diff options
3 files changed, 121 insertions, 25 deletions
diff --git a/firmware/x300/x300/x300_main.c b/firmware/x300/x300/x300_main.c
index d7fd32ac3..d865e1d09 100644
--- a/firmware/x300/x300/x300_main.c
+++ b/firmware/x300/x300/x300_main.c
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-// Copyright 2013 Ettus Research LLC
+// Copyright 2013-2014 Ettus Research LLC
#include "x300_init.h"
#include "x300_defs.h"
@@ -345,12 +345,12 @@ static void handle_uarts(void)
static uint32_t rxoffset = 0;
for (int rxch = wb_uart_getc(UART0_BASE); rxch != -1; rxch = wb_uart_getc(UART0_BASE))
- rxoffset = (rxoffset+1) % (NUM_POOL_WORDS32*4);
+ rxoffset++;
const int shift = ((rxoffset%4) * 8);
static uint32_t rxword32 = 0;
if (shift == 0) rxword32 = 0;
- rxword32 |= ((uint32_t) rxch) << ((rxoffset%4) * 8);
- rxpool[rxoffset/4] = rxword32;
+ rxword32 |= ((uint32_t) rxch & 0xFF) << shift;
+ rxpool[(rxoffset/4) % NUM_POOL_WORDS32] = rxword32;
shmem[X300_FW_SHMEM_UART_RX_INDEX] = rxoffset;
diff --git a/host/lib/usrp/gps_ctrl.cpp b/host/lib/usrp/gps_ctrl.cpp
index d327a84f9..f4d5cd8e8 100644
--- a/host/lib/usrp/gps_ctrl.cpp
+++ b/host/lib/usrp/gps_ctrl.cpp
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-// Copyright 2010-2011 Ettus Research LLC
+// Copyright 2010-2011,2014 Ettus Research LLC
// This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
@@ -17,6 +17,7 @@
#include <uhd/usrp/gps_ctrl.hpp>
#include <uhd/utils/msg.hpp>
+#include <uhd/utils/log.hpp>
#include <uhd/exception.hpp>
#include <uhd/types/sensors.hpp>
#include <boost/algorithm/string.hpp>
@@ -62,6 +63,27 @@ private:
return std::string();
+ static bool is_nmea_checksum_ok(std::string nmea)
+ {
+ if (nmea.length() < 5 || nmea[0] != '$' || nmea[nmea.length()-3] != '*')
+ return false;
+ std::stringstream ss;
+ boost::uint32_t string_crc;
+ boost::uint32_t calculated_crc = 0;
+ // get crc from string
+ ss << std::hex << nmea.substr(nmea.length()-2, 2);
+ ss >> string_crc;
+ // calculate crc
+ for (size_t i = 1; i < nmea.length()-3; i++)
+ calculated_crc ^= nmea[i];
+ // return comparison
+ return (string_crc == calculated_crc);
+ }
std::string update_cached_sensors(const std::string sensor) {
if(not gps_detected() || (gps_type != GPS_TYPE_INTERNAL_GPSDO)) {
UHD_MSG(error) << "get_stat(): unsupported GPS or no GPS detected";
@@ -70,24 +92,36 @@ private:
const std::list<std::string> list = boost::assign::list_of("GPGGA")("GPRMC")("SERVO");
static const boost::regex status_regex("\\d\\d-\\d\\d-\\d\\d");
+ static const boost::regex gp_msg_regex("^\\$GP.*,\\*[0-9A-F]{2}$");
std::map<std::string,std::string> msgs;
// Get all GPSDO messages available
// Creating a map here because we only want the latest of each message type
for (std::string msg = _recv(); msg.length(); msg = _recv())
- if (msg.length() < 6)
- continue;
// Strip any end of line characters
erase_all(msg, "\r");
erase_all(msg, "\n");
+ if (msg.length() < 6)
+ {
+ UHD_LOGV(regularly) << __FUNCTION__ << ": Short NMEA string: " << msg << std::endl;
+ continue;
+ }
// Look for SERVO message
if (boost::regex_search(msg, status_regex, boost::regex_constants::match_continuous))
+ {
msgs["SERVO"] = msg;
- else
+ }
+ else if (boost::regex_match(msg, gp_msg_regex) and is_nmea_checksum_ok(msg))
+ {
msgs[msg.substr(1,5)] = msg;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ UHD_LOGV(regularly) << __FUNCTION__ << ": Malformed NMEA string: " << msg << std::endl;
+ }
boost::system_time time = boost::get_system_time();
@@ -131,7 +165,6 @@ public:
else if(reply.substr(0, 3) == "$GP") i_heard_some_nmea = true; //but keep looking for that "Command Error" response
else if(reply.length() != 0) i_heard_something_weird = true; //probably wrong baud rate
- sleep(milliseconds(GPS_TIMEOUT_DELAY_MS));
if((i_heard_some_nmea) && (gps_type != GPS_TYPE_INTERNAL_GPSDO)) gps_type = GPS_TYPE_GENERIC_NMEA;
diff --git a/host/lib/usrp/x300/x300_fw_uart.cpp b/host/lib/usrp/x300/x300_fw_uart.cpp
index 943b2d9fa..b0fae124d 100644
--- a/host/lib/usrp/x300/x300_fw_uart.cpp
+++ b/host/lib/usrp/x300/x300_fw_uart.cpp
@@ -38,6 +38,8 @@ struct x300_uart_iface : uart_iface
rxpool = _iface->peek32(SR_ADDR(X300_FW_SHMEM_BASE, X300_FW_SHMEM_UART_RX_ADDR));
txpool = _iface->peek32(SR_ADDR(X300_FW_SHMEM_BASE, X300_FW_SHMEM_UART_TX_ADDR));
poolsize = _iface->peek32(SR_ADDR(X300_FW_SHMEM_BASE, X300_FW_SHMEM_UART_WORDS32));
+ _rxcache.resize(poolsize);
+ _last_device_rxoffset = rxoffset;
//this->write_uart("HELLO UART\n");
@@ -54,6 +56,7 @@ struct x300_uart_iface : uart_iface
void write_uart(const std::string &buff)
+ boost::mutex::scoped_lock(_write_mutex);
BOOST_FOREACH(const char ch, buff)
if (ch == '\n') this->putchar('\r');
@@ -63,39 +66,99 @@ struct x300_uart_iface : uart_iface
int getchar(void)
- if (_iface->peek32(SR_ADDR(X300_FW_SHMEM_BASE, X300_FW_SHMEM_UART_RX_INDEX)) != rxoffset)
+ if (rxoffset == _last_device_rxoffset)
+ return -1;
+ rxoffset++;
+ return static_cast<int>(_rxcache[(rxoffset/4) % poolsize] >> ((rxoffset%4)*8) & 0xFF);
+ }
+ void update_cache(void)
+ {
+ boost::uint32_t device_rxoffset = _iface->peek32(SR_ADDR(X300_FW_SHMEM_BASE, X300_FW_SHMEM_UART_RX_INDEX));
+ boost::uint32_t delta = device_rxoffset - rxoffset;
+ while (delta)
- const int shift = ((rxoffset%4) * 8);
- const char ch = _iface->peek32(SR_ADDR(rxpool, rxoffset/4)) >> shift;
- rxoffset = (rxoffset + 1) % (poolsize*4);
- return ch;
+ if (delta >= poolsize*4)
+ {
+ // all the data is new - reload the entire cache
+ for (boost::uint32_t i = 0; i < poolsize; i++)
+ _rxcache[i] = _iface->peek32(SR_ADDR(rxpool, i));
+ // set rxoffset to the end of the first string
+ rxoffset = device_rxoffset - (poolsize*4) + 1;
+ while (static_cast<char>((_rxcache[(rxoffset/4) % poolsize] >> ((rxoffset%4)*8) & 0xFF)) != '\n')
+ ++rxoffset;
+ // clear the partial string in the buffer;
+ _rxbuff.clear();
+ }
+ else if (rxoffset == _last_device_rxoffset)
+ {
+ // new data was added - refresh the portion of the cache that was updated
+ for (boost::uint32_t i = ((_last_device_rxoffset+1)/4) % poolsize; i != (((device_rxoffset)/4)+1) % poolsize; i = (i+1) % poolsize)
+ {
+ _rxcache[i] = _iface->peek32(SR_ADDR(rxpool, i));
+ }
+ } else {
+ // there is new data, but we aren't done with what we have - check back later
+ break;
+ }
+ _last_device_rxoffset = device_rxoffset;
+ // check again to see if anything changed while we were updating the cache
+ device_rxoffset = _iface->peek32(SR_ADDR(X300_FW_SHMEM_BASE, X300_FW_SHMEM_UART_RX_INDEX));
+ delta = device_rxoffset - rxoffset;
- return -1;
std::string read_uart(double timeout)
+ boost::mutex::scoped_lock(_read_mutex);
const boost::system_time exit_time = boost::get_system_time() + boost::posix_time::microseconds(long(timeout*1e6));
std::string buff;
while (true)
- const int ch = this->getchar();
- if (ch == -1)
+ // Update cache
+ this->update_cache();
+ // Get available characters
+ for (int ch = this->getchar(); ch != -1; ch = this->getchar())
- if (boost::get_system_time() > exit_time) break;
- boost::this_thread::sleep(boost::posix_time::milliseconds(1));
- continue;
+ // skip carriage returns
+ if (ch == '\r')
+ continue;
+ // store character to buffer
+ _rxbuff += std::string(1, (char)ch);
+ // newline found - return string
+ if (ch == '\n')
+ {
+ buff = _rxbuff;
+ _rxbuff.clear();
+ return buff;
+ }
- if (ch == '\r') continue;
- buff += std::string(1, (char)ch);
- if (ch == '\n') break;
+ // no more characters - check time
+ if (boost::get_system_time() > exit_time)
+ break;
- //UHD_VAR(buff);
return buff;
wb_iface::sptr _iface;
boost::uint32_t rxoffset, txoffset, txword32, rxpool, txpool, poolsize;
+ boost::uint32_t _last_device_rxoffset;
+ std::vector<boost::uint32_t> _rxcache;
+ std::string _rxbuff;
+ boost::mutex _read_mutex;
+ boost::mutex _write_mutex;
uart_iface::sptr x300_make_uart_iface(wb_iface::sptr iface)