path: root/usrp2/models/CY7C1356C/testbench.v
diff options
authorJosh Blum <josh@joshknows.com>2010-01-22 16:00:45 -0800
committerJosh Blum <josh@joshknows.com>2010-01-22 16:00:45 -0800
commit8b377a9d6d0ad281474a8dbff49ea3b093178b28 (patch)
tree8e3c7a1b60f96df6e2140666d3b7afa5166d885d /usrp2/models/CY7C1356C/testbench.v
parente92d36dcfe02afaedec348f2d8fc4523fb4e633b (diff)
moved into subdir
Diffstat (limited to 'usrp2/models/CY7C1356C/testbench.v')
1 files changed, 189 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/usrp2/models/CY7C1356C/testbench.v b/usrp2/models/CY7C1356C/testbench.v
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..5dde89e6c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/usrp2/models/CY7C1356C/testbench.v
@@ -0,0 +1,189 @@
+`timescale 1ns / 10ps
+// CY7C1356
+// Simulatiom of Verilog model
+// test bench for US vector input
+// define speed 166MHz
+`define tx10 #6
+`define tx08 #4.8
+`define tx05 #3
+`define tx04 #2.4
+`define tx02 #1.2
+`define tx10 #4.0 // period
+`define tx08 #3.2 //0.8 period
+`define tx05 #2.0 //0.5 period 250MHZ
+`define tx04 #1.6 //0.4 period
+`define tx02 #0.8 //0.2 period
+`define tx10 #4.4 // period
+`define tx08 #3.52 //0.8 period
+`define tx05 #2.2 //0.5 period 225MHZ
+`define tx04 #1.76 //0.4 period
+`define tx02 #0.88 //0.2 period
+`define tx10 #5 // period
+`define tx08 #4 //0.8 period
+`define tx05 #2.5 //0.5 period 200MHZ
+`define tx04 #2.0 //0.4 period
+`define tx02 #1.0 //0.2 period
+module rw_test;
+`define num_vectors 126
+`define impi {a[15:0],io[15:0],tsti[15:0],cenb,ce1b,ce2,ce3b,bweb,bwb,adv_lb}
+reg [57:1] lsim_vectors [1:`num_vectors];
+reg clk;
+reg adv_lb;
+reg ce1b; //cs1b
+reg ce2; //cs2
+reg ce3b; //cs3b
+reg [1:0] bwb;
+reg bweb;
+reg oeb;
+reg ftb;
+reg mode; //lbob
+reg cenb; //zz
+reg tp42; //sclk
+reg tp39; //se
+reg tp38; //tm
+reg [19:0] a;
+reg [17:0] io;
+reg [17:0] tsti;
+reg vddq;
+reg vssqr;
+reg iosel;
+wire [17:0] d = iosel ? io[17:0] : 18'bz;
+reg noti3;
+reg strb,j;
+integer vector,i;
+cy1356 testram ( d, clk, a, bwb, bweb, adv_lb, ce1b, ce2, ce3b, oeb, cenb, mode);
+ $dumpfile("dumpfile.dump");
+ $dumpvars(0,rw_test);
+io = 18'bz;
+ftb = 1;
+oeb = 0;
+a[19:16] = 4'h0;
+mode = 0;
+strb = 0;
+tp38 = 0;
+tp39 = 0;
+tp42 = 0;
+forever `tx05 strb = ~strb;
+clk = 0;
+forever `tx05 clk =~clk;
+ begin
+ $readmemb("cy1356.inp", lsim_vectors); //load input vector file
+ `impi = lsim_vectors[1]; //apply 1st test vector
+ for (vector = 2; vector <= `num_vectors; vector = vector + 1)
+ @(posedge strb)
+ begin
+ `impi = lsim_vectors[vector];
+ io[16:13] = io[07:04];
+ io[12:09] = io[07:04];
+ io[07:04] = io[03:00];
+ io[03:00] = io[03:00];
+ io[17] = io[16] ^^ io[15] ^^ io[14] ^^ io[13] ^^ io[11] ^^ io[11] ^^ io[10] ^^ io[9];
+ io[8] = io[7] ^^ io[6] ^^ io[5] ^^ io[4] ^^ io[3] ^^ io[2] ^^ io[1] ^^ io[0];
+ tsti[16:13] = tsti[07:04];
+ tsti[12:09] = tsti[07:04];
+ tsti[07:04] = tsti[03:00];
+ tsti[03:00] = tsti[03:00];
+ tsti[17] = tsti[16] ^^ tsti[15] ^^ tsti[14] ^^ tsti[13] ^^ tsti[11] ^^ tsti[11] ^^ tsti[10] ^^ tsti[9];
+ tsti[8] = tsti[7] ^^ tsti[6] ^^ tsti[5] ^^ tsti[4] ^^ tsti[3] ^^ tsti[2] ^^ tsti[1] ^^ tsti[0];
+ if (io === 18'hxxxxx)
+ iosel = `tx05 0;
+ else
+ iosel = `tx05 1;
+ end
+ #15 $finish; // This prevents simulation beyond end of test patterns
+ end
+always@(posedge clk)
+ if (io !== 18'hxxxxx) //input cycle
+ begin
+ $display("NOTICE : 001 : line = %d OK",vector -1);
+ end
+ else //do the test
+ begin
+ if (d == tsti)
+ begin
+ $display("NOTICE : 002 : line = %d OK",vector -1);
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ j =0;
+ for (i =0;i< 18; i=i+1)
+ begin
+ if(tsti[i] !== 1'bx)
+ begin
+ if (d[i] !== tsti[i]) j = 1;
+ end
+ else
+ j = 0;
+ end
+ if (j)
+ $display("ERROR *** : 003 : line = %d data = %b test = %b",vector -1,d,tsti);
+ else
+ $display("NOTICE : 003 : line = %d OK",vector -1);
+ end
+ end