path: root/firmware/microblaze/usrp2p
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Diffstat (limited to 'firmware/microblaze/usrp2p')
3 files changed, 629 insertions, 1 deletions
diff --git a/firmware/microblaze/usrp2p/Makefile.am b/firmware/microblaze/usrp2p/Makefile.am
index eff544294..86affc1f3 100644
--- a/firmware/microblaze/usrp2p/Makefile.am
+++ b/firmware/microblaze/usrp2p/Makefile.am
@@ -49,7 +49,8 @@ libusrp2p_a_SOURCES = \
spif.c \
spi_flash.c \
spi_flash_read.c \
- bootloader_utils.c
+ bootloader_utils.c \
+ ethernet.c
noinst_PROGRAMS = \
usrp2p_txrx_uhd.elf \
diff --git a/firmware/microblaze/usrp2p/eth_phy.h b/firmware/microblaze/usrp2p/eth_phy.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..d233e96e8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/firmware/microblaze/usrp2p/eth_phy.h
@@ -0,0 +1,235 @@
+/* -*- c -*- */
+ * Copyright 2007 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+ * Copyright(c) 1999 - 2005 Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.
+ *
+ * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+ */
+/* Much of this was extracted from the Linux e1000_hw.h file */
+/* PHY 1000 MII Register/Bit Definitions */
+/* PHY Registers defined by IEEE */
+#define PHY_CTRL 0x00 /* Control Register */
+#define PHY_STATUS 0x01 /* Status Regiser */
+#define PHY_ID1 0x02 /* Phy Id Reg (word 1) */
+#define PHY_ID2 0x03 /* Phy Id Reg (word 2) */
+#define PHY_AUTONEG_ADV 0x04 /* Autoneg Advertisement */
+#define PHY_LP_ABILITY 0x05 /* Link Partner Ability (Base Page) */
+#define PHY_AUTONEG_EXP 0x06 /* Autoneg Expansion Reg */
+#define PHY_NEXT_PAGE_TX 0x07 /* Next Page TX */
+#define PHY_LP_NEXT_PAGE 0x08 /* Link Partner Next Page */
+#define PHY_1000T_CTRL 0x09 /* 1000Base-T Control Reg */
+#define PHY_1000T_STATUS 0x0A /* 1000Base-T Status Reg */
+#define PHY_EXT_STATUS 0x0F /* Extended Status Reg */
+/* PHY 1000 MII Register additions in ET1011C */
+#define PHY_INT_MASK 24
+#define PHY_INT_STATUS 25
+#define PHY_PHY_STATUS 26
+#define PHY_LED2 28
+/* Bit definitions for some of the registers above */
+/* PHY Control Register (PHY_CTRL) */
+#define MII_CR_SPEED_SELECT_MSB 0x0040 /* bits 6,13: 10=1000, 01=100, 00=10 */
+#define MII_CR_COLL_TEST_ENABLE 0x0080 /* Collision test enable */
+#define MII_CR_FULL_DUPLEX 0x0100 /* FDX =1, half duplex =0 */
+#define MII_CR_RESTART_AUTO_NEG 0x0200 /* Restart auto negotiation */
+#define MII_CR_ISOLATE 0x0400 /* Isolate PHY from MII */
+#define MII_CR_POWER_DOWN 0x0800 /* Power down */
+#define MII_CR_AUTO_NEG_EN 0x1000 /* Auto Neg Enable */
+#define MII_CR_SPEED_SELECT_LSB 0x2000 /* bits 6,13: 10=1000, 01=100, 00=10 */
+#define MII_CR_LOOPBACK 0x4000 /* 0 = normal, 1 = loopback */
+#define MII_CR_RESET 0x8000 /* 0 = normal, 1 = PHY reset */
+/* PHY Status Register (PHY_STATUS) */
+#define MII_SR_EXTENDED_CAPS 0x0001 /* Extended register capabilities */
+#define MII_SR_JABBER_DETECT 0x0002 /* Jabber Detected */
+#define MII_SR_LINK_STATUS 0x0004 /* Link Status 1 = link */
+#define MII_SR_AUTONEG_CAPS 0x0008 /* Auto Neg Capable */
+#define MII_SR_REMOTE_FAULT 0x0010 /* Remote Fault Detect */
+#define MII_SR_AUTONEG_COMPLETE 0x0020 /* Auto Neg Complete */
+#define MII_SR_PREAMBLE_SUPPRESS 0x0040 /* Preamble may be suppressed */
+#define MII_SR_EXTENDED_STATUS 0x0100 /* Ext. status info in Reg 0x0F */
+#define MII_SR_100T2_HD_CAPS 0x0200 /* 100T2 Half Duplex Capable */
+#define MII_SR_100T2_FD_CAPS 0x0400 /* 100T2 Full Duplex Capable */
+#define MII_SR_10T_HD_CAPS 0x0800 /* 10T Half Duplex Capable */
+#define MII_SR_10T_FD_CAPS 0x1000 /* 10T Full Duplex Capable */
+#define MII_SR_100X_HD_CAPS 0x2000 /* 100X Half Duplex Capable */
+#define MII_SR_100X_FD_CAPS 0x4000 /* 100X Full Duplex Capable */
+#define MII_SR_100T4_CAPS 0x8000 /* 100T4 Capable */
+/* Autoneg Advertisement Register (PHY_AUTONEG_ADV) */
+#define NWAY_AR_SELECTOR_FIELD 0x0001 /* indicates IEEE 802.3 CSMA/CD */
+#define NWAY_AR_10T_HD_CAPS 0x0020 /* 10T Half Duplex Capable */
+#define NWAY_AR_10T_FD_CAPS 0x0040 /* 10T Full Duplex Capable */
+#define NWAY_AR_100TX_HD_CAPS 0x0080 /* 100TX Half Duplex Capable */
+#define NWAY_AR_100TX_FD_CAPS 0x0100 /* 100TX Full Duplex Capable */
+#define NWAY_AR_100T4_CAPS 0x0200 /* 100T4 Capable */
+#define NWAY_AR_PAUSE 0x0400 /* Pause operation desired */
+#define NWAY_AR_ASM_DIR 0x0800 /* Asymmetric Pause Direction bit */
+#define NWAY_AR_REMOTE_FAULT 0x2000 /* Remote Fault detected */
+#define NWAY_AR_NEXT_PAGE 0x8000 /* Next Page ability supported */
+/* Link Partner Ability Register (Base Page) (PHY_LP_ABILITY) */
+#define NWAY_LPAR_SELECTOR_FIELD 0x0000 /* LP protocol selector field */
+#define NWAY_LPAR_10T_HD_CAPS 0x0020 /* LP is 10T Half Duplex Capable */
+#define NWAY_LPAR_10T_FD_CAPS 0x0040 /* LP is 10T Full Duplex Capable */
+#define NWAY_LPAR_100TX_HD_CAPS 0x0080 /* LP is 100TX Half Duplex Capable */
+#define NWAY_LPAR_100TX_FD_CAPS 0x0100 /* LP is 100TX Full Duplex Capable */
+#define NWAY_LPAR_100T4_CAPS 0x0200 /* LP is 100T4 Capable */
+#define NWAY_LPAR_PAUSE 0x0400 /* LP Pause operation desired */
+#define NWAY_LPAR_ASM_DIR 0x0800 /* LP Asymmetric Pause Direction bit */
+#define NWAY_LPAR_REMOTE_FAULT 0x2000 /* LP has detected Remote Fault */
+#define NWAY_LPAR_ACKNOWLEDGE 0x4000 /* LP has rx'd link code word */
+#define NWAY_LPAR_NEXT_PAGE 0x8000 /* Next Page ability supported */
+/* Autoneg Expansion Register (PHY_AUTONEG_EXP) */
+#define NWAY_ER_LP_NWAY_CAPS 0x0001 /* LP has Auto Neg Capability */
+#define NWAY_ER_PAGE_RXD 0x0002 /* LP is 10T Half Duplex Capable */
+#define NWAY_ER_NEXT_PAGE_CAPS 0x0004 /* LP is 10T Full Duplex Capable */
+#define NWAY_ER_LP_NEXT_PAGE_CAPS 0x0008 /* LP is 100TX Half Duplex Capable */
+#define NWAY_ER_PAR_DETECT_FAULT 0x0010 /* LP is 100TX Full Duplex Capable */
+/* Next Page TX Register (PHY_NEXT_PAGE_TX) */
+#define NPTX_MSG_CODE_FIELD 0x0001 /* NP msg code or unformatted data */
+#define NPTX_TOGGLE 0x0800 /* Toggles between exchanges
+ * of different NP
+ */
+#define NPTX_ACKNOWLDGE2 0x1000 /* 1 = will comply with msg
+ * 0 = cannot comply with msg
+ */
+#define NPTX_MSG_PAGE 0x2000 /* formatted(1)/unformatted(0) pg */
+#define NPTX_NEXT_PAGE 0x8000 /* 1 = addition NP will follow
+ * 0 = sending last NP
+ */
+/* Link Partner Next Page Register (PHY_LP_NEXT_PAGE) */
+#define LP_RNPR_MSG_CODE_FIELD 0x0001 /* NP msg code or unformatted data */
+#define LP_RNPR_TOGGLE 0x0800 /* Toggles between exchanges
+ * of different NP
+ */
+#define LP_RNPR_ACKNOWLDGE2 0x1000 /* 1 = will comply with msg
+ * 0 = cannot comply with msg
+ */
+#define LP_RNPR_MSG_PAGE 0x2000 /* formatted(1)/unformatted(0) pg */
+#define LP_RNPR_ACKNOWLDGE 0x4000 /* 1 = ACK / 0 = NO ACK */
+#define LP_RNPR_NEXT_PAGE 0x8000 /* 1 = addition NP will follow
+ * 0 = sending last NP
+ */
+/* 1000BASE-T Control Register (PHY_1000T_CTRL) */
+#define CR_1000T_ASYM_PAUSE 0x0080 /* Advertise asymmetric pause bit */
+#define CR_1000T_HD_CAPS 0x0100 /* Advertise 1000T HD capability */
+#define CR_1000T_FD_CAPS 0x0200 /* Advertise 1000T FD capability */
+#define CR_1000T_REPEATER_DTE 0x0400 /* 1=Repeater/switch device port */
+ /* 0=DTE device */
+#define CR_1000T_MS_VALUE 0x0800 /* 1=Configure PHY as Master */
+ /* 0=Configure PHY as Slave */
+#define CR_1000T_MS_ENABLE 0x1000 /* 1=Master/Slave manual config value */
+ /* 0=Automatic Master/Slave config */
+#define CR_1000T_TEST_MODE_NORMAL 0x0000 /* Normal Operation */
+#define CR_1000T_TEST_MODE_1 0x2000 /* Transmit Waveform test */
+#define CR_1000T_TEST_MODE_2 0x4000 /* Master Transmit Jitter test */
+#define CR_1000T_TEST_MODE_3 0x6000 /* Slave Transmit Jitter test */
+#define CR_1000T_TEST_MODE_4 0x8000 /* Transmitter Distortion test */
+/* 1000BASE-T Status Register (PHY_1000T_STATUS) */
+#define SR_1000T_IDLE_ERROR_CNT 0x00FF /* Num idle errors since last read */
+#define SR_1000T_ASYM_PAUSE_DIR 0x0100 /* LP asymmetric pause direction bit */
+#define SR_1000T_LP_HD_CAPS 0x0400 /* LP is 1000T HD capable */
+#define SR_1000T_LP_FD_CAPS 0x0800 /* LP is 1000T FD capable */
+#define SR_1000T_REMOTE_RX_STATUS 0x1000 /* Remote receiver OK */
+#define SR_1000T_LOCAL_RX_STATUS 0x2000 /* Local receiver OK */
+#define SR_1000T_MS_CONFIG_RES 0x4000 /* 1=Local TX is Master, 0=Slave */
+#define SR_1000T_MS_CONFIG_FAULT 0x8000 /* Master/Slave config fault */
+#define SR_1000T_LOCAL_RX_STATUS_SHIFT 13
+/* Extended Status Register (PHY_EXT_STATUS) */
+#define IEEE_ESR_1000T_HD_CAPS 0x1000 /* 1000T HD capable */
+#define IEEE_ESR_1000T_FD_CAPS 0x2000 /* 1000T FD capable */
+#define IEEE_ESR_1000X_HD_CAPS 0x4000 /* 1000X HD capable */
+#define IEEE_ESR_1000X_FD_CAPS 0x8000 /* 1000X FD capable */
+#define PHY_TX_POLARITY_MASK 0x0100 /* register 10h bit 8 (polarity bit) */
+#define PHY_TX_NORMAL_POLARITY 0 /* register 10h bit 8 (normal polarity) */
+#define AUTO_POLARITY_DISABLE 0x0010 /* register 11h bit 4 */
+ /* (0=enable, 1=disable) */
+/* PHY Status Register (PHY_PHY_STATUS) */
+#define PHYSTAT_ASYMMETRIC (1 << 0)
+#define PHYSTAT_PAUSE (1 << 1)
+#define PHYSTAT_AUTONEG_EN (1 << 2)
+#define PHYSTAT_COLLISION (1 << 3)
+#define PHYSTAT_RXSTAT (1 << 4)
+#define PHYSTAT_TXSTAT (1 << 5)
+#define PHYSTAT_LINK (1 << 6)
+#define PHYSTAT_DUPLEX (1 << 7)
+#define PHYSTAT_SPEED_MASK ((1 << 8) | (1 << 9))
+#define PHYSTAT_SPEED_1000 (1 << 9)
+#define PHYSTAT_SPEED_100 (1 << 8)
+#define PHYSTAT_SPEED_10 0
+#define PHYSTAT_POLARITY (1 << 10)
+#define PHYSTAT_MDIX (1 << 11)
+#define PHYSTAT_AUTONEG_STAT (1 << 12)
+#define PHYSTAT_STANDBY (1 << 13)
+/* Interrupt status, mask and clear regs (PHY_INT_{STATUS,MASK,CLEAR}) */
+#define PHY_INT_ENABLE (1 << 0)
+#define PHY_INT_DOWNSHIFT (1 << 1)
+#define PHY_INT_LINK_STATUS_CHANGE (1 << 2)
+#define PHY_INT_RX_STATUS_CHANGE (1 << 3)
+#define PHY_INT_FIFO_ERROR (1 << 4)
+#define PHY_INT_ERR_CTR_FULL (1 << 5)
+#define PHY_INT_NEXT_PAGE_RX (1 << 6)
+#define PHY_INT_CRC_ERROR (1 << 7)
+#define PHY_INT_MDIO_SYNC_LOST (1 << 9)
+#define PHY_INT_TDR_IP_PHONE (1 << 10)
+/* PHY LED status register 2 (used for controlling link LED for activity light) */
+#define PHY_LED_TXRX_LSB 12
+#define PHY_LED_LINK_LSB 8
+#define PHY_LED_100_LSB 4
+#define PHY_LED_1000_LSB 0
+#define LED_1000 0
+#define LED_100_TX 1
+#define LED_10 2
+#define LED_1000_ON_100_BLINK 3
+#define LED_LINK 4
+#define LED_TX 5
+#define LED_RX 6
+#define LED_ACTIVITY 7
+#define LED_COLLISION 9
+#define LED_LINK_ON_RX_BLINK 11
+#define LED_BLINK 13
+#define LED_ON 14
+#define LED_OFF 15
+#endif /* INCLUDED_ETH_PHY_H */
diff --git a/firmware/microblaze/usrp2p/ethernet.c b/firmware/microblaze/usrp2p/ethernet.c
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..07224d3b7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/firmware/microblaze/usrp2p/ethernet.c
@@ -0,0 +1,392 @@
+ * Copyright 2007 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+ *
+ * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+ */
+//Changes for USRP2P: status registers different (ethernet.h)
+#include "ethernet.h"
+#include "memory_map.h"
+#include "eth_phy.h"
+#include <eth_mac.h>
+#include <eth_mac_regs.h>
+#include <pic.h>
+#include <hal_io.h>
+#include <nonstdio.h>
+#include <stdbool.h>
+#include <i2c.h>
+#include "usrp2/fw_common.h"
+#define VERBOSE 0
+static ethernet_t ed_state;
+static ethernet_link_changed_callback_t ed_callback = 0;
+ethernet_register_link_changed_callback(ethernet_link_changed_callback_t new_callback)
+ ed_callback = new_callback;
+static void
+ed_set_mac_speed(int speed)
+ printf("Speed set to %d\n",speed);
+ /*
+ switch(speed){
+ case 10:
+ eth_mac->speed = 1;
+ break;
+ case 100:
+ eth_mac->speed = 2;
+ break;
+ case 1000:
+ eth_mac->speed = 4;
+ break;
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ */
+static void
+ed_link_up(int speed)
+ // putstr("ed_link_up: "); puthex16_nl(speed);
+ ed_set_mac_speed(speed);
+ if (ed_callback) // fire link changed callback
+ (*ed_callback)(speed);
+static void
+ // putstr("ed_link_down\n");
+ if (ed_callback) // fire link changed callback
+ (*ed_callback)(0);
+static void
+ed_link_speed_change(int speed)
+ ed_link_down();
+ ed_link_up(speed);
+static void
+print_flow_control(int flow_control)
+ static const char *flow_control_msg[4] = {
+ };
+ putstr("ethernet flow control: ");
+ puts(flow_control_msg[flow_control & 0x3]);
+static void
+ static const unsigned char table[16] = {
+ // index = {local_asm, local_pause, partner_asm, partner_pause}
+ };
+ int us = eth_mac_miim_read(PHY_AUTONEG_ADV);
+ int lp = eth_mac_miim_read(PHY_LP_ABILITY);
+ int index = (((us >> 10) & 0x3) << 2) | ((lp >> 10) & 0x3);
+ ed_state.flow_control = table[index];
+ if (1)
+ print_flow_control(ed_state.flow_control);
+ * Read the PHY state register to determine link state and speed
+ */
+static void
+ int phystat = eth_mac_miim_read(PHY_PHY_STATUS);
+ eth_link_state_t new_state = LS_UNKNOWN;
+ int new_speed = S_UNKNOWN;
+ if (VERBOSE){
+ putstr("PHYSTAT: ");
+ puthex16_nl(phystat);
+ }
+ if (phystat & PHYSTAT_LINK){ // link's up
+ if (VERBOSE)
+ puts(" LINK_GOOD");
+ new_state = LS_UP;
+ switch (phystat & PHYSTAT_SPEED_MASK){
+ case PHYSTAT_SPEED_10:
+ new_speed = 10;
+ break;
+ case PHYSTAT_SPEED_100:
+ new_speed = 100;
+ break;
+ case PHYSTAT_SPEED_1000:
+ new_speed = 1000;
+ break;
+ default:
+ new_speed = S_UNKNOWN;
+ break;
+ }
+ check_flow_control_resolution();
+ }
+ else { // link's down
+ if (VERBOSE)
+ puts(" NOT LINK_GOOD");
+ new_state = LS_DOWN;
+ new_speed = S_UNKNOWN;
+ }
+ if (new_state != ed_state.link_state){
+ ed_state.link_state = new_state; // remember new state
+ if (new_state == LS_UP)
+ ed_link_up(new_speed);
+ else if (new_state == LS_DOWN)
+ ed_link_down();
+ }
+ else if (new_state == LS_UP && new_speed != ed_state.link_speed){
+ ed_state.link_speed = new_speed; // remember new speed
+ ed_link_speed_change(new_speed);
+ }
+ * This is fired when the ethernet PHY state changes
+ */
+static void
+eth_phy_irq_handler(unsigned irq)
+ ed_check_phy_state();
+ eth_mac_miim_read(PHY_INT_STATUS);
+// eth_mac_miim_write(PHY_INT_CLEAR, ~0); // clear all ints
+ eth_mac_init(ethernet_mac_addr());
+ ed_state.link_state = LS_UNKNOWN;
+ ed_state.link_speed = S_UNKNOWN;
+ // initialize MAC registers
+ // eth_mac->tx_hwmark = 0x1e;
+ //eth_mac->tx_lwmark = 0x19;
+ //eth_mac->crc_chk_en = 1;
+ //eth_mac->rx_max_length = 2048;
+ // configure PAUSE frame stuff
+ //eth_mac->tx_pause_en = 1; // pay attn to pause frames sent to us
+ //eth_mac->pause_quanta_set = 38; // a bit more than 1 max frame 16kb/512 + fudge
+ //eth_mac->pause_frame_send_en = 1; // enable sending pause frames
+ // setup PHY to interrupt on changes
+ unsigned mask =
+ (PHY_INT_ENABLE //master interrupt enable
+ );
+ eth_mac_miim_read(PHY_INT_STATUS); //clear interrupts
+ eth_mac_miim_write(PHY_INT_MASK, mask); // enable the ones we want
+ //set the LED behavior to activity instead of link
+ unsigned led = (LED_ACTIVITY << PHY_LED_LINK_LSB);
+ eth_mac_miim_write(PHY_LED2, led);
+ pic_register_handler(IRQ_PHY, eth_phy_irq_handler);
+ // Advertise our flow control configuation.
+ //
+ // We and the link partner each specify two bits in the base page
+ // related to autoconfiguration: NWAY_AR_PAUSE and NWAY_AR_ASM_DIR.
+ // The bits say what a device is "willing" to do, not what may actually
+ // happen as a result of the negotiation. There are 4 cases:
+ //
+ //
+ // 0 0 I have no flow control capability.
+ //
+ // 1 0 I both assert and respond to flow control.
+ //
+ // 0 1 I assert flow control, but cannot respond. That is,
+ // I want to be able to send PAUSE frames, but will ignore any
+ // you send to me. (This is our configuration.)
+ //
+ // 1 1 I can both assert and respond to flow control AND I am willing
+ // to operate symmetrically OR asymmetrically in EITHER direction.
+ // (We hope the link partner advertises this, otherwise we don't
+ // get what we want.)
+ int t = eth_mac_miim_read(PHY_AUTONEG_ADV);
+ // Say we can't to 10BASE-T or 100BASE-TX, half or full duplex
+ eth_mac_miim_write(PHY_AUTONEG_ADV, t);
+ int r = eth_mac_miim_read(PHY_AUTONEG_ADV); // DEBUG, read back
+ if (t != r){
+ printf("PHY_AUTONEG_ADV: wrote 0x%x, got 0x%x\n", t, r);
+ }
+ // Restart autonegotation.
+ // We want to ensure that we're advertising our PAUSE capabilities.
+ t = eth_mac_miim_read(PHY_CTRL);
+ eth_mac_miim_write(PHY_CTRL, t | MII_CR_RESTART_AUTO_NEG);
+static bool
+unprogrammed(const void *t, size_t len)
+ int i;
+ uint8_t *p = (uint8_t *)t;
+ bool all_zeros = true;
+ bool all_ones = true;
+ for (i = 0; i < len; i++){
+ all_zeros &= p[i] == 0x00;
+ all_ones &= p[i] == 0xff;
+ }
+ return all_ones | all_zeros;
+//////////////////// MAC Addr Stuff ///////////////////////
+static int8_t src_mac_addr_initialized = false;
+static eth_mac_addr_t src_mac_addr = {{
+ 0x00, 0x50, 0xC2, 0x85, 0x3f, 0xff
+ }};
+const eth_mac_addr_t *
+ if (!src_mac_addr_initialized){ // fetch from eeprom
+ src_mac_addr_initialized = true;
+ // if we're simulating, don't read the EEPROM model, it's REALLY slow
+ if (hwconfig_simulation_p())
+ return &src_mac_addr;
+ eth_mac_addr_t tmp;
+ bool ok = eeprom_read(USRP2_I2C_ADDR_MBOARD, USRP2_EE_MBOARD_MAC_ADDR, &tmp, sizeof(tmp));
+ if (!ok || unprogrammed(&tmp, sizeof(tmp))){
+ // use the default
+ }
+ else
+ src_mac_addr = tmp;
+ }
+ return &src_mac_addr;
+ethernet_set_mac_addr(const eth_mac_addr_t *t)
+ bool ok = eeprom_write(USRP2_I2C_ADDR_MBOARD, USRP2_EE_MBOARD_MAC_ADDR, t, sizeof(eth_mac_addr_t));
+ if (ok){
+ src_mac_addr = *t;
+ src_mac_addr_initialized = true;
+ //eth_mac_set_addr(t); //this breaks the link
+ }
+ return ok;
+//////////////////// IP Addr Stuff ///////////////////////
+static int8_t src_ip_addr_initialized = false;
+static struct ip_addr src_ip_addr = {
+ (192 << 24 | 168 << 16 | 10 << 8 | 2 << 0)
+const struct ip_addr *get_ip_addr(void)
+ if (!src_ip_addr_initialized){ // fetch from eeprom
+ src_ip_addr_initialized = true;
+ // if we're simulating, don't read the EEPROM model, it's REALLY slow
+ if (hwconfig_simulation_p())
+ return &src_ip_addr;
+ struct ip_addr tmp;
+ bool ok = eeprom_read(USRP2_I2C_ADDR_MBOARD, USRP2_EE_MBOARD_IP_ADDR, &tmp, sizeof(tmp));
+ if (!ok || unprogrammed(&tmp, sizeof(tmp))){
+ // use the default
+ }
+ else
+ src_ip_addr = tmp;
+ }
+ return &src_ip_addr;
+bool set_ip_addr(const struct ip_addr *t){
+ bool ok = eeprom_write(USRP2_I2C_ADDR_MBOARD, USRP2_EE_MBOARD_IP_ADDR, t, sizeof(struct ip_addr));
+ if (ok){
+ src_ip_addr = *t;
+ src_ip_addr_initialized = true;
+ }
+ return ok;
+ // these registers are reset when read
+ int r = 0;
+ /*
+ if (eth_mac_read_rmon(0x05) != 0)
+ r |= RME_RX_CRC;
+ if (eth_mac_read_rmon(0x06) != 0)
+ if (eth_mac_read_rmon(0x07) != 0)
+ if (eth_mac_read_rmon(0x25) != 0)
+ if (eth_mac_read_rmon(0x26) != 0)
+ if (eth_mac_read_rmon(0x27) != 0)
+ */
+ return r;