path: root/usrp2/extramfifo
diff options
authorIan Buckley <ian.buckley@gmail.com>2010-10-15 11:37:23 -0700
committerMatt Ettus <matt@ettus.com>2010-11-11 12:10:35 -0800
commit7e75951d263c00e9f84bdf14d6176680cb3de833 (patch)
treebf5fd721b3c287b9a2a62d0664e2c107fee6eafc /usrp2/extramfifo
parent8507271de44aadc564354a77c8b9259e24f0d246 (diff)
Added external RAM FIFO to u2plus.
Added code branch to ext_fifo.v using generate that instantiates different input and out fifo's and touched nobl_fifo code so that it works at 18 and 36bit widths. Added 2nd DCM to top level to generate off chip RAMCLK. Added explicit I/O instances to top level for tristate drivers and changed signals to core as needed. Creted new FIFO's in core gen to replace much larger FIFO's used on u2rev3
Diffstat (limited to 'usrp2/extramfifo')
4 files changed, 169 insertions, 90 deletions
diff --git a/usrp2/extramfifo/ext_fifo.v b/usrp2/extramfifo/ext_fifo.v
index 2af59a75d..2a8d57448 100644
--- a/usrp2/extramfifo/ext_fifo.v
+++ b/usrp2/extramfifo/ext_fifo.v
@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@
//`define NO_EXT_FIFO
module ext_fifo
- #(parameter INT_WIDTH=36,EXT_WIDTH=18,RAM_DEPTH=19,FIFO_DEPTH=19)
+ #(parameter INT_WIDTH=36,EXT_WIDTH=18,RAM_DEPTH=19,FIFO_DEPTH=19)
input int_clk,
input ext_clk,
@@ -44,34 +44,29 @@ module ext_fifo
wire [EXT_WIDTH-1:0] write_data;
wire [EXT_WIDTH-1:0] read_data;
- wire full1, empty1;
- wire almost_full2, full2, empty2;
+ wire full1, empty1;
+ wire almost_full2, full2, empty2;
wire [INT_WIDTH-1:0] data_to_fifo;
wire [INT_WIDTH-1:0] data_from_fifo;
wire [FIFO_DEPTH-1:0] capacity;
+ wire space_avail;
+ wire data_avail;
+ // These next 2 lines here purely because ICARUS is crap at handling generate statements.
+ // Empirically this has been determined to make simulations work.
+ wire read_input_fifo = space_avail & ~empty1;
+ wire write_output_fifo = data_avail;
- // FIFO buffers data from UDP engine into external FIFO clock domain.
- fifo_xlnx_512x36_2clk_36to18 fifo_xlnx_512x36_2clk_36to18_i1 (
- .rst(rst),
- .wr_clk(int_clk),
- .rd_clk(ext_clk),
- .din(datain), // Bus [35 : 0]
- .wr_en(src_rdy_i),
- .rd_en(space_avail&~empty1),
- .dout(write_data), // Bus [17 : 0]
- .full(full1),
- .empty(empty1));
- assign dst_rdy_o = ~full1;
+ assign src_rdy_o = ~empty2;
+ assign dst_rdy_o = ~full1;
`ifdef NO_EXT_FIFO
- assign space_avail = ~full2;
- assign data_avail = ~empty1;
- assign read_data = write_data;
+ assign space_avail = ~full2;
+ assign data_avail = ~empty1;
+ assign read_data = write_data;
- // External FIFO running at ext clock rate and 18 bit width.
+ // External FIFO running at ext clock rate and 18 or 36 bit width.
@@ -95,22 +90,67 @@ module ext_fifo
`endif // !`ifdef NO_EXT_FIFO
- // FIFO buffers data read from external FIFO into DSP clk domain and to TX DSP.
- fifo_xlnx_512x36_2clk_18to36 fifo_xlnx_512x36_2clk_18to36_i1 (
- .rst(rst),
- .wr_clk(ext_clk),
- .rd_clk(int_clk),
- .din(read_data), // Bus [17 : 0]
- .wr_en(data_avail),
- .rd_en(dst_rdy_i),
- .dout(dataout), // Bus [35 : 0]
- .full(full2),
- .prog_full(almost_full2),
- .empty(empty2));
- assign src_rdy_o = ~empty2;
+ generate
+ if (EXT_WIDTH == 18 && INT_WIDTH == 36) begin: fifo_g1
+ // FIFO buffers data from UDP engine into external FIFO clock domain.
+ fifo_xlnx_512x36_2clk_36to18 fifo_xlnx_512x36_2clk_36to18_i1 (
+ .rst(rst),
+ .wr_clk(int_clk),
+ .rd_clk(ext_clk),
+ .din(datain), // Bus [35 : 0]
+ .wr_en(src_rdy_i),
+ .rd_en(read_input_fifo),
+ .dout(write_data), // Bus [17 : 0]
+ .full(full1),
+ .empty(empty1));
+ // FIFO buffers data read from external FIFO into DSP clk domain and to TX DSP.
+ fifo_xlnx_512x36_2clk_18to36 fifo_xlnx_512x36_2clk_18to36_i1 (
+ .rst(rst),
+ .wr_clk(ext_clk),
+ .rd_clk(int_clk),
+ .din(read_data), // Bus [17 : 0]
+ .wr_en(write_output_fifo),
+ .rd_en(dst_rdy_i),
+ .dout(dataout), // Bus [35 : 0]
+ .full(full2),
+ .prog_full(almost_full2),
+ .empty(empty2));
+ end // block: fifo_g1
+ else if (EXT_WIDTH == 36 && INT_WIDTH == 36) begin: fifo_g1
+ // FIFO buffers data from UDP engine into external FIFO clock domain.
+ fifo_xlnx_32x36_2clk fifo_xlnx_32x36_2clk_i1 (
+ .rst(rst),
+ .wr_clk(int_clk),
+ .rd_clk(ext_clk),
+ .din(datain), // Bus [35 : 0]
+ .wr_en(src_rdy_i),
+ .rd_en(read_input_fifo),
+ .dout(write_data), // Bus [35 : 0]
+ .full(full1),
+ .empty(empty1));
+ // FIFO buffers data read from external FIFO into DSP clk domain and to TX DSP.
+ fifo_xlnx_32x36_2clk fifo_xlnx_32x36_2clk_i2 (
+ .rst(rst),
+ .wr_clk(ext_clk),
+ .rd_clk(int_clk),
+ .din(read_data), // Bus [35 : 0]
+ .wr_en(write_output_fifo),
+ .rd_en(dst_rdy_i),
+ .dout(dataout), // Bus [35 : 0]
+ .full(full2),
+ .empty(empty2),
+ .prog_full(almost_full2));
+ end
+ endgenerate
always @ (posedge int_clk)
debug[31:28] <= {empty2,full1,dst_rdy_i,src_rdy_i };
@@ -118,6 +158,7 @@ module ext_fifo
debug[27:0] <= {RAM_WEn,RAM_CE1n,RAM_A[3:0],read_data[17:0],empty1,space_avail,data_avail,almost_full2 };
always@ (posedge ext_clk)
-// debug2[31:0] <= {write_data[15:0],read_data[15:0]};
- debug2[31:0] <= 0;
+ // debug2[31:0] <= {write_data[15:0],read_data[15:0]};
+ debug2[31:0] <= 0;
endmodule // ext_fifo
diff --git a/usrp2/extramfifo/ext_fifo_tb.sh b/usrp2/extramfifo/ext_fifo_tb.sh
index dcfede37a..dcfede37a 100644..100755
--- a/usrp2/extramfifo/ext_fifo_tb.sh
+++ b/usrp2/extramfifo/ext_fifo_tb.sh
diff --git a/usrp2/extramfifo/ext_fifo_tb.v b/usrp2/extramfifo/ext_fifo_tb.v
index 0eda89769..5f4e28719 100644
--- a/usrp2/extramfifo/ext_fifo_tb.v
+++ b/usrp2/extramfifo/ext_fifo_tb.v
@@ -1,18 +1,31 @@
`timescale 1ns / 1ps
-`define INT_WIDTH 36
-`define EXT_WIDTH 18
-`define RAM_DEPTH 19
-`define FIFO_DEPTH 8
-`define DUMP_VCD_FULL
-module ext_fifo_tb();
+//`define USRP2
+`define USRP2PLUS
+`ifdef USRP2
+ `define INT_WIDTH 36
+ `define EXT_WIDTH 18
+ `define RAM_DEPTH 19
+ `define FIFO_DEPTH 8
+ `define DUMP_VCD_FULL
+ `define INT_CLK_PERIOD 5
+ `define EXT_CLK_PERIOD 4
+`elsif USRP2PLUS
+ `define INT_WIDTH 36
+ `define EXT_WIDTH 36
+ `define RAM_DEPTH 18
+ `define FIFO_DEPTH 8
+ `define DUMP_VCD_FULL
+ `define INT_CLK_PERIOD 5
+ `define EXT_CLK_PERIOD 5
+`endif // `ifdef USRP2
+module ext_fifo_tb();
reg int_clk;
reg ext_clk;
reg rst;
wire [`EXT_WIDTH-1:0] RAM_D_pi;
wire [`EXT_WIDTH-1:0] RAM_D_po;
@@ -33,7 +46,6 @@ module ext_fifo_tb();
reg dst_rdy_i;
integer ether_frame;
// Clocks
// Int clock is 100MHz
// Ext clock is 125MHz
@@ -47,10 +59,10 @@ module ext_fifo_tb();
- #5 int_clk <= ~int_clk;
+ #(`INT_CLK_PERIOD/2) int_clk <= ~int_clk;
- #4 ext_clk <= ~ext_clk;
+ #(`EXT_CLK_PERIOD/2) ext_clk <= ~ext_clk;
@@ -270,7 +282,7 @@ module ext_fifo_tb();
- for (i=0;i<18;i=i+1)
+ for (i=0;i<`EXT_WIDTH;i=i+1)
begin : gen_RAM_D_IO
@@ -309,28 +321,53 @@ module ext_fifo_tb();
assign #2 RAM_A_ext = RAM_A;
- idt71v65603s150 idt71v65603s150_i1
- (
- .A(RAM_A_ext[17:0]),
- .adv_ld_(RAM_LDn_ext), // advance (high) / load (low)
- .bw1_(1'b0),
- .bw2_(1'b0),
- .bw3_(1'b1),
- .bw4_(1'b1), // byte write enables (low)
- .ce1_(RAM_CE1n_ext),
- .ce2(1'b1),
- .ce2_(1'b0), // chip enables
- .cen_(RAM_CENn_ext), // clock enable (low)
- .clk(ext_clk), // clock
- .IO({RAM_D[16:9],RAM_D[7:0]}),
- .IOP({RAM_D[17],RAM_D[8]}), // data bus
- .lbo_(1'b0), // linear burst order (low)
- .oe_(RAM_OEn_ext), // output enable (low)
- .r_w_(RAM_WEn_ext)
- ); // read (high) / write (low)
+ generate
+ if (`EXT_WIDTH==18) begin: ram_tb_g1
+ idt71v65603s150 idt71v65603s150_i1
+ (
+ .A(RAM_A_ext[17:0]),
+ .adv_ld_(RAM_LDn_ext), // advance (high) / load (low)
+ .bw1_(1'b0),
+ .bw2_(1'b0),
+ .bw3_(1'b1),
+ .bw4_(1'b1), // byte write enables (low)
+ .ce1_(RAM_CE1n_ext),
+ .ce2(1'b1),
+ .ce2_(1'b0), // chip enables
+ .cen_(RAM_CENn_ext), // clock enable (low)
+ .clk(ext_clk), // clock
+ .IO({RAM_D[16:9],RAM_D[7:0]}),
+ .IOP({RAM_D[17],RAM_D[8]}), // data bus
+ .lbo_(1'b0), // linear burst order (low)
+ .oe_(RAM_OEn_ext), // output enable (low)
+ .r_w_(RAM_WEn_ext)
+ ); // read (high) / write (low)
+ end // block: ram_tb_g1
+ else if (`EXT_WIDTH==36) begin: ram_tb_g1
+ idt71v65603s150 idt71v65603s150_i1
+ (
+ .A(RAM_A_ext[17:0]),
+ .adv_ld_(RAM_LDn_ext), // advance (high) / load (low)
+ .bw1_(1'b0),
+ .bw2_(1'b0),
+ .bw3_(1'b0),
+ .bw4_(1'b0), // byte write enables (low)
+ .ce1_(RAM_CE1n_ext),
+ .ce2(1'b1),
+ .ce2_(1'b0), // chip enables
+ .cen_(RAM_CENn_ext), // clock enable (low)
+ .clk(ext_clk), // clock
+ .IO(RAM_D[31:0]),
+ .IOP(RAM_D[35:32]), // data bus
+ .lbo_(1'b0), // linear burst order (low)
+ .oe_(RAM_OEn_ext), // output enable (low)
+ .r_w_(RAM_WEn_ext)
+ ); // read (high) / write (low)
+ end // block: ram_tb_g1
+ endgenerate
/* -----\/----- EXCLUDED -----\/-----
diff --git a/usrp2/extramfifo/nobl_fifo.v b/usrp2/extramfifo/nobl_fifo.v
index 4c009d980..0b63768fc 100644
--- a/usrp2/extramfifo/nobl_fifo.v
+++ b/usrp2/extramfifo/nobl_fifo.v
@@ -70,26 +70,27 @@ module nobl_fifo
// Simple NoBL SRAM interface, 4 cycle read latency.
// Read/Write arbitration via temprary application of empty/full flags.
- nobl_if nobl_if_i1
- (
- .clk(clk),
- .rst(rst),
- .RAM_D_pi(RAM_D_pi),
- .RAM_D_po(RAM_D_po),
- .RAM_D_poe(RAM_D_poe),
- .RAM_A(RAM_A),
- .RAM_WEn(RAM_WEn),
- .RAM_LDn(RAM_LDn),
- .RAM_OEn(RAM_OEn),
- .RAM_CE1n(RAM_CE1n),
- .address(address),
- .data_out(write_data),
- .data_in(read_data),
- .data_in_valid(data_avail),
- .write(write),
- .enable(enable)
- );
+ nobl_if_i1
+ (
+ .clk(clk),
+ .rst(rst),
+ .RAM_D_pi(RAM_D_pi),
+ .RAM_D_po(RAM_D_po),
+ .RAM_D_poe(RAM_D_poe),
+ .RAM_A(RAM_A),
+ .RAM_WEn(RAM_WEn),
+ .RAM_LDn(RAM_LDn),
+ .RAM_OEn(RAM_OEn),
+ .RAM_CE1n(RAM_CE1n),
+ .address(address),
+ .data_out(write_data),
+ .data_in(read_data),
+ .data_in_valid(data_avail),
+ .write(write),
+ .enable(enable)
+ );