path: root/control_lib/newfifo
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Diffstat (limited to 'control_lib/newfifo')
6 files changed, 123 insertions, 98 deletions
diff --git a/control_lib/newfifo/cascadefifo_2clock.v b/control_lib/newfifo/cascadefifo_2clock.v
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..2abbbf3b5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/control_lib/newfifo/cascadefifo_2clock.v
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+module cascadefifo_2clock
+ #(parameter DWIDTH=32, AWIDTH=9)
+ (input wclk, input [DWIDTH-1:0] datain, input src_rdy_i, output dst_rdy_o, output [AWIDTH-1:0] level_wclk,
+ input rclk, output [DWIDTH-1:0] dataout, output src_rdy_o, input dst_rdy_i, output [AWIDTH-1:0] level_rclk,
+ input arst);
+ wire [DWIDTH-1:0] data_int1, data_int2;
+ wire src_rdy_int1, src_rdy_int2, dst_rdy_int1, dst_rdy_int2;
+ fifo_short #(.WIDTH(DWIDTH)) shortfifo
+ (.clk(wclk), .reset(arst), .clear(0),
+ .datain(datain), .src_rdy_i(src_rdy_i), .dst_rdy_o(dst_rdy_o),
+ .dataout(data_int1), .src_rdy_o(src_rdy_int1), .dst_rdy_i(dst_rdy_int1) );
+ newfifo_2clock #(.DWIDTH(DWIDTH),.AWIDTH(AWIDTH)) fifo_2clock
+ (.wclk(wclk), .datain(data_int1), .src_rdy_i(src_rdy_int1), .dst_rdy_o(dst_rdy_int1), .level_wclk(level_wclk),
+ .rclk(rclk), .dataout(data_int2), .src_rdy_o(src_rdy_int2), .dst_rdy_i(dst_rdy_int2), .level_rclk(level_rclk),
+ .arst(arst) );
+ fifo_short #(.WIDTH(DWIDTH)) shortfifo2
+ (.clk(rclk), .reset(arst), .clear(0),
+ .datain(data_int2), .src_rdy_i(src_rdy_int2), .dst_rdy_o(dst_rdy_int2),
+ .dataout(dataout), .src_rdy_o(src_rdy_o), .dst_rdy_i(dst_rdy_i) );
+endmodule // fifo_2clock_casc
diff --git a/control_lib/newfifo/fifo36_to_ll8.v b/control_lib/newfifo/fifo36_to_ll8.v
index 1befb9e6e..0dee1dfc6 100644
--- a/control_lib/newfifo/fifo36_to_ll8.v
+++ b/control_lib/newfifo/fifo36_to_ll8.v
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
module fifo36_to_ll8
- (input clk, reset,
+ (input clk, input reset, input clear,
input [35:0] f36_data,
input f36_src_rdy_i,
output f36_dst_rdy_o,
diff --git a/control_lib/newfifo/fifo_2clock.v b/control_lib/newfifo/fifo_2clock.v
index 6b1eb607e..e69de29bb 100644
--- a/control_lib/newfifo/fifo_2clock.v
+++ b/control_lib/newfifo/fifo_2clock.v
@@ -1,66 +0,0 @@
-module fifo_2clock
- #(parameter DWIDTH=32, AWIDTH=9)
- (input wclk, input [DWIDTH-1:0] datain, input write, output full, output reg [AWIDTH-1:0] level_wclk,
- input rclk, output [DWIDTH-1:0] dataout, input read, output empty, output reg [AWIDTH-1:0] level_rclk,
- input arst);
- reg [AWIDTH-1:0] wr_addr, rd_addr;
- wire [AWIDTH-1:0] wr_addr_rclk, rd_addr_wclk;
- wire [AWIDTH-1:0] next_rd_addr;
- wire enb_read;
- // Write side management
- wire [AWIDTH-1:0] next_wr_addr = wr_addr + 1;
- always @(posedge wclk or posedge arst)
- if(arst)
- wr_addr <= 0;
- else if(write)
- wr_addr <= next_wr_addr;
- assign full = (next_wr_addr == rd_addr_wclk);
- // RAM for data storage. Data out is registered, complicating the
- // read side logic
- ram_2port #(.DWIDTH(DWIDTH),.AWIDTH(AWIDTH)) mac_rx_ff_ram
- (.clka(wclk),.ena(1'b1),.wea(write),.addra(wr_addr),.dia(datain),.doa(),
- .clkb(rclk),.enb(enb_read),.web(1'b0),.addrb(next_rd_addr),.dib(0),.dob(dataout) );
- // Read side management
- reg data_valid;
- assign empty = ~data_valid;
- assign next_rd_addr = rd_addr + data_valid;
- assign enb_read = read | ~data_valid;
- always @(posedge rclk or posedge arst)
- if(arst)
- rd_addr <= 0;
- else if(read)
- rd_addr <= rd_addr + 1;
- always @(posedge rclk or posedge arst)
- if(arst)
- data_valid <= 0;
- else
- if(read & (next_rd_addr == wr_addr_rclk))
- data_valid <= 0;
- else if(next_rd_addr != wr_addr_rclk)
- data_valid <= 1;
- // Send pointers across clock domains via gray code
- gray_send #(.WIDTH(AWIDTH)) send_wr_addr
- (.clk_in(wclk),.addr_in(wr_addr),
- .clk_out(rclk),.addr_out(wr_addr_rclk) );
- gray_send #(.WIDTH(AWIDTH)) send_rd_addr
- (.clk_in(rclk),.addr_in(rd_addr),
- .clk_out(wclk),.addr_out(rd_addr_wclk) );
- // Generate fullness info, these are approximate and may be delayed
- // and are only for higher-level flow control.
- // Only full and empty are guaranteed exact.
- always @(posedge wclk)
- level_wclk <= wr_addr - rd_addr_wclk;
- always @(posedge rclk)
- level_rclk <= wr_addr_rclk - rd_addr;
-endmodule // fifo_2clock
diff --git a/control_lib/newfifo/fifo_2clock_casc.v b/control_lib/newfifo/fifo_2clock_casc.v
index e9b0cfc25..e69de29bb 100644
--- a/control_lib/newfifo/fifo_2clock_casc.v
+++ b/control_lib/newfifo/fifo_2clock_casc.v
@@ -1,31 +0,0 @@
-module fifo_2clock_casc
- #(parameter DWIDTH=32, AWIDTH=9)
- (input wclk, input [DWIDTH-1:0] datain, input write, output full, output [AWIDTH-1:0] level_wclk,
- input rclk, output [DWIDTH-1:0] dataout, input read, output empty, output [AWIDTH-1:0] level_rclk,
- input arst);
- wire full_int, empty_int, full_int2, empty_int2, transfer, transfer2;
- wire [DWIDTH-1:0] data_int, data_int2;
- shortfifo #(.WIDTH(DWIDTH)) shortfifo
- (.clk(wclk), .rst(arst), .clear(0),
- .datain(datain), .write(write), .full(full),
- .dataout(data_int), .read(transfer), .empty(empty_int) );
- assign transfer = ~full_int & ~empty_int;
- fifo_2clock #(.DWIDTH(DWIDTH),.AWIDTH(AWIDTH)) fifo_2clock
- (.wclk(wclk), .datain(data_int), .write(transfer), .full(full_int), .level_wclk(level_wclk),
- .rclk(rclk), .dataout(data_int2), .read(transfer2), .empty(empty_int2), .level_rclk(level_rclk),
- .arst(arst) );
- assign transfer2 = ~full_int2 & ~empty_int2;
- shortfifo #(.WIDTH(DWIDTH)) shortfifo2
- (.clk(rclk), .rst(arst), .clear(0),
- .datain(data_int2), .write(transfer2), .full(full_int2),
- .dataout(dataout), .read(read), .empty(empty) );
-endmodule // fifo_2clock_casc
diff --git a/control_lib/newfifo/ll8_shortfifo.v b/control_lib/newfifo/ll8_shortfifo.v
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..39ada9a4f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/control_lib/newfifo/ll8_shortfifo.v
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+module ll8_shortfifo
+ (input clk, input reset, input clear,
+ input [7:0] datain, input sof_i, input eof_i, input error_i, input src_rdy_i, output dst_rdy_o,
+ output [7:0] dataout, output sof_o, output eof_o, output error_o, output src_rdy_o, input dst_rdy_i);
+ fifo_short #(.WIDTH(11)) fifo_short
+ (.clk(clk), .reset(reset), .clear(clear),
+ .datain({error_i,eof_i,sof_i,datain}), .src_rdy_i(src_rdy_i), .dst_rdy_o(dst_rdy_o),
+ .dataout({error_o,eof_o,sof_o,dataout}), .src_rdy_o(src_rdy_o), .dst_rdy_i(dst_rdy_i));
+endmodule // ll8_shortfifo
diff --git a/control_lib/newfifo/newfifo_2clock.v b/control_lib/newfifo/newfifo_2clock.v
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..23a6f693c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/control_lib/newfifo/newfifo_2clock.v
@@ -0,0 +1,82 @@
+module newfifo_2clock
+ #(parameter DWIDTH=32, AWIDTH=9)
+ (input wclk, input [DWIDTH-1:0] datain, input src_rdy_i, output dst_rdy_o, output reg [AWIDTH-1:0] level_wclk,
+ input rclk, output [DWIDTH-1:0] dataout, output src_rdy_o, input dst_rdy_i, output reg [AWIDTH-1:0] level_rclk,
+ input arst);
+ wire full, empty, write, read;
+ assign dst_rdy_o = ~full;
+ assign src_rdy_o = ~empty;
+ assign write = src_rdy_i & dst_rdy_o;
+ assign read = src_rdy_o & dst_rdy_i;
+//`define USE_XLNX_FIFO 1
+ fifo_xlnx_512x36_2clk mac_tx_fifo_2clk
+ (.rst(rst),
+ .wr_clk(wclk),.din(datain),.full(full),.wr_en(write),.wr_data_count(fifo_occupied[8:0]),
+ .rd_clk(rclk),.dout(dataout),.empty(empty),.rd_en(read),.rd_data_count() );
+ // ISE sucks, so the following doesn't work properly
+ reg [AWIDTH-1:0] wr_addr, rd_addr;
+ wire [AWIDTH-1:0] wr_addr_rclk, rd_addr_wclk;
+ wire [AWIDTH-1:0] next_rd_addr;
+ wire enb_read;
+ // Write side management
+ wire [AWIDTH-1:0] next_wr_addr = wr_addr + 1;
+ always @(posedge wclk or posedge arst)
+ if(arst)
+ wr_addr <= 0;
+ else if(write)
+ wr_addr <= next_wr_addr;
+ assign full = (next_wr_addr == rd_addr_wclk);
+ // RAM for data storage. Data out is registered, complicating the
+ // read side logic
+ ram_2port #(.DWIDTH(DWIDTH),.AWIDTH(AWIDTH)) mac_rx_ff_ram
+ (.clka(wclk),.ena(1'b1),.wea(write),.addra(wr_addr),.dia(datain),.doa(),
+ .clkb(rclk),.enb(enb_read),.web(1'b0),.addrb(next_rd_addr),.dib(0),.dob(dataout) );
+ // Read side management
+ reg data_valid;
+ assign empty = ~data_valid;
+ assign next_rd_addr = rd_addr + data_valid;
+ assign enb_read = read | ~data_valid;
+ always @(posedge rclk or posedge arst)
+ if(arst)
+ rd_addr <= 0;
+ else if(read)
+ rd_addr <= rd_addr + 1;
+ always @(posedge rclk or posedge arst)
+ if(arst)
+ data_valid <= 0;
+ else
+ if(read & (next_rd_addr == wr_addr_rclk))
+ data_valid <= 0;
+ else if(next_rd_addr != wr_addr_rclk)
+ data_valid <= 1;
+ // Send pointers across clock domains via gray code
+ gray_send #(.WIDTH(AWIDTH)) send_wr_addr
+ (.clk_in(wclk),.addr_in(wr_addr),
+ .clk_out(rclk),.addr_out(wr_addr_rclk) );
+ gray_send #(.WIDTH(AWIDTH)) send_rd_addr
+ (.clk_in(rclk),.addr_in(rd_addr),
+ .clk_out(wclk),.addr_out(rd_addr_wclk) );
+ // Generate fullness info, these are approximate and may be delayed
+ // and are only for higher-level flow control.
+ // Only full and empty are guaranteed exact.
+ always @(posedge wclk)
+ level_wclk <= wr_addr - rd_addr_wclk;
+ always @(posedge rclk)
+ level_rclk <= wr_addr_rclk - rd_addr;
+endmodule // fifo_2clock