diff options
2 files changed, 455 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/host/python/uhd/usrp/cal/meas_device.py b/host/python/uhd/usrp/cal/meas_device.py
index d6b40eb84..fd4455da0 100644
--- a/host/python/uhd/usrp/cal/meas_device.py
+++ b/host/python/uhd/usrp/cal/meas_device.py
@@ -15,6 +15,7 @@ import numpy
import uhd
from .tone_gen import ToneGenerator
from .visa import get_visa_device
+from .ni_rf_instr import RFSADevice, RFSGDevice
# Base Classes
@@ -214,7 +215,32 @@ class ManualPowerGenerator(SignalGeneratorBase):
# pylint: enable=no-self-use
+# RFSA: Run through a NI-RFSA device, using RFmx library
+class RfsaPowerMeter(PowerMeterBase):
+ """
+ Power meter using RFmx TXP measurement on NI-RFSA devices.
+ """
+ key = 'rfsa'
+ def __init__(self, options):
+ super().__init__(options)
+ self.device = RFSADevice(options)
+ def set_frequency(self, freq):
+ """
+ Set the frequency of the measurement device.
+ """
+ self.device.set_frequency(freq)
+ def _get_power(self):
+ """
+ Return the current measured power in dBm.
+ """
+ return self.device.get_power_dbm()
# VISA: Run through a VISA device, using SCPI commands
class VisaPowerMeter(PowerMeterBase):
@@ -323,6 +349,43 @@ class USRPPowerGenerator(SignalGeneratorBase):
return self._usrp.get_tx_power_reference(self._chan) + self._pwr_dbfs
+# RFSG: NI signal generator family
+class RFSGPowerGenerator(SignalGeneratorBase):
+ """
+ Power Generator using NI-RFSG devices.
+ """
+ key = 'rfsg'
+ def __init__(self, options):
+ super().__init__(options)
+ self.device = RFSGDevice(options)
+ def enable(self, enb=True):
+ """
+ Turn tone generation on and off
+ """
+ self.device.enable(enb)
+ def set_frequency(self, freq):
+ """
+ Set the center frequency of the generated signal.
+ """
+ self.device.set_frequency(freq)
+ def _set_power(self, power_dbm):
+ """
+ Set the output power of the device in dBm.
+ """
+ return self.device.set_power(power_dbm)
+ def _get_power(self):
+ """
+ Get the output power of the device in dBm.
+ """
+ return self.device.get_power()
# The dispatch function
def get_meas_device(direction, dev_key, options):
diff --git a/host/python/uhd/usrp/cal/ni_rf_instr.py b/host/python/uhd/usrp/cal/ni_rf_instr.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..1b6d34f4e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/host/python/uhd/usrp/cal/ni_rf_instr.py
@@ -0,0 +1,392 @@
+# Copyright 2020 Ettus Research, a National Instruments Brand
+# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later
+RFSA/RFSG-type measurement devices
+import os
+import platform
+if platform.system() == 'Windows':
+ from ctypes import WinError, CDLL, byref, POINTER
+ from ctypes import c_bool, c_int, c_int32, c_double, c_char_p
+# pylint: disable=unused-argument
+def _check(result, func, arguments):
+ """
+ Test result for error. Throw WinError, if result is not 0 using result as
+ error index. This is a convenient default implementation for WIN API calls
+ """
+ assert os.name == "nt" # throwing WinError works on Windows only.
+ if result != 0:
+ error = WinError(result,
+ "External library call failed with {}".format(result))
+ raise error
+def _wrap(lib, func_name, res_type, arg_types, check_error=True):
+ """
+ Ease usage of API functions imported using ctypes library.
+ :param lib: CDLL loaded by ctypes
+ :param func_name: Function import to uses
+ :param res_type: result type of call (as ctype)
+ :param arg_types: argument list of call (as ctype)
+ :param check_error: error checker (default uses _check)
+ :return: Python function
+ """
+ func = lib.__getattr__(func_name)
+ func.restype = res_type
+ func.argtypes = arg_types
+ if check_error:
+ func.errcheck = _check
+ return func
+def get_modinst_devices(driver):
+ """
+ Creates a list of instruments matching the current driver. Set
+ self._driver before calling this method
+ :return: list of nimodinst device objects
+ :throws: RuntimeError if called on non-Windows systems.
+ """
+ if platform.system() != 'Windows':
+ raise RuntimeError('Cannot connect to ModInst '
+ 'devices on non-Windows systems.')
+ # make sure NI ModInst package is only loaded when required
+ # pylint: disable=import-outside-toplevel
+ import nimodinst
+ session = nimodinst.Session(driver)
+ return session.devices
+def get_modinst_device(driver, name):
+ """
+ Get exact on device for the current driver. Use (optional) name to
+ narrow the list if more than one device is installed for the current
+ driver.
+ :param name: name of devices to get
+ :return: NI ModInst device class
+ :throws: RuntimeError if no or more than one device was found.
+ """
+ devices = [device for device in get_modinst_devices(driver)
+ if not name or name == device.device_name]
+ if len(devices) > 1:
+ print("Found %s devices:" % driver)
+ for device in devices:
+ print("* %s" % device.device_name)
+ raise RuntimeError("Found more than one measurement device. "
+ "Please limit the query!")
+ if not devices:
+ raise RuntimeError("No measurement device found!")
+ return devices[0]
+class RFSADevice:
+ """
+ Class to measure power using devices from the NI-RFSA family. This class
+ make use of the RFmx SpecAn TXP measurement. So this library must be
+ installed as well in addition to the RFSA driver.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, options):
+ self.session = c_int(0)
+ self._generate_specan_calls()
+ device = get_modinst_device("NI-RFSA", options.get("name", None))
+ self._RFmxSpecAn_Initialize(device.device_name.encode(),
+ "".encode(), byref(self.session), 0)
+ def __del__(self):
+ if self.session.value > 0:
+ self._RFmxSpecAn_Close(self.session, 0)
+ def _generate_specan_calls(self):
+ """
+ Generate needed Python function in class to do power measurements.
+ """
+ lib = CDLL("niRFmxSpecAn.dll")
+ # disable invalid name error to use function names as declared in C-DLL
+ # pylint: disable=invalid-name
+ self._RFmxSpecAn_Initialize = _wrap(
+ lib,
+ "RFmxSpecAn_Initialize",
+ c_int,
+ [c_char_p, c_char_p, POINTER(c_int), c_int]
+ )
+ self._RFmxSpecAn_Close = _wrap(
+ lib,
+ "RFmxSpecAn_Close",
+ c_int,
+ [c_int, c_int]
+ )
+ self._RFmxSpecAn_SetSelectedPorts = _wrap(
+ lib,
+ "RFmxSpecAn_SetSelectedPorts",
+ c_int,
+ [c_int, c_char_p, c_char_p]
+ )
+ self._RFmxSpecAn_CfgRF = _wrap(
+ lib,
+ "RFmxSpecAn_CfgRF",
+ c_int,
+ [c_int, c_char_p, c_double, c_double, c_double]
+ )
+ self._RFmxSpecAn_TXPCfgRBWFilter = _wrap(
+ lib,
+ "RFmxSpecAn_TXPCfgRBWFilter",
+ c_int,
+ [c_int, c_char_p, c_double, c_int32, c_double]
+ )
+ self._RFmxSpecAn_TXPCfgMeasurementInterval = _wrap(
+ lib,
+ "RFmxSpecAn_TXPCfgMeasurementInterval",
+ c_int32,
+ [c_int, c_char_p, c_double]
+ )
+ self._RFmxSpecAn_TXPCfgAveraging = _wrap(
+ lib,
+ "RFmxSpecAn_TXPCfgAveraging",
+ c_int32,
+ [c_int, c_char_p, c_int32, c_int32, c_int32,]
+ )
+ self._RFmxSpecAn_TXPRead = _wrap(
+ lib,
+ "RFmxSpecAn_TXPRead",
+ c_int,
+ [c_int, c_char_p, c_double, POINTER(c_double),
+ POINTER(c_double), POINTER(c_double), POINTER(c_double)]
+ )
+ self._RFmxSpecAn_GetAttributeF64 = _wrap(
+ lib,
+ "RFmxSpecAn_GetAttributeF64",
+ c_int,
+ [c_int, c_char_p, c_int, POINTER(c_double)]
+ )
+ self._RFmxSpecAn_SetAttributeF64 = _wrap(
+ lib,
+ "RFmxSpecAn_SetAttributeF64",
+ c_int,
+ [c_int, c_char_p, c_int, c_double]
+ )
+ def init_power_meter(self):
+ """
+ Initialize power meter (derived from "RFmxSpecAn TXP(Basic)" example)
+ """
+ rbw = c_double(100E3)
+ rrc_alpha = c_double(0)
+ meas_int = c_double(1E-3)
+ avg_count = c_int32(10)
+ self._RFmxSpecAn_SetSelectedPorts(self.session, b"", b"")
+ self._RFmxSpecAn_TXPCfgRBWFilter(self.session, b"", rbw, filt, rrc_alpha)
+ self._RFmxSpecAn_TXPCfgMeasurementInterval(self.session, b"", meas_int)
+ self._RFmxSpecAn_TXPCfgAveraging(self.session, b"", avg, avg_count, avg_type)
+ def set_frequency(self, freq):
+ """
+ Set measurement frequency and reset ref level.
+ """
+ freq = c_double(freq)
+ ref_level = c_double(-20) # start with a low ref level
+ ext_att = c_double(0) # calibration script takes responsibility for
+ # external attenuation, so no need to set it here
+ self._RFmxSpecAn_CfgRF(self.session, b"", freq, ref_level, ext_att)
+ def _get_attribute(self, attr_id):
+ """
+ Wrapper to ease read RFSA double attributes.
+ """
+ result = c_double(0)
+ self._RFmxSpecAn_GetAttributeF64(self.session, b"", attr_id, byref(result))
+ return result.value
+ def _set_attribute(self, attr_id, value):
+ """
+ Wrapper to ease write RFSA double attributes.
+ """
+ attr = c_double(value)
+ self._RFmxSpecAn_SetAttributeF64(self.session, b"", attr_id, attr)
+ def get_reference_level(self):
+ """
+ Return reference level used for measurements
+ """
+ return self._get_attribute(RFSADevice.RFMXSPECAN_ATTR_REFERENCE_LEVEL)
+ def set_reference_level(self, value):
+ """
+ Set reference level used for measurements
+ """
+ self._set_attribute(RFSADevice.RFMXSPECAN_ATTR_REFERENCE_LEVEL, value)
+ def get_power_dbm(self):
+ """
+ Measure power at current frequency. Reference level starts at -20dBm
+ (see set_frequency) and is increased in 5dB steps until measurement
+ succeeds. Returns the measured averaged power.
+ """
+ timeout = c_double(1.0)
+ mean_val = c_double(0)
+ peak2avg_val = c_double(0)
+ min_val = c_double(0)
+ max_val = c_double(0)
+ while True:
+ try:
+ self._RFmxSpecAn_TXPRead(self.session, b"", timeout,
+ byref(mean_val), byref(peak2avg_val),
+ byref(min_val), byref(max_val))
+ return mean_val.value
+ except OSError as ex:
+ # increase ref level on ADC or DSA overload
+ if getattr(ex, 'winerror') in [373002, 373003]:
+ self.set_reference_level(self.get_reference_level() + 5)
+ else:
+ raise ex
+class RFSGDevice:
+ """
+ Class to generate CW tone using devices from the NI-RFSG family
+ """
+ NIRFSG_VAL_CW = 1000
+ def __init__(self, options):
+ super().__init__()
+ self.session = c_int(0)
+ self._generate_rfsg_calls()
+ device = get_modinst_device("NI-RFSG", options.get("name", None))
+ id_query = c_bool(False)
+ reset = c_bool(True)
+ self._niRFSG_init(device.device_name.encode(), id_query, reset,
+ byref(self.session))
+ self._niRFSG_ConfigureGenerationMode(self.session,
+ def __del__(self):
+ if self.session.value > 0:
+ self._niRFSG_close(self.session, 0)
+ def _generate_rfsg_calls(self):
+ """
+ Generate needed Python function in class to do power measurements.
+ For RFSGs the library has different names depending on the platform
+ used. So platform is checked to select proper library name.
+ """
+ lib_name = "niRFSG_64.dll" if platform.architecture()[0] == '64bit' \
+ else "niRFSG.dll"
+ lib = CDLL(lib_name)
+ # disable invalid name error to use function names as declared in C-DLL
+ # pylint: disable=invalid-name
+ self._niRFSG_init = _wrap(
+ lib,
+ "niRFSG_init",
+ c_int,
+ [c_char_p, c_bool, c_bool, POINTER(c_int)]
+ )
+ self._niRFSG_close = _wrap(
+ lib,
+ "niRFSG_close",
+ c_int,
+ [c_int, c_int]
+ )
+ self._niRFSG_SetAttributeViReal64 = _wrap(
+ lib,
+ "niRFSG_SetAttributeViReal64",
+ c_int,
+ [c_int, c_char_p, c_int, c_double]
+ )
+ self._niRFSG_GetAttributeViReal64 = _wrap(
+ lib,
+ "niRFSG_GetAttributeViReal64",
+ c_int,
+ [c_int, c_char_p, c_int, POINTER(c_double)]
+ )
+ self._niRFSG_ConfigureRF = _wrap(
+ lib,
+ "niRFSG_ConfigureRF",
+ c_int,
+ [c_int, c_double, c_double]
+ )
+ self._niRFSG_ConfigureGenerationMode = _wrap(
+ lib,
+ "niRFSG_ConfigureGenerationMode",
+ c_int,
+ [c_int, c_int]
+ )
+ self._niRFSG_Initiate = _wrap(
+ lib,
+ "niRFSG_Initiate",
+ c_int,
+ [c_int]
+ )
+ self._niRFSG_Abort = _wrap(
+ lib,
+ "niRFSG_Abort",
+ c_int,
+ [c_int]
+ )
+ def enable(self, enb=True):
+ """
+ Switch tone generation on of off
+ """
+ if enb:
+ print("[SigGen] Starting tone generator.")
+ self._niRFSG_Initiate(self.session)
+ else:
+ print("[SigGen] Stopping tone generator.")
+ self._niRFSG_Abort(self.session)
+ def set_frequency(self, freq):
+ """
+ Tune tone generator to new center frequency.
+ """
+ print("[SigGen] Tuning signal to {:.3f} MHz.".format(freq/1e6))
+ self._niRFSG_ConfigureRF(self.session, freq, self.get_power())
+ def _get_attribute(self, attr_id):
+ """
+ Wrapper to ease reading RFSG double attributes.
+ """
+ result = c_double(0)
+ self._niRFSG_GetAttributeViReal64(self.session, b"", attr_id, byref(result))
+ return result.value
+ def _set_attribute(self, attr_id, value):
+ """
+ Wrapper to ease writing RFSG double attributes.
+ """
+ attr = c_double(value)
+ self._niRFSG_SetAttributeViReal64(self.session, b"", attr_id, attr)
+ def set_power(self, power_dbm):
+ """
+ Set power of output signal and return actual power.
+ """
+ self._set_attribute(RFSGDevice.NIRFSG_ATTR_POWER_LEVEL, power_dbm)
+ return self.get_power()
+ def get_power(self):
+ """
+ Get power of output signal.
+ """
+ return self._get_attribute(RFSGDevice.NIRFSG_ATTR_POWER_LEVEL)