs_state <= IBS_OVERRUN;
+ if(~have_space | strobe)
+ ibs_state <= IBS_OVERRUN;
+ else
+ ibs_state <= IBS_RUNNING;
+ if(strobe)
+ if(~have_space)
+ ibs_state <= IBS_OVERRUN;
+ else
+ begin
+ lines_left <= lines_left - 1;
+ if(lines_left == 1)
+ if(~chain)
+ ibs_state <= IBS_IDLE;
+ else if(empty_ctrl)
+ ibs_state <= IBS_OVERRUN;
+ else
+ begin
+ lines_left <= numlines;
+ lines_left_frame <= lines_per_frame;
+ rcvtime <= rcvtime_pre;
+ ibs_state <= IBS_FIRSTLINE;
+ send_imm <= send_imm_pre;
+ chain <= chain_pre;
+ end
+ else if(lines_left_frame == 1)
+ begin
+ lines_left_frame <= lines_per_frame;
+ ibs_state <= IBS_FIRSTLINE;
+ end
+ else
+ lines_left_frame <= lines_left_frame - 1;
+ end // else: !if(~have_space)
+ endcase // case(ibs_state)
+ assign fifo_line = (ibs_state == IBS_FIRSTLINE) ? {2'b0,1'b0,1'b1,master_time} :
+ {2'b0,((lines_left==1)|(lines_left_frame==1)),1'b0,sample};
+ assign write = ((ibs_state == IBS_FIRSTLINE) | strobe) & have_space; // & (ibs_state == IBS_RUNNING) should strobe only when running
+ assign overrun = (ibs_state == IBS_OVERRUN);
+ assign run = (ibs_state == IBS_RUNNING) | (ibs_state == IBS_FIRSTLINE);
+ assign read_ctrl = ( (ibs_state == IBS_IDLE) |
+ ((ibs_state == IBS_RUNNING) & strobe & have_space & (lines_left==1) & chain) )
+ & ~empty_ctrl;
+ assign debug_rx = { 8'd0,
+ 1'd0, send_imm, chain, wr_ready_i,wr_ready_o, 2'b0, run,
+ write,have_space,wr_flags_o[1:0],write_ctrl,full_ctrl,read_ctrl,empty_ctrl,
+ sc_pre1, clear_overrun, go_now, too_late, overrun, ibs_state[2:0] };
+endmodule // rx_control