path: root/.ci
diff options
Diffstat (limited to '.ci')
10 files changed, 492 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/.ci/docker/uhd-builder-fedora32.Dockerfile b/.ci/docker/uhd-builder-fedora32.Dockerfile
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..8500397a8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.ci/docker/uhd-builder-fedora32.Dockerfile
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+# please follow docker best practices
+# https://docs.docker.com/engine/userguide/eng-image/dockerfile_best-practices/
+FROM fedora:32
+LABEL maintainer="Ettus Research"
+RUN dnf install -y \
+ boost-devel \
+ ccache \
+ cmake \
+ doxygen \
+ dpdk \
+ dpdk-devel \
+ dpdk-tools \
+ gcc \
+ gcc-c++ \
+ git \
+ libusb1-devel \
+ make \
+ ncompress \
+ ninja-build \
+ python3-devel \
+ python3-docutils \
+ python3-mako \
+ python3-numpy \
+ python3-pip \
+ python3-requests \
+ redhat-rpm-config \
+ rpm-build \
+ rpm-devel \
+ rsync \
+ tar \
+ xz \
+ && \
+ dnf clean all
diff --git a/.ci/docker/uhd-builder-fedora33.Dockerfile b/.ci/docker/uhd-builder-fedora33.Dockerfile
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..0ae0a64a5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.ci/docker/uhd-builder-fedora33.Dockerfile
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+# please follow docker best practices
+# https://docs.docker.com/engine/userguide/eng-image/dockerfile_best-practices/
+FROM fedora:33
+LABEL maintainer="Ettus Research"
+RUN dnf install -y \
+ boost-devel \
+ ccache \
+ cmake \
+ doxygen \
+ dpdk \
+ dpdk-devel \
+ dpdk-tools \
+ gcc \
+ gcc-c++ \
+ git \
+ libusb1-devel \
+ make \
+ ncompress \
+ ninja-build \
+ python3-devel \
+ python3-docutils \
+ python3-mako \
+ python3-numpy \
+ python3-pip \
+ python3-requests \
+ redhat-rpm-config \
+ rpm-build \
+ rpm-devel \
+ rsync \
+ tar \
+ xz \
+ && \
+ dnf clean all
diff --git a/.ci/docker/uhd-builder-ubuntu1804.Dockerfile b/.ci/docker/uhd-builder-ubuntu1804.Dockerfile
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..1afb27473
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.ci/docker/uhd-builder-ubuntu1804.Dockerfile
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+# please follow docker best practices
+# https://docs.docker.com/engine/userguide/eng-image/dockerfile_best-practices/
+FROM ubuntu:18.04
+LABEL maintainer="Ettus Research"
+# This will make apt-get install without question
+ARG DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive
+RUN apt-get update && \
+ apt-get -y upgrade && \
+ apt-get -y install -q \
+ build-essential \
+ ccache \
+ curl \
+ git \
+ sudo \
+ # Install UHD dependencies
+ abi-dumper \
+ cmake \
+ doxygen \
+ dpdk \
+ libboost-all-dev \
+ libdpdk-dev \
+ libgps-dev \
+ libgps-dev \
+ libudev-dev \
+ libusb-1.0-0-dev \
+ ncompress \
+ ninja-build \
+ python3-dev \
+ python3-docutils \
+ python3-mako \
+ python3-numpy \
+ python3-pip \
+ python3-requests \
+ && \
+ rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/*
diff --git a/.ci/docker/uhd-builder-ubuntu2004.Dockerfile b/.ci/docker/uhd-builder-ubuntu2004.Dockerfile
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..3b7d1ab41
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.ci/docker/uhd-builder-ubuntu2004.Dockerfile
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+# please follow docker best practices
+# https://docs.docker.com/engine/userguide/eng-image/dockerfile_best-practices/
+FROM ubuntu:20.04
+LABEL maintainer="Ettus Research"
+# This will make apt-get install without question
+ARG DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive
+RUN apt-get update && \
+ apt-get -y upgrade && \
+ apt-get -y install -q \
+ build-essential \
+ ccache \
+ curl \
+ git \
+ sudo \
+ # Install UHD dependencies
+ abi-dumper \
+ cmake \
+ doxygen \
+ dpdk \
+ libboost-all-dev \
+ libdpdk-dev \
+ libgps-dev \
+ libgps-dev \
+ libudev-dev \
+ libusb-1.0-0-dev \
+ ncompress \
+ ninja-build \
+ python3-dev \
+ python3-docutils \
+ python3-mako \
+ python3-numpy \
+ python3-pip \
+ python3-requests \
+ && \
+ rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/*
diff --git a/.ci/docker/uhd-builder-vs2017-v141-x64.Dockerfile b/.ci/docker/uhd-builder-vs2017-v141-x64.Dockerfile
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..d608ef4c4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.ci/docker/uhd-builder-vs2017-v141-x64.Dockerfile
@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
+# please follow docker best practices
+# https://docs.docker.com/engine/userguide/eng-image/dockerfile_best-practices/
+# This uses Window Server 2019 since it supports container jobs.
+# This must match the Windows Server version that the Pipelines
+# agent runs on. It's possible to switch out the base image
+# with a Windows 10 image for local builds.
+FROM mcr.microsoft.com/windows/servercore:1809
+LABEL maintainer="Ettus Research"
+RUN @"%SystemRoot%\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\powershell.exe" \
+ -NoProfile -InputFormat None -ExecutionPolicy Bypass \
+ -Command "[System.Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol = 3072; \
+ iex ((New-Object System.Net.WebClient).DownloadString('https://chocolatey.org/install.ps1'))" && \
+ SET "PATH=%PATH%;%ALLUSERSPROFILE%\chocolatey\bin"
+RUN choco install -y cmake.install --installargs 'ADD_CMAKE_TO_PATH=System' --version=3.19.6
+RUN choco install -y doxygen.install --version=1.9.1
+RUN choco install -y git
+RUN choco install -y NSIS --version=3.06.1
+RUN choco install -y vim
+RUN choco install -y python3 --version=3.7.9
+RUN pip install mako requests numpy ruamel.yaml
+RUN powershell -NoProfile -ExecutionPolicy Bypass -Command \
+ Invoke-WebRequest "https://aka.ms/vs/15/release/vs_community.exe" \
+ -OutFile "%TEMP%\vs_community.exe" -UseBasicParsing
+RUN "%TEMP%\vs_community.exe" --quiet --wait --norestart --noUpdateInstaller \
+ --add Microsoft.VisualStudio.Workload.NativeDesktop \
+ --add Microsoft.VisualStudio.Component.Windows81SDK \
+ --includeRecommended
+RUN setx VCPKG_INSTALL_DIR "c:\\vcpkg" /m
+RUN git clone https://github.com/microsoft/vcpkg %VCPKG_INSTALL_DIR% && \
+ # The vcpkg git commit sets the toolchain dependenices
+ # This commit uses Boost 1.75 and libusb 1.0.24
+ git checkout 3426db05b996481ca31e95fff3734cf23e0f51bc && \
+ bootstrap-vcpkg.bat
+RUN cd %VCPKG_INSTALL_DIR% && vcpkg install --clean-after-build \
+ libusb:x64-windows \
+ boost:x64-windows
diff --git a/.ci/docker/uhd-builder-vs2017-v141-x86.Dockerfile b/.ci/docker/uhd-builder-vs2017-v141-x86.Dockerfile
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..f4cb509fe
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.ci/docker/uhd-builder-vs2017-v141-x86.Dockerfile
@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
+# please follow docker best practices
+# https://docs.docker.com/engine/userguide/eng-image/dockerfile_best-practices/
+# This uses Window Server 2019 since it supports container jobs.
+# This must match the Windows Server version that the Pipelines
+# agent runs on. It's possible to switch out the base image
+# with a Windows 10 image for local builds.
+FROM mcr.microsoft.com/windows/servercore:1809
+LABEL maintainer="Ettus Research"
+RUN @"%SystemRoot%\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\powershell.exe" \
+ -NoProfile -InputFormat None -ExecutionPolicy Bypass \
+ -Command "[System.Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol = 3072; \
+ iex ((New-Object System.Net.WebClient).DownloadString('https://chocolatey.org/install.ps1'))" && \
+ SET "PATH=%PATH%;%ALLUSERSPROFILE%\chocolatey\bin"
+RUN choco install -y cmake.install --installargs 'ADD_CMAKE_TO_PATH=System' --version=3.19.6
+RUN choco install -y doxygen.install --version=1.9.1
+RUN choco install -y git
+RUN choco install -y NSIS --version=3.06.1
+RUN choco install -y vim
+RUN choco install -y python3 --version=3.7.9
+RUN pip install mako requests numpy ruamel.yaml
+RUN powershell -NoProfile -ExecutionPolicy Bypass -Command \
+ Invoke-WebRequest "https://aka.ms/vs/15/release/vs_community.exe" \
+ -OutFile "%TEMP%\vs_community.exe" -UseBasicParsing
+RUN "%TEMP%\vs_community.exe" --quiet --wait --norestart --noUpdateInstaller \
+ --add Microsoft.VisualStudio.Workload.NativeDesktop \
+ --add Microsoft.VisualStudio.Component.Windows81SDK \
+ --includeRecommended
+RUN setx VCPKG_INSTALL_DIR "c:\\vcpkg" /m
+RUN git clone https://github.com/microsoft/vcpkg %VCPKG_INSTALL_DIR% && \
+ # The vcpkg git commit sets the toolchain dependenices
+ # This commit uses Boost 1.75 and libusb 1.0.24
+ git checkout 3426db05b996481ca31e95fff3734cf23e0f51bc && \
+ bootstrap-vcpkg.bat
+RUN cd %VCPKG_INSTALL_DIR% && vcpkg install --clean-after-build \
+ libusb:x86-windows \
+ boost:x86-windows
diff --git a/.ci/docker/uhd-builder-vs2019-v142-x64.Dockerfile b/.ci/docker/uhd-builder-vs2019-v142-x64.Dockerfile
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..eb8aedcf6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.ci/docker/uhd-builder-vs2019-v142-x64.Dockerfile
@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
+# please follow docker best practices
+# https://docs.docker.com/engine/userguide/eng-image/dockerfile_best-practices/
+# This uses Window Server 2019 since it supports container jobs.
+# This must match the Windows Server version that the Pipelines
+# agent runs on. It's possible to switch out the base image
+# with a Windows 10 image for local builds.
+FROM mcr.microsoft.com/windows/servercore:1809
+LABEL maintainer="Ettus Research"
+RUN @"%SystemRoot%\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\powershell.exe" \
+ -NoProfile -InputFormat None -ExecutionPolicy Bypass \
+ -Command "[System.Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol = 3072; \
+ iex ((New-Object System.Net.WebClient).DownloadString('https://chocolatey.org/install.ps1'))" && \
+ SET "PATH=%PATH%;%ALLUSERSPROFILE%\chocolatey\bin"
+RUN choco install -y cmake.install --installargs 'ADD_CMAKE_TO_PATH=System' --version=3.19.6
+RUN choco install -y doxygen.install --version=1.9.1
+RUN choco install -y git
+RUN choco install -y NSIS --version=3.06.1
+RUN choco install -y vim
+RUN choco install -y python3 --version=3.7.9
+RUN pip install mako requests numpy ruamel.yaml
+RUN powershell -NoProfile -ExecutionPolicy Bypass -Command \
+ Invoke-WebRequest "https://aka.ms/vs/16/release/vs_community.exe" \
+ -OutFile "%TEMP%\vs_community.exe" -UseBasicParsing
+RUN "%TEMP%\vs_community.exe" --quiet --wait --norestart --noUpdateInstaller \
+ --add Microsoft.VisualStudio.Workload.NativeDesktop \
+ --includeRecommended
+RUN setx VCPKG_INSTALL_DIR "c:\\vcpkg" /m
+RUN git clone https://github.com/microsoft/vcpkg %VCPKG_INSTALL_DIR% && \
+ # The vcpkg git commit sets the toolchain dependenices
+ # This commit uses Boost 1.75 and libusb 1.0.24
+ git checkout 3426db05b996481ca31e95fff3734cf23e0f51bc && \
+ bootstrap-vcpkg.bat
+RUN cd %VCPKG_INSTALL_DIR% && vcpkg install --clean-after-build \
+ libusb:x64-windows \
+ boost:x64-windows
diff --git a/.ci/docker/uhd-builder-vs2019-v142-x86.Dockerfile b/.ci/docker/uhd-builder-vs2019-v142-x86.Dockerfile
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..92afa8214
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.ci/docker/uhd-builder-vs2019-v142-x86.Dockerfile
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+# please follow docker best practices
+# https://docs.docker.com/engine/userguide/eng-image/dockerfile_best-practices/
+# This uses Window Server 2019 since it supports container jobs.
+# This must match the Windows Server version that the Pipelines
+# agent runs on. It's possible to switch out the base image
+# with a Windows 10 image for local builds.
+FROM mcr.microsoft.com/windows/servercore:1809
+LABEL maintainer="Ettus Research"
+RUN @"%SystemRoot%\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\powershell.exe" \
+ -NoProfile -InputFormat None -ExecutionPolicy Bypass \
+ -Command "[System.Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol = 3072; \
+ iex ((New-Object System.Net.WebClient).DownloadString('https://chocolatey.org/install.ps1'))" && \
+ SET "PATH=%PATH%;%ALLUSERSPROFILE%\chocolatey\bin"
+RUN choco install -y cmake.install --installargs 'ADD_CMAKE_TO_PATH=System' --version=3.19.6
+RUN choco install -y doxygen.install --version=1.9.1
+RUN choco install -y git
+RUN choco install -y NSIS --version=3.06.1
+RUN choco install -y vim
+RUN choco install -y python3 --version=3.7.9
+RUN pip install mako requests numpy ruamel.yaml
+RUN powershell -NoProfile -ExecutionPolicy Bypass -Command \
+ Invoke-WebRequest "https://aka.ms/vs/16/release/vs_community.exe" \
+ -OutFile "%TEMP%\vs_community.exe" -UseBasicParsing
+RUN "%TEMP%\vs_community.exe" --quiet --wait --norestart --noUpdateInstaller \
+ --add Microsoft.VisualStudio.Workload.NativeDesktop \
+ --includeRecommended
+RUN setx VCPKG_INSTALL_DIR "c:\\vcpkg" /m
+RUN git clone https://github.com/microsoft/vcpkg %VCPKG_INSTALL_DIR% && \
+ # The vcpkg git commit sets the toolchain dependenices
+ # This commit uses Boost 1.75 and libusb 1.0.24
+ git checkout 3426db05b996481ca31e95fff3734cf23e0f51bc && \
+ bootstrap-vcpkg.bat
+RUN cd %VCPKG_INSTALL_DIR% && vcpkg install --clean-after-build \
+ libusb:x86-windows \
+ boost:x86-windows
diff --git a/.ci/uhd-build-docker-container.yml b/.ci/uhd-build-docker-container.yml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..ab5cfae12
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.ci/uhd-build-docker-container.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,179 @@
+ branches:
+ include:
+ - master
+ paths:
+ include:
+ - .ci/docker
+ - .ci/uhd-build-docker-container.yml
+ branches:
+ include:
+ - master
+ paths:
+ include:
+ - .ci/docker
+ - .ci/uhd-build-docker-container.yml
+- template: uhd-pipeline-vars.yml
+- name: linuxDockerImages
+ value:
+ "{'Fedora-32-builder':{'dockerOSName':'fedora32','dockerImageName':'uhd-builder-fedora32'},
+ 'Fedora-33-builder':{'dockerOSName':'fedora33','dockerImageName':'uhd-builder-fedora33'},
+ 'Ubuntu-1804-builder':{'dockerOSName':'ubuntu1804','dockerImageName':'uhd-builder-ubuntu1804'},
+ 'Ubuntu-2004-builder':{'dockerOSName':'ubuntu2004','dockerImageName':'uhd-builder-ubuntu2004'}}"
+- name: winDockerImages
+ value:
+ "{'VS2017-x86-builder':{'dockerOSName':'win-vs17-v141-x86','dockerImageName':'uhd-builder-vs2017-v141-x86','cmakeCompiler':'Visual Studio 15 2017','cmakeArch':'Win32','vsArch':'x86','vsYear':'2017'},
+ 'VS2017-x64-builder':{'dockerOSName':'win-vs17-v141-x64','dockerImageName':'uhd-builder-vs2017-v141-x64','cmakeCompiler':'Visual Studio 15 2017','cmakeArch':'x64','vsArch':'x64','vsYear':'2017'},
+ 'VS2019-x86-builder':{'dockerOSName':'win-vs19-v142-x86','dockerImageName':'uhd-builder-vs2019-v142-x86','cmakeCompiler':'Visual Studio 16 2019','cmakeArch':'Win32','vsArch':'x86','vsYear':'2019'},
+ 'VS2019-x64-builder':{'dockerOSName':'win-vs19-v142-x64','dockerImageName':'uhd-builder-vs2019-v142-x64','cmakeCompiler':'Visual Studio 16 2019','cmakeArch':'x64','vsArch':'x64','vsYear':'2019'}}"
+- name: dockerImagePrefix
+ value: 'rfsdr/'
+- job: build_image_linux
+ displayName: Build Docker Image
+ pool:
+ name: Drivers-NIBuildFarm-RFMIBUILD
+ demands:
+ - agent.os -equals Linux
+ - docker
+ strategy:
+ matrix: $[ variables.linuxDockerImages ]
+ steps:
+ - checkout: self
+ clean: true
+ - task: Docker@2
+ displayName: Build Image
+ inputs:
+ command: 'build'
+ Dockerfile: '$(Build.SourcesDirectory)/.ci/docker/$(dockerImageName).Dockerfile'
+ containerRegistry: 'Docker / Artifactory - rnd-builds-local'
+ repository: '$(dockerImagePrefix)$(dockerImageName)'
+ tags: $(Build.BuildNumber)
+ arguments: --no-cache --pull
+ - task: Docker@2
+ displayName: Push Image
+ inputs:
+ command: 'push'
+ containerRegistry: 'Docker / Artifactory - rnd-builds-local'
+ repository: '$(dockerImagePrefix)$(dockerImageName)'
+ tags: $(Build.BuildNumber)
+- job: test_image_linux
+ displayName: Test Docker Image
+ dependsOn: build_image_linux
+ pool:
+ name: Drivers-NIBuildFarm-RFMIBUILD
+ demands:
+ - agent.os -equals Linux
+ - docker
+ strategy:
+ matrix: $[ variables.linuxDockerImages ]
+ container:
+ image: '$(dockerImagePrefix)$(dockerImageName):$(Build.BuildNumber)'
+ endpoint: 'Docker / Artifactory - rnd-builds-local'
+ workspace:
+ clean: outputs
+ steps:
+ - checkout: self
+ clean: true
+ - script: |
+ cd $(Build.BinariesDirectory)
+ mkdir -p uhddev/build
+ cd uhddev/build
+ cmake $(Build.SourcesDirectory)/host
+ displayName: Test image with cmake uhd
+ - script: |
+ cd $(Build.BinariesDirectory)
+ mkdir -p uhddev/build-ninja
+ cd uhddev/build-ninja
+ cmake -G Ninja $(Build.SourcesDirectory)/host
+ displayName: Test image with cmake ninja uhd
+- job: build_image_win
+ displayName: Build Docker Image Windows
+ timeoutInMinutes: 120
+ pool:
+ name: de-dre-lab
+ demands:
+ - agent.os -equals Windows_NT
+ - docker
+ strategy:
+ matrix: $[ variables.winDockerImages ]
+ maxParallel: 2
+ steps:
+ - checkout: self
+ clean: true
+ - task: Docker@2
+ displayName: Build Image
+ inputs:
+ command: 'build'
+ Dockerfile: '$(Build.SourcesDirectory)/.ci/docker/$(dockerImageName).Dockerfile'
+ containerRegistry: 'Docker / Artifactory - rnd-builds-local'
+ repository: '$(dockerImagePrefix)$(dockerImageName)'
+ tags: $(Build.BuildNumber)
+ arguments: --no-cache --pull
+ - task: Docker@2
+ displayName: Push Image
+ inputs:
+ command: 'push'
+ containerRegistry: 'Docker / Artifactory - rnd-builds-local'
+ repository: '$(dockerImagePrefix)$(dockerImageName)'
+ tags: $(Build.BuildNumber)
+- job: test_image_win
+ displayName: Test Docker Image Windows
+ dependsOn: build_image_win
+ pool:
+ name: de-dre-lab
+ demands:
+ - agent.os -equals Windows_NT
+ - docker
+ strategy:
+ matrix: $[ variables.winDockerImages ]
+ container:
+ image: '$(dockerImagePrefix)$(dockerImageName):$(Build.BuildNumber)'
+ endpoint: 'Docker / Artifactory - rnd-builds-local'
+ workspace:
+ clean: outputs
+ steps:
+ - checkout: self
+ clean: true
+ - script: |
+ cd $(Build.BinariesDirectory)
+ mkdir uhddev\build
+ cd uhddev\build
+ cmake $(Build.SourcesDirectory)/host ^
+ -DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE=%VCPKG_INSTALL_DIR%\scripts\buildsystems\vcpkg.cmake ^
+ -G "$(cmakeCompiler)" -A $(cmakeArch)
+ displayName: Test image with cmake uhd
+ - script: |
+ cd $(Build.BinariesDirectory)
+ cd uhddev\build
+ "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\$(vsYear)\Community\VC\Auxiliary\Build\vcvarsall.bat" $(vsArch)
+ displayName: Load Visual C++ Env
+- job: export_build_number
+ displayName: Export Image List to Artifacts
+ pool:
+ name: Drivers-NIBuildFarm-RFMIBUILD
+ demands: sh
+ steps:
+ - checkout: none
+ - script: |
+ cd $(Build.ArtifactStagingDirectory)
+ touch $(UHDPipelineDockerImageArtifactName)
+ echo "$(Build.BuildNumber)" > $(UHDPipelineDockerImageArtifactName)
+ echo "${{ variables.dockerImagePrefix }}" >> $(UHDPipelineDockerImageArtifactName)
+ echo "${{ variables.linuxDockerImages }}" >> $(UHDPipelineDockerImageArtifactName)
+ echo "${{ variables.winDockerImages }}" >> $(UHDPipelineDockerImageArtifactName)
+ displayName: Generate created image list
+ - task: PublishPipelineArtifact@1
+ inputs:
+ targetPath: $(Build.ArtifactStagingDirectory)
+ artifactName: $(UHDPipelineDockerImageArtifactName)
+ displayName: Upload image list artifact
diff --git a/.ci/uhd-pipeline-vars.yml b/.ci/uhd-pipeline-vars.yml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..34e8f93ff
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.ci/uhd-pipeline-vars.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+- name: UHDPipelineDockerImageArtifactName
+ value: 'DockerImageNames'